Forever Excelling Faith, Family - St George College

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Aug 4, 2017 - services in order to learn more about their faith. It never ... A letter has gone home inviting the childr
Faith, Family Forever Excelling Volume 30 | Issue 11 | Friday, 4 August 2017 A PO Box 29 Torrensville Plaza 5031 | T 8159 8100

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Co-Curricular Activities Term 3

Mrs Gina Kadis Our Vision: Dream Big Welcome back to Term 3

 Arts Club  Primary Greek Dancing

Working together to build additional facilities that allow our students to “dream big” and be the best they can be – faith, family, forever excelling – that’s what being part of St George College is all about!

 Junior Campus Greek Dancing

The best facility we are so lucky to have at St George College – is our place of worship – our precious St George Church. I worked in a previous College, where they fund-raised and saved for more than 30 years to be able to build a church for the children to visit during their Religious Education classes and for Church services in order to learn more about their faith. It never quite happened. The money they raised ended up going into a multi-purpose facility – a College hall and conference facility. That’s what has to happen in schools. Despite the hard work of the parents and friends, the endless grant applications from College Leadership teams and Boards – money is tight and compromise is needed. We are blessed here at St George College to have both a church and a fabulous multipurpose hall used for campus and whole school assemblies, to run our outstanding Physical Education programs and showcase our superb Drama productions. On my first day here on 21 September 2015 I was fortunate to meet all the Year 12s in our place of worship – our Church. This photo currently hanging on the wall in my office opposite my workspace, will guide me always as Principal as to what is important here at St George College – to work closely with our families to educate our students to be good people, to dream big and be the best they can be. Faith, family, forever excelling underpins our strategic plan and all we do. We were fortunate to have the Bishop on Thursday 6 July for our church service. Father Jeremy and Father Kon joined us in prayer and reflection. We were all so impressed with the way our students genuinely embraced this most valuable learning opportunity and used this service for reflection, meditation, stillness and celebration of how privileged we are to be attending St George College. In this fast paced world our children live in, where they are connected every minute to others electronically, it is good for them to know they have a safe haven to switch off and recalibrate ‘the meaning of life’. Thank you to Bishop Nikandros for loving our students and staff and community so genuinely and visiting us as regularly as he does. It means so much to us all.

    

Middle School Greek Dancing Senior School Greek Dancing Homework Club Open Girls Soccer Year 8/9 Boys Indoor Soccer

 Year 8/9 Girls Indoor Soccer  Year 10 Boys Knockout Soccer

KEY DATES  Dormition of the Theotokos 1-15 August

 Hangzhou Chongwen Experimental School Study Tour 6-11 August 2017

 SALA Exhibition Opening Night 9 August 6-8pm (Art Gallery)

 ELC-12 Church Service Dormition of the Virgin Mary 10 August

UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday 2:45pm-3:45pm Tuesday 8:15am-9:15am Thursday 2:45pm-3:45pm Call 0408 803 289 to book an appointment time if you need a longer timeslot.

You will see from the Term 3 Calendar distributed as hard copies on the larger A3 size, we have our next ELC to Year 12 Church Service at 9.00 am on Thursday 10 August, for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. A letter has gone home inviting the children to prepare for Holy Communion. If any parents would like to attend, they are very welcome – there is seating available upstairs in the church. Student Leaders attend the 43rd Memorial of the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus on Sunday 16 July 2017 Sincere thanks to our student leaders who represented St George College for this most moving event. Thank you to Magdalene Thomadakis Year 12 College Captain, Savva Miltiadous (Year 4 SRC), Sarantos Makris (Year 12 Senior), George Toumazos (Year 9 ACEP Academic Scholarship recipient), Savva Toumazos (Year 8 ACEP Academic Scholarship recipient) for attending the church service at St George Community Parish Church at 10.00 am and being the flag bearers. You all did such a wonderful job. Very proud of you. Thank you to Constantina who assisted Savva Miltiadous hold the Cypriot flag, in her traditional Cypriot costume. After the church service, parents joined Mr Peter Karamoshos and I, escorting our students to the “wreath laying ceremony and Doxology” at the Memorial established at the Cyprus Community of South Australia in Welland, where Savva Miltiadous and Magdalene Thomadakis laid a wreath for all who died in the Cypriot invasion on behalf of students and staff from both the Junior Campus and Senior Campus. It was a freezing day. Our children, staff and parents did us proud. And it was a fabulous opportunity for me to reconnect with Father Angelos Drapaniotis, who taught me so much about my faith and Modern Greek, when I was a youngster (many years ago) at the St Anthony’s church. Our faith and all our valuable learning opportunities remain with us always. Let’s be grateful for all the fabulous facilities and learning opportunities we give our children by being at an outstanding school – St George College.

Blazers Thank you to all the families that have bought and ordered their blazer. I will be writing to all families individually that have not ordered or bought a blazer, as per the correspondence forwarded to families, to work through a mutually agreeable solution to uphold the College Uniform Policy. Thank you for your anticipated support of our College policy to ensure our students are warm and look their best.

Community and Parent volunteers at work A big thank you to Mr Theo Makris, Mr Foti Drakopoulos, and Mr Chris Aslanidis for your generous work to improve the facilities at St George Senior Campus over the holiday period. We thank you for replacing the wooden slats in our extensive seating around the middle school soccer pitch. We also sincerely thank you for funding and replanting two herb gardens – providing lots of herbs - oregano, basil, lemons, parsley, spring onions, garlic for our students to nurture and use in our Food Technology classes from Year 5 to 12. How lucky are we.

Let’s continue to “Dream Big” for St George College as we work together for the good of our current students, Old Scholars and prospective students keen to come here. Thank you for your regular communication. Do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected]. Gina Kadis PRINCIPAL



Given that the SACE is also heading towards online assessment, this process will prepare us for the future.

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years Peter Karamoshos 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to Deputy Principal participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN tests are generally held in May of each year. NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests.

NAPLAN is moving online. This means moving NAPLAN from the current paper-based tests to computer-based assessments. The transition to NAPLAN online will commence from 2018.

Some of the main benefits of students taking part in NAPLAN Online include:

Better assessment – and more precise results. NAPLAN Online uses a tailored test or adaptive design, where the test automatically adapts to a student's performance and asks questions that match the student achievement level, allowing the student to demonstrate their knowledge. This provides teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information on students’ performance on the tests. Tailored testing also provides an opportunity to broaden the scope of the assessments.  Faster turnaround of results. Delivery of assessments online significantly reduces the time it takes to provide feedback to schools, students and parents, so teachers can respond more quickly to learning needs. More engaging. ACARA research into online assessment has shown that students have engaged well with electronic tests. St George College is one of the schools which will be running a trial of online NAPLAN testing. In a two-week window from 21 August until 1 September, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in this online trial. Students in Year 3 will take one online test while students in Years 5, 7 and 9 will take two online tests. These test results will not be recorded or used for assessment, rather used by us to assess our readiness for online testing in the future. The process in preparing for the trial testing involves checking the ability of our IT infrastructure to cope with the demands of the trial, training our staff on how to administer the tests, allowing students time to logon to the system and practice before the trial and finally running a number of online trial tests simultaneously. After this online NAPLAN trial, we will review how successful the trial has been, how prepared we are for online testing and decide when we will fully commit to NAPLAN online.



The Pastoral Care program at the Junior Campus then concludes every Friday with the Fun and Friendship activities. This forum also allows students to interact in activities with their buddy class.

The weekly pastoral care program is therefore very important for the overall development of the individual and enhances the learning journey for each child.

Junior Campus Report It has been a wonderful start to the new Term at the Junior FRIENDLY REMINDERS Campus. All children have settled in nicely and our new receptions  Thank you to all parents for their patience and are growing in confidence day by day! understanding whilst we tighten up security a little more at It is also great to see parents joining us for morning prayer and the Junior Campus. A friendly reminder to all parents and popping in to see the OHSC. visitors to report to reception during the course of the day, that is between the hours of 9am and 3pm. Playground

There has been a buzz around the new playground equipment and the students are enjoying being active, getting along and sharing the space with each other.

Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled with the child’s name and class so that jumpers, hats and blazers can be returned to their rightful owners.

We have had some lovely sunny days amongst the rain this first week so the children have enjoyed using the playground, playing safely and taking turns. Under our wet weather policy, if by chance it is raining during playtime the students play indoor games.

Being winter time we are all susceptible to illnesses so please be mindful of sending children to school when they are sick, for their own wellbeing and for the wellbeing of others.

Punctuality is very important. Please ensure children arrive at school daily by 8.30am and are collected promptly at 3.10pm. The OHSC is available daily until 6pm if you are unable to collect your children on time due to work commitments or in the case of an emergency.

Pastoral Care Program

Our Pastoral Care program that is run by the teachers in the 4A timeslot daily includes a variety of activities that enable all Please email Janice Copeland, [email protected] to obtain students to participate with enthusiasm and confidence. further information or you are welcome to collect an enrolment Every Monday the students come together in the hall and engage pack from reception. in a number of activities within their House. This gives them the opportunity to engage with their peers outside their particular Angela Drakopoulos home group and learn to interact and compete with children Acting Head Of Junior Campus within their House. This is an extra way for them to strengthen relationships and prepare for House competitions when they come to the senior campus in Year 5. On Tuesdays in 4A the students participate in a Read about activity where they hear different stories from different teachers and have an opportunity to share their experience with their peers and discuss the stories that have been read to them. On Wednesday, all classes remain with their class teacher and engage in wellbeing activities that foster, confidence, resilience and skills in organisation. On Thursday classes run their class meetings so that information can be shared in an open forum and decisions can be made democratically. All issues raised can then be forwarded to the Junior Campus SRC who are in Years 3 and 4 and then they relay them to myself and the Student Leadership Team. The student leadership team meets at the Senior Campus to discuss all matters that have arisen in the week and work as a team to resolve them.


News from Playgroup

Welcome to the Term 3 edition of our St George College newsletter. I hope that everyone had an exciting and fun filled break from Playgroup during the school holidays and that you are ready and refreshed for the new term. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all our new parents, carers and children. I hope that the remainder of the year is filled with lots of fun times and new friendships and that Playgroup is anything you want to make it.

Last week our newest friends, Dion and Anastasia and her sister, Juliana explored Playgroup with their Mums. It was wonderful to see the children moving from play space to play space and interacting with the materials and peers. It was also lovely to welcome Costa’s Yia Yia back and to watch as they played and explored. We are also looking forward to hearing about Maria’s overseas holiday when she returns with her Mum this week.

This term at Playgroup the aim is to give children the opportunity to fully embrace the vast learning experience the outdoor environment offers. The session will begin in the outdoor area of the ELC at 9am, which will be different to our other sessions this year because the focus will be on outdoor environment. We'll aim to be outside for the first part of the session and so suitable clothing will be required!

At Playgroup, the children have the reassurance of being with their parent or carer as they learn to interact socially, build their confidence, and have fun learning through play. It gives parents and carers a chance to share experiences with others in similar situations. It’s an opportunity to make new friends, learn from one another and develop a supportive local network. Sometimes it is a great excuse just to get out of the house, which can be especially important during these cold winter mornings.

It takes a village to raise a child, and connecting with families in the community through our St George College community playgroup is a great place to start. Please join us for Playgroup every Thursday morning from 9am -10.30am. You’ll find a creative, encouraging and nurturing environment which provides opportunities for unstructured play and open ended learning for children from 0-5.

Janice Copeland Playgroup Coordinator


News from OSHC

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our 2017 OSHC friends and families to our newly developed after hours care program at school. It has been an exciting start to the term as Natalie Anemouri, George Ragias and myself joined the St George College OSHC community and were introduced to our new OSHC friends. Although the first few week was a time of settling in for all of us, it has been amazing how quickly the children settled into their OSHC space and set about busily discovering and exploring the equipment and materials. It was a special time for the children and educators as they made new connections and discovered new friends.

To help the children settle into our setting, we promote positive relationships with children. Opportunities for unstructured play and physical activity helped the new children to form friendships and to unwind and relax at the end of the school day.

Each day we collect the ELC, Reception and Year 1 children from their classrooms and once in the OSHC room, implement the routines of a meeting time and afternoon tea. Our meetings last week were focussed on getting to know each other. When the children arrived after a day at school, they talked about their day. Our meeting time, routines and experiences allowed us to talk freely with, and listen attentively to the children’s news and ideas.

Strong relationships create positive short and long term outcomes for children and support success in their new environments. To support us as we begin our OSHC journey, it is important for us to communicate and work with our families and our school community and for you to connect and work with us. Natalie, George and I are bursting with ideas to support the children in their daily explorations and we are eager to have the children participate in the planning of their time at OSHC. We would also love to hear from you with your ideas, inspiration or interests.

If you would like to visit our OSHC environment, please drop by any afternoon between 2.30pm and 6pm.

Janice Copeland OSHC Coordinator


SGC students visit Flinders University for Gifted and Talented Workshop during the holiday period

On the 19 and 20th of July I was invited to speak at this years EdTech SA conference. I was asked to discuss STEM in our school and the NAO humanoid robot project we are currently teaching. The robot project has been a great success. We have been able to implement a program that encourages students to be innovative, work collaborative, problem solve and demonstrate critical thinking. This project base learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a The four sessions that we participated in were Simulation and deeper knowledge. It is critical in developing such skills for Serious Games, Tricking the Eye, Robot Wars and Engineering future job prospects. Some of the most popular jobs by the year 2030 will be body part maker, nano –medics, space a Better Human Body. pilots and architects, vertical farmers and alternative vehicle In the games session, we used instruction sheets to create a developers, to mention just a few. Clearly these types of game and then we had to create our own serious game. A occupation will require the expertise and knowledge being serious game is one that’s not just for entertainment but with taught in our STEM programs. a purpose, for example educational purposes. Our game was based on healthy eating, choices that you make and hand eye Other speakers on the day included Tai Pabari. He is a 17year old entrepreneur that is changing the way we view coordination. computers. His company provides equipment and knowledge on how to make your own computer. He manufactures DIY st Tricking the eye workshop was all about illusions and drawing tablets kits which are like “Lego for the 21 Century”. For three days during the second week of the school holidays, we were lucky enough to enjoy a visit to the Flinders University to participate in a Gifted and Talented Workshop. We loved meeting lots of new people from all different parts of South Australia, including country Australia. We enjoyed developing these new friendships and learnt many new skills and concepts from attending the workshops.

illusions. We had to think of an illusion that could be used inside a grid to trick the eye. We also studied the history of linear perspective which was very interesting.

The Robot Wars workshop was the best. We had to program a robot using code to destroy or knock down another robot. We also had to program the robot to detect boundaries and stay in a specified area using infra-red light.

The Engineering a Better Human Body workshop was also great. We learnt how anterior cruciate ligaments are reconstructed. We were shown how they manufactured a machine at Flinders university that has six degrees of freedom called The Hexapod. This machine is used to test limbs and the way that they break or fracture. They the machine tries to make a bionic solution to fix it. For example, analysing the make-up of a hip bone and its surroundings and creating a better artificial version to replace it, in the event that it needed to be replaced.

The key note speaker was Dr. Leanna Read; she is the Chief Scientist for South Australia. Dr. Read is a renowned biotechnology expert and has led a number of research ventures, including the Child Health Research Institute and the Cooperative Research Centre for Tissue Growth and Repair. Being a female scientist myself it was inspiring to hear her speak. She talked passionately about the future of STEM in our schools and how important it is for the future of Australia’s economy. To conclude it was a privilege and an honor to attend and speak at the 2017 EdTech SA conference. I look forward to continue to exchange knowledge and build on the relationships made with other technology and science professionals over those two days.

We really enjoyed attending these workshops. We made many friends who we have kept in touch with and really hope that we can go again next year. Vicki Sakellariou Uros Janjic and George Toumazos


International Certificate of Attainment in Greek-2017 In May 2017 students of our College sat for the International Attainment in Greek through the Centre for the Greek Language. The Centre for the Greek Language was established in 1994 in Thessaloniki, Greece. It operates under and is supervised by the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religions. The Centre for the Greek Language has been designated as a national reference point where information on all matters concerning the Greek language and its teaching as a second or foreign language is collected and disseminated.

The aims of the Centre for the Greek Language are to: Support and promote the Greek Language in Greece and abroad Reinforce the Greek national identity in the Greeks of the diaspora Organise the teaching of Greek to foreigners in Greece and abroad Offer support to teachers of the Greek language in Greece and abroad Produce relevant materials which contribute to the promotion of the Greek language. Candidates are tested on four levels of linguistic proficiency and are assessed in the following skills: written – production and comprehension and production and comprehension of spoken language. It is within this context that following the recent announcement from the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religions, we congratulate the following students for their outstanding results.

Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης Επάρκειας της Ελληνομάθειας 2017 Το 2017 μαθητές του Κολλεγίου μας έλαβαν μέρος στις Εξετάσεις Ελληνομάθειας που οργανώνονται από το Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, το οποίο ιδρύθηκε το 1994 στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Το Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας υπάγεται στο Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων, Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού. Έχει ως σκοπό την ενίσχυση και προώθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας εντός και εκτός της Ελλάδας, την οργάνωση της διδασκαλίας της σε αλλοδαπούς και ομογενείς, τη στήριξη των διδασκόντων την ελληνική γλώσσα στο εξωτερικό και στο εσωτερικό και την παραγωγή κάθε μορφής υλικού που θα συντελούσε στην προβολή και διάδοση της ελληνικής γλώσσας.



Σκοποί του Κέντρου 1. Εκπονεί ερευνητικά προγράμματα για τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως ξένης/δεύτερης γλώσσας. 2. Παρέχει υποστηρικτικό υλικό, θεωρητικό και πρακτικό, για τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως ξένης και ως δεύτερης γλώσσας. 3. Δίνει κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για τη σύνδεση των Εξετάσεων Πιστοποίησης Επάρκειας της Ελληνομάθειας με τη διδασκαλία, για την ανάπτυξη προγραμμάτων σπουδών εκμάθησης της ελληνικής. 4. Παρέχει αξιόπιστες πληροφορίες για τις εξετάσεις πιστοποίησης της ελληνομάθειας. Ασχολείται με τη διοργάνωση των εξετάσεων πιστοποίησης επάρκειας της ελληνομάθειας. Οι υποψήφιοι εξετάζονται σε τέσσερα διαφορετικά επίπεδα γλωσσικής επάρκειας και αξιολογούνται στις παρακάτω δεξιότητες: παραγωγή – κατανόηση γραπτού λόγου και παραγωγή και κατανόηση προφορικού λόγου. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό συγχαίρουμε τους ακόλουθους μαθητές μας για τα παρακάτω εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα:



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Α/Α 1








Αγγελική Δρακοπούλου ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΡΙΑ


Έχει Λιακάδα! Πάμε για βόλτα? Από τον Γιώργο Τουμάζο Σε αυτό το τρίμηνο, η 9η τάξη ασχολείται με το θέμα ‘Έχει λιακάδα! Πάμε για βόλτα’ Επειδή μόλις είχαμε χειμερινές διακοπές, θα μιλήσω για όταν πάμε διακοπές σε άλλα μέρη. Όταν είναι Χειμώνας, πάρα πολλοί τουρίστες πηγαίνουν σε άλλα μέρη του κόσμου, όπου είναι Καλοκαίρι και έχει ηλιόλουστο καιρό. Οι τουρίστες ψάχνουν για καλό καιρό, ωραίες παραλίες και νόστιμο φαγητό. Οι περισσότεροι έχουν οικογένεια σε αυτές τις περιοχές. Η πλειοψηφία πηγαίνουν στην Ελλάδα επειδή είμαστε Ελληνικό σχολείο. Η Ελλάδα πληροί όλα τα κριτήρια των τουριστών: ωραίες παραλίες, ηλιόλουστο καιρό και νόστιμο φαγητό. Τι σχέση έχει αυτό με το θέμα Όταν έχει λιακάδα, πάμε σε μέρη, όπως μια παραλία, ένα πάρκο, ή μια παιδική χαρά. Δεν πάμε βόλτα μόνο στις διακοπές, αλλά και όταν έχει καλό καιρό. Η πρόταση είναι σωστή «Όταν έχει λιακάδα, πάμε για βόλτα!».

Ο Ντονάλτο στην Ρώμη και στην Αλβανία. Πέρασε και ο Ιούλιος, ένας μεγάλος μήνας εορτών ξεκινώντας με την γιορτή των Αγίων Αναργύρων, Κοσμά, Δαμιανού, Κυριακή, Θεόφιλου, Όλγας, Κηρύκου, Μαρίνας, Αιμιλίας, Ηλία, Μαγδαληνής, Μαρκέλλας, Άννας, Παρασκευά, Παντελή, Ειρήνης, Βαλάντη, και Φρειδερίκης. Αυτά είναι μερικά από τα κοινά ονόματα που εορτάζουν τον Ιούλιου.

Η ενάτη τάξη θα ήθελε να ευχηθεί χρόνια πολλά σε όλους τους εορταζόμενους και τις εορταζόμενες.

Η εικόνα των Προφήτη Ηλία


With Deanne Taliangis

Term 4, Semester 2 - 3rd October 2017

Flexible study options and payment plans are available





Open Girls Soccer

2-0 win V Gleeson 2

Under 6 Soccer

Drew 2-2 V North Haven Blue

Under 8 Soccer

Drew 0-0 Our Lady of Peace

Under 10 Soccer

5-1 Win V Grange

Under 10 Basketball Blue

27-7 Lost to SMC Gold

Under 10 Basketball Red


Under 14 Basketball


Under 11 Netball

7-4 Lost to Whitefriars

Under 13 Netball



ENTERTAINMENT BOOK The Entertainment™ Books are available as a hard copy book at the Junior and Senior front offices or online as a Digital Membership that puts all the offers on your Smartphone or device to redeem instantly. By downloading the APP, you can use it on up to 4 devices. Share the great offers with your family and friends! By using only a few of these great offers over these 2 pages you will more than cover the cost of your Membership. Check out these offers which are only a small sample of what is available inside the Entertainment Book membership!

How to Order: Online: For a book or a Digital, order securely online at: In Person: For hard copy only orders, please pay by cash at the Junior or Senior front offices. Enquiries: P&F Committee Member - Nia Georgiou - Phone: 0407 976 767 Thank you for your ongoing support.

Homestay Application Form (for short term only) Contact details: Full Name Home Address Home Phone Mobile Email Address Emergency Contact People living in your house: Name


Relationship with the applicant

Home Details: Number of Bedrooms:

Number of Bathrooms:

Family Rooms:


Pets dog/Cat/Bird/Other):

Languages, other than English, spoken in the home:

Suitability: All Homestay providers, including all resident adults over 18 years of age, are required to undergo a Child Related Employment Screening. If you have a current police check certificate, please return this with your application. Otherwise, please email Polyxeni [email protected] for a form. Referees and References Referee 1

Referee 2



Contact details:

Contact details:

St George College | 75 Rose Street, Mile End SA 5031 | | [email protected]