This chapter presents a brief overview of the evolution of Arabic speech recognition ... It provides a literature survey of Arabic speech recognition systems and.
script combination is later reviewed by human eyes and ears, thus defeating the ... Many words in the English language can be acoustically .... manual transcription. Analysis of the ... all, they do claim some success in improving the audio file.
Human Language Technologies, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, ... e.g. call-center automation, broadcast news transcription, and desktop dictation, all.
voice in a preprocessing stage before a speech recognition system. .... (1978), "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition", IEEE.
the TIMIT database [11]. In addition, each participant is asked to describe in his or her own words the contents of a few photographs that are selected from.
Keywords: Speech; Speech recognition; voice; machine control; human machine interaction; ... Speech is a natural way of communication for people, but.
IIIT-Hyderabad. {saaketh, kedar, lakshmi g} ... numbers (for isolated word recognition) and English numbers (for connected word recognition) ... Most useful parameters in speech processing are found in the frequency do- main. ... th
But for training the acoustic and to train the transcribing module, we need the ... Others frequencies reflect back in a way which causes destructive ..... It is a speech recognition software package developed by Dragon Systems of Newton, Mas-.
measures based upon pure tone air-conduction thresholds (e.g., Davis, ... acknowled e the contribution of David Wong, Wayne Wong, Joan Coren, Geof Donelly, Lynda. Bereer. an3 Dereck Acha who assisted in the collection of these data.
SPEECH RECOGNITION AS FEATURE EXTRACTION FOR SPEAKER RECOGNITION. A. Stolcke .... effective for speaker modeling, and can improve traditional.
Our project mainly requires expertise in Python, C++ SQL, Qt(possibly). ..... design the processing pathway for audio data according to our requirements.
Training the system Using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Pre-Processor. Baum Welch. Viterbi ... INPUT TO HTK / P2FA. â Audio sampling rate (16kHz best).
Forced Alignment and Speech Recognition Systems
Overview ● Uses of automatic speech recognition technology ● Principles of forced alignment and speech recognition systems ● Some practicalities ● Evaluating alignment quality
ASR technology - Existing uses As a toolbox:
As a methodology:
Pre-built generic application used as a tool
Forms an integral part of the experimental procedure
> speech recognition
> tune for unusual pronunciations
> forced alignment
> extract probability of words/phonemes matching models
for lexical transcription or time stamps
> detect assimilation, deletion, insertion
Forced alignment With transcription: Already know exactly what is in the audio.
Forced alignment With some transcription: Know what is in some of the audio.
Automatic speech recognition No transcription: Don't know what's in the audio
Word spotting Possible transcription: Looking for a word/phrase
P(“policy”) >> P(noise)? Noise
Word spotting Possible transcription:
Word spotting Possible transcription:
Word spotting Possible transcription:
Word spotting Possible transcription:
Word spotting Possible transcription:
Yes! P(“policy”) >> P(noise)
Early Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Systems
Acoustic Property Extraction
Decision Process
Automatic Speech Recognition System Acoustic models in memory
Property Extraction
acoustic vectors Evaluation: Likelihood score
Grammar or Language model
Forced Alignment system Acoustic models in memory
Property Extraction
acoustic vectors Evaluation: Likelihood score
phonemes AE0 D V ER1 S AH0 T IY0 B L UW1 IH0 S T B L UH1 S T AY0 N
Lexicon & Transcription
Speech transformation:
Split digitized audio analogue conversion to digital into overlapping frames(~10ms)
Pre-processor/Front end eg. FFT, LPC, MFCC acoustic vectors
Audio sampling rate (16kHz best) Lists of phone and silence model names Dictionary/Lexicon (ARPAbet) ADVERSE ADVERSELY ADVERSELY ADVERSITIES ADVERSITY BLUEST BLUESTEIN BLUESTEIN BLUESTINE ZZZ ZZZ …
AH0 D V ER1 S AE0 D V ER1 S L IH0 AE0 D V ER1 S L IY0 AH0 D V ER1 S IH0 T IH0 Z AE0 D V ER1 S AH0 T IY0 B L UW1 IH0 S T B L UH1 S T AY0 N B L UH1 S T IY0 N B L UW1 S T AY2 N sp ns