food loss & waste and food packaging - Incpen

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-Moves through the FSC & becomes fit for human consumption. - Not consumed –discarded. - Results from negligence o
FOOD LOSS & WASTE AND FOOD PACKAGING Extent, Causes and Solutions, and the Link with Developing Countries Joseph Mpagalile

INTRODUCTION: Definitions • Food Loss and Waste (FLW) ▫ Decrease in mass (quantitative) or quality of food esp:  nutritional value  economic value

▫ Food originally meant for human consumption but is being used for feeds, bioenergy etc is considered as FLW. ▫ Occurs throughout the supply chain.

Introduction: Definitions FOOD LOSS FOOD LOSS AND WASTE

•Food that is: - Spilled, spoilt, lost - incurs reduction in quality • Unintended result of the process or the institutional/ legal framework •Food that: -Moves through the FSC &


becomes fit for human consumption - Not consumed –discarded - Results from negligence or conscious decision

Introduction: Global situation • Why is reduction of food loss and waste highly important? ▫ Combating hunger ▫ Raise income ▫ Improve global food security esp. in the developing countries

• Impact of food losses and waste ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Food security Food quality and safety Economic development The environment

Introduction: Global situation • Estimated: 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted

▫ Food waste at consumer level in industrialized countries (222 mil tons) ▫ Net food production in sub Saharan Africa (230 mil tons) ▫ In industrialized countries > 40% of losses at retail and consumer level. ▫ Developing countries > 40% of losses at post harvest handling and processing.

• Grain losses in sub-Saharan Africa could total $4 billion

Introduction: Global situation

Per capita food loss and waste at consumption and pre-consumption stages in different regions.

INTRODUCTION: Population & food demand Currently:

In 2050:

9.1 billion

70% 2013



• Production, postharvest handling, processing,

▫ agricultural practices, on-farm storage, processing

• Distribution wholesaling, retailing ▫ storage, packaging etc

• Consumption stages

▫ labeling, storage, packaging, portions

• Involves various players Farmers

Postharvest handling

Processing & storage

Distribution Logistics

Wholesale Retailing


ROLE OF FOOD PACKAGING IN FLW REDUCTION • Multifaceted solutions and approaches are needed. however, • Appropriate packaging helps to reduce FLW at any stage in the food supply chain.

Food packaging & prevention in FLW • On a global scale food packaging ensures food security and safety • Tends to enhance food trade. • Facilitates local and international trade • Enhances of export competitiveness, • Ensures food loss prevention, food safety, protection • Enhances logistics management • Enhance product identification

Food packaging & prevention in FLW The global consumer packaging industry, by end use, 2009.

Source: PIRA International, 2009

Food packaging in developing countries Status and trends • Volumes of trade - US$ 15 billion • Need to meet the needs of commodity chains ▫ Local processing and packaging • Market access and integration into sustainable value chains ▫ Modern retailing, supermarkets • Important drivers ▫ Changing consumer demands ▫ Changing technology options • Regional dimensions of growth ▫ Regional variation and SWOT analysis

Packaging challenges contributing to FLW • At production stage ▫ Unnecessary variety, ▫ Non recyclable wax coated boxes for perishables • At post harvest stage ▫ Inefficient product insulation, ▫ manual case forming and ▫ stretch wrapping, product spoilage & toxicity • At distribution stage ▫ Palletizing and strapping damage

Packaging challenges contributing to FLW • At processing stage ▫ Damage during transport, ▫ product spoilage and loss of production • At wholesale stage ▫ Inappropriate shipping/transportation containers • At retail stage ▫ in-store preparation losses, ▫ spoilage, ▫ sale by date) • At consumption stage ▫ Excess preparation, ▫ spoilage, ▫ Expiry date

Opportunities for reduction of FLW • At production stage ▫ Universal package system ▫ Modified Atmosphere packaging ▫ Integrated materials handling & warehouse management systems ▫ Recyclable packages ▫ Reusable plastics • At post harvest stage ▫ Microflutes technology ▫ Automated processing to reduce labour & material ▫ Anti microbial packaging • At distribution stage ▫ Slip sheet & stretch wrapping in lieu of pallet strapping

Opportunities for reduction of FLW • At post harvest stage ▫Leak resistance ▫Tough, tear resistance ▫Hermetic seals ▫Vacuum Modified Atmosphere (MA) packaging ▫Efficient equipment system • At wholesale stage ▫ Optimize secondary packaging ▫ Use of materials with enhanced staking strength

Opportunities for reduction of FLW • At retail stage ▫Centralized food preparation ▫In the bag merchandize, ▫Leak resistance packaging ▫MA, Shelf life, Freshness • At consumption stage ▫ Portion control pack

SAVE FOOD PROGRAM • Founded and led by FAO and Messe Düsseldorf • It rests on four main pillars: ▫ Awareness raising by a global communication and media campaign ▫ Collaboration through Partnerships ▫ Policy, strategy and programme development ▫ Investment programs and interventions

Awareness raising – Impact & solutions Global communication and media campaign Dissemination of findings and results, Organization of Regional SAVE FOOD Congresses. Linked with the UNEP to implement the campaign on food waste. • Organized a side events at FAO Council on ways to reduce and reuse food waste • • • •

Collaboration • Establishing a global partnership of public and private sector - organizations and companies • Established a network of public and private partners in an interactive database.

Policy, strategy & programme development • Includes a series of field studies on a national-regional basis • Field case studies in Kenya, involving food supply chains of maize, banana, fish and milk. • FAO partnering with EU on FUSIONS project: ▫ 4 years EU funded project ▫ Aimed at achieving a more resource efficient Europe

Investment programs and interventions • Technical and managerial support • Capacity building (training) • Targeting food subsector level or policy level. ▫ Support the food losses reduction projects :  Africa - policy development and capacity building  Southeast Asia - food packaging

CONCLUSION • Packaging: ▫ Is crucial for reduction of food loss and waste along the supply chain ▫ Is a shared responsibility for all trading partners ▫ Opportunities and potentials due to increasing dynamism • Food packaging - a major challenge food processors in the developing countries • Accurate information and reliable data is needed: ▫ What, when, where and how? • 5Ps! - Product, Price, Place, Promotion & Packaging