May 30, 2013 - corporate and commercial services to non-resident offshore .... soundness of banks, and 35th in terms of
May 20, 2013 - Besides the RCEP, Singapore is also actively engaged in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or the TPP. The TP
will naturally vary from country to country, so a common benchmark is not feasible. Instead, this ...... CDN 400 million) to offset unrealised valuation losses on.
feature seeks to provide some clarity by answering a deceptively simple question: ... occur in wholesale systems are vis
financial condition and performance, business activities, risk profile and risk management practices. This definition re
that promote safety and soundness in banking systems ..... with consistent accounting policies and practices that enable
wholesale-funded commercial bank and a capital markets-oriented bank. The first .... non-deposit debt and the share of interbank liabilities to total assets (net of.
financial condition and performance, business activities, risk profile and risk management practices. This definition re
significant spillovers from the United States to EMEs and smaller advanced ... globally. And the evolution of the US business cycle is likely to directly affect global.
regulatory banking perimeter and out of scope of any supervisory ...... 107 TUB), which have the legislative duty to check the compliance of each single.
BIS Working Papers. No 269. Monetary policy implementation: Misconceptions and their consequences by Piti Disyatat. Monetary and Economic Department.
Seward (2002). ...... Williams (1977) identify the direction of the thin trading bias, and propose ..... Japanese Financial System, ed. by T. Hoshi, and H. Patrick.
stakeholders (ie the Wolfsberg Group and the Payments Market Practice Group (PMPG)) to review their principles ... Corre
The People's Bank of China and the Bank for International Settlements co-hosted ... and inflation spillovers; financial
Foreword Frank Packer and Aaron Mehrotra The People’s Bank of China and the Bank for International Settlements co-hosted a research conference on “Globalisation and Inflation Dynamics in Asia and the Pacific” on 23–24 September 2013 in Beijing. This was the wrap-up conference for the BIS Asian Office’s two-year research programme on globalisation and inflation that was launched by the Asian Consultative Council in February 2012. The event brought together senior officials and researchers from central banks, international organisations and academia. The research papers presented at the conference covered the dynamics of inflation forecasts in the region; the measurement of economic slack; supply chains and inflation spillovers; financial globalisation and the role of exchange rate in monetary policy; global commodity price cycles and their monetary policy implications; and the role of inflation in China’s monetary policy rule. Governor Zhou Xiaochuan of the People’s Bank of China made the opening remarks and former Governor Masaaki Shirakawa of the Bank of Japan delivered the keynote address. The conference also included a policy panel discussion by Deputy Governors focusing on the challenges posed by globalisation to the Asia-Pacific region. The panel was chaired by Deputy Governor Yi Gang of the People’s Bank of China. There was general agreement among the participants that the nature of real globalisation was changing. In economies that are integrated into international supply chains, cost shocks may result in significant cross-border spillovers. At the same time, increased financial globalisation could present a challenge to exchange rate management in the region’s economies. The participants also broadly recognised that financial globalisation was creating significant monetary policy spillovers across borders. This volume is a collection of the speeches, presentations and a background paper from the conference.