Fluid Mechanics

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Fluid Mechanics. Richard Fitzpatrick. Professor of Physics. The University of Texas at Austin. Contents. 1 Overview. 7. 1.1. IntendedAudience.
Richard Fitzpatrick

Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Contents 1


Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 What is a Fluid? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Volume and Surface Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 General Properties of Stress Tensor . . . . . . . . 1.5 Stress Tensor in a Static Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Stress Tensor in a Moving Fluid . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Conservation Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Mass Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Convective Time Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Momentum Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 Navier-Stokes Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13 Energy Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.14 Equations of Incompressible Fluid Flow . . . . . 1.15 Equations of Compressible Fluid Flow . . . . . . 1.16 Dimensionless Numbers in Incompressible Flow . 1.17 Dimensionless Numbers in Compressible Flow . 1.18 Fluid Equations in Cartesian Coordinates . . . . 1.19 Fluid Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates . . . . 1.20 Fluid Equations in Spherical Coordinates . . . . 1.21 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1 1 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 14 14 17 18 19 20 24 25 27 28

Hydrostatics 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Hydrostatic Pressure . . . . . . . . 2.3 Buoyancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Equilibrium of Floating Bodies . . . 2.5 Vertical Stability of Floating Bodies 2.6 Angular Stability of Floating Bodies 2.7 Determination of Metacentric Height 2.8 Energy of a Floating Body . . . . . 2.9 Curve of Buoyancy . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Rotational Hydrostatics . . . . . . .

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Equilibrium of a Rotating Liquid Body Maclaurin Spheroids . . . . . . . . . Jacobi Ellipsoids . . . . . . . . . . . Roche Ellipsoids . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Incompressible Inviscid Flow 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Streamlines, Stream Tubes, and Stream Filaments 4.3 Bernoulli’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Euler Momentum Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 d’Alembert’s Paradox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Flow Through an Orifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Sub-Critical and Super-Critical Flow . . . . . . . 4.8 Flow over Shallow Bump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Stationary Hydraulic Jumps . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Tidal Bores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 Flow over a Broad-Crested Weir . . . . . . . . . 4.12 Vortex Lines, Vortex Tubes, and Vortex Filaments 4.13 Circulation and Vorticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14 Kelvin Circulation Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 Irrotational Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Two-Dimensional Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Velocity Potentials and Stream Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Two-Dimensional Uniform Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Two-Dimensional Sources and Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Two-Dimensional Vortex Filaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Two-Dimensional Irrotational Flow in Cylindrical Coordinates 5.8 Flow Past a Cylindrical Obstacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Motion of a Submerged Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Surface Tension 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Young-Laplace Equation . . 3.3 Spherical Interfaces . . . . . 3.4 Capillary Length . . . . . . 3.5 Angle of Contact . . . . . . 3.6 Jurin’s Law . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Capillary Curves . . . . . . 3.8 Axisymmetric Soap-Bubbles 3.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . .

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4 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 6



Inviscid Flow Past a Semi-Infinite Wedge Inviscid Flow Over a Semi-Infinite Wedge Two-Dimensional Jets . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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149 149 149 150 152 153 154 160 165 168 179 181 186

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Axisymmetric Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Stokes Stream Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Axisymmetric Velocity Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Axisymmetric Irrotational Flow in Spherical Coordinates 7.6 Uniform Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Point Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Dipole Point Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Flow Past a Spherical Obstacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Motion of a Submerged Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Conformal Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12 Flow Around a Submerged Oblate Spheroid . . . . . . . 7.13 Flow Around a Submerged Prolate Spheroid . . . . . . . 7.14 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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193 193 193 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 203 205 210 213 215

Incompressible Boundary Layers 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 No Slip Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Boundary Layer Equations . . . . . . . 8.4 Self-Similar Boundary Layers . . . . . 8.5 Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate . . . . . 8.6 Wake Downstream of a Flat Plate . . . . 8.7 Von K´arm´an Momentum Integral . . . . 8.8 Boundary Layer Separation . . . . . . . 8.9 Criterion for Boundary Layer Separation

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219 219 219 220 224 229 234 239 240 244

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Complex Functions . . . . . . 6.3 Cauchy-Riemann Relations . . 6.4 Complex Velocity Potential . . 6.5 Complex Velocity . . . . . . . 6.6 Method of Images . . . . . . . 6.7 Conformal Maps . . . . . . . 6.8 Schwarz–Christoffel Theorem 6.9 Free Streamline Theory . . . . 6.10 Complex Line Integrals . . . . 6.11 Blasius Theorem . . . . . . . 6.12 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . .

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Approximate Solutions of Boundary Layer Equations . . . . . . . 247 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

Incompressible Aerodynamics 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Theorem of Kutta and Zhukovskii 9.3 Cylindrical Airfoils . . . . . . . . 9.4 Zhukovskii’s Hypothesis . . . . . 9.5 Vortex Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Induced Flow . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 Three-Dimensional Airfoils . . . . 9.8 Aerodynamic Forces . . . . . . . 9.9 Ellipsoidal Airfoils . . . . . . . . 9.10 Simple Flight Problems . . . . . . 9.11 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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257 257 258 260 263 269 270 271 275 278 281 283

10 Incompressible Viscous Flow 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Flow Between Parallel Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Flow Down an Inclined Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Poiseuille Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Taylor-Couette Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Flow in Slowly-Varying Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7 Lubrication Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 Stokes Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow Around a Solid Sphere . . . 10.11 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow In and Around a Fluid Sphere 10.12 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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287 287 287 289 291 292 293 296 299 299 300 306 309

11 Waves in Incompressible Fluids 11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Gravity Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Gravity Waves in Deep Water . . . . . 11.4 Gravity Waves in Shallow Water . . . 11.5 Energy of Gravity Waves . . . . . . . 11.6 Wave Drag on Ships . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 Ship Wakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8 Gravity Waves in a Flowing Fluid . . 11.9 Gravity Waves at an Interface . . . . . 11.10 Steady Flow over a Corrugated Bottom 11.11 Surface Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.12 Capillary Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.13 Capillary Waves at an Interface . . . . 11.14 Wind Driven Waves in Deep Water . .

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6 11.15 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 12 Terrestrial Ocean Tides 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Tide Generating Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Decomposition of Tide Generating Potential . . . . . . 12.4 Expansion of Tide Generating Potential . . . . . . . . 12.5 Surface Harmonics and Solid Harmonics . . . . . . . . 12.6 Planetary Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7 Total Gravitational Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.8 Planetary Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.9 Laplace Tidal Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.10 Harmonics of Forcing Term in Laplace Tidal Equations 12.11 Response to Equilibrium Harmonic . . . . . . . . . . . 12.12 Global Ocean Tides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.13 Non-Global Ocean Tides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.14 Useful Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.15 Transformation of Laplace Tidal Equations . . . . . . 12.16 Another Useful Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.17 Basis Eigenfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.18 Auxilliary Eigenfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.19 Gyroscopic Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.20 Proudman Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.21 Hemispherical Ocean Tides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.22 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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341 341 341 343 344 345 346 347 348 353 357 359 360 366 367 369 371 371 373 374 376 380 385

13 Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Isothermal Atmosphere . . . . 13.3 Adiabatic Atmosphere . . . . 13.4 Atmospheric Stability . . . . . 13.5 Eddington Solar Model . . . . 13.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . .

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14 One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow 14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Thermodynamic Considerations . . . . . 14.3 Isentropic Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 Sound Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 Bernoulli’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6 Mach Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.7 Sonic Flow through a Nozzle . . . . . . . 14.8 Normal Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.9 Piston-Generated Shock Wave . . . . . . 14.10 Piston-Generated Expansion Wave . . . .

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7 14.11 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 15 Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow 15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Oblique Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Supersonic Flow in Corner or over Wedge 15.4 Weak Oblique Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5 Supersonic Compression by Turning . . . 15.6 Supersonic Expansion by Turning . . . . 15.7 Detached Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.8 Shock-Expansion Theory . . . . . . . . . 15.9 Thin-Airfoil Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.10 Crocco’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.11 Homenergic Homentropic Flow . . . . . . 15.12 Small-Perturbation Theory . . . . . . . . 15.13 Subsonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall . 15.14 Supersonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall 15.15 Linearized Subsonic Flow . . . . . . . . . 15.16 Linearized Supersonic Flow . . . . . . . 15.17 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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437 437 437 441 443 445 447 450 451 453 458 459 460 464 466 468 470 472

A Vectors and Vector Fields A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Scalars and Vectors . . . . . . . . A.3 Vector Algebra . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Cartesian Components of a Vector A.5 Coordinate Transformations . . . A.6 Scalar Product . . . . . . . . . . . A.7 Vector Area . . . . . . . . . . . . A.8 Vector Product . . . . . . . . . . . A.9 Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.10 Scalar Triple Product . . . . . . . A.11 Vector Triple Product . . . . . . . A.12 Vector Calculus . . . . . . . . . . A.13 Line Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . A.14 Vector Line Integrals . . . . . . . A.15 Surface Integrals . . . . . . . . . A.16 Vector Surface Integrals . . . . . . A.17 Volume Integrals . . . . . . . . . A.18 Gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.19 Grad Operator . . . . . . . . . . . A.20 Divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . A.21 Laplacian Operator . . . . . . . . A.22 Curl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.23 Useful Vector Identities . . . . . .

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483 483 483 484 486 487 489 491 492 495 496 498 498 499 502 502 504 505 506 510 511 514 516 519

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Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520

B Cartesian Tensors B.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . B.2 Tensors and Tensor Notation B.3 Tensor Transformation . . . B.4 Tensor Fields . . . . . . . . B.5 Isotropic Tensors . . . . . . B.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . .

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C Non-Cartesian Coordinates C.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2 Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates C.3 Cylindrical Coordinates . . . . . . . C.4 Spherical Coordinates . . . . . . . . C.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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D Ellipsoidal Potential Theory 551 D.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 D.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 D.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 E Calculus of Variations E.1 Indroduction . . . . . . . E.2 Euler-Lagrange Equation E.3 Conditional Variation . . E.4 Multi-Function Variation E.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . Bibliography

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1 Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion

1.1 Introduction This chapter sets forth the mathematical models commonly used to describe the equilibrium and dynamics of fluids. Unless stated otherwise, all of the analysis is performed using a standard right-handed Cartesian coordinate system: (x1 , x2 , x3 ). Moreover, the Einstein summation convention is employed (which means that repeated roman subscripts are assumed to be summed from 1 to 3). (See Appendix B.) More information on the fundamental assumptions that underlie conventional fluid mechanics, as well as the basic equations that describe fluid motion, can be found in Batchelor 2000.

1.2 What is a Fluid? By definition, a solid material is rigid. Although a rigid material tends to shatter when subjected to very large stresses, it can withstand a moderate shear stress (i.e., a stress that tends to deform the material by changing its shape, without necessarily changing its volume) for an indefinite period. To be more exact, when a shear stress is first applied to a rigid material it deforms slightly, but then springs back to its original shape when the stress is relieved. A plastic material, such as clay, also possess some degree of rigidity. However, the critical shear stress above which it yields is relatively small, and once this stress is exceeded the material deforms continuously and irreversibly, and does not recover its original shape when the stress is relieved. By definition, a fluid material possesses no rigidity at all. In other words, a small fluid element is unable to withstand any tendency of an applied shear stress to change its shape. This does not preclude the possibility that such an element may offer resistance to shear stress. However, any resistance must be incapable of preventing the change in shape from eventually occurring, which implies that the force of resistance vanishes with the rate of deformation. An obvious corollary is that the shear stress must be zero everywhere inside a fluid that is in mechanical equilibrium. Fluids are conventionally classified as either liquids or gases. The most important 1


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difference between these two types of fluid lies in their relative compressibility. To be more exact, gases can be compressed much more easily than liquids. Consequently, any motion that involves significant pressure variations is generally accompanied by much larger changes in mass density in the case of a gas than in the case of a liquid. A macroscopic fluid ultimately consists of a huge number of individual molecules. However, most practical applications of fluid mechanics are concerned with behavior on lengthscales that are far longer than the typical intermolecular spacing. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to suppose that the bulk properties of a given fluid are the same as if it were completely continuous in structure. A corollary of this assumption is that when, in the following, we talk about infinitesimal volume elements, we really mean elements that are sufficiently small that the bulk fluid properties (such as mass density, pressure, and velocity) are approximately constant across them, but are still sufficiently large that they contain a very great number of molecules (which implies that we can safely neglect any statistical variations in the bulk properties). The continuum hypothesis also requires infinitesimal volume elements to be much larger than the molecular mean-free-path between collisions. In addition to the continuum hypothesis, our study of fluid mechanics is premised on three major assumptions: 1. Fluids are isotropic media. In other words, there is no preferred direction in a fluid. 2. Fluids are Newtonian. In other words, there is a linear relationship between the local shear stress and the local rate of strain, as first postulated by Isaac Newton (1642-1727). It is also assumed that there is a linear relationship between the local heat flux density and the local temperature gradient. 3. Fluids are classical. In other words, the macroscopic motion of ordinary fluids is well described by Newtonian dynamics, and both quantum and relativistic effects can be safely ignored. It should be noted that the previous assumptions are not valid for all fluid types (e.g., certain liquid polymers, which are non-isotropic; thixotropic fluids, such as jelly or paint, which are non-Newtonian; and quantum fluids, such as liquid helium, which exhibit non-classical effects on macroscopic lengthscales). However, most practical applications of fluid mechanics involve the equilibrium and motion of bodies of water or air, extending over macroscopic lengthscales, and situated relatively close to the Earth’s surface. Such bodies are very well described as isotropic, Newtonian, classical fluids.

1.3 Volume and Surface Forces Generally speaking, fluids are acted upon by two distinct types of force. The first type is long range in nature—that is, such that it decreases relatively slowly with increas-

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


ing distance between interacting elements—and is capable of completely penetrating into the interior of a fluid. Gravity is an obvious example of a long-range force. One consequence of the relatively slow variation of long-range forces with position is that they act equally on all of the fluid contained within a sufficiently small volume element. In this situation, the net force acting on the element becomes directly proportional to its volume. For this reason, long-range forces are often called volume forces. In the following, we shall write the total volume force acting at time t on the fluid contained within a small volume element of magnitude dV, centered on a fixed point whose position vector is r, as F(r, t) dV.


The second type of force is short range in nature, and is most conveniently modeled as momentum transport within the fluid. Such transport is generally due to a combination of the mutual forces exerted by contiguous molecules, and momentum fluxes caused by relative molecular motion. Suppose that π x (r, t) is the net flux density of x-directed fluid momentum due to short-range forces at position r and time t. In other words, suppose that, at position r and time t, as a direct consequence of short-range forces, x-momentum is flowing at the rate of |π x | newton-seconds per meter squared per second in the direction of vector π x . Consider an infinitesimal plane surface element, dS = n dS , located at point r. Here, dS is the area of the element, and n its unit normal. (See Section A.7.) The fluid which lies on that side of the element toward which n points is said to lie on its positive side, and vice versa. The net flux of x-momentum across the element (in the direction of n) is π x · dS newtons, which implies (from Newton’s second law of motion) that the fluid on the positive side of the surface element experiences a force π x · dS in the x-direction due to short-range interaction with the fluid on the negative side. According to Newton’s third law of motion, the fluid on the negative side of the surface experiences a force −π x ·dS in the x-direction due to interaction with the fluid on the positive side. Shortrange forces are often called surface forces, because they are directly proportional to the area of the surface element across which they act. Let πy (r, t) and πz (r, t) be the net flux density of y- and z-momentum, respectively, at position r and time t. By a straightforward extension of previous argument, the net surface force exerted by the fluid on the positive side of some planar surface element, dS, on the fluid on its negative side is (1.2) f = (−π x · dS, −πy · dS, −πz · dS). In tensor notation (see Appendix B), the previous equation can be written fi = σi j dS j ,


where σ11 = −(π x ) x , σ12 = −(π x )y , σ21 = −(πy ) x , et cetera. (Note that, because the subscript j is repeated in the previous equation, it is assumed to be summed from 1 to  3. Hence, σi j dS j is shorthand for j=1,3 σi j dS j .) Here, the σi j (r, t) are termed the local stresses in the fluid at position r and time t, and have units of force per unit area. Moreover, the σi j are the components of a second-order tensor (see Appendix B) known as the stress tensor. [This follows because the fi are the components of a


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

first-order tensor (as all forces are proper vectors), and the dS i are the components of an arbitrary first-order tensor (as surface elements are also proper vectors—see Section A.7—and Equation (1.3) holds for surface elements whose normals point in any direction), so application of the quotient rule (see Section B.3) to Equation (1.3) reveals that the σi j transform under rotation of the coordinate axes as the components of a second-order tensor.] We can interpret σi j (r, t) as the i-component of the force per unit area exerted, at position r and time t, across a plane surface element normal to the j-direction. The three diagonal components of σi j are termed normal stresses, because each of them gives the normal component of the force per unit area acting across a plane surface element parallel to one of the Cartesian coordinate planes. The six non-diagonal components are termed shear stresses, because they drive shearing motion in which parallel layers of fluid slide relative to one another.

1.4 General Properties of Stress Tensor The i-component of the total force acting on a fluid element consisting of a fixed volume V enclosed by a surface S is written   fi = Fi dV + σi j dS j , (1.4) V


where the first term on the right-hand side is the integrated volume force acting throughout V, whereas the second term is the net surface force acting across S . Making use of the tensor divergence theorem (see Section B.4), the previous expression becomes   ∂σi j fi = Fi dV + dV. (1.5) V V ∂x j In the limit V → 0, it is reasonable to suppose that the Fi and ∂σi j /∂x j are approximately constant across the element. In this situation, both contributions on the right-hand side of the previous equation scale as V. According to Newtonian dynamics, the i-component of the net force acting on the volume element is equal to the i-component of the rate of change of its linear momentum. However, in the limit V → 0, the linear acceleration and mass density of the fluid are both approximately constant across the element. In this case, the rate of change of the element’s linear momentum also scales as V. In other words, the net volume force, surface force, and rate of change of linear momentum of an infinitesimal fluid element all scale as the volume of the element, and consequently remain approximately the same order of magnitude as the volume shrinks to zero. We conclude that the linear equation of motion of an infinitesimal fluid element places no particular restrictions on the stress tensor. The i-component of the total torque, taken about the origin O of the coordinate system, acting on a fluid element that consists of a fixed volume V enclosed by a

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


surface S is written [see Equations (A.46) and (B.6)]   τi = i jk x j Fk dV + i jk x j σkl dS l , V



where the first and second terms on the right-hand side are due to volume and surface forces, respectively. [Here, i jk is the third-order permutation tensor. See Equation (B.7).] Making use of the tensor divergence theorem (see Section B.4), the previous expression becomes   ∂(x j σkl ) i jk x j Fk dV + i jk dV, (1.7) τi = ∂xl V V which reduces to

τi =

i jk x j Fk dV + V

i jk σk j dV + V

i jk x j V

∂σkl dV, ∂xl


because ∂xi /∂x j = δi j . [Here, δi j is the second-order identity tensor. See Equation (B.9).] Assuming that point O lies within the fluid element, and taking the limit V → 0 in which the Fi , σi j , and ∂σi j /∂x j are all approximately constant across the element, we deduce that the first, second, and third terms on the right-hand side of the previous equation scale as V 4/3 , V, and V 4/3 , respectively (because x ∼ V 1/3 ). According to Newtonian dynamics, the i-component of the total torque acting on the fluid element is equal to the i-component of the rate of change of its net angular momentum about O. Assuming that the linear acceleration and density of the fluid are approximately constant across the element, we deduce that the rate of change of its angular momentum scales as V 4/3 (because the net rate of change of the linear momentum scales as V, so the net rate of change of the angular momentum scales as x V, and x ∼ V 1/3 ). Hence, it is clear that the rotational equation of motion of a fluid element, surrounding a general point O, becomes completely dominated by the second term on the right-hand side of Equation (1.8) in the limit that the volume of the element approaches zero (because this term is a factor V −1/3 larger than the other terms). It follows that the second term must be identically zero (otherwise an infinitesimal fluid element would acquire an absurdly large angular velocity). This is only possible, for all choices of the position of point O, and the shape of the element, if (1.9) i jk σk j = 0 throughout the fluid. The previous relation shows that the stress tensor must be symmetric: that is, σ ji = σi j . (1.10) It immediately follows that the stress tensor only has six independent components (i.e., σ11 , σ22 , σ33 , σ12 , σ13 , and σ23 ). It is always possible to choose the orientation of a set of Cartesian axes in such a manner that the non-diagonal components of a given symmetric second-order tensor field are all set to zero at a given point in space. (See Exercise B.6.) With reference to such principal axes, the diagonal components of the stress tensor σi j become


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

so-called principal stresses—σ11 , σ22 , σ33 , say. In general, the orientation of the principal axes varies with position. The normal stress σ11 acting across a surface element perpendicular to the first principal axis corresponds to a tension (or a compression if σ11 is negative) in the direction of that axis. Likewise, for σ22 and σ33 . Thus, the general state of the fluid, at a particular point in space, can be regarded as a superposition of tensions, or compressions, in three orthogonal directions. The trace of the stress tensor, σii = σ11 + σ22 + σ33 , is a scalar, and, therefore, independent of the orientation of the coordinate axes. (See Appendix B.) Thus, it follows that, irrespective of the orientation of the principal axes, the trace of the stress tensor at a given point is always equal to the sum of the principal stresses: that is, σii = σ11 + σ22 + σ33 .


1.5 Stress Tensor in a Static Fluid Consider the surface forces exerted on some infinitesimal cubic volume element of a static fluid. Suppose that the components of the stress tensor are approximately constant across the element. Suppose, further, that the sides of the cube are aligned parallel to the principal axes of the local stress tensor. This tensor, which now has zero non-diagonal components, can be regarded as the sum of two tensors: that is,   1  3 σii , 0, 0    1 0  , (1.12)  0, 3 σii ,   1 0, 0, σ 3 ii and

   σ11 − 13 σii , 0, 0  1   0, σ22 − 3 σii , 0  0, 0, σ33 − 13 σii

    . 


The tensor (1.12) is isotropic (see Section B.5), and corresponds to the same normal force per unit area acting inward (because the sign of σii /3 is invariably negative) on each face of the volume element. This uniform compression acts to change the element’s volume, but not its shape, and can easily be withstood by the fluid within the element. The tensor (1.13) represents the departure of the stress tensor from an isotropic form. The diagonal components of this tensor have zero sum, in view of Equation (1.11), and thus represent equal and opposite forces per unit area, acting on opposing faces of the volume element, which are such that the forces on at least one pair of opposing faces constitute a tension, and the forces on at least one pair constitute a compression. Such forces necessarily act to change the shape of the volume element, either elongating or compressing it along one of its symmetry axes. Moreover, this tendency cannot be offset by any volume force acting on the element,

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


because such forces become arbitrarily small compared to surface forces in the limit that the element’s volume tends to zero (because the ratio of the net volume force to the net surface force scales as the volume to the surface area of the element, which tends to zero in the limit that the volume tends to zero—see Section 1.4). We previously defined a fluid as a material that is incapable of withstanding any tendency of applied forces to change its shape. (See Section 1.2.) It follows that if the diagonal components of the tensor (1.13) are non-zero anywhere inside the fluid then it is impossible for the fluid at that point to be at rest. Hence, we conclude that the principal stresses, σ11 , σ22 , and σ33 , must be equal to one another at all points in a static fluid. This implies that the stress tensor takes the isotropic form (1.12) everywhere in a stationary fluid. Furthermore, this is true irrespective of the orientation of the coordinate axes, because the components of an isotropic tensor are rotationally invariant. (See Section B.5.) Fluids at rest are generally in a state of compression, so it is convenient to write the stress tensor of a static fluid in the form σi j = −p δi j ,


where p = −σii /3 is termed the static fluid pressure, and is generally a function of r and t. It follows that, in a stationary fluid, the force per unit area exerted across a plane surface element with unit normal n is −p n. [See Equation (1.3).] Moreover, this normal force has the same value for all possible orientations of n. This wellknown result—namely, that the pressure is the same in all directions at a given point in a static fluid—is known as Pascal’s law, after its discoverer Blaise Pascal (16231662), and is a direct consequence of the fact that a fluid element cannot withstand shear stresses, or, alternatively, any tendency of applied forces to change its shape.

1.6 Stress Tensor in a Moving Fluid We have seen that in a static fluid the stress tensor takes the form σi j = −p δi j ,


where p = −σii /3 is the static pressure: that is, minus the normal stress acting in any direction. The normal stress at a given point in a moving fluid generally varies with direction. In other words, the principal stresses are not equal to one another. However, we can still define the mean principal stress as (σ11 + σ22 + σ33 )/3 = σii /3. Moreover, given that the principal stresses are actually normal stresses (in a coordinate frame aligned with the principal axes), we can also regard σii /3 as the mean normal stress. It is convenient to define pressure in a moving fluid as minus the mean normal stress: that is, 1 (1.16) p = − σii . 3


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Thus, we can write the stress tensor in a moving fluid as the sum of an isotropic part, −p δi j , which has the same form as the stress tensor in a static fluid, and a remaining non-isotropic part, di j , which includes any shear stresses, and also has diagonal components whose sum is zero. In other words, σi j = −p δi j + di j ,


dii = 0.


where Moreover, because σi j and δi j are both symmetric tensors, it follows that di j is also symmetric: that is, (1.19) d ji = di j . It is clear that the so-called deviatoric stress tensor, di j , is a consequence of fluid motion, because it is zero in a static fluid. Suppose, however, that we were to view a static fluid both in its rest frame and in a frame of reference moving at some constant velocity relative to the rest frame. We would expect the force distribution within the fluid to be the same in both frames of reference, because the fluid does not accelerate in either. However, in the first frame, the fluid appears stationary and the deviatoric stress tensor is therefore zero, while in the second it has a spatially uniform velocity field and the deviatoric stress tensor is also zero (because it is the same as in the rest frame). We, thus, conclude that the deviatoric stress tensor is zero both in a stationary fluid and in a moving fluid possessing no spatial velocity gradients. This suggests that the deviatoric stress tensor is driven by velocity gradients within the fluid. Moreover, the tensor must vanish as these gradients vanish. Let the vi (r, t) be the Cartesian components of the fluid velocity at point r and time t. The various velocity gradients within the fluid then take the form ∂vi /∂x j . The simplest possible assumption, which is consistent with the previous discussion, is that the components of the deviatoric stress tensor are linear functions of these velocity gradients: that is, ∂vk . (1.20) di j = Ai jkl ∂xl Here, Ai jkl is a fourth-order tensor (this follows from the quotient rule because di j and ∂vi /∂x j are both proper second-order tensors). Any fluid in which the deviatoric stress tensor takes the previous form is termed a Newtonian fluid, because Newton was the first to postulate a linear relationship between shear stresses and velocity gradients. In an isotropic fluid—that is, a fluid in which there is no preferred direction—we would expect the fourth-order tensor Ai jkl to be isotropic—that is, to have a form in which all physical distinction between different directions is absent. As demonstrated in Section B.5, the most general expression for an isotropic fourth-order tensor is Ai jkl = α δi j δkl + β δik δ jl + γ δil δ jk ,


where α, β, and γ are arbitrary scalars (which can be functions of position and time).

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


Thus, it follows from Equations (1.20) and (1.21) that di j = α

∂v j ∂vk ∂vi δi j + β +γ . ∂xk ∂x j ∂xi


However, according to Equation (1.19), di j is a symmetric tensor, which implies that β = γ, and di j = α ekk δi j + 2 β ei j , (1.23) where ei j =

1 ∂vi ∂v j + 2 ∂x j ∂xi


is called the rate of strain tensor. Finally, according to Equation (1.18), di j is a traceless tensor, which yields 3 α = −2 β, and

1 di j = 2 µ ei j − ekk δi j , (1.25) 3 where µ = β. We, thus, conclude that the most general expression for the stress tensor in an isotropic Newtonian fluid is

1 σi j = −p δi j + 2 µ ei j − ekk δi j , (1.26) 3 where p(r, t) and µ(r, t) are arbitrary scalars.

1.7 Viscosity The significance of the parameter µ, appearing in the previous expression for the stress tensor, can be seen from the form taken by the relation (1.25) in the special case of simple shearing motion. With ∂v1 /∂x2 as the only non-zero velocity derivative, all of the components of di j are zero apart from the shear stresses d12 = d21 = µ

∂v1 . ∂x2


Thus, µ is the constant of proportionality between the rate of shear and the tangential force per unit area when parallel plane layers of fluid slide over one another. This constant of proportionality is generally referred to as viscosity. It is a matter of experience that the force acting between layers of fluid undergoing relative sliding motion always tends to oppose the motion, which implies that µ > 0. The viscosities of dry air and pure water at 20◦ C and atmospheric pressure are about 1.8 × 10−5 kg/(m s) and 1.0 × 10−3 kg/(m s), respectively. In neither case does the viscosity exhibit much variation with pressure. However, the viscosity of air increases by about 0.3 percent, and that of water decreases by about 3 percent, per degree Centigrade rise in temperature (Batchelor 2000).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.8 Conservation Laws Suppose that θ(r, t) is the density of some bulk fluid property (e.g., mass, momentum, or energy) at position r and time t. In other words, suppose that, at time t, an infinitesimal fluid element of volume dV, located at position r, contains an amount θ(r, t) dV of the property in question. Note, incidentally, that θ can be either a scalar, a component of a vector, or even a component of a tensor. The total amount of the property contained within some fixed volume V is  θ dV, (1.28) Θ= V

where the integral is taken over all elements of V. Let dS be an outward directed element of the bounding surface of V. Suppose that this element is located at point r. The volume of fluid that flows per second across the element, and so out of V, is v(r, t) · dS. Thus, the amount of the fluid property under consideration that is convected across the element per second is θ(r, t) v(r, t) · dS. It follows that the net amount of the property that is convected out of volume V by fluid flow across its bounding surface S is  ΦΘ =

θ v · dS,



where the integral is taken over all outward directed elements of S . Suppose, finally, that the property in question is created within the volume V at the rate S Θ per second. The conservation equation for the fluid property takes the form dΘ = S Θ − ΦΘ . (1.30) dt In other words, the rate of increase in the amount of the property contained within V is the difference between the creation rate of the property inside V, and the rate at which the property is convected out of V by fluid flow. The previous conservation law can also be written dΘ + ΦΘ = S Θ . (1.31) dt Here, ΦΘ is termed the flux of the property out of V, whereas S Θ is called the net generation rate of the property within V.

1.9 Mass Conservation Let ρ(r, t) and v(r, t) be the mass density and velocity of a given fluid at point r and time t. Consider a fixed volume V, surrounded by a surface S . The net mass contained within V is  M= ρ dV, (1.32) V

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


where dV is an element of V. Furthermore, the mass flux across S , and out of V, is [see Equation (1.29)]  ΦM = ρ v · dS, (1.33) S

where dS is an outward directed element of S . Mass conservation requires that the rate of increase of the mass contained within V, plus the net mass flux out of V, should equal zero: that is, dM + ΦM = 0 (1.34) dt [cf., Equation (1.31)]. Here, we are assuming that there is no mass generation (or destruction) within V (because individual molecules are effectively indestructible). It follows that   ∂ρ dV + ρ v · dS = 0, (1.35) V ∂t S because V is non-time-varying. Making use of the divergence theorem (see Section A.20), the previous equation becomes

 ∂ρ + ∇ · (ρ v) dV = 0. (1.36) V ∂t However, this result is true irrespective of the size, shape, or location of volume V, which is only possible if ∂ρ + ∇ · (ρ v) = 0 (1.37) ∂t throughout the fluid. The previous expression is known as the equation of fluid continuity, and is a direct consequence of mass conservation.

1.10 Convective Time Derivative The quantity ∂ρ(r, t)/∂t, appearing in Equation (1.37), represents the time derivative of the fluid mass density at the fixed point r. Suppose that v(r, t) is the instantaneous fluid velocity at the same point. It follows that the time derivative of the density, as seen in a frame of reference which is instantaneously co-moving with the fluid at point r, is Dρ ρ(r + v δt, t + δt) − ρ(r, t) ∂ρ = + v · ∇ρ = , (1.38) lim δt→0 δt ∂t Dt where we have Taylor expanded ρ(r + v δt, t + δt) up to first order in δt, and where D ∂ ∂ ∂ = +v·∇ = + vi . Dt ∂t ∂t ∂xi


Clearly, the so-called convective time derivative, D/Dt, represents the time derivative seen in the local rest frame of the fluid.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics The continuity equation (1.37) can be rewritten in the form 1 Dρ D ln ρ = = −∇ · v, ρ Dt Dt


because ∇ · (ρ v) = v · ∇ρ + ρ ∇ · v. [See Equation (A.174).] Consider a volume element V that is co-moving with the fluid. In general, as the element is convected by the fluid its volume changes. In fact, it is easily seen that     ∂vi DV = v · dS = vi dS i = dV = ∇·v dV, (1.41) Dt S S V ∂xi V where S is the bounding surface of the element, and use has been made of the divergence theorem. In the limit that V → 0, and ∇ · v is approximately constant across the element, we obtain 1 DV D ln V = = ∇ · v. (1.42) V Dt Dt Hence, we conclude that the divergence of the fluid velocity at a given point in space specifies the fractional rate of increase in the volume of an infinitesimal co-moving fluid element at that point.

1.11 Momentum Conservation Consider a fixed volume V surrounded by a surface S . The i-component of the total linear momentum contained within V is  Pi = ρ vi dV. (1.43) V

Moreover, the flux of i-momentum across S , and out of V, is [see Equation (1.29)]  Φi = ρ vi v j dS j . (1.44) S

Finally, the i-component of the net force acting on the fluid within V is   fi = Fi dV + σi j dS j , V



where the first and second terms on the right-hand side are the contributions from volume and surface forces, respectively. Momentum conservation requires that the rate of increase of the net i-momentum of the fluid contained within V, plus the flux of i-momentum out of V, is equal to the rate of i-momentum generation within V. Of course, from Newton’s second law of

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


motion, the latter quantity is equal to the i-component of the net force acting on the fluid contained within V. Thus, we obtain [cf., Equation (1.31)] dPi + Φi = fi , dt which can be written     ∂(ρ vi ) dV + ρ vi v j dS j = Fi dV + σi j dS j , ∂t V S V S



because the volume V is non-time-varying. Making use of the tensor divergence theorem, this becomes  V

∂σi j ∂(ρ vi ) ∂(ρ vi v j ) + dV = Fi + dV. ∂t ∂x j ∂x j V


However, the previous result is valid irrespective of the size, shape, or location of volume V, which is only possible if ∂σi j ∂(ρ vi ) ∂(ρ vi v j ) + = Fi + ∂t ∂x j ∂x j


everywhere inside the fluid. Expanding the derivatives, and rearranging, we obtain

∂v j ∂σi j ∂vi ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂vi + vj + vj +ρ . vi + ρ = Fi + ∂t ∂x j ∂x j ∂t ∂x j ∂x j


In tensor notation, the continuity equation (1.37) is written ∂v j ∂ρ ∂ρ + vj +ρ = 0. ∂t ∂x j ∂x j


So, combining Equations (1.50) and (1.51), we obtain the following fluid equation of motion,

∂σi j ∂vi ∂vi ρ + vj . (1.52) = Fi + ∂t ∂x j ∂x j An alternative form of this equation is Fi 1 ∂σi j Dvi = + . Dt ρ ρ ∂x j


The previous equation describes how the net volume and surface forces per unit mass acting on a co-moving fluid element determine its acceleration.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.12 Navier-Stokes Equation Equations (1.24), (1.26), and (1.53) can be combined to give the equation of motion of an isotropic, Newtonian, classical fluid:

∂vi ∂v j Dvi ∂p ∂ ∂ 2 ∂v j = Fi − µ ρ + + µ − . (1.54) Dt ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi 3 ∂x j This equation is generally known as the Navier-Stokes equation, and is named after Claude-Louis Navier (1785-1836) and George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903). In situations in which there are no strong temperature gradients in the fluid, it is a good approximation to treat viscosity as a spatially uniform quantity, in which case the Navier-Stokes equation simplifies somewhat to give

2 ∂ vi ∂p 1 ∂ 2v j Dvi = Fi − +µ + . (1.55) ρ Dt ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j 3 ∂xi ∂x j When expressed in vector form, the previous expression becomes

∂v 1 Dv 2 ≡ρ + (v · ∇) v = F − ∇p + µ ∇ v + ∇(∇ · v) , ρ Dt ∂t 3


where use has been made of Equation (1.39). Here, [(a · ∇)b]i = a j

∂bi , ∂x j

(∇ 2 v)i = ∇ 2 vi .

(1.57) (1.58)

Note, however, that the previous identities are only valid in Cartesian coordinates. (See Appendix C.)

1.13 Energy Conservation Consider a fixed volume V surrounded by a surface S . The total energy content of the fluid contained within V is   1 ρ vi vi dV, E= ρ E dV + (1.59) V V 2 where the first and second terms on the right-hand side are the net internal and kinetic energies, respectively. Here, E(r, t) is the internal (i.e., thermal) energy per unit mass of the fluid. The energy flux across S , and out of V, is [cf., Equation (1.29)]

 ∂ 1 1 ΦE = ρ E + vi vi v j dS j = ρ E + vi vi v j dV, (1.60) 2 2 S V ∂x j

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


where use has been made of the tensor divergence theorem. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the rate of increase of the energy contained within V, plus the net energy flux out of V, is equal to the net rate of work done on the fluid within V, minus the net heat flux out of V: that is,

. . dE + ΦE = W − Q, dt .





where W is the net rate of work, and Q the net heat flux. It can be seen that W − Q is the effective energy generation rate within V [cf., Equation (1.31)]. The net rate at which volume and surface forces do work on the fluid within V is

  .  ∂(vi σi j ) W= vi Fi dV + vi σi j dS j = vi F i + dV, (1.62) ∂x j V S V where use has been made of the tensor divergence theorem. Generally speaking, heat flow in fluids is driven by temperature gradients. Let the qi (r, t) be the Cartesian components of the heat flux density at position r and time t. It follows that the heat flux across a surface element dS, located at point r, is q · dS = qi dS i . Let T (r, t) be the temperature of the fluid at position r and time t. Thus, a general temperature gradient takes the form ∂T/∂xi. Let us assume that there is a linear relationship between the components of the local heat flux density and the local temperature gradient: that is, q i = Ai j

∂T , ∂x j


where the Ai j are the components of a second-rank tensor (which can be functions of position and time). In an isotropic fluid we would expect Ai j to be an isotropic tensor. (See Section B.5.) However, the most general second-order isotropic tensor is simply a multiple of δi j . Hence, we can write Ai j = −κ δi j ,


where κ(r, t) is termed the thermal conductivity of the fluid. It follows that the most general expression for the heat flux density in an isotropic fluid is ∂T , ∂xi


q = −κ ∇T.


qi = −κ or, equivalently,

Moreover, it is a matter of experience that heat flows down temperature gradients: that is, κ > 0. We conclude that the net heat flux out of volume V is

  . ∂ ∂T ∂T Q=− κ dS i = − κ dV, (1.67) ∂xi ∂xi S V ∂xi where use has been made of the tensor divergence theorem.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Equations (1.59)–(1.62) and (1.67) can be combined to give the following energy conservation equation:


∂ ∂ 1 1 ρ E + vi vi v j dV ρ E + vi vi + 2 ∂x j 2 V ∂t

 ∂ ∂T vi F i + vi σi j + κ dV. (1.68) = ∂x j ∂x j V However, this result is valid irrespective of the size, shape, or location of volume V, which is only possible if

∂ ∂ ∂T ∂ 1 1 ρ E + vi vi v j = vi F i + vi σi j + κ (1.69) ρ E + vi vi + ∂t 2 ∂x j 2 ∂x j ∂x j everywhere inside the fluid. Expanding some of the derivatives, and rearranging, we obtain

∂ ∂T D 1 ρ vi σi j + κ , (1.70) E + vi vi = vi F i + Dt 2 ∂x j ∂x j where use has been made of the continuity equation, (1.40). The scalar product of v with the fluid equation of motion, (1.53), yields

∂σi j D 1 Dvi =ρ vi vi = vi F i + vi . (1.71) ρ vi Dt Dt 2 ∂x j Combining the previous two equations, we get

DE ∂vi ∂ ∂T ρ = σi j + κ . Dt ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j


Finally, making use of Equation (1.26), we deduce that the energy conservation equation for an isotropic Newtonian fluid takes the general form

p ∂vi 1 ∂T DE ∂ =− + χ+ κ . (1.73) Dt ρ ∂xi ρ ∂x j ∂x j Here,

∂vi ∂vi ∂vi 1 ∂vi ∂v j 2 ∂vi ∂v j χ= di j = 2 µ ei j ei j − eii e j j = µ + − (1.74) ∂x j 3 ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xi ∂x j

is the rate of heat generation per unit volume due to viscosity. When written in vector form, Equation (1.73) becomes p χ ∇· (κ ∇T ) DE =− ∇·v+ + . Dt ρ ρ ρ


According to the previous equation, the internal energy per unit mass of a co-moving fluid element evolves in time as a consequence of work done on the element by pressure as its volume changes, viscous heat generation due to flow shear, and heat conduction.

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


1.14 Equations of Incompressible Fluid Flow In most situations of general interest, the flow of a conventional liquid, such as water, is incompressible to a high degree of accuracy. A fluid is said to be incompressible when the mass density of a co-moving volume element does not change appreciably as the element moves through regions of varying pressure. In other words, for an incompressible fluid, the rate of change of ρ following the motion is zero: that is, Dρ = 0. Dt In this case, the continuity equation (1.40) reduces to ∇ · v = 0.



We conclude that, as a consequence of mass conservation, an incompressible fluid must have a divergence-free, or solenoidal, velocity field. This immediately implies, from Equation (1.42), that the volume of a co-moving fluid element is a constant of the motion. In most practical situations, the initial density distribution in an incompressible fluid is uniform in space. Hence, it follows from Equation (1.76) that the density distribution remains uniform in space and constant in time. In other words, we can generally treat the density, ρ, as a uniform constant in incompressible fluid flow problems. Suppose that the volume force acting on the fluid is conservative in nature (see Section A.18): that is, F = −ρ ∇Ψ, (1.78) where Ψ (r, t) is the potential energy per unit mass, and ρ Ψ the potential energy per unit volume. Assuming that the fluid viscosity is a spatially uniform quantity, which is generally the case (unless there are strong temperature variations within the fluid), the Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid reduces to ∇p Dv =− − ∇Ψ + ν ∇ 2 v, Dt ρ



µ (1.80) ρ is termed the kinematic viscosity, and has units of meters squared per second. Roughly √ speaking, momentum diffuses a distance of order ν t meters in t seconds as a consequence of viscosity. The kinematic viscosity of water at 20◦ C is about 1.0×10−6 m2 /s (Batchelor 2000). It follows that viscous momentum diffusion in water is a relatively slow process. The complete set of equations governing incompressible flow is ν=

∇ · v = 0, ∇p Dv =− − ∇Ψ + ν ∇ 2 v. Dt ρ

(1.81) (1.82)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Here, ρ and ν are regarded as known constants, and Ψ (r, t) as a known function. Thus, we have four equations—namely, Equation (1.81), plus the three components of Equation (1.82)—for four unknowns—namely, the pressure, p(r, t), plus the three components of the velocity, v(r, t). Note that an energy conservation equation is redundant in the case of incompressible fluid flow.

1.15 Equations of Compressible Fluid Flow In many situations of general interest, the flow of gases is compressible. In other words, there are significant changes in the mass density as the gas flows from place to place. For the case of compressible flow, the continuity equation (1.40), and the Navier-Stokes equation (1.56), must be augmented by the energy conservation equation (1.75), as well as thermodynamic relations that specify the internal energy per unit mass, and the temperature in terms of the density and pressure. For an ideal gas, these relations take the form (Reif 1965) cV T, M M p T= , R ρ E=

(1.83) (1.84)

where cV is the molar specific heat at constant volume, R = 8.3145 J K−1 mol−1 the molar ideal gas constant, M the molar mass (i.e., the mass of 1 mole of gas molecules), and T the temperature in degrees Kelvin. Incidentally, 1 mole corresponds to 6.0221 × 1024 molecules. Here, we have assumed, for the sake of simplicity, that cV is a uniform constant. It is also convenient to assume that the thermal conductivity, κ, is a uniform constant. Making use of these approximations, Equations (1.40), (1.75), (1.83), and (1.84) can be combined to give

Dp γ p Dρ κM 2 p 1 − =χ+ ∇ , γ − 1 Dt ρ Dt R ρ


where γ=

cp cV + R = cV cV


is the ratio of the molar specific heat at constant pressure, c p , to that at constant volume, cV . [Incidentally, the result that c p = cV + R for an ideal gas is a standard theorem of thermodynamics (Reif 1965).] (See Section 14.2.) The ratio of specific heats of dry air at 20◦ C is 1.40 (Batchelor 2000).

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


The complete set of equations governing compressible ideal gas flow are Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt

∇p µ 2 1 Dv =− − ∇Ψ + ∇ v + ∇(∇ · v) , Dt ρ ρ 3

1 Dp γ p Dρ κM 2 p − =χ+ ∇ , γ − 1 Dt ρ Dt R ρ

(1.87) (1.88) (1.89)

where the dissipation function χ is specified in terms of µ and v in Equation (1.74). Here, µ, γ, κ, M, and R are regarded as known constants, and Ψ (r, t) as a known function. Thus, we have five equations—namely, Equations (1.87) and (1.89), plus the three components of Equation (1.88)—for five unknowns—namely, the density, ρ(r, t), the pressure, p(r, t), and the three components of the velocity, v(r, t).

1.16 Dimensionless Numbers in Incompressible Flow It is helpful to normalize the equations of incompressible fluid flow, (1.81)–(1.82), in the following manner: ∇ = L ∇, v = v/V0 , t = (V0 /L) t, Ψ = Ψ/(g L), and p = p/(ρ V02 + ρ g L + ρ ν V0 /L). Here, L is a typical spatial variation lengthscale, V0 a typical fluid velocity, and g a typical gravitational acceleration (assuming that Ψ represents a gravitational potential energy per unit mass). All barred quantities are dimensionless, and are designed to be comparable with unity. The normalized equations of incompressible fluid flow take the form ∇ · v = 0,


2 1 1 Dv ∇Ψ ∇ v , =− 1+ 2 + ∇p − 2 + Re Re Dt Fr Fr


where D/Dt = ∂/∂t + v · ∇, and L V0 , ν V0 Fr = . (g L)1/2

Re =

(1.92) (1.93)

Here, the dimensionless quantities Re and Fr are known as the Reynolds number and the Froude number, respectively. [After Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912) and William Froude (1810–1879), respectively.] The Reynolds number is the typical ratio of inertial to viscous forces within the fluid, whereas the square of the Froude number is the typical ratio of inertial to gravitational forces. Thus, viscosity is relatively important compared to inertia when Re  1, and vice versa. Likewise, gravity is


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

relatively important compared to inertia when Fr  1, and vice versa. Note that, in principal, Re and Fr are the only quantities in Equations (1.90) and (1.91) that can be significantly greater or smaller than unity. For the case of water at 20◦ C, located on the surface of the Earth (Batchelor 2000), Re 1.0 × 106 L(m) V0 (m s−1 ),


Fr 3.2 × 10−1 V0 (m s−1 )/[L(m)]1/2.


Thus, if L ∼ 1 m and V0 ∼ 1 m s−1 , as is often the case for terrestrial water dynamics, then the previous expressions suggest that Re 1 and Fr ∼ O(1). In this situation, the viscous term on the right-hand side of Equation (1.91) becomes negligible, and the (unnormalized) incompressible fluid flow equations reduce to the following inviscid, incompressible, fluid flow equations: ∇ · v = 0, ∇p Dv =− − ∇Ψ. Dt ρ

(1.96) (1.97)

For the case of lubrication oil at 20◦ C, located on the surface of the Earth, ν 1.0 × 10−4 m2 s−1 (i.e., oil is about 100 times more viscous than water), and so (Batchelor 2000) Re 1.0 × 104 L(m) V0 (m s−1 ),


Fr 3.2 × 10−1 V0 (m s−1 )]/[L(m)]1/2.


Suppose that oil is slowly flowing down a narrow lubrication channel such that L ∼ 10−3 m and V0  10−1 m s−1 . It follows, from the previous expressions, that Re  1 and Fr  1. In this situation, the inertial term on the left-hand side of (1.91) becomes negligible, and the (unnormalized) incompressible fluid flow equations reduce to the following inertia-free, incompressible, fluid flow equations: ∇ · v = 0, 0=−

(1.100) ∇p − ∇Ψ + ν ∇ 2 v. ρ


1.17 Dimensionless Numbers in Compressible Flow It is helpful to normalize the equations of compressible ideal gas flow, (1.87)–(1.89), in the following manner: ∇ = L ∇, v = v/V0 , t = (V0 /L) t, ρ = ρ/ρ0 , Ψ = Ψ/(g L), χ = (L/V0 )2 χ, and p = (p − p0 )/(ρ0 V02 + ρ0 g L + ρ0 ν V0 /L). Here, L is a typical spatial variation lengthscale, V0 a typical fluid velocity, ρ0 a typical mass density, and g

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


a typical gravitational acceleration (assuming that Ψ represents a gravitational potential energy per unit mass). Furthermore, p0 corresponds to atmospheric pressure at ground level, and is a uniform constant. It follows that p represents deviations from atmospheric pressure. All barred quantities are dimensionless, and are designed to be comparable with unity. The normalized equations of compressible ideal gas flow take the form Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, (1.102) Dt

2 1 1 ∇p ∇Ψ 1 1 Dv − 2 + =− 1+ 2 + ∇ v − ∇(∇ · v) , (1.103) Re ρ Re ρ 3 Dt Fr Fr

p0 + p Dρ 1 Dp χ 1 2 p0 + p ∇ −γ + , (1.104) = γ − 1 Dt ρ ρ Dt 1 + Re (1 + 1/Fr 2 ) Re Pr p0 =

1 , γ Ma (1 + 1/Fr 2 + 1/Re) 2


where D/Dt ≡ ∂/∂t + v · ∇, L V0 , ν V0 Fr = , (g L)1/2 ν Pr = , κH V0 Ma =  , γ p0 /ρ0 Re =

(1.106) (1.107) (1.108) (1.109)

and µ , ρ0 κM κH = . R ρ0 ν=

(1.110) (1.111)

Here, the dimensionless numbers Re, Fr, Pr, and Ma are known as the Reynolds number, Froude number, Prandtl number, and Mach number, respectively. [The latter two numbers are named after Ludwig Prandtl (1875–1953) and Ernst Mach (1838–1916), respectively.] The Reynolds number is the typical ratio of inertial to viscous forces within the gas, the square of the Froude number is the typical ratio of inertial to gravitational forces, the Prandtl number is the typical ratio of the momentum and thermal diffusion rates, and the Mach number is the typical ratio of the gas flow and sound propagation speeds. Thus, thermal diffusion is far faster than momentum diffusion when Pr  1, and vice versa. Moreover, the gas flow is termed subsonic when  Ma  1, supersonic when Ma 1, and transonic when Ma ∼ O(1). Note that γ p0 /ρ0 is the speed of sound in the undisturbed gas (Reif 1965). The


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

quantity κH is called the thermal diffusivity of the gas, and has units of√ meters squared per second. Thus, heat typically diffuses through the gas a distance κH t meters in t seconds. The thermal diffusivity of dry air at atmospheric pressure and 20◦ C is about κH = 2.1 × 10−5 m2 s−1 (Batchelor 2000). It follows that heat diffusion in air is a relatively slow process. The kinematic viscosity of dry air at atmospheric pressure and 20◦ C is about ν = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 s−1 (Batchelor 2000). Hence, momentum diffusion in air is also a relatively slow process. For the case of dry air at atmospheric pressure and 20◦ C (Batchelor 2000), Re 6.7 × 104 L(m) V0 (m s−1 ), Fr 3.2 × 10



V0 (m s )/[L(m)]

Pr 7.2 × 10−1 , Ma 2.9 × 10−3 V0 (m s−1 ).

(1.112) 1/2


(1.113) (1.114) (1.115)

Thus, if L ∼ 1 m and V0 ∼ 1 m s−1 , as is often the case for subsonic air dynamics close to the Earth’s surface, then the previous expressions suggest that Re 1, Ma  1, and Fr, Pr ∼ O(1). It immediately follows from Equation (1.105) that p0 1. However, in this situation, Equation (1.104) is dominated by the second term in square brackets on its left-hand side. Hence, this equation can only be satisfied if the term in question is small, which implies that Dρ  1. Dt


∇ · v  1.


Equation (1.102) then gives It is evident that subsonic (i.e., Ma  1) gas flow is essentially incompressible. The fact that Re 1 implies that such flow is also essentially inviscid. In the incompressible inviscid limit (in which ∇ · v = 0 and Re 1), the (unnormalized) compressible ideal gas flow equations reduce to the previously derived, inviscid, incompressible, fluid flow equations: ∇ · v = 0, ∇p Dv =− − ∇Ψ. Dt ρ

(1.118) (1.119)

It follows that the equations which govern subsonic gas dynamics close to the surface of the Earth are essentially the same as those that govern the flow of water. Suppose that L ∼ 1 m and V0 ∼ 300 m s−1, as is typically the case for transonic air dynamics (e.g., air flow over the wing of a fighter jet). In this situation, Equations (1.105) and (1.112)–(1.115) yield Re, Fr 1 and Ma, Pr, p0 ∼ O(1). It follows that the final two terms on the right-hand sides of Equations (1.103) and (1.104) can be neglected. Thus, the (unnormalized) compressible ideal gas flow equations reduce

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


to the following set of inviscid, adiabatic, ideal gas, flow equations:

Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt ∇p Dv =− , Dt ρ

D p = 0. Dt ρ γ

(1.120) (1.121) (1.122)

In particular, if the initial distribution of p/ρ γ is uniform in space, as is often the case, then Equation (1.122) ensures that the distribution remains uniform as time progresses. In fact, it can be shown that the entropy per unit mass of an ideal gas is (Reif 1965)

p cV ln γ . S= M ρ


Hence, the assumption that p/ρ γ is uniform in space is equivalent to the assumption that the entropy per unit mass of the gas is a spatial constant. A gas for which this is the case is termed homentropic. Equation (1.122) ensures that the entropy of a comoving gas element is a constant of the motion in transonic flow. A gas for which this is the case is termed isentropic. In the homentropic case, the previous compressible gas flow equations simplify somewhat to give

Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt ∇p Dv =− , Dt ρ

γ p ρ = . p0 ρ0

(1.124) (1.125) (1.126)

Here, p0 is atmospheric pressure, and ρ0 is the density of air at atmospheric pressure. Equation (1.126) is known as the adiabatic gas law, and is a consequence of the fact that transonic gas dynamics takes place far too quickly for thermal heat conduction (which is a relatively slow process) to have any appreciable effect on the temperature distribution within the gas. Incidentally, a gas in which thermal diffusion is negligible is generally termed adiabatic.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.18 Fluid Equations in Cartesian Coordinates Let us adopt the conventional Cartesian coordinate system, (x, y, z). According to Equation (1.26), the various components of the stress tensor are

∂v x , ∂x ∂vy , = −p + 2 µ ∂y

σ xx = −p + 2 µ




σzz = −p + 2 µ

∂v x + σ xy = σyx = µ ∂y

∂v x + σ xz = σzx = µ ∂z

∂vy + σyz = σzy = µ ∂z

∂vz , ∂z ∂vy , ∂x ∂vz , ∂x ∂vz , ∂y

(1.129) (1.130) (1.131) (1.132)

where v is the velocity, p the pressure, and µ the viscosity. The equations of compressible fluid flow, (1.87)–(1.89) (from which the equations of incompressible fluid flow can easily be obtained by setting ∆ = 0), become

Dρ = −ρ ∆, Dt

1 ∂p ∂Ψ µ 2 1 Dv x =− − + ∇ vx + Dt ρ ∂x ∂x ρ 3

Dvy 1 ∂p ∂Ψ µ 2 1 =− − + ∇ vy + Dt ρ ∂y ∂y ρ 3

1 ∂p ∂Ψ µ 2 1 Dvz =− − + ∇ vz + Dt ρ ∂z ∂z ρ 3

Dρ γ p Dρ κM 2 p 1 − ∇ =χ+ , γ − 1 Dt ρ Dt R ρ

(1.133) ∂∆ , ∂x ∂∆ , ∂y ∂∆ , ∂z

(1.134) (1.135) (1.136) (1.137)

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


where ρ is the mass density, γ the ratio of specific heats, κ the heat conductivity, M the molar mass, and R the molar ideal gas constant. Furthermore,


∂v x ∂vy ∂vz + + , ∂x ∂y ∂z

D ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = + vx + vy + vz , Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + + , ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 


2  ∂v x 2 ∂vy 2 ∂vz 1 ∂v x ∂vy  χ = 2 µ  + + + + ∂x ∂y ∂z 2 ∂y ∂x


2  1 ∂v x ∂vz 1 ∂vy ∂vz  + + + + . 2 ∂z ∂x 2 ∂z ∂y 

∇2 =

(1.138) (1.139) (1.140)


Here, γ, µ, κ, and M are treated as uniform constants.

1.19 Fluid Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates Let us adopt the cylindrical coordinate system, (r, θ, z). Making use of the results quoted in Section C.3, the components of the stress tensor are ∂vr , ∂r

1 ∂vθ vr σθθ = −p + 2 µ + , r ∂θ r σrr = −p + 2 µ

∂vz , σzz = −p + 2 µ ∂z

1 ∂vr ∂vθ vθ + − σrθ = σθr = µ , r ∂θ ∂r r

∂vr ∂vz + , σrz = σzr = µ ∂z ∂r

1 ∂vz ∂vθ + , σθz = σzθ = µ r ∂θ ∂z

(1.142) (1.143) (1.144) (1.145) (1.146) (1.147)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

whereas the equations of compressible fluid flow become

Dρ = −ρ ∆, Dt Dvr vθ2 1 ∂p ∂Ψ − =− − Dt r ρ ∂r ∂r

µ 2 vr 2 ∂vθ 1 ∂∆ + + ∇ vr − 2 − 2 , ρ r r ∂θ 3 ∂r 1 ∂p 1 ∂Ψ Dvθ vr vθ + =− − Dt r ρ r ∂θ r ∂θ

µ 2 2 ∂vr vθ 1 ∂∆ − + + ∇ vθ + 2 , ρ r ∂θ r 2 3 r ∂θ

1 ∂p ∂Ψ µ 2 1 ∂∆ Dvz =− − + ∇ vz + , Dt ρ ∂z ∂z ρ 3 ∂z

Dρ γ p Dρ κM 2 p 1 − ∇ =χ+ , γ − 1 Dt ρ Dt R ρ



(1.150) (1.151) (1.152)


1 ∂(r vr ) 1 ∂vθ ∂vz + + , (1.153) r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z D ∂ vθ ∂ ∂ ∂ = + vr + + vz , (1.154) Dt ∂t ∂r r ∂θ ∂z

1 ∂ ∂2 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∇2 = + 2, (1.155) r + 2 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z  2

2 2

2  ∂vr 1 ∂vθ vr ∂vz 1 1 ∂vr ∂vθ vθ + + − χ = 2 µ  + + + ∂r r ∂θ r ∂z 2 r ∂θ ∂r r


2  1 ∂vr ∂vz 1 ∂vθ 1 ∂vz  + + + + (1.156) . 2 ∂z ∂r 2 ∂z r ∂θ  ∆=

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


1.20 Fluid Equations in Spherical Coordinates Let us, finally, adopt the spherical coordinate system, (r, θ, ϕ). Making use of the results quoted in Section C.4, the components of the stress tensor are ∂vr , ∂r

1 ∂vθ vr σθθ = −p + 2 µ + , r ∂θ r

1 ∂vϕ vr cot θ vθ + + , σϕϕ = −p + 2 µ r sin θ ∂ϕ r r

1 ∂vr ∂vθ vθ + − , σrθ = σθr = µ r ∂θ ∂r r

1 ∂vr ∂vϕ vϕ + − , σrϕ = σϕr = µ r sin θ ∂ϕ ∂r r

1 ∂vθ 1 ∂vϕ cot θ vϕ σθϕ = σϕθ = µ + − , r sin θ ∂ϕ r ∂θ r σrr = −p + 2 µ

(1.157) (1.158) (1.159) (1.160) (1.161) (1.162)

whereas the equations of compressible fluid flow become Dρ = −ρ ∆, (1.163) Dt

2 2 Dvr vθ + vϕ 1 ∂p ∂Ψ µ 2 2 vr 2 ∂vθ − =− − + ∇ vr − 2 − 2 Dt r ρ ∂r ∂r ρ r r ∂θ ∂vϕ 1 ∂∆ 2 cot θ vθ 2 + − − 2 , (1.164) r2 r sin θ ∂ϕ 3 ∂r

2 1 ∂p 1 ∂Ψ µ 2 2 ∂vr Dvθ vr vθ − cot θ vϕ + =− − + ∇ vθ + 2 Dt r ρ r ∂θ r ∂θ ρ r ∂θ 2 cot θ ∂vϕ 1 ∂∆ vθ − + , (1.165) − r 2 sin2 θ r 2 sin θ ∂ϕ 3 r ∂θ

Dvϕ vr vϕ + cot θ vθ vϕ vϕ 1 1 ∂Ψ µ 2 ∂p + =− − + ∇ vϕ − 2 Dt r ρ r sin θ ∂ϕ r sin θ ∂ϕ ρ r sin2 θ ∂vr 2 2 cot θ ∂vθ 1 ∂∆ + + + , (1.166) r 2 sin2 θ ∂ϕ r 2 sin θ ∂ϕ 3 r sin θ ∂ϕ

Dρ γ p Dρ κM 2 p 1 − ∇ =χ+ , (1.167) γ − 1 Dt ρ Dt R ρ


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where 1 ∂(r 2 vr ) 1 ∂(sin θ vθ ) 1 ∂vϕ + + , 2 ∂r r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂ϕ r vϕ D ∂ vθ ∂ ∂ ∂ = + vr + + , Dt ∂t ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂ϕ

∂2 1 ∂ 2 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∇2 = 2 , r + 2 sin θ + ∂r ∂θ r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ r 2 sin2 θ ∂ϕ 2  2


2  ∂vr 1 ∂vθ vr 1 ∂vϕ vr cot θ vθ + + + χ = 2 µ  + + ∂r r ∂θ r r sin θ ∂ϕ r r


2 1 ∂vr ∂vϕ vϕ 1 1 ∂vr ∂vθ vθ 1 + − + − + + 2 r ∂θ ∂r r 2 r sin θ ∂ϕ ∂r r

2  1 ∂vθ 1 ∂vϕ cot θ vϕ  1 + − +  . 2 r sin θ ∂ϕ r ∂θ r ∆=

(1.168) (1.169) (1.170)


1.21 Exercises 1.1 Equations (1.66), (1.75), and (1.87) can be combined to give the following energy conservation equation for a non-ideal compressible fluid: ρ

DE p Dρ − = χ − ∇ · q, Dt ρ Dt

where ρ is the mass density, p the pressure, E the internal energy per unit mass, χ the viscous energy dissipation rate per unit volume, and q the heat flux density. We also have Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt q = −κ ∇T, where v is the fluid velocity, T the temperature, and κ the thermal conductivity. According to a standard theorem in thermodynamics (Reif 1965), T dS = dE −

p dρ, ρ2

where S is the entropy per unit mass. Moreover, the entropy flux density at a given point in the fluid is (Hazeltine and Waelbroeck 2004) s = ρSv +

q , T

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion


where the first term on the right-hand side is due to direct entropy convection by the fluid, and the second is the entropy flux density associated with heat conduction. Derive an entropy conservation equation of the form dS + ΦS = ΘS , dt where S is the net amount of entropy contained in some fixed volume V, ΦS the entropy flux out of V, and ΘS the net rate of entropy creation within V. Give expressions for S , ΦS , and ΘS . Demonstrate that the entropy creation rate per unit volume is χ q·q θ= + . T κ T2 Finally, show that θ ≥ 0, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. 1.2 The Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid of uniform mass density ρ takes the form ∇p Dv =− − ∇Ψ + ν ∇ 2 v, Dt ρ where v is the fluid velocity, p the pressure, Ψ the potential energy per unit mass, and ν the (uniform) kinematic viscosity. The incompressibility constraint requires that ∇ · v = 0. Finally, the quantity ω≡∇×v is generally referred to as the fluid vorticity. Derive the following vorticity evolution equation from the Navier-Stokes equation: Dω = (ω · ∇) v + ν ∇ 2 ω. Dt 1.3 Consider two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow. Let the velocity field take the form v = v x (x, y, t) e x + vy (x, y, t) ey. Demonstrate that the equations of incompressible fluid flow (see Exercise 1.2) can be satisfied by writing vx = − vy =

∂ψ , ∂y

∂ψ , ∂x


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics where

∂ω + [ψ, ω] = ν ∇ 2 ω, ∂t

and ω = ∇ 2 ψ. Here, [A, B] ≡ ez · ∇A × ∇B, and ∇ 2 = ∂ 2 /∂x 2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 . Furthermore, the quantity ψ is termed a stream function, because v · ∇ψ = 0. In other words, the fluid flow is everywhere parallel to contours of ψ. 1.4 Consider incompressible irrotational flow: that is, flow that satisfies ∇ × v = 0, as well as Dv ∇p =− − ∇Ψ + ν ∇ 2 v, Dt ρ ∇ · v = 0. Here, v is the fluid velocity, ρ the uniform mass density, p the pressure, Ψ the potential energy per unit mass, and ν the (uniform) kinematic viscosity. Demonstrate that the previous equations can be satisfied by writing v = −∇φ, where ∇ 2 φ = 0, and −

∂φ 1 2 p + v + + Ψ = C(t). ∂t 2 ρ

Here, C(t) is a spatial constant. This type of flow is known as potential flow, because the velocity field is derived from a scalar potential. 1.5 The equations of inviscid adiabatic ideal gas flow are Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt Dv ∇p =− − ∇Ψ, Dt ρ

D p = 0. Dt ρ γ Here, ρ is the mass density, v the flow velocity, p the pressure, Ψ the potential energy per unit mass, and γ the (uniform) ratio of specific heats. Suppose that the pressure and potential energy are both time independent: that is, ∂p/∂t = ∂Ψ/∂t = 0.

Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion Demonstrate that H=

31 1 2 γ p v + +Ψ 2 γ−1 ρ

is a constant of the motion. In other words, DH/Dt = 0. This result is known as Bernoulli’s theorem. 1.6 The equations of inviscid adiabatic non-ideal gas flow are Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt Dv ∇p =− − ∇Ψ, Dt ρ DE p Dρ − = 0. Dt ρ 2 Dt Here, ρ is the mass density, v the flow velocity, p the pressure, Ψ the potential energy per unit mass, and E the internal energy per unit mass. Suppose that the pressure and potential energy are both time independent: that is, ∂p/∂t = ∂Ψ/∂t = 0. Demonstrate that H=

1 2 p v +E+ +Ψ 2 ρ

is a constant of the motion. In other words, DH/Dt = 0. This result is a more general form of Bernoulli’s theorem. 1.7 Demonstrate that Bernoulli’s theorem for incompressible, inviscid fluid flow takes the form DH/Dt = 0, where H=

1 2 p v + + Ψ. 2 ρ


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

2 Hydrostatics

2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the mechanical equilibrium of incompressible fluids, a topic that is conventionally termed hydrostatics. More information on the fundamentals of hydrostatics can be found in Lamb 1928. More information on Maclaurin spheroids, Jacobi ellipsoids, and Roche ellipsoids can be found in Chandrasekhar 1969, and Lamb 1993.

2.2 Hydrostatic Pressure Consider a body of water which is stationary in a reference frame that is fixed with respect to the Earth’s surface. In this chapter, such a frame is treated as approximately inertial. Let z measure vertical height, and suppose that the region z ≤ 0 is occupied by water, and the region z > 0 by air. According to Equation (1.79), the air/water system remains in mechanical equilibrium (i.e., v = Dv/Dt = 0) provided 0 = ∇p + ρ ∇Ψ,


where p is the static fluid pressure, ρ the mass density, Ψ = g z the gravitational potential energy per unit mass, and g the (approximately uniform) acceleration due to gravity. Now,  0 z>0 , (2.2) ρ(z) = z≤0 ρ0 where ρ0 is the (approximately uniform) mass density of water. Here, the comparatively small mass density of air has been neglected. Because ρ = ρ(z) and Ψ = Ψ (z), it immediately follows, from Equation (2.1), that p = p(z), where dp = −ρ g. dz


We conclude that constant pressure surfaces in a stationary body of water take the form of horizontal planes. Making use of Equation (2.2), the previous equation can 33


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

be integrated to give  p(z) =

z>0 , z≤0

p0 p0 − ρ0 g z


where p0 105 N m−2 is atmospheric pressure at ground level (Batchelor 2000). According to this expression, pressure in stationary water increases linearly with increasing depth (i.e., with decreasing z, for z < 0). In fact, given that g 9.8 m s−2 and ρ0 103 kg m−3 (Batchelor 2000), we deduce that hydrostatic pressure in water rises at the rate of 1 atmosphere (i.e., 105 N m−2 ) every 10.2 m increase in depth below the surface.

2.3 Buoyancy Consider the air/water system described in the previous section. Let V be some volume, bounded by a closed surface S , that straddles the plane z = 0, and is thus partially occupied by water, and partially by air. The i-component of the net force acting on the fluid (i.e., either water or air) contained within V is written (see Section 1.3)   σi j dS j + Fi dV, (2.5) fi = S


where σi j = −p δi j


is the stress tensor for a static fluid (see Section 1.5), and F = −ρ g ez


the gravitational force density. (Recall that the indices 1, 2, and 3 refer to the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively. Thus, f3 ≡ fz , et cetera.) The first term on the right-hand side of Equation (2.5) represents the net surface force acting across S , whereas the second term represents the net volume force distributed throughout V. Making use of the tensor divergence theorem (see Section B.4), Equations (2.5)–(2.7) yield the following expression for the net force: f = B + W, 

where Bi = −


∂p dV, ∂xi

(2.8) (2.9)

and W x = Wy = 0,  ρ g dV. Wz = − V

(2.10) (2.11)



Here, B is the net surface force, and W the net volume force. It follows from Equations (2.4) and (2.9) that B = M0 g ez ,


where M0 = ρ0 V0 . Here, V0 is the volume of that part of V which lies below the waterline, and M0 the total mass of water contained within V. Moreover, from Equations (2.2), (2.10), and (2.11), W = −M0 g ez.


It can be seen that the net surface force, B, is directed vertically upward, and exactly balances the net volume force, W, which is directed vertically downward. Of course, W is the weight of the water contained within V. On the other hand, B, which is generally known as the buoyancy force, is the resultant pressure of the water immediately surrounding V. We conclude that, in equilibrium, the net buoyancy force acting across S exactly balances the weight of the water inside V, so that the total force acting on the contents of V is zero, as must be the case for a system in mechanical equilibrium. We can also deduce that the line of action of B (which is vertical) passes through the center of gravity of the water inside V. Otherwise, a net torque would act on the contents of V, which would contradict our assumption that the system is in mechanical equilibrium.

2.4 Equilibrium of Floating Bodies Consider the situation described in the previous section. Suppose that the fluid contained within V is replaced by a partially submerged solid body whose outer surface corresponds to S . Furthermore, suppose that this body is in mechanical equilibrium with the surrounding fluid (i.e., it is stationary, and floating on the surface of the water). It follows that the pressure distribution in the surrounding fluid is unchanged [because the force balance criterion (2.3) can be integrated to give the pressure distribution (2.4) at all contiguous points in the fluid, provided that the fluid remains in mechanical equilibrium]. We conclude that the net surface force acting across S is also unchanged (because this is directly related to the pressure distribution in the fluid immediately surrounding V), which implies that the buoyancy force acting on the floating body is the same as that acting on the displaced water: that is, the water that previously occupied V. In other words, from Equation (2.12), B = W0 ez ,


where W0 = M0 g and M0 are the weight and mass of the displaced water, respectively. The fact that the buoyancy force is unchanged also implies that the vertical line of action of B passes through the center of gravity, H (say), of the displaced water. Incidentally, H is generally known as the center of buoyancy.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics A floating body of weight W is acted upon by two forces: namely, its own weight, W = −W ez ,


and the buoyancy force, B = W0 ez , due to the pressure of the surrounding water. Of course, the line of action of W passes through the body’s center of gravity, G (say). So as to remain in equilibrium, the body must be subject to zero net force and zero net torque. The requirement of zero net force yields W0 = W. In other words, in equilibrium, the weight of the water displaced by a floating body is equal to the weight of the body, or, alternatively, in equilibrium, the magnitude of the buoyancy force acting on a floating body is equal to the weight of the displaced water. This famous result is known as Archimedes’ principle, after Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 278–212 BCE). The requirement of zero net torque implies that, in equilibrium, the center of gravity, G, and center of buoyancy, H, of a floating body must lie on the same vertical straight-line. Consider a floating body of mass M and volume V. Let ρ = M/V be the body’s mean mass density. Archimedes’ principle implies that, in equilibrium, V0 = s, V where s=

ρ ρ0



is termed the body’s specific gravity. (Recall, that V0 is the submerged volume, and ρ0 the mass density of water.) We conclude, from Equation (2.16), that the volume fraction of a floating body that is submerged is equal to the body’s specific gravity. Obviously, the specific gravity must be less than unity, because the submerged volume fraction cannot exceed unity. In fact, if the specific gravity exceeds unity then it is impossible for the buoyancy force to balance the body’s weight, and the body consequently sinks. Consider a body of volume V and specific gravity s that floats in equilibrium. It follows, from Equation (2.16), that the submerged volume is V0 = s V. Hence, the volume above the waterline is V1 = V − V0 = (1 − s) V. Suppose that the body is inverted such that its previously submerged part is raised above the waterline, and vice versa: that is, V0 ↔ V1 . According to Equation (2.16), the body can only remain in equilibrium in this configuration if its specific gravity is s =

V1 V − V0 = = 1 − s. V V


We conclude that for every equilibrium configuration of a floating body of specific gravity s there exists an inverted equilibrium configuration for a body of the same shape having the complementary specific gravity 1 − s.



2.5 Vertical Stability of Floating Bodies Consider a floating body of weight W that, in equilibrium, has a submerged volume V0 . Thus, the body’s downward weight is balanced by the upward buoyancy force, B = ρ0 V0 g: that is, ρ0 V0 g = W. Let A0 be the cross-sectional area of the body at the waterline (i.e., in the plane z = 0). It is convenient to define the body’s mean draft (or mean submerged depth) as δ0 = V0 /A0 . Suppose that the body is displaced slightly downward, without rotation, such that its mean draft becomes δ0 + δ1 , where |δ1 |  δ0 . Assuming that the cross-sectional area in the vicinity of the waterline is constant, the new submerged volume is V0 = A0 (δ0 + δ1 ) = V0 + A0 δ1 , and the new buoyancy force becomes B = ρ0 V0 g = W + ρ0 A0 g δ1 = (1 + δ1 /δ0 ) W. However, the weight of the body is unchanged. Thus, the body’s perturbed vertical equation of motion is written W W d 2 δ1 = W − B = − δ 1 , (2.19) 2 g dt δ0 which reduces to the simple harmonic equation d 2 δ1 g = − δ1 . δ0 dt 2


We conclude that if a floating body of mean draft δ0 is subject to a small vertical displacement then it oscillates about its equilibrium position at the characteristic frequency  g ω= . (2.21) δ0 It follows that such a body is unconditionally stable to small vertical displacements. Incidentally, the previous calculation neglects the phenomenon of added mass, by which some of the water surrounding the floating body oscillates in sympathy with it, thereby increasing the body’s effective inertia. (See Sections 5.9 and 7.10.)

2.6 Angular Stability of Floating Bodies Let us now investigate the stability of floating bodies to angular displacements. For the sake of simplicity, we shall only consider bodies that have two mutually perpendicular planes of symmetry. Suppose that when such a body is in an equilibrium state the two symmetry planes are vertical, and correspond to the x = 0 and y = 0 planes. As before, the z = 0 plane coincides with the surface of the water. It follows, from symmetry, that when the body is in an equilibrium state its center of gravity, G, and center of buoyancy, H, both lie on the z-axis. Suppose that the body turns through a small angle θ about some horizontal axis, lying in the plane z = 0, that passes through the origin. Let GH be that, originally


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


M θ









Figure 2.1 Stable and unstable configurations for a floating body.

vertical, straight-line that passes through the body’s center of gravity, G, and original center of buoyancy, H. Owing to the altered shape of the volume of displaced water, the center of buoyancy is shifted to some new position H  . Let the vertical straightline passing through H  meet GH at M. (See Figure 2.1.) Point M (in the limit θ → 0) is called the metacenter. In the disturbed state, the body’s weight W acts downward through G, and the buoyancy ρ0 V0 g acts upward through M. Let us assume that the submerged volume, V0 , is unchanged from the equilibrium state (which excludes vertical oscillations from consideration). It follows that the weight and the buoyancy force are equal and opposite, so that there is no net force on the body. However, as can be seen from Figure 2.1, the weight and the buoyancy force generate a net torque of magnitude τ = W λ sin θ. Here, λ is the length MG: that is, the distance between the metacenter and the center of gravity. This distance is generally known as the metacentric height, and is defined such that it is positive when M lies above G, and vice versa. Moreover, as is also clear from Figure 2.1, when M lies above G the torque acts to reduce θ, and vice versa. In the former case, the torque is known as a righting torque. We conclude that a floating body is stable to small angular displacements about some horizontal axis lying in the plane z = 0 provided that its metacentric height is positive: that is, provided that the metacenter lies above the center of gravity. Because we have already demonstrated that a floating body is unconditionally stable to small vertical displacements (and as it is also fairly obvious that such a body is neutrally stable to both horizontal displacements and angular displacements about a vertical axis passing through its center of gravity), it follows that a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of a floating body to a general small perturbation (made up of arbitrary linear and angular components) is



that its metacentric height be positive for angular displacements about any horizontal axis.

2.7 Determination of Metacentric Height Suppose that the floating body considered in the previous section is in an equilibrium state. Let A0 be the cross-sectional area at the waterline: that is, in the plane z = 0. Because the body is assumed to be symmetric with respect to the x = 0 and y = 0 planes, we have    x dx dy = y dx dy = x y dx dy = 0, (2.22) A0



where the integrals are taken over the whole cross-section at z = 0. Let δ(x, y) be the body’s draft: that is, the vertical distance between the surface of the water and the body’s lower boundary. It follows, from symmetry, that δ(−x, y) = δ(x, y) and δ(x, −y) = δ(x, y). Moreover, the submerged volume is   δ  dx dy dz = δ(x, y) dx dy. (2.23) V0 = A0



It also follows from symmetry that   x δ(x, y) dx dy = y δ(x, y) dx dy = 0. A0



The depth of the unperturbed center of buoyancy below the surface of the water is  δ  z dx dy dz δ 2 A0 1 A 0 h= 0 = δ 2 (x, y) dx dy = 0 , (2.25) V0 2 V0 A 0 2 V0 where

1/2   A δ 2 (x, y) dx dy  0  .  δ0 =   A0


Finally, from symmetry, the unperturbed center of buoyancy lies at x = y = 0. Suppose that the body now turns through a small angle θ about the x-axis. As is easily demonstrated, the body’s new draft becomes δ (x, y) δ(x, y) − θ y. Hence, the new submerged volume is    [δ(x, y) − θ y] dx dy = V0 + θ y dx dy = V0 , (2.27) V0 = A0


where use has been made of Equations (2.22) and (2.23). Thus, the submerged volume is unchanged, as should be the case for a purely angular displacement. The new


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

depth of the center of buoyancy is   δ 

h =

A0 0

z dx dy dz V0


1 2 V0


 δ 2 (x, y) − 2 θ y δ(x, y) + O(θ 2 ) dx dy = h,


(2.28) where use has been made of Equations (2.24) and (2.25). Thus, the depth of the center of buoyancy is also unchanged. Moreover, from symmetry, it is clear that the center of buoyancy still lies at x = 0. Finally, the new y-coordinate of the center of buoyancy is   δ A0 0

y dx dy dz V0



y [δ(x, y) − θ y] dx dy V0

= −θ

κ x2 A0 , V0


where use has been made of Equation (2.24). Here, 1/2  2  A y dx dy   , κ x =  0  A0


is the radius of gyration of area A0 about the x-axis. It follows, from the previous analysis, that if the floating body under consideration turns through a small angle θ about the x-axis then its center of buoyancy shifts horizontally a distance θ κ x2 A0 /V0 in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. In other words, the distance HH  in Figure 2.1 is θ κ x2 A0 /V0 . Simple trigonometry reveals that θ HH  /MH  (assuming that θ is small). Hence, MH  = HH  /θ = κ x2 A0 /V0 . Now, MH  is the height of the metacenter relative to the center of buoyancy. However, the center of buoyancy lies a depth h below the surface of the water (which corresponds to the plane z = 0). Hence, the z-coordinate of the metacenter is z M = κ x2 A0 /V0 − h. Finally, if zG and zH = −h are the z-coordinates of the unperturbed centers of gravity and buoyancy, respectively, then zM =

κ x2 A0 + zH , V0


and the metacentric height, λ = z M − zG , becomes λ=

κ x2 A0 − zGH , V0


where zGH = zG − zH . Note that, because κ x2 A0 /V0 > 0, the metacenter always lies above the center of buoyancy. A simple extension of the previous argument reveals that if the body turns through a small angle θ about the y-axis then the metacentric height is λ=

κy2 A0 V0

− zGH ,





1/2  2  A x dx dy  0  , κy =   A0


is radius of gyration of area A0 about the y-axis. Finally, as is easily demonstrated, if the body rotates about a horizontal axis which subtends an angle α with the x-axis then κ 2 A0 λ= − zGH , (2.35) V0 where κ 2 = κ x2 cos2 α + κy2 sin2 α.


Thus, the minimum value of κ 2 is the lesser of κ x2 and κy2 . It follows that the equilibrium state in question is unconditionally stable provided it is stable to small amplitude angular displacements about horizontal axes normal to its two vertical symmetry planes (i.e., the x = 0 and y = 0 planes). As an example, consider a uniform rectangular block of specific gravity s floating such that its sides of length a, b, and c are parallel to the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively. Such a block can be thought of as a very crude model of a ship. The volume of the block is V = a b c. Hence, the submerged volume is V0 = s V = s a b c. The cross-sectional area of the block at the waterline (z = 0) is A0 = a b. It is easily demonstrated that δ(x, y) = δ0 = V0 /A0 = s c. Thus, the center of buoyancy lies a depth h = δ02 A0 /2 V0 = s c/2 below the surface of the water. [See Equation (2.25).] Moreover, by symmetry, the center of gravity is a height c/2 above the bottom surface of the block, which is located a depth s c below the surface of the water. Hence, zH = −h = −s c/2, zG = c/2 − s c, and zGH = c (1 − s)/2. Consider the stability of the block to small amplitude angular displacements about the x-axis. We have  a/2  b/2 κ x2


−a/2 −b/2

y 2 dx dy



b2 . 12


Hence, from Equation (2.32), the metacentric height is λ=

b2 c − (1 − s). 12 s c 2


The stability criterion λ > 0 yields b2 − s (1 − s) > 0. 6 c2


Because the maximum value that s (1 − s) can take is 1/4, it follows that the block is stable for all specific gravities when  c < c0 =

2 b. 3



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

On the other hand, if c > c0 then the block is unstable for intermediate specific gravities such that s− < s < s+ , where  1 ± 1 − c02 /c 2 , (2.41) s± = 2 and is stable otherwise. Assuming that the block is stable, its angular equation of motion is written d 2θ I 2 = −W λ sin θ −W λ θ, (2.42) dt where  a/2  b/2  c−s c  W  2 W (y 2 + z 2 ) dx dy dz = I= b + 4 [(1 − s)3 + s 3 ] c 2 g V −a/2 −b/2 −s c 12 g (2.43) is the moment of inertia of the block about the x-axis. Thus, we obtain the the simple harmonic equation d 2θ = −ω 2 θ, (2.44) dt 2 where c02 − 4 s (1 − s) c 2 g Wλ = . (2.45) ω2 = I s c c02 + (8/3) [(1 − s)3 + s 3 ] c 2 We conclude that the block executes small amplitude angular oscillations about the xaxis at the angular frequency ω. For the case of rotation about the y-axis, the previous analysis is unchanged except that a ↔ b. The previous analysis again neglects the phenomenon of added mass, and, therefore, underestimates the effective inertia of the block. (See Sections 5.9 and 7.10.) The metacentric height of a conventional ship whose length greatly exceeds its width is typically much less for rolling (i.e., rotation about a horizontal axis running along the ship’s length) than for pitching (i.e., rotation about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the ship’s length), because the radius of gyration for pitching greatly exceeds that for rolling. As is clear from Equation (2.45), a ship with a relatively small metacentric height (for rolling) has a relatively long roll period, and vice versa. An excessively low metacentric height increases the chances of a ship capsizing if the weather is rough, if its cargo/ballast shifts, or if the ship is damaged and partially flooded. For this reason, maritime regulatory agencies, such as the International Maritime Organization, specify minimum metacentric heights for various different types of sea-going vessel. A relatively large metacentric height, on the other hand, generally renders a ship uncomfortable for passengers and crew, because the ship executes short period rolls, resulting in large g-forces. Such forces also increase the risk that cargo may break loose or shift. We saw earlier, in Section 2.4, that if a body of specific gravity s floats in vertical equilibrium in a certain position then a body of the same shape, but of specific gravity 1 − s, can float in vertical equilibrium in the inverted position. We shall now demonstrate that these positions are either both stable, or both unstable, provided the



body is of uniform density. Let V1 and V2 be the volumes that are above and below the waterline, respectively, in the first position. Let H1 and H2 be the mean centers of these two volumes, and H that of the whole volume. It follows that H2 is the center of buoyancy in the first position, H1 the center of buoyancy in the second (inverted) position, and H the center of gravity in both positions. Moreover,

V1 V2 H1 H2 , (2.46) V 1 H1 G = V 2 H2 G = V1 + V2 where H1G is the distance between points H1 and G, et cetera. The metacentric heights in the first and second positions are

V1 V2 κ2 A 1 λ1 = − H1 G = A κ2 − H1 H2 , (2.47) V1 V1 V1 + V2

κ2 A 1 V1 V2 2 Aκ − H1 H2 , (2.48) − H2 G = λ2 = V2 V2 V1 + V2 respectively, where A and κ are the area and radius of gyration of the common waterline section, respectively. Thus,

2 V1 V2 1 2 λ1 λ2 = Aκ − H1 H2 ≥ 0, V1 V2 V1 + V2


which implies that λ1  0 as λ2  0, and vice versa. It follows that the first and second positions are either both stable, both marginally stable, or both unstable.

2.8 Energy of a Floating Body The conditions governing the equilibrium and stability of a floating body can also be deduced from the principle of energy. For the sake of simplicity, let us suppose that the water surface area is infinite, so that the immersion of the body does not generate any change in the water level. The potential energy of the body itself is W zG , where W is the body’s weight, and zG the height of its center of gravity, G, relative to the surface of the water. If the body displaces a volume V0 of water then this effectively means that a weight ρ0 V0 of water, whose center of gravity is located at the center of buoyancy, H, is removed, and then spread as an infinitely thin film over the surface of the water. This involves a gain of potential energy of −ρ0 V0 zH , where zH is the height of H relative to the surface of the water. Vertical force balance requires that W = ρ0 V0 . Thus, the potential energy of the system is W zGH (modulo an arbitrary additive constant), where zGH = zG − zH is the height of the center of gravity relative to the center of buoyancy. According to the principles of statics, an equilibrium state corresponds to either a minimum or a maximum of the potential energy (Fitzpatrick 2012). However, such


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r p H0 H B

Figure 2.2 Curve of buoyancy for a floating body. an equilibrium is only stable when the potential energy is minimized. Thus, it follows that a stable equilibrium configuration of a floating body is such as to minimize the height of the body’s center of gravity relative to its center of buoyancy.

2.9 Curve of Buoyancy Consider a floating body in vertical force balance that is slowly rotated about a horizontal axis normal to one of its vertical symmetry planes. Let us take the center of gravity, G, which necessarily lies in this plane, as the origin of a coordinate system that is fixed with respect to the body. As illustrated in Figure 2.2, as the body rotates, the locus of its center of buoyancy, H, as seen in the fixed reference frame, appears to traces out a curve, AB, in the plane of symmetry. This curve is known as the curve of buoyancy. Let r represent the radial distance from the origin, G, to some point, H, on the curve of buoyancy. Note that the tangent to the curve of buoyancy is always orientated horizontally. This follows because, as was shown in the previous section, small rotations of a floating body in vertical force balance cause its center of buoyancy to shift horizontally, rather than vertically, in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Thus, the difference in vertical height, zGH , between the center of gravity



and the center of buoyancy is equal to the perpendicular distance, p, between G and the tangent to the curve of buoyancy at H. An equilibrium configuration therefore corresponds to a maximum or a minimum of p as point H moves along the curve of buoyancy. However, the equilibrium is only stable if p is minimized. If R is the radius of curvature of the curve of buoyancy then, according to a standard result in differential calculus (Lamb 1928), dr . dp


R δp, r


R=r Writing this result in the form δr =

it can be seen that maxima and minima of δp, which are the points on the curve of buoyancy where δp = 0, correspond to the points where δr = 0, and are, thus, coincident with maxima and minima of r. In other words, an equilibrium configuration corresponds to a point of maximum or minimum r on the curve of buoyancy: that is, a point at which GH meets the curve at right-angles. At such a point, r = p, and the potential energy consequently takes the value W r. Let H0 be a point on the curve of buoyancy, and let r0 , p0 , and R0 be the corresponding values of r, p, and R. For neighboring points on the curve, we can write  dr   (p − p0 ), r − r0 = (2.52) d p  H0 or r − r0 =

R0 (p − p0 ). r0


It follows that p − p0 has the same sign as r − r0 (because R0 and r0 are both positive). [The fact that R0 is positive (i.e., dr/d p > 0) follows from the previously established result that the metacenter, which is the center of curvature of the curve of buoyancy, always lies above the center of buoyancy, implying that the curve of buoyancy is necessarily concave upwards.] Hence, the minima and maxima of r occur simultaneously with those of p. Consequently, a stable equilibrium configuration corresponds to a point of minimum r on the curve of buoyancy: that is, a minimum in the distance GH between the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy. We can use the previous result to determine the stable equilibrium configurations for a beam of square cross-section, and uniform specific gravity s, that floats with its length horizontal. In order to achieve this goal, we must calculate the distance GH for all possible configurations of the beam that are in vertical force balance. However, we need only consider cases where s < 1/2, because, according to the analysis of Section 2.6, for every stable equilibrium configuration with s = s0 < 1/2 there is a corresponding stable inverted configuration with s = 1 − s0 > 1/2, and vice versa. Let us define fixed rectangular axes, x and y, passing through the center of the middle section of the beam, and running parallel to its sides. Let us start with the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


x Q θ




B y

Figure 2.3 Beam of square cross-section floating with two corners immersed. case where the waterline PQ is parallel to a side. (See Figure 2.3.) If the length of a side is 2 a then Equation (2.16) yields AP = BQ = 2 a s.


Suppose that the beam is turned through an angle θ > 0 such that the waterline assumes the position P Q in Figure 2.3, but still intersects two opposite sides. The lengths AP and BQ satisfy BQ − AP = 2 a tan θ.


Moreover, the area of the trapezium P ABQ must match that of the rectangle PABQ in order to ensure that the submerged volume remains invariant (otherwise, the beam would not remain in vertical force balance): that is, (AP + BQ ) a = 4 a 2 s.


AP = a (2 s − tan θ),


It follows that 

BQ = a (2 s + tan θ).


The constraint that the waterline intersect two opposite sides of the beam implies that AP > 0, and, hence, that tan θ < 2 s. (2.59)



The coordinates of the center of buoyancy, H, which is the mean center of the trapezium P ABQ , are a a x dx dy (2/3) a 3 tan θ a −a a−h(x) tan θ, (2.60) x¯ =  a  a = = 2 6 s 4a s dx dy −a a−h(x) a a y dx dy −a a−h(x) y¯ =  a  a dx dy −a a−h(x) =

4 a 3 s (1 − s) − (1/3) a 3 tan2 θ a tan2 θ, = (1 − s) a − 12 s 4 a2 s


where h(x) = 2 a s + x tan θ.


Thus, if u = r 2 /a 2 = ( x¯ 2 + y¯ 2 )/a 2 then u=

2 t2 t2 + (1 − s) − , 12 s 36 s 2


where t = tan θ. A stable equilibrium state corresponds to a minimum of r with respect to θ, and, hence, of u with respect to t. However, du t = dt 36 s 2 2 1 d u = 2 dt 36 s 2

  t 2 − 12 s (1 − s) + 2 ,


  3 t 2 − 12 s (1 − s) + 2 .


The minima and maxima of u occur when du/dt = 0, d 2 u/dt 2 > 0 and du/dt = 0, d 2 u/dt 2 < 0, respectively. It follows that the symmetrical position, t = 0, in which the sides of the beam are either parallel or perpendicular to the waterline, is always an equilibrium, but is only stable when s2 − s +

1 >0: 6


√ that is, when s < 1/2 − 1/ 12 = 0.2113. It is also possible to obtain equilibria in asymmetric positions such that t is the root of t 2 = 12 s (1 − s) − 2.


Such equilibria only exist for s > 0.2113, and are stable. Finally, in order to satisfy the constraint (2.59), we must have t < 2 s, which, in combination with the previous equation, implies that (2.68) 8 s 2 − 6 s + 1 > 0, or s < 0.25.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



θ A


B y

Figure 2.4 Beam of square cross-section floating with one corner immersed. Suppose that the constraint (2.59) is not satisfied, so that the immersed portion of the beam’s cross-section is triangular. (See Figure 2.4.) It is clear that BQ = tan θ. BP


Moreover, the area of the triangle P BQ in Figure 2.4 must match that of the rectangle PABQ in Figure 2.3, in order to ensure that the submerged volume remain invariant: that is, 1 BP BQ = 4 a 2 s. (2.70) 2 It follows that BP = (8 s/ tan θ)1/2 a,


BQ = (8 s tan θ)1/2 a,


or, writing z 2 = tan θ and ω 2 = (8/9) s, BP = 3 ω z −1 a,


BQ = 3 ω z a.


The coordinates of the center of buoyancy, H, which is the mean center of triangle



P BQ , are x¯ = a − BP /3 = a (1 − ω z −1 ), 

y¯ = a − BQ /3 = a (1 − ω z),

(2.75) (2.76)

because the perpendicular distance of the mean center of a triangle from one of its sides is one third of the perpendicular distance from the side to the opposite vertex. Thus, if u = r 2 /a 2 = ( x¯ 2 + y¯ 2 )/a 2 then u = (1 − ω z−1 )2 + (1 − ω z)2 , du 2 ω 2 (z 2 − 1) (z 2 − ω−1 z + 1) = , dz z3 d 2 u 2 ω 2 (z 4 − 2 ω−1 z + 3) = . dz 2 z4

(2.77) (2.78) (2.79)

Moreover, the constraint (2.59) yields z>

3 ω. 2


The stable and unstable equilibria correspond to du/dz = 0, d 2 u/dz 2 > 0 and du/dz, d 2 u/dz 2 < 0, respectively. It follows that the symmetrical position, z = 1, in which the diagonals of the beam are either parallel or perpendicular to the waterline is an equilibrium provided ω < 2/3, or s < 1/2, but is only stable when ω > 1/2, or s > 9/32 = 0.28125. It is also possible to obtain equilibria in asymmetric positions such that z is the root of (2.81) z 2 − ω−1 z + 1 = 0. √ Such equilibria only exist for 2/3 < ω < 1/2, or 1/4 < s < 9/32, and are stable. In summary, the stable equilibrium configurations of a beam of square crosssection, floating with its length horizontal, are such that the sides are either parallel or perpendicular to the waterline for s < 0.2113, such that two corners are immersed but the sides and diagonals are neither parallel nor perpendicular to the waterline for 0.2113 < s < 0.25, such that only one corner is immersed but the sides and diagonals are neither parallel nor perpendicular to the waterline for 0.25 < s < 0.28125, and such that the diagonals are either parallel or perpendicular to waterline for 0.28125 < s < 0.5. For s > 0.5, the stable configurations are the same as those for a beam with the complimentary specific gravity 1 − s.

2.10 Rotational Hydrostatics Consider the equilibrium of an incompressible fluid that is uniformly rotating at a fixed angular velocity ω in some inertial frame of reference. Of course, such a fluid


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appears stationary in a non-inertial co-rotating reference frame. Moreover, according to standard Newtonian dynamics (Fitzpatrick 2012), the force balance equation for the fluid in the co-rotating frame takes the form (cf., Section 2.2) 0 = ∇p + ρ ∇Ψ + ρ ω × (ω × r),


where p is the static fluid pressure, ρ the mass density, Ψ the gravitational potential energy per unit mass, and r a position vector (measured with respect to an origin that lies on the axis of rotation). The final term on the right-hand side of the previous equation represents the fictitious centrifugal force density. Without loss of generality, we can assume that ω = ω ez . It follows that 0 = ∇p + ρ ∇(Ψ + Ψ  ),



1 (2.84) Ψ  = − ω 2 (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 is the so-called centrifugal potential. Recall, incidentally, that ρ is a uniform constant in an incompressible fluid. As an example, consider the equilibrium of a body of water, located on the Earth’s surface, that is uniformly rotating about a vertical axis at the fixed angular velocity ω. It is convenient to adopt cylindrical coordinates (see Section C.3), r, θ, z, whose symmetry axis coincides with the axis of rotation. Let z increase upward. It follows that Ψ = g z and Ψ  = −(1/2) ω 2 r 2 . Assuming that the pressure distribution is axisymmetric, so that p = p(r, z), the force balance equation, (2.83), reduces to ∂p ∂(Ψ + Ψ  ) +ρ = 0, ∂r ∂r ∂(Ψ + Ψ  ) ∂p +ρ = 0, ∂z ∂z

(2.85) (2.86)

or ∂p − ρ ω 2 r = 0, ∂r ∂p + ρ g = 0. ∂z The previous two equations can be integrated to give

1 2 2 p(r, z) = p0 + ρ ω r − g z , 2

(2.87) (2.88)


where p0 is a constant. Thus, constant pressure surfaces in a uniformly rotating body of water take the form of paraboloids of revolution about the rotation axis. Suppose that p0 represents atmospheric pressure. In this case, the surface of the water is the locus of p(r, z) = p0 : that is, it is the constant pressure surface whose



pressure matches that of the atmosphere. It follows that the surface of the water is the paraboloid of revolution ω2 2 z= r , (2.90) 2g where r is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation, and z = 0 the on-axis height of the surface. According to the analysis of Section 2.3, the buoyancy force acting on any corotating solid body, which is wholly or partially immersed in the water, is the same as that which would maintain the mass of water displaced by the body in relative equilibrium. In the case of a floating body, this mass is limited by the continuation of the water’s curved surface through the body. Let points G and H represent the centers of gravity and buoyancy, respectively, of the body. Of course, the latter point is simply the center of gravity of the displaced water. Suppose that G and H are located perpendicular distances rG and rH from the axis of rotation, respectively. Finally, let M be the mass of the body, and M0 the mass of the displaced water. It follows that the buoyancy force has an upward vertical component M0 g, and an outward horizontal component −M0 ω 2 rH . Thus, according to standard Newtonian dynamics (Fitzpatrick 2012), the equation of horizontal motion of a general co-rotating body is


M (r − ω 2 rG ) = −M0 ω 2 rH ,



where = d/dt. From Archimedes’ principle, M0 = M for the case of a floating body that is less dense than water. However, if the body is of uniform density then rH > rG , as a consequence of the curvature of the water’s surface. Hence, we obtain


r = −ω 2 (rH − rG ) < 0.


In other words, a floating body drifts radially inward towards the rotation axis. On the other hand, M0 < M for a fully submerged body that is more dense than water. However, if the body is of uniform density then its centers of gravity and buoyancy coincide with one another, so that rH = rG . Hence, we obtain


r = (M − M0 ) ω 2 rG > 0.


In other words, a fully submerged body drifts radially outward from the rotation axis. The previous analysis accounts for the common observation that objects heavier than water, such as grains of sand, tend to collect on the outer side of a bend in a fast flowing river, while floating objects, such as sticks, tend to collect on the inner side.

2.11 Equilibrium of a Rotating Liquid Body Consider a self-gravitating liquid body in outer space that is rotating uniformly about some fixed axis passing through its center of mass. What is the shape of the body’s


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bounding surface? This famous theoretical problem had its origins in investigations of the figure of a rotating planet, such as the Earth, that were undertaken by Newton, Maclaurin, Jacobi, Meyer, Liouville, Dirichlet, Dedekind, Riemann, and other celebrated scientists, in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries (Chandrasekhar 1969). Incidentally, it is reasonable to treat the Earth as a liquid, for the purpose of this calculation, because the shear strength of the solid rock out of which the terrestrial crust is composed is nowhere near sufficient to allow the actual shape of the Earth to deviate significantly from that of a hypothetical liquid Earth (Fitzpatrick 2012). In a co-rotating reference frame, the shape of a self-gravitating, rotating, liquid planet is determined by a competition between fluid pressure, gravity, and the fictitious centrifugal force. The latter force opposes gravity in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Of course, in the absence of rotation, the planet would be spherical. Thus, we would expect rotation to cause the planet to expand in the plane perpendicular to the rotation axis, and to contract along the rotation axis (in order to conserve volume). For the sake of simplicity, we shall restrict our investigation to a rotating planet of uniform density whose outer boundary is ellipsoidal. An ellipsoid is the threedimensional generalization of an ellipse. Let us adopt the right-handed Cartesian coordinate system x1 , x2 , x3 . An ellipse whose principal axes are aligned along the x1 - and x2 -axes satisfies x12 a12


x22 a22

= 1,


where a1 and a2 are the corresponding principal radii. Moreover, as is easily demonstrated,  dA = π a1 a2 ,

A=  xi2 dA = 

1 2 a A, 4 i

x1 x2 dA = 0,

(2.95) (2.96) (2.97)

where A is the area, dA an element of A, and the integrals are taken over the whole interior of the ellipse. Likewise, an ellipsoid whose principal axes are aligned along the x1 -, x2 -, and x3 -axes satisfies x12 a12


x22 a22


x32 a32

= 1,


where a1 , a2 , and a3 are the corresponding principal radii. Moreover, as is easily





dV =

4 π a1 a2 a3 , 3

1 2 a V, 5 i   x2 x3 dV = 0, x1 x2 dV = xi2 dV =

(2.99) (2.100) (2.101)

where V is the volume, dV an element of V, and the integrals are taken over the whole interior of the ellipsoid. Suppose that the planet is rotating uniformly about the x3 -axis at the fixed angular velocity ω. The planet’s moment of inertia about this axis is [cf., Equation (2.100)] I33 =

1 M (a12 + a22 ), 5


where M is its mass. Thus, the planet’s angular momentum is L = I33 ω =

1 M (a12 + a22 ) ω, 5


and its rotational kinetic energy becomes K=

1 1 I33 ω 2 = M (a12 + a22 ) ω 2 . 2 10


According to Equations (2.83) and (2.84), the fluid pressure distribution within the planet takes the form

1 p = p0 − ρ Ψ − ω 2 (x12 + x22 ) , (2.105) 2 where Ψ is the gravitational potential (i.e., the gravitational potential energy of a unit test mass) due to the planet, ρ = M/V the uniform planetary mass density, and p0 a constant. However, it is demonstrated in Appendix D that the gravitational potential inside a homogeneous self-gravitating ellipsoidal body can be written (Chandrasekhar 1969; Lamb 1993)      3 2 Ψ = − G M α0 − αi xi  , (2.106) 4 i=1,3 where G is the universal gravitational constant (Yoder 1995), and  ∞ du , α0 = ∆ 0  ∞ du αi = , 2 0 (ai + u) ∆ ∆ = (a12 + u)1/2 (a22 + u)1/2 (a32 + u)1/2 .

(2.107) (2.108) (2.109)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Thus, we obtain

3 3 1 3 p = p0 − ρ G M α1 − ω 2 x12 + G M α2 − ω 2 x22 + G M α3 x32 , (2.110) 2 2 2 2 where p0 is the central fluid pressure. The pressure at the planet’s outer boundary must be zero, otherwise there would be a force imbalance across the boundary. In other words, we require

3 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 ρ G M α1 − ω x1 + G M α2 − ω x2 + G M α3 x3 = p0 , (2.111) 2 2 2 2 whenever

x12 a12


x22 a22


x32 a32

= 1.


The previous two equations can only be simultaneously satisfied if

ω2 ω2 α1 − a12 = α2 − a 2 = α3 a32 . (3/2) G M (3/2) G M 2 Rearranging the previous expression, we obtain  ∞ ω2 a1 a3 2 u du = (a2 − a32 ) , 2 2 2π G ρ a2 0 (a2 + u) (a3 + u) ∆



subject to the constraint  (a12

a22 )


  


  du = 0, − 2  2 2 (a1 + u) (a2 + u) (a3 + u) ∆ a12 a22



where use has been made of Equation (2.99). Finally, according to Appendix D, the net gravitational potential energy of the planet is 3 U = − G M 2 α0 . (2.116) 10 Hence, the body’s total mechanical energy becomes E = K+U =

3 1 M (a12 + a22 ) ω 2 − G M 2 α0 . 10 10


2.12 Maclaurin Spheroids One, fairly obvious, way in which the constraint (2.115) can be satisfied is if a2 = a1 . In other words, if the planet is rotationally symmetric about its axis of rotation. An ellipsoid that is rotationally symmetric about a principal axis—or, equivalently, an



ellipsoid with two equal principal radii—is known as a spheroid. In fact, if a2 = a1 then the cross-section of the planet’s outer boundary in any plane passing though the x3 -axis is an ellipse of major radius a1 in the direction perpendicular to the x3 -axis, and minor radius a3 in the direction parallel to the x3 -axis. Here, we are assuming that a1 > a3 : that is, the planet is flattened along its axis of rotation. The degree of flattening is conveniently measured by the eccentricity, e13 ≡ (1 − a32 /a12 )1/2 .


Thus, if e13 = 0 then there is no flattening, and the planet is consequently spherical, whereas if e13 → 1 then the flattening is complete, and the planet consequently collapses to a disk in the x1 -x2 plane. 2 Let u = a12 λ and λ = e13 /z 2 − 1. Setting a2 = a1 in Equation (2.114), we obtain  ∞ ω2 λ dλ 2 1/2 2 = (1 − e13 ) e13 2 (1 + λ − e 2 )3/2 2π G ρ (1 + λ) 0 13

 e13 2 1/2  e13 2 2 (1 − e13 ) z dz z 2 dz 2 = − (1 − e13 ) . (2.119) 3 (1 − z 2 )1/2 (1 − z 2 )3/2 e13 0 0 Performing the integrals, which are standard (Speigel, Liu, and Lipschutz 1999), we find that    2   3 − 2 e13  3   ω2 2 1/2 −1 2  2  (1 − e13  =  ) sin e − ). (2.120) (1 − e 13  13 3 2π G ρ e13 e13 This famous result was first obtained by Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746) in 1742. Finally, in order to calculate the potential energy, (2.116), we need to evaluate  ∞  e13 1 2 dλ dz = α0 = 2 1/2 a1 0 (1 + λ) (1 + λ − e13 ) a1 e13 0 (1 − z 2 )1/2 =

2 sin−1 e13 . a1 e13


Let e13 = sin γ. Thus, γ = 0 corresponds to no rotational flattening, and γ = π/2 to complete flattening. Moreover, a1 = a0 (cos γ)−1/3 and a3 = a0 (cos γ)2/3 , where a0 = (a1 a2 a3 )1/3 = (3 V/4π)1/3 is the mean radius. It is also helpful to define ω = ω/(2π G ρ)1/2, L = L/(G M 3 a0 )1/2 , and E = E/(G M 2 /a0 ). The previous analysis leads to the following set of equations that specify the properties of the so-called Maclaurin spheroids:

cos γ γ 2 2 − 3 cos γ , (2.122) ω = (1 + 2 cos γ) sin γ sin2 γ √

1/2 6 (cos γ)−1/6 γ − 3 cos γ L= , (2.123) (1 + 2 cos2 γ) 5 sin γ sin γ

γ 3 (cos γ)1/3 2 + 3 cos γ . (2.124) E=− (1 − 4 cos γ) 10 sin2 γ sin γ


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics e13 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55

ω 0.00000 0.02582 0.05168 0.07758 0.10357 0.12967 0.15591 0.18231 0.20889 0.23567 0.26267 0.28989

L 0.00000 0.01266 0.02540 0.03830 0.05144 0.06491 0.07882 0.09329 0.10846 0.12450 0.14163 0.16013

−E 0.60000 0.59980 0.59919 0.59817 0.59672 0.59479 0.59236 0.58936 0.58572 0.58135 0.57612 0.56986

e13 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99

ω 0.31729 0.34484 0.37239 0.39967 0.42612 0.45046 0.46932 0.47045 0.46472 0.45418 0.43475 0.39389

L 0.18037 0.20286 0.22834 0.25792 0.29345 0.33833 0.39994 0.50074 0.53194 0.57123 0.62486 0.71209

−E 0.56233 0.55320 0.54200 0.52800 0.51001 0.48587 0.45107 0.39272 0.37485 0.35273 0.32351 0.27916

Table 2.1 Properties of the Maclaurin spheroids. These properties are set out in Table 2.1. In the limit, γ → 0, in which the planet is relatively slowly rotating (i.e., ω  1), and its degree of flattening consequently slight, Equations (2.122)–(2.124) reduce to √ 15 ω, (2.125) e13 2 √ 6 ω, (2.126) L 5 3 E − . (2.127) 5 In other words, in the limit of relatively slow rotation, when the planet is almost spherical, its eccentricity becomes directly proportional to its angular velocity. In this case, it is more conventional to parameterize angular velocity in terms of m=

ω 2 a0 3 2 = ω , g0 2


where g0 = G M 2 /a02 is the mean surface gravitational acceleration. Furthermore, the degree of rotational flattening is more conveniently expressed in terms of the ellipticity, 2 a1 − a3 e13 . (2.129) = a0 2 Thus, it follows from (2.125) that 

5 m. 4





ω ˆ2 0.1


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 e13

Figure 2.5 Normalized angular velocity squared of a Maclaurin spheroid (solid) and a Jacobi ellipsoid (dashed) versus the eccentricity e13 in the x1 -x3 plane. For the case of the Earth (ω = 7.27 × 10−5 rad. s−1 , a0 = 6.37 × 106 m, g0 = 9.81 m s−1—Yoder 1995), we obtain m

1 . 291


Thus, it follows that, were the Earth homogeneous, its figure would be a spheroid, flattened at the poles, of ellipticity 

1 5 1 . 4 291 233


This result was first obtained by Newton. The actual ellipticity of the Earth is about 1/294 (Yoder 1995), which is substantially smaller than Newton’s prediction. The discrepancy is due to the fact that the Earth is strongly inhomogeneous, being much denser at its core than in its outer regions. Figures 2.5 and 2.6 illustrate the variation of the normalized angular velocity, ω, and angular momentum, L, of a Maclaurin spheroid with its eccentricity, e13 , as predicted by Equations (2.122)–(2.124). It can be seen, from Figure 2.5, that there is a limit to how large the normalized angular velocity of such a spheroid can become. The limiting value corresponds to ω = 0.47399, and occurs when e13 = 0.92995. For values of ω lying below 0.47399 there are two possible Maclaurin spheroids, one with an eccentricity less than 0.92995, and one with an eccentricity


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 ˆ L 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 e13

Figure 2.6 Normalized angular momentum of a Maclaurin spheroid (solid) and a Jacobi ellipsoid (dashed) versus the eccentricity e13 in the x1 -x3 plane. greater than 0.92995. Note, however, from Figure 2.6, that despite the fact that the angular velocity, ω, of a Maclaurin spheroid varies in a non-monotonic manner with the eccentricity, e13 , the angular momentum, L, increases monotonically with e13 , becoming infinite in the limit e13 → 1. It follows that there is no upper limit to the angular momentum of a Maclaurin spheroid.

2.13 Jacobi Ellipsoids If a2  a1 (i.e., if the outer boundary of the rotating body is ellipsoidal, rather than spheroidal) then the constraint (2.115) can only be satisfied when  0

  


a12 a22 (a12 + u) (a22 + u)

  du  = 0. 2 (a3 + u) ∆ a32


Without loss of generality, we can assume that a1 ≥ a2 ≥ a3 . Let a2 = a1 cos β,


a3 = a1 cos γ,




where γ ≥ β. It follows that the cross-sections of the planet’s outer boundary in the x1 -x2 and x1 -x3 planes are ellipses of eccentricities e12 = (1 − a32 /a22 )1/2 = sin β,


e13 = (1 − a32 /a12 )1/2 = sin γ,


respectively. It is also helpful to define α = sin−1 (sin β/ sin γ).


Let sin2 θ = [a12 /(a12 + u)] sin2 γ. Here, u = 0 corresponds to θ = γ, and u = ∞ to θ = 0. Equations (2.115) and (2.114) transform to (Darwin 1886)

1 + (sin α tan β cos γ)2 E(γ, α) E(γ, α) − 2 F(γ, α) + cos2 α sin α tan β cos γ (1 + sin2 β) = 0, cos2 α


F(γ, α) − E(γ, α) cos β E(γ, α) cos2 β + − , ω =2 tan β sin β tan γ tan3 γ cos2 α tan2 γ cos2 α


− and


respectively, where 


E(γ, α) =

(1 − sin2 α sin2 θ)1/2 dθ,


dθ , (1 − sin2 α sin2 θ)1/2



 F(γ, α) =



are special functions known as incomplete elliptic integrals (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965). The integral α0 , defined in Equation (2.107), transforms to α0 =

2 (cos β cos γ)1/3 F(γ, α). a0 sin γ


Finally, making use of some of the analysis in the previous two sections, the normalized angular momentum, and normalized mechanical energy, of the planet can be written √ 6 1 + cos2 β L= ω, (2.144) 10 (cos β cos γ)2/3 E=−

3 1 + cos2 β 3 (cos β cos γ)1/3 F(γ, α) + ω 2, 5 sin γ 20 (cos β cos γ)2/3


respectively. The constraint (2.139) is obviously satisfied in the limit β → 0, because this


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics











0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55

0.81267 0.81293 0.81372 0.81504 0.81691 0.81934 0.82237 0.82603 0.83037 0.83544 0.84131 0.84808

0.43257 0.43257 0.43257 0.43256 0.43253 0.43248 0.43237 0.43220 0.43191 0.43146 0.43078 0.42976

0.30375 0.30375 0.30375 0.30377 0.30380 0.30388 0.30402 0.30427 0.30468 0.30532 0.30628 0.30772

0.50452 0.50459 0.50459 0.50458 0.50457 0.50453 0.50445 0.50432 0.50410 0.50376 0.50326 0.50250

0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99

0.85585 0.86480 0.87510 0.88705 0.90102 0.91761 0.93778 0.96340 0.96950 0.97605 0.98317 0.99101

0.42827 0.42609 0.42288 0.41807 0.41069 0.39879 0.37787 0.33353 0.31776 0.29691 0.26722 0.21809

0.30984 0.31296 0.31760 0.32462 0.33562 0.35390 0.38783 0.46860 0.50078 0.54672 0.62003 0.76872

0.50138 0.49975 0.49734 0.49372 0.48814 0.47908 0.46295 0.42782 0.41499 0.39771 0.37241 0.32842

Table 2.2 Properties of the Jacobi ellipsoids.

implies that α → 0 and E(γ, α), F(γ, α) → γ. Of course, this limit corresponds to the axisymmetric Maclaurin spheroids discussed in the previous section. Carl Jacobi (1804-1851), in 1834, was the first researcher to obtain the very surprising result that Equation (2.139) also has non-axisymmetric ellipsoidal solutions characterized by β > 0. These solutions are known as the Jacobi ellipsoids in his honor. The properties of the Jacobi ellipsoids, as determined from Equations (2.139), (2.140), (2.144), and (2.145), are set out in Table 2.2, and illustrated in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. It can be seen that the sequence of Jacobi ellipsoids bifurcates from the sequence of Maclaurin spheroids when e13 = 0.81267. Moreover, there are no Jacobi ellipsoids with e13 < 0.81267. However, as e13 increases above this critical value, the eccentricity, e12 , of the Jacobi ellipsoids in the x1 -x2 plane grows rapidly, approaching unity as e13 approaches unity. Thus, in the limit e13 → 1, in which a Maclaurin spheroid collapses to a disk in the x1 -x2 plane, a Jacobi ellipsoid collapses to a line running along the x1 -axis. Note, from Figures 2.5 and 2.6, that, at fixed e13 , the Jacobi ellipsoids have lower angular velocity and angular momentum than Maclaurin spheroids (with the same mass and volume). Furthermore, as is the case for a Maclaurin spheroid, there is a maximum angular velocity that a Jacobi ellipsoid can have (i.e., ω = 0.43257), but no maximum angular momentum. Figure 2.7 shows the mechanical energy of the Maclaurin spheroids and Jacobi ellipsoids plotted as a function of their angular momentum. It can be seen that the Jacobi ellipsoid with a given angular momentum has a lower energy that the corresponding Maclaurin spheroid (i.e., the spheroid with the same angular momentum, mass, and volume). This is significant because, in the presence of a small amount of dissipation (i.e., viscosity), we would generally expect an isolated fluid system to slowly evolve toward the equilibrium state with the lowest energy, subject to any global constraints on the system. For the case of a weakly viscous, isolated, rotat-



0.6 0.5


0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0




0.6 ˆ L




Figure 2.7 Normalized mechanical energy of a Maclaurin spheroid (solid) and a Jacobi ellipsoid (dashed) versus the normalized angular momentum.

ing, liquid planet, the relevant constraints are that the mass, volume, and net angular momentum of the system cannot spontaneously change. Thus, we expect such a planet to evolve toward the equilibrium state with the lowest energy for a given mass, volume, and angular momentum. This suggests, from Figure 2.7, that at relatively high angular momentum (i.e., L > 0.30375, e13 > 0.81267), when the Jacobi ellipsoid solutions exist, they are stable equilibrium states (because there is no lower energy state to which the system can evolve), whereas the Maclaurin spheroids are unstable. On the other hand, at relatively low angular momentum (i.e., L < 0.30375, e13 < 0.81267), when there are no Jacobi ellipsoid solutions, the Maclaurin spheroids are stable equilibrium states (again, because there is no lower energy state to which they can evolve). These predictions are borne out by the results of direct stability analysis performed on the Maclaurin spheroids and Jacobi ellipsoids (Chandrasekhar 1969). In fact, such stability studies demonstrate that the Maclaurin spheroids are unstable in the presence of weak dissipation for e13 > 0.81267, and unconditionally unstable for e13 > 0.95289. The Jacobi ellipsoids, on the other hand, are unconditionally stable for e13 < 0.93858, but are unconditionally unstable for e13 > 0.93858, evolving toward lower energy “pear shaped” equilibria (which are, themselves, unstable in the presence of weak dissipation).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

2.14 Roche Ellipsoids Consider a homogeneous liquid moon of mass M that is in a circular orbit of radius R about a planet of mass M  . Let C, C  , and C  be the center of the moon, the center of the planet, and the center of mass of the moon-planet system, respectively. As is easily demonstrated, all three points lie on the same straight-line, and the distances between them take the constant values CC  = R and CC  = [M  /(M + M  )] R (Fitzpatrick 2012). Moreover, according to standard Newtonian dynamics, there exists an inertial frame of reference in which C  is stationary, and the line CC  rotates at the fixed angular velocity ω, where (Fitzpatrick 2012) ω2 =

G (M + M  ) . R3


In other words, in the inertial frame, the moon and the planet orbit in a fixed plane about their common center of mass at the angular velocity ω. It is convenient to transform to a non-inertial reference frame that rotates (with respect to the inertial frame), about an axis passing through C  , at the angular velocity ω. It follows that points C, C  , and C  appear stationary in this frame. It is also convenient to adopt the standard right-handed Cartesian coordinates, x1 , x2 , x3 , and to choose the coordinate axes such that ω = ω e3 , C = (0, 0, 0), C  = (R, 0, 0), and C  = ([M  /(M + M  )] R, 0, 0). Thus, in the non-inertial reference frame, the orbital rotation axis runs parallel to the x3 -axis, and the centers of the moon and the planet both lie on the x1 -axis. Suppose that the moon does not rotate (about an axis passing through its center of mass) in the non-inertial reference frame. This implies that, in the inertial frame, the moon appears to rotate about an axis parallel to the x3 -axis, and passing through C, at the same angular velocity as it orbits about C  . This type of rotation is termed synchronous, and ensures that the same hemisphere of the moon is always directed toward the planet. Such rotation is fairly common in the solar system. For instance, the Moon rotates synchronously in such a manner that the same hemisphere is always visible from the Earth. Synchronous rotation in the solar system is a consequence of process known as tidal locking (Murray and Dermott 1999). Because a synchronously rotating moon is completely stationary in the aforementioned non-inertial frame, its internal pressure, p, is governed by a force balance equation of the form [cf., Equation (2.83)] 0 = ∇p + ρ ∇(Ψ + Ψ  + Ψ  ),


where ρ is the uniform internal mass density, Ψ the gravitational potential due to the moon, Ψ  the gravitational potential due to the planet, and 

 2  1 2  M  2  Ψ = − ω  x1 − R + x (2.148) 2 2 M + M the centrifugal potential due to the fact that the non-inertial frame is rotating (about



an axis parallel to the x3 -axis and passing through point C  ) at the angular velocity ω [cf., Equation (2.84)]. Suppose that the moon is much less massive that the planet (i.e., M/M   1). In this limit, the centrifugal potential (2.148) reduces to    1 x1 (1/2) x12 + (1/2) x22   Ψ −  − + (2.149)  , 2 R R2 where use has been made of Equation (2.146). Suppose that the planet is spherical. It follows that the potential Ψ  is the same as that which would be generated by a point mass M  located at C  . In other words,  −1/2 x 2 + x22 + x32  G M   x 1 − 2 1 + 1  R R R2    G M   x1 x12 − (1/2) x22 − (1/2) x32  + − + · · ·  , 1 + R R R2

Ψ = −

where we have expanded up to second order in x1 /R, et cetera. The previous two equations can be combined to give

3 2 1 2 x1 − x3 , Ψ  + Ψ  −λ 2 2




G M , (2.152) R3 and any constant terms have been neglected. Thus, the net force field experienced by the moon due to the combined action of the fictitious centrifugal force and the gravitational force field of the planet is λ=

−ρ ∇(Ψ  + Ψ  ) = ρ λ (3 x1 , 0, −x3 ).


The previous type of force field is known as a tidal force field, and clearly acts to elongate the moon along the axis joining the centers of the moon and planet (i.e., the x1 -axis), and to compress it along the orbital rotation axis (i.e., the x3 -axis). Moreover, the magnitude of the tidal force increases linearly with distance from the center of the moon. The tidal force field is a consequence of the different spatial variation of the centrifugal force and the planet’s gravitational force of attraction. This different variation causes these two forces, which balance one another at the center of the moon, to not balance away from the center (Fitzpatrick 2012). As a result of the tidal force field, we expect the shape of the moon to be distorted from a sphere. Of course, the moon also generates a tidal force field that acts to distort the shape of the planet. However, we are assuming that the tidal distortion of the planet is much smaller than that of the moon (which justifies our earlier statement that the planet is essentially spherical). As will be demonstrated later, this assumption is reasonable provided the mass of the moon is much less than that of the planet (assuming that the planet and moon have similar densities).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Suppose that the bounding surface of the moon is the ellipsoid x12 a12


x22 a22


x32 a32

= 1,


where a1 ≥ a2 ≥ a3 . It follows, from Appendix D, that the gravitational potential of the moon at an interior point can be written      3 2  Ψ = − G M α0 − αi xi  , (2.155) 4 i=1,3

where the integrals αi , for i = 0, 3, are defined in Equations (D.30) and (D.31). Hence, from Equations (2.147) and (2.151), the pressure distribution within the moon is given by

3 3 1 3 p = p0 − ρ G M α1 − 3 λ x12 + G M α2 x22 + G M α3 + λ x32 , (2.156) 2 2 2 2 where p0 is the central pressure. The pressure must be zero on the moon’s bounding surface, otherwise this surface would not be in equilibrium. Thus, in order to achieve equilibrium, we require

3 3 3 1 ρ G M α1 − 3 λ x12 + G M α2 x22 + G M α3 + λ x32 = p0 , (2.157) 2 2 2 2 whenever x12 a12


x22 a22


x32 a32

= 1.

The previous two equations can only be simultaneously satisfied if

3λ λ α1 − a12 = α2 a22 = α3 + a 2. (3/2) G M (3/2) G M 3



Let a2 = a1 cos β and a3 = a1 cos γ, where γ ≥ β. It is also helpful to define α = sin−1 (sin β/ sin γ). With the help of some of the analysis presented in the previous section, the integrals αi , for i = 1, 3, can be shown to take the form F(γ, α) − E(γ, α) 2 , a13 sin3 γ sin2 α

E(γ, α) F(γ, α) cos γ sin γ 2 − − α2 = 2 , cos2 α cos β a1 sin3 γ sin2 α cos2 α sin2 α

2 cos β sin γ E(γ, α) α3 = 2 + , − cos2 α cos2 α cos γ a1 sin3 γ

α1 =

(2.160) (2.161) (2.162)




e13 − e12






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 e13

Figure 2.8 Properties of the Roche ellipsoids. where the incomplete elliptic integrals E(γ, α) and F(γ, α) are defined in Equations (2.141) and (2.142), respectively. Thus, Equation (2.159) yields

cos2 β 1 F(γ, α) (1 + cos2 β) − E(γ, α) 1 + µ= sin β tan β tan γ cos2 α

sin α sin β cos β cos γ + , (2.163) cos2 α subject to the constraint

cos2 β sin α sin β cos β cos γ 2 0 = cos γ F(γ, α) − 2 E(γ, α) + E(γ, α) − cos2 α cos2 α cos2 β + (3 + cos2 γ) E(γ, α) + [F(γ, α) cos2 α − 2 E(γ, α)] cos2 α

2 sin α sin β cos β cos γ , (2.164) + cos2 α where µ=

M  a03 , M R3


and a0 = (a1 a2 a3 )1/3 is the mean radius of the moon. The dimensionless parameter


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics e12 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.48

e13 0.00000 0.04613 0.09223 0.13809 0.18364 0.22879 0.27346 0.31756 0.36104 0.40383 0.44588 0.48718 0.52769

µ 0.00000 0.00213 0.00852 0.01913 0.03392 0.05282 0.07573 0.10253 0.13308 0.16721 0.20470 0.24528 0.28865

e12 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.64 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00

e13 0.56740 0.60632 0.64445 0.68182 0.71848 0.75446 0.78984 0.82472 0.85923 0.89353 0.92793 0.96294 1.00000

µ 0.33440 0.38204 0.43094 0.48027 0.52890 0.57532 0.61729 0.65150 0.67265 0.67151 0.62978 0.50135 0.00000

Table 2.3 Properties of the Roche ellipsoids. µ measures the strength of the tidal distortion field, generated by the planet, that acts on the moon. There is an analogous parameter, µ =

3 M a0 , M R 3


where a0 is the mean radius of the planet, which measures the tidal distortion field, generated by the moon, that acts on the planet. We previously assumed that the former distortion field is much stronger than the latter, allowing us to neglect the tidal distortion of the planet altogether, and so to treat it as a sphere. This assumption is only justified if µ µ , which implies that M ρ ,  M ρ


where ρ = M/[(4/3) π a03] and ρ = M  /[(4/3) π a0 3 ] are the mean densities of the moon and the planet, respectively. Assuming that these densities are similar, the previous condition reduces to M  M  , or, equivalently, a0 < a0 . In other words, neglecting the tidal distortion of the planet, while retaining that of the moon, is generally only reasonable when the mass of the moon is much less than that of the planet, as was previously assumed to be the case. Equations (2.163) and (2.164), which describe the ellipsoidal equilibria of a synchronously rotating, relatively low mass, liquid moon due to the tidal force field of ´ the planet about which it orbits, were first obtained by Edouard Roche (1820-1883) in 1850. The properties of the so-called Roche ellipsoids are set out in Table 2.3, and Figures 2.8 and 2.9.



0.07 0.06 0.05 µ 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 e13

Figure 2.9 Properties of the Roche ellipsoids. It can be seen, from Table 2.3 and Figure 2.8, that the eccentricity e12 = sin β of a Roche ellipsoid in the x1 -x2 plane is almost equal to its eccentricity e13 = sin γ in the x1 -x3 plane. In other words, Roche ellipsoids are almost spheroidal in shape, being elongated along the x1 -axis (i.e., the axis joining the centers of the moon and the planet), and compressed by almost equal amounts along the x2 - and x3 -axes. In the limit µ  1, in which the tidal distortion field due to the planet is weak, it is easily shown that 2 2 e13 e12

15 µ. 2


For the case of the tidal distortion field generated by the Earth, and acting on the Moon, which is characterized by M/M  = 0.01230 and R/a0 = 221.29, we obtain µ = 7.50 × 10−6 (Yoder 1995). It follows that e13 = 7.50 × 10−3 , and (a1 − a3 )/a1 2 e13 /2 = 2.81 × 10−5. In other words, were the Moon a homogeneous liquid body, the elongation generated by the tidal field of the Earth would be about 50 m. It can be seen, from Table 2.3 and Figure 2.9, that the parameter µ attains a maximum value as the eccentricity of a Roche ellipsoid varies from 0 to 1. In fact, this maximum value, µ = 0.06757, occurs when e12 = 0.8594 and e13 = 0.8759. It follows that there is a maximum strength of the tidal distortion field, generated by a planet, that is consistent with an ellipsoidal equilibrium of a synchronously rotating, homogeneous, liquid moon in a circular orbit about the planet. It is plausible that if this maximum strength is exceeded then the moon is tidally disrupted by the planet.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

The equilibrium condition µ < 0.06757 is equivalent to

 1/3 ρ R > 2.455 , a0 ρ


where ρ = M/[(4/3) π a03] and ρ = M  /[(4/3) π a0 3 ] are the mean densities of the moon and the planet, respectively. According to the previous expression, there is a minimum orbital radius of a moon circling a planet. Below this radius, which is called the Roche radius, the moon is presumably torn apart by tidal effects. The Roche radius for a synchronously rotating, self-gravitating, liquid moon in a circular orbit about a spherical planet is about 2.5 times the planet’s radius (assuming that the moon and the planet have approximately the same mass density). Of course, relatively small objects, such as artificial satellites, which are held together by internal tensile strength, rather than gravity, can orbit inside the Roche radius without being disrupted.

2.15 Exercises 2.1 A hollow vessel floats in a basin. If, as a consequence of a leak, water flows slowly into the vessel, how will the level of the water in the basin be affected? (Lamb 1928.) 2.2 A hollow spherical shell made up of material of specific gravity s > 1 has external and internal radii a and b, respectively. Demonstrate that the sphere will only float in water if

1/3 1 b > 1− . a s 2.3 Show that the equilibrium of a solid of uniform density floating with an edge or corner just emerging from the water is unstable. (Lamb 1928.) 2.4 Prove that if a solid of uniform density floats with a flat face just above the waterline then the equilibrium is stable. (Lamb 1928.) 2.5 Demonstrate that a uniform solid cylinder floating with its axis horizontal is in a stable equilibrium provided that its length exceeds the breadth of the waterline section. [Hint: The cylinder is obviously neutrally stable to rotations about its axis, which means that the corresponding metacentric height is zero.] (Lamb 1928.) 2.6 Show that a uniform solid cylinder of radius √ a and height h can float in stable equilibrium, with its axis vertical, if h/a < 2. If the ratio h/a exceeds this



value, prove that the equilibrium is only stable when the specific gravity of the cylinder lies outside the range    1  a 2  1 ± 1 − 2 2  . 2 h 2.7 A uniform, thin, hollow cylinder of radius a and height h is open at both ends. Assuming that h > 2 a, prove that the cylinder cannot float upright if its specific gravity lies in the range  1 a2 1 ± − . 2 4 h2 (Lamb 1928.) 2.8 Show that the cylinder of the preceding exercise can float with its axis horizontal provided √ h > 3 sin(s π), 2a where s is the specific gravity of the cylinder. (Lamb 1928.) 2.9 Prove that any segment of a uniform sphere, made up of a substance lighter than water, can float in stable equilibrium with its plane surface horizontal and immersed. (Lamb 1928.) 2.10 A vessel carries a tank of oil, of specific gravity s, running along its length. Assuming that the surface of the oil is at sea level, show that the effect of the oil’s fluidity on the rolling of the vessel is equivalent to a reduction in the metacentric height by A κ 2 s/V, where V is the displacement of the ship, A the surface-area of the tank, and κ the radius of gyration of this area. In what ratio is the effect diminished when a longitudinal partition bisects the tank? (Lamb 1928.) 2.11 Find the stable equilibrium configurations of a cylinder of elliptic crosssection, with major and minor radii a and b < a, respectively, made up of material of specific gravity s, which floats with its axis horizontal. 2.12 A cylindrical tank has a circular cross-section of radius a. Let the center of gravity of the tank be located a distance c above its base. Suppose that the tank is pivoted about a horizontal axis passing through its center of gravity, and is then filled with fluid up to a depth h above its base. Demonstrate that the position in which the tank’s axis is upright is unstable for all filling depths provided 1 c 2 < a 2. 2 Show that if c 2 > (1/2) a 2 then the upright position is stable when h lies in the range  c ± c 2 − a 2 /2.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

2.13 A thin cylindrical vessel of cross-sectional area A floats upright, being immersed to a depth h, and contains water to a depth k. Show that the work required to pump out the water is ρ0 A k (h − k) g. (Lamb 1928.) 2.14 A sphere of radius a is just immersed in water that is contained in a cylindrical vessel of radius R whose axis is vertical. Prove that if the sphere is raised just clear of the water then the water’s loss of potential energy is

2 a2 , Wa 1− 3 R2 where W is the weight of the water originally displaced by the sphere. (Lamb 1928.) 2.15 A sphere of radius a, weight W, and specific gravity s > 1, rests on the bottom of a cylindrical vessel of radius R whose axis is vertical, and which contains water to a depth h > 2 a. Show that the work required to lift the sphere out of the vessel is less than if the water had been absent by an amount

2 a3 W . h−a− 3 R2 s (Lamb 1928.) 2.16 A lead weight is immersed in water that is steadily rotating at an angular velocity ω about a vertical axis, the weight being suspended from a fixed point on this axis by a string of length l. Prove that the position in which the weight hangs vertically downward is stable or unstable depending on whether l < g/ω 2 or l > g/ω 2 , respectively. Also, show that if the vertical position is unstable then there exists a stable inclined position in which the string is normal to the surface of equal pressure passing though the weight. 2.17 A thin cylindrical vessel of radius a and height H is orientated such that its axis is vertical. Suppose that the vessel is filled with liquid of density ρ to some height h < H above the base, spun about its axis at a steady angular velocity ω, and the liquid allowed to attain a steady state. Demonstrate that, provided ω 2 a 2 /g < 4 h and ω 2 a 2 /g < 4 (H − h), the net radial thrust on the vertical walls of the vessel is

2 ω2 a2 . π a h2 ρ g 1 + 4gh 2.18 A thin cylindrical vessel of radius a with a plane horizontal lid is just filled with liquid of density ρ, and the whole rotated about a vertical axis at a fixed angular velocity ω. Prove that the net upward thrust of the fluid on the lid is 1 π a 4 ρ ω 2. 4



2.19 A liquid-filled thin spherical vessel of radius a spins about a vertical diameter at the fixed angular velocity ω. Assuming that the liquid co-rotates with the vessel, and that ω 2 > g/a, show that the pressure on the wall of the vessel is greatest a depth g/ω 2 below the center. Also prove that the net normal thrusts on the lower and upper hemispheres are 5 3 Mg+ M ω 2 a, 4 16 and

1 3 Mg− M ω 2 a, 4 16 respectively, where M is the mass of the liquid. 2.20 A closed cubic vessel filled with water is rotating about a vertical axis passing through the centers of two opposite sides. Demonstrate that, as a consequence of the rotation, the net thrust on a side is increased by 1 4 a ρ ω 2, 6 where a is the length of an edge of the cube, and ω the angular velocity of rotation. 2.21 A closed vessel filled with water is rotating at constant angular velocity ω about a horizontal axis. Show that, in the state of relative equilibrium, the constant pressure surfaces in the water are circular cylinders whose common axis is a height g/ω 2 above the axis of rotation. (Batchelor 2000.) 2.22 Verify Equations (2.95)–(2.97) and (2.99)–(2.101). 2.23 Consider a homogeneous, rotating, liquid body of mass M, mean radius a0 , and angular velocity ω, whose outer boundary is a Maclaurin spheroid of eccentricity e. (a) Demonstrate that


ω 5 2 (G M/a03 )1/2

in the low rotation limit, ω  (G M/a03 )1/2 . Hence, show that e = 0.09262 for the case of a homogeneous body with the same mass and volume as the Earth, which rotates once every 24 hours. (b) Show that the critical angular velocity at which the bifurcation to the sequence of Jacobi ellipsoids takes place is ω = 0.5298 (G M/a03)1/2 , and occurs when e = 0.81267. Hence, show that, for the case of a homogeneous body with the same mass and volume as the Earth, the bifurcation would take place at a critical rotation period of 2 h 39 m.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics (c) Demonstrate that the maximum angular velocity consistent with a spheroidal shape is ω = 0.5805 (G M/a03)1/2 , and occurs when e = 0.92995. Hence, show that, for the case of a homogeneous body with the same mass and volume as the Earth, this maximum velocity corresponds to a minimum rotation period of 2 h 25 m.

3 Surface Tension

3.1 Introduction As is well known, small drops of water in air, and small bubbles of gas in water, tend to adopt spherical shapes. This observation, and a host of other natural phenomena, can only be accounted for on the hypothesis that an interface between two different media is associated with a particular form of energy whose magnitude is directly proportional to the interfacial area. To be more exact, if S is the interfacial area then the contribution of the interface to the Helmholtz free energy of the system takes the form γ S , where γ only depends on the temperature and chemical composition of the two media on either side of the interface. It follows, from standard thermodynamics, that γ S is the work that must be performed on the system in order to create the interface via an isothermal and reversible process (Reif 1965). However, this work is exactly the same as that which we would calculate on the assumption that the interface is in a state of uniform constant tension per unit length γ. Thus, γ can be interpreted as both a free energy per unit area of the interface, and a surface tension. This tension is such that a force of magnitude γ per unit length is exerted across any line drawn on the interface, in a direction normal to the line, and tangential to the interface. More information on surface tension can be found in Lamb 1928, and Batchelor 2000. Surface tension originates from intermolecular cohesive forces. The average free energy of a molecule in a given isotropic medium possessing an interface with a second medium is independent of its position, provided that the molecule does not lie too close to the interface. However, the free energy is modified when the molecule’s distance from the interface becomes less than the range of the cohesive forces (which is typically 10−9 m). Because this range is so small, the number of molecules in a macroscopic system whose free energies are affected by the presence of an interface is directly proportional to the interfacial area. Hence, the contribution of the interface to the total free energy of the system is also proportional to the interfacial area. If only one of the two media in question is a condensed phase then the parameter γ is invariably positive (i.e., such that a reduction in the surface area is energetically favorable). This follows because the molecules of a liquid or a solid are subject to an attractive force from neighboring molecules. However, molecules that are near to an interface with a gas lack neighbors on one side, and so experience an unbalanced cohesive force directed toward the interior of the liquid/solid. The existence of this 73


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

n 2 1


t t×n

Figure 3.1 Interface between two immiscible fluids. force makes it energetically favorable for the interface to contract (i.e., γ > 0). On the other hand, if the interface separates a liquid and a solid, or a liquid and another liquid, then the sign of γ cannot be predicted by this argument. In fact, it is possible for both signs of γ to occur at liquid/solid and liquid/liquid interfaces. The surface tension of a water/air interface at 20◦ C is γ = 7.28 × 10−2 N m−1 (Batchelor 2000). The surface tension at most oil/air interfaces is much lower— typically, γ 2×10−2 N m−1 (Batchelor 2000). On the other hand, interfaces between liquid metals and air generally have very large surface tensions. For instance, the surface tension of a mercury/air interface at 20◦ C is 4.87 × 10−1 N m−1 (Batchelor 2000). For some pairs of liquids, such as water and alcohol, an interface cannot generally be observed because it is in compression (i.e., γ < 0). Such an interface tends to become as large as possible, leading to complete mixing of the two liquids. In other words, liquids for which γ > 0 are immiscible, whereas those for which γ < 0 are miscible. Finally, the surface tension at a liquid/gas or a liquid/liquid interface can be affected by the presence of adsorbed impurities at the interface. For instance, the surface tension at a water/air interface is significantly deceased in the presence of adsorbed soap molecules. Impurities that tend to reduce surface tension at interfaces are termed surfactants.

3.2 Young-Laplace Equation Consider an interface separating two immiscible fluids that are in equilibrium with one another. Let these two fluids be denoted 1 and 2. Consider an arbitrary segment S of this interface that is enclosed by some closed curve C. Let t denote a unit tangent to the curve, and let n denote a unit normal to the interface directed from fluid 1 to fluid 2. (Note that C circulates around n in a right-handed manner. See Figure 3.1.) Suppose that p1 and p2 are the pressures of fluids 1 and 2, respectively, on either side of S . Finally, let γ be the (uniform) surface tension at the interface.

Surface Tension


The net force acting on S is   f = (p1 − p2 ) n dS + γ t × n dr, S



where dS = n dS is an element of S , and dr = t dr an element of C. Here, the first term on the right-hand side is the net normal force due to the pressure difference across the interface, whereas the second term is the net surface tension force. Note that body forces play no role in Equation (3.1), because the interface has zero volume. Furthermore, viscous forces can be neglected, because both fluids are static. In equilibrium, the net force acting on S must be zero: that is,   (p1 − p2 ) n dS = −γ t × n dr. (3.2) S


(In fact, the net force would be zero even in the absence of equilibrium, because the interface has zero mass.) Applying the curl theorem (see Section A.22) to the curve C, we find that   F · dr = ∇ × F · dS, (3.3) C


where F is a general vector field. This theorem can also be written   F · t dr = ∇ × F · n dS . C



Suppose that F = g × b, where b is an arbitrary constant vector. We obtain   (g × b) · t dr = ∇ × (g × b) · n dS . C



However, the vector identity (A.179) yields ∇ × (g × b) = −(∇ · g) b + (b · ∇) g, as b is a constant vector. Hence, we get   b· t × g dr = b · [(∇g) · n − (∇ · g) n] dS , C




where b · (∇g) · n ≡ bi (∂g j /∂xi ) n j . Now, because b is also an arbitrary vector, the previous equation gives   ! " t × g dr = (∇g) · n − (∇ · g) n dS . (3.8) C


Taking g = γ n, we find that   t × n dr = γ [(∇n) · n − (∇ · n) n] dS . γ C




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

But, (∇n) · n ≡ (1/2) ∇(n2) = 0, because n is a unit vector. Thus, we obtain   γ t × n dr = −γ (∇ · n) n dS , C



which can be combined with Equation (3.2) to give  " ! (p1 − p2 ) − γ (∇ · n) n dS = 0.



Finally, given that S is arbitrary, the previous expression reduces to the pressure balance constraint ∆p = γ ∇ · n, (3.12) where ∆p = p1 − p2 . The previous relation is generally known as the Young-Laplace equation, and is named after Thomas Young (1773-1829), who developed the qualitative theory of surface tension in 1805, and Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) who completed the mathematical description in the following year. The Young-Laplace equation can also be derived by minimizing the free energy of the interface. (See Section 3.8.) Note that ∆p is the jump in pressure seen when crossing the interface in the opposite direction to n. Of course, a plane interface is characterized by ∇ · n = 0. On the other hand, a curved interface generally has ∇ · n  0. In fact, ∇ · n measures the local mean curvature of the interface. Thus, according to the Young-Laplace equation, there is a pressure jump across a curved interface between two immiscible fluids, the magnitude of the jump being proportional to the surface tension.

3.3 Spherical Interfaces Generally speaking, the equilibrium shape of an interface between two immiscible fluids is determined by solving the force balance equation (2.1) in each fluid, and then applying the Young-Laplace equation to the interface. However, in situations in which a mass of one fluid is completely immersed in a second fluid—for example, a mist droplet in air, or a gas bubble in water—the shape of the interface is fairly obvious. Provided that either the size of the droplet or bubble, or the difference in densities on the two sides of the interface, is sufficiently small, we can safely ignore the effect of gravity. This implies that the pressure is uniform in each fluid, and consequently that the pressure jump ∆p is constant over the interface. Hence, from Equation (3.12), the mean curvature ∇ · n of the interface is also constant. Because a sphere is the only closed surface which possesses a constant mean curvature, we conclude that the interface is spherical. This result also follows from the argument that a stable equilibrium state is one which minimizes the free energy of the interface, subject to the constraint that the enclosed volume be constant. Thus, the equilibrium shape of the interface is that which has the least surface area for a given volume: in other words, a sphere.

Surface Tension


Suppose that the interface corresponds to the spherical surface r = R, where r is a spherical coordinate. (See Section C.4.) It follows that n = er |r=R . (Note, for future reference, that n points away from the center of curvature of the interface.) Hence, from Equation (C.65),  2 1 ∂r 2  (3.13) ∇·n = 2  = . r ∂r r=R R The Young-Laplace equation, (3.12), then gives ∆p =

2γ . R


Thus, given that ∆p is the pressure jump seen crossing the interface in the opposite direction to n, we conclude that the pressure inside a droplet or bubble exceeds that outside by an amount proportional to the surface tension, and inversely proportional to the droplet or bubble radius. This explains why small bubbles are louder that large ones when they burst at a free surface: for instance, champagne fizzes louder than beer. Note that soap bubbles in air have two interfaces defining the inner and outer extents of the soap film. Consequently, the net pressure difference is twice that across a single interface.

3.4 Capillary Length Consider an interface separating the atmosphere from a liquid of uniform density ρ that is at rest on the surface of the Earth. Neglecting the density of air compared to that of the liquid, the pressure in the atmosphere can be regarded as constant. On the other hand, the pressure in the liquid varies as p = p0 − ρ g z (see Chapter 2), where p0 is the pressure of the atmosphere, g the acceleration due to gravity, and z measures vertical height (relative to the equilibrium height of the interface in the absence of surface tension). Note that z increases upward. In this situation, the Young-Laplace equation, (3.12), yields ρ g z = −γ ∇ · n, (3.15) where n is the normal to the interface directed from liquid to air. If R represents the typical radius of curvature of the interface then the left-hand side of the previous equation dominates the right-hand side whenever R l, and vice versa. Here,


γ ρg

1/2 (3.16)

is known as the capillary length, and takes the value 2.7 × 10−3 m for pure water at 20◦ C (Batchelor 2000). We conclude that the effect of surface tension on the shape of an liquid/air interface is likely to dominate the effect of gravity when the interface’s radius of curvature is much less than the capillary length, and vice versa.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


2 θ δr


Figure 3.2 Interface between a liquid (1), a gas (2), and a solid (3).

3.5 Angle of Contact Suppose that a liquid/air interface is in contact with a solid, as would be the case for water in a glass tube, or a drop of mercury resting on a table. Figure 3.2 shows a section perpendicular to the edge at which the liquid, 1, the air, 2, and the solid, 3, meet. Suppose that the free energies per unit area at the liquid/air, liquid/solid, and air/solid interfaces are γ12 , γ13 , and γ23 , respectively. If the boundary between the three media is slightly modified in the neighborhood of the edge, as indicated by the dotted line in the figure, then the area of contact of the air with the solid is increased by a small amount δr per unit breadth (perpendicular to the figure), whereas that of the liquid with the solid is decreased by δr per unit breadth, and that of the liquid with the air is decreased by δr cos θ per unit breadth. Thus, the net change in free energy per unit breadth is γ23 δr − γ13 δr − γ12 δr cos θ.


However, an equilibrium state is one which minimizes the free energy, implying that the previous expression is zero for arbitrary (small) δr: that is, cos θ =

γ23 − γ13 . γ12


We conclude that, in equilibrium, the angle of contact, θ, between the liquid and the solid takes a fixed value that depends on the free energies per unit area at the liquid/air, liquid/solid, and air/solid interfaces. Note that the previous formula could also be obtained from the requirement that the various surface tension forces acting at the edge balance one another, assuming that it is really appropriate to interpret γ13 and γ23 as surface tensions when one of the media making up the interface is a solid.

Surface Tension


air a θ



glass tube


air liquid

free surface z = 0

Figure 3.3 Elevation of liquid level in a capillary tube.

As explained in Section 3.1, we would generally expect γ12 and γ23 to be positive. On the other hand, γ13 could be either positive or negative. Now, because | cos θ| ≤ 1, Equation (3.18) can only be solved when γ13 lies in the range

γ23 + γ12 > γ13 > γ23 − γ12 .


If γ13 > γ23 + γ12 then the angle of contact is 180◦, which corresponds to the case where the free energy at the liquid/solid interface is so large that the liquid does not wet the solid at all, but instead breaks up into beads on its surface. On the other hand, if γ13 < γ23 − γ12 then the angle of contact is 0◦ , which corresponds to the case where the free energy at the liquid/solid interface is so small that the liquid completely wets the solid, spreading out indefinitely until it either covers the whole surface, or its thickness reaches molecular dimensions. The angle of contact between water and glass typically lies in the range 25◦ to 29◦ , whereas that between mercury and glass is about 127◦ (Batchelor 2000).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3.6 Jurin’s Law Consider a situation in which a narrow, cylindrical, glass tube of radius a is dipped vertically into a liquid of density ρ, and the liquid level within the tube rises a height h above the free surface as a consequence of surface tension. (See Figure 3.3.) Suppose that the radius of the tube is much less than the capillary length. A tube for which this is the case is generally known as a capillary tube. According to the discussion in Section 3.4, the shape of the internal liquid/air interface within a capillary tube is not significantly affected by gravity. Thus, from Section 3.3, the interface is a segment of a sphere of radius R (say). If θ is the angle of contact of interface with the glass then simple geometry (see Figure 3.3) reveals that a . (3.20) R= cos θ Hence, from Equation (3.13), the mean curvature of the interface is given by 2 2 cos θ =− , (3.21) R a where γ is the associated surface tension. [The minus sign in the previous expression arises from the fact that n points towards the center of curvature of the interface, whereas the opposite is true for Equation (3.13).] Finally, from Equation (3.15), application of the Young-Laplace equation to the interface yields ∇·n=−

ρgh =

2 γ cos θ , a


which can be rearranged to give h

2 γ cos θ . ρga


This result, which relates the height, h, to which a liquid rises in a capillary tube of radius a to the liquid’s surface tension, γ, is known as Jurin’s law, and is named after its discoverer, James Jurin (1684-1750). The assumption that the radius of the tube is much less than the capillary length is equivalent to the assumption that the height of the interface above the free surface of the liquid is much greater than the radius of the tube. This follows, from Equations (3.16) and (3.23), because l2 h = 2 cos θ 2 . (3.24) a a Thus, the ordering a  l implies that h a. For the case of water at 20◦ , assuming a contact angle of 25◦ , Jurin’s law yields h(mm) = 13.5/a(mm) (Batchelor 2000). Thus, water rises a height 13.5 mm in a capillary tube of radius 1 mm, but rises 13.5 cm in a capillary tube of radius 0.1 mm. In the case of a liquid, such a mercury, that has an oblique angle of contact with glass, so that cos θ < 0, the liquid level in a capillary tube is depressed below that of the free surface (i.e., h < 0).

Surface Tension


3.7 Capillary Curves Let adopt Cartesian coordinates on the Earth’s surface such that z increases vertically upward. Suppose that the interface of a liquid of density ρ and surface tension γ with the atmosphere corresponds to the surface z = f (x), where the liquid occupies the region z < f (x). The shape of the interface is assumed to be y-independent. The unit normal to the interface (directed from liquid to air) is thus n=

ez − f x e x ∇(z − f ) = , |∇(z − f )| (1 + f x2 )1/2


where f x = d f /dx. Hence, the mean curvature of the interface is (Riley 1974) ∇·n =−

f xx , (1 + f x2 )3/2


where f xx = d 2 f /dx 2 . According to Equations (3.15) and (3.16), the shape of the interface is governed by the nonlinear differential equation f =

l 2 f xx . (1 + f x2 )3/2


where the vertical height, f , of the interface is measured relative to its equilibrium height in the absence of surface tension. Multiplying the previous equation by f x /l 2 , and integrating with respect to x, we obtain f2 1 = C − 2, 2 1/2 (1 + f x ) 2l


where C is a constant. It follows that C− and

f2 ≥ 1, 2 l2

C − f 2 /2 l 2 1 =∓ . fx [1 − (C − f 2 /2 l 2 )2 ]1/2 Let C=

2 − 1, k2




where 0 < k < 1, and 2l (1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 . k Thus, from Equations (3.31) and (3.32), f =±


f2 = − cos(2 φ), 2 l2




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


2 z/l 1

0 −2


0 x/l



Figure 3.4 Capillary curves for π/4 ≤ φ ≤ 3π/4 and (in order from the top to the bottom) k = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.99. and so the constraint (3.29) implies that π/4 ≤ φ ≤ 3π/4. Moreover, Equations (3.30) and (3.33) reduce to 1 dx 1 =± . (3.34) = fx d f tan(2 φ) It follows from Equations (3.32) and (3.34) that dx dx d f l k cos(2 φ) = =− , dφ d f dφ (1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 which can be integrated to give  π/2 x k cos(2 φ) = dφ, l (1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 φ assuming that x = 0 when φ = π/2. Thus, we get

x 2 ˜ 2 ˜ = k− F(φ, k) + E(φ, k), l k k




where ˜ k) = E(π/2, k) − E(φ, k), E(φ,


˜ k) = F(π/2, k) − F(φ, k), F(φ,


Surface Tension


0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 z/l 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −1


0 x/l



Figure 3.5 Liquid/air interface for a liquid trapped between two vertical parallel plates located at x = ±l. The contact angle of the interface with the plates is θ = 30◦ . and


E(φ, k) =

(1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 ,


(1 − k 2 sin2 φ)−1/2 ,



 F(φ, k) =



are types of incomplete elliptic integral (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965). In conclusion, the interface shape is determined parametrically by

2 ˜ 2 ˜ x = k− F(φ, k) + E(φ, k), (3.42) l k k 2 z = ± (1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 , l k


where π/4 ≤ φ ≤ 3π/4. Here, the parameter k is restricted to lie in the range 0 < k < 1. Figure 3.4 shows the capillary curves predicted by Equations (3.42) and (3.43) for various different values of k. Here, we have chosen the plus sign in Equation (3.43). However, if the minus sign is chosen then the curves are simply inverted: that is, x → x and z → −z. In can be seen that all of the curves shown in the figure are


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

symmetric about x = 0: that is, z → z as x → −x. Consequently, we can use these curves to determine the shape of the liquid/air interface which arises when a liquid is trapped between two flat vertical plates (made of the same material) that are parallel to one another. Suppose that the plates in question lie at x = ±d. Furthermore, let the angle of contact of the interface with the plates be θ, where θ < π/2. Because the angle of contact is acute, we expect the liquid to be drawn upward between the plates, and the interface to be concave (from above). This corresponds to the positive sign in Equation (3.43). In order for the interface to meet the plates at the correct angle, we require f x = −1/ tan θ at x = −d and f x = 1/ tan θ at x = +d. However, if one of these boundary conditions is satisfied then, by symmetry, the other is automatically satisfied. From Equation (3.34) (choosing the positive sign), the latter boundary condition yields tan(2 φ) = 1/ tan θ at x = +d, which is equivalent to x = +d when φ = 3π/4 − θ/2. Substituting this value of φ into Equation (3.42), we can numerically determine the value of k for which x = d. The interface shape is then given by Equations (3.42) and (3.43), using the aforementioned value of k, and φ in the range π/4 + θ/2 to 3π/4 − θ/2. For instance, if d = l and θ = 30◦ then k = 0.9406, and the associated interface is shown in Figure 3.5. Furthermore, if we invert this interface (i.e., x → x and z → −z) then we obtain the interface which corresponds to the same plate spacing, but an obtuse contact angle of θ = 180◦ − 30◦ = 150◦. Consider the limit k  1, which is such that the distance between the two plates is much less than the capillary length. It is easily demonstrated that, at small k (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965) 2 ˜ k) φ˜ − k (φ˜ + sin φ˜ cos φ), ˜ E(φ, 4 2 ˜ k) φ˜ + k (φ˜ + sin φ˜ cos φ), ˜ F(φ, 4

(3.44) (3.45)

where φ˜ = π/2 − φ. Thus, Equations (3.42) and (3.43) reduce to x k ˜ − sin(2 φ), l 2 z 2 k ˜ − [1 − cos(2 φ)]. l k 2

(3.46) (3.47)

It follows that the interface is a segment of the curved surface of a cylinder whose axis runs parallel to the y-axis. If the distance between the plates is 2 d, and the contact angle is θ, then we require x = d when φ = 3π/4 − θ/2 (which corresponds to φ˜ = −π/4 + θ/2). From Equation (3.46), this constraint yields d k cos θ. l 2


Thus, the height that the liquid rises between the two plates—that is, h = z(x = 0) = z(φ˜ = π/2) 2 l/k—is given by h

γ cos θ . ρgd


Surface Tension


1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 z/l

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0








Figure 3.6 Liquid/air interface for a liquid in contact with a vertical plate located at x = 0. The contact angle of the interface with the plate is θ = 25◦ . This result is the form taken by Jurin’s law, (3.23), for a liquid drawn up between two parallel plates of spacing 2 d. Consider the case k = C = 1, which is such that the distance between the two plates is infinite. Let the leftmost plate lie at x = 0, and let us completely neglect the rightmost plate, because it lies at infinity. Suppose that h = z(x = 0) is the height of the interface above the free surface of the liquid at the point where the interface meets the leftmost plate. If θ is the angle of contact of the interface with the plate then we require f x = −1/ tan θ at x = 0. Because C = 1, it follows from Equation (3.28) that h2 = 1 − sin θ, 2 l2


h = 2 l sin(π/4 − θ/2).


or Furthermore, again recalling that C = 1, Equation (3.30) can be integrated to give  x= z


df =l fx



1 − 2 y2 dy, y (1 − y 2 )1/2


where we have chosen the minus sign, and y = f /(2 l). Making the substitution


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

y = sin u, this becomes x = l

sin−1 (h/2 l)

sin−1 (z/2 l)

sin−1 (h/2 l) 1 + cos u 1 − 2 sin u du = − ln , (3.53) + 2 cos u sin u sin u sin−1 (z/2 l)

which reduces to


1/2 z2 x h2 −1 2 l −1 2 l = cosh − 4− 2 , − cosh + 4− 2 l z h l l


because cosh−1 (z) ≡ ln[z + (z 2 − 1)1/2 ]. Thus, Equations (3.51) and (3.54) specify the shape of a liquid/air interface that meets an isolated vertical plate at x = 0. In particular, Equation (3.51) gives the height that the interface climbs up the plate (relative to the free surface) due to the action of surface tension. Note that this height is restricted to lie in the range −2 l ≤ h ≤ 2 l, irrespective of the angle of contact. Figure 3.6 shows an example interface calculated for θ = 25◦ .

3.8 Axisymmetric Soap-Bubbles Consider an axisymmetric soap-bubble whose surface takes the form r = f (z) in cylindrical coordinates. (See Section C.3.) The unit normal to the surface is n≡

er − fz ez ∇(r − f ) = , |∇(r − f )| (1 + fz2 )1/2


where fz ≡ d f /dz. Hence, from Equation (C.39), the mean curvature of the surface is given by

f 1 d . (3.56) ∇·n= f fz dz (1 + fz2 )1/2 The Young-Laplace equation, (3.12), then yields

d f f fz = , a dz (1 + fz2 )1/2 where a=

γ . p0



Here, γ is the net surface tension, including the contributions from the internal and external soap/air interfaces. Moreover, p0 = ∆p is the pressure difference between the interior and the exterior of the bubble. Equation (3.57) can be integrated to give f f2 + C, = 2 1/2 2a (1 + fz )


Surface Tension


where C is a constant. Suppose that the bubble occupies the region z1 ≤ z ≤ z2 , where z1 < z2 , and has a fixed radius at its two end-points, z = z1 and z = z2 . This could most easily be achieved by supporting the bubble on two rigid parallel co-axial rings located at z = z1 and z = z2 . The net free energy required to create the bubble can be written E = γ S − p0 V,


where S is area of the bubble surface, and V the enclosed volume. The first term on the right-hand side of the previous expression represents the work needed to overcome surface tension, whereas the second term represents the work required to overcome the pressure difference, −p0 , between the exterior and the interior of the bubble. From the general principles of statics, we expect a stable equilibrium state of a mechanical system to be such as to minimize the net free energy, subject to any dynamical constraints (Fitzpatrick 2012). It follows that the equilibrium shape of the bubble is such as to minimize  z2  z2 E=γ 2π f (1 + fz2 )1/2 dz − p0 π f 2 dz, (3.61) z1


subject to the constraint that the bubble radius, f , be fixed at z = z1 and z = z2 . Hence, we need to find the function f (z) that minimizes the integral  z2 L( f, fz ) dz, (3.62) z1

where L( f, fz ) = 2π γ f (1 + fz2 )1/2 − π p0 f 2 ,


subject to the constraint that f is fixed at the limits. This is a standard problem in the calculus of variations. (See Appendix E.) In fact, because the functional L( f, fz ) does not depend explicitly on z, the minimizing function is the solution of [see Equation (E.14)] ∂L L − fz = C, (3.64) ∂ fz where C  is an arbitrary constant. Thus, we obtain

f f2 − 2π γ = C , (1 + fz2 )1/2 2 a


which can be rearranged to give Equation (3.59). Hence, we conclude that application of the Young-Laplace equation does indeed lead to a bubble shape that minimizes the net free energy of the soap/air interfaces. Consider the case p0 = 0, in which there is no pressure difference across the surface of the bubble. In this situation, writing C = b > 0, Equation (3.59) reduces to (3.66) f = b (1 + fz2 )1/2 .


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 r/c 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

−0.6 −0.4 −0.2

0 z/c




Figure 3.7 Radius versus axial distance for a catenoid soap bubble supported by two parallel co-axial rings of radius c located at z = ±0.65 c. Moreover, according to the previous discussion, the bubble shape specified by Equation (3.66) is such as to minimize the surface area of the bubble (because the only contribution to the free energy of the soap/air interfaces is directly proportional to the bubble area). The previous equation can be rearranged to give

2 1/2 f , (3.67) fz = ± 2 − 1 b which leads to

z − z0 = b


df =± fz




df = ±b cosh−1 (r/b), − 1)1/2

2 /b 2


or r = b cosh(|z − z0 |/b),


where z0 is a constant. This expression describes an axisymmetric surface known as a catenoid. Suppose, for instance, that the soap bubble is supported by identical rings of radius c that are located a perpendicular distance 2 d apart. Without loss of generality, we can specify that the rings lie at z = ±d. It follows, from Equation (3.69), that z0 = 0, and r = b cosh(z/b). (3.70)

Surface Tension


Here, the parameter b must be chosen so as to satisfy c = b cosh(d/b).


For example, if d = 0.65 c then b = 0.6416 c, and the resulting bubble shape is illustrated in Figure 3.7. Let d/c = ζ and d/b = u, in which case the previous equation becomes G(u) = u − ζ cosh u = 0.


Now, the function G(u) attains a maximum value G(u0 ) = u0 −

1 , tanh u0


when u0 = sinh−1 (1/ζ). Moreover, if G(u0 ) > 0 then Equation (3.72) possesses two roots. It turns out that the root associated with the smaller value of u minimizes the interface system energy, whereas the other root maximizes the free energy. Hence, the former root corresponds to a stable equilibrium state, whereas the latter corresponds to an unstable equilibrium state. On the other hand, if G(u0 ) < 0 then Equation (3.72) possesses no roots, implying the absence of any equilibrium state. The critical case G(u0 ) = 0 corresponds to u = uc and ζ = ζc , where uc tanh uc = 1 and ζc = 1/ sinh uc . It is easily demonstrated that uc = 1.1997 and ζc = 0.6627. We conclude that a stable equilibrium state of a catenoid bubble only exists when ζ ≤ ζc , which corresponds to d ≤ 0.6627 c. If the relative ring spacing d exceeds the critical value 0.6627 c then the bubble presumably bursts. Consider the case p0  0, in which there is a pressure difference across the surface of the bubble. In this situation, writing 2 a = α + β, 2 a C = α β, Equation (3.59) becomes

(α + β) f = f 2 + α β, (1 + fz2 )1/2

(3.74) (3.75)


which can be rearranged to give fz = ∓

(α 2 − f 2 )1/2 ( f 2 − β 2 )1/2 . f 2 + αβ


We can assume, without loss of generality, that |α| > |β|. It follows, from the previous expression, that |α| ≤ f ≤ |β|. Hence, we can write f 2 = α 2 cos2 φ + β 2 sin2 φ, k2 =

α2 − β2 , α2

(3.78) (3.79)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.1 1 0.9 0.8 r/α

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −2


0 z/α



Figure 3.8 Radius versus axial distance for an unduloid soap bubble calculated with k = 0.95. where 0 ≤ φ ≤ π/2 and 0 < k ≤ 1. It follows that f = |α| (1 − k 2 sin2 φ)1/2 ,


β = sgn(β) |α| (1 − k )


2 1/2



dz 1 df αβ = =± f + , dφ fz dφ f

which can be integrated to give   |z| = |α| E(φ, k) + sgn(α β) (1 − k 2 )1/2 F(φ, k) ,



where E(φ, k) and F(φ, k) are incomplete elliptic integrals [see Equations (3.40) and (3.41)]. Here, we have assumed that φ = 0 when z = 0. There are three cases of interest. In the first case, α > 0 and β > 0. It follows that (1 − k 2 )1/2 ≤ r/α ≤ 1 for π/2 ≥ φ ≥ 0, and 0.5 ≤ γ/(p0 α) < 1 for 1 ≥ k > 0, where r = α (1 − k 2 sin2 φ),   |z| = α E(φ, k) + (1 − k 2 )1/2 F(φ, k) .

(3.84) (3.85)

Surface Tension


1.1 1 0.9 0.8 r/α

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.5

0 z/α


Figure 3.9 Radius versus axial distance for a positive pressure nodoid soap bubble calculated with k = 0.95.

The axisymmetric curve parameterized by the previous pair of equations is known as an unduloid. Note that an unduloid bubble always has positive internal pressure (relative to the external pressure): that is, p0 > 0. An example unduloid soap bubble is illustrated in Figure 3.8 In the second case, α > 0 and β < 0. It follows that (1 −k 2 )1/4 ≤ r/α ≤ 1 for φ0 ≥ φ ≥ 0, and 0 < γ/(p0 α) ≤ 0.5 for 0 < k ≤ 1, where φ0 = sin−1 ([1 − (1 − k 2)1/2 ]1/2 /k), and r = α (1 − k 2 sin2 φ),   |z| = α E(φ, k) − (1 − k 2 )1/2 F(φ, k) .

(3.86) (3.87)

The axisymmetric curve parameterized by the previous pair of equations is known as an nodoid. This particular type of nodoid bubble has positive internal pressure: that is, p0 > 0. An example positive pressure nodoid soap bubble is illustrated in Figure 3.9. In the third case, α < 0 and β > 0. It follows that (1 − k 2 )1/2 | ≤ r/|α| ≤ α| (1 − k 2 )1/4 for π/2 ≥ φ ≥ φ0 (or π/2 ≤ φ ≤ π − φ0 ), and 0 > γ/(p0 |α|) ≥ −0.5 for


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

0.6 0.5


0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0



0.3 z/|α|



Figure 3.10 Radius versus axial distance for a negative pressure nodoid soap bubble calculated with k = 0.95. 0 < k ≤ 1, where r = |α| (1 − k 2 sin2 φ),   |z| = |α| E(φ, k) − (1 − k 2 )1/2 F(φ, k) .

(3.88) (3.89)

The axisymmetric curve parameterized by the previous pair of equations is again a nodoid. However, this particular type of nodoid bubble has negative internal pressure: that is, p0 < 0. An example negative pressure nodoid soap bubble is illustrated in Figure 3.10.

3.9 Exercises 3.1 Show that if N equal spheres of water coalesce so as to form a single spherical drop then the surface energy is decreased by a factor 1/N 1/3 . (Lamb 1928.) 3.2 A circular cylinder of radius a, height h, and specific gravity s floats upright in water. Show that the depth of the base below the general level of the water

Surface Tension


surface is

2γ cos θ, a where γ is the surface tension at the air/water interface, and θ the contact angle of the interface with the cylinder. (Lamb 1928.) sh +

3.3 A film of water is held between two parallel plates of glass a small distance 2 d apart. Prove that the apparent attraction between the plates is 2 A γ cos θ + L γ sin θ, d where γ is the surface tension at the air/water interface, θ the angle of contact of the interface with glass, A the area of the film, and L the circumference of the film. (Lamb 1928.) 3.4 Show that if the surface of a sheet of water is slightly corrugated then the surface energy is increased by γ 2

∂ζ ∂x

2 dx

per unit breadth of the corrugations. Here, x is measured horizontally, perpendicular to the corrugations. Moreover, ζ denotes the elevation of the surface above the mean level. Finally, γ is the surface tension at an air/water interface. If the corrugations are sinusoidal, such that ζ = a sin(k x), show that the average increment of the surface energy per unit area is (1/4) γ a 2 k 2 . (Lamb 1928.) 3.5 A mass of liquid, which is held together by surface tension alone, revolves about a fixed axis at a small angular velocity ω, so as to assume a slightly spheroidal shape of mean radius a. Prove that the ellipticity of the spheroid is ρ ω2 a3 , = 8γ where ρ is the uniform mass density, and γ the surface tension. [If r+ is the maximum radius, and r− the minimum radius, then a = (r+2 r− )1/3 , and the ellipticity is defined  = (r+ − r− )/r+ .] (Lamb 1928.) 3.6 A liquid mass rotates, in the form of a circular ring of radius a and small cross-section, with a constant angular velocity ω, about an axis normal to


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics the plane of the ring, and passing through its center. The mass is held together by surface tension alone. Show that the section of the ring must be approximately circular. Demonstrate that


2γ ρ a c2

1/2 ,

where ρ is the density, γ the surface tension, and c the radius of the crosssection. (Lamb 1928.) 3.7 Two spherical soap bubbles of radii a1 and a2 are made to coalesce. Show that when the temperature of the gas in the resulting bubble has returned to its initial value the radius a of the bubble satisfies p0 a 3 + 4 γ a 2 = p0 (a13 + a23 ) + 4 γ (a12 + a22 ), where p0 is the ambient pressure, and γ the surface tension of the soap/air interfaces. (Batchelor 2000.) 3.8 A rigid sphere of radius a rests on a flat rigid surface, and a small amount of liquid surrounds the contact point, making a concave-planar lens whose diameter is small compared to a. The angle of contact of the liquid/air interface with each of the solid surfaces is zero, and the surface tension of the interface is γ. Show that there is an adhesive force of magnitude 4π a γ acting on the sphere. (It is interesting to note that the force is independent of the volume of liquid.) (Batchelor 2000.) 3.9 Two small solid bodies are floating on the surface of a liquid. Show that the effect of surface tension is to make the objects approach one another if the liquid/air interface has either an acute or an obtuse angle of contact with both bodies, and to make them move away from one another if the interface has an acute angle of contact with one body, and an obtuse angle of contact with the other. (Batchelor 2000.)

4 Incompressible Inviscid Flow

4.1 Introduction This chapter introduces some of the fundamental concepts that arise in the theory of incompressible, inviscid (or, to be more exact, high Reynolds number) fluid motion. Further information on these concepts can be found in Faber 1995, Batchelor 2000, and Milne-Thompson 2011.

4.2 Streamlines, Stream Tubes, and Stream Filaments A line drawn in a fluid such that its tangent at each point is parallel to the local fluid velocity is called a streamline. The aggregate of all the streamlines at a given instance in time constitutes the instantaneous flow pattern. The streamlines drawn through each point of a closed curve constitute a stream tube. Finally, a stream filament is defined as a stream tube whose cross-section is a curve of infinitesimal dimensions. If the flow is unsteady then the configuration of the stream tubes and filaments changes from time to time. However, if the flow is steady then the stream tubes and filaments are stationary. In the latter case, a stream tube acts like an actual tube through which the fluid is flowing. This follows because there can be no flow across the walls, and into the tube, because the flow is, by definition, always tangential to these walls. Moreover, the walls are fixed in space and time, because the motion is steady. Thus, the motion of the fluid within the tube would be unchanged were the walls replaced by a rigid frictionless boundary. Consider a stream filament of an incompressible fluid whose motion is steady. Suppose that the cross-sectional area of the filament is sufficiently small that the fluid velocity is the same at each point on the cross-section. Moreover, let the crosssection be everywhere normal to the direction of this common velocity. Suppose that v1 and v2 are the flow speeds at two points on the filament where the cross-sectional areas are S 1 and S 2 , respectively. Consider the section of the filament lying between these points. Because the fluid is incompressible, the same volume of fluid must flow into one end of the section, in a given time interval, as flows out of the other, which 95


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Figure 4.1 Bernoulli’s theorem. implies that v1 S 1 = v2 S 2 .


This is the simplest manifestation of the equation of fluid continuity discussed in Section 1.9. The previous result is equivalent to the statement that the product of the flow speed and cross-sectional area is constant along any stream filament of an incompressible fluid in steady motion. Thus, a stream filament within such a fluid cannot terminate unless the speed at that point becomes infinite. Leaving this case out of consideration, it follows that stream filaments in steadily flowing incompressible fluids either form closed loops, or terminate at the boundaries of the fluid. The same is, of course, true of streamlines.

4.3 Bernoulli’s Theorem In its most general form, Bernoulli’s theorem—which was discovered by Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1783)—states that, in the steady flow of an inviscid fluid, the quantity p +T (4.2) ρ is constant along a streamline, where p is the pressure, ρ the density, and T the total energy per unit mass. The proof is straightforward. Consider the body of fluid bounded by the crosssectional areas AB and CD of the stream filament pictured in Figure 4.1. Let us

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


denote the values of quantities at AB and CD by the suffixes 1 and 2, respectively. Thus, p1 , v1 , ρ1 , S 1 , T1 are the pressure, flow speed, mass density, cross-sectional area, and total energy per unit mass, respectively, at AB, et cetera. Suppose that, after a short time interval δt, the body of fluid has moved such that it occupies the section of the filament bounded by the cross-sections A B and C  D , where AA = v1 δt and CC  = v2 δt. Because the motion is steady, the mass m of the fluid between AB and A B is the same as that between CD and C  D , so that m = S 1 v1 δt ρ1 = S 2 v2 δt ρ2 .


Let T denote the total energy of the section of the fluid lying between A B and CD. Thus, the increase in energy of the fluid body in the time interval δt is (m T2 + T ) − (m T1 + T ) = m (T2 − T1 ).


In the absence of viscous energy dissipation, this energy increase must equal the net work done on the fluid by the pressures at AB and CD, which is

p1 p2 p1 S 1 v1 δt − p2 S 2 v2 δt = m − . (4.5) ρ1 ρ2 Equating expressions (4.4) and (4.5), we find that p2 p1 + T1 = + T2 , ρ1 ρ2


which demonstrates that p/ρ + T has the same value at any two points on a given stream filament, and is therefore constant along the filament. Note that Bernoulli’s theorem has only been proved for the case of the steady motion of an inviscid fluid. However, the fluid in question may either be compressible or incompressible. For the particular case of an incompressible fluid, moving in a conservative forcefield, the total energy per unit mass is the sum of the kinetic energy per unit mass, (1/2) v 2, and the potential energy per unit mass, Ψ , and Bernoulli’s theorem thus becomes p 1 2 + v + Ψ = constant along a streamline. (4.7) ρ 2 If we focus on a particular streamline, 1 (say), then Bernoulli’s theorem states that p 1 2 + v + Ψ = C1 , ρ 2


where C1 is a constant characterizing that streamline. If we consider a second streamline, 2 (say), then p 1 2 + v + Ψ = C2 , (4.9) ρ 2 where C2 is another constant. It is not generally the case that C1 = C2 . If, however, the fluid motion is irrotational then the constant in Bernoulli’s theorem is the same for all streamlines (see Section 4.15), so that p 1 2 + v +Ψ =C (4.10) ρ 2 throughout the fluid.


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4.4 Euler Momentum Theorem Consider the stream filament shown in Figure 4.1. Let S 1 and S 2 be the crosssectional areas at AB and CD, respectively, and let v1 and v2 be the corresponding flow velocities. Assuming the the flow is both steady and incompressible, Euler’s momentum theorem, which is named after Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), states that, neglecting external forces, the resultant force due to the pressure of the surrounding fluid on the walls and ends of the filament is equivalent to forces ρ S 1 v12 and ρ S 2 v22 acting normally outward at the ends AB and CD, respectively. The proof is straightforward. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the resultant force must produce the change in the momentum of the fluid that occupies the portion of the filament between AB and CD at any given instant of time, t. Suppose that at time t + δt the fluid in question occupies the portion of the filament between A B and C  D . The momentum of the fluid in question has then increased by the momentum of the fluid between CD and C  D , and decreased by the momentum of the fluid between AB and A B . Hence, there has been a gain of momentum ρ S 2 v2 δt × v2 at CD, and a loss of momentum ρ S 1 v1 δ t × v1 at AB. Thus, the net rate of charge of momentum consists of a gain ρ S 2 v2 v2 at CD, and a loss ρ S 1 v1 v1 at AB. This net rate of change is produced solely by the thrusts acting on the walls and ends of the filaments. It follows that these thrusts are equivalent to the forces ρ S 1 v12 and ρ S 2 v22 acting normally outward at AB and CD, respectively. If p1 and p2 are the pressures at AB and CB, respectively, then the thrusts acting normally inward on the ends of the filament are p1 S 1 at AB and p2 S 2 at CD. According to Euler’s theorem, the thrusts exerted on the walls plus the thrusts acting on the ends are equivalent to the normal outward forces ρ S 1 v12 at AB and ρ S 2 v22 at CD. It follows that the thrusts exerted by the walls on the fluid are equivalent to the normal outward forces S 1 (p1 + ρ v12 ) at AB and S 2 (p2 + ρ v22 ) at CD. Conversely, the thrusts exerted by the fluid on the walls are equivalent to normal inward forces S 1 (p1 + ρ v12 ) at AB and S 2 (p2 + ρ v22 ) at CD. Note, finally, that the Euler momentum theorem obviously also applies to a stream tube, as long as the flow through the ends of the tube is uniform across the cross-section.

4.5 d’Alembert’s Paradox Consider a long straight tube through which an inviscid fluid flows at the constant speed V. If we place a small obstacle, A, in the middle of the tube then the flow in the immediate neighborhood of A will be modified, but that a great distance upstream or downstream of A will presumably remain undisturbed. In general, in order to maintain the obstacle at rest, we need to exert both a force and a couple on it. Let F be the component of the force in the direction of the original flow. Neglecting

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


S1 V

S2 V


Figure 4.2 The d’Alembert paradox. external forces, such as gravity, F is the resultant in the direction of the flow of the pressure thrusts acting on the boundary of A. Consider two cross-sections, S 1 and S 2 , a great distance upstream and downstream of A, respectively. The fluid between these sections can be split into a great many stream filaments to each of which Euler’s momentum theorem is applicable. The outer filaments are bounded by the walls of the tube, and so the thrust components acting on these are directed perpendicular to the flow. The walls of the filaments in contact with A are acted on by the obstacle, which exerts on them a force whose component in the direction of the flow is −F. By Euler’s theorem, the resultant of all of the thrusts acting on the fluid in the tube is −ρ S 1 V 2 + ρ S 2 V 2 ,


which vanishes, because S 1 = S 2 . By Bernoulli’s theorem, the pressure p1 acting across S 1 is the same as the pressure p2 acting across S 2 . Thus, according to Euler’s theorem, p1 S 1 − F − p2 S 2 = 0,


F = 0.


which implies that The surprising result that the net parallel force exerted by an inviscid fluid stream on a stationary obstacle placed in its path is zero is known as d’Alembert’s paradox, after the French scientist Jean-Baptiste d’Alembert (1717–1783). If we suppose the walls of the tube to recede to infinity then we obtain the case of an obstacle immersed in a moving stream that is unbounded in every direction. The previous proof still shows that F = 0. Finally, if we impose on the whole system a uniform velocity V in the direction opposite to that of the stream then the fluid at a great distance is reduced to rest, and the obstacle A moves with the uniform speed V. However, superposing a uniform


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Figure 4.3 Outflow through an orifice.

flow does not alter the dynamical conditions. Therefore, we conclude that the resistance to a solid body moving with uniform velocity through an unbounded inviscid fluid, otherwise at rest, is zero.

4.6 Flow Through an Orifice Consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 4.3, in which a horizontal jet of fluid emerges from an orifice in the side of a container. As shown in the figure, the jet narrows over a short distance beyond the orifice that is comparable with the jet diameter to form what is generally known as a vena contracta—that is, a “contracted vein.” The jet is bound to narrow in this manner because of the curvature of the lines of flow as they pass through the orifice. The narrowing of the jet implies the existence of a transverse pressure gradient. In other words, the pressure at A, on the axis of the jet, is higher than the atmospheric pressure that acts at B. The pressure excess at A suggests that the fluid on the axis is still accelerating longitudinally as it leaves the orifice. Only in the vena contracta does the flow velocity becomes uniform, and the pressure atmospheric, all the way across the jet. Let S be the cross-sectional area of the orifice, and C S that of the vena contracta. Here, C is known as the contraction coefficient. Let us apply Bernoulli’s theorem to a streamline that starts on the surface of the fluid within the container, and ends in the vena contracta. Suppose that the surface of the fluid lies a height h above the orifice. Let us assume that the fluid close to the surface is essentially at rest (which implies

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


that the outflow through the orifice is not sufficiently strong to cause the surface level to drop at a significant rate.) Let v be the uniform fluid velocity in the vena contracta. Of course, the pressure is atmospheric both at the surface of the fluid and in the vena contracta. It follows that 1 g h = v 2, (4.14) 2 or v = (2 g h)1/2.


In other words, the efflux velocity of the fluid from the orifice is the same as that it would have acquired by falling a height h under gravity. This result is known as Torricelli’s law, after Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647). Finally, the discharge rate of fluid flowing through the orifice is Q = C S v = C S (2 g h)1/2.


Let p = p0 + ρ g h be the hydrostatic pressure at the level of the orifice when the orifice is closed. Here, p0 is atmospheric pressure. The fluid experiences a thrust S p from the section of the wall directly opposite the orifice, and a thrust −S p from the section of the wall closing the orifice. Let us suppose, as a first approximation, that the hydrostatic pressure remains unaltered when the orifice is opened. In this situation, the fluid experiences a thrust S p from the section of the wall directly opposite the orifice, and a thrust −S p0 from the orifice. The net thrust, S (p − p0 ) = S ρ g h, is responsible for accelerating the jet. Now, the jet’s rate of momentum outflow is ρ v C S × v. Momentum conservation yields S ρ g h = C S ρ v 2 = 2 C S ρ g h,


where use has been made of Equation (4.15). Thus, we conclude that the contraction coefficient takes the value 1/2. In reality, Bernoulli’s theorem suggests that when the orifice is opened the pressure on the walls in the neighborhood of the orifice will fall below the hydrostatic value, which implies that the accelerating thrust is actually greater than S (p − p0 ). Consequently, C > 1/2. Obviously, C cannot exceed unity, so we conclude that, in general, 1/2 < C < 1. For instance, if the orifice is a circular hole punched in a thin plate then the contraction coefficient is observed to take the value 0.62 (Batchelor 2000). Suppose, however, that we fit a small cylindrical nozzle projecting inward from the orifice, as shown in Figure 4.4. In this case, the original assumption that the pressure on the walls in the neighborhood of the orifice is hydrostatic is essentially correct. This follows because the region where the lines of flow are converging on the orifice is far removed from the walls, and the velocity of the fluid in contact with the walls is negligible. Thus, the contraction coefficient is exactly 1/2. This arrangement is known as a Borda mouthpiece, after Jean-Charles Borda (1733–1799).


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Figure 4.4 A Borda mouthpiece.

4.7 Sub-Critical and Super-Critical Flow Consider a shallow stream of depth h, uniform width, and uniform flow velocity v, that is fed from a deep reservoir whose surface lies a height H above the (horizontal) bed of the stream. Here, H is usually referred to as the head height. Assuming that the water in the reservoir is effectively stationary, application of Bernoulli’s equation to a streamline lying on the surface of the water (where the pressure is atmospheric) yields v2 . (4.18) H =h+ 2g Let Q be the flow rate per unit width of the stream, which is assumed to be fixed. It follows that Q = h v. (4.19) The previous two equations can be combined to give H = F(v), where F(v) =

Q v2 + . v 2g



It is easily demonstrated that the function F(v) attains its minimum value, Fc =

1/3 3 Q2 , 2 g


Incompressible Inviscid Flow


when v = vc , where

vc = (Q g)1/3 .


We conclude that, as long as H > (3/2) (Q /g) , Equation (4.20) possesses two possible solutions that are consistent with a given head height and flow rate. In one solution, the stream flows at a relatively slow velocity, v− , which is such that v− < vc . In the other, the stream flows at a relatively fast velocity, v+ , which is such that v+ > vc . The corresponding depths are h− = Q/v− and h+ = Q/v+ , respectively. It is helpful to introduce the dimensionless Froude number, 2


v Fr =  . gh


 (See Section 1.15.) Note that g h is the characteristic propagation velocity of a gravity wave in shallow water of depth h. (See Section 11.4.) Hence, if Fr < 1 then the stream’s flow velocity falls below the wave speed—such flow is termed sub-critical. On the other hand, if Fr > 1 then the flow velocity exceeds the wave speed—such flow is termed super-critical. We can combine Equations (4.18), (4.19), and (4.24) to give H = G(Fr), where

G(Fr) =

Q2 g


1 Fr 4/3 + . 2 Fr 2/3



It is easily demonstrated that G(Fr) attains its minimum value

when Fr = Frc , where

1/3 3 Q2 , Gc = 2 g


Frc = 1.


Hence, we again conclude that, as long as H > (3/2) (Q 2/g)1/3 , there are two possible flow velocities of the stream (parameterized by two different Froude numbers) that are consistent with a given head height and flow rate. However, it is now clear that the smaller velocity is sub-critical (i.e., Fr < 1), whereas the larger velocity is super-critical (i.e., Fr > 1).

4.8 Flow over Shallow Bump Consider a shallow stream of depth H, uniform width, and uniform flow velocity V. Suppose that there is a very shallow bump of height d  H on the (horizontal) bed of the stream, as shown in Figure 4.5. Suppose, further, that, at the point where the


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d Figure 4.5 Flow over a shallow bump. stream passes over the top of the bump, its velocity is v, and its surface rises a height h  H above the unperturbed surface. Fluid continuity yields H V = (H + h − d) v. (4.29) Furthermore, application of Bernoulli’s equation to a streamline lying on the surface of the water (where the pressure is atmospheric) gives gH+

1 1 2 V = g (H + h) + v 2 . 2 2


The previous equation reduces to v 2 = V 2 − 2 g h.


Eliminating v between Equations (4.29) and (4.31), we obtain H 2 V 2 = (H + h − d) 2 (V 2 − 2 g h), which can be rearranged to give   V 2 (H + h − d)2 − H 2 = 2 g h (H + h − d)2 , or

 2

2   h−d h−d h   1+ − 1 = 2 . Fr  1 + H H H 2





V Fr = √ (4.35) gH is the Froude number of the unperturbed flow. Finally, given that h/H  1 and d/H  1, Equation (4.34) reduces to h

d . 1 − 1/Fr 2


Incompressible Inviscid Flow



h2 h1



Figure 4.6 A hydraulic jump.

It follows, from the previous expression, that if the flow is super-critical, so that Fr > 1, then h is positive. On the other hand, if the flow is sub-critical, so that Fr < 1, then h is negative. Thus, if a super-critical shallow stream passes over a very shallow bump on its bed then the surface of the stream becomes slightly elevated. On the other hand, if a sub-critical stream passes over such a bump then the surface of the stream becomes slightly depressed. A similar effect occurs when there is a narrowing of the channel in the horizontal direction. A more sophisticated version of the previous calculation, which does not necessarily assume that the stream is shallow, can be found in Section 11.10.

4.9 Stationary Hydraulic Jumps Under certain circumstances, water flowing within a horizontal open channel (i.e., a stream) of constant width is found to have a depth that changes very rapidly over a short section of the channel. This phenomenon is known as a hydraulic jump, and is illustrated in Figure 4.6. Suppose that the jump is stationary. Let h1 , v1 , and p1 be the depth, flow velocity, and pressure, of the water, respectively, upstream of the jump. Similarly let h2 , v2 , and p2 , be the depth, flow velocity and pressure, respectively, downstream of the jump. As before, v1 and v2 are assumed to be uniform across the channel. We are also assuming that the flow is laminar (i.e., smooth) both upstream and downstream of the jump. Note that the region of the channel in which the jump occurs is generally associated with violent mixing that gives rise to significant transfer of mechanical energy from the laminar (i.e., smooth) to the turbulent component of the flow. (The latter component is localized in the vicinity of the jump, and is continuously dissipated by viscosity on small-scales.) Consequently, we cannot use Bernoulli’s equation to analyze the jump, because this equation assumes that the laminar component of the flow conserves mechanical energy. However, we can still make use of fluid continuity, as


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well as the Euler momentum theorem, neither of which depend on the conservation of mechanical energy. Fluid continuity yields Q = h 1 v1 = h 2 v2 , (4.37) where Q is the fixed flow rate per unit width. Furthermore, the Euler momentum theorem (see Section 4.4) implies that  F21 = 0


 (p2 + ρ v22 ) dz −



(p1 + ρ v12 ) dz.


Here, F21 is the horizontal thrust per unit width exerted by the channel bed on the water lying between points 1 and 2. Moreover, z measured vertical height above the bed. Assuming the usual linear pressure variation with depth, we can write p1 (z) = p0 + ρ g (h1 − z),


p2 (z) = p0 + ρ g (h2 − z),


where p0 is atmospheric pressure. Hence, we deduce that F21 1 2 1 2 Q = h2 − h1 + (v2 − v1 ). ρg 2 2 g


The neglect of frictional drag at the channel bed implies that F21 = 0. Thus, we obtain 1 2 1 2 Q h − h + (v2 − v1 ) = 0. (4.42) 2 2 2 1 g The previous equation possesses the trivial solution h1 = h2 and v1 = v2 , which corresponds to the absence of a hydraulic jump. Eliminating v1 and v2 between Equations (4.37) and (4.42), and canceling a common factor h2 − h1 , we obtain the nontrivial solution 2 Q2 . (4.43) h2 h1 (h2 + h1 ) = g Now, the upstream Froude number is defined v1 Q Fr1 =  = . 1/2 g h1 g h13/2


Eliminating Q between the previous two equations, we obtain

h2 h1

2 +

h2 − 2 Fr12 = 0, h1


which can be solved to give

 h2 1 = −1 + 1 + 8 Fr12 . h1 2


Incompressible Inviscid Flow


Here, we have neglected an unphysical solution in which h2 /h1 is negative. Note that h2 1 h1

Fr1  1.



The downstream Froude number is defined v2 Q Fr2 =  = . 1/2 g h2 g h23/2


Eliminating Q between Equations (4.43) and (4.48), we obtain

h1 h2

2 +

h1 − 2 Fr22 = 0, h2


which can be solved to give

 h1 1 2 = −1 + 1 + 8 Fr2 . h2 2


Here, we have again neglected an unphysical solution in which h1 /h2 is negative. We can combine Equations (4.46) and (4.50) to give G(Fr1 ) G(Fr2 ) = 1, where G(x) ≡


 √ 1 −1 + 1 + 8 x 2 . 2


Note that G(x)  1


x  1,


Fr2  1.


which implies that Fr1  1


In other words, if the upstream flow is super-critical then the downstream flow is sub-critical, and h2 > h1 . On the other hand, if the upstream flow is sub-critical then the downstream flow is super-critical, and h2 < h1 . By analogy with Equation (4.18), we can define the head heights of the flows upstream and downstream of the jump as H1 = h 1 +

1 v12 , 2 g


H2 = h 2 +

1 v22 , 2 g



respectively. Of course, in the absence of any transfer of mechanical energy from the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

laminar to the turbulent component of the flow, within the jump, we would expect H1 = H2 . (Because this is what Bernoulli’s equation predicts.) In the presence of the transfer, we expect H1 > H2 . In other words, we expect there to be a head loss across the jump. Note that it is impossible for H2 to exceed H1 , because this would imply a transfer of mechanical energy from the turbulent to the laminar component of the flow, within the jump, which violates the second law of thermodynamics. Let H L = H1 − H2 = h 1 − h 2 +

v2 v12 − 2 2g 2g


be the positive definite head loss. Making use of some previous definitions, we can write  

h12  h2 1 2  HL  =− − 1 + Fr1 1 − 2  . (4.58) h1 h1 2 h2 Now, according to Equation (4.45), Fr12

1 h2 h2 = +1 . 2 h1 h1

Hence, combining the previous two equations, we obtain 

2 

  h2 1 h1 h2 h2  HL = − 1 −4 + + 1  , 4 h2 h1 h1 h1 or HL =

(h2 /h1 − 1)3 . 4 h2 /h1




Thus, the thermodynamic constraint HL > 0 implies that h2 > h1 . However, as we have already seen, h2 > h1 implies that Fr1 > 1. In other words, a stationary hydraulic jump can only occur when the upstream flow is super-critical, and the downstream flow sub-critical. A hydraulic jump often occurs at the base of a spillway from a dam, where the flow is accelerated to super-critical speeds. Because a hydraulic jump always results in a loss of mechanical energy from the flow, spillways are sometimes designed to promote jumps, so as to deliberately remove energy from the flow, thereby reducing the danger from excessive currents in flood control.

4.10 Tidal Bores A tidal bore is a sort of hydraulic jump that propagates up (i.e., upstream) a river estuary. The upper part of Figure 4.7 shows such a bore in the local rest frame of the Earth. The bore is propagating at the velocity V up a river of uniform width, and depth h1 , that is flowing downstream at the velocity u1 . The flow behind the

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


Earth frame V u2 h2 h1


Co-moving frame V − u2 h2 h1

V + u1

Figure 4.7 A tidal bore. bore is of depth h2 , and is flowing upstream at the velocity u2 . The lower part of the figure shows the same phenomenon in the rest frame of the bore. In this frame, we observe a stationary hydraulic jump with an upstream depth and flow velocity h1 and v1 = V + u1 , respectively, and a downstream depth and flow velocity h2 and v2 = V − u2 , respectively. Making use of Equations (4.44) and (4.45), we obtain

h2 h1

2 +

h2 2 (u1 + V)2 − = 0, h1 g h1


which can be rearranged to give

g h2 (h1 + h2 ) V = −u1 + 2 h1

1/2 .


Thus, we deduce that the speed of the bore, relative to the unperturbed river, is a simple function of the upstream and downstream depths. Note that, in the limit h1 h2 h, the previous equation reduces to V −u1 + g h. In other words, a weak bore degenerates intoan ordinary shallow water gravity wave propagating at the characteristic velocity g h relative to the stream. Tidal bores are found in river estuaries where a funneling effect causes the speed of the incoming tide to increase to such a point that the flow becomes super-critical. For example, bores can be observed daily on the River Severn in England.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

v(x) h(x) d(x) x Figure 4.8 Flow over a broad-crested weir.

4.11 Flow over a Broad-Crested Weir Consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 4.8, in which a broad-crested weir is placed in a shallow stream. The purpose of the weir is to impede the flow in such a manner that there is a transition from sub-critical flow, upstream of the weir, to supercritical flow, immediately downstream of the weir. (There is usually a transition back to sub-critical flow, via a hydraulic jump, some way downstream of the weir.) Let x measure horizontal distance, and let h(x), v(x), and d(x) be the stream depth, stream velocity, and the height of the weir above the stream bed, respectively. (Here, we are assuming that the velocity remains uniform across the stream at any point on the weir.) A direct generalization of the analysis of Section 4.7 reveals that H =h+d+

v2 , 2g


and Q = h v,


where (via continuity) the flow rate, Q, is not a function of x. It follows that H − d(x) = F(v),


where F(v) is defined in Equation (4.21). Suppose that the weir attains its maximum height, d(0), at x = 0. It follows that H − d(x) passes through a minimum value at x = 0. Hence, we would expect F(v) to also pass through its minimum value at x = 0. It follows that H − d(0) = Fc =

1/3 3 Q2 , 2 g

v(0) = vc = (Q g)1/3,

(4.67) (4.68)

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


where use has been made of Equations (4.22) and (4.23). However, Q = h(0) v(0),


where h(0) is the depth of the stream as its passes over the highest point of the weir. Thus, we deduce that Q = [g h (0)] 3


3/2  1/2 2 = . g [H − d(0)] 3 3


In other words, the flow rate (per unit width) is very simply related to the depth of the stream as it passes over the highest point of the weir, or, alternatively, the depth of the highest point of the weir below the water surface in the reservoir feeding the stream. For this reason, weirs are commonly used as devices to both measure and control flow rates in streams.

4.12 Vortex Lines, Vortex Tubes, and Vortex Filaments The curl of the velocity field of a fluid, which is generally termed vorticity, is usually represented by the symbol ω, so that ω = ∇ × v.


A vortex line is a line whose tangent is everywhere parallel to the local vorticity vector. The vortex lines drawn through each point of a closed curve constitute the surface of a vortex tube. Finally, a vortex filament is a vortex tube whose crosssection is of infinitesimal dimensions. Consider a section AB of a vortex filament. The filament is bounded by the curved surface that forms the filament wall, as well as two plane surfaces, whose vector areas are S1 and S2 (say), which form the ends of the section at points A and B, respectively. (See Figure 4.9.) Let the plane surfaces have outward pointing normals that are parallel (or anti-parallel) to the vorticity vectors, ω1 and ω2 , at points A and B, respectively. The divergence theorem (see Section A.20), applied to the section, yields   ω · dS =

∇ · ω dV,


where dS is an outward directed surface element, and dV a volume element. However, ∇·ω=∇·∇×v≡0 (4.73) [see Equation (A.173)], implying that  ω · dS = 0.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

S2 B

A S1 Figure 4.9 A vortex filament. Now, ω · dS = 0 on the curved surface of the filament, because ω is, by definition, tangential to this surface. Thus, the only contributions to the surface integral come from the plane areas S1 and S2 . It follows that  ω · dS = S 2 ω2 − S 1 ω1 = 0. (4.75) This result is essentially an equation of continuity for vortex filaments. It implies that the product of the magnitude of the vorticity and the cross-sectional area, which is termed the vortex intensity, is constant along the filament. It follows that a vortex filament cannot terminate in the interior of the fluid. For, if it did, the cross-sectional area, S , would have to vanish, and, therefore, the vorticity, ω, would have to become infinite. Thus, a vortex filament must either form a closed vortex ring, or must terminate at the fluid boundary. Because a vortex tube can be regarded as a bundle of vortex filaments whose net intensity is the sum of the intensities of the constituent filaments, we conclude that the intensity of a vortex tube remains constant along the tube.

4.13 Circulation and Vorticity Consider a closed curve C situated entirely within a moving fluid. The vector line integral (see Section A.14)  v · dr, (4.76) ΓC = C

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


where dr is an element of C, and the integral is taken around the whole curve, is termed the circulation of the flow around the curve. The sense of circulation (i.e., either clockwise or counter-clockwise) is arbitrary. Let S be a surface having the closed curve C for a boundary, and let dS be an element of this surface (see Section A.7) with that direction of the normal which is related to the chosen sense of circulation around C by the right-hand circulation rule. (See Section A.8.) According to the curl theorem (see Section A.22),   ΓC = v · dr = ω · dS. (4.77) C


Thus, we conclude that circulation and vorticity are intimately related to one another. In fact, according to the previous expression, the circulation of the fluid around loop C is equal to the net sum of the intensities of the vortex filaments passing through the loop and piercing the surface S (with a filament making a positive, or negative, contribution to the sum depending on whether it pierces the surface in the direction determined by the chosen sense of circulation around C and the right-hand circulation rule, or in the opposite direction). One important proviso to Equation (4.77) is that the surface S must lie entirely within the fluid.

4.14 Kelvin Circulation Theorem According to the Kelvin circulation theorem, which is named after Lord Kelvin (1824–1907), the circulation around any co-moving loop in an inviscid fluid is independent of time. The proof is as follows. The circulation around a given loop C is defined  v · dr. (4.78) ΓC = C

However, for a loop that is co-moving with the fluid, we have dv = d(dr/dt) = d(dr)/dt. Thus,   dΓC dv = · dr + v · dv. (4.79) dt C dt C By definition, dv/dt = Dv/Dt for a co-moving loop. (See Section 1.10.) Moreover, the equation of motion of an incompressible inviscid fluid can be written [see Equation (1.79)]

p Dv = −∇ +Ψ , (4.80) Dt ρ because ρ is a constant. Hence, 

p 1 dΓC =− ∇ − v 2 + Ψ · dr = 0, (4.81) dt ρ 2 C because v · dv = d(v 2 /2) = ∇(v 2 /2) · dr (see Section A.18), and p/ρ − v 2 /2 + Ψ is obviously a single-valued function.


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Figure 4.10 A vortex tube. One corollary of the Kelvin circulation theorem is that the fluid particles that form the walls of a vortex tube at a given instance in time continue to form the walls of a vortex tube at all subsequent times. To prove this, imagine a closed loop C that is embedded in the wall of a vortex tube but does not circulate around the interior of the tube. (See Figure 4.10.) The normal component of the vorticity over the surface enclosed by C is zero, because all vorticity vectors are tangential to this surface. Thus, from Equation (4.77), the circulation around the loop is zero. By Kelvin’s circulation theorem, the circulation around the loop remains zero as the tube is convected by the fluid. In other words, although the surface enclosed by C deforms, as it is convected by the fluid, it always remains on the tube wall, because no vortex filaments can pass through it. Another corollary of the circulation theorem is that the intensity of a vortex tube remains constant as it is convected by the fluid. This can be proved by considering the circulation around the loop C  pictured in Figure 4.10.

4.15 Irrotational Flow Flow is said to be irrotational when the vorticity ω has the magnitude zero everywhere. It immediately follows, from Equation (4.77), that the circulation around any arbitrary loop in an irrotational flow pattern is zero (provided that the loop can be spanned by a surface that lies entirely within the fluid). Hence, from Kelvin’s circulation theorem, if an inviscid fluid is initially irrotational then it remains irrotational at all subsequent times. This can be seen more directly from the equation of motion of an inviscid incompressible fluid which, according to Equations (1.39) and (1.79),

Incompressible Inviscid Flow takes the form


∂v p + (v · ∇) v = −∇ +Ψ , ∂t ρ


because ρ is a constant. However, from Equation (A.171),

Thus, we obtain

(v · ∇) v = ∇(v 2 /2) − v × ω.


p 1 2 ∂v = −∇ + v + Ψ + v × ω. ∂t ρ 2


Taking the curl of this equation, and making use of the vector identities ∇ × ∇φ ≡ 0 [see Equation (A.176)], ∇ · ∇ × A ≡ 0 [see Equation (A.173)], as well as the identity (A.179), and the fact that ∇ · v = 0 in an incompressible fluid, we obtain the vorticity evolution equation Dω = (ω · ∇) v. (4.85) Dt Thus, if ω = 0, initially, then Dω/Dt = 0, and, consequently, ω = 0 at all subsequent times. Suppose that O is a fixed point, and P an arbitrary movable point, in an irrotational fluid. Let O and P be joined by two different paths, OAP and OBP (say). It follows that OAPBO is a closed curve. Because the circulation around such a curve in an irrotational fluid is zero, we can write   v · dr + v · dr = 0, (4.86) OAP

which implies that


 v · dr = OAP

v · dr = −φP



(say). It is clear that φP is a scalar function whose value depends on the position of P (and the fixed point O), but not on the path taken between O and P. Thus, if O is the origin of our coordinate system, and P an arbitrary point whose position vector is r, P then we have effectively defined a scalar field φ(r) = − O v · dr. Consider a point Q that is sufficiently close to P that the velocity v is constant along PQ. Let η be the position vector of Q relative to P. It then follows that (see Section A.18)  Q

−η · ∇φ = −φQ + φP =

v · dr v · η.



The previous equation becomes exact in the limit that |η| → 0. Because Q is arbitrary (provided that it is sufficiently close to P), the direction of the vector η is also arbitrary, which implies that v = −∇φ. (4.89) We, thus, conclude that if the motion of a fluid is irrotational then the associated velocity field can always be expressed as minus the gradient of a scalar function of


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

position, φ(r). This scalar function is called the velocity potential, and flow which is derived from such a potential is known as potential flow. Note that the velocity potential is undefined to an arbitrary additive constant. We have demonstrated that a velocity potential necessarily exists in a fluid whose velocity field is irrotational. Conversely, when a velocity potential exists the flow is necessarily irrotational. This follows because [see Equation (A.176)] ω = ∇ × v = −∇ × ∇φ = 0.


Incidentally, the fluid velocity at any given point in an irrotational fluid is normal to the constant-φ surface that passes through that point. If a flow pattern is both irrotational and incompressible then we have v = −∇φ


∇ · v = 0.


and These two expressions can be combined to give (see Section A.21) ∇ 2 φ = 0.


In other words, the velocity potential in an incompressible irrotational fluid satisfies Laplace’s equation. According to Equation (4.84), if the flow pattern in an incompressible inviscid fluid is also irrotational, so that ω = 0 and v = −∇φ, then we can write

p 1 2 ∂φ + v +Ψ − ∇ = 0, (4.94) ρ 2 ∂t which implies that

∂φ p 1 2 + v +Ψ − = C(t), (4.95) ρ 2 ∂t where C(t) is uniform in space, but can vary in time. In fact, the time variation of C(t) can be eliminated by adding the appropriate function of time (but not of space) to the velocity potential, φ. Note that such a procedure does not modify the instantaneous velocity field v derived from φ. Thus, the previous equation can be rewritten p 1 2 ∂φ + v +Ψ − = C, ρ 2 ∂t


where C is constant in both space and time. Expression (4.96) is a generalization of Bernoulli’s theorem (see Section 4.3) that takes non-steady flow into account. However, this generalization is only valid for irrotational flow. For the special case of steady flow, we get p 1 2 + v + Ψ = C, (4.97) ρ 2 which demonstrates that for steady irrotational flow the constant in Bernoulli’s theorem is the same on all streamlines. (See Section 4.3.)

Incompressible Inviscid Flow


4.16 Exercises 4.1 Liquid is led steadily through a pipeline that passes over a hill of height h into the valley below, the speed at the crest being v. Show that, by properly adjusting the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of the pipe at the crest and in the valley, the pressure may be equalized at these two places. (MilneThomson 1958.) 4.2 Water of mass density ρ and pressure p flows through a curved pipe of uniform cross-sectional area S , whose radius of curvature is R, at the uniform speed v. Demonstrate that there is a net force per unit length S (p−p0 +ρ v 2 )/R acting on the pipe, and that this force is everywhere directed away from the pipe’s local center of curvature. Here, p0 is atmospheric pressure. 4.3 Water is held in a right circular conical tank whose apex lies vertically below the center of its base. The water initially fills the tank to a height h above the vertex. Let a be the initial radius of the surface of the water inside the tank. A small hole of area S (that is much less than π a 2) is made at the bottom of the tank. Demonstrate that the time required to empty the tank is at least

1/2 5 π a2 h . 2 S 2g 4.4 Water is held in a spherical tank of radius a, and initially fills the tank to a height h < 2 a above its lowest point. A small hole of area S (that is much less than π a 2 ) is made at the bottom of the tank. Demonstrate that the time required to empty the tank is at least

2 2π 1 5/2 3/2 a h h − . 5 S (2 g)1/2 3 4.5 Water is held in two contiguous tanks whose cross-sectional areas, A1 and A2 , are independent of height. A small hole of area S (where S  A1 , A2 ) is made in the wall connecting the tanks. Assuming that the initial difference in water level between the two tanks is h, show that the time required for the water levels to equilibrate is at least 1/2

h 2 A1 A2 . S A1 + A2 2 g 4.6 For a channel of width W, having a discharge rate Q, show that there is a critical depth hc , where

2 1/3 Q hc = , gW2 which must be exceeded before a hydraulic jump is possible.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

4.7 Show that for a stationary hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel, the upstream Froude number Fr1 , and the downstream Froude number Fr2 , are related by 8 Fr12 Fr22 = . [(1 + 8 Fr12 )1/2 − 1] 3 4.8 Consider a simply-connected volume V whose boundary is the surface S . Suppose that V contains an incompressible fluid whose motion is irrotational. Let the velocity potential φ be constant over S . Prove that φ has the same constant value throughout V. [Hint: Consider the identity ∇ · (A ∇A) ≡ ∇A · ∇A + A ∇ 2 A.] 4.9 In Exercise 4.8, suppose that, instead of φ taking a constant value on the boundary, the normal velocity is everywhere zero on the boundary. Show that φ is constant throughout V. 4.10 An incompressible fluid flows in a simply-connected volume V bounded by a surface S . The normal flow at the boundary is prescribed. Show that the flow pattern with the lowest kinetic energy is irrotational. This result is known as the Kelvin minimum energy theorem. [Hint: Try writing v = −∇φ + δv, where φ is the velocity potential of the irrotational flow pattern. Let ∇·δv = 0 throughout V, and δv · dS = 0 on S . Show that the kinetic energy is lowest when δv = 0 throughout V.]

5 Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow

5.1 Introduction This chapter investigates two-dimensional, incompressible, inviscid flow. More information on this subject can be found in Batchelor 2000, and Milne-Thompson 2011.

5.2 Two-Dimensional Flow Fluid motion is said to be two-dimensional when the velocity at every point is parallel to a fixed plane, and is the same everywhere on a given normal to that plane. Thus, in Cartesian coordinates, if the fixed plane is the x-y plane then we can express a general two-dimensional flow pattern in the form v = v x (x, y, t) e x + vy (x, y, t) ey .


Let A be a fixed point in the x-y plane, and let ABP and ACP be two curves, also in the x-y plane, that join A to an arbitrary point P. (See Figure 5.1.) Suppose that fluid is neither created nor destroyed in the region, R (say), bounded by these curves. Because the fluid is incompressible, which essentially means that its density is uniform and constant, fluid continuity requires that the rate at which the fluid flows into the region R, from right to left (in Figure 5.1) across the curve ABP, is equal to the rate at which it flows out the of the region, from right to left across the curve ACP. The rate of fluid flow across a surface is generally termed the flux. Thus, the flux (per unit length parallel to the z-axis) from right to left across ABP is equal to the flux from right to left across ACP. Because ACP is arbitrary, it follows that the flux from right to left across any curve joining points A and P is equal to the flux from right to left across ABP. In fact, once the base point A has been chosen, this flux only depends on the position of point P, and the time t. In other words, if we denote the flux by ψ then it is solely a function of the location of P and the time. Thus, if point A lies at the origin, and point P has Cartesian coordinates (x, y), then 119


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B A Figure 5.1 Two-dimensional flow. we can write ψ = ψ(x, y, t).


The function ψ is known as the stream function. Moreover, the existence of a stream function is a direct consequence of the assumed incompressible nature of the flow. Consider two points, P1 and P2 , in addition to the fixed point A. (See Figure 5.2.) Let ψ1 and ψ2 be the fluxes from right to left across curves AP1 and AP2 . Using similar arguments to those employed previously, the flux across AP2 is equal to the flux across AP1 plus the flux across P1 P2 . Thus, the flux across P1 P2 , from right to left, is ψ2 − ψ1 . If P1 and P2 both lie on the same streamline then the flux across P1 P2 is zero, because the local fluid velocity is directed everywhere parallel to P1 P2 . It follows that ψ1 = ψ2 . Hence, we conclude that the stream function is constant along a streamline. The equation of a streamline is thus ψ = c, where c is an arbitrary constant. Let P1 P2 = δs be an infinitesimal arc of a curve that is sufficiently short that it can be regarded as a straight-line. The fluid velocity in the vicinity of this arc can be resolved into components parallel and perpendicular to the arc. The component parallel to δs contributes nothing to the flux across the arc from right to left. The component perpendicular to δs contributes v⊥ δs to the flux. However, the flux is equal to ψ2 − ψ1 . Hence, ψ2 − ψ1 . (5.3) v⊥ = δs In the limit δs → 0, the perpendicular velocity from right to left across ds becomes v⊥ =

dψ . ds


Thus, in Cartesian coordinates, by considering infinitesimal arcs parallel to the x-

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


P2 P1

A Figure 5.2 Two-dimensional flow. and y-axes, we deduce that vx = − vy =

∂ψ , ∂y

∂ψ . ∂x

(5.5) (5.6)

These expressions can be combined to give v = ez × ∇ψ = ∇z × ∇ψ.


Note that when the fluid velocity is written in this form then it immediately becomes clear that the incompressibility constraint ∇·v = 0 is automatically satisfied [because ∇·(∇A×∇B) ≡ 0—see Equations (A.175) and (A.176)]. It is also clear that the stream function is undefined to an arbitrary additive constant. The vorticity in two-dimensional flow takes the form ω = ωz ez , where ωz =

∂vy ∂v x − . ∂x ∂y



Thus, it follows from Equations (5.5) and (5.6) that ωz =

∂ 2 ψ ∂ 2ψ + = ∇ 2 ψ. ∂x 2 ∂y 2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Hence, irrotational two-dimensional flow is characterized by ∇ 2 ψ = 0.


When expressed in terms of cylindrical coordinates (see Section C.3), Equation (5.7) yields v = vr (r, θ, t) er + vθ (r, θ, t) eθ , (5.12) where 1 ∂ψ , r ∂θ ∂ψ . vθ = ∂r vr = −

(5.13) (5.14)

Moreover, the vorticity is ω = ωz ez , where

1 ∂ ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ ωz = . r + 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ 2


5.3 Velocity Potentials and Stream Functions As we have seen, a two-dimensional velocity field in which the flow is everywhere parallel to the x-y plane, and there is no variation along the z-direction, takes the form (5.16) v = v x (x, y, t) e x + vy (x, y, t) ey . Moreover, if the flow is irrotational then ∇×v = 0 is automatically satisfied by writing v = −∇φ, where φ(x, y, t) is termed the velocity potential. (See Section 4.15.) Hence, ∂φ , ∂x ∂φ vy = − . ∂y

vx = −

(5.17) (5.18)

On the other hand, if the flow is incompressible then ∇ · v = 0 is automatically satisfied by writing v = ∇z × ∇ψ, where ψ(x, y, t) is termed the stream function. (See Section 5.2.) Hence, vx = − vy =

∂ψ , ∂y

∂ψ . ∂x

(5.19) (5.20)

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


Finally, if the flow is both irrotational and incompressible then Equations (5.17)– (5.18) and (5.19)–(5.20) hold simultaneously, which implies that ∂φ ∂ψ = , ∂x ∂y


∂ψ ∂φ =− . ∂x ∂y


It immediately follows, from the previous two expressions, that


∂ 2φ ∂ 2ψ ∂ 2φ ∂ 2ψ = = − 2, = 2 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y


∂ 2 φ ∂ 2φ + = 0. ∂x 2 ∂y 2


Likewise, it can also be shown that ∂ 2ψ ∂ 2ψ + = 0. ∂x 2 ∂y 2


We conclude that, for two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flow, the velocity potential and the stream function both satisfy Laplace’s equation. Equations (5.21) and (5.22) also imply that ∇φ · ∇ψ = 0. (5.26) In other words, the contours of the velocity potential and the stream function cross at right-angles.

5.4 Two-Dimensional Uniform Flow Consider a steady two-dimensional flow pattern that is uniform: in other words, a pattern which is such that the fluid velocity is the same everywhere in the x-y plane. For instance, suppose that the common fluid velocity is v = V0 cos θ0 e x + V0 sin θ0 ey ,


which corresponds to flow at the uniform speed V0 in a fixed direction that subtends a (counter-clockwise) angle θ0 with the x-axis. It follows, from Equations (5.5) and (5.6), that the stream function for steady uniform flow takes the form ψ(x, y) = V0 (sin θ0 x − cos θ0 y) .


When written in terms of cylindrical coordinates, this becomes ψ(r, θ) = −V0 r sin(θ − θ0 ).



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Note, from Equation (5.28), that ∂ 2 ψ/∂x 2 = ∂ 2 ψ/∂y 2 = 0. Thus, it follows from Equation (5.10) that uniform flow is irrotational. Hence, according to Section 4.15, such flow can also be derived from a velocity potential. In fact, it is easily demonstrated that (5.30) φ(r, θ) = −V0 r cos(θ − θ0 ).

5.5 Two-Dimensional Sources and Sinks Consider a uniform line source, coincident with the z-axis, that emits fluid isotropically at the steady rate of Q unit volumes per unit length per unit time. By symmetry, we expect the associated steady flow pattern to be isotropic, and everywhere directed radially away from the source. (See Figure 5.3.) In other words, we expect v = vr (r) er ,


where r = (x 2 + y 2 )1/2 . Consider a cylindrical surface S of unit height (in the zdirection) and radius r that is co-axial with the source. In a steady state, the rate at which fluid crosses this surface must be equal to the rate at which the section of the source enclosed by the surface emits fluid. Hence,  v · dS = 2π r vr (r) = Q, (5.32) S

which implies that Q . (5.33) 2π r According to Equations (5.13) and (5.14), the stream function associated with a line source of strength Q that is coincident with the z-axis is vr (r) =

ψ(r, θ) = −

Q θ. 2π


Note that the streamlines, ψ = c, are directed radially away from the z-axis, as illustrated in Figure 5.3. Note, also, that the stream function associated with a line source is multivalued. However, this does not cause any particular difficulty, because the stream function is continuous, and its gradient is single valued. It follows from Equation (5.34) that ∂ψ/∂r = ∂ 2 ψ/∂θ 2 = 0. Hence, according to Equation (5.15), ωz = −∇ 2 ψ = 0. In other words, the steady flow pattern associated with a uniform line source is irrotational, and can, thus, be derived from a velocity potential. In fact, it is easily demonstrated that this potential takes the form φ(r, θ) = −

Q ln r. 2π


A uniform line sink, coincident with the z-axis, which absorbs fluid isotropically

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow





Figure 5.3 Streamlines of the flow generated by a line source coincident with the z-axis. at the steady rate of Q unit volumes per unit length per unit time has an associated steady flow pattern Q er , (5.36) v=− 2π r whose stream function is Q ψ(r, θ) = θ. (5.37) 2π This flow pattern is also irrotational, and can be derived from the velocity potential φ(r, θ) =

Q ln r. 2π


Consider a line source and a line sink of equal strength, which both run parallel to the z-axis, and are located a small distance apart in the x-y plane. Such an arrangement is known as a doublet or dipole line source. Suppose that the line source, which is of strength Q, is located at r = d/2 (where r is a position vector in the x-y plane), and that the line sink, which is also of strength Q, is located at r = −d/2. Let the function Q Q tan−1 (y/x) (5.39) ψQ (r) = − θ = − 2π 2π be the stream function associated with a line source of strength Q located at r = 0. Thus, ψQ (r − r0 ) is the stream function associated with a line source of strength Q


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

located at r = r0 . Furthermore, the stream function associated with a line sink of strength Q located at r = r0 is −ψQ (r − r0 ). We expect the flow pattern associated with the combination of a source and a sink to be the vector sum of the flow patterns generated by the source and sink taken in isolation. It follows that the overall stream function is the sum of the stream functions generated by the source and the sink taken in isolation. In other words, ψ(r) = ψQ (r − d/2) − ψQ (r + d/2) −d · ∇ψQ (r),


to first order in d/r. Hence, if d = d (cos θ0 e x + sin θ0 ey ) = d [cos(θ − θ0 ) er − sin(θ − θ0 ) eθ ], so that the line joining the sink to the source subtends a (counter-clockwise) angle θ0 with the x-axis, then ψ(r, θ) = −

D sin(θ − θ0 ) , 2π r


where D = Q d is termed the strength of the dipole source. The previous stream function is antisymmetric across the line θ = θ0 joining the source to the sink. It follows that the associated dipole flow pattern, D cos(θ − θ0 ) , (5.42) 2π r2 D sin(θ − θ0 ) vθ (r, θ) = , (5.43) 2π r2 is symmetric across this line. Figure 5.4 shows the streamlines associated with a dipole flow pattern characterized by D > 0 and θ0 = 0. Note that the flow speed in a dipole pattern falls off like 1/r 2 . A dipole flow pattern is necessarily irrotational because it is a linear superposition of two irrotational flow patterns. The associated velocity potential is vr (r, θ) =

φ(r, θ) =

D cos(θ − θ0 ) . 2π r


5.6 Two-Dimensional Vortex Filaments Consider a vortex filament of intensity Γ that is coincident with the z-axis. By symmetry, we expect the associated flow pattern to circulate isotropically around the filament. (See Figure 5.5.) In other words, we expect (5.45) v = vθ (r) eθ . # According to Section 4.13, the circulation, v·dr, around any closed curve in the x-y plane is equal to the net intensity of the vortex filaments that pass through the curve. Consider a circular curve of radius r that is concentric with the origin. It follows that  Γr = v · dr = 2π r vθ (r) = Γ, (5.46)

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 y

0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1


0 x



Figure 5.4 Streamlines of the flow generated by a dipole line source (with D > 0) coincident with the z-axis, and aligned along the x-axis. The flow is outward along the positive x-axis and inward along the negative x-axis. Positive and negative contours are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively. or

Γ . (5.47) 2π r According to Equations (5.13) and (5.14), the stream function associated with a vortex filament of intensity Γ that is coincident with the z-axis is vθ (r) =

Γ ln r. (5.48) 2π Note that the streamlines, ψ = c, circulate around the z-axis, as illustrated in Figure 5.5. It can be seen, from Equation (5.48), that (∂/∂r)(r ∂ψ/∂r) = ∂ψ/∂θ = 0. Hence, it follows from Equation (5.15) that ωz = −∇ 2 ψ = 0. In other words, the flow pattern associated with a straight vortex filament is irrotational. This is a somewhat surprising result, because there is a net circulation of the flow around the filament, and, according to Section 4.13, non-zero circulation implies non-zero vorticity. The paradox can be resolved by supposing that the filament has a small, but finite, radius. In fact, let the filament have the finite radius a, and be such that the vorticity is uniform inside this radius, and zero outside: that is,  Γ/(π a 2) r≤a ωz = . (5.49) 0 r>a ψ(r, θ) =


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



Figure 5.5 Streamlines of the flow generated by a line vortex coincident with the z-axis. Note that the intensity of the filament (i.e., the product of its vorticity and crosssectional area) is still Γ. According to Equation (5.15), and assuming that ψ = ψ(r),

 r≤a Γ/(π a 2) 1 d dψ . (5.50) r = r ∂r dr 0 r>a The solution that is well behaved at r = 0, and continuous (up to its first derivative) at r = a, is  (Γ/4π) (r 2/a 2 − 1) r≤a ψ(r, θ) = . (5.51) (Γ/2π) ln(r/a) r>a This expression is equivalent to Equation (5.48) (apart from an unimportant additive constant) outside the filament, but differs inside. The associated circulation velocity, vθ (r) = ∂ψ/∂r, is  r≤a (Γ/2π) (r/a 2) , (5.52) vθ (r) = (Γ/2π) (1/r) r>a whereas the circulation, Γr (r) = 2π r vθ (r), is written  r≤a Γ (r/a)2 Γr (r) = . Γ r>a


Thus, we conclude that the flow pattern associated with a straight vortex filament is

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


irrotational outside the filament, but has finite vorticity inside the filament. Moreover, the non-zero internal vorticity generates a constant net circulation of the flow outside the filament. In the limit in which the radius of the filament tends to zero, the vorticity within the filament tends to infinity (in such a way that the product of the vorticity and the cross-sectional area of the filament remains constant), and the region of the fluid in which the vorticity is non-zero becomes infinitesimal in extent. Let us determined the pressure profile in the vicinity of a vortex filament of finite radius. Assuming, from symmetry, that p = p(r), Equation (1.149), yields v2 dp =ρ θ, dr r


which can be integrated to give  p = p∞ − ρ r

vθ2 dr, r


where p∞ is the pressure at infinity. Making use of expression (5.52), we obtain  p(r) =

p∞ − (ρ/2) (Γ/2π a)2 (2 − r 2 /a 2 ) p∞ − (ρ/2) (Γ/2π a)2 (a/r)2

r≤a . r>a


It follows that the minimum pressure occurs at the center of the vortex (r = 0), and takes the value $ Γ %2 . (5.57) p0 = p∞ − ρ 2π a Under normal circumstances, the pressure in a fluid must remain positive, which implies that a vortex filament of intensity Γ, embedded in a fluid of density ρ and background pressure p∞ , has a minimum radius of order


ρ p∞

1/2 $

Γ% . 2π


Finally, because the flow pattern outside a straight vortex filament is irrotational, it can be derived from a velocity potential. It is easily demonstrated that the appropriate potential takes the form φ(r, θ) = −

Γ θ. 2π


Note that the previous potential is multivalued. However, this does not cause any particular difficulty, because the potential is continuous, and its gradient is single valued.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

5.7 Two-Dimensional Irrotational Flow in Cylindrical Coordinates In a two-dimensional flow pattern, we can automatically satisfy the incompressibility constraint, ∇ · v = 0, by expressing the pattern in terms of a stream function. Suppose, however, that, in addition to being incompressible, the flow pattern is also irrotational. In this case, Equation (5.10) yields ∇ 2 ψ = 0.


In cylindrical coordinates, because ψ = ψ(r, θ, t), this expression implies that (see Section C.3)

1 ∂ ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ = 0. (5.61) r + 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ 2 Let us search for a separable solution of Equation (5.61) of the form

It is easily seen that

ψ(r, θ) = R(r) Θ(θ).


r d dR 1 d 2Θ , r =− R dr dr Θ dθ 2


which can only be satisfied if

d dR r r = m 2 R, dr dr d 2Θ = −m 2 Θ, dθ 2

(5.64) (5.65)

where m 2 is an arbitrary (positive) constant. The general solution of Equation (5.65) is a linear combination of exp( i m θ) and exp(−i m θ) factors. However, assuming that the flow extends over all θ values, the function Θ(θ) must be single-valued in θ, otherwise ∇ψ—and, hence, v—would not be be single-valued (which is unphysical). It follows that m can only take integer values (and that m 2 must be a positive, rather than a negative, constant). The general solution of Equation (5.64) is a linear combination of r m and r−m factors, except for the special case m = 0, when it is a linear combination of r 0 and ln r factors. Thus, the general stream function for steady two-dimensional irrotational flow (that extends over all values of θ) takes the form  ψ(r, θ) = α0 + β0 ln r + (αm r m + βm r−m ) sin[m (θ − θm )], (5.66) m>0

where αm , βm , and θm are arbitrary constants. We can recognize the first few terms on the right-hand side of the previous expression. The constant term α0 has zero gradient, and, therefore, does not give rise to any flow. The term β0 ln r is the flow

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


5 4 3 2 1 y/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 x/a





Figure 5.6 Streamlines of the flow generated by a cylindrical obstacle of radius a, whose axis runs along the z-axis, placed in the uniform flow field v = V0 e x . The normalized circulation is γ = 0.

pattern generated by a vortex filament of intensity 2π β0 , coincident with the z-axis. (See Section 5.6.) The term α1 r sin(θ − θ1 ) corresponds to uniform flow of speed α1 whose direction subtends a (counter-clockwise) angle θ1 with the minus x-axis. (See Section 5.4.) Finally, the term β1 sin(θ − θ1 )/r corresponds to a dipole flow pattern. (See Section 5.5.) The velocity potential associated with the irrotational stream function (5.66) satisfies [see Equations (4.89) and (5.7)] ∂φ 1 ∂ψ = , ∂r r ∂θ ∂ψ 1 ∂φ =− . r ∂θ ∂r

(5.67) (5.68)

It follows that φ(r, θ) = α0 − β0 θ +


(αm r m − βm r−m ) cos[m (θ − θ0 )].



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

5.8 Flow Past a Cylindrical Obstacle Consider the steady flow pattern produced when an impenetrable rigid cylindrical obstacle is placed in a uniformly flowing, incompressible, inviscid fluid, with the cylinder orientated such that its axis is normal to the flow. For instance, suppose that the radius of the cylinder is a, and that its axis corresponds to the line x = y = 0. Furthermore, let the unperturbed fluid velocity be of magnitude V0 , and be directed parallel to the x-axis. We expect the flow pattern to remain unperturbed very far away from the cylinder. In other words, we expect v(r, θ) → V0 e x as r/a → ∞, which corresponds to a boundary condition on the stream function of the form (see Section 5.4) ψ(r, θ) → −V0 r sin θ as r/a → ∞. (5.70) Given that the fluid velocity field a large distance upstream of the cylinder is irrotational (because we have already seen that the flow pattern associated with uniform flow is irrotational—see Section 5.4), it follows from the Kelvin circulation theorem (see Section 4.14) that the velocity field remains irrotational as it is convected past the cylinder. Hence, according to Section 5.2, the stream function of the flow satisfies Laplace’s equation, (5.71) ∇ 2 ψ = 0. The appropriate boundary condition at the surface of the cylinder is simply that the normal fluid velocity there be zero, because the fluid must stay in contact with the cylinder, but cannot penetrate its surface. Hence, vr (a, θ) ≡ −(1/a) ∂ψ/∂θ|r=a = 0, which implies that ψ(a, θ) = 0, (5.72) because ψ is undetermined to an arbitrary additive constant. It follows that we are searching for the most general solution of Equation (5.71) that satisfies the boundary conditions (5.70) and (5.72). Comparison with Equation (5.66) reveals that this solution takes the form & $r % $ r a% ' − sin θ , ψ(r, θ) = V0 a −γ ln − (5.73) a a r where γ=−

Γ , 2π a V0


and Γ is the circulation of the flow around the cylinder. (Note that the velocity field can be irrotational, but still possess nonzero circulation around the cylinder, because a loop that encloses the cylinder cannot be spanned by a surface lying entirely within the fluid. Thus, zero fluid vorticity does not necessarily imply zero circulation around such a loop from the curl theorem.) Let us assume that γ ≥ 0, for the sake of definiteness. Figure 5.6–5.8 show streamlines of the flow calculated for various different values of the normalized circulation, γ. For γ < 2, there exist a pair of points on the

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


5 4 3 2 1 y/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 x/a





Figure 5.7 Streamlines of the flow generated by a cylindrical obstacle of radius a, whose axis runs along the z-axis, placed in the uniform flow field v = V0 e x . The normalized circulation is γ = 1. surface of the cylinder at which the flow speed is zero. These are known as stagnation points, and can be located in Figures 5.6 and 5.7 as the points at which streamlines intersect the surface of the cylinder at right-angles. The tangential fluid velocity at the surface of the cylinder is  ∂ψ   = −V0 (γ + 2 sin θ). (5.75) vt (θ) = vθ (a, θ) = ∂r r=a The stagnation points correspond to the points at which vt = 0 (because the normal velocity is automatically zero at the surface of the cylinder). Thus, the stagnation points lie at θ = sin−1 (−γ/2). When γ > 2, the stagnation points coalesce and move off the surface of the cylinder, as illustrated in Figure 5.8 (the stagnation point corresponds to the point at which two streamlines cross at right-angles). The irrotational form of Bernoulli’s theorem, (4.97), can be combined with the boundary condition v → V0 as r/a → ∞, as well as the fact that Ψ is constant in the present case, to give  1  p = p0 + ρ V02 − v 2 , (5.76) 2 where p0 is the constant static fluid pressure a large distance from the cylinder. In particular, the fluid pressure on the surface of the cylinder is  1  (5.77) P(θ) = p(a, θ) = p0 + ρ V02 − vt2 = p1 + ρ V02 (cos 2θ − 2 γ sin θ) , 2


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where p1 = p0 − (1/2) ρ V02 (1 + γ 2 ). The net force per unit length exerted on the cylinder by the fluid has the Cartesian coordinates  F x = − P cos θ a dθ, (5.78)  (5.79) Fy = − P sin θ a dθ. Thus, it follows from Equation (5.77) that F x = 0, Fy =

2π γ ρ V02

(5.80) a = ρ V0 (−Γ).


The component of the force that a moving fluid exerts on an obstacle, placed in its path, in a direction parallel to that of the unperturbed flow is usually called drag. On the other hand, the component of the force that the fluid exerts in a direction perpendicular to that of the unperturbed flow is usually called lift. Hence, the previous equations imply that if a cylindrical obstacle is placed in a uniformly flowing inviscid fluid then there is zero drag. On the other hand, as long as there is net circulation of the flow around the cylinder, the lift is non-zero. Lift is generated because (negative) circulation tends to increase the fluid speed directly above, and to decrease it directly below, the cylinder. Thus, from Bernoulli’s theorem, the fluid pressure is decreased above, and increased below, the cylinder, giving rise to a net upward force (i.e., a force in the +y-direction). Suppose that the cylinder is placed in a fluid which is initially at rest, and that the fluid’s uniform flow velocity, V0 , is then very slowly ramped up (in such a manner that no vorticity is induced in the upstream flow at infinity). Because the flow pattern is initially irrotational, and because the flow pattern well upstream of the cylinder is assumed to remain irrotational, the Kelvin circulation theorem indicates that the flow pattern around the cylinder also remains irrotational. Consider the time evolution of # the circulation, Γ = C v · dr, around some fixed curve C that lies entirely within the fluid, and encloses the cylinder. We have


 p 1 2 ∂v dΓC = · dr = + v + v × ω · dr = v × ω · dr, (5.82) −∇ dt ρ 2 C ∂t C C where use has been made of Equation (4.84) (with Ψ assumed constant). However, ω = ωz ez in two-dimensional flow, and dr × ez = dS, where dS is an outward surface element of a unit depth (in the z-direction) surface whose normal lies in the x-y plane, and that cuts the x-y plane at C. In other words,  dΓC = − ωz v · dS. (5.83) dt S We, thus, conclude that the rate of change of the circulation around C is equal to minus the flux of the vorticity across S [assuming that vorticity is convected by the flow, which follows from Equation (4.85), the fact that ω = ωz ez , and the fact that

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


5 4 3 2 1 y/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 x/a





Figure 5.8 Streamlines of the flow generated by a cylindrical obstacle of radius a, whose axis runs along the z-axis, placed in the uniform flow field v = V0 e x . The normalized circulation is γ = 2.5.

∂/∂z = 0 in two-dimensional flow]. However, we have already seen that the flow field surrounding the cylinder is irrotational (i.e., such that ωz = 0). It follows that ΓC is constant in time. Moreover, because ΓC = 0 originally, as the fluid surrounding the cylinder was initially at rest, we deduce that ΓC = 0 at all subsequent times. Hence, we conclude that, in an inviscid fluid, if the circulation of the flow around the cylinder is initially zero then it remains zero. It follows, from the previous analysis, that, in such a fluid, zero drag force and zero lift force are exerted on the cylinder as a consequence of the fluid flow. This result is a manifestation of d’Alembert’s paradox, which was introduced in Section 4.5. d’Alembert’s result is paradoxical because it would seem, at first sight, to be a reasonable approximation to neglect viscosity altogether in high Reynolds number flow. However, if we do this then we end up with the nonsensical prediction that a high Reynolds number fluid is incapable of exerting any force on an obstacle placed in its path.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


r V



a Figure 5.9 Cylinder moving through an inviscid fluid

5.9 Motion of a Submerged Cylinder Consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 5.9, in which an impenetrable rigid cylinder of radius a and infinite length, whose symmetry axis runs parallel to the zdirection, is moving through an incompressible, inviscid fluid at the time-dependent velocity V = V x (t) e x . Assuming that the fluid and cylinder were both initially stationary, it follows that the fluid velocity field was initially irrotational. Thus, according to the Kelvin circulation theorem, the fluid velocity field remains irrotational when the cylinder starts to move. Thus, we can write v = −∇φ,


where v is the fluid velocity. Moreover, because the fluid is incompressible, we have ∇ · v = ∇ 2 φ = 0.


Let x, y, z be Cartesian coordinates in the initial rest frame of the fluid, and let r, θ be cylindrical coordinates in a frame of reference that co-moves with the cylinder, as shown in Figure 5.9. In the following, all calculations are performed in the rest frame. We expect the fluid a long way from the cylinder to remain stationary. In other words, φ(r, θ, t) → 0

as r → ∞.


Moreover, because the cylinder is impenetrable, we require that V · er = v · er |r=a ,


Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


 ∂φ   = −V x cos θ. (5.88) ∂r r=a It is easily demonstrated that the solution to Equation (5.85), subject to the boundary conditions (5.86) and (5.88), is


φ(r, θ, t) = V x (t)

a2 cos θ. r


Hence, a2 cos θ, r2 a2 vθ (r, θ, t) = V x (t) 2 sin θ. r vr (r, θ, t) = V x (t)

(5.90) (5.91)

The general form of Bernoulli’s theorem, (4.96), which applies to an irrotational flow field, yields p 1 2 ∂φ p0 + v − = , (5.92) ρ 2 ∂t ρ where ρ is the uniform fluid mass density, and p0 the fluid pressure at infinity. Thus, the pressure distribution at the surface of the cylinder can be written   1 ∂φ   − ρ V · ∇φ|r=a . (5.93) p(a, θ, t) = p0 − ρ v 2  + ρ 2 ∂t r=a r=a The final term on the right-hand side of the previous equation arises because   ∂  ∂   =  − V · ∇. (5.94) ∂t  x,y ∂t r,θ Hence, we obtain p(a, θ, t) = p0 −

1 dV x ρ V x2 + ρ V x2 cos(2 θ) + ρ a cos θ. 2 dt


The net force per unit length exerted on the cylinder by the fluid has the Cartesian components  (5.96) F x (t) = − p(a, θ, t) cos θ a dθ,  (5.97) Fy (t) = − p(a, θ, t) sin θ a dθ. It follows that F x (t) = −π a 2 ρ Fy (t) = 0,

dV x , dt

(5.98) (5.99)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

or F = −m

dV , dt


where m = π a 2 ρ is the mass per unit length of the fluid displaced by the cylinder. Suppose that the cylinder is subject to an external (i.e., not due to the fluid) force per unit length Fext . The equation of motion of the cylinder is thus m

dV = F + Fext , dt


where m is the cylinder’s mass per unit length. The previous two equations can be combined to give dV = Fext . (5.102) (m + m ) dt In other words, the cylinder moves under the action of the external force, Fext , as if its mass per unit length were m + m , rather than m. Here, m + m is commonly referred to as the cylinder’s virtual mass (per unit length), whereas m is termed the added mass (per unit length). The origin of added mass is easily explained. According to Equations (5.90) and (5.91), the total kinetic energy per unit length of the fluid surrounding the cylinder is   ∞ $ a %4 1 2 1 1 ρ v dV = 2π ρ V x2 r dr = m V x2 . (5.103) Kfluid = r 2 fluid 2 a 2 However, the kinetic energy per unit length of the cylinder is Kcylinder =

1 m V x2 . 2


Thus, the total kinetic energy per unit length is K = Kfluid + Kcylinder =

1 (m + m ) V x2 . 2


In other words, the kinetic energy of the fluid surrounding the cylinder can be accounted for by supposing that a mass (per unit length) m of the fluid co-moves with the cylinder, and that the remainder of the fluid remains stationary. This entrained fluid mass accounts for the added mass of the cylinder. Note that the added mass is independent of the speed of the cylinder (i.e., it is the same whether the cylinder moves slowly or rapidly.) In the present case, the added mass is equal to the mass of the displaced fluid. However, this is not a general rule. (In general, the added mass of a object moving through an inviscid fluid is proportional to the displaced mass, but the constant of proportionality is not necessarily unity, and depends on the shape of the object.) Let us generalize the previous calculation to allow the cylinder to move in any direction in the x-y plane: that is, V(t) = V x (t) e x + Vy (t) ey .


Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


Furthermore, let the fluid possess the initial circulation Γ in the x-y plane. According to the Kelvin circulation theorem, this circulation remains constant in time. Thus, we must now solve Equation (5.85) subject to the boundary conditions Γ 2π r

as r → ∞.


 ∂φ   = −V x cos θ − Vy sin θ. ∂r r=a It is easily demonstrated that the appropriate solution is


φ(r, θ, t) → − and

φ(r, θ, t) = −

Γ a2 a2 + V x (t) cos θ + Vy (t) sin θ. 2π r r r


Hence, a2 a .2 cos θ + V (t) sin θ, y r2 r2 Γ a2 a2 + V x (t) 2 sin θ − Vy (t) 2 cos θ. vθ (r, θ, t) = 2π r r r vr (r, θ, t) = V x (t)

(5.110) (5.111)

Bernoulli’s theorem yields ∂φ p0 p 1 2 + v + g r sin θ − = , ρ 2 ∂t ρ


where we have assumed that the fluid and cylinder are both situated in a gravitational field of uniform acceleration g = −g ey . Thus, the pressure distribution at the surface of the cylinder can be written   1 ∂φ   − ρ V · ∇φ|r=a , p(a, θ, t) = p0 − ρ v 2  − ρ g a sin θ − ρ (5.113) 2 ∂t r=a r=a which yields $ Γ %2 1 2 p(a, θ, t) = p0 − ρ V + + ρ (V x2 − Vy2 ) cos(2 θ) + 2 ρ V x Vy sin(2 θ) 2 2π a dVy dV x cos θ + ρ a sin θ − ρ g a sin θ dr dr  ρΓ  − V x sin θ − Vy cos θ . πa + ρa


It follows from Equations (5.96) and (5.97) that the force per unit length exerted on the cylinder by the fluid has the Cartesian components dV x , dt dVy + m g. Fy (t) = ρ Γ V x − m dt

F x (t) = −ρ Γ Vy − m

(5.115) (5.116)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Here, the first terms on the right-hand sides of the previous two equations are the components of the lift (per unit length) acting on the cylinder, due to the fluid circulation, whereas the final term on the right-hand side of the second equation is the buoyancy force (per unit length) acting on the cylinder. The cylinder’s equation of motion, dV x = Fx, dt dVy = Fy − m g, m dt


(5.117) (5.118)

leads to d 2X = −ω 2 Y, dt 2

 m −m d 2Y 2 = −ω X + g, m + m dt 2

(5.119) (5.120)

where ω = ρ Γ/(m + m ), and (X, Y) are the Cartesian components of the cylinder’s axis. Let us assume that X = Y = dX/dt = dY/dt = 0 at t = 0. It follows that

m − m g X(t) = [sin(ω t) − ω t] , (5.121) m + m ω 2

m − m g [1 − cos(ω t)] . (5.122) Y(t) = − m + m ω 2 Consider, first, the case in which there is no circulation of the flow: that is, Γ = 0. In this case, the previous two equations reduce to X(t) = 0, Y(t) = −

m−m g t 2. m + m

(5.123) (5.124)

In other words, the cylinder moves vertically (i.e., in the y-direction) with the constant acceleration

s−1 g, (5.125) ay = − s+1 where s = m/m is the cylinder’s specific gravity. It follows that if the cylinder is much denser than the fluid (i.e., s 1) then it accelerates downward at the acceleration due to gravity: that is, ay = −g. However, if the cylinder is much less dense than the fluid (i.e., 0 < s  1) then it accelerates upward at the acceleration due to gravity: that is ay = +g. Note that, in the latter case, the upward acceleration is limited by the cylinder’s added mass (i.e., in the absence of added mass, the acceleration would be infinite.) In the general case, in which the fluid circulation is non-zero, the trajectory of the cylinder is a cycloid. In particular, assuming that m > m , the lift acting on

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow





Figure 5.10 Inviscid flow past a wedge. the cylinder prevents it from falling through the fluid a distance greater than 2 [(m − m )/(m + m )] (g/ω 2). Once the cylinder has fallen through this distance, it starts to rise again, until it attains its original height, and the motion then repeats itself ad infinitum. Moreover, the cylinder simultaneously moves horizontally (i.e. in the x-direction) at the mean velocity −[(m − m )/(m + m )] (g/ω).

5.10 Inviscid Flow Past a Semi-Infinite Wedge Consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 5.10, in which incompressible irrotational flow is incident on a impenetrable rigid wedge whose apex subtends an angle α π. Let the cross-section of the wedge in the x-y plane be both z-independent and symmetric about the x-axis. Furthermore, let the apex of the wedge lie at x = y = 0. Finally, let the upstream flow a large distance from the wedge be parallel to the x-axis. Because the flow is two-dimensional, incompressible, and irrotational, it can be represented in terms of a stream function that satisfies Laplace’s equation. Moreover, in cylindrical coordinates, this equation takes the form (5.61). The boundary conditions on the stream function are ψ(r, α π/2) = ψ(r, 2π − α π/2) = ψ(r, π) = 0.


The first two boundary conditions ensure that the normal velocity at the surface of the wedge is zero. The third boundary condition follows from the observation that,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3 2 1 y

0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 x




Figure 5.11 Streamlines of inviscid incompressible irrotational flow past a 90◦ wedge. by symmetry, the streamline that meets the apex of the wedge splits in two, and then flows along its top and bottom boundaries, combined with the well-known result that ψ is constant on a streamline. It is easily demonstrated that ψ(r, θ) =

A r 1+m sin [(1 + m) (π − θ)] 1+m


is a solution of Equation (5.61). Moreover, this solution satisfies the boundary conditions provided (1 + m) (1 − α/2) = 1, or m=

α . 2−α


Because, as is well known, the solutions to Laplace’s equation (for problems with well-posed boundary conditions) are unique (Riley 1974), we can be sure that Equation (5.127) is the correct solution to the problem under investigation. According to this solution, the tangential velocity on the surface of the wedge is given by vt (r) = A r m ,


where m ≥ 0. Note that the tangential velocity is zero at the apex of the wedge. Because the normal velocity is also zero at this point, we conclude that the apex is a stagnation point of the flow. Figure 5.11 shows the streamlines of the flow for the case α = 1/2.

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow



α π



Figure 5.12 Inviscid flow over a wedge.

5.11 Inviscid Flow Over a Semi-Infinite Wedge Consider the situation illustrated in Figure 5.12 in which an incompressible irrotational fluid flows over an impenetrable rigid wedge whose apex subtends an angle α π. Let the cross-section of the wedge in the x-y plane be both z-independent and symmetric about the y-axis. Furthermore, let the apex of the wedge lie at x = y = 0. Finally, let the upstream flow a large distance from the wedge be parallel to the xaxis. Because the flow is two-dimensional, incompressible, and irrotational, it can be represented in terms of a stream function that satisfies Laplace’s equation. The boundary conditions on the stream function are ψ (r, [3 − α] π/2) = ψ (r, −[1 − α] π/2) = 0.


These boundary conditions ensure that the normal velocity at the surface of the wedge is zero. It is easily demonstrated that ψ(r, θ) = −

A r 1−m cos [(1 − m) (θ − π/2)] 1−m


is a solution of Laplace’s equation, (5.61). Moreover, this solution satisfies the boundary conditions provided that (1 − m) (1 − α/2) = 1/2, or m=

α , 1 + α



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3 2 1 y

0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 x




Figure 5.13 Streamlines of inviscid incompressible irrotational flow over a 90◦ wedge. where α = 1 − α. Because the solutions to Laplace’s equation are unique, we can again be sure that Equation (5.131) is the correct solution to the problem under investigation. According to this solution, the tangential velocity on the surface of the wedge is given by (5.133) vt (r) = A r−m , where m ≥ 0. Note that the tangential velocity, and hence the flow speed, is infinite at the apex of the wedge. However, this singularity in the flow can be eliminated by slightly rounding the apex. Figure 5.13 shows the streamlines of the flow for the case α = 1/2.

5.12 Two-Dimensional Jets Consider a two-dimensional jet of width h and uniform speed v that impinges on a rigid plate, at an angle α to the normal to the plate, and divides into two streams, running along the plate, whose widths are ultimately uniform, and equal to h1 and h2 . (See Figure 5.14.) We expect the pressure well upstream of the plate to be atmospheric all the way across the jet, because the jet is not yet decelerating. Likewise, we expect the pressure well downstream of the strike point to be atmospheric all the way across the two streams that run along the plate, because the streams are no

Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


h1 v




v h2 Figure 5.14 A two-dimensional jet impinging on a rigid plate. longer accelerating (and, hence, their widths are constant). It immediately follows from Bernoulli’s theorem that the asymptotic flow speed in the two streams is v, as indicated in Figure 5.14. Fluid continuity demands that h v = h1 v + h2 v, or h = h1 + h2 .


Moreover, because the plate can only exert a normal force on the fluid, it follows that the parallel (to the plate) momentum flux of the incident jet must equal the net parallel momentum flux of the two streams. In other words, ρ h v 2 sin α = ρ h1 v 2 − ρ h2 v 2 ,


h sin α = h1 − h2 .


or Equations (5.134) and (5.136) can be combined to give h (1 + sin α), 2 h h2 = (1 − sin α). 2 h1 =

(5.137) (5.138)

Let us apply the Euler momentum theorem (see Section 4.4) to the flux tube shown in Figure 5.14, treating the plate as one of the walls of the tube. By symmetry,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

h1 ρ v 2 h1 /2






h2 /2

h2 ρ v 2 Figure 5.15 Determination of the center of pressure. the net force (per unit width perpendicular to the page) exerted across the walls and ends of the tube is the resultant of the three forces shown in Figure 5.15. It is easily demonstrated that this net force, F, is normal to the plate, as shown in the figure, and of magnitude (5.139) F = h ρ v 2 cos α. Obviously, the force in question corresponds to the force exerted by the plate on the fluid. An equal and opposite force is exerted by the fluid on the plate. (Note that there is no net pressure force on the flux tube because it is entirely surrounded by fluid at the same pressure: i.e., atmospheric pressure.) The line of action of the resultant force passes through the so-called center of pressure, C. This is displaced slightly from the point, O, where the middle of the jet strikes the plate. (See Figure 5.15.) Let d be the distance OC. We can calculate d by demanding that the net moment of the three forces shown in Figure 5.15 about point C be zero. In other words, h ρ v 2 cos α d − h1 ρ v 2

h1 h2 + h2 ρ v 2 = 0, 2 2


which yields d=

h tan α. 2


Two-Dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Flow


5.13 Exercises 5.1 For the case of the two-dimensional motion of an incompressible fluid, determine the condition that the velocity components v x = a x + b y, vy = c x + d y satisfy the equation of continuity. Show that the magnitude of the vorticity is c − b. 5.2 For the case of the two-dimensional motion of an incompressible fluid, show that v x = 2 c x y, vy = c (a 2 + x 2 − y 2 ) are the velocity components of a possible flow pattern. Determine the stream function and sketch the streamlines. Prove that the motion is irrotational, and find the velocity potential. 5.3 A cylindrical vortex in an incompressible fluid is co-axial with the z-axis, and such that ωz takes the constant value ω for r ≤ a, and is zero for r > a, where r is a cylindrical coordinate. Show that 1 dp κ2 r = 4 , ρ dr a where p(r) is the pressure at radius r inside the vortex, and the circulation of the fluid outside the vortex is 2π κ. Deduce that p(r) =

κ2 r2 ρ + p0 , 2 a4

where p0 is the pressure at the center of the vortex. 5.4 Consider the cylindrical vortex discussed in Exercise 5.3. If p(r) is the pressure at radius r external to the vortex, demonstrate that p(r) = −

κ2 ρ + p∞ , 2r2

where p∞ is the pressure at infinity. 5.5 Show that the stream function for the cylindrical vortex discussed in Exercises 5.3 and 5.4 is ψ(r) = (1/2) ω a 2 ln(r/a) for r > a, and ψ(r) = (1/4) ω (r 2 − a 2 ) for r ≤ a.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

5.6 Prove that in the two-dimensional motion of a liquid the mean tangential fluid velocity around any small circle of radius r is ω r, where 2 ω is the value of ∂vy ∂v x − ∂x ∂y at the center of the circle. Neglect terms of order r 3 . 5.7 Show that the equation of continuity for the two-dimensional motion of an incompressible fluid can be written ∂(r vr ) ∂vθ + = 0, ∂r ∂θ where r, θ are cylindrical coordinates. Demonstrate that this equation is satisfied when vr = a k r n exp[−k (n + 1) θ] and vθ = a r n exp[−k (n + 1) θ]. Determine the stream function, and show that the fluid speed at any point is √ (n + 1) ψ 1 + k 2 /r, where ψ is the stream function at that point (defined such that ψ = 0 at r = 0). 5.8 Demonstrate that streamlines cross at right-angles at a stagnation point in two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow. 5.9 Consider two-dimensional, incompressible, inviscid flow. Demonstrate that the fluid motion is governed by the following equations: ∂ω + [ψ, ω] = 0, ∂t ∇ 2 ψ = ω, ∇ 2 χ = ∇ω · ∇ψ + ω 2 , where v = ez × ∇ψ, [A, B] = ez · ∇A × ∇B, and χ = p/ρ + (1/2) v 2 + Ψ . 5.10 For irrotational, incompressible, inviscid motion in two dimensions show that ∇q · ∇q = q ∇ 2 q, where q = |v|.

6 Two-Dimensional Potential Flow

6.1 Introduction This chapter describes the use of complex analysis to facilitate calculations in twodimensional, incompressible, irrotational fluid dynamics. Incidentally, incompressible, irrotational flow is usually referred to as potential flow, because the associated velocity field can be represented in terms of a velocity potential that satisfies Laplace’s equation. (See Section 4.15.) In the following, all flow patterns are assumed to be such that the z-coordinate is ignorable. In other words, the fluid velocity is everywhere parallel to the x-y plane, and ∂/∂z = 0. It follows that all line sources and vortex filaments run parallel to the z-axis. Moreover, all solid surfaces are of infinite extent in the z-direction, and have uniform cross-sections. Hence, it is only necessary to specify the locations of line sources, vortex filaments, and solid surfaces in the x-y plane. More information on the use of complex analysis in twodimensional fluid mechanics can be found in Batchelor 2000, Milne-Thomson 1958, Milne-Thomson 2011, and Lamb 1993.

6.2 Complex Functions The complex variable is conventionally written z = x + i y,


where i represents the square root of minus one. Here, x and y are both real, and are identified with the corresponding Cartesian coordinates. (Incidentally, z should not be confused with a z-coordinate: this is a strictly two-dimensional discussion.) We can also write z = r e i θ, (6.2)  where r = x 2 + y 2 and θ = tan−1 (y/x) are the modulus and argument of z, respectively, but can also be identified with the corresponding plane polar coordinates. Finally, Euler’s theorem (Riley 1974), e i θ = cos θ + i sin θ,

(6.3) 149


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

implies that x = r cos θ,


y = r sin θ.


We can define functions of the complex variable, F(z), in the same way that we define functions of a real variable. For instance, F(z) = z 2 ,


1 . z


F(z) =

For a given function, F(z), we can substitute z = x + i y and write F(z) = φ(x, y) + i ψ(x, y),


where φ(x, y) and ψ(x, y) are real two-dimensional functions. Thus, if F(z) = z 2 ,


F(x + i y) = (x + i y)2 = (x 2 − y 2 ) + 2 i x y,


φ(x, y) = x 2 − y 2 ,


ψ(x, y) = 2 x y.


then giving

6.3 Cauchy-Riemann Relations We can define the derivative of a complex function in the same way that we define the derivative of a real function. In other words, dF = dz

lim |δz|→∞

F(z + δz) − F(z) . δz


However, we now have a problem. If F(z) is a well-behaved function (i.e., finite, single-valued, and differentiable) then it should not matter from which direction in the complex plane we approach the point z when taking the limit in Equation (6.13). There are, of course, many different possible approach directions, but if we look at a regular complex function, F(z) = z 2 (say), then dF = 2z dz


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


is perfectly well-defined, and is, therefore, completely independent of the details of how the limit is taken in Equation (6.13). The fact that Equation (6.13) has to give the same result, no matter from which direction we approach z, means that there are some restrictions on the forms of the functions φ(x, y) and ψ(x, y) in Equation (6.8). Suppose that we approach z along the real axis, so that δz = δx. We obtain φ(x + δx, y) + i ψ(x + δx, y) − φ(x, y) − i ψ(x, y) δx ∂φ ∂ψ = +i . ∂x ∂x

dF = dz

lim |δx|→0


Suppose that we now approach z along the imaginary axis, so that δz = i δy. We get dF = dz

lim |δy|→0

= −i

φ(x, y + δy) + i ψ(x, y + δy) − φ(x, y) − i ψ(x, y) i δy

∂φ ∂ψ + . ∂y ∂y


But, if F(z) is a well-behaved function then its derivative must be well-defined, which implies that the previous two expressions are equivalent. This requires that ∂φ ∂ψ = , ∂x ∂y


∂ψ ∂φ =− . ∂x ∂y


These expressions are called the Cauchy-Riemann relations, and are, in fact, sufficient to ensure that all possible ways of taking the limit (6.13) give the same result (Riley 1974). The Cauchy-Riemann relations can be combined to give ∂ 2 φ ∂ 2 φ ∂ 2 ψ ∂ 2 ψ ∂φ ∂ψ ∂φ ∂ψ + = 0. + = + = ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂x 2 ∂y 2


In other words, ∇ 2 φ = 0,


∇ ψ = 0,


∇φ · ∇ψ = 0.



It follows that the real and imaginary parts of a well-behaved function of the complex variable both satisfy Laplace’s equation. Furthermore, the contours of these functions cross at right-angles.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6.4 Complex Velocity Potential Equations (6.17)–(6.18) are identical to Equations (5.21)–(5.22). This suggests that the real and imaginary parts of a well-behaved function of the complex variable can be interpreted as the velocity potential and stream function, respectively, of some two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flow pattern. For instance, suppose that (6.23) F(z) = −V0 z, where V0 is real. It follows that φ(r, θ) = −V0 r cos θ,


ψ(r, θ) = −V0 r sin θ.


It can be seen, by comparison with the analysis of Section 5.4, that the complex velocity potential (6.23) corresponds to uniform flow of speed V0 directed along the x-axis. Furthermore, as is easily demonstrated, the complex velocity potential associated with uniform flow of speed V0 whose direction subtends a (counter-clockwise) angle θ0 with the x-axis is F(z) = −V0 z e−i θ0 . Suppose that Q ln z, (6.26) F(z) = − 2π where Q is real. Because ln z = ln r + i θ (Riley 1974), it follows that Q ln r, 2π Q ψ(r, θ) = − θ. 2π φ(r, θ) = −

(6.27) (6.28)

Thus, according to the analysis of Section 5.5, the complex velocity potential (6.26) corresponds to the flow pattern of a line source, of strength Q, located at the origin. (See Figure 5.3.) As a simple generalization of this result, the complex potential of a line source, of strength Q, located at the point (x0 , y0 ), is F(z) = −(Q/2π) ln(z − z0 ), where z0 = x0 + i y0 . It can be seen, from Equation (6.26), that the complex velocity potential of a line source is singular at the location of the source. Suppose that Γ ln z, (6.29) F(z) = i 2π where Γ is real. It follows that Γ θ, 2π Γ ψ(r, θ) = ln r. 2π φ(r, θ) = −

(6.30) (6.31)

Thus, according to the analysis of Section 5.6, the complex velocity potential (6.29)

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


corresponds to the flow pattern of a vortex filament of intensity Γ located at the origin. (See Figure 5.5.) As a simple generalization of this result, the complex potential of a vortex filament, of intensity Γ, located at the point (x0 , y0 ), is F(z) = i (Γ/2π) ln(z − z0 ), where z0 = x0 + i y0 . According to Equation (6.29), the complex velocity potential of a vortex filament is singular at the location of the filament. Suppose, finally, that

$z% a2 Γ ln F(z) = −V0 z + +i , (6.32) z 2π a where V0 , a, and Γ, are real. It follows that

a2 Γ θ, φ(r, θ) = −V0 r + cos θ − r 2π

$r% Γ a2 sin θ + ln . ψ(r, θ) = −V0 r − r 2π a

(6.33) (6.34)

Thus, according to the analysis of Section 5.8, the complex velocity potential (6.32) corresponds to uniform flow of unperturbed speed V0 , running parallel to the x-axis, around an impenetrable circular cylinder of radius a, centered on the origin. (See Figures 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8.) Here, Γ is the circulation of the flow about the cylinder. It can be seen that ψ = 0 on the surface of the cylinder (r = a), which ensures that the normal velocity is zero on this surface (because the surface corresponds to a streamline), as must be the case if the cylinder is impenetrable.

6.5 Complex Velocity Equations (5.17), (5.20), and (6.15) imply that dF ∂φ ∂ψ = +i = −v x + i vy . dz ∂x ∂x Consequently, dF/dz is termed the complex velocity. It follows that   2  dF  = v 2 + v 2 = v 2 , x y  dz 



where v is the flow speed. A stagnation point is defined as a point in a flow pattern at which the flow speed, v, falls to zero. (See Section 5.8.) According to the previous expression, dF =0 dz


at a stagnation point. For instance, the stagnation points of the flow pattern produced


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

when a cylindrical obstacle of radius a, centered on the origin, is placed in a uniform flow of speed V0 , directed parallel to the x-axis, and the circulation of the flow around is cylinder is Γ, are found by setting the derivative of the complex potential (6.32) to zero. It follows that the stagnation points satisfy the quadratic equation

a2 Γ dF = −V0 1 − 2 + i = 0. (6.38) dz 2π z z  z = −i ζ ± 1 − ζ 2 , (6.39) a where ζ = −Γ/(4π V0 a), with the proviso that |z|/a > 1, because the region |z|/a < 1 is occupied by the cylinder. Thus, if ζ  ≤ 1 then there are two stagnation points on the surface of the cylinder at x/a = ± 1 − ζ 2 and y/a = −ζ. On the other hand, if ζ > 1 then  there is a single stagnation point below the cylinder at x/a = 0 and y/a = −ζ − ζ 2 − 1. According to Section 4.15, Bernoulli’s theorem in an steady, irrotational, incompressible fluid takes the form The solutions are


1 2 ρ v = p0 , 2


where p0 is a uniform constant. Here, gravity (and any other body force) has been neglected. Thus, the pressure distribution in such a fluid can be written   1  dF  2 p = p0 − ρ   . 2 dz


6.6 Method of Images Let F1 (z) = φ1 (x, y) + i ψ1 (x, y) and F2 (z) = φ2 (x, y) + i ψ2 (x, y) be complex velocity potentials corresponding to distinct, two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flow patterns whose stream functions are ψ1 (x, y) and ψ2 (x, y), respectively. It follows that both stream functions satisfy Laplace’s equation: that is, ∇ 2 ψ1 = ∇ 2 ψ2 = 0. Suppose that F3 (z) = F1 (z) + F2 (z). Writing F3 (z) = φ3 (x, y) + i ψ3 (x, y), it is clear that ψ3 (x, y) = ψ1 (x, y) + ψ2 (x, y). Moreover, ∇ 2 ψ3 = ∇ 2 ψ1 + ∇ 2 ψ2 = 0, so ψ3 also satisfies Laplace’s equation. We deduce that two complex velocity potentials, corresponding to distinct, two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flow patterns, can be superposed to produce a third velocity potential that corresponds to another two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flow pattern. As described in the following, this idea can be exploited to determine the flow patterns produced by line sources and vortex filaments in the vicinity of rigid boundaries. As an example, consider a situation in which there are two line sources of strength Q located at the points (0, ±a). (See Figure 6.1.) The complex velocity potential of

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow



Q a x a Q

Figure 6.1 Two line sources. the resulting flow pattern is the sum of the complex potentials of each source taken in isolation. Hence, from Section 6.4, F(z) = −

Q Q Q ln(z − i a) − ln(z + i a) = − ln(z 2 + a 2 ). 2π 2π 2π


Thus, the stream function of the flow pattern (which is the imaginary part of the complex potential) is ψ(x, y) = −

2 xy Q tan−1 2 . 2π x − y2 + a2


Note that ψ(x, 0) = 0, which implies that there is zero flow normal to the plane y = 0. Hence, in the region y > 0, we could interpret the previous stream function as that generated by a single line source of strength Q, located at the point (0, a), in the presence of a planar rigid boundary at y = 0. This follows because the stream function satisfies ∇ 2 ψ = 0 everywhere in the region y > 0, has the requisite singularity (corresponding to a line source of strength Q) at (0, a), and satisfies the physical boundary condition that the normal velocity be zero at the rigid boundary. Moreover, as is well-known, the solutions of Laplace’s equation are unique. The streamlines of the resulting flow pattern are shown in Figure 6.2. Incidentally, we can think of the two sources in Figure 6.1 as the “images” of one another in the boundary plane. Hence, this method of calculation is usually referred to as the method of images.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6 5 4 y/a 3 2 1 0 −3



0 x/a




Figure 6.2 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a line source at (0, a) in the presence of a rigid boundary at y = 0. The complex velocity associated with the complex velocity potential (6.42) is dF Q z =− . 2 dz π z + a2 Hence, the flow speed at the boundary is   |x|/a Q dF . v(x, 0) =   (x, 0) = dz π a 1 + x 2 /a 2



It follows from Equation (6.41) (and the fact that the flow speed at infinity is zero) that the excess pressure on the boundary, due to the presence of the source, is   x 2 /a 2 ρ $ Q %2 ρ  dF  2 . (6.46) δp(x, 0) = −   = − 2 dz y=0 2 π a (1 + x 2 /a 2 )2 Thus, the excess force per unit length (in the z-direction) acting on the boundary in the y-direction is  ∞  ζ2 ρ Q2 ∞ ρ Q2 . (6.47) Fy = − δp(x, 0) dx = 2 dζ = 4π a 2π a −∞ (1 + ζ 2 )2 −∞ The fact that the force is positive implies that the boundary is attracted to the source, and vice versa.

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow



Γ a x a −Γ

Figure 6.3 Two vortex filaments. As a second example, consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 6.3, in which there are two vortex filaments of intensities Γ and −Γ situated at (0, ±a). As before, the complex velocity potential of the resulting flow pattern is the sum of the complex potentials of each filament taken in isolation. Hence, from Section 6.4,

z− ia Γ Γ Γ ln(z − i a) − i ln(z + i a) = i ln F(z) = i . (6.48) 2π 2π 2π z+ ia Thus, the stream function of the flow pattern is 2

x + (y − a)2 Γ ln 2 . ψ(x, y) = 2π x + (y + a)2


As before, ψ(x, 0) = 0, which implies that there is zero flow normal to the plane y = 0 (because the plane corresponds to a streamline). Hence, in the region y > 0, we could interpret the previous stream function as that generated by a single vortex filament of intensity Γ, located at the point (0, a), in the presence of a planar rigid boundary at y = 0. The streamlines of the resulting flow pattern are shown in Figure 6.4. We conclude that a vortex filament reverses its sense of rotation (i.e., Γ → −Γ) when “reflected” in a boundary plane. As a final example, consider the situation, illustrated in Figure 6.5, in which there is an impenetrable circular cylinder of radius a, centered on the origin, and a line source of strength Q located at (b, 0), where b > a. Consider the so-called analog problem, also illustrated in Figure 6.5, in which the cylinder is replaced by a source


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6 5 4 y/a 3 2 1 0 −3



0 x/a




Figure 6.4 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a vortex filament at (0, a) in the presence of a rigid boundary at y = 0. of strength Q, located at (c, 0), where c < a, and a source of strength −Q, located at the origin. We can think of these two sources as the “images” of the external source in the cylinder. Moreover, given that the solutions of Laplace’s equation are unique, if the analog problem can be adjusted in such a manner that r = a is a streamline then the flow in the region r > a will become identical to that in the actual problem. The complex velocity potential in the analog problem is simply

(z − b) (z − c) Q Q Q Q ln(z − b) − ln(z − c) + ln z = − ln . (6.50) F(z) = − 2π 2π 2π 2π z Hence, writing z = r e i θ , the corresponding stream function takes the form

(r − b c/r) sin θ Q −1 ψ(r, θ) = − tan . 2π (r + b c/r) cos θ − (b + c)


We require the surface of the cylinder, r = a, to be a streamline: that is, ψ(a, θ) = constant. This is easily achieved by setting c = a 2 /b. Thus, the stream function becomes

(r/a − a/r) sin θ Q −1 ψ(r, θ) = − tan . (6.52) 2π (r/a + a/r) cos θ − (b/a + a/b) The corresponding streamlines in the region external to the cylinder are illustrated in Figure 6.6.

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow




Q a




Q c



Figure 6.5 A line source in the presence of an impenetrable circular cylinder.

4 3 2


1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −4 −3 −2 −1

0 x/a





Figure 6.6 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a line source at (2 a, 0) in the presence of a rigid circular cylinder of radius a centered on the origin.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6.7 Conformal Maps Let ζ = ξ + i η and z = x + i y, where ξ, η, x, and y are real. Suppose that ζ = f (z), where f is a well-behaved (i.e., single-valued, non-singular, and differentiable) function. We can think of ζ = f (z) as a map from the complex z-plane to the complex ζ-plane. In other words, every point (x, y) in the complex z-plane maps to a corresponding point (ξ, η) in the complex ζ-plane. Moreover, if f (z) is indeed a wellbehaved function then this mapping is unique, and also has a unique inverse. Suppose that the point z = z0 in the z-plane maps to the point ζ = ζ0 in the ζ-plane. Let us investigate how neighboring points map. We have ζ0 + dζ  = f (z0 + dz ),


ζ0 + dζ  = f (z0 + dz ).


In other words, the points z0 + dz and z0 + dz in the complex z-plane map to the points ζ0 + dζ  and ζ0 + dζ  in the complex ζ-plane, respectively. If |dz |, |dz |  1 then dζ  = f  (z0 ) dz ,


dζ  = f  (z0 ) dz ,


dζ  dz = . dζ  dz


|dζ  | |dz | = , |dζ  | |dz |


arg(dζ  ) − arg(dζ  ) = arg(dz ) − arg(dz ).


where f  (z) = d f /dz. Hence,

Thus, it follows that


We can think of dz and dz as infinitesimal vectors connecting neighboring points in the complex z-plane to the point z = z0 . Likewise, dζ  and dζ  are infinitesimal vectors connecting the corresponding points in the complex ζ-plane. It is clear, from the previous two equations, that, in the vicinity of z = z0 , the mapping from the complex z-plane to the complex ζ-plane is such that the lengths of dz and dz expand or contract by the same factor, and the angle subtended between these two vectors remains the same. (See Figure 6.7.) This type of mapping is termed conformal. Suppose that F(ζ) = φ(ξ, η) + i ψ(ξ, η) is a well-behaved function of the complex variable ζ. It follows that ∇ 2 φ = ∇ 2 ψ = ∇φ·∇ψ = 0. Hence, the functions φ(ξ, η) and ψ(ξ, η) can be interpreted as the velocity potential and stream function, respectively, of some two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern, where ξ and η are Cartesian coordinates. However, if ζ = f (z), where f (z) is well-behaved, then ((x, y), where G(z) is also well-behaved. It F(ζ) = F[ f (z)] = G(z) = ( φ(x, y) + i ψ ( = ∇( ( = 0. In other words, the functions ( φ = ∇ 2ψ φ · ∇ψ φ(x, y) and follows that ∇ 2(

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow




dζ  dζ  ζ0 x


dz  z0


Figure 6.7 A conformal map. ((x, y) can be interpreted as the velocity potential and stream function, respectively, ψ of some new, two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern, where x and y are Cartesian coordinates. In other words, we can use a conformal map to convert a given two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern into another, quite different, pattern. Incidentally, a conformal map converts a line source into a line source of the same strength, and a vortex filament into a vortex filament of the same intensity. (See Exercise 6.12.) As an example, consider the conformal map ζ = i e π z/a .


Writing ζ = r e i θ , it is easily demonstrated that x = a ln r/π and y = a (θ/π − 1/2). Hence, the positive ξ-axis (θ = 0) maps to the line y = −a/2, the negative ξ-axis (θ = π) maps to the line y = a/2, and the region η > 0 (0 ≤ θ ≤ π) maps to the region −a/2 < y < a/2. Moreover, the points ζ = (0, ±1) map to the points z = a (0,−1/2 ± 1/2). (See Figure 6.8.) As we saw in Section 6.6, in the region η > 0, the velocity potential

ζ −i Γ ln (6.61) F(ζ) = i 2π ζ +i corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a vortex filament of intensity Γ, located at the point ζ = (0, 1), in the presence of a rigid plane at η = 0. Hence, $πz% Γ ln tanh G(z) = F(i e π z/a ) = i , (6.62) 2π 2a corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a vortex filament of intensity Γ, located at the origin, in the presence of two rigid planes at y = ±a/2. This follows because the line η = 0 is mapped to the lines y = ±a/2, and the point ζ = (0, 1) is mapped


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



A a A




1 C





Figure 6.8 The conformal map ζ = i e π z/a . to the origin. Moreover, if the line η = 0 is a streamline in the η-plane then the lines y = ±a/2 are also streamlines in the z-plane. Thus, these lines could all correspond to rigid boundaries. The stream function associated with the previous complex velocity potential,

cosh(π x a) − cos(π y/a) Γ ψ(x, y) = ln , (6.63) π cosh(π x/a) + cos(π y/a) is shown in Figure 6.9. As a second example, consider the map ζ = z 2.


This maps the positive ξ-axis to the positive x-axis, the negative ξ-axis to the positive y-axis, the region η > 0 to the region x > 0, y > 0, and the point ζ = (0, 2 a 2) to the point z = (a, a). As we saw in Section 6.6, in the region η > 0, the velocity potential F(ζ) =

Q ln(ζ 2 + 4 a 4 ), 2π


corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a line source of strength Q, located at the point ζ = (0, 2 a 2 ), in the presence of a rigid plane at η = 0. Thus, the complex velocity potential Q ln(z 4 + 4 a 4 ), G(z) = F(z 2 ) = (6.66) 2π corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a line source of strength Q, located at the point z = (a, a), in the presence of two orthogonal rigid planes at y = 0 and x = 0. The stream function associated with the previous complex potential,

4 x y (x 2 − y 2 ) Q , (6.67) ψ(x, y) = − tan−1 4 2π x − 6 x2 y2 + y4 + 4 a4

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow




0 −0.5 −1


0 x/a



Figure 6.9 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a vortex filament at the origin in the presence of two rigid planes at y = ±a/2.


2 y/a 1







Figure 6.10 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a line source at (a, a) in the presence of two rigid planes at x = 0 and y = 0.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

is shown in Figure 6.10. As a final example, consider the map z=ζ+

l2 , ζ


where l is real and positive. Writing ζ = r e i θ , we find that x = 2 l cosh[ln(r/l)] cos θ = (r + l 2 /r) cos θ,


y = 2 l sinh[ln(r/l)] sin θ = (r − l 2 /r) sin θ.


Thus, the map converts the circle ξ + η = c in the ζ-plane, where c > l, into the ellipse $ x %2 $ y %2 + =1 (6.71) a b in the z-plane, where 2



a = 2 l cosh[ln(c/l)] = c + l 2 /c,


b = 2 l sinh[ln(c/l)] = c − l /c.



Note that the center of the ellipse lies at the origin, and its major and minor axes run parallel to the x- and the y-axes, respectively. As we saw in Section 6.4, in the ζ-plane, the complex velocity potential

c2 , (6.74) F = −V0 ζ + ζ represents uniform flow of unperturbed speed V0 , running parallel to the ξ-axis, around a circular cylinder of radius c, centered on the origin. Thus, assuming that c > l, in the z-plane, the potential represents uniform flow of unperturbed speed V0 , running parallel to the x-axis [which follows because at large |z| the map (6.68) reduces to z = ζ, and so the flow at large distances from the origin is the same in the complex z- and ζ-planes], around an elliptical cylinder of major radius a, aligned along the x-axis, and minor radius b, aligned along the y-axis. Note that l = (a 2 − b 2 )1/2 /2 and c = (a + b)/2. The corresponding stream function in the z-plane is

c2 ψ(x, y) = −V0 r − sin θ, (6.75) r where r = l exp(cosh−1 p),

p −1 y θ = tan , x [p 2 − 1]1/2    1/2  x 2 /l 2 + y 2 /l 2 + 4 + [x 2 /l 2 + y 2 /l 2 + 4]2 − 16 x 2 /l 2 1/2    p =   .  8 Figure 6.11 shows the streamlines of the flow pattern calculated for c = 1.5 l.

(6.76) (6.77)


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


4 3 2 1 y/l

0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −4 −3 −2 −1

0 x/l





Figure 6.11 Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to uniform flow parallel to the x-axis around an elliptical cylinder.

6.8 Schwarz–Christoffel Theorem The Schwarz–Christoffel theorem is an important mathematical result that allows a polygonal boundary in the z-plane to be mapped conformally onto the real axis, η = 0, in the ζ-plane. It is conventional to map the region inside the polygon in the z-plane onto the upper half, η > 0, of the ζ-plane. If the interior angles of the polygon are α, β, γ, · · · then the appropriate map is dζ = K (ζ − a)1−α/π (ζ − b)1−β/π (ζ − c)1−γ/π · · · , dz


where K is a constant, and a, b, c, · · · are the (real) values of ζ that correspond to the vertices of the polygon (Milne-Thompson 2011). It is often convenient to take the point in the ζ-plane that corresponds to one of the vertices of the polygon—say, that given by ζ = a—to be at infinity. In this case, the factor (ζ − a) in Equation (6.79) becomes effectively constant, and can be absorbed into a new constant of proportionality, K  . Consider, for example, a semi-infinite strip in the z-plane, for which α = 0, β = π/2, and γ = π/2. This is mapped onto the upper half of the ζ-plane, with the zero-angle vertex corresponding to a point at infinity in the ζ-plane, by means of the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

y z0 + i π/K


γ x


β η ζ-plane c



Figure 6.12 Conformal transformation of a semi-infinite strip in the z-plane into the upper half of the ζ-plane. transformation

dζ = K  (ζ − b)1/2 (ζ − c)1/2 , dz


where K  is real and positive. We can integrate the previous expression to give ζ=

1 1 (b + c) + (b − c) cosh[K  (z − z0 )]. 2 2


Here, the points ζ = b and ζ = c in the ζ-plane correspond to the vertices z = z0 and z = z0 + i π/K  , respectively, in the z-plane. (See Figure 6.12.) Suppose that b = 0, c = −w, z0 = 0, and π/K  = w. In this case, the transformation (6.81) becomes $ z% ' w& ζ= cosh π −1 , (6.82) 2 w which implies that $ x% $ y% ' w& ξ= cosh π cos π −1 , (6.83) 2 w w $ % $ % x y w sin π . (6.84) η = sinh π 2 w w The transformation (6.82) maps the semi-infinite strip in the z-plane that is bounded by the lines y = 0, x = 0, and y = w into the upper half of the ζ-plane. The transformation also maps the origin of the ζ-plane to the origin of the z-plane, and the ξ-axis to the lines y = w, x = 0, and y = 0. Now, in the ζ-plane, F=−

Q ln ζ π


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow







1 x/w


Figure 6.13 Stream function due to a line source located in the left-hand corner of a semi-infinite strip bounded by rigid planes at y = 0, x = 0, and y = w. is the complex potential associated with a line source of strength 2 Q, located at the origin. By symmetry, the ξ-axis corresponds to a streamline, and can, therefore, be replaced by a rigid boundary. It follows that, in the z-plane, the same potential is that due to a line source, of strength Q, located in the lower left-hand corner of a semi-infinite strip bounded by rigid planes at y = 0, x = 0, and y = w. (Incidentally, the source strength in the z-plane is Q, rather than 2 Q, because, by symmetry, half the output from the source in the ζ-plane goes below the ξ-axis and, therefore, does not map to the semi-infinite strip in the z-plane.) The corresponding stream function is

Q Q −1 η ψ = − arg(ζ) = − tan , (6.86) π π ξ and is illustrated in Figure 6.13. An infinite strip in the z-plane is a polygon with two zero-angle vertices, both at infinity. The required transformation follows from Equation (6.79) by setting α = β = 0, (ζ − a)/a → −1, and K a → K  . Thus, we obtain dζ = K  (ζ − b), dz


which can be integrated to give ζ = b + eK

(z−z0 )



This transformation maps the point ζ = b + 1 to the point z = z0 , the ξ-axis to the two lines y = Im(z0 ) and y = Im(z0 )+π/K  , and the upper half of the ζ-plane to the region between the lines y = Im(z0 ) and y = Im(z0 ) +π/K  , as illustrated in Figure 6.14. It is clear that the transformation (6.60), studied in the preceding section, is just a special case of the transformation (6.88).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


A π/K 


B x

z0 A




ζ-plane b



b+1 B



Figure 6.14 Conformal transformation of an infinite strip in the z-plane into the upper half of the ζ-plane.

6.9 Free Streamline Theory Consider a situation in which steady, incompressible, irrotational flow is partly bounded by rigid walls, and partly by free streamlines of unknown shape on which the pressure takes a known constant value. For instance, the free streamlines might correspond to the interface of a liquid with the atmosphere, in which case the constant pressure would correspond to that of the atmosphere. According to Bernoulli’s theorem, (6.40), (neglecting gravity) the fluid speed is constant on a free streamline. Let us define the new complex variable

1 1 dz = ln = ln Ω = ln + i θ, (6.89) v x − i vy v d F¯ ¯ and v and θ are the magnitude and direction (relative to where z = x + i y, F¯ = φ¯ + i ψ, the x-axis) of the velocity vector (v x , vy ). (See Section 6.5.) Here, F¯ = −F, φ¯ = −φ, and ψ¯ = −ψ. It follows that the real part of Ω is constant on each free streamline, whereas the imaginary part is constant on each straight segment of the rigid boundary. Thus, the whole boundary of the fluid is represented in the Ω-plane by a polygon. We know, from the Schwarz–Christoffel theorem (see Section 6.8), that it is always possible to map the interior (or exterior) of a polygon in one complex plane onto the upper half of another complex plane. Hence, it is possible to find conformal relations between Ω and a new complex variable λ, and between F¯ and λ, such that the flow region is mapped onto the upper half of the λ-plane in both cases. In this way, we ¯ from which an expression for F¯ in terms of z can find a relation between Ω and F, follows via integration.

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow

169 ψ¯

F¯ -plane





ψ¯ = ψ¯1


ψ¯ = 0


z-plane A


ψ¯ = −ψ¯1 C 

B Ω-plane

ψ¯ = ψ¯1 C



b ψ¯ = 0

θ B




ln(v/V ) A




ψ¯ = 0



ψ¯ = −ψ¯1






Figure 6.15 Conformal transformations required for the determination of the flow from an orifice in a plane wall in two dimensions. As an example of the application of free streamline theory, let us calculate the contraction ratio of a two-dimensional jet of liquid emerging from an orifice. Suppose that the orifice in question is a long thin slot in a plane wall of small thickness, and that the wall forms part of a large vessel containing liquid. The speed of the liquid on the free streamlines that emerge from the edges of the orifice is uniform, and equal to V, say. This is also the speed of the interior of the jet far downstream of the orifice, where (neglecting the effects of gravity) the streamlines are straight and parallel. (See Figure 6.16.) Let the two streamlines bounding the flow, on which ψ¯ = +ψ¯ 1 and ψ¯ = −ψ¯ 1 , say—be ABC and A BC  , respectively, where A, A , C, and C  all represent points at infinity. Figure 6.15 shows the corresponding straight-line ¯ and Ω-planes, where Ω is now defined in a more convenient boundaries in the Fmanner as

$V % dz = ln Ω = ln V + i θ. (6.90) v d F¯ We, first, need to map the semi-infinite strip A BC  CBA in the Ω-plane to the upper half of the λ-plane. The conformal transformation of a semi-infinite strip onto the upper half of another complex plane is achieved by the relation (6.81). Adapting this relation to our current needs, we take K  = 1, z0 = −i π/2, and b = −c = 1, so that λ = i sinh Ω (6.91)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

In particular, this transformation maps the points B = i π/2 and B = i π/2 in the Ω-plane to the points B = 1 and B = −1, respectively, in the λ-plane. ¯ to the upper Next, we need to map the infinite strip ABCA BC  in the F-plane half of the λ-plane. The conformal transformation of a semi-infinite strip onto the upper half of another complex plane is achieved by the relation (6.88). Adapting this relation to our current needs, we take −K  = π/(2 ψ¯ 1 ), b = 0, z0 = i ψ¯ 1 , so that

π F¯ λ = i exp − . (6.92) 2 ψ¯ 1 The flow field has now been mapped onto the upper half of the λ-plane in two coincident ways, giving

π F¯ 1 d F¯ i dz λ = i exp − − = i sinh Ω = V . (6.93) 2 ψ¯ 1 2 d F¯ V dz Hence, dz = −i λ + (1 − λ 2 )1/2 , (6.94) d F¯ where, with cuts in the z-plane at AB and A B , the correct branch of (1−λ 2)1/2 is that which is real and positive when ψ¯ = 0. Integration, with the aid of Equation (6.92), yields V

π V (z − z1 ) = i (λ − 1) − (1 − λ 2 )1/2 + tanh−1 [(1 − λ 2 )1/2 ], 2 ψ¯ 1


where z1 is a constant. However, λ = 1 at the point B, where z = i d (2 d being the width of the orifice), so z1 = i d, and π V (z − i d) = i (λ − 1) − (1 − λ 2 )1/2 + tanh−1 [(1 − λ 2 )1/2 ], 2 ψ¯ 1


Finally, the required relationship between z and F¯ is obtained by eliminating λ between Equations (6.92) and (6.96). On the free streamline BC, we have ψ¯ = ψ¯ 1 ,

φ¯ = V s,

Ω = i θ,


where s denotes distance measured along the streamline from B. It follows from Equations (6.91) and (6.92) that

π V λ = − sin θ = exp − s . (6.98) 2 ψ¯ 1 Thus, making use of Equation (6.96), the equation of streamline BC can be written, in parametric form, as  2 ψ¯ 1  tanh−1 (cos θ) − cos θ) , π V 2 ψ¯ 1 (1 + sin θ) . y=d− π V x=

(6.99) (6.100)

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


1 0.8 0.6 0.4 y/d

0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1


1 x/d


Figure 6.16 Free streamlines of a liquid jet emerging from an orifice in a plane wall in two dimensions.

Thus, the asymptotic semi-width of the jet is b = lim y(s) = d − s→∞

2 ψ¯ 1 . π V


Far from the orifice, which corresponds to λ → 0, Equation (6.94) yields d F¯ 1 1 = . dz v x − i vy V


In other words, as expected, the velocity profile becomes uniform across the jet far downstream of the orifice, which implies that ψ¯ 1 = b V. It follows, from Equation (6.101), that the contraction ratio of a two-dimensional liquid jet emerging from an orifice in a plane wall takes the value π b = = 0.61. d π+2


Somewhat surprisingly, this value is very close to the observed contraction ratio of a three-dimensional jet emerging from a circular hole in a plane wall. (See Section 4.6.) According to Equations (6.99), (6.100), and (6.103), the equation of the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics









1 (2/π) α


Figure 6.17 Contraction ratio of a liquid jet emerging from a two-dimensional orifice formed by a gap between two semi-infinite plane walls that subtend an angle 2 α. free streamline BC can be written  2  x = tanh−1 (cos ζ) − cos ζ) , d π+2 y π + 2 sin ζ = , d π+2

(6.104) (6.105)

for π/2 ≥ ζ ≥ 0. By symmetry, the equation of the free streamline BC  is obtained from the previous equation via the transformation x → x, y → −y. The streamlines BC and BC  are plotted in Figure 6.16. We can easily extend the previous calculation to determine the contraction ratio of a liquid jet emerging from a two-dimensional orifice formed by a gap between two semi-infinite plane walls that subtend an angle 2 α. In this case, the free streamline BC, on which ψ¯ = +ψ¯ 1 , corresponds to v = V and θ = −α, whereas the free streamline BC  , on which ψ¯ = −ψ¯ 1 , corresponds to v = V and θ = +α. Hence, the transformation (6.93) generalizes to give

$ π % π F¯ Ω , (6.106) λ = i exp − = i sinh 2 ψ¯ 1 2α which implies that V

 2 α/π dz  . = −i λ + (1 − λ 2 )1/2 ¯ dF


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


Far from the orifice, which corresponds to λ → 0, the previous expression yields ¯ d F/dz 1/V. In other words, a long way downstream of the orifice, the velocity profile is again uniform across the jet. Hence, we can write ψ¯ 1 = b V, where b is the semi-width of the jet far from the orifice. Combining the previous two equations, we obtain  2 α/π π dz dλ  = − . (6.108) −i λ + (1 − λ 2 )1/2 2 b λ Now, λ = 1 corresponds to the point B, at which z = i d, where d is the semi-width of the orifice. Thus, integration of the previous expression yields z − id 2 = b π



 2 α/π dk  . −i k + (1 − k 2 )1/2 k


Making the transformation k = sin β, we get z− id 2 = b π

dβ 2α β . exp −i π tan β sin−1 (λ)



As before, we have λ = exp[−(π/2) (s/b)] on the free streamline BC, where s denotes distance measured along the streamline from B. Far downstream of the orifice, λ → 0 and Im(z) → b. Hence, we obtain the following expression for the contraction ratio of the jet:

−1  b 2 π/2 sin[(2 α/π) β] = 1+ dβ . (6.111) d π 0 tan β This contraction ratio is plotted as a function of α in Figure 6.17. It can be seen that the ratio takes the value 1 when α = 0, which corresponds to a two-dimensional jet emerging from a gap between two parallel planes. Not surprisingly, there is no contraction in this case, because the streamlines of the flow are already parallel before they emerge from the orifice. On the other hand, the ratio takes the value 1/2 when α = π, which corresponds to the two-dimensional equivalent to the Borda mouthpiece discussed in Section 4.6. In this case, the contraction ratio is exactly the same as that of a three-dimensional Borda mouthpiece, which is not surprising, because there is nothing in the discussion of Section 4.6 that depends crucially on the shape of the mouthpiece cross-section. As a second example of the use of free streamline theory, consider the flow past a flat plate normal to a liquid stream of infinite extent. The pressure in the cavity formed behind the plate is assumed to be equal to that of the undisturbed stream. Thus, the speed of the liquid on the free streamlines bounding the cavity is equal to V, which is the uniform flow speed far upstream of the plate. Let us take ψ¯ = 0 on the central streamline that divides at the stagnation point O, and later becomes the two free streamlines. (See Figure 6.18.) The correspondence between the various points on the streamline ψ¯ = 0 in the ¯ and Ω-planes is specified in Figure 6.18. The flow occupies the whole of z-, F-, ¯ the F-plane, apart from a thin slit running along the positive section of the real axis. As previously, the procedure is to find transformations that map the flow regions in


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics ψ¯

F¯ -plane y









z-plane F¯ 1/2-plane





O ψ¯ = 0










B π/2





ln(V /v)






C, A, C 



Figure 6.18 Conformal transformations required for the determination of the flow past a flat plate with a cavity at ambient pressure. ¯ and Ω-planes coincidentally onto the upper half of the λ-plane. The both the Fsemi-infinite strip in the Ω-plane has the same width, position, and orientation as that shown in Figure 6.15. Thus, the appropriate relationship between Ω and λ is again λ = i sinh Ω,


with the locations of the points B and B again being λ = −1 and λ = +1, respectively. The appropriate relationship between F¯ and λ can be recognized by noting, first, that the flow occupies the upper half of the F¯ 1/2 -plane, and, second, that an inversion and change of sign are needed to bring corresponding points on the two real axes into coincidence. Thus, we obtain

kV λ=− F¯

1/2 ,


where k is some positive constant. The required relation between F¯ and Ω is given by


kV F¯

1/2 = i sinh Ω =

i dz 1 d F¯ V . − 2 d F¯ V dz


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow Hence,



1/2 kV 1 d F¯ kV = −i + 1− , V dz F¯ F¯


¯ 1/2 is that which is positive on AO. Integrawhere the relevant branch of (1 − k V/F) ¯ tion, making use of the fact that F = 0 when z = 0, yields z = k


¯ V F/k

du = −1/2 −i u + (1 − 1/u)1/2

¯ V F/k

 i u −1/2 + (1 − 1/u)1/2 du, (6.116)


or 

1/2 1/2 



  F¯ 1/2 ¯ F¯ z F π F¯ F¯ = −1 − 1  +2 i −ln  + +i . (6.117) k kV kV kV kV kV 2 We can now evaluate the constant k making use of the fact that at the point B, where λ = −1, F¯ = 1. kV

z = i b,


Here, b is the semi-width of the plate. Thus, we obtain k=

2b . π+4


On the free streamline BC, F¯ = φ¯ = V (k + s),

Ω = i θ,


where s represents distance along the streamline measured from B. Thus, on this streamline,

1/2 k λ = − sin θ = − . (6.121) k+s Hence, according to Equation (6.117), the equation of the streamline BC can be written, in parametric form, as $

s %1/2 $ s %1/2 1/2 1/2 x = (k + s) s − k ln 1 + + , (6.122) k k π (6.123) y = 2 (k + s)1/2 k1/2 + k. 2 By symmetry, the equation of the free streamline BC  is obtained from the previous equation via the transformation x → x, y → −y. We deduce that the cavity downstream of the plate extends to infinity, and that its boundary asymptotes to the parabola

8b x. (6.124) y2 = 4 k x = π+4


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

From Bernoulli’s theorem, the net force per unit length exerted by the fluid on the plate, which is obviously normal to the plate, and, therefore, directed parallel to the x-axis, is  b  b

1 1 ρ V 2 − ρ v 2 dy D= (p − p0 ) x=0 dy = (6.125) 2 −b −b 2  kV ¯ ∂φ ¯ d φ. (6.126) = ρV2b − ρ ∂y 0 In conventional parlance, this force constitutes a drag, because it is directed parallel ¯ V) = φ/(k ¯ V) < 1 on OB, so to the undisturbed flow. (See Section 5.8.) Now, F/(k 1/2

1 1 d F¯ = −i γ −1/2 + i −1 , (6.127) V dz γ ¯ ¯ ¯ V). However, d F/dz Hence, where γ = φ/(k = v x − i vy = −i ∂φ/∂y.  1/2 

 1  1  1 2 2 D = ρV b − ρV k − 1  dγ,  1/2 − γ γ 0 which yields

2π ρ V 2 b. D= π+4



Finally, if we define the drag coefficient, in the conventional manner (see Section 8.8), then we obtain f 2π CD = = 0.88. (6.130) = 2 ρV b π + 4 We can extend the previous calculation to determine the flow past a flat plate inclined at an angle α to a liquid stream of infinite extent. Let the plate lie in the plane x = 0. The flow field then occupies a semi-infinite strip in the Ω-plane that has the same width, position, and orientation as that in the previous calculation. Consequently, the appropriate relation between Ω and λ is again

dz i 1 d F¯ V . (6.131) λ = i sinh Ω = − 2 d F¯ V dz It follows that

√ 1 d F¯ = i λ + 1 − λ 2. (6.132) V dz As before, the two edges of the plate, B and B , correspond to λ = −1 and λ = +1, respectively. Furthermore, the stagnation point, O, on the front surface of the plate corresponds to |λ| → ∞. (See Figure 6.18.) However, the latter point is no longer necessarily located at the plate’s midpoint. The transformation (6.113) generalizes to give F¯ =

kV . (λ − cos α)2


Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


¯ → ∞ and, hence, λ → cos α. (See Figure 6.18.) It At the points A, C, and C  , |F| ¯ follows from Equation (6.132) that d F/dz → V (sin α + i cos α), which implies that v x → V sin α and vy → −V cos α. In other words, far upstream and downstream of the plate, the fluid velocity vector subtends an angle α with the plane x = 0. ¯ ¯ = −i V ∂φ/∂y. Hence, On the front surface of the plate, B OB, |λ| ≥ 1 and d F/dz from Equation (6.132), √ −1 1 ∂φ¯ = −λ ± λ 2 − 1 = , √ V ∂y λ ± λ2 − 1


where the upper/lower signs correspond to λ > 0 and λ < 0, respectively. (The signs ¯ are chosen to ensure that ∂φ/∂y → 0 as |λ| → ∞.) Moreover, F¯ = φ¯ on B OB, so Equation (6.133) implies that φ¯ = It follows that

kV . (λ − cos α)2

  √ dy ∂y d φ¯ 2k 2−1 . = = λ λ ± dλ ∂φ¯ ∂λ (λ − cos α)3




1 − cos α cos ω , (6.137) cos α − cos ω the points B, O, and B correspond to ω = 0, ω = α, and ω = π, respectively. Furthermore,

cos α − cos ω dλ = − sin ω dω, (6.138) (λ − cos α)3 sin4 α √ sin α sin ω . (6.139) ± λ2 − 1 = cos α − cos ω λ=

Hence, Equations (6.136)–(6.139) yield dy = −

2k (1 − cos α cos ω + sin α sin ω) sin ω dω, sin4 α


which can be integrated to give y=

%' $π k & 2 − ω , (6.141) ω + sin α sin ω cos ω + sin α 2 cos ω + cos α sin 2 sin4 α

where we have chosen the constant of integration so as to ensure that the midpoint of the plate lies at y = 0. We expect y = b when ω = 0, where b is the semi-width of the plate. We, thus, deduce, from the previous expression, that k=

2 b sin4 α . π sin α + 4



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

In particular, the stagnation point, O, at which ω = α, lies a distance %' $π & 2b y(α) = −α 2 cos α (1 + sin2 α) + sin α π sin α + 4 2 from the plate’s midpoint. Suppose that λ = cos α + ζ,



where |ζ|  1. It follows, from Equation (6.133), that kV F¯ = 2 , ζ


1 d F¯ iζ , 1+  V dz sin α


and, from Equation (6.132), that

where z = (sin α + i cos α) z = x + i y . Here, x and y are Cartesian coordinates oriented such that the unperturbed flow is parallel to the x -axis. The previous two expressions can be combined to give z 2i ζ −2 − . k ζ sin α


Now, ζ is real and negative on the free streamline BC, and real and positive on the free streamline BC  . (See Figure 6.18.) We conclude that, in the small-|ζ| limit, the equations of these streamlines can be written, in parametric form, as x

k , ζ2

y −

2k . ζ sin α

(6.148) (6.149)

In other words, far downstream of the plate, the free streamlines, which form the boundaries of the cavity behind the plate, asymptote to the parabola

4k 8 b sin2 α  2  x = x. y = (6.150) π sin α + 4 sin2 α From Bernoulli’s theorem, the net force per unit length exerted by the fluid on the plate, which is obviously normal to the plate, and, therefore, directed parallel to the x-axis, is   b  b  vy2  1  2 f = (p − p0 ) x=0 dy = ρ V 1 − 2  dy 2 V x=0 −b −b   −1  vy2  ∂y d φ¯ 1  dλ = ρV2 1 − 2  2 V ∂φ¯ dλ +1  −1

V vy dλ = −ρ k V 2 − , (6.151) vy V (λ − cos α)3 +1

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


where use has been made of Equation (6.135). However, according to Equations (6.134) and (6.139), √ V vy ∂y 1 ∂φ¯ 2 sin α sin ω − =V = ∓2 λ 2 − 1 = − . − ¯ vy V cos α − cos ω ∂φ V ∂y Thus, making use of Equation (6.138), we obtain  2ρkV2 π 2 πρkV2 f = . sin ω dω = sin3 α 0 sin3 α Hence, it follows from Equation (6.142) that

2π sin α f = ρ V 2 b. π sin α + 4




The drag, D, is the component of the force acting on the plate in the direction of the unperturbed flow: that is,

2π sin2 α D = f sin α = ρ V 2 b. (6.155) π sin α + 4 On the other hand, the lift, L, is the component of the force acting perpendicular to the direction of the unperturbed flow. (See Section 5.8.) Thus,

2π sin α cos α L = f cos α = (6.156) ρ V 2 b. π sin α + 4 Finally, it can be seen, from a comparison between Equations (6.124), (6.129), (6.150), and (6.155), that there appears to be a connection between the drag force exerted on the plate, and the shape of the parabola to which the cavity formed behind the plate asymptotes. In fact,

2 y D = π lim , (6.157) x→∞ 4 x ρV2 cavity boundary where the unperturbed flow runs parallel to the x-axis. It turns out that this relation is a general one for two-dimensional flow past a body of arbitrary shape with an attached cavity at ambient pressure (Batchelor 2000).

6.10 Complex Line Integrals Consider the line integral of some function F(z) of the complex variable taken (counterclockwise) around a closed curve C in the complex plane:  F(z) dz. (6.158) J= C


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Because dz = dx + i dy, and writing F(z) = φ(x, y) + i ψ(x, y), where φ(x, y) and ψ(x, y) are real functions, it follows that J = Jr + i Ji , where  Jr = (φ dx − ψ dy), (6.159) C

 Ji =

(ψ dx + φ dy).



However, we can also write the previous expressions in the two-dimensional vector form  Jr = A · dr, (6.161) C

 Ji =

B · dr,



where dr = (dx, dy), A = (φ, −ψ), and B = (ψ, φ). According to the curl theorem (see Section A.22),   A · dr = (∇ × A)z dS , (6.163) C


B · dr =

(∇ × B)z dS ,




where S is the region of the x-y plane enclosed by C. Hence, we obtain 

∂ψ ∂φ + Jr = − dS , ∂y S ∂x 

∂φ ∂ψ − dS . Ji = ∂y S ∂x Let

(6.165) (6.166)


F(z) dz,


F(z) dz,



J =


where C  is a closed curve in the complex plane that completely surrounds the smaller curve C. Consider (6.169) ∆J = J − J  . Writing ∆J = ∆Jr + i ∆Ji , a direct generalization of the previous analysis reveals that 

∂ψ ∂φ ∆Jr = − + dS , (6.170) ∂y S ∂x 

∂φ ∂ψ − dS , (6.171) ∆Ji = ∂y S ∂x

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


where S is now the region of the x-y plane lying between the curves C and C  . Suppose that F(z) is well-behaved (i.e., finite, single-valued, and differentiable) throughout S . It immediately follows that its real and imaginary components, φ and ψ, respectively, satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann relations, (6.17)–(6.18), throughout S . However, if this is the case then it is apparent, from the previous two expressions, that ∆Jr = ∆Ji = 0. In other words, if F(z) is well-behaved throughout S then J = J  . The circulation of the flow about some closed curve C in the x-y plane is defined   dF dz, (6.172) Γ = (v x dx + vy dy) = −Re C C dz where F(z) is the complex velocity potential of the flow, and use has been made of Equation (6.35). Thus, the circulation can be evaluated by performing a line integral in the complex z-plane. Moreover, as is clear from the previous discussion, this integral can be performed around any loop that can be continuously deformed into the loop C while still remaining in the fluid, and not passing over a singularity of the complex velocity, dF/dz.

6.11 Blasius Theorem Consider some flow pattern in the complex z-plane that is specified by the complex velocity potential F(z). Let C be some closed curve in the complex z-plane. The fluid pressure on this curve is determined from Equation (6.41), which yields P = p0 −

  1  dF  2 ρ   . 2 dz


Let us evaluate the resultant force (per unit length), and the resultant moment (per unit length), acting on the fluid within the curve as a consequence of this pressure distribution. Consider a small element of the curve C, lying between x, y and x + dx, y + dy, which is sufficiently short that it can be approximated as a straight-line. Let P be the local fluid pressure on the outer (i.e., exterior to the curve) side of the element. As illustrated in Figure 6.19, the pressure force (per unit length) acting inward (i.e., toward the inside of the curve) across the element has a component P dy in the minus x-direction, and a component P dx in the plus y-direction. Thus, if X and Y are the components of the resultant force (per unit length) in the x- and y-directions, respectively, then dX = −P dy,


dY = P dx.


The pressure force (per unit length) acting across the element also contributes to a


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

P dx


P dy



dl P dl

x Figure 6.19 Force acting across a short section of a curve.

moment (per unit length), M, acting about the z-axis, where dM = x dY − y dX = P (x dx + y dy).


Thus, the x- and y-components of the resultant force (per unit length) acting on the of the fluid within the curve, as well as the resultant moment (per unit length) about the z-axis, are given by  X=−  Y=

P dy,



P dx,


P (x dx + y dy),





respectively, where the integrals are taken (counter-clockwise) around the curve C. Finally, given that the pressure distribution on the curve takes the form (6.173), and

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


that a constant pressure obviously yields zero force and zero moment, we find that    2  dF  dy,   C dz    2 1  dF  dx, Y=− ρ   2 C dz    2 1  dF  (x dx + y dy). M=− ρ  dz  2 X=

1 ρ 2

(6.180) (6.181) (6.182)


Now, z = x + i y, and z¯ = x − i y, where ¯ indicates a complex conjugate. Hence, d z¯ = dx − i dy, and i dz¯ = dy + i dx. It follows that X − iY =

1 iρ 2

   2  dF  d z¯.   C dz



  2  dF  d z¯ = dF d F¯ d z¯ = dF d F, ¯ (6.184)  dz  dz d z¯ dz where dF = dφ + i dψ and d F¯ = dφ − i dψ. Suppose that the curve C corresponds to a streamline of the flow, in which case ψ = constant on C. Thus, dψ = 0 on C, and so d F¯ = dF. Hence, on C,

2 dF dF ¯ dF dF = dF = dz, dz dz dz

which implies that X − iY =

1 iρ 2


dF dz


2 dz.


This result is known as the Blasius theorem, after Paul Blasius (1883–1970). Now, x dx + y dy = Re(z d z¯). Hence,

   2 1  dF  z d z¯ , M = Re − ρ   2 C dz or, making use of an analogous argument to that employed previously,  

 1  dF 2   M = Re − ρ z dz , 2 C dz



In fact, Equations (6.186) and (6.188) hold even when ψ is not constant on the curve C, as long as C can be continuously deformed into a constant-ψ curve without leaving the fluid or crossing over a singularity of (dF/dz) 2 . As an example of the use of the Blasius theorem, consider again the situation, discussed in Section 6.6, in which a line source of strength Q is located at (0, a), and


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

y C

x C



Figure 6.20 Source in the presence of a rigid boundary. there is a rigid boundary at y = 0. As we have seen, the complex velocity in the region y > 0 takes the form Q z dF =− . (6.189) dz π z2 + a2 Suppose that we evaluate the Blasius integral, (6.188), about the contour C shown in Figure 6.20. This contour runs along the boundary, and is completed by a semi-circle in the upper half of the z-plane. As is easily demonstrated, in the limit in which the radius of the semi-circle tends to infinity, the contribution of the curved section of the contour to the overall integral becomes negligible. In this case, only the straight section of the contour contributes to the integral. Note that the straight section corresponds to a streamline (because it is coincident with a rigid boundary). In other words, the contour C corresponds to a streamline at all constituent points that make a finite contribution to the Blasius integral, which ensures that C is a valid contour for the application of the Blasius theorem. In fact, the Blasius integral specifies the net force (per unit length) exerted on the whole fluid by the boundary. Observe, however, that the contour C can be deformed into the contour C  , which takes the form of a small circle surrounding the source, without passing over a singularity of (dF/dz) 2 . (See Figure 6.20.) Hence, we can evaluate the Blasius integral around C  without changing its value. Thus,  2  dF 1 z2 1 $ Q %2 X − iY = iρ dz = i ρ dz, (6.190) 2 2 2 2 2 π C dz C (z + a ) or

 1 2 1 1 $ Q %2 + + dz. (6.191) X − iY = iρ 2 8 π (z + i a) (z − i a) (z + i a) C (z − i a)

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


Writing z = i a +  e i θ , dz = i  e i θ dθ, and taking the limit  → 0, we find that X − iY =

i ρ Q2 . 4π a


In other words, the boundary exerts a force (per unit length) F = −(ρ Q 2 /4π a) ey on the fluid. Hence, the fluid exerts an equal and opposite force −F = (ρ Q 2 /4π a) ey on the boundary. Of course, this result is consistent with Equation (6.47). Incidentally, it is easily demonstrated from Equation (6.188) that there is zero moment (about the z-axis) exerted on the boundary by the fluid, and vice versa. Consider a line source of strength Q placed (at the origin) in a uniformly flowing fluid whose velocity is V = V0 (cos θ0 , sin θ0 ). From Section 6.4, the complex velocity potential of the net flow is F(z) = −

Q ln z − V0 z e−i θ0 . 2π


The net force (per unit length) acting on the source (which is calculated by performing the Blasius integral around a large loop that follows streamlines, and then shrinking the loop to a small circle centered on the source) is (see Exercise 6.1) F = −ρ Q V.


This force acts in the opposite direction to the flow. Thus, an external force −F, acting in the same direction as the flow, must be applied to the source in order for it to remain stationary. In fact, the previous result is valid even in a non-uniformly flowing fluid, as long as V is interpreted as the fluid velocity at the location of the source (excluding the velocity field of the source itself). Finally, consider a vortex filament of intensity Γ placed at the origin in a uniformly flowing fluid whose velocity is V = V0 (cos θ0 , sin θ0 ). From Section 6.4, the complex velocity potential of the net flow is F(z) = i

Γ ln z − V0 z e−i θ0 . 2π


The net force (per unit length) acting on the filament (which is calculated by performing the Blasius integral around a small circle centered on the filament) is (see Exercise 6.2) F = ρ Γ V × ez .


This force is directed at right-angles to the direction of the flow (in the sense obtained by rotating V through 90◦ in the opposite direction to the filament’s direction of rotation). Again, the previous result is valid even in a non-uniformly flowing fluid, as long as V is interpreted as the fluid velocity at the location of the filament (excluding the velocity field of the filament itself).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6.12 Exercises 6.1 Demonstrate that a line source of strength Q (running along the z-axis) situated in a uniform flow of (unperturbed) velocity V (lying in the x-y plane) and density ρ experiences a force per unit length F = −ρ Q V. 6.2 Demonstrate that a vortex filament of intensity Γ (running along the z-axis) situated in a uniform flow of (unperturbed) velocity V (lying in the x-y plane) and density ρ experiences a force per unit length F = −ρ Γ V × ez . 6.3 Show that two parallel line sources of strengths Q and Q , located a perpendicular distance r apart, exert a radial force per unit length ρ Q Q /(2π r) on one another, the force being attractive if Q Q > 0, and repulsive if Q Q < 0. 6.4 Show that two parallel vortex filaments of intensities Γ and Γ  , located a perpendicular distance r apart, exert a radial force per unit length ρ Γ Γ  /(2π r) on one another, the force being repulsive if Γ Γ  > 0, and attractive if Γ Γ  < 0. 6.5 A vortex filament of intensity Γ runs parallel to, and lies a perpendicular distance a from, a rigid planar boundary. Demonstrate that the boundary experiences a net force per unit length ρ Γ 2 /(4π a) directed toward the filament. 6.6 Two rigid planar boundaries meet at right-angles. A line source of strength Q runs parallel to the line of intersection of the planes, and is situated a perpendicular distance a from each. Demonstrate that the source is subject to a force per unit length √ 3 2 ρ Q2 8π a directed towards the line of intersection of the planes. 6.7 A line source of strength Q is located a distance b from an impenetrable circular cylinder of radius a < b (the axis of the cylinder being parallel to the source). Demonstrate that the cylinder experiences a net force per unit length ρ Q2 a2 2π b (b 2 − a 2 ) directed toward the source.

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


6.8 A dipole line source consists of a line source of strength Q, running parallel to the z-axis, and intersecting the x-y plane at (d/2) (cos α, sin α), and a parallel source of strength −Q that intersects the x-y plane at (d/2)(− cos α, − sin α). Show that, in the limit d → 0, and Q d → D, the complex velocity potential of the source is D eiα . F(z) = 2π z Here, D e i α is termed the complex dipole strength. 6.9 A dipole line source of complex strength D e i α is placed in a uniformly flowing fluid of speed V0 whose direction of motion subtends a (counterclockwise) angle θ0 with the x-axis. Show that, while no net force acts on the source, it is subject to a moment (per unit length) M = ρ D V0 sin(α − θ0 ) about the z-axis. 6.10 Consider a dipole line source of complex strength D1 e i α1 running along the z-axis, and a second parallel source of complex strength D2 e i α2 that intersects the x-y plane at (x, 0). Demonstrate that the first source is subject to a moment (per unit length) about the z-axis of M=

ρ D1 D2 sin(α1 + α2 ), 2π x 2

as well as a force (per unit length) whose x- and y-components are ρ D1 D2 cos(α1 + α2 ), π x3 ρ D1 D2 Y= sin(α1 + α2 ), π x3


respectively. Show that the second source is subject to the same moment, but an equal and opposite force. 6.11 A dipole line source of complex strength D e i α runs parallel to, and is located a perpendicular distance a from, a rigid planar boundary. Show that the boundary experiences a force per unit length ρ D2 8π a 3 acting toward the source. 6.12 Demonstrate that a conformal map converts a line source into a line source of the same strength, and a vortex filament into a vortex filament of the same intensity. 6.13 Consider the conformal map z = i c cot(ζ/2),


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics where z = x + i y, ζ = ξ + i η, and c is real and positive. Show that x=

c sinh η , cosh η − cos ξ


c sin ξ . cosh η − cos ξ

Demonstrate that ξ = ξ0 , where 0 ≤ ξ0 ≤ π, maps to a circular arc of center (0, c cot ξ0 ), and radius c |cosec ξ0 |, that connects the points (±c, 0), and lies in the region y > 0. Demonstrate that ξ = ξ0 + π maps to the continuation of this arc in the region y < 0. In particular, show that ξ = 0 maps to the region |x| > c on the x-axis, whereas ξ = π maps to the region |x| < c. Finally, show that η = η0 maps to a circle of center (c coth η0 , 0), and radius c |cosech| η0 . 6.14 Consider the complex velocity potential F(z) = −

2 c i V0 cot(ζ/n), n

where z = i c cot(ζ/2). Here, V0 , n, and c are real and positive. Show that −

dF 4V0 sin2 (ζ/2) . = 2 dz n sin2 (ζ/n)

Hence, deduce that the flow at |z| → ∞ is uniform, parallel to the x-axis, and of speed V0 . Demonstrate that ψ(ξ, η) = −

2 V0 c sin(2 ξ/n) . n cosh(2 η/n) − cos(2 ξ/n)

Hence, deduce that the streamline ψ = 0 runs along the x-axis for |x| > c, but along a circular arc connecting the points (±c, 0) for |x| < c. Furthermore, show that if 1 < n < 2 then this arc lies above the x-axis, and is of maximum height

cos(π n/2) + 1 h=c , sin(π n/2) but if 2 < n < 3 then the arc lies below the x-axis, and is of maximum depth

cos(π n/2) + 1 . d=c | sin(π n/2)| Hence, deduce that if 1 < n < 2 then the complex velocity potential under investigation corresponds to uniform flow of speed V0 , parallel to a planar boundary that possesses a cylindrical bump (whose axis is normal to the flow) of height h and width 2 c, but if 2 < n < 3 then the potential corresponds to

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


flow parallel to a planar boundary that possesses a cylindrical depression of depth d and width 2 c. Show, in particular, that if n = 1 then the bump is a half-cylinder, and if n = 3 then the depression is a half-cylinder. Finally, demonstrate that the flow speed at the top of the bump (in the case 1 < n < 2), or the bottom of the depression (in the case 2 < n < 3) is v=

2 V0 [1 − cos(π n/2)] . n2

6.15 Show that z = cosh(π ζ/a) maps the semi-infinite strip 0 ≤ η ≤ a, ξ ≥ 0 in the ζ-plane onto the upper half (y ≥ 0) of the z-plane. Hence, show that the stream function due to a line source of strength Q placed at ζ = (0, a/2), in the rectangular region 0 ≤ η ≤ a, ξ ≥ 0 bounded by the rigid planes η = 0, ξ = 0, and η = a, is ψ(ξ, η) =

Q sinh(π ξ/a) sin(π η/a) . 2π [sinh2 (π ξ/a) + cos2 (π η/a)]

6.16 Show that the complex velocity potential F(z) = −

a π V0 tanh(a π/z)

can be interpreted as that due to uniform flow of speed V0 over a cylindrical log of radius a lying on the flat bed of a deep stream (the axis of the log being normal to the flow). Demonstrate that the flow speed at the top of the log is (π 2 /4) V0 . Finally, show that the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the log is π 4 ρ V02 /32. 6.17 Show that the complex potential

c2 iα e , F(z) = −V ζ e−i α + ζ where

l2 . ζ (l < c) represents uniform flow of unperturbed speed V, whose direction subtends a (counter-clockwise) angle α with the x-axis, around an impenetrable elliptic cylinder of major radius a = c + l 2 /c, aligned along the x-axis, and minor radius b = c − l 2 /c, aligned along the y-axis. Demonstrate that the moment per unit length (about the z-axis) exerted on the cylinder by the flow is π M = − ρ V 2 (a 2 − b 2 ) sin(2 α). 2 Hence, deduce that the moment acts to turn the cylinder broadside-on to the flow (i.e., α = π/2 is a dynamically stable equilibrium state), and that the equilibrium state in which the cylinder is aligned with the flow (i.e., α = 0) is dynamically unstable. z=ζ+


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

6.18 Consider a simply-connected region of a two-dimensional flow pattern bounded on the inside by the closed curve C1 (lying in the x-y plane), and on the outside by the closed curve C2 . Here, C1 and C2 do not necessarily correspond to streamlines of the flow. Demonstrate that the kinetic energy per unit length (in the z-direction) of the fluid lying between the two curves is 

  1 K= ρ φ dψ − φ dψ − [φ] dψ , 2 C2 C1 C3 where ρ is the fluid mass density, φ the velocity potential, and ψ the stream function. Here, C3 is a curve that runs from C1 to C2 , and [φ] denotes the amount by which the velocity potential increases as the argument of x + i y increases by 2π. 6.19 Show that the complex potential   F(z) = −V c 2 e i α − l 2 e−i α ζ −1 where z=ζ+

l2 . ζ

(l < c) represents the flow pattern around an impenetrable elliptic cylinder of major radius a = c + l 2 /c, aligned along the x-axis, and minor radius b = c − l 2 /c, aligned along the y-axis, moving with speed V, in a direction that makes a counter-clockwise angle α with the x-axis, through a fluid that is at rest far from the cylinder. Demonstrate that the kinetic energy per unit length of the flow pattern is K=

  1 ρ V 2 π a 2 sin2 α + b 2 cos2 α , 2

where ρ is the fluid mass density. Hence, show that the cylinder’s added mass per unit length is   madded = π a 2 sin2 α + b 2 cos2 α ρ. 6.20 Demonstrate from Equation (6.110) that the equation of the free streamline BC, in the case of a liquid jet emerging from a two-dimensional orifice of semi-width d formed by a gap between two semi-infinite plane walls that subtend an angle 2 α, can be written parametrically as:


 dβ 2 π/2 dβ 2α 2α β 1+ β sin , π tan β π 0 π tan β sin−1 (λ)

−1   dβ dβ 2α 2α y 2 π/2 2 π/2 =1− β β sin sin , 1+ d π sin−1 (λ) π tan β π 0 π tan β x 2 = d π



where 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. Here, the orifice corresponds to the plane x = 0, and the

Two-Dimensional Potential Flow


flow a long way from the orifice is in the +y-direction. Show that for the case of a two-dimensional Borda mouthpiece, α = π, the previous equations reduce to  x 1 = − ln(λ) − 1 + λ 2 , d π  y 1 1  −1 = + sin (λ) + λ (1 − λ 2 )1/2 . d 2 π Finally, show that the previous equations predict that the free streamline is re-entrant, with x/d attaining its minimum value −(1 − ln 2)/(2π) = −0.153 when y/d = 3/4 + 1/(2π) = 0.909.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

7 Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow

7.1 Introduction This chapter investigates axisymmetric, incompressible, inviscid flow. More information on this subject can be found in Batchelor 2000, and Milne-Thompson 2011.

7.2 Axisymmetric Flow A flow pattern is said to be axisymmetric when it is identical in every plane that passes through a certain straight-line. The straight-line in question is referred to as the symmetry axis. Let us set up a Cartesian coordinate system in which the symmetry axis corresponds to the z-axis. The flow is most conveniently described in terms of the cylindrical coordinates (, ϕ, z), or the spherical coordinates (r, θ, ϕ). Here,  = (x 2 + y 2 )1/2 , ϕ = tan−1 (y/x), r = (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )1/2 , and θ = cos−1 (z/r). (See Appendix C.) In particular,  = r sin θ and z = r cos θ.

7.3 Stokes Stream Function Consider a fixed point A lying on the symmetry axis, and an arbitrary point P. Let us join A to P via two different curves, AQ1 P and AQ2 P, that both lie in the same plane. (See Figure 7.1.) We shall refer to this plane as the meridian plane. The position of a given point in the meridian plane can be specified either in terms of the cylindrical coordinates (, z), or the spherical coordinates (r, θ). If the meridian curves AQ1 P and AQ2 P rotate about the symmetry axis then closed surfaces are formed. Assuming that the flow pattern is incompressible, the flux of fluid from right to left (in Figure 7.1) across the surface generated by AQ2 P must match that in the same direction across the surface generated by AQ1 P. Let us denote the flux across either of these surfaces by 2π ψ. Here, ψ is known as the Stokes stream function. If we keep AQ1 P fixed, and replace AQ2 P by any other meridian curve joining A to P, then the value of ψ is clearly unaltered. Thus, the stream function ψ depends on the 193


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



δs R P

Q3 Q2 Q1




Figure 7.1 Definition of the Stokes stream function. position of the arbitrary point P, and, possibly, on that of the fixed point A. In fact, if we take another fixed point B on the symmetry axis, and draw the meridian curve BQ3 P, then the flux across the surface generated by BQ3 P will be the same as that across the surface generated by AQ1 P, because, by symmetry, there is no flow across AB. (See Figure 7.1.) It follows that the value of ψ does not depend on the particular fixed point that is used in its definition, as long as this point lies on the symmetry axis. Hence, we conclude that the value of the stream function at P depends solely on the position of P. Furthermore, if P lies on the axis then ψ = 0. Consider two neighboring points, R and R , lying in the meridian plane. (See Figure 7.1.) The flux from right to left across the surface generated by revolving any line joining R to R about the symmetry axis is 2π ψR − 2π ψR . If the distance RR takes the infinitesimal value δs then we can write 2π (ψR − ψR ) = 2π  δs v⊥ ,


where v⊥ is the normal flow velocity (from right to left) across the straight-line RR in the meridian plane. (See Figure 7.1.) It follows that v⊥ =

1 ∂ψ .  ∂s


In particular, if we suppose that ds is, in turn, equal to d, dz, dr, and r dθ then we obtain the following expressions for the in-plane velocity components in cylindrical

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


and spherical coordinates: 1 ∂ψ ,  ∂z ∂ψ 1 , vr = − r sin θ r ∂θ

v =

1 ∂ψ ,  ∂ 1 ∂ψ vθ = . r sin θ ∂r vz = −

(7.3) (7.4)

7.4 Axisymmetric Velocity Fields According to the analysis of Appendix C, Equations (7.3) and (7.4) imply that v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ.


When the fluid velocity is written in this form it becomes obvious that the incompressibility constraint ∇ · v = 0 is satisfied [because ∇ · (∇A × ∇B) ≡ 0—see Equations (A.175) and (A.176)]. It is also clear that the Stokes stream function, ψ, is undefined to an arbitrary additive constant. In fact, the most general expression for an axisymmetric incompressible flow pattern is v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ + Ωϕ ∇ϕ,


where Ωϕ = Ωϕ (, z) is the angular velocity of flow circulating about the z-axis. (This follows because ∇ · (Ωϕ ∇ϕ) = 0 when ∂Ωϕ /∂ϕ = 0. See Appendix C.) The previous expression implies that v · ∇ψ = 0 (because ∇ψ · ∇ϕ = 0 when ∂ψ/∂ϕ = 0). In other words, when plotted in the meridian plane, streamlines in a general axisymmetric flow pattern correspond to contours of ψ. Making use of the vector identities (A.176) and (A.178), we can also write Equation (7.6) in the form v = −∇ × (ψ ∇ϕ) + Ωϕ ∇ϕ.


It follows from the identity (A.177) that ∇ × v = −∇[∇ · (ψ ∇ϕ)] + ∇ 2 (ψ ∇ϕ) + ∇Ωϕ × ∇ϕ = ∇ 2 (ψ ∇ϕ) + ∇Ωϕ × ∇ϕ,


because ∇ · (ψ ∇ϕ) = 0, by symmetry. Hence, the vorticity of a general axisymmetric flow pattern is written ω = ∇Ωϕ × ∇ϕ + ωϕ eϕ ,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where ωϕ = ωϕ (, z), and [see Equations (C.52)–(C.54)] $ψ% ψ ωϕ = eϕ · ∇ 2 (ψ ∇ϕ) = ∇ 2 − 3  

∂ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ = + ∂  ∂  ∂z 2

1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ 1 ∂ . = + r sin θ ∂r 2 r 3 ∂θ sin θ ∂θ


In the following, we shall concentrate on axisymmetric flow patterns in which there is no circulation about the z-axis (i.e., Ωϕ = vϕ = 0).

7.5 Axisymmetric Irrotational Flow in Spherical Coordinates In an irrotational flow pattern, we can automatically satisfy the constraint ∇ × v = 0 by writing v = −∇φ. (7.11) Suppose, however, that, in addition to being irrotational, the flow pattern is also incompressible: that is, ∇ · v = 0. In this case, Equation (7.11) yields ∇ 2 φ = 0.


In spherical coordinates, assuming that the flow pattern is axisymmetric, so that φ = φ(r, θ), the previous equation leads to (see Section C.4)

∂ 1 ∂ 2 ∂φ 1 ∂φ r + sin θ = 0. (7.13) ∂r ∂θ r 2 ∂r r 2 sin θ ∂θ Let us search for a separable solution of Equation (7.13) of the form φ(r, θ) = R(r) Θ(θ).


d 1 d 2 dR 1 dΘ r =− sin θ , R dr dr Θ sin θ dθ dθ


It is easily seen that

which can only be satisfied provided

d 2 dR r − l (l + 1) R = 0, dr dr

dΘ d (1 − µ 2 ) + l (l + 1) Θ = 0, dµ dµ

(7.16) (7.17)

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


where µ = cos θ, and l (l + 1) is a constant. The solutions to Equation (7.17) that are well behaved for µ in the range −1 to +1 are known as the Legendre polynomials, and are denoted the Pl (µ), where l is a non-negative integer (Jackson 1962). (If l is non-integer then the solutions are singular at µ = ±1.) In fact, Pl (µ) =

 (−1) l d l  2 l . 1 − µ 2 l l! dµ l


Hence, P0 (µ) = 1,


P1 (µ) = µ,


 1 2 P2 (µ) = 3µ −1 , 2  1 3 P3 (µ) = 5µ −3µ , 2

(7.21) (7.22)

et cetera. The general solution of Equation (7.16) is a linear combination of r l and r−(l+1) factors. Thus, the general axisymmetric solution of Equation (7.12) is written   φ(r, θ) = (7.23) αl r l + βl r−(l+1) Pl (cos θ), l=0,∞

where the αl and βl are arbitrary coefficients. It follows from Equations (7.4) that the corresponding expression for the Stokes stream function is %  $ αl  dPl βl r l+1 − r −l 1 − µ 2 , (7.24) ψ(r, µ) = β0 µ + l+1 l dµ l=1,∞ where µ = cos θ.

7.6 Uniform Flow Consider a uniform steady stream of velocity v = V ez . Consider the flux (in the minus z-direction) across a plane circle of radius  that lies in the x-y plane, and whose center coincides with the z-axis. From the definition of the Stokes stream function (see Section 7.3), we have 2π ψ(, z) = −π  2 V, or 1 ψ(, z) = − V  2 . 2


When expressed in terms of spherical coordinates, the previous expression yields 1 ψ(r, θ) = − V r 2 sin2 θ. 2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Of course, uniform flow is irrotational [this is clear from a comparison of Equations (7.10) and (7.25)], so we can also represent the flow pattern in terms of a velocity potential: that is (see Section 5.4), φ(, z) = −V z,


φ(r, θ) = −V r cos θ.


or It follows, from the previous analysis, that the velocity field of a uniform stream, running parallel to the z-axis, can either be written v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ, with ψ specified by Equations (7.25)–(7.26), or v = −∇φ, with φ specified by Equations (7.27)–(7.28).

7.7 Point Sources Consider a point source, coincident with the origin, that emits fluid isotropically at the steady rate of Q volumes per unit time. By symmetry, we expect the associated steady flow pattern to be isotropic, and everywhere directed radially away from the source. In other words, (7.29) v = v(r) er , where r is a spherical coordinate. Consider a spherical surface S of radius r whose center coincides with the source. In a steady state, the rate at which fluid crosses this surface must be equal to the rate at which the source emits fluid. Hence,  v · dS = 4π r 2 vr (r) = Q, (7.30) S

which implies that vr (r) =

Q . 4π r 2


Of course, vθ = 0. According to Equations (7.4), the Stokes stream function associated with a point source at the origin is such that ψ = ψ(θ), and is obtained by integrating vr = It follows that

Q 1 ∂ψ . =− 2 4π r 2 r sin θ ∂θ


Q z Q cos θ = . (7.33) 4π 4π ( 2 + z 2 )1/2 It is clear, from a comparison of Equations (7.10) and (7.33), that the previously specified flow pattern is irrotational. Hence, this pattern can also be derived from a velocity potential. In fact, by symmetry, we expect that φ = φ(r). The potential itself is obtained by integrating Q ∂φ (7.34) =− . vr = 2 ∂r 4π r ψ=

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow



r1 r


θ1 d/2



θ2 d/2


Figure 7.2 A dipole source. It follows that φ=

Q Q = . 4π r 4π ( 2 + z 2 )1/2


7.8 Dipole Point Sources Consider the flow pattern generated by point source of strength Q located on the symmetry axis at z = +d/2, and a point source of strength −Q (i.e., a point sink) located on the symmetry axis at z = −d/2. It follows, by analogy with the analysis of the previous section, that the stream function and velocity potential at a general point, P, lying in the meridian plane, are ψ= and

Q (cos θ2 − cos θ1 ) , 4π

Q 1 1 φ= , − 4π r2 r1



respectively. Here, r1 , r2 , θ1 , and θ2 are defined in Figure 7.2. In the limit that the product D = Q d remains constant, while d → 0, we obtain a so-called dipole point source. According to the sine rule of trigonometry, r2 d r1 . = = sin θ2 sin θ1 sin(θ2 − θ1 )



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

However, sin(θ2 − θ1 ) = 2 sin[(θ2 − θ1 )/2] cos[(θ2 − θ1 )/2], so we obtain r1 − r2 =

d (sin θ2 − sin θ1 ) . 2 sin[(θ2 − θ1 )/2] cos[(θ2 − θ1 )/2]


In fact, sin θ2 − sin θ1 = 2 cos[(θ2 + θ1 )/2] sin[(θ2 − θ1 )/2], which leads to r1 − r2 =

d cos[(θ2 + θ1 )/2] . cos[(θ2 − θ1 )/2]


Thus, in the limit θ2 → θ1 → θ and r2 → r1 → r, we get r1 − r2 → d cos θ. Hence, according to Equation (7.37),

Q r1 − r2 D cos θ φ= . → 4π r1 r2 4π r 2 Equation (7.36) implies that

Q z − d/2 z + d/2 1 1 Q d 1 1 ψ= − − + = − . z 4π r2 r1 4π r2 r1 2 r2 r1 Thus, in the limit θ2 → θ1 → θ and r2 → r1 → r, we obtain

D 2 Q d cos2 θ d D sin2 θ − =− , ψ→ =− 2 4π r r 4π r 4π ( + z 2 )3/2





where use has been made of Equation (7.41), as well as the fact that z = r cos θ. Figure 7.3 shows the stream function of a dipole point source located at the origin. Incidentally, Equations (7.26), (7.28), (7.33), (7.35), (7.42), and (7.44) imply that the terms in the expansions (7.23) and (7.24) involving the constants β0 , α1 , and β1 correspond to a point source at the origin, uniform flow parallel to the z-axis, and a dipole point source at the origin, respectively. Of course, the term involving α0 is constant, and, therefore, gives rise to no flow.

7.9 Flow Past a Spherical Obstacle Consider the steady flow pattern produced when an impenetrable rigid spherical obstacle is placed in a uniformly flowing, incompressible, inviscid fluid. For instance, suppose that the radius of the sphere is a, and that its center coincides with the origin. Furthermore, let the unperturbed fluid velocity be of magnitude V, and be directed parallel to the z-axis. We expect the flow pattern to remain unperturbed very far away from the sphere. In other words, we expect v(r, θ, ϕ) → V ez as r/a → ∞. Given that the fluid velocity field a large distance upstream of the sphere is irrotational (because

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 x

0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1


0 z



Figure 7.3 Contours of the stream function of a dipole source located at the origin. a uniform flow pattern is automatically irrotational), it follows from the Kelvin circulation theorem that the velocity field remains irrotational as it is convected past the sphere. (See Section 4.14.) Hence, we can write v = −∇φ, where ∇ 2φ = 0


(because the fluid is incompressible.) The boundary conditions are φ(r, θ, ϕ) = −V r cos θ

as r → ∞,



∂φ(a, θ, ϕ) = 0. (7.47) ∂r The latter constraint arises because the surface of the sphere is impenetrable, which implies that v · er = 0 at r = a. Let us search for an axisymmetric solution of Equation (7.45) of the form φ(r, θ) = −V r P1 (cos θ) + β1 r −2 P1 (cos θ).


It can be seen, by comparison with Equation (7.23), that the previous expression definitely solves Equation (7.45). Moreover, the expression also automatically satisfies the boundary condition (7.46) [because P1 (cos θ) = cos θ]. The remaining boundary condition, (7.47), yields β1 = −V/(2 a 3). Hence, we obtain

r 1 $ a %2 cos θ, (7.49) φ(r, θ) = −V a + a 2 r


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

5 4 3 2 x/a

1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5

0 z/a


Figure 7.4 Contours of the stream function generated by a spherical obstacle of radius a placed in the uniform flow field v = V ez . or

a3 vr (r, θ) = V 1 − 3 cos θ, r

1 a3 sin θ. vθ (r, θ) = −V 1 + 2 r3

(7.50) (7.51)

Because the solutions of Laplace’s equation, subject to well-posed boundary conditions, are unique (Riley 1974), we can be sure that the previous axisymmetric solution is the most general solution to the problem. It is clear, by comparison with Equations (7.28) and (7.42), that the velocity potential (7.49) is the superposition of that associated with uniform flow with velocity V, parallel to the z-axis, and a dipole point source of strength D = −2π V a 3 , located at the origin. Thus, making use of Equations (7.26) and (7.44), the associated stream function takes the form

1 1 a3 a3 ψ = − V r 2 sin2 θ 1 − 3 = − V  2 1 − . (7.52) 2 r 2 ( 2 + z 2 )3/2 Figure 7.4 show the contours of this stream function. Bernoulli’s theorem yields (see Section 4.3) p 1 2 p0 1 + v = + ρ V 2, ρ 2 ρ 2


Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


where ρ is the uniform fluid mass density, and p0 the fluid pressure at infinity. Thus, making use of Equations (7.50) and (7.51), the pressure distribution on the surface of the sphere can be written p(a, θ, ϕ) = p0 −

1 9 ρV2 + ρ V 2 cos(2 θ). 16 16


The net force exerted on the sphere by the fluid has the Cartesian components  F x = − p(a, θ, ϕ) a 2 sin θ cos ϕ dΩ, (7.55)  (7.56) Fy = − p(a, θ, ϕ) a 2 sin θ sin ϕ dΩ,  (7.57) Fz = − p(a, θ, ϕ) a 2 cos θ dΩ, where the integrals are over all solid angle. Thus, it follows that F x = Fy = Fz = 0.


In other words, the fluid exerts zero net force on the sphere, in accordance with d’Alembert’s paradox. (See Section 4.5.)

7.10 Motion of a Submerged Sphere Consider a situation in which an impenetrable rigid sphere of radius a is moving through an incompressible, inviscid fluid at the time dependent velocity V = Vz (t) ez . Assuming that the fluid and sphere were both initially stationary, it follows that the fluid velocity field was initially irrotational. Thus, according to the Kelvin circulation theorem, the fluid velocity field remains irrotational when the sphere starts to move. Hence, we can write v = −∇φ, and ∇ 2φ = 0


(because the fluid is incompressible). Let x, y, z be Cartesian coordinates in the initial rest frame of the fluid, and let r, θ, ϕ be spherical coordinates in a frame of reference that co-moves with the sphere. In the following, all calculations are performed in the rest frame. We expect the flow pattern set up around the sphere to be axisymmetric (i.e., independent of ϕ.) We also expect the fluid a long way from the sphere to remain stationary. In other words, φ(r, θ, t) → 0

as r → ∞.


Moreover, because the sphere is impenetrable, we require that V · er = v · er |r=a ,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

 ∂φ   = −Vz cos θ. (7.62) ∂r r=a It is easily demonstrated that the solution to Equation (7.59), subject to the boundary conditions (7.60) and (7.62), is


φ(r, θ, t) =

a3 1 Vz (t) 2 cos θ. 2 r


Hence, a3 cos θ, r3 1 a3 vθ (r, θ, t) = Vz (t) 3 sin θ. 2 r vr (r, θ, t) = Vz (t)

(7.64) (7.65)

The general form of Bernoulli’s theorem, (4.96), which applies to an irrotational flow field, yields ∂φ p0 p 1 2 + v + g r cos θ − = , (7.66) ρ 2 ∂t ρ where ρ is the uniform fluid mass density, p0 the fluid pressure at infinity, and it is assumed that fluid and cylinder are both situated in a gravitational field of uniform acceleration −g ez. Thus, the pressure distribution at the surface of the sphere can be written   1 2  ∂φ    − ρ V · ∇φ|r=a . p(a, θ, t) = p0 − ρ v  − ρ g a cos θ + ρ (7.67) 2 ∂t r=a r=a The final term on the right-hand side of the previous equation arises because   ∂  ∂  =  − V · ∇. (7.68) ∂t x,y,z ∂t r,θ Hence, we obtain p(a, θ, ϕ, t) = p0 −

dVz 1 9 1 ρ Vz2 + ρ Vz2 cos(2 θ)−ρ g a cos θ+ ρ a cos θ. (7.69) 16 16 2 dt

The net force exerted on the sphere by the fluid is specified by Equations (7.55)– (7.57). It follows that F x = Fy = 0, (7.70) and

1  dVz m , (7.71) 2 dr where m = (4π/3) a 3 ρ is the mass of the fluid displaced by the sphere. The equation of vertical (i.e., in the z-direction) motion of the sphere is thus, F z = m g −


dVz = Fz − m g, dt


Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow where m is the mass of the sphere. Hence,

1  dVz = −m g + m g. m+ m 2 dt



It follows that the sphere moves under the action of its weight, and the buoyancy force exerted on it by the fluid (i.e., the first and second terms, respectively, on the right-hand side of the previous equation), as if it had the virtual mass m + (1/2) m. In other words, as it moves, the sphere effectively entrains an added mass of fluid equal to half of the displaced fluid mass. The net vertical acceleration of the sphere can be written

s−1 g, (7.74) az = − s + 1/2 where s = m/m is the sphere’s specific gravity. For the case of a bubble of gas in a liquid, we expect 0 < s  1, because the gas is inevitably much less dense than the liquid. It follows that the bubble accelerates vertically upward at twice the acceleration due to gravity. The origin of the sphere’s added mass is easily explained. According to Equations (7.64) and (7.65), the total kinetic energy of the fluid surrounding the sphere is  1 2 ρ v dV Kfluid = fluid 2  ∞  π $ %6

a 1 1 (7.75) = ρV2 cos2 θ + sin2 θ 2π r 2 sin θ dr dθ, 2 r 4 a 0 which reduces to

1  2 m V . 4 However, the kinetic energy of the sphere is Kfluid =

Ksphere = Thus, the total kinetic energy is K = Kfluid + Ksphere

1 m V 2. 2

1 1  2 = m+ m V . 2 2




In other words, the kinetic energy of the fluid surrounding the sphere can be accounted for by supposing that a mass m /2 of the fluid co-moves with the sphere, and that the remainder of the fluid remains stationary.

7.11 Conformal Maps As we saw in Section 6.7, conformal maps are extremely useful in the theory of two-dimensional, irrotational, incompressible flows. It turns out that such maps also


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

have applications to the theory of axisymmetric, irrotational, incompressible flows. Consider the general coordinate transformation z + i  = f (ξ + i η),


where f is an analytic function. The Cauchy-Riemann relations (see Section 6.3) yield ∂z ∂ = , ∂ξ ∂η


∂ ∂z =− . ∂ξ ∂η


It follows, from the previous two expressions, that ∇ξ · ∇η = 0. In other words, ξ and η are orthogonal coordinates in the meridian plane. [Incidentally, we are assuming that (ξ, η, ) are a right-handed set of coordinates.] Furthermore, it can also be shown from the Cauchy-Riemann relations that  2

2  1/2  2

2  1/2    ∂z  ∂z ∂ ∂  =   , hξ = hη =  + + ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂η ∂η 


where hξ = |∇ξ| −1 and hη = |∇η| −1 . Writing the flow velocity in terms of a velocity potential, so that v = −∇φ, or, alternatively, in terms of a Stokes stream function, so that v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ, we get vξ = −

1 ∂ψ 1 ∂φ =− , hξ ∂ξ  hη ∂η


vη = −

1 ∂ψ 1 ∂φ = . hη ∂η  hξ ∂ξ


Of course, writing the velocity field in terms of a Stokes stream function ensures that the field is incompressible, which also implies that ∇ 2 φ = 0. The additional requirement that the field be irrotational yields ωϕ = 0. Making use of the analysis of Appendix C, this requirement reduces to


∂(hη vη ) ∂(hξ vξ ) − = 0, ∂ξ ∂η


∂ 1 ∂ψ ∂ 1 ∂ψ + = 0. ∂ξ  ∂ξ ∂η  ∂η


Let ξ = ξ0 represent the surface of an axisymmetric solid body moving with velocity V = V ez through an incompressible irrotational fluid that is at rest a long way from the body. Let the fluid occupy the region ξ0 < ξ < ∞, where ξ → ∞ far from the body. (See Figure 7.5.) Let η be an angular coordinate such that η = 0 on the positive z-axis, and η = π on the negative z-axis. The fact that the fluid is at rest

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow





ξ = ξ0 V

F η=π


C η=0



Figure 7.5 An axisymmetric solid body moving through an incompressible irrotational fluid. at infinity implies that ψ asymptotes to a constant a long way from the body. Without loss of generality, we can chose this constant to be zero. Thus, one constraint on the system is that ψ(ξ → ∞, η) = 0. (7.87) The appropriate constraint at the surface of the body is that v ξ = V · eξ ,


where eξ = ∇ξ/|∇ξ|. However, we can write V = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ0 , where ψ0 (, z) = −(1/2) V  2 . (See Section 7.6.) Hence, from Equation (7.83), the previous constraint becomes ∂ψ ∂ψ0 = (7.89) ∂η ∂η when ξ = ξ0 . Integrating, making use of the constraint (7.87) (which implies that ψ = 0 on the z-axis, where ψ is constant, by symmetry), we obtain 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V  2 . 2


We can also set the velocity potential, φ, to zero at infinity, and on the z-axis. The total kinetic energy of the fluid surrounding the moving body is    1 1 1 (7.91) K = ρ v 2 dV = ρ (∇φ)2 dV = ρ ∇ · (φ ∇φ) dV, 2 2 2 where we have made use of the fact that ∇ 2 φ = 0. Here, ρ is the fluid mass density,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

and dV is an element of the volume obtained by rotating the area ABCDEFA, shown in Figure 7.5, about the z-axis. Making use of the divergence theorem, we obtain   1 1 1 ∂φ K = ρ φ ∇φ · n 2π  ds = − 2π  ds. (7.92) φ 2 2 ABC hξ ∂ξ where ds is an element of the curve ABCDEFA, and n is an outward pointing, unit, normal vector to the area ABCDEFA. Here, we have made use of the fact that the velocity potential is zero at infinity (i.e., on DEF), and also on the z-axis (i.e., on CD and FA). On the curve ABC, we can write ds = hη dη. Furthermore, it follows from Equations (7.82) and (7.83) that hξ = hη , and ∂φ/∂ξ =  −1 ∂ψ/∂η. Thus,  π  ∂ψ  dη K = −π ρ φ , (7.93) ∂η 0 ξ=ξ0 or

 K = −π ρ



  φ dψ 




As a simple example, consider the conformal map z + i  = c exp (ξ + i η),


where c is real and positive. It follows that z = c e ξ cos η,


 = c e ξ sin η,


z 2 +  2 = r 2,


r(ξ) = c e ξ .


which implies that where

Thus, the constant-ξ surfaces are concentric spheres of radius r(ξ). If we set a = c e ξ0


then the problem reduces to that of a sphere, of radius a, moving through a fluid that is at rest at infinity. This problem was solved, via different methods, in Section 7.10. The constraints (7.87) and (7.90) yield ψ(ξ → ∞, η) = 0, 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V c2 e 2 ξ0 sin2 η, 2

(7.101) (7.102)

where use has been made of Equation (7.97). This suggests that we can write ψ(ξ, η) = F(ξ) sin2 η.


Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


Substitution into the governing equation, (7.86), gives

d −ξ dF e − 2 e−ξ F = 0, dξ dξ


whose most general solution is F(ξ) = A e 2 ξ + B e−ξ .


The constraints (7.101) and (7.102) yield A = 0,


1 B = − V c 2 e 3 ξ0 , 2


sin2 η 1 ψ(ξ, η) = − V a 3 . 2 c eξ


respectively. Thus, we obtain

Now, from Equations (7.84) and (7.97), 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂φ sin η =− = − V a3 , ∂η  ∂ξ 2 (c e ξ )2


which can be integrated to give φ(ξ, η) =

1 cos η V a3 . 2 (c e ξ )2


Note that the previous expression is formally the same as expression (7.63), as long as we make the identifications V → Vz (t), c e ξ → r, and η → θ. On the surface of the sphere, ξ = ξ0 , we obtain 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V a 2 sin2 η, 2 1 φ(ξ0 , η) = V a cos η. 2 Thus,  K = −π ρ



  φ dψ 


1 = π a3 ρ V 2 2



µ 2 dµ =

(7.111) (7.112)

π 3 a ρ V 2. 3


As is clear from the analysis of Section 7.10, the sphere’s added mass can be written madded =

K 2π 3 a ρ. = 2 3 (1/2) V


Hence, we arrive at the standard result that the added mass is half the displaced mass [i.e., half of (4π/3) a 3 ρ].


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

7.12 Flow Around a Submerged Oblate Spheroid Consider the conformal map z + i  = c sinh(ξ + i η),


where c is real and positive. It follows that z = c sinh ξ cos η,


 = c cosh ξ sin η.


a = c cosh ξ0 ,


b = c sinh ξ0 .



Thus, in the meridian plane, the curve ξ = ξ0 corresponds to the ellipse $  %2 $ z %2 + = 1. a b


We conclude that the surface ξ = ξ0 is an oblate spheroid (i.e., the three-dimensional surface obtained by rotating an ellipse about a minor axis) of major radius a and minor radius b. The constraints (7.87) and (7.90) yield ψ(ξ → ∞, η) = 0, 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V c 2 cosh2 ξ0 sin2 η, 2

(7.121) (7.122)

respectively. Setting ψ(ξ, η) = F(ξ) sin2 η, and substituting into the governing equation, (7.86), we obtain

1 dF d 2 F = 0, (7.123) − dξ cosh ξ dξ cosh ξ which can be rearranged to give

d dF cosh ξ − 2 sinh ξ F = 0. dξ dξ


On integration, we get cosh ξ

dF − 2 sinh ξ F = B, dξ


which can be rearranged to give

d F B = . 2 dξ cosh ξ cosh3 ξ


Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


It follows that  F(ξ) = −B cosh2 ξ


dξ cosh3 ξ

∞ sinh ξ 1 1 2 −1 = − B cosh ξ − tan 2 sinh ξ ξ cosh2 ξ

1 1 = B sinh ξ − cosh2 ξ tan−1 , 2 sinh ξ


where use has been made of the constraint (7.121). Let e = (1 − b 2 /a 2 )1/2 be the eccentricity of the spheroid. Thus, cosh ξ0 = 1/e, sinh ξ0 = (1 − e 2 )1/2 /e, c = e a, and tan−1 (1/ sinh ξ0 ) = sin−1 e. The constraint (7.122) yields

(1 − e 2 )1/2 sin−1 e 1 1 2 − − V a = F(ξ0 ) = B , (7.128) 2 2 e e2

V a2 e2 B=− . e (1 − e 2 )1/2 − sin−1 e




2 −1 1 2 2 sinh ξ − cosh ξ tan (1/ sinh ξ) ψ(ξ, η) = − V a e sin2 η. 2 e (1 − e 2 )1/2 − sin−1 e


Finally, from Equation (7.84), 1 ∂ψ ∂φ =− , ∂η c cosh ξ sin η ∂ξ


which can be integrated to give

1 − sinh ξ tan−1 (1/ sinh ξ) φ(ξ, η) = −V a e cos η. e (1 − e 2 )1/2 − sin−1 e


It is easily demonstrated that 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V a 2 sin2 η, 2 and


e − (1 − e 2 )1/2 sin−1 e φ(ξ0 , η) = V a cos η. sin−1 e − e (1 − e 2 )1/2


Thus,  K = −π ρ



  φ dψ 


2 1/2 2 sin−1 e 3 2 e − (1 − e ) . = πρa V 3 sin−1 e − e (1 − e 2 )1/2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3 2


1 0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 z/a




Figure 7.6 Contours of the Stokes stream function for the case of a disk of radius a, lying in the x-y plane, and placed in a uniform, incompressible, irrotational flow directed parallel to the z-axis. It follows that the added mass of the spheroid is madded = where G(e) =

4 π ρ a 3 G(e), 3

e − (1 − e 2 )1/2 sin−1 e sin−1 e − e (1 − e 2 )1/2



is a monotonic function that varies between 1/2 when e = 0 and 2/π when e = 1. In the limit e → 1, our spheroid asymptotes to a thin disk of radius a moving through the fluid in the direction perpendicular to its plane. Expressions (7.130), (7.132), and (7.136) yield 1 ψ(ξ, η) = − V a 2 sin2 η, 2 2 φ(ξ, η) = V a cos η, π and

(7.138) (7.139)

8 ρ a 3, (7.140) 3 respectively. Here, z = sinh ξ cos η and  = cosh ξ sin η. It follows that, in the madded =

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


instantaneous rest frame of the disk,   1 1  ψ(, z) = − V a 2 + z 2 +  2 − (a 2 + z 2 +  2 )2 − 4 a 2  2 + V  2 . (7.141) 4 2 This flow pattern, which corresponds to that of a thin disk placed in a uniform flow perpendicular to its plane, is visualized in Figure 7.6.

7.13 Flow Around a Submerged Prolate Spheroid Consider the conformal map z + i  = c cosh(ξ + i η),


where c is real and positive. It follows that z = c cosh ξ cos η,


 = c sinh ξ sin η.


a = c cosh ξ0 ,


b = c sinh ξ0 .



Thus, in the meridian plane, the curve ξ = ξ0 corresponds to the ellipse $  %2 $ z %2 + = 1. b a


We conclude that the surface ξ = ξ0 is an prolate spheroid (i.e., the three-dimensional surface obtained by rotating an ellipse about a major axis) of major radius a and minor radius b. The constraints (7.87) and (7.90) yield ψ(ξ → ∞, η) = 0, 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V c 2 sinh2 ξ0 sin2 η, 2

(7.148) (7.149)

respectively. Setting ψ(ξ, η) = F(ξ) sin2 η, and substituting into the governing equation, (7.86), we obtain

1 dF d 2 F = 0. (7.150) − dξ sinh ξ dξ sinh ξ The solution that satisfied the constraint (7.148) is 1  ! " F(ξ) = − B cosh ξ + sinh2 ξ ln tanh(ξ/2) . 2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Let e = (1 − b 2 /a 2 )1/2 be the eccentricity of the spheroid. Thus, cosh ξ0 = 1/e, sinh ξ0 = (1 − e 2 )1/2 /e, c = e a, and tanh(ξ0 /2) = [(1 − e)/(1 + e)]1/2 . The constraint (7.149) yields V a2 e2 . (7.152) B= 2 −1 e (1 − e ) + (1/2) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)] Hence,   ! " 1 cosh ξ + sinh2 ξ ln tanh(ξ/2) ψ(ξ, η) = − V b 2 −1 sin2 η. 2 e + e −2 (1 − e 2 ) (1/2) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)]


Finally, from Equation (7.84), 1 ∂ψ ∂φ =− , ∂η c sinh ξ sin η ∂ξ which can be integrated to give   ! " 1 + cosh ξ ln tanh(ξ/2) φ(ξ, η) = −V a cos η. (1 − e 2 ) −1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)]



It is easily demonstrated that 1 ψ(ξ0 , η) = − V b 2 sin2 η, 2


and  φ(ξ0 , η) = −V a

 1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)] cos η. (1 − e 2 ) −1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)]


Thus,   K = −π ρ φ dψ  η=0 ξ=ξ0   1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)] 2 = − π ρ a b2 V 2 . 3 (1 − e 2 ) −1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)] 



It follows that the added mass of the spheroid is madded = 

where G(e) = −

4 π ρ a b 2 G(e), 3

 1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)] . (1 − e 2 ) −1 + (1/2 e) ln [(1 − e)/(1 + e)]



is a monotonic function that takes the value 1/2 when e = 0, and asymptotes to (1 − e) ln[1/(1 − e)] as e → 1.

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


7.14 Exercises 7.1 Demonstrate that the streamlines that pass through a stagnation point in an incompressible, irrotational, axisymmetric flow pattern cross at right angles. 7.2 A point source of strength Q is placed at the origin in a uniform stream of incompressible fluid of velocity v = V ez . Show that the stream function of the resultant flow pattern is 1 Q cos θ, (7.161) ψ(r, θ) = − V r 2 sin2 θ + 2 4π where r, θ, ϕ are spherical coordinates. Demonstrate that the flow pattern possesses a single stagnation point at r = a, θ = π, where $ Q %1/2 a= , 4π V and that the streamline, other than  = 0, that passes through this stagnation point satisfies 1 r = . a | sin(θ/2)| The flow pattern (7.161) can be reinterpreted as that which results when a blunt obstacle lying to the right of the previously specified streamline is placed in a uniform stream of velocity v = V ez . Show that the obstacle in question has the asymptotic (i.e., as z → ∞) thickness 4 a. Demonstrate that the pressure distribution over the surface of the obstacle is

3 2 2 2 sin (θ/2) − 1 , p = p0 + ρ V sin (θ/2) 2 where ρ is the fluid mass density, and p0 the pressure at infinity. Show that the maximum pressure, p = p0 + (1/2) ρ V 2 , on the surface occurs at θ = π,√and that the minimum pressure, p = p0 −(1/6) ρ V 2 , occurs at θ = 2 sin−1 (1/ 3). Finally, demonstrate that these are, respectively, the maximum and minimum pressures attained in the whole flow pattern. 7.3 A and B are point sources of strengths Q and −Q , respectively, in an infinite incompressible fluid. Here, Q > Q > 0. Show that the equation of a streamline is Q cos θ − Q cos θ = constant, where θ, θ are the angles that AP, BP make with AB. P being a general point. In addition, show that the cone defined by the equation cos θ = 1 −

2 Q Q

divides the streamlines issuing from A into two sets, one extending to infinity, and the other terminating at B. (Milne-Thompson 2011.)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

7.4 A and B are point sources of equal strength Q (where Q > 0) located at (, z) = (0, −a) and (0, +a), respectively in a uniform stream of incompressible fluid of velocity v = V ez . Show that the stream function of the resultant flow pattern is Q 1 (cos θ1 − cos θ2 ), ψ = − V 2 + 2 4π


where θ, θ are the angles that AP, BP make with AB. P = (, z) being a general point. Demonstrate that the flow pattern has two stagnation points, located at C = (0, −l) and D = (0, +1), where (l 2 − a 2 )2 = 2 a b 2 l, and b 2 = Q/(2π V). Show that the streamline (other that  = 0) that passes through these points satisfies  2 = b 2 (cos θ1 − cos θ2 ), and also passes through the points E = (h, 0) and F = (−h, 0), where h2 2a = 2 . 2 b (h + a 2 )1/2 The flow pattern (7.162) can be reinterpreted as that which results when an axisymmetric solid body of oval cross-section CEDF, lying inside the previously specified streamline, is placed in a uniform stream of velocity v = V ez . Such an obstacle is known as a Rankine solid. 7.5 Verify that ψ=


% cos θ + B r 2 sin2 θ

r2 is a possible stream function for an axisymmetric, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern, and find the corresponding velocity potential. (MilneThompson 2011.) 7.6 A sphere, a great depth below the surface of an incompressible fluid, is projected with velocity V at an inclination of 45◦ to the horizontal. If the density of the sphere is twice that of the fluid, prove that the greatest height above the point of projection attained by the sphere is 5 V 2 /(8 g). (Milne-Thompson 2011.) 7.7 A sphere of radius a is placed in an incompressible fluid flowing with the uniform velocity V = V ez . Show that the streamlines of the resultant flow pattern satisfy   sin2 θ = constant, a3 − r3 r where r, θ are spherical coordinates whose origin coincides with the center

Axisymmetric Incompressible Inviscid Flow


of the sphere. If the sphere is divided into two halves by a diametral plane lying in the x-y plane, show that the resultant force between the two parts is less than it would have been if the fluid were at rest, the pressure at infinity remaining the same, by an amount π ρ a 2 V 2 /16, where ρ is the fluid density. (Milne-Thompson 2011.) 7.8 A sphere of radius a is moving along the z-axis through an incompressible fluid with the variable speed V. Show that the pressure on the surface of the sphere is least at the intersection of the surface with the plane z=−

2 a 2 dV , 9 V 2 dt

the center of the sphere being instantaneously at the origin. (Milne-Thompson 2011.) 7.9 Consider the conformal map z + i  = c sinh(ξ + i η). where c is real and positive. Show that the stream function ψ(ξ, η) =

1 2 c V cos η 2

can be interpreted as that of incompressible irrotational flow, with mean speed V, through a circular hole of radius c in an infinite plane wall, corresponding to z = 0.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

8 Incompressible Boundary Layers

8.1 Introduction Previously, in Sections 4.5, 5.8 and 7.9, we saw that a uniformly flowing incompressible fluid that is modeled as being completely inviscid is incapable of exerting a drag force on a rigid stationary obstacle placed in its path. This result—which is known as d’Alembert’s paradox—is surprising because, in practice, a stationary obstacle experiences a significant drag when situated in such a fluid, even in the limit that the Reynolds number tends to infinity (which corresponds to the inviscid limit). In this chapter, we shall attempt to reconcile these two results by introducing the concept of a boundary layer. This is a comparatively thin layer that covers the surface of an obstacle placed in a high Reynolds number incompressible fluid. Viscosity is assumed to have a significant effect on the flow inside the layer, but a negligible effect on the flow outside. For the sake of simplicity, we shall restrict our discussion to the two-dimensional boundary layers that form when a high Reynolds number fluid flows transversely around a stationary obstacle of infinite length and uniform crosssection. More information on such boundary layers can be found in Batchelor 2000 and Schlichting 1987.

8.2 No Slip Condition We saw previously (for instance, in Section 5.8) that when an inviscid fluid flows around a rigid stationary obstacle then the normal fluid velocity at the surface of the obstacle is required to be zero. However, in general, the tangential velocity is non-zero. In fact, if the fluid velocity field is both incompressible and irrotational then it is derivable from a stream function that satisfies Laplace’s equation. (See Section 5.2.) It is a well-known property of Laplace’s equation that we can either specify the solution itself, or its normal derivative, on a bounding surface, but we cannot specify both these quantities simultaneously (Riley 1974). The constraint of zero normal velocity is equivalent to the requirement that the stream function take the constant value zero (say) on the surface of the obstacle. Hence, the normal derivative of the stream function, which determines the tangential velocity, cannot also be specified at this surface, and is, in general, non-zero. 219


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

In reality, all physical fluids possess finite viscosity. Moreover, when a viscous fluid flows around a rigid stationary obstacle both the normal and the tangential components of the fluid velocity are found to be zero at the obstacle’s surface. The additional constraint that the tangential fluid velocity be zero at a rigid stationary boundary is known as the no slip condition, and is ultimately justified via experimental observations. The concept of a boundary layer was first introduced into fluid mechanics by Ludwig Prandtl (1875–1953) in order to account for the modification to the flow pattern of a high Reynolds number irrotational fluid necessitated by the imposition of the no slip condition on the surface of an impenetrable stationary obstacle. According to Prandtl, the boundary layer covers the surface of the obstacle, but is relatively thin in the direction normal to this surface. Outside the layer, the flow pattern is the same as that of an idealized inviscid fluid, and is thus generally irrotational. This implies that the normal fluid velocity is zero on the outer edge of the layer, where it interfaces with the irrotational flow, but, in general, the tangential velocity is nonzero. However, the no slip condition requires the tangential velocity to be zero on the inner edge of the layer, where it interfaces with the rigid surface. It follows that there is a very large normal gradient of the tangential velocity across the layer, which implies the presence of intense internal vortex filaments trapped within the layer. Consequently, the flow within the layer is not irrotational. In the following, we shall attempt to make the concept of a boundary layer more precise.

8.3 Boundary Layer Equations Consider a rigid stationary obstacle whose surface is (locally) flat, and corresponds to the x-z plane. Let this surface be in contact with a high Reynolds number fluid that occupies the region y > 0. (See Figure 8.1.) Let δ be the typical normal thickness of the boundary layer. The layer thus extends over the region 0 < y ∼< δ. The fluid that occupies the region δ ∼< y < ∞, and thus lies outside the layer, is assumed to be both irrotational and (effectively) inviscid. On the other hand, viscosity must be included in the equation of motion of the fluid within the layer. The fluid both inside and outside the layer is assumed to be incompressible. Suppose that the equations of irrotational flow have already been solved to determine the fluid velocity outside the boundary layer. This velocity must be such that its normal component is zero at the outer edge of the layer (i.e., at y δ). On the other hand, the tangential component of the fluid velocity at the outer edge of the layer, U(x) (say), is generally non-zero. Here, we are assuming, for the sake of simplicity, that there is no spatial variation in the z-direction, so that both the irrotational flow and the boundary layer are effectively two-dimensional. Likewise, we are also assuming that all flows are steady, so that any time variation can be neglected. The motion of the fluid within the boundary layer is governed by the equations of steady-state, incompressible, two-dimensional, viscous flow, which take the form

Incompressible Boundary Layers


irrotational fluid


U (x)

boundary layer

δ x solid surface Figure 8.1 A boundary layer. (see Section 1.14) ∂v x ∂vy + = 0, ∂x ∂y

2 ∂ vx ∂ 2vx 1 ∂p ∂v x ∂v x + vy =− +ν + , ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂x 2 ∂y 2

2 ∂vy ∂vy ∂ vy ∂ 2 vy 1 ∂p vx , + + vy =− +ν ∂x ∂y ρ ∂y ∂x 2 ∂y 2


(8.1) (8.2) (8.3)

where ρ is the (constant) density, and ν the kinematic viscosity. Here, Equation (8.1) is the equation of continuity, whereas Equations (8.2) and (8.3) are the x- and ycomponents of the fluid equation of motion, respectively. The boundary conditions at the outer edge of the layer, where it interfaces with the irrotational fluid, are v x (x, y) → U(x),


p(x, y) → P(x)


as y/δ → ∞. Here, P(x) is the fluid pressure at the outer edge of the layer, and U

dU 1 dP =− dx ρ dx


(because vy = 0, and viscosity is negligible, just outside the layer). The boundary conditions at the inner edge of the layer, where it interfaces with the impenetrable surface, are v x (x, 0) = 0,


vy (x, 0) = 0.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Of course, the first of these constraints corresponds to the no slip condition. Let U0 be a typical value of the external tangential velocity, U(x), and let L be the typical variation length-scale of this quantity. It is reasonable to suppose that U0 and L are also the characteristic tangential flow velocity and variation length-scale in the x-direction, respectively, of the boundary layer. Of course, δ is the typical variation length-scale of the layer in the y-direction. Moreover, δ/L  1, because the layer is assumed to be thin. It is helpful to define the normalized variables X= Y= V x (X, Y) = Vy (X, Y) = P(X, Y) =

x , L y , δ vx , U0 vy , U1 p , p0

(8.9) (8.10) (8.11) (8.12) (8.13)

where U1 and p0 are constants. All of these variables are designed to be O(1) inside the layer. Equation (8.1) yields U0 ∂V x U1 ∂Vy + = 0. L ∂X δ ∂Y


In order for the terms in this equation to balance one another, we need U1 =

δ U0 . L


In other words, within the layer, continuity requires the typical flow velocity in the y-direction, U1 , to be much smaller than that in the x-direction, U0 . Equation (8.2) gives

U02 ∂V x ∂V x p 0 ∂ P $ ν U 0 % $ δ %2 ∂ 2 V x ∂ 2 V x + Vy + + . (8.16) Vx =− L ∂X ∂Y ρ L ∂X L δ2 ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 In order for the pressure term on the right-hand side of the previous equation to be of similar magnitude to the advective terms on the left-hand side, we require that p0 = ρ U02 .


Furthermore, in order for the viscous term on the right-hand side to balance the other terms, we need δ U1 1 = = , (8.18) L U0 Re1/2 where U0 L (8.19) Re = ν

Incompressible Boundary Layers


is the Reynolds number of the flow external to the layer. (See Section 1.16.) The assumption that δ/L  1 can be seen to imply that Re 1. In other words, the normal thickness of the boundary layer separating an irrotational flow pattern from a rigid surface is only much less than the typical variation length-scale of the pattern when the Reynolds number of the flow is much greater than unity. Equation (8.3) yields

∂Vy ∂Vy 1 1 1 ∂ 2 Vy ∂ 2 Vy ∂P + Vy + + . (8.20) Vx =− Re ∂X ∂Y ∂Y Re Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 In the limit Re 1, this reduces to ∂P = 0. ∂Y


dP dU = −U , dX dX


Hence, P = P(X), where

U(X) = U/U0 , and use has been made of Equation (8.6). In other words, the pressure is uniform across the layer, in the direction normal to the surface of the obstacle, and is thus the same as that on the outer edge of the layer. Retaining only O(1) terms, our final set of normalized layer equations becomes ∂V x ∂Vy + = 0, ∂X ∂Y Vx

∂Vy d U ∂ 2 Vy ∂V x + Vy =U + , ∂X ∂Y ∂X ∂Y 2

(8.23) (8.24)

subject to the boundary conditions V x (X, ∞) = U(X),


V x (X, 0) = 0,


Vy (X, 0) = 0.



In unnormalized form, the previous set of layer equations are written ∂v x ∂vy + = 0, ∂x ∂y vx

dU ∂ 2vx ∂v x ∂v x + vy =U +ν , ∂x ∂y dx ∂y 2

(8.28) (8.29)

subject to the boundary conditions v x (x, ∞) = U(x)



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

(note that y = ∞ really means y/δ → ∞), and v x (x, 0) = 0,


vy (x, 0) = 0.


Equation (8.28) can be automatically satisfied by expressing the flow velocity in terms of a stream function: that is, vx = − vy =

∂ψ , ∂y

∂ψ . ∂x

(8.33) (8.34)

In this case, Equation (8.29) reduces to ν

∂ 3 ψ ∂ψ ∂ 2 ψ ∂ψ ∂ 2 ψ dU =U , − + dx ∂y 3 ∂x ∂y 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y


subject to the boundary conditions ∂ψ(x, ∞) = −U(x), ∂y


and ψ(x, 0) = 0,


∂ψ(x, 0) = 0. ∂y


To lowest order, the vorticity internal to the layer, ω = ω ez , is given by ω=

∂ 2ψ , ∂y 2


whereas the x-component of the viscous force per unit area acting on the surface of the obstacle is written (see Section 1.18)    ∂v x  ∂ 2 ψ   = −ρ ν σ xy y=0 = ρ ν (8.40)  . ∂y y=0 ∂y 2 y=0

8.4 Self-Similar Boundary Layers The boundary layer equation, (8.35), takes the form of a nonlinear partial differential equation that is extremely difficult to solve exactly. However, considerable progress can be made if this equation is converted into an ordinary differential equation by demanding that its solutions be self-similar. Self-similar solutions are such

Incompressible Boundary Layers


that, at a given distance, x, along the layer, the tangential flow profile, v x (x, y), is a scaled version of some common profile: that is, v x (x, y) = U(x) F[y/δ(x)], where δ(x) is a scale-factor, and F(z) a dimensionless function. It follows that ψ(x, y) = −U(x) δ(x) f [y/δ(x)], where f  (z) = F(z). Let us search for a self-similar solution to Equation (8.35) of the general form


1/2 2 ν U0 x m+1 2ν ψ(x, y) = − f (η) = −U0 x m f (η), (8.41) m+1 (m + 1) U0 x m−1 where


(m + 1) U0 x m−1 2ν

1/2 y.


This implies that δ(x) = [2 ν/(m + 1) U0 x m−1 ]1/2 , and U(x) = U0 x m . Here, U0 and m are constants. Moreover, U0 x m has dimensions of velocity, whereas m, η, and f , are dimensionless. Transforming variables from x, y to x, η, we find that    ∂  ∂  m − 1 η ∂   =  +  , (8.43) ∂x y ∂x η 2 x ∂η  x

1/2   (m + 1) U0 x m−1 ∂  ∂   =  . ∂y x 2ν ∂η  x



1/2 ν U0 x m−1 ∂ψ =− [(m + 1) f + (m − 1) η f  ], ∂x 2 (m + 1) ∂ψ = −U0 x m f  , ∂y 1/2   (m + 1) U03 x 3 m−1  ∂ 2ψ  f  ,  = −  2ν ∂y 2

(8.45) (8.46) (8.47)

∂ 2ψ U0 x m−1 =− [2 m f  + (m − 1) η f  ], ∂x ∂y 2 (m + 1) U02 x 2 m−1  ∂ 3ψ f , = − ∂y 3 2ν

(8.48) (8.49)

where  = d/dη. Thus, Equation (8.35) becomes (m + 1) f  + (m + 1) f f  − 2m f  2 = −


dU 2 1 . x 2 m−1 dx


Because the left-hand side of the previous equation is a (non-constant) function of η, while the right-hand side is a function of x (and as η and x are independent variables), the equation can only be satisfied if its right-hand side takes a constant value. In fact, if 1 dU 2 = 2m (8.51) U02 x 2 m−1 dx


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

then U(x) = U0 x m


(which is consistent with our initial guess), and f  + f f  + β (1 − f  2 ) = 0,



2m . (8.54) m+1 Expression (8.53) is known as the Falkner-Skan equation. The solutions to this equation that satisfy the physical boundary conditions (8.36)–(8.38) are such that β=

f (0) = f  (0) = 0,


f  (∞) = 1,



f (∞) = 0.


(The final condition corresponds to the requirement that the vorticity tend to zero at the edge of the layer.) Note, from Equations (8.39), (8.42), (8.47), (8.52), (8.55), and (8.56), that the normally integrated vorticity within the boundary layer is  ∞ ω dy = −U(x). (8.58) 0

Furthermore, from Equations (8.40), (8.47), and (8.52), the x-component of the viscous force per unit area acting on the surface of the obstacle is $ ν %1/2  √ 1 σ xy y=0 = ρ U 2 (m + 1)1/2 2 f  (0). (8.59) 2 Ux It is convenient to parameterize this quantity in terms of a skin friction coefficient,  σ xy y=0 cf = . (8.60) (1/2) ρ U 2 It follows that c f (x) =

√ (m + 1)1/2 2 f  (0) , [Re(x)]1/2



U(x) x (8.62) ν is the effective Reynolds number of the flow on the outer edge of the layer at position x. Hence, c f (x) ∝ x −(m+1)/2 . Finally, according to Equation (8.41), the width of the boundary layer is approximately Re(x) =

δ(x) 1 , x [Re(x)] 1/2


Incompressible Boundary Layers



f (0)



0 0



β Figure 8.2 f  (0) calculated as a function of β for solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation. which implies that δ(x) ∝ x −(m−1)/2 . If m > 0 then the external tangential velocity profile, U(x) = U0 x m , corresponds to that of irrotational inviscid flow incident, in a symmetric fashion, on a semi-infinite wedge whose apex subtends an angle α π, where α = 2 m/(m + 1). (See Section 5.10, and Figure 5.10.) In this case, U(x) can be interpreted as the tangential velocity a distance x along the surface of the wedge from its apex (in the direction of the flow). By analogy, if m = 0 then the external velocity profile corresponds to that of irrotational inviscid flow parallel to a semi-infinite flat plate (which can be thought of as a wedge whose apex subtends zero angle). In this case, U(x) can be interpreted as the tangential velocity a distance x along the surface of the plate from its leading edge (in the direction of the flow). (See Section 8.5.) Finally, if m < 0 then the external velocity profile is that of symmetric irrotational inviscid flow over the back surface of a semi-infinite wedge whose apex subtends an angle (1 − α ) π, where α = −m/(1 + m). (See Section 5.11, and Figure 5.11.) In this case, U(x) can be interpreted as the tangential velocity a distance x along the surface of the wedge from its apex (in the direction of the flow). Unfortunately, the Falkner-Skan equation, (8.53), possesses no general analytic solutions. However, this equation is relatively straightforward to solve via numerical methods. Figure 8.2 shows f  (0), calculated numerically as a function of β = 2 m/(m + 1), for the solutions of Equation (8.53) that satisfy the boundary conditions (8.55)–(8.57). In addition, Figure 8.3 shows f  (η) versus η, calculated numerically for various different values of m. Because β → 2 as m → ∞, solutions of the Falkner-


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 f

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 0





5 η




9 10

Figure 8.3 Solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation. In order from the left to the right, the various solid curves correspond to forward flow solutions calculated with m = 4, 1, 1/3, 1/9, 0, −0.05, and −0.0904, respectively. The dashed curve shows a reversed flow solution calculated with m = −0.05.

Skan equation with β > 2 have no physical significance. For 0 < β < 2, it can be seen, from Figures 8.2 and 8.3, that there is a single solution branch characterized by f  (η) > 0 and f  (0) > 0. This branch is termed the forward flow branch, because it is such that the tangential velocity, v x (η) ∝ f  (η), is in the same direction as the external tangential velocity [i.e., v x (∞)] across the whole layer (i.e., 0 < η < ∞). The forward flow branch is characterized by a positive skin friction coefficient, c f ∝ f  (0). It can also be seen that for β < 0 there exists a second solution branch, which is termed the reversed flow branch, because it is such that the tangential velocity is in the opposite direction to the external tangential velocity in the region of the layer immediately adjacent to the surface of the obstacle (which corresponds to η = 0). The reversed flow branch is characterized by a negative skin friction coefficient. The reversed flow solutions are probably unphysical, because reversed flow close to the wall is generally associated with a phenomenon known as boundary layer separation (see Section 8.10) that invalidates the boundary layer orderings. It can be seen that the two solution branches merge together at β = β∗ = −0.1989, which corresponds to m = m∗ = −0.0905. Moreover, there are no solutions to the Falkner-Skan equation with β < β∗ or m < m∗ . The disappearance of solutions when m becomes too negative (i.e., when the deceleration of the external flow becomes too large) is also related to boundary layer separation.

Incompressible Boundary Layers


y boundary layer plate δ U0

x L

wake Figure 8.4 Flow over a flat plate.

8.5 Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate Consider a flat plate of length L, infinite width, and negligible thickness, that lies in the x-z plane, and whose two edges correspond to x = 0 and x = L. Suppose that the plate is immersed in a low viscosity fluid whose unperturbed velocity field is v = U0 e x . (See Figure 8.4.) In the inviscid limit, the appropriate boundary condition at the surface of the plate, vy = 0—corresponding to the requirement of zero normal velocity—is already satisfied by the unperturbed flow. Hence, the original flow is not modified by the presence of the plate. However, when we take the finite viscosity of the fluid into account, an additional boundary condition, v x = 0—corresponding to the no slip condition—must be satisfied at the plate. The imposition of this additional constraint causes thin boundary layers, of thickness δ(x)  L, to form above and below the plate. The fluid flow outside the boundary layers remains effectively inviscid, whereas that inside the layers is modified by viscosity. It follows that the flow external to the layers is unaffected by the presence of the plate. Hence, the tangential velocity at the outer edge of the boundary layers is U(x) = U0 . This corresponds to the case m = 0 discussed in the previous section. [See Equation (8.52).] (Here, we are assuming that the flow upstream of the trailing edge of the plate, x = L, is unaffected by the edge’s presence, and, is, therefore, the same as if the plate were of infinite length. Of course, the flow downstream of the edge is modified as a consequence of the finite length of the plate.) Making use of the analysis contained in the previous section (with m = 0), as well as the fact that, by symmetry, the lower boundary layer is the mirror image of


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1 0.9 0.8

vx / U0

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 y/δ





Figure 8.5 Tangential velocity profile across the boundary layers located above and below a flat plate of negligible thickness located at y = 0. the upper one, the tangential velocity profile across the both layers is written v x (x, y) = U0 f  (η), where η= Here, f (η) is the solution of

$ U %1/2 0 |y|. 2νx

f  + f f  = 0


(8.65) (8.66)

that satisfies the boundary conditions f (0) = f  (0) = 0,


f  (∞) = 1,



f (∞) = 0.


Equation (8.66) is known as the Blasius equation. It is convenient to define the so-called displacement thickness of the upper boundary layer,

 ∞ v x (x, y) 1− dy, (8.70) δ(x) = U0 0

Incompressible Boundary Layers


which can be interpreted as the distance through which streamlines just outside the layer are displaced laterally due to the retardation of the flow within the layer. (Of course, the thickness of the lower boundary layer is the same as that of the upper layer.) It follows that

δ(x) =

νx U0


√  2

[1 − f  (η)] dη.



In fact, the numerical solution of Equation (8.66), subject to the boundary conditions (8.67)–(8.69), yields

1/2 νx δ(x) = 1.72 . (8.72) U0 Hence, the thickness of the boundary layer increases as the square root of the distance from the leading edge of the plate. In particular, the thickness at the trailing edge of the plate is 1.72 δ(L) = , (8.73) L Re1/2 where U0 L (8.74) Re = ν is the appropriate Reynolds number for the interaction of the flow with the plate. Note that if Re 1 then the thickness of the boundary layer is much less than its length, as was previously assumed. The tangential velocity profile across the both boundary layers, which takes the form

|y|  v x (x, y) = U0 f 1.22 , (8.75) δ(x) is plotted in Figure 8.5. In addition, the vorticity profile across the layers, which is written

|y| U0  f 1.22 ω(x, y) = −sgn(y) 1.22 , (8.76) δ(x) δ(x) is shown in Figure 8.6. The vorticity is negative in the upper boundary layer (i.e., y > 0), positive in the lower boundary layer (i.e., y < 0), and discontinuous across the plate (which is located at y = 0). Finally, the net viscous drag force per unit width (along the z-axis) acting on the plate in the x-direction is  D=2 0


 σ xy y=0 dx,


where the factor of 2 is needed to take into account the presence of boundary layers both above and below the plate. It follows from Equation (8.59) (with m = 0) that

D = ρ U02

ν U0


√   2 f (0) 0


x−1/2 dx = ρ U02

νL U0


√ 2 2 f  (0).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

ω / (U0/δ)


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 y/δ





Figure 8.6 Vorticity profile across the boundary layers located above and below a flat plate of negligible thickness located at y = 0. In fact, the numerical solution of (8.66) yields D = 1.33

ρ U02 L Re1/2

= 1.33 ρ U0 (ν U0 L)1/2 .


The previous discussion is premised on the assumption that the flow in the upper (or lower) boundary layer is both steady and z-independent. It turns out that this assumption becomes invalid when the Reynolds number of the layer, U0 δ/ν, exceeds a critical value which is about 600 (Batchelor 2000). In this case, small-scale z-dependent disturbances spontaneously grow to large amplitude, and the layer becomes turbulent. Because δ ∝ x1/2 , if the criterion for boundary layer turbulence is not satisfied at the trailing edge of the plate, x = L, then it is not satisfied anywhere else in the layer. Thus, the previous analysis, which neglects turbulence, remains valid provided U0 δ(L)/ν < 600. According to Equation (8.73), this implies that the analysis is valid when 1  Re < 1.2 × 105 , where Re = U0 L/ν is the Reynolds number of the external flow. Consider, finally, the situation illustrated in Figure 8.7 in which an initially irrotational fluid passes between two flat parallel plates. Let d be the perpendicular distance between the plates. As we have seen, the finite viscosity of the fluid causes boundary layers to form on the inner surfaces of the upper and lower plates. The flow within these layers possesses non-zero vorticity, and is significantly affected by

Incompressible Boundary Layers


boundary layer



potential flow



Figure 8.7 Flow between two flat parallel plates.

viscosity. On the other hand, the flow outside the layers is irrotational and essentially inviscid—this type of flow is usually termed potential flow (because it can be derived from a velocity potential satisfying Laplace’s equation). The thickness of the two boundary layers increases like x1/2 , where x represents distance, parallel to the flow, measured from the leading edges of the plates. It follows that, as x increases, the region of potential flow shrinks in size, and eventually disappears. (See Figure 8.7.) Assuming that, prior to merging, the two boundary layers do not significantly affect one another, their thickness, δ(x), is given by formula (8.72), where U0 is the speed of the incident fluid. The region of potential flow thus extends from x = 0 (which corresponds to the leading edge of the plates) to x = l, where δ(l) =

d . 2


It follows that l = 11.8 Re, d


where Re =

U0 d . ν


Thus, when an irrotational high Reynolds number fluid passes between two parallel plates then the region of potential flow extends a comparatively long distance between the plates, relative to their spacing (i.e., l/d 1). By analogy, if an irrotational high Reynolds number fluid passes into a pipe then the fluid remains essentially irrotational until it has travelled a considerable distance along the pipe, compared to its diameter. Obviously, these conclusions are modified if the flow becomes turbulent.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

8.6 Wake Downstream of a Flat Plate As we saw in the previous section, if a flat plate of negligible thickness, and finite length, is placed in the path of a uniform high Reynolds number flow, directed parallel to the plate, then thin boundary layers form above and below the plate. Outside the layers, the flow is irrotational, and essentially inviscid. Inside the layers, the flow is modified by viscosity, and has non-zero vorticity. Downstream of the plate, the boundary layers are convected by the flow, and merge to form a thin wake. (See Figure 8.4.) Within the wake, the flow is modified by viscosity, and possesses finite vorticity. Outside the wake, the downstream flow remains irrotational, and effectively inviscid. Because there is no solid surface embedded in the wake, acting to retard the flow, we would expect the action of viscosity to cause the velocity within the wake, a long distance downstream of the plate, to closely match that of the unperturbed flow. In other words, we expect the fluid velocity within the wake to take the form v x (x, y) = U0 − u(x, y),


vy (x, y) = v(x, y),


where |u|  U0 .


Assuming that, within the wake, ∂ 1 ∼ , ∂x x 1 ∂ ∼ , ∂y δ

(8.86) (8.87)

where δ  x is the wake thickness, fluid continuity requires that v∼

δ u. x


The flow external to the boundary layers, and the wake, is both uniform and essentially inviscid. Hence, according to Bernoulli’s theorem, the pressure in this region is also uniform. [See Equation (8.22).] However, as we saw in Section 8.3, there is no y-variation of the pressure across the boundary layers. It follows that the pressure is uniform within the layers. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the pressure is also uniform within the wake, because the wake is formed via the convection of the boundary layers downstream of the plate. We conclude that p(x, y) p0 everywhere in the fluid, where p0 is a constant.


Incompressible Boundary Layers


The x-component of the fluid equation of motion is written

2 ∂ vx ∂ 2vx 1 ∂p ∂v x ∂v x + vy =− +ν vx + . ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂x 2 ∂y 2


Making use of Equations (8.83)–(8.89), the previous expression reduces to U0

∂ 2u ∂u ν 2. ∂x ∂y


The boundary condition u(x, ±∞) = 0


ensures that the flow outside the wake remains unperturbed. Note that Equation (8.91) has the same mathematical form as a conventional diffusion equation, with x playing the role of time, and ν/U0 playing the role of the diffusion coefficient. Hence, by analogy with the standard solution of the diffusion equation, we would expect δ ∼ (ν x/U0 )1/2 (Riley 1974). As can easily be demonstrated, the self-similar solution to Equation (8.91), subject to the boundary condition (8.92), is

2 y Q exp − 2 , u(x, y) = √ (8.93) δ πδ where

δ(x) = 2

νx U0

1/2 ,


and Q is a constant. It follows that 


u dy = Q,


∞ √ because, as is well-known, −∞ exp(−t 2 ) dt = π (Riley 1974). As expected, the width of the wake scales as x1/2 . The tangential velocity profile across the wake, which takes the form v x (x, y) Q 1 =1− √ exp(−y 2 /δ 2 ), U0 U0 δ π


is plotted in Figure 8.8. In addition, the vorticity profile across the wake, which is written Q 2 y ω(x, y) =− exp(−y 2 /δ 2 ) (8.97) √ U0 /δ U0 δ π δ is shown in Figure 8.9. It can be seen that the profiles pictured in Figures 8.8 and 8.9 are essentially smoothed out versions of the boundary layer profiles shown in Figures 8.5 and 8.6, respectively. Suppose that the plate and a portion of its trailing wake are enclosed by a cuboid


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1 0.9 0.8

vx / U0

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −3



0 y/δ




Figure 8.8 Tangential velocity profile across the wake of a flat plate of negligible thickness located at y = 0. The profile is calculated for Q/(U0 δ) = 0.5.

0.5 0.4 0.3 ω / (U0/δ)

0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −3



0 y/δ




Figure 8.9 Vorticity profile across the boundary layers above and below a flat plate of negligible thickness located at y = 0. The profile is calculated for Q/(U0 δ) = 0.5.

Incompressible Boundary Layers



y y=h


wake U0 − u(y)



y = −h x=l

x = −l v(x) Figure 8.10 Control volume surrounding a flat plate and its trailing wake.

control volume of unit depth (in the z-direction) that extends from x = −l to x = +l and from y = −h to y = h. (See Figure 8.10.) Here, l L and h δ(l), where L is the length of the plate, and δ(x) the width of the wake. Hence, the control volume extends well upstream and downstream of the plate. Moreover, the volume is much wider than the wake. Let us apply the integral form of the fluid equation of continuity to the control volume. For a steady state, this reduces to (see Section 1.9)  ρ v · dS = 0, (8.98) S

where S is the bounding surface of the control volume. The normal fluid velocity is −U0 at x = −l, U0 − u(y) at x = l, and v(x) at y = ±h, as indicated in the figure. Hence, Equation (8.98) yields  − or



ρ U0 dy +





ρ [U0 − u(y)] dy + 2 

u(y) dy = 2




v(x) dx.

ρ v(x) dx = 0,




However, given that u → 0 for |y| δ, and because h δ, it is a good approximation to replace the limits of integration on the left-hand side of the previous expression by


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

±∞. Thus, from Equation (8.95), 


u(y) dy = 2




v(x) dx Q,


where Q is independent of x. Note that the slight retardation of the flow inside the wake, due to the presence of the plate, which is parameterized by Q, necessitates a small lateral outflow, v(x), in the region of the fluid external to the wake. Let us now apply the integral form of the x-component of the fluid equation of motion to the control volume. For a steady state, this reduces to (see Section 1.11)   ρ v x v · dS = F x + σ x j dS j , (8.102) S


where F x is the net x-directed force exerted on the fluid within the control volume by the plate. It follows, from Newton’s third law of motion, that F x = −D, where D is the viscous drag force per unit width (in the z-direction) acting on the plate in the x-direction. In an incompressible fluid (see Section 1.6),

∂vi ∂v j σi j = −p δi j + ρ ν + . (8.103) ∂x j ∂xi Hence, we obtain  h  2 − ρ U0 dy + −h



! " ρ U0 − u(y) 2 dy




ρ U0 v(x) dx = −D − 2 ρ ν

d dl


u(y) dy, −h


because the pressure within the fluid is essentially uniform, the tangential fluid velocity at y = ±h is U0 , and v is assumed to be negligible at x = ±l. Making use of Equation (8.101), as well as the fact that Q is independent of l, we get D = ρ U0 Q.


Here, we have neglected any terms that are second order in the small quantity u. A comparison with Equation (8.79) reveals that


Q = 1.33 (ν U0 L)1/2 ,


$ L %1/2 Q = 0.664 . U0 δ x


Hence, from Equations (8.96) and (8.97), the velocity and vorticity profiles across the layer are $ L %1/2 v x (x, y) = 1 − 0.375 exp(−y 2 /δ 2 ), (8.108) U0 x

Incompressible Boundary Layers and


$ L %1/2 y ω(x, y) = −0.749 exp(−y 2 /δ 2 ), U0 /δ x δ


respectively, where δ(x) = 2 (ν x/U0 )1/2 . Finally, because the previous analysis is premised on the assumption that |1 −v x /U0 | = |u|/U0  1, it is clear that the previous three expressions are only valid when x L (i.e., well downstream of the plate). The previous analysis only holds when the flow within the wake is non-turbulent. Let us assume, by analogy with the discussion in the previous section, that this is the case as long as the Reynolds number of the wake, U0 δ(x)/ν, remains less than some critical value that is approximately 600. Because the Reynolds number of the wake can be written 2 Re1/2 (x/L)1/2 , where Re = U0 L/ν is the Reynolds number of the external flow, we deduce that the wake becomes turbulent when x/L ∼> 9 × 104 /Re. Hence, the wake is always turbulent sufficiently far downstream of the plate. Our analysis, which effectively assumes that the wake is non-turbulent in some region, immediately downstream of the plate, whose extent (in x) is large compared with L, is thus only valid when 1  Re  9 × 104 .

8.7 Von K´arm´an Momentum Integral Consider a boundary layer that forms on the surface of a rigid stationary obstacle of arbitrary shape (but infinite length and uniform cross-section) placed in a steady, uniform, transverse, high Reynolds number flow. Let x represent arc length along the surface, measured (in the direction of the external flow) from the stagnation point that forms at the front of the obstacle. (See Figure 8.11.) Moreover, let y represent distance across the boundary layer, measured normal to the surface. Suppose that the boundary layer is sufficiently thin that it is well approximated as a plane slab in the immediate vicinity of a general point on the surface. In this case, writing the velocity field within the layer in the form v = u(x, y) e x + v(x, y) ey, it is reasonable to model this flow using the slab boundary layer equations [see Equations (8.28) and (8.29)] ∂u ∂v + = 0, ∂x ∂y u

∂u ∂u dU ∂ 2u +v −U = ν 2, ∂x ∂y dx ∂y

(8.110) (8.111)

subject to the standard boundary conditions u(x, ∞) = U(x), u(x, 0) = v(x, 0) = 0.

(8.112) (8.113)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Here, U(x) is the external tangential fluid velocity at the edge of the layer. Integrating (8.111) across the layer, making use of the boundary conditions (8.113), leads to  ∞

 ∂u  ∂u ∂u dU  = ν −u −v U dy ∂y y=0 dx ∂x ∂y 0

 ∞ ∂(U − u) ∂(U − u) dU +u +v (U − u) = dy dx ∂x ∂y 0

 ∞ ∂(U − u) ∂v dU +u − (U − u) (U − u) dy = dx ∂x ∂y 0

 ∞ ∂(U − u) ∂u dU +u + (U − u) (U − u) = dy dx ∂x ∂x 0   ∞ d dU ∞ (U − u) dy + u (U − u) dy. (8.114) = dx 0 dx 0 Here, we have integrated the final term on the right-hand side by parts, making use of Equations (8.110), (8.112), and (8.113). Let us define the displacement thickness of the layer [see Equation (8.70)]  ∞$ u% δ1 (x) = dy, (8.115) 1− U 0 as well as the so-called momentum thickness  ∞ $ u% u δ2 (x) = 1− dy. U 0 U It follows from Equation (8.114) that  ∂u  dU dδ  = U 2 2 + U ν (δ1 + 2 δ2 ). ∂y y=0 dx dx



This important result is known as the von K´arm´an momentum integral, and is fundamental to many of the approximation methods commonly employed to calculate boundary layer thicknesses on the surfaces of general obstacles placed in high Reynolds number flows. (See Section 8.10.)

8.8 Boundary Layer Separation As we saw in Section 8.5, when a high Reynolds number fluid passes around a streamlined obstacle, such as a slender plate that is aligned with the flow, a relatively thin boundary layer form on the obstacle’s surface. Here, by relatively thin, we mean that the typical transverse (to the flow) thickness of the layer is δ ∼ L/Re1/2 , where L is the length of the obstacle (in the direction of the flow), and Re the Reynolds

Incompressible Boundary Layers


separation point potential flow streamlines

boundary layer obstacle


stagnation point

Figure 8.11 Boundary layer separation. number of the external flow. Suppose, however, that the obstacle is not streamlined: that is, the surface of the obstacle is not closely aligned with the streamlines of the unperturbed flow pattern. In this case, the typically observed behavior is illustrated in Figure 8.11, which shows the flow pattern of a high Reynolds number irrotational fluid around a cylindrical obstacle (whose axis is normal to the direction of the unperturbed flow). It can be seen that a stagnation point, at which the flow velocity is locally zero, forms in front of the obstacle. Moreover, a thin boundary layer covers the front side of the obstacle. The thickness of this layer is smallest at the stagnation point, and increases towards the back side of the obstacle. However, at some point on the back side, the boundary layer separates from the obstacle’s surface to form a vortex-filled wake whose transverse dimensions are similar to those of the obstacle itself. This phenomenon is known as boundary layer separation. Outside the boundary layer, and the wake, the flow pattern is irrotational and essentially inviscid. So, from Section 5.8, the tangential flow speed just outside the boundary layer (neglecting any circulation of the external flow around the cylinder) is (8.118) U(θ) = 2 U0 sin θ, where U0 is the unperturbed flow speed, and θ is a cylindrical coordinate defined such that the stagnation point corresponds to θ = 0. Note that the tangential flow accelerates (i.e., increases with increasing arc-length, along the surface of the obstacle, in the direction of the flow) on the front side of the obstacle (i.e., 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2), and decelerates on the back side. Boundary layer separation is always observed to


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

take place at a point on the surface of an obstacle where there is deceleration of the external tangential flow. In addition, from Section 5.8, the pressure just outside the boundary layer (and, hence, on the surface of the obstacle, because the pressure is uniform across the layer) is P(θ) = p1 + ρ U02 cos(2 θ),


where p1 is a constant. The tangential pressure gradient is such as to accelerate the tangential flow on the front side of the obstacle—this is known as a favorable pressure gradient. On the other hand, the pressure gradient is such as to decelerate the flow on the back side—this is known as an adverse pressure gradient. Boundary layer separation is always observed to take place at a point on the surface of an obstacle where the pressure gradient is adverse. Boundary layer separation is an important physical phenomenon because it gives rise to a greatly enhanced drag force acting on a non-streamlined obstacle placed in a high Reynolds number flow. This is the case because the pressure in the comparatively wide wake that forms behind a non-streamlined obstacle, as a consequence of separation, is relatively low. To be more exact, in the case of a cylindrical obstacle, Equation (8.119) specifies the expected pressure variation over the obstacle’s surface in the absence of separation. It can be seen that the variation on the front side of the obstacle mirrors that on the back side: that is, P(π − θ) = P(θ). (See Figure 8.12.) In other words, the resultant pressure force on the front side of the obstacle is equal and opposite to that on the back side, so that the pressure distribution gives rise to zero net drag acting on the obstacle. Figure 8.12 illustrates how the pressure distribution is modified as a consequence of boundary layer separation. In this case, the pressure between the separation points is significantly less than that on the front side of the obstacle. Consequently, the resultant pressure force on the front side is greater in magnitude than the oppositely directed force on the back side, giving rise to a significant drag acting on the obstacle. Let D be the drag force per unit width (parallel to the axis of the cylinder) exerted on the obstacle. It is convenient to parameterize this force in terms of a dimensionless drag coefficient, CD =

D , ρ U02 a


where ρ is the fluid density, and a the typical transverse size of the obstacle (in the present example, the radius of the cylinder). The drag force that acts on a nonstreamlined obstacle placed in a high Reynolds number flow, as a consequence of boundary layer separation, is generally characterized by a drag coefficient of order unity. The exact value of the coefficient depends strongly on the shape of the obstacle, but only relatively weakly on the Reynolds number of the flow. Consequently, this type of drag is termed form drag, because it depends primarily on the external shape, or form, of the obstacle. Form drag scales roughly as the cross-sectional area (per unit width) of the vortex-filled wake that forms behind the obstacle. Boundary layer separation is associated with strong adverse pressure gradients, or, equivalently, strong flow deceleration, on the back side of an obstacle placed in a

Incompressible Boundary Layers






P (θ) − p1


stagnation point

separation points Figure 8.12 Pressure variation over surface of a cylindrical obstacle in a high Reynolds number flow both with (dashed curve) and without (solid curve) boundary layer separation.

high Reynolds number flow. Such gradients can be significantly reduced by streamlining the obstacle: that is, by closely aligning its back surface with the unperturbed streamlines of the external flow. Indeed, boundary layer separation can be delayed, or even completely prevented, on the surface of a sufficiently streamlined obstacle, thereby significantly decreasing, or even eliminating, the associated form drag (essentially, by reducing the cross-sectional area of the wake). However, even in the limit that the form drag is reduced to a negligible level, there is still a residual drag acting on the obstacle due to boundary layer viscosity. This type of drag is called friction drag. As is clear from a comparison of Equations (8.79) and (8.120), the drag coefficient associated with friction drag is O(Re−1/2 ), where Re is the Reynolds number of the flow. Friction drag thus tends to zero as the Reynolds number tends to infinity. The phenomenon of boundary layer separation allows us to resolve d’Alembert’s paradox. Recall, from Section 5.8, that an idealized fluid that is modeled as inviscid and irrotational is incapable of exerting a drag force on a stationary obstacle, despite the fact that very high Reynolds number, ostensibly irrotational, fluids are observed to exert significant drag forces on stationary obstacles. The resolution of the paradox lies in the realization that, in such fluids, viscosity can only be neglected (and the flow is consequently only irrotational) in the absence of boundary layer separation. In this case, the region of the fluid in which viscosity plays a significant role is localized to a thin boundary layer on the surface of the obstacle, and the resultant friction


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

drag scales as Re−1/2 , and, therefore, disappears in the inviscid limit (essentially, because the boundary layer shrinks to zero thickness in this limit). On the other hand, if the boundary layer separates then viscosity is important both in a thin boundary layer on the front of the obstacle, and in a wide, low-pressure, vortex-filled, wake that forms behind the obstacle. Moreover, the wake does not disappear in the inviscid limit. The presence of significant fluid vorticity within the wake invalidates irrotational fluid dynamics. Consequently, the pressure on the back side of the obstacle is significantly smaller than that predicted by irrotational fluid dynamics. Hence, the resultant pressure force on the front side is larger than that on the back side, and a significant drag is exerted on the obstacle. The drag coefficient associated with this type of drag is generally of order unity, and does not tend to zero as the Reynolds number tends to infinity.

8.9 Criterion for Boundary Layer Separation As we have seen, the boundary layer equations (8.110)–(8.113) generally lead to the conclusion that the tangential velocity in a thin boundary layer, u, is large compared with the normal velocity, v. Mathematically speaking, this result holds everywhere except in the immediate vicinity of singular points. But, if v  u then it follows that the fluid moves predominately parallel to the surface of the obstacle, and can only move away from this surface to a very limited extent. This restriction effectively precludes separation of the flow from the surface. Hence, we conclude that separation can only occur at a point at which the solution of the boundary layer equations is singular. As we approach a separation point, we expect the flow to deviate from the boundary layer towards the interior of the fluid. In other words, we expect the normal velocity to become comparable with the tangential velocity. However, we have seen that the ratio v/u is of order Re−1/2 . [See Equation (8.18).] Hence, an increase of v to such a degree that v ∼ u implies an increase by a factor Re1/2 . For sufficiently large Reynolds numbers, we may suppose that v effectively increases by an infinite factor. Indeed, if we employ the dimensionless form of the boundary layer equations, (8.23)–(8.27), the situation just described is formally equivalent to an infinite value of the dimensionless normal velocity, Vy , at the separation point. Let the separation point lie at x = x0 , and let x < x0 correspond to the region of the boundary layer upstream of this point. According to the previous discussion, v(x0 , y) = ∞


at all y (except, of course, y = 0, where the boundary conditions at the surface of the obstacle require that v = 0). It follows that the deriviative ∂v/∂y is also infinite at x = x0 . Hence, the equation of continuity, ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y = 0, implies that (∂u/∂x) x=x0 = ∞, or ∂x/∂u = 0, if x is regarded as a function of u and y. Let u(x0 , y) = u0 (y). Close to the point of separation, x0 − x and u − u0 are small. Thus,

Incompressible Boundary Layers


we can expand x0 − x in powers of u − u0 (at fixed y). Because (∂x/∂u)u=u0 = 0, the first term in this expansion vanishes identically, and we are left with   (8.122) x0 − x = f (y) (u − u0 )2 + O (u − u0 )3 , or where α = 1/

√ u(x, y) u0 (y) + α(y) x0 − x,


f is some function of y. From the equation of continuity, ∂u α(y) ∂v =− √ . ∂y ∂x 2 x0 − x


Upon integration, the previous expression yields β(y) v(x, y) √ , x0 − x where β(y) =

1 2


α(y ) dy .



The equation of tangential motion in the boundary layer, (8.111), is written u

∂u dU ∂ 2u ∂u +v =U + ν 2. ∂x ∂y dx ∂y


As is clear from Equation (8.123), the derivative ∂ 2 u/∂y 2 does not become infinite as x → x0 . The same is true of the function U dU/dx, which is determined from the flow outside the boundary layer. However, both terms on the left-hand side of the previous expression become infinite as x → x0 . Hence, in the immediate vicinity of the separation point, ∂u ∂u +v 0. (8.128) u ∂x ∂y Because ∂u/∂x = −∂v/∂y, we can rewrite this equation in the form −u

∂v ∂u ∂ $v% +v = −u 2 0. ∂y ∂y ∂y u


Because u does not, in general, vanish at x = x0 , we conclude that ∂ $v% 0. ∂y u


In other words, v/u is a function of x only. From Equations (8.123) and (8.125), β(y) v = + O(1). √ u u0 (y) x0 − x



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Hence, if this ratio is a function of x alone then β(y) = (1/2) A u0(y), where A is a constant: that is, A u0 (y) v(x, y) √ . (8.132) 2 x0 − x Finally, because Equation (8.126) yields α = 2 dβ/dy = A du0 /dy, we obtain u(x, y) u0 (y) + A

du0 √ x0 − x. dy


The previous two expressions specify u and v as functions of x and y near the point of separation. Beyond the point of separation, that is for x > x0 , the expressions are physically meaningless, because the square roots become imaginary. This implies that the solutions of the boundary layer equations cannot sensibly be continued beyond the separation point. The standard boundary conditions at the surface of the obstacle require that u = v = 0 at y = 0. It, therefore, follows from Equations (8.132) and (8.133) that u0 (0) = 0,  du0   = 0. dy 

(8.134) (8.135)


Thus, we obtain the important prediction that both the tangential velocity, u, and its first derivative, ∂u/∂y, are zero at the separation point (i.e., x = x0 and y = 0). This result was originally obtained by Prandtl, although the argument we have used to derive it is due to L. D. Landau (1908–1968) (Landau and Lifshitz 1987). If the constant A in expressions (8.132) and (8.133) happens to be zero then the point x = x0 and y = 0, at which the derivative ∂u/∂y vanishes, has no particular properties, and is not a point of separation. However, there is no reason, in general, why A should take the special value zero. Thus, in practice, a point on the surface of an obstacle at which ∂u/∂y = 0 is always a point of separation. Incidentally, if there were no separation at the point x = x0 (i.e., if A = 0) then we would have ∂u/∂y < 0 for x > x0 . In other words, u would become negative as we move away from the surface, y being still small. That is, the fluid beyond the point x = x0 would move tangentially, in the region of the boundary layer immediately adjacent to the surface, in the direction opposite to that of the external flow: that is, there would be “back-flow” in this region. In practice, the flow separates from the surface at x = x0 , and the back-flow migrates into the wake. The dimensionless boundary layer equations, (8.23)–(8.27), are independent of the Reynolds number of the external flow (assuming that this number is much greater than unity). Thus, it follows that the point on the surface of the obstacle at which ∂u/∂y = 0 is also independent of the Reynolds number. In other words, the location of the separation point is independent of the Reynolds number (as long as this number is large, and the flow in the boundary layer is non-turbulent). At y = 0, the equation of tangential motion in the boundary layer, (8.111), is written  1 dU 1 dP ∂ 2 u  = , (8.136) ν  = − 2 U dx ρ dx ∂y y=0

Incompressible Boundary Layers


where P(x) is the pressure just outside the layer, and use has been made of Equation (8.6). Because u is positive, and increases away from the surface (upstream of the separation point), it follows that (∂ 2 u/∂y 2)y=0 > 0 at the separation point itself, where (∂u/∂y)y=0 = 0. Hence, according to the previous equation,

dU < 0, (8.137) dx x=x0

dP > 0. (8.138) dx x=x0 In other words, we predict that the external tangential flow is always decelerating at the separation point, whereas the pressure gradient is always adverse (i.e., such as to decelerate the tangential flow), in agreement with experimental observations.

8.10 Approximate Solutions of Boundary Layer Equations The boundary layer equations, (8.110)–(8.113), take the form ∂u ∂v + = 0, ∂x ∂y u

∂u ∂u dU ∂ 2u +v −U = ν 2, ∂x ∂y dx ∂y

(8.139) (8.140)

subject to the boundary conditions u(x, ∞) = U(x),


u(x, 0) = 0,


v(x, 0) = 0.


Furthermore, it follows from Equations (8.140), (8.142), and (8.143) that  ∂ 2 u  dU . ν  = −U ∂y 2 y=0 dx


The previous expression can be thought of as an alternative form of Equation (8.143). As we saw in Section 8.4, the boundary layer equations can be solved exactly when U(x) takes the special form U0 x m . However, in the general case, we must resort to approximation methods. Following Pohlhausen (Schlichting 1987), let us assume that u(x, y) = f (η), U(x)



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where η = y/δ(x), and ∂/∂x  1/δ. In particular, suppose that  a + b η + c η2 + d η3 + e η4 0≤η≤1 f (η) = , 1 η>1


where a, b, c, d, and e are constants. This expression automatically satisfies the boundary condition (8.141). Moreover, the boundary conditions (8.142) and (8.144) imply that a = 0, and (8.147) f  (0) = −Λ(x), where  = d/dη, and

δ 2 dU . ν dx Finally, let us assume that f , f  , and f  are continuous at η = 1: that is, Λ=

f (1) = 1, 

f (1) = 0, 

f (1) = 0.


(8.149) (8.150) (8.151)

These constraints corresponds to the reasonable requirements that the velocity, vorticity, and viscous stress tensor, respectively, be continuous across the layer. Given that a = 0, Equations (8.146), (8.147), and (8.149)–(8.151) yield f (η) = F(η) + Λ G(η)


F(η) = 1 − (1 − η) 3 (1 + η),


for 0 ≤ η ≤ 1, where 1 η (1 − η) 3 . (8.154) 6 Thus, the tangential velocity profile across the layer is a function of a single parameter, Λ, which is termed the Pohlhausen parameter. The behavior of this profile is illustrated in Figure 8.13. Note that, under normal circumstances, the Pohlhausen parameter must lie in the range −12 ≤ Λ ≤ 12. For Λ > 12, the profile is such that f (η) > 1 for some η < 1, which is not possible in a steady-state solution. On the other hand, for Λ < −12, the profile is such that f  (0) < 0, which implies flow reversal close to the wall. As we have seen, flow reversal is indicative of separation. Indeed, the separation point, f  (0) = 0, corresponds to Λ = −12. Expression (8.152) is only an approximation, because it satisfies some, but not all, of the boundary conditions satisfied by the true velocity profile. For instance, differentiation of Equation (8.140) with respect to y reveals that (∂ 3 u/∂y 3)y=0 ∝ f  (0) = 0, which is not the case for expression (8.152). It follows from Equations (8.115), (8.116), and (8.152)–(8.154) that

 1 Λ 3 − , (8.155) δ1 (x) = δ (1 − f ) dη = δ 10 120 0

 1 37 Λ Λ2 δ2 (x) = δ − − f (1 − f ) dη = δ . (8.156) 315 945 9072 0 G(η) =

Incompressible Boundary Layers


1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 f 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0




0.6 η



Figure 8.13 Pohlhausen velocity profiles for Λ = 12 (solid curve) and Λ = −12 (dashed curve).

Furthermore,  ∂u  U  U$ Λ%  = f (0) = 2+ . ∂y y=0 δ δ 6


The von K´arm´an momentum integral, (8.117), can be rearranged to give

 dδ2 δ22 dU U δ2 ∂u  δ1  . δ2 + = 2+ ν dx ν dx δ2 U ∂y y=0


Defining λ(x) =

δ22 dU , ν dx


we obtain U

d λ = 2 [F2 (λ) − λ {2 + F1 (λ)}] = F(λ), dx dU/dx



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1 F

0 −0.15


−0.05 λ




Figure 8.14 The function F(λ) (solid curve) and the linear function 0.47 − 6 λ (dashed line). where

2 37 Λ Λ2 − − Λ, (8.161) λ= 315 945 9072


3 Λ 37 Λ Λ2 δ1 F1 (λ) = − − − = , (8.162) δ2 10 120 315 945 9072

 $ Λ Λ2 δ2 ∂u  Λ % 37  = 2 + − − , (8.163) F2 (λ) = U ∂y y=0 6 315 945 9072

Λ Λ2 2 1 37 2 116 − − Λ+ + Λ3 . F(λ) = 2 2− Λ2 + 315 945 9072 315 945 120 9072 (8.164) It is generally necessary to integrate Equation (8.158) from the stagnation point at the front of the obstacle, through the point of maximum tangential velocity, to the separation point on the back side of the obstacle. At the stagnation point we have U = 0 and dU/dx  0, which implies that F(λ) = 0. Furthermore, at the point of maximum tangential velocity we have dU/dx = 0 and U  0, which implies that Λ = λ = 0. Finally, as we have already seen, Λ = −12 at the separation point, which implies, from Equation (8.161), that λ = −0.1567. As was first pointed out by Walz (Schlichting 1987), and is illustrated in Figure 8.14, it is a fairly good approximation to replace F(λ) by the linear function

Incompressible Boundary Layers


0.47 − 6 λ for λ in the physically relevant range. The approximation is particularly accurate on the front side of the obstacle (where λ > 0). Making use of this approximation, Equations (8.159) and (8.160) reduce to the linear differential equation   d  U δ22  dU δ22   = 0.47 − 5 , (8.165) dx ν dx ν which can be integrated to give δ22 0.47 = ν U6


U 5 (x ) dx ,



assuming that the stagnation point corresponds to x = 0. It follows that  0.47 dU x 5  U (x ) dx . λ= U 6 dx 0


Recall that the separation point corresponds to x = x s , where λ(x s ) ≡ λ s = −0.1567. Suppose that U(x) = U0 , which corresponds to uniform flow over a flat plate. (See Section 8.5.) It follows from Equations (8.166) and (8.167) that δ2 (x) 0.69 = , x Re1/2


where Re = U0 x/ν, and λ = 0. Moreover, according to Equations (8.148) and (8.162), Λ = 0 and δ1 /δ2 = 2.55. Hence, the displacement width of the boundary layer becomes δ1 (x) 1.75 = . (8.169) x Re1/2 This approximate result compares very favorably with the exact result, (8.73). Suppose that x = a θ and U(θ) = 2 U0 sin θ, which corresponds to uniform transverse flow around a circular cylinder of radius a. (See Section 8.8.) Equation (8.167) yields  θ cos θ sin5 θ dθ . (8.170) λ(θ) = 0.47 6 sin θ 0 Figure 8.15 shows λ(θ) determined from the previous formula. It can be seen that λ = λ s = −0.1567 when θ = θ s 108◦. In other words, the separation point is located 108◦ from the stagnation point at the front of the cylinder. This suggests that the low pressure wake behind the cylinder is almost as wide as the cylinder itself, and that the associated form drag is comparatively large. Suppose, finally, that U = U0 x m . If m is negative then, as illustrated in Figure 8.16, this corresponds to uniform flow over the back surface of a semi-infinite wedge whose angle of dip is m π . (8.171) θ=− 1+m 2 (See Section 8.4.) It follows from Equation (8.167) that λ=

0.47 m 0.47 θ =− . 1+5m π/2 − 4 θ



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

λ − λs







60 θ(◦)


Figure 8.15 The function λ(θ) for flow around a circular cylinder.

θ x

Figure 8.16 Flow over the back surface of a semi-infinite wedge.



Incompressible Boundary Layers


We expect boundary layer separation on the back surface of the wedge when λ < λ s = −0.1567. This corresponds to θ > θ s , where θs =

π (−λ s ) 13◦ . 2 0.47 + 4 (−λ s)


Hence, boundary layer separation can be prevented by making the wedge’s angle of dip sufficiently shallow: that is, by streamlining the wedge, which has the effect of reducing the deceleration of the flow on the wedge’s back surface. The critical value of m (i.e., m s = −0.0125) at which separation occurs in our approximate solution is very similar to the critical value of m (i.e., m∗ = −0.0905) at which the exact self-similar solutions described in Section 8.4 can no longer be found. This suggests that the absence of self-similar solutions for m < m∗ is related to boundary layer separation.

8.11 Exercises 8.1 Fluid flows between two non-parallel plane walls, towards the intersection of the planes, in such a manner that if x is measured along a wall from the intersection of the planes then U(x) = −U0 /x, where U0 is a positive constant. Verify that a solution of the boundary layer equation (8.35) can be found such that ψ is a function of y/x only. Demonstrate that this solution yields $ %1/2 U0 y u(x, y) =F , U(x) ν x where u = ∂ψ/∂y, and

F  − F 2 = −1,

subject to the boundary conditions F(0) = 0 and F(∞) = 1. Verify that

z 2 F(z) = 3 tanh α + √ − 2 2 is a suitable solution of the previous differential equation, where tanh2 α = 2/3. 8.2 A jet of water issues from a straight narrow slit in a wall, and mixes with the surrounding water, which is at rest. On the assumption that the motion is non-turbulent and two-dimensional, and that the approximations of boundary layer theory apply, the stream function satisfies the boundary layer equation ν

∂ 3 ψ ∂ψ ∂ 2 ψ ∂ψ ∂ 2 ψ = 0. − + ∂y 3 ∂x ∂y 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y

Here, the symmetry axis of the jet is assumed to run along the x-direction,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics whereas the y-direction is perpendicular to this axis. The velocity of the jet parallel to the symmetry axis is u(x, y) = −

∂ψ , ∂y

where u(x, −y) = u(x, y), and u(x, y) → 0 as y → ∞. We expect the momentum flux of the jet parallel to its symmetry axis,  ∞ M=ρ u 2 dy, −∞

to be independent of x. Consider a self-similar stream function of the form ψ(x, y) = ψ0 x p F(y/x q ). Demonstrate that the boundary layer equation requires that p+q = 1, and that M is only independent of x when 2 p − q = 0. Hence, deduce that p = 1/3 and q = 2/3. Suppose that ψ(x, y) = −6 ν x 1/3 F(y/x 2/3). Demonstrate that F(z) satisfies F  + 2 F F  + 2 F  2 = 0, subject to the constraints that F  (−z) = F  (z), and F  (z) → 0 as z → ∞. Show that F(z) = α tanh(α z) is a suitable solution, and that M = 48 ρ ν 2 α 3 . 8.3 The growth of a boundary layer can be inhibited by sucking some of the fluid through a porous wall. Consider conventional boundary layer theory. As a consequence of suction, the boundary condition on the normal velocity at the wall is modified to v(x, 0) = −v s , where v s is the (constant) suction velocity. Demonstrate that, in the presence of suction, the von K´arm´an velocity integral becomes  dU dδ ∂u   = U2 2 +U (δ1 + 2 δ2 ) + U v s . ν ∂y y=0 dx dx Suppose that  u(x, y) = U(x)

sin(α y) 1

0 ≤ y ≤ π/(2 α) , y > π/(2 α)

Incompressible Boundary Layers


where α = α(x). Demonstrate that the displacement and momentum widths of the boundary layer are δ1 = (π/2 − 1) α −1 , δ2 = (1 − π/4) α −1, respectively. Hence, deduce that ν (π/2 − 1)2 dδ1 dU = U (1 − π/4) + δ1 + (π/2 − 1) v s. δ1 dx dx Consider a boundary layer on a flat plate, for which U(x) = U0 . Show that, in the absence of suction,

1/2 1/2 8 νx δ1 = (π/2 − 1) , 4−π U0 but that in the presence of suction δ1 =

(π/2 − 1) ν . vs

Hence, deduce that, for a plate of length L, suction is capable of significantly reducing the thickness of the boundary layer when vs 1

, U0 Re1/2 where Re = U0 L/ν.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

9 Incompressible Aerodynamics

9.1 Introduction This chapter investigates the forces exerted on a stationary obstacle situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number, subsonic (and, therefore, effectively incompressible— see Section 1.17) wind, on the assumption that the obstacle is sufficiently streamlined that there is no appreciable separation of the boundary layer from its back surface. Such an obstacle is termed an airfoil (or aerofoil). Obviously, airfoil theory is fundamental to the theory of flight. Further information on this subject can be found in Milne-Thomson 1958. The flow around an airfoil is essentially irrotational and inviscid everywhere apart from a thin boundary layer localized to its surface, and a thin wake emitted by its trailing edge. (See Sections 8.5 and 8.6.) It follows that, for the flow external to the boundary layer and wake, we can write v = −∇φ,


which automatically ensures that the flow is irrotational. Assuming that the flow is also incompressible, so that ∇ · v = 0, the velocity potential, φ, satisfies Laplace’s equation: that is, (9.2) ∇ 2 φ = 0. The appropriate boundary condition at the surface of the airfoil is that the normal velocity be zero. In other words, n · ∇φ = 0, where n is a unit vector normal to the surface. In general, the tangential velocity at the airfoil surface, obtained by solving ∇2 φ = 0 in the external region, subject to the boundary condition n · ∇φ = 0 on the surface, is non-zero. Of course, this is inconsistent with the no slip condition, which demands that the tangential velocity be zero at the surface. (See Section 8.2.) However, as described in the previous chapter, this inconsistency is resolved by the boundary layer, across which the tangential velocity is effectively discontinuous, being non-zero on the outer edge of the layer (where it interfaces with the irrotational flow), and zero on the inner edge (where it interfaces with the airfoil). The discontinuity in the tangential velocity across the layer implies the presence of bound vortices covering the surface of the airfoil (see Section 9.7), and also gives rise to a friction drag acting on the airfoil in the direction of the external flow. However, the magnitude of this drag scales as Re −1/2 , where Re is the Reynolds number of the wind. (See Section 8.5.) Hence, such drag becomes negligibly small in the high Reynolds 257


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

number limit. In the following, we shall assume that any form drag, due to the residual separation of the boundary layer at the back of the airfoil, is also negligibly small. Moreover, for the sake of simplicity, we shall initially restrict our discussion to two-dimensional situations in which a high Reynolds number wind flows transversely around a stationary airfoil of infinite length (in the z-direction) and uniform cross-section (parallel to the x-y plane).

9.2 Theorem of Kutta and Zhukovskii Consider a two-dimensional airfoil that is at rest in a uniform wind of speed V whose direction subtends a (clockwise) angle α with the negative x-axis. It follows that the wind velocity is V = −V cos α e x + V sin α ey , and the corresponding complex velocity is dF/dz = V e i α . (See Section 6.4.) The air velocity a great distance from the airfoil must tend toward this uniform velocity. Thus, for sufficiently large |z|, we can write (see Section 6.4) A B dF = V eiα + + 2 + · · · . dz z z


According to Equation (6.172), the circulation, Γ, of air about the airfoil is determined by performing the integral  dF −Re dz = Γ (9.4) C dz around a loop C that lies just above the airfoil surface. However, as discussed in Section 6.10, the value of this integral is unchanged if it is performed around any loop that can be continuously deformed onto C, while not passing through the airfoil surface, or crossing a singularity of the complex velocity, dF/dz (i.e., a line source or a z-directed vortex filament). Because (in the high Reynolds number limit in which the boundary layer and the wake are infinitely thin) there are no line sources or zdirected vortex filaments external to the airfoil, we can evaluate the integral around a large circle of radius R, centered on the origin. It follows that z = R e i θ and dz = i R e i θ dθ = i z dθ. Hence,

   i (θ+α) −1 Γ = −Re i V Re + A + O(R ) dθ = 2π Im(A), (9.5) which implies that

dF B Γ = V eiα + i + +··· dz 2π z z 2


at large |z|. As discussed in Section 6.11, the net force (per unit length) acting on the airfoil,

Incompressible Aerodynamics L = X e x + Y ey , is determined by performing the Blasius integral,  2 dF 1 iρ dz = X − i Y, 2 C dz



around a loop C that lies just above the airfoil surface. However, as before, the value of the integral is unchanged if instead we perform it around a large circle of radius R, centered on the origin. Far from the airfoil,

2 V Γ e i α 8π2 V B e i α − Γ 2 dF = V 2 e2iα + i + O(z −3 ). (9.8) + dz πz 4π2 z 2 So, we obtain X − iY = or

1 2 i ρ 2

 V Γ eiα + O(R −1 ) dθ = −i e i α ρ V Γ, (9.9) V 2 R e i (θ+2 α) + i π X + i Y = i e−i α ρ V Γ = e i (π/2−α) ρ V Γ.


In other words, the resultant force (per unit length) acting on the airfoil is of magnitude ρ V Γ, and has the direction obtained by rotating the wind vector through a rightangle in the sense opposite to that of the circulation. This type of force is known as lift, and is responsible for flight. The result (9.10) is known as the theorem of Kutta and Zhukovskii, after the German scientist M. W. Kutta (1867–1944), and the Russian scientist N. E. Zhukovskii (1847–1921), who discovered it independently. Note that (at fixed circulation) the lift is independent of the shape of the airfoil. Furthermore, according to the Kutta–Zhukovskii theorem, there is zero drag acting on the airfoil (i.e., zero force acting in the direction of the wind). In reality, there is always a small friction drag due to air viscosity, as well as a (hopefully) small form drag due to residual separation of the boundary layer from the back of the airfoil. There is actually a third type of drag, known as induced drag, that is discussed in Section 9.8. As discussed in Section 6.11, the net moment per unit length (about the origin), M, acting on the airfoil is determined by performing the integral    2 dF   1 z dz = M Re − ρ (9.11) 2 C dz around a loop C that lies just above the airfoil surface. As before, we can deform C into a circle of radius R, centered on the origin, without changing the value of the integral. Hence, we obtain

 V Γ R e i (θ+α) 1 V 2 R 2 e 2 i (θ+α) + i M = Re − i ρ 2 π

2 iα 2 8π V B e − Γ + + O(R −1 ) dθ , (9.12) 4π2 or

  M = Re 2π ρ V B e i (α−π/2) .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

9.3 Cylindrical Airfoils For the moment, let us work in the complex ζ-plane, where ζ = ξ + i η. Consider a cylindrical airfoil with a circular cross-section of radius a, centered on the origin, that is situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind of speed V whose direction subtends a (clockwise) angle α with the negative ξ-axis. Let Γ be the circulation of air around the airfoil. A slight generalization of the analysis of Section 6.4 reveals that the appropriate complex velocity potential is

$ζ % a 2 −i α Γ e ln +i F(ζ) = V ζ e i α + , (9.14) ζ 2π a whereas the associated stream function takes the form

$r% a2 Γ ln ψ(r, θ) = V r − sin(θ + α) + , r 2π a


where ζ = r e i θ . It follows that V a 2 e −i α dF Γ = V eiα + i − . dζ 2π ζ ζ2


Comparison with Equation (9.6) (with z = ζ) reveals that B = −V a 2 e−i α . Hence, Equations (9.10) and (9.13) yield   V = V − cos α eξ + sin α eη ,   L = ρ V Γ sin α eξ + cos α eη , M = 0,


(9.18) (9.19) (9.20)

where V is the wind vector, L the lift vector, and M the moment of the lift vector about the origin. We conclude that, for a cylindrical airfoil of circular cross-section, the lift vector is normal to the wind vector, and the line of action of the lift passes through the centroid of the cross-section (because the lift generates zero moment about the origin). (See Figure 9.1.) Of course, a cylindrical airfoil of circular cross-section is completely unrealistic, because its back side (i.e., the side opposite to that from which the wind is incident) is not sufficiently streamlined to prevent boundary layer separation. (See Chapter 8.) However, as described in Section 6.7, we can use the conformal transformation z=ζ+

l2 ζ


Incompressible Aerodynamics





ξ a

Figure 9.1 A cylindrical airfoil of circular cross-section. to transform a cylinder of circular cross-section in the ζ-plane to a cylinder of elliptical cross-section in the z-plane. (Note that both cross-sections have centroids located at the origin.) Moreover, a cylindrical airfoil of elliptical cross-section that is sufficiently elongated, and whose major axis subtends a sufficiently small angle with the incident wind direction, constitutes a realistic airfoil, because its back side is, for the most part, closely aligned with the external flow. An elliptical airfoil of width c and thickness δ < c, as shown in Figure 9.2, is obtained when the parameters a and l are given the following values: 1 (c + δ), 4 1 l = (c 2 − δ 2 )1/2 . 4


(9.22) (9.23)

In this case, the surface of the airfoil satisfies the parametric equations c cos θ, 2 δ y = sin θ. 2 x=

(9.24) (9.25)

In particular, the airfoil’s leading and trailing edges correspond to θ = 0 and θ = π, respectively. According to Equations (9.16) and (9.21), the complex velocity in the z-plane is


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics




V d



δ C

F c

M Figure 9.2 A cylindrical airfoil of elliptical cross-section.

given by

ζ2 dF dF dζ V a 2 e −i α Γ iα = = Ve +i − . dz dζ dz 2π ζ ζ2 ζ 2 − l2


Thus, on the airfoil surface, where ζ = a e i θ , we obtain

dF Γ (c + δ) = i V sin(α + θ) + . dz π (c + δ) (δ cos θ + i c sin θ)


A long way from the airfoil, ζ z − l 2 /z, so that Equation (9.26) reduces to V (l 2 e i α − a 2 e−i α ) Γ dF V eiα + i + . dz 2π z z2


A comparison with Equation (9.6) reveals that the circulation of air around the airfoil takes the same value, Γ, in both the complex ζ- and z-planes. In other words, the conformal transformation (9.21) does not modify the circulation. The transformation also does not modify the external wind speed or direction [because, from (9.16) and (9.28), dF/dζ = dF/dz = V e i α at very large |ζ| and |z|]. On the other hand, it is clear that the constant B, which takes the value zero in the complex ζ-plane, takes the value B = V (l 2 e i α − a 2 e−i α )


Incompressible Aerodynamics


in the complex z-plane. Hence, Equations (9.10) and (9.13) reveal that V = V e ,


L = ρ V Γ e⊥ , π M = ρ V 2 (c 2 − δ 2 ) sin(2 α), 8

(9.31) (9.32)

where V is the wind vector, L the lift vector, and M the moment of the lift vector about the origin. Here, (9.33) e = − cos α e x + sin α ey is a unit vector parallel to the incident wind direction, and e⊥ = e × ez = sin α e x + cos α ey


is a unit vector perpendicular to the wind direction. We conclude that, for a cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section, the lift vector is normal to the wind vector, but the line of action of the lift intersects the major axis of the airfoil a distance d=

1 sin α M = (c − δ) L cos α 4 Γ


in front of the cross-section’s centroid, C, where Γ = Γ/[π V (c+δ)]. (See Figure 9.2.) Incidentally, the point, F, at which the line of action of the lift intersects the airfoil’s major axis is conventionally termed the focus of the airfoil.

9.4 Zhukovskii’s Hypothesis According to the previous analysis, the lift acting on a cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section, situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind, depends on the circulation, Γ, of air about the airfoil. But, how can we determine the value of this circulation? Figure 9.3 shows the boundary layer and wake of a streamlined airfoil. The boundary layer, which is localized on the surface of the airfoil, has a vortex intensity per unit length in the z-direction equal to U, where U is the tangential air speed immediately above the layer. [See Equation (9.64).] Moreover, the wake is emitted by the airfoil’s trailing edge, and subsequently convected by the external air flow. (See Section 8.6.) Note that the flow is irrotational everywhere apart from inside the boundary layer and the wake. According to the analysis of Section 5.8, the rate of change of the circulation, Γ, around some curve C that encloses the airfoil is equal to minus the flux of z-directed vorticity across this curve: that is,  dΓ = − ωz v · dS. (9.36) dt


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

dS C

V Wake Boundary Layer

U Trailing Edge


Figure 9.3 The boundary layer and wake of a streamlined airfoil. Only shaded regions posses non-zero vorticity. Here, v is the wind velocity, ω the wind vorticity, and dS an outward surface element (of unit depth in the z-direction) lying on C. We expect the vorticity flux to be independent of the size and shape of C, otherwise the circulation of the flow, Γ, about the airfoil would not have a unique value. In the limit that C becomes very large, v → V, where V is the incident wind velocity. Thus, dΓ = −V Ωz , dt


where V is the wind speed, and Ωz the vortex intensity per unit length in the wake (at the point where it crosses the curve C). Here, we are assuming that the vorticity within the wake is convected by the flow, giving rise to a net flux of vorticity across C. Because the wake is essentially an extension of the boundary layer, it is reasonable to assume that its vortex intensity per unit length is proportional to that in the boundary layer at the airfoil’s trailing edge, where the wake and boundary layer intersect. In other words, Ωz = k U0 , where U0 is the tangential velocity immediately above the trailing edge of the airfoil, and k is a constant. It follows that dΓ = −k V U0 . dt


According to Equation (9.27), the tangential velocity just above the surface of the

Incompressible Aerodynamics airfoil is


c sin θ − i δ cos θ dF (c 2 sin2 θ + δ 2 cos2 θ)1/2 dz |ζ|=a

(c + δ) Γ = V sin(α + θ) + . π (c + δ) (c 2 sin2 θ + δ 2 cos2 θ)1/2

U(θ) = Re

Hence, given that the airfoil’s trailing edge corresponds to θ = π, we obtain

$ c + δ% Γ U0 = − V sin α . π (c + δ) δ



Thus, Equation (9.38) yields dΓ = −Γ + sin α, dtˆ


where Γ = Γ/[π V (c + δ)], tˆ = t/t0 , and t0 = π δ/(k V). Assuming that the circulation of the flow about the airfoil is initially zero (i.e., Γ = 0 at tˆ = 0), the previous equation can be solved to give ! " Γ = sin α 1 − exp(−tˆ) .


Clearly, as tˆ → ∞ the normalized circulation Γ asymptotes to the constant value Γ∞ = sin α.


The corresponding constant value of the unnormalized circulation is Γ∞ = π V (c + δ) sin α.


According to Equation (9.40), when the circulation, Γ, takes the value Γ∞ the tangential velocity at the airfoil’s training edge, U0 , is zero. In other words, the steady-state circulation set up around the airfoil is such as to render its trailing edge a stagnation point of the flow. This conclusion is known as Zhukovskii’s hypothesis, after its discoverer N. E. Zhukovskii (1847–1921). Incidentally, it should be clear, from the previous discussion, that the air circulation about the airfoil is only able to change its value because of the presence of the boundary layer, and the associated wake that trails from the airfoil’s trailing edge. This follows because the flow is irrotational everywhere except within the boundary layer and the wake. Moreover, as we have seen, a change in circulation is necessarily associated with a net vorticity flux away from the airfoil, and such a flux cannot be carried by an irrotational wind. Thus, in the absence of the boundary layer and the wake, the air circulation about the airfoil would be constrained to remain zero (assuming that it was initially zero), in accordance with the Kelvin circulation theorem. (See Section 5.8.) This implies, from Equation (9.31), that zero lift would act on the airfoil, irrespective of its shape, and irrespective of the incident wind speed or


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−2 −2


0 x/c



Figure 9.4 Streamlines around a slender cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind. The parameters for this calculation are δ/c = 0.1, α = π/12, and Γ = 0. direction. In other words, flight would be impossible. Fortunately, as long as the tangential air velocity at the trailing edge of the airfoil is non-zero, the wake that trails behind the airfoil carries a net flux of z-directed vorticity, which causes the airfoil circulation to evolve in time. This process continues until the circulation becomes such that the tangential velocity at the airfoil’s trailing edge is zero: that is, such that the trailing edge is a stagnation point. Thereafter, the circulation remains constant (assuming that the wind speed and direction remain constant). Figures 9.4 and 9.5 show the streamlines of the flow around a slender cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind whose direction of incidence is slightly inclined to the airfoil’s major axis. In the first figure, the air circulation about the airfoil is zero. In the second figure, the circulation is such as to make the trailing edge of the airfoil a stagnation point. According to Equations (9.31) and (9.44), when the air circulation about the airfoil has attained its steady-state value, Γ∞ , the lift acting on the airfoil becomes L = ρ V Γ∞ = π ρ V 2 (c + δ) sin α.


The lift is positive (i.e., upward) when α > 0 (i.e., when the wind is incident on the airfoil’s bottom surface), negative (i.e., downward) when α < 0 (i.e., when the wind is incident on the airfoil’s top surface), and zero when α = 0 (i.e., when the wind is incident parallel to airfoil’s major axis). Incidentally, the angle α is conventionally

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−2 −2


0 x/c



Figure 9.5 Streamlines around a slender cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind. The parameters for this calculation are δ/c = 0.1, α = π/12, and Γ = Γ∞ . termed the angle of attack. Finally, from Equations (9.35) and (9.43), the focus of the airfoil is located a distance d=

sin α 1 1 (c − δ) = (c − δ) 4 4 Γ∞


in front of the centroid of its cross-section. In the limit that the airfoil becomes very thin (i.e., δ  c), this distance asymptotes to c/4. Thus, we conclude that the focus of a thin airfoil, which is defined as the point of action of the lift, is located one quarter of the way along the airfoil from its leading edge. The previous analysis is premised on the assumption that there is no appreciable separation of the boundary layer from the back of the airfoil, which implies the neglect of form drag. We can check that this assumption is reasonable by calculating the approximate locations of the boundary layer separation points using the analysis of Section 8.10. Let s represent arc-length along the surface of the airfoil, measured from the front stagnation point. Assuming that, in accordance with Zhukovskii’s hypothesis, the circulation is such that Γ = Γ∞ , this stagnation point is located at θ = θ0 , where θ0 = −2 α. [See Equation (9.49).] It follows that ds = (dx 2 + dy 2 )1/2 =

1 h(θ) dθ, 2



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10 α(◦)


Figure 9.6 The angular locations of the boundary layer separation points, θ± , calculated as a function of the angle of attack, α, for a cylindrical airfoil of elliptic cross-section situated in a uniform, high Reynolds number wind. The solid, dashed, short-dash– dotted, and long-dash–dotted curves correspond to airfoils of ellipticity δ/c = 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.125, respectively. The trailing edge of the airfoil is located at θ = 180◦ . where h(θ) = (c 2 sin2 θ + δ 2 cos2 θ)1/2 .


Moreover, from Equations (9.39) and (9.44), the tangential air speed just above the surface of the airfoil can be written U(θ) = V (c + δ)

f (θ) , h(θ)


with f (θ) = sin(α + θ) + sin α.


In addition, it can be shown that

f d ln = g(θ), dθ h where g(θ) =

cos(α + θ) (c 2 − δ 2 ) cos θ sin θ − . f (θ) h 2 (θ)



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y vz (y = 0+)

z vz (y = 0−)

dz Figure 9.7 Side view of a vortex sheet.

According to the analysis of Section 8.10, the separation points are located at θ = θ± , where λ(θ± ) = −0.1567, and  h 4 (θ) g(θ) θ f 5 (θ )  dθ . λ(θ) = 0.47 (9.53) 4  f 5 (θ) θ0 h (θ ) Here, π > θ+ > θ0 and θ0 > θ− > −π. Moreover, the x- and y-coordinates of the separation points are x± = (c/2) cos θ± and y± = (δ/2) sin θ± , respectively. Figure 9.6 shows the angular locations of the separation points, calculated as a function of the angle of attack, for cylindrical airfoils of various different ellipticity, δ/c. (Note that θ− has been re-expressed as an angle in the range 0 to 2π.) It can be seen that for a bluff airfoil (e.g., δ/c = 1) the angular distance between the separation points is large, indicating the presence of a wide wake, and a high associated form drag (because the magnitude of form drag is roughly proportional to the width of the wake). On the other hand, for a slender airfoil (e.g., δ/c = 0.125) the angular distance between the separation points is much smaller, indicating the presence of a narrow wake, and a low associated form drag. However, in the latter case, as the angle of attack is gradually increased from zero, there is an initial gradual increase in the angular distance between the separation points, followed by an abrupt, and very large, increase. We would expect there to be a similar gradual increase in the form drag, followed by an abrupt, and very large, increase. The value of the angle of attack at which this abrupt increase occurs is termed the critical angle of attack. We conclude that the previous analysis, which neglects form drag, is valid only for slender airfoils whose angles of attack do not exceed the critical value (which is generally only a few degrees).

9.5 Vortex Sheets A vortex sheet is defined as a planar array of parallel vortex filaments. Consider a uniform vortex sheet, lying in the x-z plane, in which the vortex filaments run parallel to the x-axis. (See Figure 9.7.) The vorticity within the sheet can be written ω = Ω x δ(y) e x,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where δ(y) is a Dirac delta function. Here, Ω = Ω x e x is the sheet’s vortex intensity per unit length. Let vz (y = 0+ ) and vz (y = 0− ) be the z-component of the fluid velocity immediately above and below the sheet, respectively. Consider a small rectangular loop in the y-z plane that straddles the sheet, as shown in the figure. Integration of ω = ∇ × v around the loop (making use of the curl theorem) yields ∆vz ≡ vz (y = 0+ ) − vz (y = 0− ) = Ω x .


In other words, a vortex sheet induces a discontinuity in the tangential flow across the sheet. The previous expression can easily be generalized to give Ω = n × ∆v,


where Ω is the sheet’s vortex intensity per unit length, n is a unit vector normal to the sheet, and ∆v is the jump in tangential velocity across the sheet (traveling in the direction of n). Furthermore, it is reasonable to assume that the previous relation holds locally for non-planar and non-uniform vortex sheets.

9.6 Induced Flow A vortex filament is necessarily associated with fluid flow circulating about the filament. Let us determine the relationship between the filament vorticity and the flow field that it induces. This problem is mathematically identical to determining the magnetic field generated by a current filament. In the latter case, the Maxwell equation (9.57) µ0 j = ∇ × B can be inverted to give the well-known Biot-Savart law (Fitzpatrick 2008)  1 j(r ) × (r − r ) 3  d r. B(r) = 4π |r − r | 3


Here, j is the current density, and B the magnetic field-strength. By analogy, given that vorticity is related to fluid velocity via the familiar relation ω = ∇ × v, we can write v(r) =

1 4π

ω(r ) × (r − r ) 3  d r. |r − r | 3



This expression allows us to determine the flow field induced by a given vorticity distribution. In particular, for a vortex filament of intensity Γ the previous expression reduces to  1 Γ(r ) × (r − r )  v(r) = dl , (9.61) 4π |r − r | 3

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where dl is an element of length along the filament. Likewise, for a vortex sheet of intensity per unit length Ω, we obtain  1 Ω(r ) × (r − r )  v(r) = dS , (9.62) 4π |r − r | 3 where dS is an element of area of the sheet.

9.7 Three-Dimensional Airfoils Let us now take into account the fact that realistic three-dimensional airfoils are of finite size. Consider Figure 9.8, which shows a top view of a stationary airfoil of finite size, situated in a (predominately) horizontal wind of velocity V = V e . In the following, we shall sometimes refer to such an airfoil as a wing (although it actually represents a pair of wings on a standard fixed wing aircraft). Let us adopt the coordinate system shown in the figure, which is such that the x-z plane is horizontal, the wind is incident predominately from the x-direction, and the y-axis points vertically upward. The wing is assumed to lie in the x-z plane. Let b be the wingspan, and let c(z) and δ(z) be the width and thickness, respectively, of the wing cross-section (parallel to the x-y plane). (See Figure 9.9.) Suppose that the wing is symmetric about the median plane, z = 0, so that c(−z) = c(z) and δ(−z) = δ(z). It follows that c(z > b/2) = δ(z > b/2) = 0: that is, the wing extends from z = −b/2 to z = b/2. Suppose that air circulation is set up around the wing parallel to the x-y plane in such a manner as to produce an upward lift. It follows that the average pressure on the lower surface of the wing must exceed that on its upper surface. Consider Figure 9.9, which shows a back view of the airfoil shown in Figure 9.8. As we go from the median plane (z = 0) to a wing tip, Y, whether along the upper or the lower surface of the wing, we must arrive at the same pressure at Y. It follows that there is a drop in pressure as we move outward, away from the median plane, along the wing’s bottom surface, and a further drop in pressure as we move inward, toward the median plane, along the upper surface. Because air is pushed in the direction of decreasing pressure, it follows that the air that impinges on the wing’s leading edge, and then passes over its upper surface, deviates sideways toward the median plane. Likewise, the air that passes over the wing’s lower surface deviates sideways away from the median plane. (See Figure 9.8.) The air that leaves the trailing edge of the wing at some point Q must have impinged on the leading edge at the different points P and P , depending on whether it travelled over the wing’s upper or lower surfaces, respectively. Moreover, air that travels to Q via the wing’s upper surface acquires a small sideways velocity directed towards the median plane, whereas that which travels to Q via the lower surface acquires a small sideways velocity directed away from the median plane. On the other hand, the air speed at Q must be the same, irrespective of whether the air arrives from the wing’s upper or lower surface, because the pressure (which, according to


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

V x airfoil


z = −b/2



z = b/2

Figure 9.8 Top view of a three-dimensional airfoil of finite size.

y b Y


+ δ(z)

Figure 9.9 Back view of a three-dimensional airfoil of finite size, indication the pressure variation over its surface.


Incompressible Aerodynamics

273 x





Figure 9.10 Top view of the airflow over the top (left) and bottom (right) surfaces of a threedimensional airfoil of finite size. Bernoulli’s theorem, depends on the air speed) must be continuous at Q. Thus, we conclude that there is a discontinuity in the direction of the air emitted by the trailing edge of a wing. This implies that the interface, Σ, between the two streams of air that travel over the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is a vortex sheet. (See Section 9.5.) Of course, this vortex sheet constitutes the wake that trails behind the airfoil. Moreover, we would generally expect the wake to be convected by the incident wind. It follows that the vorticity per unit length in the wake can be written ΩΣ = −I(z) e ,


where I(z) = −∆vz , and ∆vz is tangential velocity discontinuity across the wake. [See Equation (9.56).] As we saw previously, the boundary layer that covers the airfoil is such that the tangential velocity U just outside the layer is sharply reduced to zero at the airfoil surface. Actually, the nature of the substance enclosed by the surface is irrelevant to our argument, and nothing is changed in our analysis if we suppose that this region contains air at rest. Thus, we can replace the airfoil by air at rest, and the boundary layer by a vortex sheet, S , with a vortex intensity per unit length ΩS that is determined by the velocity discontinuity U between the air just outside the boundary layer and that at rest in the region where the airfoil was previously located. In fact, Equation (9.56) yields ΩS = n × U,


where n is an outward unit normal to the airfoil surface. We conclude that a stationary airfoil situated in a uniform wind of constant velocity is equivalent to a vortex sheet S , located at the airfoil surface, and a wake Σ that trails behind the airfoil, the airfoil itself being replaced by air at rest. The vorticity within S is largely parallel to the z-axis [because n and U are both essentially parallel to the x-y plane—see Equation (9.64)], whereas that in Σ is parallel to the incident wind direction. (See Figure 9.11.) The vortex filaments within S are generally termed bound filaments (because they cannot move off the airfoil surface). Conversely, the vortex filaments within Σ are generally termed free filaments. The


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x z V Figure 9.11 Vortex structure around a wing.

air velocity both inside and outside S can be written v = V + vΣ + vS ,


where V is the external wind velocity, vΣ the velocity field induced by the free vortex filaments that constitute Σ, and vS the velocity field induced by the bound filaments that constitute S . Consider some point P that lies on S . Let P+ and P− be two neighboring points that are equidistant from P, where P+ lies just outside S , and P− lies just inside S , and the line P− P+ is normal to S . We can write v(P+ ) = V + vΣ (P+ ) + vS (P+ ),


v(P− ) = V + vΣ (P− ) + vS (P− ).


However, v(P+ ) = U(P), where U(P) is the tangential air velocity just above point P on the airfoil surface, and v(P− ) = 0, as the air within S is stationary. Moreover, vΣ (P+ ) = vΣ (P− ) = vΣ (P), because we expect vΣ to be continuous across S . On the other hand, we expect the tangential component of vS to be discontinuous across S . Let us define 1 vS (P) = [vS (P+ ) + vS (P− )] . (9.68) 2 This quantity can be identified as the velocity induced at point P by the bound vortices on S , excluding the contribution from the local bound vortex at P (because this vortex induces equal and opposite velocities at P+ and P− ). Finally, taking half the sum of Equations (9.66) and (9.67), we obtain 1 U(P) = V + vΣ (P) + vS (P). 2


Incompressible Aerodynamics


9.8 Aerodynamic Forces The net aerodynamic force acting on an three-dimensional airfoil of finite size can be written  A=− p n dS , (9.70) S

where the integral is taken over the surface of the airfoil, S . Here, n is an outward unit normal vector on S , dS is an element of S , and p is the air pressure. From Bernoulli’s theorem (in an irrotational fluid), we can write p = p0 − (1/2) ρ v 2, where p0 is a constant pressure. Because a constant pressure exerts no net force on a closed surface, we get  1 (9.71) A = ρ U 2 n dS , 2 S where U is the tangential air velocity just above the surface of the airfoil. Now, U × (n × U) = U 2 n − (n · U) U = U 2 n, because n · U = 0 on the surface. Hence,  1 A = ρ U × (n × U) dS . 2 S



Making use of Equations (9.64) and (9.69), the previous expression can be written  A = ρ (V + vΣ + vS ) × ΩS dS = L + D + F, (9.74) S


 L = ρV ×  D=ρ

ΩS dS ,


vΣ × ΩS dS ,


vS × ΩS dS .






Here, V, vΣ , and vS are the incident wind velocity, the velocity induced by the free vortices in the wake, and the velocity induced by the bound vortices covering the surface of the airfoil, respectively. The forces L and D are called the lift and the induced drag, respectively. (Note, that L now represents a net force, rather than a force per unit length.) We shall presently demonstrate that the force F is negligible. Let us assume that (9.78) ΩS Ωz ez : that is, that the bound vortices covering the surface of the airfoil run parallel to the z-axis. This assumption is exactly correct for an airfoil of infinite wingspan and


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

constant cross-section. Moreover, it is a good approximation for an airfoil of finite wingspan, provided the airfoil’s length greatly exceeds its width (i.e., b c). Now, the incident wind velocity is written V = V e . Moreover, dS = dl dz, where dl is an element of length that runs parallel to the x-y plane whilst lying on the airfoil surface. Making use of the curl theorem, we can easily show that  Ωz dl = Γ(z), (9.79) C

where the closed curve C is the intersection of the airfoil surface with the plane z = z, and Γ(z) is the air circulation about the airfoil in this plane. Thus, it follows from Equation (9.75) that  b/2 Γ(z) dz e⊥ . (9.80) L = ρV −b/2

This expression is the generalization of Equation (9.31) for a three-dimensional airfoil of finite size. As before, the lift is at right-angles to the incident wind direction. Let us make the further assumption—known as the lifting line approximation (because the lifting action of the wing is effectively concentrated onto a line)—that vΣ = −w(z) e⊥


throughout S , where −w(z) e⊥ is the induced velocity due to the free vortices in Σ, evaluated at the trailing edge of the airfoil. Here, the velocity w(z) is called the downwash velocity. It follows from Equation (9.76) that  D=ρ



w(z) Γ(z) dz e .


Note that the induced drag is parallel to the incident wind direction. The origin of induced drag is as follows. It takes energy to constantly resupply free vortices to the wake, as they are swept downstream by the wind (note that a vortex filament possesses energy by virtue of the kinetic energy of its induced flow pattern), and this energy is supplied by the work done in opposing the induced drag. The drag acting on a well-designed airfoil (i.e., an airfoil with an aerodynamic shape that minimizes form drag) situated in a high Reynolds number wind (which implies that the friction drag is negligible) is generally dominated by induced drag. According to Equations (9.62) and (9.77), the force F is written   [ΩS (r ) × (r − r )] × ΩS (r) ρ dS dS  . (9.83) F= 4π S S  |r − r | 3 We can interchange primed and unprimed variables without changing the value of the integral. Hence,   ρ [ΩS (r) × (r − r)] × ΩS (r )  F= dS dS . (9.84) 4π S S  |r − r| 3

Incompressible Aerodynamics







r − r


φ P

Figure 9.12 Semi-infinite vortex filament. Taking the half the sum of the previous two equations, we obtain   ρ [ΩS (r ) × (r − r )] × ΩS (r) + [(r − r ) × ΩS (r)] × ΩS (r ) F= dS dS  . 8π S S  |r − r | 3 (9.85) However, (a × b) × c + (b × c) × a + (c × a) × b = 0. Thus, the previous expression yields   [ΩS (r ) × ΩS (r)] × (r − r ) ρ dS dS  . (9.86) F= 8π S S  |r − r | 3 But, the assumption (9.78) implies that ΩS (r ) × ΩS (r) 0. Hence, F is negligible, as was previously stated. Consider a closed surface covering the small section of the airfoil lying between the parallel planes z = z and z = z + dz. The flux of vorticity into the surface due to bound vortices at z is Γ(z). The flux of vorticity out of the surface due to bound vortices at z + dz is Γ(z + dz). Finally, the flux of vorticity out of the surface due to the free vortices in the part of the wake lying between z and z + dz is I(z) dz. However, the net flux of vorticity out of a closed surface is zero, because vorticity is divergence free. Hence, Γ(z) = Γ(z + dz) + I(z) dz, (9.87) which implies that dΓ . (9.88) dz Finally, consider a semi-infinite straight vortex filament of vortex intensity Γ = −Γ e x that terminates at the origin, O, as shown in Figure 9.12. Let us calculate the flow velocity induced by this filament at the point P = (0, 0, z). From the diagram l = z tan φ, dl = z sec2 φ dφ, |r − r | = z sec φ, and Γ × |r − r | = Γ z ey . Hence, from Equation (9.61), the induced velocity at P is v = vy ey , where I(z) = −

vy =

Γ 4π z


cos φ dφ = 0

Γ . 4π z



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

This result allows us to calculate the downwash velocity, w(z) = −vy (z), induced at the trailing edge of the airfoil by the semi-infinite free vortices in the wake. The vortex intensity in the small section of the wake lying between z and z + dz is I(z) dz, so we obtain  b/2    dΓ(z ) I(z ) dz 1 1 w(z) = − = , (9.90) 4π −b/2 z − z 4π z − z where use has been made of Equation (9.88).

9.9 Ellipsoidal Airfoils Consider an ellipsoidal airfoil whose outer surface is specified by the parametric equations c0 sin φ cos θ, 2 δ0 sin φ sin θ, y= 2 b z = − cos φ, 2 x=

(9.91) (9.92) (9.93)

where 0 ≤ φ ≤ π and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π. Here, b is the wingspan, c0 the maximum wing width, and δ0 the maximum wing thickness. Note that the wing’s cross-section is elliptical both in the x-y and the x-z planes. It is assumed that b > c0 δ0 : that is, the wingspan is greater than the wing width, which in turn is much greater than the wing thickness. At fixed φ (i.e., fixed z), the width and thickness of the airfoil are c(φ) = c0 sin φ and δ(φ) = δ0 sin φ, respectively. Assuming that the two-dimensional result (9.44) holds at fixed z, we deduce that the air circulation about the wing satisfies Γ(z) = π V c(z) sin α = Γ0 sin φ,


Γ0 π V c0 α.


where Here, the angle of attack, α, is assumed to be small. From Equations (9.90) and (9.94), the downwash velocity in the region |z| < b/2 is given by

 π  Γ0 cos φ dφ dφ Γ0 cos φ π = w(φ) = 1+ . (9.96)  2π b 0 cos φ − cos φ 2 b π 0 cos φ − cos φ The integrand appearing in the integral  π 0

dφ cos φ − cos φ


Incompressible Aerodynamics


is singular when φ = φ. However, we can still obtain a finite value for the integral by taking its Cauchy principal part: that is,





dφ + cos φ − cos φ

π φ+

dφ . cos φ − cos φ


Physically, this is equivalent to omitting the contribution of the local free vortex at a given point on the airfoil’s trailing edge to the downwash velocity induced at that point, which is reasonable because a vortex induces zero velocity at its center. Hence, we obtain 

φ−  π   sin (1/2) (φ + φ ) dφ  1 = lim ln    sin φ →0  sin (1/2) (φ − φ ) 0 0 cos φ − cos φ

φ+    sin (1/2) (φ + φ) 1  ln +    sin φ sin (1/2) (φ − φ) π 

sin(φ − /2) 1 ln = 0, (9.99) = lim →0 sin φ sin(φ + /2) which implies that w(φ) =

Γ0 . 2b

In the region |z| > b/2, we can write η = 2 z/b, so that  

 Γ0 dφ η π Γ0  |η|  w(η) = 1− =  . 1 −  2b π 0 cos φ + η 2b  η2 − 1



Hence, we conclude that the downwash velocity profile induced by an ellipsoidal airfoil takes the form  |z| < b/2 Γ0 1 . (9.102) w(z) = 2 2 1/2 2 b 1 − |z|/(z − b /4) |z| > b/2 This profile is shown in Figure 9.13. It can be seen that the downwash velocity is uniform and positive in the region between the wingtips (i.e., −b/a < z < b/2), but negative and decaying in the region outside the wingtips. Hence, we conclude that as air passes over an airfoil subject to an upward lift it acquires a net downward velocity component, which, of course, is a consequence of the reaction to the lift. On the other hand, the air immediately behind and to the sides of the airfoil acquires a net upward velocity component. In other words, the lift acting on the airfoil is associated with a downwash of air directly behind, and an upwash behind and to either side of, the airfoil. The existence of upwash slightly behind and to the side of a flying object allows us to explain the V-formation adopted by wild geese—a bird flying in the upwash of another bird needs to generate less lift in order to stay in the air, and, consequently, experiences less induced drag.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.2 0.8

w/(Γ0/2 b)

0.4 0 −0.4 −0.8 −1.2 −1.6 −2 −2


0 z/b)



Figure 9.13 Downwash velocity profile induced at the trailing edge by an ellipsoidal airfoil.

It follows from Equation (9.93) and (9.94) that 

b/2 −b/2

Γ(z) dz =

Γ0 b 2


sin2 φ dφ = 0

π Γ0 b. 4


Hence, Equation (9.80), (9.82), and (9.100) yield the following expression for the lift and induced drag acting on an ellipsoidal airfoil, π ρ V b Γ0 , 4 π D = ρ Γ02 . 8 L=

(9.104) (9.105)

The surface area of the airfoil in the x-z plane is S =

π b c0 . 4


Moreover, the airfoil’s aspect-ratio is conventionally defined as the length to width ratio for a rectangle of length b that has the same area as the airfoil: that is, A=

b2 4 b = . S π c0


Incompressible Aerodynamics


It thus follows from Equation (9.95) that L = L0 α,


2 L0 α2 , A


L0 = π ρ V 2 S .


D= where

9.10 Simple Flight Problems Figure 9.14 shows a side-view schematic of a fixed wing aircraft flying in a straightline at constant speed through stationary air. Here, x is a horizontal coordinate, and y a vertical coordinate. The center of mass of the aircraft is assumed to be moving with some fixed velocity V that subtends an angle δ with the horizontal. Thus, the wind velocity in the aircraft’s rest frame is −V. Let the aircraft’s wings, which are assumed to be parallel to its fuselage, be inclined at an angle α+δ to the horizontal. It follows that α is the angle of attack. The aircraft is subject to four forces: the thrust, T, developed by its engine, which is assumed to act parallel to its fuselage; the lift L, which acts at right-angles to V; the induced drag, D, which acts in the opposite direction to V; and the weight, W, which acts vertically downward. Vertical force balance yields T sin(α + δ) + L cos δ = W + D sin δ,


whereas horizontal force balance gives T cos(α + δ) = D cos δ + L sin δ.


Let us assume that the angles α and δ are both small. According to Equations (9.108) and (9.109), L L0 α and D (2 L0 /A) α 2 . Thus, L ∼ O(α) and D ∼ O(α 2 ). Moreover, it is clear from Equations (9.111) and (9.112) that T ∼ O(α 2 ) and W ∼ O(α). Thus, to lowest order in α, Equation (9.111) yields W , L0


2 W T − . W A L0


α whereas Equation (9.112) gives δ

Expression (9.113) relates the angle of attack to the ratio of the aircraft’s weight to its (theoretical) maximum lift (at a given airspeed). Expression (9.114) relates the aircraft’s angle of controlled (i.e., at constant airspeed) ascent to the thrust developed


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics L y airfoil


α δ

V x


Figure 9.14 Side view of a fixed wing aircraft in flight. by its engine. An unpowered aircraft, such as a glider, has zero thrust. For such an aircraft, Equation (9.114) reveals that the angle of controlled decent—which is usually termed the glide angle—takes the value g=

2 W . A L0


At fixed airspeed, V, and wing surface area, S , (which implies that L0 is fixed) this angle can be minimized by making the wing aspect-ratio, A, as large as possible. This result explains accounts for the fact that gliders (and albatrosses) have long thin wings, rather than short stubby ones. For a powered aircraft, the critical thrust to weight ratio required to maintain level flight (i.e., δ = 0) is T = g. (9.116) W Hence, this ratio is minimized by minimizing the glide angle, which explains why long-haul aircraft, which generally need to minimize fuel consumption, tend to have long thin wings. Finally, as we saw in Section 9.4, if the angle of attack exceeds some (generally small) critical value αc then boundary layer separation occurs on the back sides of the wings, giving rise to a greatly increased level of drag acting on the aircraft. In aerodynamics, this phenomenon is called a stall. As is clear from Equations (9.110) and (9.113), the requirement α < αc is equivalent to 1/2

W V > Vs = . (9.117) π ρ S αc

Incompressible Aerodynamics


In other words, a stall can be avoided by keeping the airspeed above the critical value V s , which is known as the stall speed. Note that the stall speed decreases with decreasing altitude, as the air becomes denser.

9.11 Exercises 9.1 Consider the integral 


In (φ) = 0

cos(n φ ) dφ , cos φ − cos φ

where n is a non-negative integer. This integral is defined by its Cauchy principal value  φ−

 π cos(n φ ) dφ cos(n φ ) dφ + In (φ) = lim .  →0 cos φ − cos φ 0 φ+ cos φ − cos φ As was demonstrated in Section 9.9, I0 = 0. Show that I1 = π, and In+1 + In−1 = 2 cos φ In , and, hence, that In = π

sin(n φ) . sin φ

9.2 Suppose that an airfoil of negligible thickness, and wingspan b, has a width whose z variation is expressed parametrically as  c(φ) = cν sin(ν φ), ν=1,3,5,···

for 0 ≤ φ ≤ π, where

b cos φ. 2 Show that the air circulation about the airfoil takes the form  Γ(φ) = Γν sin(ν φ), z=−


where Γν = π V α cν . Here, α is the angle of attack (which is assumed to be


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics small). Demonstrate that the downwash velocity at the trailing edge of the airfoil is  ν Γν sin(ν φ) w(φ) = . 2 b sin φ ν=1,3,5,··· Hence, show that the lift and induced drag acting on the airfoil take the values π ρ V b Γ1 , 4  π D= ρ ν Γ 2, 8 ν=1,3,5,··· ν L=

respectively. Demonstrate that the drag to lift ratio can be written    ν c 2  2  D ν   , = α 1 + L A c2  ν=3,5,7,··· 1 where A is the aspect ratio. Hence, deduce that the airfoil shape (in the x-y) plane that minimizes this ratio (at fixed aspect ratio) is an ellipse (i.e., such that cν = 0 for ν > 1). 9.3 Consider a plane that flies with a constant angle of attack, and whose thrust is adjusted such that it cancels the induced drag. The plane is effectively subject to two forces. First, its weight, W = −W ey , and second its lift L = −k v vy e x + k v v x ey . Here, x and y are horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively, v is the plane’s instantaneous velocity, and k is a positive constant. Note that the lift is directed at right angles to the plane’s instantaneous direction of motion, and has a magnitude proportional to the square of its airspeed. Demonstrate that the plane’s equations of motion can be written v vy dv x =− , dt h dvy v v x = − g, dt h where h = k g/W is a positive constant with the dimensions of length. Show that 1 2 v + g y = E, 2   where E is a constant. Suppose that v x = g h (1 + u) and vy = g h w, where |u|, |w|  1. Demonstrate that, to first order in perturbed quantities,  g du − w, dt h  dw g 2 u. dt h

Incompressible Aerodynamics


Hence, deduce that if the plane is flying horizontally at some speed v0 , and is subject to a small perturbation, then its altitude oscillates sinusoidally at √ the angular frequency ω = 2 g/v0 . This type of oscillation is known as a phugoid oscillation.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

10 Incompressible Viscous Flow

10.1 Introduction This chapter investigates incompressible flow in which viscosity plays a significant role throughout the bulk of the fluid. Such flow generally takes place at relatively low Reynolds number. From Section 1.14, the equations governing incompressible viscous fluid motion can be written ∇ · v = 0, ρ

Dv = −∇P + µ ∇ 2 v, Dt

(10.1) (10.2)

where the quantity P = p + ρ Ψ,


which is a combination of the actual fluid pressure, p, and the gravitational potential energy per unit volume, ρ Ψ , is known as the effective pressure. Here, ρ is the fluid mass density, µ the fluid viscosity, and Ψ the gravitational potential. More information on this topic can be found in Batchelor 2000.

10.2 Flow Between Parallel Plates Consider steady, two-dimensional, viscous flow between two parallel plates that are situated a perpendicular distance d apart. Let x be a longitudinal coordinate measuring distance along the plates, and let y be a transverse coordinate such that the plates are located at y = 0 and y = d. (See Figure 10.1.) Suppose that there is a uniform effective pressure gradient in the x-direction, so that dP = −G, (10.4) dx where G is a constant. Here, the quantity G could represent a gradient in actual fluid pressure, a gradient in gravitational potential energy (due to an inclination of the plates to the horizontal), or some combination of the two—it actually makes no 287


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

y=d vx(y)





Figure 10.1 Viscous flow between parallel plates. difference to the final result. Suppose that the fluid velocity profile between the plates takes the form (10.5) v = v x (y) e x . From Section 1.18, this profile automatically satisfies the incompressibility constraint ∇ · v = 0, and is also such that Dv/Dt = 0. Hence, Equation (10.2) reduces to ∇P , (10.6) ∇ 2v = µ or. taking the x-component, G d 2vx (10.7) =− . 2 µ dy If the two plates are stationary then the solution that satisfies the no slip constraint (see Section 8.2), v x (0) = v x (d) = 0, at each plate is v x (y) =

G y (d − y). 2µ


Thus, steady, two-dimensional, viscous flow between two stationary parallel plates is associated with a parabolic velocity profile that is symmetric about the midplane, y = d/2. The net volume flux (per unit width in the z-direction) of fluid between the plates is  d Gd3 . (10.9) Q= v x dy = 12 µ 0 Note that this flux is directly proportional to the effective pressure gradient, inversely proportional to the fluid viscosity, and increases as the cube of the distance between the plates. Suppose that the upper plate is stationary, but that the lower plate is moving in the x-direction at the constant speed U. In this case, the no slip boundary condition at the lower plate becomes v x (0) = U, and the modified solution to Equation (10.7) is

G d−y v x (y) = y (d − y) + U . (10.10) 2µ d

Incompressible Viscous Flow





α Figure 10.2 Viscous flow down an inclined plane. Hence, the modified velocity profile is a combination of parabolic and linear profiles. This type of flow is known as Couette flow, in honor of Maurice Couette (1858– 1943). The net volume flux (per unit width) of fluid between the plates becomes Q=

Gd3 1 + U d. 12 µ 2


10.3 Flow Down an Inclined Plane Consider steady, two-dimensional, viscous flow down a plane that is inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. Let x measure distance along the plane, and let y be a transverse coordinate such that the surface of the plane corresponds to y = 0. Suppose that the fluid forms a uniform layer of depth h covering this surface. (See Figure 10.2.) The generalized pressure gradient within the fluid is written dP = −G = −ρ g sin α, dx


where g is the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, there is no gradient in the actual pressure in the x-direction, and the flow down the plane is driven entirely by gravity. As before, we can write v = v x (y) e x ,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

and Equation (10.2) again reduces to d 2vx G =− , 2 µ dy


G = ρ g sin α.


where Application of the no slip condition at the surface of the plane, y = 0, yields the standard boundary condition v x (0) = 0. However, the appropriate physical constraint at the  fluid/air interface, y = h, is that the normal viscous stress there be zero (i.e., σ xy y=h = 0), because there is nothing above the interface that can exchange momentum with the fluid (assuming that the finite inertia and viscosity of air are both negligible.) Hence, from Section 1.18, we get the boundary condition  dv x   = 0. (10.16) dy y=h The solution to Equation (10.14) that satisfies the boundary conditions is v x (y) =

G y (2 h − y). 2µ


Thus, the profile is again parabolic. In fact, it is the same as the lower half of the profile obtained when fluid flows between two (stationary) parallel plates situated a perpendicular distance 2 h apart. The net volume flux (per unit width in the z-direction) of fluid down the plane is  Q=


v x dy = 0

G h 3 g sin α h 3 = , 3µ 3ν


where use has been made of Equation (10.15). Here, ν = µ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Thus, given the rate Q that fluid is poured down the plane, the depth of the layer covering the plane becomes

3νQ h= g sin α

1/3 .


Suppose that the rate at which fluid is poured down the plane is suddenly increased slightly from Q to Q + δQ. We would expect an associated change in depth of the layer covering the plane from h to h + δh, where

dh δh = δQ. (10.20) dQ Let the interface between the layers of different depth propagate in the x-direction at the constant velocity V. In a frame of reference that co-moves with this interface, the volume fluxes (per unit width) immediately to the right and to the left of the interface

Incompressible Viscous Flow


are Q − V h and Q + δQ − V (h + δh), respectively. However, in a steady state, these fluxes must equal one another. Hence, δQ = V δh, or V=

1/3 dQ G h 2 9 Q 2 g sin α = = . dh µ ν



As can easily be verified, this velocity is twice the maximum fluid velocity in the layer.

10.4 Poiseuille Flow Steady viscous fluid flow driven by an effective pressure gradient established between the two ends of a long straight pipe of uniform circular cross-section is generally known as Poiseuille flow, because it was first studied experimentally by Jean Poiseuille (1797–1869) in 1838. Suppose that the pipe is of radius a. Let us adopt cylindrical coordinates whose symmetry axis coincides with that of the pipe. Thus, z measures distance along the pipe, r = 0 corresponds to the center of the pipe, and r = a corresponds to the pipe wall. Suppose that ∇P = −G ez


is the uniform effective pressure gradient along the pipe, and v = vz (r) ez


the time independent velocity profile driven by this gradient. It follows from Section 1.19 that ∇ · v = 0 and Dv/Dt = 0. Hence, Equation (10.2) reduces to ∇ 2v = −

G ez . µ

Taking the z-component of this equation, we obtain

1 d dvz G r =− , r dr dr µ



where use has been made of Equation (1.155). The most general solution of the previous equation is G 2 r + A ln r + B, (10.27) vz (r) = − 4µ where A and B are arbitrary constants. The physical constraints are that the flow velocity is non-singular at the center of the pipe (which implies that A = 0), and is


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

zero at the edge of the pipe [i.e., vz (a) = 0], in accordance with the no slip condition. Thus, we obtain G vz (r) = (a 2 − r 2 ). (10.28) 4µ The volume flux of fluid down the pipe is  a πG a4 Q= . (10.29) 2π r vz dr = 8µ 0 According to the previous analysis, the quantity Q/a 4 should be directly proportional to the effective pressure gradient along the pipe. The accuracy with which experimental observations show that this is indeed the case (at relatively low Reynolds number) is strong evidence in favor of the assumptions that there is no slip at the pipe walls, and that the flow is non-turbulent. In fact, the result (10.29), which is known as Poiseuille’s law, is valid experimentally provided the Reynolds number of the flow, Re = U a/ν, remains less than about 6.5 × 103 . Here, U = Q/(π a 2) is the mean flow speed. On the other hand, if the Reynolds number exceeds the critical value 6.5 × 103 then the flow in the pipe becomes turbulent, and Poiseuille’s law breaks down.

10.5 Taylor-Couette Flow Consider two thin cylindrical shells with the same vertical axis. Let the inner and outer shells be of radius r1 and r2 , respectively. Suppose that the annular region r1 ≤ r ≤ r2 is filled with fluid of density ρ and viscosity µ. Let the inner and outer cylinders rotate at the constant angular velocities Ω1 and Ω2 , respectively. We wish to determine the steady flow pattern set up within the fluid. Incidentally, this type of flow is generally known as Taylor-Couette flow, after Maurice Couette and Geoffrey Taylor (1886–1975). It is convenient to adopt cylindrical coordinates, r, θ, z, whose symmetry axis coincides with the common axis of the two shells. Thus, the inner and outer shells correspond to r = r1 and r = r2 , respectively. Suppose that the flow velocity within the fluid is written v = vθ (r) eθ = r Ω(r) eθ , (10.30) where Ω(r) = vθ (r)/r is the angular velocity profile. Application of the no slip condition at the two shells leads to the boundary conditions Ω(r1 ) = Ω1 ,


Ω(r2 ) = Ω2 .


It again follows from Section 1.19 that ∇ · v = 0 and Dv/Dt = 0. Hence, Equation (10.2) reduces to ∇P . (10.33) ∇ 2v = µ

Incompressible Viscous Flow


Assuming that ∇P = 0 within the fluid, because any flow is driven by the angular rotation of the two shells, rather than by pressure gradients or gravity, and again making use of the results quoted in Section 1.19, the previous expression yields

1 d ∂vθ vθ (10.34) r − 2 = 0, r dr dr r or

1 d 3 dΩ r = 0. dr r 2 dr

The solution of Equation (10.35) that satisfies the boundary conditions is     1  Ω1 − Ω2   Ω2 r1−2 − Ω1 r2−2     .  Ω(r) = 2  −2 + r r1 − r2−2 r1−2 − r2−2



It can be seen that this angular velocity profile is a combination of the solid body rotation profile Ω = constant, and the irrotational rotation profile Ω ∝ r −2 . From Section 1.19, the only non-zero component of the viscous stress tensor within the fluid is dΩ d $ vθ % . (10.37) = µr σrθ = µ r dr r dr Thus, the viscous torque (acting in the θ-direction) per unit height (in the z-direction) exerted on the inner cylinder is    Ω1 − Ω2  2   . τ1 = 2π r1 σrθ (r1 ) = −4π µ  −2 (10.38) r1 − r2−2 Likewise, the torque per unit height exerted on the outer cylinder is    Ω1 − Ω2  2   . τ2 = −2π r2 σrθ (r2 ) = 4π µ  −2 r1 − r2−2


As expected, these two torques are equal and opposite, and act to make the two cylinders rotate at the same angular velocity (in which case, the fluid between them rotates as a solid body).

10.6 Flow in Slowly-Varying Channels According to Section 10.1, the equations governing steady, incompressible, viscous fluid flow are ∇ · v = 0, ρ (v · ∇) v = −∇P + µ ∇ 2 v.

(10.40) (10.41)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

As we saw in Sections 10.2 and 10.4, for the case of flow along a straight channel of uniform cross-section, ∇ · v and (v · ∇) v are both identically zero, and the governing equations consequently reduce to the simple relation ∇ 2v =

∇P . µ


Suppose, however, that the cross-section of the channel varies along its length. As we shall demonstrate, provided this variation is sufficiently slow, the flow is still approximately described by the previous relation. Consider steady, two-dimensional, viscous flow, that is predominately in the xdirection, between two plates that are predominately parallel to the y-z plane. Let the spacing between the plates, d(x), vary on some length scale l d. Suppose that −∇P = G(x) e x ,


where G(x) also varies on the same lengthscale. Assuming that ∂/∂x ∼ O(1/l) and ∂/∂y ∼ O(1/d), it follows from Equation (10.40) that

vy d . (10.44) ∼O vx l Hence,

v x2 [(v · ∇) v] x ∼ O , l 

2  ∂ 2 v x  d  2 (∇ v) x = 1 + O  .  l  ∂y 2 The x-component of Equation (10.41) reduces to 

2 

d  ∂ 2 v x  ρ vx d 2 G + O 1 + O  =− .  2 µl l  µ ∂y

(10.45) (10.46)


Thus, if d  1, l


ρ vx d 2 1 µl


—in other words, if the channel is sufficiently narrow, and its cross-section varies sufficiently slowly along its length—then Equation (10.47) can be approximated as ∂ 2vx G − . µ ∂y 2


This, of course, is the same as the equation governing steady, two-dimensional, viscous flow between exactly parallel plates. (See Section 10.2.) Assuming that the

Incompressible Viscous Flow


plates are located at y = 0 and y = d(x), and making use of the analysis of Section 10.2, the appropriate solution to the previous equation is v x (x, y) =

G(x) y [d(x) − y]. 2µ

The volume flux (per unit width) of fluid between the plates is thus  d G(x) d 3 (x) Q= . v x dy = 12 µ 0



However, for steady incompressible flow, this flux must be independent of x, which implies that dP = 12 µ Q d −3(x). (10.53) G(x) = − dx Suppose that a constant difference in effective pressure, ∆P, is established between the fixed points x = x1 and x = x2 , where x2 − x1 = l. Integration of the previous equation between these two points yields 

−∆P = 12 µ Q l d −3 ,



where · · ·  = x (· · · ) dx/l. Hence, the volume flux (per unit width) of fluid between 1 the plates that is driven by the effective pressure difference becomes Q=−

1 ∆P . l 12 µ d −3 


Moreover, the effective pressure gradient at a given point is −G(x) =

1 dP ∆P = , dx l d 3 (x) d −3 


which allows us to determine the velocity profile at that point from Equation (10.51). Thus, given the average effective pressure gradient, ∆P/l, and the variable separation, d(x), we can fully specify the flow between the plates. Using analogous arguments to those employed previously, but adapting the analysis of Section 10.4, rather than that of Section 10.1, we can easily show that steady viscous flow down a straight pipe of circular cross-section, whose radius a varies slowly with distance, z, along the pipe, is characterized by vz (r, z) =

 G(z)  2 a (z) − r 2 , 4µ

1 ∆P , 4 l a (z) a −4 π ∆P . Q=− l 8 µ a −4 

G(z) = −

(10.57) (10.58) (10.59)

Here, Q is the volume flux of fluid down the pipe, ∆P = P(z2 ) − P(z1 ), l = z2 − z1 ,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


y d1





l Figure 10.3 The lubrication layer between two planes in relative motion.  z2 and · · ·  = z (· · · ) dz/l. The approximations used to derive the previous results are 1 valid provided a  1, l


ρ vz a 2  1. µl


10.7 Lubrication Theory It is well known that two solid bodies can slide over one another particularly easily when there is a thin layer of fluid sandwiched between them. Moreover, under certain circumstances, a large positive pressure develops within the layer. This phenomenon is exploited in hydraulic bearings, whose aim is to substitute fluid-solid friction for the much larger friction that acts between solid bodies that are in direct contact with one another. Once set up, the fluid layer in hydraulic bearings offers great resistance to being squeezed out, and is often capable of supporting a useful load. Consider the simple two-dimensional case of a solid body with a plane surface (that is almost parallel to the x-z plane) gliding steadily over another such body, the surface of the gliding body being of finite length l in the direction of the motion (the x-direction), and of infinite width (in the z-direction). (See Figure 10.3.) Experience shows that the plane surfaces need to be slightly inclined to one another. Suppose that α  1 is the angle of inclination. Let us transform to a frame of reference in which the upper body is stationary. In this frame, the lower body moves in the xdirection at some fixed speed U. Suppose that the upper body extends from x = 0 to x = l, and that the surface of the lower body corresponds to y = 0. Let d(x) be the thickness (in the y-direction) of the fluid layer trapped between the bodies, where d(0) = d1 and d(l) = d2 . It follows that d(x) = d1 − α x,


Incompressible Viscous Flow



d1 − d2 . l As discussed in the previous section, provided that α=


d  1, l


ρU d2  1, µl


the cross-section of the channel between the two bodies is sufficiently slowly varying in the x-direction that the channel can be treated as effectively uniform at each point along its length. Thus, it follows from Equation (10.10) that the velocity profile within the channel takes the form

" d(x) − y G(x) ! v x (x, y) = y d(x) − y + U , (10.66) 2µ d where

dp (10.67) dx is the pressure gradient. Here, we are neglecting gravitational forces with respect to both pressure and viscous forces. The volume flux per unit width (in the z-direction) of fluid along the channel is thus G(x) = −



v x dy =


G(x) d 3 (x) 1 + U d(x). 12 µ 2

Of course, in a steady state, this flux must be independent of x. Hence,

U dp 2Q = −G(x) = 6 µ 2 − 3 , dx d (x) d (x) where d(x) = d1 − α x. Integration of the previous equation yields 

   1 1 6 µ  1 1  U − p(x) − p0 = − Q  2 − 2  , α d d1 d d1




where p0 = p(0). Assuming that the sliding block is completely immersed in fluid of uniform ambient pressure p0 , we would expect the pressures at the two ends of the lubricating layer to both equal p0 , which implies that p(l) = p0 . It follows from the previous equation that

d1 d2 , (10.71) Q=U d1 + d2 and p(x) − p0 =

6 µ U [d1 − d(x)] [d(x) − d2 ] . α d 2 (x) (d1 + d2 )



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Note that if d1 > d2 then the pressure increment p(x) − p0 is positive throughout the layer, and vice versa. In other words, a lubricating layer sandwiched between two solid bodies in relative motion only generates a positive pressure, that is capable of supporting a normal load, when the motion is such as to drag (by means of viscous stresses) fluid from the wider to the narrower end of the layer. The pressure increment has a single maximum in the layer, and its value at this point is of order µ l U/d 2 , assuming that (d1 − d2 )/d1 is of order unity. This suggests that very large pressures can be set up inside a thin lubricating layer. The net normal force (per unit width in the z-direction) acting on the lower plane is

 l d1 d1 − d2 6µU −2 . (10.73) fy = − [p(x) − p1 ] dx = − 2 ln d2 d1 + d2 α 0 Moreover, the net tangential force (per unit width) acting on the lower plane is  fx =


µ 0

∂v x ∂y


dx = −

2µU d1 − d2 d1 −3 . 2 ln α d2 d1 + d2


Of course, equal and opposite forces,

1+k µ U l2 3 = − fx = ln −2k , 1−k d02 2 k2

1+k µU l 1  2 ln −3k , fy = − fy = d0 k 1−k f x

(10.75) (10.76)

act on the upper plane. Here, d0 = (d1 + d2 )/2 is the mean channel width, and k = (d1 − d2 )/(d1 + d2 ). It can be seen that if 0 < d2 < d1 then 0 < k < 1. The effective coefficient of friction, C f , between the two sliding bodies is conventionally defined as the ratio of the tangential to the normal force that they exert on one another. Hence, f  4 d0 fx H(k), (10.77) = x = Cf = fy fy 3 l where


1+k 1+k 3k H(k) = k ln − ln −2k . 1−k 2 1−k


The function H(k) is a monotonically decreasing function of k in the range 0 < k < 1. In fact, H(k → 0) → 3/(4 k), whereas H(k → 1) → 1. Thus, if k ∼ O(1) [i.e., if (d1 − d2 )/d1 ∼ O(1)] then C f ∼ O(d0 /l)  1. In other words, the effective coefficient of friction between two solid bodies in relative motion that are separated by a thin fluid layer is independent of the fluid viscosity, and much less than unity. This result is significant because the coefficient of friction between two solid bodies in relative motion that are in direct contact with one another is typical of order unity. Hence, the presence of a thin lubricating layer does indeed lead to a large reduction in the frictional drag acting between the bodies.

Incompressible Viscous Flow


10.8 Stokes Flow Steady flow in which the viscous force density in the fluid greatly exceeds the advective inertia per unit volume is generally known as Stokes flow, in honor of George Stokes (1819–1903). Because, by definition, the Reynolds number of a fluid is the typical ratio of the advective inertia per unit volume to the viscous force density (see Section 1.16), Stokes flow implies Reynolds numbers that are much less than unity. In the time independent, low Reynolds number limit, Equations (10.1) and (10.2) reduce to ∇ · v = 0,


0 = −∇P + µ ∇ 2 v.


It follows from these equations that ∇P = µ ∇ 2 v = −µ ∇ × (∇ × v) = −µ ∇ × ω,


where ω = ∇ × v, and use has been made of Equation (A.177). Taking the curl of this expression, we obtain ∇ 2 ω = 0, (10.82) which is the governing equation for Stokes flow. Here, use has been made of Equations (A.173), (A.176), and (A.177).

10.9 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow Let r, θ, ϕ be standard spherical coordinates. Consider axisymmetric Stokes flow such that (10.83) v(r) = vr (r, θ) er + vθ (r, θ) eθ . According to Equations (A.175) and (A.176), we can automatically satisfy the incompressibility constraint (10.79) by writing (see Section 7.4) v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ,


where ψ(r, θ) is the Stokes stream function (i.e., v · ∇ψ = 0). It follows that 1 ∂ψ , sin θ ∂θ 1 ∂ψ vθ (r, θ) = . r sin θ ∂r vr (r, θ) = −


(10.85) (10.86)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Moreover, according to Section C.4, ωr = ωθ = 0, and ωϕ (r, θ) =

L(ψ) 1 ∂ (r vθ ) 1 ∂vr − = , r ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ


where (see Section 7.4) L=

sin θ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂2 . + 2 2 ∂r r ∂θ sin θ ∂θ


Hence, given that |∇ϕ| = 1/(r sin θ), we can write ω = ∇ × v = L(ψ) ∇ϕ.


It follows from Equations (A.176) and (A.178) that ∇ × ω = ∇ϕ × ∇[−L(ψ)].


Thus, by analogy with Equations (10.84) and (10.89), and making use of Equations (A.173) and (A.177), we obtain ∇ × (∇ × ω) = −∇ 2 ω = −L 2 (ψ) ∇ϕ.


Equation (10.82) implies that L 2 (ψ) = 0,


which is the governing equation for axisymmetric Stokes flow. In addition, Equations (10.81) and (10.90) yield ∇P = µ ∇ϕ × ∇[L(ψ)].


10.10 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow Around a Solid Sphere Consider a solid sphere of radius a that is moving under gravity at the constant vertical velocity V ez through a stationary fluid of density ρ and viscosity µ. Here, gravitational acceleration is assumed to take the form g = −g ez . Provided that the typical Reynolds number, 2ρV a , (10.94) Re = µ is much less than unity, the flow around the sphere is an example of axisymmetric Stokes flow. Let us transform to a frame of reference in which the sphere is stationary, and centered at the origin. Adopting the standard spherical coordinates r, θ, ϕ, the surface of the sphere corresponds to r = a, and the surrounding fluid occupies the region r > a. By symmetry, the flow field outside the sphere is axisymmetric (i.e.,

Incompressible Viscous Flow


∂/∂ϕ = 0), and has no toroidal component (i.e., vϕ = 0). The physical boundary conditions at the surface of the sphere are vr (a, θ) = 0,


vθ (a, θ) = 0 :


that is, the normal and tangential fluid velocities are both zero at the surface. A long way from the sphere, we expect the fluid velocity to asymptote to v = −V ez . In other words, vr (r → ∞, θ) → −V cos θ,


vθ (r → ∞, θ) → V sin θ.


Let us write v = ∇ϕ × ∇ψ,


where ψ(r, θ) is the Stokes stream function. As we saw in the previous section, axisymmetric Stokes flow is characterized by L 2 (ψ) = 0.


Here, the differential operator L is specified in Equation (10.88). The boundary conditions (10.95)–(10.98) reduce to  ∂ψ   = 0, (10.101) ∂r r=a  ∂ψ   = 0, (10.102) ∂θ r=a 1 (10.103) ψ(r → ∞, θ) → V r 2 sin2 θ. 2 Equation (10.103) suggests that ψ(r, θ) can be written in the separable form ψ(r, θ) = sin2 θ f (r).


In this case, 2 cos θ f (r) , r2 sin θ d f , vθ (r, θ) = r dr and Equations (10.100)–(10.103) reduce to

2 2 d 2 − f = 0, dr 2 r 2  d f   = 0, f (a) = dr r=a vr (r, θ) = −

f (r → ∞) →

1 V r 2. 2

(10.105) (10.106)

(10.107) (10.108) (10.109)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3 2 1 z/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 x/a




Figure 10.4 Contours of the stream function ψ in the x-z plane for Stokes flow around a solid sphere. Let us try a test solution to Equation (10.107) of the form f (r) = α r n . We find that α [n (n − 1) − 2] [(n − 2) (n − 3) − 2] = 0, (10.110) which implies that n = −1, 1, 2, 4. Hence, the most general solution to Equation (10.107) is A f (r) = + B r + C r 2 + D r 4 , (10.111) r where A, B, C, D are arbitrary constants. However, the boundary condition (10.109) yields C = (1/2) V and D = 0, whereas the boundary condition (10.108) gives A = (1/4) V a 3 and B = −(3/4) V a. Thus, we conclude that f (r) =

V (r − a)2 (2 r + a) , 4r


and the stream function becomes ψ(r, θ) = sin2 θ

V (r − a)2 (2 r + a) . 4r

(See Figure 10.4.) From Equation (10.87), the fluid vorticity is

3 V a sin θ L(ψ) 2 sin θ d 2 ωϕ (r, θ) = f = − . = r sin θ r dr 2 r 2 2r2



Incompressible Viscous Flow


3 2 1 z/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 x/a




Figure 10.5 Contours of the vorticity, ωφ , in the x-z plane for Stokes flow around a solid sphere. Solid/dashed lines correspond to opposite signs of ωϕ . (See Figure 10.5.) Moreover, from Equation (10.81), ∇P = −µ ∇ × ω = µ ∇φ × ∇(ωφ r sin θ).


Hence, 3 µ V a cos θ ∂P =− , ∂r r3 3 µ V a sin θ ∂P =− , ∂θ 2r2

(10.116) (10.117)

which implies that the effective pressure distribution within the fluid is P(r, θ) = p0 +

3 µ V a cos θ , 2r2


where p0 is an arbitrary constant. (See Figure 10.6.) However, P = p + ρ Ψ , where Ψ = g z = g r cos θ. Thus, the actual pressure distribution is p(r, θ) = p0 − ρ g r cos θ +

3µV a cos θ. 2r2


From Section 1.20, the radial and tangential components of the force per unit


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

3 2 1 z/a

0 −1 −2 −3 −3



0 x/a




Figure 10.6 Contours of the effective pressure, P − p0 , in the x-z plane for Stokes flow around a solid sphere. Solid/dashed lines correspond to opposite signs of P − p0 .

area exerted on the sphere by the fluid are

∂vr fr (θ) = σrr (a, θ) = −p + 2 µ , ∂r r=a

1 ∂vr ∂vθ vθ fθ (θ) = σrθ (a, θ) = µ + − . r ∂θ ∂r r r=a

(10.120) (10.121)

Now, vr (a, θ) = vθ (a, θ) = 0. Moreover, because ∇ · v = 0, it follows from Equation (1.168) that (∂vr /∂r)r=a = 0. Finally, Equation (10.87) yields (∂vθ /∂r)r=a = ωφ (a, θ). Hence, fr (θ) = −p(a, θ) = −p0 + ρ g a cos θ − fθ (θ) = µ ωϕ (a, θ) =

3µV cos θ, 2a

3µV sin θ. 2a

(10.122) (10.123)

Thus, the force density at the surface of the sphere is f(θ) = −

3µV ez + (−p0 + ρ g a cos θ) er . 2a


Incompressible Viscous Flow


It follows that the net vertical force exerted on the sphere by the fluid is  Fz = f · ez dS S

3µV 4π a 2 + 2π a 2 =− 2a


(−p0 + ρ g a cos θ) cos θ sin θ dθ,



which reduces to Fz = −6π a µ V +

4π 3 a ρ g. 3


By symmetry, the horizontal components of the net force both average to zero. We can recognize the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation as the buoyancy force due to the weight of the fluid displaced by the sphere. (See Chapter 2.) Moreover, the first term can be interpreted as the viscous drag acting on the sphere. Note that this drag acts in the opposite direction to the relative motion of the sphere with respect to the fluid, and its magnitude is directly proportional to the relative velocity. Vertical force balance requires that Fz = M g,


where M is the sphere’s mass. In other words, in a steady state, the weight of the sphere balances the vertical force exerted by the surrounding fluid. If the sphere is composed of material of mean density ρ then M = (4π/3) a 3 ρ. Hence, in the frame in which the fluid a large distance from the sphere is stationary, the steady vertical velocity with which the sphere moves through the fluid is

ρ 2 a2 g V= 1− , (10.128) 9 ν ρ where ν = µ/ρ is the fluid’s kinematic viscosity. Obviously, if the sphere is more dense than the fluid (i.e., if ρ/ρ > 1) then it moves downward (i.e., V < 0), and vice versa. Finally, the typical Reynolds number of the fluid flow in the vicinity of the sphere is   ρ  2 ρ V a 4 a 3 g  .  = (10.129) Re = 1 − µ 9 ν2  ρ For the case of a grain of sand falling through water at 20◦ C, we have ρ/ρ 2 and ν = 1.0 × 10−6 m2 /s (Batchelor 2000). Hence, Re = (a/6 × 10−5 ) 3 , where a is measured in meters. Thus, expression (10.128), which is strictly speaking only valid when Re  1, but which turns out to be approximately valid for all Reynolds numbers less than unity, only holds for sand grains whose radii are less than about 60 microns. Such grains fall through water at approximately 8 × 10−3 m/s. For the case of a droplet of water falling through air at 20◦ C and atmospheric pressure, we have ρ/ρ = 780 and ν = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 /s (Batchelor 2000). Hence, Re = (a/4 × 10−5 ) 3 , where a is measured in meters. Thus, expression (10.128) only holds for


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

water droplets whose radii are less than about 40 microns. Such droplets fall through air at approximately 0.2 m/s. At large values of r/a, Equations (10.105), (10.106), and (10.112) yield $ a %2 a 3 V cos θ + O , 2 r r $ a %2 a 3 vθ (r, θ) = V sin θ − V sin θ + O . 4 r r vr (r, θ) = −V cos θ +

(10.130) (10.131)

It follows that    ∂ vr vθ ∂vr vθ2  ρ V 2 a  + −  ∼ , [ρ (v · ∇) v]r = ρ vr ∂r r ∂θ r r2 and (µ ∇ 2 v)r ∼ µ Hence,

∂ 2 vr µ V a ∼ 3 . ∂r 2 r

$r% [ρ (v · ∇) v]r ρ V r ∼ Re ∼ , µ a (µ ∇2 v)r




where Re is the Reynolds number of the flow in the immediate vicinity of the sphere. [See Equation (10.94).] Our analysis is based on the assumption that advective inertia is negligible with respect to viscosity. However, as is clear from the previous expression for the ratio of inertia to viscosity within the fluid, even if this ratio is much less than unity close to the sphere—in other words, if Re  1—it inevitably becomes much greater than unity far from the sphere: that is, for r a/Re. In other words, inertia always dominates viscosity, and our Stokes flow solution therefore breaks down, at sufficiently large r/a.

10.11 Axisymmetric Stokes Flow In and Around a Fluid Sphere Suppose that the solid sphere discussed in the previous section is replaced by a spherical fluid drop of radius a. Let the drop move through the surrounding fluid at the constant velocity V ez . Obviously, the fluid from which the drop is composed must be immiscible with the surrounding fluid. Let us transform to a frame of reference in which the drop is stationary, and centered at the origin. Assuming that the Reynolds numbers immediately outside and inside the drop are both much less than unity, and making use of the previous analysis, the most general expressions for the stream function outside and inside the drop are ψ(r, θ) = sin2 θ

$A r

% + Br + C r2 + Dr4 ,


Incompressible Viscous Flow


   A  2 4 ψ(r, θ) = sin θ  + B r + C r + D r  , (10.136) r respectively. Here, A, B, C, et cetera, are arbitrary constants. Likewise, the previous analysis also allows us to deduce that $A % B (10.137) vr (r, θ) = −2 cos θ 3 + + C + D r 2 , r r $ A % B (10.138) vθ (r, θ) = sin θ − 3 + + 2 C + 4 D r 2 , r r

6A (10.139) σrθ (r, θ) = µ sin θ 4 + 6 D r , r

12 A 6 B + 2 + 12 D r (10.140) σrr (r, θ) = −p0 + ρ g r cos θ + µ cos θ r4 r



in the region r > a, with analogous expressions in the region r < a. Here, µ, ρ, p0 are the viscosity, density, and ambient pressure of the fluid surrounding the drop. Let µ, ρ, and p0 be the corresponding quantities for the fluid that makes up the drop. In the region outside the drop, the fluid velocity must asymptote to v = −V ez at large r/a. This implies that C = (1/2) V and D = 0. Furthermore, vr (a, θ) = 0— that is, the normal velocity at the drop boundary must be zero—otherwise, the drop would change shape. This constraint yields A/a 3 + B/a + (1/2) V = 0. Inside the drop, the fluid velocity must remain finite as r → 0. This implies that A = B = 0. Furthermore, we again require that vr (a, θ) = 0, which yields C + D a 2 = 0. Two additional physical constraints that must be satisfied at the interface between the two fluids are, firstly, continuity of tangential velocity—that is, vθ (a− , θ) = vθ (a+ , θ)—and, secondly, continuity of tangential stress—that is, σrθ (a− , θ) = σrθ (a+ , θ). These constraints yield −A/a 3 + B/a − V = 2 C + 4 D a 2 and 6 µ A/a 4 = 6 µ D a, respectively. At this stage, we have enough information to determine the values of A, B, C, and D. In fact, the stream functions outside and inside the drop can be shown to take the form

$ r %2 1 a 2µ+ 3µ r µ , (10.141) ψ(r, θ) = V a2 sin2 θ − +2 4 µ+µ r µ+µ a a and ψ(r, θ) =

$ r %2 µ $ r %2 1 V a2 sin2 θ 1− , 4 µ+µ a a


respectively. (See Figures 10.7 and 10.8.) The discontinuity in the radial stress across the drop boundary is σrr (a+ , θ) − σrr (a− , θ) = p0 − p0 + (ρ − ρ) g a cos θ

V µ + (3/2) µ −3µ cos θ. a µ+µ



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics






−2 −2


0 x/a



Figure 10.7 Contours of the Stokes stream function in the x-z plane for Stokes flow in and around a fluid sphere. Here, µ/µ = 10.






−2 −2


0 x/a



Figure 10.8 Contours of the Stokes stream function in the x-z plane for Stokes flow in and around a fluid sphere. Here, µ/µ = 1/10.

Incompressible Viscous Flow


The final physical constraint that must be satisfied at r = a is σrr (a+ , θ) − σrr (a− , θ) =

2γ , a


where γ is the surface tension of the interface between the two fluids. (See Section 3.3.) Hence, we obtain 2γ , (10.145) p0 − p0 = a and

a2 g µ+µ ρ V= 1− , (10.146) 3ν ρ µ + (3/2) µ where ν = µ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity of the surrounding fluid. The fact that we have been able to completely satisfy all of the physical constraints at the interface between the two fluids, as long as the drop moves at the constant vertical velocity V, proves that our previous assumptions that the interface is spherical, and that the drop moves vertically through the surrounding fluid at a constant speed without changing shape, were correct. In the limit, µ µ, in which the drop is much more viscous than the surrounding fluid, we recover Equation (10.128): that is, the drop acts like a solid sphere. On the other hand, in the limit µ  µ, and ρ  ρ, which is appropriate to an air bubble rising through a liquid, we obtain V=

a2 g . 3ν


10.12 Exercises 10.1 Consider viscous fluid flow down a plane that is inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. Let x measure distance along the plane (i.e., along the path of steepest decent), and let y be a transverse coordinate such that the surface of the plane corresponds to y = 0, and the free surface of the fluid to y = h. Show that within the fluid (i.e., 0 ≤ y ≤ h) g sin α y (2 h − y), 2ν p(y) = p0 + g ρ cos α (h − y),

v x (y) =

where ν is the kinematic viscosity, ρ the density, and p0 is atmospheric pressure. 10.2 If a viscous fluid flows along a cylindrical pipe of circular cross-section that is inclined at an angle α to the horizontal show that the flow rate is Q=

π a4 (G + ρ g sin α) , 8µ


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics where a is the pipe radius, µ the fluid viscosity, ρ the fluid density, and G the pressure gradient.

10.3 Viscous fluid flows steadily, parallel to the axis, in the annular region between two coaxial cylinders of radii a and n a, where n > 1. Show that the volume flux of fluid flow is

πG a4 4 (n2 − 1)2 Q= n −1− , 8µ ln n where G is the effective pressure gradient, and µ the viscosity. Find the mean flow speed. 10.4 Consider viscous flow along a cylindrical pipe of elliptic cross-section. Suppose that the pipe runs parallel to the z-axis, and that its boundary satisfies x2 y2 + = 1. a2 b2 Let v = vz (x, y) ez. Demonstrate that

∂2 ∂2 G + vz = − , 2 2 µ ∂x ∂y

where G is the effective pressure gradient, and µ the fluid viscosity. Show that G a2 b2 − b2 x2 − a2 y2 vz (x, y) = 2µ a2 + b2 is a solution of this equation that satisfies the no slip condition at the boundary. Demonstrate that the flow rate is Q=

πG a3 b3 . 4 µ a2 + b2

Finally, show that a pipe with an elliptic cross-section has lower flow rate than an otherwise similar pipe of circular cross-section that has the same cross-sectional area. 10.5 Consider a velocity field of the form v(r) = r 2 Ω(r) sin2 θ ∇ϕ, where r, θ, ϕ are spherical coordinates. Demonstrate that this field satisfies the equations of steady, incompressible, viscous fluid flow (neglecting advective inertia) with uniform pressure (neglecting gravity) provided that

d 4 dΩ r = 0. dr dr

Incompressible Viscous Flow


Suppose that a solid sphere of radius a, centered at the origin, is rotating about the z-axis, at the uniform angular velocity Ω0 , in a viscous fluid, of viscosity µ, that is stationary at infinity. Demonstrate that Ω(r) = Ω0

a3 , r3

for r ≥ a. Show that the torque that the sphere exerts on the fluid is τ = 8π µ Ω0 a 3 . 10.6 Consider a solid sphere of radius a moving through a viscous fluid of viscosity µ at the fixed velocity V = V ez . Let r, θ, ϕ be spherical coordinates whose origin coincides with the instantaneous location of the sphere’s center. Show that, if inertia and gravity are negligible, the fluid velocity, and the radial components of the stress tensor, a long way from the sphere, are a 3 V cos θ , 2 r a 3 vθ − V sin θ , 4 r a 9 σrr −p0 − µ V cos θ 2 , 2 r σrθ 0, vr

respectively. Hence, deduce that the net force exerted on the fluid lying inside a large spherical surface of radius r, by the fluid external to the surface, is F = −6π a µ V, independent of the surface radius.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

11 Waves in Incompressible Fluids

11.1 Introduction This chapter investigates low amplitude waves propagating through incompressible fluids. More information on this topic can be found in Lighthill 1978, and MilneThomson 2011.

11.2 Gravity Waves Consider a stationary body of water, of uniform depth d, located on the surface of the Earth. This body is assumed to be sufficiently small compared to the Earth that its unperturbed surface is approximately planar. Let the Cartesian coordinate z measure vertical height, with z = 0 corresponding to the aforementioned surface. Suppose that a small amplitude wave propagates horizontally through the water, and let v(r, t) be the associated velocity field. Because water is essentially incompressible, its equations of motion are ∇ · v = 0, ρ

∂v + ρ (v · ∇) v = −∇p − ρ g ez + µ ∇ 2 v, ∂t

(11.1) (11.2)

where ρ is the (uniform) mass density, µ the (uniform) viscosity, and g the (uniform) acceleration due to gravity. (See Section 1.14.) Let us write p(r, t) = p0 − ρ g z + p1 (r, t),


where p0 is atmospheric pressure, and p1 the pressure perturbation due to the wave. Of course, in the absence of the wave, the water pressure a depth h below the surface is p0 + ρ g h. (See Chapter 2.) Substitution into Equation (11.2) yields ρ

∂v −∇p1 + µ ∇ 2 v, ∂t


where we have neglected terms that are second order in small quantities (i.e., terms of order v 2 ). 313


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Let us also neglect viscosity, which is a good approximation provided that the wavelength is not ridiculously small. [For instance, for gravity waves in water, viscosity is negligible as long as λ (ν2 /g)1/3 ∼ 5 × 10−5 m.] It follows that ρ

∂v −∇p1 . ∂t


Taking the curl of this equation, we obtain ρ

∂ω 0, ∂t


where ω = ∇ × v is the vorticity. We conclude that the velocity field associated with the wave is irrotational. Consequently, the previous equation is automatically satisfied by writing v = −∇φ, (11.7) where φ(r, t) is the velocity potential. (See Section 4.15.) However, from Equation (11.1), the velocity field is also divergence free. It follows that the velocity potential satisfies Laplace’s equation, ∇ 2 φ = 0.


Finally, Equations (11.5) and (11.7) yield p1 = ρ

∂φ . ∂t


We now need to derive the physical constraints that must be satisfied at the water’s upper and lower boundaries. It is assumed that the water is bounded from below by a solid surface located at z = −d. Because the water must always remain in contact with this surface, the appropriate physical constraint at the lower boundary is vz |z=−d = 0 (i.e., the normal velocity is zero at the lower boundary), or  ∂φ   = 0. (11.10) ∂z z=−d The water’s upper boundary is a little more complicated, because it is a free surface. Let ζ represent the vertical displacement of this surface due to the wave. It follows that  ∂φ  ∂ζ  . = vz |z=0 = − (11.11) ∂t ∂z z=0 The appropriate physical constraint at the upper boundary is that the water pressure there must equal atmospheric pressure, because there cannot be a pressure discontinuity across a free surface (in the absence of surface tension—see Section 11.11). Accordingly, from Equation (11.3), we obtain p0 = p0 − ρ g ζ + p1 |z=0 ,


Waves in Incompressible Fluids


or ρ g ζ = p1 |z=0 ,


which implies that

  ∂φ  ∂p1  ∂ζ  =  , = −ρ g (11.14) ∂t ∂z z=0 ∂t z=0 where use has been made of Equation (11.11). The previous expression can be combined with Equation (11.9) to give the boundary condition   ∂φ  ∂ 2 φ  −1  = −g (11.15)  . ∂z z=0 ∂t 2 z=0 ρg

Let us search for a wave-like solution of Equation (11.8) of the form φ(r, t) = F(z) cos(ω t − k x).


This solution actually corresponds to a propagating plane wave of wave vector k = k e x , angular frequency ω, and amplitude F(z) (Fitzpatrick 2013). Substitution into Equation (11.8) yields d 2F − k 2 F = 0, (11.17) dz 2 whose independent solutions are exp(+k z) and exp(−k z). Hence, a general solution to Equation (11.8) takes the form φ(x, z, t) = A e k z cos(ω t − k x) + B e−k z cos(ω t − k x),


where A and B are arbitrary constants. The boundary condition (11.10) is satisfied provided that B = A exp(−2 k d), giving   φ(x, z, t) = A e k z + e−k (z+2 d) cos(ω t − k x), (11.19) The boundary condition (11.15) then yields    ω2  A k 1 − e−2 k d cos(ω t − k x) = A 1 + e−2 k d cos(ω t − k x). g


which reduces to the dispersion relation ω 2 = g k tanh(k d).


The type of wave described in this section is known as a gravity wave.

11.3 Gravity Waves in Deep Water Consider the so-called deep water limit, k d 1,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

in which the depth, d, of the water greatly exceeds the wavelength, λ = 2π/k, of the wave. In this limit, the gravity wave dispersion relation (11.21) reduces to ω = (g k)1/2 ,


because tanh(x) → 1 as x → ∞. It follows that the phase velocity of gravity waves in deep water is ω $ g %1/2 vp = = . (11.24) k k Note that this velocity is proportional to the square root of the wavelength. Hence, deep-water gravity waves with long wavelengths propagate faster than those with short wavelengths. The phase velocity, v p = ω/k, is defined as the propagation velocity of a plane wave with the definite wave number, k [and a frequency given by the dispersion relation (11.23)] (Fitzpatrick 2013). Such a wave has an infinite spatial extent. A more realistic wave of finite spatial extent, with an approximate wave number k, can be formed as a linear superposition of plane waves having a range of different wave numbers centered on k. Such a construct is known as a wave pulse (Fitzpatrick 2013). As is well known, wave pulses propagate at the group velocity (Fitzpatrick 2013), dω . (11.25) vg = dk For the case of gravity waves in deep water, the dispersion relation (11.23) yields 1 $ g %1/2 1 vg = = vp. (11.26) 2 k 2 In other words, the group velocity of such waves is half their phase velocity. Let ξ(r, t) be the displacement of a particle of water, found at position r and time t, due to the passage of a deep water gravity wave. It follows that ∂ξ = v, ∂t


where v(r, t) is the perturbed velocity. For a plane wave of wave number k = k e x , in the limit k d 1, Equation (11.19) yields φ(x, z, t) = A e k z cos(ω t − k x).


Hence, [cf., Equations (11.45)–(11.48)] ξ x (x, z, t) = −a e k z cos(ω t − k x),


ξz (x, z, t) = a e k z sin(ω t − k x),


v x (x, z, t) = a ω e k z sin(ω t − k x),


vz (x, z, t) = a ω e



cos(ω t − k x),

and p1 = ρ g ξz ,


Waves in Incompressible Fluids


surface z x


Figure 11.1 Motion of water particles associated with a deep water gravity wave propagating in the x-direction. where use has been made of Equations (11.7), (11.9), and (11.27). Here, a is the amplitude of the vertical oscillation at the water’s surface. According to Equations (11.29)–(11.32), the passage of the wave causes a water particle located a depth h below the surface to execute a circular orbit of radius a e− k h about its equilibrium position. The radius of the orbit decreases exponentially with increasing depth. Furthermore, whenever the particle’s vertical displacement attains a maximum value the particle is moving horizontally in the same direction as the wave, and vice versa. (See Figure 11.1.) Finally, if we define h(x, z, t) = ξz (x, z, t) − z as the equilibrium depth of the water particle found at a given point and time then Equations (11.3) and (11.33) yield p(x, z, t) = p0 + ρ g h(x, z, t).


In other words, the pressure at this point and time is the same as the unperturbed pressure calculated at the equilibrium depth of the water particle.

11.4 Gravity Waves in Shallow Water Consider the so-called shallow water limit, k d  1,


in which the depth, d, of the water is much less than the wavelength, λ = 2π/k, of the wave. In this limit, the gravity wave dispersion relation (11.21) reduces to ω = (g d)1/2 k,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

because tanh(x) → x as x → 0. It follows that the phase velocities and group velocities of gravity waves in shallow water all take the fixed value v p = vg = (g d)1/2 ,


irrespective of wave number. We conclude that—unlike deep water waves—shallow water gravity waves are non-dispersive in nature (Fitzpatrick 2013). In other words, in shallow water, waves pulses and plane waves all propagate at the same speed. It can be seen that the velocity (11.37) increases with increasing water depth. For a plane wave of wave number k = k e x , in the limit k d  1, Equation (11.19) yields (11.38) φ(x, z, t) = A [1 + k 2 (z + d)2 /2] cos(ω t − k x). Hence, Equations (11.7) and (11.27) give [cf., Equations (11.45)–(11.48)] ξ x (x, z, t) = −a (k d)−1 cos(ω t − k x),


ξz (x, z, t) = a (1 + z/d) sin(ω t − k x),


v x (x, z, t) = a ω (k d)−1 sin(ω t − k x)


vz (x, z, t) = a ω (1 + z/d) cos(ω t − k x).


Here, a is again the amplitude of the vertical oscillation at the water’s surface. According to the previous expressions, the passage of a shallow water gravity wave causes a water particle located a depth h below the surface to execute an elliptical orbit, of horizontal radius a/(k d), and vertical radius a (1 − h/d), about its equilibrium position. The orbit is greatly elongated in the horizontal direction. Furthermore, its vertical radius decreases linearly with increasing depth such that it becomes zero at the bottom (i.e., at h = d). As before, whenever the particle’s vertical displacement attains a maximum value the particle is moving horizontally in the same direction as the wave, and vice versa.

11.5 Energy of Gravity Waves It is easily demonstrated, from the analysis contained in the previous sections, that a gravity wave of arbitrary wavenumber k, propagating horizontally through water of depth d, has a phase velocity v p = (g d)


tanh(k d) kd

1/2 .

Moreover, the ratio of the group to the phase velocity is

vg 1 2kd = 1+ . vp 2 sinh(2 k d)



Waves in Incompressible Fluids


It follows that neither the phase velocity nor the group velocity of a gravity wave can ever exceed the critical value (g d)1/2 . It is also easily demonstrated that the displacement and velocity fields associated with a plane gravity wave of wavenumber k e x , angular frequency ω, and surface amplitude a, are cosh[k (z + d)] cos(ω t − k x), sinh(k d) sinh[k (z + d)] ξz (x, z, t) = a sin(ω t − k x), sinh(k d) cosh[k (z + d)] sin(ω t − k x), v x (x, z, t) = a ω sinh(k d) sinh[k (z + d)] vz (x, z, t) = a ω cos(ω t − k x). sinh(k d)

ξ x (x, z, t) = −a

(11.45) (11.46) (11.47) (11.48)

The mean kinetic energy per unit surface area associated with a gravity wave is defined  ζ 1 2 K= ρ v dz, (11.49) −d 2 where ζ(x, t) = a sin(ω t − k x) (11.50) is the vertical displacement at the surface, and  2π d(k x) · · ·  = (· · · ) 2π 0


is an average over a wavelength. Given that cos2 (ω t−k x) = sin2 (ω t−k x) = 1/2, it follows from Equations (11.47) and (11.48) that, to second order in a,  0 1 cosh[2 k (z + d)] ω2 1 dz = ρ g a 2 . (11.52) K = ρ a2 ω2 2 4 4 g k tanh(k d) sinh (k d) −d Making use of the general dispersion relation (11.21), we obtain K=

1 ρ g a 2. 4


The mean potential energy perturbation per unit surface area associated with a gravity wave is defined  ζ 1 U= ρ g z dz + ρ g d 2 , (11.54) 2 −d which yields 1 1 1 U =  ρ g (ζ 2 − d 2 ) + ρ g d 2 = ρ g ζ 2 , 2 2 2 or U=

1 ρ g a 2. 4

(11.55) (11.56)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

In other words, the mean potential energy per unit surface area of a gravity wave is equal to its mean kinetic energy per unit surface area. Finally, the mean total energy per unit surface area associated with a gravity wave is 1 E = K + U = ρ g a 2. (11.57) 2 This energy depends on the wave amplitude at the surface, but is independent of the wavelength, or the water depth.

11.6 Wave Drag on Ships Under certain circumstances (see the following section), a ship traveling over a body of water leaves behind it a train of gravity waves whose wavefronts are transverse to the ship’s direction of motion. Because these waves possess energy that is carried away from the ship, and eventually dissipated, this energy must have been produced at the ship’s expense. The ship consequently experiences a drag force, D. Suppose that the ship is moving at the constant velocity V. We would expect the transverse waves making up the train to have a matching phase velocity, so that they maintain a constant phase relation with respect to the ship. To be more exact, we would generally expect the ship’s bow to always correspond to a wave maximum (because of the pile up of water in front of the bow produced by the ship’s forward motion). The condition v p = V, combined with expression (11.43), yields tanh(k d) V 2 = . kd gd


Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the wave train is of uniform transverse width w. Consider a fixed line drawn downstream of the ship perpendicular to its path. The rate at which the length of the train is increasing ahead of this line is V. Therefore, the rate at which the energy of the train is increasing ahead of the line is (1/2) ρ g a 2 w V, where a is the typical amplitude of the transverse waves in the train. As is well known (Fitzpatrick 2013), wave energy travels at the group velocity, rather than the phase velocity. Thus, the energy flux per unit width of a propagating gravity wave is simply E vg . Wave energy consequently crosses our fixed line in the direction of the ship’s motion at the rate (1/2) ρ g a 2 w vg . Finally, the ship does work against the drag force, which goes to increase the energy of the train in the region ahead of our line, at the rate D V. Energy conservation thus yields 1 1 ρ g a 2 w V = ρ g a 2 w vg + D V. 2 2 However, because V = v p , we obtain

vg 1 2kd 1 D = ρ g a2 w 1 − = ρ g a2 w 1 − , 2 vp 4 sinh(2 k d)



Waves in Incompressible Fluids


where use has been made of Equation (11.44). Here, k d is determined implicitly in terms of the ship speed via expression (11.58). Note that this expression cannot be satisfied when the speed exceeds the critical value (g d)1/2, because gravity waves cannot propagate at speeds in excess of this value. In this situation, no transverse wave train can keep up with the ship, and the drag associated with such waves consequently disappears. In fact, we can see, from the previous formulae, that when V → (g d)1/2 then k d → 0, and so D → 0. However, the transverse wave amplitude, a, generally increases significantly as the ship speed approaches the critical value. Hence, the drag due to transverse waves actually peaks strongly at speeds just below the critical speed, before effectively falling to zero as this speed is exceeded. Consequently, it usually requires a great deal of propulsion power to force a ship to travel at speeds faster than (g d)1/2. In the deep water limit k d 1, Equation (11.60) reduces to D=

1 ρ g a 2 w. 4


At fixed wave amplitude, this expression is independent of the wavelength of the wave train, and, hence, independent of the ship’s speed. This result is actually rather misleading. In fact, (at fixed wave amplitude) the drag acting on a ship traveling through deep water varies significantly with the ship’s speed. We can account for this variation by incorporating the finite length of the ship into our analysis. A real ship moving through water generates a bow wave from its bow, and a stern wave from its stern. Moreover, the bow wave tends to have a positive vertical displacement, because water naturally piles up in front of the bow due to the forward motion of the ship, whereas the stern wave tends tends to have a negative vertical displacement, because water rushes into the void left by the stern. Very roughly speaking, suppose that the vertical displacement of the water surface caused by the ship is of the form $ x% (11.62) ζ(x) ∝ cos π . l Here, l is the length of the ship. Moreover, the bow lies (instantaneously) at x = 0 [hence, ζ(0) > 0], and the stern at x = l [hence, ζ(l) < 0]. For the sake of simplicity, the upward water displacement due to the bow is assumed to equal the downward displacement due to the stern. At fixed bow wave displacement, the amplitude of transverse gravity waves of wave number k = g/V 2 (chosen such that the phase velocity of the waves matches the ship’s speed, V) produced by the ship is  $ x% sin(π − k l) k l 1 l : (11.63) cos π cos(k x) dx = a∝ l 0 l π−kl π+kl that is, the amplitude is proportional to the Fourier coefficient of the ship’s vertical displacement pattern evaluated for a wave number that matches that of the wave train (Fitzpatrick 2013). Hence, (at fixed bow wave displacement) the drag produced by the transverse waves is

2 sin(π − Fr −2 ) 1 D ∝ a2 ∝ , (11.64) π − Fr −2 1 + π Fr 2


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

1.1 1 0.9 0.8 D(a.u.)

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0




0.6 Fr




Figure 11.2 Variation of wave drag with Froude number for a ship traveling through deep water.

where the dimensionless parameter Fr =

V (g l)1/2


is known as the Froude number. (See Section 1.16.) Figure 11.2 illustrates the variation of the wave drag with Froude number predicted by Equation (11.64). As we can see, if the Froude number is much less than unity, which implies that the wavelength of the wave train is much smaller than the length of the ship, then the drag is comparatively small. This is the case because the ship is extremely inefficient at driving short wavelength gravity waves. It can also be seen that the drag increases as the Froude number increases, reaching a rela√ tively sharp maximum when Fr = Frc = 1/ π = 0.56, and then falls rapidly. Now, Fr = Frc corresponds to the case in which the length of the ship is equal to half the wavelength of the wave train. In this situation, the bow and stern waves interfere constructively, leading to a particularly large amplitude wave train, and, hence, to a particularly large wave drag. The smaller peaks visible in the figure correspond to other situations in which the bow and stern waves interfere constructively. (For instance, when the length of the ship corresponds to one and a half wavelengths of the wave train.) A heavy ship with large a displacement, and limited propulsion power, generally cannot overcome the peak in the wave drag that occurs when Fr = Frc . Such a ship is, therefore, limited to Froude numbers in the range 0 < Fr < Frc , which

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


implies a maximum speed of Vc = 0.56 (g l)1/2 = 1.75 [l(m)]1/2 m/s = 3.4 [l(m)]1/2 kts.


This characteristic speed is sometimes called the hull speed. It can be seen that the hull speed increases with the length of the ship. In other words, long ships tend to have higher hull speeds than short ones.

11.7 Ship Wakes Let us now make a detailed investigation of the wake pattern generated behind a ship as it travels over a body of water, taking into account obliquely propagating gravity waves, in addition to transverse waves. For the sake of simplicity, the finite length of the ship is neglected in the following analysis. In other words, the ship is treated as a point source of gravity waves. Consider Figure 11.3. This shows a plane gravity wave generated on the surface of the water by a moving ship. The water surface corresponds to the x-y plane. The ship is traveling along the x-axis, in the negative x-direction, at the constant speed V. Suppose that the ship’s bow is initially at point A , and has moved to point A after a time interval t. The only type of gravity wave that is continuously excited by the passage of the ship is one that maintains a constant phase relation with respect to its bow. In fact, as we have already mentioned, the bow should always correspond to a wave maximum. An oblique wavefront associated with such a wave is shown in the figure. Here, the wavefront C  D , which initially passes through the bow at point A , has moved to CD after a time interval t, such that it again passes through the bow at point A. Of course, the wavefront propagates at the phase velocity, v p . It follows that, in the right-angled triangle AA E, the sides AA and A E are of lengths V t and v p t, respectively, so that sin β =

vp . V


This, therefore, is the condition that must be satisfied in order for an obliquely propagating gravity wave to maintain a constant phase relation with respect to the ship. In shallow water, all gravity waves propagate at the same phase velocity: that is, v p = (g d)1/2, where d is the water depth. Hence, Equation (11.67) yields

1/2 −1 (g d) β = sin . V



This equation can only be satisfied when V > (g d)1/2 .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



D E vp t β A






Figure 11.3 An oblique plane wave generated on the surface of the water by a moving ship. In other words, the ship must be traveling faster than the critical speed (g d)1/2. Moreover, if this is the case then there is only one value of β that satisfies Equation (11.69). This implies the scenario illustrated in Figure 11.4. Here, the ship is instantaneously at A, and the wave maxima that it previously generated—which all propagate obliquely, subtending a fixed angle β with the x-axis—have interfered constructively to produce a single strong wave maximum DAE. In fact, the wave maxima generated when the ship was at A have travelled to B and C  , the wave maxima generated when the ship was at A have travelled to B and C  , et cetera. We conclude that a ship traveling over shallow water produces a V-shaped wake whose semi-angle, β, is determined by the ship’s speed. Indeed, as is apparent from Equation (11.69), the faster the ship travels over the water, the smaller the angle β becomes. Shallow water wakes are especially dangerous to other vessels, and particularly destructive of the coastline, because all of the wave energy produced by the ship is concentrated into a single large wave maximum. Note, finally, that the wake contains no transverse waves, because, as we have already mentioned, such waves cannot keep up with a ship traveling faster than the critical speed (ρ g)1/2 . Let us now discuss the wake generated by a ship traveling over deep water. In this case, the phase velocity of gravity waves is v p = (g/k)1/2. Thus, Equation (11.67) yields v p $ g %1/2 = . (11.71) sin β = V kV2 It follows that in deep water any obliquely propagating gravity wave whose wave number exceeds the critical value k0 =

g V2


Waves in Incompressible Fluids



D B  B


β β




C C  E Figure 11.4 A shallow water wake. can keep up with the ship, as long as its direction of propagation is such that Equation (11.71) is satisfied. In other words, the ship continuously excites gravity waves with a wide range of different wave numbers and propagation directions. The wake is essentially the interference pattern generated by these waves. As is well known (Fitzpatrick 2013), an interference maximum generated by the superposition of plane waves with a range of different wave numbers propagates at the group velocity, vg . Furthermore, as we have already seen, the group velocity of deep water gravity waves is half their phase velocity: that is, vg = v p /2. Consider Figure 11.5. The curve APD corresponds to a particular interference maximum in the wake. Here, A is the ship’s instantaneous position. Consider a point P on this curve. Let x and y be the coordinates of this point, relative to the ship. The interference maximum at P is part of the plane wavefront BC emitted some time t earlier, when the ship was at point A . Let β be the angle subtended between this wavefront and the x-axis. Because interference maxima propagate at the group velocity, the distance A P is equal to vg t. Of course, the distance AA is equal to V t. Simple trigonometry reveals that x = V t − vg t sin β,


y = vg t cos β.


Moreover, dy = tan β, dx


because BC is the tangent to the curve APD—that is, the curve y(x)—at point P. It


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics



P vg t β A

B Vt



Figure 11.5 Formation of an interference maximum in a deep water wake. follows from Equation (11.71), and the fact that vg = v p /2, that

1 x = X 1 − sin2 β , 2


1 X sin β cos β, (11.77) 2 where X(β) = V t. The previous three equations can be combined to produce y=

dy dy/dβ (1/2) dX/dβ sin β cos β + (1/2) X (cos2 β − sin2 β) = = dx dx/dβ dX/dβ [1 − (1/2) sin2 β] − X sin β cos β =

sin β , cos β


which reduces to

X dX = . dβ tan β This expression can be solved to give X = X0 sin β,



where X0 is a constant. Hence, the locus of our interference maximum is determined parametrically by

1 (11.81) x = X0 sin β 1 − sin2 β , 2 y=

1 X0 sin2 β cos β. 2


Waves in Incompressible Fluids


0.3 0.2



0.1 0



−0.1 −0.2


−0.3 0



0.3 0.4 x/X0



Figure 11.6 Locus of an interference maximum in a deep water wake.

Here, the angle β ranges from −π/2 to +π/2. The curve specified by the previous equations is plotted in Figure 11.6. As usual, A is the instantaneous position of the ship. It can be seen that the interference maximum essentially consists of the transverse maximum BCD, and the two radial maxima AB and AD. As is easily demonstrated, point C, which corresponds to β = 0, lies at x = X0 /2, √ y = 0. Moreover, the two cusps, B and D, which correspond to β = ± tan−1 (1/ 8) = ±19.47◦, lie at x = (8/27)1/2 X0 , y = ±(1/27)1/2 X0 . The complete interference pattern that constitutes the wake is constructed out of many different wave maximum curves of the form shown in Figure 11.6, corresponding to many different values of the parameter X0 . However, these X0 values must be chosen such that the wavelength of the pattern along the x-axis corresponds to the wavelength λ0 = 2π/k0 = 2π V 2 /g of transverse (i.e., β = 0) gravity waves whose phase velocity matches the speed of the ship. This implies that X0 = 2 j λ0 , where j is a positive integer. A complete deep water wake pattern is shown in Figure 11.7. This pattern, which is made up of interlocking transverse and radial wave maxima, fills a wedge-shaped region—known as a Kelvin wedge—whose semi-angle takes the √ value tan−1 (1/ 8) = 19.47◦. This angle is independent of the ship’s speed. Finally, our initial assumption that the gravity waves that form the wake are all deep water waves is valid provided k0 d 1, which implies that V  (g d)1/2.


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6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x/λ0

Figure 11.7 A deep water wake.

In other words, the ship must travel at a speed that is much less than the critical speed (g d)1/2. This explains why the wake contains transverse wave maxima.

11.8 Gravity Waves in a Flowing Fluid Consider a gravity wave traveling through a fluid that is flowing horizontally at the uniform velocity V = V e x . Let us write v(r, t) = V + v1 (r, t),


p(r, t) = p0 − ρ g z + p1 (r, t),


where v1 and p1 are the small velocity and pressure perturbations, respectively, due to the wave. To first order in small quantities, the fluid equations of motion, (11.1) and (11.2), reduce to

∇ · v1 = 0, ∂ ∇p1 + V · ∇ v1 = − , ∂t ρ

(11.86) (11.87)

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


respectively. We can also define the displacement, ξ(r, t), of a fluid particle due to the passage of the wave, as seen in a frame co-moving with the fluid, as

∂ + V · ∇ ξ = v1 . (11.88) ∂t The curl of Equation (11.87) implies that ∇ × v1 = 0. Hence, we can write v1 = −∇φ, and Equation (11.87) yields

∂ p1 +V·∇ φ= . (11.89) ∂t ρ Finally, Equation (11.86) gives ∇ 2 φ = 0.


The most general traveling wave solution to Equation (11.90), with wave vector k = k e x , and angular frequency ω, is φ(x, z, t) = [A cosh(k z) + B sinh(k z)] cos(ω t − k x).


It follows from Equation (11.89) that p1 (x, z, t) = ρ k (V − c) [A cosh(k z) + B sinh(k z)] sin(ω t − k x),


and from Equation (11.88) that ξz (x, z, t, ) = (V − c)−1 [A sinh(k z) + B cosh(k z)] sin(ω t − k x).


Here, c = ω/k is the phase velocity of the wave.

11.9 Gravity Waves at an Interface Consider a layer of fluid of density ρ , depth d , and uniform horizontal velocity V  , situated on top of a layer of another fluid of density ρ, depth d, and uniform horizontal velocity V. Suppose that the fluids are bounded from above and below by rigid horizontal planes. Let these planes lie at z = −d and z = d , and let the unperturbed interface between the two fluids lie at z = 0. (See Figure 11.8.) Consider a gravity wave of angular frequency ω, and wavenumber k, propagating through both fluids in the x-direction. Let ζ(x, t) = ζ0 sin(ω t − k x)


be the small vertical displacement of the interface due to the wave. In the lower fluid, the perturbed velocity potential must be of the form (11.91), with the constants


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

z = d ρ


z=0 z



z = −d

x Figure 11.8 Gravity waves at an interface between two immiscible fluids.

A and B chosen such that vz |z=−d = 0 and ξz (x, 0, t) = ζ(x, t). It follows that A = (V − c) ζ0 / tanh(k d) and B = (V − c) ζ0 , so that φ(x, z, t) = (V − c) ζ0

cosh[k (z + d)] cos(ω t − k x). sinh(k d)


In the upper fluid, the perturbed velocity potential must again be of the form (11.91), with the constants A and B chosen such that vz |z=d = 0 and ξz (x, 0, t) = ζ(x, t). It follows that A = −(V  − c) ζ0 / tanh(k d ) and B = (V  − c) ζ0 , so that φ(x, z, t) = −(V  − c) ζ0

cosh[k (z − d )] cos(ω t − k x). sinh(k d )


Here, c = ω/k is the phase velocity of the wave. From Equations (11.85) and (11.92), the fluid pressure just below the interface is p(x, 0−, t) = p0 − ρ g ζ + p1 (x, 0− , t) = p0 − ρ g ζ0 sin(ω t − k x) − ρ k (V − c) A sin(ω t − k x)

ρ k (V − c)2 = p0 − ρ g − (11.97) ζ0 sin(ω t − k x). tanh(k d) Likewise, the fluid pressure just above the interface is p(x, 0+ , t) = p0 − ρ g ζ + p1 (x, 0+ , t) = p0 − ρ g ζ0 sin(ω t − k x) − ρ k (V  − c) A sin(ω t − k x)

ρ k (V  − c)2 = p0 − ρ g + (11.98) ζ0 sin(ω t − k x). tanh(k d  ) In the absence of surface tension at the interface, these two pressure must equal one another: that is, ! "z=0+ (11.99) p z=0− = 0.

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


Hence, we obtain the dispersion relation (ρ − ρ ) g =

k ρ (V − c)2 k ρ (V  − c)2 + , tanh(k d) tanh(k d  )


which takes the form of a quadratic equation for the phase velocity, c, of the wave. We can see that: i. If ρ = 0 and V = 0 then the dispersion relation reduces to (11.43) (with v p = c). ii. If the two fluids are of infinite depth then the dispersion relation simplifies to (ρ − ρ ) g = k ρ (V − c)2 + k ρ (V  − c)2 .


iii. In general, there are two values of c that satisfy the quadratic equation (11.100). These are either both real, or form a complex conjugate pair. iv. The condition for stability is that c is real. The alternative is that c is complex, which implies that ω is also complex, and, hence, that the perturbation grows or decays exponentially in time. Because the complex roots of a quadratic equation occur in complex conjugate pairs, one of the roots always corresponds to an exponentially growing mode. In other words, an instability. v. If both fluids are at rest (i.e., V = V  = 0), and of infinite depth, then the dispersion reduces to g (ρ − ρ ) . (11.102) c2 = k (ρ + ρ ) It follows that the configuration is only stable when ρ > ρ : that is, when the heavier fluid is underneath. As a particular example, suppose that the lower fluid is water, and the upper fluid is the atmosphere. Let s = ρ /ρ = 1.225 × 10−3 be the specific density of air at s.t.p. (relative to water). Putting V = V  = 0, d → ∞, and making use of the fact that s is small, the dispersion relation (11.100) yields 

1/2  tanh(k d) 1 c (g d)1/2 (11.103) 1 − s [1 + tanh(k d)] . kd 2 Comparing this with Equation (11.43), we can see that the presence of the atmosphere tends to slightly diminish the phase velocities of gravity waves propagating over the surface of a body of water.

11.10 Steady Flow over a Corrugated Bottom Consider a stream of water of mean depth d, and uniform horizontal velocity V = V e x , that flows over a corrugated bottom whose elevation is z = −d + a sin(k x),


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where a is much smaller than d. Let the elevation of the free surface of the water be z = b sin(k x). We wish to determine the relationship between a and b. We expect the velocity potential, perturbed pressure, and vertical displacement of the water to be of the form (11.91), (11.92), and (11.93), respectively, with ω = c = 0, because we are looking for a stationary (i.e., non-propagating) perturbation driven by the static corrugations in the bottom. The boundary condition at the bottom is

which yields

ξz (x, −d) = a sin(k x),


V −1 [−A sinh(k d) + B cosh(k d)] = a.


At the free surface, we have ξz (x, 0) = b sin(k x),


b = V −1 B.


which gives

In addition, pressure balance across the free surface yields ρ g b sin(k x) = p1 (x, 0) = ρ k V A sin(k x),


g b = k V A.


which leads to Hence, from Equations (11.105), (11.107), and (11.109), b=

a , cosh(k d) − (g/k V 2 ) sinh(k d)


a , cosh(k d) (1 − c 2 /V 2 )


or b=

where c = [(g/k) tanh(k d)]1/2 is the phase velocity of a gravity wave of wave number k. [See Equation (11.21).] It follows that the peaks and troughs of the free surface coincide with those of the bottom when |V| > |c|, and the troughs coincide with the peaks, and vice versa, when |V| < |c|. If |V| = |c| then the ratio b/a becomes infinite, implying that the oscillations driven by the corrugations are not of small amplitude, and, therefore, cannot be described by linear theory.

11.11 Surface Tension As described in Chapter 3, there is a positive excess energy per unit area, γ, associated with an interface between two immiscible fluids. The quantity γ can also

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


be interpreted as a surface tension. Let us now incorporate surface tension into our analysis. Suppose that the interface lies at z = ζ(x, t),


where |ζ| is small. Thus, the unperturbed interface corresponds to the plane z = 0. The unit normal to the interface is n=

∇(z − ζ) . |∇(z − ζ)|


It follows that nx −

∂ζ , ∂x

nz 1.

(11.114) (11.115)

The Young-Laplace Equation (see Section 3.2) yields ∆p = γ ∇ · n,


where ∆p is the jump in pressure seen crossing the interface in the opposite direction to n. However, from Equations (11.114) and (11.115), we have ∇·n −

∂ 2ζ . ∂x 2


Hence, Equation (11.116) gives + [p]z=0 z=0− = γ

∂ 2ζ . ∂x 2


This expression is the generalization of Equation (11.99) that takes surface tension into account. Suppose that the interface in question is that between a body of water, of density ρ and depth d, and the atmosphere. Let the unperturbed water lie between z = −d and z = 0, and let the unperturbed atmosphere occupy the region z > 0. In the limit in which the density of the atmosphere is neglected, the pressure in the atmosphere takes the fixed value p0 , whereas the pressure just below the surface of the water is p0 − ρ g ζ + p1 |z=0 . Here, p1 is the pressure perturbation due to the wave. The relation (11.118) yields ∂ 2ζ ρ g ζ − p1 |z=0 = γ 2 , (11.119) ∂x where γ is the surface tension at an air/water interface. However, ∂ζ/∂t = −(∂φ/∂z)z=0, where φ is the perturbed velocity potential of the water. Moreover, from Equation (11.9), p1 = ρ (∂φ/∂t). Hence, the previous expression gives    ∂ 2 φ  γ ∂ 3 φ  ∂φ   + (11.120) g  =  . ∂z z=0 ∂t 2 z=0 ρ ∂z ∂ 2 x z=0


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

This relation, which is a generalization of Equation (11.15), is the condition satisfied at a free surface in the presence of non-negligible surface tension. Applying this boundary condition to the general solution, (11.19) (which already satisfies the boundary condition at the bottom), we obtain the dispersion relation

γ k3 ω2 = g k + tanh(k d), (11.121) ρ which is a generalization of Equation (11.21) that takes surface tension into account.

11.12 Capillary Waves In the deep water limit k d 1, the dispersion relation (11.121) simplifies to ω2 = g k +

γ k3 . ρ

It is helpful to introduce the capillary length,

1/2 γ l= . ρg



(See Section 3.4.) The capillary length of an air/water interface at s.t.p. is 2.7×10−3 m (Batchelor 2000). The associated capillary wavelength is λc = 2π l = 1.7 × 10−2 m. Roughly speaking, surface tension is negligible for waves whose wavelengths are much larger than the capillary wavelength, and vice versa. It is also helpful to introduce the critical phase velocity vc = (2 g l)1/2.


This critical velocity takes the value 0.23 m/s for an air/water interface at s.t.p. (Batchelor 2000). It follows from Equation (11.122) that the phase velocity, v p = ω/k, of a surface water wave can be written

1/2 vp 1 1 = . (11.125) kl+ vc 2 kl Moreover, the ratio of the phase velocity to the group velocity, vg = dω/dk, becomes

vg 1 1 + 3 (k l)2 = . (11.126) v p 2 1 + (k l)2 In the long wavelength limit λ λc (i.e., k l  1), we obtain vp 1 , v0 (2 k l)1/2


Waves in Incompressible Fluids and

335 vg 1 . vp 2


We can identify this type of wave as the deep water gravity wave discussed in Section 11.3. In the short wavelength limit λ  λc (i.e., k l 1), we get

1/2 vp kl , (11.129) vc 2 and

vg 3 . vp 2


This corresponds to a completely new type of wave known as a capillary wave. Such waves have wavelengths that are much less than the capillary wavelength. Moreover, Equation (11.129) can be rewritten

1/2 kγ vp , (11.131) ρ which demonstrates that gravity plays no role in the propagation of a capillary wave. In fact, its place is taken by surface tension. Finally, it is easily seen that the phase velocity (11.125) attains the minimum value v p = vc when λ = λc (i.e., when k l = 1). Moreover, from Equation (11.126), vg = v p at this wavelength. It follows that the phase velocity of a surface wave propagating over a body of water can never be less than the critical value, vc .

11.13 Capillary Waves at an Interface Consider a layer of fluid of density ρ , depth d , and uniform horizontal velocity V  , situated on top of a layer of another fluid of density ρ, depth d, and uniform horizontal velocity V. Suppose that the fluids are bounded from above and below by rigid horizontal planes. Let these planes be at z = −d and z = d , and let the unperturbed interface between the two fluids be at z = 0. Suppose that the elevation of the perturbed interface is z = ζ, where ζ = ζ0 sin(ω t − k x). Finally, let γ be the surface tension of the interface. Equations (11.97), (11.98), and (11.118) yield the dispersion relation (ρ − ρ ) g + γ k 2 =

ρ k (V − c)2 ρ k (V  − c)2 + , tanh(k d) tanh(k d )


which is a generalization of the dispersion relation (11.100) that takes surface tension into account. Here, c = ω/k is the phase velocity of a wave propagating along the interface.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

For the case in which both fluids are at rest, and of infinite depth, the previous dispersion relation simplifies to give (ρ − ρ ) g + γ k 2 = (ρ + ρ ) k c 2 .


Suppose that s = ρ /ρ is the specific gravity of the upper fluid with respect to the lower. In the case in which s < 1 (i.e., the upper fluid is lighter than the lower one), it is helpful to define

1/2 γ l= (11.134) ρ g (1 − s)

1/2 1−s . (11.135) c0 = 2 g l 1+s It follows that

c2 1 1 + k l . = c02 2 k l


Thus, we conclude that the phase velocity of a wave propagating along the interface between the two fluids achieves its minimum value, c = c0 , when k l = 1. Furthermore, waves of all wavelength are able to propagate along the interface (i.e., c 2 > 0 for all k). In the opposite case, in which s > 1 (i.e., the upper fluid is heavier than the lower one), we can redefine the capillary length as

1/2 γ l= . (11.137) ρ g (s − 1) The dispersion relation (11.133) then becomes

s−1 1 2 c = gl kl− . s+1 kl


It is apparent that c 2 < 0 for k l < 1, indicating instability of the interface for waves whose wavelengths exceed the critical value λc = 2π l. On the other hand, waves whose wavelengths are less than the critical value are stabilized by surface tension. This result is exemplified by the experiment in which water is retained by atmospheric pressure in an inverted glass whose mouth is closed by a gauze of fine mesh (the purpose of which is to put an upper limit on the wavelengths of waves that can exist at the interface.)

11.14 Wind Driven Waves in Deep Water Consider the scenario described in the previous section. Suppose that the lower fluid is a body of deep water at rest, and the upper fluid is the atmosphere. Let the air above

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


the surface of the water move horizontally at the constant velocity V  . Suppose that ρ is the density of water, s = ρ /ρ the specific gravity of air with respect to water, and γ the surface tension at an air/water interface. With V = 0, k d → ∞, k d → ∞, the dispersion relation (11.132) reduces to ρ (1 − s) g + γ k 2 = ρ k c 2 + s ρ k (V  − c)2 . This expression can be rearranged to give

 2V s V 2 s 2 c − = c12 , + 1+s 1+s



which is a quadratic equation for the phase velocity, c, of the wave. Here,

g 1−s γk 2 c1 = , (11.141) + k 1+s ρ (1 + s) where c1 is the phase velocity that the wave would have in the absence of the wind. In fact, we can write

1 λ λc 2 c12 = + (11.142) c 2 λc λ 0 where λc = 2π l is the capillary wavelength, and l and c0 are defined in Equations (11.134) and (11.135), respectively. For a given wavelength, λ, the wave velocity, c, attains its maximum value, cm , when dc/dV  = 0. According to the dispersion relation (11.140), this occurs when V  = cm = (1 + s)1/2 c1 .


If the wind has any other velocity, greater or less than cm , then the wave velocity is less than cm . According to Equation (11.140), the wave velocity, c, becomes complex, indicating an instability, when

(1 + s)2 2 (1 + s)2 λ λc 2 2 c1 = + (11.144) c . V > s 2s λc λ 0 We conclude that if the wind speed exceeds the critical value Vc =

(1 + s) c0 = 6.6 m/s = 12.8 kts s1/2


then waves whose wavelengths fall within a certain range, centered around λc , are unstable and grow to large amplitude. The two roots of Equation (11.140) are c=

1/2 V s s V 2 . ± c12 − 1+s (1 + s)2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Moreover, if V  < (1 + s −1 )1/2 c1


then these roots have opposite signs. Hence, the waves can either travel with the wind, or against it, but travel faster when they are moving with the wind. If V  exceeds the value given previously then the waves cannot travel against the wind. Because c1 has the minimum value c0 , it follows that waves traveling against the wind are completely ruled out when V  > (1 + s −1 )1/2 c0 = 6.6 m/s = 12.8 kts.


11.15 Exercises 11.1 Find the velocity potential of a standing gravity wave in deep water for which the associated elevation of the free surface is z = a cos(ω t) cos(k x). Determine the paths of water particles perturbed by the wave. 11.2 Deep water fills a rectangular tank of length l and breadth b. Show that the resonant frequencies of the water in the tank are (g π)1/2 (n 2 l −2 + m 2 b −2 )1/4 , where n and m are integers. Neglect surface tension. 11.3 Demonstrate that a sinusoidal gravity wave on deep water with surface elevation ζ = a cos(ω t − k x) possesses a mean momentum per unit surface area 1 ρ ω a 2. 2 11.4 A seismic wave passes along the bed of an ocean of uniform depth d such that the vertical perturbation of the bed is a cos[k (x − V t)]. Show that the amplitude of the consequent gravity waves at the surface is


c2 a 1 − 2 cosh(k d) , V where c is the phase velocity of waves of wavenumber k.

Waves in Incompressible Fluids


11.5 A layer of liquid of density ρ and depth d has a free upper surface, and lies over liquid of infinite depth and density σ > ρ. Neglecting surface tension, show that two possible types of wave of wavenumber k, with phase velocities c 2 = k g, c2 =

k g (σ − ρ) , σ coth(k d) + ρ

can propagate along the layer. 11.6 Show that, taking surface tension into account, a sinusoidal wave of wavenumber k and surface amplitude a has a mean kinetic energy per unit surface area K=

1 (ρ g + γ k 2 ) a 2 , 4

and a mean potential energy per unit surface area U=

1 (ρ g + γ k 2 ) a 2 . 4

11.7 Show that in water of uniform depth d the phase velocity of surface waves can only attain a stationary (i.e., maximum or minimum) value as a function of wavenumber, k, when

1/2 sinh(2 k d) − 2 k d k= kc , sinh(2 k d) + 2 k d where kc = (ρ g/γ)1/2 . Hence, deduce that the phase velocity has just one stationary value (a minimum) for any depth greater than 31/2 kc−1 4.8 mm, but no stationary values for depths less than that. 11.8 Unlike gravity waves in deep water, whose group velocities are half their phase velocities, the group velocities of capillary waves are 3/2 times their phase velocities. Adapt the analysis of Section 11.7 to investigate the generation of capillary waves by a very small object traveling across the surface of the water at the constant speed V. Suppose that the unperturbed surface corresponds to the x-y plane. Let the object travel in the minus x-direction, such that it is instantaneously found at the origin. Find the present position of waves that were emitted, traveling at an angle θ to the object’s direction of motion, when it was located at (X, 0). Show that along a given interference maximum the quantities X and θ vary in such a manner that X cos3 θ takes a constant value, X1 (say). Deduce that the interference maximum is given parametrically by the equations

1 x = X1 sec θ tan2 θ − , 2 y=

3 X1 sec θ tan θ. 2


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Sketch this curve, noting that it goes through the points (−0.5 X1, 0) and (0, ±1.3 X1), and asymptotes to y = ±1.5 X11/3 x 2/3 .

12 Terrestrial Ocean Tides

12.1 Introduction This chapter outlines the classical theory of terrestrial ocean tides, the study of which was pioneered by Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827). Our treatment of ocean tides takes all major harmonics of the tide generating potential into account, as well as the finite elasticity of the Earth, and the self-gravity of the oceans. As will become apparent, the theory of terrestrial ocean tides is extremely complicated. Hence, for the sake of simplicity and brevity, we shall only consider two relatively idealized scenarios. First, tides in a frictionless ocean of constant depth that covers the whole surface of the Earth, and, second, tides in a frictionless ocean of constant depth that only covers one hemisphere of the Earth (and lies between two meridians of longitude). It turns out that these two scenarios (in particular, the latter) exhibit most of the observed features of terrestrial ocean tides. More information on terrestrial tides can be found in Lamb 1993 and Cartwright 1999.

12.2 Tide Generating Potential Consider an (almost) spherical planet of mass m, and radius a, and a spherical moon of mass m , that execute (almost) circular orbits about their mutual center of mass. Let r (where r a) represent the vector position of the center of the moon, relative to the center of the planet. It follows that (Fitzpatrick 2012)

m  (12.1) r = r m + m is the vector position of the center of mass, relative to the center of the planet. Moreover, the planet and moon both orbit the center of mass with angular velocity ω1 , where (Fitzpatrick 2012) G (m + m ) ω12 = . (12.2) r 3 Here, G is the universal gravitational constant (Yoder 1995). Neglecting the planet’s axial rotation (which is introduced into our analysis in 341


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Section 12.6), the planet’s orbital motion about the center of mass causes its constituent points to execute circular orbits of radius r with angular velocity ω1 . The centers of these orbits have the same spatial relation to the center of mass that the constituent points have to the center of the planet. Moreover, the orbits lie in parallel planes. Thus, the common centripetal acceleration of the constituent points is (Fitzpatrick 2012) (12.3) g centripetal = ω12 r = −∇Φcentripetal . It follows, from the previous three equations, that G (m + m )  G m  G m r · r = − r · r = − r cos γ r 3 r 3 r 2 G m r = −   P1 (cos γ), r r

Φcentripetal (r) = −


where r is a position vector relative to the center of the planet, and cos γ =

r · r . r r



1 dn [(x 2 − 1)n ], (12.6) 2 n n! dx n for n ≥ 0, denotes a Legendre polynomial (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965). In particular, Pn (x) =

P0 (x) = 1,


P1 (x) = x,


P2 (x) =

1 (3 x 2 − 1). 2


The gravitational force per unit mass exerted by the moon on one of the planet’s constituent points, located at position vector r, is written g moon (r) = −∇Φmoon ,


where (Fitzpatrick 2012) Φmoon (r) = −

G m  $ r %n G m = − Pn (cos γ), |r − r | r n=0,∞ r


assuming that r > r. The tidal force per unit mass acting on the point (i.e., the force per unit mass that is not compensated by the centripetal acceleration) is g tide (r) = g moon (r) − g centripetal = −∇Φtide ,


Φtide (r) = Φmoon (r) − Φcentripetal (r)



Terrestrial Ocean Tides


is termed the tide generating potential. Thus, according to Equations (12.4) and (12.11), $ r %2 $ r %3 G m Φtide (r) = −  1 +  P2 (cos γ) + O  . (12.14) r r r The truncation of the expansion is ultimately justified by the fact that a/r  1.

12.3 Decomposition of Tide Generating Potential Let r, θ, ϕ be right-handed spherical coordinates in a non-rotating reference frame whose origin lies at the center of the planet, and whose symmetry axis coincides with the planetary rotation axis. Thus, the vector position of a general point is r = r sin θ cos ϕ er + r sin θ sin ϕ eθ + r cos θ eϕ ,


where er = ∇r/|∇r|, et cetera. Let the coordinates of the moon’s center be r , θ , ϕ . It follows that r = r sin θ cos ϕ er + r sin θ sin ϕ eθ + r cos θ eϕ .


Hence, from Equation (12.5), cos γ = cos θ cos θ + sin θ sin θ cos(ϕ − ϕ ).


Now, according to the spherical harmonic addition theorem (Arfken 1985), Pn (cos γ) = Pn (cos θ) Pn (cos θ )  (n − m)! Pnm (cos θ) Pnm (cos θ ) cos[m (ϕ − ϕ )], +2 (n + m)! m=1,n

(12.18) (12.19)

which implies that 1 1 P (cos θ) P21 (cos θ ) cos(ϕ − ϕ ) 3 2 ! " 1 2 + P2 (cos θ) P22 (cos θ ) cos 2 (ϕ − ϕ ) . (12.20) 12

P2 (cos γ) = P20 (cos θ) P20 (cos θ ) +


d m [Pn (x)] , (12.21) dx m for n ≥ 0 and m ≤ n, denotes an associated Legendre function (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965). In particular, Pnm (x) = (−1)m (1 − x 2 )m/2

P20 (x) =

1 (3 x 2 − 1), 2


P21 (x) = −3 x (1 − x 2 )1/2 ,


P22 (x) = 3 (1 − x 2 ).



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Note that Pn0 (x) = Pn (x). Let Rn(−m) (r, θ, ϕ) =

$ r %n

Pnm (cos θ) cos(m ϕ), a $ r %n Rn(0) (r, θ) = Pn0 (cos θ), a $ r %n Rn(+m) (r, θ, ϕ) = Pnm (cos θ) sin(m ϕ), a

(12.25) (12.26) (12.27)

where n ≥ m > 0. According to Equations (12.14), (12.20), and (12.25)–(12.27), Φtide (r, θ, ϕ) = −

G m a 2  0 P2 (cos θ ) R2(0) (r, θ) r 3 1 + P21 (cos θ ) cos ϕ R2(−1) (r, θ, ϕ) 3 1 + P21 (cos θ ) sin ϕ R2(+1) (r, θ, ϕ) 3 1 2 P (cos θ ) cos(2 ϕ ) R2(−2) (r, θ, ϕ) + 12 2

1 + P22 (cos θ ) sin(2 ϕ ) R2(+2) (r, θ, ϕ) . 12


Here, we have neglected the unimportant constant term in Equation (12.14).

12.4 Expansion of Tide Generating Potential Suppose that, in the r, θ, ϕ frame, the moon’s orbit is a Keplerian ellipse of major radius R, and eccentricity 0 < e  1, lying in a fixed plane that is inclined at an angle δ > 0 to the plane θ = π/2. Thus, the closest and furthest distance between the centers of the moon and the planet are R p = (1 − e) R and Ra = (1 + e) R, respectively. It follows that (Fitzpatrick 2013) cos θ = cos λ sin δ, tan ϕ =

tan λ , cos δ

(12.29) (12.30)

where λ = ω1 t + 2 e sin[(ω1 − ω2 ) t] + O(e 2 ), 1 2 r = R 1 − e cos[(ω1 − ω2 ) t] + O(e 2 ) .

(12.31) (12.32)

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Here, it is assumed that the closest point on the moon’s orbit to the center of the planet corresponds to λ = ω2 t, where ω2 is the uniform precession rate of this point. [It is necessary to include such precession in our analysis because the Moon’s perigee precesses steadily in such a manner that it completes an orbit about the Earth once every 8.85 years. This effect is caused by the perturbing influence of the Sun (Fitzpatrick 2013).] Suppose that the inclination of the moon’s orbit to the planet’s equatorial plane, θ = π/2, is relatively small, so that sin δ  1. It follows that cos θ = sin δ cos(ω1 t) + O(e sin δ), ϕ = ω1 t + 2 e sin[(ω1 − ω2 ) t] + O(e 2 ) + O(sin2 δ).

(12.33) (12.34)

Thus, Equations (12.22)–(12.24), (12.28), and (12.32)–(12.34) can be combined to give the following expression for the tide generating potential due to a moon in a low-eccentricity, low-inclination orbit:

G m a 2 1 3 2 Φtide (r, θ, ϕ) = 1 + 3 e cos [(ω1 − ω2 ) t] − sin δ cos[2 ω1 t] R2(0) (r, θ) 2 2 R3 1 sin δ R2(−1) (r, θ, ϕ) 2 1 + sin δ R2(−1) (r, θ, ϕ − 2 ω1 t) 2 7 e (−2) (r, θ, ϕ − [(3/2) ω1 − (1/2) ω2] t) R − 8 2 1 − R2(−2) (r, θ, ϕ − ω1 t) 4 e + R2(−2) (r, θ, ϕ − [(1/2) ω1 + (1/2) ω2] t) 8  +O(e 2 ) + O(e sin δ) + O(sin2 δ) . +


Here, we have retained a term proportional to sin2 δ in the previous expression, despite the fact that we are formally neglecting O(sin2 δ) terms, because the term in question gives rise to important fortnightly tides on the Earth.

12.5 Surface Harmonics and Solid Harmonics A surface harmonic of degree n (where n is a non-negative integer), denoted Sn (θ, ϕ), is defined as a well-behaved solution to r 2 ∇ 2 Sn + n (n + 1) Sn = 0



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

on the surface of a sphere (i.e., r = constant). Here, r, θ, ϕ are standard spherical coordinates, and ∇ 2 is the Laplacian operator. It follows that (Love 1927)  ! " Sn (θ, ϕ) = (12.37) cnm Pnm (cos θ) cos(m ϕ) + dnm Pnm (cos θ) sin(m ϕ) , m=0,n


where the and dnm are arbitrary coefficients, and the Pnm (x) associated Legendre functions. A solid harmonic of degree n (where n is a non-negative integer), denoted Rn (r, θ, ϕ), is defined as a well-behaved solution to ∇ 2 Rn = 0


in the interior of a sphere (i.e., the region r < constant). It follows that (Love 1927) Rn (r, θ, ϕ) ∝ r n Sn (θ, ϕ).


In particular, the functions Rn(±m) (r, θ, ϕ) and Rn(0) (r, θ), introduced in Section 12.3, are solid harmonics of degree n. Note that the Cartesian coordinates xi (where i runs from 1 to 3) are solid harmonics of degree 1. Moreover, ∂Rn /∂xi is a solid harmonic of degree n − 1. Finally, Φtide (r), specified in Equation (12.35), is a solid harmonic of degree 2. The following results regarding solid harmonics are useful (Love 1927): xi

∂Rn ∂Rn = n Rn , =r ∂xi ∂r


∇ 2 (xi Rn ) = ∇ · (Rn ∇xi + xi ∇Rn ) = 2 ∇xi · ∇Rn = 2 ∇ 2 (r m Rn ) = ∇ 2 (r m+n Sn ) =

∂Rn , ∂xi


1 d 2 d m+n m+n−2 (r S ) Sn r n − n (n + 1) r dr r 2 dr

= m (m + 2 n + 1) r m−2 Rn .


Here, use has been made of the Einstein summation convention (Riley 1974).

12.6 Planetary Rotation Suppose that the planet is rotating rigidly about the axis θ = 0 at the angular velocity Ω (where Ω ω1 ). The planet’s rotational angular velocity vector is thus Ω = Ω cos θ er − Ω sin θ eθ .


φ = ϕ − Ω t.


Let It follows that r, θ, φ are spherical coordinates in a frame of reference that co-rotates with the planet.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


12.7 Total Gravitational Potential The planet is modeled as a solid body of uniform mass density ρ whose surface lies at r = a + ζb (θ, φ), (12.45) where ζb (θ, φ) =

ζb n (θ, φ),



and ζb n is a surface harmonic of degree n. Suppose that the planetary surface is covered by an ocean of uniform mass density ρ¯ whose surface lies at r = a + d + ζt (θ, φ), where ζt (θ, φ) =


ζt n (θ, φ),



and ζt n is a surface harmonic of degree n. Here, d is the constant unperturbed depth of the ocean, whereas ζb and ζt are the radial displacements of the ocean’s bottom and top surfaces, respectively, generated by planetary rotation and tidal effects. It is assumed that |ζb |, |ζt |  d  a. The net gravitational acceleration in the vicinity of the planet takes the form g(r) = −∇Φ,


where Φ(r) is the total gravitational potential. In the limit d/a  1, we can write  Φn (r, θ, φ) + Φtide (r, θ, φ), (12.50) Φ(r, θ, φ) = Φ0 (r) + n=1,∞


 ∇ Φ0 = 2

4π G ρ + 4π G ρ¯ d δ(r − a) 0

r≤a , r>a


and ∇ 2 Φn>0 = 4π G (ρ ζb n + ρ¯ ζn ) δ(r − a).


ζ(θ, φ) = ζt (θ, φ) − ζb (θ, φ),


Here, is the net change in ocean depth due to planetary rotation and tidal effects, and ζn = ζt n − ζb n . Moreover, δ(x) is a Dirac delta function (Riley 1974). The boundary conditions are that the Φn be well behaved as r → 0, and Φn (r) → 0



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

as r → ∞. It follows that g ρ¯ (3 a 2 − r 2 ) − 3 g d , 2a ρ

g a2 d ρ¯ Φ0 (r > a) = − 1+3 , r a ρ Φ0 (r ≤ a) = −

(12.55) (12.56)


3 Φn>0 (r ≤ a, θ, φ) = −g ζb n + 2n+1

3 Φn>0 (r > a, θ, φ) = −g ζb n + 2n+1

$ %n r ρ¯ ζn , ρ a $ %−(n+1) r ρ¯ ζn , ρ a

(12.57) (12.58)


G m 4π Gρa (12.59) = 3 a2 is the mean gravitational acceleration at the planet’s surface. Note that, inside the planet (i.e., r ≤ a), Φn (r) is a solid harmonic of degree n. We can identify the three terms appearing on the right-hand side of Equation (12.50) as the equilibrium gravitational potential generated by the planet and the ocean, the potential generated by non-spherically-symmetric radial displacements of the planet and ocean surfaces, and the tide generating potential, respectively. g=

12.8 Planetary Response The interior of the planet is modeled as a uniform, incompressible, elastic, solid possessing the stress-strain relation (Love 1927)

∂ξi ∂ξ j + σi j = −p δi j + µ , (12.60) ∂x j ∂xi and subject to the incompressibility constraint ∇ · ξ = 0.


Here, σi j (r) is the stress tensor, δi j the identity tensor, ξ(r) the elastic displacement, p(r) the pressure, and µ the (uniform) rigidity of the material making up the planet (Riley 1974). The planet’s equation of elastic motion in the co-rotating frame is (Fitzpatrick 2012) ∂ 2 ξi ∂ξk 1 ∂σi j ∂Φ ∂χ = + 2 i jk Ω j − − , (12.62) 2 ∂t ρ ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi ∂t

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


where i jk is the totally antisymmetric tensor (Riley 1974), and (Fitzpatrick 2012) 1 χ(r, θ) = − Ω 2 r 2 sin2 θ = χ0 (r) + χ2 (r, θ), 2 Ω 2 a 2 $ r %2 χ0 (r) = − , 3 a Ω 2 a 2 $ r %2 0 χ2 (r, θ) = P2 (cos θ). 3 a

(12.63) (12.64) (12.65)

Note that χ2 (r) is a solid harmonic of degree 2. The second term on the left-hand side of Equation (12.62) is the Coriolis acceleration (due to planetary rotation), whereas the final term on the right-hand side is the centrifugal acceleration (likewise, due to planetary rotation). The first two terms on the right-hand side are the forces per unit mass due to internal stresses and gravity, respectively. Equations (12.60), (12.61), and (12.62) can be combined to give

p ∂ 2ξ ∂ξ µ 2 = ∇ ξ−∇ +Φ+χ . (12.66) +2Ω× ∂t ρ ρ ∂t 2 

Let us assume that

µ/ρ : (12.67) a that is, the typical timescale on which the tide generating potential varies (in the corotating frame) is much longer than the transit time of an elastic shear wave through the interior of the planet. In this case, we can neglect the left-hand side of Equation (12.66), and write

p µ 2 ∇ ξ−∇ + Φ + χ 0, (12.68) ρ ρ Ω

which is equivalent to saying that the interior of the planet always remains in an equilibrium state. Let  ! " (12.69) p(r, θ, φ) = p0 (r) + pn (r, θ, φ) − ρ Φn (r, θ, φ) − ρ Φext (r, θ, φ), n=1,∞

where Φext (r, θ, φ) = Φtide (r, θ, φ) + χ2 (r, θ),


is the sum of the tide generating potential and the fictitious centrifugal potential due to planetary rotation. Note that Φext is a solid harmonic of degree 2. It follows from Equations (12.50), (12.63), and (12.68) that

d p0 + Φ0 + χ0 = 0, (12.71) dr ρ and µ ∇ 2ξ −


∇pn = 0.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Taking the divergence of the previous equation, and making use of Equations (12.61), we find that ∇ 2 pn = 0, which implies that pn (r) is a solid harmonic (of degree n). Equation (12.71) can be integrated to give

ρ 2 (12.73) g − Ω 2 a (a 2 − r 2 ) + ρ¯ g d + patm , p0 (r) 2a 3 where use has been made of Equations (12.55) and (12.64), as well as p0 (a) = ρ¯ g d + patm .


Here, patm is the atmospheric pressure at sea level. The previous boundary condition ensures that the mean pressure at the surface of the planet is able to support the mean weight of the ocean, as well as the weight of the atmosphere. Incidentally, it is assumed that g Ω 2 a, and we have neglected terms of order ρ¯ Ω 2 a d with respect to terms of order ρ¯ g d. The elastic displacement in the interior of the planet satisfies Equations (12.61) and (12.72). It is helpful to define the radial component of the displacement ξr =

xi ξi , r

as well as the stress acting (outward) across a constant r surface,

x j σi j xi µ ∂ξi ∂(r ξr ) Xi = − =p − − ξi + , r r r r ∂r ∂xi



where use has been made of Equation (12.60). The radial displacement at r = a is equivalent to the displacement of the planet’s surface. Hence, according to Equation (12.45), (12.77) ξr (a, θ, φ) = ζb (θ, φ). The stress at any point on the surface r = a must be entirely radial (because a fluid ocean cannot withstand a tangential stress), and such as to balance the weight of the column of rock and ocean directly above the point in question. In other words, ! " $ xi % . (12.78) Xi (a, θ, φ) = g ρ ζb + ρ¯ (d + ζ) r r=a It follows from Equation (12.57), (12.69), (12.70), (12.74), (12.76), and (12.78) that 

   xi µ ∂ξi ∂(r ξr )    − ξi + pn − r  r r ∂r ∂xi  n=1,∞ r=a

$ %  2 n − 2 2 n − 2 ρ¯ xi ¯ ζn = ρg , −ζ 2 δ n 2 + ζb n + 2n+1 2n+1 ρ r r=a n=1,∞ where

ζ¯2 (θ, φ) = −g −1 Φext |r=a = −g −1 (Φtide + χ2 )r=a



Terrestrial Ocean Tides


is a surface harmonic of degree 2. Here, ζ¯2 (θ, φ), which has the dimensions of length, parameterizes the perturbation due to tidal and rotational effects at the planet’s surface. Moreover, δi j is a Kronecker delta symbol (Riley 1974). Hence, we need to solve Equations (12.61) and (12.72), subject to the boundary conditions (12.77) and (12.79). Let us try a solution to Equations (12.61) and (12.72) of the form  ξi = ξi n , (12.81) n=1,∞

where (Love 1927) ξi n = An r 2

∂φn ∂pn + B n p n xi + . ∂xi ∂xi


Here, An and Bn are spatial constants, and φn (r) is an arbitrary solid harmonic of degree n. It follows that r ξr n ≡ xi ξi n = (n An + Bn ) r 2 pn + n φn ,


where use has been made of Equation (12.40). Moreover, ∂ (r ξr n ) ∂pn ∂φn = (n An + Bn ) r 2 + 2 (n An + Bn ) pn xi + n , ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi


∂φn ∂ξi n ∂pn − ξi n = n An r 2 + n Bn pn xi + (n − 2) . ∂r ∂xi ∂xi


and r

Thus, the boundary conditions (12.77) and (12.79) become 

(2 An + Bn ) r 2 pn + n φn


= a ζb n ,



∂pn ∂φn (1 − [2 n An + (2 + n) Bn] µ) (pn xi )r=a −µ (2 n An + Bn ) r + 2 (n − 1) ∂xi ∂xi r=a

2n−2 2 n − 2 ρ¯ ζn (xi )r=a , (12.87) = ρ g −ζ¯2 δn 2 + ζb n + 2n+1 2n+1 ρ 2

respectively. Suppose that φn (r) is such that (2 n An + Bn ) a 2 pn (r) + 2 (n − 1) φn(r) = 0. In this case, the boundary conditions (12.86) and (12.87) reduce to

−4 An + (n − 2) Bn a pn |r=a = ζb n , 2 (n − 1)




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

and (1 − [2 n An + (2 + n) Bn] µ) pn |r=a =

2n−2 2 n − 2 ρ¯ ζn , ρ g −ζ¯2 δn 2 + ζb n + 2n+1 2n+ 1 ρ


respectively. The expression for ξi n given in Equation (12.82) satisfies Equations (12.61) and (12.72) provided that 2 n An µ + (3 + n) Bn µ = 0,


2 (2 n + 1) An µ + 2 Bn µ = 1,


respectively, where use has been made of Equations (12.40)–(12.42). It follows that (3 + n) , 2 (2 n + 3) (n + 1) 2n . Bn µ = − 2 (2 n + 3) (n + 1)

An µ =

(12.93) (12.94)

Hence, the boundary conditions (12.89) and (12.90) yield ζb n = h2 ζ¯2 δn 2 + hn αn ζn ,



3 ρ¯ , 2n+1 ρ


2n+1 (2 n + 1) (2 n 2 + 4 n + 3) µ hn = 1+ , 2n−2 ρga (6 + n 2 )


2n+ 1 (2 n + 1) (2 n 2 + 4 n + 3) µ  hn = − 1+ . 3 ρga (6 + n 2 )

αn =

Here, the αn parameterize the self-gravity of the ocean. Let  Φn . δΦ = Φext +

(12.96) (12.97) (12.98)



This quantity can be recognized as the total perturbing potential at the planet’s surface due to the combination of tidal, rotational, and ocean self-gravity, effects. It follows from Equation (12.57), (12.80), and (12.95) that

   δΦ − = (1 + k2 ) ζ¯2 δn 2 + (1 + kn ) αn ζn , (12.100) g r=a n=1,∞

Terrestrial Ocean Tides




3 (2 n + 1) (2 n 2 + 4 n + 3) µ 1+ , 2n−2 ρga (6 + n 2 )

−1 (2 n + 1) (2 n 2 + 4 n + 3) µ . kn = − 1 + ρga (6 + n 2 )

kn =

(12.101) (12.102)

Here, the dimensionless quantities hn , hn , kn , and kn are known as Love numbers (Love 1911).

12.9 Laplace Tidal Equations In the co-rotating frame, the linearized (in v) equations of motion of the ocean that covers the surface of the planet are (Fitzpatrick 2012) ∇ · v = 0,

p ∂v + 2 Ω × v = −∇ +Φ+χ , ∂t ρ¯

(12.103) (12.104)

where v(r) is the fluid velocity, and p(r) the fluid pressure. Here, Φ(r) is the total gravitational potential, χ(r) the centrifugal potential (due to planetary rotation), and 2 Ω × v the Coriolis acceleration (likewise, due to planetary rotation). Furthermore, we have neglected the finite compressibility of the fluid that makes up the ocean. Let r, θ, φ be spherical coordinates in the co-rotating frame, and let z = r − a. It is helpful to define u = vθ , v = vφ , and w = vr . Assuming that |z|  a, the previous equations of motion reduce to ∂ 1 ∂v ∂w 1 (sin θ u) + + 0, a sin θ ∂θ a sin θ ∂φ ∂z



∂u 1 ∂ p − 2 Ω cos θ v = − +Φ+χ , ∂t a ∂θ ρ¯

1 ∂ p ∂v + 2 Ω cos θ u + 2 Ω sin θ w = − +Φ+χ , ∂t a sin θ ∂φ ρ¯

∂ p ∂w − 2 Ω sin θ v = − +Φ+χ . ∂t ∂z ρ¯

(12.106) (12.107) (12.108)

In accordance with Equations (12.45), (12.47), and (12.53), the lower and upper surfaces of the ocean lie at z = ζb (θ, φ, t), (12.109)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

and z = d + ζb (θ, φ, t) + ζ(θ, φ, t),


|ζb |, |ζ|  d  a.


respectively, where It follows that ∂ζb , ∂t ∂(ζb + ζ) . = ∂t

w|z=0 =




Let us assume that u = u(θ, φ, t) and v = v(θ, φ, t): that is, the horizontal components of the fluid velocity are independent of z. Integration of Equation (12.105) from z = 0 to z = d, making use of the previous two boundary conditions, yields

∂ζ d ∂ ∂v =− (sin θ u) + . (12.114) ∂t a sin θ ∂θ ∂φ Equations (12.112)–(12.114) imply that

d d w∼ u, v  u, v. a a In accordance with the analysis of Section 12.8, we can write

2 2 Φ + χ = g − Ω a (z − d) + δΦ(θ, φ, t), 3



where δΦ is the total perturbing potential due to tidal, rotation, and ocean selfgravity, effects. We have neglected an unimportant constant term. We have also neglected the z-dependence of the perturbing potential, because the variation lengthscale of this potential is a, rather than d, so that ∆(δΦ) ∼ d

∂δΦ d ∼ δΦ  δΦ, ∂z a


where ∆(δΦ) = δΦ|z=d − δΦ|z=0 . Let us assume that the ocean is in approximate vertical force balance: that is,

∂ p + Φ + χ 0. (12.118) ∂z ρ¯ It follows that

p − patm + Φ + χ = P(θ, φ, t), ρ¯


where patm is the (uniform and constant) pressure of the atmosphere. However, pressure balance at the ocean’s upper surface requires that p|z=d+ζb +ζ = patm .


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Hence, we deduce that P(θ, φ, t) = (Φ + χ)z=d+ζb +ζ g (ζb + ζ) + δΦ,


to first order in small quantities [i.e., ζb /a, ζ/a, δΦ/(g a), and Ω 2 a/g]. Thus, Equations (12.106), (12.107), and (12.115) yield 1 ∂u − 2 Ω cos θ v = − ∂t a ∂v + 2 Ω cos θ u = − ∂t a

" ∂ ! g (ζb + ζ) + δΦ , ∂θ " 1 ∂ ! g (ζb + ζ) + δΦ . sin θ ∂φ

(12.122) (12.123)

Let us justify our previous assumption that the ocean is in approximate vertical force balance. Equations (12.108), (12.115), and (12.119) imply that p − patm + Φ + χ = P(θ, φ, t) + O(d Ω v), ρ¯


where we have assumed that ∂/∂t ∼ O(Ω) and ∂/∂z ∼ d −1 . However, Equations (12.121)–(12.123) yield P ∼ g ζ ∼ a Ω v d Ω v.


Hence, Equation (12.124) becomes p − patm + Φ + χ = P(θ, φ, t), ρ¯


which is equivalent to Equation (12.119). Let us justify our previous assumption that u only depends weakly on z. It follows from Equations (12.117) and (12.122) that δΦ , aΩ ∆(δΦ) d δΦ d ∆u ∼ ∼ ∼ u  u, aΩ a aΩ a u∼

(12.127) (12.128)

where ∆u = u|z=d − u|z=0 . In a similar manner, it can be shown that ∆v  v. According to Equations (12.95) and (12.100), ζb =

   h2 ζ¯2 δn 2 + hn αn ζn ,



−g −1 δΦ =

   (1 + k2 ) ζ¯2 δn 2 + (1 + kn ) αn ζn .




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Hence, Equations (12.114), (12.122), and (12.123) give

∂ζ d ∂ ∂v =− (sin θ u) + , (12.131) ∂t a sin θ ∂θ ∂φ     g ∂  ∂u   ¯ ζ − (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ 2 − − 2 Ω cos θ v = − (1 + kn − hn ) αn ζn  , ∂t a ∂θ n=1,∞

(12.132)     g ∂  ∂v   ζ − (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 − + 2 Ω cos θ u = − (1 + kn − hn ) αn ζn  . ∂t a sin θ ∂φ n=1,∞ (12.133) 

We can write ζ(θ, φ) =

ζn (θ, φ),


cnm Pnm (cos θ) e i m φ ,



where [cf., Equation (12.37)] 

ζn (θ, φ) =


and the cnm are arbitrary complex constants. Now, (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965)

 π 2 (n + m)! δn n . Pnm (cos θ) Pnm (cos θ) sin θ dθ = (12.136) 2 n + 1 (n − m)! 0 Hence, 

(1 + kn − hn ) αn ζn =





G F (θ, φ; θ , φ ) ζ(θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ , (12.137)


where G F (θ, φ; θ , φ ) =

  (2 n + 1) (n − m)! (1 + kn − hn ) 4π (n + m)! n=1,∞ m=0,n 

αn Pnm (cos θ) Pnm (cos θ ) e i m (φ−φ ) . is termed the Farrell Green’s function (Farrell 1972). It follows that

d ∂v ∂ ∂ζ =− (sin θ u) + , ∂t a sin θ ∂θ ∂φ

 g ∂ ∂u − 2 Ω cos θ v = − ζ − (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 − G F ζ dΩ , ∂t a ∂θ

 g ∂ ∂v + 2 Ω cos θ u = − ζ − (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 − G F ζ dΩ , ∂t a sin θ ∂φ


(12.139) (12.140) (12.141)

Terrestrial Ocean Tides j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


ζ˜ j −(ζ1 + ζ2 ) −3 e ζ2 +(3/2) sin2 δ ζ2 − sin δ ζ2 − sin δ ζ2 +(7 e/4) ζ2 +(1/2) ζ2

mj 0 0 0 1 1 2 2

σj 0 ω1 − ω2 2 ω1 Ω − 2 ω1 Ω 2 Ω − 3 ω1 + ω2 2 Ω − 2 ω1

Classification Equilibrium Long Period Long Period Diurnal Diurnal Semi-diurnal Semi-diurnal

Table 12.1 The principal harmonics of the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations.

where dΩ ≡ sin θ dθ dφ . Equations (12.139)–(12.141) are known collectively as the Laplace tidal equations, because they were first derived (in simplified form) by Laplace (Lamb 1993). The Laplace tidal equations are a closed set of equations for the perturbed ocean depth, ζ(θ, φ, t), and the polar and azimuthal components of the horizontal ocean velocity, u(θ, φ, t), and v(θ, φ, t), respectively. Here, a is the planetary radius, g the mean gravitational acceleration at the planetary surface, d the mean ocean depth, Ω the planetary angular rotation velocity, and hn , hn , kn , kn are Love numbers defined in Equations (12.97), (12.98), (12.101), and (12.102), respectively. Amongst other things, the Love numbers determine the elastic response of the planet to the forcing term, ζ¯2 . Finally, the Farrell Green’s function parameterizes the self-gravity of the ocean.

12.10 Harmonics of Forcing Term in Laplace Tidal Equations Making use of Equations (12.25)–(12.27), (12.35), (12.44), (12.65), and (12.80), we can write the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations in the form ζ¯2 (θ, φ, t) = Re

ζ¯ j (θ, φ, t),



where m ζ¯ j (θ, φ, t) = ζ˜ j P2 j (cos θ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ζ˜ j −(ζΩ + ζ M + ζE ) +(3/2) sin2  ζE −3 e M ζ M +(3/2) sin2  ζ M − sin  ζ M − sin  ζE − sin  (ζ M + ζE ) +(7 e M /4) ζ M +(1/2) ζ M +(1/2) ζE

mj 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2

σj 0 2 ωE ωM − ΠM 2 ωM Ω − 2 ωM Ω − 2 ωE Ω 2 Ω − 3 ωM + ΠM 2 Ω − 2 ωM 2 Ω − 2 ωE

Classification Equilibrium Long Period Long Period Long Period Diurnal Diurnal Diurnal Semi-diurnal Semi-diurnal Semi-diurnal

Symbol S 0 , M0 S sa Mm Mf O1 P1 K1 N2 M2 S2

Table 12.2 The principal harmonics of the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations for the Earth. The amplitudes, ζ˜ j , azimuthal mode numbers, m j , and frequencies, σ j , of the principal harmonics of the forcing term are specified in Table 12.1, where ζ1 =

Ω2 a2 , 3g


ζ2 =

1 m a 4 . 2 m R3


Here, m is the planetary mass, m the mass of the moon, and R the moon’s orbital major radius. As indicated in the table, the harmonics of the forcing term can be divided into four classes: an “equilibrium” term that is time independent; two “long period” terms that oscillate with periods much longer than the planet’s diurnal (i.e., rotational) period; two “diurnal” terms that oscillate at periods close to the planet’s diurnal period; and two “semi-diurnal” terms that oscillate at periods close to half the planet’s diurnal period. Here, we have neglected a semi-diurnal term that is significantly smaller than the other two. For the Earth-Moon system, m = 5.97 × 1024 kg, m = 7.35 × 1022 kg, a = 6.37 × 106 m, R = 3.84 × 108 m, Ω = 7.29 × 10−5 rad. s−1 (Yoder 1995). It follows that g = 9.82 m s−2 , as well as ζ1 = ζΩ , ζ2 = ζ M , where ζΩ = 7.32 × 103 m,


ζ M = 1.79 × 10−1 m.


Moreover, δ = , e = e M , ω1 = ω M , and ω2 = Π M , where  = 23.44◦, e M = 0.05488, 360◦ /ω M = 27.322 (solar) days, 360◦/Π M = 8.847 years (Yoder 1995). Here, m, a, Ω, and  are the Earth’s mass, mean radius, (sidereal) rotational angular velocity, and inclination of the equatorial plane to the ecliptic, respectively. Furthermore, m ,

Terrestrial Ocean Tides j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

359 ζ˜ j (m) m j −2

+1.93 × 10 −2.95 × 10−2 +4.25 × 10−2 −7.12 × 10−2 −3.24 × 10−2 −10.36 × 10−2 +1.72 × 10−2 +8.95 × 10−2 +4.07 × 10−2

0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2

f j = σ j /2 Ω Period −3

2.73 × 10 1.81 × 10−2 3.65 × 10−2 4.63 × 10−1 4.97 × 10−1 5.00 × 10−1 9.45 × 10−1 9.63 × 10−1 9.97 × 10−1


182.62 days S sa 27.555 days Mm 13.661 days M f 25.819 hours O1 24.066 hours P1 23.934 hours K1 12.658 hours N2 12.421 hours M2 12.000 hours S 2

Table 12.3 The principal harmonics of the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations for the Earth, excluding the equilibrium harmonic.

R, e M , ω M , and Π M are the Moon’s mass, orbital major radius, orbital eccentricity, mean orbital angular velocity, and rate of perigee precession, respectively. Here, we have neglected the small (i.e., about 5◦ ) inclination of the Moon’s orbital plane to the ecliptic. For the Earth-Sun system, m = 1.99 × 1030 kg and R = 1.50 × 1011 m (Yoder 1995). It follows that ζ1 = ζΩ and ζ = ζE , where ζE = 8.14 × 10−2 m.


Moreover, δ = , e = eE , ω1 = ωE , and ω2 = ΠE , where eE = 0.0167, 360◦/ω1 = 365.24 days, and 360◦ /ΠE = 20940 years (Yoder 1995). Here, m is the solar mass. Furthermore, R, eE , ωE , and ΠE are the Earth’s orbital major radius, orbital eccentricity, mean orbital angular velocity, and rate of perihelion precession, respectively. Combining lunar and solar effects, we can write the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations for the Earth in the form (12.142)–(12.143). The properties of the principal harmonics of the forcing term are specified in Tables 12.2 and 12.3. The symbols are due to G.H. Darwin (1845-1912).

12.11 Response to Equilibrium Harmonic The j = 0 harmonic of the forcing term, which is associated with the Earth’s axial rotation, is special, because the associated oscillation frequency is zero. In this case, Equations (12.139)–(12.141) yield u = v = 0. Hence, it follows from Equa-


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

tions (12.129), (12.142) and (12.143), as well as Table 12.2, that

h2 (1 + k2 − h2 ) α2 ζb (θ) = − h2 + (ζΩ + ζ M + ζE ) P2 (cos θ), 1 − (1 + k2 − h2 ) α2

1 + k2 − h 2 (ζΩ + ζ M + ζE ) P2 (cos θ). ζ(θ) = − 1 − (1 + k2 − h2 ) α2

(12.149) (12.150)

For the Earth-Moon-Sun system, ζΩ + ζ M + ζE = 7.32 × 103 m. Given the relatively large size of ζΩ + ζ M + ζE , we expect the steady-state response to the equilibrium harmonic to be fluid-like (otherwise, the elastic stress within the Earth would exceed the yield stress) (Fitzpatrick 2012). In other words, µ/(ρ g a) = 0 for the j = 0 harmonic, which implies from Equations (12.97), (12.98), (12.101), and (12.102) that h2 = 5/2, h2 = −5/3, k2 = 3/2, and k2 = −1. Thus, it follows from the previous two equations that 5 ζb (θ) = − (ζΩ + ζ M + ζE ) P2 (cos θ) = −18.3 P2(cos θ) km, 2 ζ(θ) = 0.

(12.151) (12.152)

We deduce that the Earth’s rotation causes a planetary equatorial (i.e., θ = π/2) bulge of about 9.2 km, and a polar (i.e., θ = 0) flattening of 18.3 km, but does not give rise to any spatial variation in ocean depth. The observed equatorial bulge and polar flattening of the Earth are 7.1 km and 14.3 km, respectively (Yoder 1995). Our estimates for these values are too large because, for the sake of simplicity, we are treating the Earth as a uniform body. In reality, the Earth possesses a mass distribution that is strongly concentrated in its core.

12.12 Global Ocean Tides Suppose that the surface of the Earth is completely covered by an ocean of uniform mean depth d. The motion of this ocean under the action of the tide generating potential is governed by the Laplace tidal equations, (12.139)–(12.141), which can be written

∂ ∂η 1 (sin θ ξ) + + ζ = 0, (12.153) sin θ ∂θ ∂φ g d ∂(ζ − F) , ∂θ a2 . g d ∂(ζ − F ) .. η + 2 Ω cos θ ξ = − 2 ∂φ a sin θ



ξ − 2 Ω cos θ η = −

where F (θ, φ, t) = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 (θ, φ, t) +

(12.154) ,

G F (θ, φ; θ , φ ) ζ(θ , φ , t) dΩ ,



Terrestrial Ocean Tides


and a d a v= d


∂ξ , ∂t ∂η . ∂t

(12.157) (12.158)


Here, ≡ ∂/∂t. It is convenient to write (Love 1913) ξ=−

∂Φ 1 ∂Ψ − , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ



1 ∂Φ ∂Ψ + . sin θ ∂φ ∂θ


It follows from Equation (12.153) that D Φ = ζ, where D≡

∂ ∂ 1 ∂2 1 sin θ + . sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ 2



Forming (sin θ)−1 ∂(12.154)/∂φ − (sin θ)−1 ∂[sin θ(12.155)/∂θ], we obtain

∂ . ∂ . ∂ D +2Ω Ψ + 2 Ω cos θ D − sin θ Φ = 0. (12.163) − ∂t ∂φ ∂θ Similarly, forming −(sin θ)−1 (∂/∂θ) [sin θ (12.154)] − (sin θ)−1 ∂(12.155)/∂φ, we get

∂ . gd ∂ ∂ . Φ + 2 Ω cos θ D − sin θ Ψ = 2 D (ζ − F ). (12.164) D+2Ω ∂t ∂φ ∂θ a Let µ = cos θ. Consider the response, ζ j (µ, φ, t), of the ocean to a particular harmonic of the forcing term that takes the form [see Equation (12.143)] m ζ¯2 (µ, φ, t) = ζ˜ j P2 j (µ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) ,

where ζ˜ j is a constant. We can write  Φ(µ, φ, t) = −

zn m Pn j (µ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) , n (n + 1) n=1,∞  m Ψn Pn j (µ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) , Ψ (µ, φ, t) = i


(12.166) (12.167)


where the Pnm (x) are associated Legendre functions, and the zn and Ψn are constants. Now, by definition (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965), D Pnm (µ) e i m φ = −n (n + 1) Pnm(µ) e i m φ .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Hence, Equations (12.161) and (12.166) give  m ζ j (µ, φ, t) = zn Pn j (µ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) .



Equations (12.136) and (12.138) imply that   m (1 + kn − hn ) αn zn Pn j (µ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) . G F (θ, φ; θ , φ ) ζ j (θ , φ , t) dΩ = n=1,∞

(12.170) It follows from Equations (12.163) and (12.164) that 

    m (1 − µ 2 ) d m Ψn − f j n (n + 1) + m j Pn j (µ) + zn µ − Pn j (µ) = 0, n (n + 1) dµ n=1,∞ (12.171) and

  n (n + 1) fj mj m   2 (1 − [1 + kn − hn ] αn ) + − f j Pn j (µ) zn β n (n + 1) n=1,∞ 

d 6 m m + f j Ψn n (n + 1) µ − (1 − µ2 ) Pn j (µ) = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ˜ j P2 j (µ), (12.172) dµ β where (Lamb 1993) σj , 2Ω 4 a2 Ω2 β= . gd

fj =

(12.173) (12.174)

However, as is well known (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965),

$ n+m % n−m+1 m m (12.175) µ Pn (µ) = Pn+1 (µ) + P m (µ), 2n+1 2 n + 1 n−1

m n (n − m + 1) m (n + 1) (n + m) m 2 dPn =− (1 − µ ) Pn+1 (µ) + Pn−1 (µ). (12.176) dµ 2n+1 2n+1 Equations (12.171), (12.172), (12.175), and (12.176) can be combined to give

  n + 1 n − mj n n + mj + 1 m j − n (n + 1) f j Ψn + zn−1 + zn+1 = 0, (12.177) n 2n− 1 n+ 1 2n+3 and

mj fj n (n + 1)   2 (1 − [1 + kn − hn ] αn ) + − f j zn β n (n + 1)

(n − 1) (n + 1) (n − m j ) + fj Ψn−1 2n−1

n (n + 2) (n + m j + 1) 6 + fj Ψn+1 = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ˜ j δn 2 . 2n+3 β (12.178)

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Finally, Equations (12.177) and (12.178) yield the tridiagonal matrix equation (Love 1913) 6 a(n) zn−2 + b(n) zn + c(n) zn+2 = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ˜ j δn 2 (12.179) β for n = 2, 4, 6, · · · , where a(n) = − b(n) =

f j n (n + 1) (n − m j − 1) (n − m j ) , (2 n − 3) (2 n − 1) [m j − n (n − 1) f j ]


mj fj 4 n (n + 1) 3 − f j2 1 − [1 + kn − hn ] αn + β n (n + 1)

f j (n − 1)2 (n + 1) (n − m j ) (n + m j ) n (2 n − 1) (2 n + 1) [m j − n (n − 1) f j ]

f j (n + 2)2 n (n − m j + 1) (n + m j + 1) , (n + 1) (2 n + 1) (2 n + 3) [m j − (n + 1) (n + 2) f j ]


f j n (n + 1) (n + m j + 1) (n + m j + 2) . (2 n + 3) (2 n + 5) [m j − (n + 1) (n + 2) f j ]


c(n) = −

Note that z0 = 0. The solution of a tridiagonal matrix equation is, of course, a relatively trivial numerical exercise (Press, et al. 2007). We can most conveniently characterize the jth tidal harmonic in terms of the function ζˆ j (ϑ), which is defined such that ζ j (µ, φ, t) = ζˆ j (ϑ) cos(m j φ + σ j t).


Here, ϑ = π/2 − θ = sin−1 (µ) represents planetary latitude. It follows that  m zn Pn j (sin ϑ). (12.184) ζˆ j (ϑ) = n=2,∞

The ζ˜ j , m j , and f j values for the various harmonics of the forcing term in the Laplace tidal equations for the Earth are specified in Table 12.3. Note that, on the longitudinal meridian φ = 0, the Moon and Sun culminate simultaneously at t = 0. Moreover, at this time, the Sun and Moon are both passing though the summer solstice, and the Moon is passing though its perigee. The mean density of the Earth is such that ρ/ρ¯ = 5.5 (Yoder 1995). Moreover, the mean depth of the Earth’s oceans is d = 3.8 km (Yoder 1995), which implies that β = 23.1. Finally, the Earth responds elastically to the relatively low-amplitude lunar and solar tidal gravitational fields in such a manner that µ/(ρ g a) 0.35 (Fitzpatrick 2012). Figures 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3 show the long-period, diurnal, and semi-diurnal solutions of the Laplace tidal equations together with the corresponding equilibrium tides (i.e., the tides calculated in the absence of ocean inertia),

1 + k2 − h 2 m ζ˜ j P2 j (sin ϑ). (12.185) ζˆ j (ϑ) = 1 − (1 + k2 − h2 ) α2


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics 0.01

0.04 0.03






0.01 0


−0.01 −0.02

−0.01 0


0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)






0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)



Figure 12.1 Long-period solutions to the Laplace tidal equations (left panel) together with the corresponding equilibrium tides (right panel). The solid, dashed, and dash-dotted lines correspond to j = 1, j = 2, and j = 3, respectively. Here, ζˆ j is measured in meters. It can be seen from Figure 12.1 that the long-period solutions are direct (i.e., they have the same signs as the corresponding equilibrium tides). However, the amplitudes of these solutions are about 4 times lower than those of the equilibrium tides. The j = 1 (S sa ) and j = 3 (M f ) solutions cause a slight increase in the equatorial bulge of the Earth’s oceans when the Sun and Moon, respectively, pass through the equinoxes, and a slight reduction when they pass through the solstices. The j = 2 (Mm ) solution causes a slight increase in the equatorial bulge of the Earth’s oceans when the Moon passes through its perigee, and a slight reduction when it passes through its apogee. It can be seen from Figure 12.2 that the diurnal solutions are inverted (i.e., they have the opposite signs to the corresponding equilibrium tides). The amplitude of the j = 4 solution is about 6 times lower than that of the j = 4 equilibrium tide. The amplitudes of the j = 5 and j = 6 solutions are negligibly small. (In fact, the amplitude of the j = 6 solution is identically zero.) The j = 4 (O1 ) solution causes the Earth’s oceans to displace slightly toward the Moon when it passes through the equinoxes, and away from the Moon when it passes through the solstices. Finally, it can be seen from Figure 12.3 that the semi-diurnal solutions are inverted in equatorial regions, and direct in polar regions. Moreover, the amplitudes of these solutions are similar to those of the corresponding equilibrium tides. The dominant j = 8 (M2 ) solution generates a high tide at a particular point on the Earth’s surface every 12.421 hours. The j = 9 (S 2 ) solution causes an enhancement of the high tide—a so-called spring tide—at the new and full moons (i.e., every half a synodic month, or 14.77 days). Finally, the j = 7 (N2 ) solution causes an enhancement

Terrestrial Ocean Tides



0.12 −0.005

0.09 ζˆj




0.03 −0.015 0


0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)






0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)



Figure 12.2 Diurnal solutions to the Laplace tidal equations (left panel) together with the corresponding equilibrium tides (right panel). The solid, dashed, and dash-dotted lines correspond to j = 4, j = 5, and j = 6, respectively. Here, ζˆ j is measured in meters.

0.1 0.05


0 −0.05 ζˆj





−0.2 −0.25 −0.3 −0.35



0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)






0.4 0.6 sin(ϑ)



Figure 12.3 Semi-diurnal solutions to the Laplace tidal equations (left panel) together with the corresponding equilibrium tides (right panel). The solid, dashed, and dash-dotted lines correspond to j = 7, j = 8, and j = 9, respectively. Here, ζˆ j is measured in meters.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

of the spring tide—a so-called perigean spring tide—whenever the new or full moon coincides with the passage of the moon through its perigee. The previously described global solutions to the Laplace tidal equations were first obtained (in simplified form) by Laplace (Lamb 1993). Let us consider how these solutions compare with the observed terrestrial tides. One obvious prediction of the global solutions is that the time variation in ocean depth at a given point on the Earth’s surface should be expressible as a superposition of terms that oscillate at constant amplitude (but not necessarily in phase with one another) with the periods specified in Table 12.3. This is indeed found to be the case (Cartwright 1999). Another prediction is that the amplitudes of the long-period solutions should be small compared to the amplitudes of the semi-diurnal solutions. This is also found to be the case. Yet another prediction is that amplitudes of the diurnal solutions should be small compared to the amplitudes of the semi-diurnal solutions. This turns out not to be the case (Cartwright 1999). In fact, this predication is an artifact of the fact that we are assuming that the ocean covering the Earth’s surface is of constant mean depth. If we relax this assumption, and allow the ocean depth to vary in a realistic manner, then the amplitudes of the semi-diurnal solutions become comparable to those of the diurnal solutions (Lamb 1993). The final prediction is that a given solution is such that the tide at a given point on the Earth either oscillates in phase or in anti-phase with the corresponding equilibrium solution (i.e., the tide is either direct or inverted). In particular, for the dominant M2 tide, this implies that, at a given point on the Earth’s surface, there should be either a tidal maximum or a tidal minimum whenever the Moon culminates. It turns out that this is not the case (Cartwright 1999). Indeed, the observed phase difference between the M2 tide and the corresponding equilibrium tide varies from place to place on the Earth’s surface, and can take any value. In other words, high tide at a given point on the Earth can occur three hours before the Moon culminates, or two hours after, et cetera, and the time lag between high tide and the culmination of the Moon varies from place to place. We conjecture that this effect is caused by the continents impeding the flow of tidal waves around the Earth. Hence, we now need to consider tides in oceans that do not cover the whole surface of the Earth.

12.13 Non-Global Ocean Tides Suppose that the surface of the Earth is covered by an ocean of uniform depth d that extends from θ = 0 to θ = π, and from φ = φ− to φ = φ+ , where |φ+ − φ− | < 2π. For consistency with the previous analysis, we must imagine that the remaining surface is covered by a frozen (i.e., ζ = 0) ocean of uniform depth d. The motion of the ocean under the action of the tide generating potential is governed by the Laplace

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


tidal equations, (12.153)–(12.155), which are written

1 ∂ ∂η (sin θ ξ) + + ζ = 0, sin θ ∂θ ∂φ gd ∂ (ζ − F ), a 2 ∂θ . gd ∂ .. (ζ − F ), η + 2 Ω cos θ ξ = − 2 a sin θ ∂φ



ξ − 2 Ω cos θ η = −


F (θ, φ, t) = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 (θ, φ, t) +

G F (θ, φ; θ , φ ) ζ(θ , φ , t) dΩ .

(12.186) (12.187) (12.188)


The finite extent of the ocean in the φ direction introduces the additional constraint η(θ, φ± , t) = 0


into the problem.

12.14 Useful Lemma Let X(θ, φ, t), Y(θ, φ, t), P(θ, φ, t), and Q(θ, φ, t) be well-behaved functions of θ and φ. Suppose that

∂ ∂Y 1 (sin θ X) + DP = − , (12.191) sin θ ∂θ ∂φ where

1 ∂P(θ, φ± , t) = −Y(θ, φ± , t), sin θ ∂φ


1 ∂ ∂X (sin θ Y) − , sin θ ∂θ ∂φ


Suppose, further, that DQ = where Q(θ, φ± , t) = 0.


We wish to demonstrate that X=−

1 ∂Q ∂P − , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ



1 ∂P ∂Q + . sin θ ∂φ ∂θ



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Let X = X +

1 ∂Q ∂P + , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ


Y = Y +

1 ∂P ∂Q − . sin θ ∂φ ∂θ


Note, from Equations (12.192) and (12.194), that Y  (θ, φ± , t) = 0.


It follows from Equations (12.191), (12.193), (12.197), and (12.198) that ∂ ∂Y  (sin θ X  ) + = 0, ∂θ ∂φ


∂ ∂X  (sin θ Y  ) − = 0. ∂θ ∂φ


Equations (12.199) and (12.201) imply that ∂P , ∂θ 1 ∂P , Y = sin θ ∂φ

X =

(12.202) (12.203)

and 1 ∂P (θ, φ± , t) = 0. sin θ ∂φ


Furthermore, Equation (12.200) yields D P = 0.


Multiplying by P , integrating over the ocean, and making use of the boundary condition (12.204), we obtain 2     2

1 ∂P   ∂P +   dΩ = 0. ∂θ sin θ ∂φ  Ω


Here, Ω is the surface of the Earth that is covered by ocean, and dΩ = sin θ dθ dφ. It follows that P is a constant. Thus, Equations (12.202) and (12.203) imply that X  = Y  = 0, and, hence, that Equations (12.195) and (12.196) are valid.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


12.15 Transformation of Laplace Tidal Equations Let X = ξ, Y = η, P = Φ, and Q = Ψ in Equations (12.191)–(12.196). It follows that [cf., Equation (12.161)] D Φ = ζ, DΨ =

∂ ∂ξ 1 (sin θ η) − , sin θ ∂θ ∂φ

(12.207) (12.208)

where 1 ∂Φ(θ, φ± , t) = 0, sin θ ∂φ


Ψ (θ, φ± , t) = 0.


Here, use has been made of Equations (12.186) and (12.190). Furthermore [cf., Equations (12.159) and (12.160)], ξ=−

1 ∂Ψ ∂Φ − , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ



1 ∂Φ ∂Ψ + . sin θ ∂φ ∂θ


Let X = cos θ η, Y = − cos θ ξ, P = Φ , and Q = Ψ  in Equations (12.191)– (12.196). It follows that

∂ ∂ 1  (sin θ cos θ η) − (cos θ ξ) , (12.213) DΦ = − sin θ ∂θ ∂φ

∂ ∂ 1 (sin θ cos θ ξ) + (cos θ η) , (12.214) D Ψ = − sin θ ∂θ ∂φ where 1 ∂Φ (θ, φ± , t) = cos θ ξ(θ, φ± , t), sin θ ∂φ Ψ  (θ, φ± , t) = 0.

(12.215) (12.216)

Furthermore, cos θ η = −

1 ∂Ψ  ∂Φ − , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ


− cos θ ξ = −

1 ∂Φ ∂Ψ  + . sin θ ∂φ ∂θ



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Substitution of Equations (12.211), (12.212), (12.217), and (12.218) into Equations (12.187) and (12.188) yields ∂A 1 ∂B + = 0, ∂θ sin θ ∂φ


∂B 1 ∂A − = 0, ∂θ sin θ ∂φ







A = Φ − 2 Ω Φ −

gd (ζ − F), a2

B = Ψ − 2 Ω Ψ .

(12.221) (12.222)

Equations (12.219) and (12.220) can be combined to give D A = 0,


D B = 0.


Moreover, it follows from Equations (12.188), (12.190), (12.209), (12.210), (12.215), and (12.216) that 1 ∂A(θ, φ± , t) = 0, sin θ ∂φ


B(θ, φ± , t) = 0.


We have already seen that the solution of Equation (12.205), subject to the boundary condition (12.204), is P = constant. It follows that the solution of Equation (12.223), subject to the boundary condition (12.225), is A = constant. Analogous arguments reveal that the solution of Equation (12.224), subject to the boundary condition (12.226), is B = 0. Hence, we deduce that the Laplace tidal equations, (12.186)–(12.188), are equivalent to the following set of equations:



Φ − 2 Ω Φ −

D Φ = ζ,


gd (ζ − F ) = constant, a2


Ψ − 2 Ω Ψ = 0,




where Φ, Ψ , Φ , Ψ  , and F are defined in Equations (12.211), (12.212), (12.217), (12.218), and (12.189), respectively.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


12.16 Another Useful Lemma Suppose that g(θ, φ) and f (θ, φ) are two well-behaved functions that satisfy either 1 ∂ f (θ, φ± ) = 0, sin θ ∂φ


1 ∂g(θ, φ± ) = 0, sin θ ∂φ


f (θ, φ± ) = 0,


g(θ, φ± ) = 0.



It is easily demonstrated that  

 1 ∂g ∂ f ∂g ∂ f + dΩ = g D f dΩ = − f D g dΩ. sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω Ω ∂θ ∂θ Ω


12.17 Basis Eigenfunctions Suppose that the Φr (θ, φ) are well-behaved solutions of the eigenvalue equation D Φr + λr Φr = 0,


subject to the boundary conditions 1 ∂Φr (θ, φ± ) = 0. sin θ ∂φ It immediately follows from Equations (12.234) and (12.235) that   (Φr∗ D Φr − Φr D Φr∗ ) dΩ = −(λr − λr∗ ) |Φr | 2 dΩ = 0. Ω



Hence, we deduce that the λr are real. It follows that we can choose the Φr to be real functions. Equations (12.234) and (12.235) also yield 2

2   

  1 ∂Φr   ∂Φr 2 Φr D Φr dΩ = −λr Φr dΩ = −  ∂θ + sin θ ∂φ  dΩ, (12.238) Ω Ω Ω which implies that the λr are positive. Integration of Equation (12.235), subject to the boundary condition (12.236), gives  Φr dΩ = 0. (12.239) λr Ω


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Because λr is positive, this implies that  Φr dΩ = 0.


Finally, Equations (12.234) and (12.235) yield   (Φ s D Φr − Φr D Φ s ) dΩ = (λ s − λr ) Φ s Φr dΩ = 0. Ω


It follows that

Φ s Φr dΩ = 0


if λ s  λr . As is well known (Riley 1974), if Φr and Φr are linearly independent solutions of (12.235) corresponding to the same eigenvalue, λr , then it is always possible to choose linear combinations of them that satisfy  Φr Φr dΩ = 0. (12.243) Ω

This argument can be extended to multiple linearly independent solutions corresponding to the same eigenvalue. Hence, we conclude that it is possible to choose the Φr such that they satisfy the orthonormality condition   λr Φr Φ s dΩ = λ s Φr Φ s dΩ = δr s . (12.244) Ω

Let F(θ, φ) be a well-behaved function. Suppose that 1 ∂F(θ, φ± ) = 0. sin θ ∂φ We can automatically satisfy the previous boundary condition by writing  F= ar Φr .




(Note that F is undetermined to an arbitrary additive constant which is chosen so as to ensure that Ω F dΩ = 0.) Here, λ1 is the smallest eigenvalue of Equation (12.235), λ2 the next smallest eigenvalue, and so on. It follows from Equation (12.244) that  a r = λr F Φr dΩ. (12.247) Ω

Suppose that the Ψr (θ, φ) are well-behaved solutions of the eigenvalue equation D Ψr + µr Ψr = 0,


subject to the boundary conditions Ψr (θ, φ± ) = 0.


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Using analogous arguments to those employed previously, we can show that the µr are real and positive, and that the Ψr can be chosen so as to satisfy the orthonormality constraint   Ψr Ψ s dΩ = µ s Ψr Ψ s dΩ = δr s . (12.250) µr Ω

Let F(θ, φ) be a well-behaved function. Suppose that F(θ, φ± ) = 0. We can automatically satisfy the previous boundary condition by writing  ar Ψr . F=




It follows from Equation (12.250) that  ar = µr

F Ψr dΩ.


12.18 Auxilliary Eigenfunctions Let X=−

cos θ ∂Φr , sin θ ∂φ

Y = cos θ

∂Φr , ∂θ

(12.254) (12.255)

P = Φr ,





in Equations (12.191)–(12.196). It follows that

∂ 1 ∂Φr ∂ ∂Φr  D Φr = cos θ − cos θ , sin θ ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ

∂ 1 ∂Φr 1 ∂ ∂Φr sin θ cos θ + cos θ , D Ψr = sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ ∂φ

(12.258) (12.259)

and ∂Φr 1 ∂Φr (θ, φ± ) = − cos θ , sin θ ∂φ ∂θ Ψr (θ, φ± ) = 0,

(12.260) (12.261)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

as well as −

∂Φ cos θ ∂Φr 1 ∂Ψr =− r − , sin θ ∂φ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ


∂Φr 1 ∂Φr ∂Ψr =− + . ∂θ sin θ ∂φ ∂θ


cos θ Let

∂Ψr , ∂θ cos θ ∂Ψr , Y= sin θ ∂φ

X = cos θ

(12.264) (12.265)

P = Φr , Q=




in Equations (12.191)–(12.196). It follows that

∂ 1 ∂Ψr 1 ∂ ∂Ψr  D Ψr = − sin θ cos θ + cos θ , sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ ∂φ

∂ 1 ∂Ψr ∂ ∂Ψr cos θ − cos θ , D Ψr = sin θ ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ

(12.268) (12.269)

and cos θ ∂Ψr (θ, φ± ) 1 ∂Φr (θ, φ± ) =− , sin θ ∂φ sin θ ∂φ Ψr (θ, φ± ) = 0,

(12.270) (12.271)

as well as ∂Φ 1 ∂Ψr ∂Ψr =− r − , ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ


∂Ψr cos θ ∂Ψr 1 ∂Φr =− + . sin θ ∂φ sin θ ∂φ ∂θ


cos θ

12.19 Gyroscopic Coefficients Let

 βr, s = λ s



 Φ s dΩ = −

Φr D Φ s dΩ

∂Φr ∂Φ s 1 ∂Φr ∂Φ s + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


where use has been made of Equations (12.235) and (12.236). It follows from Equations (12.262) and (12.263) that

 cos θ ∂Φr ∂Φ s ∂Φr ∂Φ s βr, s = − dΩ ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ

 1 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s ∂Ψr ∂Φ s − dΩ. (12.275) − ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.261). Hence, we are left with

 cos θ ∂Φr ∂Φ s ∂Φr ∂Φ s − dΩ. (12.276) βr, s = − ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ Ω sin θ Let

 β−r, s = λ s


Φr Φ s dΩ = −


Φr D Φ s dΩ

∂Φr ∂Φ s 1 ∂Φr ∂Φ s + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


where use has been made of Equations (12.235) and (12.236). It follows from Equations (12.272) and (12.273) that

 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s 1 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s + cos θ β−r, s = − dΩ ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω

 1 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s ∂Ψr ∂Φ s − dΩ. (12.278) − ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.271). Hence, we are left with

 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s 1 ∂Ψr ∂Φ s + cos θ dΩ. (12.279) β−r, s = − ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω Let

 βr, −s = µ s


Ψr Ψ s dΩ = −


Ψr D Ψ s dΩ

∂Ψr ∂Ψ s 1 ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


where use has been made of Equations (12.248) and (12.261). It follows from Equations (12.262) and (12.263) that

 ∂Φr ∂Ψ s 1 ∂Φr ∂Ψ s + cos θ βr, −s = dΩ ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω

 1 ∂Φr ∂Ψ s ∂Φr ∂Ψ s − dΩ. (12.281) + ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.249). Hence, we are left with

 βr, −s =

cos θ

∂Φr ∂Ψ s 1 ∂Φr ∂Ψ s + dΩ. ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


Finally, let  β−r, −s = µ s


Ψr Ψ s dΩ = −


Ψr D Ψ s dΩ

∂Ψr ∂Ψ s 1 ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


where use has been made of Equations (12.248) and (12.271). It follows from Equations (12.272) and (12.273) that

cos θ ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s − = dΩ ∂θ ∂φ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ

 1 ∂Φr ∂Ψ s ∂Φr ∂Ψ s − dΩ. + ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ 

β−r, −s


However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.249). Hence, we are left with  β−r, −s = −

cos θ ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s ∂Ψr ∂Ψ s − dΩ. sin θ ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ


Incidentally, the βr,s , β−r,s , βr,−s , and β−r,−s are known collectively as gyroscopic coefficients (Proudman 1916).

12.20 Proudman Equations We can automatically satisfy the boundary condition (12.209) by writing Φ(θ, φ, t) =

pr (t) Φr (θ, φ).



Likewise, we can automatically satisfy the boundary condition (12.210) by writing Ψ (θ, φ, t) =


p−r (t) Ψr (θ, φ).


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


It follows from Equations (12.211), (12.212), (12.227), and (12.235) that  ∂Φr 1 ∂Ψr + p−r ξ=− pr , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ r=1,∞ 

∂Ψr 1 ∂Φr − pr η= p−r , ∂θ sin θ ∂φ r=1,∞  λr pr Φr . ζ=−


(12.289) (12.290)


Let  A r = λr


Φ Φr dΩ = −


Φ D Φr dΩ

1 ∂Φ ∂Φr ∂Φ ∂Φr + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ

(12.291) (12.292)

where use has been made of Equations (12.235) and (12.236). It follows from Equations (12.217) and (12.218) that

 ξ ∂Φr ∂Φr Ar = + cos θ −η dΩ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ Ω

 1 ∂Ψ  ∂Φr ∂Ψ  ∂Φr − dΩ. (12.293) − ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.216). Hence, we are left with

 ξ ∂Φr ∂Φr + cos θ −η dΩ. (12.294) Ar = ∂θ sin θ ∂φ Ω Finally, Equations (12.276), (12.282), (12.288), and (12.289) can be combined with the previous equation to give   3 4 Φ Φr dΩ = − βr, s p s + βr, −s p−s . (12.295) λr Ω


Let  A−r = µr


Ψ  Ψr dΩ = −


Ψ  D Ψr dΩ

∂Ψ  ∂Ψr 1 ∂Ψ  ∂Ψr + dΩ, ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ


where use has been made of Equations (12.216) and (12.248). It follows from Equa-


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

tions (12.217) and (12.218) that

 η ∂Ψr ∂Ψr A−r = − + cos θ ξ dΩ ∂θ sin θ ∂φ Ω

 1 ∂Φ ∂Ψr ∂Φ ∂Ψr − dΩ. + ∂φ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ Ω sin θ


However, the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation integrates to zero with the aid of Equation (12.249). Hence, we are left with

 η ∂Ψr ∂Ψr + cos θ ξ A−r = − dΩ. (12.298) ∂θ sin θ ∂φ Ω Finally, Equations (12.279), (12.285), (12.288), and (12.289) can be combined with the previous equation to give   3 4 β−r, s p s + β−r, −s p−s . (12.299) Ψ  Ψr dΩ = − µr Ω


 Operating on Equations (12.228) and (12.229) with λr Ω (· · · ) Φr dΩ and with  µr Ω (· · · ) Ψr dΩ, respectively, yields the so-called Proudman equations (Proudman 1916):


pr + 2 Ω



(βr, s p s + βr, −s p−s ) +



p−r + 2 Ω

gd gd λr pr = − 2 Fr , a2 a



(β−r, s p s + β−r, −s p−s ) = 0,

(12.300) (12.301)


where F r = λr

F Φr dΩ.


Here, use has been made of Equations (12.240), (12.244), (12.250), (12.286), (12.287), (12.290), (12.295), and (12.299). Finally, it follows from Equations (12.138), (12.189), and (12.290) that  γr, s p s , (12.303) F r = Pr − s=1,∞

where P r = λr and γr, s =

(1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 Φr dΩ,


(1 + kn − hn ) αn Γn,mr Γn,ms∗ ,



n=1,∞ m=0,n

with Γn,mr = λr

Pˆnm (cos θ) e i m φ Φr (θ, φ) dΩ.


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Here, Pˆnm (x) = bnm Pnm (x), where


2 n + 1 (n − m)! = 4π (n + m)!


1/2 .


It follows from Equation (12.136) that  π δn n . Pˆ nm (cos θ) Pˆ nm (cos θ) sin θ dθ = 2π 0


Consider the response of the ocean to a particular harmonic of the tide generating potential for which m ζ¯2 (θ, φ, t) = ζ˜ j P2 j (cos θ) e i (m j φ+σ j t) .


Assuming a common exp( i σ j t) time dependence of the pr and the p−r , Equations (12.300) and (12.301) yield (β −1 λr − f j2 ) pr +


(i f j βr, s − β −1 γr, s ) p s + i f j βr, −s p−s

s=1,∞ m

=− and − f j2 p−r + i

β −1 (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ˜ j Γ2, rj mj


( f j β−r, s p s + f j β−r, −s p−s ) = 0,





where f j and β are defined in Equations (12.173) and (12.174), respectively. The task in hand (see Section 12.13) is to solve the Laplace tidal equations, (12.186)–(12.189), subject to the constraint (12.190). Our basic approach is to expand the fields appearing in the Laplace tidal equations—namely, ξ, η, and ζ—in terms of a set of basis eigenfunctions—the Φr and the Ψr (see Section 12.17)— that are defined in such a manner as to automatically satisfy the boundary conditions. The expansion is specified in Equations (12.288)–(12.290). The Laplace tidal equations then reduce to the Proudman equations, (12.300)–(12.301), which are a set of coupled ordinary differential equations for the weights in the expansion—the pr (t) and the p−r (t). For a particular harmonic of the tide generating potential, the weights all oscillate at the same frequency, and the Proudman equations reduce further to give two coupled matrix equations for the amplitudes of the weights—see Equations (12.311) and (12.312). In order to solve the matrix equations, we need m . to calculate the gyroscopic coefficients, βr,s , β−r,s , βr,−s , β−r,−s , as well as the Γn,r These quantities are integrals involving the eigenfunctions and the associated Legendre functions, and are defined in Equations (12.276), (12.279), (12.282), (12.285), and (12.306), respectively.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

12.21 Hemispherical Ocean Tides Consider a hemispherical ocean for which φ− = 0 and φ+ = π. In general, there are many linearly independent solutions to the eigenvalue problem (12.235) and (12.236), subject to the orthonormality constraint (12.244), that correspond to a given value of λr . It is convenient to differentiate these solutions by means of two indices, n and m. Thus, Φr → Φnm and λr → λnm , where the index n ranges from 1 to ∞. Moreover, for a given value of n, the index m ranges from 0 to n. Now,  0


  π      π/2 cos(m φ) cos(m φ) dφ =      0

m = m = 0 m = m  0 . m  m


Hence, it follows that Φnm (θ, φ) = anm Pˆnm (cos θ) cos(m φ),


λnm = n (n + 1),


and where

 anm =

(4/λnm )1/2 (2/λnm )1/2

m>0 . m=0


Likewise, the solutions to the eigenvalue problem (12.248) and (12.249), subject to the orthonormality constraint (12.250), is such that Ψr → Ψnm and µr → µnm , where Ψnm (θ, φ) = anm Pˆnm (cos θ) sin(m φ),


µnm = n (n + 1).



We also have (see Section 12.19) βr, s β−r, s βr, −s β−r, −s

    ∂Φnm ∂Φnm  cos θ  ∂Φnm ∂Φnm   dΩ, − → =−  ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ Ω sin θ       ∂Ψnm ∂Φnm 1 ∂Ψnm ∂Φnm  −m, m  dΩ, + → β−n, n = − cos θ  ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω       ∂Φnm ∂Ψnm 1 ∂Φnm ∂Ψnm  m, −m  dΩ, + → βn, −n = cos θ  ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ ∂φ Ω      ∂Ψnm ∂Ψnm  cos θ  ∂Ψnm ∂Ψnm −m, −m → β−n, −n = − −   dΩ, ∂θ ∂φ ∂φ ∂θ Ω sin θ  βn,m,nm

(12.319) (12.320) (12.321) (12.322)

Terrestrial Ocean Tides which yields  m, m βn, n = −m, m β−n, n

−m βn,m,−n 

−m, −m β−n, −n


     ∂Φnm ∂Φnm ∂Φnm ∂Φnm   µ dµ dφ, − (12.323)  ∂µ ∂φ ∂φ ∂µ 0 −1     π 1  ∂Ψnm ∂Φnm 1 ∂Ψnm ∂Φnm  2  µ dµ dφ, + =− (1 − µ ) ∂µ ∂µ 1 − µ 2 ∂φ ∂φ 0 −1 (12.324)     π 1 m m  ∂Φnm ∂Ψn 1 ∂Φnm ∂Ψn   µ dµ dφ, (12.325) (1 − µ 2 ) + = ∂µ ∂µ 1 − µ 2 ∂φ ∂φ 0 −1     π 1  ∂Ψnm ∂Ψnm ∂Ψnm ∂Ψnm    µ dµ dφ, − = (12.326) ∂µ ∂φ ∂φ ∂µ 0 −1 π


where µ = cos θ. However,   π 2 m/(m 2 − m 2 )  sin(m φ) cos(m φ) dφ = 0 0

m + m odd . m + m even


±m, ±m Hence, if m + m is even then the β±n, ±n are zero. Otherwise, we obtain


cnm cnm

−m, m β−n, n

cnm cnm

−m, −m β−n, −n

cnm cnm

    2 m dPnm dPnm m  m Pn + m 2 Pn  µ dµ, (12.328) dµ dµ −1    1  dPnm dPnm m 2 2m   2 m m + =− 2 P P   µ dµ, (12.329) (1 − µ ) dµ dµ m − m 2 −1 1 − µ2 n n    1  m dPnm dPnm m  2 m m + P   µ dµ, = 2 (12.330) P dµ n m − m 2 −1 n dµ =

2 m 2 − m 2


as well as

−m −m , m = −β−n βn,m,−n  , n ,


cnm = anm bnm .


where Let

In,m,nm =



Pnm (µ) Pnm (µ) dµ.


It follows, from symmetry, that In,m,nm = 0 when n + n − m − m is odd. When n + n − m − m is even (Wong 1998), 

In,m,nm =

m αn,p αnm ,p

p=0,pmax p =0,pmax

Γ[(n + n − m − m − 2p − 2p + 1)/2] Γ[(m + m + 2p + 2p + 2)/2] , Γ[(n + n + 3)/2]



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where Γ(x) denotes a gamma function (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965), m αn,p =


 pmax =

(−1)m+p (n + m)! , 2 m+2p (m + p)! p! (n − m − 2p)!


(n − m)/2 (n − m − 1)/2


n − m even , n − m odd

with an analogous definition for pmax . It can be shown that (Longuet-Higgins and Pond 1970) βn,m,nm

cnm cnm

−m βn,m,−n 

    n (n + 1) + m (m + 1)  n (n + 1) − n (n + 1) + m −2m = In,m,nm m + 1 m 2 + m 2

 1 +  (12.337) I m, m +2 , m + 1 n, n

 cnm cnm


(m 2

  2m (n − 1) (n + 1) (n + m ) In,m,nm −1 2  − m ) (2 n + 1)   +n (n + 2) (n − m + 1) In,m,nm +1 ,

−m, −m β−n, −n


 cnm cnm


2 m m m, m I  . m 2 − m 2 n, n


m,m m → Γn,n According to Equation (12.306), we can also write Γn,r  , where

 m,m  m,m m,m Γn,n = (anm )−1 δn,n ,   + i κn,n and


δn,m,nm = δn n δm m .


Here, κn,m,nm = 0 if m + m is even, and  κn,m,nm

 2m   = λnm cnm cnm In,m,nm , 2  2 m −m


otherwise. It follows from Equation (12.305) that γr, s → γn,m,nm , where 

γn,m,nm = (1 + kn − hn ) αn (anm )−2 δn,m,nm − i n,m,nm + θn,m,nm .


Here, n,m,nm = 0 if m + m is even, and 

m,m n,m,nm = (1 + kn − hn ) αn (anm )−2 κn,n − (1 + kn  − hn ) αn (anm )−2 κnm ,n,m 


Terrestrial Ocean Tides


otherwise. Now, if m and m are both even then  θn,m,nm


 odd m

(1 + kn  − hn ) αn (anm )−2 κnm ,n,m κnm ,n,m ;


n =1,∞ m =0,n

if m and m are both odd then  θn,m,nm


 even m

(1 + kn  − hn ) αn (anm )−2 κnm ,n,m κnm ,n,m ;


n =1,∞ m =0,n 

and if m + m is odd then θn,m,nm = 0. −m If we let pr → i n pnm and p−r → i n+1 p−n then Equations (12.311) and (12.312) become       β −1 [λnm − (1 + kn − hn ) αn (anm )−2 ] − f j2 δˆn,m,nm + f j βˆn,m,nm n =1,∞ m =0,n

     −m −m +β −1 (ˆn,m,nm − θˆn,m,nm ) pnm − f j βˆn,m,−n p−n  =



n =1,∞ m =0,n

β −1 (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ˜ j  m c2 j

 m ,m m ,m δˆ2, nj + κˆ2, nj ,

    −m, −m −m ˆ −m, m pnm  = 0, − f j2 δˆn,m,nm + f j βˆ−n, p−n  + fj β −n −n, n



respectively. Here,    δˆn,m,nm = i n+n δn,m,nm , 


βˆn,m,nm = i n+n +1 βn,m,nm , −m −m = i n+n βn,m,−n βˆn,m,−n   , −m, m −m, m n+n β−n, βˆ−n, n = i n , −m, −m βˆ−n, −n  ˆn,m,nm


−m, −m i n+n +1 β−n, −n ,


n+n +1

 n,m,nm , 

 θˆn,m,nm = i n+n θn,m,nm , 

(12.351) (12.352) (12.353) (12.354) (12.355)

κˆn,m,nm = i n+n +1 κn,m,nm . 



By symmetry, δn,m,nm and θn,m,nm are only non-zero when m + m is even, and n + n is  −m, −m m, m m, m  even; βn,m,nm , β−n, −n , n, n , and κn, n are only non-zero when m + m is odd, and   m, −m −m, m n + n is odd; and βn, −n and β−n, n are only non-zero when m + m is odd, and n + n is even. It follows that all quantities appearing in Equations (12.347) and (12.348)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

are real. Once we have solved these equations to obtain the pnm (which is a relatively straightforward numerical task), we can reconstruct the tidal elevation as follows: ζ(θ, φ, t) = ζc (θ, φ) cos(σ j t) + ζ s (θ, φ) sin(σ j t),


where ζc (θ, φ) =

n even

ζnm Φm n (θ, φ) cos(n π/2),


n=1,∞ m=0,n

ζ s (θ, φ) = −

n odd

ζnm Φm n (θ, φ) sin(n π/2),


n=1,∞ m=0,n

and ζnm = −λnm pnm .


Thus, the tidal amplitude at a given point on the ocean is  1/2 |ζ|(θ, φ) = ζc2 (θ, φ) + ζ s2 (θ, φ) .


It is easily demonstrated that


∆t(θ, φ) ∆ϕ(θ, φ) = , T 2π


π −1 ζ s (θ, φ) ∆ϕ(θ, φ) = m j + tan . 2 ζc (θ, φ)


Here, T = 2π/σ j is the oscillation period of the harmonic of the tide generating potential under consideration, ∆t is the time-lag between the peak tide at a given point on the ocean and the maximal tide generating potential at φ = π/2, and ∆ϕ is the corresponding phase-lag. Figures 12.4 and 12.5 show the amplitude and phase-lag of the ( j = 3) M f longperiod tide in a hemispherical ocean of mean depth d = 3.8 km (which corresponds to β = 23.1), calculated assuming that ρ/ρ¯ = 5.5 and µ/(ρ g a) = 0.35. The calculation includes all azimuthal harmonics up to nmax = 20. Note that only a quarter of the ocean is shown, because the amplitude is symmetric about the meridians ϑ = 0 and φ = π/2, whereas the phase-lag is symmetric about the meridian ϑ = 0, and antisymmetric about the meridian φ = π/2. Here, ϑ ≡ π/2 − θ. Given that ζ˜3 = 4.25 × 10−2 m (see Table 12.3), the maximum amplitude of the tide is about 3.5 cm, and occurs at the poles. Moreover, it is clear from a comparison with Figure 12.1 that the tide is direct (i.e., it is in phase with the equilibrium tide). In fact, the M f tide in a hemispherical ocean is about four times larger in amplitude than that in a global ocean (i.e., an ocean that covers the whole surface of the Earth) of the same depth. Otherwise, the two tides have fairly similar properties. Figures 12.6 and 12.7 show the amplitude and phase-lag of the ( j = 6) K1 diurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean of mean depth d = 3.8 km (which corresponds to

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


β = 23.1), calculated assuming that ρ/ρ¯ = 5.5 and µ/(ρ g a) = 0.35. The calculation includes all azimuthal harmonics up to nmax = 20. Given that ζ˜6 = −10.36 × 10−2 m (see Table 12.3), the maximum amplitude of the tide is about 15.8 cm, and occurs at mid-latitudes. This is very different to the case of a global ocean, where the amplitude of the K1 tide is identically zero everywhere. (See Figure 12.2.) Note that the tidal phase-lag only exhibits a fairly weak dependence on the azimuthal angle, φ. In fact, the K1 tide in a hemispherical ocean essentially oscillates in anti-phase with the equilibrium tide at the ocean’s central longitudinal meridian (φ = π/2), except close to the poles, where it oscillates in phase. Again, this is very different to the case of a global ocean, where the tidal maximum lies on a meridian of longitude, and rotates steadily around the Earth from east to west. Figures 12.8 and 12.9 show the amplitude and phase-lag of the ( j = 8) M2 semidiurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean of mean depth d = 3.8 km (which corresponds to β = 23.1), calculated assuming that ρ/ρ¯ = 5.5 and µ/(ρ g a) = 0.35. The calculation includes all azimuthal harmonics up to nmax = 20. Given that ζ˜8 = 8.95 × 10−2 m (see Table 12.3), the maximum amplitude of the tide is about 60.7 cm, and occurs at the poles. This is very different to the case of a global ocean, where the amplitude of the M f tide is zero at the poles. (See Figure 12.3.) Another major difference is that, in a hemispherical ocean, the tidal maxima circulate around points of zero tidal amplitude—such points are known as amphidromic points. Of course, in the case of a global ocean, the tidal maxima lie on opposite meridians of longitude, and rotate steadily around the Earth from east to west. The systems of tidal waves, circulating around amphidromic points, that is evident in Figure 12.9, are known as amphidromic systems, and are one of the the major features of tides in real oceans (Cartwright 1999). Generally speaking, the sense of circulation of amphidromic systems in real oceans is counter-clockwise (seen from above) in the Earth’s northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. In conclusion, our investigation of tides in a hemispherical ocean suggests that the impedance of the flow of tidal waves around the Earth, due to the presence of the continents, is likely to have a comparatively little effect on long-period tides, but a very significant effect on diurnal and semi-diurnal tides. In particular, for semidiurnal tides, the impedance gives rise to the formation of amphidromic systems.

12.22 Exercises 12.1 Consider a tidal wave whose wavelength is very much less than the radius of the Earth. This corresponds to the limit n 1, where n is an azimuthal mode number. Suppose, however, that the ocean depth, d, is allowed to vary with


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Figure 12.4 Relative amplitude, |ζ|/ζ˜3 , of the ( j = 3) M f long-period tide in a hemispherical ocean.

Figure 12.5 Phase-lag, ∆ϕ, of the ( j = 3) M f long-period tide in a hemispherical ocean.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


Figure 12.6 Relative amplitude, |ζ|/|ζ˜6 |, of the ( j = 6) K1 diurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean.

Figure 12.7 Phase-lag, ∆ϕ, of the ( j = 6) K1 diurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Figure 12.8 Relative amplitude, |ζ|/ζ˜8 , of the ( j = 8) M2 semi-diurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean.

Figure 12.9 Phase-lag, ∆ϕ, of the ( j = 8) M2 semi-diurnal tide in a hemispherical ocean.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


position. Show that, in this limit, the Laplace tidal equations are written

∂ζ 1 ∂ ∂(v d) =− (sin θ u d) + , ∂t a sin θ ∂θ ∂φ g ∂u − 2 Ω cos θ v = − ∂t a ∂v + 2 Ω cos θ u = − ∂t a

∂ (ζ − ζ¯ ), ∂θ g ∂ (ζ − ζ¯ ), sin θ ∂φ

where ζ¯ = (1 + k2 − h2 ) ζ¯2 . 12.2 Consider short-wavelength tidal waves in a region of the ocean that is sufficiently localized that it is a good approximation to treat cos θ and sin θ as constants. We can define local Cartesian coordinates, x, y, z, such that dx = a dθ, dy = a sin θ dφ, and dz = r − a. It follows that the x-axis is directed southward, the y-axis is directed eastward, and the z-axis is directed vertically upward. Show that, when expressed in terms of this local coordinate system, the Laplace tidal equations derived in the previous exercise reduce to ∂(u d) ∂(v d) ∂ζ =− − , ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂u ∂(ζ − ζ¯ ) − f v = −g , ∂t ∂x ∂(ζ − ζ¯ ) ∂v + f u = −g , ∂t ∂y where f = 2 Ω cos θ is a constant. In fact, the previous equations are the linearized equations of motion of a body of shallow water confined to a tangent plane that touches the Earth at the angular coordinates θ, φ. This plane is known as the f -plane because, as a consequence of the Earth’s diurnal rotation, it rotates about ez at the angular velocity f . 12.3 Demonstrate that the set of equations derived in the previous exercise can be written in the coordinate-free (in the x-y plane) form ∂ζ = −∇ · (d v), ∂t ∂v + f ez × v = −g ∇(ζ − ζ¯ ), ∂t where v = u e x + v ey . Let ω = ez · ∇ × v and Π = ∇ · v. Assuming that d and


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics f are constants, demonstrate that the previous equations are equivalent to ∂ 2ω + f 2 ω − g d ∇ 2 ω = − f g ∇ 2 ζ¯ , ∂t 2

 ¯ ∂ 2Π 2 2 2 ∂ζ + f Π − g d ∇ Π = g ∇ , 2 ∂t ∂t where ∇ 2 denotes a two-dimensional Laplacian (in the x-y plane).

12.4 Consider free (i.e., ζ¯ = 0) plane-wave solutions to the f -plane equations, derived in Exercise 12.2, of the form ζ(r, t) = ζ0 e i (σ t−k·r) , u(r, t) = u0 e i (σ t−k·r) , v(r, t) = v0 e i (σ t−k·r) . Here, r = (x, y), and ζ0 , u0 , v0 are constants. Assuming that d is constant, show that

σ k x − i f ky u0 = g ζ0 , σ2 − f 2

σ ky + i f k x v0 = g ζ0 , , σ2 − f 2 and where c =

σ 2 = f 2 + c 2 k 2, d g. This type of wave is known as a Poincar´e wave.

12.5 Suppose that the region y ≤ 0 corresponds to an ocean of constant depth d, whereas the region y > 0 corresponds to land. Consider free solutions to the f -plane equations in the region y < 0. We can trivially satisfy the constraint v(x, 0, t) = 0 by searching for solutions which are such that v = 0 for all y ≤ 0. Show that the most general such solution takes the form

where c =

ζ(x, y, t) = Z1 (x + c t, y) + Z2 (x − c t, y), d g, and Z1 (x + c t, y) = Z1 (x + c t, 0) e+s y/l , Z2 (x − c t, y) = Z2 (x − c t, 0) e−s y/l .

 Here, Z1 (x, 0) and Z2 (x, 0) are arbitrary functions, l = d g/| f |, and s = sgn( f ). These solutions are known as Kelvin waves. Deduce that Kelvin waves propagate along coastlines, at the speed c, in such a manner as to keep the coastline to the right of the direction of propagation in the Earth’s northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere.

Terrestrial Ocean Tides


12.6 We can take into account the latitude dependence of the parameter f by writing f = f0 −β x, where f0 = 2 Ω cos θ and β = 2 Ω sin θ/a. Let us assume that the ocean is of constant depth, d. Furthermore, let us search for an almost incompressible, free solution of the Laplace tidal equations which is such that u ∂ψ/∂y and v −∂ψ/∂x. By eliminating ζ from the final two f -plane equations, show that

∂ψ ∂ψ 0. +β ∇2 ∂t ∂y By searching for a wavelike solution of the previous equation of the form ψ = ψ0 e i (σ t−k·r) , deduce that σ k 2 + β ky = 0. This is the dispersion relation of a so-called Rossby wave. Demonstrate that Rossby waves always travel with a westward component of phase velocity. Finally, show that it is reasonable to neglect compression provided that σ  | f0 |.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

13 Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids

13.1 Introduction In this chapter, we investigate the equilibria of compressible fluids, such as gases. As is the case for an incompressible fluid (see Chapter 2), a compressible fluid in mechanical equilibrium must satisfy the force balance equation 0 = ∇p + ρ ∇Ψ,


where p is the static fluid pressure, ρ the mass density, and Ψ the gravitational potential energy per unit mass. In an ideal gas, the relationship between p and ρ is determined by the energy conservation equation, (1.89), which can be written

ργ D p κM 2 p ∇ = . γ − 1 Dt ρ γ R ρ


Here, γ is the ratio of specific heats, κ the thermal conductivity, M the molar mass, and R the molar ideal gas constant. Note that the viscous heat generation term has been omitted from the previous equation (because it is zero in a stationary gas). The limits in which the left- and right-hand sides of Equation (13.2) are dominant are termed the adiabatic and isothermal limits, respectively. In the isothermal limit, in which thermal transport is comparatively large, so that Equation (13.2) can only be satisfied when ∇ 2 (p/ρ) → 0, the temperature (recall that T ∝ p/ρ in an ideal gas) distribution in the gas becomes uniform, and the pressure and density are consequently related according to the isothermal gas law, p = constant. ρ


On the other hand, in the adiabatic limit, in which thermal transport is negligible, so that Equation (13.2) can only be satisfied when D/Dt(p/ρ γ ) → 0, the pressure and density are related according to the adiabatic gas law, p = constant. ργ

(13.4) 393


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

13.2 Isothermal Atmosphere The vertical thickness of the atmosphere is only a few tens of kilometers, and is, therefore, much less than the radius of the Earth, which is about 6000 km. Consequently, it is a good approximation to treat the atmosphere as a relatively thin layer, covering the surface of the Earth, in which the pressure and density are only functions of altitude above ground level, z, and the gravitational potential energy per unit mass takes the form Ψ = g z, where g is the acceleration due to gravity at z = 0. It follows from Equation (13.1) that dp = −ρ g. (13.5) dz Now, in an isothermal atmosphere, in which the temperature, T , is assumed not to vary with height, the ideal gas equation of state (1.84) yields [cf., Equation (13.3)] p RT = . ρ M


The previous two equations can be combined to give dp gM =− p. dz RT


p(z) = p0 exp(−z/H),


Hence, we obtain where p0 10 N m 5


is atmospheric pressure at ground level, and H=



is known as the isothermal scale height of the atmosphere. Using the values T = 273 K (0◦ C), M = 29 × 10−3 kg, and g = 9.8 m s−2 , which are typical of the Earth’s atmosphere (at ground level), as well as R = 8.315 J mol−1 K−1 , we find that H = 7.99 km. Equations (13.6) and (13.8) yield ρ(z) = ρ0 exp(−z/H),


where ρ0 = p0 /(g H) is the atmospheric mass density at z = 0. According to Equations (13.8) and (13.10), in an isothermal atmosphere, the pressure and density both decrease exponentially with increasing altitude, falling to 37% of their values at ground level when z = H, and to only 5% of these values when z = 3 H.

13.3 Adiabatic Atmosphere In fact, the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is not uniform, but instead decreases steadily with increasing altitude. This effect is largely due to the action of

Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids


convection currents. When a packet of air ascends, under the influence of such currents, the diminished pressure at higher altitudes causes it to expand. Because this expansion generally takes place far more rapidly than heat can diffuse into the packet, the work done against the pressure of the surrounding gas, as the packet expands, leads to a reduction in its internal energy, and, hence, in its temperature. Assuming that the atmosphere is in a continually mixed state, while remaining in approximate vertical force balance (such a state is known as a convective equilibrium), and that the effect of heat conduction is negligible (because the mixing takes place too rapidly for thermal diffusion to affect the temperature), we would expect the adiabatic gas law, (13.4), to offer a much more accurate description of the relationship between atmospheric pressure and density than the isothermal gas law, (13.3). Let pˆ = p/p0 , ρˆ = ρ/ρ0 , and Tˆ = T/T 0 , where p0 , ρ0 , and T 0 are the pressure, mass density, and temperature of the atmosphere, respectively, at ground level. The adiabatic gas law, (13.4), can be combined with the ideal gas equation of state, (13.6), to give (13.11) pˆ = ρˆ γ = Tˆ γ/(γ−1) . The isothermal scale height of the atmosphere is conveniently redefined as [cf., Equation (13.9)] p0 R T0 = H= . (13.12) gM g ρ0 Equations (13.5), (13.11), and (13.12) yield d pˆ = − pˆ 1/γ , dˆz where zˆ = z/H, or, from Equation (13.11), dTˆ γ−1 =− . dˆz γ The previous equation can be integrated to give

γ−1 z T (z) = T 0 1 − . γ H




It follows that the temperature in an adiabatic atmosphere decreases linearly with increasing altitude at the rate of [(γ − 1)/γ] (T 0/H) degrees per meter. This rate is known as the adiabatic lapse rate of the atmosphere. Using the values γ = 1.4, T 0 = 273 K, and H = 7.99 km, which are typical of the Earth’s atmosphere, we estimate the lapse rate to be 9.8 K km−1 . In reality, the lapse rate only takes this value in dry air. In moist air, the lapse rate is considerably reduced because of the latent heat released when water vapor condenses. Equations (13.11) and (13.15) yield

γ/(γ−1) γ−1 z , (13.16) p(z) = p0 1 − γ H

1/(γ−1) γ−1 z . (13.17) ρ(z) = ρ0 1 − γ H


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Because γ/(γ − 1) 3.5 and 1/(γ − 1) 2.5, it follows that pressure decreases more rapidly than density in an adiabatic atmosphere. Moreover, the previous three equations imply that an adiabatic atmosphere has a sharp upper boundary at z = [γ/(γ − 1)] H 28 km. At this altitude, the temperature, pressure, and density all fall to zero. Of course, above this altitude, the temperature, pressure, and density remain zero (because they cannot take negative or imaginary values). In contrast, an isothermal atmosphere has a diffuse upper boundary in which the pressure and density never fall to zero, even at extreme altitudes. It should be noted that, in reality, the Earth’s atmosphere does not have a sharp upper boundary, because the adiabatic gas law does not hold at very high altitudes.

13.4 Atmospheric Stability Suppose that the atmosphere is static (i.e., non-convecting). Moreover, let p(z) and ρ(z) be the pressure and density, respectively, as functions of altitude. Consider a packet of air that is in equilibrium with the surrounding air at some initial altitude z1 , but subsequently moves to a higher altitude z2 . Thus, the packet’s initial pressure and density are p1 = p(z1 ) and ρ1 = ρ(z1 ), respectively. Now, at the higher altitude, the packet must adjust its volume in such a manner that its pressure matches that of the surrounding air, otherwise there would be a force imbalance across the packet boundary. It follows that the packet pressure at altitude z2 is p2 = p(z2 ). Assuming that the packet moves upward on a much faster time scale than that required for heat to diffuse across it (but still a sufficiently slow time scale that it remains in approximate pressure balance with the surrounding air), we would expect its internal pressure and density to be related according to the adiabatic gas law, (13.4). Thus, the packet’s density at altitude z2 is ρ2 = (p2 /p1 )1/γ ρ1 . Now, if ρ2 > ρ(z2 ) then the packet is denser than the surrounding air. It follows that the packet’s weight exceeds the buoyancy due to the atmosphere, causing the packet to sink back to its original altitude. On the other hand, if ρ2 < ρ(z2 ) then the packet is less dense than the surrounding air. It follows that the buoyancy force exceeds the packet’s weight, causing it to rise to an even higher altitude. In other words, the atmosphere is unstable to vertical convection when [p(z2 )/p(z1 )]1/γ ρ(z1 ) < ρ(z2 ) for any z2 > z1 : that is, when   p  p    , < (13.18) ρ γ z2 ρ γ z1 for any z2 > z1 . It follows that the atmosphere is only stable to vertical convection when p/ρ γ is a monotonically increasing function of altitude. As is easily demonstrated, this stability criterion can also be written d ln p < γ, d ln ρ


Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids


or, making use of the ideal gas equation of state, d ln T < γ − 1. d ln ρ


Convection is triggered in regions of the atmosphere where the previous stability criterion is violated. However, such convection acts to relax these regions back to a marginally-stable state in which p/ρ γ is uniform: in other words, an adiabatic equilibrium.

13.5 Eddington Solar Model Let us investigate the internal structure of the Sun, which is basically a self-gravitating sphere of incandescent ionized gas (consisting mostly of hydrogen). Adopting a spherical coordinate system (see Section C.4), r, θ, φ, whose origin coincides with the Sun’s geometric center, and making the simplifying (and highly accurate) assumption that the mass distribution within the Sun is spherically symmetric, we find that dm = 4π r 2 ρ, (13.21) dr where m(r) is the total mass contained within a sphere of radius r, centered on the origin, and ρ(r) the mass density at radius r. Now, as is well known, the gravitational acceleration at some radius r in a spherically symmetric mass distribution is the same as would be obtained were all the mass located within this radius concentrated at the center, and the remainder of the mass neglected (Fitzpatrick 2012). In other words, Gm dΨ = 2 , dr r


where Ψ (r) is the gravitational potential energy per unit mass, and −dΨ/dr the radial gravitational acceleration. The force balance criterion (13.1) yields dΨ dp +ρ = 0, dr dr


where p(r) is the pressure. The previous three equations can be combined to give

1 d r 2 dp = −4π G ρ. (13.24) r 2 dr ρ dr In order to make any further progress, we need to determine the relationship between the Sun’s internal pressure and density. Unfortunately, this relationship is ultimately controlled by energy transport, which is a very complicated process in a star. In fact, a star’s energy is ultimately derived from nuclear reactions occurring deep within its core, the details of which are extremely complicated. This energy is


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

then transported from the core to the outer boundary via a combination of convection and radiation. (Conduction plays a much less important role in this process.) Unfortunately, an exact calculation of radiative transport requires an understanding of the opacity of stellar material, which is an exceptionally difficult subject. Finally, once the energy reaches the boundary of the star, it is radiated away. The following ingenious model, due to Eddington (Eddington 1926), is appropriate to a star whose internal energy transport is dominated by radiation. This turns out to be a fairly good approximation for the Sun. The main advantage of Eddington’s model is that it does not require us to know anything about stellar nuclear reactions or opacity. Now, the temperature inside the Sun is sufficiently high that radiation pressure cannot be completely neglected with respect to conventional gas pressure. In other words, we must write the solar equation of state in the form p = pg + pr , where pg =

ρkT µ mp



is the gas pressure (modeling the plasma within the Sun as an ideal gas of free electrons and ions), and (Chandrasekhar 1967) pr =

1 αT 4 3


the radiation pressure (assuming that the radiation within the Sun is everywhere in local thermodynamic equilibrium with the plasma). Here, T (r) is the Sun’s internal temperature, k the Boltzmann constant, m p the mass of a proton, and µ the relative molecular mass (i.e., the ratio of the mean mass of the free particles making up the solar plasma to that of a proton). Note that the electron mass has been neglected with respect to that of a proton. Furthermore, α = 4 σ/c, where σ is the StefanBoltzmann constant, and c the velocity of light in a vacuum. Incidentally, in writing Equation (13.26), we have expressed M/R in the equivalent form µ m p /k. Let pg = (1 − β) p,


pr = β p,


where the parameter β is assumed to be uniform. In other words, the ratio of the radiation pressure to the gas pressure is assumed to be the same everywhere inside the Sun. This fairly drastic assumption turns out—perhaps, somewhat fortuitously (Mestel 1999)—to lead to approximately the correct internal pressure-density relation for the Sun. In fact, Equations (13.26)–(13.29) can be combined to give p = K ρ 4/3 , where

1/3  4   k β 3  .  K =  4 4 m p α µ (1 − β) 



Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids



θ, y 1











Figure 13.1 The functions θ(ξ) (solid) and y(ξ) (dashed).

It can be seen, by comparison with Equation (13.4), that the previous pressuredensity relation takes the form of an adiabatic gas law with an effective ratio of specific heats γ = 4/3. Note, however, that the actual ratio of specific heats for a fully ionized hydrogen plasma, in the absence of radiation, is γ = 5/3. Hence, the 4/3 exponent, appearing in Equation (13.30), is entirely due to the non-negligible radiation pressure within the Sun. Let T c = T (0), ρc = ρ(0), and pc = p(0), be the Sun’s central temperature, density, and pressure, respectively. It follows from Equation (13.30) that pc = K ρ4/3 c ,


and from Equations (13.26) and (13.28) that Tc =

pc m p (1 − β) µ. ρc k


Suppose that T = θ, Tc


where θ(r) is a dimensionless function. According to Equations (13.26), (13.28), and


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

log10 (T [◦K])



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 m/M Figure 13.2 Solar temperature versus mass fraction obtained from the Eddington Solar Model (solid) and the Standard Solar Model (dashed). (13.30), ρ = θ 3, ρc p = θ 4. pc

(13.35) (13.36)

Moreover, it is clear, from the previous expressions, that θ = 1 at the center of the Sun, r = 0, and θ = 0 at the edge, r = R (say), where the temperature, density, and pressure are all assumed to fall to zero. Suppose, finally, that r = a ξ,


where ξ is a dimensionless radial coordinate, and


K π G ρc2/3

1/2 .


Thus, the center of the Sun corresponds to ξ = 0, and the edge to ξ = ξ1 (say), where θ(ξ1 ) = 0, and R = ξ1 a. (13.39) Equations (13.35)–(13.38) can be used to transform the equilibrium relation (13.24)

Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids


log10 (ρ [kg m−3])






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 m/M

Figure 13.3 Solar mass density versus mass fraction obtained from the Eddington Solar Model (solid) and the Standard Solar Model (dashed). into the non-dimensional form

1 d 2 dθ ξ = −θ 3 . ξ 2 dξ dξ


Moreover, Equation (13.21) can be integrated, with the aid of Equations (13.35), (13.37), and (13.40), and the physical boundary condition m(0) = 0, to give m = 4π ρc a 3 y,



dθ . (13.42) dξ Equation (13.40) is known as the Lane-Emden equation (of degree 3), and can, unfortunately, only be solved numerically (Chandrasekhar 1967). The appropriate solution takes the form θ = 1 − ξ 2 /6 + O(ξ 4 ) when ξ  1, and must be integrated to ξ = ξ1 , where θ(ξ1 ) = 0. Figure 13.1 shows θ(ξ), and the related function y(ξ), obtained via numerical methods. Note that ξ1 = 6.897, and y1 = y(ξ1 ) = 2.018. According to Equation (13.41), the solar mass, M∗ = m(R), can be written y(ξ) = −ξ 2

M∗ = 4π ρc a 3 y1 ,


which reduces, with the aid of Equations (13.31) and (13.38), to β = ζ 2, (1 − β)4



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where ζ = µ2 and

  M0 = 

M∗ , M0

4 1/2 k 3  1  4π y1 = 3.586 × 1031 kg. (π G)3 m p α 



Moreover, it is easily demonstrated that K=

π G M∗2/3 . (4π y1 )2/3


According to Equations (13.44) and (13.45), the ratio, β/(1 − β), of the radiation pressure to the gas pressure in a radiative star is a strongly increasing function of the stellar mass, M∗ , and mean molecular weight, µ. In the case of the Sun, for which ζ  1, Equation (13.44) can be inverted to give the approximate solution β = ζ2 −

1 4 ζ + O(ζ 6 ). 4


Using the observed solar mass M∗ = 1.989 × 1030 kg, and the value µ = 0.68 (which represents the best fit to the Standard Solar Model mentioned in the following), we find that β = 6.58 × 10−4 . In other words, the radiation pressure inside the Sun is only a very small fraction of the gas pressure. This immediately implies that radiative energy transport is much less efficient than convective energy transport. Indeed, in regions of the Sun in which convection occurs, we would expect the convective transport to overwhelm the radiative transport, and so to drive the local pressure-density relation toward an adiabatic law with an exponent 5/3. Fortunately, convection only takes place in the Sun’s outer regions, which contain a minuscule fraction of its mass. Equations (13.32), (13.33), (13.39), (13.43), and (13.47) yield Tc =

G M∗ m p ξ1 = 1.34 × 107 K, µ (1 − β) 4 y1 Rk


ρc =

ξ13 M∗ = 7.63 × 104 kg m−3, 4π y1 R 3


pc =

ξ14 16π y12

G M∗2 = 1.24 × 1016 N m−2 , R4


where the solar radius R has been given the observed value 6.960 × 108 m. The actual values of the Sun’s central temperature, density, and pressure, as determined by the so-called Standard Solar Model (SSM),1 which incorporates detailed treatments of nuclear reactions and opacity, are T c = 1.58 × 107 K, ρc = 15.6 × 104 kg m−3 , and pc = 2.38 × 1016 N m−2 , respectively. It can be seen that the values of T c , ρc , 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard\_Solar\_Model

Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids



log10 (p [N m−2])

16 15 14 13 12 11 10

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 m/M

Figure 13.4 Solar pressure versus mass fraction obtained from the Eddington Solar Model (solid) and the Standard Solar Model (dashed).

and pc obtained from the Eddington model lie within a factor of two of those obtained from the much more accurate SSM. Figures 13.2, 13.3, and 13.4 show the temperature, density, and pressure profiles, respectively, obtained from the SSM 2 and the Eddington model. The profiles are plotted as functions of the mass fraction, m(r)/M∗ = y(ξ)/y1 , where ξ = r/a. It can be seen that there is fairly good agreement between the profiles calculated by the two models. Finally, Figure 13.5 compares the ratio, β/(1 − β), of the radiation pressure to the gas pressure obtained from the SSM and the Eddington model. Recall, that it is a fundamental assumption of the Eddington model that this pressure ratio is uniform throughout the Sun. In fact, it can be seen that the pressure ratio calculated by the SSM is not spatially uniform. On the other hand, the spatial variation of the ratio is fairly weak, except close to the edge of the Sun, where convection sets in, and the Eddington model, thus, becomes invalid. We conclude that, despite its simplicity, the Eddington solar model does a remarkably good job of accounting for the Sun’s internal structure.

2 The SSM data is obtained from http://www.ap.stmarys.ca/˜guenther/evolution/ssm1998. html


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

log10[β/(1 − β)]







0.4 0.6 m/M



Figure 13.5 Ratio of radiation pressure to gas pressure calculated from the Eddington Solar Model (solid) and the Standard Solar Model (dashed).

13.6 Exercises 13.1 Prove that the fraction of the whole mass of an isothermal atmosphere that lies between the ground and a horizontal plane of height z is 1 − e−z/H . Evaluate this fraction for z = H, 2 H, 3 H, respectively. 13.2 If the absolute temperature in the atmosphere diminishes upwards according to the law T z =1− , T0 c where c is a constant, show that the pressure varies as $ p z %c/H = 1− . p0 c 13.3 If the absolute temperature in the atmosphere diminishes upward according to the law 1 T , = T0 1 + β z

Equilibrium of Compressible Fluids


where β is a constant, show that the pressure varies as

p 1 β z2 z = exp − − . p0 H 2 H 13.4 Show that if the absolute temperature, T , in the atmosphere is any given function of the altitude, z, then the vertical distribution of pressure in the atmosphere is given by  T 0 z dz p . =− ln p0 H 0 T 13.5 Show that if the Earth were surrounded by an atmosphere of uniform temperature then the pressure a distance r from the Earth’s center would be 2

p a 1 1 − = exp , p0 H r a where a is the Earth’s radius. 13.6 Show that if the whole of space were occupied by air at the uniform temperature T then the densities at the surfaces of the various planets would be proportional to the corresponding values of exp

$g M a% RT


where a is the radius of the planet, and g its surface gravitational acceleration. 13.7 Prove that in an atmosphere arranged in horizontal strata the work (per unit mass) required to interchange two thin strata of equal mass without disturbance of the remaining strata is  p1 p2 1  γ−1 − , ρ2 − ρ1γ−1 γ−1 ρ1γ ρ2γ where the suffixes refer to the initial states of the two strata. Hence, show that for stability the ratio p/ρ γ must increase upwards. 13.8 A spherically symmetric star is such that m(r) is the mass contained within radius r. Show that the star’s total gravitational potential energy can be written in the following three alternative forms:  U =− 0


1 Gm dm = r 2



 Ψ dm = −3


p dV 0

Here, M∗ is the total mass, R the radius, Ψ (r) the gravitational potential per unit mass (defined such that Ψ → 0 as r → ∞), p(r) the pressure, and dV = 4π r 2 dr.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

13.9 Suppose that the pressure and density inside a spherically symmetric star are related according to the polytropic gas law, p = K ρ (1+n)/n , where n is termed the polytropic index. Let ρ = ρc θ n , where ρc is the central mass density. Demonstrate that θ satisfies the Lane-Emden equation

1 d 2 dθ ξ = −θ n , dξ ξ 2 dξ where r = a ξ, and

1/2 (n + 1) K (n−1)/n ξ= ρc . 4π G Show that the physical solution to the Lane-Emden equation, which is such that θ(0) = 1 and θ(ξ1 ) = 0, for some ξ1 > 0, is θ=1−

for n = 0, θ= for n = 1, and

ξ2 6

sin ξ ξ 1


(1 + ξ 2 /3)1/2 for n = 5. Determine the ratio of the central density to the mean density in all three cases. Finally, demonstrate that, in the general case, the total gravitational potential energy can be written U=−

3 G M∗2 , 5−n R

where M∗ is the total mass, and R = a ξ1 the radius. 13.10 A spherically symmetric star of radius R has a mass density of the form ρ(r) = ρc (1 − r/R). Show that the central mass density is four times the mean density. Demonstrate that the central pressure is pc =

5 G M∗2 , 4π R

where M∗ is the mass of the star. Finally, show that the total gravitational potential energy of the star can be written U=−

26 G M∗2 . 35 R

14 One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow

14.1 Introduction This chapter investigates one-dimensional, compressible, inviscid flow. Flow is said to be one-dimensional when the fluid properties only depend on a single Cartesian coordinate. Flow is said to be compressible when there is a significant variation in the mass density along a given streamline. Generally speaking, compressible flow is much more common in gases than in liquids. As described in Section 1.17, subsonic gas dynamics (i.e., dynamics in which the typical flow speed is much less than the propagation speed of sound waves in the gas) is essentially incompressible, and is governed by the same equations that govern the incompressible flow of liquids. On the other hand, sonic gas dynamics (i.e., dynamics in which the typical flow speed is comparable with the sound speed) exhibits significant differences to subsonic dynamics. Hence, this chapter will concentrate on sonic gas dynamics. More information on this subject can be found in Liepmann & Roshko 1957, Hughes & Brighton 1999, and Milne-Thomson 2011.

14.2 Thermodynamic Considerations Consider a quantity of gas contained in some form of enclosure. If the system is left alone for a sufficiently long time then it will attain an equilibrium state in which all macroscopically measurable quantities become independent of time. Examples of such quantities are the mass, m, the pressure, p, the volume, V, and the absolute temperature, T . It is helpful to distinguish between so-called extensive and intensive equilibrium quantities. A quantity is said to be extensive if it is proportional to the mass of the gas present in the enclosure. On the other hand, a quantity is said to be intensive if it is independent of the mass. Thus, the mass, m, and volume, V, are extensive quantities, whereas the pressure, p, and the absolute temperature, T , are intensive. For every extensive quantity (except the mass), we can introduce a corresponding intensive quantity by dividing by the mass. For instance, the intensive quantity that corresponds to the volume, V, is the specific volume, v = V/m, which is simply the volume per unit mass (i.e., the volume of a unit mass of gas). Of course, v = 1/ρ, where ρ is the mass density. 407


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A gas is said to be ideal if it obeys the law (Reif 1965), p v = R T,


where the constant R is termed the specific gas constant. This quantity is related to the molar gas constant, R, introduced in Section 1.15, according to R = R/M, where M is the molar mass—that is, the mass of NA = 6.022 × 1023 gas molecules. Here, NA is Avogadro’s number (Reif 1965). For all gases, whether in mean motion, or not, there exists an internal energy function, E, that is independent of the mean motion, and dependent only on the variables of state, p, ρ, and T . Moreover, this function is such that when a small quantity of heat, q, is added to the system (Reif 1965), q = dE + p dV.


Thus, the quantity dE is the excess of the energy supplied over the mechanical work done by the pressure. Of course, internal energy is an extensive quantity. The corresponding intensive quantity is the specific internal energy, E = E/m. In an ideal gas, the specific internal energy, E, is a function of the absolute temperature, T , alone (Reif 1965). It follows that dE = k(T ) dT, (14.3) and Equation (14.2) becomes q = m (k dT + p dv). The heat capacity at constant volume of the gas is defined  q   . C¯ V = dT v



Thus, Equation (14.4) implies that C¯ V = m k.


It is clear that C¯ V is an extensive quantity. The corresponding intensive quantity is the specific heat capacity at constant volume, CV =

C¯ V = k. m


Finally, the molar specific heat capacity at constant volume, which is the heat capacity of Avogadro’s number of gas molecules, takes the form cV = M C V .


It follows, from the preceding equations, that dE = CV dT =

cV dT. M


One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


In an ideal gas, cV is a constant, independent of the temperature (Reif 1965), in which case the previous equation can be integrated to give [cf., Equation (1.83)] cV T. M


v d p + p dv = R dT.


E = CV T = Equation (14.1) yields

Combining the previous equation with Equations (14.4) and (14.7), we obtain ! " q = m (CV + R) T − v d p . (14.12) Now, the heat capacity at constant pressure of the gas is defined  q   C¯ p = dT  p


Thus, Equation (14.12) implies that C¯ p = m (CV + R).


It is clear that C¯ p is an extensive quantity. The corresponding intensive quantity is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, Cp =

C¯ p = CV + R. m


Finally, the molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure, which is the heat capacity of Avogadro’s number of gas molecules, takes the form [cf., Equation (1.86)] c p = M C p = cV + R.


The molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure of an ideal gas is a constant, independent of the temperature. The enthalpy of a gas is defined (Reif 1965) H = E + p V.


This quantity is obviously extensive. The corresponding intensive quantity is the specific enthalpy, H = H/m. It follows that, for an ideal gas, H = E + p v = E + R T = Cp T =

cp T, M


where use has been made of Equations (14.1), (14.10), (14.15), and (14.16). In the preceding analysis, we denoted a small quantity of heat by q, rather than dQ, because there is, in general, no function Q of which q is an exact differential. However, we can write (Reif 1965) q = T dS ,



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where dS is the differential of an extensive function, S , called the entropy. To justify the previous expression, note from Equations (14.1), (14.4) and (14.7) that

p dv dT dT dS = m CV + dv = m CV +R . T T T v


However, Equation (14.1) yields d p dv dT + = . p v T


Hence, we obtain

dv dp dS = m C p + CV , v p


where use has been made of Equation (14.15). In an ideal gas, CV and C p are constants, independent of T , so the previous expression can be integrated to give S = m CV ln(p v γ ) = m CV ln

p , ργ


where γ=



is the constant ratio of specific heats. Obviously, the specific entropy is defined S=

p S = CV ln γ . m ρ


Furthermore, it follows from Equations (14.2), (14.17), and (14.19) that dE = −p dV + T dS ,


dH = V d p + T dS ,


or, equivalently, dE = −p dv + T dS, dH = v d p + T dS.

(14.28) (14.29)

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


14.3 Isentropic Flow In the limit of vanishing viscosity and heat conduction, the equations of compressible ideal gas flow, introduced in Section 1.15, can be written Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, Dt Dv ∇p =− − ∇Ψ, Dt ρ

D p = 0, Dt ρ γ

(14.30) (14.31) (14.32)

where v is the flow velocity, and Ψ the potential energy per unit mass. It is clear from Equations (14.25) and (14.32) that the specific entropy is constant along a streamline, but not necessarily the same constant on different streamlines. Such flow is said to be isentropic. From Equation (14.29), isentropic flow is characterized by dH =

dp ρ


along a streamline. More generally, isentropic flow is characterized by p/ρ γ , ρ/T γ−1 , and T γ /p γ−1 , constant along streamlines.

14.4 Sound Waves Suppose that v = u(x, t) e x , ρ = ρ(x, t), p = p(x, t), and Ψ = 0 in Equations (14.30) and (14.31). We obtain ∂ρ ∂u ∂ρ +u +ρ = 0, ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂u 1 ∂p ∂u +u + = 0. ∂t ∂x ρ ∂x

(14.34) (14.35)

Equation (14.32) implies that the flow is isentropic. In other words, p/ρ γ = constant. Thus, it follows that ∂p ∂ρ = c2 , (14.36) ∂x ∂x where c2 ≡

dp γ p = . dρ ρ



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Hence, Equations (14.34) and (14.35) become ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂u +u +ρ = 0, ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂u c 2 ∂ρ ∂u +u + = 0. ∂t ∂x ρ ∂x

(14.38) (14.39)

Unfortunately, these equations are difficult to solve exactly, because of the presence of nonlinear terms such as u ∂u/∂x. (See Example 14.9.) Let us write u(x, t) = u1 (x, t), ρ(x, t) = ρ0 + ρ1 (x, t), and p(x, t) = p0 + p1 (x, t), where quantities with the subscript 1 are assumed to be much smaller that corresponding quantities with the subscript 0. Thus, we are now considering the evolution of small-amplitude pressure and density perturbations in a stationary gas of uniform density and pressure ρ0 and p0 , respectively. To first order in small quantities, the previous two equations yield 1 ∂ρ1 ∂u1 + = 0, ρ0 ∂t ∂x


∂u1 c02 ∂ρ1 + = 0, ∂t ρ0 ∂x


where c0 =

γ p0 . ρ0


The general solution to Equations (14.40) and (14.41) is well known (Fitzpatrick 2013): ρ1 (x, t) = F(x ∓ c0 t), ρ0


u1 (x, t) = ±c0 F(x ∓ c0 t),


where F(x) is an arbitrary function. According to this solution, a small-amplitude density perturbation of arbitrary shape propagates through the gas, either in the positive or negative x-directions (corresponding to the upper and lower signs, respectively), without changing shape, at the constant speed c0 . This type of perturbation is known as a sound wave, and c0 is consequently referred to as the sound speed. It is clear, from the previous analysis, that the general expression for the local sound speed in an isentropic ideal gas of pressure p, density ρ, and temperature T , is  γp  (14.45) c= = γ R T, ρ where use has been made of Equation (14.1). It follows that the speed of sound is solely determined by the temperature of an ideal gas. Let us now consider the effect of finite wave amplitude on the propagation of a sound wave through an isentropic ideal gas. The previous analysis suggest that, in a

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


frame of reference  moving with the local flow velocity, u, a sound wave propagates at the speed c = γ p/ρ. Thus, the net wave propagation speed is c = u + c. Using the isentropic law, p/ρ γ = constant, to eliminate p from c = deduce that

(γ−1)/2 ρ c = c0 . ρ0


γ p/ρ, we (14.47)

Now, Equations (14.43) and (14.44) suggest that, in the presence of a sound wave propagating in the +x-direction, the general differential relationship between the local flow velocity and the density is du = c

dρ . ρ


Making use of Equation (14.47), we can integrate the previous expression to give  (γ−1)/2   ρ  2 c0  ρ dρ 2 u= = (c − c0 ), c − 1 = (14.49)  ρ γ − 1 ρ γ − 1 0 ρ0

or c = c0 +

γ−1 u. 2

It follows that c = c + u = c0 + or

γ+1 u, 2

   (γ−1)/2

    γ + 1  ρ   c = c0  − 1 1+ .      γ−1 ρ0 




Thus, we conclude that the net wave propagation speed is higher than c0 in regions of compression (i.e., ρ > ρ0 ), and lower in regions of rarefaction (i.e., ρ < ρ0 ). This implies that a finite-amplitude sound wave distorts as it propagates in such a manner that the regions of compression tend to catch up with the regions of rarefaction, leading to a monotonic increase with time of the velocity and temperature gradients in the former regions, and a monotonic decrease in the latter regions. Eventually, the velocity and temperature gradients in the regions of compression become so large that it is no longer valid to neglect the effects of viscosity and heat conduction, leading to a local breakdown of the isentropic gas law. Viscosity and heat conduction prevent any further steepening of the velocity and temperature gradients in the regions of compression, and the wave subsequently propagates without additional distortion. However, it has now effectively been transformed into a shock wave. (See Section 14.8.) It is clear, from the previous discussion, that, at finite amplitude, there is an important difference in the behavior of compression and rarefaction waves propagating


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through a gas. A compression wave tends to steepen (i.e., the temperature and velocity gradients tend to increase), and eventually becomes a shock wave, in which case it is no longer isentropic. A rarefaction wave, on the other hand, always remains isentropic, because it tends to flatten, thereby, further reducing the velocity and temperature gradients. Hence, there are no rarefaction, or expansion, shocks.

14.5 Bernoulli’s Theorem According to Bernoulli’s theorem, which was introduced in Section 4.3, the quantity p/ρ + T is constant along a streamline in steady inviscid flow, where T is the total energy per unit mass. For the case of a compressible fluid, T = E + (1/2) v 2 + Ψ . Hence, we deduce that p 1 (14.53) E + + v2 + Ψ ρ 2 is constant along a streamline. In particular, for an ideal gas, we find that H+

1 2 1 v + Ψ = Cp T + v 2 + Ψ 2 2


is constant along a streamline, where use has been made of Equation (14.18). Consider a solid object moving through an ideal gas. Generally speaking, there is at least one stagnation point in front of the object, where the gas comes to rest relative to it. At this point, the gas is adiabatically compressed, and there is an associated rise in temperature. In the frame of reference in which the object is at rest, and the gas a long way from it moves with constant speed and temperature, application of Bernoulli’s theorem yields Cp T +

1 2 v = Cp T0, 2


where T 0 is the stagnation point temperature, and T the temperature at some general point where the flow speed is v. Thus, the total temperature rise due to adiabatic compression is ∆T = T 0 − T =

v2 , 2 Cp


where v and T are the asymptotic flow speed and temperature, respectively. It can be seen that the stagnation temperature rise only depends on the velocity difference between the object and the gas, and is independent of the gas’s density, temperature, or pressure. Note, however, that a lower molar mass implies a higher specific heat, and, hence, a smaller stagnation temperature rise.

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


14.6 Mach Number In an ideal gas, the local Mach number of the flow is defined (see Section 1.17) v Ma = , c


 where c = γ R T is the local sound speed. [See Equation (14.45).] Setting v 2 = Ma 2 c 2 in Equation (14.55), we obtain

−1 1 T 2 = 1 + (γ − 1) Ma , T0 2


where use has been made of Equations (14.15) and (14.24), which imply that

1 R, γ−1

γ R. CP = γ−1

CV =

(14.59) (14.60)

Incidentally, the relation (14.58) is valid for any streamline, because the stagnation temperature, T 0 , can be defined, by means of Equation (14.55), even when the streamline in question does not pass through a stagnation point. We can combine Equation (14.58) with the isentropic relation, p /ρ γ = constant along a streamline (see Section 14.3), as well as the ideal gas law, (14.1), to give

γ/(γ−1) T p = = 1+ p0 T0

1/(γ−1) T ρ = = 1+ ρ0 T0

1 (γ − 1) Ma 2 2 1 (γ − 1) Ma 2 2







Here, p0 and ρ0 are the pressure and density, respectively, at the stagnation point. In principle, the stagnation values, T 0 , p0 , and ρ0 , can be different on different streamlines. However, if a solid object moves through a homogeneous ideal gas that is asymptotically at rest then the stagnation parameters become true constants, independent of the streamline. Such flow is said to be homentropic. A point where the speed of a steadily flowing ideal gas equals the local speed of sound, v = c, is termed a sonic point. The sonic temperature, T 1 , pressure, p1 , and density, ρ1 , are simply related to the stagnation values. In fact, setting Ma = 1 in


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Equations (14.58), (14.61), and (14.62), we obtain

2 T1 = , T0 γ+1

γ/(γ−1) 2 p1 = , p0 γ+1

1/(γ−1) 2 ρ1 = . ρ0 γ+1

(14.63) (14.64) (14.65)

Finally, if we combine Equations (14.58), and (14.61)–(14.65), then we get

 −1 γ−1  2 T = 1+ , (14.66) Ma − 1 T1 γ+1

 −γ/(γ−1) γ−1  2 p = 1+ , (14.67) Ma − 1 p1 γ+1

 −1/(γ−1) γ−1  2 ρ = 1+ . (14.68) Ma − 1 ρ1 γ+1

14.7 Sonic Flow through a Nozzle Consider an ideal gas flowing steadily through a straight nozzle with a slowly-varying cross-sectional area, A = A(x), where x measures distance along the nozzle. The temperature, T , density, ρ, pressure, p, and normal velocity, u = v x , are all assumed to be slowly-varying functions of x that are constant across any cross section. Thus, in this quasi-one-dimensional problem, we are effectively disregarding the comparatively small components of the flow velocity orthogonal to the x-axis. Furthermore, because all streamlines have the same parameter values in any cross section, the flow is homentropic. Of course, the net mass flow rate, Q, must be constant along the nozzle, so Q = ρ(x) A(x) u(x).


In particular, ρ A u = ρ1 A1 u1 , where the subscript 1 refers to the sonic point (assuming that such a point exists). Using u/c = Ma and u1 /c1 = 1, we find that

A 1 c1 ρ1 1 $ T 1 %1/2 ρ1 ρ1 u1 = = = , (14.70) A1 ρ u Ma c ρ Ma T ρ where use has been made of Equation (14.45). It follows from Equations (14.66) and (14.68) that

 (γ+1)/[2 (γ−1)] 1 γ−1  2 A = . (14.71) 1+ Ma − 1 A1 Ma γ+1

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow










Ma Figure 14.1 Simple model of a de Laval nozzle for γ = 7/5. The solid, dashed, long-dashed, dash-dotted, and dotted curves show A/A1 , p/p1 , ρ/ρ1 , T/T 1 , and u/u1 , respectively. Moreover, the previous two equations can be combined with Equation (14.68) to give

 −1/2 γ−1  2 u Ma − 1 = Ma 1 + . u1 γ+1


Figure 14.1 shows A/A1 , p/p1 , ρ/ρ1 , T/T 1 , and u/u1 , plotted as functions of the local Mach number, Ma, for an ideal gas with γ = 7/5. Here, use has been made of Equations (14.71), (14.67), (14.68), (14.66), and (14.72), respectively. Inspecting the curves, we can see, somewhat surprisingly, that the cross-sectional area function, A/A1 , attains a minimum value when Ma = 1. In fact, the figure indicates that, for subsonic flow (Ma < 1), a decreasing cross-sectional area of the nozzle in the direction of the gas flow leads to an increasing flow speed, and decreasing pressure, density, and temperature. However, for supersonic flow (Ma > 1), this behavior is reversed, and an increasing cross-sectional area of the nozzle leads to an increasing flow speed, and decreasing pressure, density, and temperature. We conclude that local Mach number of gas flowing through a converging nozzle (i.e., a nozzle whose cross-sectional area decreases monotonically in the direction of the gas flow) can never exceed unity. Moreover, the maximum Mach number (i.e., unity) is achieved on exit from the nozzle, where the cross-sectional area is smallest. On the other hand, the local Mach number of gas flowing through a converging-diverging nozzle (i.e., a nozzle whose cross-sectional area initially decreases in the direction of the gas flow, attains a minimum value, and then increases) can exceed unity. For this to happen, the


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flow conditions must be arranged such that the sonic point corresponds precisely to the narrowest point of the nozzle, which is generally known as the throat. In this case, as the gas flows through the converging part of the nozzle, the local cross-sectional area, A, travels down the left-hand, subsonic branch of the A/A1 curve shown in Figure 14.1, while the flow speed, u, simultaneously increases. After passing through the throat at the sonic speed, the gas flows through the diverging part of the nozzle, and the cross-sectional area travels up the right-hand, supersonic branch of the A/A1 curve, while the flow speed continues to increase. The type of converging-diverging nozzle just described is known as a de Laval nozzle, after its inventor, Gustaf de Laval (1845–1913). Consider a de Laval nozzle whose gas supply is derived from a large reservoir. Assuming that the gas in the reservoir is essentially at rest, it follows that the temperature, pressure, and density of the gas in the reservoir correspond to the stagnation temperature, pressure, and density—T 0 , p0 , and ρ0 , respectively. Equation (14.63)– (14.65) then specify the temperature, pressure, and density of the gas at the throat of the nozzle—T 1, p1 , and ρ1 , respectively—in terms of the temperature, pressure, and density of the gas in the reservoir. Suppose that a de Laval nozzle exhausts gas into the atmosphere, whose pressure is patm . Now, for the case of incompressible flow, the pressure of the gas exhausted from a nozzle, pe (say), must match the ambient pressure, patm . The reason for this is that any mismatch between the exhaust and ambient pressures is instantly communicated to the whole fluid by means of sound waves that travel infinitely fast (because an incompressible fluid corresponds to the limit γ → ∞). Of course, the sound speed is finite in a compressible gas. However, in subsonic compressible flow, upstream communication is still possible, because the local sound speed exceeds the local flow speed. However, in supersonic compressible flow, upstream communication is impossible, because sound waves cannot catch up with the flow. Consequently, in the case of a nozzle with a subsonic exhaust speed, we would generally expect the exhaust pressure to match the ambient pressure. However, in the case of a nozzle with a supersonic exhaust speed, the exhaust pressure can be significantly different to the ambient pressure. Equation (14.61) yields 5

Ma e =

2 γ−1

  (γ−1)/γ   p0  − 1, pe


where Ma e is the Mach number of the gas exhausted by the nozzle, pe the exhaust pressure, and p0 the reservoir pressure. Suppose that M e < 1—that is, the exhaust speed of the gas is subsonic. In this case, we would expect pe = patm , so that 5

Ma e =

2 γ−1

 

  p0 (γ−1)/γ  − 1. patm


It follows that the critical value of p0 /patm at which the exhaust speed becomes sonic

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow (i.e. Ma e = 1) is

p0 patm


γ+1 = 2

419 γ/(γ−1) .


Thus, in order for a de Laval nozzle to achieve supersonic exhaust speeds, p0 /patm must exceed this critical value. For the case of a gas with γ = 7/5, we find that (p0 /patm )crit = 1.89. Note that if p0 /patm does not exceed the critical value then, as the gas flows through the converging part of the nozzle, its local cross-sectional area, A, travels down the left-hand, subsonic branch of the A/A1 curve shown in Figure 14.1. However, when the gas passes through the throat of the nozzle, the area turns around, and then backtracks up the left-hand branch while the gas passes through the diverging part of the nozzle. In this case, the Mach number never reaches unity. In fact, in the converging part of the nozzle, the flow speed increases, while the pressure, density, and temperature decrease. The flow speed attains its maximum, subsonic value at the throat of the nozzle, while the pressure, density, and pressure simultaneously attain minimum values. Finally, in the diverging part of the nozzle, the flow speed decreases, while the pressure, density, and temperature increase. Equations (14.64) and (14.67) yield


2 p0 γ−1 2 . (14.76) (Ma e − 1) = 1+ γ+1 γ + 1 pe Moreover, Equations (14.45) and (14.63) imply that 5

2 u1 = R T 0 . γ+1


Hence, Equations (14.72), (14.73), (14.76), and (14.77) give the following expression for the exhaust speed from a de Laval nozzle, 5 

(γ−1)/γ   2 γ  pe . ue = R T 0 (14.78) 1 − γ−1 p0 Because pe cannot be negative, we deduce that there is an upper limit to the exhaust speed: namely,

1/2  2γ ue max = c0 = 2 C p T 0 , (14.79) γ−1 where use has been made of Equation (14.60). Here, c0 is the reservoir sound speed. If the exhaust pressure of a de Laval nozzle is higher than the ambient pressure, pe > patm , then the gas is said to be under-expanded. In this case, a pattern of standing shock waves, called shock diamonds, forms in the exhaust plume external to the nozzle. On the other hand, if the exhaust pressure is lower than the ambient pressure, pe < patm , then the gas is said to be over-expanded. In this case, a static shock front forms inside the diverging part of the nozzle. (See Section 14.8.) As the gas passes through the front, its speed drops abruptly from a supersonic to a subsonic value, whereas the pressure, density, and temperature all increase abruptly. As the subsonic gas flows through the remainder of the nozzle, its velocity decreases further.


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14.8 Normal Shocks As previously described, there is an effective discontinuity in the flow speed, pressure, density, and temperature, of the gas flowing through the diverging part of an over-expanded Laval nozzle. This type of discontinuity is known as a normal shock. Let us investigate the properties of such shocks. Our fundamental equations are the mass conservation equation [see Equation (14.30)], Dρ = −ρ ∇ · v, (14.80) Dt the momentum conservation equation [see Equation (14.31)], ∇p Dv =− , Dt ρ


and the energy conservation equation [see Equation (1.75)], p DE = − ∇ · v. Dt ρ


In writing the previous equations, we have neglected viscosity, heat conduction, and potential energy. Note that we have used the more fundamental energy conservation equation, (1.75), rather than Equation (14.32), because the latter equation incorporates the ideal gas law, and this law is not valid inside the shock, because the gas there is not in thermodynamic equilibrium. Consider a compressible gas flowing steadily down a duct of constant crosssectional area A. Let x measure distance along the duct. The gas’s temperature, T (x), density, ρ(x), pressure p(x), specific internal energy E(x), and normal velocity u(x) = v x , are all assumed to be constant across any cross-section, and independent of time. Let the shock be situated at x = 0. Suppose that in the region upstream of the shock, x < 0, the temperature, density, pressure, specific internal energy, and flow speed of the gas take the constant values T 1 , ρ1 , p1 , E1 , and u1 , respectively. Likewise, suppose that in the region downstream of the shock, x > 0, the temperature, density, pressure, specific internal energy, and flow speed of the gas take the constant values T 2 , ρ2 , p2 , E2 , and u2 , respectively. Of course, in the immediate vicinity of the shock, T (x), ρ(x), p(x), E(x), and u(x) are all rapidly-varying functions of x. We wish to find the relationship between the upstream and downstream gas parameters. We can achieve this goal by invoking conservation of mass, momentum, and energy across the shock—in other words, by making use of Equations (14.80)–(14.82). The mass continuity equation (14.71) yields u

du dρ = −ρ , dx dx


which can be rearranged to give d (ρ u) = 0. dx


One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


The momentum conservation equation (14.72) yields u

du 1 dp =− , dx ρ dx


which can be rearranged to give ρu

du d p + = 0, dx dx



 d  2 (14.87) ρ u + p = 0, dx where use has been made of Equation (14.84). Finally, the energy conservation equation (14.73) yields p du dE =− , (14.88) u dx ρ dx which can be rearranged to give ρu or

d dp dE + (p u) = u , dx dx dx

1 du 2 d 1 d 2 du 3 (ρ u E + p u) = −ρ u = − ρu =− ρu , dx dx 2 dx dx 2



where use has been made of Equations (14.84) and (14.86). Thus, we obtain

1 d ρ u E + p u + ρ u 3 = 0, (14.91) dx 2 which reduces to

d p 1 E + + u2 = 0 dx ρ 2


with the aid of Equation (14.84). The previous equation can also be written

d 1 (14.93) H + u 2 = 0, dx 2 where H = E + p/ρ is the specific enthalpy of the gas. [See Equation (14.18).] Integrating Equations (14.84), (14.87), and (14.93) across the shock, we obtain ρ1 u1 = ρ2 u2 , ρ2 u22


ρ1 u12

+ p1 =

+ p2 ,


H1 +

1 2 1 u1 = H2 + u22 , 2 2


where H1 = E1 + p1 /ρ1 , et cetera. We shall assume that the gas upstream and


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downstream of the shock obeys the ideal gas law, and has the same ratio of specific heats, γ. It follows that p1,2 = R ρ1,2 T 1,2 ,

γ H1,2 = R T 1,2 . γ−1

(14.97) (14.98)

where use has been made of Equations (14.1), (14.18), and (14.60). Let Ma1 and Ma2 be the Mach numbers upstream and downstream of the shock, respectively. Thus, u1,2 , Ma1,2 =  γ R T 1,2


where use has been made of Equations (14.45) and (14.57). Equations (14.96), (14.98), and (14.99) can be combined to give T 2 1 + (1/2) (γ − 1) Ma12 = . T 1 1 + (1/2) (γ − 1) Ma22


Equations (14.94) and (14.99) yield ρ2 u1 = = ρ1 u2 or p2 = p1

T 1 Ma1 , T 2 Ma2

T 2 Ma1 , T 1 Ma2



where use has been made of Equation (14.97). Finally, Equations (14.95), (14.97), and (14.99) give p2 1 + γ Ma12 = . (14.103) p1 1 + γ Ma22 Eliminating T 2 , ρ2 , and p2 between Equations (14.100), (14.101), and (14.103), we obtain  1/2  2 + (γ − 1) Ma12   . Ma2 =  (14.104) 1 − γ + 2 γ Ma12 Note that dMa22 dMa12

  = − 

2  1+γ  < 0. 2 1 − γ + 2 γ Ma1


Moreover, it is easily verified that Ma2 = 1 when Ma1 = 1. Hence, we deduce that Ma2  1


Ma1  1.


In other words, if the downstream flow is subsonic then the upstream flow is supersonic, and vice versa. Equations (14.1), (14.100), (14.101), (14.103), and (14.104)

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


can be combined to give p2 1 − γ + 2 γ M12 , = p1 γ+1


(γ + 1) Ma12 ρ2 u1 = = , ρ1 u2 2 + (γ − 1) Ma12


p2 ρ1 T2 = . T1 p1 ρ2


The previous three equations completely describe the conditions downstream of the shock in terms of the upstream conditions. We can rearrange these equations to give Ma12 =

γ − 1 + (γ + 1) (p2 /p1 ) , 2γ


ρ2 u1 γ − 1 + (γ + 1) (p2 /p1 ) , = = ρ1 u2 γ + 1 + (γ − 1) (p2 /p1 )

p2 γ + 1 + (γ − 1) (p2/p1 ) T2 = . T1 p1 γ − 1 + (γ + 1) (p2/p1 )

(14.111) (14.112)

The latter two equations are known as the Rankine-Hugoniot relations. According to Equation (14.25), the jump in specific entropy across the shock is γ p2 ρ1 S2 − S1 = CV ln . (14.113) p1 ρ2 It follows from Equations (14.107) and (14.108) that   S2 − S1 = CV ln G(Ma12 ) , where

1−γ + 2γx G(x) = γ+1

2 + (γ − 1) x (γ + 1) x


γ .


It is easily demonstrated that [2 + (γ − 1) x] γ−1 dG = 2 γ (γ − 1) (1 − x) 2 ≥ 0. dx [(γ + 1) x] γ+1


Moreover, G(1) = 1. Hence, we deduce that S2 − S1  0


Ma1  1.


Now, the second law of thermodynamics forbids a spontaneous decrease in the specific entropy of the gas as it passes through the shock (Reif 1965). In other words, the second law of thermodynamics demands that S2 − S1 ≥ 0. It follows that Ma1 ≥ 0. However, it is easily seen from Equations (14.107)–(14.109) that p2 /p1 = ρ2 /ρ1 =


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u2 /u1 = T 2 /T 1 = 1 when Ma1 = 1. In other words, there is no shock (i.e., no discontinuity in the properties of the gas at x = 0) when the upstream Mach number is exactly unity. Thus, we conclude that the only type of normal shock that is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics is one in which the upstream flow is supersonic, and the downstream flow subsonic—that is, Ma1 > 1 and Ma2 < 1. It is apparent from Equations (14.107)–(14.109) that if Ma1 > 1 then p2 /p1 > 1, ρ2 /ρ1 > 1, and T 2 /T 1 > 1. In other words, the passage of the gas through the shock front leads to both compression and heating. The dimensionless parameter p2 − p1 ∆p = p1 p1


is a convenient measure of shock strength. Thus, a shock is said to be weak if ∆p/p1  1, and strong if ∆p/p1 1. Consider a weak shock. According to Equations (14.111), (14.112), (14.114), and (14.116), ∆ρ 1 ∆p , ρ1 γ p1

γ − 1 ∆p ∆T , T1 γ p1

3 ∆S (γ + 1) ∆p , R 12 γ 2 p1

(14.119) (14.120) (14.121)

where ∆ρ = ρ2 − ρ1 , et cetera, and use has been made of Equation (14.59). It can be seen that the flow across the shock is isentropic (i.e., p/ρ γ and T γ /p γ−1 are constant) to first order in the shock strength. This is the case because the increase in specific entropy across the shock is only third order in the shock strength. Consider a strong shock. It can be seen from Equations (14.111) and (14.112) that γ+1 ρ2 , → ρ1 γ−1

T2 γ − 1 ∆p → , T1 γ + 1 p1

(14.122) (14.123)

as ∆p/p1 → ∞. Clearly, there is a finite limit to the degree of compression of gas passing through a strong shock. Thus, in the case of a strong shock, the large increase in the pressure across the shock front is predominately caused by a large increase in the temperature. In other words, the gas flowing through a strong shock is subject moderate compression, but intense heating. Finally, let us transform to a frame of reference that is co-moving with the gas upstream of the shock. In this reference frame, the shock appears to propagate through a stationary gas of pressure, density, and temperature, p1 , ρ1 , and T 1 , respectively, at the speed u1 . In other words, in the new reference frame, our stationary shock is

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transformed into a shock wave. (See Section 14.4.) The pressure, density, and temperature behind the wave are p2 , ρ2 , and T 2 , respectively. Also, the gas behind the wave follows the shock front at the speed u1 − u2 . We can regard Ma1 as the Mach number of the shock wave in the unperturbed gas. It follows from Equation (14.110) that

γ + 1 ∆p 2 Ma1 = 1 + . (14.124) 2 γ p1 Thus, for a weak shock wave (i.e., ∆p/p1  1), Ma1 1.


In other words, a weak shock wave propagates through the unperturbed gas at the local sound speed. Indeed, such a wave is essentially indistinguishable from a conventional sound wave. On the other hand, for a strong shock wave (i.e., ∆p/p1 1), 5

γ + 1 ∆p . (14.126) Ma1 2 γ p1 We conclude that a strong shock wave propagates through the unperturbed gas at a speed that greatly exceeds the local sound speed.

14.9 Piston-Generated Shock Wave Consider the situation illustrated in Figure 14.2 in which, at t = 0, a tight-fitting piston is suddenly pushed into a stationary gas, contained in a uniform tube, at the steady speed V p , generating a shock front that propagates away from the piston, and into the gas, at the speed V s . Suppose that the piston is located at x = 0 at t = 0, and moves in the +x-direction. The gas can be divided into two regions. In region 1, which lies to the right of the shock wave (i.e., x > V s t), the gas remains undisturbed. Hence, its velocity is u1 = 0. Let its pressure, density, and temperature be p1 , ρ1 , and T 1 , respectively. In region 2, which lies between the piston and the shock wave (i.e., V p t < x < V s t), the gas is co-moving with the piston, so its velocity is u2 = V p . Let its pressure, density, and temperature, be p2 , ρ2 , and T 2 , respectively. Thus, the system is formally the same as that discussed in the final paragraph of the previous section, provided that we make the identifications V s = u1 and V p = u1 − u2 . Let β = (p2 − p1 )/p1 be our conventional measure of shock strength. It follows from Equations (14.111) and (14.112) that ρ2 2 γ + (γ + 1) β , = ρ1 2 γ + (γ − 1) β

T2 2 γ + (γ − 1) β = (1 + β) , T1 2 γ + (γ + 1) β

(14.127) (14.128)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


on p


x = Vp t



k oc


x = Vs t





region 2

region 1

Figure 14.2 A piston-generated shock wave. where γ is the gas’s ratio of specific heats. We can define the Mach number of the shock wave as Ma s = V s /c1 = u1 /c1 , where c1 is the sound speed in the unperturbed gas. According to Equation (14.110),

1/2 γ+1 . Ma s = 1 + β 2γ


Finally, we can define the Mach number of the piston as Ma p = V p /c1 . Thus, Ma p =

u1 − u2 u1 u2 ρ1 = 1− = Ma s 1 − , c1 c1 u1 ρ2


where use has been made of Equation (14.111). Equations (14.127) and (14.129) can be combined with the previous equation to give


1 1 γ+1 . = 2+ 2 2γβ β Ma p


Thus, Equations (14.127)–(14.129), and (14.131), fully determine the parameters of the shocked gas, as well as the speed of the shock front, in terms of the parameters of the unperturbed gas and the piston speed. In particular, for a weak shock (i.e.,

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


β  1), β γ Ma p ,

γ+1 Ma p , Ma s 1 + 4

(14.132) (14.133)

whereas for a strong shock (i.e., β 1), β

γ (γ + 1) Ma p2

2 γ+1 Ma s Ma p . 2




Thus, a weak shock is associated with a subsonic piston (i.e., Ma p  1), whereas a strong shock is associated with a supersonic piston (i.e., Ma p 1).

14.10 Piston-Generated Expansion Wave Consider the situation illustrated in Figure 14.3 in which, at t = 0, a tight-fitting piston is suddenly withdrawn from a stationary gas, contained in a uniform tube, at the steady speed V p , generating an expansion wave that propagates away from the piston, and into the gas. Suppose that the piston is located at x = 0 at t = 0, and moves in the −x-direction. As described in Section 14.4, the expansion wave is isentropic. The sudden withdrawal of the piston creates a step-function change in the flow speed, pressure, density, and temperature, of the gas inside the tube, such that the immediately adjacent gas moves with the piston. As described in Section 14.4, this step function flattens as the expansion wave begins to propagate. Locally, within the wave, the disturbance travels at the sound speed. Because the temperature varies across the wave (which starts out as a step in this variable), the local speed of disturbance propagation also varies across the wave. On the edge of the wave adjacent to the region of undisturbed gas, which we shall denote region 1, the temperature and propagation speed are greatest. On the opposite edge, the temperature and propagation speed are least. Let the region lying between the piston and the left edge of the expansion wave be denoted region 2. In region 1, the flow speed, pressure, density, and temperature, of the gas are u1 = 0, p1 , ρ1 , and T 1 , respectively. On the other hand, in region 2, the flow speed, pressure, density, and temperature, of the gas are u2 = −V p (i.e., the gas in region 2 is co-moving with the piston), p2 , ρ2 , and T 2 , respectively. As shown in Figure 14.3, the expansion wave expands, or “fans” out, as it propagates. In fact, the x-t plot is a fan of constant sonic speed lines that show the development of the wave. These lines are called characteristics, and follow the path of local isentropic disturbances. The absolute speed of the disturbance is the sum of


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


x = [c1 − (1/2)(γ + 1) Vp] t

x = c1 t

x = −Vp t

expansion front

pist on p ath x



region 2

region 1

Figure 14.3 A piston-generated expansion wave. the local sonic speed and the local gas flow speed. The terminating characteristic on the right has slope dx/dt = c1 , where c1 is the region-1 sound speed. The terminating characteristic on the left has the slope dx/dt = c2 −V p , where c2 is the region-2 sound speed. The latter slope may be either positive or negative, depending on whether c2 is greater than, or less than, V p . Making use of isentropic relationships (see Section 14.3), we can explicitly evaluate the structure of the fan as follows. In terms of c1 , the local sonic speed in the fan can be written [cf., Equation (14.47)]

(γ−1)/2 ρ c(x) = c1 . (14.136) ρ1 Moreover, the relationship between the gas speed, u(x), and the density in the wave is [cf., Equation (14.48)] dρ (14.137) du = c . ρ The previous two expressions yield [cf., Equation (14.50)] c(x) = c1 +

1 (γ − 1) u(x). 2


Hence, the absolute disturbance speed in the fan is [cf., Equation (14.51)] c (x) = c(x) + u(x) = c1 +

1 (γ + 1) u(x). 2


One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


In particular, the terminating characteristic on the left (for which u = −V p ) has the slope dx 1 = c2 − V p = c1 − (γ + 1) V p . (14.140) dt 2 It follows that 1 c2 = c1 − (γ − 1) V p . (14.141) 2 Standard isentropic relations (see Section 14.3) then yield the density and pressure changes across the fan:

V p 2/(γ−1) ρ2 1 = 1 − (γ − 1) , (14.142) ρ1 2 c1

V p 2 γ/(γ−1) p2 1 = 1 − (γ − 1) . (14.143) p1 2 c1 Here, use has been made of the fact that c ∝ T 1/2 . At the critical piston withdrawal speed V p = [2/(γ − 1)] c1, the pressure and density in region 2 are both reduced to zero, and the terminating characteristic on the left co-moves with the piston. Any further increase in the withdrawal speed makes no difference to the flow. The equation of motion of the right edge of the expansion wave is x1 = c1 t.


Likewise, the equation of motion of the left edge is

1 x2 = c1 − (γ + 1) V p t. 2


Finally, the equation of motion of a general point in the expansion wave is

1 (14.146) x = c1 + (γ + 1) u t. 2 The previous three equations can be combined to give

x − x2 Vp u(x) = −1 + x1 − x2


for x2 ≤ x ≤ x1 . In other words, the flow speed varies linearly with x inside the expansion wave. It follows from Equations (14.138) and (14.141) that c(x) − c2 x − x2 = c1 − c2 x1 − x2


for x2 ≤ x ≤ x1 . Thus, the sound speed also varies linearly with x inside the expansion wave. However, according to Equation (14.136), ρ (γ−1)/2 − ρ2(γ−1)/2 ρ1(γ−1)/2



x − x2 x1 − x2



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

for x2 ≤ x ≤ x1 . Furthermore, standard isentropic relations yield (γ−1)/2 γ

p (γ−1)/2 γ − p2 p1(γ−1)/2 γ

p2(γ−1)/2 γ


x − x2 x1 − x2


for x2 ≤ x ≤ x1 . Thus, neither the density nor the pressure vary linearly with x inside the expansion wave.

14.11 Exercises 14.1 Prove the following useful theorems regarding partial derivatives: )

∂Y ∂X =1 , ∂Y Z ∂X Z


∂X ∂X ∂Y = , ∂Y Z ∂W Z ∂W Z


∂Z ∂Z ∂X =− ∂Y Z ∂Y X ∂X Y 14.2

(a) The specific internal energy of a (not necessarily ideal) gas is defined by dE = T dS − p dv. Demonstrate that

∂E , T= ∂S v

∂E p=− ∂v


∂T ∂v



, S

∂p . ∂S v

(b) The specific enthalpy of a gas is defined by H = E + p v. Demonstrate that

∂H T= ∂S and

∂H v= ∂p

, p

∂T ∂p


∂v = ∂S

. p

, S

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


(c) The specific Helmholtz free energy of a gas is defined by F = E − T S. Demonstrate that

∂F S=− ∂T

∂F p=− ∂v

, v


∂S ∂v

= T

∂p ∂T

, T

. v

(d) The specific Gibbs free energy of a gas is defined by G = H − T S. Demonstrate that

S=− and

∂G ∂T




∂S ∂p


∂v =− ∂T

∂G ∂p

, T

. p

14.3 Demonstrate that the specific heat at constant volume of a (not necessarily ideal) gas can be written

∂E ∂S =T . cv = ∂T v ∂T v Likewise, show that the specific heat at constant pressure takes the form

∂H ∂S =T . cp = ∂T v ∂T p 14.4 The quantities

1 ∂v , v ∂T p

1 ∂v , κT = − v ∂p T

1 ∂v κS = − , v ∂p S α=


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics are known as the coefficient of thermal expansion, the isothermal compressibility, and the adiabatic compressibility, respectively. Demonstrate that for a (not necessarily ideal) gas, c p − cv =

T v α2 , κT

κT − κS =

T v α2 . cp

Hence, deduce that


c p κT = . cv κS

Show that for the special case of an ideal gas, α = 1/T , κT = 1/p, and κS = 1/(γ p). Hence, obtain the following standard results for an ideal gas: cp = γ, cv c p − cv = R,

γ cp = R, γ−1 14.5 Show that for an ideal gas 

2  −1/2   1 − 1 (γ − 1) v  , 2 c0

2 v 1 = 1 − (γ − 1) , 2 c0 

2  γ/(γ−1)  v  1 = 1 − (γ − 1) ,  2 c0  

2  1/(γ−1)  v  1 = 1 − (γ − 1) ,  2 c0 

v Ma = c0 T T0 p p0 ρ ρ0

where Ma is the Mach number, v the flow speed, and T 0 , p0 , ρ0 , and c0 , are the temperature, pressure, density, and sound speed, respectively, at the stagnation point. 14.6 Consider the flow of an isentropic ideal gas down a straight nozzle with a slowly-varying cross-sectional area, A(x), where x measures distance along the nozzle. Let u(x), ρ(x), c(x), and Ma(x) be the flow speed, density, sonic speed, and Mach number, respectively. Demonstrate that c2

dρ + u du = 0, ρ

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


diaphragm p1

shock |Vs| region 1


contact surface

|u2| region 2

p4 > p1

expansion front c4

region 3

region 4

Figure 14.4 A shock tube. and

dρ dA du + + = 0. ρ A u

Hence, show that dA du = (Ma 2 − 1). A u Deduce that the throat of the nozzle (where A attains its minimum value) either corresponds to a sonic point (i.e, Ma = 1), or a point of maximum or minimum flow speed. Finally, demonstrate that

1 + (1/2) (γ − 1) Ma 2 dA dMa = . Ma A 1 − Ma 2 14.7 As indicated in Figure 14.4, a shock tube is a tube of uniform cross section that is divided by a diaphragm into two chambers that contain different gases at different pressures. Let x measure distance along the tube, and let the diaphragm be located at x = 0. Suppose that the chamber to the left of the diaphragm (which lies at x < 0) is filled with stationary gas of pressure, density, temperature, and ratio of specific heats, p1 , ρ1 , T 1 , and γ1 , respectively. Likewise, suppose that the chamber to the right of the diaphragm (which lies at x > 0) is filled with stationary gas of pressure, density, temperature, and ratio of specific heats, p4 , ρ4 , T 4 , and γ4 , respectively. It is assumed that p4 > p1 . At t = 0, the diaphragm is ruptured. As indicated in the figure, a shock wave subsequently travels to the left with speed |V s |, and an expansion wave to the right with speed c4 . The so-called contact surface marks the boundary between the two different gases that were originally on either side of the diaphragm. Neglecting diffusion, the gases do not mix, but are permanently separated by the contact surface. On either side of the contact surface, which moves to the left with speed |u2 |, the temperatures and densities can be different, but the pressures and flow velocities must be the same. We can divide the gas in the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics tube into four regions. Regions 1 lies to the left of the shock wave. Region 2 lies between the shock wave and the contact surface. Region 3 lies between the contact surface and the expansion wave. Region 4 lies to the right of the expansion wave. Thus, we expect the flow velocity, pressure, density, temperature, and ratio of heats to be u1 = 0, p1 , ρ1 , T 1 , and γ1 , respectively, in Region 1; u2 , p2 , ρ2 , T 2 , and γ1 , respectively in Region 2; u2 , p2 , ρ3 , T 3 , and γ4 , respectively in Region 3; and u4 = 0, p4 , ρ4 , T 4 , and γ4 , respectively, in Region 1. Note that u2 and V s are negative. Demonstrate that

|u2 | = c1 and

p2 −1 p1

2/γ1 2 γ1 + (γ1 + 1) (p2 /p1 − 1)

1/2 ,

(γ4 −1)/γ4   2 c4  p2  , |u2 | = 1 − γ4 − 1 p4

where c1 and c4 are the sound speeds in Regions 1 and 4, respectively. Hence, obtain −2 γ4 /(γ4 −1)   p2  p4 (γ4 − 1) (c1 /c4 ) (p2 /p1 − 1) = .  1 −   p1 p1 2 γ1 2 γ1 + (γ1 + 1) (p2/p1 − 1) This expression give the shock strength, p2 /p1 , implicitly as a function of the diaphragm pressure ratio, p4 /p1 . All other quantities of interest can be expressed in terms of the shock strength. Show that

1/2 γ1 + 1 p2 |V s | = c1 1 + −1 , 2 γ1 p1 ρ2 2 γ1 + (γ1 + 1) (p2 /p1 − 1) , = ρ1 2 γ1 + (γ1 − 1) (p2 /p1 − 1)

T2 p2 2 γ1 + (γ1 − 1) (p2 /p1 − 1) = , T1 p1 2 γ1 + (γ1 + 1) (p2 /p1 − 1)

1/γ4 p2 /p1 ρ3 = , ρ4 p4 /p1 and

(γ −1)/γ4 p2 /p1 4 T3 = . T4 p4 /p1

14.8 Show that the maximum shock strength and shock speed attainable in a (uniform) shock tube, in the limit p4 /p1 → ∞, are 

p 2 c4 = p 1 c1

2 γ1 (γ1 + 1) , (γ4 − 1)

One-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow and


γ1 + 1 |V s | = c4 , γ4 − 1

respectively. Show, further, that the contact surface moves at the speed

2 |u2 | = c4 . γ4 − 2 14.9 Show that Equations (14.38) and (14.39) can be written in the form

∂c ∂c ∂u 2 +u +c = 0, γ − 1 ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂u 2 a ∂c ∂u +u + = 0, ∂t ∂x γ − 1 ∂x where c is the sound speed. By adding and subtracting the previous equations, obtain

∂ ∂ 2c + (u + c) u+ = 0, ∂t ∂x γ−1

∂ ∂ 2c + (u − c) u− = 0. ∂t ∂x γ−1 These equations indicate that the quantities P = u + 2 c/(γ − 1) and Q = u − 2 c/(γ − 1) are constant on curves that have the slope dx/dt = u + c and dx/dt = u − c, respectively. These curves are called characteristics, and P and Q are known as Riemann invariants. In situations in which all the Q characteristics originate from regions where the gas is at rest, we expect Q to be constant throughout the gas. Deduce that [cf., Equation (14.50)]

γ−1 u, c = c0 + 2 where c0 is the stagnation sound speed. Show that

∂ ∂ + (u + c) (u + c) = 0. ∂t ∂x Hence, conclude that the P characteristics are straight-lines. 14.10 Consider a one-dimensional sound wave propagating through an ideal gas whose unperturbed sound speed is c0 . At time t = 0, the velocity perturbation, u(x, t), due to the wave, has the form u0 sin(k x), where u0 and k are both positive. Demonstrate that shocks form after a time t∗

2 (γ + 1) k u0


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics has elapsed. [Hint: Shocks are associated with the crossing of different P characteristics.] Show that in the time interval t = 0 to t = t∗ a local maximum of u(x, t) travels a distance

1 2 c0 , 1+ (γ + 1) u0 k

14.11 An ideal gas is initially at rest in a uniform tube, and occupies the region to the right of a tight-fitting piston whose position is X(t) = (1/2) a t 2 for t > 0. Here, a > 0. Show that a shock first forms at t = t∗ and x = x∗ , where

2 c0 t∗ = , γ+1 a

2 c0 2 . x∗ = γ+1 a Here, c0 is the stagnation sound speed, and γ the ratio of specific heats.

15 Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow

15.1 Introduction This chapter investigates two-dimensional, supersonic, compressible, inviscid flow. Flow is said to be two-dimensional when the fluid properties only depend on two Cartesian coordinates. More information on this subject can be found in Liepmann & Roshko 1957, Hughes & Brighton 1999, Emanuel 2000, and Anderson 2003.

15.2 Oblique Shocks Consider a normal shock in which the flow upstream and downstream of the shock front is parallel to the x-axis, and front itself lies in the y-z plane. (See Section 14.8.) Suppose that u1 and u2 are the upstream and downstream flow speeds, respectively. Let us now view this shock in a frame of reference that moves with respect to our original frame at the constant velocity −v ey . As illustrated in Figure 15.1, viewing the shock in the new reference frame has the effect of adding a component of velocity of magnitude v, directed parallel to the y-axis, to both the upstream and the downstream flow. The resultant upstream velocity is now of magnitude w1 = (u12 + v 2 )1/2 , and subtends an angle β = tan−1 (u1 /v), known as the wave angle, with the shock front. It is evident that β may be adjusted to any value via a suitable choice of v. Now, because u2 is not the same as u1 , the inclination of the downstream flow to the shock front is different to that of the upstream flow. In other words, the direction of the flow turns abruptly as it passes through the shock. Because u2 is always less than u1 (see Section 14.8), the deviation is always towards the shock front. In other words, the deflection angle, θ, defined in Figure 15.1, is positive. The relationship between the conditions upstream and downstream of the shock is easily obtained from the analysis of Section 14.8, because viewing a normal shock in a moving frame of reference does not change the relationship between the upstream and downstream conditions in the original reference frame. The only modification is that the upstream Mach number is now defined as Ma1 = w1 /c1 , rather than u1 /c1 . Here, c1 is the upstream sound speed. Thus, given that u1 = w1 sin β, we simply need to make the transformation Ma1 → Ma1 sin β in the previous analysis. Hence, 437


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics





u1 v






Figure 15.1 An oblique shock. Equations (14.107), (14.108), (14.109), and (14.113), yield p2 1 − γ + 2 γ Ma12 sin2 β , = p1 γ+1


(γ + 1) Ma12 sin2 β ρ2 u1 = = , (15.2) ρ1 u2 2 + (γ − 1) Ma12 sin2 β    1 − γ + 2 γ Ma12 sin2 β 2 + (γ − 1) Ma12 sin2 β T2 , (15.3) = T1 (γ + 1) 2 Ma12 sin2 β  γ  1 − 1−γ   2  1−γ  2 2 2     S2 − S1  1 − γ + 2 γ Ma1 sin β   (γ + 1) Ma1 sin β       = ln  , (15.4)        2 2   R γ + 1   2 + (γ − 1) Ma1 sin β respectively. Here, p1 , ρ1 , T 1 , and S1 are the upstream pressure, density, temperature, and specific entropy, respectively, p2 , ρ2 , T 2 , and S2 are the corresponding downstream quantities, γ is the ratio of specific heats, R the specific gas constant, and use has been made of Equation (14.59). As before (see Section 14.8), the second law of thermodynamics demands that S2 − S1 ≥ 0, which implies that Ma1 sin β ≥ 1. This sets a minimum inclination of the upstream flow to the shock front for a given upstream Mach number. The maximum inclination is, of course, β = π/2. Thus, µ≤β≤

π , 2


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow where µ = sin


1 Ma1

439 (15.6)

is termed the Mach angle. The downstream Mach number can be calculated by noting that Ma2 = w2 /c2 , rather that u2 /c2 , where c2 is the downstream sound speed, and u2 = w2 sin(β − θ). In other words, we simply need to make the transformation Ma2 → Ma2 sin(β − θ) in the previous analysis. Thus, it follows from Equation (14.104) that Ma22 sin2 (β − θ) =

2 + (γ − 1) Ma12 sin2 β 1 − γ + 2 γ Ma12 sin2 β

According to Figure 15.1, tan β =


u1 , v




u2 . v Eliminating v, and then making use of Equation (15.2), we obtain tan(β − θ) =

tan(β − θ) u2 ρ1 2 + (γ − 1) Ma12 sin2 β . = = = tan β u1 ρ2 (γ + 1) Ma12 sin2 β Now, tan(β − θ) ≡

tan β − tan θ , 1 + tan β tan θ

so Equation (15.10) can be rearranged to give   2 cot β Ma12 sin2 β − 1 tan θ = ! ". 2 + Ma12 γ + cos(2 β)





Here, use has been made of the identity cos(2 β) ≡ cos2 β − sin2 β. The previous expression implies that θ = 0 at β = µ and β = π/2, which are the limits of the range of allowed values for θ defined in Equation (15.5). Within this range, θ is positive, and, must, therefore, have a maximum value, θmax . This is illustrated in Figure 15.2, where the relationship between θ and β, for an ideal gas with γ = 1.4, is plotted for various values of Ma1 . If θ < θmax then, for each value of θ and Ma1 , there are two possible solutions, corresponding to two different values of β. The larger value of β corresponds to the stronger shock [because, according to Equation (15.1), the shock strength, p2 /p1 − 1, is a monotonically increasing function of β]. Also shown in Figure 15.2 is the locus of solutions for which Ma2 = 1. In the solution with the stronger shock, the downstream flow always becomes subsonic. On the other hand, in the solution with the weaker shock, the downstream flow remains supersonic, except for a small range of values of θ that are slightly smaller that θmax .


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


θ( ◦)






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 β( ◦)

Figure 15.2 Oblique shock solutions for γ = 1.4. The solid curves show solutions for Ma1 = 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and ∞, in order from the innermost to the outermost curve. The dashed curve shows the locus of solutions for which θ = θmax . The dash-dotted curve shows the locus of solutions for which Ma2 = 1. Solutions to the left and right of the dash-dotted curve correspond to Ma2 > 1 and Ma2 < 1, respectively.

Equation (15.10) can be rearranged to give

γ + 1 tan(β − θ) γ−1 1 = − , 2 tan β 2 Ma12 sin2 β


which can be further reduced to


γ+1 sin β sin θ . sin β − 1 = Ma12 2 cos(β − θ) 2


For small deflection angles, θ, the previous expression can be approximated by


sin β − 1 2

γ+1 2 Ma1 tan β θ. 2


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


shock front

Ma2 θ

Ma1 β

wall β wall


Figure 15.3 Supersonic flow in concave corner.

15.3 Supersonic Flow in Corner or over Wedge In practice, what determines β and θ? In other words, how are oblique shocks generated? In non-viscous flow, any streamline can be replaced by a solid boundary. Thus, the oblique shock flow, described in the previous section, provides the solution to the problem of supersonic flow in a concave corner, as illustrated in Figure 15.3. For a given values of Ma1 and θ, the values of β and Ma2 are determined. [See Exercise 15.1 and Equation (15.7).] For the present, we shall only consider cases in which Ma2 > 1. This restricts the oblique shock solution to the weaker of the two possible solutions. We also require that θ be less than θmax . The stronger shock solution, as well as cases in which θ > θmax , will be discussed later. (See Section 15.7.) By symmetry, supersonic flow in a concave corner that turns though an angle θ is equivalent to one half of the flow pattern that results when a supersonic fluid is normally incident on a symmetric wedge of nose angle 2 θ. This is illustrated in Figure 15.4. It is clear, from the figure, that the presence of the wedge only affects the flow in the region that lies to the right of the two shock fronts that are attached to the wedge apex, P. In particular, the presence of the apex at P only affects the flow in the region that lies to the right of the shock fronts. The part of Figure 15.2 that we are presently considering (i.e., Ma2 > 1) is such that a decrease in the wedge angle, θ, corresponds to a decrease in the wave angle, β. When θ decreases to zero (causing the wedge to disappear), β decreases to the limiting value µ. Moreover, the shock strength (which parameterizes the jump in quantities across the shock front) becomes zero. (See Section 15.4.) In fact, there is no disturbance in the flow in the limit θ → 0. Thus, in Figure 15.4, there is no longer anything unique about the point P; indeed, this point might correspond to any point in the flow. The angle µ is simply a characteristic angle associated with the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics shock front

Ma2 Ma1 wedge β θ



θ β

Ma1 Ma2

shock front

Figure 15.4 Supersonic flow over symmetric wedge.

local Mach number of the flow, according to the relation (15.6). As we have already mentioned, µ is known as the Mach angle. Note that 0 ≤ µ ≤ π/2 for Ma1 ≥ 1. The lines of inclination µ (with respect to the upstream directed streamline) that may be drawn at any point in the flow are known as Mach lines. At a general point, P, there are always two lines that intersect the local streamline at the angle µ. (In three-dimensional flow, the Mach lines define a conical surface with apex P, known as a Mach cone.) Thus, a two-dimensional supersonic flow pattern is associated with two families of Mach lines. These are conventionally distinguished by the labels (+) and (−). Those lying in the (+) set run to the right of the (upstream directed) streamline, whereas those in the (−) set run to the left. (See Figure 15.5.) Mach lines are also sometimes called characteristics. It is clear, from our previous discussion, that the flow conditions at point P can only affect those at some other point Q if the latter point lies between the (+) and (−) Mach lines passing through point P. (See Figure 15.5, as well as Exercise 15.2.) Hence, we deduce that, unlike subsonic flow, there is no upstream influence in supersonic flow. Oblique shocks can also be distinguished by the labels (+) and (−), according to which set of characteristics they asymptote to in the limit of zero shock strength.

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


(−) streamline µ


µ P


Figure 15.5 Right- and left-running Mach lines [labeled (+) and (−), respectively] emanating from an arbitrary point, P, in a supersonic flow field.

15.4 Weak Oblique Shocks For small deflection angles, θ, the oblique shock equations reduce to relatively simple expressions. In fact, we already saw in Equation (15.15) that if θ  1 then

γ+1 2 2 2 Ma1 sin β − 1 (15.16) Ma1 tan β θ. 2 It follows that β is either close to µ or π/2, depending on whether Ma2 > 1 or Ma2 < 1. (See Figure 15.2.) For the present, we are only considering the former case (Ma2 > 1), for which we may use the approximation [see Equation (15.6)] tan β tan µ = 




Ma12 − 1

Equation (15.16) then reduces to

    2  γ + 1  Ma1 2 2  θ.  Ma1 sin β − 1   2  2 Ma1 − 1 


This is the basic relation that is needed to obtain all other approximate expressions, because these expressions only depend on the normal component of the upstream flow, Ma1 sin β. Thus, Equation (15.1) yields     ∆p  γ Ma12   θ,   (15.19)  p1  Ma12 − 1 


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where ∆p = p2 − p1 . It is apparent that the shock strength, ∆p/p1 , is directly proportional to the deflection angle, θ. The changes in the other flow quantities, except the specific entropy, across the shock front are also directly proportional to θ. (See Exercise 15.3.) The change in the entropy, on the other hand, is proportional to the third power of the shock strength (see Section 14.8), and, hence, to the third power of the deflection angle. To explicitly find the deviation of the wave angle, β, from the Mach angle, µ, we write β = µ + , (15.20) where   µ. Thus, we have sin β = sin(µ + ) sin µ +  cos µ.


However, by definition, sin µ = 1/Ma1 , and cos µ = (Ma12 − 1)1/2 /Ma1 [see Equation (15.6)], so we obtain Ma1 sin β 1 +  or Ma12

 Ma12 − 1,

 sin β 1 + 2  Ma12 − 1. 2



Finally, comparison with Equation (15.18) reveals that   γ + 1  Ma12   θ.   4 Ma12 − 1


In other words, for a finite deflection angle, θ, the wave angle, β, differs from the Mach angle, µ, by an amount, , that is of the same order of magnitude as θ. The change in flow speed across the shock front is obtained from the ratio w22 w12


u22 + v 2 u12




cos2 β (u2 /v)2 + 1 tan2 (β − θ) + 1 = = , 2 2 (u1 /v) + 1 cos2 (β − θ) tan β + 1

where use has been made of Equations (15.8) and (15.9). However,     2   Ma − 1 2   1 2 2  , cos β = 1 − sin β 1 −  2  Ma1  Ma12 − 1  where use has been made of Equation (15.23). Similarly,     2   Ma − 1 2 ( − θ)  1  . cos2 (β − θ) 1 −   2  Ma1  Ma12 − 1 




Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow



weak shocks







θ (c)

Mach lines


θ Figure 15.6 Compression of supersonic flow that is turned through an angle θ. Case (a) shows a single turn through an angle θ. Case (b) shows the turn subdivided into a number of smaller turns of magnitude ∆θ. Case (c) shows a smooth continuous turn through an angle θ. Hence, to first order in θ, θ w2 , 1−  w1 Ma12 − 1


∆w θ , − w1 Ma12 − 1


where ∆w = w2 − w1 .

15.5 Supersonic Compression by Turning A shock front increases the pressure and density of the fluid that passes through it. In other words, the front compresses the flow. A simple method for compressing a supersonic flow is to turn it through an oblique shock, by deflecting the wall through an angle θ, as shown in Figure 15.6(a). The wall deflection can be subdivided into several segments, which make smaller


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

corners of angle ∆θ, as shown in Figure 15.6(b). Compression then occurs through successive oblique shocks. These shocks divide the flow field close to the wall into segments of uniform flow. Further out, the shocks must intersect one another, because they are convergent. However, for the present, we shall only consider the flow close to the wall. In this region, each segment of the flow is independent of the following segment. In other words, the flow pattern can be constructed step by step, proceeding downstream. This property of limited upstream influence exists as long as the deflection does not become so large that the flow is rendered subsonic. To compare the compression in the two cases, (a) and (b), of Figure 15.6, we shall make use of the approximate expressions for weak shocks obtained in the preceding section. For each shock in case (b), we have ∆p ∼ ∆θ,


∆S ∼ (∆θ)3 .


Thus, if the complete turn is subdivided into n equal segments, so that θ = n ∆θ,


then the overall pressure and specific entropy changes are pn − p1 ∼ n ∆θ ∼ θ, Sn − S1 ∼ n (∆θ)3 ∼ θ (∆θ)2 ∼

(15.33) θ3 . n2


Hence, if the compression is achieved by means of n 1 weak shocks then the net specific entropy increase can be reduced very significantly, compared to that generated by a single shock that produces the same deflection. In fact, the reduction is by a factor of order 1/n 2. In the limit that n → ∞, the smooth turn of Figure 15.6(c) is obtained. In this case, the net increase in specific entropy becomes vanishingly small. In other words, the compression becomes isentropic. We can also deduce the following results. First, the shocks become vanishingly weak, their limiting positions being straight Mach lines emanating from the wall. Second, each segment of uniform flow becomes vanishingly narrow, and eventually coincides with a Mach line. Thus, on each Mach line, both the flow inclination and the Mach number are constant. Third, the limited upstream influence is preserved. That is, the flow upstream of a given Mach line is not affected by any downstream modifications in the wall. Finally, the approximate expression for the change in flow speed across a weak shock, Equation (15.29), becomes the differential expression dθ dw =− . w Ma 2 − 1


Let us now consider what happens to the flow further away from the wall, where the weak shocks and Mach lines of Figure 15.6(b) and Figure 15.6(c), respectively,

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


shock front

Ma2 b

Ma1 Ma2

envelope of Mach lines a

Ma1 wall

Figure 15.7 Convergence of Mach lines in continuous compression by turning.

converge. Consider Figure 15.7. Because of the convergence of the Mach lines, the change from the initial Mach number, Ma1 , to the final Mach number, Ma2 , is achieved in a much shorter distance on streamline b than on streamline a. Thus, the velocity gradients on streamline b are higher than those on streamline a. Now, an intersection of Mach lines would imply infinitely high velocity gradients, because there would be two different values of the Mach number at a single point. In practice, this does not occur, because, in the region where the Mach lines converge, and before they cross, the velocity gradients become high enough that the conditions are no longer isentropic. In fact, a shock wave develops, as illustrated in the figure.

15.6 Supersonic Expansion by Turning Up to now, we have only considered turns that are concave. That is, turns in which the wall is deflected into the oncoming flow. Let us now consider what happens in a convex turn, where the wall is deflected away from the oncoming flow. In particular, let us investigate supersonic flow over a convex corner, such as that illustrated in Figure 15.8(a). A convex turn through a single oblique shock, like that illustrated in Figure 15.8(a), is not possible. In such a turn, the deviation of the flow, as it passes through shock, is inevitably away from the plane of the shock front. Such a deviation would require the downstream normal flow speed to exceed the upstream normal flow speed (because the upstream and downstream tangential flow speeds are equal). (See Section 15.2.)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Mach lines (a)


Ma1 Ma2




µ1 µ1




(c) Ma1


Figure 15.8 Expansion of supersonic flow via turning. Case (a) shows a single turn through an oblique shock, which is forbidden on thermodynamic grounds. Case (b) shows a Prandtl-Mayer expansion fan. Case (c) shows smooth continuous expansion.

However, although this would satisfy the equations of fluid motion, it would lead to a spontaneous decrease in specific entropy across the shock front, and is, thus, forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics. (See Section 14.8.) What actually happens is as follows. The nonlinear mechanism that tends to steepen a compression (see Sections 14.4 and 15.5) produces the opposite effect in an expansion. In particular, instead of being convergent, the Mach lines are divergent, as shown in Figure 15.8(b) and (c). Consequently, there is a tendency for velocity gradients to decrease with increasing distance from the wall. Thus, an expansion is isentropic throughout the fluid. The expansion at a corner takes place via a fan of straight Mach lines that is generally known as a Prandtl-Mayer expansion fan. [See Figure 15.8(b).] The arguments that lead to this conclusion are as follows. First, the flow up to the corner is uniform, at Mach number Ma1 (say), and, thus, the leading Mach line must be straight, and inclined to the flow at the Mach angle µ1 = sin−1 (1/Ma1 ). Because of the limited upstream influence in supersonic flow, the same argument may be applied to each succeeding portion of the flow. The terminating Mach line stands at the angle µ2 = sin−1 (1/Ma2 ) to the wall. Here, Ma2 is the Mach number of the downstream flow. Second, because there is no characteristic length to define a scale in this problem, any variation of flow parameters can only be with respect to angular position,

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


measured relative to the corner. That is, flow conditions must be constant along rays emanating from the corner. Figure 15.8(c) shows a typical expansion over a continuous convex turn. Because the flow is isentropic, it is also reversible (i.e., if the direction of the flow is reversed then the fluid is isentropicaly compressed). Equation (15.35), which specifies the relationship between θ and Ma in an isentropic compression or expansion by turning, can be written  dw , (15.36) −dθ = Ma 2 − 1 w or  Ma  dw −θ + const. = ≡ ν(Ma). (15.37) Ma 2 − 1 w In order to evaluate the integral, and, thus, derive an explicit form for the function ν(Ma), we need to rewrite w in terms of Ma using the definition w = c Ma.

(15.38) √ Here, c is the local sound speed. Given that c ∝ T [see Equation (14.45)], it follows from Equation (14.58) that

c02 γ−1 =1+ (15.39) Ma 2 , 2 c2 where c0 is the stagnation sound speed. Thus,

1 dMa dw dMa dc = + = . 2 w Ma c Ma 1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma


The function ν(Ma), which is known as the Prandtl-Mayer function, is then given by (see Exercise 15.10) √  Ma M2 − 1 dM ν(Ma) ≡ (15.41) 2 1 + [(γ − 1)/2] M M 1 


1/2  $ 1/2 %  γ − 1 γ+1  −1  2 (Ma − 1)  − tan−1 Ma 2 − 1 = . tan  γ−1 γ+1 Here, the constant of integration has been arbitrarily chosen such that ν = 0 corresponds to Ma = 1. A supersonic Mach number, Ma, is thus associated with a definite value of the function ν. In fact, as Ma increases from 1 to ∞, ν increases monotonically from 0 to νmax , where 

 1/2  π  γ + 1 νmax =  − 1 . (15.42) 2 γ−1 Equation (15.37) yields −θ = ν(Ma) − ν(Ma1 ),



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics θ

d (a)

(b) c c

Ma > 1


θ = θmax afterbody

Ma < 1 Ma1



Ma = Ma1

θ θ

Ma = 1 d





shoulder Ma > 1

Figure 15.9 Detached shock waves. (a) Detached shock on wedge with afterbody. [At lettered points on the shock, flow deflection is given by corresponding points in (b).] (b) Deflection angle versus wave angle for fixed Ma1 . as the relationship between the deflection angle, θ, and the Mach number, Ma, in an isentropic compression or expansion by turning. In a compressive turn, ν decreases, whereas, in an expansive turn, it increases: in each case, by an amount equal to the change in θ. Here, we have set θ1 = 0, because only the change in θ matters. Note that θ is positive in compressive turns, and negative in expansive turns.

15.7 Detached Shocks Let us return to the problem of supersonic flow, of Mach number Ma1 , over a symmetric wedge of nose angle 2 θ, that was previously discussed in Section 15.3. What happens when the wedge angle, θ, is greater than θmax ? In fact, there is no rigorous analytical treatment for cases where θ exceeds θmax . Experimentally, it is observed that the flow configurations are like those sketched in Figure 15.9(a). The flow is compressed through a curved shock front, known as a bow shock, that is detached from, and stands some distance upstream of, the wedge apex. The shape of the bow shock, as well as its detachment distance, depend on the geometry of the wedge, as well as the upstream Mach number, Ma1 . On the central streamline, where the shock is normal, as well as on the nearby ones, where it is nearly normal, the flow is compressed to subsonic speeds. Farther out, as the shock becomes weaker, its inclination becomes less steep, approaching the upstream Mach angle asymptotically. Thus, conditions along the bow shock run the whole range of oblique shock solutions for the given Mach number. This is

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


illustrated in Figure 15.9(b), which shows one curve from Figure 15.2. The complete description of the bow shock is complicated by the fact that its location cannot be found explicitly, because of the subsonic influence upstream, which implies that the entire flow field must be solved as one. There is an absolute limit of θ, just greater than 45◦ , beyond which the shock will always detach, no matter how large the value of the upstream Mach number, Ma1 . Hence, if the wedge is replaced by a blunt-nosed obstacle then the shock will always detach (because θ = 90◦ at the nose of such an obstacle). For a given wedge angle, θ, the sequence of events with decreasing upstream Mach number, Ma1 , is as follows. When Ma1 is sufficiently high, the shock front is attached to the wedge apex, and its straight portion is independent of both the shoulder and the afterbody. [See Figure 15.9(a).] The straight portion of the shock front lies between the wedge apex and the point where the first Mach line, emanating from the shoulder, intersects it. As Ma1 decreases, the wave angle, β, increases. With a further decrease in the Mach number, a value is reached at which the fluid behind the shock becomes subsonic. The shoulder now has an effect on the whole shock front, which may become curved, although still remaining attached to the wedge apex. These conditions correspond to the region between the lines Ma2 = 1 and θ = θmax in Figure 15.2. At the Mach number corresponding to θ = θmax , the shock front starts to detach from the apex. This Mach number is called the detachment Mach number. With a further decrease of Ma1 , the detached shock moves upstream of the wedge apex.

15.8 Shock-Expansion Theory It is possible to solve many problems in two-dimensional supersonic flow by patching together appropriate combinations of the oblique shock wave, described in Section 15.2, and the Prandtl-Mayer expansion fan, described in Section 15.6. For example, let us consider the flow over a simple two-dimensional airfoil section. Figure 15.10 shows a flat plate inclined at an angle of attack α0 to the oncoming supersonic flow. The streamline ahead of the leading edge is non-inclined, because there is no upstream influence. Moreover, the flow streams over the upper and lower surfaces are completely independent of one another. Thus, the flow on the upper surface is turned through an expansion angle α0 by means of a Prandtl-Mayer expansion fan attached to the leading edge of the airfoil, whereas the flow on the lower side is turned through a compression angle α0 by means of an oblique shock. The flow on the upper surface is recompressed to the upstream pressure p1 by means of an oblique shock wave attached to the trailing edge of the airfoil. Likewise, the flow on the lower surface is re-expanded to the upstream pressure by means of an expansion fan. The uniform pressures, p2 and p2 , respectively, on the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil can easily be calculated by means of oblique shock theory and PrandtlMayer expansion theory. Given the pressures, the lift and drag per unit transverse


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

expansion fan

p1 Ma1

p2 p2


plate α0

p1 slipstream c


expansion fan

Figure 15.10 A flat lifting plate. Ma1 is the upstream Mach number, p1 , p2 , et cetera, denote pressures, and α0 is the angle of attack.

length of the airfoil are simply L = (p2 − p2 ) c cos α0 , D=


− p2 ) c sin α0 ,

(15.44) (15.45)

respectively, where c is the chord-length (i.e., width). (See Figure 15.10.) The increase in entropy of the flow along the upper surface of the airfoil is not the same as that for the flow along the lower surface, because the upper and lower shock waves occur at different Mach numbers. Consequently, the streamline attached to the trailing edge of the airfoil is a slipstream—that is, it separates flows with the same pressures, but slightly different speeds, temperatures, and densities—inclined at a small angle relative to the free stream. (The angle of inclination is determined by the requirement that the pressures on both sides of the slipstream be equal to one another.) Note that the drag that develops on the airfoil is of a completely different nature to the previously discussed (see Chapter 9) drags that develop on subsonic airfoils, such as friction drag, form drag, and induced drag. This new type of drag is termed supersonic wave drag, and exists even in an idealized, inviscid fluid. It is ultimately due to the trailing shock waves attached to the airfoil. Comparatively far from the airfoil, the attached shock waves and expansion fans intersect one another. The expansion fans then attenuate the oblique shocks, making them weak and curved. At very large distances, the shock waves asymptote to free-stream Mach lines. However, this phenomenon does not affect the previous calculation of the lift and drag on a flat-plate airfoil.

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


15.9 Thin-Airfoil Theory The shock-expansion theory of the previous section provides a simple and general method for computing the lift and drag on a supersonic airfoil, and is applicable as long as the flow is not compressed to subsonic speeds, and the shock waves remain attached to the airfoil. However, the results of this theory cannot generally be expressed in concise analytic form. In fact, the theory is mostly used to obtain numerical solutions. However, if the airfoil is thin, and the angle of attach small, then the shocks and expansion fans attached to the airfoil become weak. In this situation, shock-expansion theory can be considerably simplified by using approximate expressions for weak shocks and expansion fans. The basic approximate expression [cf. Equation (15.19)]   ∆p  γ Ma 2    (15.46)  ∆θ, p Ma 2 − 1 specifies the relative change in pressure across either a weak oblique shock (see Section 15.4) or a weak expansion fan (see Exercise 15.6) that deflects flow of Mach number Ma through an angle ∆θ. Because, in the weak wave approximation, the pressure, p, never greatly differs from the upstream pressure, p1 , and the Mach number, Ma, never differs appreciably from the upstream Mach number, Ma1 , we can write     p − p1  γ Ma12   θ,   (15.47) p1  Ma 2 − 1  1 which is correct to first order in θ. Here, θ is the deflection angle relative to the upstream flow. It is convenient to define a dimensionless quantity known as the pressure coefficient: p − p1 , (15.48) Cp = q1 where q1 = (1/2) ρ1 w12 , and ρ1 and w1 are the upstream density and flow speed,  respectively. Given that the upstream sound speed is c1 = γ p1 /ρ1 , and Ma1 = w1 /c1 , we obtain 2 p − p1 Cp = , (15.49) γ Ma12 p1 which yields

2θ Cp =  . Ma12 − 1


This is the fundamental formula of thin-airfoil theory. It states that the pressure coefficient is proportional to the local deflection of the flow from the upstream direction. Consider the flat-plate airfoil shown in Figure 15.10. The deflection angle is −α0


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

on the upper surface of the airfoil, and +α0 on the lower surface. (A positive deflection angle corresponds to compression, and a negative deflection angle to expansion.) Thus, the pressure coefficients on the upper and lower surfaces are C pU = − 


2 α0


Ma12 − 1

2 α0 C pL =  , Ma12 − 1


respectively. It is convenient to define the dimensionless coefficient of lift, L , q1 c


D . q1 c


CL =

(pL − pU ) c cos α0 = (C pL − C pU ) cos α0 , q1 c


CD =

(pL − pU ) c sin α0 = (C pL − C pU ) sin α0 . q1 c


CL = and the dimensionless coefficient of drag, CD = It follows that

Making use of Equations (15.51) and (15.52), as well as the conventional small angle approximations cos α0 1 and sin α0 α0 , we obtain 4 α0 CL =  , Ma12 − 1


4 α02 . CD =  Ma12 − 1


The focus (see Section 9.3) of the airfoil is at the midchord. Moreover, the ratio D/L 2 = (Ma12 − 1)1/2 /4 is independent of α0 . As a second example, consider the diamond-section airfoil pictured in Figure 15.11. This airfoil has a nose angle 2 , and zero angle of attack. The pressure coefficient on the front face of the airfoil is 2 , C pF =  Ma12 − 1


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow shock


expansion fan

p2 Ma1





t p3


Figure 15.11 A diamond-section airfoil. Ma1 is the upstream Mach number. p2 and p3 denote pressures. whereas that on the rear face is 2 C pR = −  . 2 Ma1 − 1


It follows that the pressure difference is 4 p2 − p3 =  q1 , Ma12 − 1


42 q1 c, D = (p2 − p3 ) t = (p2 − p3 )  c =  Ma12 − 1


giving a drag

where t and c are the thickness and chord-length of the airfoil, respectively. (See Figure 15.11.) Thus, CD =

$ t %2 42 4 D =  =  . q1 c c 2 2 Ma1 − 1 Ma1 − 1


Figure 15.12 shows the cross-section of an arbitrary airfoil. The cross-section


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


yU (x)

yC (x) yL(x) xL

xR x

Figure 15.12 An arbitrary airfoil. is assumed to be uniform in the z-direction, with the upstream flow parallel to the x-axis. The upper surface of the airfoil corresponds to the curve y = yU (x), the lower surface to the curve y = yL (x), and the camber line (i.e., the centerline) to the curve y = yC (x). Furthermore, the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil lie at x = xL and x = xR , respectively. Hence, yU (xL ) = yC (xL ) = yL (xL ) and yU (xR ) = yC (xR ) = yL (xR ). By definition, yU (x) + yL (x) , (15.64) yC (x) = 2 for xL ≤ x ≤ xR . It is helpful to define the half-width of the airfoil, h(x) =

yU (x) − yL (x) , 2


for xL ≤ x ≤ xR . Note that h(xL ) = h(xR ) = 0. We can also define the mean angle of attack of the airfoil: α0 =

yU (xL ) − yU (xR ) yL (xL ) − yL (xR ) yC (xL ) − yC (xR ) = = . xR − x L xR − x L xR − x L


Thus, we can write yC (x) = yC (xL ) − α0 (x − xL ) − αC (x),


where αC (xL ) = αC (xR ) = 0. Here, α(x) = α0 + αC (x)


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


is the local angle of attack of the camber line. Thus, the camber function, αC (x), parameterizes the deviations of α(x) from α0 across the width of the airfoil. Equations (15.64), (15.65), and (15.67) yield yU (x) = yC (x) + h(x) = yC (xL ) − α0 (x − xL ) − αC (x) + h(x),


yL (x) = yC (x) − h(x) = yC (xL ) − α0 (x − xL ) − αC (x) − h(x).


Hence, the airfoil shape is completely specified by the thickness function, h(x), the camber function, αC (x), and the mean angle of attack, α0 . The pressure coefficients on the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil are [see Equations (15.50)] dyU 2 C pU =  , dx Ma12 − 1

2 dyL C pL =  , − dx Ma12 − 1



respectively. It follows from Equations (15.68)–(15.70) that dyU = −α(x) + dx dyL = −α(x) − dx

dh , dx dh . dx

(15.73) (15.74)

Now, the lift and drag per unit transverse length acting on the airfoil are given by [cf., Equations (15.53)–(15.56)]  xR   L = q1 C pL − C pU dx, (15.75)  D = q1

xL xR xL

dyU dyL C pL − + C pU dx. dx dy

Thus, it follows from Equations (15.71)–(15.74) that  xR 4 q1 D=  α(x) dx, Ma12 − 1 xL 2

2   xR 

dyU  2 q1  dyL L=   dx + dx  dx Ma12 − 1 xL   xR  2  4 q1  dh 2 + α  dx. =   dx Ma12 − 1 xL





Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

It is helpful to define the chord-average operator:  1 xR y≡ y(x) dx, c xL


where c = xR − xL is the chord-length. Taking the average of Equation (15.73), making use of Equation (15.66), as well as the fact that h(xL ) = h(xR ) = 0, we obtain α = α0 .


However, the average of Equation (15.68) yields α = α0 + αC ,


which implies that αC = 0. We can also write α 2 = (α0 + αC )2 = α02 + 2 α0 αC + αC2 = α02 + αC2 .


Hence, the coefficients of lift and drag, L/(q1 c) and D/(q1 c), are written 4 α0 4α CL =  =  , Ma12 − 1 Ma12 − 1    dh 2  4 2   CD =  + α  dx  2 Ma1 − 1     dh 2 4  , 2 2  + α + α =   0 C  dx 2 Ma1 − 1



respectively. Thus, in thin-airfoil theory, the lift only depends on the mean angle of attack, whereas the drag splits into three components. Namely, a drag due to thickness, a drag due to lift, and a drag due to camber.

15.10 Crocco’s Theorem Bernoulli’s theorem for the steady, inviscid flow of an ideal gas, in the absence of body forces, implies that, on a given streamline, H+

1 2 v = H0 , 2


where H is the specific enthalpy, H0 the stagnation enthalpy, and v the flow velocity. (See Section 14.5.) The fluid equation of motion, (14.31), reduces to (v · ∇) v = −

∇p . ρ


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


However, according to Equation (A.171), (v · ∇) v ≡ ∇(v 2 /2) − v × ω,


where ω = ∇ × v. Hence, we obtain v × ω = ∇(v 2 /2) +

∇p . ρ


Now, Equation (14.29) implies that ∇H =

∇p + T ∇S, ρ


where T is the temperature, and S the specific entropy. Moreover, Equation (15.85) yields ∇H + ∇(v 2 /2) = ∇H0 . (15.90) Thus, we arrive at Crocco’s theorem: v × ω = ∇H0 − T ∇S.


In most aerodynamic flows, the fluid originates from a common reservoir, which implies that the stagnation enthalpy, H0 , is the same on all streamlines. Such flow is termed homenergic. It follows from Equation (14.18) that the stagnation temperature, T 0 , is the same on all streamlines in homenergic flow. According to Crocco’s theorem, an irrotational (i.e., ω = 0 everywhere) homenergic (i.e., ∇H0 = 0 everywhere) flow pattern is also homentropic (i.e., ∇S = 0 everywhere). Conversely, a homenergic, homentropic flow pattern is also irrotational (at least, in two dimensions, where v and ω cannot be parallel to one another).

15.11 Homenergic Homentropic Flow Consider a steady, two-dimensional, homenergic, homentropic flow pattern, in the absence of body forces. Suppose that all quantities are independent of the Cartesian coordinate z, and that the flow velocity, q, is confined to the x-y plane. Let q = u e x + v ey . Equations (14.25), (14.30), and (14.31) reduce to ∂ ∂ (ρ u) + (ρ v) = 0, ∂x ∂y u u

∂u 1 ∂p ∂u +v =− , ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p +v =− , ∂x ∂y ρ ∂y

γ ρ p = , p0 ρ0

(15.92) (15.93) (15.94) (15.95)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

where p0 and ρ0 are the uniform stagnation pressure and density, respectively. (Note γ that p0 and ρ0 must be uniform because the stagnation specific entropy, S0 ∝ p0 /ρ0 , and the stagnation temperature, T 0 ∝ p0 /ρ0 , are both uniform.) Equation (15.95) implies that ∇p = c 2 ∇ρ, (15.96)  where c = γ p/ρ is the sound speed. Hence, Equations (15.92)–(15.94) yield ∂u ∂v u ∂ρ v ∂ρ + =− − , ρ ∂x ρ ∂y ∂x ∂y



∂u ∂u c 2 ∂ρ +uv =− u , ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x



∂v c 2 ∂ρ ∂v + v2 =− v . ∂x ∂y ρ ∂y


Summing the previous two equations, and then making use of Equation (15.97), we obtain

    ∂u ∂v 2 2 ∂u 2 2 ∂v u −c + v −c +uv + = 0. (15.100) ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x √ Finally, given that c ∝ T , Equation (14.58) implies that c 2 = c02 −

  1 (γ − 1) u 2 + v 2 , 2


where c0 is the stagnation sound speed.

15.12 Small-Perturbation Theory A great number of problems of interest in compressible fluid mechanics are concerned with the perturbation of a known flow pattern. The most common case is that of uniform, steady flow. Let U denote the uniform flow velocity, which is directed parallel to the x-axis. The density, pressure, and temperature are also assumed to be uniform, and are denoted ρ∞ , p∞ , and T ∞ , respectively. The corresponding sound speed is c∞ , and the Mach number is Ma∞ = U/c∞ . Finally. the velocity field of the unperturbed flow pattern is u = U,


v = 0.


Suppose that a solid body, such as an airfoil, is placed in the aforementioned flow pattern. The cross-section of the body is assumed to be independent of the Cartesian

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


coordinate z. The body disturbs the flow pattern, and changes its velocity field, which is now written u = U + u , 


(15.104) (15.105)

where u and v are known as induced velocity components. We are interested in situations in which u /U  1 and v /U  1. Equation (15.101) can be combined with the previous two equations to give c 2 = c∞2 −

  1 (γ − 1) 2 U u + u 2 + v 2 . 2


It then follows from Equation (15.100) that 


 2      γ + 1 γ − 1 ∂v u v  ∂u u 2 ∂u 2  + = Ma∞ (γ + 1) + + (1 − Ma∞ )  ∂x ∂y U 2 U 2 U  ∂x 


2   γ + 1 v γ − 1 u  ∂v u 2   + + Ma∞ (γ − 1) +  U 2 U 2 U  ∂y

 u ∂u ∂v 2 v + Ma∞ + 1+ . (15.107) U U ∂y ∂x The previous equation is exact. However, if u /U and v /V are small then it becomes possible to neglect many of the terms on the right-hand side. For instance, neglecting terms that are third-order in small quantities, we obtain (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂u ∂v u ∂u u ∂v + Ma∞2 (γ + 1) + Ma∞2 (γ − 1) ∂x ∂y U ∂x U ∂y

v ∂u ∂v + + Ma∞2 . (15.108) U ∂y ∂x

Furthermore, if we neglect terms that are second-order in small quantities then we get the linear equation (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂u ∂v + 0. ∂x ∂y


Note, however, than in so-called transonic flow, where Ma∞ 1, the coefficient of ∂u /∂x on the left-hand side of Equation (15.108) becomes very small. In this situation, it is not possible to neglect the first term on the right-hand side. However, the condition Ma∞ 1 does not affect the term ∂v /∂y on the left-hand side of Equation (15.108), and so the other terms on the right-hand side can still be neglected. Thus, transonic flow is governed by the non-linear equation (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂u ∂v u ∂u + Ma∞2 (γ + 1) . ∂x ∂y U ∂x



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

On the other hand, subsonic (i.e., Ma∞ < 1) and supersonic flow (i.e., Ma∞ > 1) are both governed by Equation (15.109). Another situation in which certain terms on the right-hand side of Equation (15.108) must be retained is hypersonic flow (i.e., Ma∞ 1). This follows because, although u /U and v /V are small, their products with Ma∞2 can still be non-negligible. Roughly speaking, Equation (15.109) is valid for 0 ≤ Ma∞ ≤ 0.8 and 1.2 ≤ Ma∞ ≤ 5. In other words, transonic flow corresponds to 0.8 < Ma∞ < 1.2, and hypersonic flow to Ma∞ > 5 (Anderson 2003). The pressure coefficient is defined Cp =

p − p∞ p − p∞ 2 = . (1/2) ρ∞ U 2 γ Ma∞2 p∞


(See Section 15.9.) Equation (15.101) implies that c2 +

1 1 (γ − 1) q 2 = c∞2 + (γ − 1) U 2 , 2 2


where q 2 = (U + u ) 2 + v 2 . Moreover, Equation (14.61) yields

γ/(γ−1) 2 + (γ − 1) Ma∞2 p = , p∞ 2 + (γ − 1) Ma 2


where Ma = q/c. The previous two equations can be combined to give

γ/(γ−1) p 1 q2 = 1 + (γ − 1) Ma∞2 1 − 2 . p∞ 2 U


Hence, we obtain 2 Cp = γ Ma∞2

 

γ/(γ−1) 2   q 1 2  1 + (γ − 1) Ma∞ 1 − − 1 , 2 2 U


which reduces to 2 Cp = γ Ma∞2

 

 2  2 γ/(γ−1)    1 − 1 (γ − 1) Ma∞2 2 u + u + v  . − 1 2 U U2


Using the binomial expansion on the expression in square brackets, and neglecting terms that are third-order, or higher, in small quantities, we obtain 

 2  2   2 u u v  2 + (1 − Ma∞ ) + C p −  (15.117) . U U U  For two-dimensional flows, in the limit in which Equation (15.109) is valid, it is consistent to retain only first-order terms in the previous equation, so that Cp −

2 u . U


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


Let f (x, y) = 0


be the equation of the surface of the solid body that perturbs the flow. At the surface, the velocity vector of the flow must be perpendicular to the local normal: that is, the flow must be tangential to the surface. In other words, q · ∇ f = 0,


which reduces to

∂f ∂f + v = 0. ∂x ∂y Neglecting u with respect to U, we obtain (U + u )


∂ f /∂x dy v − = , U ∂ f /∂y dx


where dy/dx is the slope of the surface, and v /U the approximate slope of a streamline. Now, the body has to be thin in order to satisfy our assumption that the induced velocities are relatively small. This implies that the coordinate y differs little from zero (say) on the surface of the body. Hence, we can write

 ∂v   y +··· (15.123) v (x, y) = v (x, 0) + ∂y y=0 in the immediate vicinity of the surface. Within the framework of small-perturbation theory, it is consistent to neglect all terms on the right-hand side of the previous equation after the first. Hence, the boundary condition (15.122) reduces to

dy v (x, 0) = U , (15.124) dx body respectively. Because a homenergic, homentropic flow pattern is necessarily irrotational (see Section 15.10), we can write q = U e x − ∇φ, (15.125) where φ is the perturbed velocity potential. (See Section 4.15.) It follows that u = −

∂φ , ∂x

v = −

∂φ . ∂y


Hence, Equations (15.109), (15.118), and (15.124) become (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ + 0, ∂x 2 ∂y 2 2 ∂φ , U ∂x

dy ∂φ(x, 0) −U , ∂y dx body Cp


(15.127) (15.128) (15.129)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

15.13 Subsonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall The following simple example serves to clarify many of the concepts introduced in the previous section. Consider flow past a straight wall with a small-amplitude sinusoidal modulation whose surface is specified by y =  sin(α x).


Here,  is the amplitude of the modulation, whereas l = 2π/α is the wavelength. In the limit  → 0, the unperturbed flow is of uniform speed U, directed parallel to the x-axis. The corresponding Mach number is Ma∞ . The fluid occupies the region y >  sin(α x). The perturbed flow is governed by Equation (15.127), (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂ 2φ ∂ 2 φ + 0, ∂x 2 ∂y 2


and is subject to the boundary condition (15.129), which can be written dy ∂φ(x, 0) = −U = −U  α cos(α x). ∂y dx


We also expect the perturbed flow to become vanishingly small far from the wall, which implies that ∂φ(x, ∞) ∂φ(x, ∞) = = 0. (15.133) ∂x ∂y Consider subsonic flow, for which 1 − Ma∞2 ≡ m 2 > 0. Equation (15.131) is of the elliptic type 1 ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ + 2 =0 (15.134) 2 ∂x m ∂y 2 (Arfken 1985). Let us search for a separable solution of the form φ(x, y) = F(x) G(y).


We obtain

F  1 G =− 2 , (15.136) F m G where  denotes derivative with respect to argument. Given that the left-hand side of the previous equation is a function of x only, whereas the right-hand side is a function of y only, the two sides must equal the same constant. In other words, F  = −k 2 , F G = +k 2 . G

(15.137) (15.138)

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


Here, the sign of the constant has been chosen so as to allow the boundary condition (15.133) to be satisfied. The most general solution of Equation (15.137) is F(x) = A1 sin(k x) + A2 cos(k x),


where A1 and A2 are arbitrary constants. Likewise, the most general solution of Equation (15.138) is (15.140) G(y) = B1 e− m k y + B2 e+m k y , where B1 and B2 are arbitrary constants. The boundary condition (15.133) implies that B2 = 0. The boundary condition (15.132) then yields −m k B1 [A1 sin(k x) + A2 cos(k x)] = −U  α cos(α x).


This condition can only be satisfied at all x if A1 = 0, k = α, and m B1 A2 = U . Thus, we obtain U cos(α x) e−m α y , m ∂φ U  α u = − = sin(α x) e−m α y , ∂x m ∂φ = U  α cos(α x) e−m α y . v = − ∂y

φ(x, y) =

(15.142) (15.143) (15.144)

According to Equation (15.128), the pressure coefficient at the wall can be written  2 ∂φ  2α  =− Cp sin(α x). (15.145) U ∂x y=0 2 1 − Ma∞ It immediately follows that there is zero net drag force acting on the wall, because the pressure variations are in phase with the wall’s sinusoidal modulations, and, hence, symmetrical about the crests and troughs. Let us now consider under what circumstances the approximations made in the small-perturbation theory developed in the previous section are valid for the problem under investigation. In fact, small-perturbation theory is premised on three assumptions. First, that u /U  1 and v /V  1. It is evident from Equations (15.143) and (15.144) that this assumption is valid provided α  1.  1 − Ma∞2


Second, in Equation (15.110) it is assumed that (1 − Ma∞2 )

∂u u ∂u

Ma∞2 (γ + 1) , ∂x U ∂x



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

which implies that Ma∞2 (γ + 1)  α (1 − Ma∞2 ) 3/2



Finally, in Equation (15.123), it is assumed that the second term on the right-hand side is negligible compared to the first, when evaluated at the surface of the wall, which implies that  (15.149)  α 1 − Ma∞2  1. Hence, we deduce that the analysis described in this section is valid provided α

 (1 − Ma∞2 ) 3/2 1 1 − Ma∞2 , . ,  2 Ma∞ (γ + 1) 2 1 − Ma∞


15.14 Supersonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall Suppose that the unperturbed flow in the problem considered in the previous section is supersonic, so that Ma∞2 − 1 ≡ λ 2 > 0. The perturbed flow is governed by Equation (15.127), which is now of the hyperbolic type 1 ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ − 0 ∂x 2 λ 2 ∂y 2


(Arfken 1985). As is easily verified, the previous equation has the general solution φ(x, y) = f (x − λ y) + g(x + λ y),


where f and g are arbitrary functions (Fitzpatrick 2013). It is clear that f is constant along lines x − λ y = const., whereas g is constant along lines x + λ y = const.. These lines are inclined at the Mach angle, µ = cot−1 [(Ma∞2 − 1) 1/2 ], to the undisturbed flow. They are, in fact, the Mach lines, or characteristics, of the unperturbed flow. (See Section 15.3.) The former characteristics are inclined downstream. In other words, they originate at the wall. The latter characteristics are inclined upstream. In other words, they originate at infinity. Because there are no sources at infinity, the latter characteristics carry no perturbation, which implies that g = 0. The boundary condition at the wall, (15.129), yields −λ f  (x) = −U  α cos(α x),


where  denotes derivative with respect to argument. It follows that f (x) =

U sin(α x), λ


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


and, hence, that U sin[α (x − λ y)], λ Uα ∂φ =− cos[α (x − λ y)], u = − ∂x λ ∂φ = U  α cos[α (x − λ y)]. v = − ∂y

φ(x, y) = f (x − λ y) =

(15.155) (15.156) (15.157)

Note that, unlike the case of subsonic flow, the amplitude of the perturbed velocity does not decrease with increasing distance from the wall. The pressure coefficient at the wall is  2 ∂φ  2α  =  cos(α x). (15.158) Cp U ∂x y=0 Ma∞2 − 1 It can be seen, by comparison with Equation (15.145), that the maxima and minima of the pressure are now phase-shifted by π/2 radians with respect to the corresponding maxima and minima in the subsonic case. Hence, the pressure distribution at the wall is anti-symmetric with respect to the crests and troughs of the wall. Consequently, a net drag force is exerted on the wall. The mean coefficient of drag per wavelength is [see Equation (15.56)]  1 l dy dx, (15.159) Cp CD = l 0 dx which is obtained by replacing the sine of the slope of the wall by the tangent, dy/dx. This approximation is valid within the context of the small-perturbation theory. However, according to Equations (15.130) and (15.158), C p can be written dy 2 , Cp =  dx Ma∞2 − 1 which implies that


CD =  Ma∞2 − 1

2 dy . dx



Here, the bar denotes a period average of the form

dy dx


1 = l



dy dx

2 dx.


Equations (15.160) and (15.161) are valid for any small-amplitude, periodic modulation of the wall. For the particular sinusoidal modulation under consideration in this section, we find that ( α) 2 . (15.163) CD =  Ma∞2 − 1


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

The discussion of the range of validity of the approximations used in deriving the previous results follows the same lines as in the subsonic case.

15.15 Linearized Subsonic Flow The aim of this section is to modify the two-dimensional, incompressible, subsonic aerodynamic theory discussed in Chapter 9 so as to take the finite compressibility of air into account. Consider compressible, subsonic flow over a thin airfoil at a small angle of attack. Such a situation can be analyzed using the small-perturbation theory introduced in Section 15.12. As before, the unperturbed flow is of uniform speed U, directed parallel to the x-axis, and the associated Mach number is Ma∞ . The perturbed flow, due to the presence of the airfoil, is governed by Equation (15.127), which can be written in the elliptic form (see Section 15.13) 1 ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ + 0, ∂x 2 m 2 ∂y 2 where m=


 1 − Ma∞2 .


Equation (15.164) can be transformed into a familiar incompressible form by introducing a transformed coordinate system (ξ, η), such that ξ = x,


η = m y.


In this transformed space, we define a transformed perturbed velocity potential, ¯ η), such that φ(ξ, ¯ η) = m φ(x, y). φ(ξ, (15.168) Now, ∂ξ = 1, ∂x

∂ξ = 0, ∂y

∂η = 0, ∂x

∂η = m, ∂y


so ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ ∂ = + = , ∂x ∂x ∂ξ ∂x ∂η ∂ξ


∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ = + =m . ∂y ∂y ∂ξ ∂y ∂η ∂η


It follows that 1 ∂φ¯ ∂φ = , ∂x m ∂ξ

∂φ ∂φ¯ = , ∂y ∂η

∂ 2φ 1 ∂ 2 φ¯ = , 2 m ∂ξ 2 ∂x

∂ 2φ ∂ 2 φ¯ = m 2. 2 ∂y ∂η


Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


Thus, Equation (15.164) transforms to give ∂ 2 φ ∂ 2φ + 0. ∂x 2 ∂y 2


However, this is simply Laplace’s equation, which governs incompressible flow. (See ¯ η) represents an incompressible flow in (ξ, η) space that Section 4.15.) Hence, φ(ξ, is related to a compressible flow, represented by φ(x, y), in (x, y) space. Suppose that the surface of the airfoil is given by y = f (x) in (x, y) space, and η = q(ξ) in (ξ, η) space. According to Equation (15.129), the boundary condition on the flow at the airfoil surface is U

∂φ(x, 0) df − dx ∂y


in (x, y) space. The analogous boundary condition in (ξ, η) space is U However,

¯ 0) dq ∂φ(ξ, − . dξ ∂η


∂φ ∂φ¯ = , ∂y ∂η


df dq = . dx dξ


which implies that

In other words, the shape of the airfoil in (x, y) space is the same as that in (ξ, η) space. Hence, the coordinate transformation (x, y) → (ξ, η) transforms compressible flow over an airfoil in (x, y) space to incompressible flow over the same airfoil in (ξ, η) space. According to Equation (15.128), the pressure coefficient in (x, y) space is written Cp

2 ∂φ¯ 2 ∂φ = . U ∂x U m ∂ξ


The corresponding incompressible pressure coefficient in (ξ, η) space is C p0

2 ∂φ¯ . U ∂ξ


A comparison of the previous two equations reveals that Cp = 

C p0



1 − Ma∞2

This result is known as the Prandtl-Glauert rule: it is a similarity rule that relates incompressible flow over a given two-dimensional airfoil to subsonic compressible


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

flow over the same airfoil. Given that the coefficient of lift is directly related to the pressure coefficient (see Section 15.9), we can also deduce that C L0 CL =  , 1 − Ma∞2


where C L is the coefficient of lift for compressible flow, and C L0 the corresponding coefficient for incompressible flow. It is clear that compressibility has the effect of increasing the lift on a given airfoil. Equation (15.181) indicates that the coefficient of lift goes to infinity as Ma∞ approaches unity, which is an impossible result. The quandary is resolved by recalling that linearized theory breaks down in the transonic regime (where Ma∞ 1). In fact, the Prandlt-Glauert rule is only accurate up to Mach numbers of approximately 0.8. The effect of compressibility on subsonic flow-fields can be seen by noting that u = −

1 ∂φ¯ u¯ ∂φ =− =  , ∂x m ∂ξ 1 − Ma∞2


¯ where u¯ = −∂φ/∂ξ is the incompressible velocity perturbation parallel to the unperturbed flow. It can be seen that as Ma∞ increases, the parallel velocity perturbation, u , also increases relative to u¯ . In other words, compressibility strengthens the disturbance of the flow introduced by the airfoil. In conventional inviscid, incompressible aerodynamic theory, a two-dimensional airfoil experiences zero aerodynamic drag (assuming that there is no separation of the boundary layer). (See Chapters 8 and 9.) This is due to the fact that, in the absence of friction, the pressure distributions over the forward and rearward portions of the airfoil exactly cancel in the direction of the unperturbed flow. Note that the compressible pressure coefficient, C p , only differs from the incompressible pressure coefficient, C p0 , by a constant scale-factor. Thus, if the distribution of C p0 over the surface of the airfoil results in zero drag then the distribution of C p will also result in zero drag. In other words, in subsonic flow, compressibility does not give rise to additional aerodynamic drag.

15.16 Linearized Supersonic Flow The aim of this section is to re-examine the problem of supersonic flow past a thin, two-dimensional airfoil using the small-perturbation theory developed in Section 15.12. As before, the unperturbed flow is of uniform speed U, directed parallel to the x-axis, and the associated Mach number is Ma∞ . The perturbed flow, due to the presence of the airfoil, is governed by Equation (15.127), which can be written in the

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


hyperbolic form (see Section 15.14) 1 ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ − 0, ∂x 2 λ 2 ∂y 2 where λ=


 Ma∞2 − 1.


As we saw in Section 15.14, the general solution of Equation (15.183) is φ(x.y) = f (x − λ y) + g(x + λ x),


where f and g are arbitrary functions. Because disturbances only propagate along downstream-running Mach lines (i.e., Mach lines that originate at the airfoil), we only need the function f for the upper surface, and the function g for the lower surface. Thus, φ(x, y) = f (x − λ y)

y > 0,


φ(x, t) = g(x + λ y)

y < 0.


On the upper surface, the boundary condition (15.129) yields

dy ∂φ(x, 0+) = λ f  (x), =− U dx U ∂x which implies that

U dy . f (x) = λ dx U 




U dy . (15.190) g (x) = − λ dx L According to Equation (15.128), the pressure coefficient on the surface of the airfoil is given by

2 ∂φ . (15.191) Cp U ∂x y=0 

Hence, we obtain Cp =

2  f (x) U


Cp =

2  g (x) U


on the upper surface, and

on the lower surface. Thus,

dyU 2 C pU =  , dx Ma∞2 − 1

2 dyL . C pL =  − dx Ma∞2 − 1




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

This is the same result as that obtained in Section 15.9, where the pressure on thin airfoils was obtained by an approximation to the shock-expansion method. In fact, for the purposes of calculating the velocity and pressure perturbations on the surface of the airfoil, the linearized theory discussed in this section is equivalent to the weak wave approximations of Section 15.9.

15.17 Exercises 15.1 Show that Equation (15.12) can be written in the form X 3 + b X 2 + c X + d = 0,


where X = sin2 β,    Ma12 + 2  2   b = − + γ sin θ , 2 Ma1  

2 Ma12 + 1  γ + 1 2 γ − 1  2  sin θ, +  + c= 2 Ma14 Ma12 d=−

cos2 θ . Ma14

Let 1 1 c − b 2, 3 9 1 1 3 R = (b c − 3 d) − b , 6 27


D = Q 3 + R 2, Demonstrate that the oblique shock solution only exists for D < 0 [i.e., when Equation (15.196) possesses three real roots.] Show that the strong shock solution, β s , and the weak shock solution, βw , are given by χs , 1 − χs

 χw −1 , βw = tan 1 − χw β s = tan−1

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


where  1 χ s = − b + 2 −Q cos φ, 3    √ 1 χw = − b − −Q cos φ − 3 sin φ , 3 √    1  −1  −D      φ = tan   + ∆ . 3 R Here, ∆ = 0 if R ≥ 0, and ∆ = π if R < 0. 15.2 Assuming that information propagates with respect to a two-dimensional supersonic flow pattern at the local sound speed, show that, in order for the flow at some point P to affect the flow at some other point Q, the latter point must lie between the (+) and (−) characteristics that pass through P. 15.3 Show that for a weak oblique shock with β µ, ∆ρ 1 ∆p , ρ1 γ p1

γ − 1 ∆p ∆T , T1 γ p1

3 ∆S (γ + 1) ∆p , R 12 γ 2 p1 where ∆ρ = ρ2 − ρ1 , et cetera, and

    ∆p  γ Ma12   θ.    p1  Ma 2 − 1  1

Here, β is the wave angle, µ the Mach angle, θ  1 the deflection angle, γ the ratio of specific heats, R the specific gas constant, and Ma1 the upstream Mach number. Furthermore, p1 , ρ1 , T 1 , and S1 are the upstream pressure, density, temperature, and specific entropy, respectively, whereas p2 , ρ2 , T 2 , and S2 are the corresponding downstream quantities. Show, also, that     2  1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma ∆Ma   1  −    θ. Ma1   2 Ma1 − 1 15.4 Show that for a weak oblique shock β µ1 + , β − θ µ2 − ,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Mach line Ma1


η |θ2| wall

Figure 15.13 Flow of Mach number Ma1 over convex corner of deflection angle |θ2 |. where   1. Here, µ1 and µ2 are the Mach angles upstream and downstream of the shock front, respectively. Moreover, β is the wave angle, and θ  1 the deflection angle. Hence, deduce that the shock front subtends the same angle, , with the Mach lines upstream and downstream of it. In other words, the shock position is the “average” of the Mach line positions on either side of it. Consider supersonic flow incident on a wedge of small nose angle, with an afterbody, as illustrated in Figure 15.9(a). Assume that the shock front is attached to the apex of the wedge, and that the flow downstream of the shock is supersonic. Use the result just proved to show that the shape of the shock front in the region of attenuation by expansion (i.e., in the region in which the shock front is intersected by Mach lines emanating from the shoulder) is parabolic. [Hint: Use the well-known optical result that a parabolic mirror perfectly focuses a parallel beam of light rays.] (Leipmann & Roshko 1957.) 15.5 Show that, to second order in the deflection angle, θ, the relative change in pressure across a weak oblique shock is written     2    γ Ma12 ∆p  γ Ma1   θ +   (γ + 1) Ma14 − 4 (Ma12 − 1) θ 2 , 2  p1  4 (Ma1 − 1) 2 Ma12 − 1  where ∆p = p2 − p1 . Here, p1 is the upstream pressure, p2 the downstream pressure, Ma1 the upstream Mach number, and γ the ratio of specific heats. (Leipmann & Roshko 1957.) 15.6 An ideal gas of pressure, density, temperature, and Mach number p1 , ρ1 , T 1 , and Ma1 , respectively, flows over a convex corner that turns through an angle

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


|θ2 |, as shown in Figure 15.13. Consider a particular Mach line in the PrandtlMayer expansion fan that subtends an angle η with the continuation of the upstream wall, as shown in the figure. Let p, ρ, T , Ma, |θ|, µ, and ν be the pressure, density, temperature, Mach number, magnitude of the deflection angle, Mach angle, and Prandtl-Mayer function, respectively, on the Mach line in question. Furthermore, let

1/2 γ+1 π z, η = ν(Ma1 ) + − 2 γ−1 

  γ − 1 1/2  −1  2 1/2 z1 = tan  (Ma1 − 1)  , γ+1 where γ is the ratio of specific heats. Show that, inside the fan,

−1 2 1/2 tan z , µ = cot (Ma1 − 1) tan z1

1/2   γ+1 −1 2 1/2 −1 2 1/2 tan z (z − z1 ), |θ| = tan (Ma1 − 1) + − tan (Ma1 − 1) tan z1 γ−1 tan 2 z , tan 2 z1

  −1 2 1/2 −1 2 1/2 tan z ν = ν(Ma1 ) + tan (Ma1 − 1) − tan (Ma1 − 1) tan z1

1/2 γ+1 + (z − z1 ), γ−1

2 γ/(γ−1) cos z p = p1 , cos z1

2/(γ−1) cos z ρ = ρ1 , cos z1

2 cos z T = T1 , cos z1

Ma 2 = 1 + (Ma12 − 1)

where z1 ≤ z ≤ z2 . Here, z2 is defined implicitly by |θ|(z2 ) = |θ2 |. Demonstrate that the fan extends over the range of angles η2 ≤ η ≤ η1 , where   η1 = cot−1 (Ma12 − 1)1/2 ,

1/2 γ+1 (z2 − z1 ). η2 = η1 − γ−1 Show that µ, p, ρ → 0, Ma → ∞, ν → νmax

 1/2  π  γ + 1 ≡  − 1 , 2 γ−1


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

incident shock reflected shock Ma1

Ma2 Ma3 β1

β1 wall

Figure 15.14 Reflection of oblique shock by wall. Here, Ma1 , Ma2 , et cetera, are Mach numbers. and |θ| → |θmax | ≡ νmax − ν(Ma1 ), in the limit that z → π/2. Hence, deduce that if |θ2 | > |θmax | then the the fan only extends over the region −|θmax | ≤ η ≤ η1 , and the region −|θ2 | < η < −|θmax | is occupied by a vacuum (i.e., a gas with zero pressure and density). Assuming that |θ|  1, show that 

1/2   Ma12 − 1  γ−1 2   (z − z1 ), |θ| γ−1 γ+1 Ma12   γ − 1  Ma12    |θ|, η1 − η 2 Ma12 − 1 and

    2   γ Ma ∆p  1  |θ|, −   p1  Ma 2 − 1  1 ∆ρ 1 ∆p , ρ1 γ p1 ∆T γ − 1 ∆p , T1 γ p1    1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma12  ∆p ∆Ma   − , Ma1 p1 γ Ma12

where ∆p = p − p1 , et cetera. Of course, the previous four relations are the

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


same as those for a weak shock. (See Exercise 15.3.) Why is this not surprising? (Hint: The jump in specific entropy across a weak shock is third order in the deflection angle.) Deduce that to second order in the deflection angle,     2   γ Ma12 ∆p  γ Ma1  4 2 −   − 4 (Ma − 1) |θ| 2 (γ + 1) Ma |θ| +  1 1  2 2  p1 4 (Ma − 1) 2 1 Ma1 − 1 for a weak Prandtl-Mayer fan. (See Exercise 15.5.) 15.7 If an oblique shock is intercepted by a wall then it is reflected, as illustrated in Figure 15.14. Calculate β1 − β1 , assuming that the shocks are sufficiently weak that the approximate expressions of Section 15.4 can be used. Demonstrate that, in this limit,  

   γ + 1  Ma12    β1 − β1 2   − 1 θ1 ,  2 4 Ma1 − 1 where θ1  1 is the deflection angle of the incident shock, and γ the ratio of specific heats. Show that β1 − β1 > 0 if 1 < Ma1 < [4/(3 − γ)]1/2 and β1 − β1 < 0 if Ma1 > [4/(3 − γ)]1/2 . Demonstrate that Ma2 Ma1 (1 − δ) and Ma3 Ma1 (1 − 2 δ), where      1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma12   θ1 . δ =     Ma12 − 1 15.8 Figure 15.15 shows a situation in which two oblique shocks of the same family [in this case, the (−) family], produced by successive concave corners in a wall, merge together to form a single stronger shock [of the (−) family]. Assuming that the shocks are sufficiently weak that the approximate expressions of Section 15.4 can be used (which implies that θ1  1 and θ2  1), demonstrate that δ 1 + 2 , where    Ma12    θ1 , Ma12 − 1 

 γ + 1  Ma12   θ2 ,  2 =  4 Ma12 − 1

1 =

γ+1 4

and γ is the ratio of specific heats. Show that β3 β1 + 2 ,


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

shock Ma1

Ma4 slipstream


shock δ shock


Ma1 β1

Ma2 θ2



Figure 15.15 Merging of two oblique shocks of the same family produced by successive concave corners of deflection angles θ1 and θ2 . Here, Ma1 , Ma2 , et cetera, are Mach numbers. and also that Ma2 Ma1 (1 − δ1 ) and Ma3 Ma4 Ma1 (1 − δ1 − δ2 ), where     2  1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma1  δ1 =    θ1 ,   Ma12 − 1      1 + [(γ − 1)/2] Ma12   θ2 . δ2 =     Ma12 − 1 Demonstrate that the strength of the merged shock is approximately the sum of the strengths of the two component shocks, and, hence, that the pressures on either side of the slipstream shown in the figure are equal (at least, to first order in θ1 and θ2 ). Finally, show that Ma16 S4 − S3 γ (γ + 1) θ1 θ2 (θ1 + θ2 ), R 4 (Ma12 − 1)3/2 where S is specific entropy, and R the specific gas constant. It is, thus, clear that the specific entropy is not quite the same on either side of the slipstream. 15.9 If two shocks of opposite families intersect then they pass through one another, but are slightly bent in the process, as illustrated in Figure 15.16. Assuming that the shocks are sufficiently weak that the approximate expressions of Section 15.4 can be used (which implies that θ1  1, θ2  1, et cetera), show

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow






Ma2 θ2



θ2 θ1





Figure 15.16 Crossing of two oblique shocks of different families. Here, Ma1 , Ma2 , et cetera, are Mach numbers, and θ1 , θ2 , et cetera, are deflection angles. that p2 − p1 p1 p3 − p1 p1 p2 − p1 p1 p3 − p1 p1

    2  γ Ma1    θ1 ,     2 Ma1 − 1       γ Ma12   (θ1 + θ2 ),    Ma 2 − 1  1     2  γ Ma1      θ1 ,  Ma12 − 1       γ Ma12    (θ1 + θ2 ),    Ma 2 − 1  1

where p denotes pressure. Hence, deduce that θ2 θ1 , θ2 θ1 , δ θ1 − θ1 . Show, that the respective strengths of the two shocks are unaffected by the intersection (at least, to first order in the deflection angles).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

15.10 Show that Equation (14.66) can be written in the form

c2 γ−1 2 sin µ + cos2 µ = 12 , γ+1 w where µ is the Mach angle, γ the ratio of specific heats, c1 the sound speed at the sonic point, and w the flow speed. Deduce that

 b2 − 1 dw = 2 Ma 2 − 1 dµ, w b + tan2 µ where b2 = and, hence, that  

Ma 2 − 1

γ−1 , γ+1

1 1 dw = µ − tan−1 tan µ + const. w b b

Finally, demonstrate that  ν(Ma) ≡ 1


1/2  1/2   γ − 1  γ+1 dw −1  2 2 = Ma − 1 tan  (Ma − 1)  w γ−1 γ+1 $ 1/2 % . − tan−1 Ma 2 − 1

(Leipmann & Roshko 1957.) 15.11 Show that for a thin, symmetrical airfoil, with zero angle of attack, whose profile is a lens defined by two circular arcs, the drag coefficient is $ t %2 16 , CD =  c 3 Ma12 − 1 where Ma1 is the upstream Mach number, t the maximum thickness, and c the chord-length. Demonstrate that for a given thickness ratio, t/c, the airfoil with the minimum drag is a symmetric diamond profile. (Leipmann & Roshko 1957.) 15.12 Prove that on a supersonic swept-back wing of infinite span the thin-airfoil pressure coefficient, (15.50), is multiplied by the sweepback factor, √ where

1 1 − n2


tan Λ . n=  Ma12 − 1

Two-Dimensional Compressible Inviscid Flow


Here, Λ is the sweepback angle, and Ma1 the upstream Mach number. [Hint: Resolve Ma1 into components normal and parallel to the leading edge. The flow may then be studied in the plane normal to the leading edge using standard thin-airfoil theory.] (Leipmann & Roshko 1957.) 15.13 Consider the problem of subsonic flow past a wave-shaped wall that was discussed in Section 15.13. Show that if the flow is bounded by a second wall that lies at y = b (where b > 0) then φ(x, y) =

cosh[m α (b − y)] U cos(α x) . m sinh(m α b)

Show, on the other hand, that if the flow is bounded by a free surface at y = b (where p = p∞ ) then φ(x, y) =

U sinh[m α (b − y)] cos(α x) . m cosh(m α b)

(Leipmann & Roshko 1957.)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A Vectors and Vector Fields

A.1 Introduction This appendix outlines those aspects of vector algebra, vector calculus, and vector field theory that are useful in the study of fluid dynamics. Most of the material appearing in this appendix is reproduced from Fitzpatrick 2008. For more information on vector algebra, vector calculus, and vector field theory see Schey 1992 and MilneThomson 2011.

A.2 Scalars and Vectors Many physical entities (e.g., mass and energy) are entirely defined by a numerical magnitude (expressed in appropriate units). Such entities, which have no directional element, are known as scalars. Moreover, because scalars can be represented by real numbers, it follows that they obey the laws of ordinary algebra. However, there exits a second class of physical entities (e.g., velocity, acceleration, and force) that are only completely defined when both a numerical magnitude and a direction in space are specified. Such entities are known as vectors. By definition, a vector obeys the same algebra as a displacement in space, and may thus be represented geometrically by a → straight-line, PQ (say), where the arrow indicates the direction of the displacement (i.e., from point P to point Q). (See Figure A.1.) The magnitude of the vector is represented by the length of the straight-line. It is conventional to denote vectors by bold-faced symbols (e.g., a, F) and scalars by non-bold-faced symbols (e.g., r, S ). The magnitude of a general vector, a, is denoted |a|, or just a, and is, by definition, always greater than or equal to zero. It is convenient to define a vector with zero magnitude—this is denoted 0, and has no direction. Finally, two vectors, a and b, are said to be equal when their magnitudes and directions are both identical. 483


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.3 Vector Algebra → → Suppose that the displacements PQ and QR, shown in Figure A.2, represent the vectors a and b, respectively. It can be seen that the result of combining these two → → displacements is to give the net displacement PR. Hence, if PR represents the vector c then we can write c = a + b. (A.1) This defines vector addition. By completing the parallelogram PQRS , we can also see that → → → → → PR = PQ + QR = PS + S R . (A.2) → → However, PS has the same length and direction as QR, and, thus, represents the → → same vector, b. Likewise, PQ and S R both represent the vector a. Thus, the previous equation is equivalent to c = a + b = b + a. (A.3) We conclude that the addition of vectors is commutative. It can also be shown that the associative law holds: that is, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.


The null vector, 0, is represented by a displacement of zero length and arbitrary direction. Because the result of combining such a displacement with a finite length displacement is the same as the latter displacement by itself, it follows that a + 0 = a,


where a is a general vector. The negative of a is defined as that vector which has the same magnitude, but acts in the opposite direction, and is denoted −a. The sum of a and −a is thus the null vector: that is, a + (−a) = 0.



P Figure A.1 A vector.

Vectors and Vector Fields


R b




S a

b P Figure A.2 Vector addition.

c=a−b b

a c


Figure A.3 Vector subtraction.

We can also define the difference of two vectors, a and b, as c = a − b = a + (−b).


This definition of vector subtraction is illustrated in Figure A.3. If n > 0 is a scalar then the expression n a denotes a vector whose direction is the same as a, and whose magnitude is n times that of a. (This definition becomes obvious when n is an integer.) If n is negative then, because n a = |n| (−a), it follows that n a is a vector whose magnitude is |n| times that of a, and whose direction is


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

z y



O Figure A.4 A right-handed Cartesian coordinate system.

opposite to a. These definitions imply that if n and m are two scalars then n (m a) = n m a = m (n a),


(n + m) a = n a + m a,


n (a + b) = n a + n b.


A.4 Cartesian Components of a Vector Consider a Cartesian coordinate system Oxyz, consisting of an origin, O, and three mutually perpendicular coordinate axes, Ox, Oy, and Oz. (See Figure A.4.) Such a system is said to be right-handed if, when looking along the Oz direction, a 90◦ clockwise rotation about Oz is required to take Ox into Oy. Otherwise, it is said to be left-handed. It is conventional to always use a right-handed coordinate system. It is convenient to define unit vectors, e x , ey , and ez , parallel to Ox, Oy, and Oz, respectively. Incidentally, a unit vector is a vector whose magnitude is unity. The position vector, r, of some general point P whose Cartesian coordinates are (x, y, z) is then given by (A.11) r = x ez + y ey + z ez . In other words, we can get from O to P by moving a distance x parallel to Ox, then a distance y parallel to Oy, and then a distance z parallel to Oz. Similarly, if a is an arbitrary vector then (A.12) a = a x e x + a y ey + a z ez , where a x , ay , and az are termed the Cartesian components of a. It is conventional to write a ≡ (a x , ay , az ). It follows that e x ≡ (1, 0, 0), ey ≡ (0, 1, 0), and ez ≡ (0, 0, 1). Of course, 0 ≡ (0, 0, 0).

Vectors and Vector Fields


According to the three-dimensional generalization of the Pythagorean theorem, the distance OP ≡ |r| = r is given by  r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2. (A.13) By analogy, the magnitude of a general vector a takes the form  a = a x2 + ay2 + az2 .


If a ≡ (a x , ay , az ) and b ≡ (b x , by , bz ) then it is easily demonstrated that a + b ≡ (a x + b x , ay + by , az + bz ).


Furthermore, if n is a scalar then it is apparent that n a ≡ (n a x , n ay , n az ).


A.5 Coordinate Transformations A Cartesian coordinate system allows position and direction in space to be represented in a very convenient manner. Unfortunately, such a coordinate system also introduces arbitrary elements into our analysis. After all, two independent observers might well choose Cartesian coordinate systems with different origins, and different orientations of the coordinate axes. In general, a given vector a will have different sets of components in these two coordinate systems. However, the direction and magnitude of a are the same in both cases. Hence, the two sets of components must be related to one another in a very particular fashion. Actually, because vectors are → → represented by moveable line elements in space (i.e., in Figure A.2, PQ and S R represent the same vector), it follows that the components of a general vector are not affected by a simple shift in the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. On the other hand, the components are modified when the coordinate axes are rotated. Suppose that we transform to a new coordinate system, Ox y z , which has the same origin as Oxyz, and is obtained by rotating the coordinate axes of Oxyz through an angle θ about Oz. (See Figure A.5.) Let the coordinates of a general point P be (x, y, z) in Oxyz and (x , y , z ) in Ox y z . According to simple trigonometry, these two sets of coordinates are related to one another via the transformation x = x cos θ + y sin θ, 


y = −x sin θ + y cos θ,


z = z.


→ Consider the vector displacement r ≡ OP. Note that this displacement is represented


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


y z P

x O



Figure A.5 Rotation of the coordinate axes about Oz.

by the same symbol, r, in both coordinate systems, because the magnitude and direction of r are manifestly independent of the orientation of the coordinate axes. The coordinates of r do depend on the orientation of the axes: that is, r ≡ (x, y, z) in Oxyz, and r ≡ (x , y , z ) in Ox y z . However, they must depend in a very specific manner [i.e., Equations (A.17)–(A.19)] which preserves the magnitude and direction of r. The components of a general vector a transform in an analogous manner to Equations (A.17)–(A.19): that is, a x = a x cos θ + ay sin θ,


ay = −a x sin θ + ay cos θ,


az = az .


Moreover, there are similar transformation rules for rotation about Ox and Oy. Equations (A.20)–(A.22) effectively constitute the definition of a vector: in other words, the three quantities (a x , ay , az ) are the components of a vector provided that they transform under rotation of the coordinate axes about Oz in accordance with Equations (A.20)–(A.22). (And also transform correctly under rotation about Ox and Oy.) Conversely, (a x , ay , az ) cannot be the components of a vector if they do not transform in accordance with Equations (A.20)–(A.22). Of course, scalar quantities are invariant under rotation of the coordinate axes. Thus, the individual components of a vector (a x , say) are real numbers, but they are not scalars. Displacement vectors, and all vectors derived from displacements (e.g., velocity and acceleration), automatically satisfy Equations (A.20)–(A.22). There are, however, other physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction, but are not obviously related to displacements. We need to check carefully to see whether these quantities are really vectors. (See Sections A.7 and A.9.)

Vectors and Vector Fields


A.6 Scalar Product A scalar quantity is invariant under all possible rotational transformations. The individual components of a vector are not scalars because they change under transformation. Can we form a scalar out of some combination of the components of one, or more, vectors? Suppose that we were to define the “percent” product, a % b ≡ a x bz + ay b x + az by = scalar number,


for general vectors a and b. Is a % b invariant under transformation, as must be the case if it is a scalar number? Let us consider an example. Suppose that a ≡ (0, 1, 0) and b ≡ (1, 0, 0). It is easily seen that a % b = 1. Let us now rotate coordinate √ the √ ◦ axes through √ 45 √about Oz. In the new coordinate system, a ≡ (1/ 2, 1/ 2, 0) and b ≡ (1/ 2, −1/ 2, 0), giving a % b = 1/2. Clearly, a % b is not invariant under rotational transformation, so the previous definition is a bad one. Consider, now, the dot product or scalar product: a · b ≡ a x b x + ay by + az bz = scalar number.


Let us rotate the coordinate axes though θ degrees about Oz. According to Equations (A.20)–(A.22), a · b takes the form a · b = (a x cos θ + ay sin θ) (b x cos θ + by sin θ) + (−a x sin θ + ay cos θ) (−b x sin θ + by cos θ) + az bz = a x b x + ay by + az bz


in the new coordinate system. Thus, a · b is invariant under rotation about Oz. It is easily demonstrated that it is also invariant under rotation about Ox and Oy. We conclude that a · b is a true scalar, and that the definition (A.24) is a good one. Incidentally, a · b is the only simple combination of the components of two vectors that transforms like a scalar. It is readily shown that the dot product is commutative and distributive: that is, a · b = b · a, a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c.


The associative property is meaningless for the dot product, because we cannot have (a · b) · c, as a · b is scalar. We have shown that the dot product a · b is coordinate independent. But what is the geometric significance of this property? In the special case where a = b, we get a · b = a x2 + ay2 + az2 = |a| 2 = a 2 .


So, the invariance of a · a is equivalent to the invariance of the magnitude of vector a under transformation.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics








Figure A.6 A vector triangle. Let us now investigate the general case. The length squared of AB in the vector triangle shown in Figure A.6 is (b − a) · (b − a) = |a| 2 + |b| 2 − 2 a · b.


However, according to the “cosine rule” of trigonometry, (AB)2 = (OA)2 + (OB)2 − 2 (OA) (OB) cos θ,


where (AB) denotes the length of side AB. It follows that a · b = |a| |b| cos θ.


In this case, the invariance of a·b under transformation is equivalent to the invariance of the angle subtended between the two vectors. Note that if a · b = 0 then either |a| = 0, |b| = 0, or the vectors a and b are mutually perpendicular. The angle subtended between two vectors can easily be obtained from the dot product: cos θ =

a·b . |a| |b|


The work W performed by a constant force F that moves an object through a displacement r is the product of the magnitude of F times the displacement in the direction of F. If the angle subtended between F and r is θ then W = |F| (|r| cos θ) = F · r.


The work dW performed by a non-constant force f that moves an object through an infinitesimal displacement dr in a time interval dt is dW = f · dr. Thus, the rate at which the force does work on the object, which is usually referred to as the power, is P = dW/dt = f · dr/dt, or P = f · v, where v = dr/dt is the object’s instantaneous velocity.

Vectors and Vector Fields



Figure A.7 A vector area.

A.7 Vector Area Suppose that we have planar surface of scalar area S . We can define a vector area S whose magnitude is S , and whose direction is perpendicular to the plane, in the sense determined by a right-hand circulation rule (see Section A.8) applied to the rim, assuming that a direction of circulation around the rim is specified. (See Figure A.7.) This quantity clearly possesses both magnitude and direction. But is it a true vector? We know that if the normal to the surface makes an angle α x with the x-axis then the area seen looking along the x-direction is S cos α x . This is the x-component of S (because S x = e x · S = e x · n S = cos α x S , where n is the unit normal to the surface). Similarly, if the normal makes an angle αy with the y-axis then the area seen looking along the y-direction is S cos αy . This is the y-component of S. If we limit ourselves to a surface whose normal is perpendicular to the z-direction then α x = π/2 − αy = α. It follows that S = S (cos α, sin α, 0). If we rotate the basis about the z-axis by θ degrees, which is equivalent to rotating the normal to the surface about the z-axis by −θ degrees, so that α → α − θ, then S x = S cos (α − θ) = S cos α cos θ + S sin α sin θ = S x cos θ + S y sin θ, (A.33) which is the correct transformation rule for the x-component of a vector. The other components transform correctly as well. This proves both that a vector area is a true vector, and that the components of a vector area are the projected areas seen looking down the coordinate axes. According to the vector addition theorem, the projected area of two plane surfaces, joined together at a line, looking along the x-direction (say) is the x-component of the resultant of the vector areas of the two surfaces. Likewise, for many joined-up plane areas, the net area seen looking down the x-axis, which is the same as the area of the outer rim seen looking down the x-axis, is the x-component of the resultant of all the vector areas: that is,  S= Si . (A.34) i


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

If we approach a limit, by letting the number of plane facets increase, and their areas reduce, then we obtain a continuous surface denoted by the resultant vector area  S= δSi . (A.35) i

It is clear that the area of the rim seen looking down the x-axis is just S x . Similarly, for the areas of the rim seen looking down the other coordinate axes. Note that it is the rim of the surface that determines the vector area, rather than the nature of the surface spanning the rim. So, two different surfaces sharing the same rim both possess the same vector area. In conclusion, a loop (not all in one plane) has a vector area S which is the resultant of the component vector areas of any surface ending on the loop. The components of S are the areas of the loop seen looking down the coordinate axes. As a corollary, a closed surface has S = 0, because it does not possess a rim.

A.8 Vector Product We have discovered how to construct a scalar from the components of two general vectors, a and b. Can we also construct a vector that is not just a linear combination of a and b? Consider the following definition: a ∗ b ≡ (a x b x , ay by , az bz ).


Is a ∗ b a proper vector? Suppose that a = (0, 1, 0), b = (1, 0, 0). In this case, a ∗ b = √0. However, if we rotate axes through 45◦ about Oz then √ √ the coordinate √ a = (1/ 2, 1/ 2, 0), b = (1/ 2, −1/ 2, 0), and a ∗ b = (1/2, −1/2, 0). Thus, a ∗ b does not transform like a vector, because its magnitude depends on the choice of axes. So, previous definition is a bad one. Consider, now, the cross product or vector product: a × b ≡ (ay bz − az by , az b x − a x bz , a x by − ay b x ) = c.


Does this rather unlikely combination transform like a vector? Let us try rotating the coordinate axes through an angle θ about Oz using Equations (A.20)–(A.22). In the new coordinate system, c x = (−a x sin θ + ay cos θ) bz − az (−b x sin θ + by cos θ) = (ay bz − az by ) cos θ + (az b x − a x bz ) sin θ = c x cos θ + cy sin θ.


Thus, the x-component of a × b transforms correctly. It can easily be shown that the other components transform correctly as well, and that all components also transform

Vectors and Vector Fields


thumb a×b

middle finger b θ a

index finger

Figure A.8 The right-hand rule for cross products. Here, θ is less that 180◦. correctly under rotation about Ox and Oy. Thus, a × b is a proper vector. Incidentally, a × b is the only simple combination of the components of two vectors that transforms like a vector (which is non-coplanar with a and b). The cross product is anti-commutative, a × b = −b × a, (A.39) distributive, a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c,


a × (b × c)  (a × b) × c.


but is not associative, The cross product transforms like a vector, which means that it must have a welldefined direction and magnitude. We can show that a × b is perpendicular to both a and b. Consider a · a × b. If this is zero then the cross product must be perpendicular to a. Now, a · a × b = a x (ay bz − az by ) + ay (az b x − a x bz ) + az (a x by − ay b x ) = 0.


Therefore, a × b is perpendicular to a. Likewise, it can be demonstrated that a × b is perpendicular to b. The vectors a, b, and a × b form a right-handed set, like the unit vectors e x , ey , and ez . In fact, e x × ey = ez . This defines a unique direction for a × b, which is obtained from a right-hand rule. (See Figure A.8.) Let us now evaluate the magnitude of a × b. We have (a × b)2 = (ay bz − az by )2 + (az b x − a x bz )2 + (a x by − ay b x )2 = (a x2 + ay2 + az2 ) (b x2 + by2 + bz2 ) − (a x b x + ay by + az bz )2 = |a| 2 |b| 2 − (a · b)2 = |a| 2 |b| 2 − |a| 2 |b| 2 cos2 θ = |a| 2 |b| 2 sin2 θ.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Thus, |a × b| = |a| |b| sin θ,


where θ is the angle subtended between a and b. Clearly, a × a = 0 for any vector, because θ is always zero in this case. Also, if a × b = 0 then either |a| = 0, |b| = 0, or b is parallel (or antiparallel) to a. Consider the parallelogram defined by the vectors a and b. (See Figure A.9.) The scalar area of the parallelogram is a b sin θ. By convention, the vector area has the magnitude of the scalar area, and is normal to the plane of the parallelogram, in the sense obtained from a right-hand circulation rule by rotating a on to b (through an acute angle). In other words, if the fingers of the right-hand circulate in the direction of rotation then the thumb of the right-hand indicates the direction of the vector area. So, the vector area is coming out of the page in Figure A.9. It follows that S = a × b,


Suppose that a force F is applied at position r, as illustrated in Figure A.10. The torque about the origin O is the product of the magnitude of the force and the length of the lever arm OQ. Thus, the magnitude of the torque is |F| |r| sin θ. The direction of the torque is conventionally defined as the direction of the axis through O about which the force tries to rotate objects, in the sense determined by a right-hand circulation rule. Hence, the torque is out of the page in Figure A.10. It follows that the vector torque is given by τ = r × F.


The angular momentum, l, of a particle of linear momentum p and position vector r is simply defined as the moment of its momentum about the origin: that is, l = r × p.


a S b


θ a Figure A.9 A vector parallelogram.

Vectors and Vector Fields




P r


r sin θ


Figure A.10 A torque.

A.9 Rotation Let us try to define a rotation vector θ whose magnitude is the angle of the rotation, θ, and whose direction is parallel to the axis of rotation, in the sense determined by a right-hand circulation rule. Unfortunately, this is not a good vector. The problem is that the addition of rotations is not commutative, whereas vector addition is commuative. Figure A.11 shows the effect of applying two successive 90◦ rotations, one about Ox, and the other about the Oz, to a standard six-sided die. In the left-hand case, the z-rotation is applied before the x-rotation, and vice versa in the right-hand case. It can be seen that the die ends up in two completely different states. In other words, the z-rotation plus the x-rotation does not equal the x-rotation plus the z-rotation. This non-commuting algebra cannot be represented by vectors. So, although rotations have a well-defined magnitude and direction, they are not vector quantities. But, this is not quite the end of the story. Suppose that we take a general vector a, and rotate it about Oz by a small angle δθz . This is equivalent to rotating the coordinate axes about Oz by −δθz . According to Equations (A.20)–(A.22), we have a a + δθz ez × a,


where use has been made of the small angle approximations sin θ θ and cos θ 1. The previous equation can easily be generalized to allow small rotations about Ox and Oy by δθ x and δθy , respectively. We find that a a + δθ × a,


δθ = δθ x e x + δθy ey + δθz ez .




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

z x z -axis




z -axis

Figure A.11 Effect of successive rotations about perpendicular axes on a six-sided die. Clearly, we can define a rotation vector, δθ, but it only works for small angle rotations (i.e., sufficiently small that the small angle approximations of sine and cosine are good). According to the previous equation, a small z-rotation plus a small x-rotation is (approximately) equal to the two rotations applied in the opposite order. The fact that infinitesimal rotation is a vector implies that angular velocity, ω = lim


δθ , δt


must be a vector as well. Also, if a is interpreted as a(t + δt) in Equation (A.49) then it follows that the equation of motion of a vector that precesses about the origin with some angular velocity ω is da = ω × a. (A.52) dt

A.10 Scalar Triple Product Consider three vectors a, b, and c. The scalar triple product is defined a · b × c. Now, b × c is the vector area of the parallelogram defined by b and c. So, a · b × c is the scalar area of this parallelogram multiplied by the component of a in the direction of its normal. It follows that a · b × c is the volume of the parallelepiped defined by

Vectors and Vector Fields



c b Figure A.12 A vector parallelepiped. vectors a, b, and c. (See Figure A.12.) This volume is independent of how the triple product is formed from a, b, and c, except that a · b × c = −a · c × b.


So, the “volume” is positive if a, b, and c form a right-handed set (i.e., if a lies above the plane of b and c, in the sense determined from a right-hand circulation rule by rotating b onto c), and negative if they form a left-handed set. The triple product is unchanged if the dot and cross product operators are interchanged, a · b × c = a × b · c.


The triple product is also invariant under any cyclic permutation of a, b, and c, a · b × c = b · c × a = c · a × b,


but any anti-cyclic permutation causes it to change sign, a · b × c = −b · a × c.


The scalar triple product is zero if any two of a, b, and c are parallel, or if a, b, and c are coplanar. If a, b, and c are non-coplanar then any vector r can be written in terms of them: that is, r = α a + β b + γ c. (A.57) Forming the dot product of this equation with b × c, we then obtain r · b × c = α a · b × c, so


r·b×c . (A.59) a·b×c Analogous expressions can be written for β and γ. The parameters α, β, and γ are uniquely determined provided a · b × c  0: that is, provided the three vectors are non-coplanar. α=


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.11 Vector Triple Product For three vectors a, b, and c, the vector triple product is defined a × (b × c). The brackets are important because a×(b×c)  (a×b)×c. In fact, it can be demonstrated that a × (b × c) ≡ (a · c) b − (a · b) c (A.60) and (a × b) × c ≡ (a · c) b − (b · c) a.


Let us try to prove the first of the previous theorems. The left-hand side and the right-hand side are both proper vectors, so if we can prove this result in one particular coordinate system then it must be true in general. Let us take convenient axes such that Ox lies along b, and c lies in the x-y plane. It follows that b ≡ (b x , 0, 0), c ≡ (c x , cy , 0), and a ≡ (a x , ay , az ). The vector b × c is directed along Oz: in fact, b × c ≡ (0, 0, b x cy ). Hence, a × (b × c) lies in the x-y plane: in fact, a × (b × c) ≡ (ay b x cy , −a x b x cy , 0). This is the left-hand side of Equation (A.60) in our convenient coordinate system. To evaluate the right-hand side, we need a · c = a x c x + ay cy and a · b = a x b x . It follows that the right-hand side is RHS = ( [a x c x + ay cy ] b x , 0, 0) − (a x b x c x , a x b x cy , 0) = (ay cy b x , −a x b x cy , 0) = LHS,


which proves the theorem.

A.12 Vector Calculus Suppose that vector a varies with time, so that a = a(t). The time derivative of the vector is defined

a(t + δt) − a(t) da = lim . (A.63) dt δt→0 δt When written out in component form this becomes

da x day daz da ≡ , , . (A.64) dt dt dt dt Suppose that a is, in fact, the product of a scalar φ(t) and another vector b(t). What now is the time derivative of a? We have dφ db x d da x = (φ b x ) = bx + φ , dt dt dt dt


db da dφ = b+φ . dt dt dt


which implies that

Vectors and Vector Fields








Q l

P .

Figure A.13 A line integral. Moreover, it is easily demonstrated that da db d (a · b) = ·b+a· , dt dt dt



d da db (a × b) = ×b+a× . (A.68) dt dt dt Hence, it can be seen that the laws of vector differentiation are analogous to those in conventional calculus.

A.13 Line Integrals Consider a two-dimensional function f (x, y) that is defined for all x and y. What is meant by the integral of f along a given curve joining the points P and Q in the x-y plane? Well, we first draw out f as a function of length l along the path. (See Figure A.13.) The integral is then simply given by  Q f (x, y) dl = Area under the curve, (A.69) P

where dl = dx 2 + dy 2 . For example, consider the integral of f (x, y) = x y 2 between P and Q along √ the two routes indicated in Figure A.14. Along route 1, we have x = y, so dl = 2 dx. Thus, √  1  Q √ 2 . (A.70) x y 2 dl = x 3 2 dx = 4 P 0


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


Q = (1, 1)


2 2

P = (0, 0)


Figure A.14 An example line integral. The integration along route 2 gives 


   1   x y 2 dx + x y 2 dy   x=1 0 0 y=0  1 1 =0+ y 2 dy = . 3 0 

x y 2 dl =




Note that the integral depends on the route taken between the initial and final points. The most common type of line integral is that in which the contributions from dx and dy are evaluated separately, rather that through the path-length element dl: that is,  Q ! " f (x, y) dx + g(x, y) dy . (A.72) P

For example, consider the integral 


y dx + x 3 dy



along the two routes indicated in Figure A.15. Along route 1, we have x = y + 1 and dx = dy, so 


   y dx + x 3 dy =


 17  . y dy + (y + 1)3 dy = 4


   2   7 x dy + y dx = .  x=1  4 1 y=1


1 0

Along route 2, 


y dx + x dy = 3




Again, the integral depends on the path of integration.

Vectors and Vector Fields



2 2


Q = (2, 1)



P = (1, 0)

Figure A.15 An example line integral.

Suppose that we have a line integral that does not depend on the path of integration. It follows that  Q ( f dx + g dy) = F(Q) − F(P) (A.76) P

for some function F. Given F(P) for some point P in the x-y plane, 


F(Q) = F(P) +

( f dx + g dy)



defines F(Q) for all other points in the plane. We can then draw a contour map of F(x, y). The line integral between points P and Q is simply the change in height in the contour map between these two points: 



( f dx + g dy) =


dF(x, y) = F(Q) − F(P).



Thus, dF(x, y) = f (x, y) dx + g(x, y) dy.


For instance, if F = x 3 y then dF = 3 x 2 y dx + x 3 dy and 


  Q 3 x 2 y dx + x 3 dy = x 3 y P


is independent of the path of integration. It is clear that there are two distinct types of line integral—those that depend only on their endpoints and not on the path of integration, and those that depend both on their endpoints and the integration path. Later on, we shall learn how to distinguish between these two types. (See Section A.18.)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.14 Vector Line Integrals A vector field is defined as a set of vectors associated with each point in space. For instance, the velocity v(r) in a moving liquid (e.g., a whirlpool) constitutes a vector field. By analogy, a scalar field is a set of scalars associated with each point in space. An example of a scalar field is the temperature distribution T (r) in a furnace. Consider a general vector field A(r). Let dr ≡ (dx, dy, dz) be the vector element of line length. Vector line integrals often arise as  Q  Q A · dr = (A x dx + Ay dy + Az dz). (A.81) P


For instance, if A is a force-field then the line integral is the work done in going from P to Q. For example, consider the work done by a repulsive inverse-square central field, F = −r/|r 3 |. The element of work done is dW = F · dr. Take P = (∞, 0, 0) and Q = (a, 0, 0). The first route considered is along the x-axis, so a  a

1 1 1 (A.82) W= = . − 2 dx = x a x ∞ ∞ The second route is, firstly, around a large circle (r = constant) to the point (a, ∞, 0), and then parallel to the y-axis. (See Figure A.16). In the first part, no work is done, because F is perpendicular to dr. In the second part,  W=

0 ∞

0 1 −y dy 1 = = . (a 2 + y 2 )3/2 (y 2 + a 2 )1/2 ∞ a


In this case, the integral is independent of the path. However, not all vector line integrals are path independent.

A.15 Surface Integrals Let us take a surface S , that is not necessarily co-planar, and divide it up into (scalar) elements δS i . Then    f (x, y, z) dS = lim f (x, y, z) δS i (A.84) S

δS i →0


is a surface integral. For instance, the volume of water in a lake of depth D(x, y) is   V= D(x, y) dS . (A.85)

Vectors and Vector Fields



2 2

Q O a

P x ∞


Figure A.16 An example vector line integral. To evaluate this integral, we must split the calculation into two ordinary integrals. The volume in the strip shown in Figure A.17 is  x2

D(x, y) dx dy. (A.86) x1

Note that the limits x1 and x2 depend on y. The total volume is the sum over all strips: that is,

   y2  x2 (y) dy D(x, y) dx ≡ D(x, y) dx dy. (A.87) V= y1

x1 (y)


Of course, the integral can be evaluated by taking the strips the other way around: that is,  x2  y2 (x) V= dx D(x, y) dy. (A.88) y1 (x)


Interchanging the order of integration is a very powerful and useful trick. But great care must be taken when evaluating the limits. For example, consider   x y 2 dx dy,



where S is shown in Figure A.18. Suppose that we evaluate the x integral first:

 1−y 2 1−y x y2 2 2 dy (1 − y)2 dy. x y dx = y dy = (A.90) 2 0 2 0 Let us now evaluate the y integral:  1 2 y y4 1 − y3 + dy = . 2 2 60 0



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

y y2

dy y1 x1



Figure A.17 Decomposition of a surface integral. We can also evaluate the integral by interchanging the order of integration:  1−x  1  1 x 1 2 (1 − x)3 dx = . x dx y dy = 3 60 0 0 0


In some cases, a surface integral is just the product of two separate integrals. For instance,   x 2 y dx dy



where S is a unit square. This integral can be written

 1  1  1  1 1 1 1 2 2 = , dx x y dy = x dx y dy = 3 2 6 0 0 0 0


because the limits are both independent of the other variable.

A.16 Vector Surface Integrals Surface integrals often occur during vector analysis. For instance, the rate of flow of a liquid of velocity v through an infinitesimal surface of vector area dS is v · dS. The net rate of flow through a surface S made up of very many infinitesimal surfaces is     v cos θ dS , (A.95) v · dS = lim S

dS →0

where θ is the angle subtended between the normal to the surface and the flow velocity.

Vectors and Vector Fields


y (0, 1) 1−y =x

(0, 0)

(1, 0)


Figure A.18 An example surface integral. Analogously to line integrals, most surface integrals depend both on the surface and the rim. But some (very important) integrals depend only on the rim, and not on the nature of the surface which spans it. As an example of this, consider incompressible fluid flow between two surfaces S 1 and S 2 that end on the same rim. (See Figure A.23.) The volume between the surfaces is constant, so what goes in must come out, and     v · dS = v · dS. (A.96) S1

It follows that


  v · dS


depends only on the rim, and not on the form of surfaces S 1 and S 2 .

A.17 Volume Integrals A volume integral takes the form    f (x, y, z) dV,



where V is some volume, and dV = dx dy dz is a small volume element. The volume element is sometimes written d 3 r, or even dτ. As an example of a volume integral, let us evaluate the center of gravity of a solid pyramid. Suppose that the pyramid has a square base of side a, a height a, and is composed of material of uniform density. Let the centroid of the base lie at the origin, and let the apex lie at (0, 0, a). By symmetry, the center of mass lies on the


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

line joining the centroid to the apex. In fact, the height of the center of mass is given by )      z=

z dV



The bottom integral is just the volume of the pyramid, and can be written  a     a  (a−z)/2  (a−z)/2 dz dy dx = (a − z)2 dz dV = −(a−z)/2







 a 1 (a 2 − 2 a z + z 2 ) dz = a 2 z − a z 2 + z 3 /3 = a 3 . 0 3


Here, we have evaluated the z-integral last because the limits of the x- and y- integrals are z-dependent. The top integral takes the form  (a−z)/2  (a−z)/2  a     a z dz dy dx = z (a − z)2 dz z dV = 


0 a



 a (z a 2 − 2 a z 2 + z 3 ) dz = a 2 z 2 /2 − 2 a z 3 /3 + z4 /4 0


= Thus,


1 4 a . 12

(A.101) ) 1 4 1 3 1 z¯ = a a = a. 12 3 4


In other words, the center of mass of a pyramid lies one quarter of the way between the centroid of the base and the apex.

A.18 Gradient A one-dimensional function f (x) has a gradient d f /dx which is defined as the slope of the tangent to the curve at x. We wish to extend this idea to cover scalar fields in two and three dimensions. Consider a two-dimensional scalar field h(x, y) that represents (say) height above sea-level in a hilly region. Let dr ≡ (dx, dy) be an element of horizontal distance. Consider dh/dr, where dh is the change in height after moving an infinitesimal distance dr. This quantity is somewhat like the one-dimensional gradient, except that dh depends on the direction of dr, as well as its magnitude. In the immediate vicinity of some point P, the slope reduces to an inclined plane. (See Figure A.19.) The largest value of dh/dr is straight up the slope. It is easily shown that for any other direction

dh dh = cos θ, (A.103) dr dr max

Vectors and Vector Fields


contours of h(x, y)


high dr

θ direction of steepest ascent


low O


Figure A.19 A two-dimensional gradient. where θ is the angle shown in Figure A.19. Let us define a two-dimensional vector, grad h, called the gradient of h, whose magnitude is (dh/dr)max, and whose direction is the direction of steepest ascent. The cos θ variation exhibited in the previous expression ensures that the component of grad h in any direction is equal to dh/dr for that direction. The component of dh/dr in the x-direction can be obtained by plotting out the profile of h at constant y, and then finding the slope of the tangent to the curve at given x. This quantity is known as the partial derivative of h with respect to x at constant y, and is denoted (∂h/∂x)y. Likewise, the gradient of the profile at constant x is written (∂h/∂y) x. Note that the subscripts denoting constant x and constant y are usually omitted, unless there is any ambiguity. It follows that in component form

∂h ∂h , grad h ≡ . (A.104) ∂x ∂y Now, the equation of the tangent plane at P = (x0 , y0 ) is hT (x, y) = h(x0 , y0 ) + α (x − x0 ) + β (y − y0 ).


This has the same local gradients as h(x, y), so α=

∂h , ∂x


∂h . ∂y


For small dx = x − x0 and dy = y − y0 , the function h is coincident with the tangent plane. It follows that ∂h ∂h dx + dy. (A.107) dh = ∂x ∂y


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

But, grad h ≡ (∂h/∂x, ∂h/∂y) and dr ≡ (dx, dy), so dh = grad h · dr.


Incidentally, the previous equation demonstrates that grad h is a proper vector, because the left-hand side is a scalar, and, according to the properties of the dot product, the right-hand side is also a scalar provided that dr and grad h are both proper vectors (dr is an obvious vector, because it is directly derived from displacements). Consider, now, a three-dimensional temperature distribution T (x, y, z) in (say) a reaction vessel. Let us define grad T , as before, as a vector whose magnitude is (dT/dr)max, and whose direction is the direction of the maximum gradient. This vector is written in component form

∂T ∂T ∂T grad T ≡ , , . (A.109) ∂x ∂y ∂z Here, ∂T/∂x ≡ (∂T/∂x)y,z is the gradient of the one-dimensional temperature profile at constant y and z. The change in T in going from point P to a neighboring point offset by dr ≡ (dx, dy, dz) is dT =

∂T ∂T ∂T dx + dy + dz. ∂x ∂y ∂z


dT = grad T · dr.


In vector form, this becomes

Suppose that dT = 0 for some dr. It follows that dT = grad T · dr = 0.


So, dr is perpendicular to grad T . Because dT = 0 along so-called “isotherms” (i.e., contours of the temperature), we conclude that the isotherms (contours) are everywhere perpendicular to grad T . (See Figure A.20.) It is, of course, possible to integrate dT . For instance, the line integral of dT between points P and Q is written  Q  Q dT = grad T · dr = T (Q) − T (P). (A.113) P


Q This integral is clearly independent of the path taken between P and Q, so P grad T · dr must be path independent. Q Consider a vector field A(r). In general, the line integral P A · dr depends on the path taken between the end points. However, for some special vector fields the integral is path independent. Such fields are called conservative fields. It can be shown that if A is a conservative field then A = grad V for some scalar field V. The proof of this is straightforward. Keeping P fixed, we have  Q A · dr = V(Q), (A.114) P

Vectors and Vector Fields


T = constant

grad T dr

isotherms Figure A.20 Isotherms.

where V(Q) is a well-defined function, due to the path independent nature of the line integral. Consider moving the position of the end point by an infinitesimal amount dx in the x-direction. We have  V(Q + dx) = V(Q) +


A · dr = V(Q) + A x dx.



Hence, ∂V = Ax, ∂x


with analogous relations for the other components of A. It follows that A = grad V.


The force field due to gravity is a good example of a conservative field. Now, if A(r) is a force-field then A · dr is the work done in traversing some path. If A is conservative then  A · dr = 0, (A.118) # where corresponds to the line integral around a closed loop. The fact that zero net work is done in going around a closed loop is equivalent to the conservation of energy (which is why conservative fields are called “conservative”). A good example of a non-conservative field is the force field due to friction. Clearly, a frictional system # loses energy in going around a closed cycle, so A · dr  0.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.19 Grad Operator It is useful to define the vector operator

∂ ∂ ∂ ∇≡ , , , ∂x ∂y ∂z


which is usually called the grad or del operator. This operator acts on everything to its right in a expression, until the end of the expression or a closing bracket is reached. For instance,

∂f ∂f ∂f , , . (A.120) grad f = ∇ f ≡ ∂x ∂y ∂z For two scalar fields φ and ψ, grad (φ ψ) = φ grad ψ + ψ grad φ


can be written more succinctly as ∇(φ ψ) = φ ∇ψ + ψ ∇φ.


Suppose that we rotate the coordinate axes through an angle θ about Oz. By analogy with Equations (A.17)–(A.19), the old coordinates (x, y, z) are related to the new ones (x , y , z ) via x = x cos θ − y sin θ, 

y = x sin θ + y cos θ, 

z=z. Now,

(A.123) (A.124) (A.125)

∂y ∂z ∂x ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ + + , =     ∂x ∂x y ,z ∂x ∂x y ,z ∂y ∂x y ,z ∂z


∂ ∂ ∂ + sin θ , = cos θ ∂x ∂x ∂y


∇ x = cos θ ∇ x + sin θ ∇y .



and It can be seen, from Equations (A.20)–(A.22), that the differential operator ∇ transforms in an analogous manner to a vector. This is another proof that ∇ f is a good vector.

Vectors and Vector Fields

511 y + dy


z + dz

z y z

x + dx



Figure A.21 Flux of a vector field out of a small box.

A.20 Divergence

# Let us start with a vector field A(r). Consider S A · dS over some closed surface S , where dS denotes an outward pointing surface element. This surface integral is #usually called the flux of A out of S . If A represents the velocity of some fluid then A · dS is the rate of fluid flow out of S . S If A is constant in space then it is easily demonstrated that the net flux out of S is zero. In fact,   A · dS = A ·

dS = A · S = 0,


because the vector area S of a closed surface is zero. Suppose, now, that A is not uniform in space. Consider # a very small rectangular volume over which A hardly varies. The contribution to A · dS from the two faces normal to the x-axis is A x (x + dx) dy dz − A x (x) dy dz =

∂A x ∂A x dx dy dz = dV, ∂x ∂x


where dV = dx dy dz is the volume element. (See Figure A.21.) There are analogous contributions from the sides normal to the y- and z-axes, so the total of all the contributions is

 ∂A x ∂Ay ∂Az + + A · dS = dV. (A.131) ∂x ∂y ∂z The divergence of a vector field is defined div A = ∇ · A =

∂A x ∂Ay ∂Az + + . ∂x ∂y ∂z



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

S interior contributions cancel .

exterior contributions survive

Figure A.22 The divergence theorem. Divergence is a good scalar (i.e., it is coordinate independent), because it is the dot product of the vector operator ∇ with A. The formal definition of ∇ · A is # A · dS . (A.133) ∇ · A = lim dV→0 dV This definition is independent of the shape of the infinitesimal volume element. One of the most important results in vector field theory is the so-called divergence theorem. This states that for any volume V surrounded by a closed surface S ,   A · dS = ∇ · A dV, (A.134) S


where dS is an outward pointing volume element. The proof is very straightforward.  We divide up the volume into very many infinitesimal cubes, and sum A · dS over all of the surfaces. The contributions from the interior surfaces cancel out, leaving just the contribution from the outer surface. (See Figure A.22.) We can use Equation  (A.131) for each cube individually. This tells us that the summation is equivalent to ∇·A dV over the whole volume. Thus, the integral of A·dS over the outer surface is equal to the integral of ∇ · A over the whole volume, which proves the divergence theorem. Now, for a vector field with ∇ · A = 0,  A · dS = 0 (A.135) S

for any closed surface S . So, for two surfaces, S 1 and S 2 , on the same rim,   A · dS = A · dS, (A.136) S1


Vectors and Vector Fields



S2 S1


Figure A.23 Two surfaces spanning the same rim (right), and the equivalent closed surface (left).

as illustrated in Figure A.23. (Note that the direction of the surface elements on S 1 has been reversed relative to those on the closed surface. Hence, the sign of the associated surface integral is also reversed.) Thus, if ∇ · A = 0 then the surface integral depends on the rim, but not on the nature of the surface that spans it. On the other hand, if ∇ · A  0 then the integral depends on both the rim and the surface. # Consider an incompressible fluid whose velocity field is v. It is clear that v · dS = 0 for any closed surface, because what flows into the surface must flow out again. Thus, according to the divergence theorem, ∇ · v dV = 0 for any volume. The only way in which this is possible is if ∇·v is everywhere zero. Thus, the velocity components of an incompressible fluid satisfy the following differential relation: ∂v x ∂vy ∂vz + + = 0. ∂x ∂y ∂z


It is sometimes helpful to represent a vector field A by lines of force or field-lines. The direction of a line of force at any point is the same as the local direction of A. The density of lines (i.e., the number of lines crossing a unit surface perpendicular to A) is equal to |A|. For instance, in Figure A.24, |A| is larger at point 1 than at point 2. The number of lines crossing a surface element dS is A · dS. So, the net number of lines leaving a closed surface is 

 A · dS = S

∇ · A dV.



If ∇ · A = 0 then there is no net flux of lines out of any surface. Such a field is called a solenoidal vector field. The simplest example of a solenoidal vector field is one in which the lines of force all form closed loops.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.21 Laplacian Operator So far we have encountered

∇φ =

∂φ ∂φ ∂φ , , , ∂x ∂y ∂z


which is a vector field formed from a scalar field, and ∇·A=

∂A x ∂Ay ∂Az + + , ∂x ∂y ∂z


which is a scalar field formed from a vector field. There are two ways in which we can combine gradient and divergence. We can either form the vector field ∇(∇ · A) or the scalar field ∇ · (∇φ). The former is not particularly interesting, but the scalar field ∇ · (∇φ) turns up in a great many physical problems, and is, therefore, worthy of discussion. Let us introduce the heat flow vector h, which is the rate of flow of heat energy per unit area across a surface perpendicular to the direction of h. In many substances, heat flows directly down the temperature gradient, so that we can write h = −κ ∇T,

(A.141) #

where κ is the thermal conductivity. The net rate of heat flow S h · dS out of some closed surface S must be equal to the rate of decrease of heat energy in the volume V enclosed by S . Thus, we have

  ∂ h · dS = − c T dV , (A.142) ∂t S where c is the specific heat. It follows from the divergence theorem that ∇ · h = −c

1 Figure A.24 Divergent lines of force.

∂T . ∂t



Vectors and Vector Fields


Taking the divergence of both sides of Equation (A.141), and making use of Equation (A.143), we obtain ∇ · (κ ∇T ) = c

∂T . ∂t


If κ is constant then the previous equation can be written ∇ · (∇T ) =

c ∂T . κ ∂t


The scalar field ∇ · (∇T ) takes the form

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∇ · (∇T ) = + + ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z =

∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T ∂ 2T + + ≡ ∇2 T. ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2


Here, the scalar differential operator ∇2 ≡

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + 2+ 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z


is called the Laplacian. The Laplacian is a good scalar operator (i.e., it is coordinate independent) because it is formed from a combination of divergence (another good scalar operator) and gradient (a good vector operator). What is the physical significance of the Laplacian? In one dimension, ∇ 2 T reduces to ∂ 2 T/∂x 2 . Now, ∂ 2 T/∂x 2 is positive if T (x) is concave (from above), and negative if it is convex. So, if T is less than the average of T in its surroundings then ∇ 2 T is positive, and vice versa. In two dimensions, ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∇ 2T = + . (A.148) ∂x 2 ∂y 2 Consider a local minimum of the temperature. At the minimum, the slope of T increases in all directions, so ∇ 2 T is positive. Likewise, ∇ 2 T is negative at a local maximum. Consider, now, a steep-sided valley in T . Suppose that the bottom of the valley runs parallel to the x-axis. At the bottom of the valley ∂ 2 T/∂y 2 is large and positive, whereas ∂ 2 T/∂x 2 is small and may even be negative. Thus, ∇ 2 T is positive, and this is associated with T being less than the average local value. Let us now return to the heat conduction problem: ∇ 2T =

c ∂T . κ ∂t


It is clear that if ∇ 2 T is positive in some small region then the value of T there is less than the local average value, so ∂T/∂t > 0: that is, the region heats up. Likewise, if ∇ 2 T is negative then the value of T is greater than the local average value, and heat flows out of the region: that is, ∂T/∂t < 0. Thus, the previous heat conduction equation makes physical sense.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.22 Curl Consider a vector field A(r), # and a loop that lies in one plane. The integral of A around this loop is written A · dr, where dr is a line element of the loop. If A is # a conservative field then A = ∇φ and A · dr = 0 for all loops. In general, for a # non-conservative field, A · dr # 0. For a small loop, we expect A · dr to # be proportional to the area of the loop. Moreover, for a fixed-area loop, we expect A·dr to depend on#the orientation of the loop. One particular orientation will give the maximum value: A · dr = Imax . If the loop subtends an angle θ with this optimum orientation then we expect I = Imax cos θ. Let us introduce the vector field curl A whose magnitude is # A · dr (A.150) |curl A| = lim dS →0 dS for the orientation giving Imax . Here, dS is the area of the loop. The direction of curl A is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, when it is in the orientation giving Imax , with the sense given by a right-hand circulation rule. Let us # now express curl A in terms of the components of A. First, we shall evaluate A · dr around a small rectangle in the y-z plane, as shown in Figure A.25. The contribution from sides 1 and 3 is ∂Az dy dz. (A.151) Az (y + dy) dz − Az (y) dz = ∂y The contribution from sides 2 and 4 is −Ay (z + dz) dy + Ay (z) dy = −

∂Ay dy dz. ∂y

So, the total of all contributions gives

 ∂Az ∂Ay − A · dr = dS , ∂y ∂z



where dS = dy dz is the area of the loop. Consider a non-rectangular (but still # small) loop in the y-z plane. We can divide it into rectangular elements, and form A · dr over all the resultant loops. The interior contributions cancel, so we are just left with the contribution from the outer loop. Also, the area of the outer loop is the sum of all the areas of the inner loops. We conclude that

 ∂Az ∂Ay − (A.154) dS x A · dr = ∂y ∂z is valid for a small loop dS = (dS x , 0, 0) of any shape in the y-z plane. Likewise, we can show that if the loop is in the x-z plane then dS = (0, dS y , 0) and

 ∂A x ∂Az A · dr = (A.155) − dS y . ∂z ∂x

Vectors and Vector Fields


z 4

z + dz 1 z

3 y


y + dy y

Figure A.25 A vector line integral around a small rectangular loop in the y-z plane. Finally, if the loop is in the x-y plane then dS = (0, 0, dS z ) and

 ∂Ay ∂A x − dS z . A · dr = ∂x ∂y


Imagine an arbitrary loop of vector area dS = (dS x , dS y , dS z ). We can construct this out of three vector areas, 1, 2, and 3, directed in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively, as indicated in Figure A.26. If we form the line integral around all three loops then the interior contributions cancel, and we are left with the line integral around the original loop. Thus,     (A.157) A · dr = A · dr1 + A · dr2 + A · dr3 , giving

 A · dr = curl A · dS = |curl A| |dS| cos θ,



∂Az ∂Ay ∂A x ∂Az ∂Ay ∂A x curl A = − , − , − , ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y


and θ is the angle subtended between the directions of curl A and dS. Note that curl A = ∇ × A.


This demonstrates that ∇ × A is a good vector field, because it is the cross product of the ∇ operator (a good vector operator) and the vector field A. Consider a solid body rotating about the z-axis. The angular velocity is given by ω = (0, 0, ω), so the rotation velocity at position r is v = ω × r.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics





3 x


Figure A.26 Decomposition of a vector area into its Cartesian components. [See Equation (A.52).] Let us evaluate ∇×v on the axis of rotation. The x-component # is proportional to the integral v · dr around a loop in the y-z plane. # This is plainly zero. Likewise, the y-component is also zero. The z-component is v ·dr/dS around # some loop in the x-y plane. Consider a circular loop. We have v ·dr = 2π r ω r with dS = π r2 . Here, r is the perpendicular distance from the rotation axis. It follows that (∇ × v)z = 2 ω, which is independent of r. So, on the axis, ∇ × v = (0 , 0 , 2 ω). Off the axis, at position r0 , we can write v = ω × (r − r0 ) + ω × r0 .


The first part has the same curl as the velocity field on the axis, and the second part has zero curl, because it is constant. Thus, ∇ × v = (0, 0, 2 ω) everywhere in the body. This allows us to form a physical picture of ∇ × A. If we imagine A(r) as the velocity field of some fluid then ∇ × A at any given point is equal to twice the local angular rotation velocity: that is, 2 ω. Hence, a vector field with ∇ × A = 0 everywhere is said to be irrotational. Another important result of vector field theory is the curl theorem:   A · dr = ∇ × A · dS, (A.163) C


for some (non-planar) surface S bounded by a rim C. This theorem can easily be proved by splitting the loop up into many small rectangular loops, and forming the integral around all of the resultant loops. All of the contributions from the interior loops cancel, leaving just the contribution from the outer rim. Making use of Equation (A.158) for each of the small loops, we can see that the contribution from all of

Vectors and Vector Fields


the loops is also equal to the integral of ∇ × A · dS across the whole surface. This proves the theorem. One immediate consequence of the curl theorem is that ∇×A is “incompressible.” Consider any two surfaces, S 1 and S 2 , that share the same rim. (See Figure A.23.) It is clear from the # curl theorem that ∇ × A · dS is the same for both surfaces. Thus, it follows that ∇ × A · #dS = 0 for anyclosed surface. However, we have from the divergence theorem that ∇ × A · dS = ∇ · (∇ × A) dV = 0 for any volume. Hence,

∇ · (∇ × A) ≡ 0.


So, ∇ × A is a solenoidal field. # We have seen that for a conservative field A · dr = 0 for any loop. This # is entirely equivalent to A = ∇φ. However, the magnitude of ∇ × A is lim dS →0 A · dr/dS for some particular loop. It is clear then that ∇ × A = 0 for a conservative field. In other words,

∇ × (∇φ) ≡ 0.


Thus, a conservative field is also an irrotational one.

A.23 Useful Vector Identities Notation: a, b, c, d are general vectors; φ, ψ are general scalar fields; A, B are general vector fields; (A · ∇) B ≡ (A · ∇B x, A · ∇By, A · ∇Bz) and ∇ 2 A = (∇ 2 A x , ∇ 2 Ay , ∇ 2 Az )


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

(but, only in Cartesian coordinates—see Appendix C). a × (b × c) = (a · c) b − (a · b) c,


(a × b) × c = (c · a) b − (c · b) a,


(a × b) · (c × d) = (a · c) (b · d) − (a · d) (b · c), (a × b) × (c × d) = (a × b · d) c − (a × b · c) d, ∇(φ ψ) = φ ∇ψ + ψ ∇φ,

(A.168) (A.169) (A.170)

∇(A · B) = A × (∇ × B) + B × (∇ × A) + (A · ∇) B + (B · ∇) A, ∇ · ∇φ = ∇ 2 φ,

(A.171) (A.172)

∇ · ∇ × A = 0,


∇ · (φ A) = φ ∇ · A + A · ∇φ, ∇ · (A × B) = B · ∇ × A − A · ∇ × B, ∇ × ∇φ = 0,

(A.174) (A.175) (A.176)

∇ × (∇ × A) = ∇ (∇ · A) − ∇ A, 2

∇ × (φ A) = φ ∇ × A + ∇φ × A, ∇ × (A × B) = (∇ · B) A − (∇ · A) B + (B · ∇) A − (A · ∇) B.

(A.177) (A.178) (A.179)

A.24 Exercises A.1 The position vectors of the four points A, B, C, and D are a, b, 3 a + 2 b, and → → → → a − 3 b, respectively. Express AC, DB, BC, and CD in terms of a and b. A.2 Prove the trigonometric law of sines sin a sin b sin c = = A B C using vector methods. Here, a, b, and c are the three angles of a plane triangle, and A, B, and C the lengths of the corresponding opposite sides. A.3 Demonstrate using vectors that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another. In addition, show that if the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect one another then it is a parallelogram. A.4 From the inequality a · b = |a| |b| cos θ ≤ |a| |b| deduce the triangle inequality |a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|.

Vectors and Vector Fields


A.5 Find the scalar product a · b and the vector product a × b when (a) a = e x + 3 ey − ez ,

b = 3 e x + 2 ey + ez ,

(b) a = e x − 2 ey + ez ,

b = 2 e x + ey + ez .

A.6 Which of the following statements regarding the three general vectors a, b, and c are true? (a) c · (a × b) = (b × a) · c. (b) a × (b × c) = (a × b) × c. (c) a × (b × c) = (a · c) b − (a · b) c. (d) d = λ a + µ b implies that (a × b) · d = 0. (e) a × c = b × c implies that c · a − c · b = c |a − b|. (f) (a × b) × (c × b) = [b · (c × a)] b. A.7 Prove that the length of the shortest straight-line from point a to the straightline joining points b and c is |a × b + b × c + c × a| . |b − c| A.8 Identify the following surfaces: (a) |r| = a, (b) r · n = b, (c) r · n = c |r|, (d) |r − (r · n) n| = d. Here, r is the position vector, a, b, c, and d are positive constants, and n is a fixed unit vector. A.9 Let a, b, and c be coplanar vectors related via α a + β b + γ c = 0, where α, β, and γ are not all zero. Show that the condition for the points with position vectors u a, v b, and w c to be colinear is α β γ + + = 0. u v w A.10 If p, q, and r are any vectors, demonstrate that a = q + λ r, b = r + µ p, and c = p + ν q are coplanar provided that λ µ ν = −1, where λ, µ, and ν are scalars. Show that this condition is satisfied when a is perpendicular to p, b to q, and c to r.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

A.11 The vectors a, b, and c are non-coplanar, and form a non-orthogonal vector base. The vectors A, B, and C, defined by A=

b×c , a·b×c

plus cyclic permutations, are said to be reciprocal vectors. Show that a = (B × C)/(A · B × C), plus cyclic permutations. A.12 In the notation of the previous exercise, demonstrate that the plane passing through points a/α, b/β, and c/γ is normal to the direction of the vector h = α A + β B + γ C. In addition, show that the perpendicular distance of the plane from the origin is |h|−1 . # A.13 Evaluate A · dr for x e x + y ey A=  x2 + y2 around the square whose sides are x = 0, x = a, y = 0, y = a. A.14 Consider the following vector field: A(r) = (8 x 3 + 3 x 2 y 2 , 2 x 3 y + 6 y, 6). Is this field conservative? Is it solenoidal? Is it irrotational? Justify your # answers. Calculate C A · dr, where the curve C is a unit circle in the x-y plane, centered on the origin, and the direction of integration is clockwise looking down the z-axis. A.15 Consider the following vector field: A(r) = (3 x y 2 z 2 − y 2 , −y 3 z 2 + x 2 y, 3 x 2 − x 2 z). Is this field conservative? Is it solenoidal? Is it irrotational? Justify your answers. Calculate the flux of A out of a unit sphere centered on the origin. A.16 Find the gradients of the following scalar functions of the position vector r = (x, y, z): (a) k · r, (b) |r| n , (c) |r − k|−n , (d) cos(k · r).

Vectors and Vector Fields Here, k is a fixed vector. A.17 Find the divergences and curls of the following vector fields: (a) k × r, (b) |r| n r, (c) |r − k|n (r − k), (d) a cos(k · r). Here, k and a are fixed vectors. A.18 Calculate ∇ 2 φ when φ = f (|r|). Find f if ∇ 2 φ = 0.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

B Cartesian Tensors



As we saw in Appendix A, many physical entities can be represented mathematically as either scalars or vectors, depending on their transformation properties under rotation of the coordinate axes. However, it turns out that scalars and vectors are particular types of a more general class of mathematical constructs known as tensors. In fact, a scalar is a tensor of order zero, and a vector is a tensor of order one. In fluid mechanics, certain important physical entities (i.e., stress and rate of strain) are represented mathematically by tensors of order greater than one. It is therefore necessary to supplement our investigation of fluid mechanics with a brief discussion of the mathematics of tensors. For the sake of simplicity, we shall limit this discussion to Cartesian coordinate systems. Tensors expressed in such coordinate systems are known as Cartesian tensors. For more information on Cartesian tensors see Jeffries 1961, Riley 1974, and Temple 2004.


Tensors and Tensor Notation

Let the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z be written as the xi , where i runs from 1 to 3. In other words, x = x1 , y = x2 , and z = x3 . Incidentally, in the following, any lowercase roman subscript (e.g., i, j, k) is assumed to run from 1 to 3. We can also write the Cartesian components of a general vector v as the vi . In other words, v x = v1 , vy = v2 , and vz = v3 . By contrast, a scalar is represented as a variable without a subscript: for instance, a, φ. Thus, a scalar—which is a tensor of order zero—is represented as a variable with zero subscripts, and a vector—which is a tensor of order one—is represented as a variable with one subscript. It stands to reason, therefore, that a tensor of order two is represented as a variable with two subscripts: for instance, ai j , σi j . Moreover, an nth-order tensor is represented as a variable with n subscripts: for instance, ai jk is a third-order tensor, and bi jkl a fourth-order tensor. Note that a general nth-order tensor has 3n independent components. The components of a second-order tensor are conveniently visualized as a twodimensional matrix, just as the components of a vector are sometimes visualized as a one-dimensional matrix. However, it is important to recognize that an nth-order 525


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

tensor is not simply another name for an n-dimensional matrix. A matrix is merely an ordered set of numbers. A tensor, on the other hand, is an ordered set of components that have specific transformation properties under rotation of the coordinate axes. (See Section B.3.) Consider two vectors a and b that are represented as ai and bi , respectively, in tensor notation. According to Section A.6, the scalar product of these two vectors takes the form (B.1) a · b = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3 . The previous expression can be written more compactly as a · b = ai bi .


Here, we have made use of the Einstein summation convention, according to which, in an expression containing lower case roman subscripts, any subscript that appears twice (and only twice) in any term of the expression is assumed to be summed from 1 to 3 (unless stated otherwise). Thus, ai bi = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3 , and ai j b j = ai1 b1 + ai2 b2 + ai3 b3 . Note that when an index is summed it becomes a dummy index and can be written as any (unique) symbol: that is, ai j b j and aip b p are equivalent. Moreover, only non-summed, or free, indices count toward the order of a tensor expression. Thus, aii is a zeroth-order tensor (because there are no free indices), and ai j b j is a first-order tensor (because there is only one free index). The process of reducing the order of a tensor expression by summing indices is known as contraction. For example, aii is a zeroth-order contraction of the second-order tensor ai j . Incidentally, when two tensors are multiplied together without contraction the resulting tensor is called an outer product: for instance, the second-order tensor ai b j is the outer product of the two first-order tensors ai and bi . Likewise, when two tensors are multiplied together in a manner that involves contraction then the resulting tensor is called an inner product: for instance, the first-order tensor ai j b j is an inner product of the second-order tensor ai j and the first-order tensor bi . It can be seen from Equation (B.2) that the scalar product of two vectors is equivalent to the inner product of the corresponding first-order tensors. According to Section A.8, the vector product of two vectors a and b takes the form (a × b)1 = a2 b3 − a3 b2 ,


(a × b)2 = a3 b1 − a1 b3 ,


(a × b)3 = a1 b2 − a2 b1


in tensor notation. The previous expression can be written more compactly as

Here, i jk

  +1     −1 =     0

(a × b)i = i jk a j bk .


if i, j, k is an even permutation of 1, 2, 3 if i, j, k is an odd permutation of 1, 2, 3 otherwise


Cartesian Tensors


is known as the third-order permutation tensor (or, sometimes, the third-order LeviCivita tensor). Note, in particular, that i jk is zero if one of its indices is repeated: for instance, 113 = 212 = 0. Furthermore, it follows from Equation (B.7) that i jk =  jki = ki j = −k ji = − jik = −ik j .


It is helpful to define the second-order identity tensor (also known as the Kroenecker delta tensor),  1 if i = j δi j = . (B.9) 0 otherwise It is easily seen that δi j = δ ji ,


δii = 3,


δik δk j = δi j ,


δi j a j = ai ,


δi j ai b j = ai bi ,


δi j aki b j = aki bi ,


et cetera. The following is a particularly important tensor identity: i jk ilm = δ jl δkm − δ jm δkl .


In order to establish the validity of the previous expression, let us consider the various cases that arise. As is easily seen, the right-hand side of Equation (B.16) takes the values +1

if j = l and k = m  j,



if j = m and k = l  j,





Moreover, in each product on the left-hand side of Equation (B.16), i has the same value in both  factors. Thus, for a non-zero contribution, none of j, k, l, and m can have the same value as i (because each  factor is zero if any of its indices are repeated). Because a given subscript can only take one of three values (1, 2, or 3), the only possibilities that generate non-zero contributions are j = l and k = m, or j = m and k = l, excluding j = k = l = m (as each  factor would then have repeated indices, and so be zero). Thus, the left-hand side of Equation (B.16) reproduces Equation (B.19), as well as the conditions on the indices in Equations (B.17) and (B.18). The left-hand side also reproduces the values in Equations (B.17) and (B.18) because if j = l and k = m then i jk = ilm and the product i jk ilm (no summation) is equal to +1, whereas if j = m and k = l then i jk = iml = −ilm and the product


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

i jk ilm (no summation) is equal to −1. Here, use has been made of Equation (B.8). Hence, the validity of the identity (B.16) has been established. In order to illustrate the use of Equation (B.16), consider the vector triple product identity (see Section A.11) a × (b × c) = (a · c) b − (a · b) c.


In tensor notation, the left-hand side of this identity is written [a × (b × c)]i = i jk a j (klm bl cm ),


where use has been made of Equation (B.6). Employing Equations (B.8) and (B.16), this becomes   (B.22) [a × (b × c)]i = ki j klm a j bl cm = δil δ jm − δim δ jl a j bl cm , which, with the aid of Equations (B.2) and (B.13), reduces to [a × (b × c)]i = a j c j bi − a j b j ci = [(a · c) b − (a · b) c]i .


Thus, we have established the validity of the vector identity (B.20). Moreover, our proof is much more rigorous than that given earlier in Section A.11.


Tensor Transformation

As we saw in Appendix A, scalars and vectors are defined according to their transformation properties under rotation of the coordinate axes. In fact, a scalar is invariant under rotation of the coordinate axes. On the other hand, according to Equations (A.49) and (B.6), the components of a general vector a transform under an infinitesimal rotation of the coordinate axes according to ai = ai + i jk δθ j ak .


Here, the ai are the components of the vector in the original coordinate system, the ai are the components in the rotated coordinate system, and the latter system is obtained from the former via a combination of an infinitesimal rotation through an angle δθ1 about coordinate axis 1, an infinitesimal rotation through an angle δθ2 about axis 2, and an infinitesimal rotation through an angle δθ3 about axis 3. These three rotations can take place in any order. Incidentally, a finite rotation can be built up out of a great many infinitesimal rotations, so if a vector transforms properly under an infinitesimal rotation of the coordinate axes then it will also transform properly under a finite rotation. Equation (B.24) can also be written ai = Ri j a j ,


Cartesian Tensors


where Ri j = δi j − δθk ki j


is a rotation matrix (which is not a tensor, because it is specific to the two coordinate systems it transforms between). To first order in the δθi , Equation (B.25) can be inverted to give ai = R ji aj . (B.27) This follows because, to first order in the δθi , Rik R jk = (δik − δθl lik ) (δ jk − δθm m jk ) = δik δ jk − δθl δ jk lik − δθm δik m jk = δi j − δθl li j − δθl l ji = δi j ,


where the dummy index m has been relabeled l, and use has been made of Equations (B.8), (B.10), and (B.12). Likewise, it is easily demonstrated that Rki Rk j = δi j .


It can also be shown that, to first order in the δθi , i jk Rli Rm j Rnk = lmn .


This follows because i jk Rli Rm j Rnk = i jk (δli − δθa ali ) (δm j − δθb bm j ) (δnk − δθc cnk )    = i jk δli δm j δnk − δθa ali δm j δnk + am j δli δnk + ank δli δm j = lmn − δθa (imn ial + inl iam + ilm ian ) = lmn − δθa (δma δnl − δml δna + δna δlm − δnm δla + δla δmn − δln δma ) = lmn .


Here, there has been much relabeling of dummy indices, and use has been made of Equations (B.10) and (B.16). It can similarly be shown that i jk Ril R jm Rkn = lmn .


As a direct generalization of Equation (B.25), a second-order tensor transforms under rotation as (B.33) ai j = Rik R jl akl , whereas a third-order tensor transforms as ai jk = Ril R jm Rkn almn .


The generalization to higher-order tensors is straightforward. For the case of a scalar, which is a zeroth-order tensor, the transformation rule is particularly simple: that is, a = a.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

By analogy with Equation (B.27), the inverse transform is exemplified by ai jk = Rli Rm j Rnk almn .


Incidentally, because all tensors of the same order transform in the same manner, it immediately follows that two tensors of the same order whose components are equal in one particular Cartesian coordinate system will have their components equal in all coordinate systems that can be obtained from the original system via rotation of the coordinate axes. In other words, if ai j = bi j


in one particular Cartesian coordinate system then ai j = bi j


in all Cartesian coordinate systems (with the same origin and system of units as the original system). Conversely, it does not make sense to equate tensors of different order, because such an equation would only be valid in one particular coordinate system, and so could not have any physical significance (because the laws of physics are coordinate independent). It can easily be shown that the outer product of two tensors transforms as a tensor of the appropriate order. Thus, if ci jk = ai b jk ,


and ai = Ri j a j ,


bi j = Rik R jl bkl ,


then ci jk = ai bjk = Ril al R jm Rkn bmn = Ril R jm Rkn al bmn = Ril R jm Rkn clmn ,


which is the correct transformation rule for a third-order tensor. The tensor transformation rule can be combined with the identity (B.29) to show that the scalar product of two vectors transforms as a scalar. Thus, ai bi = Ri j a j Rik bk = Ri j Rik a j bk = δ jk a j bk = a j b j = ai bi ,


where use has been made of Equation (B.14). Again, the previous proof is more rigorous than that given in Section A.6. The proof also indicates that the inner product of two tensors transforms as a tensor of the appropriate order. The result that both the inner and outer products of two tensors transform as

Cartesian Tensors


tensors of the appropriate order is known as the product rule. Closely related to this rule is the so-called quotient rule, according to which if (say) ci j = aik b jk ,


where b jk is an arbitrary tensor, and ci j transforms as a tensor under all rotations of the coordinate axes, then aik —which can be thought of as the quotient of ci j and b jk —also transforms as a tensor. The proof is as follows: aik bjk = ci j = Ril R jm clm = Ril R jm alk bmk = Ril R jm alk R pm Rqk bpq = Ril Rqk alk b jq = Ril Rkm alm bjk ,


where use has been made of the fact that ci j and bi j transform as tensors, as well as Equation (B.28). Rearranging, we obtain (aik − Ril Rkm alm ) bjk = 0.


However, the bi j are arbitrary, so the previous equation can only be satisfied, in general, if (B.47) aik = Ril Rkm alm , which is the correct transformation rule for a tensor. Incidentally, the quotient rule applies to any type of valid tensor product. The components of the second-order identity tensor, δi j , have the special property that they are invariant under rotation of the coordinate axes. This follows because δi j = Rik R jl δkl = Rik R jk = δi j ,


where use has been made of Equation (B.28). The components of the third-order permutation tensor, i jk , also have this special property. This follows because ijk = Ril R jm Rln lmn = i jk ,


where use has been made of Equation (B.31). The fact that i jk transforms as a proper third-order tensor immediately implies, from the product rule, that the vector product of two vectors transforms as a proper vector: that is, i jk a j bk is a first-order tensor provided that ai and bi are both first-order tensors. This proof is much more rigorous that that given earlier in Section A.8.


Tensor Fields

We saw in Appendix A that a scalar field is a set of scalars associated with every point in space: for instance, φ(x), where x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is a position vector. We also saw that a vector field is a set of vectors associated with every point in space:


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

for instance, ai (x). It stands to reason, then, that a tensor field is a set of tensors associated with every point in space: for instance, ai j (x). It immediately follows that a scalar field is a zeroth-order tensor field, and a vector field is a first-order tensor field. Most tensor fields encountered in physics are smoothly varying and differentiable. Consider the first-order tensor field ai (x). The various partial derivatives of the components of this field with respect to the Cartesian coordinates xi are written ∂ai . ∂x j


Moreover, this set of derivatives transform as the components of a second-order tensor. In order to demonstrate this, we need the transformation rule for the xi , which is the same as that for a first-order tensor: that is, xi = Ri j x j .


∂xi = Ri j . ∂x j


∂xi = R ji . ∂xj


∂ai ∂xk ∂(Ril al ) ∂ai ∂al = R jk = Ril R jk ,   = ∂x j ∂xk ∂x j ∂xk ∂xk



It is also easily shown that


which is the correct transformation rule for a second-order tensor. Here, use has been made of the chain rule, as well as Equation (B.53). [Note, from Equation (B.26), that the Ri j are not functions of position.] It follows, from the previous argument, that differentiating a tensor field increases its order by one: for instance, ∂ai j /∂xk is a third-order tensor. The only exception to this rule occurs when differentiation and contraction are combined. Thus, ∂ai j /∂x j is a first-order tensor, because it only contains a single free index. The gradient (see Section A.18) of a scalar field is an example of a first-order tensor field (i.e., a vector field): (∇φ)i =

∂φ . ∂xi


The divergence (see Section A.20) of a vector field is a contracted second-order tensor field that transforms as a scalar: ∂ai ∇·a = . (B.56) ∂xi Finally, the curl (see Section A.22) of a vector field is a contracted fifth-order tensor that transforms as a vector ∂ak . (B.57) (∇ × a)i = i jk ∂x j

Cartesian Tensors


The previous definitions can be used to prove a number of useful results. For instance,

∂ ∂φ ∂ 2φ (∇ × ∇φ)i = i jk = i jk = 0, (B.58) ∂x j ∂xk ∂x j ∂xk which follows from symmetry because ik j = −i jk whereas ∂ 2 φ/∂xk ∂x j = ∂ 2 φ/∂x j ∂xk . Likewise,

∂ak ∂ak ∂ = 0, (B.59) i jk = i jk ∇ · (∇ × a) = ∂xi ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j which again follows from symmetry. As a final example,  ∂a j ∂bk ∂  bk + i jk a j i jk a j bk = i jk ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂ak ∂bk = bi i jk − ai i jk = b · (∇ × a) − a · (∇ × b). ∂x j ∂x j

∇ · (a × b) =

According to the divergence theorem (see Section A.20),   ∂ai ai dS i = dV, S V ∂xi



where S is a closed surface surrounding the volume V. The previous theorem is easily generalized to give, for example,   ∂ai j ai j dS i = dV, (B.62) S V ∂xi 




∂ai j dV, ∂x j



∂a dV. ∂xi

ai j dS j = S

or even

 a dS i =



Isotropic Tensors

A tensor which has the special property that its components take the same value in all Cartesian coordinate systems is called an isotropic tensor. We have already encountered two such tensors: namely, the second-order identity tensor, δi j , and the third-order permutation tensor, i jk . Of course, all scalars are isotropic. Moreover, as is easily demonstrated, there are no isotropic vectors (other than the null vector). It turns out that the most general isotropic Cartesian tensors of second-, third-, and fourth-order are λ δi j , µ i jk , and α δi j δkl + β δik δ jl + γ δil δ jk , respectively, where λ, µ, α, β, and γ are scalars. Let us prove these important results (Hodge 1961).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

The most general second-order isotropic tensor, ai j , is such that ai j = Rip R jq a pq = ai j


for arbitrary rotations of the coordinate axes. It follows from Equation (B.24) that, to first order in the δθi ,   δθm mis a s j + m js ais = 0. (B.66) However, the δθi are arbitrary, so we can write mis a s j + m js ais = 0.


Let us multiply by mik . With the aid of Equation (B.16), we obtain (δii δks − δis δki ) a s j + (δi j δks − δis δk j ) ais = 0,


2 ai j + a ji = a ss δi j .


which reduces to Interchanging the labels i and j, and then taking the difference between the two equations thus obtained, we deduce that ai j = a ji . Hence, ai j =

a ss δi j , 3



which implies that ai j = λ δi j .


For the case of an isotropic third-order tensor, Equation (B.67) generalizes to mis a s jk + m js aisk + mks ai js = 0.


Multiplying by mit , m jt , and mkt , and then setting t = i, t = j, and t = k, respectively, we obtain 2 ai jk + a jik + ak ji = a ssk δi j + a s js δik ,


2 ai jk + a jik + aik j = a ssk δi j + aiss δ jk ,


2 ai jk + ak ji + aik j = a s js δik + aiss δ jk ,


respectively. However, multiplying the previous equations by δ jk , δik , and δi j , and then setting i = i, j = i, and k = i, respectively, we obtain 2 aiss + a sis + a ssi = a ssi + a sis ,


2 a sis + aiss + a ssi = a ssi + aiss ,


2 a ssi + aiss + a sis = a sis + aiss ,


Cartesian Tensors


respectively, which implies that aiss = a sis = a ssi = 0.


2 ai jk + a jik + ak ji = 0,


2 ai jk + a jik + aik j = 0,


2 ai jk + ak ji + aik j = 0.


Hence, we deduce that

The solution to the previous equation must satisfy aik j = a jik = ak ji = −ai jk .


This implies, from Equation (B.8), that ai jk = µ i jk .


For the case of an isotropic fourth-order tensor, Equation (B.73) generalizes to mis a s jkl + m js aiskl + mks ai jsl + mls ai jks = 0.


Multiplying the previous by mit , m jt , mkt , mlt , and then setting t = i, t = j, t = k, and t = l, respectively, we obtain 2 ai jkl + a jikl + ak jil + al jki = a sskl δi j + a s jsl δik + a s jks δil ,


2 ai jkl + a jikl + aik jl + ail jk = a sskl δi j + aisks δ jl + aissl δ jk ,


2 ai jkl + ak jil + aik jl + ai jlk = ai jss δkl + a s jsl δik + aissl δ jk ,


2 ai jkl + al jki + ailk j + ai jlk = ai jss δkl + aisks δ jl + a s jks δil ,


respectively. Now, if ai jkl is an isotropic fourth-order tensor then a sskl is clearly an isotropic second-order tensor, which means that is a multiple of δkl . This, and similar arguments, allows us to deduce that a sskl = λ δkl ,


a s jsl = µ δ jl ,


a s jks = ν δ jk .


Let us assume, for the moment, that ai jss = a ssi j ,


aisks = a sisk ,


aissl = a sils .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Thus, we get 2 ai jkl + a jikl + ak jil + al jki = λ δi j δkl + µ δik δ jl + ν δil δ jk ,


2 ai jkl + a jikl + aik jl + ailk j = λ δi j δkl + µ δik δ jl + ν δil δ jk ,


2 ai jkl + ak jil + aik jl + ai jlk = λ δi j δkl + µ δik δ jl + ν δil δ jk ,


2 ai jkl + al jki + ailk j + ai jlk = λ δi j δkl + µ δik δ jl + ν δil δ jk .


Relations of the form ai jkl = a jilk = akli j = alk ji


can be obtained by subtracting the sum of one pair of Equations (B.97)–(B.100) from the sum of the other pair. These relations justify Equations (B.94)–(B.96). Equations (B.97) and (B.101) can be combined to give 2 ai jkl + (ai jlk + aik jl + ailk j ) = λ δi j δkl + µ δik δ jl + ν δil δ jk ,


2 aikl j + (aik jl + ailk j + ai jlk ) = λ δik δ jl + µ δil δ jk + ν δi j δkl ,


2 ail jk + (ailk j + ai jlk + aik jl ) = λ δil δ jk + µ δi j δkl + ν δik δ jl .


The latter two equations are obtained from the first via cyclic permutation of j, k, and l, with i remaining unchanged. Summing Equations (B.102)–(B.104), we get 2 (ai jkl +aikl j +ail jk )+3 (ai jlk +aik jl +ailk j ) = (λ+µ+ν) (δi j δkl +δik δ jl +δil δ jk ). (B.105) It follows from symmetry that ai jkl + aikl j + ail jk = ai jlk + aik jl + ailk j =

1 (λ + µ + ν) (δi j δkl + δik δ jl + δil δ jk ). (B.106) 5

This can be seen by swapping the indices k and l in the previous expression. Finally, substitution into Equation (B.102) yields ai jkl = α δi j δkl + β δik δ jl + γ δil δ jk ,


α = (4 λ − µ − ν)/10,


β = (4 µ − ν − λ)/10,


γ = (4 ν − λ − µ)/10.





B.1 Show that a general second-order tensor ai j can be decomposed into three tensors ai j = ui j + vi j + si j ,

Cartesian Tensors


where ui j is symmetric (i.e., u ji = ui j ) and traceless (i.e., uii = 0), vi j is isotropic, and si j only has three independent components. B.2 Use tensor methods to establish the following vector identities: (a) a · b × c = a × b · c = −b · a × c. (b) (a × b) × c = (a · c) b − (c · b) a. (c) (a × b) · (c × d) = (a · c) (b · d) − (a · d) (b · c). (d) (a × b) × (c × d) = (a × b · d) c − (a × b · c) d. (e) ∇ · (φ a) = φ ∇ · a + a · ∇φ. (f) ∇ × (φ a) = φ ∇ × a + ∇φ × a. (g) ∇ × (a × b) = (b · ∇) a − (a · ∇) b + (∇ · b) a − (∇ · a) b. (h) ∇(a · a) = 2 a × (∇ × a) + 2 (a · ∇) a. (i) ∇ × (∇ × a) = ∇(∇ · a) − ∇ 2 a. Here, [(b · ∇)a]i = b j ∂ai /∂x j , and (∇ 2 a)i = ∇ 2 ai . B.3 A quadric surface has an equation of the form a x12 + b x22 + c x32 + 2 f x1 x2 + 2 g x1 x3 + 2 h x2 x3 = 1. Show that the coefficients in the previous expression transform under rotation of the coordinate axes like the components of a symmetric second-order tensor. Hence, demonstrate that the equation for the surface can be written in the form xi T i j x j = 1, where the T i j are the components of the aforementioned tensor. B.4 The determinant of a second-order tensor Ai j is defined det(A) = i jk Ai1 A j2 Ak3 . (a) Show that det(A) = i jk A1i A2 j A3k is an alternative, and entirely equivalent, definition. (b) Demonstrate that det(A) is invariant under rotation of the coordinate axes. (c) Suppose that Ci j = Aik Bk j. Show that det(C) = det(A) det(B).


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

B.5 If A i j x j = λ xi then λ and x j are said to be eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the second-order tensor Ai j , respectively. The eigenvalues of Ai j are calculated by solving the related homogeneous matrix equation (Ai j − λ δi j ) x j = 0. Now, it is a standard result in linear algebra that an equation of the previous form only has a non-trivial solution when (Riley 1974) det(Ai j − λ δi j ) = 0. Demonstrate that the eigenvalues of Ai j satisfy the cubic polynomial λ 3 − tr(A) λ 2 + Π(A) λ − det(A) = 0, where tr(A) = Aii and Π(A) = (Aii A j j − Ai j A ji )/2. Hence, deduce that Ai j possesses three eigenvalues—λ1, λ2 , and λ3 (say). Moreover, show that tr(A) = λ1 + λ2 + λ3 , det(A) = λ1 λ2 λ3 . B.6 Suppose that Ai j is a (real) symmetric second-order tensor: that is, A ji = Ai j . (a) Demonstrate that the eigenvalues of Ai j are all real, and that the eigenvectors can be chosen to be real. (b) Show that eigenvectors of Ai j corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal to one another. Hence, deduce that the three eigenvectors of Ai j are, or can be chosen to be, mutually orthogonal. (c) Demonstrate that Ai j takes the diagonal form Ai j = λi δi j (no sum) in a Cartesian coordinate system in which the coordinate axes are each parallel to one of the eigenvectors. B.7 In an isotropic elastic medium under stress, the displacement ui satisfies ∂σi j ∂ 2 ui =ρ 2 , ∂x j ∂t

1 ∂uk ∂ul + σi j = ci jkl , 2 ∂xl ∂xk where σi j is the stress tensor (note that σ ji = σi j ), ρ the mass density (which is a uniform constant), and ci jkl = K δi j δkl + µ [δik δ jl + δil δ jk − (2/3) δi j δkl ]. the isotropic stiffness tensor. Here, K and µ are the bulk modulus and shear modulus of the medium, respectively. Show that the divergence and the curl of u both satisfy wave equations. Furthermore, demonstrate that the characteristic wave velocities of the divergence and curl waves are [(K + 4µ/3)/ρ]1/2 and (µ/ρ)1/2 , respectively.

C Non-Cartesian Coordinates

C.1 Introduction Non-Cartesian coordinates are often employed in fluid mechanics to exploit the symmetry of particular fluid systems. For example, it is convenient to employ cylindrical coordinates to describe systems possessing axial symmetry. In this appendix, we investigate a particularly useful class of non-Cartesian coordinates known as orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. The two most commonly occurring examples of this class in fluid mechanics are cylindrical and spherical coordinates. (Incidentally, the Einstein summation convention is not used in this appendix.) For more information on orthogonal curvilinear coordinates see Milne-Thomson 2011.

C.2 Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates Let x1 , x2 , x3 be a set of standard right-handed Cartesian coordinates. Furthermore, let u1 (x1 , x2 , x3 ), u2 (x1 , x2 , x3 ), u3 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) be three independent functions of these coordinates which are such that each unique triplet of x1 , x2 , x3 values is associated with a unique triplet of u1 , u2 , u3 values. It follows that u1 , u2 , u3 can be used as an alternative set of coordinates to distinguish different points in space. Because the surfaces of constant u1 , u2 , and u3 are not generally parallel planes, but rather curved surfaces, this type of coordinate system is termed curvilinear. Let h1 = |∇u1 |−1 , h2 = |∇u2 |−1 , and h3 = |∇u3 |−1 . It follows that e1 = h1 ∇u1 , e2 = h2 ∇u2 , and e3 = h3 ∇u3 are a set of unit basis vectors that are normal to surfaces of constant u1 , u2 , and u3 , respectively, at all points in space. Note, however, that the direction of these basis vectors is generally a function of position. Suppose that the ei , where i runs from 1 to 3, are mutually orthogonal at all points in space: that is, ei · e j = δ i j .


In this case, u1 , u2 , u3 are said to constitute an orthogonal coordinate system. Suppose, further, that (C.2) e1 · e2 × e3 = 1 at all points in space, so that u1 , u2 , u3 also constitute a right-handed coordinate 539


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

system. It follows that ei · e j × ek = i jk .


Finally, a general vector A, associated with a particular point in space, can be written  A= A i ei , (C.4) i=1,3

where the ei are the local basis vectors of the u1 , u2 , u3 system, and Ai = ei · A is termed the ith component of A in this system. Consider two neighboring points in space whose coordinates in the u1 , u2 , u3 system are u1 , u2 , u3 and u1 + du1 , u2 + du2 , u3 + du3 . It is easily shown that the vector directed from the first to the second of these points takes the form  du2 du3 du1 hi dui ei . (C.5) dx = e1 + e2 + e3 = |∇u1 | |∇u2 | |∇u3 | i=1,3 Hence, from (C.1), an element of length (squared) in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system is written  hi2 dui2 . (C.6) dx · dx = i=1,3

Here, the hi , which are generally functions of position, are known as the scale factors of the system. Elements of area that are normal to e1 , e2 , and e3 , at a given point in space, take the form dS 1 = h2 h3 du2 du3 , dS 2 = h1 h3 du1 du3 , and dS 3 = h1 h2 du1 du2 , respectively. Finally, an element of volume, at a given point in space, is written dV = h du1 du2 du3 , where h = h1 h2 h3 .


It can be seen that [see Equation (A.176)] ∇ × ∇ui = 0, and


 2   h  ∇ ·  i ∇ui  = 0. h


The latter result follows from Equations (A.175) and (A.176) because (h12 /h) ∇u1 = ∇u2 ×∇u3 , et cetera. Finally, it is easily demonstrated from Equations (C.1) and (C.3) that ∇ui · ∇u j = hi−2 δi j , ∇ui · ∇u j × ∇uk = h


i jk .

(C.10) (C.11)

Consider a scalar field φ(u1 , u2 , u3 ). It follows from the chain rule, and the relation ei = hi ∇ui , that  1 ∂φ  ∂φ ∇ui = ei . (C.12) ∇φ = ∂ui h ∂ui i=1,3 i=1,3 i

Non-Cartesian Coordinates


Hence, the components of ∇φ in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system are (∇φ)i =

1 ∂φ . hi ∂ui


Consider a vector field A(u1 , u2 , u3 ). We can write

  hi2   h ∇·A= ∇ui  ∇ · (Ai ei ) = ∇ · (hi Ai ∇ui ) = ∇·  Ai hi h i=1,3 i=1,3 i=1,3

1 ∂ h  h2 h i ∇ui · ∇ Ai = Ai , (C.14) = h hi h ∂ui hi i=1,3 i=1,3 

where use has been made of Equations (A.174), (C.9), and (C.10). Thus, the divergence of A in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system takes the form  1 ∂ h Ai . ∇·A= (C.15) h ∂ui hi i=1,3 We can write    ∇ × (Ak ek ) = ∇ × (hk Ak ∇uk ) = ∇(hk uk ) × ∇uk ∇×A= k=1,3



 ∂(hk Ak ) = ∇u j × ∇uk , ∂u j j,k=1,3


where use has been made of Equations (A.178), (C.8), and (C.12). It follows from Equation (C.11) that   ∂(hk Ak ) hi ∂(hk Ak ) hi ∇ui · ∇u j × ∇uk = i jk . (∇ × A)i = ei · ∇ × A = ∂u j h ∂u j j,k=1,3 j,k=1,3 (C.17) Hence, the components of ∇ × A in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system are  hi ∂(hk Ak ) (∇ × A)i = i jk . (C.18) h ∂u j j,k=1,3 Now, ∇ 2 φ = ∇ · ∇φ [see Equation (A.172)], so Equations (C.12) and (C.15) yield the following expression for ∇ 2 φ in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system:  1 ∂  h ∂φ    . ∇2 φ = (C.19) h ∂ui hi2 ∂ui i=1,3 The vector identities (A.171) and (A.179) can be combined to give the following expression for (A · ∇) B that is valid in a general coordinate system: (A · ∇) B =

1 [∇(A · B) − ∇ × (A × B) − (∇ · A) B + (∇ · B) A 2 − A × (∇ × B) − B × (∇ × A)] .



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Making use of Equations (C.13), (C.15), and (C.18), as well as the easily demonstrated results A·B=

Ai Bi ,




i jk A j Bk ,



and the tensor identity (B.16), Equation (C.20) reduces (after a great deal of tedious algebra) to the following expression for the components of (A · ∇) B in the u1 , u2 , u3 coordinate system:  A j ∂Bi A j B j ∂h j Ai B j ∂hi [(A · ∇) B]i = − + . h j ∂u j hi h j ∂ui hi h j ∂u j j=1,3


Note, incidentally, that the commonly quoted result [(A · ∇) B]i = A · ∇Bi is only valid in Cartesian coordinate systems (for which h1 = h2 = h3 = 1). Let us define the gradient ∇A of a vector field A as the tensor whose components in a Cartesian coordinate system take the form (∇A)i j =

∂Ai . ∂x j


In an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, the previous expression generalizes to (∇A)i j = [(e j · ∇) A]i .


It thus follows from Equation (C.23), and the relation (ei ) j = ei · e j = δi j , that (∇A)i j =

 Ak ∂hi A j ∂h j 1 ∂Ai − + δi j . h j ∂u j hi h j ∂ui h h ∂uk k=1,3 i k


The vector identity (A.177) yields the following expression for ∇ 2 A that is valid in a general coordinate system: ∇ 2 A = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇ × (∇ × A).


Making use of Equations (C.15), (C.18), and (C.19), as well as (C.21) and (C.22), and the tensor identity (B.16), the previous equation reduces (after a great deal of tedious algebra) to the following expression for the components of ∇ 2 A in the u1 , u2 ,

Non-Cartesian Coordinates


u3 coordinate system:   2 1 ∂hi ∂ 1 ∂h j ∂ Aj − (∇ A)i = ∇ Ai + hi h j hi ∂u j ∂ui h j ∂ui ∂u j j=1,3 2


      A j ∂h j ∂  hi2  Ai ∂hi ∂  h j2    −    2 hi ∂ui ∂u j h h j2 ∂u j ∂u j h   2  2  2   2  h 2  A j h  1 ∂h j ∂  h j  h ∂  h j  ∂  h j  ∂  j    +     − +    hi h j3  h j ∂ui ∂u j  h  h j2 ∂ui  h  ∂u j  h  ∂ui ∂u j  h  

 2  ∂2 hi  Ai  2 ∂hi  − − . (C.28)   2 2  hi h hi ∂u j ∂u 

h + hi h j2



Note, again, that the commonly quoted result (∇ 2 A)i = ∇ 2 Ai is only valid in Cartesian coordinate systems (for which h1 = h2 = h3 = h = 1).

C.3 Cylindrical Coordinates

 In the cylindrical coordinate system, u1 = r, u2 = θ, and u3 = z, where r = x 2 + y 2 , θ = tan−1 (y/x), and x, y, z are standard Cartesian coordinates. Thus, r is the perpendicular distance from the z-axis, and θ the angle subtended between the projection of the radius vector (i.e., the vector connecting the origin to a general point in space) onto the x-y plane and the x-axis. (See Figure C.1.) A general vector A is written A = A r er + A θ eθ + A z ez ,


where er = ∇r/|∇r|, eθ = ∇θ/|∇θ|, and ez = ∇z/|∇z|. Of course, the unit basis vectors er , eθ , and ez are mutually orthogonal, so Ar = A · er , et cetera. As is easily demonstrated, an element of length (squared) in the cylindrical coordinate system takes the form dx · dx = dr 2 + r 2 dθ 2 + dz 2 .


Hence, comparison with Equation (C.6) reveals that the scale factors for this system are hr = 1,


hθ = r,


hz = 1.



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


eθ r θ


er z x

Figure C.1 Cylindrical coordinates. Thus, surface elements normal to er , eθ , and ez are written dS r = r dθ dz,


dS θ = dr dz,


dS z = r dr dθ,


respectively, whereas a volume element takes the form dV = r dr dθ dz.


According to Equations (C.13), (C.15), and (C.18), gradient, divergence, and curl in the cylindrical coordinate system are written 1 ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ er + eθ + ez , (C.38) ∂r r ∂θ ∂z 1 ∂ 1 ∂Aθ ∂Az (r Ar ) + + , (C.39) ∇·A= r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z

1 ∂Az ∂Aθ ∂Ar ∂Az 1 ∂ 1 ∂Ar − − (r Aθ ) − ∇×A= er + eθ + ez , r ∂θ ∂z ∂z ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ ∇ψ =

(C.40) respectively. Here, ψ(r) is a general scalar field, and A(r) a general vector field. According to Equation (C.19), when expressed in cylindrical coordinates, the

Non-Cartesian Coordinates


Laplacian of a scalar field becomes

1 ∂ ∂ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ ∂ 2ψ ∇ ψ= + 2. r + 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ 2 ∂z 2


Moreover, from Equation (C.23), the components of (A · ∇) A in the cylindrical coordinate system are Aθ2 , r Ar Aθ , [(A · ∇) A]θ = A · ∇Aθ + r [(A · ∇) A]z = A · ∇Az . [(A · ∇) A]r = A · ∇Ar −

(C.42) (C.43) (C.44)

Let us define the symmetric gradient tensor   6 = 1 ∇A + (∇A)T . ∇A 2


Here, the superscript T denotes a transpose. Thus, if the i j element of some secondorder tensor S is S i j then the corresponding element of ST is S ji . According to 6 in the cylindrical coordinate system are Equation (C.26), the components of ∇A 6 rr = (∇A) 6 θθ = (∇A) 6 zz = (∇A) 6 rθ = (∇A) 6 θr = (∇A) 6 zr = 6 rz = (∇A) (∇A) 6 zθ = 6 θz = (∇A) (∇A)

∂Ar , ∂r 1 ∂Aθ Ar + , r ∂θ r ∂Az , ∂z

1 1 ∂Ar ∂Aθ Aθ + − , 2 r ∂θ ∂r r

1 ∂Ar ∂Az + , 2 ∂z ∂r

1 ∂Aθ 1 ∂Az + . 2 ∂z r ∂θ

(C.46) (C.47) (C.48) (C.49) (C.50) (C.51)

Finally, from Equation (C.28), the components of ∇ 2 A in the cylindrical coordinate system are Ar 2 ∂Aθ , − r 2 r 2 ∂θ 2 ∂Ar Aθ − 2, (∇ 2 A)θ = ∇ 2 Aθ + 2 r ∂θ r (∇ 2 A)r = ∇ 2 Ar −

(∇ 2 A)z = ∇ 2 Az .

(C.52) (C.53) (C.54)


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

z r






Figure C.2 Spherical coordinates.

C.4 Spherical Coordinates

 In the spherical coordinate system, u1 = r, u2 = θ, and u3 = φ, where r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , θ = cos−1 (z/r), φ = tan−1 (y/x), and x, y, z are standard Cartesian coordinates. Thus, r is the length of the radius vector, θ the angle subtended between the radius vector and the z-axis, and φ the angle subtended between the projection of the radius vector onto the x-y plane and the x-axis. (See Figure C.2.) A general vector A is written A = A r er + A θ eθ + A φ eφ ,


where er = ∇r/|∇r|, eθ = ∇θ/|∇θ|, and eφ = ∇φ/|∇φ| . Of course, the unit vectors er , eθ , and eφ are mutually orthogonal, so Ar = A · er , et cetera. As is easily demonstrated, an element of length (squared) in the spherical coordinate system takes the form dx · dx = dr 2 + r 2 dθ 2 + r 2 sin2 θ dφ2 .


Hence, comparison with Equation (C.6) reveals that the scale factors for this system are hr = 1,


hθ = r,


hφ = r sin θ.


Non-Cartesian Coordinates


Thus, surface elements normal to er , eθ , and eφ are written dS r = r 2 sin θ dθ dφ,


dS θ = r sin θ dr dφ,


dS φ = r dr dθ,


respectively, whereas a volume element takes the form dV = r 2 sin θ dr dθ dφ.


According to Equations (C.13), (C.15), and (C.18), gradient, divergence, and curl in the spherical coordinate system are written ∇ψ =

∂ψ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ er + eθ + eφ , ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

∂ 1 1 ∂Aφ 1 ∂ 2 (r Ar ) + (sin θ Aθ ) + , r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ r 2 ∂r

1 ∂ 1 ∂Aθ ∇×A= (sin θ Aφ ) − er r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

1 ∂Ar 1 ∂ − (r Aφ ) eθ + r sin θ ∂φ r ∂r

1 ∂ 1 ∂Ar (r Aθ ) − + eφ , r ∂r r ∂θ ∇·A=

(C.64) (C.65)


respectively. Here, ψ(r) is a general scalar field, and A(r) a general vector field. According to Equation (C.19), when expressed in spherical coordinates, the Laplacian of a scalar field becomes

∂ 2ψ 1 ∂ 2 ∂ψ ∂ 1 ∂ψ 1 . (C.67) ∇ 2ψ = 2 r + 2 sin θ + 2 ∂r ∂θ r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ r 2 sin θ ∂φ 2 Moreover, from Equation (C.23), the components of (A · ∇)A in the spherical coordinate system are [(A · ∇) A]r = A · ∇Ar − [(A · ∇) A]θ = A · ∇Aθ +

Aθ2 + Aφ2

, r Ar Aθ − cot θ Aφ2

, r Ar Aφ + cot θ Aθ Aφ [(A · ∇) A]φ = A · ∇Aφ + . r

(C.68) (C.69) (C.70)

6 in the spherical coorNow, according to Equation (C.26), the components of ∇A


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

dinate system are 6 rr = (∇A) 6 θθ = (∇A) 6 φφ = (∇A) 6 θr = 6 rθ = (∇A) (∇A) 6 φr = 6 rφ = (∇A) (∇A) 6 φθ = 6 θφ = (∇A) (∇A)

∂Ar , ∂r 1 ∂Aθ Ar + , r ∂θ r 1 ∂Aφ Ar cot θ Aθ + + , r sin θ ∂φ r r

1 1 ∂Ar ∂Aθ Aθ + − , 2 r ∂θ ∂r r

1 ∂Ar ∂Aφ Aφ 1 + − , 2 r sin θ ∂φ ∂r r

1 ∂Aθ 1 ∂Aφ cot θ Aφ 1 + − . 2 r sin θ ∂φ r ∂θ r

(C.71) (C.72) (C.73) (C.74) (C.75) (C.76)

Finally, from Equation (C.28), the components of ∇ 2 A in the spherical coordinate system are (∇ 2 A)r = ∇ 2 Ar −

∂Aφ 2Ar 2 ∂Aθ 2 cot θ Aθ 2 − , − 2 − 2 2 2 r r ∂θ r r sin θ ∂φ

∂Aφ 2 Aθ 2 ∂Ar − 2 − , 2 2 ∂φ r 2 ∂θ r sin θ r sin θ Aφ 2 2 cot θ ∂Aθ ∂Ar (∇ 2 A)φ = ∇ 2 Aφ − + + 2 . 2 2 2 2 ∂φ r sin θ ∂φ r sin θ r sin θ (∇ 2 A)θ = ∇ 2 Aθ +

(C.77) (C.78) (C.79)

C.5 Exercises C.1 Find the Cartesian components of the basis vectors er , eθ , and ez of the cylindrical coordinate system. Verify that the vectors are mutually orthogonal. Do the same for the basis vectors er , eθ , and eφ of the spherical coordinate system. C.2 Use cylindrical coordinates to prove that the volume of a right cylinder of radius a and length l is π a 2 l. Demonstrate that the moment of inertia of a uniform cylinder of mass M and radius a about its symmetry axis is (1/2) M a 2 . C.3 Use spherical coordinates to prove that the volume of a sphere of radius a is (4/3) π a 3. Demonstrate that the moment of inertia of a uniform sphere of mass M and radius a about an axis passing through its center is (2/5) M a 2 . C.4 For what value(s) of n is ∇ · (r n er ) = 0, where r is a spherical coordinate?

Non-Cartesian Coordinates


C.5 For what value(s) of n is ∇ × (r n er ) = 0, where r is a spherical coordinate? C.6

(a) Find a vector field F = Fr (r) er satisfying ∇ · F = r m for m ≥ 0. Here, r is a spherical coordinate. (b) Use the divergence theorem to show that   1 r m dV = r m+1 er · dS, m + 3 V S where V is a volume enclosed by a surface S . (c) Use the previous result (for m = 0) to demonstrate that the volume of a right cone is one third the volume of the right cylinder having the same base and height.

C.7 The electric field generated by a z-directed electric dipole of moment p, located at the origin, is

1 3 (er · p) er − p , E(r) = 4π 0 r3 where p = p ez , and r is a spherical coordinate. Find the components of E(r) in the spherical coordinate system. Calculate ∇ · E and ∇ × E. C.8 Show that the parabolic cylindrical coordinates u, v, z, defined by the equations x = (u 2 − v 2 )/2, y = u v, z = z, where x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates, are orthogonal. Find the scale factors hu , hv , hz . What shapes are the u = constant and v = constant surfaces? Write an expression for ∇ 2 f in parabolic cylindrical coordinates. C.9 Show that the elliptic cylindrical coordinates ξ, η, z, defined by the equations x = cosh ξ cos η, y = sinh ξ sin η, z = z, where x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates, and 0 ≤ ξ ≤ ∞, −π < η ≤ π, are orthogonal. Find the scale factors hξ , hη , hz . What shapes are the ξ = constant and η = constant surfaces? Write an expression for ∇ f in elliptical cylindrical coordinates.


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

D Ellipsoidal Potential Theory

D.1 Introduction Let us adopt the right-handed Cartesian coordinate system x1 , x2 , x3 . Consider a homogeneous ellipsoidal body whose outer boundary satisfies x12 a12


x22 a22


x32 a32

= 1,


where a1 , a2 , and a3 are the principal radii along the x1 -, x2 -, and x3 -axes, respectively. Let us calculate the gravitational potential (i.e., the potential energy of a unit test mass) at some point P ≡ (x1 , x2 , x3 ) lying within this body. More information on ellipsoidal potential theory can be found in Chandrasekhar 1969.

D.2 Analysis Consider the contribution to the potential at P from the mass contained within a double cone, whose apex is P, and which is terminated in both directions at the body’s outer boundary. (See Figure D.1.) If the cone subtends a solid angle dΩ then a volume element is written dV = r 2 dr dΩ, where r measures displacement from P along the axis of the cone. Thus, from standard classical gravitational theory (Fitzpatrick 2012), the contribution to the potential takes the form  0  r Gρ Gρ dV − dV, (D.2) dΨ = − r 0 r (−r) where r = |PQ|, r = −|PR|, and ρ is the constant mass density of the ellipsoid. Hence, we obtain

 r  r 1 r dr + r dr dΩ = − G ρ (r 2 + r 2 ) dΩ. (D.3) dΨ = −G ρ 2 0 0 The net potential at P is obtained by integrating over all solid angle, and dividing the result by two to adjust for double counting. This yields  1 (D.4) Ψ = − G ρ (r 2 + r 2 ) dΩ. 4 551


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Q dΩ O


r P

R Figure D.1 Calculation of ellipsoidal gravitational potential. From Figure D.1, the position vector of point Q, relative to the origin, O, is x = x + r n,


where x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the position vector of point P, and n a unit vector pointing from P to Q. Likewise, the position vector of point R is x = x + r n.


However, Q and R both lie on the body’s outer boundary. It follows, from Equation (D.1), that r and r are the two roots of  xi + r n i 2 = 1, (D.7) ai i=1,3 which reduces to the quadratic A r 2 + B r + C = 0,


where A=

 n2 i

, ai2  xi n i






 x2 i i=1,3




− 1.



Ellipsoidal Potential Theory


According to standard polynomial equation theory (Riley 1974), r +r = −B/A, and r r = C/A. Thus, r 2 + r 2 = (r + r )2 − 2 r r =

B2 C −2 , 2 A A

and Equation (D.4) becomes       2  2 2 1 − i=1,3 xi2 /ai2   i=1,3 xi ni /ai 1  dΩ. Ψ = − G ρ   2 +  2 2    2 2 2 i=1,3 ni /ai i=1,3 ni /ai The previous expression can also be written      2  2 2 1 − i=1,3 xi2 /ai2   i, j=1,3 xi x j ni n j /(ai a j ) 1  dΩ. +  Ψ = − G ρ   2 2 2    2 i=1,3 ni /ai n 2 /a 2 i=1,3






However, the cross terms (i.e., i  j) integrate to zero by symmetry, and we are left with       2 2 4 2 2  x n /a x /a 1 − 2  1 i=1,3 i i i=1,3 i  i i   dΩ. +  (D.15) Ψ = − G ρ     2 2 2  2 n /a 2 2 i=1,3 i i n /a i=1,3 i i 

Let J= It follows that

1 ∂J = ai ∂ai

dΩ . 2 2 i=1,3 ni /ai


2 ni2/ai4


ni2 /ai2

2 dΩ.



Thus, Equation (D.15) can be written      1 2 Ai xi  , Ψ = − G ρ  J − 2 i=1,3 where Ai =

J 1 ∂J − . ai2 ai ∂ai



At this stage, it is convenient to adopt the spherical angular coordinates, θ and φ (see Section C.4), in terms of which n = (sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ), and dΩ = sin θ dθ dφ. We find, from Equation (D.16), that −1  π/2  π/2  2  sin θ cos2 φ sin2 θ sin2 φ cos2 θ   dφ. J=8 sin θ dθ + +  a12 a22 a32 0 0




Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Let t = tan φ. It follows that  J=8


 sin θ dθ



dt = 4π a + b t2



sin θ dθ , (a b)1/2


where a=

sin2 θ cos2 θ + , a12 a32



sin2 θ cos2 θ + . a22 a32


Hence, we obtain  J=

4π a1 a2 a32



sin θ sec2 θ dθ . (a12 + a32 tan2 θ)1/2 (a22 + a32 tan2 θ)1/2


Let u = a32 tan2 θ. It follows that  J = 2π a1 a2 a3 0

du , ∆


where ∆ = (a12 + u)1/2 (a22 + u)1/2 (a32 + u)1/2 . Now, from Equations (D.19), (D.26), and (D.27),

  ∞ du 2π a1 a2 a3 ∞ du 1 ∂ − Ai = a a 2π a 1 2 3 ∆ ai ∂ai ∆ ai2 0 0

 ∞  ∞ 2π a1 a2 a3 ∂ 1 du =− . du = 2π a1 a2 a3 2 ai 0 ∂ai ∆ 0 (ai + u) ∆ Thus, Equations (D.18), (D.26), and (D.28) yield      3 2  αi xi  , Ψ = − G M α0 − 4 i=1,3 where

 α0 =


 αi =





du , ∆


du . (ai2 + u) ∆


Here, M = V ρ and V = (4/3) π a1 a2 a3 are the body’s mass and volume, respectively.

Ellipsoidal Potential Theory


The total gravitational potential energy of the body is written (Fitzpatrick 2012)  1 U= Ψ ρ dV, (D.32) 2 where the integral is taken over all interior points. It follows from Equation (D.29) that     1  3 2 2  αi ai  . U = − G M α0 − (D.33) 8 5 i=1,3 In writing the previous expression, use has been made of the easily demonstrated  result xi2 dV = (1/5) ai2 V. Now, 2

ai2 1  d $u% =− + , du ∆ ∆ i=1,3 (ai2 + u) ∆



 αi ai2 =




ai2 du (ai2 + u) ∆


2 0

d $u% 1 + du = α0 . du ∆ ∆


Hence, we obtain U=−

3 G M 2 α0 . 10


D.3 Exercises D.1 Demonstrate that the volume of an ellipsoid whose bounding surface satisfies x12 x22 x32 + + = 1, a12 a22 a32 is V = (4/3) π a1 a2 a3 . D.2 Demonstrate that the moments of inertia about the three Cartesian axes of a homogeneous ellipsoidal body of mass M, whose bounding surface satisfies (x1 /a1 )2 + (x2 /a2 )2 + (x3 /a3 )2 = 1, are M 2 (a + a32 ), 5 2 M 2 (a + a32 ), I2 = 5 1 M 2 I3 = (a + a22 ). 5 1

I1 =


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

D.3 According to MacCullagh’s formula (Fitzpatrick 2012), the gravitational potential a relatively long way from a body of mass M whose center of mass coincides with the origin, and whose principal moments of inertial are I1 , I2 , and I3 (assuming that the principal axes coincide with the Cartesian axes), takes the form Ψ (x1 , x2 , x3 ) −

G M G (I1 + I2 + I3 ) 3 G (I1 x12 + I2 x22 + I3 x32 ) + , − r 2r3 2r5

where r = (x12 + x22 + x32 )1/2 . Demonstrate that if the body in question is a homogeneous ellipsoid whose bounding surface satisfies (x1 /a1 )2 + (x2 /a2 )2 + (x3 /a3 )2 = 1 then

GM GM 2 2 1 2 2 − a x − (x + x3 ) (D.37) Ψ (x1 , x2 , x3 ) − r 5r5 1 1 2 2

GM 2 2 1 2 GM 2 2 1 2 2 2 (x (x a − + x ) − a − + x ) − x x 3 2 . 5r5 2 2 2 1 5r5 3 3 2 1 D.4 Show that the gravitational potential external to a homogeneous ellipsoidal body of mass M, whose outer boundary satisfies (x1 /a1 )2 +(x2 /a2 )2 +(x3 /a3 )2 = 1, takes the form      3 αi xi2  , Ψ (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = − G M α0 − (D.38) 4 i=1,3


 α0 =


 αi =

du , ∆



du , + u) ∆

and ∆ = (a12 + u)1/2 (a22 + u)1/2 (a32 + u)1/2 . Here, λ is the positive root of  i=1,3

xi2 ai2 + λ

= 1.

Demonstrate that, at large λ, Equation (D.38) reduces to Equation (D.37).

E Calculus of Variations



This appendix gives a brief overview of the calculus of variations. More information on this topic can be found in Riley 1974.


Euler-Lagrange Equation

It is a well-known fact, first enunciated by Archimedes, that the shortest distance between two points in a plane is a straight-line. However, suppose that we wish to demonstrate this result from first principles. Let us consider the length, l, of various curves, y(x), which run between two fixed points, A and B, in a plane, as illustrated in Figure E.1. Now, l takes the form 



 (dx + dy ) 2

2 1/2




[1 + y 2 (x)]1/2 dx,



where y ≡ dy/dx. Note that l is a function of the function y(x). In mathematics, a function of a function is termed a functional. In order to find the shortest path between points A and B, we need to minimize the functional l with respect to small variations in the function y(x), subject to the constraint that the end points, A and B, remain fixed. In other words, we need to solve δl = 0. (E.2) The meaning of the previous equation is that if y(x) → y(x) + δy(x), where δy(x) is small, then the first-order variation in l, denoted δl, vanishes. In other words, l → l + O(δy 2 ). The particular function y(x) for which δl = 0 obviously yields an extremum of l (i.e., either a maximum or a minimum). Hopefully, in the case under consideration, it yields a minimum of l. Consider a general functional of the form  I=


F(y, y, x) dx,





Theoretical Fluid Mechanics







Figure E.1 Different paths between points A and B. where the end points of the integration are fixed. Suppose that y(x) → y(x) + δy(x). The first-order variation in I is written  b

∂F ∂F (E.4) δy +  δy dx, δI = ∂y ∂y a where δy = d(δy)/dx. Setting δI to zero, we obtain  b

∂F ∂F δy +  δy dx = 0. ∂y ∂y a


This equation must be satisfied for all possible small perturbations δy(x). Integrating the second term in the integrand of the previous equation by parts, we get


 b ∂F ∂F d ∂F − δy = 0. (E.6) δy dx + ∂y dx ∂y ∂y a a However, if the end points are fixed then δy = 0 at x = a and x = b. Hence, the last term on the left-hand side of the previous equation is zero. Thus, we obtain

 b ∂F d ∂F − δy dx = 0. (E.7) ∂y dx ∂y a The previous equation must be satisfied for all small perturbations δy(x). The only way in which this is possible is for the expression enclosed in square brackets in the integral to be zero. Hence, the functional I attains an extremum value whenever

∂F d ∂F − = 0. (E.8) dx ∂y ∂y

Calculus of Variations


This condition is known as the Euler-Lagrange equation. Let us consider some special cases. Suppose that F does not explicitly depend on y. It follows that ∂F/∂y = 0. Hence, the Euler-Lagrange equation (E.8) simplifies to ∂F = const. ∂y


Next, suppose that F does not depend explicitly on x. Multiplying Equation (E.8) by y , we obtain

d ∂F ∂F = 0. (E.10) y − y  dx ∂y ∂y However,

∂F d  ∂F  d ∂F (E.11) =y + y  . y dx ∂y dx ∂y ∂y Thus, we get

d  ∂F ∂F ∂F + y  . (E.12) = y y dx ∂y ∂y ∂y Now, if F is not an explicit function of x then the right-hand side of the previous equation is the total derivative of F, namely dF/dx. Hence, we obtain

d  ∂F dF , (E.13) = y  dx ∂y dx which yields y

∂F − F = const. ∂y


 Returning to the case under consideration, we have F = 1 + y 2 , according to Equation (E.1) and (E.3). Hence, F is not an explicit function of y, so Equation (E.9) yields ∂F y = = c, (E.15)  ∂y 1 + y 2 where c is a constant. So,

c y = √ = const. (E.16) 1 − c2 Of course, y = constant is the equation of a straight-line. Thus, the shortest distance between two fixed points in a plane is indeed a straight-line.


Conditional Variation

Suppose that we wish to find the function y(x) which maximizes or minimizes the functional  b F(y, y, x) dx, (E.17) I= a


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

subject to the constraint that the value of 



G(y, y , x) dx



remains constant. We can achieve our goal by finding an extremum of the new functional K = I + λ J, where λ(x) is an undetermined function. We know that δJ = 0, because the value of J is fixed, so if δK = 0 then δI = 0 as well. In other words, finding an extremum of K is equivalent to finding an extremum of I. Application of the Euler-Lagrange equation yields

d ∂[λ G] d ∂F ∂F ∂[λ G] + − − = 0. (E.19) dx ∂y ∂y dx ∂y ∂y In principle, the previous equation, together with the constraint (E.18), yields the functions λ(x) and y(x). Incidentally, λ is generally termed a Lagrange multiplier. If F and G have no explicit x-dependence then λ is usually a constant. As an example, consider the following famous problem. Suppose that a uniform chain of fixed length l is suspended by its ends from two equal-height fixed points that are a distance a apart, where a < l. What is the equilibrium configuration of the chain? Suppose that the chain has the uniform density per unit length ρ. Let the x- and y-axes be horizontal and vertical, respectively, and let the two ends of the chain lie at (±a/2, 0). The equilibrium configuration of the chain is specified by the function y(x), for −a/2 ≤ x ≤ +a/2, where y(x) is the vertical distance of the chain below its end points at horizontal position x. Of course, y(−a/2) = y(+a/2) = 0. According to standard Newtonian dynamics, the stable equilibrium state of a conservative dynamical system is one that minimizes the system’s potential energy (Fitzpatrick 2012). Now, the potential energy of the chain is written  U = −ρ g

 y ds = −ρ g



y (1 + y 2 )1/2 dx,


 where ds = dx 2 + dy 2 is an element of length along the chain, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Hence, we need to minimize U with respect to small variations in y(x). However, the variations in y(x) must be such as to conserve the fixed length of the chain. Hence, our minimization procedure is subject to the constraint that  l=

 ds =

a/2 −a/2

(1 + y 2 )1/2 dx


remains constant. It follows, from the previous discussion, that we need to minimize the functional  K = U + λl =



(−ρ g y + λ) (1 + y 2 )1/2 dx,


Calculus of Variations


where λ is an, as yet, undetermined constant. Because the integrand in the functional does not depend explicitly on x, we have from Equation (E.14) that y 2 (−ρ g y + λ) (1 + y 2 )−1/2 − (−ρ g y + λ) (1 + y 2 )1/2 = k,


where k is a constant. This expression reduces to $ y %2 y 2 = λ + − 1, h where λ = λ/k, and h = −k/(ρ g). Let y λ + = − cosh z. h



Making this substitution, Equation (E.24) yields dz = −h −1 . dx


x z = − + c, h



where c is a constant. It follows from Equation (E.25) that y(x) = −h [λ + cosh(−x/h + c)].


The previous solution contains three undetermined constants, h, λ , and c. We can eliminate two of these constants by application of the boundary conditions y(±a/2) = 0. This yields λ + cosh(∓a/2 h + c) = 0. (E.29) Hence, c = 0, and λ = − cosh(a/2 h). It follows that y(x) = h [cosh(a/2 h) − cosh(x/h)].


The final unknown constant, h, is determined via the application of the constraint (E.21). Thus,  l=



(1 + y 2 )1/2 dx =



cosh(x/h) dx = 2 h sinh(a/2 h).


Hence, the equilibrium configuration of the chain is given by the curve (E.30), which is known as a catenary (from the Latin for chain), where the parameter h satisfies $ a % l = sinh . 2h 2h



Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


Multi-Function Variation

Suppose that we wish to maximize or minimize the functional  I= a


F(y1 , y2 , · · · , yF , y1 , y2 , · · · , yF , x) dx.


Here, the integrand F is now a functional of the F independent functions yi (x), for i = 1, F . A fairly straightforward extension of the analysis in Section E.2 yields F separate Euler-Lagrange equations,

∂F d ∂F = 0, −  dx ∂yi ∂yi


for i = 1, F , which determine the F functions yi (x). If F does not explicitly depend on the function yk then the kth Euler-Lagrange equation simplifies to ∂F = const. ∂yk


Likewise, if F does not explicitly depend on x then all F Euler-Lagrange equations simplify to ∂F (E.36) yi  − F = const, ∂yi for i = 1, F .



E.1 Find the extremal curves y = y(x) of the following constrained optimization problems, using the method of Lagrange multipliers:  1 1 y 2 + x2 dx, such that 0 y 2 dx = 2. 0 π π (b) 0 y 2 dx, such that y(0) = y(π) = 0, and 0 y 2 dx = 2.   1 1 + y 2 dx = 2π/3. (c) 0 y dx, such that y(0) = y(1) = 1, and (a)

E.2 Suppose P and Q are two points lying in the x-y plane, which is orientated vertically such that P is above Q. Imagine there is a thin, flexible wire connecting the two points and lying entirely in the x-y plane. A frictionless bead travels down the wire, impelled by gravity alone. Show that the shape

Calculus of Variations


of the wire that results in the bead reaching the point Q in the least amount of time is a cycloid, which takes the parametric form x(θ) = k (θ − sin θ) , y(θ) = k (1 − cos θ) , where k is a constant. E.3 Find the curve y(x), in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ p, which is of length π, and maximizes  p y dx. 0


Theoretical Fluid Mechanics


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