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Mar 1, 2018 - Studies in Memory of .... Amsterdam 1764) was a composer and violin · virtuoso. ... influence on the Frenc










Table of Contents Medieval Studies


Language & Literature


Manuscript Studies & Book History


Church History & Religious Studies


Art History


Classics, Ancient Near East & Oriental Studies


Renaissance & Early Modern Studies


Music History


Corpvs Christianorvm


Scope of this catalogue: March 1st 2018 - June 30th, 2018

As a rule, publications already mentioned in previous Forthcoming Titles Catalogues are not repeated.


The Power of Textiles Katherine Wilson

Performing Emotions in Early Europe Philippa Maddern †, Joanne McEwan, Anne M. Scott (eds)

Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary approaches and innovative methodologies, this collection contributes ground-breaking new scholarship in the burgeoning field of emotions studies by examining how medieval and early modern Europeans communicated and ‘performed’ their emotions. It seeks to pay particular attention to cultural understandings of emotion by examining how they were expressed and conveyed in a wide range of historical situations. The contributors investigate the performance and reception of pre-modern emotions in a variety of contexts in literature, art, and music, as well as through various social and religious performances — and in a variety of time periods ranging from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries.

This book explores tapestry in one of the greatest textile producing regions, the Burgundian Dominions, c.13631477. It uses documentary evidence to reconstruct and analyse the production, manufacture, and use of tapestry. By taking an object-centred approach through documentary sources, this book emphasises that the particular characteristics of tapestry shaped the strategies of those who supplied it and the ways it performed and constructed social relations.

Rural Economy and Tribal Society in Islamic Egypt

A Study of al-Nbulus’s ‘Villages of the Fayyum’ Yossef Rapoport

The Villages of the Fayyum is a unique and unparalleled thirteenth-century Arabic tax register of the province of the Fayyum in Middle Egypt. This book utilises quantitative research methods and spatial GIS analysis to provide a rich account of the rural economy of the medieval Fayyum. It also draws on the rich documentary evidence of the Fayyum. It thus offers a radically new perspective on the social and economic history of the medieval Islamic countryside.

approx. 350 p., 11 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-53393-3 Paperback: approx. € 79 Series: Burgundica, vol. 26 In preparation

approx. 315 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57518-6 Hardback: € 80 Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 19 In preparation

Village Community and Conflict in Late Medieval Drenthe

The Villages of the Fayyum

Peter C.M. Hoppenbrouwers

Yossef Rapoport, Ido Shahar (eds)

Village communities were the heart of the medieval countryside. But how did they operate? This book seeks to find some answers to that question by focusing on conflict in village communities of late medieval Drenthe in order to depict a typical peasant society in late medieval Europe. The resulting, comprehensive analysis provides a rigorous interrogation of generalized notions of the pre-industrial rural world, offering a snapshot of a typical peasant society in late medieval Europe.

Richly annotated and with a detailed introduction, this volume offers the first academic edition and translation of a first-hand account of the Egyptian countryside, offering a key insight into the rural economy of medieval Islam. This volume addresses this lacuna in our understanding of medieval Islam by presenting a first-hand account of the Egyptian countryside.

approx. 375 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57539-1 Hardback: € 100 Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 20 In preparation

approx. x + 600 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54277-5 Hardback: € 125 Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 18 In preparation

Table of Contents Ph. Maddern, J. Mcewan & A. M. Scott, Introduction: Performing Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Worlds Part I: Emotional Performativity in Music, Literature and the Visual Arts M. Champion, Emotion, Time and Music at Cambrai Cathedral / E. Cock, ‘Affecting glory from vices’: Negotiating Shame in Prostitution Texts, 1660–1750 / A. M. Scott, Pageant, Spectacle, Dread and Love in Piers Plowman, Brueghel’s Triumph of Death and the Good Samaritan Window of Bourges Cathedral / L. Marshall, Affected Bodies and Bodily Affect: Visualizing Emotion in Renaissance Plague Images Part II: Social Performance L. Diggelmann, The ‘Slime of Vice’ and the ‘Passions of the Mind’: Emotional Histories in the Anglo-Norman World / S. Broomhall & J. Van Gent, Courting Nassau Affections: Performing Love in Orange-Nassau Marriage Negotiations / D. Mackinnon, ‘[D]id ringe at oure parish churche... for joye that the Queene of Skotts ... was beheaded’: Public Performances of Early Modern English Emotions Part III: Religious Performance M. CassidyWelch, Emotion, Place and Memory at the Royal Abbey of St Denis / R. Read, Boosting the Emotional Power of New Liturgy: The Hidden Sides of Things in Giotto’s Crib at Greccio / L. Turnbull, Discursive Affect and Emotional Prescriptiveness: On the ‘Man of Sorrows’ in Fourteenth-Century Italian Painting / S. C. Karant-Nunn, Martin Luther’s Heart Part IV: Recreating Emotional Performance S. Chinna, ‘Laughing at Death’: Emotional Excess in The Duchess of Malfi in Performance approx. 300 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57237-6 Hardback: € 80 Series: Early European Research, vol. 11 In preparation

A Thirteenth-Century Register of Rural, Islamic Egypt




La controverse carolingienne sur la prédestination Histoire, textes, manuscrits. Actes du colloque international de Paris des 11 et 12 octobre 2013 Warren Pezé, Pierre Chambert-Protat, Jeremy Thompson, Jérémy Delmulle (éd.)

La controverse carolingienne sur la double prédestination au paradis et à l’enfer est la plus importante querelle théologique de l’histoire carolingienne. À travers une série de cas d’étude, les contributeurs de ce volume vont au contact de la réalité matérielle de la controverse pour éclairer les structures du débat public : la stratégie littéraire des auteurs, leur travail d’atelier, la participation des simples clercs, le rôle respectif de l’oral et de l’écrit dans les querelles théologiques du haut Moyen Âge. Table des matières: approx. 310 p., 1 b/w ill., 7 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57795-1 Paperback: € 75 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 32 En préparation


Rivaliser, coopérer dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge (500-1100)

Charlemagne : les temps, les espaces, les hommes

Construction et déconstruction d’un règne Rolf Grosse, Michel Sot (éd.)

Ce volume comprend les actes du colloque qui a eu lieu en 2014 à Paris à l’occasion du 1200e anniversaire de la mort de Charlemagne. Les articles ne commémorent pas en Charlemagne le père de l’Europe ni le fondateur d’empire, mais ils situent le demi-siècle de son gouvernement dans un jeu d’échelle spatial et temporel qui fait la part des traditions et des innovations et qui donne une meilleure place aux périphéries et aux laboratoires qu’elles ont pu constituer. Il s’agit de se départir autant que possible du travers historiographique qui consiste, en privilégiant toujours les mêmes sources, à attribuer à l’homme et au règne des initiatives et des réalisations qui participent de temporalités et d’expériences diverses et qui ne naissent pas toutes entre Loire et Rhin. Par une relecture et une déconstruction des sources les plus variées, le règne, la période et les acteurs sont reconsidérés dans toute leur complexité chronologique et spatiale.

Celia López Alcaide, J. Puig Montada, P. Roche Arnas (eds)

Ce livre est centré sur la « coopétition », un concept qui désigne la capacité des acteurs à rivaliser et à coopérer simultanément. Il prend en compte les jeux d’échelle, les relations entre le centre et la périphérie, entre l’ici-bas et l’au-delà, mais aussi la capacité des autorités à développer le consensus et à susciter la confiance sans laquelle on ne peut prendre le risque de coopérer avec un rival. Il embrasse les différents espaces et le temps long. Il éclaire ainsi d’un jour nouveau le jeu de la compétition dans les sociétés du premier Moyen Âge. Table of Contents: approx. 404 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57634-3 Paperback: € 80 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 31 En préparation

Rolf Große, directeur des études médiévales à l’Institut historique allemand (Paris) et professeur d’histoire médiévale à l’université de Heidelberg. Intérêts : histoire politique et ecclésiastique de l’Empire et du royaume de France au Moyen Âge. Michel Sot, professeur émérite d’histoire du haut Moyen Age à l’université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). Intérêts : historiographie, christianisme et culture savante.

Comparing Two Italies

Civic Tradition, Trade Networks, Family Relationships between Italy of Communes and the Kingdom of Sicily

Table des matières:

Assassins des pauvres : telle est l’accusation portée par les évêques carolingiens contre ceux qui s’emparent des biens fonciers des églises au IXe siècle. En s’emparent des biens inaliénables des églises, les « ravisseurs » encourent l’excommunication. Cependant, derrière un discours parfois très dur à l’encontre des spoliateurs se cache une réalité des échanges beaucoup plus complexe. La littérature de combat des clercs carolingiens est ici analysée à la lumière des pratiques foncières de l’époque.

The title recalls a famous book by David Abulafia, The two Italies, Cambridge 1977, about the origins of the so-called “unequal exchange” and “dual economy” between Northern and Southern Italy. This miscellany wants to enlarge interpretative paths not only about trade networks, but about less known sides of interrelations, e.g. the rise of civic tradition, the spread of Mendicant Orders, the circulation of wealth because of family relationships, women, marriage and patrimonial assets.


L’Église et l’inaliénabilité des terres à l’époque carolingienne Gaëlle Calvet

Patrizia Mainoni, Nicola Lorenzo Barile (eds)

approx. 450 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56976-5 Paperback: approx. € 125 Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 7 In preparation

Assassin des pauvres

approx. 592 p., 145 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57797-5 Paperback: € 95 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 34 En préparation

approx. 400 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57793-7 Paperback: € 80 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 30 En préparation


Medieval Thought Experiments

Poetry, Hypothesis, and Experience in the European Middle Ages Philip Knox, Jonathan Morton, Daniel Reeve (eds)

This is an interdisciplinary collection examining the interface of literature and philosophy in the High Middle Ages. The aim is to consider how intellectual problems were approached — if not necessarily resolved — through the kinds of hypothetical enquiry found in poetry and in other texts that employ fictional or imaginative strategies. By reading literary, philosophical, and spiritual texts from England, France, and Italy alongside each other, this collection offers a new interdisciplinary approach to the history of medieval thought. Table of Contents: approx. 300 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57621-3 Hardback: € 80 Series: Disputatio, vol. 31 In preparation

Miracles in Medieval Canonization Processes Structures, Functions, and Methodologies

Christian Krötzl, Sari Katajala-Peltomaa (eds)

This book offers a comprehensive methodological analysis of the structure and functions of medieval miracle collections and canonization processes from the High and Late Middle Ages in Western Christianity, as well as working-tools for reading these sources. By analysing typologies of miracles, stages of composition, as well as rhetorical elements of narrations and depositions, the entertaining, didactic, and judicial aspects of miracle narrations are elucidated while the communal and individual elements are also scrutinized. Table of Contents S. kataJALa-peltoMaa & c. krötzl, Approaching Twelfth– Fifteenth-Century Miracles: Miracle Registers, Collections, and Canonization Processes as Source Material

La noblesse au service du prince

Les Saveuse: un hostel noble de Picardie au temps de l’Etat bourguignon (v. 1380-v. 1490) Bertrand Schnerb

L’encadrement de l’État bourguignon était fortement aristocratique. Ce fut en particulier le cas en Picardie. Mais l’influence bourguignonne n’y était pas exclusive. Cette situation eut un fort impact sur la noblesse picarde, comme l’illustre l’exemple des Saveuse, famille de vieille noblesse de l’Amiénois. Les représentants de cet hostel noble furent contraints d’opérer des choix dans un contexte marqué par la guerre civile d’abord, par l’hostilité entre le roi de France et le duc de Bourgogne ensuite.

approx. 356 p., 14 b/w ills, 12 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55521-8 Paperback: € 83 Série: Burgundica, vol. 27 En préparation

Section I: Inquiring Evidence and Selecting Miracles g. klaniczay, The Inquisition of Miracles in Medieval Canonization Processes l. ackerMan SMoller, Choosing Miracles for Vincent Ferrer l. pellegrini, Testifying to Miracles: A Report on the Canonization Process of Bernardin of Siena

Le baptistère Saint-Jean au sein du groupe épiscopal du Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) Anne-Bénédicte Mérel-Brandenburg (éd.)

Ce volume retrace l’histoire du baptistère Saint-Jean du Puy-en-Velay, depuis la fin du Ve s. jusqu’à nos jours. En 2004 une équipe pluridisciplinaire a entrepris de revoir, grâce à un examen attentif des documents écrits et iconographiques, des vestiges archéologiques et une analyse des maçonneries, l’architecture, le décor et la chronologie du baptistère. L’ouvrage rend compte à travers diverses contributions des résultats de ce programme mettant en évidence l’ancienneté du bâtiment et sa place dans l’ensemble cathédral.

approx. 375 p., 475 b/w ills, 34 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57028-0 Paperback: € 85 Série: Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, vol. 34 En préparation

Section II: Methods of Recording: Proof, Doubt, and Societal Processes a. FröJMark, Telling the Miracle:The Meeting between Pilgrim and Scribe as Reflected in Swedish Miracle Collections C. Krötzl, ‘Miracula post mortem’. On Function, Content, and Typological Changes D. Lett, Des miracles incroyables. Doutes ou intérêt social et politique dans les procès de canonisation des XIIIe–XIVe siècles Section III: Depositions and Convincing Rhetoric J. kuuliala, Proving Misfortune, Proving Sainthood. Reconstructing Physical Impairment in FourteenthCentury Miracle Testimonies S. kataJALa-peltoMaa, Narrative Strategies in the Depositions: Gender, Family, and Devotion J. van Mulder, The Prosaic Supernatural. Representation and function of lay visionary experience in miracle collections from the Low Countries

approx. 325 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57313-7 Hardback: € 85 Series: International Medieval Research, vol. 23 In preparation

Château et pouvoirs

Montfélix, un castrum comtal aux portes d’Épernay Annie Renoux

Deux thématiques majeures structurent l’exposé. La première traite du bâti et de ses caractéristiques morphologiques et fonctionnelles, au sein des espaces qui lui sont dédiés. Intrinsèquement liée à la précédente, la seconde thématique élargit la focale. Elle est centrée sur l’étude des liens entre château et pouvoirs à grande et à petite échelles. Au niveau hexagonal, c’est de la genèse de la principauté « champenoise » dont il est question, et du rôle qu’y joue, à sa modeste échelle, Montfélix du Xe au XIIe siècle.

456 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-84133-879-5 Hardback: € 47.39 Série: Publications du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Médiévales AVAILABLE




The Age of Affirmation Venice, the Adriatic and the Hinterland between the 9th and 10th Centuries

Stefano Gasparri, Sauro Gelichi (eds)

This volume brings together the Proceedings of the seminar held on 29 and 30 October 2015 at the Department of Humanities of Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice. The title of the book, which is the same as the seminar, refers to the “age of consolidation” of Venice, that had been identified by the promoters of the initiative as the 9th and 10th centuries. All the papers in the volume, therefore, consider a Venetian reality as already formed, even in its early days; a reality, or rather a social, economic and political community which, at this moment in time, reinforces its urban aspect, and creates the basis for the growth that will characterize its history after the tenth century.

Text, Transmission, and Transformation in the European Middle Ages, 1000-1500 Carrie Griffin, Emer Purcell (eds)

These essays are concerned primarily with the ways in which European writers, translators, and readers dealt with texts and concepts, and with their movement and exchange across (geographical) boundaries. They present research on Anglophone and Latinate writings, and on other vernaculars, including texts and ideas that are experienced in aural and oral contexts. Texts are examined as responses to wider European culture and several contributions theorize the translation of works into other languages and contexts.

The Legitimation of Political Power in Medieval Thought Celia López Alcaide, J. Puig Montada, P. Roche Arnas (eds)

In 2013, the XIX Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy took place in Alcalá de Henares, where in the Middle Ages the issue of the legitimation of power was at the center of the debate within the Jewish, Christian and Muslim societies. They all shared the common belief in God being the remote or proximate source of legitimation. The volume reflects the results of the colloquium. Many contributions focus on key thinkers such as Marsilius of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, John Quidort of Paris, Giles of Rome, Dante, or William of Ockham.

Table of Contents: approx. 275 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56740-2 Hardback: € 80 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 34 In preparation

approx. 466 p., 170 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58018-0 Paperback: approx. € 50 Série: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 17 En préparation

Outsiders and Forerunners

Crusade Preaching and the Ideal Crusader

Stefano Gasparri is a Full Professor of Medieval History at the University of Ca’ Foscari. Sauro Gelichi is a Full Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Ca’ Foscari. Table of Contents S. Gasparri & S. Gelichi, Introduction / F. Borri, Captains and Pirates: Ninth Century Dalmatia and its Rulers / S. Gioanni, Venise et les missions pontificales vers le ducatus et le regnum de Dalmatie-Croatie (IXe-XIe siecle) / M. Betti, Affari di frontiera. Politica e commercio in Europa centrale tra VII e fine IX secolo / S. Gelichi, M. Ferri & C. Moine, Venezia e la laguna tra IX e X secolo: strutture materiali, insediamenti, economie / C. Beltrame, On the Origin of Ship Construction in Venice / A. Pazienza, Venice beyond Venice. Commercial Agreements and Pacta from the Origins to Pietro II Orseolo / CH. Provesi, Il conflitto tra Coloprini e Morosini: una storia di fiumi, di terre e di persone / F. Veronese, In Venetiarum partibus reliquias adportatas. Reichenau e la costruzione di una rappresentazione agiografica delle Venetiae (IXX secolo) / V. West-Harling, Personal Names and Saints’ Cults in Venice, the Adriatic and the entroterra in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries / S. Riccioni, I mosaici altomedievali di Venezia e il monastero di S. Ilario. Orditi ‘venetico-carolingi’ di una koinè alto Adriatica / F. De Rubeis, Scrittura longobarda, bizantina o carolingia? Retaggi, modelli e imitazioni tra Ravenna, Venezia e l’Istria nei secoli VIII-X / A. Molinari, La Sicilia e le trasformazioni delle reti di scambio mediterranee. Secoli IX-X 400 p., 48 b/w ills, 22 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57925-2 Paperback: € 75 Series: Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, vol. 8 Available


Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy

Catherine König - Pralong, Mario Meliadò, Zornitsa Radeva (eds)

This book focuses on the emergence and development of philosophical historiography as a university discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries. Each contribution deals with the creative reception of a particular medieval philosopher in modern history of philosophy from the 17th century onward. These ‘medieval’ thinkers belong to four historical worlds: the (Jewish-)Arabic world, Latin scholasticism, medieval lay philosophy, and Humanism in a broader sense.

Miikka Tamminen

This book explores the creation of the ideal crusader in thirteenth-century society. It presents, for the first time, a study of the crusade model sermons of the thirteenth century as a corpus in its entirety. How were the crusades promoted? How was crusading ideology disseminated throughout Christendom by experienced crusade preachers? What were the characteristics of the ideal crusader?

Table of Contents: approx. 330 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57912-2 Hardback: approx. € 105 Series: Lectio, vol. 5 In preparation

approx. 400 p., 9 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57725-8 Hardback: € 95 Series: Sermo, vol. 14 In preparation


Proceedings of the 5 European Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (Porto, 25th to 29th June 2013) th

José Meirinhos, Celia López, João Rebalde (eds)

Fascination with secrets traverses the Middle Ages. A secret is shared by few and coveted by many, requiring a lot of those who have to keep it, or those who want to disclose it. A secret is power, hence the eagerness to discover it. But as curiosity can lead to the abyss and punishment, discovering secrets also requires prudence and caution. The relationship between secret and discovery expresses itself in the Middle Ages, as in all times, through many other dynamic dualities: mystery and revelation, arcane and evidence, unknown and sought, ignorance and knowledge, esoteric and exoteric, private message and edict, hidden and manifest, conspiracy and complaint. The secret is in the nature, which does everything to hide itself, while he reveals itself in many ways, but only to those who know how to interpret it. So in the Middle Ages there are sciences for all secrets: of God, of elements and things, of the stars, of physiognomy, of women, of happiness, of the delights of paradise, of relics, of holiness, of the inner life, of sin, of power, of distant peoples and lost places, and of countless other things. The secret is itself a big secret. The secret is everywhere, in the narratives of search and discovery, in public or private action, in sciences, in books or encyclopedias. One of the most popular medieval texts, the Secretum secretorum, which collects the secrets of health, politics, nature, astrology, magic, alchemy, becomes a model for the many of the literary works composed to uncover secrets, that thus, paradoxically, cease to be. The secret holds dangerous and valuable knowledge ranging from counterfeiting, to the illusions of the imagination, or the triumph of reason and wisdom. The secret and its avatars were a silent yet strong driving force in almost all aspects of the Middle Ages. This volume includes the Proceedings of the 5th FIDEM’s Congress (Porto, 25th-29th June 2013) “Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages”, discussing their presence and importance in the imagination, culture, thinking, sciences, politics, religion, and life, from the beginning of the 6th to the end of the 15th century. Table of Contents:

xv + 489 p., 10 b/w ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57745-6 Paperback: € 65 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 90 Available

Mosheh b. Shabtai, a Jewish Reader of the ‘Book of Causes’ and an Opponent to Kabbala (Italy, ca. 1340) Jean-Pierre Rothschild

Il s’agit d’un auteur inconnu et inédit, rare témoin de la rencontre de l’aristotélisme et du néoplatonisme, des sources juives et chrétiennes, dans la philosophie juive en Italie. Le Livre des causes lui fournit le support d’une méditation intense de l’omniprésence de la causalité divine dans le monde créé. Ces textes sont édités pour la première fois, introduits, traduits et annotés.

approx. 375 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57614-5 Hardback: € 100 Série: Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle Ages, vol. 2 En préparation


Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages

Moïse b. Sabbataï, lecteur juif du ‘Livre des causes’ et adversaire de la kabbale, en Italie, vers 1340

CONVIVIUM SUPPLEMENTUM Convivium Supplementum takes a widely expansive view and encompasses scholarship in many disciplines. Starting with art history, it extends into the allied fields of anthropology, archeology, historiography, literature, liturgy, and history. Similarly, the period throughout which it ranges is bounded by the broadest possible definition of the Middle Ages, from the third to the sixteenth century. Published by: Masarykova univerzita, Université de Lausanne, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic General Editor: I. Foletti, H.L. Kessler, K. Benešovská, S. Romano, E. Scirocco Publishing Manager: J. Van der Beke Method of peer review: single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

The European Fortune of the Roman Veronica in the Middle Ages A. Murphy, H. L. Kessler, M. Petoletti, E. Duffy, G. Milanese (eds.)

Table of Contents I. The origins of the fame of the Roman Veronica H. L. Kessler, Introduction: The Literary Warp and Artistic Weft of Veronica’s Cloth – Z. Izydorczyk, The Cura Sanitatis Tiberii a Century after Ernst von Dobschütz – R. Gounelle & C. Urlacher-Becht, Veronica in the Vindicta Salvatoris – B. Windeatt, ‘Vera Icon’? The Variable Veronica of Medieval England – F. Gallo, De sacrosanto sudario Veronicae by Giacomo Grimaldi. Preliminary Investigations – N. Morgan, ‘Veronica’ Images and the Office of the Holy Face in Thirteenth-Century England II. The devotion and cult of the Veronica A. Kumler, Signatis... vultus tui: (Re) impressing the Holy Face before and after the European Cult of the Veronica – R. Rist, Innocent III and the Roman Veronica: Papal pr or Eucharistic Icon? – G. Milanese, Quaesivi vultum tuum. Liturgy, figura and Christ’s Presence – J. Bölling, Face to Face with Christ in Late Medieval Rome. The Veil of Veronica in Papal Liturgy and Ceremony – U. M. Lang, Origins of the Liturgical Veneration of the Roman Veronica III. The promotion of the Veronica cult G. Drossbach, The Roman Hospital of Santo Spirito in Sassia and the Cult of the Vera Icon – K. M. Rudy, Eating the Face of Christ. Philip the Good and his Physical Relationship with Veronicas – É. Doublier, Sui pretiosissimi vultus Imago: Veronica e prassi indulgenziale nel XIII e all’inizio del XIV secolo – M. Sureda I Jubany, From Holy Images to Liturgical Devices. Models, Objects and Rituals around the Veronicae of Christ and Mary in the Crown of Aragon (1300-1550) – C. Di Fruscia, Datum Avenioni. The Avignon Papacy and the Custody of the Veronica IV. The spread of the Veronica cult H. Van Asperen, ‘Où il y a une Veronique attachiée dedens’. Images of the Veronica in Religious Manuscripts, with Special Attention for the Dukes of Burgundy and their Family – M. Petoletti & A. Piacentini, The Veronica of Boniface of Verona – S. Candiani, The Iconography of the Veronica in the Region of Lombardy: 13th–14th Centuries – R. Savigni, The Roman Veronica and the Holy Face of Lucca: Parallelism and Tangents in the Formation of their Respective Traditions – R. Zardoni, E. Bossi & A. Murphy, The Iconography of the Roman Veronica. From the Repertoires of Karl Pearson to Veronica Route

304 p., 5 b/w ill. + 115 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018 ISBN 978-80-210-8779-8 Paperback: € 75 Series: Convivium Supplementum, vol. 2 Available






Medieval Medical Treatises: The Transmission of Language and Practice Table of Contents

Vita di Alessandro con figure secondo il ms. Cracovia, Biblioteca Jagellonica, Ital. Quart. 33 (olim Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, 1222)

Daniel Sävborg, Karen Bek-Pedersen (eds)

The Icelandic sagas have long been famous for their alleged realism, and within this conventional view, references to the supernatural have often been treated as anomalies. Yet, as this volume demonstrates, such elements were in fact an important part of Old Norse literature and tradition, and their study can provide new and intriguing insights into the world-view of the medieval Icelanders. By providing an extensive and interdisciplinary treatment of the supernatural within sagas, the eleven chapters presented here seek to explore the literary and folkloric interface between the natural and the supernatural through a study of previously neglected texts (such as Bergbúa þáttr, Selkollu þáttr, and Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra), as well as examining genres that are sometimes overlooked (including fornaldarsögur and byskupa sögur), law codes, and learned translations. Contributors explore how the supernatural was depicted within saga literature and how it should be understood, question the origins of such material and investigate the parallels between saga motifs and broader folkloric beliefs. In doing so, this volume also raises important questions about the established boundaries between different saga genres and challenges the way these texts have traditionally been approached. Table of Contents D. Sävborg & K. Bek-Pedersen, Introduction – Á. Jakobsson, Bergbúa þáttr, the Story of a Paranormal Encounter – B. Sommer, The Pre-Christian Jól: Not a Cult of the Dead, but the Norse New Year Festival – B. af Klintberg, Scandinavian Folklore Parallels to the Narrative about Selkolla in Guðmundar saga biskups M. Cormack, Saints, Seals and Demons: the Stories of Selkolla – M. Kuldepp, The People, the Bishop and the Beast: Remediation and Reconciliation in Einarr Gilsson’s Selkolluvísur – M. Sigurdsson, Grettir the Strong and Guðmundr the Good – A.Vídalín, Chronicles, Genealogies and Monsters:The Makings of an Icelandic World-View – J. Ragnar Hagland, The Troll and Old Norwegian-Icelandic law – M. Mayburd, Between a Rock and a Soft Place: The Materiality of Old Norse Dwarfs and Paranormal Ecologies in Fornaldarsögur approx. 250 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57531-5 Hardback: approx. € 75 Series: Borders, Boundaries, Landscapes, vol. 1 In preparation

Ambrogio Camozzi Pistoja, Claudia Tardelli Terry (eds)

In questo prezioso esempio della filiera libraria della Firenze tardo-medievale, si trovano le tracce dell’arte figurativa bizantina e giottesca, gli echi dell’antico mondo cavalleresco e i gusti raffinati della committenza cittadina. Al centro del volume, una nuova edizione critica e commentata del testo italiano pubblicata a fronte del testo latino di partenza, e completata dall’analisi linguistica. La presentazione di Corrado Bologna ricostruisce la fortuna del codice, la storia e le linee di sviluppo future degli studi sull’Alessandro medievale italiano. approx. 327 p., 35 b/w ills, 14 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57613-8 Paperback: € 90 Series: Alexander redivivus, vol. 10 In preparation

Philology and the Medical Text - B. De Marco / De la Chirurgia Magna (1363) aux Fleurs de Guidon: Transmission et dissémination du savoir chirurgical en français au 15e siècle - S. Bazin-Tacchella / La Medicina en el Libro De Agricultura de Gabriel Alonso de Herrera - B. M. Gutiérrez Rodilla and M. Q. García / The Medical Interest of Old French Miracle Narratives A. Hunt / Medical Practices and Asian Drugs in the Relaciones of Pedro Teixeira (Antwerp, 1610) - R. M. Loureiro / Les conseils médicaux en langues vulgaires: recherches sur des formes de communication entre patients et praticiens - M. Nicoud / Translation from Latin and French as a Source of New Medical Terms in Late Medieval England - J. Norri / Explorando el cerebro: La transmisión y desarrollo de un sistema médico holístico en los siglos XIII y XIV - F. S. Muñiz / El Monasterio de Guadalupe: un modelo de integración asistencial y docente en el Renacimiento - J. R. V. Villalobos and J. M. C. Bueno / Auf der Suche nach einem Phantom: Dioscorides im Verweissystem naturkundlicher und medizinischer Werke des 13. Jahrhunderts - I. Ventura 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57226-0 Paperback In preparation

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]


Supernatural Encounters in Old Norse Literature and Tradition


Romance Philology 71/2

Le Dit des trois morts et des trois vifs

Éditions, traductions et études des versions médiévales (essai de translatio collective) Claudio Galderisi, Jean-Jacques Vincensini (éd.)

Ce volume offre un tableau à la fois synthétique et analytique de la diffusion du Dit des trois morts et des trois vifs et permettent de mieux comprendre ses variantes et ses typologies. Il a pour ambition d’aborder tous les aspects théoriques et pratiques de la traduction intralinguale et interlinguale d’un texte poétique et d’un motif théologique qui a eu une circulation et une productivité, aussi bien textuelle qu’iconographique, extraordinaires au Moyen Âge : Le Dit des trois morts et des trois vifs.

approx. 200 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57972-6 Paperback: € 65 Série: Bibliothèque de Transmédie, vol. 6 En préparation

Les lettres romanes 71.3-4 Poésie et espaces publics Table of Contents

G. Fabry et S. Vanasten - Poésie et espaces publics. Une introduction / J. Baetens - De la lecture à la performance publique / J. Mayer - « Vous êtes ici » : la parole in situ. À propos d’une performance d’Olivia Rosenthal au cœur d’une installation de Mona Hatoum / F. Jou - Bernard Heidsieck : un poète dans un « espace public-laboratoire » ? / A. Casas - The Real and the Public in Recent Critical Poetry (with a Note on Antonio Méndez Rubio’s Work) / A. M. G. Hernández - Un chemin rimé hors du silence. Les strates sociales à Bogota et la subjectivation de jeunes marginaux par la poésie / J. Cifuentes-Louault - Assemblages poétiques dans l’espace public. Les Quebrantahuesos ou le journal mural de Lihn, Parra et Jodorowsky / M. Di Ció - Contre les murs : la poésie civile de Sergio Raimondi / D. Spieser-Landes - Le « Sentier André Weckmann » : reconquérir le territoire alsacien au travers de l’inscription physique de la parole poétique / M. Freydefont - Poétique de la ville et urbanisme culturaliste au début du XXIe siècle / Propos recueillis par G. Fabry - La poésie et le corps de la ville. Un entretien avec Karelle Ménine Varia Francis Assaf - Errances, vagabondages, marginalisations picaresques au Grand Siècle : l’avatar français... car il y en a bien un / C. Meurée - « L’antisémitisme » d’Émile Verhaeren / C. Lambert - Déterritorialisations de l’ouïe et ritournelle dans « L’écoute » (Échancré) de Jacques Dupin Les Livres Table du tome Septante et un 2017 / Index des noms 293 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57191-1 Paperback En préparation

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]



Librorum studiosus

Miscellanea palaeographica et codicologica Alberto Derolez dicata Lucien Reynhout, Benjamin Victor (éd.)

C’est pour célébrer les soixante années d’une carrière longue et riche, marquée de jalons importants et d’œuvres majeures, que les élèves, collègues et amis d’Albert Derolez publient aujourd’hui un volume de mélanges en hommage à ce maître respecté, honoré de nombreuses distinctions. Les domaines traités sont ceux qui ont occupé la vie du jubilaire et où il a acquis une renommée mondiale.

Greek Manuscript Cataloguing Past, Present, and Future Paola Degni, Paolo Eleuteri, Marilena Maniaci (eds)

This is the first book offering a comprehensive exploration of the state of Greek manuscript cataloguing and its future perspectives, with a specific attention to the most recent methodological achievements and to the growing impact of digital media in the field of Byzantine catalography. Table of Contents

Avec contributions de C. Denoël, B. Bon & K. Nowak, I. Marchesin, L. Nees, S. Esders, A.-O. Poilpré, F. Bougard, H. Reimitz, Y. Christe, S. Shimahara, B. E. Kitzinger, E. Garrison, A. Cohen, C. Voyer, J.-P. Caillet, M.-C. Isaïa, F. Stella, F. Crivello, F. Bougard

P. Degni – P. Eleuteri – M. Maniaci, Preface National enterprises F. Berger, Griechische Handschriften in Deutschland – Z. Melissakis, Cataloguing Greek manuscripts in Greece. Recent progress, current developments, future efforts and the case of the Monastery of Patmos – P.Andrist, Publications et outils récents sur les manuscrits grecs conservés en Suisse – N. Kavrus-Hoffmann, Discovering Hidden Treasures: Cataloguing Greek Manuscripts in the Collections of the United States of America Catalogues of single collections D. Skrekas, The prestige of Manuscripts: from Venetian Crete to Holkham Hall and Beyond: A descriptive online catalogue of the Greek manuscripts from Holkham Hall now in the Bodleian Library – Ch. Wright, An online descriptive catalogue of the Greek manuscripts of Lambeth Palace Library – I. Proietti, I manoscritti greci di Perugia Thematic catalogues D. Bianconi, I Codices Graeci Antiquiores tra scavo e biblioteca. Tradizioni di studio e modelli di descrizione – Silvia Tessari, Per un catalogo dei codici della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana con notazione musicale bizantina – K. Spronk & R. Royé, A New Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Bible in their Liturgical Context – E. Dobrynina, Colophons and running titles: on new terminology in describing Greek manuscripts of the 9th–10th cc. – P. Augustin, Les Codices Chrysostomici Graeci de Paris. Bilan d’étape et propositions d’évolution Reference works and tools A. Binggeli, Le projet Diktyon : mettre en lien les ressources électroniques sur les manuscrits grecs – G. De Gregorio & S. Martinelli Tempesta, Verso un Repertorio dei copisti greci nelle biblioteche d’Italia Projects and open issues L. Ciancio, Internet culturale: cataloghi e collezioni digitali delle biblioteche italiane – E. Sciarra, Problemi della catalogazione elettronica – P. Canart, Sur une récente expérience de catalogage traditionnel The MaGI project P. Degni, P. Eleuteri & M. Maniaci, Greek manuscript cataloguing in Italy and abroad: the reasons of the MaGI project – S. Gentile & D. Speranzi, Antichi cataloghi: gli inventari dei manoscritti greci della biblioteca medicea privata – M. Maniaci, P. Orsini & E. Sciarra, MaGI: the Angelica and Vallicelliana libraries – E. Bianchi & P. Degni, MaGI: the libraries of the Emilia Romagna region – P. Eleuteri, MaGI: the libraries of the Veneto region

336 p., 26 b/w + 96 col. Ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018 ISBN 978-2-503-56767-9 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 47 Paperback: € 85 In preparation

approx. 350 p., 30 b/w ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57824-8 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 48 In preparation

Avec contributions de B. Victor, L. Reynhout, R.G. Babcock, W. Bracke, T. Falmagne, N. Golob, J.P. Gumbert, J.W. Klein, J.H. Marrow, D. Nebbiai, L. Reynhout, R. and M. Rouse, B. Victor, S. Zamponi. approx. 400 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57572-8 Paperback: € 80 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 46 In preparation

Imago libri. Représentations carolingiennes du livre Charlotte Denoël, Anne-Orange Poilpré, Sumi Shimahara (eds)

L’enquête collective envisagée ici dépasse la dimension archétypale du livre pour cerner, à travers une approche pluridisciplinaire combinant l’histoire sociale, culturelle et artistique, la spécificité des représentations carolingiennes et ottoniennes du livre.

Collecting, Organizing and Transmitting Knowledge

Miscellanies in Late Medieval Europe Sabrina Corbellini, Giovanna Murano, Giacomo Signore (eds)

Miscellanies easily form the single largest group of late medieval manuscripts. Often reflecting the individuality and interests of their compilers, they offer a unique insight into the medieval mind. Yet until recently they have merely been studied from the textual and philological point of view. As such, the specific issue of the birth and the specific function of personal miscellanies is still a desideratum. The contributors to the volume have taken on this challenge. Table of Contents S. Corbellini, G. Murano & G. Signor, Note from the Editors – M. Maniaci, Late Medieval Miscellanies, An Introduction – C. Glassner, Miscellanies versus Composite Volumes – S. Bertelli, The Oldest Manuscripts of the Divina Commedia – A. Decaria, Miscellaneous Manuscripts Transmitting Medieval Italian Lyric Poetry – T.Woelki, Manuscript Miscellanies from the Council of Basel – P. Soukop, Anti-Hussite Texts in Miscellaneous Manuscripts – I. Johnson, A Sensibility of the Miscellaneous? The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Usk’s Testament of Love and the Works of Reginal Peacock – G. Dinkova-Bruun, Latin Poetic Anthologies from the Later Middle Ages – P. Cermanova, Prophetic Texts in Bohemian Manuscript Miscellanies – P. Rychterova, A Work in Progress. Czech Lay Theologian Thomas of Stitne and his Delight in Doing Miscellanies – M. Cursi, Leonardo da Vinci: the Books and the Writing – A. Cattaneo, Miscellanies and the Emergency of an Early Modern Literary Genre: The “Miscellanea di Cose Geografiche” by Alessandro Zorzi (Venice, 1501-1540) – G. Signore, Bridging Academic and Monastic Knowledge. The religious Miscellanies of Albert Löffler (1416-1462) – Dolezalova, Reflections on Medieval Miscellanies – K. Rivers, Composition and Carreer: The Manuscript Miscellanies of Johannes Sintram O.F.M (d. 1450) – M. Cré, Miscellaneity and Compiling Strategies in The Chastising of God’s Children and The Holy Boke Gratia Dei – A. Kemper, The Composition of Manuscript Miscellanies within Religious Communities: Between Reform-Minded Piety and Humanist Rethoric – G. Murano, Inspecting Inventories: Miscellanies and Composite Volumes in Pico’s Library

approx. 375 p., 15 b/w ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56970-3 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 49 In preparation





The Annotated Book in the Early Middle Ages

Female Authorship, Patronage, and Translation in Late Medieval France From Christine de Pizan to Louise Labé

Practices of Reading and Writing

Anneliese Pollock Renck

Mariken Teeuwen, Irene van Renswoude (eds)

This new study sheds important light on the development of female authorship in the sixteenth century, through a close analysis of the female patronage and manuscript production leading up to the Renaissance in late medieval France. Various questions, often difficult to answer are approached here via a number of perspectives, namely, the patronage and book ownership of women between the late medieval and early modern periods, and their involvement in the translation of works from Latin to French.

This is the first of two volumes in which medievalists and scientists elucidate the materials and techniques of the production of illuminated manuscripts, the artists’ collaboration and their aesthetic objectves. These 17 papers provide analyses of West European, Byzantine and Islamic manuscripts, Colour and Pigment Studies, Painting Techniques and Workshop Practices, as well as details of the latest scientific techniques and instruments employed for these non-invasive and nondestructive investigations into the delicate manuscripts. Table of Contents:

254 p., 240 col. ill., 220 x 280 mm, 2017 ISBN: 978-1-909400-10-8 Hardback: € 135 Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 1 Available


approx. 275 p., 15 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56921-5 Hardback: € 85 Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 13 In preparation

S. Panayotova, P. Ricciardi (eds)


Annotations in modern books are a phenomenon that often causes disapproval: we are not supposed to draw, doodle, underline, or highlight in our books. In many medieval manuscripts, however, the pages are filled with annotations around the text and in-between the lines. In some cases, a ‘white space’ around the text is even laid out to contain extra text, pricked and ruled for the purpose. Just as footnotes are an approved and standard part of the modern academic book, so the flyleaves, margins, and interlinear spaces of many medieval manuscripts are an invitation to add extra text. This volume focuses on annotation in the early medieval period. In treating manuscripts as mirrors of the medieval minds who created them – reflecting their interests, their choices, their practices – the essays explore a number of key topics. Are there certain genres in which the making of annotations seems to be more appropriate or common than in others? Are there genres in which annotating is ‘not done’? Are there certain monastic centres in which annotating practices flourish, and from which they spread? The volume investigates whether early medieval annotators used specific techniques, perhaps identifiable with their scribal communities or schools. It explores what annotators sought to accomplish with their annotations, and how the techniques of annotating developed over time and per region.

Manuscripts in the Making: Art and Science, 1

The Bar Books: Manuscripts Illuminated for Renaud de Bar, Bishop of Metz (13031316)

The Medieval World at our Fingertips

K. Davenport

C. de Hamel

Renaud de Bar (d. 1316) was the sixty-ninth bishop of Metz. The house of Bar had a distinguished lineage intertwined with most of the important European houses. In the last century, as manuscripts were identified and attributed, realisation has gradually dawned that he commissioned six de luxe manuscripts for his particular use in the course of his rapid rise to the episcopacy. This detailed study gives a novel overview of the man and his books, paying special attention to the heraldry, the calendars, and the marginalia in three appendices.

This book accompanies an exhibit of some thirty diverse illuminated manuscript pages, and in a series of essays on each of the miniatures the reader is taken on a journey from the twelfth to the sixteenth century, from which we can learn not only a great deal about the art of illumination, but also about the monasteries and cathedrals of Europe and such medieval centres as London, Florence, Paris and Nuremberg. Moreover, Christopher de Hamel provide the historical and cultural context that help us to fully understand these special works of art.

approx. 728 p., 254 b/w ill. + 45 col. ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2017 ISBN: 978-2-503-57467-7 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 2 In production

264 p., 1 b/w ill. + 200 col. ill., 220 x 280 mm, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-909400-88-7 Hardback: € 75 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History Available

Table of Contents M. Teeuwen & I. Van Renswoude, Introduction Section I: Scholars and Their Books: Practices and Methods of Annotating Contributions by M.Teeuwen, E. Steinová, G.Vocino, W. Pezé, G. Vignodelli Section II: Textual Scholarship by Means of Annotation Contributions by F. Cinato, M. Schiegg, M. Hellmann, A. Nievergelt, J. Stover, E. Kwakkel, A. Cevolini Section III: Private Study and Classroom Reading Contributions by S. O’Sullivan, S. Ottaviano, A. Grotans, A. Van Els, M. Long, P. Taraskin Section IV: Annotating Orthodox and Heterodox Knowledge Contributions by I. Van Renswoude, L. Cuppo, J. Raaijmakers, P. Chambert-Protat, J. Keskiaho, C. Grifoni, P. Carmassi Epilogue D. Ganz, The Search for Glossed Clauses: An Autobiographical Account of a Corbie Study Detailed table of Contents: xii + 783 p., 41 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56948-2 Hardback: € 140 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 38 In preparation


Manuscript Illuminations from the Collection of Sandra Hindman



Jewish-Christianity and the Origins of Islam F. del Río Sánchez (ed.)

The volume collects the papers of a two-day colloquium held in Washington DC in October 2015 about the question of the influence of Jewish-Christianity on the early Islam. Among all the different theories that currently explore the religious milieu of Late Antiquity to elucidate the origins of the Islamic religion, there are a large group of scholars that come away from the Qur’ān with the impression that Jewish-Christianity must have played a role in its formation, reviving the question of a potential link between Early Islam and the beliefs and practices of those followers of Jesus that maintained or adopted certain Jewish beliefs and practices, either Jews that believed in the messianism and/or the prophecy of Jesus (groups whose existence and nature is still a matter of debate). Many of Qur’ān scholars argue against the Jewish-Christian thesis with strong arguments or simply ignore it. In any case, the question is still subject of passionate debate among specialists. This volume collects the papers of a two-day colloquium held in Washington DC in October 2015 about this question and highlights the vitality of this field of studies. The contributions included here cover a broad range of topics, and they offer new ideas, interpretations and understandings of the question. Table of Contents Foreword G. Dye, Jewish Christianity, the Qurʾān, and Early Islam: Some methodological caveats R. Hoyland, The Jewish and/or Christian Audience of the Qurʾān and the Arabic Bible S. C. Mimouni, Du Verus Propheta Chrétien (Ébionite?) au Sceau des Prophètes musulman F. Del Río, Jewish-Christianity and Islamic Origins. The Transformation of a peripheral religious movement? C. A. Segovia, The Jews and Christians of Pre-Islamic Yemen (Ḥimyar) and the Elusive Matrix of the Qurʾān’s Christology S. Shoemaker, Jewish Christianity, Non-Trinitarianism, and the Beginnings of Islam H. Zellentin, Judaeo-Christian Legal Culture and the Qurʾān: The Case of Ritual Slaughter and the Consumption of Animal Blood

192 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57779-1 Paperback: € 85 Series: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 13 In preparation

Christianisme des origines Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Paul-Hubert Poirier Eric Crégheur, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, Steve Johnston (éds)

À l’occasion du départ à la retraite de Paul-Hubert Poirier de son poste de professeur en patrologie et en histoire de l’Église à la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, collègues, amis et anciens étudiants se sont réunis pour lui rendre hommage. Les vingt-sept contributions recueillies, qui s’illustrent par la variété des thèmes abordés et par leur grande qualité scientifique, témoignent de l’étendu des intérêts de Paul-Hubert Poirier pour les domaines touchant de près ou de loin le christianisme des premiers siècles, des quatre coins de la Méditerranée. Les articles rassemblés intéresseront tant les spécialistes de l’histoire et de la littérature des premiers siècles chrétiens, que ceux du christianisme syriaque, copto-égyptien et éthiopien, de la philosophie antique, du gnosticisme et du manichéisme.

La question de la « sacerdotalisation » dans le judaïsme synagogal, le christianisme et le rabbinisme

Simon Claude Mimouni, Louis Painchaud (éd.)

Le colloque dont les Actes sont ici réunis examine comment les judaïsmes et les christianismes anciens se sont réapproprié le sacerdoce du temple de Jérusalem de manières multiples et contrastées dans la construction de leurs identités plurielles. Table des matières

Detailed table of Contents:

S. C. Mimouni & L. Painchaud, Avant-propos – S. C. Mimouni, Jacques le Juste, frère de Jésus : « grand prêtre » de Jérusalem, image ou réalités ? – B. Barc, Du Temple aux Palais. De Siméon fils d’Onias à Siméon fils de Yoḥai – E. Friedheim, La place de la prêtrise yabnéenne dans le judaïsme rabbinique ou la question du militantisme sacerdotal face au climat insurrectionnel contre Rome – N. S. Cohn, Sacred Space in the Mishnah: From Temple to Synagogue and … City – D. Hamidovic, Les bénédictions des sages tannaïm et la « sacerdotalisation » – P. Piovanneli, « S’il n’y a pas de patriarche, il ne doit pas se lever, même devant le sanhédrin ». L’apothéose du yored merkavah au tournant du Ve siècle de notre ère – E. Lupieri, Jesus, Jerusalem, the Temple: Traces of His Halakhic Teaching in Defense of the Temple – A. & C. Faivre Matthieu 16, 13-20, un texte sous influence sacerdotale ? – L. Painchaud, Temple et sacerdoce dans l’Apocalypse de Jean. Zorobabel et Josué, témoins de Jésus, Messie royal et sacerdotal (Ap 11, 3-14) – P.-H. Poirier, La sacerdotalisation des ministères chrétiens (Ier-IIIe siècles) – E. Crégheur, Sacerdoce et liturgie dans les « Livres de Iéou » (MS Bruce 96) – A. Gagné, Entrer dans le « repos » : de l’accès au temple céleste (Épître aux Hébreux) au retour au lieu du plérôme (Évangile selon Thomas) – C. Gianotto, La figure de Melchisédek entre l’Épître aux Hébreux et le traité NHC IX,1 : la métamorphose du sacrifice – S. Bélanger, L’utilisation de la figure de Melchisédech dans la polémique sacerdotale entre le IIe siècle avant notre ère et le Ier siècle de notre ère – A. Pasquier, Temple et prêtrise chez Clément d’Alexandrie. Questions sur les traditons apocalyptiques en Égypte – E. Thomassen, Temple and Sacerdotal Imagery in Valentinian Gnosticism – D. Côté, Sacrifices et théurgie dans les Homélies pseudo-clémentines – A. Yoshiko Reed, Rethinking Sacrifice in the PseudoClementines Homilies

approx. 476 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57940-5 Paperback: € 100 Série: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 11 En préparation

approx. 453 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57777-7 Paperback: € 100 Série: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 9 En préparation

Table des matières I – LE JUDAÏSME ET LES ORIGINES DU CHRISTIANISME Contributions de S. C. Mimouni, A. Le Boulluec, P. Cardinal, P. Piovanelli II - CHRISTIANISME ÉGYPTIEN Contributions de J.C. Dias Chaves & S. Johnston, L. Dîncă, J.-D. Dubois & G. Roquet, E. Junod III - GNOSE, GNOSTICISME ET NAG HAMMADI Contributions de C. Gianotto, L. Painchaud & M. Kaler, A. Pasquier, T. Rasimus, J. D. Turner IV – HISTOIRE, LITTÉRATURE ET PHILOSOPHIE : DE L’ANTIQUITÉ AU MOYEN ÂGE Contributions de E. Scarvelis Constantinou, L. Brisson, M. Casevitz, D. Côté, E. Crégheur, G. Rioual V - MANICHÉISME Contributions de W.-P. Funk, J.-P. Mahé, T. Pettipiece, M. Scopello VI - LA TRADITION SYRIAQUE ET L’APÔTRE THOMAS Contributions de A. Su-Min Ri, M.Tardieu, E.Thomassen, Y. Tissot




La Bible de 1500 à 1535

Gilbert Dahan, Annie Noblesse-Rocher (éd.)

La période qui s’étend de 1500 à 1535 est d’une fécondité extraordinaire dans l’histoire du texte biblique. L’imprimerie permet la multiplication et la diffusion rapide des livres, l’humanisme favorise la connaissance des langues anciennes, particulièrement de l’hébreu et du grec, la Réforme naissante promeut une culture biblique populaire qui passe par des versions vernaculaires, dont Luther donne l’exemple. Les communications réunies dans ce volume disent toute la richesse de cette période.

Mens immobilis

Recherches sur le corpus latin des actes et des passions d’Afrique romaine (IIe-VIe siècles) Sabine Fialon

L’énigme d’une dynastie sainte et usurpatrice dans le royaume chrétien d’Ethiopie, XIe-XIIIe siècle Marie-Laure Derat

Depuis les travaux de Paul Monceaux, au début du XXe siècle, le corpus hagiographique africain a évolué : il s’est enrichi de la découverte de nouveaux textes, alors que d’autres documents ont dû être écartés. Une nouvelle synthèse complète sur cette littérature était nécessaire, et c’est donc un corpus mieux circonscrit, composé de trente actes et passions racontant le martyre de chrétiens entre le IIe et la fin du Ve siècle, qui est analysé dans cet ouvrage qui apporte une contribution à l’histoire politique et culturelle de l’Afrique du Nord tardo-antique.

La période qui voit le règne de la dynastie Zāgwē dans le royaume d’Éthiopie est mal connue. Cette enquête propose de croiser textes, inscriptions, vestiges archéologiques pour approcher les souverains Zāgwē. Elle expose le dossier des sources contemporaines, puis tente de planter le décor dans lequel une nouvelle lignée royale émerge. En faisant entrer en scène la documentation tardive, l’enquête se clôt sur les constructions historiographiques, en particulier hagiographiques, qui ont permis de faire des rois Zāgwē à la fois des saints et des usurpateurs.

approx. 370 p., 41 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57998-6 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, vol. 181 En préparation

approx. 500 p., 165 x 250 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-85121-292-4 Paperback: approx. € 47.40 Série: Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Antiquité, vol. 203 En préparation

approx. 400 p., 21 b/w ills, 21 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57908-5 Hardback: approx. € 90 Série: Hagiologia, vol. 14 En préparation

Chanoines réguliers et sociétés méridionales

Catholicisme, culture et société aux Temps modernes

Cosmogonies et religion

Table des matières:

L’abbaye de Saint-Ruf et ses prieurés dans le sud-est de la France (XIe-XIVe siècle) Yannick Veyrenche

C’est surtout à partir de l’abbaye de Saint-Ruf d’Avignon qu’est diffusé, dans le Midi de la France et la Catalogne à la fin du XIe siècle, le modèle des chanoines réguliers. La cohésion de la congrégation est sauvegardée par un chapitre général qui règlemente son fonctionnement économique, facilitant probablement un tournant « rentier » dans la gestion des offices et des prieurés à la fin du XIIIe siècle. La permanence de liens entre prieurés et élites locales est confirmée par l’exploitation d’un fichier de 300 chanoines environ. approx. 1000 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55285-9 Hardback: approx. € 150 Série: Bibliotheca Victorina, vol. 25 En préparation


Mélanges offerts à Bernard Dompnier Daniel-Odon Hurel, Bernard Hours, Cécile Davy-Rigaux, Gregory Goudot (éd.)

Aspects particuliers des astres dans les religions de l’Antiquité méditerranéenne René Lebrun, Etienne Van Quickelberghe (éd.)

Pendant plus de quarante années, Bernard Dompnier a scruté la complexité du catholicisme moderne, ouvrant de nombreux chantiers transversaux autour des réguliers, des missions, des dévotions mais aussi de la liturgie et de la musique sacrée. La vingtaine de textes qui constitue ce livre, dont les auteurs sont des collègues et amis, historiens et musicologues, rend ainsi hommage à cette diversité d’approches pour un objet principal: le catholicisme pensé et vécu au coeur de la société d’ancien régime.

Dans cet ouvrage sont rassemblées les contributions de spécialistes présentées lors du colloque organisé à l’Université catholique de Louvain. La thématique abordait des aspects particuliers des astres dans les religions de l’antiquité méditerranéenne et orientale (Iran). De tous temps, la lune, les astres et les phénomènes célestes ont fasciné l’être humain. Les religions de l’Antiquité ont interprété ces éléments de diverses manières. Les régions concernées par les articles de ce volume sont l’Iran, l’Anatolie, la Grêce, ainsi que la Chine.

Table des matières:

Table des matières:

approx. 350 p., 2 b/w ills, 6 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57953-5 Paperback: € 75 Série: Église, liturgie et société dans l’Europe moderne, vol. 6 En préparation

approx. 120 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57957-3 Paperback: € 45 Série: Homo Religiosus, vol. 18 En préparation


Index Religiosus (IR)

International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies Philosopher-Monks, Episcopal Authority, and the Care of the Self The Apophthegmata Patrum in Fifth-Century Palestine Zachary Smith

Zachary B. Smith reads the Apophthegmata Patrum in the philosophical and political contexts of late antique Palestine. He explores how the compiler asserts monastic autonomy from ecclesiastics by incorporating classical and late antique philosophical categories, and by selectively presenting problematic interactions between monks and ecclesiastics.

approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57888-0 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 80 In preparation

The new reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology, Religious Studies and Church History The Index Religiosus endeavours to become the international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology and Religious Studies. It covers publications written in various European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc.) and is the result of collaboration between the Catholic University of Louvain and the KU Leuven, which are both recognized internationally for their excellence in the field of Theology and Religious Studies. The new bibliography begins from the basis of two existing bibliographies: the bibliography of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique and the Elenchus Bibliographicus from the journal Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses.These two tools are internationally recognized as essential working instruments for Theology and Religious Studies. Since January 2014, the printed version of the bibliography of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique and the Elenchus Bibliographicus have been replaced by the Index Religiosus. Key features • Almost 760,000 bibliographic records and 135,000 review references are searchable • More than 20,000 new records every year • Over 1000 journals systematically checked

Victorine Christology

• Multilingual Interface (English, French, Spanish, Italian and German)

Christopher P. Evans (ed.)

• Indexing in English and French

The Canons following the Rule of St Augustine at St Victor in Paris were some of the most influential religious writers of the Middle Ages. The importance of Victorine Christology in this great age of theological speculation is unquestionable. The writings translated in this volume cover the foundational and maturing periods of Victorine Christology during the 1130s to the 1150s when Hugh of St Victor championed the paradigm of the “assumed man” (homo assumptus) and Robert of Melun advanced his Christology into the most comprehensive treatment in the twelfth century.

• Extensive search possibilities (Author, Title, Year of Publication, ISBN / ISSN, Geographic Area, Discipline, Period, Keyword, Person, etc.).

• Ability to create email alerts with notification of new publications • Compatible with OpenURL • DOI links to articles in journals and miscellany volumes • Direct links to the Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, the International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages and the Lexikon des Mittelalters. • Links to Google books

• Ability to query the database from Bible Verses, the Tenets of Canon Law, or the Dead Sea Scrolls • Ability to export records in several formats (Endnote, Microsoft Office Word, Refworks, Zotero, etc.).

approx. 500 p., 152 x 229 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57980-1 Hardback: approx. € 90 Series: Victorine Texts in Translation, vol. 7 In preparation




ART HISTORY LES ÉTUDES DU RILMA Le RILMA est un programme d’histoire de l’art fondé sur une recherche collective, internationale et interdisciplinaire. Le noyau en est constitué par la collection des volumes du Corpus, dans laquelle sont présentés, reproduits dans leur intégralité, et commentés, les cycles d’illustrations des œuvres de la littérature du Moyen Age, tous domaines confondus. Le but est de mettre à la disposition de la communauté scientifique un matériau essentiel, dans une démarche analogue à l’édition critique des textes. Dans une perspective plus large, les Études du RILMA confrontent les enluminures à tous les autres champs de la création artistique, et examinent leur place dans l’histoire culturelle du Moyen Age. La création du RILMA a bénéficié d’un projet de recherche retenu par l’Institut Universitaire de France, dans le cadre de la chaire d’iconographie médiévale

Les modèles dans l’art du Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles) Models in the Art of the Middle Ages (12th-15th Centuries)

Laurence Terrier Aliferis, Denise Borlée (éd.)

Ce volume réunit, pour la première fois sur le sujet, un ensemble de contributions qui abordent les diverses problématiques liées à l’usage des modèles dans la création artistique à l’époque gothique. Les modalités de la circulation des hommes et des œuvres en Occident entre le XIIe et le XVe siècle sont examinées à travers cinq axes : les carnets de modèles, la nature des modèles servant à la transmission (dessins, moulages ou gravures) , la notion d’auctoritas, la sélection des modèles et les interactions entre les différentes techniques (orfèvrerie, sculpture et peinture). Les auteurs se fondent, dans des études de cas très concrètes, sur des exemples précis et variés touchant à différents domaines artistiques et, de la sorte, permettent au lecteur d’appréhender au plus près une telle pratique, souvent pressentie, mais qu’il reste malgré tout assez difficile de saisir au sein de la production artistique médiévale. Table des matières:

Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe

Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe L’iconographie médiévale entre Antiquité et art roman Recueil d’articles de Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx, Brigitte D’Hainaut-Zveny, Alain Dierkens, Constantin Pion (éd.)

Recueil d’articles rédigés par Jacqueline LeclercqMarx tout au long de sa carrière, ce volume est tout à la fois un état de la recherche et un stimulant manuel d’initiation à l’analyse iconographique. S’attachant à cette longue période souvent négligée entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge, l’auteure met en évidence les cohérences et les continuités entre ces deux mondes. Détaillant l’intégration, l’association, l’hybridation ou la paraphrase de formes anciennes comme l’émergence de solutions inédites, elle identifie un ensemble de choix iconographiques qui constituent les images du haut Moyen Âge et gagent de leur pouvoir de conviction. Le merveilleux médiéval, trop longtemps galvaudé, se voit ici réaccrédité, refondé. Les images de sirènes, centaures, minotaures, chevaliers marins et autres monstres, très systématiquement mises “en correspondance” avec un vaste catalogue de textes, recomposent les fondements d’un imaginaire dont, on sait, qu’il fait toujours autant agir que penser. Loin des exposés théoriques parfois arbitraires, ce volume explicite au travers d’une série d’études de cas une méthodologie rigoureuse, prudente et ample qui prévient contre toutes formes de surinterprétation, exhorte à l’établissement de corrélations entre textes et images, souligne la richesse des apports d’une recontextualisation fine et murmure l’irrémédiable instabilité des choses. Ces études qui traitent d’architecture, de sculpture et de peinture, comme de miniatures et d’orfévreries, constituent une stimulante incitation à la recherche, un point de départ ou le programme d’autres études à venir. (bij te weinig plaats kan deze gele paragraaf weggelaten worden)

Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Chipps Smith

Catharine Ingersoll, Jessica Weiss, Alisa Carlson (eds)

The joint ideas of imagery and ingenuity are meant to represent the variety of topics and questions explored by Jeffrey Chipps Smith throughout his career. Topics include the training of artists and the practices of making; the communicative importance of particular subjects, iconographies, and artistic processes; the shifting meanings of objects due to re-use; and the importance of location and tradition in the creation and reception of artworks. Table of Contents: approx. 300 p., 91 b/w ills, 19 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56860-7 Paperback: approx. € 135 Published outside a Series In preparation

Silver Saints: Prayers and Badges in Late Medieval Books Hanneke Van Asperen

Manuscripts and incunabula containing metal badges illustrate how the owners used their books. The depicted badges that only appear in richly illuminated and expensive manuscripts expand the knowledge of these metal objects that have been passed down in small numbers only. The painted motifs that have a more decorative and structuring role in the book fulfilled different functions than the original badges. ‘Silver Saints’ discusses the religious life of lay people in the late Middle Ages and the meaning of badges in books.

Historienne de l’art, docteure en Philosophie et Lettres de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), professeure d’histoire médiévale à l’ULB, membre de l’Académie royale d’archéologie de Belgique et de nombreuses autres sociétés savantes, J. Leclercq-Marx est une spécialiste internationalement connue de l’iconographie du haut Moyen Âge. Table des matières:

approx. 300 p., 100 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57802-6 Paperback: approx. € 100 Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 10 En préparation


approx. 360 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57555-1 Paperback: approx. € 100 Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 9 En préparation

approx. 320 p., 46 b/w ills, 76 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58020-3 Paperback: approx. € 125 Published outside a Series In preparation


Silver-Stained Roundels and Unipartite Panels before the French Revolution Flanders,Vol. 4: Addenda

Cornelis J. Berserik, Joost Caen

This Checklist is the fourth and final volume in a series describing the silver-stained glassroundels and unipartite panels from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, found in public buildings, museums and private collections in the provinces of Flanders. It also includes new information on already documented and sometimes dispersed roundels and unipartite panels. Moreover, it mentions recently discovered collections and related material for the items described in the first three volumes and thus forms an important and indispensable addendum.

L’iconographie du Lancelot-Graal

Catherine Nicolas, Irène Fabry-Tehranchi

Ce manuscrit d’origine messine ou verdunoise, que l’on peut rapprocher sur le plan stylistique des trésors enluminés de Renaut de Bar, présente plus de trois cents miniatures et initiales historiées. C’est un témoin de l’importance du développement de l’illustration des ouvrages de type profane en langue vernaculaire à partir de la fin du XIIe siècle. Il constitue une lecture attentive et remarquable du cycle du Graal et permet d’explorer sous un angle nouveau la mise en place progressive d’une iconographie proprement romanesque à partir des modèles cléricaux.

approx. 400 p., 100 b/w ills, 550 col. ills, 230 x 315 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58023-4 Hardback: approx. € 150 Series: Corpus Vitrearum, Belgium, Checklists, vol. 4 In preparation

approx. 300 p., 350 b/w ills, 48 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58003-6 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, vol. 7 En préparation

L’iconographie du Livre du Cœur d’amour épris de René d’Anjou

Le Voyage pittoresque de la Flandre et du Brabant de Jean-Baptiste Descamps (1769)

Rose-Marie Ferré

Le cycle iconographique quasiment complet du Livre du Cœur d’amour épris est ici envisagé de concert avec le texte, en révèlant ainsi toute sa richesse et sa singularité. Ce volume est consacré à l’une des œuvres majeures de René d’Anjou conservée aujourd’hui dans la Bibliothèque nationale de France. En un songe allégorique qui est aussi quête chevaleresque, le Cœur personnifié veut rejoindre l’aimée. Les enluminures rendent surtout la profonde mélancolie, en cette fin du Moyen Âge, d’un sentiment amoureux qui affronte de multiples épreuves.

approx. 200 p., 70 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018 ISBN 978-2-503-58002-9 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, vol. 6 En préparation

Painting as a Modern Art in Early Renaissance Italy Robert Brennan

What did it mean for art to be “modern” before the period we regard as Modernity today? Concepts of modernity have played a constitutive role in the canon of European art history at least since Giorgio Vasari, who looked back upon Giotto as the founder of “modern art” (arte moderna). The aim of this book is to establish a prehistory of Vasari’s view. Was Vasari merely projecting a sixteenth-century concept of artistic modernity onto the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, or were the artists of that period guided by some notion of modernity as well? Brennan argues that discussions of “modern art” were in fact widespread during Giotto’s time, according to the broad, medieval definition of “art” (ars) that encompassed activities as diverse as arithmetic, poetry, carpentry, music, and preaching. Within this discourse, to make an art “modern” meant setting it on a new foundation in “science” (scientia) and rationalizing it accordingly. By the year 1400, Florentine writers such as Cennino Cennini and Franco Sacchetti were applying these same terms and principles to Giotto. In doing so they shed light not only on the structure of artistic development in the fourteenth century, but also on the way Giotto’s legacy shaped the prerogatives of artists in the early fifteenth – that is, in the generation of Brunelleschi, Donatello, and Masaccio. Robert Brennan earned his Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University in 2016. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut.

Gaëtane Maës

Cette édition du ‘Voyage pittoresque de la Flandre et du Brabant’ (1769) de Jean-Baptiste Descamps permet non seulement de comprendre l’importance de l’ouvrage dans l’émergence du tourisme d’art, mais elle est aussi la première à fournir la localisation actuelle des oeuvres commandées par les églises aux anciens maîtres flamands.

approx. 450 p., 200 b/w ills, 30 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57703-6 Paperback: approx. € 125 Publié hors série En préparation

approx. 250 p., 15 b/w ills, 107 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-912554-00-3 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Renovatio Artium, vol. 3 In preparation





The Complete Content Cameos Derek J. Content

The present catalogue of the largest collection of ancient cameos in private hands, represents forty years of collecting these historical documents in hardstone. The increased number of published cameos has further allowed studies of the relative popularity of particular subjects at certain periods, of development of style and technique, and of the popularity of some gem materials over time. The development of digital photography has enabled gem photographers to show undreamt-of detail, allowing much closer study of tool marks and even individual artists’ hands.

The reference bibliography for academic publications relating to Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization L’Année philologique is published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique. This is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. The bibliography is published in print and online. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume 1 published in 1928. Broad Coverage on a Variety of Subject Areas L’Année philologique covers a wide array of subjects, including Greek and Latin literature and linguistics—which includes early Christian texts and patristics—Greek and Roman history, art, archaeology, philosophy, religion, mythology, music, science, and scholarly subspecialties such as numismatics, papyrology and epigraphy. Abstracts of journal articles are in English, German, Spanish, French or Italian. Books entries often include tables of contents and book review information. An international bibliography

approx. 650 p., 530 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57896-5 Paperback: approx. € 150 Published outside a Series In preparation

L’Année philologique is international in character, not only in terms of the origins of the publications it indexes but also in the diversity of countries where the teams collaborating in its compilation are located (France,Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States). Key features

The Art and Archaeology of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus (1192-1571)

Recent Research and New Discoveries Michalis Olympios, Maria Parani (eds)

1.343.000 entries searchable 14.000 references added annually More than 1,000 journals indexed Records include abstracts for articles, reviews for monographs, list of content for edited volumes

The seventeen essays of this work offer a snapshot of the most recent scholarship on the art, archaeology, and material culture of Cyprus under Latin rule. Established and emerging art historians, archaeologists and other specialists of European medieval art, come together to re-appraise the field in the light of current research, put forward new evidence from fresh archival, archaeological, or archaeometric research, and propose novel interpretations destined to blaze exciting new pathways to future study of this fascinating body of material.

Live links to the Library of Latin Texts and other full text resources (PHI Latin Texts, Perseus and Thesaurus Linguae Graecae)

Table of Contents:

DOI links / links to full text

Several export formats (EndNote, Zotero, RefWorks, Multi-lingual interface A metrics component enables users to examine in detail trends Compatible with OpenURL, facilitating linkage to full text Email Alert Please contact Brepols for a 30-day free trial (institutions only), or a price quotation: [email protected]

approx. 340 p., 217 b/w ills, 30 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57803-3 Hardback: approx. € 110 Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 12 In preparation


Brepols Online Databases


CLASSICS, ANCIENT NEAR EAST & ORIENTAL STUDIES ÉTUDES MÉSOPOTAMIENNES MESOPOTAMIAN STUDIES La création de la nouvelle série EMMS, « Études Mésopotamiennes - Mesopotamian Studies »,est dédiée aux recherches historiques, archéologiques et philologiques sur la Mésopotamie – entendue dans le sens le plus large possible, comme aire culturelle couvrant la plus grande partie de l’Irak, mais aussi des régions de l’Iran, de la Syrie et de la Turquie – sur un arc chronologique allant de la préhistoire au Moyen-Âge.

Arnobe : le combat Contre les païens

Religion, mythologie et polémique au IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Jacqueline Champeaux

Arnobe nous montre, à travers les sept livres d’une apologie que sa mort laissa inachevée, comment la religion ancestrale des Romains et la mythologie empruntée aux Grecs peuvent être détournées de leur fin par une polémique véhémente ou insidieuse, à la limite de la mauvaise foi, pour la plus grande gloire du Dieu des chrétiens. Jacqueline Champeaux est professeur émérite de Langue et littérature latines à l’Université de Paris Sorbonne, administrateur de la Société des Etudes latines et directrice de la Revue des Etudes latines.

Recherches au Kurdistan et en Mésopotamie du Nord

Maria-Grazia Masetti Rouault, Vincent Déroche, Christophe Nicolle (éd.)

Ce volume est destiné à faire connaître des recherches récentes concernant l’histoire, l’archéologie et la culture des sociétés antiques de la Mésopotamie du nord et de l’actuel Kurdistan irakien (KRG), après le renouveau, à partir de 2010, des activités de terrain dans ces régions. Une partie des articles sont issus des communications à un colloque organisé à Paris en 2013 pour faire le point de ces premiers travaux, manifestation à laquelle ont participé les responsables de la Direction des Antiquité du Kurdistan irakien et les directeurs de plusieurs missions archéologiques. D’autres articles donnent des rapports préliminaires de fouilles archéologiques sur des sites de la région, et des études de détail sur du matériel inédit, sur des thèmes connexes, et sur la bibliographie. Le but de ce volume est de donner une idée précise de l’état de la recherche archéologique et historique dans la région et de l’avancement des travaux qui y sont menés par des spécialistes de toutes disciplines. Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault, Directeur d’Etudes à l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sciences Religieuses), directrice de la Mission Archéologique Française à Qasr Shemamok-Kilizu (Kurdistan d’Irak). Vincent Déroche, Directeur de Recherches au CNRS, spécialiste de l’histoire et de la culture de l’Antiquité tardive et de l’empire byzantin. Christophe Nicolle, chercheur au CNRS, Directeur de la Mission Archéologique à Tell Mohammed Diyab (Syrie), Membre de la Mission Archéologique à Bash Tapa (Kurdistan d’Irak). Table des matières: approx. 400 p., 210 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57813-2 Paperback: approx. € 120 Série: Études Mésopotamiennes - Mesopotamian Studies, vol. 1 En préparation

approx. 408 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56953-6 Paperback: € 85 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 23 En préparation

Arcane Interregional. Artefacts

Marc Lebeau, Pierre de Miroschedji (eds)

The second interregional volume of the ARCANE collection gathers fourteen contributions concerning artefacts that were produced from Egypt to Iran and from Thrace to Southern Mesopotamia across the third millennium BCE. These contributions, written by senior scholars and advanced doctoral students, are based primarily on artefacts from secure stratigraphical contexts. They present the most recent and complete update on Near and Middle Eastern artefact production throughout the Early Bronze Age. As an integral component of the ARCANE Programme, the volume provides a careful examination of interregional contacts and allows for a deeper understanding and fine-tuning of the relative chronologies of the entire area. The contributors relied on the methodology and interdisciplinary focus of the ARCANE Programme. As a result, scholars and students will find this volume an essential reference work for the interregional study of the material culture of the ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean world. Table of Contents

Funerary Representations of Palmyrene Women

From the First Century BC to the Third Century AD Signe Krag

M. Lebeau, Foreword D. Bolger, Cypriot Anthropomorphic Figurines R. Dolce & B. Couturaud, Inlays H. Genz, Organic Materials (Bone, Ivory, Shell) G. Gernez, Metal Weapons E. Işikli & R. Greenberg, Andirons L. Peyronel & A. Pruß, Animal Figurines H. Pittman, Dark Soft Stone Objects A. Pruß, Model Vehicles P. Quenet, Semi-Precious Stones S.A. Rosen, Canaanean Blades F. Sakal, Anthropomorphic Figurines K. Sowada, Stone Vessels T. Van De Velde & J. Connan, Bitumen Z. Wygnańska & D.E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Beads

This volume offers a study and catalogue of the funerary portraits of Palmyrene women from the first century BC to the third century AD. It explores both the visual qualities of the portraits themselves, and the complexities of the space in which they were originally situated. This book also situates these portraits in a broader context.Through this approach, the work thus addresses key questions concerning the characteristics of Palmyrene female portraits and what this indicates about the nature of female identity in Roman Palmyra.

approx. 320 p., 423 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56965-9 Paperback: € 100 Series: Studies in Classical Archaeology, vol. 3 In preparation

approx. 400 p., 210 x 295 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54988-0 Paperback: approx. € 120 Series: Arcane Interregional, vol. 2 In preparation





CLASSICS, ANCIENT NEAR EAST & ORIENTAL STUDIES INNER AND CENTRAL ASIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY Inner and Central Asian Art and Archaeology is a new series providing a major forum for discussion and publication of current international research projects and fieldwork concerning the art and archaeology of Central and Inner Asia. Uniquely the series covers the vast regions flanking the ancient Silk Roads from the Iranian world to western China and from the Russian steppes to northwestern India. The series mainly focuses on the pre-Islamic period of art and archaeology of Inner Asia. Related scholarly articles on language and history are also published.

Ostia Antica. Nouvelles études et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cité Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014) Claire De Ruyt, Thomas Morard, Françoise Van Haeperen (éd.)

Ce volume, issu d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu à Rome à l’automne 2014, présente une série de recherches récentes et variées sur le site d’Ostie antique, avec une attention particulière aux investigations et études concernant les quartiers occidentaux de la cité, situés de part et d’autre du decumanus.

How Objects Tell Stories Essays in Honor of Emma C. Bunker

approx. 250 p., 200 b/w ills, 190 x 255 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-90-74461-89-4 Paperback: approx. € 69 Série: Artes, vol. 8 En préparation

approx. 250 p., 100 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58021-0 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Inner and Central Asian Art and Archaeology, vol. 1 In preparation


Latest volume: 10 (2017) Table of Contents:

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Supplément au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs J.-M. Olivier

Complément indispensable au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs de Marcel Richard (Brepols, 1995 ; toujours disponible), cet ouvrage analyse les publications consacrées aux manuscrits grecs au cours de vingt dernières années et signale quelques publications antérieures qui avaient en 1995 échappé à l’auteur. On trouvera en outre dans ce Supplément les références permettant de retrouver les très nombreuses publications signalées dans l’ouvrage publié en 1995 qui ont été mises à la disposition des lecteurs sur internet.

2 vol., approx. 1550 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57720-3 Hardback: € 350 Prepublication Price: € 290 (valid until 30 June 2018) € 240 for subscribers to the Corpus Christianorum In preparation



INTRODUCTION K. M. Linduff & K. S. Rubinson, How Objects Tell Stories: Essays in Honor of Emma C. Bunker I. OBJECTS AND CULTURAL INTERSECTION T. S. Kawami, A Steppe Warrior in Achaemenid Employ? Grave 4.28 at Choga Mish, Khuzistan, Iran – A. L. Juliano, Restructuring Reality: Zoomorphs, from Fantastic to Hybrid – C. Kost, Changed Strategies of Interaction: Exchange Relations on China’s Northern Frontier in Light of the Finds from Xinzhuangtou – J. A. Lerner, All That Glitters… Foreign Jewelry in Chinese Tombs: from Han into Tang – K. M. Linduff, Guardians of the Brave/ Keepers of the Empire: Horses in the Han imaginary – J. Rawson, Gold, an Exotic Material in Early China – K. S. Rubinson, The Authority of Horse-Rider Iconography: Imagery as the Power of the Past (The Eurasian Steppe and Yunnan in the late Millennium BCE) II. OBJECTS, TECHNOLOGY AND CROSSCULTURAL EXCHANGE Chiou-Peng T., Early Copper-base Metals in Western Yunnan – Han R. & Wang D.-N., Study of Tin-enriched Ancient Bronzes from the Northern Grassland of China – S. Miniaev, Xiongnu Bronze Metallurgy in the Trans-Baikal Area – V. C. Pigott, The Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), the Seima-Turbino Horizon and a Possible Eastward Transmission of Tin-Bronze Technology in Later Third and Early Second Millennium BCE Inner Asia

Revue Internationale d’Etudes Orientales et Méditerranéennes – International Journal of Oriental and Mediterranean Studies

Semitica et Classica is led by specialists in Eastern Mediterranean studies, philologists, archaeologists, epigraphists, philosophers, historians and linguists. The journal publishes work related to the interaction between the classical and Oriental worlds from the second millennium B.C.E. to the early centuries of Islam. The cultural area covered by the journal stretches from the western Mediterranean to the Middle East and includes Europe, Africa, and Asia up to and including the Arabian peninsula.

Katheryn M. Linduff, Karen S. Rubinson (eds)

Table of Contents

Semitica et Classica

Judaïsme Ancien Ancient Judaism

Revue internationale d’histoire et de philologie / International Journal of History and Philology

The journal is both historical and philological with the intention of being interdisciplinary. It focuses on literature, archaeology and epigraphy, culture, religion and sociology. It intends to cover the period spanning between the 6th century BCE and the 9 th century CE. The journal is to be a milieu in which to characterize the interactions (relationships, specificities, distinctions, acculturations) between Rabbinic Judaism, Christian Judaism, and Early Islam. Latest volume: 5 (2017) Table of Contents:

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]


Andreas Vesalius and the Fabrica in the Age of Printing

Art, Anatomy, and Printing in the Italian Renaissance Rinaldo Fernando Canalis, Massimo Ciavolella (eds)

This work explores the origins and impact of the most famous book in the history of medical science and a key product of the Italian Renaissance: Andreas Vesalius’s De humanis corporis fabrica (1543), a treatise that within a few years transformed the imperfect art of anatomy into a modern science. The book’s significance within the context of present-day views of its historical value, and the ever increasing fascination it evokes among scholars and collectors alike, are also examined. Table of Contents Introduction – R. F. Canalis & M. Ciavolella Part I. Venice and Venetian Printing The Culture of Venice in the Age of Vesalius and the Aldine Press – K. Bartlett / Aldus Manutius and the World of Venetian Printing – A. M. Nuovo / Aldus Manutius` Unfulfilled Dream: Galen`s Journey from Campo Sant` Agostin to Western Culture – L. Perilli Part II. Paduan Anatomy and the Fabrica ‘Fair Padua’ as a Centre of Renaissance Anatomy – A. Cunningham / Jan Steven Van Calcar, c. 1515 – c. 1546, Vesalius` Illustrator – M. Kornell / Vesalius Methods in the Production of the Fabrica with Emphasis on the Neuroanatomical Books – R. F. Canalis Part III. Anatomy after the Fabrica: Padua and Beyond Gabrielle Fallopia: Vesalius’ Admirer and First Critic – R. F. Canalis / Anatomy in Colour: Hieronimus Fabrici ab Aquapendente and the Tabulae Pictae – R. De Caro / Cut, Copy, and English Anatomy: Thomas Geminus and the Reordering of Vesalius Canonical Body – M. Lo

Towards the Authority of Vesalius

Studies on Medicine and the Human Body from Antiquity to the Renaissance and beyond Erika Gielen, Michèle Goyens (eds)

The authority of Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) in reviving human anatomy is without any doubt a landmark in the history of science. This volume brings together contributions from international scholars working in the field of theology, art history, philosophy, history of science and historical linguistics. Its goal is to contextualize and analyse the complex interaction between dogma and authority on the one hand and empirical progress on the other, both in the development of anatomy and the views on the human body, mainly before Vesalius’s time. approx. 320 p., 9 b/w ills, 4 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57914-6 Hardback: approx. € 105 Series: Lectio, vol. 6 In preparation

Changing Interiors of Village Churches, 1450-1600 Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen

This volume presents a thorough study of the more than a thousand preserved Danish medieval rural parish churches, their interior transformations and the liturgy across the Reformation. It seeks to establish a methodological framework that incorporates the disciplines of archaeology, art history, history, and theology, in order to facilitate an overall understanding of the architectural setting, embracing spatial, material, and artistic elements within the church through liturgy.

approx. x + 681 p., 163 b/w ills, 10 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54295-9 Hardback: approx. € 140 Series: Ritus et Artes, vol. 6 In preparation

Vivre et imprimer dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (des origines à la Réforme) Renaud Adam

Ce volume présente une étude historique et socioéconomique de l’art typographique dans les PaysBas méridionaux à partir de 1473 jusqu’à 1520. Elle a été structurée autour de deux axes. Les regards se sont portés sur le métier d’imprimeur avec des questionnements centrés sur le statut juridique et l’organisation de cette profession, sur le fonctionnement interne d’une imprimerie ainsi que sur la commercialisation des livres et le profil de la clientèle.

Pierre Gassendi, De la phantaisie ou imagination

Syntagma philosophicum, Physique, Section III, Livre 8 Sylvie Taussig

Le présent livre VIII De phantaisia seu imaginatione se trouve dans la Physique du Syntagma, dans la partie qui concerne les êtres vivants ou animés, dont la rédaction se situe entre la moitié de 1644 et la fin de l’année suivante. Le livre trouvant sa place à juste titre dans la Physique, c’est en naturaliste que Gassendi explore son objet : le rationalisme et le biologisme y trouvent une place essentielle.

Part IV. A Twenty-First-Century Perspective Vesal `for what he represents’:Vesaliana in William Osler`s Collections – H. Cazes / `Habent sua Fata Libelli’ – V. Steele / Illuminating the Science of Life – C. Young

approx. 325 p., 70 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57623-7 Hardback: € 100 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 33 In preparation

Ritual and Art across the Danish Reformation

3 vols, approx. 600 p., 150 x 250 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55015-2 Paperback: approx. € 95 Série: Nugæ humanisticæ sub signo Erasmi, vol. 16-17 En préparation

approx. 120 p., 150 x 210 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58022-7 Paperback: approx. € 50 Série: Les styles du savoir, vol. 21 En préparation



Living on a Borderland in the Sixteenth Century Robert Kurelić

The sixteenth century Istrian peninsula was a land divided between two great powers: Venice, a declining and decadent sea power jealously protecting its Adriatic Empire, and Austria in ascendancy with the Habsburg’s firm grasp of the Imperial Crown and the beginnings of hegemony in Central and Eastern Europe. The collision course seemed inevitable and two great wars were fought to determine whether the Serenissima’s maritime supremacy could be broken. This book brings to light the colorful mosaic of frontier life at the very end of the Middle Ages.


approx. 250 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55186-9 Hardback: approx. € 75 Series: Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), vol. 7 En préparation

The Ark of Studies Thomas Harrison Alberto Cevolini (ed.)

The present book is the first critical edition of the manuscript in which Thomas Harrison sketched an extraordinary invention: the Ark of Studies (ca. 1640). The Ark of Studies is the first filing cabinet based on alphabetically arranged removable entries that has been designed for scholarly purposes in the 17th Century. With respect to its structure and function, this filing cabinet may be regarded as the most relevant scholarly machine in the modern age before the invention of the Web.

xiv +142 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017 ISBN 978-2-503-57523-0 Hardback: € 60 Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 102 Available



Daily Life on the Istrian Frontier



QUAESTIO 17 (2017)

Food & History - 14:2-3

Table of Contents I. La réalité (ed. J.-C. Bardout) R. Lefebvre, Aristote : ce qu’il y a et ce dont on parle au vu de Métaphysique Zêta / D. Lefebvre, Energeia et entelekheia chez Théophraste / A.Vasiliu, Penser la réalité / Réalité de la pensée entre l’acte et la puissance (Aristote, Plotin, Marius Victorinus) / L. Lavaud, Deux métaphysiques hors-sujet : la conception plotinienne de l’ousia intelligible (Traité 43 [VI, 2]) et son influence sur saint Augustin / K. Trego, Ce qui se trouve là et ce qui est fait. Le nom de l’être et la réception d’Aristote dans la falsafa / O. Boulnois, L’invention de la réalité / F. Marrone, Ens reale / ens rationis. Le mental et le réel dans le formalisme scotiste du XVIe siècle / J.-C. Bardout, Note sur les significations cartésiennes de la réalité / V. Carraud, Des choses réelles à la réalité des choses / A. Pelletier, The estimation of reality. Variety, change and order of the real according to Leibniz / F. Pépin, L’actualité de l’énergie dans le matérialisme des Lumières / C. Esposito, L’impensé de l’existence : Kant et la scolastique / C. ColliotThélène, Ce que réalité veut dire / D. Pradelle, Réalité effective et ancrage phénoménologique des modalités / E. Cattin, La fin de la réalité / B. Stiegler, Flux et Réalité Une lecture croisée de Nietzsche et Bergson / F. Drapeau Vieira Contim, L’actualité est-elle vraiment indexicale ? / P. Ludwig, Sur quoi les hallucinations portent-elles ? / R. Lehoucq, Physique et réalité II. Esiste una filosofia barocca? / Is there such a thing as “Baroque Philosophy”? Introduzione di Costantino Esposito e Marco Lamann / P. R. Blum, In fugam vacui – Avoiding the Void in Baroque Thought / D. Cellamare, Confessional Science and Organisation of Disciplines: Anatomy, Psychology, and Anthropology Between the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries / S. Di Bella, Un razionalismo barocco? Spunti per una lettura leibniziana / S. R. D’Onofrio, Las enseñanzas acerca del ente de razón según el Padre José de Aguilar, s.j. / O. Gal, Etica barocca. Spinoza e la caduta della ragione / M. L. Pulido, Iluminar las ciencias desde el arte general del saber: la nueva enciclopedia barroca de Sebastián Izquierdo

Social and Political Dimensions of Meals - Fruit (Archeobotany, History and Usage) - Cookbooks Table of Contents Social and political dimensions of meals 1. G. Verhoeven - Dining Out! Food culture and social practices in early modern Antwerp (1585-1795) / 2. M. Bruegel - Le genre du déjeuner. Ouvriers et l’alimentation au travail dans le Paris de la Belle Époque / 3. B. Evans - A Time when the Government ran Restaurants: State-sponsored Dining in Britain during the First World War / 4. I. De Zwarte - Save the Children: Social Self-Organization and Relief in Amsterdam during the Dutch Hunger Winter / 5. G. Bernasconi - Prestations, fatigue et style de vie: Ovomaltine et le travail au bureau en Suisse au début du XXe siècle Fruit (archeobotany, history and usage) 6. C. Pagnoux, S. Coubray, V. Zech-Matterne L’introduction des agrumes en Méditerranée occidentale : données archéobotaniques, iconographiques et littéraires / 7. P. Burger, M.-P. Ruas, L. Bouby & J.-F. Terral - “Approche historique de l’agrobiodiversité du Cerisier (Prunus avium L. / Prunus cerasus L.) en Europe NordOccidentale” /8. M. Ouerfelli - “De la boutique de l’apothicaire à la table du prince : les fruits confits en Méditerranée occidentale au Moyen Âge” Cookbooks 9. W. Asfora Nadler - Collecting and Interpreting Apicius in 15th-century Italy: Manuscript tradition and circulation of culinary/dietary knowledge / 10. B. Sutherland - Cookbooks in Conversation / 11. T. J. Tomasik - Cuisine by the Cut of One’s Trousers: Cookbook Marketing in Early Modern France Book Reviews

III. Varia G. Zuccolin, Two Heads Two Souls? Conjoined Twins in Scholastic Theology / C. Di Martino, Per una genealogia della storia. Lettura eretica dei Saggi eretici sulla filosofia della storia di Jan Patočka / A. Staiti, Ethical Validity and its Ontological Bearer in Heinrich Rickert’s Metaethics IV. Reviews / Recensioni

170 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57893-4 Paperback In preparation

170 x 244 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56619-1 Paperback In preparation

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]





Hearing the City in Early Modern Europe

Chants du diable, chants du peuple

Hearing the City is a major new contribution to the field of urban musicology in the early modern period with twenty-one essays by leading figures in the field. The urban soundscape is studied from a range of different interdisciplinary perspectives, and its scope is broad, from the major role of city minstrels in fifteenth-century Viennese urban identity to the civic problems presented by the location of opera houses in Enlightenment Naples.

John Haines

Tess Knighton, Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita (eds)

approx. 426 p., 65 b/w ills, 190 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57959-7 Special: approx. € 100 Series: Epitome musical En préparation

French Renaissance Music and Beyond Studies in Memory of Frank Dobbins

MUSICALIA ANTIQUITATIS & MEDII AEVI Art libéral essentiel au Moyen Âge, la musique est au carrefour de la pensée et des cultures. Outre son enracinement dans la philologie et les sciences historiques, la musicologie, née au XVIIIe s. développe une pluridisciplinarité dans les sciences historiques et la médiévistique, ici cadrée dans une temporalité qui inclut l’Antiquité gréco-romaine et orientale, contexte préalable essentiel au très long Moyen Âge. Grâce à ses dimensions artistiques et aux pratiques musicales contemporaines, les musiques médiévales, à l’instar du théâtre, de la poésie ou de la danse, font aussi du corpus des textes comme des sources écrites, un patrimoine culturel vivant.

Voyage en musique dans le Moyen Âge

Ce livre est une invitation au voyage dans le temps, un voyage en musique dans le Moyen Âge. Comme le chant médiéval semble loin ! Ce voyage, forcément, il nous faut le commencer là où nous sommes, assaillis par le vacarme des temps modernes. Si tu écoutes bien, lecteur, tu entendras l’immense symphonie céleste et tous les chants populaires qui en découlent : chants de guérison, chants de divination, chants transformateurs–chants dont l’écho nous parvient dans ces condamnations ecclésiastiques qui nomment toutes ces musiques du peuple « les chants du diable ». approx. 100 p., 125 x 195 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57962-7 Paperback: approx. € 40 Série: Epitome musical En préparation

Émergences du Chant Grégorien

Les strates de la branche Neustroinsulaire (687-930) Jean-François Goudesenne

Soucieux de réconcilier l’érudition « grégorienne » avec les travaux des liturgistes et des philologues, Jean-François Goudesenne scrute dans la genèse du chant « grégorien », l’hypothèse d’une première phase franco-insulaire, enracinée dans l’ancienne Neustrie mérovingienne, vivifiée par les apports monastiques irlandais puis en lien avec des foyers carolingiens piémontais et lombards. Une hypothèse qui permet de reconstruire une genèse d’un grégorien décliné au pluriel, en lien avec d’autres branches. Depuis 1999, Jean-François Goudesenne est chargé de recherche à la section de musicologie de l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (CNRS), fondée en Orléans par Michel Huglo en 1979. Il se spécialise dans le domaine des chants liturgiques latins de l’époque carolingienne.

Marie-Alexis Colin (ed.)

34 studies as a tribute to the late Frank Dobbins (1943-2012), distinguished scholar of the French chanson in early modern Europe. The book is built around studies of music in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, together with contributions about music composed between the second half of the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries; these reflect both the wide-ranging variety of Frank’s interests, and the range of his friendships. approx. 350 p., 227 b/w ills, 190 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57960-3 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Epitome musical En préparation

2 vols, approx. 700 p., 44 b/w ills, 42 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57978-8 Paperback: price to be determined Série: Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi, vol. 1 En préparation





MUSIC HISTORY CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS The Contemporary Composers Series focuses both on living composers and those who left their mark on the 20th century, leaving a significant legacy to the history of contemporary music. By studying their lives, their writings, and their musical output as well as its reception, the series aims to extend the scope of research with the express purpose of investigating not only the so-called contemporary “classical” composers, but also those who worked in the emerging musical genres of the 20th and 21th century: Jazz, Film Music, Popular Music, etc. The series will encompass monographs and miscellaneous volumes on select individuals, with a particular focus on their relationships to the environment in which they lived and worked.

John Williams

Pietro Antonio Locatelli

A Modern Artist in the Baroque Era Fulvia Morabito, Warwick Lister

Pietro Antonio Locatelli (Bergamo 1693 – Amsterdam 1764) was a composer and violin virtuoso. The study of Locatelli’s life and works opens up a panorama onto the musical world of the lateBaroque period. The in-depth investigation of the reception of Locatelli’s works allows us to understand the artistic legacy of the musician, highlighting its influence on the French and Italian violin traditions: Paganini was among the most significant beneficiaries of the Locatelli tradition. The book also includes an iconographic section.

approx. 250 p., 20 b/w ills, 210 x 260 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58017-3 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Studies on Italian Music History, vol. 11 In preparation

Journal of the Alamire Foundation 9/2 - 2017 De Rore I

Table of Contents Guest Editor: Jessie Ann Owens J.A. Owens, Introduction R.W. Duffin, Cipriano de Rore, Giovanni Battista Benedetti, and the Just Tuning Conundrum B. Gordon, Cipriano de Rore and Ariosto’s Clamour A. Newcomb, Is Il desiderio e la speranza by Cipriano de Rore? Free Papers H. Lauterwasser & I. Scheitler, Eine bisher unbekannte Gelegenheitskomposition von Philippe de Monte aus dem Jahr 1589 in der Handschriftenabteilung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Research and Performance Practice Forum R. Freedman, J. Apgar & M. Walter, In Search of Lost Voices 170 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57893-4 Paperback In preparation

Multiple subscription options available. Contact: [email protected]

This volume is a large exploration of the many sides of Williams’s output. Once mostly considered a commercial composer and a mere rewriter of previous composers’ styles, only recently Williams’ music has begun to be taken seriously, and scholars from the music and the film departments have begun to produce research in the form of books, journal articles, conference papers, and Ph.D. theses. The present volume seeks to build upon, complement and review what has been written so far on Williams. This volume is a large exploration of the many sides of Williams’s output, aimed at showing the range of his production (not merely focussing on film music) and at analysing the depth of his dramaturgic and compositional skills with selected case studies. To accomplish this exploration – which has not the pretence of exhaustiveness but certainly that of being an accurate survey possessing both latitude and depth – a large team of international scholars has been assembled from all around the world. The contributors come from film, media and music departments – to provide a variety of disciplinary perspectives on Williams’s work.


Emilio Audissino (ed.)


Music for Films, Television, and the Concert Stage

Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945

Dance, Ideology and Power in Francoist Spain (1938-1968)

Michela Niccolai, Clair Rowden (eds)

From the mid-1800s in Europe there was a vigorous and enthusiastic expansion of diverse forms of musical theatre. An explosion of different types of venues rubbed shoulders with the subsidised and official theatres offering more established types of spectacles. This volume offers a panoramic vision of the diverse genres and types of musical theatre which multiplied and blossomed in the years 1830-1945.

Beatriz Martínez del Fresno, Belén Vega Pichaco (eds)

This book aims to study systematically for the first time the relationship of dance with the dictatorial Franco regime in Spain, the role models endorsed by the political party Falange Española, the traditionalist spheres and the so-called National-Catholicism, along with the propaganda and censorship strategies emanated from the State before 1968.

Emilio Audissino is a film scholar and film musicologist. He served as Assistant Professor in Film Production at the University of West London. He has been awarded the title of Honorary Fellow in Film Studies at the University of Southampton. approx. 250 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58034-0 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Contemporary Composers, vol. 1 In preparation


xviii+479 p., 30 b/w ill., 220 x 280 mm, 2017 ISBN 978-2-503-57766-1 Hardback: € 110 Series: Speculum Musicae, vol. 30 Available

xxxvi + 568 p., 11 col. Ill., 220 x 280 mm, 2017 ISBN 978-2-503-57740-1 Hardback: € 125 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 5 Available

CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM Ademarus Cabannensis musicus ac cantor

Guido de Basochis. Apologie et Cronosgraphie libri XI

Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi VI. Liber de verbo

Adémar de Chabannes (989-1034), monk at the abbey of Saint Cybard in Angoulême, historian, homilist, polemicist and musician extraordinaire, left behind some 451 folios of music with notation written in his autograph hand. After an overview of Adémar’s biography and musical activities, the study examines in detail the four surviving manuscripts in which Adémar inscribed musical notation, and then the notation itself. The study closes with a consideration of Adémar’s contributions to musical literacy through his introduction of accurate heighting.

Guido von Bazoches (geb. vor 1146) war bislang hauptsächlich als Verfasser eines Briefcorpus bekannt. Nur in Auszügen greifbar waren seine beiden anderen Werke, zunächst die Apologia contra maledicos, eine Verteidigungsschrift gegen Kritiker; ferner eine sieben Bücher umfassende Universalchronik (Cronosgraphia), die von der Erschaffung der Welt bis in die aus eigenem Erleben geschilderte Zeit des dritten Kreuzzuges reicht. – Beide Werke werden hier erstmals nach allen bekannten Handschriften ediert und durch reichhaltige Kommentierungen erschlossen.

Il s’agit de la première édition imprimée d’un traité sur le verbe latin composé probablement au cours du 8e siècle. Ce texte, d’auteur anonyme, nous est connu par un unique manuscrit originaire de la France du nord. Ce traité complète notre connaissance d’un groupe de grammaires latines liées aux milieux lettrés irlandais à l’orée de la renaissance carolingienne. Cette édition est essentielle pour comprendre l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la constellation d’opuscules scolaires qui a constitué la base linguistique le support concret de la renovatio studiorum carolingienne.

200 p., 36 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-52395-8 Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Autographa Medii Aevi, vol. 7 In preparation

approx. 350 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57048-8 Hardback: approx. € 180 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 280 En préparation

approx. 200 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57986-3 Hardback: approx. € 110 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 40E In preparation

Iohannes Scottus Eriugena. Carmina

Nicolaus de Aquaevilla. Sermones moralissimi de tempore

Chronica Hispana saeculi XII, Pars III. Historia Silensis

James Grier

Michael Herren

John Scottus Eriugena’s poetry reflects not only his central philosophical and theological ideas, but also his literary education and his life in the court of Charles the Bald. This corpus of Eriugena’s poetry includes recent discoveries of new items. Works laid under contribution by the poet have also been expanded.

C. Klein

Eva Odelman (ed.)

This work presents a semi-critical edition of the model sermon collection “Sermones moralissimi de tempore” by the French Franciscan Nicolaus de Aquaevilla, who lived in the late thirteenth century. It contains sixty sermons for the ordinary Sundays and the great Christological feasts. Model sermons offer editorial problems due to their big size and fluid character as well as the large number of textual witnesses. The aim is to find a pragmatic method to publish one influential version, and the edition is thus based on an incunable, printed shortly before 1480.

Cécile Conduché (ed.)

Juan A. Estévez Sola (ed.)

La así llamada habitualmente Historia Silensis es un relato historiográfico hispanolatino de principios del siglo XII vinculado al reino de León cuyo propósito inicial era contar la vida del rey Alfonso VI, si bien dicha biografía parece quedar inconclusa. Su autor quiso narrar los gesta del rey remontándose hasta época visigoda mas de una manera muy peculiar: relatar los antecendentes maternos y paternos del rey. Todo ello la convierten en un texto fascinante para un editor.

approx. 250 p., 4 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55174-6 Hardback: approx. € 135 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 167 In preparation

approx. 400 p., 4 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57567-4 Hardback: approx. € 205 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 283 In preparation

approx. 350 p., 2 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57804-0 Hardback: approx. € 180 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 71B In preparation

Humbertus de Romanis. De praedicatione crucis

Petrus Abaelardus. Sermones

Hieronymus Stridonensis. Commentarius in Abacuc

Valentin Portnykh (ed.)

Le volume offre une édition critique de la somme de la prédication des croisades par le dominicain Humbert de Romans, rédigée vers 1266-1268. Il s’agit d’un “manuel” pour les prédicateurs destiné à accompagner la propagande des croisades en Palestine. Ce traité n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une édition critique. Les historiens des croisades l’ont toujours cité d’après l’incunable de 1495. Ce texte nous renseigne sur la prédication des croisades sur lesquelles nous avons peu de sources.

approx. 250 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57563-6 Hardback: approx. € 135 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 279 In preparation

L. J. Engels (ed.)

The present volume provides the first critical edition of the sermons of Peter Abelard gathered by the author on behalf of the nuns of the Paraclete. The collection contains 35 sermons 33 of which were edited in 1616 by François d’Amboise and André Duchesne. Well acquainted with Peter Abelard’s writings skills and style, the editor investigated and compared the six sermons of the editio princeps that are also present in the manuscripts. After this profound research, he took the immense job of re-editing the entire collection.

approx. 400 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57701-2 Hardback: approx. € 205 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 286 In preparation

Sincero Mantelli (ed.)

Il presente volume, pur non avendo consentito la completa ricostruzione della diramazione della tradizione manoscritta, ha tuttavia permesso significativi progressi nella costituzione del testo. Il presente lavoro può diventare un utile tassello per una vera e complessiva edizione critica dei commenti di Girolamo ai dodici profeti minori e per lo studio dell’esegesi geronimiana. Il lavoro di edizione ha permesso, inoltre, di evidenziare con più precisione le fonti che ispirarono il commento scritturistico di Girolamo e di confermare il suo spirito eclettico.

approx. 220 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57955-9 Hardback: approx. € 130 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, vol. 76A bis In preparation




LL T Library of Latin Texts (LTT)

Clavis Patrum Graecorum, volumen IV: Concilia. Catenae 2e édition, revue et mise à jour par J. Noret Jacques Noret

The Greek Clavis, much in the same way as its Latin equivalent, aims to inform the user on the whole range of Greek patristic texts, their editions, and their authenticity. Trente-sept ans après la première édition, et 19 ans après la parution d’un supplément à l’ensemble de la Clavis qui a relativement peu enrichi le t. IV, ce tome est ici mis à jour. La section sur les Conciles a intégré les volumes de la deuxième série des ACO, mais elle a aussi pris en compte les études des dernières décennies, lesquelles ont notamment amélioré la chronologie, perfectionné les listes de participants et progressé dans l’intelligence du genre littéraire des Actes conciliaires. Quant à la partie sur les chaînes exégétiques, elle a été considérablement modifiée. Les études des chaînes, notamment pour la Genèse et l’Exode, pour les psaumes, pour Job, pour le Cantique, les Proverbes et l’Ecclésiaste, ont obligé à une refonte complète des sections correspondantes. Les traductions de chaînes en copte, en arabe, en arménien, en slavon, ont continué à être découvertes et étudiées. L’étude d’un caténiste très érudit des environs de 1100, Nicétas d’Héraclée, auteur de chaînes sur les psaumes, Job, Matthieu, Luc, Jean et l’épître aux Hébreux, a nettement progressé. Deux index nouveaux enrichissent aussi le volume. Le premier reprend les numéros des textes répertoriés dans les t. I à III dont la notice a reçu quelque complément dans la section sur les conciles du présent volume. Le second reprend les auteurs utilisés dans les chaînes ; pour chaque Père, sont indiquées les chaînes qui les citent et, si possible, même l’œuvre citée (au moyen du numéro que porte celle-ci dans les autres tomes de la Clavis).

Giovanni Scoto Eriugena. Omelia e Commento sul vangelo di Giovanni Giovanni Mandolino

Si tratta di due testi esegetici caratteristici del pensiero di un intellettuale di spicco dell’età carolingia composti da Giovanni Scoto Eriugena forse verso la fine della sua vita. L’Omelia e il Commento sul vangelo di Giovanni costituiscono una testimonianza preziosa della sua attività di pensatore e di esegeta. Le due opere, di fortuna diversa, a una lettura congiunta permettono di scoprire la fisionomia intellettuale di questo maestro irlandese del IX secolo.

approx. 200 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57969-6 Paperback: € 40 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 31 In preparation

Le dictionnaire Aalma


Since 2009 the Library of Latin Texts consists of two parts, each of which can be subscribed to separately. Now, with the byname Series A, the Library of Latin Texts steps forward together with its companion database, the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, LLT­-B for short, which serves as a supplement to the LLT-­A. This database often integrates huge corpora of texts and so develops at a faster pace than the LLT­-A. The latter benefits from the additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO).

Key features

Brian Merrilees†, Anne Grondeux (eds)

• LLT-A contains 3,800 texts, LLT-B contains 900 texts

L’Aalma est un épitomé bilingue latin-français du Catholicon de Balbi dont on connaît quatorze manuscrits. Il s’agit d’un des plus importants glossaires bilingues du Moyen Âge occidental. L’Aalma suit un autre groupe des glossaires latins-français, l’Abavus, dont quatre versions ont été publiés par Roques en 1936, dans le premier volume du Recueil général des lexiques français du moyen âge. Sont ici représentés trois manuscrits, Paris, BnF lat. 13032, Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque municipale 644 et Exeter, Bibliothèque de la Cathédrale, 3517.

• Academic partner: Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ • Updated yearly with new material • By using the Cross Database Searchtool, LLT-A and LLT-B can be searched online together with the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database • Interface in English, French, German and Italian • The powerful search engine enables the users to undertake enhanced search possibilities: • By using wildcards and Boolean operators, the user can construct complex search queries Please contact Brepols Publishers for: * a detailed leaflet * a 30-day free trial period for institutional users * a price quotation * details on, or a specimen of, the licence agreement

Maurice Geerard (Zomergem, 1919 – Bruges, 1999) élabora en 14 ans (1969-1983) un répertoire complet, numéroté, des œuvres patristiques grecques du Ier au VIIIe siècle, avec les références de base sur leurs éditions, traductions anciennes, datation, authenticité, etc.; le 4e tome en est ici mis à jour. Dès 1974, M. Geerard avait en effet demandé son aide à Jacques Noret pour tenir le répertoire à jour, et en 1998, ils produisirent ensemble un Supplementum. approx. 375 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57963-4 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Clavis Patrum Graecorum, vol. 4 bis In preparation

The LLT­-A is the world’s leading database for Latin texts, offering texts from the beginnings of Latin literature down to the present day.

[email protected]

approx. 250 p., 6 col. ills, 230 x 315 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57519-3 Hardback: approx. € 135 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Nouveau Recueil des Lexiques LatinFrançais du Moyen Âge, vol. 6 In preparation

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La Bible de 1500 à 1535, Dahan


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