Textbooks: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 for Latin 1 students ... The study of
Latin introduces students to formal grammar and syntax, to the connections ...
Latin at Stone Hill Middle School Teacher: Contact: Textbooks:
Magistra Maitland
[email protected] or call 703-957-4420 to leave a message. Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 for Latin 1 students Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2 for Latin 2 students Website: http://www.lcps.org//Domain/11561 or from the SHMS website, click on the Staff tab, scroll to the M’s, & click on my name. Schedule/Room: A Days B Days Block 1 – Planning Block 5 – Latin 1 Rm. A17 Block 2 – Latin 1 Rm. A01 Block 6 – Latin 2 Rm.A15 Block 3 – Latin 2 Rm.A17 Block 7 – Planning Block 4 – Latin 1 Rm.A11 Block 8 – Latin 1 Rm.A01 Course description: The study of Latin introduces students to formal grammar and syntax, to the connections between English vocabulary and Latin root words, to reading both original and adapted passages for comprehension, and to the architecture, art, daily life, government, history, literature and mythology of ancient Greek and Roman societies in comparison with later American and European cultures. It also develops communication, memorization, organization and study skills. The Latin 1 syllabus includes adjectives, interrogative pronouns, basic noun cases and verb tenses, personal pronouns, elementary irregular verbs and sentence constructions. It also presents Roman family life and local political organization particularly during the first century CE through readings designed to engage students. The Latin 2 syllabus reviews material from the first year and introduces demonstrative and relative pronouns, adjective agreement, full noun declensions and verb conjugations, imperative verbs, infinitives and participles, neuter nouns, new irregular verbs. Unit 2’s theme includes Roman conquest, government and history in the provinces of Britain and Egypt as well as cultural, industrial, religious and scientific diffusion. Classroom Expectations:
A Good Student Always BARFS! Be Prepared! Arrive on Time! Raise Your Hand! Follow Directions! Show Respect! Classroom Supplies: Binder (or section therein) or Two Pocket Folder Loose leaf paper or perforated notebook Pen or pencil (any color that I can read, except red) Book cover (books should be covered by Sept. 6) Markers/crayons/colored pencils/highlighters (optional)
Grading and Assessments:
Practice Work – This includes homework, worksheets, in class activities. Many will be assessed informally. Those that are formally assessed will receive a grade of 1-4 based on the following learning progression scale: 4 = Advanced Proficiency = complete, on time, neat, proper heading, assignment title 3 = Proficient = complete, on time, student name on paper 2 = Needs Work = incomplete but more than 50%, or late but 100% complete 1 = Unsatisfactory = less than 50% complete 0 = Not Turned In Students who receive a 0, 1, or 2 may re-do/complete the assignment to receive up to a 2.5 (Late Proficient). *Nota Bene – all students can complete all assignments even if they lack understanding of some aspects of the assignment. For example, if the assignment is to translate a sentence, but the student does not know how to put the words together grammatically, they can still copy the Latin sentence onto their papers, look up every Latin word, and write down the translation of the individual words in the sentence. Formative Assessments – Stage Checks, Grammar or Vocabulary Checks, Practice Quizzes. Formative assessments are intended to determine whether or not students are making progress towards the learning target. They will receive a grade of 1-4 based on the following learning progression scale: 4 = Advanced Proficiency = I can go beyond the learning target. 3 = Proficiency = I am able to complete the learning target. 2 = Making Progress = I can do some of the steps towards completing the learning target. 1 = Needs More Work = I can do a basic “first step” towards the learning target. 0 = Unsatisfactory = I have not completed the assessment (missing assignment). Students who receive a 0, 1, or 2 may re-do the assessment to receive up to a 3 (Proficiency). Summative Assessments – Quizzes, Tests, Projects. Summative assessments are used at the end of a learning cycle to determine if students have mastered the material. They will receive a grade based on the number of points earned divided by the number of possible points. These are the only grades that will impact a student’s grade report. Typically a student will have 5-6 Quizzes, 2-4 Tests, and 1 Project per quarter. Quizzes will range in points from 10-25; Tests and Projects will range in points from 25-50. Students who receive below 70% are required to complete the retake process. Students who earn between 70-89% have the option to complete the retake process. Retake policy: For Practice Work and Formative Assessments, students need to schedule time with the teacher to review the material, make corrections as needed to the initial activity, and then complete a retake activity. For Summative Assessments, students need to complete the “Retake Request” form, make test/quiz corrections to the original test/quiz, complete the needed re-teach and practice, and then schedule a time to complete the retake activity. Students who have 0 on any preceding activity or assessment will not be permitted to complete a re-take of the Summative Assessment until those have been satisfactorily completed. *Projects cannot be “retaken,” however, if items are missing, those may be added to improve the initial grade. ** PALS Tests as well as the Midterm and Final Exam are district assessments and are ineligible for retakes. *** Students have a two week window to complete a retake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please detach, sign, and return to Magistra Maitland before September 6, 2013. Parent Signature: __________________________ Parent Name: _________________________Date: ___________
Student Signature: _________________________ Student Name: ________________________Date: ___________ _____ Please check here if you have any questions or concerns. I will call you within the first 2 weeks of school. Please let me know what number is the best way to reach you: ____________________________