For admission to M.D. (Ayurveda) Courses-2013 Guru Ravidas ...

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23 Nov 2013 ... 1 of 21. For admission to M.D. (Ayurveda) Courses-2013. Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab. Jodhamal Road, Hoshiarpur (Pb.) Ph. No.
For admission to M.D. (Ayurveda) Courses-2013

Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab Jodhamal Road, Hoshiarpur (Pb.) Ph. No. 01882- 243326,240445 Fax No. 01882- 240326 Website:

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Message of Vice Chancellor I am very happy on the occasion of releasing this Prospectus for admission to MD (Ayurveda) Courses-2013, being conducted by this University. This University has been established by the Government of Punjab for the upliftment of AYUSH in the state of Punjab and country as a whole. I send my good wishes to the students seeking admission to MD (Ayurveda) course and wish them success in their pursuits.

(Prof. O.P.Upadhayaya) Vice- Chancellor

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Admission to M.D. (Ayurveda) Courses-2013

PGAET-2013 FEES: Prospectus

Rs. 2000/-

Application Form

Rs. 5000/- (Rs. 2500/- for SC/ST )

Correction in Application Form

Rs. 500/- each

Duplicate Admit Card

Rs. 500/-


Availability of Prospectus

23rd Nov, 2013 onwards


Last date of receipt of Application Forms

27th Nov, 2013 up to 5.00 pm

3. 4.

Date of Test(if conducted) Date of Counselling

28th Nov, 2013 at 3 PM 29th Nov,2013 at 10 AM

Any change in date of test, if any, shall be notified at university website i.e along with updates and any other information. Please remain updated by frequently visiting university website.

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Candidates are advised to download and read the Prospectus carefully before filling and submitting the Admission Application Form for admission to M.D. (Ayurveda).


Incomplete Admission Application Form or ones not accompanied by Demand Draft and/or attested photocopies of all required documents may be rejected. Admission Application form downloaded from the university website, duly filled and unaccompanied by prescribed fee will be rejected outright.


This Prospectus is subject to alteration(s) or modification(s) without any prior notice.


Candidates must keep the copy of downloaded prospectus with them till the admissions are over as it contains all information regarding admission/counselling.


Any change in the schedule of Test/Interview/Counselling/Admission will be notified through University website


Eligibility conditions for admissions are governed by the Government of Punjab, Department of Medical Education & Research, vide Notification No.2/109/065HBIII/7103 dated 15/11/2013


The eligibility of the candidates shall be determined by the Selection Committee at the time of Counselling.


Each candidate shall be required to appear in person for the interview and produce all documents/testimonials in original for the verification by the Selection Committee. No exemptions from this condition will be granted under any circumstances.


Candidates are advised to keep attested photocopies of the a) Application Form, b) Bank Demand Draft submitted along with the Admission Application Form and the c) proof of having submitted the Form to the University within the stipulated time and date.


Corrections in the information given by the Candidates in the Admission Application Form may not be permitted. However, University may allow the genuine correction against prescribed fee.


Admission Application Form received after the due date/time for any reason including postal delay, shall be rejected, The University will not be responsible for any delay or loss in transit caused by the Postal Authorities, courier services or any one else.

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CONTENTS Sr.No. Particular

Page No

1. Introduction and General Information


2. Name of college and seats


3. Reservation

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4. Eligibility


5. Fee


6. Choice of subjects


7. Application Form


8. Counselling


9. Important instructions for the candidates


10. Conduct of the Test


11. Issue of Admit Card


12. Declaration of Result


Annexures: i) Pb. Govt. Notification



ii) SC/ST Certificate



iii) BC Certificate



iv) Physically Handicapped Certificate Annexure-D


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Guru Ravidas Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur was created with the promulgation of the Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Act, 2009 ( Punjab Act. No. 4 of 2010) by the Punjab Legislative Assembly. This University regulates the conduct of both undergraduate and postgraduate Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic teaching in 16 affiliated colleges in the State of Punjab. It has about 6,000 registered students presently undergoing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in various disciplines. This University is one of its own kinds in North India. It is presently poised for a quantum leap in development and progress. It is contemplating the development of a modern campus, in village Kharkan, Near Hoshiarpur and just 10 km from Hoshiarpur city. The foundation stone of university campus was laid on 9. 10. 2011 by Sardar Parkash Singh Ji Badal, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Punjab. It will bring about major development in AYUSH and all basic, clinical and allied departments to pursue on education and research. It will attract appropriate talent from all over the country to work in its faculties. It will shortly start new AYUSH courses. Admissions to various undergraduate and post graduate courses in the affiliated institutions of this University in the State of Punjab are made on merit basis through the conduct of Entrance Tests. This prospectus is for admission to MD (Ayurveda) courses available in Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, V.P.O-Daudhar, Distt-Moga (Pb.)for the session 2013. .


The Government of Punjab vide Notification No.2/109/06-5HBIII/7103 dated 15/11/2013 has ordered the Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab, to hold process of admission to MD (Ayurveda) courses in Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, V.P.O-Daudhar, Distt-Moga (Pb.)


The university shall hold the PGAET-2013, if the applications are received more than double the number of seats in each specialty.

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The venue of centre of examination will be notified by the University on its website i.e and on Admit Card, if the PGAET-2013 is to be held.



Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital.


Tentative Details of seats


(Total 19 seats) i.e.

i) ii) iii) iv)

Samhita & Siddhanta Dravyaguna Rachna Sharir Kaumarbhritya


06 06 06 01

b.) The exact number of seats and detail category wise distribution of seats shall be notified at the time of counseling. Private Institution



Govt. Quota 50% Management Quota 50% (Including 15% NRI Quota

Reservation The reservation of seats shall be as under:i) SC/ST


ii) Backward Classes/OBC


iii) Physically Handicapped (1% of each)


a) Blindness or low vision b) Hearing impairment c) Orthopedically handicapped Disability of 50% to 70% is to be determined at the time of Counseling by a duly constituted board of the specialty of Orthopedics. In case of non –availability of the

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candidates the seats will be offered to the candidates having 40% to 50% disability in the lower limbs. In case the Candidate(s) is (are) not available in the reserved category the seats shall be filled up from the General Category Candidate and vice-versa.


ELIGIBILTY A person possessing the Degree in Ayurved of a University or Board or Medical Institution

specified in the second schedule to the Act notified by the Department of AYUSH, Govt. of India/CCIM, shall be eligible for admission in the Postgraduate degree course. Note: Compulsory Rotatory Internship is essential and must be completed upto 31st October, 2013.


Fee The Institute will charge the fee as per instruction issued by Punjab Government as well as Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur time to time. The fee will be payable on annual basis. In case of NRI the candidate may furnish a bank guarantee. The Candidate will be liable to pay the liable to pay the balance fee for the whole of the course even if they leave the Institute/Course midway. However, the candidate admitted shall have to deposit Rs. 1.25 Lacs as provisional fee at the time of counseling. This fee shall be adjusted with the fee as notified by the State Government.


Choice of the subjects The candidate can apply for more than one speciality and he would be considered as per his/her merit on the basis of PGAET-2013, if conducted or the merit of the graduation. (a) When two or more candidates have secured equal marks in the entrance test, if held or on the basis of qualifying examination than inter-se-merit shall be determined as under:i.

Candidate with higher marks in qualifying examination.

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7. 7.1

Candidate older in age.

ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM Each candidate is required to apply for admission to M.D.(Ayurveda) courses by filling the Admission Application Form available on university website. Admission Application Form should reach the Co-ordinator, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab, Jodhamal Road, Hoshiarpur, on or before 27th Nov. 2013 up to 5.00 pm along with a demand draft of Rs.7000/- (Rs.4500/- for SC/ST) in favour of “Registrar, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab, ”drawn on any bank payable at “Hoshiarpur”. Incomplete Admission Application Form and/ or not accompanied by requisite fee may be rejected. Admission Application Form not accompanied by attested copies of all required documents are also liable to be rejected.


The candidate must fill Admission Application Form in his/her own handwriting. The candidate must attach one unattested photograph, three photographs signed by the candidate and attested on the front side by the Head of the Institution wherefrom candidate has passed BAMS examination or Executive Magistrate or Gazetted Officer and attested photocopies of all required certificates and testimonials.


The candidates must keep with them a photocopy of the filled Admission Application Form and demand draft.


The candidate must write her/his Name and Address on the reverse side of the demand draft.


The Admission Application form should be submitted in the envelope of size 5” X 11”. The envelope containing Admission Application form should super scribe “Admission Application Form for PGAET-2013”.Only one Admission Application form should be filled by each candidate. The envelope should contain Admission Application Form of only one candidate.


Application received after the due date for any reason including postal delay will be rejected. Proof of dispatch through courier service will not be accepted.

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The counseling for admission to Post-Graduate Ayurvedic Course shall be held in the office of the University at Hoshiarpur on 29.11.2013 at 10 A.M.


Personal appearance in counselling is compulsory for all eligible candidates applying for admission to the Post-Graduate courses. No separate interview/counselling letter will be issued.


Counseling does not carry any marks or weightage for selection.


Where two or more candidates have secured equal marks in the entrance test if held, or on the basis of qualifying examination then inter-se merit of such candidate shall be determined in order of preference as under:a)

A candidate obtaining higher marks in qualifying examination.


Candidate older in age.


The candidate shall have to produce all the certificates/ degree/ diplomas/ documents, original, at the time of counselling.


Counseling will be held as per merit and provisions of the Punjab Govt Notification No. 2/109/06-5HBIII/7103 dated 15.11.2013. Preference will be given to the candidates who are resident of Punjab, even if lower in merit in the Entrance Test. The candidates from other states shall be taken, if Punjab Candidates are not available.


The number of seats may be changed without notice. However, the exact distribution of seats will be displayed on the notice board of the University before the commencement of counselling.


The Counselling shall be held at university office, Hoshiarpur on 29.11.2013 at 10 A.M. Applicants are advised to visit the university website from time to time for updates.

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IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATE Admission application form for admission to M.D.(Ayurvedic) courses must be submitted to the Coordinator, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab, Jodhamal Road, Hoshiarpur by 5.00 pm on 27th Nov.2013.

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In case any candidate is found to have furnished false information or certificate, etc, or is found to have withheld or concealed information in his/her application form he/she shall be debarred from admission to the centre.


Incomplete application form without requisite fee and attested photocopies of all required documents may not be entertained and may be rejected without any information to the candidates.


Any attempt by a candidate to influence, directly or indirectly, any person concerned with the admission will disqualify him/her.


Photostat copies of the certificates/documents should be attested by the competent authority.


The claim for seat under reserved category/ categories should be made by filling appropriate column in the Admission Application Form. The candidate must support this claim by attaching attested photocopies of the certificate(s) by the competent authority as per specimens given in Annexures to this prospectus. Original certificates shall have to be produced by the candidates at the time of Counselling.


Specimens of various certificates to be submitted by the candidate are at Annexures-B to C.


The fee must be deposited by the candidate with the cashier of the University at the time of admission/counselling.The draft for admission fee shall be in favour of Registrar, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Punjab, payable at Hoshiarpur.


The course/classes will commerce w.e.f. 1st December, 2013.


In case number of candidates is more than double the seats available, the Entrance Test will be conducted on 28th Nov.2013 at 03.00 P.M. and the detail instructions/guidelines will be notified on university website i.e.


The Syllabus will be based on the course of studies already included in the University calendars for various Graduate Ayurveda examinations.


If the test is to be conducted, information will be put on website from where it can be downloaded by the candidates (


Detailed instructions will be announced at the time of examination.

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11. ISSUE OF ADMIT CARD 11.1 If the test is to be conducted , Admit Cards to the candidates will be issued by the University on 28.11.2013 . 11.2 Candidates are required to collect their Admit Cards personally from the office of the University on 28.11.2013 from 10 A.M. to 1.00 PM. 11.3 No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the entrance test, if conducted without the Admit card.

12. DECLARATION OF RESULT The result of the entrance test, if held, will be declared on 28.11.2013 after 6 P.M. The result will be available on university website


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The Governor of Punjab is pleased to notify the admissions to postgraduate degree courses in the M.D (Ayurvedic) Course for the year 2013 onwards in the Ayurvedic Institutes in the State of Punjab.


All the institutions whether Government or private, aided or unaided, minority or non minority shall be covered by this notification.


There shall be constitutional reservation in all the Private Institutions except the minority Institutes. The reserve category candidates shall have the right to compete for admission in general category seats as per their merit and such candidates who compete under general category shall not be counted towards admission in the reserve category.


Eligibility The eligibility is to be decided by Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur in accordance with Regulations of Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM).


Institutions:Sr. No.

Name of the Institution



Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, V.P.ODaudhar, Distt-Moga (Pb.)142053

Six seats in three specialty and one seat in one specialty( Total 19 seats) i.e. Samhita & Siddhant (06 seats) Dravyaguna (06 seats) Rachna Sharir (06 seats) and Kaumarbhritya (01 seat)

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a) The details of the institutions and Category wise seats available in each institution along with the status of the Institute shall also be put on the official website of the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur. Private Institution



Govt. Quota 50%


Management Quota 50% (Including 15% NRI Quota)

b. The seats are subject to decrease or increase as per CCIM/GOI directions. Mode of Admission.


If the applications are more than double the seats in each specialty, the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur will conduct the Entrance Test. Otherwise admission would be based upon the inter se merit based on the marks of B.A.M.S. examination.


In case Entrance Test is required, the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur shall conduct the Entrance Test -2013 onwards, hereinafter called PGAET for selection of candidates for admission to Postgraduate courses (Ayurvedic) in various Institutions, in the state of Punjab, for the year 2013 onwards. The seats of the State quota in Government Institutes and that of the Government quota in private Institutes shall be filled out of the candidates as per their merit in the PGAET of corresponding year.


That the admission to the course shall be made on the basis of merit in the Entrance Test. Preference will be given to candidates who are resident of Punjab, even if lower in merit in the Entrance Test. The candidates from other states shall also be taken, if Punjab candidates are not available. If even such candidates are not available, then those who have appeared in PGAET will be admitted on the basis of marks in BAMS or equivalent examination.


No institution shall select candidates out of any other source, or in any manner other than inter-se-merit of the candidates in the PGAET merit list. There shall be no overlapping or bye-passing of inter-se-merit of candidates seeking admission to the seats in the management quota except the NRI quota seats.


The PGAET shall be conducted by the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur at such place as may be decided by the University. After the declaration of result of the PGAET the candidates shall have to apply to Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur for admission to the state/Management quota as well as Government Quota seats. For the minority quota seats, the candidates shall have to apply to the institutions

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concerned. Such seats shall be filled by the institutions concerned as per the provisions of this notification for these seats.


The conditions and modalities for the conduct of PGAET, would be decided by the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur and the University will publish in the Prospectus, the detail schedule for admission indicating date of availability of prospectus, last date for submission of applications, OMR, date of issuance of roll numbers, date of Entrance Test, date of submission of form for admission. Schedule shall also be published on the official website of the University. The schedule shall be in conformity with, the schedule laid down by CCIM/ Hon’ble Supreme Court of India / Hon’ble High court /state Government.


The Rank wise Category wise, Roll No, wise result of PGAET shall be declared by Guru Ravidas Ayurved University Hoshiarpur by publishing it on the University website.


Selection Committee.

A. The following will be the committee for the selection of the candidates for admission to postgraduate courses.

1 Joint Director, Research and Medical Education, Punjab, Chandigarh 2 Registrar/Deputy Registrar of Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur 3 Director Welfare of SC/BC or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Director. 4 Principal of Concerned College 6.

Chairman Member Member Member

Fee The Institute will charge the fee as per instruction issued by Punjab Government as well as Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur time to time. The fee will be payable on annual basis. In case of NRI the candidates may furnish a bank guarantee. The Candidate will be liable to pay the balance fee for the whole of the course even if they leave the Institute/Course midway.

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Reservation of Seats shall be as under: 1.



2. 3.

Backward Classes/ OBC Physically Handicapped (1% of each) a. Blindness or low vision. b. Hearing Impairment

5% 3%


Orthopedically handicapped.

Disability of 50% to 70% is to be determined at the time of counseling by a duly constituted board of the specialty of Orthopaedics. In case of non-availability of the candidates the seats will be offered to the candidates having 40% to 50% disability in the lower limbs. In case the candidate(s) is(are) not available in the reserved category the seats shall be filled up from the General Category Candidate and vice-versa. 8.

Choice of Subjects The candidate may apply for more than one specialty and he would be considered as per his/her merit on the basis of PGAET, if conducted or the merit on the basis of marks in graduation. When two or more candidates have secured equal marks in the entrance test, if held or on the basis of qualifying examination than inter-se-merit shall be determined as under: (i) Candidate with higher marks in qualifying examination. (ii) Candidate older in age.




The students shall pay the fees and other charges, for all types of seats, as per the rates of fees and other charges fixed by the Government of Punjab from time to time.


Management/Minority Quota seats will be filled up as per the directions laid down by the Supreme Court of India and further guidelines issued by the Government of Punjab from time to time in consultation with the Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, so that no two dates for admission in any college clash with each other.

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The seats available for allotment will be displayed on the notice board of the University and a list of PGAET result shall be supplied by the University to all the Institution’s Ayurvedic Institutions on payment basis at the price to be fixed by the University.


The admission shall be made to only those Institutes which are approved from all authorities and affiliated to the University. Institute(s) which has applied for affiliation and/or for approval of competent authority (ies) but are unable to get affiliation and such approval from all authorities before counseling of the corresponding year shall not be considered for counseling.


The Medical Board to determine the disability at the time of the counseling will be constituted by the Chairman. The candidate shall be admitted only if he/she has the minimum disability to be considered as a handicapped candidate and is otherwise found fit medically to pursue the course concerned by a duly constituted Medical Board.


Appellant authority for any dispute shall be Director, Research and Medical Education Punjab, Chandigarh.


This notification supersedes any notification/instructions issued earlier on the subject.

Dated, Chandigarh The:

Endst. No.2/109/06-5HBIII/7104 .

Vini Mahajan Principal Secretary to Government of, Punjab Deptt. of Medical Education & Research Dated Chandigarh the: 15/11/2013

A copy along-with one spare copy is forwarded to the Controller Printing and Stationery Department, Punjab, Chandigarh for publication in the Punjab Government Gazatte (Ordinary) and supply two hundred copy to this department for official use. (Manmohan Singh) UNDER SECRETARY MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Endst.No.:2/109/06-5HB III/7105

Dated Chandigarh the : 15/11/2013

A copy of the above is forwarded to the Registrar, Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur for information and necessary action please.

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Dated Chandigarh the : 15/11/2013

A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:1. Secretary to Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Secretary, Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi. 3. Secretary, AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, New Delhi. 4. Director General to Health Services, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 5. Director, Health Services and Family Services, Punjab, Chandigarh. 6. Secretary, Punjab Vidhan Sabha, Chandigarh. 7. Director, ESI, Punjab, Chandigarh. 8. Director, Research and Medical Education, Punjab, Chandigarh. 9. Director, Ayurveda, Punjab. 10. Managing Director, Punjab Health System Corporation, Sector 34, Chandigarh. 11. All Civil Surgeon in the State of Punjab. 12. Principal, Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Vill. Daudhar, Distt. Moga 13. Principal of Concerned institutions. UNDER SECRETARY MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH A copy is forwarded to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Punjab for information and necessary action.

____________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Even though due care has been taken to reproduce the above Pb Govt Notification. The university is not liable for any typographical error or any other mistake which may have crept inadvertently.


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FORM OF CASTE CERTIFICATE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES As per letter No. 1/41/96-RCI/110001-17, dated 5.12.1996 of Govt. of Punjab, Department of Welfare (Reservation Cell)

It is certified that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari___________________ son/daughter of Sh. ___________________ of village/town_______________ District/Division ______________ state of Punjab belongs to ____________caste which has been recognised as Scheduled caste as per “the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950” 2. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari__________________ and his/her family live in village/town ____________________ District/Division______________ Punjab state Date___________



Designation Seal of office

Competent authority to issue Caste Certificate I.

District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/First class Stipendiary Magistrate/ City Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Magistrate/Talika Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner (Not below the rank of first class Stipendiary Magistrate)


Chief Presidency Magistrate.


Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.


Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidates and/or his family normally resides.


Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer Lakshadweep Islands. (circulated vide no.2/223/79-SWI/4337, dated 8.6.90)

Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency


OR The certificate for this purpose issued by any other competent authority declared by Government of Punjab in any other prescribed proforma. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF BACKWARD CLASS As per letter No. 1/41/96-RCI/110001-17, dated 5.12.1996 and No. 01/41/93-RCI/209 dated 24/02/2009 of Govt. of Punjab, Department of Welfare (Reservation Cell) This is to certified that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ______________________________ son/daughter of _____________ village/town __________________in district/division_______________________ of the state of Punjab belongs to the ___________ caste which is recognized as a Backward Class in terms of Punjab Govt. letter No. ____________ dated ______________.


This is also certified that he/she does not belong to any category of persons/sections

mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to Punjab Government, Department of Welfare letter No.1/41/93-RC1/459, dated 17.1.1994 and No.1/41/93-RC1/1597, dated 17.8.2005 and No. 01/41/93-RC1/209 dated 24/02/2009 for BC. 2.

Shri/Shrimati/Kumari___________________ and/or/his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in

village/town _______________ of District/Division_______________ of the state of Punjab.

Place:______________ State:______________ Date:______________

Signature:_______________ Designation:_____________ (with office seal of the officer concerned)

Competent authority to issue backward Class Certificate: i) Sub-Divisional Officer(C) ii) Executive Magistrate. iii) Tehsildar iv) Naib Tehsildar v) Block Officer vi) District Revenue Officer (Circulated vide No.2/223/79-SWI/4337, dated 8.6.1990) *

The certificate must not be dated one year before the first day of counseling for admission. A certificate issued more than one year before the counseling date shall not be valid.

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(To be issued by the Medical Board) The eligibility of the handicapped categories candidates will be determined by the Medical Board at the time of counselling as per Punjab Govt. Notification/s.

Certified that the following candidate appeared before the Medical Board on --------------- All the three members of the Medical Board examined the candidate carefully and have decided to certify as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Name of the candidate Father's name Permanent Address of the candidate Name of the disease causing handicap % (Percentage) of handicap Whether the disease is progressive or non-progressive Whether the candidate is otherwise fit to carry on studies and will be able to perform duties of a doctor satisfactorily.





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