Jan 9, 2013 ... M'kor Shalom in Cherry Hill. “For some, our big butt is literal,” said Black in the
introduction to her book. “It may be so big that we have given up ...
Focus on Federation Prepared by the Jewish Federation Marketing Department
Our support makes a difference
Author Laura Black to talk empowerment
On Sunday, Jan. 27, over 10,000 men and women throughout Southern New Jersey will be called as part of Super Sunday, the largest annual fundraiser conducted by the Jewish Federation. Super Sunday raises much needed support to ensure that vital programs and services here at home, in Israel and around the world remain vibrant and strong. Here is just one story of how support for our community campaign makes such a difference. There are nearly a quarter-million elderly Jews living today in the former Soviet Union who need basic, life-sustaining support. Eighty-eight year old Fred Privoroter is among this vulnerable population. Fred was born in Odessa, and after completing high school, he enrolled in the Odessa Medical University. During World War II, he worked as a doctor in the Kirovograd Region (South Ukraine). Throughout the war, Fred served in the ranks of the Soviet army, defending his country from the Nazis. After the war, he was sent to the Far East to serve in the military hospital, where he was Chief of Laboratory until his retirement in 1983. Fred’s life today is a far cry from the glamour of youth and accomplishments. His wife has passed away, and he has no other surviving family members apart from a sister in Israel. Fred lives alone in his one-room apartment, in a dilapidated apartment complex in Odessa. His kitchen consists of a single sink, which runs cold water on some days and on most days, no water at all. The ceiling walls are peeling, and there is an intolerable stench that wafts through his cluttered apartment. Fred has not stepped out his apartment in four years. Fred, however, is not forgotten thanks to the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the dollars raised by the Jewish Federations of North America. The JDC cares for our fellow Jews in Israel and around the world. Its rescue and relief programs aid imperiled or impoverished Jews who have no other lifeline, revitalizes Jewish life, reconnects Jews to their heritage and helps rebuild strong, self-sufficient communities. The Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey is proud to support the work of the JDC by allocating dollars contributed each year to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. The JDC serves as Federation’s life-saving and life-sustaining overseas partner. Since 1989, the Federation-supported Gmilus Hesed Fund has been providing Fred meals, clothing, medications, and companionship. Fred is most grateful for this assistance. “The Hesed is my life,” said Fred. “The people involved in the federation system are too humble about the work of Gmilus Hesed, but it is my connection to the world.” Thanks to the support of the Jewish community here and throughout North America, Fred Privoroter can continue to live his life, filled with accomplishments, in dignity. Our Campaign effort shows that we care about people. It says that we will, as a community, address critical, life issues such as Fred’s. Help us continue our investment in our Jewish community’s future by answering our call. To volunteer on Super Sunday, which is taking place at the Katz Jewish Community Center in Cherry Hill, register online at www.jewishsouthjersey.org or contact Pam Folbaum at 751-9500, ext. 1205.
Often times, big BUTS stop women from taking that next step: I’d love to get a promotion, BUT I’m not as smart as my coworker, or I’d start my own business in a heartbeat, BUT I’m not that good at math. Laura Black, author of “BIG BUTTS, FAT THIGHS, AND OTHER SECRETS TO SUCCESS: Empowering Women to Be Real in Business and in Life,” will address issues of women’s empowerment as the guest speaker at the upcoming Young Women’s Division Brunch on Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 9:30 a.m. The event will be held at Cong. M’kor Shalom in Cherry Hill. “For some, our big butt is literal,” said Black in the introduction to her book. “It may be so big that we have given up trying to squeeze it into the latest designer jeans…For others, our big butt is figurative. It may be our fear that we are a failure because our position was eliminated. Women often allow big butts/buts to keep them from taking advantage of the very situations that could change their lives for the better.” Black has firsthand understanding of the big butt. Always a chubby girl, she suffered for much of her life trying to mold herself into the physical ideal of womanhood often promoted by our culture. She eventually discovered that it was not her body that was blocking her, it was her attitude about her body. Through trial and error, pure gumption, inner drive and dedication, she learned how to accept her “big buts” and actually use them to her advantage in creating the life she had always dreamed of. “I don’t want you to waste another minute of your life focusing on your big butt or other imperfections,” said Black. “Instead, I want you to embrace your vulnerabilities and go on to conquer your dreams.” All brunch guests are invited to help in empowering other women by bringing gently used handbags, jewelry, and scarves or new/unused pantyhose to donate to Career Wardrobe, an organization serving women with clothing, career skills and confidence to transition to work. For registration and more information, contact Laura Nadler, Young Adult Division director, at
[email protected] or (856) 751-9500, ext. 1291.
For more information on the Jewish Federation and its programs, visit www.jewishsouthjersey.org or call (856) 751-9500 ext.1205
January 9, 2013