Forward Integrals and Stochastic Differential Equations

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Forward Integrals and Stochastic. Differential Equations. M. Zähle. Abstract. We show that an anticipating stochastic forward integral intro- duced in [8] by means  ...
Forward Integrals and Stochastic Differential Equations M. Zähle Abstract. We show that an anticipating stochastic forward integral introduced in [8] by means of fractional calculus is an extension of other forward integrals known from the literature. The latter provide important classes of integrable processes. In particular, we investigate the deterministic case for integrands and integrators from optimal Besov spaces. Here the forward integral agrees with the continuous extension of the Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral to these function spaces. Generalized quadratic variation processes are defined in a similar manner. A survey on applications to anticipating stochastic differential equations with driving processes Z 0 , Z 1 , . . . , Z m is given, where Z 0 has a generalized bracket [Z 0 ] and [Z 0 ], Z 1 , . . . , Z m are smooth of fractional order greater than 1/2.

1. Anticipating stochastic differential equations We consider SDE in Rn of the following type: m X ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ (1) dX(t) = ai X(t), t dZ i (t) + b X(t), t dt , t ∈ [0, T ] , X(0) = X0 . i=0

a0 (x, t), . . . , am (x, t) are random C 1 –vector fields whose partial derivatives are locally Lipschitz in x and b(x, t) is continuous and locally Lipschitz in x. X0 is an arbitrary random vector and the driving processes are as follows: Z 0 is continuous and possesses a generalized bracket [Z 0 ](t) (see section 2) and [Z 0 ], Z 1 , . . . , Z m have sample paths in the Sobolev–Slobodeckij space W2β (which agrees with the β ) for some β > 1/2. We do not suppose any adaptedness or Besov space B2,2 independence. The stochastic integrals in (1) are forward integrals and will be introduced in section 2. An important example with applications in mathematical finance is the case where Z 0 agrees with the Wiener process and Z 1 , . . . , Z m are fractional Brownian motions with Hurst exponents greater than 1/2. In [9] it is proved that equation (1) has a unique local pathwise solution with generalized bracket satisfying the rules of Itô calculus. It may be determined by


M. Zähle

the following procedure (which extends the Doss–Sussman approach known from martingale theory for m = 0): ¡ ¢ (2) X(t) = h Y (t), Z 0 (t), t where h(y, z, t) is a pathwise local C 1 –solution of the differential equation ¡ ¢ ∂h (y, z, t) = a0 h(y, z, t), t ∂z ¡ ¢ h Y (0), Z(0), 0 = X0


being Lipschitz in y such that µ det

∂h (y, z, t) ∂y

¶ 6= 0.

Given Y (0) and h the stochastic process Y in Rn is locally determined by the SDE µ ¶ " m ³ ¢ −1 X ¡ ¢ ´ ∂h ¡ 0 dY (t) = Y (t), Z (t), t aj h Y (t), Z 0 (t), t , t dZ j (t) ∂y j=1 µ ³ ¶ ´ ¢ ¡ ¢ ∂h ¡ 0 0 (4) Y (t), Z (t), t dt + b h Y (t), Z (t), t , t − ∂t # µ ¶ µ ¶ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 1 ∂a0 − h Y (t), Z 0 (t), t , t a0 h Y (t), z 0 (t), t , t d[Z 0 ](t) . 2 ∂x This equation has a better analytical behavior than (1), in particular since the processes Z 1 , . . . , Z m have zero quadratic variations. In [9] a solution procedure by means of a contraction principle in Besov spaces is demonstrated. Note that because of equation (3) the representation (2) of the unique solution X(t) is, in general, not unique.

2. Stochastic forward integrals and generalized quadratic variations By means of fractional calculus we are led in [8] to the following version of stochastic forward integral:¡Let X be a càglàd process and Z a càdlàg process on ¢ [0, T ]. Denote Zt− (s) := Z(s) − Z(t−) 1[o,t) (s). Definition. X is integrable w.r.t Z on [0, T ] if the following limit exists (uniformly in t) in probability: (5)

Zt Z1 Zt− Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ε−1 X(s) εu X dZ := lim ds du . ε→0 u 0



Forward Integrals and Stochastic


This is an extension of the forward integral Zt (6)



u&0 0

Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ds u

with (uniform) convergence in probability introduced in Russo and Vallois [4] for the continuous case (and in a modified version for the discontinuous case). In order to check this note first that the kernel εuε−1 acts as the δ–function as ε → 0. Further, let Yt (u) be a family of càdlàg processes on (0,1) converging to Yt (0) in probability as u & 0 (uniformly in the parameter t). Suppose that sup Yt (u) < ∞ w.p.1. Then we have (t),u


Z1 εu


¡ ¢ εuε−1 Yt (u) − Yt (0) du

Yt (u) du = Y (0) +




© ª¡ ¢ εuε−1 1 u : |Yt (u) − Yt (0)| > δ Yt (u) − Yt (0) du

= Y (0) + 0

Z1 +

© ª¡ ¢ εuε−1 1 u : |Yt (u) − Yt (0)| ≤ δ Yt (u) − Yt (0) du .


The last integral does not exceed δ. The first integral on the right–hand side converges to zero in probability as ε → 0 (uniformly in t), since |Yt (u) − Yt (0)| is (uniformly) bounded w.p.1 and






sup E t

n ¯ o ¯ εuε−1 1 u : ¯Yt (u) − Yt (0)¯ > δ du


Z1 εuε−1 P

≤ lim

ε→0 0

o ¯ ¢¯ sup ¯Yt (u) − Yt (0)¯ > δ du t

n¡ o ¯ ¢¯ = lim P sup ¯Yt (u) − Yt (0)¯ > δ = 0 u&0


by assumption. Hence, Z1 εuε−1 Yt (u) du = Yt (0)


ε→0 0


M. Zähle

with (uniform) convergence in probability. Taking Zt Yt (u) :=

X(s) 0

Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ds u

we obtain the assertion. In [8] it is proved that uniform converge in probability of the Riemann– Stieltjes sums implies that in (5). Therefore our integral agrees with the Itô integral in semimartingale theory. Moreover, it also coincides with the forward integral in Malliavin calculus and with Young’s approach for functions with finite p–variations (see [8]). In the next section we will show that other types of forward integrals known from the literature also fit into our model. This provides important classes of processes where the integral exists. Extending Russo’s and Vallois’ notion [5] we have introduced in [8] the quadratic variation of a càdlàg process Z by Zt ¡

Z1 ε−1

(7) [Z](t) := lim


ε→0 0


¢2 ¡ ¢2 Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ds du + Z(t) − Z(t−) u

whenever the limit exists (uniformly) in probability. Note that for semimartingales this agrees with the bracket used in the literature. The covariation process of two such processes is defined similarly. (See [5] and [8] for some Itô calculus.) 1/2− Any process with generalized bracket is an element of the function space W2 w.p.1 (see [8]).

3. Special cases of (stochastic) forward integrals The background from fractional calculus for our notion (5) is the following representation: 1 Γ(ε)


Zt ε−1

u 0


Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) X(s) ds du = u

Zt ε I0+ X(s) dZ(s) 0

for (random) functions X and Z possessing fractional derivatives in Lp , resp. Lq , of all orders less than α, resp. 1 − α, where p1 + 1q = 1 and 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 (see [7], [8]).

Forward Integrals and Stochastic


The integral on the right–hand side is determined by means of such derivatives: Zt (8)

Zt ε I0+

X(s) dZ(s) := (−1)






X0+ (u) Dt−

Zt− (u) du


¡ ¢ + X(0+) Z(t−) − Z(0) .

ε (I0+ stands for the fractional Riemann–Liouville integral of order ε.) R∞ ε−1 1 Instead of the limit lim Γ(ε) u . . . du it is convenient to consider ε→0 0 R1 lim ε 0 uε−1 . . . du as above. If the marginal values α and 1 − α are included


we get the function spaces I α (Lp ) and I 1−α (Lq ) where the limit exists and agrees with (8) for ε = 0. In particular, the stochastic integrals in equations (1) and (4) for j = 1, . . . , m may be interpreted pathwise in that sense. The stochastic integral w.r.t the process Z 0 in (1) is defined by (5), where [Z 0 ] is given assording to (7) (continuous case). A further advantage of the averaging procedure in the limit for small u consists in extending the following procedure: In [2] Bedford and Kamae considered the Cesàro averages (in the sense of erodic theory) Zt (9)

X dZ := lim

T →∞


1 T

ZT Zt X(s) 0


Zt− (s + e−v ) − Zt− (s) ds dv e−v

(for continuous X and Z) and proved existence of the (uniform) limit for certain X and self–affine functions Z. Replacing deterministic convergence by (uniform) convergence in probability one obtains the stochastic version for càglàd X and càdlàg Z. Proposition. If the stochastic integral in (9) is determined then it agrees with that in our definition (5). Proof. The right–hand side of (9) is equal to (10)

1 lim δ→0 | ln δ|

Z1 δ

1 u

Zt X(s) 0

Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ds du u

so that the difference between (9) and(5) consists only in the averaging procedure as u & 0. The kernel εuε−1 in (5) arises from the last kernel | ln1 δ| 1(δ,1) (u) u1 by means of a second averaging kernel kε (v) := ε2 v ε−1 | ln v| on (0,1) as follows:


M. Zähle

Denote the above inner integral by Yt (u) and use Fubini in order to get Z1 0

1 kε (v) | ln v|

Z1 v

1 Yt (u) du dv = u

Z1 0

1 u

Zu 0

1 kε (v) dv Yt (u) du | ln v|

Z1 εuε−1 Yt (u) du .

= 0

R1 1 1 | ln v| u v&0 v

Since lim

Yt (u) du =


X dZ in the sense of Bedford and Kamae (sto-


chastic version) and kε (v) acts as the δ–function as ε → 0 we infer similarly as in section 2: Z1 lim

ε→0 0

1 kε (v) | ln v|

Z1 v

1 Yt du dv = u

Zt X dZ 0

(uniformly) in probability. In view of the above equations this agrees with Z1 εuε−1 Yt (u) du .


ε→0 0

The last procedure may be applied to statistically self–similar random processes. A further specification is a modification of a forward integral introduced by Klingenhöfer (personal communication): Zt (11) 0

1 X dZ := lim δ→0 ln 2

Z2δ δ

1 u

Zt X(s) 0

(Klingenhöfer considered lim 22(n+1) n→∞

−n 2R

Zt− (s + u) − Zt− (s) ds du u Rt

¡ ¢ X(s) Z(s + u) − Z(s) ds du in

2−(n+1) 0

the deterministic case and proved existence for optimal Besov spaces). We here again take (uniform) convergence in probability, càglàd X and càdlàg Z. Proposition. If the integral in (11) exists then it agrees with that in the Cesàro averaging (10).

Forward Integrals and Stochastic Proof. We have for Yt (u) :=


Zt− (s+u)−Zt− (s) u



1 | ln δ|


ds k+1

2 n−1 X 1 Z 1 1 Yt (u) du = u | ln δ| ln 2 k=1



1 1 | log δ| ln 2



1 Yt (u) du u

2k δ


1 Yt (u) du u

2n δ

where n = n(δ) is the integral part of | ln δ|/ ln 2. The last summand tends to 0 as δ → 0 uniformly in t. The first summand up to the factor | lnnδ| equals −k n 2·2Z 2 δ

n 1 X 1 n ln 2 k=1

1 Yt (u) du . u

2−k 2n δ

Denote the k-th summand of the last sum by An,δ t (k). Using (11) we infer Zt lim


An,δ t (k)

X dZ

= 0

uniformly (in t and) in n, δ such that n > k, 2n δ < 1 in probability. This implies Z n(δ) 1 X n(δ),δ lim At (k) = X dZ δ→0 n(δ) t



(uniformly in t) in probability. Hence, the last integral agrees with the (uniform) limit in probability Z1 1 1 lim Yt (u) du . δ→0 | ln δ| u 0

Thus, we have obtained the following implications of integrability in the above forward integrals: (6) ⇒ (11) ⇒ (9) ⇒ (5). Using a duality result of Triebel [6] we now will provide optimal classes of Besov spaces for which the deterministic variant of Russo’s and Vallois’ integral (6)


M. Zähle

α makes sense. (Recall that the norm on the Besov space Bp,q on R for the classical case 0 < α < 1 and 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ may be introduced by

µ Z1 kf kα p,q

:= kf kLp + −1

¶1/q ´q ¢ 1 ³ ¡ 1 kf (·) + h − f kLp dh |h| |h|αq

if 1 ≤ q < ∞ and kf kα p,∞ := kf kLp + sup


° ¡ ¢ 1 ° °f (·) + h − f ° . α Lp |h|

α For the quasi–normed distribution spaces Bp,q with general α ∈ R, p > 0, q > 0 see [6].) α 0 Theorem. Suppose f ∈ Bp,q , g ∈ Bp1−α 0 ,q 0 , 1 ≤ p < ∞, 1 ≤ q < ∞, 1/p + 1/p = 0 1, 1/q + 1/q = 1, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. Then the limit Z Z g(s + u) − g(s) f dg := lim f (s) ds u&0 u

exists and we have for some constant c > 0, ¯Z ¯ ¯ ¯ 1−α ¯ f dg ¯ ≤ c kf kα p,q kgkp0 ,q 0 . Proof. Note that the Schwartz space S of rapidly decreasing C ∞ –functions of R 0 is dense in Bp1−α 0 ,q 0 . If g ∈ S and g denotes the derivative we obtain Z f (s)

g(s + u) − g(s) ds = u


Z1 g 0 (s + ru) dr ds

f (s) 0

so that for 0 < u ˜ < u, ¯Z ¯ Z ¯ ˜) − g(s) ¯¯ ¯ f (s) g(s + u) − g(s) ds − f (s) g(s + u ds ¯ ¯ u u ˜ Z1 Z ≤

¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯f (s)¯ ¯g 0 (s + ru) − g 0 (s + r˜ u)¯ ds dr.


According to [6], 2.11.2, the inner integral may be estimated from above by ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 0 0 u k−α c0 kf kα p,q kg (·) + ru − g (·) + r˜ p0 ,q 0 for some constant c0 . (g 0 is here interpreted as a distribution.) 1−α 00 00 Further, kφ0 k−α p0 ,q 0 ≤ c kφkp0 ,q 0 , φ ∈ S, for some constant c (see, e.g., [6], 2.3.8). Hence, the above difference does not exceed ° °α c °f °p,q

Z1 0

° ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢°1−α °g (·) + ru − g (·) + r˜ u °p0 ,q0 dr

Forward Integrals and Stochastic


where c = c0 c00 . This estimation extends to arbitrary g ∈ Bp1−α 0 ,q 0 via approximation by functions from S. Similarly, ¯Z ¯ Z1 ¯ ¯ ° ° ° ¡ ¢° ¯ f (s) g(s + u) − g(s) ds¯ ≤ c °f °α °g (·) + ru °1−α dr . ¯ ¯ p0 ,q 0 p,q u 0

Thus, it remains to show that for 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, ° ¡ °α ¢ lim °φ (·) + ∆ − φ°p,q = 0 ∆→0

α provided φ ∈ Bp,q . This can be seen as follows. Given ε > 0 choose φ˜ ∈ S such ˜ < ε. Then we obtain by the invariance of the norm under translations that kφ − φk ° ¡ ° ° ¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¢° °φ (·) + ∆ − φ°α ≤ °φ (·) + ∆ − φ˜ (·) + ∆ °α p,q p,q ° ¡ °α ° °α ¢ ˜ ˜ ˜ ° ° ° + φ (·) + ∆ − φ p,q + φ − φ°p,q ° ¡ °α ¢ < °φ˜ (·) + ∆ − φ˜°p,q + 2ε .

Hence, it suffices to prove that the last norm tends to zero as ∆ → 0. For the Lp –part of the norm this is obvious. The remaining part (up to modification for p = ∞ or q = ∞ or α = 0, 1) is equal to à Z1 −1

1 |h|αq+1

° ° ≤ °φ˜00 °L

µ° Z∆ ¢ ° ° ¡ ˜0 ° φ (x + h + r) − φ˜0 (x + r) dr° ° 0

µ Z1 ∆

¶q Lp

!1/q dh

¶1/q ¯ ¯q(1−α)−1 ¯h ¯ dh


° ° = °φ˜00 °L const(α, q) ∆ . ∞

Remarks. 1. The last theorem extends a partial result of [3], V. 3, for q = 1 and some p and α. Our conditions on the Besov spaces are best possible since we have used implicα 0 itly the duality (Bp,q ) = Bp−α 0 ,q 0 . By the norm estimators the forward integral in this case agrees with the continuous extension of the Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral to these function spaces. 2. The ideas of proof remain valid for the stochastic forward integral (5) if the Besov spaces are replaced by some stochastic variants. This will be shown elsewhere. For the method of fractional derivatives introduced in [7], [8] and fractional Brownian motion as integrator such a combination of analysis and stochastics is used in [1], section 5.


M. Zähle

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Department of Mathematics, University of Jena, D-07740 Jena, Germany E-mail address: [email protected]