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crude oil price and returns or not needs to be readdressed. The goal of this paper ... Forecasting crude oil price is among the most important issues facing.
Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited) Imad Haidar* and Rodney C. Wolff*†

The recent changes in crude oil price behaviour between 2007 and 2009 revived the question about the underlying dynamics governing crude oil prices. Even more importantly, the outstanding question over whether we can forecast crude oil price and returns or not needs to be readdressed. The goal of this paper is to present an analysis of crude oil spot daily price/returns. The aim is to find if structural changes in the crude oil market have had an effect on the ability to forecast daily returns. Also, we argue that there is still a gap between computational methods and traditional statistical methods for time series forecasting; hence, in this paper we try to make an effort to give due consideration to the statistical properties of the time series in the building process of softcomputing models. As such, our investigation starts with testing for non-linearity in the structure of these series using the most trusted test for iid, the BDS test. The Fuzzy Classifier System for non-linearity (FCS) proposed by Kaboudan (1999) and a time-domain test for non-linearity introduced by Barnett and Wolff (2005) are also used. Finally, we estimate the Lyapunov exponents to investigate the existence of chaos in crude oil price and return. Our tests show consistently over time that the dynamical forces driving crude oil price and returns are non-linear ones, of possibly low dimension. Moreover, the FCS test shows evidence of high level of noise which means that smoothing or noise reduction is necessary for achieving any level of forecast accuracy. To forecast the short-term of crude oil spot returns we compared the performance of ARIMA(p,d,q), EGARCH(p,q) and ANN models. We conclude that it is possible to forecast crude oil price using non-linear models providing noise control measures are used. Our results also show some evidence of effective multi-step forecasting (up 26 steps) for smoothed daily returns.

1. INTRODUCTION Forecasting crude oil price is among the most important issues facing energy economists. Nevertheless, the success in formulating a reliable model to describe the complex dynamics of this commodity is limited. Between 2004 and 2007 crude oil price increased significantly to reach the highest level ever of 140 U.S. dollars per barrel before crashing to 30 dollars per barrel in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Since then the market has recovered quickly, especially after the global economy showed evidence of recovery. However, all these events have reignited the question about the actual dynamics of crude oil price and whether we can predict changes in crude oil price, or if it is merely a random walk. The literature dealing with forecasting crude oil is substantial. It reflects the significant role of this commodity. Structural models mainly deal with monthly and quarterly forecasts; see, for example, Kaufmann (1995) and later Kaufmann et al (2004) and Dees et al (2007). Ye et al (2002; 2005; 2006) and also Ye et al * Mathematical Sciences Discipline Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia. †WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. The authors would like to thank Professor Mahmoud A. Kaboudan for providing them with his C code for the FCS test.

(2009) presented a model for forecasting the monthly crude oil price, mainly concentrating on OECD industrial relative inventory. Other studies concentrated on modelling crude oil market volatility; for example Vo (2009) proposed a hybrid model based on combination of Markov Switching (MS) model and stochastic volatility model (SV), called MSSV to predict volatility of crude oil short-term price. The author concluded that there is strong evidence to support regime-switching in the oil market, and the MSSV model was superior to both SV and MS in forecasting the volatility of oil market for out-of-sample. It is note worthy that, for in-sample forecasting, the MS model was superior to the SV and MSSV. Kang et al (2009), and Cheong (2009) found evidence of long-term memory in crude oil volatility. Similarly, Choi and Hammoudeh (2009) tested the existence of long-term memory in crude oil spot returns, futures returns, heating oil spot returns and other related series, also presenting some evidence of long-term memory in crude oil returns series. Soft-computing methods have been exploited for financial prediction. These techniques have also been applied to the crude oil prediction problem, though not as intensively as for other problems. For example Kaboudan (2001) compared the ability of genetic programming and ANN to trivial prediction of forecasting crude oil prices on a monthly basis. Yu et al (2007) and Yu et al (2008) claimed that good prediction is possible when the original series is decomposed (using wavelets) into sub-series and forecast individually using ANN. Gaffari and Zare (2009) used a neural fuzzy model to predict crude oil spot price one day ahead out-of-sample. Liu et al (2007) also presented a hybrid model based on neuralfuzzy technique to forecast Brent crude oil prices. Support Vector Machines (SVM) were also applied to the crude oil forecasting problem in several studies. For example, Xie et al (2006) proposed an SVM model for monthly crude oil prices prediction. Fan et al (2008) proposed a Generalized Pattern Matching method (GPMGA) for multi-step forecasting of crude oil price. The proposed method was based on a genetic algorithm and tried to detect patterns from historical data. Fan et al (2008) applied the GPMGA for multi-steps forecasting (21 days ahead) of WTI and Brent spot prices, and compared the results to Elman networks, claiming better results. Most recently, a few studies endeavoured to use neural networks for crude oil forecasts trying to benefit from the specification of this commodity, i.e., to model within the context of the economic framework. In a recent study, Lackes et al (2009) presented an ANN model to forecast crude oil trends for 5, 20, and 60 days ahead. To improve the forecast output, the authors chose to predict five price levels (classes): strong decrease, decrease, constant, increase, and strong increase (Lackes et al, 2009). Pan et al (2009) presented a model based on the feedforward artificial neural network to predict the direction of crude oil price three days ahead. The goal was to test if crude oil futures contracts contained newer information about spot price in the near future by using a non-linear ANN model. Moshiri and Foroutan (2006) studied chaos and non-linearity in crude oil futures price. The author concluded that crude oil futures prices time series were not chaotic (for the sample tested), rather they were stochastic and non-linear. Moreover, the authors compared linear and non-linear models for forecasting crude oil futures prices. In conclusion, the body of the literature concerned with crude oil forecasting and modelling is substantial. Previous traditional models which dealt with long-term forecasting did not achieve acceptable results, while the majority of


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

the recent literature concentrated on short-term forecasts. We argue that there is a gap between soft-computing time series modelling and statistical modelling, softcomputing models, mainly ANN and SVM which basically are complex universal function approximation, seems to be applied blindly (with exception of few studies) with the implicit assumption that whatever the underlying dynamics of the series is, these models will fit it well. However, if the time series follows a linear structure, then there is no justification to apply non-linear complex models, like ANN, which employs a large number of free parameters. Equally important is that any forecast would be compromised if the null hypothesis of independence is not overtly rejected (Kugiumtzis, 2000). Furthermore, it is still important to determine what type of non-linearity characterises this series, i.e., non-linear chaotic, nonlinear deterministic, non-linear stochastic. This paper attempts to answer the following questions: what type of dynamics is governing crude oil prices and returns? Specifically, we investigate if there is any non-linear deterministic dynamics (chaos) which could be miss specified as a random walk. Also, do we have strong empirical evidence that crude oil spot returns are predictable in the short-term? From a statistical point of view have the dynamics of crude oil returns changed significantly during the past twenty years? Moreover, we investigate how can we use this information to select and calibrate a forecasting model, including the forecast accuracy and horizon. We believe that answering these questions will assist in formulating a forecasting model for crude oil prices/returns, and will set more realistic goals for the expected forecast accuracy and horizon which could be obtained using a pure time series approach. To answer these questions we start with testing the existence of nonlinearity and chaos in crude oil series using a number of tests. Moreover, we attempt to explore what type of dynamics drive crude oil spot price/return using the Fuzzy Classification test for non-linearity, introduced by Kaboudan (1999). We then turn our attention to formulating a short-term forecasting model for crude oil spot-returns. This paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 briefly discusses our empirical analysis, including the data sample used in this paper, the diagnostic tests, and testing for non-linearity and chaos. Section 3 includes the results of the forecasting model used, followed by a brief discussion. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 4. 2. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS 2.1. Data The main series represents crude oil daily spot prices/ returns for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) official closing price are from 2 January 1986 to 2 March 2010 (6194 daily observation). The data were retrieved on 11 March 2010 from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) website ( 2.2. Diagnostic Tests Figure 1 (upper panel) shows a plot of crude oil spot price (daily close price) for WTI, from 2 January 1986 to 2 March 2010. As can be seen in Figure 1,


crude oil prices increased significantly between 2007 and 2008, followed by a price crash as an aftermath of the global financial crisis of October 2008. On the other hand crude oil returns (Figure 1 lower panel) shows evidence of volatility clustering and some outliers. The interaction between crude oil price and other events/variables are not the scope of this study; rather we are interested in finding the behaviour of the series itself, which might have been shaped by such events. The series was divided into two subsections: return (I) from 1 January 1986 to the end of December 1998, and return (II) from 1 January 1999 to the end of February 20101. The autocorrelation function and the partial correlation function show that there is weak evidence of serial correlation in the crude oil return. On the other hand the autocorrelation is much more evident in the squared log-returns, especially for return II, which was significantly over the upper confidence level. This could present evidence of heteroskedasticity. The results of unit root tests, both the Augmented Dicky-Fuller and Phillips–Perron test for crude oil price and return at 1% significant level are as follows: • Crude oil price for the whole series from January 1986 to March 2010 is integrated of the first order, or I(1). • Crude oil price for the first subsection from January 1986 to January 1998 is I(0). • Crude oil price for the second subsection from end of January 1998- March 2010 is I(1), • The returns for all subsections are I(0). In other words, the price series are non-stationary except crude oil price from Jan 1986 to Jan 1998; and all the returns series are weakly stationary. For brevity we only show the unit root tests for crude oil spot price in Table 1. Table 1. Unit root root test for crude oil daily spot price from Jan 1986 to end of Jan 1998 The upper section of this table shows the ADF and PP tests for crude oil price period I. The lower section of this table shows the same tests for crude oil price period II. The test is reported only for 1, 4, and 8 lags. The ADF test shows that there is significant statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis for the unit root for lags from 1to 5 but not from 6 to 8 at 1% level of significance, while the results of the PP test rejects the null hypotheses of the unit root for all lags at a significant 1%. For the 5% significance level (results not shown here) both tests reject the null hypotheses of unit root for all lags, i.e., the crude oil spot price for this subsection is I(0). Price I Lag 1 4 8

P value 0.0013 0.0096 0.0213

ADF test T stat -4.5762 -3.9843 -3.7234

Lag 1 4 8

P value 0.2903 0.3674 0.4189

ADF test T stat -2.6106 -2.4549 -2.3509

C value* -3.9669 -3.9669 -3.9669 Price II

P value 0.0013 0.0031 0.0057

PP test T stat -4.5762 -4.3859 -4.1465

C value* -3.9669 -3.9669 -3.9669

C value* -3.9669 -3.9669 -3.9669

P value 0.2903 0.3540 0.3607

PP test T stat -2.6106 -2.4819 -2.4684

C value* -3.9669 -3.9669 -3.9669

*C value is the critical value, the null hypotheses of unit root is accepted when the critical value is greater than the t statistic of the test at a given p value.


A general rule of thumb when using ANN for financial forecasting is to use ten years of historical data (for daily data) for training and one year for out-of-sample testing. This way we can avoid using redundant behaviour from old observations but at the same time have long enough data for training.


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)


Figure 1. Crude Oil Daily Spot Price (upper) and Crude Oil Daily Log Return (lower) The upper panel shows a plot of the crude oil daily nominal spot price covering the period from 1986 to 2010. The lower panel shows crude oil logarithmic returns for the same period. The vertical dotted line separates period (I) and period (II) in our analysis.

2.2. Testing for Non-linearity and Chaos For non-linearity three tests were applied, namely the BDS test, the FCS test and the time domain test for non-linearity. Testing non-linearity is the first step in our methodology as, if the data did not show evidence of non-linear behaviour, then a linear model would be a better approach. On the other hand if the data showed evidence of non-linear behaviour then a non-linear model would be superior in forecasting the series. As for the type of non-linearity we rely on two approaches: elimination process, in which we test for chaos and try to confirm or eliminate its presence, and secondly a fuzzy classification test proposed by Kaboudan (1999). 2.2.1. The BDS Test2 The Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman (BDS) test (Brock et al. 1996)3, is widely used in economic applications, and is based on the correlation integral. The correlation integral can be described as follows. Let  be a time series for   1,2,3, … , , then the correlation integral measures the number of pairs from  and a delayed version of the series  for j = 1, 2, 3, K n − m that have a distance less than the pre-specified number (Bowden 2003). In other words, it measures how often a temporal pattern appears in the data (Brock, et al. 1996): 1 (1) C (m, ε , n) = lim ∑ ζ (ε − X k − X j ), n →∞



k, j


The MATLAB code for BDS test used in this section was written by Ludwig Kanzler, and retrieved from:, December, 2009. 3 Originally published in: Brock, W. A ., W., D. Dechert, and J. A. Scheinkman (1987) A test for independence based on the correlation dimension, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of IIouston, and University of Chicago.


where ζ is the Heaviside function and takes the value of 1 or 0: ζ ( z ) = 1 if z > 0 and ζ ( z ) = 0 if z ≤ 0 In other words ζ will contribute to the sum in equation (1) only if     . The BDS test is given by equation (2) (Brocket al, 1996) specifically: W (m, ε , n) =

B( m, ε , n)



B( m, ε , n) = n [C ( m, ε , n) − C (1, ε , n) m ]. (3) Although the BDS statistic originally was a measure of independence, it is wieldy used in the economic literature as test of non-linearity after filtering the linear structure from the data, any remaining dependence is attributed to nonlinearity. The original subseries of crude oil prices and returns were filtered by fitting a linear model. The linear model and the number of lags were selected by the software. There are several different methods for selecting the distance ε and the embedding dimension m for the BDS test, (e.g., Wolff (1994; 1995) for selecting the value of ε). The most widely used approach in the econometrics literature, however, is to set the values of the correlation integral’s distance ε to be varied 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 of the data standard deviations, and m to be from 2 to 8. This is because when selecting ε, one should avoid extreme values (small or large), as the correlation integral (for a given embedding dimension m) will capture very few points when ε is too small and too many when ε is large (Steurer 1995). One advantage of using this approach is that results are more comparable to what was previously published. It is evident from the results of the BDS test (Table 2 and Table 3) that the data strongly reject the null hypothesis of iid for all crude oil prices and returns subseries as the BDS statistic W was significant for all embedding dimensions tested. Also it appears that the evidence of non-linearity was stronger for larger embedding dimensions, as the BDS statistic W increased with larger embedding dimensions, for price and returns alike. Moreover, to reduce the impact of oil shocks (1991 and 2008) on the results, the BDS test was applied to a sample of the return (III) from 1992-2007 which was a relatively calm period: the conclusion of non-linearity still holds as can be seen from Table 4. where

Table 2. The BDS Test For Crude Oil Price I and II The upper section of this table shows the results of the BDS test for crude oil price period I. The lower section shows the same test for crude oil price period II. m is the embedding dimension, ε is the distance, and W is the BDS statistic, SIG is the significance level at which we reject the null hypothesis of iid. The test is repeated four times each time with a different value of ε (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2), the embedding dimensions m is shown in the first column. Crude oil price I ε=0.5 ε=1 ε =1.5 ε =2 m W SIG W SIG W SIG W SIG 12.5104 0 14.09 0 14.75712 0 12.98588 0 2 23.64956 0 23.53 0 22.82329 0 19.7774 0 5 40.71834 0 33.85 0 28.61 0 22.58775 0 8 Crude oil price II ε =0.5 ε =1 ε =1.5 ε =2 m W SIG W SIG W SIG W SIG 16.90563 0 16.83 0 17.74887 0 24.22801 0 2 43.82379 0 32.85 0 27.37772 0 34.09951 0 5 115.9072 0 52.94 0 34.27498 0 38.15595 0 8


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

Table 3. The BDS Test for Crude Oil Log Return I and II The upper section of this table shows the results of the BDS test for crude oil return period I. The lower section shows the same test for crude oil return period II. m is the embedding dimension, ε is the distance, and W is the BDS statistic, SIG is the significance level at which we reject the null hypothesis of iid. The test is repeated four times each time with different value of ε (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2), the embedding dimensions m is shown in the first column. Return I ε =0.5 ε =1 ε =1.5 ε =2 m W SIG W SIG W SIG W SIG 63.28235 0 32.41485 0 28.294 0 24.21126 0 2 277.9648 0 63.43841 0 41.301 0 34.10912 0 5 1569.915 0 113.0694 0 51.747 0 38.16579 0 8 Return II ε =0.5 ε =1 ε =1.5 ε =2 m W SIG W SIG W SIG W SIG 69.901 0 30.065 0 21.751 0 19.484 0 2 370.17 0 80.356 0 37.184 0 30.265 0 5 2574.9 0 194.74 0 57.465 0 36.404 0 8

Table 4. The BDS Test for Crude Oil Return III (exclude oil shocks) This table shows the results of the BDS for crude oil III which excludes the oil shock. m is the embedding dimension, ε is the distance (in this table ε equals the series standard deviation) , and W is the BDS statistic, SIG is the significance level at which we reject the null hypothesis of iid. Return III W 16.08305 30.51802 47.82609

m 2 5 8

SIG 0 0 0

2.2.2. FCS Test The BDS test is considered as one of the best test for iid. Notwithstanding, it still has two drawbacks when used as a test for non-linearity: firstly, in order to argue that the residuals of a linear model are purely non-linear, it is assumed that the linear model fitted to the sample is the optimal one, otherwise the dependence captured by BDS could be due to linear or non-linear dynamics. Secondly, providing that the linear filter is optimal, the BDS test does not clarify what kind of non-linearity is inherent in the data, i.e., non-linear stochastic, chaos, white noise, or any other form. Hence, relying on the BDS alone could lead to a misleading conclusion. In an attempt to overcome the latter drawback of the BDS test, Kaboudan (1999) introduced another test of non-linearity, the Fuzzy Classification System (FCS), also based on the correlation integral. This test is based on calculating the value of θ introduced earlier in Kaboudan (1995), defined as M

θ = ( M − 1) −1 ∑

m =2

ln C y (m, ε1 , n) − ln C y (m, ε 2 , n) ln C s (m, ε1 , n) − ln Cs (m, ε 2 , n)


where y is the original series filtered by a linear model, s is a shuffled version of the series (a bootstrap method was used for the shuffle), m is the embedding dimension at each shuffle, ε represents the distance in the correlation integral equation, where, ε1 was set to be equal to the standard deviation of the original series, and ε2 equal to 0.75 of the data standard deviation. And since a bootstrap method was used for the shuffle, the author recommended the data to be shuffled at


least 1000 times. In this test the value θ represents a measure of the non-linearity in a time series after removing the linear structure from the series. According to Kaboudan (1999) the value of R2, from the fitted linear model, is a good indication of the extent of linear structure in the data, while the value of θ indicates the strength of the non-linear structure in the data. Hence, ten “implication rules4” were constructed, four to describe the degree of linearity based on the value of R2, and six to describe the degree of non-linearity based on the value of θ. Consequently, 42 membership functions were derived from these rules5. Finally, the linear and non-linear classifications were combined in a similar way to the min-max methodology, to obtain the final decision about the series degree of linearity/non-linearity, i.e., the class (Kaboudan, 1999). We applied the FCS test to linearly filtered data. The FCS requires the value m and the number of shuffles to be set by the user. Kaboudan (1999) recommended that the embedding dimension to be set from m=2 to 10, and at least 1000 shuffles for best results. According to the FCS test (Table 5) the crude oil price series has linear components and a non-linear component with high level of noise. These results come in line with the fact that prices series usually contain linear trends, which explains the large value of R2. On the other hand the results of the FSC on the returns show that the return series are non-linear with high noise (stochastic) for return (all), and return I, whereas return II is classified by the test as white noise. If the return II series is indeed white noise then it cannot be forecast. However, the value of θ presented in Table 5 needs to be interpreted with care. This is because θ in equation (4) is an average of the correlation integral for embedding dimensions from 2 to m at each shuffle from 1-1000, and then the final 1000 values of θ (for each shuffle) are averaged again. Equally important is that there is not much difference between non-linear with high noise and white noise. Moreover, Table 5 also shows the results of the FCS test for both smoothed return II (with three days simple moving average), and filtered return II (with a wavelet filter). The classification changed to a non-linear deterministic with a strongly linear component in the case of smoothed return II, and with a weakly linear component in the case of a wavelet filter. This result highlights the significant effect of the noise on the series when trying to formulate forecasting model. In order to make comprehensive analysis of crude oil returns, the returns data were divided into twelve subseries using a sliding window approach6. The aim was to uncover the development of the crude oil returns series over time, and also if the behaviour of this commodity has changed in the past 10 years. 4

The FCS test’s rules and classes are (Kaboudan, 1999, p.4): Rule no If Then 1 R2 is high The process is SL (strongly linear) 2 R2 is average The process is FL (fairly linear) 3 R2 is low The process is WL (weakly linear) 2 4 R is very low The process is NotL (not linear) 5 θ is very low The process is NL (non-linear) 6 θ is low The process is CHT (chaotic) 7 θ is average The process is NL-LN (non-linear-low noise) 8 θ is above average The process is NL-MN (non-linear-mid noise) 9 θ is high The process is NL-HN(non-linear-high noise) 10 θ is very high The process is WN (white noise) 5

For full description of these membership functions see: Kaboudan, (1999) p. 4-5. We start with the first ten years of the sample, i.e., return I, and each time we slide one year head until we cover the rest of the series.



Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

Table 5. The FCS Test of Crude Oil Price and Return This table shows the results of the FCS test for the crude oil price and return. The first column shows the name of the tested time series; the second column shows the linear filter applied to the series, followed by the value of R squared, the value of θ and the final column shows the system classification of the series.

Data set Oil price (all) Oil price I Oil price II Oil return (all) Oil return I Oil return II 3-MA return II* Wavelet return II**

Fitted ARIMA Simple ARIMA(3,1,3) Simple ARIMA(0,0,5) ARIMA(3,0,3) ARIMA(2,0,0) ARIMA (2,0,6) ARIMA (3, 0, 3)

R2 0.99 0.90 0.90 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.77 0.018

θ 0.96 0.94 0.87 0.96 0.93 0.99 0.00 0.29


SL: strongly linear; NL: non-linear; HN: high noise; WN: white noise. * is smoothed return II with a simple three days moving average. ** is filtered return II using a wavelet filter.

As can be seen from Table 6, on average the value of θ was generally large. Figure 2 presents a 3-D plot of the value of θ at each shuffle for each window. It is clear from Figure 2 that the value of θ increased over time, which is consistent with the major changes and events in the market, e.g., OPEC’s policy changes, the substantial demand increase of oil from the Asian countries (especially China and India) and the global economic crisis, amongst other. In summary, according to the FCS test: (i) the dynamics of crude oil returns are generally non-linear stochastic, which could be attributed to the high level of noise; (ii) these dynamics have not changed significantly in the last twenty years; and (iii) the level of noise in crude oil returns has increased noticeably in the past few years. Table 6. The FCS Test Over Time This table shows the results of the FCS test for each window of crude oil return. The first column shows the name of the tested time series; the second column shows the linear filter applied to the series, followed by the value of R squared, the value of θ and the final column shows the system classification of the series.

Data set Return win 1 Return win 2 Return win 3 Return win 4 Return win 5 Return win 6 Return win 7 Return win 8 Return win 9 Return win 10 Return win 11 Return win 12

Fitted ARIMA (3, 0, 3) (0, 0, 3) (0, 0, 3) (0, 0, 3) (0, 0, 3) (0, 0, 6) Simple (0 , 0, 0) (0, 0, 6) (0, 0, 6) Simple (2, 0, 0)




0.016 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.015 0.007 0.01 -4.933E-17 0.02 0.04 .000 0.002

0.94 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.99 0.99


SL: strongly linear; NL: non-linear; WL: weakly linear; HN: high noise; MN: medium noise; WN: white noise. Return win 1 covers the same period as return I. Return win 12 covers the same period as return II.


Figure 2. A 3D Plot of The Value of θ at Each Shuffle for Each Time Window* This figure shows a smoothed 3D plot of the value of θ for each return’s window shown in Table 6. The x axis represents the time window, the y axis is the shuffle number, and the z axis is the value of θ at each shuffle7.

2.2.3. The Time Domain Test for Non-linearity

Thus far, both tests for non-linearity (the BDS and the FCS) in our analysis were based on the correlation integral. To acquire more confidence in our results at this point, another test proposed by Barnett and Wolff (2005) is applied, based on high order spectral analysis, namely the third order moment. Let ,  be the third moment of a time series    (r and s are integers): ,    ,  , ! . (5) The Barnett and Wolff (2005) test starts with estimating the asymptotically unbiased the third-order moment of the series as8: 


̂ ,   # ∑|(|  ,  , ! ,


where )  max 0, ,  and M represents the truncation values, and takes any value between 1 and n. Then the estimated third-order moment in equation (6) is compared to a group of limits obtained from linear stationary phase scrambled bootstrap data. This way large differences between the observed third moment and the calculated one are considered as a sign of non-linearity or non-stationary in the series, as this indicates higher-order interactions in the original series (Barnett and


For visual clarity the original data was smoothed by the Kernel function:


/01 21



According to Barnett and Wolff (2005) because the third order is symmetrical, equation (6) needs only to be solved within the boundaries of 0 3    3 4, excluding the value at 0,0, as such, the authors defined ;;  be the Jacobian matrix of f, and :F  DF DF% , … , D  E> F , G  1, 2, …, Lyapunov exponents λ are estimated as 

(7) H   limFK∞ F ln|M G, | ,   1,2, … , B N where M G,  represents the  largest eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix D . Table 8 shows the estimation of the largest Lyapunov exponents for each of the embedding dimensions included in this analysis. As can be seen the largest λ was positive for all embedding dimension we tested. The direct interpretation of the Lyapunov Exponent results in the second column of Table 8 is that the crude oil spot return series is non-linear deterministic of low dimensions dynamics, i.e., chaos is governing crude oil returns. However, the lower limit of the 99% confidence level is not significantly different from zero. 9 For more details about this test please see Barnett, A. and R. Wolff (2005). "A time-domain test for some types of nonlinearity." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(1): 26-33.. 10 The MATLAB code of this test was writing by A. Barnett, and retrieved from, 15 August 2010. 11 The MATLAB code of LE we used writing by Mohammadi, S. (2009) and retrieved from: , 30 September 2010.


Therefore, to avoid misleading conclusions, the effect of the noise in the data on the LE results can not be ignored, and can explain the positive values of λ, as Abhyanker, Copeland and Wong (1997) pointed out. Table 8 also shows (lower section) the results if the LE test for the smoothed oil return series with three days moving average. It is evident that smoothing the series generates higher λ in general, nevertheless, the lower limit of the 99% confidence level is still not significantly different from zero12. Hence, we cautiously conclude that, providing noise control measures are applied, the dynamics of crude oil returns series are non-linear deterministic, possibly chaotic. This conclusion contradicts the findings of Moshiri and Foroutan (2006) in which they found no evidence of chaos in crude oil futures price13. In summary, the BDS statistic indicates the existence of non-linear behaviour in all crude oil prices and returns subseries which we tested. This was confirmed by the time domain test. On the other hand the FCS test suggests that the dynamics of crude oil series are non-linear stochastic. However, when the data are smoothed with a three days moving average the classification became strong linear component and non-linear deterministic component. Furthermore, when a wavelet filter was applied on the return II, the FCS classification became non-linear deterministic. Finally, the Lyapunov exponents for crude oil returns (and smoothed returns) highlights the possibility of low dimensional deterministic dynamics, i.e., chaos. Table 8. Lyapunov Exponent for crude oil returns all The confidence level was established using bootstrap approach: after estimating the LE based on 1000 time bootstrap The test’s bias was established based on the Jackknife approach.


Lyapunov Exponent

m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 3MA return m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6

λ 0.0924 0.1951 3.48E-19 0.0204 0.0318 9.74E-20 Lyapunov Exponent λ1 0.07 0.3405 0.1101 0.0766 0.1353 2.82E-19

99% Confidence level 1000 times bootstrap Highest Lowest 1.45E-18 0 0.063865 -2.20E-20 0.078794 -1.10E-19 0.176158 0.021725 1.875162 -1.30E-18 0.648368 -0.0502 99% Confidence level 1000 time bootstrap Highest Lowest 1.32E-18 0 0.062429 -3.10E-20 0.046871 -8.40E-20 0.127102 -1.40E-19 2.08148 -9.30E-19 0.594717 -0.03211


Test’s bias (Jackknife) 572.391 1086.21 -38.8648 100.06 -336.658 -737.621 Test’s bias (Jackknife) -4.34E+02 -2.11E+03 -4.41E+02 1.80E+02 -5.20E+02 2.14E+03

The same conclusion can be made for the 95% confidence level for both smoothed and unsmoothed return series. Only at 90% confidence level the lower limit was significantly different from zero. 13 It is important to note that Moshiri and Foroutan (2006) were testing LE using raw price of crude oil futures contracts and not the spot return. Also, the LE in their study was also positive but close to zero.


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

3. FORECASTING To put the results thus far into perspective, in this section we compare the forecasting performance of three models, ARIMA(p,d,q), GARCH/EGARCH(p,q) and ANN. We mainly concentrate on modelling with ANN, as it is non-linear, nonparametric and flexible model. A- ARIMA models Based on the non-linearity tests in the previous section, fitting a linear model such as ARIMA is unlikely to be adequate for crude oil series. Table 9 shows the ARIMA parameters fitted for crude oil series. Table 10 presents the performances metrics of the ARIMA (or the exponential smoothing) for each series. It is evident that linear models did not provided good fit. In the case of the price the R2 was significant, but in closer look the model merely fitted a random walk. As for the returns the R2 was insignificant. Therefore, we did not proceed to forecasting out-of-sample. Table 9. ARIMA parameters for crude oil spot price and return This table presents the parameter of the linear model fitted for each time series. The Simple model is an exponential smoothing model. SE is the Standard Error of estimate.

Model Oil spot price Oil spot price I

Simple ARIMA(3,1,3)

Oil spot price II Simple ARIMA(0,0,5) Oil return

Oil return I


Oil return II



Lag 1 Lag 3 MA Lag 1 Lag 3

MA Lag 2 Lag 3 Lag 5 AR Lag 1 Lag 3 MA Lag 1 Lag 3 AR Lag 2

Estimate 0.944 -0.541 0.272 -0.551 0.358 0.938 0.043 0.034 0.051 -0.541 0.272 -0.551 0.358 -0.045

SE 0.013 0.111 0.107 0.105 0.1 0.018 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.111 0.107 0.105 0.1 0.018

t 74.384 -4.867 2.548 -5.246 3.571 52.275 3.385 2.7 3.994 -4.867 2.548 -5.246 3.571 -2.51

Sig. 0 0 0.011 0 0 0 0.001 0.007 0 0 0.011 0 0 0.012

Table 10. The performances metrics for the linear models for each series This table presents the performance measure of the linear model. The first column shows the name of the time series.

Model Oil spot price Oil spot price I Oil spot price II Oil return Oil return I Oil return II

Stationary R2 0.003 0.011 0.003 0.005 0.011 0.002





0.998 0.978 0.997 0.005 0.011 0.002

1.041 0.541 1.368 0.026 0.025 0.027

1.78 1.638 1.924 105.722 106.262 102.796

0.591 0.322 0.86 0.018 0.016 0.019


B- GARCH type model For crude oil return I (1986-1998) GARCH(1,1) was found to be appropriate in explaining the volatility in this series14. On the other hand, for return II (19982010) none of the GARCH types models tested in this paper were able to explain the volatility in this period, which was characterised by significant movements in the price level (Figure 1); and it is well known that GARCH models are generally not able to model efficiently under this conditions. Table 11 shows the parameters of the EGARCH(2,2), as an example of several models tested for return II, as can be seen that the ARCH test and Ljung-Box-Pierce Q-test could not reject the null hypotheses that there is no serial correlation in the fitted model normalised residuals at 5% significant level. Table 11. EGARCH(2,2) model parameters for return II This table presents the parameters of the EGARCH(2,2) fitted to return II. The first column C is the constant in the mean equation while K is the constant of the variance equation. Both the ARCH test and the Ljung-Box-Pierce Q-test could not reject the null hypotheses as there is no serial correlation in the normalised residuals of the fitted model at 5% significance level.

Parameter C AR(1) AR(2) MA(1) K GARCH(1) GARCH(2) ARCH(1) ARCH(2) Leverage(1) Leverage(2) DoF Ljung-BoxPierce Q-test 5 lags 10 lags 20 lags ARCH test 5 lags 10 lags 20 lags

Value 0.00211 -0.90477 -0.02402 0.86696 -0.19392 -0.01014 0.9842 0.079318 0.091389 -0.05261 -0.0399 6.1778 P-value

Standard Error 0.000788 0.23544 0.024104 0.23457 0.056157 0.005718 0.005644 0.015262 0.015319 0.010952 0.011048 0.61763 Test Statistic

T Statistic 2.6784 -3.8429 -0.9963 3.6959 -3.4531 -1.7725 174.3848 5.197 5.9657 -4.804 -3.6119 10.0023 Critical value

0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 P-value 0.0002 0.001 0.0012

35.2661 40.9236 47.1045 Test Statistic 33.9247 37.6072 44.6485

18.307 24.9958 31.4104 Critical value 18.307 24.9958 31.4104

C- ANN Soft-computing models, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Fuzzy Logic, gained huge momentum in the forecasting community as they have useful characteristics, in domains where exact (analytical) solutions are not possible or very hard to obtain. ANN were designed in an attempt to imitate the human brain functionality: the fundamental idea of 14

For brevity the model parameters were not presented.


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

ANN is to learn the desirable behaviour from the data with no a priori assumptions (Refenes 1995). From an econometrics view, ANN falls in the non-linear, non-parametric, and multivariate group of models (Grothmann 2002). This makes it a suitable approach to model non-linear relationship in high dimensional space. Hence, ANN, theoretically speaking, are amongst the candidates to model complex economic system, such as financial /economical time series (Grothmann 2002). A feedforward network with a hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function and one hidden layer is given by, y = ∑ vi tanh(∑ w j ,i xi − b j ), (8) j i

where O is the network output, = is the network input, P is the input weight Q, is the hidden weights and b is the networks bias. Training a neural network in the backpropagation paradigm involves continuous change to the values of the network parameters (weights and biases) in the direction that reduces the error between the input and the target, based on some cost function (usually mean squared error), until one of stopping criteria is met. When feedforward networks are used for time series forecasting, the problem is transformed into pattern recognition one. Therefore, a key issue when using feedforward networks is the representation of the problem. This issue was often overlooked in the econometrics literatures that employed ANN. In most of the time using the lagged return solely as an input to the network could lead to a poor fit. Networks complexity, i.e., the number of hidden neurons as, is also very important issue when modelling with neural networks, as too many hidden neurons will result in over fitting and too few could result in under fitting. The goal is to use the least number of neurons which generate the best results for out-of-sample. In this paper we used a simple approach proposed by Tan (2001) is to start with a very small numbers of neurons and training and testing the networks to a fixed number of iterations. The hidden neurons increased gradually until the appropriate15 number of neurons is found. As such, we use fully a connected feedforward network with two hidden layers, 25, 8 hidden neurons in each hidden layer respectively. The non-linear activation function in each layer is the hyperbolic tangent, and a linear function in the output layer. All networks were trained by Levenberg Marquardt algorithm16. Moreover, since ANN is a non-parametric and general function approximate model, each experiment was repeated 10 times (and some experiments for 1000 times), to insure consistency in the findings. Table 12 shows the out-of-sample results17 as can be seen from Table 12 the benchmark which was based on 13 lags of crude return alone generated a very

15 We define the appropriate number of neurons: the number of neurons that generate the best generalisation on the out-of-sample set, based on the performance metrics used in this study (please see footnote 15 for details about the performance metrics). 16 Other specifications: the learning rate was set to 0.3, and early stopping was used to prevent over fitting. 17 The metrics used to assess the network performance are: the hit rate (HR), RMSE, MAE, SSE and R2 the information Coefficient (A) and Pesaran-Timmerman test (B):

(A) Information coefficient (IC)


∑ ( yˆ IC =

t =1


∑(y t =1



− yt − yt −

where: y is the predicted value, and x ,is the actual value. This ratio provides an indication of the prediction compared to the trivial predictor based on the random walk where IC ≥ 1 indicates poor prediction, and IC < 1 means the prediction is better than the random walk (Refenes, 1995).


poor forecast for one step ahead. This is consistent with the FCS test’s results in Section 2. On the other hand, the second column in Table 12 shows the results of the input denoted as square, which represents 13 lags of the return and 13 lags of the squared return. Adding the squared return to the input set, effectively, changes the structure of feedforward network to combine the global mapping capability of feedforward with the local capability of radial basis function (RBF). This was originally proved by Flake (1998). Following this further, feedforward reach a solution by changing the value of its parameters in a way they respond to the change in the input-output as a whole i.e., global response. In contrast, radial basis network is a local model as it respond to a change within small areas in the input space (Flake 1998). In mathematical terms, equation (9) now represents the model output, which replaces equation (8), (Flake 1998, p. 147, 158; Grothmann 2002, p. 54):

  y = ∑ v j tanh  ∑ w ji xi + s ji xi2 − b  j  i 


Not surprising by the results obtained using this method were better than the benchmark. The rest of Table 12 shows the results obtained after filtering the input (only) the using wavelet filter in Wav1, filtering the input and the target using the same filter in Wav2, and smoothing the return series using three days moving average in 3 MA. All three methods yielded better out-of-sample forecast which is consistent with the results of the FCS test of high level of noise. It is important to acknowledge that smoothing the data change its characteristics, hence a more simple forecasting model could be sufficient. Table 13 shows the out-of-sample results of three, and five days moving average return using ANN and random walk (RW). In terms of the hit rate, ANN clearly preformed better than RW. Data transformation (not only filtering) is also another important issue that could help in harnessing the capabilities ANN. Transformation will aid the learning process by emphasising certain structure in the data during the learning process. For example, in addition to the logarithmic return, the turning point of the series was used as additional input, alternatively, if the series is mean reverting then this (B) PesaranTimmerman test (as appeared in McNelis, 2005, p. 100)

yˆ n+ j , j = 1,K, n

I j = 1 if yˆ m + j . y m + j > 0, and 0 otherwise HR =

1 n ∑ I j which is the hit rate n t =1

I true = 1 if y m + j > 0 , and 0 otherwise, I jpred = 1 if yˆ m+ j > 0 , and 0 otherwise j 1 m true ˆ 1 m pred ∑ I j , P = n ∑ j=1 I j n j =1 HRI = P.Pˆ + (1 − P).(1 − Pˆ )


1 var( HRI ) = [ ( 2 Pˆ − 1) 2 P (1 − P ) + ( 2 P − 1) 2 Pˆ (1 − Pˆ ) + n 4 ˆ P . P (1 − P )(1 − Pˆ )] n a HR − HRI DA = ~ N (0,1) var(HR − var(HRI )

under the null hypothesis the sings of the predicted values and the sing of the actual are independent.


Forecasting Crude Oil Price (Revisited)

structure could be also used18 (Neuneier and Zimmermann 1998). The results presented in Table 14 show minor improvement when the mean reverting transformation was used, although the DA statistic was not significant enough to reject the null hypothesis. Finally, Table 15 shows the out-of-sample hit rate along with the confidence level for 19 to 25 steps ahead of 5 MA return. Surprisingly, our results showed that the hit rate was significant for the first 4 steps, then insignificant until the 19 steps ahead. From step 19 to 25 (our analysis were limited to 26 steps) the hit rate was significant, as can be seen in Table 15 the mean hit rate over 1000 test were between 56% and 54%. While the hit rate range for each steps were always above the 50% mark as Figure 3 illustrates. Table 12. Out-of-sample results for ANN fitted to return II for different transformation. The first column shows the metric name, the second column is the performance of the benchmark i.e., unfiltered crude oil log return, while the rest of the table shows the performance of the network trained with different transformation of the crude oil returns series.

Out-of-sample Hit rate (%) RMSE R2 IC MSE MAE SSE DA P-value***

Benchmark 48.82 0.0356 0.0182 0.7529 0.0013 0.0253 0.3756 -0.4304 0.6665

Squared 55.12605 0.032827 0.004447 0.965628 0.001164 0.02222 0.27694 1.51874 0.091106

Wav1* 61.99 0.0337 0.0293 0.7554 0.0011 0.0233 0.3208 4.011 0.0008

Wav2** 74.97 0.0196 0.0837 0.9693 0.0004 0.0114 0.1127 8.4024 0

3 MA 79.67 0.0131 0.6219 0.806 0.0002 0.0093 0.0829 13.45 0

*The 95% confidence level for the hit rate over 1000 trails was 58-62%, the mean hit rate was 61 %. **The 95% confidence level for the hit rate over 1000 trails was 68-73%, the mean hit rate was 71%. ***P-value is for the DA test only (please see footnote 11-B).

Table 13 Comparing moving average ANN to random walk This table shows the performance of the one day ahead forecast for ANN and random walk models. Both models are trained with filtered crude oil return II with a 3 days simple moving average and 5 days simple moving average.

Metric Hit rate RMSE R2

3 days MA ANN RW 79.67 72.40265 0.0131 0.012578 0.6219 0.408819

5 days MA ANN RW 83.52 80.97166 0.0066 0.011199 0.7302 0.611197

The 95% confidence level for hit rate 3MA was 78.5-80 and the mean over 1000 trails was 79.5%; for 5MA 95% confidence level was 5 82.5-83 96% and mean hit rate over 1000 trail was 83%


According to Neuneier and Zimmermann(1998): R %