Foreign Language II - ISLB

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Weiß B., 2010. Deutsch im Hotel - Gespräche Fuhren: Gespräche Fuhren / Korrespondenz. Max Hueber. Verlag. 2. Dreyer, Schmidt. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der ...
1. Subject title in Lithuanian and English 2. Subject code 3. Application 4. Subject cluster and specialisation 5. Volume in credits and hours 6. Method of assessment 7. Short subject description

Table 1 Specialybės užsienio kalba II (anglų, vokiečių, ispanų, rusų)/ Professional Foreign Language 2 (English, German, Spanish, Russian) 468 Compulsory Study area subject 10 credits; 270 hours Exam Foreign language studies offered to students of Tourism and Hotel Business are designed to teach them to communicate using a foreign language in a professional activity, to use special professional terms in a foreign language, to familiarise with cultural differences and their role in international communication and to apply them in a professional activity.

8. Indicative contents Table 2 Main topics Tutorials Advertising in tourism. Catalogues, brochures. Language of the brochures. Vocabulary. Catalogues. TV and internet advertising of tourism. Excursions. Excursions. Types of excursions. Destinations. Guides. Exhibitions. Transportations. Ways of travelling. Travelling by plane. Giving directions. Renting a car. Catering. Places to eat. Describing a dish. Taking orders. Giving recommendations. Customs and Traditions. Cultural variety. Customs and traditions. State holiday. Entertainment. Cultural variety. Cultural differences. Special offers. Special travel offers. Special offers. Likes/dislikes. Agreeing/disagreeing. 9. Total hours of student’s work

Student’s work Lectures Tutorials Independent work Total:

Full-time studies 98 172 270

Table 3 Part-time studies 64 206 135

10. Individual student’s assignments and allocated time Table 5 Assignments Studying of resources Presentation Preparation for a written test Preparation for a credit/exam Total:

Independent work hours allocated for full-time studies 70 32 40 30 172

Independent work hours allocated for part-time studies 80 32 64 30 206

11. Assessment of subject learning outcomes  Subject learning outcomes are assessed by means of intermediary tests using the methods of assessment.  Separate parts of a cumulative assessment shall be used to assess the achievement of different subject learning outcomes.  A final mark shall be made of marks obtained from intermediary tests and an examination mark: Intermediary assessment – 40 %.; Exam assessment – 60 %.; 12. Correlation of programme learning outcomes with subject learning outcomes, methods of studies, and methods of assessment Table 5 Programme learning Subject learning outcomes Methods of studies Methods of assessment outcomes 4.2. To understand the Be able to communicate Explanation Written test concepts of tourism with foreign partners using a Group work Presentation professional foreign Independent work Exam language. Discussions Case study Demonstration 6.1. To understand and Be able to communicate in Independent work Written test foster personal identity business language with Explanation Presentation and to appreciate the foreign partners. Case study Exam importance of Be able to organise Group work multicultural diversity in international professional Use of students’ the professional field activity in a foreign personal experience language. 6.3. To communicate and Be able to collect, analyse Explanation Written test cooperate effectively in a and apply the most relevant Group work Presentation multicultural professional information in Independent work Exam environment a foreign language. Discussions Be able to manage change Case study Demonstration in a professional area. 7.3. To follow generally Know and apply ways of Independent work Written test accepted principles and sustainable and effective Explanation Presentation professional and ethical business communication. Case study Exam


Be able to conduct effective Group work negotiations with Use of students’ international business personal experience partners.

13. Main references: Spanish 1. Lobato Sánchez J., 2006. Fernández Nives G. Español. 2. Lobato Sánchez J., 2006. Fernández Nives G. Nuevo Español. Moodle. E-vadovėlis. Ispanų kalba 2. Russian 1. Puzaitė M., Шаг за шагом 1/2/3/4 (gramatikos sąsiuvinis, vadovėlis, pratybų sąsiuvinis). [Step by step] 2011. Pesvika 2. Moodle E-vadovėlis. Specialybės rusų kalbą 2. [Professional Russian Language] German 1. Aufderstraße H., Bock H. u.a., 2013. Themen aktuell 1. HueberVerlag. 2. Aufderstraße H., Bock H. u.a., 2013. Themen aktuell 2. HueberVerlag. 3. Cohen U., 2012. Herzlich willkommen : Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus : Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Langenscheidt. 4. Niebisch D. u.a., Schritte 2010. Schritte international 1/2. 5. Moodle E-vadovėlis. Specialybės užsienio kalba 2. 14. Additional references: Spanish 1. Petrauskas V. 2004. Ispanų-lietuvių, lietuvių-ispanų kalbų žodynas - Diccionario español-lituano, lituanoespañol. 2. Petrauskas V. 2006. Lietuviški-ispaniški pasikalbėjimai - Guía de conversación lituano-español. Russian 1. 2. German 1. Weiß B., 2010. Deutsch im Hotel - Gespräche Fuhren: Gespräche Fuhren / Korrespondenz. Max Hueber Verlag. 2. Dreyer, Schmidt. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Verlag für Deutsch. 2002 3.

Table 1 1. Subject title in Lithuanian and English 2. Subject code 3. Application 4. Subject cluster and specialisation 5. Volume in credits and hours 6. Method of assessment 7. Short subject description

Specialybės užsienio kalba I (anglų, vokiečių, prancūzų) / Professional Foreign Language 1 (English, German, French) 467 Compulsory Study area subject 15 credits; 405 hours Exam Foreign language studies offered to students of Tourism and Hotel Business are designed to teach them to communicate using a foreign language in a professional activity, to use special professional terms in a foreign language, to familiarise with cultural differences and their role in international communication and to apply them in a professional activity.

8. Indicative contents Table 2 Main topics Tutorials Hospitality industry. Tourism. Definition of tourism. Types of tourism. Concept of hospitality. Lodging. Types of lodging. Career in hospitality industry. Professions and jobs in tourism industry. Writing a CV and a cover letter. Preparation for a job interview. Grammatical forms of politeness in a foreign language. Formal writing style. Travel goals Means of travelling (transport). Types of travels. Preparation of presentations. Hotels Hotels. Categories of hotels. Types of rooms. Boarding types. Hotel services. Room amenities. Work with guests Work with guests. Personal characteristics of employees working in the service sector. Peculiarities of work with people. Solving of disputes/problems/conflicts. Social skills. 9. Total hours of student’s work Student’s work Lectures Tutorials Independent work Total:

Full-time studies 144 361 405

Table 3 Part-time studies 72 333 405

10. Individual student’s assignments and allocated time Assignments

Independent work hours allocated for full-time

Table 5 Independent work hours allocated for part-time studies

Study of resources Presentation Test Preparation for Moodle tests Preparation for a credit or an exam Total:

studies 180 60 61 60 361

100 23 50 100 60 333

11. Assessment of subject learning outcomes  Subject learning outcomes are assessed by means of intermediary tests using the methods of assessment.  Separate parts of a cumulative assessment shall be used to assess the achievement of different subject learning outcomes.  A final mark shall be made of marks obtained from intermediary tests and an examination mark: Intermediary assessment – 40 %.; Exam assessment – 60 %.; 12. Correlation of programme learning outcomes with subject learning outcomes, methods of studies, and methods of assessment Table 5 Programme learning Subject learning outcomes Methods of studies Methods of assessment outcomes 4.2. To understand the To understand and use Explanation Written test concepts of tourism special tourism sector terms Group work Presentation in a foreign language. Discussions (presentation) Case study Exam Demonstration 6.1. To understand and Be able to communicate Independent work Written test foster personal identity with foreign partners using a Explanation Presentation and to appreciate the professional foreign Group work (presentation) importance of language. Discussions Exam multicultural diversity in Be able to organise Case study the professional field international professional Demonstration activity in a foreign language. 6.3. To communicate and Be able to collect, analyse Explanation Written test cooperate effectively in a and apply the most relevant Group work Presentation multicultural professional information in Discussions (presentation) environment a foreign language. Case study Exam Be able to manage change Demonstration in a professional area. 7.3. To follow generally To know and apply ways of Independent work Written test accepted principles and sustainable and effective Explanation Presentation professional and ethical business communication. Case study (presentation) norms Group work Exam To be able to conduct Use of students’ effective negotiations with personal experience international business partners. 13. Main references: English: 1. Strutt, P. 2010. English for International Tourism. Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. 2. Strutt, P. 2003. English for International Tourism. Intermediate Workbook. Logman.

3. Collin, P., 2000. Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism. Bloomsbury. 4. Moodle. E-vadovėlis. [e-resource]. Specialybės užsienio kalba [Professional Foreign Language] French: 1. Methode de francais 1 PANORAMA de la langue francaise – J.Girardet, J.-M. Cridlig, 2010. 2. Methode de francais 1 PANORAMA de la langue francaise - J.Girardet, J.-M. Cridlig, 2010. Cahier d’exercices. 3. Communication progresssive du francais – C.Miquel, 2011. German: 1. Ambrosini S., Cerri L., 2010. Treffpunkt UNTERKÜNFTE. Modern Languages. 2. Ambrosini S., Cerri L., 2010. Treffpunkt TOURISMUS. Modern Languages. 3. Hering A., Matussek M., 2013 Geschäftskommunikation – besser schreiben. Hueber. 14. Additional references: English 1. Runcie, M. 2002. Oxford Collocations. Oxford: OUP 2. Crowther, J. 2000. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford: OUP 3. Fowler, H. W. 1994. Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Ware: Wordsworth Reference. 4. Hornby, A. S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: OUP 5. Biber, D., Conrad, S., Leech, G. 2002. Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. French 1. Café 4, CRÈME methode de francais – E.Massacret, P.Mothe, S.Pons, 1999. 2. Grammaire progressive du francais – M.Boulares, J.- L. Frerot, 1997. 3. Communication progresssive du francais – C.Miquel, 2003. German 1. Weiß B., 2010. Deutsch im Hotel - Gespräche Fuhren: Gespräche Fuhren / Korrespondenz. Max Hueber Verlag. 2. Dreyer, Schmidt. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Verlag für Deutsch. 2002 3. 4.