Forms Required For Coaches - Sports Websites

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Forms Required - Head Coach and Assistant Coaches: ... Coaching Code of Ethics (Attached) ... No lashing out at any official no matter what the call is.
Requirements - Head Coach and Assistant Coaches: These items are required per MAHA & USA Hockey to be put on the roster. You cannot play a game till you have a roster. Complete items in this order below 

USA Hockey Individual Membership Registration (IMR)

You can get this by going to and registering online. Be sure to print the confirmation and return it with this packet. 

Coaching Code of Ethics (attached)

Fill out and return. 

Concussion Management Form (attached)

Fill out and return. 

Background Check Email Confirmation

You can get this by going to and click on Safety across the top, followed by Safe Sport program then Background Check or visit Be sure to print the email confirmation that says “CLEAR” or “PASS” that you should receive 24-48 hours after filling out the background check. Please print it and return it with this packet. They are good for 2 years. 

Safe Sport

You must complete SafeSport training. This must be done every two years. Print the certificate after the course and return with this packet. Visit for more instructions on taking the course. Please allow 2 hours for the online class if it’s your first time. These are good for 2 years. Refresh courses take about 40 minutes. 

Age Specific Module

You must complete you Age Specific Module. Print the certificate after the course and return with this packet. Visit for more instructions.


COACHING ETHICS CODE AGREEMENT All head coaches, assistant coaches, and coaching instructors must complete this agreement every hockey season, as follows: 1. Study the Coaching Ethics Code itself. It is found electronically on the USA Hockey website or the MAHA website, and is printed in the MAHA Annual Guidebook. A copy of the Guidebook is issued to every registered team. 2. Print this page using your web browser and fill in the information needed. One form per coach. 3. Submit this form with other registration materials to your local USA Hockey Associate Registrar. Your agreement form will be sent to the Chairperson of the district in which you are registered.

AGREEMENT This form is effective for the hockey season beginning ____________through___________ I, the undersigned coach, have read and agree to abide by, the USA Hockey Coaches Ethics Code. I understand that violations of the Coaches Ethics Code may result in full or partial forfeiture of my coaching privileges in programs sanctioned by USA Hockey and/or its affiliate, the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association. I further understand that lack of awareness or a misunderstanding of an ethical standard on my part is not a defense to a charge of unethical conduct. Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________ Print name:___________________________________ Address:_____________________________________

coach ethics form 1208

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I have been provided the MAHA / USA Hockey Concussion Management educational materials. I have read and understand the information. I agree to comply with the requirement to remove a youth athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion from all activity until I receive written clearance from a health professional. I have also completed one of the two concussion on-line training courses listed on the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) website (, Public Safety & Environmental Health page. I agree to advise the Safe Sport Administrator, Jason Hills of any suspected occurrence of concussion and to forward a copy of the written clearance for their files. I have been advised that I should visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s information page, Injury Prevention & Control: Traumatic Brain Injury. (

Coach’s name: __________________________________________________________ Please print Coach’s signature: _______________________________________________________ Please sign Today’s date: __________________________________

Witness: _________________________________________ Print name Title: ____________________________________________ Please print Signature: ________________________________________