Jun 13, 2017 - CRICOS Provider No: 02799F www.sgc.sa.edu.au .... email:
Faith, Family Forever Excelling Volume 30 | Issue 8 | Friday, 9 June 2017 A PO Box 29 Torrensville Plaza 5031 | T 8159 8100
CRICOS Provider No: 02799F KEY UPDATES
Co-Curricular Activities Term 2
Mrs Gina Kadis Our Vision: Dream Big
Open Girls Indoor Soccer
State-of-the-art Hospitality Trade Training Centre (TTC) on our Senior Campus
Basketball Years 3-7
Open Boys Indoor Soccer
Open Girls Soccer
Junior Campus Greek Dancing
Middle School Greek Dancing
Sporting Schools Program— Soccer Years R-2
Netball Years 3-7
Gardening Club JC
Senior Greek Dancing
KEY DATES 12 June Public Holiday—Queens Birthday
Since 2016 our senior campus students have the opportunity to study learning programs in our Commonwealth funded commercial hospitality facility – called the Trade Training Centre. In addition to studying core Australian Curriculum, a student in Year 5 to Year 10 can choose to study an elective subject called “Food and Hospitality”. Senior students can select SACE Year 11 (Stage 1) and SACE Year 12 (Stage 2) Hospitality. In addition, senior students can choose to study VET innovative, creative and quality pre-vocational training courses. The College works in partnership with Chefs with appropriate training qualifications, to deliver the Certificate II Kitchen Operations course and additional commercial cookery courses. These VET courses are delivered both onsite and offsite – with work placements. There are VET (Vocational) courses available to our students in a broad range of career pathways other than hospitality. We currently have students studying carpentry and construction courses. Mrs Deanne Taliangis (VET Contact Teacher) is available to discuss options for your child/ren. Do not hesitate to contact her on
[email protected] or telephone 8159 8100 for a personal interview with your child and your family. VET courses give students the opportunity for dual accreditation which prepares students for employment and SACE completion. Our commitment to academic excellence and preparing students for university is a top priority at St George. Our commitment to student wellbeing to ensure we cater for each child to be the best person they can be, also plays a pivotal role in our daily curriculum. I thank the staff for knowing their students well, planning innovative teaching programs and giving regular feedback to students and their families offering strategies for school improvement. Let’s continue to “Dream Big” for St George College. Thank you for your regular communication. Do not hesitate to contact me on
[email protected].
15 June Career Mentors Day 2:30pm—4:30pm 19—23 June Exam Week—Year 8-11 Homework Club Every Wednesday 3:30pm—5pm Library Supervised Hours Monday—Friday 3:30pm—5pm
UNIFORM SHOP HOURS MONDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm TUESDAY 8:15am—9:15pm THURSDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm Call 0408 803 289 to book an appointment time if you need a longer timeslot.
Mr Peter Karamoshos
This opportunity is available to all students in Years 2 to 12 to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation and challenge themselves in independent, skill based tasks.
The importance of Wellbeing
The entry fee and dates are listed below.
Subject Years eligible Test Date Cost I recently read an article by Francis Totney, an educator who promotes wellbeing as central to young people achieving to their English 2 - 12 Tuesday 1 August $9.90 best. She started by quoting Dr Sue Roffey who suggests “Good test results may help though they do not necessarily lead to Mathematics 2 - 12 Tuesday 15 August $9.90 authentic wellbeing and meaningful lives. Schools where students A letter and permission form will be sent home in the near learn to be, live together well and love learning, promote a flourishing future for both young people and their communities.” future. Totney believes that mental health, resilience and optimism should be taught as part of the curriculum and this would lead to Pork is on the Menu increased student engagement, better academic outcomes and This semester, the year 9 Food Technology class have been very stronger relationships between students and students, and lucky to join in a program called “Pork is on the Menu” which is students and teachers. sponsored by Australian Pork. She claims that though a proactive and whole school approach to wellbeing: students become better equipped to flourish in life – not just excel in passing tests and exams teachers better connect to students who are more likely to be positive, engaged and inspired schools develop a positive culture that promotes positive values and demonstrates leadership the school community is encouraging, supportive and united
Schools across Australia were invited to apply for the program, where if successful, premium Australian Pork would be supplied to the students giving them an opportunity to learn about Australian Pork and then have a hand on kitchen experience. As part of the program, students worked in groups to investigate pork production in Australia as well as the environmental impact of ‘paddock to plate’ dinning. Students then chose recipes to cook and serve as a group. It was also a great opportunity for students to explore cross curricular priorities such as sustainability.
This article reinforces to me the importance of our Wellbeing This was a wonderful learning opportunity, made possible through Program at St George College. Our Home Group Teachers and our this program. Heads of House ensure explicit teaching of the skills of resilience, team work, confidence building, empathy and positive relationships. They do this through the “Bounce Back” program for Years 5 to 8 and with “Program Achieve” in Years 9 to 12. We can’t underestimate the benefits of this aspect of our curriculum. In addition, the Heads of House provide support on an individual basis when students are struggling with personal, emotional or academic challenges. Providing our students and families with strategies to deal with difficult situations is one of our important responsibilities. Ultimately, we want our students happy coming to school, happy while they are here and happy as they head home. If this is the case, students will be in the best frame of mind to achieve to their very best.
ICAS Testing St George College and the University of New South Wales are pleased to offer the 2017 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). All children are invited to participate in ICAS testing for English and Mathematics.
Natasha Filippi
college, receiving congratulations and praise for their behaviour from the public and the museum and Tandanya staff. A big “Thank you” goes to Mrs Tolis and Mrs Tsangari for their much appreciated help on the day.
Junior Campus Playground Update Construction of the new playground on the Junior Campus will now commence on Wednesday 14 June. The delay is due to circumstances beyond our control, however we are now looking forward to the final stages of this project. The installation of the play equipment will be undertaken on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June (weather permitting), and the new playground is expected to be officially opened on Monday 19 June. In order for the students to access the playground equipment on Monday 19 June, there will be a working bee on Saturday 17 June to assist with the distribution of mulch under the play equipment. If you are available on Saturday, even for an hour, it would be greatly appreciated if you could please contact the Junior Campus Reception on 8159 8100 or Ms Vicky Koutsoukos email:
[email protected] to register your interest. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to working together to complete this exciting Junior Campus Playspace.
Pyjama Day in Preschool Wednesday 7th June
What a fabulous day we enjoyed in our ELC this Wednesday! It was an exciting, warm and comfy day for all as we spent our Preschool day in our pyjamas. This special day occurred as a way to celebrate the children’s efforts in raising money for our special class charity; Guide Dogs SA!
The children enjoyed a casual day of fun, as well as a movie and popcorn, and other goodies. Our Christian philosophy is embedded in our College, and learning about giving, caring and helping others teaches children from a young age about selflessness and respect for all.
Year 3K Excursion
Thank you to our wonderful children and families for your ongoing support in helping us to raise a significant amount of money for a great cause.
On Wednesday the 7th of June the Year 3 class had the opportunity to visit Tandanya, the South Australian Museum and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander War monument. Our excursion coincided with our Humanities and Social Sciences topic of Community and Remembrance. Our visit to Tandanya and the Museum gave the students the opportunity to learn more about the local Indigenous culture of the Kaurna People. Our visit to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander monument enabled the students to learn more about the significant role the Indigenous soldiers played during the time of war. The children showed a lot of enthusiasm and displayed a keen interest in learning more about our Australian Indigenous culture. Miss Jana Livaditis The class was very respectful and wonderful ambassadors of our
Excursion to the Adelaide Central Market
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
The Year 1 students went to the Adelaide Central Market on a mission to source the ingredients they needed to buy, in order to have their Healthy Party. They were put into groups with a teacher or parent to lead the way. Excitement, enthusiasm and joy filled the market that day with this being the first time at the Central Market for most of the students. Our Healthy party was a success and the children loved making their pizza and fruit skewers. I would like to thank the parents for assisting on the excursion and for all the preparation of the food. Without your help, it wouldn’t have been possible.
On Tuesday 23rd of May, the St George College Senior Campus held an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser for the Cancer Council of Australia. Senior Campus students were invited to support the event by donating a gold coin to wear casuals with a touch of yellow or blue, the colours of the Cancer Council of Australia, and purchase items at the morning tea bake sale. The event was organised by the Year 12 Food and Hospitality as part of their SACE Stage 2 class with the assistance of their Teacher Mrs Filippi, with special thanks for Mrs Taliangis for her important help on the day. The students put on a fabulous bake sale, which included a range of delicious treats and hot chocolate for students to purchase at recess. Congratulations to Constance Venetsanos and Alexia Desyllas, our two lolly jar completion winners. The Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea was highly successful, with students managing to raise a whopping $506.90!
Thankyou to all those who supported this important event.
Mrs Natasha Filippi Miss Iliana Toumbas
Πρωτάθλημα 5 A-side από τον μαθητή Γιώργο Τουμάζο
Την Πέμπτη, 24 Μαΐου 2017, 24 μαθητές και 8 μαθήτριες του Κολεγίου μας παρευρέθηκαν στο West Beach για να παίξουν στο μαθητικό πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου. Οι κανόνες του πρωταθλήματος ήταν οι κλασικοί κανονισμοί του ποδοσφαίρου με την διαφορά ότι κάθε ομάδα είχε πέντε παίχτες στο γήπεδο αντί έντεκα. Εγώ συμμετείχα στην πρώτη ομάδα με εφτά άλλους παίχτες. Στον όμιλο μου ήταν το ASSOE, το Le Fevre, το Findon, το Κολλέγιο του Mt Camel και το Seaton. Κερδίσαμε όλους τους αγώνες και ήρθαμε πρώτοι στον όμιλο μας. Μετά ακολούθησαν οι προημιτελικοί αγώνες. Πρώτα παίξαμε με το Islamic και κερδίσαμε 2-1. Στην συνέχεια, στους ημιτελικούς, παίξαμε με την ομάδα του Κολεγίου του Mt. Carmel. Κερδίσαμε και αυτό το παιχνίδι 2-1 και προχωρήσαμε στο τελικό παιχνίδι με το Underdale. Ο τελικός αγώνας, όπως ήταν φυσικό, ήταν δύσκολος. Υπήρχε πολύς κόσμος που μας παρακολουθούσε, ανάμεσά τους και οι άλλες δύο ομάδες του Κολεγίου μας. Είχαμε πολύ υποστήριξη και ενθάρρυνση από το κοινό. Τελικά, χάσαμε το παιχνίδι, 3-0, αλλά μείναμε ευχαριστημένοι καθώς παίξαμε πολύ ωραία και η εμπειρία που αποκτήσαμε είναι ανεκτίμητη.
Ο εορτασμός του Αγίου Πνεύματος Πριν από λίγο καιρό εορτάσαμε την Σταύρωση, την Ανάσταση και στην συνέχεια την Ανάληψη του Ιησού Χριστού στους ουρανούς. Την Δευτέρα, μετά την Πεντακοστή, η Εκκλησία μας γιόρτασε το Άγιο Πνεύμα. «....Καὶ εἰς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, τὸ κύριον καὶ ζωοποιόν, τὸ ἐκ τοῦ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον,…» Το Άγιο Πνεύμα είναι το τρίτο πρόσωπο της Αγίας Τριάδας, το οποίο εκπορεύεται εκ του Πατρός. Είναι ομοούσιο με τα πρόσωπα του Πατρός και του Υιού και κατά το Σύμβολο της Πίστεως «συνπροσκυνείται και συνδοξάζεται» με τον Πατέρα και με τον Υιό, ίσο κατά τη λατρεία και την τιμή.
«… τὸ σὺν πατρὶ καὶ υἱῷ συμπροσκυνούμενον καὶ συνδοξαζόμενον, τὸ λαλῆσαν διὰ τῶν προφητῶν....» Με τη χάρη το Αγίου Πνεύματος αναγεννιόμαστε απ’ την αρχή. Το Άγιο Πνεύμα είναι η πηγή από την οποία πήγασαν πλούτη προφητειών και χαρίσματα ιάσεων.
Dear students, staff and families of St George College Today the students of St George College joined more than 300,000 students across Australia to take part in the inaugural Cathy Freeman Foundation Stomp out the Gap. We believe that equality in education is the key to a more equal society and that is why we have dedicated the past 10 years to helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students realise their dreams through the power of education. But in order to keep our vision alive of an Australia where Indigenous and nonIndigenous children have the same education standards and opportunities in life, we need support from people like you. That is why your participation in Stomp out the Gap is so important. Every dollar that is raised today will go directly into delivering our life-changing education programs to some of Australia's largest Indigenous communities.
So from all of us at the Cathy Freeman Foundation, thank you.
With Mr Michael Rodas
CAREER MENTORS DAY Thursday 15 June 2:30-4:30pm. Compulsory for all Year 11 and 12 students All Parents of Year 11 and 12 students are invited
The event will involve students and parents coming together to listen to a range of speakers from varying pathways, sharing their experiences and knowledge in inspiring our current students to consider their future. Parents wishing to attend please email Kylie Greenfield
[email protected]
by Tuesday 13 June 2017 to confirm your attendance.
Open Girls Soccer
Round 3 – St George College drew Loreto Round 4- St George College drew OLSH
Under 6 Soccer
Round 3 – St George College def. Henley Beach PS Round 4 – Henley Beach PS def. St George College
Under 8 Soccer
Round 3 – Henley Beach def. St George College Round 4 – St George College drew Largs Bay PS
Under 10 Soccer
Round 3 – St George College def. Portside Christian College Round 4 – St George College def Our Lady Queen of Peace
Under 10 Basketball Blue
Round 13 – St Francis def. St George College Round 14 - St Josephs def. St George College Round 15 - BYE
Under 10 Basketball Red
Round 13 – St Michaels College def. St George College Round 14– St Michaels College def. St George College Round 15 - BYE
Under 14 Basketball
Round 13- St Michaels College def. St George College Round 14 - St Michaels College def. St George College Round 15 - BYE
Under 11 Netball
Round 13 - St George College def. Star of the Sea Round 14 - St George College def. Whitefriars
Under 13 Netball
Round 13 - St George College def. Nazareth Round 14- St George College def. Whitefriars
SAUSAGE SIZZLE On Tuesday 30th May, the Parents and Friends of St George College held a Sausage Sizzle BBQ. This was a whole school event, where the ELC, Junior Campus students and staff joined those from the Senior Campus for a shared lunch. Everyone enjoyed this wonderful fundraiser, with the smell of BBQ sausages enticing us all for a hot treat! It was great to see the children interacting together in the yard, and sharing the play spaces. Our SRC representatives assisted in serving on the day, and even helped the younger students with their condiments! A huge thank you to all of our Parents & Friends volunteers that made this event possible.
Thanks must also go to the teachers, students and their families for supporting this event, and making it such an enjoyable day and a great success; we appreciate your ongoing support.
Short-Stay Homestay Register St George College We are looking for St George College friends or families to accommodate future short-term study tour visiting students.
Most stays are two-week or four-week periods. You will be renumerated $290 per week for your time and effort.
Should you be interested, please contact Tom Radbone on 0435 940 353 or complete the form on the back page and return it to Mr Ben Hall at the Senior Campus.
Homestay Application Form (for short term only) Contact details: Full Name Home Address Home Phone Mobile Email Address Emergency Contact People living in your house: Name
Relationship with the applicant
Home Details: Number of Bedrooms:
Number of Bathrooms:
Family Rooms:
Pets dog/Cat/Bird/Other):
Languages, other than English,
Suitability: All Homestay providers, including all resident adults over 18 years of age, are required to undergo a Child Related Employment Screening. If you have a current police check certificate, please return this with your application. Otherwise, please email Polyxeni
[email protected] for a form.
Referees and References Referee 1
Referee 2
Contact details:
Contact details:
Selection for Homestay families involves an application form, home visits, and police and reference checks for all household members over the age of 18. After your application has been received and processed, St George College Homestay Services Director will contact you to discuss your application and to arrange a home visit.
St George College | 75 Rose Street, Mile End SA 5031 | www.sgc.sa.edu.au |
[email protected]