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Jean-Baptiste Renault (éd.)

Originaux et cartulaires dans la Lorraine médiévale (XIIe - XVIe siècles) Recueil d'études

approx. 250 p., 21 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56756-3, approx. € 70 Série: Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, vol. 24 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Entourés des attentions des médiévistes, les cartulaires sont devenus un objet d’histoire. Ces recueils, résultant de la compilation d’actes par une institution ou une personne juridique, entretiennent des relations complexes avec les originaux, sources directes ou indirectes mises en œuvre par les cartularistes. Ce recueil d’études a pour but de renouveler la confrontation originaux-cartulaires, à travers l’analyse d’un recueil et de son chartrier ou grâce à l’exploration d’une question liée à la transcription, à travers plusieurs cartulaires. La question est ici approchée dans un cadre régional, en l’occurrence la Lorraine médiévale, principalement constituée des diocèses de Metz,Toul et Verdun – et occasionnellement étendue à l’ancienne Lotharingie. La chronologie est délibérément large (XIIe - XVIe siècles), donnant toute leur place aux expériences, parfois négligées, de la fin du Moyen Âge. À défaut d’aborder systématiquement le phénomène de la « mise en cartulaire », les dossiers ici réunis voudraient en enrichir les données et questionnements. Docteur en histoire du Moyen Âge, ingénieur d'études à l'Atelier Diplomatique du CRULH, Jean-Baptiste Renault s'est spécialisé en diplomatique médiévale. Table des matières : voir site

Reuven Amitai, Christoph Cluse (eds)

Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1000–1500 CE) approx. 500 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57019-8, approx. € 115 Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 5 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Slavery was an important component of medieval life, certainly so in the Mediterranean basin and nearby lands. Muslims, Christians and Jews all owned slaved, and slave traders hailed from a variety of locations across the region. Slaves entered the Mediterranean from the Black Sea basin and the nearby steppes and as local prisoners of war and captives of raiding, as well as from Bilad al-Sudan, the “Land of the Blacks” stretching across Sub-Saharan Africa. In the Eastern Mediterranean of the later Middle Ages, many slaves were employed in domestic work, and only occasionally in farming or other forms of production. In the Islamic countries of this region we also find military slaves, mostly of Turkish origin hailing from the Eurasian Steppes, and generally known as Mamluks. This volume contains innovative studies that look at various aspects of slavery and the slave trade in the Eastern Mediterranean between about 1000–1500 CE: overviews of slavery in the different religious traditions, examinations of the role of the Italian merchant cities – mainly Venice and Genoa – in this trade, the nature of Mamluk military slavery and aspects of the commerce in these so-called slave soldiers. Reuven Amitai is Eliyahu Elath Professor of Islamic History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Christoph Cluse is Senior Researcher and Research Coordinator at the Arye Maimon Institute of Jewish History, Trier University. Table of Contents: see website

Mia Münster-Swendsen, Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn


Historical and Intellectual Culture in the Long Twelfth Century: The Scandinavian Connection

Wesley M. Stevens

approx. 336 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-864-4, approx. € 75 Series: Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays, vol. 5

The Vademecum of Walahfrid Strabo

Publication scheduled for February 2017

North-American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press

This volume as a whole aims to gain insight into Danish historical narratives written in Latin in the long twelfth century, both by drawing on the theoretical and methodological advances gained through increasing general scholarly interest in medieval historiography over the last decades, and by placing these texts in a larger cultural and intellectual context through comparisons with historical narratives from other areas, particularly England, France, and Germany. The sixteen essays combined in this volume thus range from detailed formal analyses to comparative studies of wider trends in the historiographical developments of the high Middle Ages.


Walahfrid Strabo, Rhetoric and Reckoning in the Ninth Century approx. 250 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56553-8, approx. € 70 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 24 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Vito Loré, Geneviève Bührer Thierry, Régine Le Jan (éds)

Acquérir, prélever, contrôler Les ressources en compétition (400-1100)

approx. 450 p., 2 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56959-8, approx. € 75 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 25 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Les ressources matérielles sont un élément de première importance de la compétition au Haut Moyen Âge. D'une part, la compétition conduit ou souvent impose de mobiliser des ressources, d’autre part, ses formes sont affectées par la disponibilité ou la rareté des ressources. Elles sont donc un point d’observation privilégié pour comprendre les systèmes de valeurs et les règles, qui président alors aux actions des élites. Ce volume est le résultat du troisième colloque organisé à Rome par le Groupe international de Recherches sur la Compétition dans les Sociétés médiévales (4001000). En croisant des perspectives qui tiennent de l’anthropologie et de certaines lignes de l’histoire économique, ce livre prend en considération les formes du rapport entre compétition et ressources dans une grande variété de milieux sociaux et institutionnels de l’Europe occidentale du haut Moyen Âge. Table des matières : voir site

Alexandre Grosjean

Toison d'or et sa plume, la « chronique » de Jean Lefèvre de Saint-Rémy (1408-1436) approx. 360 p., 1 b/w ill., 13 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56910-9, € 84 Série: Burgundica, vol. 25 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Jean Lefèvre de Saint-Rémy (1396-1468) fut poursuivant d'armes dans les rangs anglais à la bataille d'Azincourt, héraut « Charolais » puis roi d'armes de l'ordre de la Toison d'or fondé par Philippe le Bon en 1430. L'œuvre historiographique qu'il rédige à la fin de sa vie s'inspire de la prestigieuse chronique d'Enguerrand de Monstrelet et mêle souvenirs personnels et interpolations de sources diverses, brossant un tableau voulu idéal de la cour de Bourgogne entre 1408 et 1436 et particulièrement du principat de Philippe le Bon, maître auquel ce serviteur doit tout. Les particularités de son récit posent le problème du héraut d'armes écrivant l'histoire, phénomène exceptionnel qui fut favorisé par l'émulation existante à la cour des ducs de Bourgogne, reconnue comme l'un des foyers les plus prolifiques en la matière au XVe siècle.

A modest man of great accomplishments, Walahfrid was a fine poet, teacher, abbot, gardener, liturgist, and diplomat. His personal notebook reveals that he loved arithmetic and astronomy. For a decade, he tutored Carolus iunior, youngest son of Judith and Ludwig der Fromme, who became emperor Charles the Bald. On two occasions, Walahfrid found and transcribed formulae and explanations of time series, often correcting them. By identifying Walahfrid's sources and scripts, Professor Stevens is able to trace his life and scholarship, as they relate to Carolingian politics and schools in the first half of ninth-century Europe.

Alexandre Grosjean est docteur en histoire et membre du Centre européen d'études bourguignonnes depuis 2011.

Table of Contents: see website

Table des matières : voir site


La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales approx. 550 p., 225 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 155 x 240 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56831-7, approx. € 90 Série: De Diversis Artibus Publication prévue pour février 2017

Cet ouvrage propose, pour la première fois, une étude du corpus de 'ilm al-misāḥa [science de la mesure] rédigé en arabe aussi bien en Orient qu’en Occident musulman, ainsi que celle de son prolongement latin en Europe médiévale. Grâce notamment aux traductions réalisées en Andalus (territoire de la péninsule ibérique sous domination musulmane) au XIIe siècle, les érudits latins découvrent ces savoirs géométriques qui vont largement contribuer à nourrir la réflexion mathématique et philosophique autour d’une discipline émergente : la practica geometriae. Dans cet ouvrage, une place privilégiée est accordée aux traductions arabo-latines puisque son auteur nous offre l’édition critique, la traduction française et l’analyse mathématique de quatre d’entre elles, ce qui n'avait jamais été réalisé jusqu'à présent. Cette étude inédite permet de lever le voile sur les éléments caractéristiques de la mesure médiévale autour du bassin méditerranéen à partir du IXe siècle. Elle permet aussi d’étudier un aspect non négligeable de l’appropriation par les latins de la science en pays d’Islam qui, avec les travaux de Léonard de Pise, entre autres, va bien au-delà des traductions arabo-latines. Maître de conférences à l'Université de Limoges, Marc Moyon travaille sur l'histoire des mathématiques médiévales arabes et latines, et en particulier sur l'appropriation des sciences en pays d'Islam par l'Europe latine. Table des matières : voir site


Ildar H. Garipzanov, Caroline Goodson, Henry Maguire (eds)

Graphic Signs of Identity, Faith, and Power in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages approx. 225 p., 140 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56724-2, € 100 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 27 Publication scheduled for February 2017

David Paniagua, María Adelaida Andrés-Sanz (eds)

Formas de acceso al saber en la Antigüedad Tardía y la Alta Edad Media

La transmisión del conocimiento dentro y fuera de la escuela xi + 311 p., 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56987-1, € 50 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 84 Available

In this volume, twelve specialists examine the role of graphic signs such as cross signs, christograms, and monograms in the late Roman and post-Roman worlds and the contexts that facilitated their dissemination in diverse media. The essays explore the rise and spread of graphic signs in relation to socio-cultural transformations during Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, focusing in particular on evolving perceptions and projections of authority. Table of Contents: see website


Deborah L. Moore

Medieval Anglo-Irish Troubles

A Cultural Study of B.L. MS Harley 913 approx. x + 350 p., 6 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55478-5, € 90 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 8

El presente volumen tiene su origen en el Coloquio Internacional Formas de acceso al saber de la Antigüedad Tardía a la Alta Edad Media (V). El coloquio, al igual que el proyecto en el que se enmarcó, tuvo como objetivo profundizar en el conocimiento de las formas de evolución y de utilización de los textos latinos tardoantiguos y altomedievales ligados a la transmisión de conocimientos. Este conjunto de estudios, variados en sus diferentes aproximaciones filológicas, tiene como común denominador el interés por explorar las múltiples y ricas implicaciones culturales de estos textos, atendiendo no solamente al corpus escrito conservado –incluido el estudio de sus fuentes y de su posteridad literaria– sino también a su transmisión material concreta, generalmente en forma de códices, y a los entornos (escolares o no) en los que ésta tiene lugar. Table of Contents: see website

Publication scheduled for February 2017

Aude Musin

“Sociabilité urbaine et criminalisation étatique”


La justice namuroise face à la violence de 1360 à 1555

T. K Nielsen, I. Fonnesberg Schmidt (eds)

Crusading on the Edge

250 p., 30 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53439-8, approx. € 65 Série: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 39

Ideas and Practice of Crusading in Iberia and the Baltic Region, 1100-1500

Publication prévue pour février 2017

Si la ville médiévale apparaît souvent comme un lieu saturé de violence, elle fut aussi, et surtout, un lieu de pacification des tensions, grâce à l’action des autorités urbaines. Dans un souci de garantir l’ordre et la paix dans la cité, celles-ci développèrent des modes originaux de gestion des conflits, permettant un encadrement efficace de la violence. Les très riches archives judiciaires de la ville de Namur, dans les Pays-Bas, permettent d'approcher les formes et les modes de régulation de la violence à la fin du Moyen Âge, et les transformations subies par ceux-ci au cours des deux siècles que couvre cette étude.

XV + 409 p., 25 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54881-4, € 94 Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East 4 Available

Aude Musin est chercheuse et enseignante à l'Université catholique de Louvain.

British Library MS Harley 913 is an early fourteenth-century trilingual manuscript whose paradoxically devotional and ribald contents display many distinct aspects of the Anglo-Irish sociopolitical reality of the day. However, several of its texts have, in the past, suffered from repeated scholarly misreadings, in part because scholars have not taken the time to seriously consider the manuscript’s contents as a whole, and in part because fluctuations in the political, social, and religious climate between Ireland and England have prejudiced how some scholars have approached these works.This book examines these texts, as well as their subsequent misinterpretations, in the order in which they occur in the manuscript and reveals the pattern of politicized discourse surrounding this important medieval Anglo-Irish cultural artefact that has hitherto obscured, rather than elucidated, the very personal interactions of some of the era’s key figures.

Pour en savoir plus : visitez notre site.

Table of Contents: see website

This volume brings together contributions from fifteen historians and art historians working on the history of the crusades, focusing on Iberia and the Baltic region. The subjects treated include the historiography of the Iberian and Baltic crusades; the transfer of crusading ideas from the Holy Land to Iberia and the Baltic region and the use of such ideas in local rhetoric and propaganda; the papal attitudes towards the Iberian and Baltic campaigns; the papal attitudes towards Muslims living in Christian Spain; the interaction between conquered and conquerors as reflected in art and architecture; and the exchange of information about the crusades in Iberia and the wider Baltic Region. The collection thus throws further light not only onto events in the Iberian Peninsula and the Baltic region but also onto the development of the crusade movement in general. It constitutes a valuable resource for both undergraduates and postgraduates studying the crusade movement in the Middle Ages.



Les débats d'opinion à l'heure du Grande Schisme Ecclésiologie et politique

509 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56850-8, € 90 Série: Ecclesia militans, vol. 6 Available

Une histoire du Grand Schisme écrit sous l’angle des polémiques et des constructions doctrinales issues des controverses, tel est le but de l’ouvrage. Il s’agit, en reconstituant la trame de l’intertextualité du temps de mesurer le poids des polémiques dans les orientations politiques et ecclésiologiques des acteurs du temps et des institutions, soucieuses de prendre place dans l’espace public en vue d’un contrôle de l’opinion. Les réseaux textuels et discursifs révèlent alors toute une ambiance : celle d’un temps de violences symboliques et de non-dits, de censures et de pressions, selon les rapports de force des partis en présence. La personne du pape avignonnais Benoît XIII divise plus encore que le pape romain du temps. Si l’enjeu reste l’unité de l’Église, le désir d’éviction d’un pape opiniâtre aura permis la mise au point de tactiques canoniques voire d’innovations ecclésiologiques. Temps de crise indéniablement, le Grand Schisme s’avère également un temps de dynamisme et d’audaces ecclésiologiques inédits. Table des matières : voir site




Proceedings of the annual workshop of the Archivio ‘Julien Ries’ at the Università Cattolica of Milan Silvano Petrosino (ed.)


L’Habitation, le Politique, le Sacré 352 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54138-9, approx. € 65 Série : Monumentum, vol. 1 Publication prévue pour janvier 2017

Ce volume rassemble les actes du premier Séminaire International organisé en 2010 par l’ « Archivio Julien Ries » pour l’anthropologie symbolique constitué au sein de l’Université Catholique de Milan. Les articles réunis ici se penchent sur la notion de « monumentum », et cherchent à montrer comment le fait d’« être monument » n’est pas une caractéristique exclusive de certaines constructions, mais la caractéristique fondamentale de toute construction proprement humaine précisément. Cette « habitation » humaine a toujours le caractère de la « monumentalité » : un renvoi, qu’on ne peut pas supprimer, à autrui, une ouverture irréductible vers le haut, vers l’altérité d’un « là », qui habite au fond même de l’« icibas » dans lequel se trouve tout sujet humain individuel.



Christelle Mulard

J. Batalla Costa, Ó. L. de la Cruz Palma, F. Rodriguez Bernal

La pensée symbolique de Romanos le Mélode

Ramon Llull. Llibre del Tàrtar i el Cristià / Liber Tartari et Christiani

approx. 448 p., 148 x 210 mm, Centre d'Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56822-5, approx. € 40 Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 16

Sobre el salm "Quicumque vult" / Super psalmum "Quicumque vult"

150 x 210 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-84-943158-6-2, approx. € 35 Series: Latin Works of Raimundus Lullus in Catalan, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The book represents a debate about the possibility of rational proofs for the truths of the Christian faith. A wise Mongol feels the urge to submit to a religious way of life. Yet, neither the Jew, nor the Muslim or the simple-minded Christian hermit are capable of winning him over, since none of them can provide rational arguments in favour of his own religion. Blaquerna, a learned Christian master, who applies Llull's Art, convinces him of the truth of Christian faith by means of a rational explanation. Using Lullian philosophy (dignitates and principia correlativa) Blaquerna proves every line of the pseudo-Athanasian Creed (Quicumque unit saluus esse). The Mongol perceives the grace of the Holy Spirit, and embraces the Christian faith. Blaquerna sends him to the Pope, who christens him Largus and sends him as a missionary to his native lands. On his departure, a debate concerning missionary strategies arises among two clerics: mission by means of dialogue and martyrdom, or by dint of crusades, or both? The question remains open.

Publication prévue pour février 2017

Romanos le Mélode, diacre à Constantinople sous Justinien, est davantage un pasteur soucieux de l’édification spirituelle des âmes qui lui sont confiées, que comme un théologien cherchant à débattre de la vérité de la foi en pleine crise monophysite. Il puise dans sa culture syriaque d’origine, essentiellement chez Jacques de Saroug et moins chez Ephrem de Nisibe, de puissantes images symboliques, qui s’élaborent et s’organisent en véritables réseaux de significations à travers l’ensemble de ses kontakia, pour exprimer le cœur de la foi chrétienne : l’œuvre de Salut accomplie en Christ pour l’homme. Cet ouvrage se livre à un minutieux travail d’analyse de ces réseaux, de leurs correspondances bibliques et des sources qui ont pu influencer la pensée de Romanos. Christelle Mulard, docteure en Théologie Protestante de l’Université de Strasbourg, est actuellement pasteure en Alsace. Elle a aussi suivi jusqu’au Master des études de Philologie Classique à l’Université de Strasbourg.

Corinne Bonnet, Nicole Belayche, Marlène Albert-Llorca (éds)

Puissances divines à l’épreuve du comparatisme Constructions, variations et réseaux relationnels

approx. 500 p., 18 b/w ills, 30 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56944-4, approx. € 70 Série: Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, vol. 175

First announcement

Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium Medieval Irish Books & Texts (c. 400 - c. 1600)

155 x 245 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54857-9, Series: Corpus Christianorum Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium, vol. 1

Publication prévue pour février 2017

Publication scheduled for February 2017

Les dieux helléniques sont des Puissances, non des personnes. La pensée religieuse répond aux problèmes d'organisation et de classification des Puissances. En partant de ce texte de J.-P. Vernant et en intégrant les perspectives nouvelles issues des travaux des historiens et des anthropologues du religieux, ce livre explore de façon comparatiste, et sans partir de modèles préalables, la pertinence de cette proposition. Il soulève deux questions aussi simples que redoutables : qu'est-ce qu'une puissance divine? Comment la conçoit-on et l'inscrit-on dans le temps, dans l’espace, dans des réseaux relationnels ? La réflexion s'organise autour de deux axes : étude de la terminologie relative à la puissance divine et des modalités de son expression à travers les images, les textes et les pratiques rituelles; analyse des modes de construction des puissances et des réseaux dans lesquels elles s'inscrivent. Ce livre pénètre ainsi au coeur même de la fabrique du divin et des structures qui l'organisent, en contexte polythéiste comme monothéiste. Centré sur le système de pensée des Grecs et des Romains, il s'attache aussi à le mettre en regard avec d'autres aires culturelles de l'Antiquité.

This is the first work to describe the whole literary and scholarly output of the whole of the Irish middle ages (4th to 17th Centuries), in Latin and in the vernaculars, and it tries to do so as comprehensively as possible, esp. in biblica, liturgica, computistica, hagiographica and grammatica. The book focuses both on individual manuscripts and on textual transmission. In the case of MSS it gives succinctly all the salient information (origin, provenance, date &c.) and a detailed bibliography, always chronologically arranged (amongst other things, to show the development of scholarship). In the case of texts, it lists the MSS in which they occur or, on occasion, where such a list can be found, together with a bibliography of relevant publications. In the case of both, there are running cross-references to the standard works of reference. Concordantiae, at the end of the volume, reinforce that. The Index Manuscriptorum is the most comprehensive attempt so far to list the MSS written by the medieval Irish or transmitting their texts. It should allow new work on the fortuna of Irish MSS and texts and their influence throughout the middle ages. The chapters on MSS and texts written in Irish provide the first comprehensive treatment of several areas: annals, genealogies, vernacular law, early poetry, bardic poetry & metrics.

Table des matières : voir site



The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches

Decisions and Synodika from Constantinople 861 to Crete 2016 Alberto Melloni (ed.) approx. 1050 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52529-7 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The three tomes of this volume comprise the critical edition – sometimes the very first critical edition – of the Councils of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, namely those sharing the profession of faith defined in the first seven Ecumenical Councils (ed. COGD 1). Among them one may find the Protodeutera (861), the Council of Constantinople of 879, the Tomos Unionis (920), the Local Synods of Constantinople against the Syro-Jacobites (1030) and against John Italos (1082), the Councils on ‘My Father is greater than me’ (1166), on the Filioque (1285) and on Palamas (1341-1351), the Synod of 1484, annulling the so-called union of Florence (ed. COGD 2), the Synods about Lucaris, the Panorthodox Synods of Jerusalem (1672) and Constantinople (1872), the Local Synods of Constantinople (1691 and 1755), and additional materials, like the Patriarchal decision of annulment of the Excommunications between Rome and Constantinople (paralleled in COGD 3). It also includes the first publication of five synodika of Orthodoxy: Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian and the Greek synodikon with a new edition of the oldest surviving version of the latter (eleventh century), which was the basis for the subsequent translations. Moreover, the volume will represent the Conciliar tradition of the Patriarchate of Moscow and of all Russias, including the Stoglav (1551), and the Councils of Moscow of 1666/7 and 1917/8 and more recent Councils of the 21st century. Finally, the first printed edition of the June 2016 Council of Crete is published as a separate tome. Among the editors of the critical editions are Hilarion Alfeeev (Moscow), Frederick Lauritzen (Venice), Bernadette Martin Hisard (Paris-Rome), Giovanni Guaita (Moscow), Vassa Kontouma (Paris), Kirill Maksimovič (Moscow), Riccardo Saccenti (Bologna), Michel Stavrou (Paris), Tatijana Subotin Golubović (Belgrade), Anna Maria Totomanova (Sofia). The editorial staff includes Davide Dainese, Stefania De Nardis, Alberto Alberti, Georgios Vlantis, Natia Gabrichidze, Cyril Hovorun, Vittorio Berti.



Theodore Metochites



The Gothic Missal

Ioannis D. Polemis (trans.) approx. 275 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57039-6, € 50 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 26 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Theodore Metochites (ca.12701332), an important writer of Late Byzantium, composed twenty long Poems in dactylic verse, which constitute an unicum in Byzantine Literature. Some of them are clearly autobiographic, offering important details about their author’s career, while others are devoted to some saints of the Byzantine church (St Athanasius of Alexandria and the three prelates Basil of Caesarea, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom). Some of them are addressed to close friends of Metochites (like the polymath Nikephoros Gregoras, or the church historian Nikephoros Xanthopoulos), asking for their advice or complaining about his own difficulties.Three of them are funerary Poems, extolling the virtues and mourning the death of persons close to the emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, who was the protector and benefactor of Metochites. The last seven Poems are written in a more reflective mood, discussing the precariousness of human happiness and the inevitability of man’s fall due to the adverse circumstances of his life. All those Poems are preserved in MS. Parisinus graecus 1776, which was written in all probability under Metochites’ supervision. The translation is accompanied by notes clarifying the sense of difficult passages and giving references to the texts that inspired Metochites directly or to parallel passages in the works of Metochites himself, or other Greek and Byzantine authors. The source text of this volume appeared in Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca as Theodorus Metochita, Carmina (CC SG 83). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.

A Gallican Sacramentary Els Rose (trans.) approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53397-1, € 50 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 27 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The Missale Gothicum provides unique evidence relating to the liturgy of early medieval Gaul around 700 AD and its reception in later centuries, and offers insight into the development of the Latin language in this key period of Latinity. Its significance may therefore not be underestimated. The codex in which the text is transmitted, now preserved in the Vatican Library (Vat. reg. lat. 317), comprises the prayers for Mass for the entire liturgical year as recited by the celebrant, most probably the bishop of Autun. The Gothic Missal is the only surviving source of many rites and commemorations that characterise the specific liturgical tradition of late antique and early medieval (Merovingian) Gaul. At the same time, the codex is the earliest known source of a number of liturgical texts still in use in the liturgy of the Western Church, such as the Easter hymn Exultet and prayers featuring in Baptismal rites. This first integral English translation of the text is intended to make its sometimes rather obscure Latin more accessible to scholars of medieval liturgy (musicologists, religious and social historians) and of medieval Latin, as well as to new generations of students interested in the history and religious culture of the Middle Ages. Moreover, it is the hope of the author of the present volume to address a broad audience of interested readers, academic and otherwise, by opening up to them the unique and colourful world of late antique and early medieval liturgical life and its reception until the present day. The source text of this volume appeared in the series Corpus Christianorum Series Latina as Missale Gothicum (CCSL 159D). References to the corresponding pages of the edition are provided in the margins of the present translation.

Previously Published

The Oecumenical Councils

From Nicaea I (325) to Nicaea II (787) xiv + 373 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2007, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52363-7, € 150 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. 1

The Oecumenical Councils of the Roman Catholic Church From Trent to Vatican II (1545-1965)

xi + 739 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2009, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52528-0, € 360 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. 3

The General Councils of Latin Christendom From Constantinople IV (869/870) to Lateran V (1512-1517)

2 vol., 1450 p., 160 x 245 mm, 2013, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52527-3, € 740 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. 2

"In short, university and seminary libraries may do well to purchase this new edition." (Norman Tanner, in: Gregorianum, Vol. 95 (2014), Fasc. IV, p. 874-875)



Colette Stévanovitch, Anne Mathieu

Les deux 'Mort d’Arthur' moyen-anglaises en vers approx. 550 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56929-1, approx. € 95 Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 17 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Les deux poèmes moyen-anglais réunis ici relatent, chacun à sa manière, la mort tragique du roi Arthur. Morte Arthur donne une place prépondérante aux amours de Lancelot et Guenièvre, aux effets catastrophiques. Dans Morte Arthure, par contraste, Arthur est un chef de guerre, d'abord favorisé, puis abandonné par la fortune. Les divergences entre les deux poèmes s'expliquent en grande partie par la nature de leurs sources : roman français en prose pour Morte Arthur, corpus de chroniques pour Morte Arthure. Ces deux poèmes constituent des jalons importants dans l'histoire de la geste arthurienne en raison notamment de l'influence qu'ils ont exercée sur Malory, auteur de la vaste compilation connue sous le nom de Morte D’Arthur (1485). Or celle-ci nourrit l'imaginaire arthurien depuis plus de cinq cents ans : voir Idylls of the King de Tennyson (1859), ou le film Excalibur de John Boorman (1981). Ces deux Mort d'Arthur ont été éditées en un seul volume en 1972 (Larry Benson). Il était, de fait, utile de rassembler deux poèmes portant sur le même sujet, mais issus de traditions différentes. Cette traduction française s'inscrit dans la lignée du travail de Benson. Elle est assortie d'un ensemble de notes. Colette Stévanovitch est professeur à l’Université de Lorraine. Ses travaux de recherche portent sur la littérature vieil-anglaise et moyen-anglaise et l’histoire de la langue anglaise. Anne Mathieu est maître de conférences à l’Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier 3). Ses travaux de recherche portent sur la littérature vieil-anglaise et moyen-anglaise et la linguistique anglaise. Table des matières : voir site

Claudio Galderisi, Jean-Jacques Vincensini (éds)

La traduction entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance Médiations, auto-traductions et traductions secondes approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56971-0, € 65 Série: Bibliothèque de Transmédie, vol. 4

Marcel Proust, Cahier 67 2 vols, approx. 320 p., 104 col. ills, 225 x 295 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56864-5, approx. € 250 Série: Marcel Proust. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, vol. 6 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Le Cahier 67 (1910) est d'abord centré sur les arts de la scène. Il inclut le récit de la première représentation de Phèdre et une description de Nijinski dansant, sans doute rédigée peu après les premiers spectacles des Ballets russes auxquels Proust assista. Cet épisode, qui est d'abord placé entre les deux représentations théâtrales, a influencé ses théories en matière d'arts scéniques. Les pages rédigées sur le cahier pris à l'envers prennent la suite des textes du Cahier 66 sur la mondanité. Ils montrent le héros, qui est reçu depuis peu dans le faubourg Saint-Germain, oscillant entre fascination et désillusion.


The Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus

A Twelfth-Century Cluniac Poem on Prayer for the Dead x + 214 p., 160 x 250 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56827-0, € 85 Series: Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, vol. 10 Available

Publication prévue pour février 2017

Table des matières Fortune et infortune des traductions médiévales à la Renaissance Claudio Galderisi, L’héritage du Moyen Âge : la traduction entre rupture et continuité Frédéric Duval, D’une renaissance à l’autre : les traductions françaises du Corpus juris civilis Silvère Menegaldo, La longue vie de la traduction française de la Cité de Dieu de saint Augustin par Raoul de Presles (1371-1375). À propos des éditions imprimées d’Abbeville (1486-1487) et de Paris (1531) Pierre Nobel, L’editio princeps de la Bible historiée par Antoine Vérard Cinzia Pignatelli, Quand la traduction devient vitale : la médecine au début du XVIe siècle vue par Symphorien Champier Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Les traductions en vers du Psautier au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance Viola Mariotti, Les traductions françaises d’Albertano de Brescia entre l’automne du Moyen Âge et l’aube de la Renaissance L’auto-traduction : typologies et pratiques Jean-Jacques Vincensini, Des conditions de possibilité des auto-traductions au Moyen Âge flamboyant

Simone Delesalle-Rowlson, Francine Goujon, Lydie Rauzier (éds)

Christopher A. Jones, Scott G. Bruce

Anna Maria Babbi, L’auto-traduction au Moyen Âge: mensonges et vérités Marie-Luce Demonet, Étienne Dolet, auto-traducteur bifrons Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud, La Bible et la Theologia deutsch : Sébastien Castellion et ses doublets de traduction Index des noms Index des œuvres

Claudio Galderisi, professeur de langues et littératures de la France médiévale à l’Université de Poitiers (CESCM). Jean-Jacques Vincensini est professeur de langue et littératures médiévales à l’Université de Tours (CESR).

The twelfth-century Latin poem called the Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus has never been edited or translated before. On its surface, the poem retells a popular exemplum about an encounter between two warring dukes and a mysterious army from heaven. While retelling the story in verse, however, the poet has greatly expanded his prose source, elaborating its teachings about the importance of intercessions for the dead and introducing wholly new emphases on knightly piety and the benefits of dying for a holy cause. The present book, which offers the first edition, translation, and analysis of the poem, situates the 827-line poem in its literary and historical contexts. The publication of the Relatio metrica should be of interest to scholars of medieval Latin poetry, Cluniac monasticism, and the spirituality of the Crusades. Christopher A. Jones is Professor of English at Ohio State University. Scott G. Bruce is Professor of History at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Table of Contents: see website


Valeria Mangraviti

L'Odissea marciana di Leonzio tra Boccaccio e Petrarca approx. 400 p., 775 b/w ills, 114 col. ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56733-4, approx. € 65 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 81 Publication scheduled for February 2017

La via per il ritorno di Omero in Occidente nella seconda metà del Trecento fu aperta dalle traduzioni di Leonzio Pilato. Gli autografi marciani delle sue versioni omeriche, identificati da Agostino Pertusi, ci permettono di entrare all’interno dell’officina di Leonzio copista, traduttore e commentatore. Il presente studio offre l’edizione integrale del testo grecolatino dell’Odissea nel Marc. Gr. IX 29 e getta luce sui vari aspetti del lavoro esegetico e interpretativo leonteo. Nello stesso tempo, le varie annotazioni che abbiamo potuto assegnare alla mano di Boccaccio e Petrarca dischiudono nuove prospettive sulle prime vicende del codice e rivelano l’attenzione e l’interesse con cui fin dall’inizio i due umanisti attesero alla lettura del poema. Table of Contents: see website


Martine Veldhuizen


Sins of the Tongue in the Medieval West

Sinful, Unethical, and Criminal Words in Middle Dutch (1300-1550)


156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56615-3

approx. 210 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56946-8, € 70 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 36

The Latin of the Grammarians

Paris baroque: G.B. Marino et la France

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Publication scheduled for February 2017

Recently Published

R. Ferri, A. Zago (eds)

Reflections about Language in the Roman World

453 p., 3 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56627-6, € 185 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum 8 Available

Table des matières Agnès Guiderdoni Avant-propos Alessandro Metlica, Un poète saturnien ? Une introduction Clizia Carminati, Notes pour l’édition commentée des lettres familières de Marino envoyées de la France Jean François Lattarico, « Tradurre intendo, non già vulgarizare ». L’Adonis en vers françois de Claude Nicole (Paris, 1612) Alexandre De Craim, Parcours croisés de Giovan Battista Marino et d’Honoré d’Urfé, ou les vicissitudes de la carrière de bucoliaste Véronique Adam, Tristan et Marino : de l’image surprenante à la fable motivée Françoise Graziani, Marino moderne ? Les embarras de l’interprétation Alessandro Metlica, Constellations baroque. Marino et la poésie fleurie entre Rome et Paris Varia Andrea Schellino, Baudelaire, la Belgique et la « Tyrannie des faibles » Catherine Mayaux, Saint-John Perse lecteur de l’Empédocle de Jean Bollack Bruno Tristmans, Paroxysmes historiques et savoirs fantômes. À propos des Terres du Couchant de Julien Gracq Jacqueline Michel, Regard de poète : François Cheng Reine Meylaerts et Diana Sanz Roig, Edmond Vandercammen et le réseau du Journal des Poètes : la médiation culturelle du monde hispanique (1930-1970) Ruth Amar, La vieillesse dans l’œuvre de Michel Houellebecq : aspect de la « société du spectacle » Les Livres

As modern medievalists have repeatedly established, harmful speech conduct (‘sins of the tongue’) aroused considerable interest among medieval authors. Lying, boasting, flattering, railing, backbiting, grumbling, false swearing, and garrulous and incendiary speech were but a few of the speech acts that provoked moral condemnation all over Western Europe from the thirteenth century onward. This study examines medieval notions of harmful speech conduct as reflected in Middle Dutch ecclesiastical, secular-ethical, and legal textual sources. According to these texts, the tongue was able to ‘break bones’ and inflict considerable damage on the speaker, on listeners, and on other relevant participants in speech situations. The book utilises two novel approaches. First, the subject is systematically explored in terms of three different types of behaviour in order to discover an overarching discourse: harmful speech as a sin, as moral misbehaviour, and as a crime. Second, ideas from modern language theory are used to analyse the textual sources. By adopting these two approaches, the book asserts that an overarching discourse of harmful speech can be found in the Middle Dutch ecclesiastical, secular-ethical, and legal domains, a discourse coined in this study as ‘the discourse of the untamed tongue’.

Also expected in this series

S. Barret, D. Stutzmann, G.Vogeler (eds.)

Ruling the Script in the Middle Ages Formal Aspects of Written Communication (Books, Charters, and Inscriptions) approx. viii + 545 p., 100 b/w ill. + 18 colour ill., 36 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56743-3, € 125 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 35

The twenty essays brought together in this volume explore a wide range of perspectives relating to the materiality and textuality of medieval scripts and documents.

What can Roman grammarians tell us about their language from a modern linguistic perspective? This book brings together scholars interested in Roman grammarians from a variety of areas, from manuscript research to modern sociolinguistics and the history of Latin. Their combined effort tries to elicit a wide-ranging, comparative picture of cutting edge research on Roman grammar, with special focus on the Roman grammarians' perception of linguistic change in Latin, sociopragmatic variation, and linguistic interference from Greek. Grammarians were not simply transmitters of rules: they also spoke the language of their times and were alert to social and pragmatic variations of usage, and at the same time reflected the formation of new Latin standards different from the language of the syllabus authors (Pompeius, Consentius, Medieval authors of artes grammaticae). M.-A. Julia

Genèse du supplétisme verbal : du latin aux langues romanes 481 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56720-4, € 195 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum 9 Available

L'ouvrage décrit le processus du supplétisme verbal et l'illustre dans quatre grands champs sémantiques : "aller", "porter", "manger", "guérir". Grâce aux bases de données développées par Brepols, l'auteur établit des statistiques de fréquence sur toute la littérature latine, depuis le latin archaïque jusqu'au latin très tardif, et parvient à montrer l'évolution de plusieurs supplétismes des langues romanes, prenant leur source dans le latin. Il apparaît ainsi que certaines formes d'un même paradigme cèdent alors que d'autres se montrent plus résistantes. La genèse de quatre supplétismes fait apparaître un même un processus d'évolution, qui tient en partie à la phonétique, à la sémantique et aux usages de la langue parlée au quotidien. Il s'agit d'une étude inédite dans le domaine de la linguistique latine qui s'attache à l'exhaustivité.



A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, II approx. 300 p., 150 b/w ills, 10 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55601-7, approx. € 95 Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues Publication scheduled for February 2017

Volume II is a definitive documentation of the rest of the Greek manuscripts, kept at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria: 44 manuscripts from two monasteries of the Theotokos near Xanthi - Ἀρχαγγελιώτισσα and Καλαμοῦ; 10 manuscripts from the Archbishopric of Tŭrnovo; 12 manuscripts that once belonged to Georgios Petrinos (1800–1893) from Sozopol; 5 manuscripts from the monasteries of the Theotokos (Kosinitsa) near Drama and St. John Prodromos near Serres; 34 further manuscripts acquired through occasional purchases or donations. It provides comprehensive scholarly descriptions of thousands of texts, major and minor, that served the liturgical needs and helped form the mind-set of the Orthodox monastic community on the Balkans.

Simon Horobin, Aditi Nafde (eds) Previously published

Dorotei Getov

A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, I

Liturgy and Law in a Dalmatian City The Bishop’s Book of Kotor (Sankt-Peterburg, BRAN, F. no. 200)

approx. 680 p., 150 x 230 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-204-8, approx. € 105 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 204 Publication scheduled for February 2017

North-American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press

The manuscript that is the subject of this study and edition, Sankt-Peterburg, Biblioteka Rossijskoi Akademii Nauk, F. no. 200, constitutes a rich source for the study of the society and culture of the southern Dalmatian coast. The major parts of the manuscript were written in Beneventan script in the midtwelfth century, perhaps for the dedication in 1166 of the new cathedral of Kotor in southern Dalmatia, now Montenegro. Transcriptions of the manuscript’s lectionary, pontifical, sermons and statutes are accompanied by a critical apparatus and an apparatus of parallel citations. The volume is prefaced by a comprehensive historical introduction that provides an extensive history of Kotor and its church, as well as a codicological analysis of the manuscript and discussion of its contents, with particular focus on the sources of the liturgical and canonico-liturgical items and their arrangement.


approx. 300 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56670-2, € 75 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 10 Publication scheduled for February 2017

This volume brings together essays by leading authorities on the production, reception, and editing of medieval English manuscripts in honour of Ralph Hanna, on the occasion of his retirement as Professor of Palaeography at the University of Oxford.

xxii + 532 p., 173 b/w ill. + 8 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55173-9, € 95 Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues

Alpo Honkapohja

Alchemy, Medicine, and Commercial Book Production A Codicological and Linguistic Study of the Voigts-Sloane Group of Middle English Manuscripts approx. 250 p., 57 b/w ills, 3 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56647-4, € 80 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 9

Table of Contents

Publication scheduled for February 2017

Foreword – VINCENT GILLESPIE Introduction – SIMON HOROBIN and ADITI NAFDE The Tribulations of Scribes – DEREK PEARSALL A Scribe of Lydgate’s Troy Book and London Book Production in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century – LINNE R. MOONEY The Vocabulary of the Alliterative Morte Arthure – THORLAC TURVILLE-PETRE

Table of Contents: see website


Essays in Honour of Ralph Hanna

Bačkovo Monastery

Dorotei Getov is a classical philologist-turned-student of Greek manuscripts, currently employed by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences at its Institute for Literature as Senior Researcher in Byzantine Literature.

Richard F. Gyug

Pursuing Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts

The Voigts-Sloane group of Middle English manuscripts, first described by Professor Emerita Linda Voigts in 1990, has attracted much curiosity and scholarly attention. The manuscripts exhibit a degree of uniformity that may originate from systematic copying of medical and alchemical manuscripts (possibly for speculative sale) in London or its metropolitan area in 1450s and 1460s — only decades before William Caxton established his printing press in Westminster. Some of the manuscripts share a strikingly similar mise-en-page, others present a standard anthology of medical treatises in a standard order. This book provides a thorough re-examination of these manuscripts through a combination of codicological and linguistic methodologies. It examines different procedures which may have facilitated the production of the manuscripts, including speculative production and copying of separate booklets. The study also addresses the dialect of the manuscripts, and code-switching between Latin and Middle English. By showing that the manuscripts sharing a similar layout are also written in the same dialect, the book thus provides important new information on the dialects of medical writing, and shows that dialect is a further defining feature for this manuscript group. The book also highlights late medieval concerns over alchemy and medicine, explaining the apparent contradiction of the inclusion of alchemy (which was illegal) in commercially copied manuscripts. Table of Contents: see website

Langland’s Dialect Reconsidered – SIMON HOROBIN Observations on the ‘Wycliffite Orthography’ – ANNE HUDSON Cambridge University Library Ms Ll.1.18: A Southwell Miscellany – RICHARD BEADLE The Migration of a Fifteenth-Century Miscellany – A. I. DOYLE ‘I Saw a Dead Man Won the Field’:The Genesis of The Battle Of Otterburn – RICHARD FIRTH GREEN The Prick of Conscience and the Imagination of Paradise – ALASTAIR MINNIS Peter of Cornwall’s Booktongue and the Invention of London Literature – ANDREW GALLOWAY The Prologues and Ends of Piers Plowman A – ANNE MIDDLETON Three Troublesome Lines in Chaucer’s General Prologue: 11 (So Priketh Hem Nature), 176 (The Space), 739 (Crist Spak Himself Ful Brode) – TRAUGOTT LAWLER Ralph Hanna’s Publications Index Tabula Gratulatoria


Edith Karagiannis-Mazeaud (éd.)

Strasbourg, ville de l’imprimerie. L'’édition princeps aux XVe et XVIe siècles.Textes et images



approx. 200 p., 13 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57047-1, approx. € 70 Série: Bibliologia, vol. 44 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Le manuscrit, entre écriture et texte. Première partie 210 x 270 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55390-0


Le manuscrit, entre écriture et texte. Deuxième partie 210 x 270 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56594-1

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Le manuscrit, entre Est et Ouest, garde toujours ce même intérêt, provoquant d’innombrables questionnements. Témoin du texte et de l’image, le parchemin offre aux chercheurs matière sans fin. Les contributions du présent volume de Pecia. Le livre et l’écrit, le premier de deux sur Le manuscrit, entre écriture et texte, abordent les aspects les plus divers du support manuscrit et des pratiques qui l’entourent : agencement, relations texte/image, décoration, production, etc. Loin d’avoir épuisé le sujet, de nombreux champs de recherche sont encore ouverts à qui voudrait y pénétrer.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Pecia 17 (2014)

Pecia 18 (2015)

Alexander Karnachov, Latin Biblical Fragments Originating from Mount Athos: Parts of the Amalfion Monastery Library?

Jean-Luc Deuffic, L’étrange colophon du libellus de Château-du-Loir en l’honneur de saint Guénolé de Landévennec

Carlos F. Clamote Carreto, Mort ont Guillelme [...] par lor parole. Écriture épique et réinvention de la mémoire d’après Le Moniage Guillaume

Frieda van der Heijden, A Manuscript (Un)finished

Charlotte E. Cooper, Learning to Read Christine de Pizan’s Epistre Othea Eleanor Jackson, Picturing the Pious Reader: Examples from Insular Textual Ornament Karlyn Griffith, The Codicological Histories of Two Metz Compilations (MSS Douce 308 and Harley 4972) and the Implications of Owner Manipulations Katja Airaksinen-Monier, A French scribe imitating Humanistic script at Tours around 1506-1510 N. Kıvılcım Yavuz, Late Antique Accounts of the Trojan War: A Comparative Look at the Manuscript Evidence Laurence Eldredge, St. Matthew on Eye Medicine: A Treatise by Cardinalis? Max Schmitz, Deux copies partielles de deux chroniques « belges » Beatriz Marcotegui Barber, Sermones, exempla y otros instrumentos para la predicación de la Biblioteca de la Catedral de Pamplona (ss. XIII-XV)

Habib Ibrahim & Mike Makhoul, Les débuts du renouveau intellectuel à Antioche au Xe s. Quatre hagiographies inédites traduites au Mont-Admirabile Mercedes López-Mayán, À propos de la production de manuscrits liturgiques à Tolède au XIVe s. : nouveaux témoins, nouvelles réflexions Rebecca Swanson,The Ancient Library of Roda de Isábena: Unveiling the Secrets of Knowledge Samuel Gras, Le Maître de Jeanne de France et le Missel des Carmes de Nantes Suzanne Kassian, Le principe de symétrie dans les enluminures de certaines messes D’Ockeghem du codex Chigi C VIII 234 Sylvie Fabre, Relations texte-image du Roman de Tristan en prose, Paris, BnF, Fr. 334 Cécile Voyer,Voix et présence. Lettres historiées d’un missel du XIIIe s. à l’usage de Notre-Dame de Belval (Charleville-Mézières, BM, ms. 243)

À la fin du XVe siècle et au XVIe, Strasbourg et ses environs, marqués par Gutenberg, l’humanisme et la tradition rhénane, jouent un rôle de premier ordre dans le monde nouveau de l’imprimerie. L’édition princeps y est florissante. Mais pourquoi et comment entreprend-on de publier de telles éditions ? Quelle est la nature de celles produites dans la région de Strasbourg ou conservées dans ses fonds patrimoniaux ? Des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et des représentants de bibliothèques et du monde de l’édition humaniste en France et en Europe interrogent ici la notion même d’édition princeps et esquissent la carte du réseau éditorial de la région de Strasbourg et son rayonnement géographique à cette époque. Ce volume s’articule autour de trois axes : le premier inscrit l’édition princeps dans la perspective historique du passage du manuscrit à l’imprimé et ébauche un état des lieux des incunables et éditions princeps du XVIe siècle actuellement conservés à Strasbourg. Ce colloque a été l’occasion d’entreprendre l’inventaire de richesses parfois insoupçonnées. Le second axe se penche sur les éditions innovantes du début du XVIe siècle. Le troisième questionne les choix éditoriaux et leurs modalités à la Renaissance, les relations auteur-éditeur-imprimeur-public et les difficultés d’ordre politique ou religieux auxquelles s’est trouvée confrontée l’édition humaniste à l’heure de la Réforme. Edith Karagiannis-Mazeaud est Maître de Conférences HDR à la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg. Ses travaux concernent l'humanisme, les arts, les lettres et les voyageurs à la Renaissance (Grèce, tradition hellénique). Table de matières : voir site

Luisa Nardini

Interlacing Traditions: Neo-Gregorian Chant Propers in Beneventan Manuscripts approx. 476 p., 150 x 230 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-205-5, approx. € 80 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 205 Publication scheduled for February 2017

North-American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press

This book is the first comprehensive study of the neo-Gregorian chants for the Proper of the Mass that circulated in the Beneventan region between the tenth and the thirteenth centuries. This extensive repertory demonstrates in extraordinary ways the struggles of local cantors to mediate between conformity to a standardized liturgy pursued by the Carolingians and the papacy, and a desire to maintain elements of the local musical culture.



Koenraad Jonckheere

Caroline Fowler

Auction Prices and the Evolution of Taste in Dutch and Flemish Golden Age Painting (1642–200)

Portraits After Existing Prototypes

Drawing and the Senses: an Early Modern History

340 p., 130 b/w ills, 100 col. ills, 180 x 265 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-58-0, € 150 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. 19.4

approx. 300 p., 80 b/w ills, 20 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-39-9, approx. € 125 Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 6


Publication scheduled for February 2017

The Value of Taste

approx. 400 p., 100 b/w ills, 195 x 270 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-48-1, approx. € 145 Series: Collectors and Dealers, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for February 2017

This book is a systematic and quantitative study of taste. More specifically it focuses on the painters of the seventeenth-century Low Countries and follows the changes in consumer evaluation of them from the seventeenth century up to 2008. Proceeding from the same starting point as Gerald Reitlinger in his monumental The Economics of Taste, it uses the prices paintings have fetched at auction as a basis for tracing trends in the taste of the art-buying public. Whereas Reitlinger’s approach was rather intuitive, this study develops a sound methodological basis for researching taste and auction prices. It is not only quantitative methods and properties of auction prices that require a specific approach: in historical research quantitative data and analyses are only reliable when they can also be tested against qualitative or historical sources. This book shows what big data and statistics can mean for our understanding of art.

Rubens was mesmerised by faces. He studied physiognomy, the pseudo-science that began making headway in the sixteenth century, which postulated that a person’s character could be read from their facial features. He made geometrical analyses of the faces of ancient emperors and heroes. He invested a great deal of time in detailed anatomical studies, sometimes based on nature, and equally often on antique busts and coins. At times it seems as though the master wanted to know and understand every nook and cranny of the human face. To this end he studied man himself and the way in which the ancients dealt with nature. His best portrait copies, thus, are not strictly copies but rather studies in which art history, craftsmanship, literature and theory merge into an emulation of art and nature. They are works in which the artist was looking for what ultimately captivated him the most: man in all of his myriad facets, and the perspectives art afforded to better understand man.

Kristina Mitalaïté, Anca Vasiliu (éds)

Amélie Bernazzani (éd.)

L'icône dans la pensée et dans l'art

Les enfants de Caïn : les représentations du criminel en France et en Italie, de la Renaissance au début du XXe siècle

Constitutions, contestations, réinventions de la notion d'image divine en contexte chrétien approx. 550 p., 67 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56983-3, approx. € 95 Série: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 10 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Les études ici réunies ne sont pas focalisées sur le seul dossier théorique de l’image fourni par les crises iconoclastes byzantines et les ripostes latines. Focalisées sur trois moments historiques du christianisme, elles cherchent à saisir les différents enjeux théologiques, politiques et artistiques de la notion d’image divine. Dans ses deux premières parties, le volume propose un croisement et un affrontement des perspectives grecque, puis byzantine, et latine romaine, puis carolingienne sur le monde visible et l’image. La troisième partie refléchit sur les modalités par lesquelles le monde slave, prend à son compte les fonctions religieuses et politiques assignées à l’image sous l’appellation d’icône, en en faisant l’un de ses principaux repères identitaires. La relation mutuelle entre théologie et image, que celle-ci soit visuelle ou purement noétique, est au cœur de cet ouvrage.

approx. 250 p., 77 b/w ills, 150 x 235 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56931-4, approx. € 85 Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 20 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Jephonias, Damiens, Caravage, Lantier, Troppman, réels ou imaginaires, connus ou anonymes, les criminels son présents dans un éventail extraordinaire d’images et de textes qui tentent à leur manière de dresser leur portrait moral et physique. Mais, ces représentations du criminel, où se conjuguent peinture, dessin, gravure, photographie, descriptions littéraires, journalistiques, médicales ou judiciaires laissent-elles entrevoir un visage spécifique du crime – un « criminel né » – qui serait facilement reconnaissable grâce à un ou plusieurs signes distinctifs, telle la marque apposée par Dieu sur le front de Caïn ? Fruit des réflexions menées lors d’un colloque international tenu à l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis en 2015, cet ouvrage pose quelques jalons de réponse en croisant les approches d'historiens de l’art, d'historiens, de juristes, d'anatomistes ou de spécialistes de la littérature dans une période chronologique volontairement étendue allant du début du XVe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Table des matières : voir site


In the 17th century, Jusepe Ribera, Guercino, Stefano della Bella, Abraham Bloemaert and Peter Paul Rubens all created printed drawing lessons dedicated to the practice and theory of drawing. These artists composed wordless compositions on a page of eyes, ears, hands, mouths and noses, configurations that were ostensibly meant to teach the practice of drawing. Yet as this book argues, these were not only pedagogical treatises on practice but also theoretical works on draftsmanship made by the most influential European draftsmen. This book is the first theoretical consideration of these major works. Reading these treatises in the context of an early modern intellectual history of the senses, this book examines how artists visually theorized the process of producing knowledge through making lines on a page. Beginning with the pedagogical treatises of Albrecht Dürer and progressing through the pedagogical writings, drawings, and printed drawing books of early-modern draftsmen, this book traces a history of the senses and drawing, demonstrating how shifting concepts of the body, divinity and god changed the processes by which artists conceived of drawing the world, themselves and others. Reminder

Maryan-W. Ainsworth (ed.)

Workshop Practice in Early Netherlandish Painting: Case Studies from Van Eyck through Gossart approx. 280 p., 60 b/w ills, 85 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56668-9, approx. € 100 Series: Me Fecit, vol. 10 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Recent technical examinations of Early Netherlandish art have propelled in-depth studies of key works far beyond traditional connoisseurship methods. Ingenious new applications, as well as a prodigious amount of comparative technical documentation, have changed our views of standard workshop practices, including issues of materials and techniques, and details about the precise nature of collaboration. The studies presented in this book illustrate the variety of approaches and findings in what can be called the new connoisseurship. Here the reader will find alternative methods of evaluating Jan van Eyck’s Saint Barbara and Ghent Altarpiece, Dirk Bouts’s canvas paintings, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen’s Berlin Sketchbook, etc. Table of Contents: see website

ART & ARCHITECTURE Pascale Fraiture, Paulo Charruadas, Patrice Gautier, Mathieu Piavaux, Philippe Sosnowskaprix (eds)


Mark McDonald

The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. I: Ceremonies, Costumes, Portraits and Genre 3 vols, 1032 p., 1712 b/w ills., 210 x 280 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-78-8, € 220 Series: The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Series C: Prints, vol. 1 Available

Between Carpentry and Joinery Wood Finishing Work in Europe and Medieval and Modern Architecture 270 p., 200 b/w ills, 230 x 290 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-930054-28-5, € 42,45 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Cassiano dal Pozzo’s print collection was unique in its scope and organisation. Some 3,000 prints are known, in nine albums and many loose impressions mainly divided between the British Library and the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. Cassiano (1588–1657) and his younger brother Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo (1606–89) did not commission printmakers to engrave plates (as they did drawings), buying instead what was available from the flourishing printmaking industry of the time. The material they collected was essentially documentary, and they organised the collection by subject matter: costumes, religious processions and ceremonies, tombs and catafalques, the history of St Peter’s, architecture, topography, maps and military engagements,

portraits, social and humorous subjects, and so on. This first part of the catalogue presents ceremonies, costumes, portrait and genre prints. A remarkable proportion of the prints are not to be found in the existing literature, and many constitute additions to the known works of major printmakers. Indeed Cassiano’s collection has been described as ‘so far outside the common range of print collectors both in the seventeenth century and today that a very high proportion of its contents is excessively rare and will only with great difficulty be found elsewhere’. This ground-breaking catalogue will be an essential resource not only for students of prints, but for all those studying European visual culture in the seventeenth century.

Henrietta McBurney, Paula Findlen, Caterina Napoleone, Ian Rolfe, Arthur MacGregor, Arturo Morales-Muñiz, Eufrasia Roselló-Izquierdo, Kathie Way, Wijnands † Onno

Birds, Other Animals and Natural Curiosities 2 vols, 944 p., 28 b/w ills., 428 col. ills., 210 x 280 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-60-3, € 170 Series: The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Series B: Natural History, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for February 2017

From the examination of the historiography of finishing work in wood for architecture from the medieval to modern period, it is clear that this field of research is the poor relative of historical and archaeological studies, with the lion’s share focusing on the structural work of carpentry. It is on the basis of this observation that the present work, which results from a conference held in Brussels in 2013, has been produced. The work demonstrates first the real interest in an approach to finishing work for the study of ancient buildings and the establishment of a precise chronology for their phases of layout as well as in obtaining better understanding of material cultures and ways of living. Second, it reiterates that the limit between carpentry and joinery was often porous, sometimes artificial. Finally, the work stresses that an overall approach to the use of wood is crucial to comprehensively address the organisation of a building, the logic of its construction and its ‘utilisation’, and more generally, the complex history of the buildings studied.

Elizabeth Cropper, Lorenzo Pericolo (ed.)

Carlo Cesare Malvasia’s Felsina Pittrice:Volume II Life of Marcantonio Raimondi and Critical Catalogue of Prints by or after Bolognese Masters

2 vols, approx. 700 p., 850 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-66-5, approx. € 250 Series: Felsina Pittrice: The Lives of the Bolognese Painters, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Count Carlo Cesare Malvasia's Felsina pittrice, or Lives of the Bolognese Painters, is one of the most important sources for the history and criticism of painting in Italy.

This catalogue brings together some of the finest natural history drawings executed for Cassiano, including 251 coloured drawings of fauna, and 63 of gems, marbles, fossils and other natural curiosities. Cassiano had a particular interest in ornithology, and birds are thus the best-represented members of the animal kingdom in this group, with more than 200 drawings of both native and exotic species. Other drawings of fauna catalogued here include mammals, fishes and crustaceans.

Like the bird drawings, many are drawn with painstaking attention to detail and scale, a complete specimen drawn on a reduced scale to fit the sheet, with anatomical details depicted life size. The drawings of mineral specimens and other natural curiosities depict the sort of item commonly found in seventeenth-century collectors’ cabinets: gemstones, bezoars, marbles, corals, ‘Lucifer’ stones, fossils, exotic seeds and beans, as well as scientific instruments.


CLASSICS Anastasia Drandaki

Oren Tal, Zeev Weiss (eds)

Min Seok Shin

Late Antique Metalware. The Production of Copper Alloy Vessels in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries

Expressions of Cult in the Southern Levant in the Greco-Roman Period

The Great Persecution: A Historical Re-Examination

The Benaki Museum Collection and Related Material approx. 350 p., 250 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56941-3, approx. € 85 Series: Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, vol. 36 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The book examines the fourth- to eighth-century copper alloy wares in the Benaki Museum, using them as the basis on which a wider debate about the production, circulation and use of copper vessels in Late Antiquity can be built. It is an attempt at a holistic approach to this rich but as yet little studied material. Apart from the necessary typology and dating, the study also includes systematic discussion of questions regarding the alloys used in the manufacture of the copperwares and the techniques employed in their production and decoration. The study of primary sources provided evidence about the late Roman and Medieval Greek terminology associated with each group of objects, as well as interesting information about the distribution of various types of vessels, the context in which they were used and the value their owners placed on them, while also containing useful references to the coppersmiths themselves. Anastasia Drandaki is the Curator of the Byzantine Collection at the Benaki Museum, Athens.

Manifestations in Text and Material Culture approx. xv + 285 p., 193 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55335-1, approx. € 120 Series: Contextualizing the Sacred, vol. 6 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The arrival of Alexander the Great in the southern Levant ushered in many changes, and the subsequent period saw many more upheavals, including the Roman conquest, the Jewish revolts, and the gradual Christianization of the Holy Land. Throughout this period, many local ‘pagan’, Jewish, and Christian cults and cultic places dotted the local landscape of the southern Levant, which today covers the area of Israel, Jordan, and parts of Lebanon and southern Syria. These cults underwent processes of profound change, but also preserved much of their older identities while still interacting with each other. The 18 articles in this volume seek to present these processes both synchronically and diachronically, along three different axes – cultic places, personnel, and objects. The common denominator shared by these three axes is the people whose beliefs and practices shaped religious behaviour in the Greco-Roman southern Levant.

Table of Contents: see website Table of Contents: see website

approx. 220 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57447-9, approx. € 80 Series: Studia Antiqua Australiensia, vol. 8 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The Great Persecution under Diocletian and his imperial colleagues and successors is a foremost concern of modern scholarship on Roman persecution of Christians. This book is a systematic and comprehensive study of that persecution. Its focus is on events from 284 when Diocletian became emperor, to 313, when full religious liberty was granted to all religions by the so-called Edict of Milan. At least nine imperial orders were issued in 303 to 312 against Christianity. While Diocletian’s orders were more concerned with the privileged upper classes of Christians, Maximinus Daia’s orders were aimed at isolating all Christians from the Roman community. The enforcement of the imperial orders, and the sufferings of Christians under them, are examined on a diocese-by-diocese basis, comparing the situation in the West and in the East. In the late fourth century, Prudentius of Calahorra, poet and imperial official, complained about the loss of records on local martyrs, exclaiming, ‘Alas for what is forgotten and lost to knowledge in the silence of the olden time! We are denied the facts about these matters, the very tradition is destroyed.’ This book draws together the remains of what Prudentius feared was forgotten for ever. Dr. Min Seok Shin teaches church history in the Sydney College of Divinity (Korean School of Theology). He completed his first degree at Kosin University in 2002. At Macquarie University, in Sydney, he gained an MA in Early Christian and Jewish Studies in 2006, and a PhD in Ancient History in 2014. Table of Contents: see website



W. Suerbaum (ed)

F. Heim, K. Sallmann (ed)

R. Herzog (ed)

Des origines à la mort de Sylla

L’âge de transition, 117-284

Restauration et renouveau, 284-374

xlvi + 652 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-51836-7, € 120

758 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2000, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-51013-2, € 55,92

646 p., 160 x 240 mm, 1993, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-50069-0, € 55,92

L’époque traitée est particulièrement intéressante puisqu’elle concerne aussi bien les premiers écrits de la littérature latine, parfois très fragmentaires, que des textes aussi connus et fondamentaux pour notre culture que le sont les comédies de Plaute et de Térence.

À côté de la littérature technique des grammairiens et des antiquaires, on trouve les textes juridiques classiques (Paulus par ex. et Ulpien) qui seront déterminants pour la suite. En complément et en contraste avec les ouvrages techniques, surgit la littérature chrétienne : traduction de la Bible, Actes de martyrs, apologétique (Tertullien, Minucius Felix), théologie (Novatien et Cyprien), poésie (Commodien).

Ce tome 5 est consacré à la période qui va de 284 à 374 ap. J.-C., où l’on rencontre, à côté d’un grand nombre d’auteurs réputés mineurs mais d’un intérêt capital pour l’évolution des genres littéraires comme pour l’histoire, les institutions et la civilisation, des maîtres de premier ordre comme Ausone, Lactance et Hilaire de Poitiers.



Rogério Sousa

Antiquité Tardive 24 (2016, publ 2017)

Le voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : réalités et images 216 x 280 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57157-7 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

3 Images du voyage • Récits de voyage : entre expérience vécue et rhétorique S. Ratti, Le De reditu suo de Rutilius Namatianus : élégie ou voyage vers l’au-delà ? É. Wolff, Sidoine Apollinaire voyageur . V. Zangara, Itinerari di viaggio nella Vita Germani di Costanzo di Lione G. Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, La thématique du voyage et la figure du poète-voyageur dans l’œuvre de Venance Fortunat : entre rhétorique, poétique et construction de soi I. Wood, Columbanus’s journeys • La symbolique du voyage A. Ferrari, La simbologia del viaggio J.-P. Caillet, La représentation figurée du voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : le fort ascendant de la volonté divine Varia

Table de matières Le voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive : réalités et images G. Cantino Wataghin, J.-P. Caillet, Iter facere 1 Comment voyage-t-on ? • Itinéraires et cursus publicus R.J.A. Talbert, Visions of travel and their realization P. Basso, La viabilità tardoantica: riflessioni e problemi aperti S. guédon, Passer la frontière. L’exemple africain L. di Paola, Il cursus publicus in età tardoantica: storia di un servizio di stato tra conservazione e mutamento • Les haltes E. Zanini, I luoghi di sosta: funzioni, spazi, contesti C. Corsi, Sulle vie dell’Impero tra IV e VI secolo. Il ruolo della Chiesa nel sistema tardoantico di mobilità • Les moyens de transpor ts et les aléas du voyage
 A. Cristina, Les équipements spécifiques des chevaux pour la monte et les attelages (ive-viiie siècle) B. Pottier, Les dangers du voyage : banditisme et insécurité sur les routes au iv e siècle et au début du v e siècle S. Gelichi, C. Beltrame, I porti nel mediterraneo tardo-antico.Alcune riflessioni 2 Les protagonistes du voyage, leurs motivations, leurs équipements J. Arce, Imperial journeys in the 4th century: burdens and utilitas publica S. Destephen, La naissance de Constantinople et la fin des voyages impériaux (IVe-Ve siècle) B. Riba, Le voyage des pèlerins chrétiens dans le Proche-Orient Antique au témoignage de l’archéologie (IVe-VIIe siècles)

J.-F. Nardelli, Historia Augusta contra Christianos II. Nouvelles considérations sur la παιδεια païenne et sur l’ambiance antichrétienne dans l’Histoire Auguste R. Laham Cohen, La confusión como estrategia retórica. María y Jesús en b Shabat 104b y b Sanedrín 67a A.P. Encuntra ortega, Estudios sobre la Hamartigenia de Prudencio II: lectura y análisis de su Prefacio A. Lichtenberger, R. Raja, C. Eger, G. Kalaitzoglou, A. Højen Sørensen, A newly excavated private house in Jerash. Reconsidering aspects of continuity and change in material culture from Late Antiquity to the early Islamic period R. Colardelle, Circulation aux abords de Cularo et de Gratianopolis I. Popovicì, Porphyry sculptures from Sirmium D. Vera, Signum dei o signum deae nel panegirico del 313? Costantino, l’imitatio Augusti e l’Italia istituzionale nel IV secolo A.G. Lopez, Christianity and local culture in late antique Egypt U. Roth, Slavery and the Church in Visigothic Spain: the donation and will of Vincent of Huesca A. Kazaryan, The seventh-century six-foil church of Aragats in Armenia: origin of the plan and its role in the archi- tectural development G. Barrett, G. Woudhuysen, Remigius and the ‘Important News’ of Clovis Rewritten Chronique S. Ratti, Jeu de l’allusion dans l’Histoire Auguste ou vide de l’interprétation ? À propos de David Rohrbacher, The Play of Allusion in the Historia Augusta Bulletin critique

Burial Assemblages from Bab el-Gasus in the Geographical Society of Lisbon approx. 320 p., 151 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56575-0, € 89 Series: Monumenta Aegyptiaca, vol. 14 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The objects published in this book belong to the Eighth Lot of antiquities found in Bab el-Gasus, the collective tomb of the priests and priestesses of Amun (Theban necropolis, 21st Dynasty), currently kept at the Geographical Society of Lisbon. In this undisturbed tomb - the largest ever found in Egypt - 153 burial assemblages were uncovered. Combining new conceptual frameworks with epigraphic methods of survey, this catalogue proposes a thorough methodology for the textual description and visual documentation of each object, having in mind the future development of comparative studies with the whole sample of more than 250 coffins and mummy-covers found in the tomb. Rogério Sousa coordinates the Gate of the Priests Project, an international research project based in the University of Coimbra (Center of Classical and Humanistic Studies) involving an international network of institutions. Table of Contents: see website

Nicole Belayche,Yves Lehmann (éd.)

Religions de Rome

Dans le sillage des travaux de R. Schilling approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56933-8, approx. € 75 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 21 Publication prévue pour février 2017

A l'occasion du centième anniversaire de la naissance du Professeur Robert Schilling (1913-2013), ses disciples et ses amis ont organisé un colloque « dans le sillage de [ses] travaux ». Il s'agissait de mettre en lumière l'impulsion décisive que ce grand savant a donnée aux études sur la religion romaine et d'évaluer son apport aux recherches en sciences religieuses de l'Antiquité. En particulier, cette rencontre a induit un retour réflexif sur la méthode et sur les thèmes majeurs de l'enquête de R. Schilling : Vénus et Janus, mais aussi le sacrifice, le calendrier, les Fastes d'Ovide, ou encore la théologie romaine. Nicole Belayche, Professeur à la Vè section de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, occupe la chaire qu' a occupée R. Schilling à l'EPHE. Y. Lehmann, Professeur à l'Université de Strasbourg, occupe celle qu'a occupée R. Schilling à l'UdS. L'un et l'autre sont spécialistes de la religion romaine, ont organisé le colloque et sont les éditeurs des contibutions présentées lors de cette rencontre. Table des matières : voir site


EUROPA HUMANISTICA – RÉPERTOIRES ET INVENTAIRES La collection Répertoires et inventaires constitue le troisième volet de la série Europa Humanistica. Elle propose des volumes définissant des corpus de textes pour mieux comprendre les modalités de la transmission des textes à la Renaissance. Là où la première collection cherchait à rendre compte des parcours et des travaux philologiques des humanistes, cette nouvelle série offre un point de vue centré sur les collections de textes ou les inventaires d’humanistes.

Robert Dittmann, Jiří Just

Biblical Humanism in Bohemia and Moravia in the 16th Century

Swiss reformation movement on the other hand. The volume brings translatological analysis of the works examined, characterization of their Czech language, new findings about the sources for the translation and bio-bibliographical information about the authors of the translations. The breadth and depth of analysis are unprecedented in the scholarship dealing with Czech humanistic translations. Robert Dittmann of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, specializes in the development of Czech. His main interests are biblical translation in the Czech lands, Old Czech glosses in medieval Hebrew manuscripts and Czech onomastics. Jiří Just of Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prag, specializes in the Bohemian and Moravian Reformation in the 16th and the 17th Century and the literary work of the Unitas Fratrum.



RENAISSANCE & EARLY MODERN STUDIES Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.)(2016) Renaissance bourguignonne et Renaissance italienne : modèles, concurrences xxiii + 241 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56593-4

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Table de matières Statuts du Centre européen d’études bourguignonnes (xive-xvie s.) Liste de membres au 1er juillet 2016 Allocution inaugurale, par S.A.S. le Duc d’Aremberg

329 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55181-4, approx. € 85 Series: Europa Humanistica, Répertoires et inventaires, vol. 1 (EH 18)

Rapport d’activités pour 2014-2015, par Jean-Marie Cauchies Hommage au Baron Paternotte de La Vaillée (1923-2014), par S.A.S. le Duc d’Aremberg

Publication scheduled for February 2017

Allocution, par Alain Marchandisse


Jean-Charles Ducène, Les Pays-Bas bourguignons dans les sources orientales

Bohemia and Moravia have an outstanding place in the history of biblical translation. Following the Slavonic tradition of Great Moravia and the interest in biblical translation ignited anew by the Church reform in the 15th century, there appeared in the 16th century a number of new translations of the bible or its parts into Czech. Most of them were printed and survived, others are known to us only due to reports. The present volume traces transmission of the biblical text in the 16th century by Czech translators employing humanistic methods. All the new translations analyzed here turn away, consciously and to a various degree, from the preceding redactions of the Czech biblical text based on the Latin Vulgate. In some cases their methodological approach is recorded in grammars which originated in connection with these translations, other translators reflect on the methodology in prefaces to their biblical prints. Given the confessional situation in Bohemia and Moravia of this period, these translations arose in a non-Catholic milieu of the loosely formed Utraquist confession on the one hand and of the Unity of the Brethren influenced by the



Jacques Paviot, Les « Nouvelles de Levant » à la cour de Bourgogne Gisela Naegle, Pleurer, convaincre et réformer. Défaites militaires, projets de croisade et réformation du monde dans l’espace bourguignon (xive-xve siècles) Jaroslav Svátek, L’idéal du souverain oriental dans le récit de Bertrandon de La Broquère Hilmi Kaçar, A Comparison of Ottoman and Burgundian Narratives on the Battle of Varna (1444) Bertrand Schnerb, Vie et mort d’un combattant de Nicopolis : Enguerrand VII, seigneur de Coucy

A Multidisciplinary Bibliography of the Renaissance and the Early Modern Period (1500-1700). The  International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) is the international reference bibliography of academic publications on the Renaissance and the early modern period. The IBHR is a continuation of the  Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance, coordinated and published by Librairie Droz since 1965. Brepols Publishers acquired the rights to the Bibliography in 2013 and has since been working on updating the content, extending the coverage, and building new software to support the online edition of the Bibliography. Key Features: - Over 343,000 entries searchable - 20,000 references added annually - About 900 journals regularly checked Subscriptions: [email protected]

Ludovic Nys, Jean Van Eyck et Jérusalem Michael Depreter, A la faiçon de Turquie. Philippe le Bon et l’artillerie ottomane : de l’admiration à la désillusion ? Matthieu Marchal, Voyages et conflits militaires au Proche-Orient dans la mise en prose bourguignonne de Florent et Octavien Alexia Lagast, Polémique ou neutralité ? La représentation de Mahomet dans les récits de voyage de Josse de Ghistelles (1481-1485) et de Bernhard von Breydenbach (1483-1484) Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Gilles Docquier, Alain Marchandisse, En tous quartiers ou j’ay esté. Le récit de pèlerinage de Georges Lengherand, mayeur de Mons (1486-1487) : une esquisse Louis Sicking, Alain Servantie, L’origine de la diplomatie impériale à la cour ottomane. Les missions de Corneille de Schepper, ambassadeur habsbourgeois, à Constantinople, 1533-1534


NEAR EASTERN & ORIENTAL STUDIES CORPUS FONTIUM MANICHAEORUM – ANALECTA MANICHAICA Edited by Samuel N.C. Lieu Analecta Manichaica - a new sub-series of the Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum is intended to serve as the cahiers of the Corpus and will publish analytical, synoptic and religio-historical studies on Manichaeism as well as preliminary editions of Manichaean texts in preparation for publication in the main Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum series. Analecta Manichaica will also endeavour to publish proceedings of major international symposia and workshops on Manichaean studies and will serve as a peer-reviewed occasional journal of the International Association of Manichaean Studies.

Yukiyo Kasai, Simone Raschmann, Håkan Wahlquist, Peter Zieme (eds)

Table of Contents Dilâ BARAN TEKIN, Mani and his teachings according to Islamic sources: An introductory study Jason BEDUHN and Greg HODGINS, The date of the Manichaean codices from Medinet Madi, and its significance Adam BENKATO, Incipits and Explicits in Iranian Manichaean texts Fernando BERMEJO RUBIO, Violence and Myth: Some reflections on an aspect of the Manichaean Protology and Eschatology Iris COLDITZ, On the names of ‘Donors’ in Middle Iranian Manichaean texts Jean-Daniel DUBOIS, The Coptic Manichaean Psalm to Jesus (N° 245) Majella FRANZMANN, The Elect Cosmic Body and Manichaeism as an exclusive religion Iain GARDNER, and Leyla RASOULI-NARIMANI, Patīg and Pattikios in the Manichaean sources Matthew GOFF, Wild Cannibals or Repentant Sinners? The value of the Manichaean Book of Giants for understanding the Qumran Book of Giants Zsuzsanna GULASCI, Exploring the relic function of Mani’s Seal Stone in the Biblio-thèque nationale de France Gábor KÓSA, Adamas of Light in the Cosmology Painting Claudia LEURINI,The Messiah in Iranian Manichaean Texts

Samuel N.C. Lieu, Nils Arne Pedersen, Enrico Morano, Erica Hunter (eds)

Manichaeism East and West approx. 200 p., 2 b/w ills, 10 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57457-8, approx. € 90 Series: Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Analecta Manichaica, vol. 1 Publication scheduled for February 2017

This new volume brings the research on many aspects of the texts published in the Corpus up to date and signals new texts to appear in the Corpus. It includes important studies on the scientific dating of the Medinet Madi, codices as well as the newly discovered Manichaean texts in Chinese and Parthian from Xiapu in South China. Professor Samuel N.C. Lieu, FAHA, FRSN is co-director of the Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum project and was until recently Inaugrual Distinguished Professor of Ancient History at Macquarie University. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales.

Samuel LIEU, Manichaeism East and West (Presidential Address) Rea MATSANGOU, Real and Imagined Manichaeans in Greek Patristic anti-Manichaica (4th-6th centuries) Enrico MORANO, Manichaean Sogdian poems Nils Arne PEDERSEN, Observations on the Book of the Giants from Coptic and Syriac Sources Flavia RUANI, John of Dara on Mani: Manichaean Interpretations of Genesis 2:17 in Syriac Jonathan SMITH, Persia, Sun, Fire, Execution, and Mercy: Jean Baudrillard’s postmodern reception of Charles Allberry’s A Manichaean Psalm-Book, Part II (1938) Christos THEODOROU, Heavenly Garment and Christology in Western Manichaean Sources Satoshi TODA, Some Observations on Greek Words in Coptic Manichaean Texts Yutaka YOSHIDA, Middle Iranian Terms in the Xiapu Chinese texts: Four aspects of the Father of Greatness in Parthian

The Old Uyghur Āgama Fragments Preserved in the Sven Hedin Collection, Stockholm approx. 200 p., 32 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57458-5, approx. € 80 Series: Silk Road Studies, vol. 19 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The volume presents a collection of nine articles compiled by a group of scholars specialized in the field of Old Uyghur studies. They present the edition of 16 large scale folios of Old Uyghur Āgama texts preserved in the Sven Hedin Collection, Stockholm. This material, which was never published before, contains the remains of the Old Uyghur translations of four different Āgama Sūtras, namely the Zhong ahanjing, the Za ahanjing, the Bieyi za ahanjing and the Zengyi ahanjing. They belong to the best-preserved written sources of Old Uyghur Buddhist literature. The introduction provides information concerning the provenance, the research history and the very special character of this material. The single articles contain an introduction to the material at hand, the transcription of the text (mostly side by side with the Chinese parallel text), a translation and commentary notes. Often an Old Uyghur-Chinese glossary is added. Colour plates of all folios complete the edition. Table of Contents: see website

Yukiyo Kasai, Hirotoshi Ogihara (eds)

Die altuigurischen Fragmente mit Brāhmī-Elementen approx. 220 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57441-7, approx. € 80 Series: Berliner Turfantexte, vol. 38 Publication scheduled for February 2017

This is a comprehensive edition of the Old Uyghur texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection that contain Brāhmī elements. Amongst the Old Uyghur texts preserved in the Berlin Turfan Collection, a number are written mainly in Uyghur script but combined with elements written in Brāhmī script. Although these texts are of various content, they have in common that they all belong to Buddhist literature.The Brāhmī script was used for several purposes, but mostly to render Buddhist Sanskrit terminology or short Sanskrit sentences. Most of the Old Uyghur texts with Brāhmī elements were written on the verso side of Chinese Buddhist scrolls. Through the identification of the Chinese text on the recto side many smaller fragments could be joined and put together to larger leaves. The dating of the manuscripts is a general problem in the research on Old Uyghur texts. In the texts with Brāhmī elements mostly the cursive variant of the Uyghur script was used, which means that most of them must have been written in the Mongolian period (13th-14th c.).The Old Uyghur texts with Brāhmī elements have never before been investigated systematically. Giving an overview of the contents of the texts, this book is the first complete edition of the Old Uyghur texts with Brāhmī elements. Yukiyo Kasai is a specialist in Turkology and the History of Central Asia. Her research focuses on the edition and interpretation of Old Uyghur Buddhist texts.



Laurent Cesalli, Frédéric Goubier, Alain De Libera (eds)

Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logic approx. 350 p., 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56735-8, approx. € 65 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 82 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Jacqueline Hamesse, José Meirinhos (éd.)

Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, leur utilisation et leur influence chez les auteurs médiévaux État de la question 40 ans après la publication

approx. 300 p., 6 b/w ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56738-9, approx. € 65 Série: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 83 Publication prévue pour février 2017

Is medieval logic formal? And if yes, in what sense? There are striking affinities between medieval and contemporary theories of language. Authors from the two periods share formal ambitions and maintain complex, and at time uneasy, relations with natural language. However, modern scholars became careful not to overlook the specificities of theories developed more than five hundred years apart, in particular with respect to their ‘formal’ character. In 1972, Alfonso Maierù noted that the efforts of medieval logicians to identify logical “structures” in language are formal enough to become objects of scientific consideration. He also stressed that “the language investigated is a historical one, Latin”, so that one can legitimately wonder “to which extent … one is allowed to speak of ‘formal logic’ in the middle ages”. In other words, medieval logic is characterized by a tension between ‘formalist ambitions’ and constraints proper to natural language. Today, our knowledge of the field has considerably expanded, calling for a new assessment of the question.

En 1974, à l'époque de la publication du texte des Auctoritates Aristotelis les chercheurs n'avaient pas encore mesuré l'influence que ce florilège avait pu avoir dans bon nombre d'œuvres médiévales. Le but du Colloque était donc de faire un nouvel état de la question et de montrer à l'aide d'exemples pertinents l'usage qui fut fait des citations contenues dans le recueil par divers auteurs de l'époque. D'autre part, les informations glanées dans les divers exposés illustrent parfaitement des moments de son histoire. Les textes contenus dans le volume ne rendent pas stériles les recherches ultérieures mais proposent diverses voies d'accès à la reconstitution de son élaboration, sans épuiser pour autant le sujet. Certaines communications permettent déjà de constater le succès énorme que connut le recueil, non seulement pendant l'époque scolastique, mais aussi jusqu'à la fin du 17e siècle, ce qui peut paraître étrange à première vue. Les différents articles sont dus à J. Hamesse (LouvainlaNeuve), J.F. Silva (Helsinki), M. Toste (Fribourg), J. Meirinhos (Porto), G. Galle (Leuven), P. De Leemans (Leuven), A. Beccarisi (Lecce), W. Duba (Nijmegen), A. Robiglio (Leuven), Ch. Boyer (Lyon), L. Tromboni (Firenze), P. B. Rossi (Torino), G. Guldentops (Köln), M. J. Muñoz Jiménez (Madrid), L. Bianchi (Vercelli).


Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Table of Contents Enrico Pasani / Paola Rumore – Foreword / Premessa Charles T. Wolfe – The ‘Physiology of the Understanding’ and the ‘Mechanics of the Soul’: Reflections on Some Phantom Philosophical Projects Enrico Pasani – Alles begann mit Tschirnhaus Ursula Goldenbaum – A Materialistic Rationalist? Urban Gottfried Bucher’s Defense of Innate Ideas and Mechanism, Added by his Denial of Free Will

Falk Wunderlich – The "Subtle" Materialism of August Wilhelm Hupel Paolo Pecere – Monadology, Materialism and Newtonian Forces: The Turn in Kant’s Theory of Matter

PHR 4 – K.J. Fleischer, Dionysios von Alexandria, De natura (περὶ φύσεως): Übersetzung, Kommentar und Würdigung


PHR 5 – M. Bonazzi, S. Schorn (eds), Bios Philosophos. Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography

Pasquale Porro – La totalité peut-elle être un attribut divin ? Les questions De totalitate Dei d’Henri de Gand

Download the series leaflet:


ix + 296 p., 170 x 240 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57216-1

Gideon Stiening – Zwischen System und Experiment. Johann Gottlob Krügers Versuch einer Experimental-Seelenlehre


PHR 3 – J. Pià Comella, Une piété de la raison, philosophie et religion dans le stoïcisme impérial

Another 18th-century German Philosophy? Rethinking German Enlightenment

Paola Rumore – In Wolff ’s Footsteps. The Early German Reception of La Mettrie’s L’Homme machine

Table of Contents: see website

PHR 2 – S. Maso, Grasp and Dissent: Cicero and Epicurean Philosophy

QUAESTIO 16 (2016)

Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero – Christian Wolff ’s Philosophy of Medicine: An Early Functional Analysis of Health and Disease

Laurent Cesalli est professeur de philosophie médiévale à l'Université de Genève. Frédéric Goubier est collaborateur scientifique à l'Université de Genève. Alain de Libera est professeur d'histoire de la philosophie médiévale au Collège de France.

PHR 1 – S. Vezzoli, Arcesilao di Pitane: l’origine del Platonismo neoaccademico



Maud Pouradier – Les deux totalités. Naissance et éclipse d’un concept dans le Commentaire des Sentences d’Albert le Grand

Giambattista Formica – Realism Behind the Reduction in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Note Cronache Recensioni


Roberto Illiano (ed.)

DE MUSICAE CULTU Edited by James Grier Music formed a central part of life in the medieval and early modern world, from music for secular entertainment to the aristocratic lyric and music for liturgical ceremonies. This series will make that music accessible both to specialists in musicology and scholars in other disciplines.

The volumes in the series address repertories and texts that are significant to musicology on its own terms, and deal with matters of interest to scholars in liturgy, hagiography, literature and ecclesiastical, social and political history. Main Language: English Additional Languages: Latin Peer review: Single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist.

In the Introduction, Clyde W. Brockett offers full discussion of the sources, the generic limits of the repertory and the modal orientation of the melodies. For the first time, specialists in musicology, liturgy and ecclesiastical history will have the opportunity to consult the broad range of these repertories in a scholarly edition. Professor emeritus in the Department of Music, Christopher Newport University, Clyde W. Brockett made important contributions to the history of early Hispanic chant, the system of the ecclesiastical modes, liturgical drama and the music of Louis Moreau Gottschalk. Table of Contents: see website

Ann Buckley (ed.)

Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context approx. x + 375 p., 15 b/w ills, 7 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53470-1, € 100 Series: Ritus et Artes, vol. 8 Publication scheduled for February 2017

Clyde W. Brockett

The Repertory of Processional Antiphons

Music and the Figurative Arts in the Twentieth Century approx. 300 p., 68 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-57024-2, approx. € 115 Series: Speculum musicae, vol. 29 Publication scheduled for February 2017

The relationship between music and the figurative arts during the twentieth century is encoded in the links that exist between various composers and artists (e.g. Arnold Schönberg and Wassily Kandinsky, Igor Stravinsky and Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bolulez and Paul Klee, etc.).The present volume, which brings together 23 essays by musicologists aims to explore this multifaceted world and will focus on artistic movements and political-sociological phenomena, including musical iconography, associated with totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. Some articles examine Public Art & Pop Art movements in the 1950/60, the relationships between avant-garde artists, composers and repertoires. Finally, several studies are dedicated to the concurrence of musical and artistic aesthetics, and to the personal experiences of contemporary composers like Aldo Clementi, György Ligeti, Paweł Łukaszewski’s or Karleinz Stockhausen. Roberto Illiano is General Secretary of the Centro Studi Opera omnia Luigi Boccherini-Onlus (Lucca) and President of the Italian National Edition of Muzio Clementi’s Complete Works.

approx. 836 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-57452-3, approx. € 125 Series: De musicae cultu, vol. 1 Publication scheduled for February 2017


Cécile Leblanc

Proust écrivain de la musique L'allégresse du compositeur

approx. 600 p., 22 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56636-8, approx. € 100 Série: Le champ proustien, vol. 3

Processions formed an essential part of the presentation of liturgical ceremonies during the Middle Ages. They marked the openings and closings of services and the ritual movement from place to place within the church as the ceremony required that specific actions occur at a specific location. Processions always received musical accompaniment. This edition assembles the processional chants that served as the background to these liturgical movements from repertories that originated across the Latin West primarily during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and presents them in a modern, critical edition with full commentary. It includes representative examples from the Aquitanian, Beneventan, Italian, Spanish, Nonantolan, Roman and northern French repertories, as well as those from German-speaking lands and the Pontificale Romano-Germanicum.

This book discusses on the liturgical music of medieval Ireland by approaching it from a multidisciplinary, European perspective. In so doing, it challenges received notions of an idiosyncratic ‘Celtic Rite’, and of the prevailing view that no manuscripts with music notation have survived from the medieval Irish Church. This is due largely to a preoccupation by earlier scholars with pre-Norman Gaelic culture, to the neglect of wider networks of engagement between Ireland, Britain, and continental Europe. In adopting a more inclusive approach, a different view emerges which demonstrates the diversity and international connectedness of Irish ecclesiastical culture throughout the long Middle Ages, in both musico-liturgical and other respects. The contributors represent a variety of specialisms, including musicology, liturgiology, palaeography, hagiology, theology, church history, Celtic studies, French studies, and Latin. From this rich range of perspectives they investigate the evidence for Irish musical and liturgical practices from the earliest surviving sources with chant texts to later manuscripts with music notation, as well as exploring the far-reaching cultural impact of the Irish church in medieval Europe through case studies of liturgical offices in honour of Irish saints, and of saints traditionally associated with Ireland in different parts of Europe. Table of Contents: see website

Publication prévue pour février 2017 Initialement annoncé comme: Proust et le monde musical

Le savoir musical a joué un rôle majeur dans la rédaction de tous les textes de Marcel Proust, fiction ou critique, et en particulier de la Recherche. Comment a-t-il acquis ces connaissances, où et par quels intermédiaires ? Si les salons mondains ont joué un rôle de laboratoire indéniable, on constate que Proust, à partir de 1912, leur retire presque tout rôle musical de premier plan et en fait des lieux d’apprentissage a contrario où l’on en apprend moins sur la musique que sur des pratiques à refuser. C’est qu’il adopte le point de vue du critique musical déplorant, comme les compositeurs, les conditions d’écoute dans ces lieux où on finance la musique sans l’aimer vraiment. En conférant ensuite à son narrateur un ethos de critique, il renouvelle le roman de l’artiste en adoptant un point de vue extérieur à la création, évite la question de la biographie d’artiste et légitime la mise en mot de la musique, qui semblait l’apanage des professionnels, musicographes et musiciens, par un écrivain. Les pages du roman consacrées à la musique se nourrissent des thèmes favoris de la critique contemporaine, donnant une profonde originalité au travail de l’écrivain. La Recherche peut ainsi être considérée comme le roman du critique musical. Cécile Leblanc est maître de conférences HDR à la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, spécialiste des rapports entre la littérature et la musique et particulièrement de la presse musicale.


SOCIAL & ECONOMIC HISTORY seventeenth and the twentieth centuries. They suggest several conclusions. Specialisation can take place in various forms, ranging from focussing on a single major cash crop to giving preference to a combination of products. This is true both at the level of an individual farm as at a regional level. Specialisation did not always improve the farmers’ standard of living. And it was neither a linear nor an irreversible process. This can be observed in periods of war, but also in recent developments in post-communist countries.

Annie Antoine (ed.)

Agricultural Specialisation and Rural Patterns of Development 304 p., 6 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53228-8, € 62 Series: Rural History in Europe, vol. 12 Available

The chapters of this book draw attention to several factors relevant to processes of specialisation, such as markets, transport, and the natural environment. The contributions deal with regions in 10 countries of Europe, from Sweden to Spain and from England to Bulgaria, and with periods between the

Annie Antoine, professor of modern history at Rennes 2 University (Brittany, France), specialises in the history of rural societies and farming practices. Her latest book is a history of the rural landscape in Western France.

CARTOGRAPHY & THE REPRESENTATION OF SPACE Nathalie Bouloux, Anca Dan, Georges Tolias (éds)

Orbis disciplinae

Liber amicorum Patrick Gautier Dalché 825 p., 48 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56705-1, € 127,35 Publié hors série Publication prévue pour février 2017

L’ouvrage réunit trentesix articles offerts à Patrick Gautier Dalché par ses amis, ses élèves et ses collègues à l’occasion de son départ en retraite. Pour rendre hommage à ses travaux, qui ont renouvelé les recherches sur l’histoire des perceptions et représentations de l’espace, les éditeurs ont souhaité rassembler des contributions qui pour l’essentiel s’inscrivent dans cette même perspective, traitant des représentations spatiales aussi bien textuelles que cartographiques, savantes ou empiriques, dans la longue période que lui-même étudie, allant de l’Antiquité tardive au XVIe siècle.

sainte dans la littérature hébraïque médiévale et moderne – Felicitas Schmieder, Heilsgeographie versus “realistische Darstellung der Welt” auf den Mappae Mundi des Mittelalters? – Marcia Kupfer, The Cosmic Vision of Saint Benedict, e specula and in speculo – Michele Campopiano, Écrire/décrire la Terre sainte: les Franciscains et la représentation des lieux sacrés (début du XIVe-début du XVIe siècle) – Margriet Hoogvliet, Mesurer et recréer les espaces de la Passion dans la France du Moyen Âge tardif – Catherine Delano-Smith, Some Contemporary Manuscrips of Nicholas of Lyra’s Postilla Litteralis (1323-1332): Maps, Plans and Other Illustrations DEUXIÈME PARTIE: IMAGES DU MONDE

Richard Talbert in collaboration with George Bevan and Daryn Lehoux, A Roman Worldview Clarified: Reflectance Transformation Imaging of the “Pillbox” Sundial in Vienna – Didier Marcotte, Orbis triquadrus, monde triparti. Une figure cartographique des Histoires d’Orose. Suivi de « Un diagramme inédit dans les Chrestomathies de Strabon » – Stéphane Lebreton, Cartes et discours géographiques. À propos de l’Expositio totius mundi et gentium – Christiane Deluz, Un «espace heureux». Quelques remarques sur la perception et la représentation de l’espace dans la géographie médiévale occidentale – Francesco Prontera, Materiali di reimpiego: il Caucaso-Tauro nell’iconografia dei mappamondi medievali TROISIÈME PARTIE: LIEUX

Table de matières Avant-propos Publications de Patrick Gautier Dalché PREMIÈRE PARTIE: ESPACES SACRÉS

François Bougard, L’hostie, le monde, le signe de Dieu – Dominique Poirel, Alter mundus: cosmos réel ou cosmos symbolique chez Hugues de Saint-Victor – Barbara Obrist, L’introduction de l’enfer dans la cosmographie médiévale: d’Honorius Augustodunensis à Michel Scot – Jean-Pierre Rothschild, Aperçus sur le monde et la Terre


Jehan Desanges, Métagonion, une expression de la localisation relative? – Corrado Zedda, Raimondo Pinna, Une proposta di riequilibrio storiografico: il ruolo della Sardegna nel contesto mediterraneo dei secoli XI-XIII – Robin Seignobos, L’origine occidentale du Nil dans la géographie latine et arabe avant le XIVe siècle – Marica Milanesi, The Real Ganges. Gerard Mercator an the question of the Borders of India – Paul Fermon, L’idée de «vray pourtraict». Les représentations de la ville de Saint-Omer d’après nature aux XVe-XVIe siècles – Camille Serchuk, Legal Rhetoric and Artistic License in a Map of the Forest of Thelle (1540)


Soichi Sato, «Fugi in Toringia, latita aliquantulum ibi» Pourquoi Childéric Ier s’éxila-t-il en Thuringe? – Natalia Lozovsky, “Unde Sanctus Gallus Egressus Sit” Representation of Space in the Vitae of St Gall – Stefano Pittaluga, Motivi odeporici nelle commedie latine del Medioevo e dell’Umanesimo – Mathieu Arnoux, Famines, blés marocains, marins génois et pirates français à Sandwich (1316-1318) – Christine Gadrat-Ouerfelli, Della chondissione dellindia: Notes sur la première lettre de Jean de Montecorvino – Vasco Resende, La diffusion européenne de l’édition portugaise du Livre de Marco Polo (1502) CINQUIÈME PARTIE: TRANSMISSION

Anca Dan, Les Solutiones ad Chosroem de Priscien de Lydie et les transferts de savoirs pendant l’Antiquité tardive et le Moyen Âge – Jean-Patrice Boudet, Causalité et signification dans le Centiloquium du pseudo-Ptolémée – Iolanda Ventura, Un best-seller farmaceutico medioevale tra produzione di libri e pratiche di lettura: il Circa instans attribuito a «Platearius» – Jean-Charles Ducène, La source cartographie d’ Ibn Sa‘īd al-Maġribī (m. 1286): l’énigmatique Kitāb ǧuġrāfiyā [sic] fī-l-aqālīm al-sab‘a – Nathalie Bouloux, Géographie de la Gaule, géographie du royaume. Notes de lecture d’un érudit normand de la première moitié du XVe siècle, Simon de Plumetot – Alfred Hiatt, Topographies of the Past: The Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy and the Birth of Historical Geography – Angelo Cattaneo, Dal «mappamondo di San Michele» al «mappamondo di Fra Mauro». Scomparsa e ricomparsa di un autore, forme della dimenticanza e percorsi della memoria – Emmanuelle Vagnon, Un portulan illustré de cartes à la Renaissance, le manuscrit français 2794 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France – P. D. A. Harvey, Early Modern Maps in Mirror Image – Georges Tolias, Géographie comparée et mémoire locale au XVIIe siècle Les Parallela geographiae veteris et novae de Philippe Briet Abstracts – Les contributeurs – Illustrations – Index codicum – Index nominum


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C.-G. Conticello (ed.)

C.-G. Conticello,V. Conticello (éds)

La théologie byzantine et sa tradition,Tome I, 1 (VIe-VIIe s.)

La théologie byzantine et sa tradition,Tome II (XIIIe-XIXe s.)

iv + 805 p., 14 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2015, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-51715-5, € 150 Series: Corpus Christianorum. La théologie byzantine

iv + 1029 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2002, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-51061-3, € 150 Series: Corpus Christianorum. La théologie byzantine Limited number of reprints

LA THÉOLOGIE BYZANTINE ET SA TRADITION se propose d’offrir au monde universitaire et au public cultivé une première mise au point d’envergure et un instrument de travail fondamental pour entreprendre des recherches approfondies dans ce domaine. C’est la raison pour laquelle un soin particulier a été accordé à la prosopographie, à la constitution de répertoires complets des œuvres de chaque auteur considéré – cette section constitue l’esquisse d’une Clavis Auctorum Byzantinorum, sur le modèle de la Clavis Patrum Graecorum de M. Geerard et J. Noret –, au repérage des manuscrits pour les œuvres inedites, à l’exhaustivité et à la présentation critique des bibliographies en langues occidentales et orientales, à l’élaboration d’indices détaillés. Pour illustrer l’exposé sur la doctrine des auteurs traités, partie centrale de chaque contribution, l’ouvrage présente également un grand nombre de textes pour la première fois traduits ou edités de façon critique. "These volumes will become indispensable works of reference for all interested in the tradition of Byzantine theology ... The real interest of this volume lies in the immense detail it provides, and it is scarcely possible to do more than mention the wealth of detail in a brief review." A. Louth, in: The Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 55, 2004, p. 392-393)

C. Maranci



THREE CHURCHES OF EARLY MEDIEVAL ARMENIA iv + 281 p., 126 b/w ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54900-2, € 120 Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 8


RUTH A. SOLIE S. Boynton, D. J. Reilly (eds)



AWARD 2016

iv + 451 p., 201 b/w ill. + 54 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55437-2, € 145 Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 9

Winner of the National Association of Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) "Sona Aronian Award" for best Englishlanguage monograph in Armenian studies published in 2015.

Winner of the 2016 “Ruth A. Solie” Award of the American Musicological Society.


This study brings together for the first time scholars of Christian, Is-

his book opens to the reader the world of early medieval Armenia: its sacred landscapes, striking churches, and rich literary and religious traditions. Examination of three sculpted and inscribed monuments, produced during the "global" wars of the seventh century, demonstrates the close engagement of Armenia with Byzantine imperial interests and with contemporary events in the Holy Land. The dramatic context of the military frontier, and the apocalyptic expectations of its contemporaries, shaped a vibrant visual culture with ties to both the Byzantine and Sasanian worlds. The seventh-century monuments of Armenia are important not just as an extraordinary moment of local cultural production; they fill a crucial gap in our knowledge about the medieval traditions of the Christian East at a time from which little survives from Constantinople and the imperial heartland. Vigilant Powers is the first English-language book devoted to the subject. Review

"Frau Maranci ist mit diesem Buch eine beeindruckende Synthese gelungen (...) Zumindest wird die Forschung an dieser Publikation nicht vorbeigehen können." Peter Halfter, in: Armenisch-Deutsche Korrespondenz 170, 2016, 1, p. 55-58

lamic and Jewish art and music to reconstruct the complex intersection between art, architecture and sound in the medieval world. Case studies explore how ambient and programmatic sound, including chant and speech, and its opposite, silence, interacted with objects and the built environment to create the multisensory experiences that characterized medieval life. While sound is probably the most difficult component of the past to reconstruct, it was also the most pervasive, whether planned or unplanned, instrumental or vocal, occasional or ambient. Acoustics were central to the perception of performance; images in liturgical manuscripts were embedded in a context of song and ritual actions; and architecture provided both visual and spatial frameworks for music and sound. Resounding Images brings together specialists in the history of art, architecture, and music to explore the manifold roles of sound in the experience of medieval art. Moving beyond the field of musical iconography, the contributors reconsider the relationship between sound, space and image in the long Middle Ages.

Susan Boynton is Professor of Historical Musicology at Columbia University and specializes in medieval western chant, liturgy and monasticism. Diane Reilly is Associate Professor of Art History at Indiana University, and is a specialist in manuscripts and medieval monastic reform. Review

“This book is a virtuosic collection of sixteen essays, which apply new ways of thinking about listening, performance, and the perception of sonic phenomena in the medieval eastern and western worlds. It embraces a pluralistic interdisciplinary approach that takes performativity and the sensory experience of music (its corporeality and its aurality) as critical interventions in the production of cultural meaning. (...) The book is beautifully presented, thoroughly documented, and points to new directions in the fields of music iconography, art history, and sound studies.” David Bernstein, Chair of the 2016 Solie Award committee

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