place in India under Bharat Darshan Scheme. 11 x`g uxj@Hkkjr n'kZu esa fd,
izdkj dh fj;k;r dk ykHk mBkuk pkgrs. gSa@ State the type of concession which is ...
Hkkjrh; d`f”k vuqla/kku ifj”kn
d`f”k Hkou] MkW0 jktsUnz izlkn ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi 110 001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
jksdM+&A @CASH-I
vkdfLed NqV~Vh@fu;fer NqV~Vh ds nkSjku ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa }kjk x`g uxj ;k Hkkjr ds fdlh LFkku dh ;k=k gsrq ;k=k fj;k;r izi= FORM FOR TRAVEL CONCESSION TO GOVERNMENT SERVANT DURING/ CASUAL/REGULAR LEAVE TO HOME TOWN OR ANY PLACE IN INDIA
Designation & Section to which attached ewyosru@Basic Pay
:0@Rs. No._____
dsUnzh; ljdkj@Hkk0 d`f"k vuqla/kku ifj"kn lsok esa izFke fu;qfDr frfFk Date of First appointment in Central Govt./ICAR Services
6 7 8
D;k ljdkjh deZpkjh jkT; ljdkj ls izfrfu;qfDr ;k ifjoh{kk vof/k ij gS\ ;fn gka] rks jkT; ljdkj esa dk;Zxzg.k frfFk rFkk dsUnzh; ljdkj esa LFkkukarfjr gksus dh frfFk nsaA@Whether he/she on deputation or on probation from the State Govt. If so, state the date joined the state Govt. & Date when transferred to Central Govt. Lohd`r NqV~Vh dh frfFk lfgr vof/k@Period of Leave with date
Lohd`r NqV~Vh dh izd`fr@Nature of Leave lfoZl cqd esa ntZ x`g uxj ¼fudVre jsyos LVs'ku dk uke vifjorZuh; :i ls crk;k tk,½@ State home address as mentioned in your service book (nearest Railway Station to be indicated invariable)
D;k x`g uxj ?kks"k.kk i= fu;a=.k vf/kdkjh }kjk Lohdkj fd;k x;k gS rFkk ;k=k fj;k;r dk ykHk mBkus ds igys foRr ,oa ys[kk vf/kdkjh dks izsf"kr dj fn;k x;k gSA@Whether declaration of home town was accepted by the controlling officer & sent to the Pay & Accounts Officer before availing of travel concession.
;fn Hkkjr n'kZu ;kstuk ds vUrxZr Hkkjr esa fdlh LFkku dks ns[kus tkuk gS rks mldk uke crk,a@ State the name of the Place if the visit to any
x`g uxj@Hkkjr n'kZu esa fd, izdkj dh fj;k;r dk ykHk mBkuk pkgrs gSa@ State the type of concession which is sought to be availed of
place in India under Bharat Darshan Scheme.
D;k eq[;ky; NksM+us dh vuqefr ekaxh xbZ Fkh ;k eatwj dh xbZ FkhA Whether permission and Leave Headquarter was sough and granted.
D;k ;k=k ds igys fu;a=.k vf/kdkjh dks lwfpr fd;k x;k Fkk fd vkids }kjk fdl Ldhe ds varxZr lgk;rk gsrq nkok fd;k x;k FkkA Whether he/she had informed the controlling officer before journeys for which assistance under the scheme is claimed were undertaken.
D;k ;k=k fj;k;r dk igys ykHk mBk;k x;k gS] ;fn gka rks crk,a fd fdl CykWd o"kZ dk ykHk mBk;k x;k gSA Whether travel concession has been availed of before, if so, state the BLOCK YEAR for which the concession was availed of.
nkok fdl Cykd o"kZ ls lacaf/kr gSA The BLOCK YEAR to which he claim pertains.
fnYyh@ubZ fnYyh ls ckgj tkus dh ;k=k dk fooj.kA
Details of outgoing journeys from Delhi/New Delhi to. 17
lkFk tkus okys ifjokj ds lnL;ksa dk C;kSjkA
laca/k@ RELATION
Details of family accompanying.
la0 @ NO.
D;k cPps nkosnkj ij iw.kZ:i ls vkfJr gSA fnYyh@ubZ fnYyh ls fy, x, iwjs fVdV@vk/ks fVdV@ Are the children wholly dependent on the claiment full Tickets and half Tickets required/purchase from Delhi/New Delhi. D;k lhVsa vkjf{kr Fkha@Whether seats were reserved.