fourteenth st. theatre -

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NearJNew Haven depot. Enquire of A. P. FRENCH,. Argus Office, 9-12 West 1st sfc. Free Admission to Two Grand Concerts Daily,. HALL'S OLD GUAM) BAND.
• mam ^•••»*'Jiift^a>tros»»-

^^tmm^mlmmmm^ Kgfmmmn>»»nmm

Westchester Cewrty Brevities. 1892

, 1892

William Romer, Esq., of White Plain., baa opened a law office in TLe Wtrid building, N e w York.

Su. Mo. To. We. Tb. Fr. Sa.

1 4 5 6 7 8 15 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29


2 9 10 16 17 23 24 30


Third 1Q 7 . S 0 Quarter 10 a. m.

> First "Quarte ••••"-

• ' —


Broadway and Forty-flnt street. .


••- . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jsir. T , I I . arsflftoflHtil'

Handsomest and aslant theatre la the world. •rening- at S. Saturday uattaem at 2. The incomparable



m n e PEOPLE O f THE STATE OP MTJtf] X York, by the Grace of God. Free and Independent: •-,...• .-r? * • . • . • • ; • Tr. Silas H. Beat. George O. Bent Annie M. Forbuoh, Boswefl Bent, Ernest Heat, George .-*. Bent, OiieC. Beat, lees Pond, Cham*. K. bVut. Ferdinand Bent, Lydis Barnard. Merry J. Wilder, Mary B. Cook Sarah J. Barnard.

1:19 a. m.

"*' '


^ in. i

Ban „ 0 IM^OOOI

4 in •

>jr!"5) fret; southerly by the northerly side of Madison street three hundred and twenty (820) Evenings at S Matinees Wednesdays and Satur- feet; westerly by the easterly side of Union ave days at 2. Popu ar prices, 95c , 83c, 50c. and 75c. nue two hundr. d and five (205) feet, as laid down ou Mid map. being ihe tame premises sold and S A D I E S C A N L A N - i n N o r a R l a c t i r e . conveyed by Louisa F. Ssrchi to David lrgraham, by deed dated September 4. 1S64, and recorded lu the Westchester county Register's Office, iu Liber •STANDARD THEATRE, 687 of deeds, page I2C, September 9,1868,at 9 a.m., ~ Broadway, bet. S2nd and »3fd streets. which axe designated on a certain map made by J. M. H i l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . 1 . . . : . . M a n a g e r . the undersigned Referee in this action by ihe Numbers 5, ij8. 9, 10 ar.d 1 lx Evenings at »: 15. Savurday Maiinee at 2. Dated White Plains. N. Y.. July 27,1892. Lilian Lewis, Gustavus Levick and a strong cast W. FOl'HAM I'LATT. Rererec. in White Plains, New York

5 ~ " Spider and Fly " a t Opera House. M. R 8—Meeting of the Liquor Dealers Association of this city, a t Fei'jruson's Hall, a t 3 o'clock. ''—Meeting Common Council. 8 p. m. 8 p. m .

7—Meeting Fifth District School Board. 8 p. m.

LOCAL ITEMS. Unusual interest is now manifest in the approaching firemen's convention when officers will be elected to govern our volunteer department for the ensuing year. Mr. C. O. LeCoont, .'of N e w RocbaUe, will address the temperance meeting a t Willard Hall next Sunday, Sept. 4th, at 3;30 p. m. All are earnestly requested to attend. An important business meeting of the Eastside Democratic club w a s held Wednesday evening. Tbey will raise a banner at the junction of Union avenue and Jefferson street. There will be a meeting of the Board of Health of this city this afternoon at the Common Council chamber. Mr. F. Staik has notitici to appear before them and t o give -reasons »tty be does i ot boil the bones be transports. We tremble tor the success of the City Market Meat Company which is to begin business Monday on a cash basis. To build up a trade iu this city with the principle of CASH as a foundation will require a Herculean effort L,

'X I

Becklew Drrrtr Causes a Runaway. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. John Rogers, of South Bleeker street, while out riding in company with her husband, and having a baby in, her arms, collided with . a reckless driver on South Fourth avenue. Mr. Rogers ent into a store o n FonrtJi avenue and left tr in the wagon. She drove, up and down the thoroughfare, s o as not to block up the street. She had driven u p a few times and was in the act of coming down again when this man crashed into her vehicle. T h e horse immediately took fright and ran. I t was captured before it had gone far. Fortunately no serious injury came to the occupants. They were badly* frightened, however.

Hoyt's \fadison Square Theatre

FfilDAY. SEPTEMBEB 2. 1882. Mo rfVV.*»#»»


• *B Sj

Is entitled V*r*on,

to free




STA R THEATRE, *"* Broadway and Thirteenth street. Evenings at 8:15. Saturday Matinee at 2. Monday, Ang 22 -Katie Emmet, in




Coming in Ail its Magnificence. A Co!oe?al Scenic Creation,

M . B. L E A V I T T ' S New Grand Spectacular


" SPIDER AND FLY," originated in Europe a t an outlay of- over $S9,000. Unequalled European


Pantomimic Features, Dazzling Ballets, Unique Originalities, Superb Musical Gems, Magnificent Imported Costumes, Gorgeous Entrancing Scenery, Marvellous Electric and Mechanical Effects, Interspersed with High Class Vaudeville.

An Artistic, Matchless Production. P R I C E S - 2 5 c . 50C. 75c a n d I .OO.




. 1


- —


• "


— • *


OUNG MEN wishing first-class room and board can find same at &J Valentine street. • d 125—


COM TO LET.—Large front room to let with or without board. 145 South Tenth ave.

H P T LET.—In a desirable part of Mount X Vernon a nicely furnished front bed room. Board can be obtained in the immediate neighborhood. References required. P. O. 108. —18S



A N T E D — b y a young girl (19) a position in a small tamily ut general housework. Address, —130 i m D . f care of Argus.


E R V A N T S ' E X C H A N G E . - I a m prepared to accommodate with servants b y the day or mouth. Office, —135 26 South Fifth avenue.


) LET—Pars of house, tw© Parlors, Dining room. Kitchen and three Bedrooms. All improvements; carpets on Halls and windows shaied. Rent, *25.00. Apply to owner. 349 South Fourth avenue, Mount Vernon. —130

Belden Point. W This delight fully cool Fummer Kesort I* situated on Long Island Sound, IS miles from New York city.

ARNING—To t h t t man and persons trespassing on the grounds and breaking in my* house on Jefferson and Montinella avenues, McKvoy Estate, Edenwald. They will t e punished to the full penalty of the law. Look at sign on premises. G. L. KOENIG, . —131 Owner.

The Iron Steamboat Company

Houses For Sale.

WILLIAM V. HAKRITY. • e n because o f h i s t r u t h f u l n e s s . H e *as born i n W i l m i n g t o n , D e l . , O c t . 19, 1850, and waa g r a d u a t e d f r o m L a S a l l e »Uege, P h i l a d e l p h i a . H e s t u d i e d l a w i n the office o f t h e l a t e L e w i s C . C a s s i d y , WILL RUN BOATS REGULARLY ! *ho w a s a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l o f P e n n s y l From Pier 1, North River (near Battery Place, vania, and w a s a d m i t t e d t o t h e b a r i n Elevated Railroads:) Bridge Dock, Brooklyn, and JJJ. H e h e l p e d t o e l e c t R o b e r t E . Foot East Thirty-first Street. Pattison c o m p t r o l l e r o f R e p u b l i c a n P h i l 4 9 - For time tables see daily papers. - « • adelphia, a n d l a t e r a s s i s t e d t o m a k e h i m governor. H e w a s a p p o i n t e d p o s t m a s *w of P h i l a d e l p h i a b y C l e v e l a n d , a n d >*de ah e x c e l l e n t r e c o r d . H e , m o r e than any o t h e r m a n , w a s r e s p o n s i b l e Free Admission to Two Grand Concerts Daily, *OT running P a t t i s o n f o r g o v e r n o r a s e c j*d time, w h i c h r e s u l t e d i n t h e o v e r HALL'S OLD GUAM) BAND. throw of D e l a m a t e r , H e i s p r e s i d e n t o f Mammoth Organ played by FRANK TAFT. * trust c o m p a n y i n P h i l a d e l p h i a a n d .... 0 i •as a large l a w p r a c t i c e . H e h a s a n i n **«Ting f a m i l y , a n d i s a h a n d s o m e Jan c»f s t a l w a r t b u i l d , w h o c a n s t a n d *jnr>$t a n y a m o u n t o f p h y s i c a l a n d m e n I *•» work w i t h o u t sigfns o f f a t i g u e . — N e w Lot 80x105, South Fourth avenue, * » k ft raid,

Excursion Ticket,

T w o houses with all modern Improvements. Built this year. NearJNew Haven depot

UPREME COURT-COUNTY OV WESTSHenry Foster, Plaintiff, against William F ClIBi-TEU.

Weltz and Augusta M. WeRz his wife. Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered in the above entitled action on the 23d day of July, I842,1 the undersigned, the referee therein appointed for that purpose, will sell at public auction en the premises hereinafter descrioe'l on F r i d a y t h e 16th day of September. 1 8 0 3 , at 11 o'clock in tbe forenoon, the premises described iu said judgment as follows, to wit: All that certcin lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and boing in the City (formerly) Village of Mount Vernon in the County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map, entitled, " Map of Central Mount Vernon, situate lu the Town of EastChester, Comity of \Vestch(»ter and State of New York," (made by Andrew Findlay. surveyor, dated Westchester, September 3, 1853. and now on file in the office ol the Register of said County), by the number 67 ',fifty-seven); and bounded und described as follows on said map, to wit: Westerly in front by Tenth avenue southerly on one side by lot number 68 (fifty-eight), easterly in tbe rear by lot number ins (one hundred and eigbt), aud northerly on the other side, by lot number M(fifty-six); and containing iu width In in 1 rout and rear (50)fiftyfeet, atii la depth on each aide one hundred (109) feet, be the said several dissensions more or leas. Dated August 8,1892. WILLIAM W. PEN FIELD, DAVID O WILLIAMS, Referee. Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 38 West First Street, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 124— — ' •

Mount Vernon

Messenger Comp'y No. 5 South Fourth Avenae.

40 Cents.


tj Y O N K E R S P A R K , T U C K A H O E , and tetum

City of


by stage. Vernou, bitween i»

tn. and i:?o p m. T H E hotderis

also entitled to a sail on the Y O N K E R S P A R K

LAKE. *f f f l l

A competent Guide will accompany all parties. '



C«« Coujion frn Daily Argus. |»v

Thos.E.Ski3mer&Co, w

0 l t V GOODS!



n » \

-. -4


J •"





I .

f M



The Largest Store! •





Most Complete Stock : And Newest Goods MAY BE FOUND 1



IVIAGEE'S EMULSION N o other proprietary medicine haa the endorsement o f Physicians t o t h e same extent. N o n e i s need i n Hospital practice with s o large a percentage o f satisfactory results. . N o other remedy has cored s o many case* o f

CONSUMPTION and other Pulmonary D i s e a s e s .


Enquire of A . P. F R E N C H ,

Argus Office, 9-12 West 1st sfc

No. 14 Depot


Attorney for the Plaint iff. Sing Sing, New York. 102— The sale of the above described premises is hereby adjourned to September Fifueuth, 1892, same hour and place Dated August 22d, 1*92. W. POPIIAM PLATT, Referee, White Plains, New ^ ork. Fit AN ct* Li UK IN, Jr., Esfi., Attorney for the rialntiff. Sing Slag, New York.

Fourteenth etrect, near Irviug Place.




Must be presented at our office, 14 Depot Place, Mount

II* " t i 111



William0F. Harrity, W h o W i l l D i r e c t the Campaign for t h e D e m o c r a t s . Harrity, the n e w chairman o f the committee, i s t h e p r e s e n t s e c r e t a r y o f the c o m m o n w e a l t h o f P e n n s y l v a n i a , ftjid has b e e n m o s t s u c c e s s f u l a s a politician. He i s courteous a n d obliging, and a great favorite a m o n g n e w s p a p e r



Nightly at S.Tuesday and Friday Matinees at 2.


T H K holder of this Coupon






Leavitt company.


ftbfcJN MUSEB,

20 SiS" r29

M t W YOftK A M U S E M E M T S . " "• r •

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