Sep 29, 2012 - Joseph Martin. ____ 10305869 SATB. $2.05. ____ 10310003 P/A CD ... $50.00. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart arr.
Fox Valley AGO Choral Reading Session Jane Holstein September 29, 2012 O God Beyond All Praising Gustav Holst/arr. Mark Hayes ____ 10305845 SATB ____ 10310040 Instrumental Parts
Away in a Manger Blake R. Henson ____ 10291838 SATB
Child Is Born in Bethlehem BATASTINI ____ 1369719 SATB
Prayer for Peace David Cherwien ____ 8065302
For All the Saints John Bell / Bob Moore ____ 10342005 SAB
Prepare Ye the Way Penny Rodriguez ____ 10310926 SATB
God's Peace arr. C.J. Adams ____ 10305837 SATB
The Good Shepherd Zebulon Highben ____ 10342008 SAB
How Firm a Foundation arr. Paul E. Koch ____ 10068402 Two-Part with Organ
I Then Shall Live arr. Lloyd Larson ____ 10341850 SAB
If You But Trust In God James Woodward ____ 10342006 Two-Part Mixed My Jesus I Love Thee Dan Forrest ____ 10293856 SATB O Come to Us, Emmanuel Joseph Martin ____ 10305869 SATB ____ 10310003 P/A CD ____ 10310006 Orchestration
Two-Part Mixed
$1.95 $12.50
Processional on Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Robert A. Hobby ____ 10310946 SATB opt. congregation $1.85 ____ 10310977 Instrumental Score $15.00 ____ 10310978 Instrumental Parts $25.00 ____ 10310979 Full Score $21.00 ____ 10310980 Orchestration $50.00 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart arr. Marty Parks ____ 10292765 SATB ____ 10292766 Instrumental Parts
$1.90 $5.00
Sussex Carol YOUNG ____ 1572726
Tune My Heart to Sing God's Praise Lloyd Larson ____ 10312023 SATB
The Whisper Craig Courtney ____ 10312025
$2.05 $26.95 $35.00
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