(FLR) in Selected Southeast Asian Countries - FASPS

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The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) project aims to integrate site-level forest restoration activities with desirable

Promoting Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Selected Southeast Asian Countries The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) project aims to integrate site-level forest restoration activities with desirable landscape-level objectives (e.g., biodiversity conservation, increased production of agroforest products, etc.) while emphasizing the engagement of local communities and recognizing the critical roles they play in shaping landscapes and gaining significant benefits from restored forest resources. The proposed outcome of the project is the application of FLR in the region promoted through the development of viable approaches and national strategies to FLR, related awareness raising, capacity building, and implementation of pilot activities.

OBJECTIVES Assess FLR in the national level to identify needs and prioritize opportunities for FLR conducted • Pilot FLR approaches at selected demonstration sites in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Philippines • Enhance technical capacities of government and communities to identify opportunities and create an enabling environment on FLR, as well as to plan and implement FLR approaches • Raise awareness on FLR enhanced and regional, multi-sector collaboration on FLR promoted •

GRANT US $ 300,000 GOD COUNTERPART National Project Coordinator (NPC), facilities, resources and services FUND SOURCE United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) DURATION February 2016 - October 2017 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Forest Management Bureau (FMB) SECTOR Forestry LOCATIONS Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Philippines BENEFICIARIES

National governments, international partners and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to be identified