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Table of Contents MEDIEVAL STUDIES






















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The Capetian Century, 1214 to 1314 William Chester Jordan, Jenna Rebecca Phillips (eds)

This volume provides a fresh look at the Capetian century (1214-1314). Innovations in architecture, manuscript illumination, and music all helped shape the cultural fabric of French and European life. Administrative historians emphasize the development of political institutions that have been said to lay foundations of the modern State. ‘Moral reform’, partly in support of the crusading movement, led to various changes in policies toward Jews, prostitutes, heretics, and many other social groups.

approx. 375 p., 25 b/w ills, 4 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56718-1 Hardback: € 95 Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, vol. 22 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Writing History in Medieval Poland

Bishop Vincentius of Cracow and the ‘Chronica Polonorum’

Studies on Medieval Monastic Life

This wide-ranging series presents new scholarship on monasticism, from late antiquity to 1600. It makes a unique contribution by delivering interdisciplinary and international monastic studies in art, liturgy, music, theology, intellectual, social, political, and institutional history.

Theorizing Old Norse Myth Stefan Brink, Lisa Collinson (eds)

This collection explores the theoretical and methodological foundations through which we understand Old Norse myths and the mythological world, and the medieval sources in which we find expressions of these. This collection explores the theoretical and methodological foundations through which we understand Old Norse myths and the mythological world, and the medieval sources in which we find expressions of these. Some contributions take a broad, comparative perspective; some address specific details of Old Norse myths and mythology; and some devote their attention to questions concerning either individual gods and deities, or more topographical and spatial matters (such as conceptions of pagan cult sites). The elements discussed provide an introductory and general overview of scholarly enquiry into myth and ritual, as well as an attempt to define myth and theory for Old Norse scholarship. The articles also offer a rehabilitation of the comparative method alongside a discussion of the concept of ‘cultural memory’ and of the cognitive functions that myths may have performed in early Scandinavian society. Particular subjects of interest include analyses of the enigmatic god Heimdallr, the more well-known Óðinn, the deities, the female ásynjur, and the ‘elves’ or álfar. Text-based discussions are set alongside recent archaeological discoveries of cult buildings and cult sites in Scandinavia, together with a discussion of the most enigmatic site of all: Uppsala in Sweden. The key themes discussed throughout this volume are brought together in the concluding chapter, in a comprehensive summary that sheds new light on current scholarly perspectives. Table of Contents:

This volume presents an in-depth analysis of the Chronica Polonorum, one of the greatest works of the twelfth-century renaissance which profoundly influenced history writing in Central Europe. The historical evidence it presents illuminates the sociocultural interaction between Poland and the West during the period. It provides important insights into the development of political culture, the diffusion and growth of ideas, the Christianization of the peripheral regions of Europe, and the interaction between cultural, political, and economic changes.

Introduction — Stefan Brink and Lisa Collinson / Theorizing Myth and Ritual — Robert A. Segal / Myth and Theory: Where is the Point? — Karen Bek-Pedersen / Old Norse Myth and Cognition — Margaret Clunies Ross / The Reintroduction of Comparative Studies as a Tool for Reconstructing Old Norse Religion — Jens Peter Schjødt / Heimdallr in Hyndluljóð. The role and function of the ‘enigmatic god’ in an enigmatic poem — Sebastian Cöllen / How High Was the High One? The Roles of Oðinn and Þórr in Pre-Christian Icelandic Society — Terry Gunnell / Groups, Lists, Features: Snorri’s Ásynjur — John Lindow / Cultural Memory and Old Norse Mythology in the High Middle Ages — Pernille Hermann / Uppsala in Myth and Reality — Stefan Brink / On Elves — Rudolf Simek Bonn / Summing Up — John McKinnell

approx. 250 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56951-2 Hardback: € 80 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 28 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

approx. x + 275 p., 10 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55303-0 Hardback: € 80 Series: Acta Scandinavica, vol. 7 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński (ed.)

Disciplina Monastica

Crime, châtiment et grâce dans les monastères au Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècle) Elisabeth Lusset

Ce livre analyse les crimes commis à l’intérieur des monastères médiévaux (violences, homicides ou encore vols) et la manière dont les religieux criminels étaient corrigés tant par les abbés, les évêques, les chapitres généraux des ordres religieux que par les organes de la curie romaine. Il compare, à l’échelle de l’Europe, les établissements de moines, chanoines réguliers et moniales, qu’ils appartiennent à un ordre (Cluny, Cîteaux, Prémontré, Grande Chartreuse) ou à une nébuleuse moins définie sur le plan juridique (abbayes et prieurés de moines bénédictins ou de chanoines réguliers). En explorant le fonctionnement de la justice claustrale, les peines prescrites ainsi que les mécanismes de réconciliation des criminels, l’ouvrage éclaire sous un angle nouveau les processus de construction institutionnelle et de réforme des ordres religieux entre les XIIe et XVe siècles. Ancienne élève de l’École normale supérieure Lettres et Sciences humaines de Lyon, ancienne pensionnaire de la Fondation Thiers, agrégée d’histoire et docteur en histoire médiévale, Élisabeth Lusset travaille sur l’histoire comparée des ordres religieux et sur le gouvernement de l’Église médiévale. Table des matières:

approx. 400 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56765-5 Paperback: approx. € 110 Série: Disciplina Monastica, vol. 12 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017


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Vaucelles Abbey

Social, Political, and Ecclesiastical Relationships in the Borderland Region of the Cambrésis, 1131-1300 Kathryn Salzer

Le virus de l’erreur La controverse carolingienne sur la double prédestination Essai d’histoire sociale Warren Peze

Founded in 1131 by the castellan of Cambrai,Vaucelles Abbey thrived in a borderland region of Cambrésis, where German emperors, French kings, Flemish counts, bishops of Cambrai, and the Cistercian Order all had active interests. To understand how Vaucelles flourished, this book looks at the political, social, and economic relationships that the house created and fostered with various international, regional, and local individuals and institutions.

Tout au long de ce qui est la plus longue controverse du IXe siècle, le clergé franc multiplie les traités et libelles et, concile après concile, se répand en anathèmes réciproques avant d’enterrer brutalement ce débat sur la double prédestination sans issue. Ce conflit doctrinal est inextricablement lié aux luttes de pouvoir de la cour, aux tensions entre évêques, clercs, moines et laïcs, à la psychose des falsifications... Le virus de l’erreur mesure combien la controverse est structurée par le problème du contrôle de l’information, de la publicité et de l’opinion.

approx. 325 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55524-9 Hardback: € 90 Series: Medieval Monastic Studies, vol. 2 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

approx. 550 p., 18 b/w ills, 2 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57015-0 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 26 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Boundaries in the Medieval and Wider World

Chaucer’s House of Fame and Its Boccaccian Intertexts

Thomas Barton, Susan McDonough, Sara McDougall, Matthew Wranovix (eds)

Kathryn McKinley

Essays in Honour of Paul Freedman The fifteen essays collected in this volume have been written by Paul Freedman’s former students and closest colleagues to both honour his extraordinary achievements and to explore some of their implications for medieval and post-medieval European society and historical study. Together, these studies assess and explore a range of different boundaries, both tangible and theoretical: boundaries relating to law, religion, peasants, historiography, and food, medicine, and the exotic.

approx. 325 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56845-4 Hardback: € 90 Series: Europa Sacra, vol. 22 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Image,Vision, and the Vernacular

This volume addresses in new ways in which the broader triangular relationship between Dante, Boccaccio, and Chaucer can be drawn. Chaucer’s The House of Fame, bears the imprint of Dantean imagery and reflects Dante’s own passionate commitment to the use of the vernacular. But Boccaccio’s Amorosa visione gave Chaucer a viable model for a response to Dante’s theocentric poetics. It also valorized earthly love, the vernacular, and the legends of the ancient past even as it over and over again raised the question of indeterminacy.

approx. 244 p., 150 x 230 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2017, ISBN 978-0-88844-206-2 Hardback: approx. € 90 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 206 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017 North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press

Episcopal Power and Local Society in Medieval Europe, 1000-1400 Peter Coss, Chris Dennis, Angelo Silvestri, Melissa Julian-Jones (eds)

The essays collected in this volume analyse aspects of the formation, enhancement and manifestation of episcopal power at the level of its foundation in local society in medieval Europe between 1000 and 1400. The medieval bishop occupied a position of central importance in European society between 1000 and 1400. Indeed, medieval bishops across Europe were involved in an assortment of ecclesiastical and secular affairs, a feature of the episcopal office in this period that ensured their place amongst the most influential figures in their respective milieux. Such prominence has inevitably piqued the interest of modern scholars and a number of important studies focusing on individual aspects of the medieval episcopal office have emerged, notably in recent years.Yet scholarly attention has often been drawn towards the careers of extraordinary bishops, men whose renown was often due to their involvement in both ecclesiastical and secular activities that took them beyond the borders of their dioceses. As a result, there has been a tendency to overlook the significance of the function of the episcopal office within local society, and, in particular, the way that this context shaped episcopal power. The purpose of this volume is to examine the foundations of episcopal power in medieval Europe by considering its functioning and development at the level of local society. This collection of essays derives from papers delivered at a conference at Cardiff University in May 2013, are divided into three sections focusing on the construction of episcopal power in local society, the ways in which it was augmented, and the different forms through which it was expressed. The essays have a broad geographical scope and include studies focused on English, French, Italian, and Icelandic dioceses. Table of Contents:

approx. x + 280 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57340-3 Hardback: € 80 Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 38 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

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From Carrickfergus to Carcassonne Pleasure and Politics at the Court of France

The Artistic Patronage of Queen Marie de Brabant (1260-1321) Tracy Hamilton

For her commissioning and performance of a French vernacular version of the Arabic Tale of the Thousand and One Nights – recorded in one of the most vivid and sumptuous late thirteenthcentury manuscripts extant – as well as for her numerous other commissions, Queen Marie de Brabant (1260-1321) was heralded as a literary and intellectual patron comparable to Alexander the Great and Charlemagne. Nevertheless, classic studies of the late medieval period understate Marie’s connection to the contemporary rise of secular interests at the French court. My book, Pleasure and Politics at the Court of France: the Artistic Patronage of Marie de Brabant (12601321), by reshaping the inquiry into court patronage, posits that the historical record reveals exciting and important contributions Marie de Brabant made to this burgeoning secular court. This emerging importance of the secular and redefinition of the sacred during these last decades of Capetian rule becomes all the more striking when juxtaposed to the pious tone of the lengthy reign of Louis IX (1214-1270), which had ended just four years before Marie’s marriage to his son. That Marie often chose innovative materials and iconographies – that would later in the fourteenth century become the norm – to create these images signals her importance in late medieval patronage. These themes of court, culture, politics, and gender reflect and connect the chronological and methodological organization of my fully drafted manuscript. A substantial revision and expansion of my dissertation, the book examines Marie’s commissions from her arrival in Paris in 1274 until her death in 1321 and analyzes the dynamics of her patronage and its impact on other women and men of the royal house.

approx. 300 p., 150 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-905375-68-4 Hardback: approx. € 110 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History, vol. 64 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Curia and Crusade

Pope Honorius III and the Recovery of the Holy Land: 1216-1227 Thomas W. Smith

The pontificate of Honorius III (1216-27) arguably ranks alongside the most important reigns of the thirteenth century: Honorius presided over a ‘golden summer’ of papal-imperial relations before the Empire and papacy went to war under his successors; Honorius oversaw the organisation of two large scale Holy Land crusades – the Fifth Crusade and the Crusade of Frederick II; and Honorius developed and articulated an original theological conception of his office and took the first important steps towards the centralisation of the papacy’s financial machinery. Yet despite the central importance of his pontificate to the history of the early thirteenth-century West, Honorius has often languished in the shadow of his immediate predecessor, Innocent III. This is the first full-length monograph in English to analyse Honorius’s pontificate. Based on original research from the register manuscripts of the Vatican Archives, this book propounds an innovative, revisionist interpretation of the ways in which papal crusade policy operated in the thirteenth century, and provides new insights into the importance of arengae in papal documents, the work of papal legates and the effectiveness of crusade taxation. It locates Honorius’s reign in the longer history of papal crusade efforts to recover the Holy Land after the Battle of Hattin in 1187, and contextualises the study of papal diplomacy with an overview of the operation of the papal chancery in the early thirteenth century and the utility of papal documents, which will be of particular use to students. Table of Contents:

The epic deeds of Hugh de Lacy during the Albigensian Crusade Jean-Michel Picard, Tadhg O’Keeffe, Paul Duffy (eds)

Hinging upon the personal story of a charismatic 13th century individual, Hugh de Lacy, earl of Ulster, this book brings to light new research linking de Lacy to a conspiracy with the French King and details his subsequent exile and participation in the Albigensian Crusade in the South of France. The combined papers in this volume detail this remarkable story through interrogation of the historical and archaeological evidence, benefitting not just from adept scholarly study from Ireland and the UK but also from a Southern French perspective. approx. 250 p., 24 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56781-5 Hardback: approx. € 81 Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 5 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Village Elites and Social Structures in the Late Medieval Campine Region Eline Van Onacker

By focusing on ‘independent’ peasant elites, this study explores the social structures and characteristics of inequality of the Campine (Kempen), a communal peasant region situated to the northeast of the sixteenth-century ‘metropolis’ of Antwerp. It shows how these factors led to a different, more stable mode of economic development. Looking past standard societal measurements such as property distribution, this work combines a wide variety of sources to grasp the nuances of inequality in a communal peasant society in the medieval Low Countries.

approx. 300 p., 16 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55297-2 Hardback: approx. € 80 Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 6 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

approx. x + 380 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55459-4 Hardback: € 100 Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 17 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017


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The Idea of the Gothic Cathedral

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Meanings of the Medieval Edifice in the Modern Period Stephanie Glaser (ed.)

The essays in this book focus on various social, political, cultural, and aesthetic meanings ascribed to Gothic cathedrals in Europe in the post-medieval period. Central to many medieval ritual traditions both sacred and secular, the Gothic cathedral holds a privileged place within the European cultural imagination and experience. Due to the burgeoning historical interest in the medieval past, in connection with the medieval revival in literature, visual arts, and architecture that began in the late seventeenth century and culminated in the nineteenth, the Gothic cathedral took centre stage in numerous ideological discourses. These discourses imposed contemporary political and aesthetic connotations upon the cathedral that were often far removed from its original meaning and ritual use. This volume presents interdisciplinary perspectives on the resignification of the Gothic cathedral in the post-medieval period. Its contributors, literary scholars and historians of art and architecture, investigate the dynamics of national and cultural movements that turned Gothic cathedrals into symbols of the modern nation-state, highlight the political uses of the edifice in literature and the arts, and underscore the importance of subjectivity in literary and visual representations of Gothic architecture. Contributing to scholarship in historiography, cultural history, intermedial and interdisciplinary studies, as well as traditional disciplines, the volume resonates with wider perspectives, especially relating to the reuse of artefacts to serve particular ideological ends. Table of Contents:

Walcher of Malvern: De lunationibus and De Dracone

Study, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Philipp Nothaft (ed.)

Walcher, the prior of Great Malvern in Worcestershire (d. 1135), is a landmark figure in the history of medieval science.This volume contains the first complete edition of Walcher’s two known treatises (De lunationibus and De Dracone), together with an English translation and a detailed commentary. An introductory study will elucidate the background to his scientific pursuits and situate them in the intellectual and disciplinary context of the late-eleventh and early-twelfth century, when Latin astronomy underwent a transformative period of lasting significance. approx. 350 p., 6 col. ills, 155 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56876-8 Hardback: € 90 Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 102 (65) PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Arnoul de Lisieux

Souvenirs d’un évêque de cour dans l’embarras Arnoul de Lisieux

Si la cour d’Henri II d’Angleterre (1154-1189) a connu des évêques partisans du roi ou, comme le montre le cas de Thomas Becket, des adversaires farouches, Arnoul de Lisieux a été un homme de compromis, convaincu de la nécessaire collaboration du regnum et du sacerdotium. Voué aux gémonies par le parti de Becket, Arnoul n’a pas su gagner pour autant la sympathie indéfectible d’Henri II. approx. 400 p., 140 x 210 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55113-5 Paperback: approx. € 65 Série: Témoins de Notre Histoire, vol. 17 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Montpellier au Moyen Âge Bilan et approches nouvelles

Lucie Galano, Lucie Laumonier (éd.)

Appuyé sur une documentation originale, cet ouvrage se présente comme un bilan des travaux passés sur l’histoire médiévale de Montpellier proposant un panel des recherches nouvelles, et atteste du dynamisme des études historiques et archéologiques sur la ville. approx. 380 p., 68 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56813-3 Hardback: € 100 Series: Ritus et Artes, vol. 9 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

approx. 250 p., 1 b/w ill., 20 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56852-2 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 40 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Hebrew and Hebrew-Latin Documents from Medieval England A Diplomatic and Palaeographical Study Judith Olszowy-Schlanger

Facsimile edition in size 30,5 x 44 cm This book is a new facsimile edition of the entire known corpus of legal and administrative documents containing Hebrew script, produced in England before the expulsion of the Jews in 1290. In addition to the illustrated edition and study of 258 charters on parchment and 58 wooden tallies with Hebrew inscriptions, this book provides fresh insights into the historical, legal and administrative background of the documents’ production and use, and their external diplomatic and palaeographical features. Throughout the book, the documents are portrayed as a meeting point between Jewish and non-Jewish legal and intellectual traditions. Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, PhD, Cambridge (1995), is Professor of Hebrew Manuscript Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences historiques et philologiques and an associate researcher at the Hebrew section of the IRHT, Paris. Table of Contents: Part I : History, legal status and production of Hebrew documents in medieval England 1. English Jews and their documents in the Middle Age 2.The corpus and its edition 3. External characteristics of the documents 4.The palaeographical study: scripts, styles and scribes 5.The languages of the documents: linguistic features and interfaith contacts 6. Legal transactions: their typology and formulae Part II : The Edition Editorial norms Charters : n° I – 258 Tallies : n° I – LVIII Appendix I Chronological list of documents Appendix II List of documents according to their place and date Index of names - General index - Index of manuscripts Bibliography Detailed Table of Contents & sample pages: 2 vol., 846 p., 26 b/w ills, 562 col. ills, 305 x 440 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55101-2 Hardback: € 795  € 699 (valid until 15 August 2017) Series: Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi: Series Hebraica AVAILABLE

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Felici curiositate Teaching and Learning in Medieval Europe

Essays in Honour of Gernot R. Wieland on his 67th Birthday Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Tristan Major (eds)

The essays collected here honour the life-long contribution of Gernot Wieland in the fields of Anglo-Latin and Old English literatures. Over the span of his career, Gernot R.Wieland has been actively engaged in the contribution and promotion of the study of medieval literature, particularly in AngloLatin and Old English. From his early work on glosses in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, to his later editorial work for The Journal of Medieval Latin, Wieland has provided the field with diverse, diligent, and creative scholarship. The contributors of this volume aim to honour the significance of Wieland’s teaching and learning in the literature of medieval Europe by presenting him with fourteen essays on varied aspects of medieval Latin literature. The first half of the volume, which deals with aspects of the educational history of Anglo-Saxon England as well as the dynamic interplay between Latin and the vernacular, corresponds to Wieland’s own research interests. The essays of this section on Anglo-Saxon curricula, glosses, commentaries, and translation are indebted to the scholarly conversations that Wieland participated in with his own publications. The second half of the volume examines elements of Latin literature from the twelfth to the sixteenth century, all of which well represent Wieland’s diverse philological and literary interests. Essays on scholastic literary terminology, English historiography, concepts of nature, and a Latin epic, display Wieland’s wider interests in the teaching and learning of medieval Latin literature.

Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century In Honour of Rita Beyers Guy Guldentops, Christian Laes, Gert Partoens (eds)

The first section is devoted to some important apocryphal texts from the second to the tenth century. The second part covers literary and doctrinal aspects of works produced in the patristic era. The third part brings together a number of micro-historical studies on medieval literature. The fourth section presents some little-known Neo-Latin texts and offer a fresh analysis of the reception of ancient Christian texts in modern French and English literature. The volume ends with two essays musing on the art of textual editing and the quintessence of philology. xxii + 910 p., 5 b/w ills, 4 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57013-6 Hardback: € 140 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 72 AVAILABLE

Les Arts poétiques du XIIIe au XVIIe siècles Tensions et dialogue entre théorie et pratique

Grégory Ems, Mathieu Minet (éd.)

La notion d’« Art poétique » recouvre une réalité plurielle et protéiforme : les ouvrages ainsi qualifiés se proposent, selon les âges et les contextes, de catégoriser, de normaliser ou de canoniser les pratiques poétiques. Entre la pratique et la théorisation au sens large se jouent dès lors des rapports complexes, qu’interrogent les seize contributions regroupées dans ce volume, où cette problématique est envisagée selon un large spectre de périodes et de langues, mais également dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire.

338 p., 4 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-52991-2 Paperback: approx. € 85 Série: Latinitates, vol. 10 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Vernacular Translators in Quattrocento Italy

Islands in the West

Andrea Rizzi

Matthias Egeler

Table of Contents:

This book provides a richly documented study of vernacular translators as agents within the literary culture of Italy during the fifteenth century. Through a fresh and careful examination of these early modern translators, Rizzi shows how humanist translators went about convincing readers of the value of their work in disseminating knowledge that would otherwise be inaccessible to many. The translators studied in this book include not only the well-known ‘superstars’ such as Leonardo Bruni, but also little-known and indeed obscure writers from throughout the Italian peninsula.

This monograph traces the history of one of the most prominent types of geographical myths of the North-West Atlantic Ocean: transmarine otherworlds of blessedness and immortality. Taking the mythologization of the Viking Age discovery of North America in the earliest extant account of Vínland (‘Wine-Land’) and the Norse transmarine otherworlds of Hvítramannaland (‘The Land of White Men’) and the Ódáinsakr/Glæsisvellir (‘Field of the NotDead’/‘Shining Fields’) as its starting point, it explores the historical entanglements of these imaginative places in a European context.

approx. 350 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56843-0 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, vol. 11 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

approx. 200 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56785-3 Hardback: € 70 Series: Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies, vol. 26 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

approx. 400 p., 33 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56938-3 Hardback: € 100 Series: Medieval Voyaging, vol. 4 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Greti Dinkova-Bruun is Fellow at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto. Tristan Major is Assistant Professor of English Literature at Qatar University.

Scribal Culture, Authority, and Agency

Classical Myth and the Medieval Norse and Irish Geographical Imagination


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LANGUAGES & LITERATURE Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages The Norse-Icelandic Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages project aims to produce a new edition of the known corpus of skaldic verse, including runic inscriptions in metrical form. In practice this means editing all poetry supposed to be from earliest times until c. 1400, which does not belong to the collection in the Codex Regius of the Elder Edda and related collections.

The edition will be produced in eight volumes, each one based on distinct source categories arranged in assumed chronological order, so that the manuscript contexts in which the poetry has been preserved will be kept in view. This basis of selection, plus the inclusion of an English translation and notes, should prove useful to readers outside skaldic studies, such as historians, archaeologists and scholars of other medieval literatures, who have previously found skaldic verse rather inaccessible. The volume of runic poetry will also contain images of the objects on which the inscriptions were carved. There will be a ninth volume comprising various indices and a complete bibliography of works relevant to skaldic poetry. Review of vol. 2: “This is another Landmark publication, the second in a planned nine-volume series that will place the study of skaldic verse on a new footing. (...) This publication renews one’s faith in the possibilities of scholarship. We owe a debt of gratitude to all those involved in bringing this series into being.” (R. Frank, in: The Medieval Review, 10.03.08)

Poetry from Treatises on Poetics

Kari Ellen Gade, Edith Marold (eds)

This volume presents most of the poetry contained in the Scandinavian poetic and grammatical treatises, such as the poetry in Skáldskaparmál, the þulur, Háttatal, the Third and Fourth Grammatical Treatises and Háttalykill. Included also are Málsháttakvæði and stanzas from Laufás Edda not recorded elsewhere.

clxiv + 1359 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-51894-7 Hardback: € 165 Series: Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, vol. 3 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

The Sermons of William Peraldus An Appraisal

Siegfried Wenzel

The French Dominican William Peraldus or Guillaume Peyraut (died c. 1275), well known for his long summae on the vices and virtues, also produced several cycles of sermons, of which two deal with the Epistle and the Gospel readings for the Sundays of the Church year. This study analyzes the latter in some detail and argues that, rather than collecting sermons he had preached earlier, Peraldus wrote these sermons systematically for the use of other preachers.

Organizing the Written Word Scripts, Manuscripts, and Texts Marco Mostert (ed.)

This volume seeks to enhance our understanding of an important aspect of medieval literacy and of the western literate mentality by addressing some crucial questions. What are the differences and similarities between early and late medieval ways of finding written information? How and why were the manuscript page and the organisation of written texts altered? How and why did ‘consultation literacy’, as we now know it, develop?

approx. 225 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56798-3 Hardback: € 75 Series: Sermo, vol. 13 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

approx. viii + 300 p., 30 b/w ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-50765-1 Hardback: € 80 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 30 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

The Birgittines of Syon Abbey

Ruling the Script in the Middle Ages

Preaching and Print Susan Powell

This volume examines the Birgittine Order of nuns as producers and readers of texts in Britain from the fifteenth to the early sixteenth century, through an analysis of medieval manuscripts and early printed books. It highlights the community’s response to teachings of St Birgitta, the dissemination of Birgittine texts, and Lady Margaret Beaufort’s role as intermediary between Syon and the outside world.

approx. x + 350 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-53235-6 Hardback: € 90 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 11 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Formal Aspects of Written Communication (Books, Charters, and Inscriptions) Sébastien Barret, Dominique Stutzmann, Georg Vogeler (eds)

This volume provides new insights into how different kinds of rules were designed, established, and followed in the shaping of medieval documents, as a means of enabling complex and subtle communicational phenomena. Because they provide a perspective for approaching the material they are supposed to organize, these rules (or the postulation of their use) provide powerful analytical tools for structural studies into given corpora of documents.

approx. viii + 545 p., 100 b/w ills, 18 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56743-3 Hardback: € 125 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 35 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

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LANGUAGES & LITERATURE Escolte, fils, les comandemens del maistre

F Online

Édition et analyse de la Règle de saint Benoît dite de Martin


Yela Schauwecker (éd.)

Parmi les éléments fondamentaux permettant de comprendre la société du Moyen Âge occidental et, plus généralement, le monachisme chrétien jusqu’à nos jours, la Règle de saint Benoît fait figure de texte incontournable. La présente édition tient compte des huit manuscrits conservés et comporte une mise en contexte très fouillée, tout en s’intéressant à l’histoire de la transmission du texte.

BrepolsOnline Books are available for purchase in a variety of collections to serve your specific needs and budgets.The platform contains 1,450 eBook titles covering all research areas of the Humanities Brepols is active in. The collections feature content published in monographs as well as miscellany volumes, written in all major European languages, with a clear predominance of English and French. Collection 2016

F Online Books - Complete Collection approx. 275 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57479-0 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 19 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Le prime edizioni greche a Roma (1510-1526) Luigi Ferreri, Saulo Delle Donne, Anna Gaspari, Concetta Bianca

Ouvrage consacré à l’étude des dix-huit éditions imprimées à Rome de 1510 à 1526, avec l’édition de toutes les pièces liminaires de celles-ci et un examen philologique visant en particulier à établir les sources manuscrites utilisées en chaque cas. À ce volume, édité par Concetta Bianca, Saulo Delle Donne, Luigi Ferreri et Anna Gaspari, ont collaboré Jean-Marie Flamand, Rosa Maria Piccione, Filippomaria Pontani, Antonio Rollo, David Speranzi, Giuseppe Ucciardello et Sever J. Voicu.

approx. 350 p., 332 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57029-7 Hardback: approx. € 80 Series: Europa Humanistica, vol. 19 (Répertoires et inventaires, vol. 2) PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

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Jéroboam et la division du royaume (1 Rois 11,26-12,33) Philologie, herméneutique et histoire des textes entre Orient et Occident

Praedicatio Patrum

Francesca Prometea Barone, Caroline Macé, Pablo Alejandro Ubierna (éd.)

This volume contains the proceedings of the conference “Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on North African Patristic Sermons” (Malta, 8-10 April 2015) and hopes to give a new impetus to the study of late antique African preaching. Several contributions challenge accepted views regarding the corpus of North African homilies as well as common assumptions concerning supposedly North African sermon collections. Other contributions offer detailed philological, theological and rhetorical text analyses, and focus on the sermons of Augustine as well as on Donatist preaching and the corpus of Pseudo-Fulgentius. The present volume may be considered a sequel to the proceedings of the first two Ministerium Sermonis conferences (Leuven-Turnhout, 2008 and Rome, 2011), which have been published in the same series.

Mélanges en hommage à Sever J.Voicu

Sever J.Voicu a été Scriptor Graecus à la Bibliothèque Vaticane et est professeur à l’Istituto Patristico « Augustinianum » à Rome. Ce volume contient 49 contributions, en anglais, espagnol, français, et italien, offertes à Sever Voicu par des spécialistes des différents domaines dans lesquels sa contribution scientifique a été la plus significative : la paléographie et la codicologie grecques ; les christianismes orientaux ; la patristique grecque et latine ; les apocryphes de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Différents angles d’approche sont développés par ces contributions : interprétation théologique, analyse littéraire, étude historique, examen des écritures et des manuscrits, critique textuelle, problématique des traductions anciennes. Ces études portent sur des textes en arabe, arménien, copte, éthiopien, géorgien, grec, irlandais, latin, roumain, slave ou syriaque. Certains textes, inédits ou peu connus, sont édités et traduits, de nouveaux témoins sont mis à jour, des mises au point et de nouvelles interprétations sont avancées. Contributions de M. Bandini, P. Carolla, P. Isépy, S. Lucà, A. Boud’hors, A. Camplani & F. Contardi, A. Capone, M. Cassin, B. Crostini, B. Gain, T. Orlandi, A. Segneri, A. Sirinian & F. D’Aiuto, A. Tedros, P. Allen, R. Ceulemans, J. Declerck, A. Miranda, P. de Navascués, A. Nicolosi, P.-H. Poirier, B. Pouderon, M. Simonetti, P. Argarate, J. Bremmer, G. Burzacchini, L. Ferreri, J. A. Gaytán Luna, A. Jakab, M. McNamara, S. Mimouni, C. Renoux, A. Sáez, L. Silvano, E. Timotin, C. Zamagni, P. Augustin, G. Bady, L. Bossina, D. Ciarlo, P. Géhin, J. Gippert, S. Kim, G. Masi, W. Mayer, B. Outtier, S. Torres Prieto, P. Van Deun, S. Zincone.

Studies on Preaching in Late Antique North Africa Gert Partoens, Anthony Dupont, Shari Boodts (eds)

Étude historico-philologique Giancarlo Toloni

Le problème exégétique de la figure de Jéroboam consiste à vérifier si les divergences entre les récits parvenus dans 1 Rois 11,26 – 12,33 se sont produites au fil de la transmission textuelle, ou si elles remontent à des traditions plus anciennes.

approx. 230 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57365-6 Paperback: approx. € 70 Série: Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, vol. 178 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR MAI 2017

Contributions by F. Dolbeau, G. Partoens, S. Boodts & N. De Maeyer, C. Weidmann, B. M. Jensen, L. De Coninck, C. Harrison, I. Bochet, K. G. Grove, A. M. Reisenauer, P. R. Kolbet, M. W. Knotts & A. Dupont, A. L. Bass, R. Spataro, N. Kamimura. The editors are members of the research units “History of Church and Theology” and “Literary Studies: Latin Literature” of KU Leuven.

L’écriture et la sainteté dans la Serbie médiévale Étude d’hagiographie

Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić

L’étude porte pour l’essentiel sur un riche corpus de sources serbes, qui s’échelonnent de la fin du XIIe jusqu’au XVe siècle. Il s’agit bien d’une étude d’hagiographie, dans laquelle l’auteur a eu pour ambition de montrer comment, dans les textes hagiographiques, a été construite l’image de la royauté serbe.

Francesca Prometea Barone est chercheur à la Section grecque de l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (IRHT, CNRS), à Paris. Caroline Macé est membre de l’Académie des sciences de Göttingen (commission patristique). Elle a été chargée de cours à la KU Leuven et secrétaire du CCSG de 2005 à 2015. Pablo Ubierna, byzantiniste, est chercheur au CONICET (Argentine) et professeur d’histoire médiévale à l’Université de Buenos Aires. 800 p., 20 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57033-4 Hardback: approx. € 140 Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 73 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR MAI 2017

approx. 500 p., 1 col. ill., 160 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57017-4 Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 75 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

approx. 400 p., 4 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56978-9 Paperback: approx. € 65 Série: Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, vol. 179 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

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La prière continuelle au XVIIe siècle

Exégèse, liturgie, mystique

Texts, Practices, and Groups Multidisciplinary Approaches to the History of Jesus’ Followers in the First Two Centuries Adriana Destro, Mauro Pesce (eds)

Proceedings of the First Meeting of Bertinoro on Early Christianity (1-4 October, 2014). Within the contemporary renewal of the exegetical and historical research on Jesus and early Christianity, this book focuses on a wider knowledge of the social and cultural context of the first two centuries, thanks to a systematic research of documentary materials and archaeological data (epigraphs and documentary papyri). Secondly, the book faces the increasingly perceived need to use all the existing literary material for the reconstruction of the historical Jesus and the first groups of his followers. Thirdly, the book stresses the importance of giving space to new epistemological and methodological perspectives in the field of human sciences. The last section of the volume is dedicated to the connection of contemporary research with the interpretations of Jesus and early Christianity developed in the modern age.

Daniel-Odon Hurel, Simon Icard (éd.)

«Il faut toujours prier» (Lc 18, 1). «Priez sans cesse» (1 Th 5, 17). Ces injonctions bibliques ont toujours constitué un défi pour les spiritualités chrétiennes: est-il possible de prièr sans interruption? Les études et les sources rassemblées dans le présent ouvrage présentent les réponses apportées au XVIIe siècle. Inscrites dans une tradition multiséculaire et confrontées aux exigences de la modernité, les doctrines et les pratiques de l’oraison perpétuelle ont à la fois suscité des débats engageant des philosophies de l’acte libre et des réflexions sur la place de la prière individuelle et collective dans la société. La continuité de la prière fut un enjeu fondamental pour le catholicisme réformé par le concile de Trente, au croisement de l’exégèse, de la liturgie et de la mystique. approx. 240 p., 210 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56573-6 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Église, liturgie et société dans l’Europe moderne, vol. 5 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Adriana Destro (Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Bologna) has published many books on the anthropology of middle East and of religions. Mauro Pesce (professor of History of Christianity, University of Bologna) has published on Jesus, early Christianity and the history of biblical interpretation. Table of Contents: Part I: Texts and Groups Dating Early Christian Texts - Historical Jesus Early Texts of Jesus’ Followers and Their Groups - Religious Practices - History of the Jews and Judaism in the Roman-Hellenistic Period Part II: Anthropology, Methodologies and Modern Historical Perspectives Anthropology of Religious Forms and Identities - Methodological Questions about the Birth of Christianity - Archaeology and Christian Origins - History of Modern Research on the Historical Figure of Jesus Detailed table of contents:

approx. 990 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56901-7 Paperback: approx. € 120 Series: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 10 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

A Syriac Service-Book from Turfan

Museum für asiatische Kunst, Berlin MS MIK III 45 Erica Hunter, J-F Coakley (eds)

The present volume offers ‘for the first time’ an edition of the Syriac text, English translation and critical introduction to MIK III 45, 60 leaves discovered in 1905 at the monastery site of Bulayïq. These folios contain the earliest extant witness to the Penqita, the project of the seventh-century patriarch Isho’yab III to draw up the outline for the ecclesiastical year that is still followed today in the Church of the East.

Regina Cœli Les images mariales et le culte des reliques Entre Orient et Occident au Moyen Âge Anna Maria Migdal

Scholarly investigation of devotional images from the medieval period has never explored, in a European context, the question of Marian paintings functioning as portable relics. The model of the « picture-reliquary » : a single, diptych, or triptych panel comprising the portrait of the Virgin and Child painted on wood (or, more rarely, on gilded glass, verreéglomisé) set in a large framework encrusted with relics (occasionally with precious stones) was particularly widespread in the territory of Little Poland from c. 1420. Polish reliquaries, known until the beginning of the sixteenth century, should be considered as an adaptation of iconic types and forms of Byzantine provenance, which were reinterpreted in the painting of the Italian Trecento. Of particular note is the Siennese model of the portable Marian altar piece made popular from the 1330s-40s. From the comparative study of the works, concerning their similarities and their antiquity, one envisages the advent of such a formal concept in Poland either directly from Italy, or by the intermediary of Bohemia. The diffusion of picture-reliquaries, typical of Tuscan art, forms part of the general movement toward a renewal of piety in central Europe in the fifteenth century, the devotio moderna. As a result, alongside singular representations, especially venerated in the course of liturgical or paraliturgical offices, one sees less costly reliquaries spread in private space. Appreciated in the intimate setting of convents – Franciscan and Dominican – as well as that of the daily life of the laity, these relics were used as domestic altars or as folding altars for travel. These images of religious affection constitute an artistic phenomenon of the late Middle Ages. And, several similar reliquaries known later do not guarantee a veritable continuity of the ancient model to the modern era. Historien de l’art, ancienne boursière de l’École française et de l’Académie de France à Rome, Anna M. Migdal est spécialisée dans l’étude des arts plastiques et de l’iconographie du Ve au XVIe siècle. Le doctorat soutenu à l’Université Lumière Lyon II – Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, a suivi les études à l’Institut d’histoire de l’art de l’Université Jagellon.

The present volume offers ‘for the first time’ an edition of the Syriac text, English translation and critical introduction to MIK III 45. x + 307 p., 17 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57471-4 Paperback: approx. € 80 Series: Berliner Turfantexte, vol. 39 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

438 p., 110 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56858-4 Hardback: approx. € 110 Série: Hagiologia, vol. 12 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017


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RELIGION & THEOLOGY Henri de Lubac et le concile Vatican II

Écriture et Tradition chez les Pères de l’Église

Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) est une figure éminente de la théologie du XXe siècle. Le jésuite s’avère un bon guide pour saisir les enjeux de Vatican II, un Concile auquel il donnait beaucoup d’importance, tant la sortie d’un modèle théologique à bout de souffle lui semblait impératif pour parler aux hommes de son temps. Pourtant, dès l’époque conciliaire, une inquiétude de plus en plus vive le saisit sur ce qui lui semble une mauvaise compréhension de l’aggiornamento à l’oeuvre. Autant de débats qui n’étaient pas près de s’éteindre.

L’exégèse scientifique de la Bible et l’étude des Pères ont été longtemps considérées comme deux disciplines indépendantes l’une de l’autre. Le colloque (à l’Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge de Paris en 2013) a montré que les exégètes ne peuvent plus négliger l’apport de l’exégèse patristique, tandis que les historiens de l’herméneutique des Pères de l’Église ne peuvent que profiter des résultats de la science biblique.

approx. 450 p., 43 b/w ills, 21 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56900-0 Paperback: approx. € 105 Series: Antiquité et sciences humaines, vol. 3 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

approx. 550 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57528-5 Paperback: approx. € 95 Série: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 102 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

approx. 150 p., 148 x 210 mm, Centre d’Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56955-0 Paperback: approx. € 55 Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 17 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Les commentaires des Psaumes

Die arabische Version der Vita Dioscori

Augustin d’Hippone

Samuel Moawad (ed.)

Le volume 67/B de la Bibliothèque Augustinienne contient la seconde partie du long commentaire d’Augustin sur le Psaume 118. Le texte latin a été révisé d’après la récente édition de F. Gori (CSEL 95/2, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2015). Les traductions sont entièrement nouvelles et ont été soumises aux critiques de toute l’équipe. La traduction de chaque sermon est précédée d’une introduction, et de nombreuses notes de bas de page apportent des éclaircissements sur la pensée d’Augustin.

En 444, Dioscore I d’Alexandrie monta sur le trône de saint Marc. Il fut déposé au concile de Chalcédoine en 451 et mourut exilé à Gangres en 454. Malgré l’importance du personnage, nous n’avons sur lui que de rares informations biographiques et de ses écrits, peu de chose est arrivé jusqu’à nous. C’est pourquoi la Vita Dioscori mérite une grande attention. Elle est ici publiée pour la première fois dans sa version arabe en édition critique, avec une traduction allemande.

382 p., 115 x 165 mm, Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2017, ISBN 978-2-85121-284-9 Hardback: € 37,92 Série: Bibliothèque Augustinienne, vol. 67/B PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

approx. 132 p., 180 x 265 mm, Institut Pontifical Oriental de Rome, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57537-7 Paperback: approx. € 40 Series: Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 246 (50.1) PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Patron Saints of Early Medieval Italy AD c.350-800

L’hymnaire de Saint-Sabas (Ve-VIIIe siècle) : Le manuscrit géorgien H 2123

Studying Religion and Religious Elements on the Basis of Objects, Architecture, and Space Lisbeth Bredholt, Jesper Tae Jensen (eds)

Religion and material culture - the interaction between objects and mind. The book gathers specialists from a variety of fields to explore the possibilities of the material perspective in the study of religion. Within a diachronic perspective, archaeologists, scholars of religion, theologians, and ancient historians focus on how the gradual invention of various forms of material culture (graves, images, objects) has made it possible for certain religious expressions to be constructed, arise, and enfold. Also, the volume investigates what types of material culture characterizes religion and what these “mean”.

Ps 118, sermons 15-32

History and Hagiography in Ten Biographies Nicholas Everett

This book provides the first translation into English of the Latin biographies of nine holy men and one archangel who became the patron saints of the areas where they evangelized, documenting the conversion of pagan Roman Italy to Christianity at the dawn of the Middle Ages. With a comprehensive introduction and historical commentary to each biography, this volume provides new evidence for understanding the transition from the ancient Roman world to the Middle Ages.

approx. 288 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-0-88844-565-0 Paperback: approx. € 30 Series: Durham Medieval and Renaissance Texts, vol. 5 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017 North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press

Loïc Figoureux

Edition und Übersetzung

II. De la Nativité de Jean-Baptiste à la liturgie de défunts Charles Renoux (éd.)

Le deuxième volume de la traduction des textes de l’Hymnaire de Saint-Sabas conservé en géorgien, succède immédiatement au premier qui s’achevait à la Pentecôte. Il s’ouvre avec les hymnes de la fête de la Nativité de Jean-Baptiste et se termine avec ceux de la liturgie des défunts. Les rencontres verbales avec l’Hymnaire arménien font de ces textes des hymnes dépendant de Jérusalem. Ils sont marqué toutefois d’une couleur monastique, puisque ces textes étaient chantés au Couvent de Saint-Sabas. approx. 252 p., 180 x 265 mm, Institut Pontifical Oriental de Rome, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57538-4 Paperback: approx. € 45 Série: Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 237 (53.1) PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Michel Stavrou


Religion and Material Culture

Revue Mabillon

Revue internationale d’histoire et de littératures religieuses International Review of Ecclesiastical History and Literature Erica Hunter, J-F Coakley (eds)

La Revue Mabillon est une revue internationale d’histoire de la vie religieuse et de la spiritualité pour l’époque médiévale et moderne. Axée prioritairement sur la publication et l’exploitation de sources nouvelles relatives aux ordres monastiques et canoniaux, cette revue recouvre une aire géographique qui s’étend à tout l’Occident. Chaque numéro annuel de la nouvelle série contient environ 350 pages. Chaque article est accompagné d’un résumé en anglais ou français. The journal is an international periodical treating the history of religious life and spirituality in both the medieval and modern eras. Devoted principally to the publication and analysis of new source material related to the monastic and canonical orders, the Revue covers all of Western Christendom. Each article is summarized in English and French.

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

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Illuminated Manuscripts and Incunabula in Cambridge Part V.1 Incunabula Printed in Italy Azzurra Andriolo, Suzanne Reynolds

This is the first part of a two-volume catalogue of incunabula (books printed up to 1500) with illumination added by hand, in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the College Libraries of Cambridge. Incunabula research is flourishing in the twenty-first century. Since the turn of the millennium, printed catalogues of globally important collections have been published and online cataloguing projects have transformed knowledge and access. Nevertheless, the c. 2,000 incunabula in Cambridge outside the University Library remain comparatively unknown. A part of the Cambridge Illuminations Research Project, this catalogue examines books at the Fitzwilliam Museum, and the Cambridge Colleges books that were printed in Italy up to 1500 and have illumination and decoration added by hand. Over the two catalogue volumes, the College material constitutes approximately 75% of the coverage of over 400 individual incunabula in total. These collections are extraordinarily rich, and have been built up over the last 500 years through the patronage of late medieval benefactors and scholars, such as Roger Bower (d. 1507) and Thomas Rotherham (1423-1500), as well as that of classical scholars, and through the bequests of eminent British book collectors and bibliophiles from Archbishops Matthew Parker (1504-1575) and William Sancroft (1617-93), to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), and John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). The catalogue focuses on books with decoration intended to ornament rather than to rubricate the text, that include one or more of the following elements: miniatures, woodcuts with contemporary colour added by hand, historiated initials and borders, other types of ornamental initials with or without borders, pen-flourished initials, and a variety of drawings or sketches. In bringing to bear on early printed books the same level of attention to the individual features of particular copies, the editors hope to further erode the artificial barriers between those working on illumination in manuscripts and in printed books, and to offer striking evidence of the inter-meshed worlds of manuscript and print in the second half of the fifteenth century.

288 p., 330 col. ills, 230 x 330 mm, HB, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-85-6 Hardback: € 175 Series: Illuminated Manuscripts and Incunabula in Cambridge, vol. 5.1 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Editio princeps

A History of the Gutenberg Bible Eric White

The Gutenberg Bible is widely recognized as Europe’s first printed book, a book that forever changed the world. However, despite its initial impact, fame was fleeting: for the better part of three centuries the Bible was virtually forgotten; only after two centuries of tenacious and contentious scholarship did it attain its iconic status as a monument of human invention. Editio princeps: A History of the Gutenberg Bible is the first book to tell the whole story of Europe’s first printed edition, describing its creation at Mainz circa 1455, its impact on fifteenth-century life and religion, its fall into oblivion during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and its rediscovery and rise to worldwide fame during the centuries thereafter. This comprehensive study examines the forty-nine surviving Gutenberg Bibles, and fragments of at least fourteen others, in the chronological order in which they came to light. Combining close analysis of material clues within the Bibles themselves with fresh documentary discoveries, the book reconstructs the history of each copy in unprecedented depth, from its earliest known context through every change of ownership up to the present day. Along the way it introduces the colorful cast of proud possessors, crafty booksellers, observant travelers, and scholarly librarians who shaped our understanding of Europe’s first printed book. Bringing the ‘biographies’ of all the Gutenberg Bibles together for the first time, this richly illustrated study contextualizes both the historic cultural impact of the editio princeps and its transformation into a world treasure. Eric Marshall White, PhD, became Curator of Rare Books at Princeton University Library in 2015 after eighteen years as Curator of Special Collections at Southern Methodist University’s Bridwell Library. A specialist in early European printing, he has published numerous articles and exhibition catalogues on rare books.

approx. 375 p., 71 b/w ills, 36 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-84-9 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Sephardic Book Art of the 15th Century Luís U. Afonso, Tiago Moita (eds)

The current volume presents ten different studies dealing with the final stages of Hebrew book art production in medieval Iberia. Ranging from the Farhi Codex, copied and illuminated in the late 14th century, to the Philadelphia Bible, copied and illuminated in Lisbon in 1496, this volume discusses a wide scope of topics related with the production, consumption and circulation of medieval decorated Hebrew manuscripts. Among the issues discussed in this volume we highlight the role played by three distinct artistic languages (Mudéjar, Late Gothic and Renaissance) in the shapping of 15th century Sephardic illumination, the codicological specificity of some solutions in terms of layout and the relation between the layout of these manuscripts and Hebrew incunabula, the use of geometric decoration in scientific diagrams, or the afterlife of these manuscripts in Europe and Asia following the expulsion of the Jews from Iberia. Luís U. Afonso is Professor of Art History at the University of Lisbon. He is author of several studies on Portuguese Late Medieval and Renaissance art. Tiago Moita is concluding his Ph.D. at the University of Lisbon on 15th century Portuguese Hebrew illuminations. Table of Contents: Katrin Kogman-Appel, Calligraphy and Decoration in the Farhi Codex (Sassoon coll. Ms 368, Mallorca, 1366–83) / Sarit Shalev-Eyni, Sephardic Book Art in Transition: The Biblical Codex and Mudejar Visual Culture / Shalom Sabar, Typography, Layout and Decoration: Between the Printed Book and Illuminated Mss. in the Iberian Peninsula / Javier del Barco, Page Layout of Shirat ha-Yam and Parashat Ha’azinu in Fifteenth-Century Sephardic Bibles / Maria Ortega Monasterio, Some Sephardic Bibles from the Fifteenth Century in the Bodleian Library / Tiago Moita, The Portuguese Hebrew translation of Gerard de Solo’s Commentary to book IX of Rhazes’s Almansor and the manuscript at Reynolds-Finley Historical Library (Birmingham, Alabama) / Ilana Wartenberg, Mudéjar decorations within calendrical, geographical, and mathematical tables and diagrams in a fifteenth-century Sephardic manuscript of Isaac Israeli’s Yәsōd ‘Ōlām from the British Library (MS Heb. Add. 15977) / Helena Avelar, Luís C. Ribeiro, Manuscripts and evidences of Jewish astrology and medicine in fifteenth-century Portugal: an overview / Andreina Contessa, Wandering books: the migration of 15th century Sephardic manuscripts and their ‘new life’ outside Iberia / Luís U. Afonso, Jewish networks, books and early protoglobalisation: investigating the route of BNF Hebr. 1314-1315

approx. 300 p., 52 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-59-7 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017


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Le Pontifical de Pierre de la Jugie Le Miroir d’un Archêveque Émilie Nadal

En 1350, Pierre de la Jugie, neveu du pape Clément VI, est depuis trois ans sur le siège de Narbonne, à la tête d’un des archevêchés les plus riches du royaume de France, lorsqu’il décide de faire réaliser un pontifical à la hauteur de ses ambitions. Orné de 85 enluminures encore en place, l’ouvrage est un témoignage exceptionnel, bien documenté, qui permet de comprendre les modalités de la commande des manuscrits liturgiques enluminés au XIVe siècle, et qu’il est possible de replacer dans un contexte politique, religieux et artistique bien déterminé.

approx. 600 p., 196 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57468-4 Hardback: approx. € 125 Série: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 3 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, II Dorotei Getov

Volume I described 102 Greek manuscripts originating from the monastery of Bačkovo, now kept at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria in Sofia. The present volume II of this catalogue provides comprehensive scholarly descriptions of the remaining 105 Greek manuscripts and fragments dating from the 10th to the 19th century. xx + 500 p., 150 b/w ills, 10 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55601-7 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues, vol. 1 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Previously Published

A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, I Dorotei Getov

xxii + 532 p., 173 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2014, ISBN 978-2-503-55173-9 Hardback: € 95 Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues, vol. 2 AVAILABLE

The Bar Books

Manuscripts Illuminated for Renaud de Bar, Bishop of Metz (1303-1316) Kay Davenport

Renaud de Bar (d. 1316) was the sixty-ninth bishop of Metz, and the fourth son of the powerful count of Bar. The house of Bar had a distinguished lineage intertwined with most of the important European houses, and Renaud’s eldest brother married the eldest daughter of the king of England. This study gives an overview of the man and his books, paying special attention to the heraldry, the calendars, and the marginalia in three appendices.

approx. 500 p., 254 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57467-7 Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 2 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Special Offer Purchase the set of two volumes at a special discount price of € 160 (valid until 15/08/2017)




A Journal for Manuscript Research Manuscripta, published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University, publishes articles, notes, and reviews in medieval and Renaissance manuscript studies. The journal focuses on the material aspects of the production, distribution, reception, and transmission of pre-modern manuscripts, including such topics as paleography, codicology, illumination, reading and literacy, textual editing and transmission, library history, catalogues, etc. The journal also publishes Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research, a subsidiary monograph series of studies, essay collections, or catalogues pertaining to medieval and Renaissance manuscript studies. The first volume is A Catalogue of Manuscripts at Holkham Hall, vol. 1, Manuscripts from Italy by Suzanne Reynolds. General Editors: Susan L’Engle, Gregory A. Pass Advisory Board: Jonathan J.G. Alexander, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University Frank T. Coulson, The Ohio State University Albert Derolez, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts Nancy van Deusen, Claremont Graduate University Consuelo W. Dutschke, Columbia University Philip Gavitt, Saint Louis University Charles H. Parker, Saint Louis University Lilian M.C. Randall, Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books Emerita, Walters Art Museum Richard H. and Mary A. Rouse, University of California, LA Lucy Freeman Sandler, New York University Barbara Shailor, Yale University Kenneth B. Steinhauser, Saint Louis University

Watermarked Paper from the Archives in Ravenna Years: 1287-1693 Nicolangelo Scianna

A unique repertoire of watermarks scanned from the manuscripts of Medieval Civil Notaries and Church Offices in Ravenna, Italy. It is divided into three sections plus conclusions: a brief history with specific indepth studies; a repertoire of almost 3,000 scanned images of watermark designs, listed by type; and 641 in scale reproductions of watermarked folios. The author concludes with a discussion on the spread of paper to the city of Ravenna and notes a method for intrepreting the placement of the mark on the mould. approx. 368 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56969-7 Paperback: approx. € 120 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 43 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected] Online content:

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Merveilleux et marges dans le livre profane à la fin du Moyen Age (XIIe-XVe siècles)

Adeline Latimier, Joanna Pavlevski-Malingre, Alicia Servier (éd.)

Afin de tenter d’apporter des réponses à cette question, les auteurs du présent volume s’interrogent sur la relation entre la représentation du merveilleux et la notion de marge, entendue dans un sens littéral (marge géographique et du manuscrit) et figuré (marge ontologique, sociale), en confrontant le texte et l’image dans un corpus de manuscrits réalisés entre le XIIe et le XVe siècle. La catégorie esthétique du merveilleux, qui a déjà bénéficié d’une réflexion poétique riche, semble en effet sans cesse exiger un effort définitoire supplémentaire.

approx. 225 p., 84 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56917-8 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 8 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017


Van Dyck’s Hosts in Genoa

Lucas and Cornelis de Wael’s Lives, Business Activities and Works Alison Stoesser

Long overshadowed by the brilliance of their close friend, Anthony van Dyck, Lucas and Cornelis de Wael, active as artists and dealers in Antwerp, Genoa and Rome, have largely been ignored in Flemish art historical literature. This book aims to rectify this situation by giving a global overview of their wideranging pursuits. It also examines the historical context, particularly with respect to the 17th-century art market in these three cities. A full discussion of their works and an accompanying catalogue raisonné is included as well.

2 vols, 986 p., 604 b/w ills, 33 col. ills, 190 x 250 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-53175-5 Hardback: approx. € 250 Series: Pictura Nova, vol. 19 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Velázquez Re-Examined

Theory, History, Poetry, and Theatre

Sublime Truth and the Senses

Titian’s Poesie for King Philip II of Spain Marie Tanner

In this fascinating study Marie Tanner examines the ways in which Titian incorporates new concepts of sensuality and spirituality in the mythological paintings of King Philip II of Spain, whose originality and ravishing beauty belie their actual their didactic content. Titian’s mythological paintings for Philip II, known as the Poesie, are among the most frequently discussed works of art that address a favored Renaissance theme, the influence of the pagan gods on human actions. The commission is traceable to 1549, when Emperor Charles V summoned the artist to Augsburg following Prince Philip’s triumphal parade through the empire as his father’s heir apparent. The cycle that took shape comprises Danae and Venus and Adonis (Madrid, Prado); Diana and Actaeon and Diana and Callisto (Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland); Perseus and Andromeda (London, Wallace Collection) and Europa (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum). These masterpieces of the artist’s mature period can be considered the most important Renaissance grouping of mythological paintings executed by a single artist. The author proposes that Philip’s expected elevation prompted the commission and that the subjects form a cohesive program of Hapsburg ethical views and political concerns, and that Titian created new visual idioms to represent the complex issues which the subjects address in part by engaging themes with a significant prior history in family patronage. While Titian’s Poesie for Philip II are well known monuments of western culture, they have never before been investigated with this focus. The dispersal of the pictures’ in the seventeenth century resulted in a scholarly focus on the single pictures and a concentration on their sensual aspects. In Aretino, a Venetian dialogue on painting, Titian’s friend and apologist Lodovico Dolce is a spokesman for art that following poetry, entices through beauty, while hiding important truths beneath the veil of allegory. This study analyzes the ways in which Titian incorporates new concepts of sensuality and spirituality in a Venetian vernacular to create masterpieces whose originality and ravishing beauty belie their didactic content. Marie Tanner an expert on Renaissance art an architecture, is the author of the prize winning study The Last Descendant of Aeneas: The Hapsburgs and the Mythic Image of the Emperors (Yale, 1993). Her most recent book is Jerusalem on the Hill: Rome and the Vision of St. Peter’s in the Renaissance (Harvey Miller, 2010).

approx. 350 p., 121 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-27-6 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Giles Knox, Tanya Tiffany (eds)

Featuring the work of five prominent scholars, this collection analyzes the paintings of Diego Velázquez within the cultural, intellectual, and political frameworks of seventeenth-century Spain. Each essay offers novel insight into the greatest artist of the Spanish Golden Age by bringing a remarkable range of material to bear upon the interpretation of his works.

approx. 220 p., 47 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56918-5 Paperback: approx. € 80 Series: Taking Stock, vol. 5 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

L’iconographie du Speculum Virginum Guylène Hidrio

Rédigé autour des années 1140 par un auteur anonyme – celui-ci prend le pseudonyme de Peregrinus (« Pèlerin »), le Speculum Virginum est un traité de spiritualité monastique adressé aux femmes, nombreuses à intégrer les couvents réformés de la première moitié du XIIe siècle. Il consiste principalement en un dialogue fictif entre une jeune nonne au niveau intellectuel élevé et son formateur spirituel.

approx. 200 p., 40 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56916-1 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, vol. 5 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017


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Decorated Revisited

English Architectural Style in Context, 1250-1400 John Munns (ed.)

Thirty-Five years after the publication of Jean Bony’s seminal work on the so-called Decorated style of English architecture, this volume brings together leading, established and emerging scholars to reassess the nature, significance and context of the Decorated style in English Gothic architecture. Drawing on a range of innovative methodologies, they present exciting new insights into the English architecture of the period, focusing particularly on its broader European context.

approx. 260 p., 222 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55434-1 Paperback: € 91 Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 9 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

The Body in Art

Shaping Corporealities This series aims to extend to the field of art history the critical investigations pertaining to the human body that have expanded recently from a variety of approaches within the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. The series will focus on the early modern period and will include all geographic areas. Il will consider manuscripts which develop new approaches of the body in art, proposing methodologies which study the body (its internal systems as well as its exterior surfaces) as it has been shaped by specific cultures, beliefs and norms which are themselves produced by specific social relations. The goal is to engage with a discourse born outside of art history and encompasses humanistic as well as social scientific research and cultural studies.

Body Narratives

L’imaginaire de l’âge d’or à la Renaissance Elinor Myara Kelif

En mettant en regard les traditions figuratives et interprétatives de l’âge d’or du XVe au début du XVIIe siècles, de l’Italie à l’Europe du Nord, cette étude met en exergue la vitalité du mythe à la Renaissance, et questionne à nouveau le rôle déterminant des mythes dans l’Europe des temps modernes. Elle met ainsi en évidence qu’il n’y a non pas un mais des âges d’or, et que l’unité de ce mythe tient à la place fondamentale qu’il occupe dans l’imaginaire collectif en tant qu’archétype d’une humanité idéale.

approx. 280 p., 76 b/w ills, 65 col. ills, 150 x 235 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57469-1 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 21 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Motion and Emotion in the French Enlightenment Susanna Caviglia (ed.)

De l’expertise artistique à la vulgarisation au siècle des Lumières Jean-Baptiste Descamps (17151791) et la peinture flamande, hollandaise et allemande Gaëtane Maës

Cette étude contribue à définir le statut de l’expertise artistique et de l’écriture de vulgarisation dans l’Europe des Lumières. L’étude s’attache aussi à définir la place des Arts dans l’espace public ouvert par le développement des expositions, du marché de l’art et du tourisme culturel. Elle met enfin l’accent sur l’attraction puissante qu’ont exercée les œuvres flamandes, hollandaises et allemandes sur les collectionneurs du XVIIIe siècle. 608 p., 89 b/w ills, 28 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56770-9 Paperback: € 125 Publié hors série DISPONIBLE

This book explores, in broad terms, the representations and understandings of the body’s physical and psychological movement’s meanings during the French Enlightenment in its many guises - artistic, esthetic, social, and erotic. It is centered on the fundamental tension between stasis and movement, which is both constitutive of art historical reflection and embedded in the body’s existence. Stasis and movement not only correspond to the potential modalities of the body’s visual representations, but they are also the conditions which govern the relationship between the viewer and the artwork as well as that between the viewers and the spaces in which they encounter the represented body. Based on this dialectic, the present book proposes a dynamic approach of the body considered as a focus of composition, an object of interrogation and a site of meaning during a time when the body became the focus of an increasing number of artistic, technical, scientific and philosophical inquiries directly connected to larger historical forces and discourses. During this time, the body’s stasis and movement became the vehicles for recording cultural and social transformations, but also the producers of new meanings inherent to the body itself and unveiled by the development of the new scientific and philosophical approaches of it.

approx. 240 p., 95 b/w ills, 33 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57474-5 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: The Body in Art, vol. 1 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Voir l’au-delà

L’expérience visionnaire et sa représentation dans l’art italien de la Renaissance Philippe Morel, Andreas Beyer, Alessandro Nova (éd.)

L’ouvrage propose une étude renouvelée de l’expérience visionnaire à travers ses représentations dans l’art de la Renaissance. On a notamment cherché à comprendre comment des paramètres théologiques et iconographiques d’origine patristique ou médiévale ont pu être intégrés et reformulés par le langage artistique de la Renaissance, à commencer par les modélisations de la vision religieuse définies par saint Augustin et par saint Thomas d’Aquin, la distinction opérée entre vision corporelle, vision spirituelle et vision intellectuelle étant centrale pour ces recherches. approx. 280 p., 29 b/w ills, 127 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57470-7 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 22 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

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Memory and Redemption

Public Monuments and the Making of Late Medieval Landscape Achim Timmermann


Erected in large numbers from about 1300 onwards, and featuring increasingly sophisticated designs, wayside crosses and other edifices in the public sphere – such as fountains, pillories and boundary markers – constituted the largest network of images and monuments in the late medieval world. Not only were they everywhere, they were also seen by nearly everyone, because large sections of the populace were constantly on the move. Carrying an entire spectrum of religious, folkloric and judicial beliefs, these monuments were indeed at the very heart of late medieval life. This is the first critical study of these fascinating and rich structures written by a medievalist art historian. Focusing on the territories of the former Holy Roman Empire, this investigation considers such important edifices as the towering wayside crosses of Wiener Neustadt and Brno or the elaborate pillories of Kasteelbrakel and Wrocław, though less ostentatious works such as the Bildstöcke of Franconia and Carinthia or the high crosses of Westphalia and the Rhineland are equally examined. In addition, the study looks at the

homiletic, literary, devotional and artistic imagination, in which wayside crosses and other such structures helped constitute a spiritual and allegorical landscape that very much complemented and put pressure on the physical landscapes traversed and inhabited by the contemporary public. Achim Timmerann teaches medieval and northern Renaissance art and architecture at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is author of Real Presence: Sacrament Houses and the Body of Christ, c. 12701600 (AMA 4, 2009).

approx. 442 p., 335 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54652-0 Paperback: € 105 Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 8 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

he Corpus Rubenianum holds a unique place within Art History as one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken. Both its massive scale and sheer duration fully parallel the complexity of the oeuvre of Peter Paul Rubens. In every brushstroke he ever painted, the grand baroque master blended art with literature, art theory with theology, mythology with history. Studying Rubens in this collaborative effort is much like studying the very foundations of European civilization, for the oeuvre of Rubens is a true treasure trove of the

principal elements of our culture. Rubens’s compositions are the most fascinating combinations of ideas ranging from kabbalah to Greco-Roman mythology, from optics to image-theology, from linguistics to archeology, or from politics to ethics (not to mention esthetics). Rubens designed and made over 2500 compositions, most of which were extensively copied. The complexity of his oeuvre is unrivalled. The Corpus is based on the material assembled over several decades by Ludwig Burchard, universally recognized as the foremost scholar

in this field. Each part is written by a well-known scholar and the aim is to realize Burchard’s intention of embodying all present-day knowledge of the work of Rubens. Nevertheless, the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard endeavour is nearing its completion, with the remaining volumes reaching their final stages. By 2020, Harvey Miller / Brepols is to publish the concluding volumes, and then the immense oeuvre of one of the greatest artists in history will have been catalogued and finally made accessible for further research.

Selected Titles Previously Published in this Series:

Works in Collaboration Jan Brueghel I & II Christine Van Mulders

Portraits After Existing Prototypes Koenraad Jonckheere

Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder were collaborating as painters as early as c. 1598, before Rubens’s stay in Italy, but the most important period of their alliance spans from 1609 to 1621. After the death of Jan Brueghel the Elder in 1625, his son Jan the Younger continued the partnership with Rubens until the latter’s death in 1640. The collaborative oeuvre of Rubens and Brueghel can be roughly divided into three groups: Madonnas in garlands of flowers, interiors with allegories, and landscapes with mythological and religious themes. Although Rubens maintained lifelong working partnerships with other artists, the works he produced in conjunction with Brueghel form a special group, reflecting the personal friendship that existed between the two men.

Rubens was mesmerised by faces. He studied physiognomy, the pseudo-science that began making headway in the sixteenth century, which postulated that a person’s character could be read from their facial features. At times it seems as though the master wanted to know and understand every nook and cranny of the human face. To this end he studied man himself and the way in which the ancients dealt with nature. His best portrait copies, thus, are not strictly copies but rather studies in which art history, craftsmanship, literature and theory merge into an emulation of art and nature. They are works in which the artist was looking for what ultimately captivated him the most: man in all of his myriad facets, and the perspectives art afforded to better understand man.

360 p., 107 b/w ills, 81 col. ills, 180 x 265 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-1-909400-43-6 Hardback: € 150 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. 27.1 AVAILABLE

340 p., 130 b/w ills, 100 col. ills., 180 x 265 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-1-909400-58-0 Hardback: € 150 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. 19.4 AVAILABLE

Mythological Subjects Achilles to the Graces

Elizabeth McGrath, Gregory Martin, Fiona Healy, Bert Schepers, Carl Van de Velde, Karolien De Clippel

Rubens was one of the greatest creators of classical allegory; he was also a supreme interpreter of the classical stories. No painter was so at home in the literature of the Greeks and Romans. When he painted for pleasure, which, increasingly in the course of his life, he felt able to do, he used pagan myth to express and celebrate themes of love, beauty and the creative forces of nature, often in wonderfully idiosyncratic ways. Still, as a Christian committed to the ideals of the Catholic Reformation, Rubens respected the restrictions generally placed on the depiction of pagan tales. Most of his mythological paintings were made for private settings, for display within houses (including his own) or in the galleries of princes, noblemen and prelates.

2 vols, 944 p., 362 b/w ills, 104 col. ills, 175 x 260 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-0-905203-67-6 Hardback: € 275 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. 11.1 AVAILABLE


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La Renaissance italienne dans les rues du Ghetto Church, Censorship and Reform in the Early Modern Habsburg Netherlands Violet Soen, Dries Vanysacker, Wim François (eds)

In recent years, historiography has come to rethink the traditional account of a state-backed CounterReformation in the early modern Habsburg Netherlands. Hence, this volume takes a refreshing perspective on the themes of church and reform in this region from the late fifteenth century onwards and helps to contextualise the Counter- Reformation of the seventeenth century in a long-term perspective, identifying the myriad of actors and motives behind this Catholic revival. Violet Soen is Professor of Early Modern History, Dries Vanysacker and Wim François are Professors of History of the Church and Theology, all at the Catholic University of Leuven. Table of Contents: Violet Soen, Church & Religion in the early modern Habsburg Netherlands. A review essay (1965-2015) Part I: Censorship & Religion Renaud Adam, The Profession of Printer in the Southern Netherlands before the Reformation. Considerations on Professional, Religious and State Legislations (1473-1520) / Grantley McDonald, ‘Burned to dust’. Censorship and repression of theological literature in the Habsburg Netherlands during the 1520s / Arjan Van Dixhoorn, The Claim to Expertise and Doctrinal Authority in the Struggle for Anti-Heresy Policies in the Habsburg Netherlands, 1520s-1560s / César Manrique Figueroa, Sixteenth-century Spanish editions printed in Antwerp facing censorship in the Hispanic World.The case of the Antwerp printers Nutius and Steelsius / Els Agten, Ottavio Mirto Frangipani, first papal nuncio to Flanders (1596-1606) and his thoughts on book censorship / Gerrit Vandenbosch, Censorship in the archdiocese of Mechelen (1559-1795) Part II: Church & Reform Nicolas Simon, The Council of Trent and its impact on Philip II’s legislation in the Habsburg Netherlands (1580-1598) / Annelies Somers, Making a virtue out of necessity? The chapter of St Pharahild in Ghent and the decrees of the Council of Trent (1584-1614) / Michal Bauwens, Restoration and reform of the parish after Trent. The case of St James in Ghent (1561-1640) / Tom Bervoets, Caught between Compromise and Conflict. The Establishment and Institutional Development of the Ecclesiastical Court(s) in the Early Modern Archdiocese of Malines approx. 350 p., 9 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56751-8 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 101 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Languages of Power in Italy (1300-1600) Daniel Bornstein, Laura Gaffuri, Maxson Brian Jeffrey (eds)

The essays in this collection explore the languages – artistic, symbolic, and ritual, as well as written and spoken – in which power was articulated, challenged, contested, and defended in Italian cities and courts, villages, and countryside, between 1300 and 1600. Topics addressed include court ceremonial, gossip and insult, the performance of sanctity and public devotions, the appropriation and reuse of imagery, and the calculated invocation (and sometimes undermining) of authoritative models and figures. The collection balances a broad geographic and chronological range with a tight thematic focus, allowing the individual contributions to engage in vigorous and fruitful debate with one another even as they speak to some of the central issues in current scholarship. The authors recognize that every institutional action is, in its context, a political act, and that no institution operates disinterestedly. At the same time, they insist on the inadequacy of traditional models, whether Marxian or Weberian, as the complex realities of the early modern state pose tough problems for any narrative of modernization, rationalization, and centralization. The contributors to this volume trained and teach in various countries – Italy, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia – but share a common interest in cultural expressions of power.

L’Œuvre poétique yiddish d’Élia Lévita (1469-1549) Arnaud Bikard

Cet ouvrage constitue la première étude d’ensemble de l’œuvre poétique yiddish d’Élia Lévita (1469-1549) et cherche à définir sa place dans la littérature de la Renaissance en analysant les transferts esthétiques et culturels ayant présidé à sa production. Il situe l’œuvre vernaculaire de ce savant hébraïste, proche des humanistes chrétiens, dans les traditions poétiques juives hébraïques et yiddish et dans la logique d’une affirmation du rôle de l’écrivain séculaire et de la langue vernaculaire dans la société juive.

approx. 450 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56974-1 Hardback: approx. € 120 Série: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 6 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Table of Contents: approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54038-2 Hardback: € 75 Series: Early European Research, vol. 10 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Italian Renaissance Diplomacy A Sourcebook

Monica Azzolini, Isabella Lazzarini

Physicæ et Theologicæ Conclusiones (1621) Otto Vaenius

Le peintre Otto Vaenius (Leyde 1556 - Bruxelles 1629) n’a longtemps été connu que comme le maître de Rubens. Il est auteur de Physicae et theologicae conclusiones (1621), un petit opuscule d’une vingtaine de pages publié dans des circonstances mystérieuses, qui se propose rien moins que de résoudre le problème de la prédestination et du libre arbitre. La présente édition propose une reproduction en fac-similé de cet opuscule rarissime ainsi que, pour la première fois, une traduction intégrale en langue française. approx. 225 p., 43 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56966-6 Hardback: approx. € 80 Series: Imago Figurata, vol. 8 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

This sourcebook presents a selection of primary materials, both published and unpublished, which are mostly unavailable to English readers: a broad range of diplomatic sources, thematically organized, are introduced, translated, and annotated by an international team of leading scholars of the Italian Renaissance. The aim of this volume is to illustrate the richness of diplomatic documents for the period c. 1350-c. 1520 both for the study of diplomacy itself as well as for other areas of historical investigation, such as gender and sexuality, crime and justice, art and leisure, and medicine.

approx. 284 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-0-88844-566-7 Paperback: approx. € 30 Series: Durham Medieval and Renaissance Texts, vol. 6 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017 North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press

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Bibliographie Internationale de l’ Humanisme et de la Renaissance / International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance The The International International Bibliography BibliographyofofHumanism Humanismand andthe theRenaissance Renaissance(IBHR) (IBHR)is isananinternatiointernanal reference bibliography early modern modernperiod. period. tional reference bibliographyofofacademic academicpublications publications covering covering the early The formerly published published by by the theLibrairie LibrairieDroz DrozasasBibliographie BibliographieInterInterThe IBHR, which was formerly nationale been acquired acquired by by Brepols Brepols nationale de de l’Humanisme l’Humanisme et et de de la la Renaissance, Renaissance, has recently been

Publishers. to books books and and articles articles inin various variousareas areas Publishers. ItIt isis an an annual bibliography of citations to of European history history (1500-1700), (1500-1700),including includingliterature, literature,philosophy, philosophy, of study on early modern European

history, history, religion, religion, the the arts, arts, economics, economics, political political science, science, law, law, and and the the sciences and technology.

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Dieu de l’Orage dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne Antiquité Tardive 24 (2016, publ 2017)

Le voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : réalités et images Table des matières:

1 Comment voyage-t-on ?

G. HERBERT DE LA PORTBARRÉ-VIARD, La thématique du voyage et la figure du poète-voyageur dans l’œuvre de Venance Fortunat : entre rhétorique, poétique et construction de soi I. WOOD, Columbanus’s journeys

• Itinéraires et cursus publicus

• Symbolique et iconographie

R.J.A. TALBERT, Visions of travel and their realization P. BASSO, La viabilità tardoantica: riflessioni e problemi aperti S. GUÉDON, Passer la frontière. L’exemple africain L. DI PAOLA, Il cursus publicus in età tardoantica: storia di un servizio di stato tra conservazione e mutamento

A. FERRARI, La simbologia del viaggio J.-P. CAILLET, La représentation figurée du voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : le fort ascendant de la volonté divine

Le voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : réalités et images G. CANTINO WATAGHIN, J.-P. CAILLET, Introduction

• Les haltes E. ZANINI, I luoghi di sosta: funzioni, spazi, contesti C. CORSI, Sulle vie dell’Impero tra IV e VI secolo. Il ruolo della Chiesa nel sistema tardoantico di mobilità S. GELICHI, C. BELTRAME, I porti nel Mediterraneo tardoantico. Alcune riflessioni • Les moyens de transport et les aléas du voyage A. CRISTINA, Les équipements spécifiques des chevaux pour la monte et les attelages (IVe-VIIIe siècle) B. POTTIER, Les dangers du voyage : banditisme et insécurité sur les routes au IVe siècle et au début du Ve siècle 2 Les protagonistes du voyage, leurs motivations, leurs équipements J. ARCE, Imperial journeys in the 4th century: burdens and utilitas publica S. DESTEPHEN, La naissance de Constantinople et la fin des voyages impériaux (IVe-Ve siècle) B. RIBA, Le voyage des pèlerins chrétiens dans le Proche-Orient Antique au témoignage de l’archéologie (IVe-VIIe siècles) 3 Images du voyage • Récits de voyage : expérience vécue ou rhétorique S. RATTI, Le De reditu suo de Rutilius Namatianus : élégie ou voyage vers l’au-delà ? É. WOLFF, Sidoine Apollinaire voyageur V. ZANGARA, Itinerari di viaggio nella Vita Germani di Costanzo di Lione

approx. 560 p., 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57157-7 Paperback PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017 Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Varia J.-F. NARDELLI, Historia Augusta contra Christianos II. Nouvelles considérations sur la παιδεiα païenne et sur l’ambiance antichrétienne dans l’Histoire Auguste R. LAHAM COHEN, La confusión como estrategia retórica. María y Jesús en b Shabat 104b y b Sanedrín 67a A.P. ENCUENTRA ORTEGA, Estudios sobre la Hamartigenia de Prudencio III: lectura y analysis de su Prefacio A. LICHTENBERGER, R. RAJA, C. EGER, G. KALAITZOGLOU, A. HØJEN SØRENSEN, A newly excavated private house in Jerash. Reconsidering aspects of continuity and change in material culture from Late Antiquity to the early Islamic period R. COLARDELLE, Circulation aux abords de Cularo et de Gratianopolis I. POPOVICÌ, Porphyry sculptures from Sirmium D. VERA, Signum dei o signum deae nel panegirico del 313? Costantino, l’imitatio Augusti e l’Italia istituzionale nel IV secolo A.G. LOPEZ, Christianity and local culture in late antique Egypt U. ROTH, Slavery and the Church in Visigothic Spain: the donation and will of Vincent of Huesca A. KAZARYAN, The seventh-century six-foil church of Aragats in Armenia: origin of the plan and its role in the architectural development of eastern Christianity G. BARRETT, G. WOUDHUYSEN, Remigius and the ‘Important News’ of Clovis rewritten Chronique S. RATTI, Jeu de l’allusion dans l’Histoire Auguste ou vide de l’interprétation ? À propos de David Rohrbacher, The Play of Allusion in the Historia Augusta

Actes du colloque international organisé à Louvain-la-Neuve les 5 et 6 juin 2015 par le Centre d’Histoire des Religions Cardinal Julien Ries René Lebrun, Etienne Van Quickelberghe (éd.)

Dans le présent volume le lecteur prendra connaissance des contributions de plusieurs spécialistes de l’Histoire des Religions de l’Antiquité méditerranéenne centrées sur des aspects méconnus ou peu connus du dieu de l’orage en Égypte, Anatolie, Mésopotamie, Iran, Grèce, Rome, Étrurie. On y découvrira que ce grand dieu n’est pas uniquement un dieu de l’orage tonitruant, de la foudre, mais aussi un dieu souriant, bienfaiteur des agriculteurs, des viticulteurs, des forces vives de la Nature. Auparavant annoncé comme Deus tonitrus non semper tremendus. approx. 196 p., 20 b/w ills, 5 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56885-0 Paperback: € 75 Série: Homo Religiosus, vol. 17 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR AVRIL 2017

Rhétorique et Thérapeutique dans le De Medicina de Celse Aurélien Gautherie

Le présent ouvrage a pour objectif d’analyser les relations entre le domaine de la rhétorique et les divers aspects de la thérapeutique exposée par Celse, encyclopédiste romain du Ier siècle ap. J.-C., dans son traité De Medicina, ou Sur la Médecine. Il s’agit principalement d’offrir pour la première fois une approche globale de l’ouvrage celsien, qui prenne en compte tous ses aspects, depuis sa publication par l’auteur jusqu’à sa possible mise en pratique par un soignant, professionnel ou amateur éclairé.

Bulletin critique : Histoire et archéologie de l’ Antiquité tardive – Régions – Philologie et sources

approx. 450 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56919-2 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 25 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR MAI 2017

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CLASSICS Franz Cumont, Manichéisme Danny Praet, Michel Tardieu (éd.)

Ce volume réunit tous les articles que Franz Cumont (1868-1947) a écrits sur l’histoire du manichéisme. C’est une partie des sept volumes des Scripta Minora, sous-série dans la Bibliotheca Cumontiana.

La médecine de guerre en Grèce ancienne Contextualizing the Sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East Religious Identities in Local, Regional, and Imperial Settings Rubina Raja (ed.)

The study of religion and religious identities in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East has been a focus within archaeology and ancient history for centuries. Yet the transition between the Hellenistic and Roman period remains difficult to grasp from the archaeological and epigraphic evidence. This volume brings together 15 contributions by leading scholars working on religious identity and religion in the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the Roman Near East. They have been asked to address a variety of questions concerning religion, religious development, and religious identities from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. This volume is a must for any scholar or student of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Late Roman Near East.

Evelyne Samama

Ce livre est consacré aux soins reçus par les soldats au front, mais aussi à leurs conditions sanitaires. Il s’inscrit donc dans les recherches menées en histoire de la médecine proprement dite, à propos des connaissances médico-chirurgicales, que ce soit la prise en compte de la souffrance, les traitements administrés sur les champs de bataille puis à l’arrière, ou encore la formation du personnel soignant. Il s’efforce aussi de répondre à des questions concernant des domaines moins bien explorés comme les politiques de prévention, l’appareillage éventuel ou les morsures et empoisonnements des soldats en campagne, sans omettre l’histoire des populations désormais appelées civiles, ni celle des corps mutilés (prise en charge des invalides).

approx. 750 p., 155 x 240 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56645-0 Hardback: approx. € 95 Série: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 98 (58) PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR MAI 2017

La théorie platonicienne des principes

Origines, influences et systématisation Marc-Antoine Gavray, Alexandra Michalewski (éd.) approx. x + 250 p., 165 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56963-5 Paperback: approx. € 120 Series: Contextualizing the Sacred, vol. 8 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

Le figure del mito in Properzio

Giorgio Bonamente, Carlo Santini, Roberto Cristofoli (eds)

La messa a fuoco del mito in questo nuovo volume dell’Accademia Properziana lascia scorgere una ricerca nuova e un’indagine più puntuale e sistematica. Le figure del mito sia greco sia romano sono infatti le portatrici di valori e simboli tuttora vivi e significativi alla fine del primo secolo a.C. tanto che riuscì legare ad essi la dimensione poetica e letteraria e il lascito della sua produzione. Posti di fronte all’ambiguità della forma mitica, reperibile come pensiero religioso e filosofico, allusione storica e immagine nella letteratura e delle arti figurative siamo anche noi stimolati dall’interrogativo se Properzio credesse – e in quale misura – ai suoi miti. approx. 450 p., 25 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56937-6 Paperback: approx. € 115 Series: Studi i poesia latina - Studies of Latin Poetry, vol. 20 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Ce volume a pour projet d’étudier les mutations de sens que la notion de principe a connues depuis l’ancienne académie jusqu’à Simplicius. Dans cet intervalle de neuf siècles, la question de la nature et du nombre des principes cosmologiques est apparue comme un enjeu central de la défense du platonisme, dans sa confrontation avec les théories stoïcienne et aristotélicienne. Puis, Plotin, en posant un engendrement des principes à partir de l’Un suressentiel, ouvre une nouvelle voie pour penser la cosmologie.

approx. 300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56633-7 Paperback: approx. € 85 Série: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 23 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Danny Praet est professeur de philosophie ancienne et d’histoire du christianisme à l’Université de Gand et éditeur de la série Scripta Minora de la Bibliotheca Cumontiana. Michel Tardieu est un exégète et historien français. Diplômé en lettres, c’est un spécialiste des sciences religieuses, du christianisme et du syncrétisme antiques. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages et articles, il est professeur honoraire au Collège de France. approx. 350 p., 150 x 235 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-90-74461-87-0 Paperback: approx. € 95 Série: Bibliotheca Cumontiana: Scripta Minora, vol. 6 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Franz Cumont, Comment la Belgique fut romanisée

Xavier Deru, Germaine Leman-Delerive (éd.)

Comme Th. Mommsen et F.J. Haverfield, Franz Cumont a participé à la construction du concept de « romanisation ». Selon lui, la romanisation repose avant tout sur un processus économique. La contribution de Franz Cumont à l’archéologie provinciale fut cependant oubliée, alors que cette Romanisation de la Belgique constitue la première synthèse exploitant à la fois les découvertes archéologiques et les textes anciens. Cet essai ne doit pas être pris seulement comme une contribution à l’histoire de l’Antiquité, ou à la naissance de la discipline archéologique en Belgique, mais aussi comme un témoignage historique en tant que tel, qui illustre la construction intellectuelle et idéologique de « l’âme belge », à la suite de G. Kurt et H. Pirenne. approx. 350 p., 150 x 235 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-90-74461-86-3 Paperback: Série: Bibliotheca Cumontiana: Scripta Minora, vol. 5 PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum

Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries: Annotated Lists and Guides. Volume XI Greti Dinkova-Bruun

In this volume five articles on Polybius, Diodorus Siculus, Zosimus, Procopius of Caesarea, and the fictitious Dares Phrygius are supplemented by addenda and corrigenda to articles previously published on Valerius Maximus, Petronius Arbiter, Martialis, and Martianus Capella. Contributors combine detailed information about manuscripts and early printed editions with quotations of paratextual material and comprehensive overviews of the ways in which these authors were received. approx. 456 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-0-88844-951-1 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, vol. 11 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017 North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press


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ANCIENT NEAR EAST & ORIENTAL STUDIES Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean The synchronisation of chronologies, and therefore of histories, of the various areas of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East is an essential task without which the development of the civilisations, their reciprocal influences, their merger and divergence, cannot be described and understood. The chronological framework of these civilisations had been broadly outlined by scholarship until the 1960s. Since then, however, the multiplication of excavations and the widespread use of C14 dates have simply revolutionised our knowledge. This accumulation of new data has profoundly altered the chronology of the third millennium BC. New schemes of periodisation have been formulated; new chronologies worked out, and new synchronisms proposed, based on a large variety of sometimes conflicting data originating from expanded geographical horizons. The ARCANE series intends to review all aspects of the material culture, together with the artistic manifestations, the historical and epigraphic records, and the various methods of dating.

Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia New Perspectives

Aurore Didier, Benjamin Mutin (eds)

The European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art promotes the study of archaeology, art history, architectural history, material culture, numismatics and epigraphy in South Asia. Twenty-three contributions have been carefully selected from the 2012 international conference in Paris and have been arranged according to a chronological and thematic perspective. This volume focuses mainly on the complex relationships between man and a changing environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia. Table of Contents: 374 p., 100 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56803-4 Paperback: € 60 Series: Indicopleustoi, vol. 12.1 AVAILABLE

At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida-Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) Elena Rova, Monica Tonussi (eds)

The 35 papers in this volume present the results of the last 20 years of archaeological research about the pre-classical cultures of the Caucasus and Anatolia, and analyse the latter in the wider framework of their changing relations with those of the Ancient Near East and of the Eurasian steppes. The volume covers the period from the late 5th to the early 1st millennium BC, and includes contributions about a wide range of topics. Texts in English and German. Table of Contents: approx. 596 p., 230 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 210 x 295 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 Paperback: € 124 Series: Subartu, vol. 38 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Previously Published

Tigridian Region

Mille et une empreintes Un Alsacien en Orient

Elena Rova (ed.)

The volume presents an up-to-date and richly illustrated synthesis of the archaeology of the 3rd millennium BC in the Upper Tigris region of Northern Iraq and South-eastern Turkey, the first to fully include the results of international rescue excavations carried out in both countries in the second half of the 20th century in the framework of dam projects. Written by well-known experts, it revises all aspects of the material culture and history, and proposes a new periodisation and terminology for the region. It thus poses a sound basis for the evaluation of the recently revived archaeological research in Iraqi Kurdistan.The volume will represent an indispensable reference for students as well as for scholars of the Ancient Near East, in particular for those interested in the Early Bronze Age and in inter-regional connections. Elena Rova is professor of ‘Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History’ at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her main research field is the archaeology of Upper Mesopotamia and the neighbouring areas (Anatolia, Southern Caucasus) in the 4th and 3rd millennium BC. approx. 300 p., 210 x 295 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-53497-8 Paperback: approx. € 99 Series: Arcane, vol. 5 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

South Asian Religions and Visual Forms in their Archaeological Context Vincent Lefèvre (ed.)

This volume reflects the new directions of research in South Asian archaeology and art. Priority is given to work with primary sources: results of recent fieldwork, including the study of museum collections, results of previous unpublished field work and new discoveries, interpretations and supporting documentation, highlighting new trends. Twenty-six contributions have been arranged according to a chronological and thematic perspective.This book deals with the material expression of diverse religious trends. Table of Contents:

Mélanges en l’honneur du 65e anniversaire de Dominique Beyer Julie Patrier, Philippe Quenet, Pascal Butterlin xviii + 528 p., 266 b/w ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-54926-2 Paperback: € 119 Series: Subartu, vol. 36 DISPONIBLE

Emmanuel Laroche Études anatoliennes

Alfonso Archi, Gonnet Hatice (eds.) xxvi + 569 p., 10 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56672-6 Paperback: € 119 Series: Subartu, vol. 37 DISPONIBLE

402 p., 100 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56804-1 Paperback: € 60 Series: Indicopleustoi, vol. 12.2 AVAILABLE

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MUSIC HISTORY Late Eighteenth-Century Music and Visual Culture Cliff Eisen, Alan Davison (eds)

Nineteenth-Century Music Criticism

Teresa Cascudo García-Villaraco (ed.)

Debussy’s «Pelléas et Mélisande»

The Staging by Albert Carré Michela Niccolai, Leslie Wright (trans.)

Critical edition of the Staging by Albert Carré for Debbussy’s «Pelleas et Mélisande» Among the various, extant sources relating to «Pelléas et Mélisande», the staging has not yet been selected as the subject of a critical edition.The correspondence between Debussy and Albert Carré — who was at the time manager and director at the Opéra-Comique — and the publication of the latter’s «Souvenirs de théâtre» do not provide sufficient information to establish a comprehensive understanding of the stage production. Numerous staging documents have preserved in some Parisian archives. Engagement with them has revealed two levels of visual representation: the staging of the première, signed by Albert Carré, and its printed version, including many changes, issued by Durand several years later. The critical edition presented here, based on this latter version, highlights the differences with the 1902 version, involving changes resulting from the publisher’s decision to widen the dissemination of Debussy’s work, especially in theatres with less advanced lighting technology compared to the Opéra-Comique. The booklet containing the handwritten notes for «Pelléas et Mélisande», by Albert Carré, is extremely important: the staging contained within the notes, as well as having inaugurated the history of this work, has been in use in the same theatre until 1947. A study of this type that compares visual documents with the musical score, contemporary press reports and iconographic sources, aims to reconstruct the operatic performance as a whole (including the musical text and scenic elements), allowing the reader to ‘attend’ «Pelléas et Mélisande» as if he were sitting in the audience at the beginning of the twentieth century. Michela Niccolai has published the volumes «La Dramaturgie de Gustave Charpentier» (Brepols, 2011), a revised version of her Ph.D. thesis (Saint-Étienne/ Pavia, 2008), and more recently «Giacomo Puccini et Albert Carré: “Madame Butterfly” à Paris» (Brepols, 2012). At the University of Montréal (OICRM) she completed a post-doctorate project on the editing of Charpentier’s various musical and social writings. Lesley Wright is Professor of Music at University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Her main research interests focus on Bizet, Massenet, and Saint-Saëns, as well as the institutions, press, and musical culture of 19th-century France. She also works on opera history and has examined the changing views of Berlioz in the late 19th century. approx. 300 p., 16 col. ills, 215 x 260 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57462-2 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Staging and Dramaturgy: Opera and The Performing Arts, vol. 3 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

The “long nineteenth century” encompasses what has been described by some authors as “newspaper civilization”. Music was fundamental for many men and women who lived during that century. Not surprisingly, at this time, music was a common theme in the press. This volume collects twenty-two articles that address these issues, focusing on case studies in Europe and America. The collection reflects the growing importance of music criticism in particular and the press in general as objects of study for contemporary musicology.

In this volume, nine prominent scholars employ a set of interdisciplinary methodological tools in order to come to a comprehensive understanding of the rich tapestry of eighteenth-century musical taste, performance, consumption and aesthetics. Through a critical analysis of a number of important contemporary sources as well as current scholarship and research, the authors draw conclusions that extend well beyond the scope of their immediate material and closely-formulated questions. approx. 260 p., 92 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54629-2 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Music and Visual Cultures PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Sacri concerti

Studi sul mottetto a Venezia nel secondo Seicento Luigi Collarile

approx. 340 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57497-4 Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 3 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2017

The motet productions of Natale Monferrato (1610-1685), Giovanni Legrenzi (1626-1690) and Giovanni Domenico Partenio (1633-1701), all active in Venice during the second half of the seventeenth century, provide the focus for this study. Together they represent an important research field, capable of illustrating the role and potential of the motet as a musical genre unfettered by specific liturgical functions in the perspective of the complex urban and devotional ritual of early modern Venice. approx. 240 p., 54 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57496-7 Paperback: approx. € 80 Series: Venetian Music Studies, vol. 2 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 2017

Journal of the Alamire Foundation 8/2 - 2016

L’Arte Armonica or a Treatise on the Composition of Musick Facsimile of the Edition J. Johnson 1760, with an Introduction by Deborah Burton Giorgio Antoniotto

Although Giorgio Antoniotto may not be known to many scholars today, he was not anonymous in his own time. A noble Italian living in London when he published his treatise in English, his subscribers included Avison, Burney, Arne, Hawkins and his friend, a certain “Dr. Johnson”. This facsimile edition of the 1760 treatise brings the fascinating work to the public eye. In addition to filling a lacuna in the history of Italian music theory, Antoniotto’s treatise shows surprising emphases on Rameau’s fundamental bass, and on stacked thirds – beyond sevenths and ninths to thirteenths and even fifteenths. approx. 200 p., 179 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57463-9 Hardback: approx. € 90 Series: Musical Treatises, vol. 4 PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 2017

Intersecting Practices in the Production of Sacred Music c. 1400-c. 1650 Introduction - Luisa Nardini / The ‘Mass-Motet Cycle’ Revisited - Paul Kolb / Erasmus and the Lying Mirror: More Thoughts on Imitatio and Mid Sixteenth-Century Chanson Masses - Cathy Ann Elias / Sacred Music Production and Circulation in Sixteenth-Century Palermo: The Inventories of Giovanni Santoro (1550) and Luis Ruiz (1595) - Ilaria Grippaudo / Did They Make It Up as They Went Along? Choral Rules in the Mexican Cathedral 1536-85 - Jorge Adan Torres Free Papers Jacobus de Ispania and Liege - Rob C. Wegman Research and Performance Practice Forum Form and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Music: Problems, Fallacies, New Directions - Jesse Rodin 110 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56611-5 Paperback Series: Journal of the Alamire Foundation, vol. 8/2 AVAILABLE Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]


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Rural Economy and Society in Northwestern Europe, 500-2000

A new and original synthesis of rural history in four volumes

Food & History 14.1

The History of Hospital Food Table of Contents: Jonathan Reinarz Towards a History of Hospital Food Véronique Pitchon To Feed and Care according to Dietetic Principles: The Preparation and Distribution of Food and Medicine in Medieval Islamic Hospitals Fritz Dross “Man does not live by bread alone”: Feeding Confraternity in Early modern Nuremberg leprosaria Laurinda Abreu Portuguese Experiences of Artificial Infant Feeding in the Late Eighteenth Century approx. 200 p., 170 x 244 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56618-4 Paperback PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR JUIN 2017

Ilaria Berti “Feeding the Sick upon Stewed Fish and Pork.” Slave Health and Food in West Indies Sugar Plantation Hospitals Sue Hawkins and Andrea Tanner Food, Glorious Food: The Functions of Food in British Children’s hospitals, 1852-1914

In these volumes, an international team of more than sixty well-known researchers aims to explain how rural societies around the North Sea coped with the enormous social changes between the sixth and the twenty-first centuries. These publications investigate the relationship between economic growth and ecological constraints, between markets and income structures as well as between lords, governments and peasants. Over the past millennium and more, the regions surrounding the North Sea have developed from the periphery of the Mediterranean world to the core of the modern world economy.

Johanna Conterio Places of Plenty: Patient Perspectives on Nutrition and Health in the Health Resorts of the USSR, 1917-1953 Conference Report: IEHCA Summer University 2016 Book Reviews

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Open Access Journal

Vol. 4: Struggling with the Environment: Land Use and Productivity Edited by Erik Thoen & Tim Soens xx + 498 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2015, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53047-5, € 129

Journal for the History of Environment and Society The Journal for the History of Environment and Society aims to be a leading online and open-access periodical that covers all aspects of environmental history conceived in its broadest sense. The journal encourages high-quality scholarship which focuses on relations between environmental changes and socialhistorical context. Interregional and international comparative articles receive special attention. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline, papers should be accessible for scholars from all disciplines in the field, which will also ensure their accessibility to a wider audience. To ensure scholarly quality, JHES follows a strict double-blind peer-review procedure. Geographically, the Journal focuses primarily – but not exclusively - on North-West Europe (including areas that had historical relations with that broad region). Articles with a more general geographic scope can also be published in the journal. Articles can be published in English, French or German. Articles should include an abstract of 80-130 words; articles in French or German should include an English abstract in addition to an abstract in the language of the article. In the latter case, the subtitles from the illustrations need to be bilingual as well.

Editorial Board: Erik Thoen (University of Ghent, chair) Liesbeth van de Grift (University of Utrecht) Erwin Karel (University of Groningen) Isabelle Parmentier (University of Namur) Tim Soens (University of Antwerp) Donald Weber (Amsab-ISG, Ghent) Submissions should be sent to: Prof. dr. Tim Soens [email protected] To meet the highest standards of academic quality, JHES uses a double-blind peer review undertaken by an external specialist appointed by the Board. A detailed stylesheet for JHES can be found at:

Online Content: JHES is also available in print format.

Vol. 3: The Agro-Food Market: Production, Distribution and Consumption Edited by Leen Van Molle & Yves Segers 456 p., 47 b/w ills., 178 x 254 mm, 2013, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53048-2, € 110

Vol. 2: Making a Living: Family, Income and Labour Edited by Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle Devos & Thijs Lambrecht xvi + 347 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2012, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53049-9, € 89

Vol. 1: Social Relations: Property and Power Edited by Bas J. P. van Bavel & Richard W. Hoyle xx + 375 p., 11 b/w ills., 178 x 254 mm, 2010, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53050-5, € 75

Order the complete set of four volumes at the special price of € 345 ( € 403) Offer valid until 15 August 2017

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