Samaritans should be there when and in the way that we are needed, including ...... cyn eu rhyd dhau. ; ac arad egau pan
S E V I L How we can act effectively to reduce suicide in Wales #4steps
More than 6,000 people die by suicide every year in the UK. Each year in Wales between 300 and 350 people die from suicide – about 3 times the number killed in road accidents. In Wales, the suicide rate for men is at its highest since 1981. Male suicides in Wales rose by 23% between 2012 and 2013. Latest figures show that suicide is the leading cause of death for 20–34 year olds. While causes of suicide are complex, we do know that there are factors which increase the risk for specific groups and individuals. These factors include deprivation, being a man and alcohol misuse. Reducing suicide requires a wide range of agencies to work together nationally and in local communities, to give people the best chance to turn their lives around when they are struggling. We need an approach which promotes mental health and wellbeing, timely support, public awareness and which reduces inequality. We have welcomed the second phase of the Welsh Government’s Suicide and Self Harm Prevention Strategy and Action Plan, Talk to me 2. The existence of such plans, and their effective implementation, is vital for efforts to reduce suicide. However, we need to act more strongly and consistently across Wales to tackle rising suicide rates. The work required to make this happen supports other policy ambitions to increase the resilience of communities, to increase public awareness and to improve access to mental health services. Samaritans exists to reduce the number of people who die by suicide. That means Samaritans should be there when and in the way that we are needed, including making sure that our support is free to people who call us. Together we can make a significant difference to the rate of suicide and find ways to respond to people in distress. We must work together, locally and nationally, to achieve real change in Wales.
Sarah Stone Executive Director for Wales
Christopher Mill Samaritans Trustee for Wales
How we can act effectively to reduce suicide in Wales
Four steps to save lives
1 Promote mental health and wellbeing and tackle inequality
2 Act locally in Wales
3 Tackle alcohol misuse to reduce suicide
4 Help us to make Samaritans telephone service free
g and Promote mental health and wellbein tackle inequality We need to take a broad approach to reducing suicide. This means taking action to increase emotional resilience and understanding of the need to seek help among the whole population. This approach should be balanced with targeting groups that are at especially high risk. Mental and physical health should be given equal weight in public policy. Mental Health measures should include: Raising public awareness of how to improve mental health and wellbeing Better information about mental health services, swift assessment and access to treatment Improved availability of treatments and services including talking therapies Investment in research on mental health Recognition that people with serious mental health problems are a high priority group, particularly at the point of discharge from hospital or crisis centres. These mental health measures should be broadly applied but should also target high risk groups and settings, taking specific actions appropriate to them. Men in mid-life Male suicide rates in Wales are at their highest since 1981. We need to open up a dialogue in which men feel more able to talk about mental health and suicidal feelings. We especially need to target men in mid life living in situations of socioeconomic deprivation. Welsh Government should challenge mental health stigma by supporting and co-ordinating campaigns specifically targeted at men.
Young People not in education, employment or training The Thematic Review of deaths of children and young people through probable suicide for 2006–2012 found that many of the children and young people either had restricted educational achievement or were not in education, employment or training. Those over 16 years of age received little or no support from any services. Welsh Government should explore mechanisms to ensure that children and young people between the ages of 16 and 18 are supported in education or training, which includes work based training. Older people and loneliness Older people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and isolation which can have a serious effect on mental and physical health. Half of those over 75 in the UK live alone and 1 in 10 experience intense loneliness. One of the barriers to tackling this is difficulty in identifying those who are most at risk. Welsh Government should explore the potential of loneliness maps where local services and local authorities work collaboratively to use existing data to predict where the most lonely and isolated residents live, allowing limited resources to be targeted at people and places that need them most. Prisoners Prisoners are 6 times more likely to take their lives than an average person in the UK. In recent years the numbers of self-inflicted deaths in custody has increased. Prisoners should be consistently assessed for suicide and self-harm risk at points of particular vulnerability. There are certain times when prisoners are most vulnerable: on admission to custody; in times leading up to sentencing or parole decisions; before or after transfers; during pre-release periods; and at times when prisoners hear distressing news from family and friends. It is important that prisoners always have access to support. Access to Means There is evidence to suggest that lives can be saved by the use of a variety of measures including the installation of Samaritans signs, physical barriers, nets and telephone lines at high risk locations for suicide. Welsh Government should consider putting in place a requirement to involve a range of agencies to consider proposed designs at the feasibility stage. The risk of suicide at these assets would need to be determined at project inception stage to determine reasonable provision at each site.
Act locally in Wales Suicide is the result of many different factors which interact in complex ways. Suicide prevention therefore requires the action of many agencies across sectors. This is why suicide prevention strategies and action plans are a key component in reducing suicide. We welcome the second phase of Wales’ suicide and self harm strategy and action plan ‘Talk to me 2’. There needs to be a clear framework for implementation of this. We need to act locally to make sure the most effective ways of reducing suicide are in place across Wales.
How we can act effectively to reduce suicide in Wales
Measures should include: Regional multi-agency suicide prevention fora should be mandatory and established consistently across Wales. They should create and work to local action plans and there should be a clear expectation of when these will be in place. They should be clear, comprehensive and sit within the context of the national plan. A systematic approach to a local ‘suicide audit’ which includes the collection of data about suicides Frontline staff should receive suicide prevention training Improved follow-up support for people attending A&E after self-harm or a suicide attempt Safety measures at high-risk areas for suicide Local specialist suicide bereavement counselling and support groups Local services should ensure that effective signposting for listening and advocacy services are in place.
Tackle alcohol misuse to reduce su
Misuse of alcohol makes people, particularly men, 8 times more likely to kill themselves As many as 65% of suicides are related to excessive drinking Alcohol misuse reduces inhibitions and makes acting on suicidal thoughts more likely Young people under 24 are particularly vulnerable to thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts and completed suicides under the influence of alcohol. The Thematic Review of deaths of children and young people through probable suicide, 2006–2012 strongly recommended that access to alcohol for children and young people should be restricted. Measures should include: Introduce a minimum unit pricing (MUP) policy in Wales There is extensive international evidence showing that MUP policies are effective in reducing alcohol consumption, alcohol related harms and alcohol related deaths. The introduction of MUP in Wales would target the most deprived areas, where alcohol-related mortality rates are more than three times higher than in the least deprived areas. Increase public awareness of the mental health effects of alcohol Whilst most people are aware that drinking too much alcohol is bad for us, many are unaware of the long term effects. In particular, evidence shows that people who consume high amounts of alcohol are vulnerable to higher levels of mental health problems. Young people, men, and socially isolated and/or deprived individuals are high risk groups and as such, measures should be taken to ensure effective and targeted campaigning. Frontline staff should be provided with suicide prevention training There should be particular emphasis on providing suicide prevention training for frontline staff, specifically for those working in addiction services and for others, such as police officers and health professionals. Alcohol treatment and mental health services should work closely together on suicide prevention, which encourages joined up approaches and a more established understanding of the link between alcohol and suicide.
Help us to make Samaritans telepho
ne service free
More than five million people in the UK and the Republic of Ireland get in touch with Samaritans every year. In 2014, Samaritans’ volunteers in Wales and the Marches responded to nearly 260,000 calls for help. When you are struggling to cope, you need to know that someone will be there to help you when you need it most, without having to worry about the cost of the call. Research shows that call costs deter some people from using our service, particularly those from lower income groups, who are more reliant on mobile phones and expensive pay-asyou-go tariffs. Suicide rates are often highest in socio-economically deprived communities so this means that some people who really need our service cannot afford to access it. It is Samaritans long-standing ambition to have a free-to-caller telephone number. Samaritans has been awarded such a number for providing services of ‘extreme social value’. However, while the number is free to callers, for Samaritans the cost implications are unsustainable. As a result, we cannot promote this number in the UK until we are certain that we are able to sustain it, now and into the future. We are working with major telecoms companies to find ways of making the number more affordable to Samaritans, with good progress. What we need now is a commitment from the Westminster government to help us cover the remaining costs of making our free number available across the UK, so that everyone can afford to call us when they’re going through a difficult time. What can you do in Wales? Support Samaritans in Wales and the wider work we do to make our telephone service free to callers. Help us to promote help seeking for listening and advocacy in Wales. When we are successful in securing freecall, help us to promote and sustain the service in Wales.
Samaritans 33-35 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HB A registered charity and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee (no.219432) T 029 2022 2008 E
[email protected] W
Dylid rhoi hyfforddiant ar atal hunanladdiad i staff rheng flaen Dylid rhoi pwyslais arbennig ar ddarparu hyfforddiant ar atal hunanladdiad i staff rheng flaen, yn benodol y rhai sy’n gweithio ym maes gwasanaethau i bobl sy’n gaeth ac i eraill, fel yr heddlu a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol. Dylai gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl a thriniaeth ar gyfer alcohol weithio’n agos gyda’i gilydd i atal hunanladdiad, mewn ffordd sy’n hybu dulliau cydgysylltiedig a gwell dealltwriaeth o’r cysylltiad rhwng alcohol a hunanladdiad.
Ein helpu i sicrhau bod gwasanaeth Samariaid am ddim
ffon y >
Mae dros bum miliwn o bobl yn y Deyrnas Unedig a Gweriniaeth Iwerddon yn cysylltu â’r Samariaid bob blwyddyn. Yn 2014, ymatebodd gwirfoddolwyr sy’n gweithio i’r Samariaid yng Nghymru a’r Gororau i bron i 260,000 o alwadau am gymorth. Pan ydych yn cael trafferth ymdopi, mae angen gwybod bod rhywun yno y gallwch droi ato am gymorth pan fo’i angen fwyaf, heb orfod poeni am gost yr alwad. Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod costau galwadau’n atal rhai pobl rhag defnyddio ein gwasanaeth, yn arbennig y rhai o grwpiau incwm isel, sy’n dibynnu mwy ar ffonau symudol a phrisiau costus talu-wrth-fynd. Mae cyfraddau hunanladdiad yn aml yn uwch mewn cymunedau difreintiedig yn gymdeithasol ac economaidd felly mae hyn yn golygu nad yw rhai o’r bobl y mae gwir angen ein gwasanaeth arnynt yn gallu ei fforddio. Mae’n uchelgais ers tro gan y Samariaid gael rhif ffôn am ddim i’r rhai sy’n ffonio. Mae’r Samariaid wedi cael rhif o’r fath i ddarparu gwasanaethau o ‘werth cymdeithasol eithriadol’. Fodd bynnag, tra bod ein rhif am ddim i bobl sy’n ffonio, i’r Samariaid mae goblygiadau costau’n anghynaliadwy. O ganlyniad, ni allwn hyrwyddo’r rhif hwn yn y Deyrnas Unedig nes ein bod yn sicr ein bod yn gallu ei gynnal, nawr ac yn y dyfodol. Rydym yn gweithio gyda phrif gwmnïau telathrebu i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd i wneud y rhif yn fwy fforddiadwy i Samariaid, ac rydym yn gwneud cynnydd da. Yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom yn awr yw ymrwymiad gan lywodraeth San Steffan i’n helpu i dalu am y costau sy’n weddill i sicrhau bod ein rhif rhadffôn ar gael drwy’r Deyrnas Unedig fel y gall pawb fforddio ein ffonio pan maent yn mynd trwy gyfnod anodd. Beth allwch chi ei wneud yng Nghymru? Cefnogi Samariaid yng Nghymru a’r gwaith ehangach yr ydym yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod ein gwasanaeth ffôn am ddim i’r rhai sy’n ein ffonio Ein helpu i gael gwasanaeth gwrando ac eirioli yng Nghymru Pan fyddwn wedi llwyddo i gael rhadffôn, ein helpu i hybu a chynnal y gwasanaeth yng Nghymru.
Samariad 33-35 Heol yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, Caerdydd, CF11 9HB Elusen wedi’i chofrestru ac wedi’i chorffori fel cwmni wedi’i gyfyngu drwy warrant (no.219432) T 029 2022 2008 E
[email protected] W
Sut allwn ni weithredu’n effeithiol i leihau achosion o hunanladdiad yng Nghymru
Dylai mesurau gynnwys: Dylid sefydlu fforymau atal hunanladdiad amlasiantaeth rhanbarthol, a’u gwneud yn fandadol. Dylent greu a gweithio’n unol â chynlluniau gweithredu lleol a dylid sicrhau bod disgwyliad clir pryd fydd y rhain yn eu lle. Dylent fod yn eglur, cynhwysfawr ac yn cysylltu â chyd-destun y cynllun cenedlaethol. Dull systematig o ymdrin ag ‘awdit hunanladdiad’ lleol sy’n cynnwys casglu data am hunanladdiadau Dylai staff rheng flaen gael hyfforddiant ar atal hunanladdiad Gwell cymorth dilynol i bobl sy’n mynd i’r adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys ar ôl hunan niweidio neu geisio lladd eu hunain Mesurau diogelwch ar gyfer meysydd lle mae risg uchel o hunanladdiad Gwasanaeth cwnsela a grwpiau cymorth arbenigol lleol ar gyfer pobl sydd mewn profedigaeth oherwydd hunanladdiad Dylai gwasanaethau lleol sicrhau bod trefn effeithiol o gyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau gwrando ac eiriolaeth.
oh Mynd i’r afael a chamddefnyddio alc achosion o hunanladdiad >
ol i leihau
Mae camddefnyddio alcohol yn gwneud pobl, yn arbennig dynion, 8 gwaith yn fwy tebygol o ladd eu hunain Mae cynifer â 65 y cant o hunanladdiadau’n gysylltiedig ag yfed yn ormodol Mae camddefnyddio alcohol yn lleihau ofn ac mae pobl sy’n meddwl am hunanladdiad yn fwy tebygol o weithredu ar y meddyliau hynny Mae pobl ifanc sydd o dan 24 oed yn arbennig o agored i feddwl am hunanladdiad, ceisio lladd eu hunain a chyflawni hunanladdiad o dan ddylanwad alcohol. Mae’r Adolygiad Thematig o farwolaethau plant a phobl ifanc drwy hunanladdiad tebygol ar gyfer 2006–2012 yn argymell yn gryf y dylid cyfyngu ar fynediad at alcohol i blant a phobl ifanc. Dylai mesurau gynnwys: Cyflwyno polisi isafswm pris yr uned (MUP) yng Nghymru Mae tystiolaeth ryngwladol helaeth sy’n dangos bod polisïau MUP yn effeithiol i leihau’r defnydd o alcohol, niwed sy’n gysylltiedig ag alcohol a marwolaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag alcohol. Byddai cyflwyno MUP yng Nghymru’n targedu’r ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig, lle mae cyfraddau marwolaeth sy’n gysylltiedig ag alcohol dair gwaith yn uwch nag yn yr ardaloedd lleiaf difreintiedig. Cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd o effeithiau alcohol ar iechyd meddwl Tra bod y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn ymwybodol fod yfed gormod o alcohol yn ddrwg i ni, mae nifer yn anymwybodol o’r effeithiau hirdymor. Yn benodol, mae tystiolaeth yn dangos bod pobl sy’n yfed llawer iawn o alcohol yn agored i lefelau uwch o broblemau iechyd meddwl. Mae pobl ifanc, dynion, ac unigolion sydd wedi eu hynysu’n gymdeithasol a/neu unigolion difreintiedig yn grwpiau risg uchel ac felly, dylid cymryd mesurau i sicrhau ymgyrchu effeithiol wedi ei dargedu.
Pobl Ifanc heb fod mewn addysg, cyflogaeth neu hyfforddiant Yn ôl yr Adolygiad Thematig o farwolaethau plant a phobl ifanc drwy hunanladdiad tebygol ar gyfer 2006 – 2012, roedd nifer y plant a’r bobl ifanc naill ai â chyrhaeddiad addysgol cyfyngedig neu heb fod mewn addysg, cyflogaeth neu hyfforddiant. Nid oedd y rhai dros 16 oed yn cael unrhyw gymorth gan unrhyw wasanaethau, neu ddim ond ychydig yn unig. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru edrych ar fecanweithiau i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc rhwng 16 ac 18 yn cael eu cefnogi mewn addysg neu hyfforddiant, sy’n cynnwys hyfforddiant seiliedig ar waith. Pobl hŷn ac unigrwyd Mae pobl hŷn yn arbennig o agored i unigrwydd ac unigedd, a gall hynny gael effaith ddifrifol ar iechyd meddwl ac iechyd corfforol. Mae hanner y rhai sydd dros 75 oed yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn byw ar eu pennau eu hunain ac mae 1 o bob 10 yn profi unigrwydd dwys. Un o’r rhwystrau rhag mynd i’r afael â hyn yw’r anhawster i ganfod pa rai sydd mewn risg fwyaf. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru edrych ar y posibilrwydd o fapiau unigrwydd lle mae gwasanaethau lleol ac awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i ddefnyddio data presennol i ragweld lle mae’r trigolion mwyaf unig ac ynysig yn byw, fel bod modd targedu adnoddau prin at bobl a lleoedd lle mae eu hangen fwyaf. Carcharorion Mae carcharorion chwe gwaith yn fwy tebygol o ladd eu hunain na’r person cyffredin ar y stryd yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae nifer y marwolaethau a achoswyd gan y bobl eu hunain tra oeddent yn y carchar wedi cynyddu. Dylid mynd ati’n gyson i asesu risg carcharorion i hunan-niweidio a chyflawni hunanladdiad ar adegau pan maent yn fregus iawn. Mae rhai adegau pan fo carcharorion yn fwy bregus; wrth gael eu derbyn i’r ddalfa; ar adegau sy’n arwain at eu dedfrydu neu benderfyniadau parôl; cyn neu ar ôl eu trosglwyddo; yn ystod cyfnodau cyn eu rhyddhau; ac ar adegau pan fo carcharorion yn clywed newyddion trist gan deulu a ffrindiau. Mae’n bwysig bod gan garcharorion fynediad bob amser at gymorth. Sicrhau Cymorth Mae tystiolaeth yn awgrymu y gellir achub bywydau trwy ddefnyddio nifer o fesurau yn cynnwys gosod arwyddion Samariaid, rhwystrau ffisegol, rhwydi a llinellau ffôn mewn lleoliadau risg uchel o safbwynt hunanladdiad. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ystyried gorfodi nifer o asiantaethau i ystyried cynlluniau arfaethedig yn y cyfnod paratoi. Byddai angen asesu risg hunanladdiad yn yr asedau hyn wrth gychwyn y prosiect er mwyn penderfynu ar ddarpariaeth resymol ym mhob safle.
Gweithredu’n lleol yng Nghymru Mae hunanladdiad yn deillio o nifer o wahanol ffactorau sy’n rhyngweithio mewn ffyrdd cymhleth. Felly, er mwyn atal hunanladdiad mae angen i nifer o asiantaethau ar draws sectorau weithredu. Dyna pam fod strategaethau a chynlluniau gweithredu atal hunanladdiad yn elfen allweddol o leihau achosion o hunanladdiad. Rydym yn croesawu ail gam strategaeth a chynllun gweithredu Atal Hunanladdiad a Hunan Niwed Llywodraeth Cymru, ‘Siarad â fi’. Mae angen fframwaith clir i’w weithredu. Mae angen i ni weithredu’n lleol i sicrhau bod y dulliau mwyaf effeithiol i leihau hunanladdiad yn eu lle drwy Gymru.
Sut allwn ni weithredu’n effeithiol i leihau achosion o hunanladdiad yng Nghymru
Pedwar cam I achub bywydau
1 Hybu iechyd meddwl a lles a mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb
2 Gweithredu’n lleol yng Nghymru
3 Mynd i’r afael â chamddefnyddio alcohol i leihau achosion o hunanladdiad
Hybu iechyd meddwl a lles a mynd ag anghydraddoldeb
4 Ein helpu i sicrhau bod gwasanaeth ffôn y Samariaid am ddim
i’r afael
Mae angen i ni weithredu mewn dull eang i leihau achosion o hunanladdiad. Mae hyn yn golygu cymryd camau i gynyddu gwytnwch emosiynol a deall yr angen i geisio cymorth ymysg y boblogaeth gyfan. Dylid cydbwyso’r dull hwn â thargedu grwpiau sydd mewn risg arbennig o uchel. Dylid rhoi’r un pwyslais ar iechyd meddwl a chorfforol mewn polisi cyhoeddus. Dylai mesurau Iechyd Meddwl gynnwys: Codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd ynglŷn â sut i wella iechyd meddwl a lles Gwell gwybodaeth am wasanaethau iechyd meddwl, asesu cyflym a mynediad at driniaeth Dylai triniaethau a gwasanaethau yn cynnwys therapïau siarad fod ar gael yn well Buddsoddi mewn ymchwil i iechyd meddwl Dylid cydnabod bod pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl difrifol yn grŵp â blaenoriaeth uchel, yn arbennig wrth gael eu rhyddhau o ysbyty neu ganolfannau argyfwng. Dylid defnyddio’r mesurau iechyd meddwl hyn yn eang ond dylid hefyd targedu lleoliadau a grwpiau risg uchel, gan gymryd camau penodol sy’n addas iddynt. Dynion canol oed Mae cyfraddau hunanladdiad ymysg dynion yng Nghymru ar eu huchaf ers 1981. Mae angen i ni ddechrau deialog lle mae dynion yn teimlo’n fwy rhydd i drafod iechyd meddwl a theimladau’n gysylltiedig â hunanladdiad. Mae angen i ni, yn arbennig, dargedu dynion canol oed sy’n byw mewn sefyllfaoedd lle mae amddifadedd economaidd a chymdeithasol. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru herio stigma iechyd meddwl drwy gefnogi a chydlynu ymgyrchoedd sydd wedi eu targedu’n benodol at ddynion.
Mae mwy na 6,000 o bobl yn marw drwy hunanladdiad bob blwyddyn yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru mae rhwng 300 a 350 o bobl yn marw drwy hunanladdiad - tua thair gwaith y nifer sy’n cael eu lladd mewn damweiniau ffyrdd. Yng Nghymru, mae’r gyfradd hunanladdiad i ddynion ar ei huchaf ers 1981. Cynyddodd hunanladdiad ymysg dynion 23 y cant rhwng 2012 a 2013. Mae’r ffigyrau diweddaraf yn dangos mai hunanladdiad yw prif achos marwolaeth pobl rhwng 20 a 34 oed. Tra bod achosion hunanladdiad yn gymhleth, rydym yn gwybod bod ffactorau sy’n cynyddu’r risg i grwpiau ac unigolion penodol. Mae’r ffactorau hyn yn cynnwys amddifadedd, bod yn ddyn a chamddefnyddio alcohol. Er mwyn lleihau achosion o hunanladdiad, mae angen i amryw o asiantaethau weithio gyda’i gilydd drwy’r wlad ac mewn cymunedau lleol, i roi’r siawns orau i bobl wella eu bywydau pan maent mewn trafferthion. Mae angen dull sy’n hybu iechyd meddwl a lles, cymorth amserol, ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus ac sy’n lleihau anghydraddoldeb. Rydym wedi croesawu ail gam Strategaeth a Chynllun Gweithredu Atal Hunanladdiad a Hunan Niwed Llywodraeth Cymru, Siarad â fi. Mae cynlluniau o’r fath, a phroses effeithiol o’u gweithredu, yn hanfodol i geisio lleihau achosion o hunanladdiad. Fodd bynnag, mae angen i ni weithredu’n fwy cadarn a chyson drwy Gymru i fynd i’r afael â’r cynnydd mewn cyfraddau hunanladdiad. Mae’r gwaith y mae angen ei wneud i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd yn cefnogi uchelgeisiau mewn polisïau eraill i wella gwytnwch cymunedau, codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd a gwella mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Mae’r Samariaid yn ceisio lleihau nifer y bobl sy’n marw drwy hunanladdiad. Mae hynny’n golygu y dylai Samariaid fod yno pryd ac yn y dull y mae ein hangen, yn cynnwys sicrhau bod ein cymorth am ddim i bobl sy’n ein ffonio. Gyda’n gilydd gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i gyfradd hunanladdiad a dod o hyd i ffyrdd i ymateb i bobl mewn trallod. Rhaid i ni weithio gyda’n gilydd, yn lleol a chenedlaethol, i sicrhau gwir newid yng Nghymru.
Sarah Stone Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Cymru
Christopher Mill Ymddiriedolwr y Samariaid i Gymru
BY WYDAU Sut allwn ni weithredu’n effeithiol i leihau achosion o hunanladdiad yng Nghymru