food banks - 211 Nova Scotia

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Contact Info: 902-477-5090. Salvation Army – Yarmouth Community Church and Family Services. Christmas Hampers. What: Provides a Christmas hamper ...
HOLIDAY GUIDE 2013 This guide provides information about where individuals, families and organizations can donate goods and receive assistance during the holiday season. For more information about these programs and others available across Nova Scotia, Call 211 or 1-888-692-1382 TTY. Many of the listed programs accept and are looking for donations. Please call them directly to help.

NEED HELP & GIVE HELP Hampers, Gifts, & Toys Combined Christmas Giving Committee Christmas Assistance Program What: Gifts * Toys * Food Hamper * Holiday Supplies Who: Families on a low income in New Waterford and surrounding Areas Adopt-a-Family What: Gifts * Toys * Food for the holidays Who: Families on a low income in New Waterford and surrounding Areas Community members adopt a family and purchase their gifts and food Contact Info: Call 2-1-1 Winnifred Grant Opportunity Shop Security Christmas Donations What: Provides one Christmas gift per child and other items including socks, pyjamas and second-hand books. Who: Ages 12 years and younger in Pictou West Contact Info: 902-485-8996

Hants County Christmas Angels Society Wishbook Program What: Families are provided with a complete Christmas, including dinner and gifts. Who: Community members in Hants County, who are in need; based on yearly income Community members chose a wish to purchase Tree of Hope What: Family members can put a child's wish on a tag to be put on trees around the community. Who: Community members in Hants County, who are in need; based on yearly income Community members chose a wish to purchase Contact Info: 902-798-8936

FEED NOVA SCOTIA Adopt-a-Family What: Provides families with gifts and grocery support in time for the Christmas holidays. Who: Open across Nova Scotia. Criteria varies for those who are on Income Assistance and those who are not on Income Assistance - Call or email for details on eligibility Contact Info: 902-457-2849 or [email protected] Community members adopt a family and purchase their gifts and food

St. Paul’s Family Resource Institute Christmas Hampers and Toy Store What: Provides a Toy Store which has a selection of toys for all ages. Pick out your own toys for children. Also provides Christmas Hampers which include: Personal Hygiene Items * Treats * Food Who: Assessed when calling to register. For HRM residents with an emphasis on District 11 and some areas of District 9 Contact Info: 902-477-5090

Salvation Army – Yarmouth Community Church and Family Services Christmas Hampers What: Provides a Christmas hamper which includes: Christmas Dinner * Treats * Children's Gifts Who: Families receiving Social Assistance or low income families at the discretion of the agency. Covers from Highway 103 - Clyde River South to Yarmouth * From Highway 101 - Yarmouth North to boundary of Weymouth Contact Info: 902-742-2519

Caring and Sharing Angel Tree Food Bank Adult Angel Tree What: Supplies food boxes and gifts to adults Who: Ages 16 years and older

Salvation Army – Sydney Community and Family Services Christmas Hampers What: Christmas gifts and food Who: Low income households and families in Sydney and North Sydney Contact Info: 902-562-5442 Salvation Army – Truro Community and Family Services Christmas Program What: Provides toys and food hampers for families at Christmas time Who: Low income families in Colchester County Contact Info: 902-893-1862 Please note that other Salvation Army locations may offer Christmas assistance. Call 2-1-1 to find the one closest to you.

Angel Tree What: Supplies food boxes and gifts to children Who: Ages 16 years and younger Adopt-a-Family & Adopt-an-Adult What: Community members can adopt a family or adult to provide gifts and/or food. The three options are: Food and Gifts * Food Only * Gift Only Christmas Food Program What: Provides Christmas dinner along with several boxes of groceries to families Who: Community members in need All of the above programs are open to people in the following areas: Antrim * Belnan * Carroll's Corner (not including Milford to Carroll's Corner) * Dutch Settlement * Elmsdale * Enfield * Goffs * Guysborough Road * Hardwood Lands * Horne Settlement * Lantz (to Ross's Hill) * Nine Mile River (to bridge & Cheese Factory corner) * Oldham * Renfrew * Oakfield * Fall River * Waverley * Old Enfield Road Contact Info: 902-883-2311

Christmas for Kids Angel Trees What: Children’s gift up to $40. Other items such as mittens, hats, slippers, or hygiene products will also be added to the gift. Who: Children 15 years and younger, who are in need and live in Cumberland County

Contact Info: 902-667-1949

Cobequid Children First Foundation Christmas Index Program What: Participating families receive Christmas baskets containing new toys, new clothes and food. Who: Families in Colchester County. Based on household income level. Special circumstances may apply. Contact Info: 902-843-3584

Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank Traditional Christmas Dinner Program What: A boxed Christmas Dinner. All the ingredients for a traditional Christmas dinner are provided including turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and more Who: Individuals and families in need in HRM Contact Info: 902-425-2125

Micmac Benevolent Society Christmas Program What: Provides toys and food vouchers Who: Mi’kmaq and Aboriginal families and individuals facing poverty, hardship and distress. Nova Scotia wide. Contact Info: 902- 895-1523 Toll-Free 1-800-565-4372

Friendly Neighbours Society Gifts for Children What: Provides gifts at Christmas for children including basic everyday items, clothes and a toy for each child Who: Ages birth-16 years, Annapolis County

Brunswick Street Mission Christmas Dinner Packages What: Christmas dinner packages to families Who: Individuals in HRM with a self-identified need

Christmas Food Baskets What: Supplies families in need with food baskets at Christmas time Who: Open to all in need in Kingston * Aylesford * Berwick * Cambridge * Western part of Coldbrook Contact Info: 902-765-2057 Every Women’s Centre Adopt-a-Family What: Provides food and Christmas items for families at Christmas time Who: Women and single fathers in Cape Breton Contact Info: 902-567-1212 Community members adopt a family and purchase their gifts and food

Christmas Shop What: December Christmas Shop that provides Christmas gifts for adults and children Who: Nova Scotians with a Self-identified need Contact Info: 902-423-4605 Pictou County Christmas Fund Christmas Fund What: Food vouchers and other goods donated to families Who: Families and individuals in need who live in Pictou County Community members can make donations during the Telethon on November 24th Contact Info: No phone number. See their Facebook page for registration dates to receive assistance.

COMMUNAL DINNERS South Mountain Arm of Gold Community Association Seniors’ Christmas Supper What: Turkey dinner offered once during the Christmas season Who: Ages 55 years and older in the areas of West Bay to Scott's River * Dundee * St George's Channel * The Point * Roberta Contact Info: 902-345-0616

Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission Holiday Dinner Program What: Provides a three-course community dinners at Christmas-time Who: Open to all Contact Info: 902-405-4663

Brunswick Street Mission Pre-Christmas Dinner What: Provides a full traditional Pre-Christmas dinner. Who: Individuals in HRM who have a self-identified need Contact Info: 902-423-4605

FOOD BANKS Donations accepted at all food banks, please call the numbers listed to find out what days and times donations can be dropped off. Most food banks in Nova Scotia are members of FEED NOVA SCOTIA. Please call them to inquire about making donations to any food banks not listed. FEED NOVA SCOTIA Food Support What: Food Banks * Shelters * Soup Kitchens * Meal Programs Who: Varies with each food bank. Contact Feed Nova Scotia for details. Food Donations What: Collects non-perishable, perishable, and frozen food. Also accepts monetary donations. Contact Info: 902-457-1900 (HRM) Toll Free: 1-877-521-1188 Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank Food Bank What: Provides food to individuals in need Who: Individuals in HRM with a proven need Contact Info: 902-425-2125

Wolfville Baptist Church Wolfville Area Food Bank What: Provides food to people in need Who: Individuals and families in need of food. Can access once a month only. For people who live in the areas of: Wolfville * Port Williams * Greenwich * as far as Avonport but not including Avonport * as far as New Minas but not including New Minas Contact Info: 902-542-0040 Brunswick Street Mission Food Bank What: Provides food to those in need Who: Persons who have a home and low income in HRM Contact Info: 902-423-4605

St. Paul's Family Resources Institute Food Bank What: Provides food to those in need. Who: Open to all in the Halifax area. Service can only be accessed once in a 30 day period Contact Info: 902-477-5090

Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) – Annapolis Valley Campus Food Bank What: Provides food to students in need Who: Students enrolled at NSCC Annapolis Valley Campus. Has food bank locations at Lawrencetown and Digby as well. Contact Info: 902-584-2116

Ward 5 Neighbourhood Centre Food Bank What: Food bank for people in Halifax Regional Municipality Who: For individuals who is not using another food bank Contact Info: 902-454-0018 or 902-454-0019

Every Women’s Centre Emergency Food What: Donations of food are distributed in emergency situations Who: Women in Cape Breton who are in an emergency situation Contact Info: 902-567-1212

Kentville Salvation Army Community and Family Services Food Bank What: Food bank for the community Who: For people in the Kentville area. Can access the service once every three months Contact Info: 902-678-4534

Gerald Hardy Memorial Society Rainbow Food Bank What: Provides food to people in need Who: People in need who live in the area of Ship Harbour to Ecum Secum Contact Info: 902-885-2300

Caring and Sharing Angel Tree Food Bank Food Bank What: Provides food and emergency food to people in need Who: Community members in need

Open Arms Grocery Program What: Provides free groceries for people in need for multiple reasons including inability to access food banks due to location or wait list. Who: Individuals or families who are in crisis and live in Kentville or Eastern Kings County Contact Info: 902-300-1729

Covers the areas of: Antrim * Belnan * Carroll's Corner (not including Milford to Carroll's Corner) * Dutch Settlement * Elmsdale * Enfield * Goffs * Guysborough Road * Hardwood Lands * Horne Settlement * Lantz (to Ross's Hill) * Nine Mile River (to bridge & Cheese Factory corner) * Oldham * Renfrew * Oakfield * Fall River * Waverley * Old Enfield Road Contact Info: Emergency Food Bank: 902-883-8596 or 902-758-2484 * To donate: 902-883-2311

Pictou West Food Bank Food Bank What: Provides food to people in need Who: Individuals in need who live in Pictou County west of the West River Contact: 902-485-8996

Prospect Road Community Food Share Program Emergency Food Bank What: Emergency food bank of non-perishable items available to those in need Who: Individuals in immediate need who live between Goodwood to East Dover Contact Info: 902-852-4580

Annapolis Valley Hants Community Action Program For Children Association Food Assistance What: Offers food boxes worth $40 at a lower cost for families in need Who: Families who are facing multiple barriers who live in Annapolis County * Kings County * Hants County Contact Info: 902-582-3086

Youth groups, shelters, and family centres are also looking for donations throughout the year but especially during the holiday season, when they may have special donation wish lists. Please call 211 for local ones in your area.

Embrace the Spirit of the Season