Noel et busca. (Noel Is Looking for You). Enric wakes up in hospital. He doesn't
remember anything. The police are watching him and he doesn't know who to.
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children’s / young adult fiction
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Carles Batlle Bono Bidari Àngel Burgas David Cirici Jordi Cortés
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Daniel Hernández Chambers 10 Salvador Macip 11 Peter Van Olmen 13 Maria Carme Roca 14 Elisenda Roca 16 List of Authors 17
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency
contact us Carlota Torrents Catalan rights Children’s / young adult rights
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Carles Batlle
Carles Batlle (Barcelona) is a playwright. Among his plays, particular mention should be made of Temptació, premiered in 2004 at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and at the Vienna Burgtheater, also staged in France, Germany, Italy and Turkey (the play has been translated into about ten languages); He is the theatre review Pausa’s chief editor. He has been director of the “Obrador” of the Sala Beckett between 2003 and 2009. He has also been one of the patrons of the “New Plays From Europe Festival” (Wiesbaden, Germany). He has received many awards. He’s last work, Zoom, is just opened in Sala Beckett. Karvadan. The legend of the impostor is his first novel.
Kàrvadan. La llegenda de l’impostor (Kàrvadan. The Legend of the Impostor) This chronicle relates a story set in a primitive world, one supposedly deep in the remote mountains of Carr-Mor. It is a story of rites of passage, of discovering the world and the ego with all the possible ingredients of this genre: exploring wild places, power struggles, great cities, fantastic animals, time travel, battles, and of course, love stories. However, unlike other “memories” or epic fantasy “stories”, the plot of Kàrvadan has an additional attraction: intrigue. A plot that constantly proposes mysteries and seemingly inexplicable and irresolvable puzzles.
Second part coming soon!
Catalan – La Galera, 2012 S pain – La Galera, 2012 573 pages Crossover Fantasy
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Bono Bidari
Bono Bidari is the pseudonym of the team made up of Jaume Copons, Daniel Cerdà, Ramon Cabrera (all well-known prize-winning authors of children’s and young adults books and scripts such as the major TV hit “Los Lunnis”) and the illustrator Oscar Julve (winner of a host of prizes for his children’s albums).
La companyia de Balta i el regne del Caucas (Balta’s Club and the Caucas Empire)
La companyia de Balta i els Aladelts (Balta’s Club and the Aladelts) Balta is the star of the computer game “The Company of Balta”. His aim is to recover the pieces of a magical sword that will allow him to restore peace and order to the endangered Kingdom of Caucas. By a strange fate, three classmates –Bic, Dani and Lisa– find themselves within the computer game part of the Company of Balta helping Balta. Catalan – Cruïlla, 2012 Spain – SM, 2012 +8 years 150 pages
Catalan – Cruïlla, 2012 S pain – SM, 2012 Young readers +8 years 150 pages
dimension of life, far beyond the real life they normally have in school and at home. They will meet Balta and get surprise by the evil and the good. On the second instalment, Bic, Dani and Lisa, will enter again to the Kingdom of Caucas already conscious that they enter to a fictional world as real as theirs and far more exciting!
In the first instalment of the story Bic, Dani and Lisa will discover the other
2 games on-line
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
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Bono Bidari
SERIE ELVIS RIBOLDI Elvis Riboldi is a new collection combining the comic and the novel, in the style of Diary of a Wimpy Kid but at the same time being quite different from it. Elvis is a blabbermouth and for some he’s a right little devil, something that causes both disasters and side-splitting guffaws among his readers. The mix of illustrations and text and his crazy adventures make it attractive for adults readers too
El final del verano
I, Elvis Riboldi You Emma Foster The Musical! Catalan – La Galera, 2013 Spain – La Galera, 2013 French – Hachette, 2014
I, Elvis Riboldi and the Wrong Culprit Catalan – La Galera, 2013 S pain – La Galera, 2013
I, Elvis Riboldi and Murphy the Alien Catalan – La Galera, 2013 S pain – La Galera, 2013
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Bono Bidari
other titles of the serie… Bono Bidari
I, Elvis Riboldi Catalan – La Galera, 2012 S panish – La Galera, 2012 F rench – Hachette, 2013-2014 Czech– Mladá Fronta, 2013
I, Elvis Riboldi and the Chinese Restaurant Catalan – La Galera, 2012 Spanish – La Galera, 2012 French – Hachette, 2013-2014
20.000 copies sold!
20.000 copies sold!
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
I, Elvis Riboldi and Boris de Genius Catalan – La Galera, 2011 Spanish – La Galera, 2012 French – Hachette, 2013-2014
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Àngel Burgas
Àngel Burgas (Figueres 1965) has written both for young readers and adults. He has won some of the top awards for his youth books making him one of the most respected writers of our time.
Noel et busca
other titles…
(Noel Is Looking for You) Enric wakes up in hospital. He doesn’t remember anything. The police are watching him and he doesn’t know who to trust. The only choice he has is to discover his past through the unrelated memories assaulting him. But sometimes not knowing is a form of protection and forgetting everything is the only way out. He is only certain of one thing: someone is looking for him. And he doesn’t know if it would be better if they found him or not. Catalan – La Galera, 2012 215 pages Young adults thriller
The Occupant Catalan – Oxford, 2010 Spain – Oxford, 2010
A Song for Susanna Catalan – La Galera, 2008 Spain – La Galera, 2008
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David Cirici
David Cirici (Barcelona, 1954) has taught language and literature, written scripts for radio and TV and worked in advertising; different profession but all with the common denominator of the written word and the desire to tell stories. He has published several novels, both for adults and children, and has won major prizes. He won the Edebé Prize for Children’s Literature for Mossy. You can visit the blog at Molsa (Mossy) Mossy is a dog who, without knowing the causes of war, has seen his house and the family he lives with disappear in a bombing that has destroyed everything. He searches unsuccessfully among the rubble for the two children, Janinka and Mirek. But despite fleeing to save his life and having adventures and owners of all kinds, the sense of loss does not leave him and he continues to search for the children on every scent. What if they survived the bombing?
The Whale’s Skeleton Catalan – Estrella Polar, 2006. Spain – Arca, 2006 158 pages +14 years
Catalan – Edebé, 2013 Spain – Edebé, 2013 Germany – Dressler, 2014 Italy – Il Castoro, 2014 Korea – Sigongsa, Co. Ltd., 2014 China – Liaoning Children Publishing House, Co., 2014 169 pages +10 years Illustrator: Esther Burgueño
20 printed editions Award: Premi Edebé Infantil
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Jordi Cortés
Jordi Cortés (Buenos Aires 1960) has devoted much of his professional life to education and writing. He mostly writes for young readers. In 2008 he won the prize Premi Ciutat d’Olot for his first young adult novel, Les veus de la Roca Roja and a year later with L’enigma de Stromboli got acclaimed but his young readers. He also published La Germandat de la muntanya and Bering. A la recerca d’Amèrica, a tribute to the Russian explorer of Danish origin. His latest literary adventure, L’exèrcit de les tenebres, has been written together with one of his best pupils Xavier Montoriol.
other titles… L’exèrcit de les tenebres (The Army of Darkness)
L’enigma de Stromboli Catalan – Columna Jove, 2010
La Germandat de la Muntanya Catalan – Columna Jove, 2011
Vienna. 1880. A group of nobles are looking for some magic stones. If they find them, they will control humanity. The clues lead them to Barcelona, to the cemetery of Poblenou. The aristocrats, however, do not count on Alexandre, a young man who has the uncanny ability of talking to the dead,who will do everything possible to help his friends after their graves have been desecrated. Mr. Remisa, the owner of one of the largest textile factories in the city, joins the strange group and together they travel the underground world in search of the gems that can return humans to life. They follow a path full of adventureand a decisive confrontation is waiting for them: the battle against the Army of Darkness, some evil spirits that want to dominate the world.
Award: Premi Columna Jove, 2009
Catalan – Estrella Polar, 2013 388 pages
Young readers +14 Fantasy, adventure Co-author: Xavier Montoriol
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Daniel Hernández Chambers
Daniel Hernández Chambers (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1972) published in 2006 La ciudad gris, with which he started a successful literary career that, after several novels for young adults such as La ciudad de la bruma and El enigma Rosenthal, has recently culminated with the Premio Everest 2012 for his Un fragmento de noche en un frasco. Chelo Holmes, detective privado (Chelo Holmes, private detective)
Spain – Edebé, 2013 176 pages +8 years / Mystery
Dear Reader, I’m afraid it is my duty to warn you before it is too late. If you are just flicking through this book, close it immediately. If, however, you intend to read it to the end, please let me give you some advice: Don’t go past the first page. Close it. Put it back on the shelf where you got it from. If you choose to ignore my warning and proceed to the next page, you will discover a world known by only a few…
Un fragmento de noche en un frasco (A Fragment of Night in a Jar)
Spain – Everest, 2012 Catalan – Cadí, 2013 275 pages Young adults 2nd Edition
Adam, a young, small-time thief, accidentally discovers the figure of a girl in an attic window belonging to Lord Voriak, a London aristocrat. She’s a girl with paranormal powers, whose recent arrival from the United States initiates an exciting mystery where the numerous pieces slot together to form a perfect plot full of mystery, sentimental indifference, dizzying events and perverse characters involved in strange murders.
Award: Premio de Narrativa Juvenil Everest
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
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Salvador Macip
Salvador Macip (Blanes, 1970) spent nine years researching cancer, oxygen radicals and cellular aging at the Department of Oncological Sciences at the Mount Sinai Hospital (New York), and he currently leads a laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Leicester (UK), where he lectures on cell death mechanisms. As a writer he is author of children books, short-stories, novels and popular science books.
other titles… Hypnophobia
Fangs Catalan – La Galera, 2011 Spain – La Galera, 2011 + 14 years Co-author: Sebastià Roig
God’s game Catalan – Bromera, 2010 + 16 years
Hypnophobia is a thriller with a crossover appeal that mixes equal parts of action, horror, mystery and fantasy. It’s the story of Dr Metcalf, a scientist that accidentally discovers the way to access the untapped potential of the human brain. The novel depicts the merciless fight between good and evil across the United States over a period of several years, using a narrative approach that echoes that of big budget movies and TV dramas such as Lost or Fringe.
Catalan – Proa, 2012 F rench – Hachette, 2013 232 pages Crossover. Fantasy First Carlemany Reading Promotion Award. Jury composed by teenagers of 15-17 years old.
Film rights sold to Alberto del Toro and Escándalo films Award: Premi Joaquim Ruyra de Narrativa Juvenil
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
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Salvador Macip Cinc ,dies ,en ,un ,altre planeta
Cinco días en otro planeta (Five days on another planet)
Gabi is a child from Earth who is going to spend a few days at Picapoco’s home. His mother packs his suitcase and gives himloads of advice. At the other end of the galaxy, on a distant planet, Picapoco is also leaving home for a few days. His mother packs his suitcase and gives him loads of advice. They do a house swap and so find out how people live on another planet. They will soon discover they have different habits and theywill laugh a lot.
Catalan – La Galera, 2013 S pain – La Galera, 2013 32 pages Young readers +6 years Illustrator: Carme Sala
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
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Peter Van Olmen
Peter Van Olmen (Kortrijk, Belgium, 1963) grew up in Deurle, close to Gante, and spent several years in Brussels, where he started writing. He currently lives in Antwerp, where he studied Economics and works as an Environmental Science and Psychology professor, while dedicating as much time as possible to his great passion, literature. He has made his grand entrance into this discipline with a wonderful trilogy, La pequeña Odessa (Little Odessa), that places books in its main axis. The first two books have been published so far: Odessa y el mundo secreto de los libros and Het Geheim van Lode A. (Lannoo, 2012). In 2010 he was awarded the Boekenwelp prize for the first part of this trilogy.
De kleine Odessa I Het levende boek
De kleine Odessa Het Geheim van Lode A
(Odessa and the Secret World of Books)
Belgium – Van Goor/Lannoo, 2010 Germany – Dressler, 2012 Catalan – La Galera, 2012 Spain – Siruela, 2012 Korea – Books21 Publishers, 2012 Poland – Literacki Egmont, 2012 464 pages Young readers +12, Literary Fiction, Books on books Boekenwelp Award, 2010
(Odessa and the Secret of Lode A)
Odessa, a twelve year-old girl, discovers Scribopolis, a city where the most famous writers of all times reside, and where, through the use of a magic dust, the contents of a book can be brought to life: things, animals, characters… There is also a blank book called Librus that can bring to life whatever words are written in it. It is thus a very powerful tool, and the people of Scribopolis want to keep it, by all means, away from Mabàrak, an ambitious and bitter writer. But not everyone can write in the Librus, only the Chosen. Odessa is only looking to find her father but suddenly finds herself immersed in a series of adventures, conspiracies and mysteries in a fascinating parallel world inhabited by muses, the Knights of the Round Table, mythological characters, and the great writers of universal literature.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a city where everyone loved books? Whose residents were all great writers? And where books write the reality of the world? This place exists and Odessa has been living there for a year. It is Scribopolis, the city of her dreams! But happiness does not last forever, and we now know that someone has stolen the magic book Librus! Odessa is the number one suspect and only Shakespeare, her adoptive father who has mysteriously disappeared, can help her. Meanwhile, the tireless Mabarak continues to search for the biggest secret of universal literature. In order to find it, he needs to make a pact with Odessa. The question is: Will he be able to force her to work for him?
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
Belgium – Lannoo, 2012 564 pages Young readers +12, Literary Fiction, Books on books
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Maria Carme Roca other titles…
Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 1955) is a historian, philologist and writer. She has written more than twenty-five books, many of which are meant for children and young adult readers, such as Qui és el de la foto?, Premi Bancaixa de Narrativa Juvenil 2009; La moneda partida; Com una fotocòpia; La ciutat oblidada and No hi ha petons per als fantasmes. For the youngest readers, she has published books such as Les formigues s’han refredat; On s’amaga la por, Premi Lola Anglada de Tiana 2002 and Un drac amb massa fums, in a special edition illustrated by Ignasi Blanc. She has written several novels for adults, mostly historical, among which special mention should be made to Intrigues de palau, winner of the Premi Nèstor Luján 2006; El monestir proscrit; Barcino and Escollida pels déus, her most recent novel. Katalepsis
Like a Xerox Catalan – Estrella Polar, 2012 152 pages +12 years Thriller
Eric suffers from Catalepsy, a neurological condition that paralyses the body as if it were dead but keeps the mind conscious. With his friend Gerard they take very dangerous advantage of this illness: they go looking for fights at the doors of the discotheque. With the help of cocaine and the complicity of Gerard, Eric provokes attacks and then feigns death. At school the others don’t want anything to do with him and Lara, the girl he likes, doesn’t even notice him. To get his own back Eric and Gerard make a plan to destroy Alexis’s girlfriend’s party and do their little number. But as is so often the case, even the best-laid plans can backfire – and that’s not good when you’re playing with life or death.
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
Catalan – La Galera, 2012 240 pages +14 years Thriller 2n edition Award: Joaquim Ruyra 2012
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Maria Carme Roca other titles…
Un drac amb massa fums (A Dragon With Too Much Smoke!)
“Do you like dragons? I love them. That’s why I’ve written this story about Smokie, the vainest, dreamiest and loneliest dragon. And while we are at it, the most old-fashioned. But that’s not his fault because he’s been sleeping for centuries hidden away in his cave and when he wakes up, of course everything has changed.And what’s a dragon going to do in the 21st century? Well he’s got two options: he can either make a fool of himself or reinvent himself. Come along and see what Smokie does to get up to date.” A story that makes you think about the importance of and care for the environment and the value of friendship in a tale full of fantasy. Catalan – Oxford, 2012 75 pages +8 years Illustrator: Ignasi Blanc 3rd Edition
The ants got a cold Catalan – Alfaguara, 2004 48 pages +7 years 6th Edition
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Elisenda Roca Elisenda Roca is an awarded TV and radio journalist who has written different books in many genres, including parenting and children’s books.
This serie, “Millora!” (Improve!) is aimed at early readers to learn values, improve manners and coexistence with the environment.
other titles… Hola, gràcies, adéu (Hello, thank you, goodbye)
Away With Nightmares! Spain and Catalan – Bambú, 2012
We Are Not the Three Little Pigs S pain and Catalan – Bambú, 2012
Martí and Nora are neighbours and good friends. They like to read, write, tell jokes and write! What else do they have in common? That they never greet anyone, ever! And it’s not that they are rude, no! It’s that kind words never come out of them. But one day, while playing with other children, suddenly their colours disappear, they turn grey and disappear. Now none can see them, they have to talk to be seen. What will they do?
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
Spain and Catalan – Bambú, 2013 48 pages +7 years Illustrator: Cristina Losantos
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List of Authors Álamo de la Rosa, Víctor Albaigès, Josep Maria Alcalá, César Alonso, Javier Amat, Nuria Andrés, Ramón Ares, Nacho Arias, Javier Arteaga, Almudena de
Casanova, Claudia Cernuda, Gemma Cervera, Jordi
Balasch, Enric Balbás, Yeyo Basil, Carlota
Díaz Conde, Edmundo Díaz Pérez, Eva Domínguez, Mari Pau Durán, Antonio J.
Batlle, Carles
Bisama, Álvaro Blay, Pep Bonnett, Mauricio Bortagaray, Inés
Cirici, David
Coca, Jordi Colanzi, Liliana Comas, Oriol
Cortès, Jordi
Courtoisie, Rafael Cremades, Ferran
Burgas, Àngel
Escobar, Mario Escudero, Lázaro Eslava Galán, Juan Espar, Marta
Calvo Poyato, José Campillo, José Enrique Campos, Eva Carol, Màrius Carreras, Joan
Faner, Pau Fernández-Prieto, Sagrario Francés, Ana Freixa, Carme
Jordá, Eduardo Juste, Tània Fuentes, Norberto Galarza, Sergio García-Albi, Inés García Marín, José Manuel García Martín, José Ignacio García Ureta, Iñigo Garrido, Carlos Gómez Pin, Víctor Gutiérrez Solís, Salvador Harris, Peter Hasbún, Rodrigo
Hernández Chambers, Daniel Ibáñez, José Luis Iwasaki, Fernando
López del Oso, Fernando J. Lorente, Miguel Lozano, Antonio
Perozo, Xosé Antonio Perpinyà, Núria Pradera, Máximo
Llobera, Fernando S.
Macip, Salvador Maeso de la Torre, Jesús Manuel, Jordi de Manzanera, Laura Marqués, Quim Martín, Adam Mata, Jordi Méndez Guédez, Juan Carlos Migoya, Hernán Miró, Asha Mosso, Mónica Nel·lo, David
Jardí, Enric Jeftanovic, Andrea Jiménez Losantos, Federico
Paz-Soldán, Edmundo Pedregosa, Alejandro Peramo, Carlos Pérez, José Antonio
Oliva, Héctor Olivet, Mercedes
Silvia Bastos Literary Agency – Foreign rights Frankfurt 2013
Quintana, Josep M. Riego, Marta del
Roca, Elisenda Roca, Maria Carme Roig, Sebastià Roncagliolo, Santiago Rosales, Guillermo Rus, Rebeca Salinas, Javier Salord, Maite Sánchez, Gloria Sánchez-Machuca, Octavio Sánchez, María Jesús Sánchez Rugeles, Eduardo Sánchez Vidal, Agustín
Sánchez, Jordi Sánchez, Leticia Schwartz, Fernando Sebastián, Javier Serrano, José Luis Subirana, Jaume
Tahoces, Clara Teixes, Ferran Tello, Antonio Torner, Carles Torras, Carme Trelles, Diego Urresti, Mariano F. Vallès, Tina
Van Olmen, Peter Vicens, Antònia Vidal, César
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