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MEDIEVAL STUDIES Diocèse de Toul Pleasure in the Middle Ages

Pierre Pégeot, Mattias Bouyer

Medieval MasterChef Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways

Naama Cohen Hanegbi, Piroska Nagy (eds)

Joanita Vroom,Yona Waksman, Roos van Oosten (eds)

Applying a variety of methodological perspectives, the essays collected here analyse the role of pleasure in relation to a variety of subjects such as the human body, love, relationships, education, food, friendship, morality, devotion, and mysticism. They also integrate a wide range of sources including literature (monastic to courtly), medical texts, illuminated prayer books, iconography, and theatrical plays.

Les Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae présentent, pour chaque diocèse de France entre 1200 et 1500 : – des notices biographiques et tables chronologiques des évêques, auxiliaires de l’évêque, dignitaires et chanoines prébendés du chapitre cathédral, – une présentation des institutions diocésaines et des sources – les aspects particuliers de chaque diocèse. Pour le diocèse de Toul le volume propose plus de sept cents notices. Les sources relativement pauvres n’ont pas permis d’étudier le quartier cathédral, mais le volume donne une notice détaillée sur la cathédrale.

Table of Contents N. Cohen-Hanegbi & P. Nagy, Introduction: For a History of Medieval Pleasure

Pleasured Bodies E. Cohen, Reflections on High Medieval Monastic Pleasures - Ph. C. Maddern, ‘It Is Full Merry in Heaven’: The Pleasurable - Connotations of ‘Merriment’ in Late Medieval England - F. Salmon, The Pleasures and Joys of the Humoral Body in Medieval Medicine - N. CohenHanegbi, Bodily Pleasures: Late Medieval Medical Counsel in Context - M. Doyle, Visual Pleasure and the Illuminated Prayer Book - K. Moukheiber, Abbasid Concubines and Slave Courtesans in adab Discourse: Cultural Mediators for an Ethical Appreciation of Pleasure - W. M. Reddy, Courts and Pleasures: The Neuroscience of Pleasure and the Pursuit of Favour in Twelfth-Century Courts

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

approx. 400 p., 10 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57520-9 Hardback: € 100 Series: International Medieval Research, vol. 24 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Individui universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo IV Premio Internacional de Tesis Doctorales, Fundación Ana María Aldama Roy de Estudios Latinos Caterina Tarlazzi

J. M. Van Winter, Arabic influences on European Medieval cuisine J. C. Carvajal López & M. Jiménez Puertas, Cuisine, islamisation and ceramics in the south and east of al-Andalus

L. Omar, Approaching Medieval cuisine: Employing zoo-archaeological methods on Anatolian faunal assemblages

Medieval Period R. Smadar Gabrieli, Y. Waksman, A. Shapiro & A. Pecci, Cypriot and Levantine cooking wares in Frankish Cyprus J. Vroom & E. Tzavella, Dinner time in Athens: Eating and drinking in the Medieval Agora J. M. Van Winter, Festive meals in the Late Middle Ages: An essay on alimentation as means of communication R. Van Oosten, A Medieval cooking revolution. Changing ceramic cookware ca. 1300 as a window into cooking infrastructure, fuel, and food transitions

Late Medieval & Early Modern Period M. L ibrenti , C. M oine & L. Sabbionesi , From table to identity. Understanding social changes through tableware (A case study of San Paolo in Modena, Italy) A. Van Dongen, Global dining with Erasmus: The Early Modern European dining table V. Verrocchio, Material culture in Early Modern Abruzzo, Italy: Archival and archaeological sources

Il realismo degli universali sostenuto nei primi decenni del XII secolo nelle scuole del nord della Francia è stato studiato principalmente attraverso la critica di Pietro Abelardo, mentre materiale inedito a favore delle teorie realiste non sempre ha ricevuto adeguata considerazione. Questo libro analizza la teoria realista sugli universali, per la quale si propone qui la denominazione di ‘teoria dell’individuum’. Oggetto di indagine è inoltre l’attribuzione della teoria al maestro Gualtiero di Mortagne, attivo a Reims e Laon nella prima metà del millecento. approx. 450 p., 165 × 240 mm, FIDEM, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57565-0 Paperback: approx. € 75 Series: Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, vol. 85 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Table of Contents J. Vroom, Y. Waksman & R. Van Oosten, Preface

Y. Baǧci & J. Vroom, Dining habits at Tarsus in the Early Islamic period: A ceramic perspective from Turkey

B. H. Rosenwein, Taking Pleasure in Virtues and Vices: Alcuin’s Manual for Count Wido - R. Newhauser, Sin, the Business of Pleasure, and the Pleasure of Reading: Exemplary Narratives and Other Forms of Sinful Pleasure in William Peraldus’s Summa de vitiis - N.-L. Perret, The Role of Pleasure in the Acquisition of Good Virtue: Giles of Rome’s Idea of Education in his De regimine principum (c. 1279) - X. Biron-Ouellet, Pleasure as an Affective Tool in Pastoral Care: The Cases of Simone Fidati and Richard Rolle in Fourteenth-Century England and Italy - E. Dupras, Hell: The Pleasure of the Suffering of Others. From Visions of the Afterlife to Religious Theatre

Z. Giuliano, Holy Gluttons: Bede and the Carolingians on the Pleasures of Reading - K. A. Grant, On Leeks and Onions – Pope Gregory VII and the Rejection of Pleasure - C. J. Mews, Intoxication and the Song of Songs: Bernard - of Clairvaux and the Rediscovery of Origen in the Twelfth Century - R. Faesen, Pleasure in Medieval Christian Mystical Literature: The Analysis of John of Ruusbroec (1283-1381) and Hadewijch (thirteenth century)

The focus in this varied collection of studies by key scholars in the field is on cuisine and foodways in the Mediterranean and north-western Europe during Medieval and Post-Medieval times (ca. 6th – 20th c.).

Early Medieval & Early Islamic Period approx. 456 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57595-7 Paperback: € 65 Série: Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, vol. 17

Didactic Pleasures

Pleasure in God

Published papers of the session 'Medieval MasterChef' held at the 20 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) at Istanbul in 2014.

F. Yenişehirlioğlu, A journey of taste: Eastern coffee and western coffee cups in Turkey

Medieval Masterchef In The Kitchen C. Vandepoel, Blanc Manger, cooking a historical recipe made for a Tudor king J. Vroom, M. Van Ijzendoorn, M. Van Nieuwkoop & K. Post, A matter of taste: The experiment of a ‘Byzantine food lab’ placed in socio-historical context Mary C. Beaudry, Epilogue: Mastering the art of Medieval European table culture 400 p., 53 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 178 × 254 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57579-7 Paperback: € 95 Series: Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 2 Available

MEDIEVAL STUDIES Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe:The Antwerp Dialogue Veronica O'Mara,Virginia Blanton, Patricia Stoop (eds)

The present volume is the third in a series of three integrated publications on the Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe. It expands the geographical range by including a larger selection of female religious, for instance, tertiaries, and further languages (for example, Danish and Hungarian), as well as engaging more explicitly on issues of adaptation of manuscript and early printed texts for a female readership. Like the previous volumes, this collection of essays, focused on various aspects of nuns’ literacies from the late seventh to the mid-sixteenth century, brings together the work of specialists to create a dialogue about the Latin and vernacular texts that were read, written, and exchanged by medieval nuns. Table of Contents H. Scheck & V. Blanton, Leoba’s Legacy: The Carolingian Transformation of an Iconography of Literacy - J. A. Smith, ‘Faciat eas litteras edoceri’: Literate Practices in the Clarissan formae vitae - A. More, Religious Order and Textual Identity: The Case of Franciscan Tertiary Women - A. M. Hutchison, ‘To yowr gostly comforte and proffite’: Devotional Reading for the Nuns of Syon Abbey - S. Corbellini, Sitting Between Two Sisters: Reading Holy Writ in a Community of Tertiaries in Sint-Agnes, Amersfoort - P. Stoop & L. Vroomen, A Carthusian Nun’s Reportationes of Henricus Cool’s Sermons in the Low Countries - B. Garí, What did Catalans Nuns Read? Women’s Literacy in the Female Monasteries of Catalonia, Majorca, and Valencia - E. Lindqvist Sandgren, Christina Hansdotter Brask: Reading and Pictorial Preferences in a Birgittine Prayer Book - A. M. Hansen, Devotional Books from the Birgittine Abbey of Maribo - V. O’M ara , Scribal Engagement and the Late Medieval English Nun: The Quest Concludes? - B. Richardson, Memorializing Living Saints in the Milanese Convent of Santa Marta in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century - V. Hedvig Deák (OP), The Legacy of St Margit: A Casestudy of a Dominican Monastery in Hungary - C. G unn , Anonymous Then, Invisible Now: The Readers of ‘Sermon a dames religioses’ - C. Innes-Parker, Translation and Reform: Le livre de larbre de la croix Jhesucrist and the Nuns of Montmartre - A. Breitenbach & S. Matter, Image, Text, and Mind: Franciscan Tertiaries Rewriting Stephan Fridolin’s Schatzbehalter in the Pütrichkloster in Munich - A. Jenny-Clark, The Transmission of Books among Canonesses of the Collegiate of Sainte-Waudru in Mons: The Example of Marie de Hoves’s Books - S. S. Poor, The Countess, the Abbess, and Their Books: Manuscript Circulation in a Fifteenth-Century German Family - M. C. Erler, The Transmission of Images between Flemish and English Birgittine Houses - M. Moreton, Exchange and Alliance: The Sharing and Gifting of Books in Women’s Houses in Late Medieval and Renaissance Florence

approx. xii + 550 p., 19 b/w ills, 4 col. ills, 160 × 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55411-2 Hardback: € 125 Series: Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, vol. 28

The Dedicated Spiritual Life of Upper Rhine Noble Women A Study and Translation of a FourteenthCentury Spiritual Biography of Gertrude Rickeldey of Ortenberg and Heilke of Staufenberg

Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (800-1700) Sonja Brentjes

Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker

A study, edition, and translation of the story of two independent Upper Rhine women living a spiritual life together, Gertrude Rickeldey of Ortenberg (d. 1335) and her lifelong companion Heilke von Staufenberg (d. after 1335). The details of the account reveal that the women were mistresses of their own lives and developed into ethicae of stature. Following historical investigations into Gertrude’s and Heilke’s life (Part I) is an edition and translation of the fourteenth-century text on which these studies are based (Part II). approx. 320 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57431-8 Hardback: € 85 Series: Sanctimoniales, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

The Disputatio puerorum: A Ninth-Century Monastic Instructional Text Edited from Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 458 Andrew Rabin, Liam Felsen (eds)

This book provides for the first time a survey of important features of educational activities and structures in various Islamicate societies between 800 and 1700 with regard to the mathematical and occult sciences, medicine, and natural philosophy. This book surveys teaching and learning of the mathematical and occult sciences, medicine and natural philosophy in various Islamicate societies between 800 and 1700. It focuses in particular on Egypt and Syria between 1200 and 1600, but looks up also developments in Iran, India, Anatolia, and Iraq. It talks about institutions of teaching and learning such a house and court teachers, madrasas, hospitals, in-family teaching and travelling in search of knowledge and the content of the various sciences taught by or at them. Methods of teaching and learning, teaching bestsellers and their geographical and temporal dissemination, as well as encyclopaedias and literature on the classification of the sciences will be discussed in further chapters.

Table of Contents General Introduction Chapter 1: Contextualizing Learning and Teaching of the Sciences in Islamicate Societies Chapter 2: Teachers and Students at Courts and in Private Homes (8th-12th centuries) Chapter 3: Schools of Advanced Education; 4. The Sciences at Madrasas

A school dialogue most likely composed in southeastern Germany in the early ninth century, the Disputatio puerorum offers a vivid and direct glimpse into the sort of instruction received by monastic novices and oblates in abbey schools of the Carolingian and Holy Roman Empires. Its question-and-answer format between students and master deploys an elementary Latin that would have consolidated linguistic skills at the same time as offering instruction on the nature of body and soul, the books of the Old and New Testaments, the Mass, and the Lord’s Prayer. vii + 102 p., 140 × 215 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2017, ISBN 978-0-88844-484-4 Paperback: € 17.50 Series: Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, vol. 34 Available

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

North-American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press

Chapter 5: Other Teaching Institutions Chapter 6: Teaching and Learning Methods Chapter 7: Encyclopaedias and Classifications of the Sciences Chapter 8:Teaching Literature and Its Temporal Geographies Table 1: Islamicate Dynasties Prominently Mentioned in this Book - Table 2: Ancient Scholars - Table 3: Scholars from Islamicate Societies - Table 4 Muslim Rulers

Sonja Brentjes is researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. She has published widely on the history of mathematics, institutions, cartography, and cross-cultural encounters, mainly with regard to Islamicate societies, but also about parts of Christian Europe and South Asia. approx. 250 p., 30 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57445-5 Paperback: € 45 Series: Studies on the Faculty of Arts. History and Influence, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


MEDIEVAL STUDIES Les ports des mers nordiques à l’époque viking (VIIe-Xe siècle)

Saints of North-East England, 600-1500

Genèse des espaces politiques (IXe-XIIe siècle)

Margaret Coombe, Anne E. Mouron, Christiania Whitehead (eds)

Autour de la question spatiale dans les royaumes francs et post-carolingiens Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Steffen Patzold, Jens Schneider (éd.)

Lucie Malbos

Une histoire comparée de la construction des territoires politiques en France et en Germanie aux IXe-XIIe siècles

Marchands, pirates et autres voyageurs n’ont pas attendu le VIIe siècle pour prendre la mer. Toutefois, alors que les échanges, tant commerciaux que culturels, se développent fortement et que la voile fait son apparition dans les mers nordiques, le contexte est propice à l’essor de grands ports marchands (emporia ou wics) sur leurs rives. Les caractéristiques communes de ces établissements portuaires, lieux de rencontre et de brassage au centre des réseaux d’échanges, invitent à une approche comparative des espaces franc, anglo-saxon, scandinave et slave. Pour étudier les emporia à la lumière des recompositions politiques, économiques et sociales des VIIe-Xe siècles, un large éventail de sources, à la fois textuelles et archéologiques, est mobilisé, dans le cadre d’une approche interdisciplinaire, sollicitant également la géographie et l’anthropologie. Ce livre cherche à comprendre les interactions entre ces ports et leurs arrière-pays et à mettre en lumière les réseaux dans lesquels ils s’inscrivent, en prenant en compte les différents jeux d’échelle. Il s’agit de s’interroger sur les spécificités de ces communautés portuaires émergentes, tout en reconsidérant leur place dans les réseaux économiques du premier Moyen Âge à la lumière des récentes découvertes, qui bouleversent les approches traditionnelles, en Europe et même au-delà. Ancienne élève de l’École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, agrégée et docteur en histoire de l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Lucie Malbos est maître de conférences à l’université de Poitiers et membre du Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévales (Poitiers – CNRS, UMR 7302).

approx. 450 p., 31 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57580-3 Paperback: € 85 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 27 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017


The first section focuses on the most eminent saints and hagiographers of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria: Cuthbert, Wilfrid and Bede. The second section examines their utility for the twelfth-century, Anglo-Norman community at Durham, and surveys the cults which emerged alongside, including the early saint-bishops of Hexham Augustinian priory. The third section reviews the material culture which developed around these saints in the 14th and 15th centuries. A concluding essay re-evaluates the north-eastern cult of saints from post-Reformation perspectives. approx. 385 p., 19 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56715-0 Hardback: € 100 Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 39

Depuis le XIXe siècle, les historiens français et allemands racontent une histoire fondamentalement différente de la transition entre le monde carolingien et les Xe-XIIe siècles. Le but de cet ouvrage est de montrer comment l’importance dévolue au caractère territorial du pouvoir – largement remis en question par la recherche actuelle – a influé sur la manière dont on raconte l’histoire de l’empire carolingien et des royaumes post-carolingiens à l’Est et à l’Ouest du Rhin, grâce à plusieurs mises au point historiographiques et à de nombreuses études de cas. approx. 300 p., 23 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57473-8 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 28 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Des pots dans la tombe (IXe-XVIIIe siècle) Les Royaumes de Bourgogne jusque 1032 à travers la culture et la religion

Regards croisés sur une pratique funéraire en Europe de l’Ouest

Anne Wagner (éd.)

Anne Bocquet-Liénard, Cécile Chapelain de Seréville-Niel, Stéphanie Dervin, Vincent Hincker (éds)

Installés en Sapaudie (Savoie) par Aetius, les Burgondes étendirent leur royaume dans la vallée du Rhône, de la Durance et de la Saône. Leur implantation est attestée par des sépultures peu nombreuses dont les individus présentent des déformations céphaliques, caractéristiques de peuples associés. L’objectif du livre est d’explorer les royaumes de Bourgogne du VIe à l’XIe siècle.

Depuis de nombreuses années, les archéologues sont confrontés au phénomène du dépôt de pots dans les tombes du IXe au XVIIie siècle. Ce phénomène est étudié dans le présent volume qui rassemble les actes du colloque tenu à Caen en mai 2012. La première partie réunit les bilans archéologiques régionaux inédits pour toute la France et propose une synthèse sur la Belgique, l’Espagne et la Russie. L’ouvrage comprend également des contributions thématiques replaçant cette pratique du dépôt de vases dans la tombe dans une histoire de la mort au Moyen Âge.

approx. 350 p., 83 b/w ills, 21 col. ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57583-4 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 30

528 p., 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-84133-851-1 Hardback: € 52,13 Série: Publication du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Médiévales (CRAHM)

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017


LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Scrinium Augustini. The World of Augustine's Letters Proceedings of the International Workshop on Augustine's Correspondence, Toruń, 25-26 June 2015 Przemysław Nehring, Mateusz Stróżyński, Rafal Toczko (eds)

Part II. From the Letter(s) to the Matters G. Clark, Letters and the City of God M. Lamberigts, Was Innocent Familiar with the Content of the Pelagian Controversy? A Study of his Answers to the Letters sent by the African Episcopacy E. Marinova, 'What Good Are the Books?' Knowledge and Will in Augustine’s Letter to Firmus (Ep. 2*) Ph. Polcar, A Sting in the Tail? Augustine’s Send-Off to Nebridius in Ep. 3 D. Shanzer, Evodius’ Strange Encounters with the Dead: Questions and Answers in Augustine, Epp. 158- 159 A. Zielinski Kinney, From Ivory Tablets to Honeybees: Deciphering Augustine's Letter to Romanianus (Ep. 15) approx. 400 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57516-2 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 76 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Scrinium Augustini. The World of Augustine’s Letters contains proceedings from the international symposium on Augustine’s correspondence held at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) on 25-26 June 2015, which was a part of a wider project dedicated to the study of Augustine’s correspondence. Another part of the project is a fully searchable on-line catalogue of issues present in the Letters ( The papers presented in the book access the large corpus of Augustine’s epistles from various academic perspectives (theological, philosophical, historical, literary and rhetorical). First, the present study is thematically more wide-ranging than any of those that had been previously published on this subject; second, it is interdisciplinary in its focus and methodology; third, it provides new, substantial insights into selected problems of Augustine’s work; fourth, it approaches the Letters from two complementary, methodological perspectives: the first part of the book contains papers which study widely defined problem in the light of the whole corpus, while those in the second part deal with specific problems found in particular letters. The result is a significant contribution to our understanding of the complex and fascinating Augustinian world, seen through the lens of his letters, made by authors whose academic experience and scholarly achievements guarantee its quality. Table of Contents Part I. From a Matter to the Letters S. Adamiak, Asking for Human Mercy. Augustine’s Intercessions with the Men in Power D. Hunter, Family Matters: Augustine’s Letters as a Source for his Views on Marriage and Family Life S. Mratschek, The Unwritten Letters of Augustine of Hippo P. Nehring, Misbehaviour of Clergy in the Light of Augustine’s Letters M. Stróżyński , Neoplatonism in Augustine’s Letters R. Toczko, Debating through the Letters vs. Live Discussions. The Patterns of ars disputandi in Augustine's Correspondence

Nihil veritas erubescit Mélanges offerts à Paul Mattei par ses élèves, collègues et amis Camille Gerzaguet, Jérémy Delmulle (éd.)

Arnoul de Lisieux (1105/1109-1184) Lettres d'un évêque de cour dans l'embarras Egbert Türk

Si la cour d'Henri II d'Angleterre (1154-1189) a connu des évêques partisans du roi ou, comme le montre le cas de Thomas Becket, des adversaires farouches, Arnoul de Lisieux a été un homme de compromis, convaincu de la nécessaire collaboration du regnum et du sacerdotium. Voué aux gémonies par le parti de Becket, Arnoul n'a pas su gagner pour autant la sympathie indéfectible d'Henri II. Sa carrière d'évêque de cour fut pour lui jusqu'à la fin une source d'inquiétude et d'insatisfaction, comme le montrent ses lettres. Harmonieux au début du règne, les rapports avec le roi se sont rapidement refroidis, et si Arnoul comptait, entre 1164 et 1172, parmi les curiales influents, à la suite de la révolte des princes royaux (1173-1175) contre leur père, il a perdu la confiance du monarque. Sachant que le roi ne pardonnerait pas s'il avait conçu de la haine pour quelqu'un, l'évêque dut assister, impuissant et endetté, à la perte de ses revenus. Poussé vers la sortie par Henri II, il se retira, en 1181, à Saint-Victor, où il mourut (1184). Sous Henri II, vouloir être à la fois l'ami du pape et du roi fut une erreur lourde de conséquences pour qui avait des ambitions politiques.

approx. 414 p., 140 × 210 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55113-5 Paperback: € 70 Série: Témoins de Notre Histoire, vol. 17 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Table des matières abrégée : Mgr Henri Teissier, Préface – Avant-propos I – Écrivains de l’Afrique Chrétienne (sauf Augustin) II – Augustin d’Hippone III – Ambroise de Milan et autres Pères latins IV – Bible et exégèse V – Poésie (classique et tardoantique) VI – Littérature médiévale VII – Histoire ecclésiastique et antiquité tardive Bibliographie des travaux de Paul Mattei - Indices

Urban Literacy in Late Medieval Poland Agnieszka Bartoszewicz

Paul Mattei, à qui ces Mélanges sont offerts, est Professeur de Langue et Littérature latines à l'Université Lyon-II – Lumière et à l'Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum. Il est un spécialiste de la littérature patristique, et plus particulièrement des auteurs de l'Afrique chrétienne des premiers siècles : Tertullien, Cyprien de Carthage, Novatien. Il est également l'auteur de plusieurs manuels relatifs à l'histoire du christianisme ancien.

This book surveys the development of the literacy of Polish burghers in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, revealing socio-economic and cultural processes that changed the life of Polish urban society. Town networks in medieval Poland are explained, and the literacy skills of the producers and users of the written word are discussed. Other issues include the cooperation between agents of lay and church literacy, the relationship between literacy and orality, and the difference between developing literacies in Latin and in the vernacular languages.

approx. 750 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57035-8 Hardback: approx. € 140 Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 74

approx. 375 p., 30 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56511-8 Hardback: € 100 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 39

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017




Augustin d’Hippone, Contre Fauste le manichéen,

Corippe, Johannide, livre 4 :

Livres I-XII

Introduction, édition critique et commentaire

Martine Dulaey (éd.)

Benjamin Goldlust

The Reply to Faustus the Manichaean is one of Augustine’s major works. It touches upon many aspects of the Manichaean doctrine, and Augustine apparently reproduces in full a lost opuscule by Faustus before refuting it.The discussion and polemic against Faustus incorporates many aspects of Christian theology and Biblical exegesis that are important for knowledge of early Christianity. The introduction to the first volume contains in particular a detailed review of Manichaeism in the light of new sources.

La Johannide est une épopée panégyrique en huit livres, chantée par Corippe en l’honneur du magister militum Jean Troglita, qui fut chargé par l’empereur Justinien de mater les insurrections berbères et de pacifier l’Afrique entre 546 et 548. Dans l’organisation d’ensemble du poème, le livre 4 occupe un statut particulier. Il réunit, en effet, la fin du récit enchâssé du tribun Libératus (3, 52 – 4, 246) sur le passé de l’Afrique, qui est aux abois, et l’évocation des premières décisions de Jean Troglita, qui arrive sur place providentiellement.

approx. 512 p., 115 × 165 mm, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 2017, ISBN 978-2-85121-291-7 Hardback: approx. € 47 Série: Bibliothèque Augustinienne, vol. 18A

approx. 280 p., 165 × 250 mm, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 2017, ISBN 978-2-85121-286-3 Paperback: approx. € 34.13 Série: Collection des Études Augustiniennes, vol. 202

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Contributions to the History of Latin Elegiac Distich

Le Livre de Thezeo de Boccace

Lucio Ceccarelli

Gabriel Bianciotto

Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross

The Norse-Icelandic Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages project aims to produce a new edition of the known corpus of skaldic verse, including runic inscriptions in metrical form. The edition will be produced in eight volumes, each one based on distinct source categories arranged in assumed chronological order, so that the manuscript contexts in which the poetry has been preserved will be kept in view. There will be a ninth volume comprising various indices and a complete bibliography of works relevant to skaldic poetry.

Poetry in fornaldarsögur Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.)

Poetry in fornaldarsögur is a new edition of the corpus of poetry, mostly in eddic metres, from Icelandic mythical-heroic sagas. This volume contains all the anonymous poetry from medieval Icelandic mythical-heroic sagas (fornaldarsögur), such as Heiðreks saga, Gautreks saga, and other sagas set in prehistoric Scandinavia and more exotic locations. This diverse body of poetry is treated here for the first time as significant in its own right rather than as an appendage to the Poetic Edda. It also contains a new edition with extensive notes of Gunnlaugr Leifsson's Merlínuspá, based on Geoffrey of Monmouth's Prophecies of Merlin, as well as the little-known but entertaining Skaufhala bálkr by Svartr á Hofstöðum, a mock-heroic poem about a fox.

Édition critique

2 vols, approx. 1100 p., 160 × 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-51900-5 Hardback: € 140 Series: Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, vol. 8 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Recently published in the same series:

Poetry from Treatises on Poetics Kari Ellen Gade, Edith Marold (eds.)

This volume presents most of the poetry contained in the Scandinavian poetic and grammatical treatises, such as the poetry in Skáldskaparmál, the þulur, Háttatal, the Third and Fourth Grammatical Treatises and Háttalykill. Included also are Málsháttakvæði and stanzas from Laufás Edda not recorded elsewhere. 2 vols, clii + 1359 p., 1 b/w ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-51894-7 Hardback, € 165 Available


The life of the Latin elegiac distich spans over a very long period of time, from its importation in Rome in II century B.C. to the late antiquity, to the Middle Ages and beyond. This study is based on almost all the available data from the elegiac Latin poetry from Catullus to Venantius Fortunatus and offers a new reconstruction of the main lines of the evolution of the Latin elegiac distich in the first eight centuries of its history.

Le jeune Boccace a tenté, en composant son très étrange poème ‘Teseida delle nozze d’Emilia’, de rivaliser avec les épopées antiques de Virgile ou de Stace, tant par le thème choisi, que par le volume du texte. Le texte de la version française du Teseida, Le livre de Thezeo, est conservé dans quatre manuscrits et un fragment. Le présent travail présente la première édition critique de la traduction française du livre du jeune Boccace, et une étude complète de sa tradition textuelle et du travail du traducteur français.

approx. 350 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57459-2 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Studi e testi tardoantichi, vol. 15

approx. 775 p., 4 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57573-5 Paperback: € 120 Série: Bibliothèque de Transmédie, vol. 5

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017


LANGUAGE & LITERATURE ALEXANDER REDIVIVUS Edité par Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Corinne Jouanno, Margaret Bridges

Luigi Pulci in Renaissance Florence and Beyond New Perspectives on his Poetry and Influence James K. Coleman, Andrea Moudarres (eds)

Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla Introducción, traducción, índices y notas José Carlos Martín-Iglesias (ed.)

La collection "Alexander redivivus" porte sur la réception de l'histoire et de la légende d'Alexandre le Grand dans les littératures européennes et orientales, principalement dans l'Antiquité tardive, au Moyen Âge et à l'époque moderne. Elle accueille des publications collectives, des outils de travail, des monographies, des éditions et des traductions.

L'entrée d'Alexandre le Grand sur la scène européenne Théâtre et opéra (fin du XVe-XIXe siècle) Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine Dumas (éd.)

Le premier ouvrage collectif sur la réception et la recréation de la figure d'Alexandre le Grand dans le théâtre et l'opéra européens Après quelques rares pièces médiévales, il faut attendre les XVI e et XVII e siècles pour que les entrées d’Alexandre le Grand sur la scène théâtrale et lyrique deviennent nombreuses en Europe. La naissance et l’affirmation de ces écritures théâtrales et lyriques sur le conquérant macédonien et les personnages qui lui sont associés, notamment Darius et Porrus, Timoclée, Campaspe, Statira ou Roxane, ont été très peu analysées. Les études réunies dans ce volume sur des œuvres françaises, italiennes, espagnoles, anglaises et allemandes analysent les modalités et les finalités des transformations de la figure historique et mythique d’Alexandre en personnage dramatique et lyrique, à partir de sources diverses, parfois des œuvres médiévales, plus souvent les traductions humanistes des historiens antiques. Elles montrent comment, du XVIe au début du XIXe siècle, le théâtre et l’opéra renouvellent les portraits d’Alexandre et les interprétations de sa destinée, dans quels genres dramatiques ce processus de recréation est mené, pour quels publics et avec quelles finalités esthétiques, politiques et/ou éthiques. Le volume se termine par un répertoire des œuvres attestées jusqu’au début du XIXe siècle. Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas est professeur à l'Université de Lille 3 et a publié de nombreuses études sur la réception de la figure d'Alexandre le Grand. Catherine Dumas est maître de conférences à l'Université de Lille 3, spécialiste du théâtre européen du XVIIe siècle. approx. 444 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56981-9 Paperback: € 85 Série: Alexander redivivus, vol. 9 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Luigi Pulci’s rollicking, ribald account of the exploits of the paladin Orlando and his giant friend Morgante has never failed to provoke strong reactions in its readers. This volume – the first collection of critical essays dedicated to Pulci – offers a comprehensive reassessment of Pulci’s work and legacy, shedding new light on the cultural and literary traditions that Pulci draws from and subverts, the social and political forces that shaped Pulci’s work, and the breadth of Pulci’s influence from the Renaissance to the present day. approx. 225 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57439-4 Hardback: € 75 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 29 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Daniele Barbaro 1514-1570 Vénitien, patricien, humaniste

Frédérique Lemerle,Vasco Zara, Pierre Caye, Laura Moretti (eds)

Daniele Barbaro (1514-1570), patriarche élu d’Aquilée, auteur de poèmes, de tragédies et de chroniques, commentateur d’Aristote et de Porphyre, exégète de Vitruve et des psaumes de David, est sans doute le dernier uomo universale de la Renaissance. L’ouvrage pluridisciplinaire réunit 30 contributions et d’importantes annexes qui mettent en lumière tous les aspects de l’œuvre de Daniele Barbaro, en restituant au mieux les conditions de sa création et de sa production tout en s’attachant aux divers aspects de sa vie privée et publique. approx. 590 p., 101 b/w ills, 70 col. ills, 210 × 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57551-3 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Études Renaissantes, vol. 23

Ce volume comporte la traduction de plusieurs oeuvres hagiographiques, homilétiques et liturgiques d'origine hispanique rédigées entre le VIIe et le XVe siècle en l'honneur de saint Isidore de Séville. Isidoro de Sevilla es el escritor más destacado de la Hispania visigoda. Aunque es conocido, sobre todo, como autor de la enciclopedia de las Etymologiae, se interesó igualmente por la exégesis bíblica, la historia, la biografía, la astronomía y la geografía, la liturgia, la teología, la espiritualidad, las herejías, la numerología y el monacato. A su muerte, dejó fama de hombre sabio y santo. En consecuencia, a lo largo de la Edad Media se compusieron numerosas obras en su honor en Hispania. Este volumen recoge la traducción de la mayor parte de esos escritos, desde los más antiguos, fechados en el año 636, hasta varias piezas litúrgicas del s. XV. Las primeras composiciones surgieron en Sevilla y Zaragoza, pero, después del traslado de los restos de Isidoro a León en 1063, su culto conoció un gran desarrollo en esta ciudad y los canónigos del monasterio de San Isidoro de León quisieron exaltar la memoria del santo consagrando varias obras a su figura. A continuación, en la segunda mitad del s. XIII, otra relevante leyenda hagiográfica sobre Isidoro de Sevilla y sus hermanos fue compuesta en Zaragoza. Se conservan, además, algunos pequeños escritos litúrgicos redactados entre los siglos XIII y XV. José Carlos Martín-Iglesias est maître de conférences à l'Université de Salamanque. Il est l'auteur d'onze livres et plus d'une centaine d'articles scientifiques, consacrés notamment à la littérature latine de l'Espagne tardo-antique et médiévale. Il s'intéresse aussi pour l'hagiographie, que pour l'historiographie, l'épistolographie, l'exégèse biblique, les traités de polémique religieuse et des hérésies ou les encyclopédies médiévales, et a édité et traduit un grand nombre de textes, dont plusieurs inédits. approx. 375 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57609-1 Paperback: € 60 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 29 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


LANGUAGE & LITERATURE In Hebreo The Victorine Commentaries on the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets in the Light of Its Northern-French Jewish Sources Montse Leyra Curiá

In the twentieth century a number of scholars pointed to parallels between the in hebreo or secundum hebreos interpretations in the commentaries of Hugh and Andrew of St. Victor and comments in Latin sources and in twelfth-century Jewish writers of the Northern-French school (Rashi, Joseph Qara, Rashbam, and Beckhor Shor). The scholars suggested various hypotheses on the Victorines' direct or indirect knowledge of the Hebrew text of the Bible and the identity of the Jews on whom the Victorines reportedly drew. Montse Leyra’s book offers a systematic work of comparative analysis between the Victorines' in hebreo interpretations and their parallels in the Latin and Jewish sources, and between these interpretations and parallel biblical readings in the textual traditions of the Vetus Latina, the Vulgate, and the Hebrew Masoretic Text. In her analysis, Montse Leyra discusses parallels that have gone unnoticed by previous scholars, identifies which sources were a direct source for the Victorines and which were transmitted via later, intermediary sources, and determines whether the Victorines took up textual biblical variants coming from the Vetus Latina and the Septuagint as literal translations of the Hebrew Masoretic Text or they were transmitting the Masoretic text itself. Finally, by studying the parallels of content and exegetical method between the in hebreo interpretations of the Victorines and surviving interpretations of Rashi, Rashbam, Joseph Qarah, and Bekhor Shor, she ascertains whether we can actually identify and distinguish the exegetes of the Northern-French school whose works have been transmitted to us as direct sources of Hugh and Andrew from other Jewish exegetes of their time.

approx. 350 p., 160 × 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57542-1 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Bibliotheca Victorina, vol. 26 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


La Vita beati Alcuini (IXe s.). Les inflexions d'un discours de sainteté Introduction, édition et traduction annotée du texte d'après Reims, BM 1395 (K 784) Christiane Veyrard-Cosme

Le clerc anglo-saxon Alcuin d’York (730?-804), conseiller de Charlemagne et figure majeure de la Renaissance carolingienne, fut, une vingtaine d’années après sa mort, le héros d’un texte hagiographique, la Vita beati Alcuini, qui vit en lui un saint homme. De cette Vita, portée par une très riche intertextualité biblique, le présent ouvrage propose, pour la première fois, une édition fondée sur le texte transmis dans son intégralité par le manuscrit Reims, BM 1395 (K784), ainsi qu’une première traduction, amplement annotée. 362 p., 3 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 165 × 250 mm, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 2017, ISBN 978-2-85121-287-0 Paperback: € 49.29 Série: Collection des Études Augustiniennes, Série Moyen Âge et Temps modernes, vol. 54 Disponible

Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses (Durham, D.C.L., C.IV.29) Anne Grondeux, Irène Rosier-Catach (éd.)

French in Medieval Ireland, Ireland in Medieval French The Paradox of Two Worlds Keith Busby

A major study of interest to historians of medieval Ireland and specialists in medieval French. This book is a ground-breaking study of the cultural and linguistic consequences of the English invasion of Ireland in 1169, first analysing in detail French-language texts produced in Ireland before examining the ways in which the country is portrayed in French literature of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries. It incorporates the results of original archival research and is characterized by close attention to linguistic details of expression and communication, as well as historical, codicological, and literary contexts.

Étude et édition critique des Notae Dunelmenses, commentaire sur Priscien de la première moitié du XIIe siècle Guillaume de Champeaux a enseigné les arts du langage, la grammaire, la dialectique et la rhétorique au début du XIIe siècle, Abélard son élève cite et discute souvent les opinions de « son maître ». Les différentes versions des Glosulae super Priscianum maiorem, des Glosulae super Priscianum minorem et les Notae Dunelmenses, cinq ensembles de « notes » sur Priscien (trois sur Priscien majeur, et deux sur Priscien mineur), auxquelles s’ajoutent des « notes » sur le De inventione de Cicéron, témoignent de l’enseignement grammatical de Guillaume et de son influence. On trouvera dans ce double volume une édition critique des Notae Dunelmenses, précédée d’une étude détaillée de l’enseignement qui y est contenu (histoire, maîtres, doctrines, textes grammaticaux, logiques et rhétoriques du même réseau). La méthodologie de cet ouvrage est fondée sur la complémentarité des approches, doctrinale et historique, afin de donner à lire le texte dans le contexte intellectuel qui a présidé à sa naissance. Les maîtres, les textes qu’ils commentent, leurs manuscrits sont les protagonistes de ce moment d’histoire qui a marqué de son empreinte la sémantique médiévale.

Table of Contents

2 vols, approx. 1400 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57444-8 Paperback: approx. € 120 Série: Studia Artistarum, vol. 43

approx. 375 p., 21 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57021-1 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, vol. 27

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Introduction Chapter 1. In confusionem linguarum: Ground Zero Chapter 2. Verba volant, scripta manent:The Texts Chapter 3. Mirabilia hibernica:The Wondrous Isle Chapter 4. Historia et fabula: The Two Irelands Chapter 5. Familia hibernica: The Importance of Being Irish Conclusion Keith Busby is Emeritus Professor at the Department of French and Italian, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

RELIGION & THEOLOGY Marcel Proust. Cahier 67

Les Mystères: nouvelles perspectives

The Karaite Mourners of Zion and the Qumran Scrolls

Simone Delesalle-Rowlson, Francine Goujon, Lydie Rauzier (éd.)

Entretiens de Strasbourg

On the History of an Alternative to Rabbinic Judaism

Fac-similé et édition critique

La présente édition comprend la transcription diplomatique intégrale du Cahier 67, une introduction et une annotation développées qui replacent le cahier dans son contexte génétique et culturel, ainsi qu’une analyse du contenu, le diagramme des unités textuelles et des index. Proust a consacré l’endroit du Cahier 67 aux arts de la scène, avec le récit de la première représentation de Phèdre et une description de Nijinski dansant, sans doute rédigée peu après les premiers spectacles des Ballets russes auxquels l’écrivain assista (1910). Les pages rédigées sur le cahier pris à l’envers prennent la suite des textes du Cahier 66 sur la mondanité. Ils montrent le héros, qui est reçu depuis peu dans le faubourg Saint-Germain, oscillant entre fascination et désillusion.

Marc Philonenko,Yves Lehmann, Laurent Pernot (éds)

A comparative and critical study of the mysteries in the major religions of the Antiquity. It considers ceremonies, rituals, sacraments and the theological content, made up of doctrine and dogma. The domains taken into consideration include Greek and Roman paganism, Judaism and Christianity, Mazdeism, Eastern cults, as well as their prolongations until the Reformation. This study has as a starting point the vocabulary and the linguistic transpositions and exchanges, in order to move on to the wider field of the major religious and philosophical issues.

Yoram Erder

This book is dedicated to studying the Karaite Mourners of Zion, the leading faction within the Karaite movement during its formative period (9th – 11th century). Like all Karaites, the Mourners claimed that the Rabbinic Oral Law is the ‘commandment of man’ (Isaiah 29.13) and called for a return to the Hebrew Bible. The study traces the influence of the Qumran scrolls on early Karaism, with a focus on the examination of halakhic issues, which also sheds light on previously indecipherable controversies between the Jewish sects of the Second Temple period. approx. x + 480 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54336-9 Hardback: € 95 Series: Diaspora, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

approx. 200 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57050-1 Paperback: approx. € 65 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 24 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Cristiani, ebrei e pagani:

il dibattito sulla Sacra Scrittura tra III e VI secolo

Le livre scellé

Christians, Jews and Heathens:

Cahiers de Biblindex 2

The Debate on the Holy Scripture between the 3th and the 6th Century

Laurence Mellerin (éd.)

Alessandro Capone (ed.)

2 vols, xlvii + 300 p., 104 col. ills, 225 × 295 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56864-5 Hardback: € 200 Série: Marcel Proust. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, vol. 6 Disponible

Egalement Disponible:

Marcel Proust. Cahier 67 Edition critique Simone Delesalle-Rowlson, Francine Goujon, Lydie Rauzier (éd.)

Après trois études principalement consacrées à Origène, le lecteur pourra découvrir un système de numérotation scripturaire proposé par Basile de Césarée, et, avec les Pères grecs, se demander ce qu’est devenu l’apôtre Mathias, ou encore si la notion de « prologue » johannique est pertinente. Lui sera alors présenté un parcours mettant en évidence la typologie du « Christ-Frère », puis une enquête sur la « chambre nuptiale » de Mt 25, 10. Les trois derniers chapitres portent sur Hilaire de Poitiers, Augustin et Isidore de Séville.

xxxix + 193 p., 225 × 295 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56863-8 Paperback: € 56.87 Série: Marcel Proust. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France - Edition critique

approx. 250 p., 148 × 210 mm, Centre d'Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57700-5 Paperback: approx. € 35 Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 18


Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Le livre explore les différentes approches à les Saintes Écritures par les chrétiens, les juifs et les païens considérés selon différentes structures internes, géographiques et chronologiques, et plus généralement le débat sur les Écritures développé entre IIIe et VIe siècle dans une société où les interférences et les intersections entre les peuples, les religions et intellectuels étaient très répandues. La plupart des contributions ont été présentés dans une journée internationale d'étude (Lecce, 4 L’automne 2013). approx. 300 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57556-8 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 12 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


RELIGION & THEOLOGY Irénée de Lyon et le début de la Bible chrétienne Actes de la Journée du 1.VII. 2014 à Lyon Agnès Bastit, Joseph Verheyden (éd.)

Actes d'une rencontre qui s'est tenue à Lyon dans le cadre du Colloque "Irénée entre Bible et hellénisme" (29.VI-2.VII 2014). Des biblistes et des théologiens ont cherché à interroger l’œuvre d’Irénée, particulièrement l’Adversus Haereses, sous l’angle de son rapport à une Bible juive et à une Bible chrétienne en voie de formation. Table des matières A. Bastit, Avant-propos

I. Études autour du texte biblique d’Irénée L. Mellerin, Cartographie des lieux bibliques d’Irénée à l’aide de Biblindex O. Munnich, Le texte scripturaire d’Irénée, témoin d’un état ancien de la Bible grecque et de reformulations néotestamentaires Ch. Guignard, Irénée, les généalogies évangéliques de Jésus et le Codex de Bèze P. Andrist, À propos de la citation de Mt 3, 16-17 dans le Papyrus Oxyrhynque 405 : rapports avec le codex Bezae ; diplai marginales»

II. Le statut des livres et des traditions Ch. Guignard, Le quadruple évangile chez Irénée J. Verheyden, Four Gospels Indeed, but Where Is Mark? A Note on Irenaeus’ Use of the Gospel of Mark L. Devillers, Irénée fait-il de l’apôtre Jean le Disciple bien-aimé ? Le point sur une question controversée E. Cattaneo, Le figure di Pietro e Paolo in Ireneo J. R. Payton Jr, Irenaeus, Pseudonymity, and the Pastoral Letters

III. Lieux de l’interprétation J. Blas Pastor, Rationalis Esca (AH 4.16.3), Manger et connaître dans l’exégèse irénéenne de Dt 8, 3 M. Girolami, Il Salmo 21 (LXX) nell’esegesi di Ireneo di Lione M.-L. Chaieb-Bourgeuil, La référence au dernier repas du Christ, une question herméneutique au cœur des arguments eucharistiques d’Irénée de Lyon P. di Luccio, Dimore eterne e fine dei tempi nei Vangeli e nell’Apocalisse, e per sant’Ireneo P. Molinié, ‘Vases d’argile’ ou ‘vases précieux’ : Irénée et la théologie paulinienne du ministère (2 Co 4, 7 et 12, 9) A. d’Anna, Les ‘Négateurs de la salus carnis internes à l’Église’ et le conflit exégétique avec Irénée sur les Épîtres de Paul A. Saez Guttierez, Interprétations scripturaires en conflit chez Irénée : quelques réflexions théoriques et un exemple significatif

Épilogue : vers l’esquisse d’une économie théologique P. de Navascués, Quelques principes herméneutiques chez saint Irénée

approx. 350 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57544-5 Hardback: approx. € 95 Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 77 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Historical and Pastoral Networking of the Penitentials between the Sixth and the Eighth Centuries Wilhelm Kursawa

In treatises about repentance, called Penitentials, ecclesiastical authorities of the sixth to the eight centuries wrote down regulations on how to deal with the different capital sins and minor trespasses committed by monks, clerics and laypeople. Church-representatives like Finnian, Columbanus, the anonymous author of the Ambrosianum, Cummean and Theodore developed a new conception of repentance that protected privacy and guaranteed a discrete, affordable as well as predictable penance, the paenitentia privata. They established an astonishing network in using their mutual interrelations. Here the earlier penitentials served as source for the later ones. But it is remarkable that the authors appeared as creative revisers, who took regard of the pastoral necessities of the entrusted flock.The aim of the authors was to enable the confessors to do the healing dialogue qualitatively in a high standard. The penitents should feel themselves healed, not punished. approx. 375 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57589-6 Paperback: approx. € 75 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 25 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism Christian Approaches Towards Arabic and Hebrew Philosophy Alexander Fidora, Nicola Polloni (eds)

The volume explores different hermeneutical approaches by Christian philosophers and theologians to the Arabic and Hebrew philosophical traditions during the Middle Ages. Focusing on processes of appropriation, interpretation and criticism, the fourteen chapters of this volume show from different angles how the complex Latin reception of the Arabic and Hebrew intellectual legacy decisively shaped the Western philosophical discourse. 356 p., 165 × 240 mm, FIDEM, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57744-9 Paperback: € 49 Series: Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, vol. 88 Available



Healing not Punishment THE PRE-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS OF THE NORTH Edited by John, McKinnell, Neil Price, John Lindow and Margaret Clunies Ross

This series of volumes on the subject of the pre-Christian religions of Scandinavia (broadly considered) offers a new assessment of the religion and mythology of early Scandinavia, based on the most up-to-date research in literature, art, archaeology, and the history of religions. It provides a thoroughly researched and accessible series of studies, handbooks, and resources for researchers, teachers, and students of the medieval North.

Research and Reception From the Middle Ages to c. 1830 Margaret Clunies Ross

Over more than a thousand years since pre-Christian religions were actively practised, European – and later contemporary – society has developed a fascination with the beliefs of northern Europe before the arrival of Christianity, which have been the subject of a huge range of popular and scholarly theories, interpretations, and uses. Theories – from the Middle Ages until today – have depicted these pre-Christian religious systems as dangerous illusions, the works of Satan, representatives of a lost proto-Indo-European religious culture, a form of ‘natural’ religion, and even as a system non-indigenous in origin, derived from cultures outside Europe.The Research and Reception strand of the Pre-Christian Religions of the North project establishes a definitive survey of the current and historical uses and interpretations of pre-Christian mythology and religious culture, tracing the many ways in which people both within and outside Scandinavia have understood and been influenced by these religions, from the Christian Middle Ages to contemporary media of all kinds. The present volume (I) traces the reception down to the early nineteenth century, while Volume II takes up the story from c.1830 down to the present day and the burgeoning of interest across a diversity of new as well as old media.

approx. 625 p., 45 b/w ills, 19 col. ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56879-9 Hardback: € 125 Series: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Philippine Duchesne, pionnière à la frontière américaine

Anselmo d’Aosta e il pensiero monastico medievale

Oeuvres complètes (1769-1852)

Luigi Catalani, Renato de Filippis (eds)

Converting the Isles II

Marie-France Carreel, Carolyn Osiek

In 1818, Mère Rose Philippine Duchesne, de la Société du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus récemment fondée, quitte la France pour participer à l’expansion missionnaire de l'Église catholique au Nouveau Monde, à la demande de Mgr Louis Guillaume Dubourg, nommé évêque de «  la Louisiane  ». Cette vaste région, acquise par les États-Unis à la France en 1803, s’étend sur un territoire d’environ 324 000 hectares, allant de la Nouvelle-Orléans au Canada et recouvrant les terres drainées par le vaste système fluvial du Mississippi et du Missouri, futur Midwest des États-Unis. La navigation y est parfois difficile et la communication postale s’en trouve perturbée. Les écrits de sainte Philippine – 651 lettres, cinq annales et quelques textes plus courts, tous en français (sauf une lettre en anglais) – représentent une belle source d’informations concernant son appel missionnaire et les sacrifices qu'il a entraînés, la vie primitive des premières années à la frontière du Missouri, le développement de l'Église catholique et de la Société du Sacré-Cœur en Amérique du Nord pendant trente-quatre ans. Ils décrivent sa vie héroïque, reconnue par un bon nombre de sociétés historiques américaines, en révèlent la sainteté, attribuée par l'Église catholique en 1988. Jusqu’à présent, ses œuvres complètes n’avaient pas été mises à la disposition des lecteurs et des chercheurs. Cette édition annotée les rassemble toutes. Marie-France Carreel, RSCJ, est Docteur en Sciences de l’Education, de l’Université Lumière Lyon 2. Elle a enseigné au Séminaire interdiocésain d’Avignon, à l’Institut catholique Saint-Jean et au Centre de Formation des Professeurs d’Ecole de l’enseignement catholique, à Marseille. Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ, Th.D. Harvard University, was for thirty-two years Professor of New Testament, and is the author or editor of ten books and many articles. Since retirement from teaching in 2009, she has been Provincial Archivist of the Society of the Sacred Heart, United States-Canada Province.

This volume collects the papers read by more than twenty Italian and German scholars at the eighteenth congress of the Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale. They focus on the thought and influence of Anselm of Aosta (1033-1109), one of the key figures of the philosophy and theology of the Middle Ages. The collected essays present the main aspects of Anselm’s speculation: his theological perspectives, his methodology for the construction of a systematic and rational knowledge, the value of his pedagogic approach, his reflections on politics, his idea of monasticism, his logical competences and his influence. 650 p., 1 col. ill., 160 × 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54840-1 Paperback: € 120 Series: Nutrix, vol. 11 Available


Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l’Église (RTF)

An irreplaceable research tool for the study of the texts of the Greek, Latin and Eastern Fathers The Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l’Église (RTF) is an indispensable tool for identifying and finding the translations of the works of Church Fathers. The about 12,000 index cards dedicated to the French translations of Latin, Greek and Eastern Fathers are the work of Father Jacques Marcotte of Saint-Wandrille Abbey. The RTF is a unique source of information for the religious literature of Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Because of its scale, the RTF has no equivalent either in the French-speaking world or in any other linguistic region.

Prix de lancement: €175 valable jusqu’au 31 décembre 2017 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

Nancy Edwards, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Roy Flechner (eds)

This volume explores and analyses the effects of religious conversion on landscapes of cult and on literary practice in Europe c. AD 350–1100, focusing in particular on Britain and Ireland Conversion to Christianity is arguably the most revolutionary social and cultural change that Europe experienced throughout Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Christianization affected all strata of society and transformed not only religious beliefs and practices, but also the nature of government, the priorities of the economy, the character of kinship, and gender relations. It is against this backdrop that an international array of leading medievalists gathered under the auspices of the Converting the Isles Research Network (funded by the Leverhulme Trust) to investigate social, economic, and cultural aspects of conversion in the early medieval Insular world, covering different parts of Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Iceland. This volume analyses the effects of religious conversion on landscapes of cult and on religious practice in Europe, focusing in particular on Britain and Ireland. Adopting an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, the volume investigates the interaction between different forms of belief, their coexistence and competition. It discusses the coming of writing, the power of the word, landscapes of ritual, and converting communities. The contributors include leading historians, archaeologists, linguists, and literary scholars. This is the second volume to emerge from research undertaken by contributors to the Converting the Isles Research Network and forms a companion volume to The Introduction of Christianity into the Early Medieval Insular World.

Please contact Brepols for a 30-day free trial (institutions only), or a price quotation: [email protected] A detailed leaflet is available on the BREPOLiS website:

2 vols, approx. 2000 p., 152 × 229 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57045-7 Paperback: € 200

Publié hors série

Transforming Landscapes of Belief in the Early Medieval Insular World and Beyond

Brepols Online Databases

approx. 525 p., 50 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56868-3 Hardback: € 120 Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, vol. 23 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts


Matti Peikola, Aleksi Mäkilähde, Hanna Salmi, Mari-Liisa Varila, Janne Skaffari (eds)

Theoretical Approaches and Practical Solutions Nataša Golob, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič (eds)

Bookbindings: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Solutions is a collection of twelve studies encompassing considerations on bookbinding structures, practices of binders in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as well as theoretical reflections on the cataloguing of bindings, and on the choice of conservation and restoration methods. Much of the attention is on Portuguese, Estonian and Slovenian library and archive material – that is, on material that has rarely been the centre of attention.

When reading a text our understanding of its meaning is influenced by the visual form and material features of the page. The chapters in this volume investigate how visual and material features of early English books, documents, and other artefacts support – or potentially contradict – the linguistic features in communicating the message. In addition to investigating how such communication varies between different media and genres, our contributors propose novel methods for analysing these features, including new digital applications. approx. 275 p., 30 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57464-6 Hardback: € 80 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 37

Table of Contents N. Golob & J. Vodopivec Tomažič, Foreword

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

A. Velios, Bookbinding Descriptions in a Linked Data World: How the CIDOC-CRM Can Improve Research in Bookbinding History S. Svoljšak, J. Malešič, A. Štolfa & U. Kocjan, Bookbinding Description in Library Catalogues, and Bibliographies. An Attempt at a Basic Metadata Scheme A. Dular, The Ljubljana Bookbinders of the 16 and 17 Centuries th


Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts Essays in Honour of William Marx Margaret Connolly, Raluca Radulescu (eds)

I. Correia, Archaeological Study of the Illuminated Codices from the Portugese Medieval Monastery of Lorvão



Constitué à partir de l’époque moderne au gré des ventes, des donations ou des confiscations et marqué par les vicissitudes de l’Histoire, l’ensemble de manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale de France couvre une diversité remarquable de textes et de techniques picturales. Catalogue raisonné des manuscrits enluminés au XV e siècle dans les pays de langue allemande ou en Europe centrale, conservés au département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Ce corpus très varié fait pour la première fois l’objet d’un catalogue raisonné exhaustif et richement illustré, organisé selon un classement géographique puis chronologique. Ce catalogue offre une description approfondie et contextualisée des œuvres, sans négliger l’étude des provenances et des bibliothèques anciennes qui les ont conservées. approx. 320 p., 1 b/w ill., 154 col. ills, 210 × 300 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57790-6 Hardback: approx. € 150 Série: Manuscrits enluminés d'origine germanique, vol. 1 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

G. Boudalis, The Bindings of the Early Christian Codex: Clarifying the Coptic Contribution to Bookbinding Structures


Illustrations médiévales de la légende de Troie

R. Castro, C. Casanova, L. Oliveira & M. A. Miranda, The Romanesque Collection of Santa Cruz Abbey in Coimbra: Revisiting the 12th and 16th c. Monastic Bookbindings C. Federici & M. Zanetti, How many Aldine Binderies?

Catalogue commenté des manuscrits français illustrés du Roman de Troie et de ses dérivés

N. Golob, Opera minora: Fragments within Bindings

Carine Durand

L. Rebane, Gerth Kulemann’s Decorative Bindings in Tallin, 1st Half of the 16th Century R. Araújo, Examining the Books of hours in Portugese Collections J. Vodopivec Tomažič, Valvasor’s Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, 1689, Vol III: Comparative Analysis of Binding Structure and Paper B. Avguštin Florjanovič, Restoration of the Late-Gothic Pontifical by the Minimum Intervention Principle

approx. 320 p., 67 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 210 × 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57498-1 Paperback: € 80 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 45 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

These fifteen essays explore issues related to the editing and interpretation of Middle English literature. These include the treatment of all types of evidence in relation to both manuscript transmission and the transition from manuscript to print. Major works that receive attention include Trevisa’s translation of the Polychronicon, the Middle English Brut, Piers Plowman, Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ, and Mirk’s Festial. Aspects related to the translation of texts into Middle English are also dealt with.

Ce catalogue classe et commente 69 manuscrits. Il dissocie le poème de ses mises en prose et des traductions de l'Historia destructionis Troiae de Guido delle Colonne, afin de présenter ces différents textes et leur spécificité, l'aire chronologique et géographique de leur diffusion et illustration. Des notices précises présentent chacun de ces manuscrits et s'intéressent à leurs illustrations, aux interprétations qu'elles suscitent, au choix et au traitement des sujets qu'elles mettent en œuvre, à l'ensemble des cycles qu'elles composent.

approx. 350 p., 33 b/w ills, 2 col. ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56847-8 Hardback: € 85 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 12

1000 p., 5 b/w ills, 75 col. ills, 210 × 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-52626-3 Paperback: € 150 Publié hors série

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017



ART HISTORY Supplément au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs Jean-Marie Olivier

Cet ouvrage trouvera sa place dans toutes les bibliothèques publiques et universitaires hébergeant des manuscrits et sera un outil indispensable à tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux manuscrits grecs. Complément indispensable au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs de Marcel Richard (Brepols, 1995; toujours disponible), cet ouvrage analyse les publications consacrées aux manuscrits grecs au cours de vingt dernières années et signale quelques publications antérieures qui avaient en 1995 échappé à l'auteur. On trouvera en outre dans ce Supplément les références permettant de retrouver les très nombreuses publications signalées dans l'ouvrage publié en 1995 qui ont été mises à la disposition des lecteurs sur internet. Jean-Marie Olivier est philologue, spécialiste des manuscrits grecs, auteur lui-même de catalogues de manuscrits grecs et de nombreux articles. 2 vols, approx. 1550 p., 155 × 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57720-3 Hardback: € 350

Prix promo pour les souscripteurs actifs au Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca: € 240 Prix de lancement autres clients: € 290

Collecting and Empires

Saints, Miracles and the Image

The Impact of Empires on Collections and Museums from Antiquity to the Present

Healing Saints and Miraculous Images in the Renaissance

Maia Gahtan, Alessandro Nova, Eva-Maria Troelenberg (eds)

Sandra Cardarelli, Laura Fenelli (eds)

This collection of essays – for the first time – approaches the subject of collecting and empires from a global and inclusive comparative perspective by addressing selection of the greatest empires the world has known. The comparative historical investigation of imperialism through the lens of collecting practices, museum archetypes and museums proper, helps shape our understanding of contemporary aesthetics and diversity management as well as helps identify what is imperial about our own approaches to material culture. approx. 300 p., 125 b/w ills, 195 × 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-63-4 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Collectors and Dealers, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers

Tributes to Adelaide Bennett Hagens Manuscripts, Iconography, and the Late Medieval Viewer

Compelling new research on healing saints and miraculous images in the Renaissance This volume fills a void in art historical research and examines how miraculous images and the imagery of healing saints were crucial to the creation of individual, corporate and collective identities in Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples and other Italian centres. The essays in this collection address aspects related to the development of hagiographies, iconographies, cult of relics, and devotion of healing saints. Moreover, it considers imagery related to miraculous events also in terms of material culture in the private and public domains. approx. 280 p., 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56818-8 Hardback: approx. € 115 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Discipuli dona ferentes Glimpses of Byzantium in Honour of Marlia Mundell Mango Tassos Papacostas, Maria Parani (eds)

Pamela A. Patton, Judith K. Golden (eds)

Publié hors série Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017


Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs de Marcel Richard Jean-Marie Olivier

Compte-rendu à l’occasion de la parution de la deuxième édition : « Tous ceux qui, un jour ou l'autre, ont eu besoin de vérifier une citation, une cote, ou de trouver rapidement une indication bibliographique peuvent témoigner de l'utilité et de la commodité du répertoire. » J. Darrouzès, dans: Revue des études byzantines, tome 17, 1959, p. 273 xvi + 952 p., 155 × 245 mm, 1995, ISBN 978-2-503-50445-2 Hardback: € 188

Prix promo  valable jusqu’au 31 décembre 2017 : € 90 Publié hors série Available

Honoring the fifty-year career of Adelaide Bennett Hagens at the Index of Christian Art, Manuscripts, Iconography, and the Late Medieval Viewer gathers essays by leading specialists in the field of Gothic manuscripts and related art forms. Centered on the reciprocity between medieval pictures and their viewers, the collection sheds new light on what the seminal art historian Michael Camille memorably described as the "image explosion" of the later Middle Ages. approx. 300 p., 50 b/w ills, 150 col. ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-79-5 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Tributes, vol. 9 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers

The twelve studies collected in this volume in honour of Marlia Mundell Mango are divided into three sections. The first comprises studies on Byzantine economy, shipping, road networks, production and trade from Late Antiquity down to the time of the Crusades. The studies in the second part discuss facets of the material culture and the lifestyle especially of the upper social strata in the Byzantine Empire, while those of the final section explore aspects of artistic creativity in the lands of the empire. approx. 450 p., 111 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57585-8 Paperback: approx. € 95

Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 11 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


ART HISTORY The History of Venetian Renaissance Sculpture (ca. 1410-1530)

Cut in Alabaster A Material of Sculpture 1330-1530

Mochi's Edge and Bernini's Baroque Estelle Lingo

Kim Woods

Anne Schulz

As the first comprehensive treatment of Venetian sculpture of the early Renaissance in nearly a century, this book examines the documents, literary sources, and œuvre of all Venetian sculptors in stone, bronze, and wood between the decoration of the crowning of San Marco at the beginning of the fifteenth century and the artistic revolution wrought by Jacopo Sansovino from ca. 1530 on. As the first comprehensive treatment of Venetian sculpture of the early Renaissance in nearly a century, this book examines the documents, literary sources, and oeuvre of all Venetian sculptors in stone, bronze, and wood between the decoration of the crowning of San Marco at the beginning of the fifteenth century and the artistic revolution wrought by Jacopo Sansovino from ca. 1530 on. Its text pays particular attention to the style of individual works, to their physical and artistic context, their sources and their influence, and synthesizes forty-five years of attentive looking, of research in archives and libraries of the Veneto, and hundreds of photographic campaigns throughout Italy and as far afield as Croatia and Poland – many from specially mounted scaffolds. The introduction treats general questions of material, purpose, patronage, the origin of sculptors, their workshop practices and the structure of guilds, while the conclusion considers ways in which Venetian sculpture was unique. There is no aspect of the subject to which the author has not contributed major discoveries and her book, with its 800 illustrations, should constitute a work of reference long into the future. Educated in the History of Art at Radcliffe College, Harvard University, and the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, Anne Markham Schulz has taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Brown University, and the Università Federico II at Naples. Her research on Italian Renaissance sculpture has resulted in dozens of articles as well as eight books, including monographs on Bernardo Rossellino, Antonio Rizzo, Giambattista and Lorenzo Bregno, Nanni di Bartolo, and Giammaria Mosca. She is currently a Visiting Scholar at Brown University in Providence, RI. 2 vols, approx. 800 p., 800 b/w ills, 225 × 300 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-73-3 Hardback: approx. € 200 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers


Focussing especially on England, the Burgundian Netherlands and Spain, three territories closely linked through trade routes, diplomacy and cultural exchange, Cut in Alabaster explores and compares the material practice and visual culture of alabaster sculpture in late medieval Europe. It charts sculpture from quarry to contexts of use, exploring practitioners, markets and functions as well as issues of consumption, display and material meanings. It provides detailed examination of tombs, altarpieces and both elite and popular sculpture. approx. 350 p., 2 b/w ills, 170 col. ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-26-9 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Distinguished Contributions to the Study of the Arts in the Burgundian Netherlands, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers

Art Moves The Material Culture of Processions in Renaissance Perugia Pascale Rihouet

This publication offers a new way of looking at the dynamics of urban processions while revivifying the sensory experience of public life in Italy, ca. 1350-1600. Art Moves reconstructs the appearance and conditions of use of processional artifacts, whether they were worn (uniforms and liveries), held by individuals, (maces, flags, and candles), or carried communally (canopy, reliquaries, banners, or statues). This is the first book on the material culture of processions as a performative, multi-media, apparatus. It investigates how objects were charged with meaning from medium and fabrication to market value to size and weight. The book also raises the issue of conflict that material ephemera could invite or even spark. Renaissance Perugia, a middling-sized city, presents a wealth of textual, visual, and material evidence, not to mention its medieval and renaissance topography. This study also revisits artistic representations of corteges, questioning the extent of their documentary value. The approach intertwines the disciplines of art history, social history, material culture, religious studies, and anthropology. approx. 220 p., 29 b/w ills, 43 col. ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-83-2 Hardback: € 100 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers

This book takes the extraordinary art of the Tuscan sculptor Francesco Mochi (1580-1654) as the entry point for an inquiry into the historical and cultural forces reshaping sculpture at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Mochi has long been understood as an early innovator of the “baroque” style whose career was eclipsed by the rise of his younger contemporary Gianlorenzo Bernini. But for his sole seventeenth-century biographer, what distinguished Mochi’s sculpture was his determination to adhere to “the Florentine manner.” This study argues that the post-Tridentine religious climate and the demands of consolidating absolutist regimes posed specific challenges for sculpture, particularly as the medium had been assertively developed during the first half of the sixteenth century by Florentine sculptors, most famously Michelangelo. As analyzed here, Mochi’s highly distinctive sculptural style stemmed directly from his attempt to carry forward a Florentine and Michelangelesque tradition of sculpture – above all its commitments to the representation of the body, the materiality of sculpture, and the agency of the artist – and to reconcile that tradition with imperatives of his own day. Mochi’s ambitious undertaking produced an extreme tension in his art that resulted in some of the century’s most breathtaking sculptures, though ultimately fracturing his career. The book offers wholly new interpretations of Mochi’s monumental works and a new, historically engaged account of the origins of “baroque” sculpture and the rise to dominance of Bernini’s mature sculptural style. The volume is enriched by specially commissioned color photographs of Mochi’s sculptures. Estelle Lingo is Associate Professor of Early Modern European Art and Donald E. Petersen Endowed Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, and author of François Duquesnoy and the Greek Ideal (Yale University Press, 2007). She is the 2016-18 Andrew W. Mellon Professor at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

approx. 400 p., 44 b/w ills, 200 col. ills, 225 × 300 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-80-1 Hardback: approx. € 150 Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 8 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers



Artemisia Gentileschi in a Changing Light

The Diary of an Art Dealer: René Gimpel (1918-1939)

Sheila Barker (ed.)

Bombers and Masterpieces Diana Kostyrko

The Maelwael Van Limburg Studies Series is a new international forum for innovative research with a focus on the late medieval art of Johan Maelwael (ca. 1370-1415) and Herman, Paul and Johan van Limburg (ca. 1380-1416). The Maelwael Van Limburg Studies series presents scholarly articles that contribute to the (art) historical research about their art and the context of their times in various cultural areas: Guelders, France Italy, The Holy Roman Empire, England and elsewhere.

Maelwael Van Limburg Studies I Johan Oosterman, Jos Koldeweij (eds)

Raised to the status of an international luminary by her contemporaries and now revered as one of the defining talents of the 17th century, Artemisia Gentileschi poses urgent questions for today’s scholars. The recent new attributions and archival discoveries has profoundly enriched our knowledge of the artist, but it has also complicated, and sometimes contradicted, the former storyline. An international cast of scholars and experts grapples with these problems, opening new paths of inquiry and laying bare their methodologies in very diverse fields.

The transatlantic art dealer, René Gimpel (18811945), maintained an interwar journal for twenty-one years until, like many Jews in France, he was overtaken by radical political events. In this book, Diana Kostyrko explores why Gimpel's journal should be taken seriously as a sociohistorical document. In contextualising the journal, including its reception since first published in 1963, she intercuts art history with material culture and a sociology of modernity.

approx. 320 p., 190 col. ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-89-4 Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: The Medici Archive Project, vol. 4

approx. 220 p., 45 b/w ills, 3 col. ills, 195 × 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-51-1 Hardback: approx. € 150 Series: Collectors and Dealers, vol. 2

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Harvey Miller Publishers


Table of Contents P. Stirnemann, Johan Maelwael, the Van Limburg Brothers and the Très riches Heures de Jean de Berry

Harvey Miller Publishers

Rubens and the Human Body Cordula van Wyhe (ed.)

Buildings, Sites, Time Nadja Aksamija, Clark Maines, Philip Wagoner (eds)

E. König, The Master of St. Jerome: one of the Van Limburg Brothers I. Villela-Petit, The Drawn Hours: a New Masterpiece of the Van Limburg Brothers D. Röschel, Ships and more – Motives and Narratives in the Van Limburg Hours C. Seidel, Remarks on the drawing technique in the Drawn Van Limburg Hours R. Camps, New Lights on the Maelwael family in Nijmegen R. Dückers, Influences of the Van Limburg Brothers: The Block Book of Saint Servatius L. Hablot, The Van Limburg Brothers: Heraldic Painters? The Position of Heraldry and Emblematic Realisations in the Art of the Van Limburg Brothers J. Oosterman, Commissioned by Mary of Guelders Relationships between the French and Guelders Court.

approx. 192 p., 194 col. ills, 220 × 300 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57715-9 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Maelwael Van Limburg Studies, vol. 1 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Did contemporary audiences recognise the sensuously painted ‘Rubensian body’ as a particular, if not peculiar, artistic repertoire? How can we best understand seventeenth-century practises of reading and viewing the Rubensian body? Can our criteria for eroticism be linked with that of Rubens? Was the body a ‘fluid’ category for Rubens and where does the boundary of the human body lie? It is hoped that these investigative questions will lead to a detailed evaluation about the paradigmatic status of the Rubensian body. approx. 320 p., 216 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57775-3 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: The Body in Art, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

This volume explores and develops the idea of the architectural and site palimpsest through eleven case studies drawn from different parts of the globe, from Europe and America to Africa and South Asia, and ranging in time from Roman Pompeii to modern-day Rwanda and contemporary New York. The purpose is to provide a multiplicity of examples from which a theoretical model of the three-dimensional palimpsest can be developed, and which would be applicable to monuments and sites from different historical periods and vastly diverse geographical contexts. approx. 300 p., 145 b/w ills, 15 col. ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57023-5 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Architectural Crossroads, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


RENAISSANCE & EARLY MODERN STUDIES Netherlandish Culture of the Sixteenth Century Urban Perspectives Ethan Matt Kavaler, Anne-Laure Van Bruaene (eds)

The authors of this volume examine various fields of cultural discourse in the Netherlands of the sixteenth century: the political, commercial, religious, artistic, and sensory domains, and less obviously metaphysical properties like time and space. What defined the Low Countries were not its borders and its territories but its cities, and their economies dominated political relations. A dense network of large cities and small towns developed hand in hand with a broad range of textile and luxury industries. In Antwerp, culture was commerce: its art and printing industries catered to much of the Western world and, at the same time, carved a confident self-image celebrating the liberal arts as a means of social and self-improvement. Antwerp is omnipresent in this book, with essays on its painting, printing, politics, and public festivals. But other cities such as Bruges, Leuven, and Leiden also figure prominently. It was precisely the interconnectedness of urban centers, large, middle and

Correspondance de Johannes Hevelius Tome II: Correspondance avec la cour de France et ses agents avec un dossier sur la querelle de la comète de 1664-1665 Chantal Grell (éd.)

small, rather than their autonomous character, that defined civic culture in the Low Countries. Among the topics treated are differing notions of urban topography, the dialogue between city and court, issues of censorship, and the sensory and psychological response to texts and images. Table of Contents

M. A. Bass, Batavia, the New World, and the Origins of Man in Jan Mostaert’s Eve and Four Children G. Fiorenza, Frans Floris and the Poetics of Mythological Painting in Antwerp T. Uchacz, Mars, Venus, and Vulcan. Equivocal Erotics and Art in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp

Literary Practices: License and its Limits

Space & Time

D. E. H. De Boer, Fun, Greed, and Popular Culture. Lotteries and Lottery-Rhymes as a Mirror of the Cultural Legacy of the Low Countries’ ‘Long Sixteenth Century’

J. De Rock, From Generic Image to Individualized Portrait. The Pictorial City View in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries E. M. Kavaler, Mapping Time. The Netherlandish Carved Altarpiece in the Early Sixteenth Century S. Mareel, Making a Room of One’s Own. Place, Space, and Literary Performance in Sixteenth-Century Bruges

Guilds & Artistic Identities R. Adam, Living and Printing in Antwerp in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries. A Social Enquiry A. Glover, What Constitutes Sculpture? The Guild Dispute of 1544 over the Saint Gertrude Choir Stalls in Leuven K. De Jonge, Tales of the City. The Image of the Netherlandish Artist in the Sixteenth Century

Dialogues between City and Court

A.-L. Van Bruaene, State of Play. Rhetorician Drama and the Ambiguities of Censorship in the Early Modern Low Countries

Cognitive and Affective Strategies H. Roodenburg, Continuities or Discontinuities? Exploring Affective Piety in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries K. Jonckheere, The Timanthes Effect. Another Note on the Historical Explanation of Pictures

Beyond the Low Countries K. Ottenheym, A Missing Link? Sixteenth-Century Protestant Basilicas by Netherlandish Architects outside the Low Countries H. Cools & N. Lamal, An Italian Voice on the Dutch Revolt. The Work of Francesco Lanario in a European Perspective

E. Neumann, Inventing Europe in Antwerp’s 1520 Entry for Charles V. An Erasmian Allegory in the Face of Global Empire S. Bussels & B. Van Oostveldt, ‘Restored Behaviour’ and the Performance of the City Maiden in Joyous Entries into Antwerp V. Soen, Habsburg Political Culture and Antwerp Defiant. Pacification Strategies of Governors-General during the Dutch Revolt (1566–1586)


Correspondence of Luigi Cremona (1830-1903) conserved in the Department of Mathematics, “Sapienza”, University of Rome

This new volume of the Collection of Studies from the International Academy of the History of Science presents about 1100 letters addressed to the Italian mathematician and statesman Luigi Cremona, mainly from foreign mathematicians, from 1860 to 1901, conserved in the “Guido Castelnuovo” Department of Mathematics of “Sapienza” University of Rome. These letters offer a vivid picture of the international network of mathematicians in the second half of the 19th century, including their political sentiments, mathematical interests and cultural aims.

537 p., 13 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57702-9 Hardback: € 95 Série: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 99 (N.S. 62)

2 vols, 1828 p., 44 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55453-2, € 190 Hardback Introductory Price: € 150 valid until 30 October 2017 Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 97 (N.S. 60)




The Poetics of History and Mythology

E. M. Kavaler & A.-L. Van Bruaene, Introduction

Giorgio Israël

La correspondance d’Hevelius avec la Cour de France (1654-1680, 123 lettres) constitue un exemple unique du financement de la recherche au XVIIe siècle par le mécénat princier. Elle présente tous les échanges pour rechercher un mécène, et souligne le rôle des intermédiaires. Elle décrit aussi les âpres rivalités pour gagner la faveur de Louis XIV ou Colbert. Elle révèle, en outre, tout un aspect méconnu de la diplomatie française. On y a joint, les dédicaces, un dossier sur la comète de 1664-1665, ainsi que la correspondance de Fabien Gustmeyer.

O. Horbatsch, Printing the Female Ruler. Nicolas Hogenberg’s Death of Margaret of Austria (1531)

approx. 350 p., 110 b/w ills, 178 × 254 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57582-7 Paperback: approx. € 99 Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 41 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Mathematical Instruments in the Collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France Of the Earth, the Heavens, Measurement and Time Anthony Turner

Although several mathematical instruments of the first importance are contained in the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, few of them are well known. The primary aim of the present work is therefore to make them available, through detailed descriptions and ample photographs, to all who concern themselves with the development of mathematical instrumentation. approx. 300 p., 200 col. ills, 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56805-8 Paperback: approx. € 120 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Coen Maas

Considering that humanist scholars often referred to the Middle Ages as a period of darkness and ignorance, it is surprising that early modern historians were, in fact, highly interested in this period. Through an in-depth analysis of humanist historiography from the Low Countries, this book demonstrates the crucial importance of the Middle Ages for a political rhetoric in which the self-presentation of the historian and the definition of their homeland played a key role. approx. x + 600 p., 25 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55711-3 Hardback: € 125 Series: Proteus, vol. 7



Medievalism and Political Rhetoric in Humanist Historiography from the Low Countries (1515-1609)

INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HUMANISM AND THE RENAISSANCE ONLINE The International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) is an international reference bibliography of academic publications covering the early modern period. The IBHR, which was formerly published by the Librairie Droz as Bibliographie Internationale de l’Humanisme et de la Renaissance, has recently been acquired by Brepols Publishers. It is an annual bibliography of citations to books and articles in various areas of study on early modern European history (1500-1700), including literature, philosophy, history, religion, the arts, economics, political science, law, and the sciences and technology.

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Scholastica colonialis – Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16th-18th Centuries Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Alfredo Santiago Culleton (eds)

This volume offers a significant overview of authors, works and characteristics of philosophy in Latin America in the 16th-18th centuries, i.e. essentially "colonial scholasticism". The reception and development of Medieval thought in Baroque scholasticism, the connections between European philosophy and philosophical-theological debates in the “New World,” and the revisiting by Latin American scholars of Medieval schools of thought and theoretical patterns taught in Europe, are some of the relevant issues discussed in here. approx. 350 p., 165 × 240 mm, FIDEM, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55200-2 Paperback: approx. € 65 Series: Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, vol. 72

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Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


CLASSICS Paene Socratico genere: Figures de Socrate à Rome dans la littérature et la philosophie de Plaute à Sénèque


Mélanie Lucciano

The reference bibliography for academic publications relating to Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization L’Année philologique is published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique. This is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. The bibliography is published in print and online. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume 1 published in 1928. Broad Coverage on a Variety of Subject Areas L’Année philologique covers a wide array of subjects, including Greek and Latin literature and linguistics—which includes early Christian texts and patristics—Greek and Roman history, art, archaeology, philosophy, religion, mythology, music, science, and scholarly subspecialties such as numismatics, papyrology and epigraphy. Abstracts of journal articles are in English, German, Spanish, French or Italian. Books entries often include tables of contents and book review information. An international bibliography L’Année philologique is international in character, not only in terms of the origins of the publications it indexes but also in the diversity of countries where the teams collaborating in its compilation are located (France,Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States).

Après avoir réuni le corpus exhaustif des occurrences de Socrate selon une perspective diachronique et générique, une étude chronologique et thématique permet de définir une double réception de Socrate, entre valorisation et mépris, qui s’articule autour de la grandeur du philosophe, son rôle fondateur pour les écoles de pensée hellénistiques, sa mort courageuse et, à rebours, sa dénonciation de la rhétorique ou le caractère inutile des propos des Socratiques pour lutter contre les passions. approx. 280 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56914-7 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 6 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

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Eschine di Sfetto

Tutte le testimonianze Francesca Pentassuglio

This book contains a collection of Aeschines of Sphettus’ fragments, a first Italian translation of all testimonies, and a running philological commentary. The collection also includes a set of new testimonies which contribute to a deeper understanding of Aeschines’ dialogues. Greek texts are introduced by a historical-philosophical essay which aims to define the role and highlight the relevance of Aeschines’ account as a source in Socratic philosophy. The book aims to place Aeschines’ account within the wider framework of ancient Socratic literature. Text in Italian. approx. 400 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57774-6 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 7 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Plato Latinus

Beyond Intolerance

Actes des Diatribai de Gargnano

The Meeting of Milan of 313 AD and the Evolution of Imperial Religious Policy from the Age of the Tetrarchs to Julian the Apostate

Carlos Lévy, Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin (éd.)

Davide Dainese,Viola Gheller (eds)

Si Platon constitue, pour les auteurs latins, une autorité et une figure de référence, la philosophie “platonicienne” a connu, de l'époque tardo-républicaine à l'Antiquité tardive, de nombreuses adaptations et réinterprétations dans la littérature latine. Sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, les contributions réunies dans ce volume cherchent à apporter des éclairages complémentaires sur les différents moments du platonisme latin et sur la variété des approches qui le caractérisent, mettant ainsi en évidence la richesse protéiforme du Plato Latinus. approx. 300 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57789-0 Paperback: approx. € 100 Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 8 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017

313 AD is generally considered as a "turning point" in religious and political Western history. The meeting of Constantine and Licinius in Milan and the subsequent "edict" opened the way to the Christianisation of Roman imperial structures and, finally, to the declaration of Christianity as the only allowed religion in the Roman Empire. The papers summoned in this volume tackle this complex historical phase from a number of perspectives (from Church history and theology to political and juridical history), following a strongly multidisciplinary approach. approx. 220 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57449-3 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Studi e testi tardoantichi, vol. 14 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

When Wisdom Calls


Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity

New Cities in Late Antiquity

Olga Alieva, Annemaré Kotzé, Sophie Van der Meeren (eds)

Documents and Archaeology

The ancients never confined their philosophy to the systematic exposition of doctrine. Orations, treatises, dialogues and letters aimed at persuading people to become lovers of wisdom. Rhetorical feats, logical intricacies, or mystical experience served to recruit adherents, to promote and defend philosophy and to support adherents. Protreptic was the literary form that served all these functions.This volume seeks to illuminate both the diversity and the continuity of protreptic in the work of a wide range of authors, from Parmenides to Augustine.

What was necessary for a settlement in order to be called a city? What were the functions a city was expected to perform? For the late antique period, answers tend to be sought for in the transformations of pre-existing Greco-Roman urban environments. This volume offers a different perspective, exploring the application of late antique urban ideals ‘on virgin ground’. Based on recent fieldwork and synthetic studies, 20 papers outline the state of research and discuss the motives and products of city-building from the late 3rd to the 7th centuries AD.

approx. 400 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56855-3 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 24

297 p., 170 b/w ills, 216 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55551-5 Paperback: € 80 Series: Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, vol. 35

Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Efthymios Rizos (ed.)


CLASSICS Giornale Italiano di Filologia International Studies of Ancient Sources and Their Contexts Edited by Carlo Santini

Founded in 1948 by Enzo V. Marmorale Giornale Italiano di Filologia is an international journal of studies in philology that considers all the accepted meanings of the word and all facets of this very interdisciplinary subject. The journal may therefore include contributions from linguists, historians, experts of antiquities, editors and exegetes of texts. Contributions cover the Greek and Roman world up to the Latin Middle Ages and may include forrays into Romance Philology.

Table of Contents vol. 68 (2016) Bernhard Zimmermann, Ordnung in die Dichtung bringen Zur Verskunst der Griechen - Luigi Ferreri, A proposito di Erodoto 1,133,2 - Eva Anagnostou Laoutides, Daphnis, Deus Pastoralis: the Trail of his Advent - Béatrice Bakhouche, Calendrier et pouvoir à Rome: une double révolution, Hartwin Brandt, Der Suizid in der römischen Kaiserzeit - Martine Assenat, Amida: A New City on the Boundaries - Paola Gagliardi, Dal chalcidicus versus al pastor siculus: Verg. Ecl. 10,50 – 51 e la «conversione bucolica» di Gallo - Élisabeth Gavoille, Le «discours indulgent»: Horace, Satires, I, 3, 38 sqq. et Ovide, Art d’aimer, II, 657 sqq. - Paolo Di Leo, Augustine between Plotinus and Porphyry: A Possible Answer to the Problem of the Identity of the Platonicorum Libri - Giuseppe Pipitone, Testi affini (nella struttura) agli Hisperica Famina - Concetto Del Popolo, Una «Vita breve» di san Gregorio - Marília P. Futre Pinheiro, The Feminine Face of Portuguese Humanism

Online content: ISBN: 978-2-503-56588-0 Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]



Kültepe International Meetings, Vol. II Movement, Resources, Interaction Fikri Kulakoğlu, Gojko Barjamovic (eds)

This second volume in a series of publications of the Kültepe International Meetings collects sixteen papers on the Anatolian and Syrian Bronze Age read at the Second Kültepe International Meeting in July of 2015. It anchors the site in the dimensions of time and space by bringing together specialists to present studies on the effects of commercial and cultural interaction in a broad chronological and geographical perspective. Focus is on the period 2500-1600 BCE when Central Anatolia was divided into dozens of densely populated microstates. xii + 257 p., 65 b/w ills, 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57522-3 Paperback: € 89 Series: Subartu, vol. 39 Available

Hymns in Honour of the Hierarchy and Community, Installation Hymns and Hymns in Honour of Church Leaders and Patrons Middle Persian and Parthian Hymns in the Turfan Collection Claudia Leurini (ed.)


ANCIENT NEAR EAST & ORIENTAL STUDIES CORPUS FONTIUM MANICHAEORUM The Old Testament in Manichaean Tradition The Sources in Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Middle Perisan, Parthian, Sogdian, New Persian, and Arabic Nils Arne Pedersen, René Falkenberg, John Møller Larsen, Claudia Leurini (eds)

Biblia Manichaica, a new subseries of the Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, publishes reference works citing all biblical quotations and allusions in the Manichaean sources as far as they are available in editions. The first volume covers Manichaean texts in Greek, Coptic, Semitic, and Iranian languages. This reference work includes an introductory chapter on the methodology used for detecting quotations and allusions from the Bible.

xlvi + 255 p., 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57773-9 Hardback: € 85 Series: Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum: Series Biblia Manichaica vol. 1 Available

Tractatus Manichaicus Sinicus Pars Prima: Text, Translation and Indices

S.N.C. Lieu, Gunner Mikkelsen (eds)

This volume presents the edition, transliteration and translation of Manichaean hymns in Middle Persian and Parthian, preserved in the Berlin Turfan Collection. The Introduction provides a description of the main features of these Manichaean hymns, reflections on the use of cryptography, and about the learning habits inside scriptoria in Manichaean monasteries in Central Asia. The volume contains a complete glossary and bibliography, as well as facsimiles of joined fragments. approx. 250 p., 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57550-6 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Berliner Turfantexte, vol. 40 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


The first volume of the Series Sinica contains the text and translation of one of the longest and best preserved of all Manichaean texts in Chinese. This first-ever critical edition with English translation of the full document is accompanied by revised editions of parallels in Parthian, Sogdian and Uyghur (Old Turkish) from Turfan. The text and translation are accompanied by a full set of word-indices. A full-scale Commentary with additional textual material from Turfan will appear as Pars Secunda of the volume in the near future.

lii + 180 p., 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-51246-4 Hardback: € 75 Series: Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum: Series Sinica vol. 1 Available


Manichaeism East and West Samuel N.C. Lieu, Nils Arne Pedersen, Enrico Morano, Erica Hunter (eds)

The volume contains the proceedings of the eigth international symposium of the International Assocation of Manichaean Studies covering all major aspects of Manichaean studies. It brings the research on many aspects of the texts published in the Corpus up to date and signals new texts to appear in the Corpus. It includes important studies on the scientific dating of the Medinet Madi codices as well as the newly discovered Manichaean texts in Chinese and Parthian from Xiapu in South China.

Table of Contents D. Baran Tekin, Mani and his teachings according to Islamic sources: An introductory study J. Beduhn & G. Hodgins, The date of the Manichaean codices from Medinet Madi, and its significance A. Benkato, Incipits and Explicits in Iranian Manichaean texts F. Bermejo Rubio, Violence and Myth: Some reflections on an aspect of the Manichaean Protology and Eschatology I. Colditz, On the names of ‘Donors’ in Middle Iranian Manichaean texts J.-D. Dubois, The Coptic Manichaean Psalm to Jesus (N° 245) M. Franzmann, FAHA, The Elect Cosmic Body and Manichaeism as an exclusive religion I. Gardner & L. Rasouli-Narimani, Patīg and Pattikios in the Manichaean sources M. Goff, Wild Cannibals or Repentant Sinners? The value of the Manichaean Book of Giants for understanding the Qumran Book of Giants Zs. Gulasci, Exploring the relic function of Mani’s Seal Stone in the Bibliothèque nationale de France G. Kósa, Adamas of Light in the Cosmology Painting C. Leurini, The Messiah in Iranian Manichaean Texts S. Lieu, Manichaeism East and West (Presidential Address) R. Matsangou, Real and Imagined Manichaeans in Greek Patristic anti-Manichaica (4th-6th centuries) E. Morano, Manichaean Sogdian poems N. A. Pedersen, Observations on the Book of the Giants from Coptic and Syriac Sources F. Ruani, John of Dara on Mani: Manichaean Interpretations of Genesis 2:17 in Syriac J. Smith, Persia, Sun, Fire, Execution, and Mercy: Jean Baudrillard’s postmodern reception of Charles Allberry’s A Manichaean Psalm-Book, Part II (1938) Ch. Theodorou, Heavenly Garment and Christology in Western Manichaean Sources S. Toda, Some Observations on Greek Words in Coptic Manichaean Texts Y.Yoshida, Middle Iranian Terms in the Xiapu Chinese texts: Four aspects of the Father of Greatness in Parthian

xi + 260 p., 2 b/w ills, 10 col. ills, 210 × 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57457-8 Paperback: € 90 Series: Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum: Analecta Manichaica vol. 1 Available

MUSIC HISTORY Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945

Das Magnificat in der frühen Neuzeit

Dance, Ideology and Power in Francoist Spain (1938-1968)

Michela NiccolaI, Clair Rowden (éd.)

Maria „inter“ confessiones

Beatriz Martínez del Fresno, Belén Vega Pichaco (eds)

Christiane Wiesenfeldt, Sabine Feinen (eds)

This volume offers a panoramic vision of the diverse genres of musical theatre 1830-1945 From the mid-1800s in Europe there was a vigorous and enthusiastic expansion of diverse forms of musical theatre. An explosion of different types of venues – the cabarets, music-halls and private theatres – rubbed shoulders with the subsidised and official theatres offering more established types of spectacle, creating a milieu which welcomed a number of new musical and theatrical genres which fed from and into one another. In the midst of this creative dynamism, alongside revues and café-concert spectacles, operetta and its derivative forms took centre stage. This volume offers a panoramic vision of the diverse genres and types of musical theatre which multiplied and blossomed during this period, and is divided into six sections: the revue de fin d’année as a theatrical genre which also influenced all other lighter genres in France during its heyday; dance music in Offenbach’s operettas and his musical recreation of the Parisian soundscape; transformation of the opera repertoire in operetta and revue parodies; Viennese operetta and English operetta and musical comedy from the end of the ‘reign’ of Gilbert and Sullivan until the outbreak of World War II; diverse theatrical practices from Parisian puppet theatre and the posters of musical spectacles in the caf ’ conc’, to contemporary Italian operetta before the rise of Fascism, and its dissemination, via the impresario Vittorio Rosi, in Japan. The last section is dedicated to national case studies (Portugal, Ex-Yugoslavia and Spain) of political appropriation, demonstrating ways in which operetta may be studied as a mirror of contemporary society. Offering broad historical chapters juxtaposed with specific case studies, this volume proposes a reading of the diverse genres of ‘musical theatre’ to highlight its energy and modernity. Michela Niccolai has published the volumes «La Dramaturgie de Gustave Charpentier» (Brepols, 2011), a revised version of her Ph.D. thesis (Saint-Étienne/Pavia, 2008), and more recently «Giacomo Puccini et Albert Carré: "Madame Butterfly" à Paris» (Brepols, 2012). At the University of Montréal (OICRM) she completed a post-doctorate project on the editing of Charpentier’s various musical and social writings. Clair Rowden is Reader and Deputy Head of School in the School of Music, Cardiff University. Her research deals mainly with opera and nineteenth-century France.

This book aims to study for the first time the relationship between dance and Francoism

Neben der Messe ist das Magnificat die bedeutendste geistliche Musikgattung des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Beinahe jeder Komponist der Zeit, sei er katholisch oder evangelisch, hat mindestens eine Vertonung der biblischen Vorlage angefertigt. Der vorliegende Band, der sich der Gattung erstmals systematisch zuwendet, versammelt daher neben Artikeln zu zahlreichen einzelnen Werken und Sammlungen auch Beiträge zu literarischen, frömmigkeitsgeschichtlichen und konfessionspolitischen Kontexten. approx. 274 p., 94 b/w ills, 190 × 290 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57776-0 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Epitome musical Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Opera In Search of a Just Ruler for a Unified Italy Jehoash Hirshberg (ed.)

The volume focuses on operas composed in the decade of unification of Italy. Chapter 1 suggests a classification into the categories of operas of intrigue-and-love, the last Risorgimento operas, operas of social criticism, arrangements of literary masterpieces, and religious operas, then focuses on the new category. The major section of the book comprises case studies of five representative Italian operas of the 1860s: Pedrotti’s Isabella d'Aragona, Cortes’s La Colpa del Cuore, Marchetti’s Ruy Blas, Peri’s Vitore Pisani, and Montuoro’s Fieschi.

approx. 400 p., 30 b/w ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57766-1 Hardback: approx. € 110 Série: Speculum musicae, vol. 30

250 p., 6 b/w ills, 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57739-5 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 4

Publication prévue pour l’automne 2017


In 1938, the first regular Government of General Franco was constituted in the “national area”. Under this regime, and for almost 40 years between the end of the Civil War in 1939 and the death of the dictator in 1975, the arts in Spain developed inevitably within the frame of promotion, repression and control imposed by Francoism. In this sense, dance constitutes a privileged field of study to explore not only the propagandistic uses of ballet and dance, but also the construction of a national imagery through the activities displayed in diverse functional spectra of the time. This book aims to study systematically for the first time the relationship of dance with the dictatorial regime, the role models endorsed by the political party Falange Española, the traditionalist spheres and the so-called National-Catholicism, along with the propaganda and censorship strategies emanated from the State before 1968. Twenty scholars from various disciplines – Musicology, Anthropology, History, History of Dance, Cinematography – analyse the ideological and political dimensions of choreographic art. Special attention is paid to the practises and discourses on Body, Gender and Nation and to the cultural policies regarding the Festivales de España organized by the Ministry of Information and Tourism. Furthermore, to the imagery of flamenco exhibited in government media and questioned in certain films, the processes of instrumentalisation of traditional dance as also to the existing mechanisms of control and transgression effected in dance halls and other spaces of sociability. Together with the cultural and biopolitical strategies of Francoism, the survival of concepts arising at that time is highlighted where it is still present in the performance and teaching of Spanish dance. Beatriz Martínez del Fresno: Senior Lecturer of Musicology at the University of Oviedo (Spain). Belén Vega Pichaco: Ph.D. in Musicology (2013). Postdoctoral Researcher ‘Juan de la Cierva’ at the University of Oviedo.

approx. 450 p., 220 × 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57740-1 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 5 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017


Peasants and their Fields SPECIAL BACKLIST OFFER

Rural Economy and Society in Northwestern Europe, 500-2000 A new and original synthesis of rural history in four volumes In these volumes, an international team of morethan sixty well-known researchers aims to explainhow rural societies around the North Sea copedwith the enormous social changes between the sixth and the twenty-fi rst centuries. These publications investigate the relationship between economic growth and ecological constraints, between markets and income structures as well as between lords, governments and peasants. Over the past millennium and more, the regions surrounding the North Sea have developed from the periphery of the Mediterranean world to the core of the modern world economy.

The Rationale of Open-field Agriculture, 700-1800 Christopher Dyer, Erik Thoen, Tom Williamson (eds)

Over recent decades open fields have been investigated in new, interdisciplinary ways, and as a Europe-wide phenomenon. In this book, more than ever before, their development and operation are explained in terms of economic, social, agrarian and environmental developments which were shared, to varying degrees, by all parts of the Continent. It contains ten new studies from a wide range of regions, together with important comparative research from south America and Japan.


SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY Journal for the History of Environment and Society Vol. 2 – 2017 Recycling: The Industrial City and Its Surrounding Countryside, 1750 -1940

approx. 300 p., 156 × 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57600-8 Paperback: approx. € 75 Series: Comparative Rural History Network- Publications, vol. 16 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

Table of Contents Preface by the Editors Thomas Le Roux and Laurent Herment, Introduction: Recycling: the industrial city and its surrounding countryside, 1750-1940


FOOD & HISTORY - 14:1 Food and Hospitals From 9th-century Baghdad to 20th-century Sochi

Vol. 4: Struggling with the Environment Land Use and Productivity Edited by Erik Thoen & Tim Soens xx + 498 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2015, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53047-5, € 129

Vol. 3:The Agro-Food Market Production, Distribution and Consumption Edited by Leen Van Molle & Yves Segers 456 p., 47 b/w ills., 178 x 254 mm, 2013, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53048-2, € 110

Vol. 2: Making a Living Family, Income and Labour Edited by Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle Devos & Thijs Lambrecht xvi + 347 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2012, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53049-9, € 89

Vol. 1: Social Relations Property and Power Edited by Bas J. P. van Bavel & Richard W. Hoyle xx + 375 p., 11 b/w ills., 178 x 254 mm, 2010, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53050-5, € 75

Order the complete set of four volumes at the special price of € 345 ( € 403) Offer valid until 31 December 2017


Table of Contents Jonathan REINARZ, Towards a History of Hospital Food Véronique PITCHON, To Feed and Care according to Dietetic Principles: The Preparation and Distribution of Food and Medicine in Medieval Islamic Hospitals Fritz DROSS. "Man does not live by bread alone": Feeding Confraternity in Early modern Nuremberg leprosaria - Laurinda ABREU, Portuguese Experiences of Artificial Infant Feeding in the Late Eighteenth Century - Ilaria BERTI, "Feeding the Sick upon Stewed Fish and Pork." Slave Health and Food in West Indies Sugar Plantation Hospitals - Sue HAWKINS and Andrea TANNER, Food, Glorious Food: The Functions of Food in British Children’s hospitals, 1852–1914 - Johanna CONTERIO, Places of Plenty: Patient Perspectives on Nutrition and Health in the Health Resorts of the USSR, 1917–1953 - Conference Report: IEHCA Summer University 2016 - Book Reviews

Pieter De Graef, Food from country to city, waste from city to country: an environmental symbiosis? Fertiliser improvement in 18th-century Flanders Sacha Tomic, La ‘science des engrais’ et le monde agricole en France au dix-neuvième siècle Laurent Herment, Vidanges et fertilisants. Le cas de la poudrette parisienne au milieu du dix-neuvième siècle Niccolò Mignemi, L’enquête de l’Institut International d’Agriculture sur la réutilisation des déchets et des résidus (1920-1922) ou qui gouverne l’agriculture ?

ISBN 978-2-503-57185-0 (print issue) ISBN 978-2-503-56618-4 Paperback Available

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Publication scheduled for Autumn 2017

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Series, vol. nr.




Individui universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo

Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 85


Medieval Collection



Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue

Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 28


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (800-1700)

Studies on the Faculty of Arts. History and Influence, 3


Complete Collection


The Dedicated Spiritual Life of Upper Rhine Noble Women

Sanctimoniales, 2


Medieval Collection



Genèse des espaces politiques (IXe-XIIe siècle)

Haut Moyen Âge, 28


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Les ports des mers nordiques à l’époque viking (VIIe-Xe siècle)

Haut Moyen Âge, 27


Medieval Collection



Les Royaumes de Bourgogne jusque 1032 à travers la culture et la religion

Culture et société médiévales, 30


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Saints of North-East England, 600-1500

Medieval Church Studies, 39


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Arnoul de Lisieux (1105/1109-1184)

Témoins de Notre Histoire, 17


Medieval Collection



Nihil veritas erubescit

Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 74


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Scrinium Augustini. The World of Augustine’s Letters

Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 76


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Urban Literacy in Late Medieval Poland

Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 39


Medieval Collection



Contributions to the History of Latin Elegiac Distich

Studi e testi tardoantichi, 15


Complete Collection



Le Livre de Thezeo de Boccace

Bibliothèque de Transmédie, 5


Medieval Collection



Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla

Corpus Christianorum in Translation, 29


Complete Collection



L’entrée d’Alexandre le Grand sur la scène européenne

Alexander redivivus, 9


Miscellanea Collection



Luigi Pulci in Renaissance Florence and Beyond

Cursor Mundi, 29


Miscellanea Collection



French in Medieval Ireland, Ireland in Medieval French

Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 27


Medieval Collection



In Hebreo

Bibliotheca Victorina, 26


Complete Collection


Studia Artistarum, 43


Medieval Collection



Miscellanea Collection



Miscellanea Collection



Complete Collection


Studia Traditionis Theologiae, 25


Medieval Collection


Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 77


Medieval Miscellanea Collection


Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses (Durham, D.C.L., C.IV.29) Cristiani, ebrei e pagani: il dibattito sulla Sacra Scrittura tra III e VI secolo

Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, 12


Les Mystères: nouvelles perspectives

Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, 24


The Karaite Mourners of Zion and the Qumran Scrolls

Diaspora, 3


Healing not Punishment. Penitentials in the Insular Church


Irénée de Lyon et le début de la Bible chrétienne



Anselmo d’Aosta e il pensiero monastico medievale


Philippine Duchesne, pionnière à la frontière américaine


Transforming Landscapes of Belief in the Early Medieval Insular World and Beyond

Nutrix, 11 History of the Christian Church (Outside a Series) Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 23


Medieval Miscelleana Collection



Complete Collection



Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts

Texts and Transitions, 12


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



The Pre-Christian Religions of the North

The Pre-Christian Religions of the North, 1


Complete Collection



Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts

Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 37


Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Discipuli dona ferentes

Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 11 Miscellany

Medieval Miscellanea Collection



Netherlandish Culture of the Sixteenth Century

Studies in European Urban History, 41


Miscellanea Collection



Scholastica colonialis – Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16th-18th Centuries

Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 72


Miscellanea Collection


Comparative Rural History NetworkPublications, 16


Miscellanea Collection



Peasants and their fields



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