Dec 20, 2002 - In 2016, Seattle Public Schools initiated a process for studying the impacts, risks, and benefits of sust
Parents and Community Members: We invite you to a Community Meeting to talk about the Future of Seattle’s International Schools and Dual Language Immersion Programs
Monday, March 12, 2018 6:30-8:00 pm Hamilton International Middle School 1610 N 41st St, Seattle, WA 98103 Japanese and Spanish interpretation provided. Children welcome. We will have childcare at the school. Refreshments will be served.
In 2016, Seattle Public Schools initiated a process for studying the impacts, risks, and benefits of sustaining and expanding Seattle’s International Schools and Dual Language Immersion programs through the establishment of an International Schools / Dual Language Immersion Task Force. The district would now like to share the results of the Task Force Recommendations from 2016-2018 and updates from the Program Review submitted to the School Board in October 2017. Please join us!
To learn more about the International Schools / Dual Language Immersion Task Force, visit:
Questions? Contact Dr. Michele Anciaux Aoki, International Education Administrator
[email protected] 206 252-0191