Page 2 ... Job Training. Technical schools (or career colleges) provide skill-based training and hands-on job training. ... Do I have to go to a four-year school?
Only those students seeking an Advanced or Standard Diploma are ranked. Class Rank is based on cumulative GPA in sequential order.
GPAs of equal value carry the same rank. Class rank and cumulative GPA will be updated again at the end of the semester and at the end of the year. Your rank and GPA may change. Food for thought … Colleges tend to look at the rigor of your schedule and grades earned instead of solely focusing on your rank & GPA.
Take the ASVAB on October 14.
The ASVAB is a career assessment that the military will require you to take before you enlist. Even if you are unsure about enlisting, it’s still a good idea to take the ASVAB. See your counselor to sign up.
Talk to a recruiter during lunch.
• Navy – 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month •Marines – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. •Army – Every Wednesday of the month. •Air Force – 2nd Thursday of the month. •National Guard – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
Thinking about college but want to go into the military? Consider ROTC programs offered at a variety of schools.
Job Training
Technical schools (or career colleges) provide skill-based training and hands-on job training. Examples include ECPI, Centura College, ITT Technical Institute.
Compare to Community Colleges It’s always a good idea to compare programs at technical colleges with programs offered by community college. Sometimes cost is more favorable at the community college.
I just want to start working.
Consider an apprenticeship. As an apprentice, you are trained on the job. The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry has searchable apprenticeship information on its website. They also have a field office in Verona. Check them out!
How can I help?
I can help you explore your career interests. Don’t have one yet? Let me help! I can set up job shadowing. I can give you a career assessment. I even arrange career related field trips. I can also help with resumes and interview skills.
I work for Blue Ridge Community College
If you have questions about Blue Ridge, I can help in addition to your counselor.
When can you see me?
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I am here from 8-12pm. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I am here from 8-3:30pm.
Sign-up to see me.
Outside of the Guidance Office, you will find my bulletin board. Sign up on the bulletin board to see me and I will send a pass for you.
Do I have to go to a four-year school?
Many professions do not require a four-year degree. There are many two-year programs in a variety of career fields.
Thinking about transferring?
Many students will go to BRCC for two years and then transfer to a fouryear school. BRCC has guaranteed transfer agreements with state schools if you maintain certain grades.
So what do I do?
To enroll at a community college like BRCC, you have to complete an application; take an English and math placement test; and meet with a college advisor. Typically, students wait until early, second semester to register.
• Group Registration for Students– February/March 2016 •March 15 is the deadline for BRCC scholarships – separate application. •Mrs. McElveen is our BRCC connection. Use her knowledge.
Do you have a list?
At this point, you should have a working list of schools that interest you. Visit their admissions’ websites; visit the schools if possible; talk to your parents; start applying.
Be aware of deadlines.
Applying to college requires following a multitude of deadlines. Applications can be due anytime from now through the spring. Each school is different. Are you applying Early Decision? Early Action? Regular Decision? Rolling Admissions? You are responsible for knowing your deadlines.
Proofread everything.
Before you submit your application, double-check everything. Are you sending an essay you wrote for VT to UVA? Is your email address professional? Do you need a recommendation?
Ask for help.
Do not hesitate to ask your school counselor for help. If we don’t hear from you, we don’t know how to help.
Here is a general college application timeline. October Visit Colleges College Night at JMU Start Applying Take SAT or ACT Request Transcripts Get Recommendations Apply for Scholarships
February Continue Applying February Deadlines FAFSA Apply for Scholarships No SENIORITIS
November Visit Colleges Continue Applying November Deadlines Take SAT Request Transcripts Get Recommendations Apply for Scholarships
March Continue Applying March Deadlines FAFSA Apply for Scholarships No SENIORITIS
December Visit Colleges Continue Applying December Deadlines Financial Aid Workshop Take SAT or ACT Request Transcripts BEFORE Winter Break Apply for Scholarships
April Compare Financial Aid Packages Make College Selection Apply for Scholarships No SENIORITIS
January Visit Colleges Continue Applying January Deadlines FAFSA Take SAT or ACT* Apply for Scholarships
May Submit Deposit to College Apply for Scholarships No SENIORITIS
Still need help finding a college?
Use the following resources to help in your search:
Opportunities Book – great college profiler on all Virginia schools
Individual college websites College search websites: Big Future (; Virginia Wizard (; I am the One. (; SCHEV (
College Visits: Listen to the announcements for dates of upcoming college visits to FDHS. Sign up in Guidance to attend.
Field Trips: JMU, Bridgewater, EMU Field Trips Your College Visits: When possible, visit the schools you are interested in
applying to this fall. Use the teacher workdays (10-23 & 11-3). Visit when students are on campus.
But what about testing?
The SAT and ACT are two different college entrance tests. You do not have to take both. Schools generally accept either test.
How do I register?
You have to register on the respective website of either the SAT or ACT.
• SAT: • ACT:
Don’t wait until the last minute.
Be aware of the test registration deadlines.
What about fee waivers?
November 7
October 24
Deadline: October 9
Late Deadline: October 2
December 5
December 12
Deadline: November 5
Deadline: November 6
Some students may qualify for a fee waiver. If you think you might qualify, see your counselor.
What about SAT Subject Tests?
Do you need to take those? Only if the school you are applying to requests that you do so. Typically more selective schools like UVA and William & Mary suggest you take subject tests.
Let’s talk recommendation letters.
Not all colleges require recommendation letters. Follow the directions on the college’s website. Some colleges want letters online while others are ok with them being sent with your transcript. If a school wants the recommendation online, it may not read a letter we send in the mail. Follow directions!
Don’t wait to the last minute to ask.
If you need a recommendation letter, ask the teacher or counselor with two weeks notice. Fill out an activities form or give a resume to whomever is writing the recommendation.
Recommendations are confidential.
If you are given a recommendation in a sealed envelope, keep it in the sealed envelope.
Say thank you.
If someone takes time to write you a recommendation letter, give that person a thank you note. It’s the right thing to do.
Virginia Common Application Schools Christopher Newport University College of William & Mary Emory & Henry College Hampden-Sydney College Hollins University Marymount University Old Dominion University Randolph College Randolph-Macon College Roanoke College University of Mary Washington University of Richmond University of Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University Washington & Lee University
“Common App”
Representatives from 100+ institutions including two and four year colleges/universities, technical schools, and the Armed Forces will be at James Madison University tomorrow to meet with students and parents. Make plans to attend.
There are two ways to send a transcript.
Transcripts can be sent via the mail or online through
You have to fill out a form.
When you’re ready to request a transcript, fill out the transcript request form in the Guidance office. This is true whether you want us to send it through the mail or online. Please give us 5 days notice.
Is there a fee?
If you need us to mail a transcript, there is a $1 fee. (If you need the transcript for a scholarship application, the fee is waived.) If you need us to send a transcript online through Parchment, there is no fee.
So what is Parchment? is the online service we use to send transcripts electronically. All seniors have a Parchment account but you need to activate it if you plan to use it. It’s important that you activate your account with your school email address. If you need your activation code, see your counselor. With your Parchment account, you can send transcripts online.
If you are a male, listen up.
Within 30 days of your 18th birthday, you are required by law to register for the Selective Service. Without registering, you may not be eligible for: • • • •
Federal student loans and grants Student financial aid in Virginia Job training benefits US citizenship for male immigrants
If you have a Virginia driver’s license or How do I register? an ID card from the DMV, you have already authorized DMV to register you Fill out a form at the post for the Selective Service as a condition for office or go online. getting your license or ID. If you are unsure if you are registered, visit the Selective Service website.
Do you need to register with the NCAA?
If you intend to play Division I or Division II sports in college, you need to register with the NCAA now. After registering, stop by the guidance office in order to request an official transcript be sent to the NCAA.
Fill out the transcript request form. Send ACT/SAT scores directly from testing agency. Your NCAA GPA will vary from your Fort GPA. Send your end-of-year transcript in June.
How do I register?
Monthly Scholarship Newsletter
Scholarship Database
Other resources:
-Individual Colleges/Universities -Local Groups (Ruritan Clubs) -Scholarship Websites (FastWeb) -Guidance Email List
Please tell your parents about tonight’s meeting. We’ll be talking about the college application process and answering questions about this presentation. The meeting starts at 6:30pm.
Mrs. Stevens: A- Ha Mr. Farthing: He-P Mrs. McMillan: Q-Z Mrs. McElveen, Career Coach Mrs. Goodloe We’re here to help on your journey. Come see us!
Who is GRASP? A non-profit organization, always free to parents and students, supported by Augusta County, foundations, individuals and corporations. bb
Our goal is to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity for continuing education after high school, regardless of financial or social circumstances. 23
Who is GRASP? T r a i n i n g
Board of Directors Senator Walter A. Stosch, Chairman of the Board bb
Advisors now in 76 Virginia Schools • • • • •
Appointments through school counseling On site at least 1 day a week Confidential and always free bb Assist with college financial aid process Knowledgeable about special circumstances: foster care, adoption, legal guardianship, divorce, financial challenge, layoff • Will help you to not miss opportunities. 25
Your GRASP Advisor • Graduate of Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania • Mother of college Senior at University of Mary Washington and 2014 graduate ofbbSmith College
Mrs. Mary S. Cunningham
• Free and confidential appointments available through the school counseling office • Appointments are available 9 am – 2pm weekly in Career Coaches office here at school
Six Virginia Opportunities You Need to Know About • University of Richmond - total family income is $40,000 or less and demonstrated eligibility for
need-based aid, aid package may equal full tuition, room and board (without loans). bb • College of William & Mary –Gateway
• UVA –UVA Access • Virginia Tech – Presidential
Adjusted Gross Income < $40,000
• James Madison – Centennial
• Virginia Union – Brighter Future Initiative 27
Colleges Meeting 100% of Financial Need • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Amherst College Barnard College Bates College Boston College Bowdoin College Brown University Bryn Mawr College CA Institute of Technology Carleton College Claremont McKenna College Colby College Colgate University College of the Holy Cross Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Dartmouth College Davidson College Duke University Emory University Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Georgetown University
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Gettysburg College Grinnell College Hamilton College Harvard University Harvey Mudd College Haverford College Macalester College MA Institute of Technology Middlebury College Mount Holyoke College Northwesternbb University Oberlin College Occidental College Pitzer College Pomona College Princeton University Reed College Rice University Scripps College Smith College
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
St. Olaf College Stanford University SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Swarthmore College Thomas Aquinas College Trinity College Tufts University University of Chicago University of Dayton UNC – Chapel Hill University of No. Colorado University of PA University of Richmond Vassar College Washington & Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Williams College Yale University 28
FAFSA in 5 Steps 1. 2. 3.
Create your new FSAID Now! ( File on-line at after January 1 using prior year IRS tax records. After you “submit your FAFSA” look for your SAR Student Aid Report. Note the Expected Family Contribution. labeled EFC bb . Correct errors on-line promptly. Before the priority filing dates, contact College Financial Aid office to verify receipt of the FAFSA. Check email regularly. Respond to emails or requests for verification documentation!
Who is my Parent?
FAFSA Determines Financial Need • Cost of Attendance (COA) includes: tuition, fees, room and board, books, some expenses
COA- EFC =need bb
• The FAFSA determines your family’s Expected Family
Contribution (EFC) • The difference between your EFC and the COA is your
financial need 31
Reducing COA Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
• Tuition and Fees – Public, Private or Community College, Domicile/Out-ofstate residence
• Books and supplies (paper, notebooks, computer supply, uniforms, arts, lab, sport bb equipment) • Personal Expenses ( laundry, phone) • Room– on campus housing choices, • Transportation • Board – Meal plans choices, • Allowable Costs – personal at-home costs count computer, eligible study abroad program 32
Priority Filing Dates • Randolph College: February 1 • ODU: February 15
If you miss your school’s
• Radford: February 15 • JMU: March 1 • Longwood: March 1 • CNU : March 1
priority filing date, file bb
anyway and file soon.
• UVA: March 1 • VCU: March 1 • Virginia State: March 31 • Virginia Tech: March 1 • William and Mary: March 1 33
Award Letters
bb • The school will determine your financial aid award
• They will select the applicable federal programs • They will calculate your potential loan amounts • The letter may also include school scholarships
“I will not file -- we will not get anything” Choosing to not file the FAFSA means that your school will not consider you for financial aid, grants or loans. bb
Borrowing Money • Federal Direct Student loans have fixed interest rates.
• Repayment begins six months after graduation, withdrawal or drop below half-time enrollment. • Subsidized or Unsubsidized interest bb$5500, 2nd year: $6500, remaining • Maximum borrowing:1st year: years $7500 annually • Repayment terms depend on total balance may extend 10-25 years
• FAFSA – required for PLUS loan – parent loan • Private loans – GAP funding
More Forms? •
CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE –CSS Profile is often required for Institutional money Some examples: University of Virginia, Hampden-Sydney College, Washington & Lee, University of Virginia, University of Richmond, William and Mary bb
Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG)
Some schools have additional forms. Always check the college website or call the Financial Aid department directly with questions.