Fr. TJebrid" du Kenya; Ger. GroGohr ...

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Turkwell Gorge, West i'okot, Ken;.]. Taxonomy Originally !'.j-ctinomus ... Left ear of Tadarida /obata (based on Peterson & Harrison 1970). - then: is a marked ...
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Tadarida lobata


Fr. TJebrid" du Kenya; Ger. GroGohr-Bulldoggfledermaus

7;,,/arid(/ /obalU ( ThomJs, 1891). Ann. 1\1Jg. Nat. Hist., s('r. 6, 7: 303. Turkwell Gorge , West i'okot, Ken;.] . Taxonomy Originally !'.j-ctinomus /obCltlis. Suhgenus Tadarida. Synonyms: none . Chromosome numhLT: not known.

- then: is a marked constriction at level of postlTior premolars (d. I: Ju/minans). Hasisphenoid pits shallow to modnatl' in depth, medium · sized, their width slightly greate r to slightly less than Lheir distano' Description Medium -small microbat without nose il'af and with apart. Upper incisor;; moderate in length and c1use togetl1l'r. AnLTrior terminal portion of tail projecting freely from posterior margin of upper premolar distinctly taller than Cing ulum of posterior pr"lllolar, within toothrow; canin e and posterior pre m olar well s"jlaraled. M l intcrfemoral memhrane; large for an African molos.sid; l'ars very with third ridge> half length o f second ridge. 1'\\'0 low('r incisors large, m half lengLh of second ridge. Sex!"s almost similar; 0' 0' larger separated hy th e incisors. D cntal formula: ! ! l l / ' ! 2 ! in some skull dime nsions including C-· M '. Pebge short, velvety. D o rsal pelage dark hrown (\arious shad es) with conspicuous whitt' Geographic Variation Nonc record d. spoL betwee n shoulder-hlad es in all knovyn fully mature adults, and variable amo unts of whiLe or pale p,'lagc Iwhind lhc ju.nction of the Similar Species Four other 70d"ri" of ears m(" ,ting on fon 'head; l',lI'S not ('xte nding beyond snout wh e n laid for\\'a1'moral mcmhran' semi -translucent, greyish dor sally, whitish ventrally. Ventral sides of forearms and legs naked fi,rward. InterdenLal palate not markedly consLrided at 1c\'LI of posLerior premolar. North IlJrica. and white. Foot with rais ed pad on sok (plantar pad). T. rCl1Lw/is. Inner margins of cars medin g on Forehcad; ears not Skull not extre mely dorsoventrally tlattened. Ankrior of braincase extending heyond snout whcniaid [()t'ward. :\ 0 whitspeetively (Pe terson & llarrbo n 1970) . Two large r se ries of specimens we re coll ccted from these two countries subsequently. Thi s species appears to be loca lly common (hased on a series o f' 19 specimens shot at Maungu Hi II, Kenya, by Pete rso n! 19741; and e ight specimens mist-netted in the Mutoko District of Zimbabwe in 1997 and 1998 ICo tt rill lOOl c l) .

Tadarida major Fr. Tadarid e


FA: 58.0 ( 5) 62) mm, n 38 WS (d): 407 (370 42S) mm, n == 38 TL: 131. 8( 124- 146) mm,n = 40 T: 5.2.2 (46- 60 ) mm, n == 40 E: 2S.2 (25- 32) mm, n == 40

Tr: n. d.

Tib: 19.5 ( 19-2 1) mm, n = 13*

HF: 12.9(12 14)mm,n = 13*

WT: 25. 0 (20- 33) g, n = 30

GLS: 22 .8 (22 . 3- 23 .6) mm , n == 20

GWS: 13. 4( 13.0--14.0)mm,n = 20

C_ M I (99): 8.7 (S .6- 8.8) mm, n 8*

C- M l (0' 0'): 9.0 (8.9- 9. 1) mm, n == 5*

Ken;J and Zimhabwe (B MNH, HZM, ROM, NM ZB, Pete rson 1974)

*Kenya only ( I'ctl'fson 1974)


Key References

Co tterill 1996b, 200 I C; Peterson 1974

F. P. D. Cotterill


aoreilletles; Ger. Stirnlappcn -Bulldoggflede rmaus

'iiJd"r ida 1Il0j or (Trouessart, 18 97). Ca t. Mamm. VivoFoss. 1: 146. 5th Cataract of the Nil e"


Originall y

i\~"L in o mlis plimillis



Subgenu s

Chocreph on. Synonyms : obo e, em ini . Subsp cies : no ne. Similarities

between th e co mpara tive ly simple lappet betwee n the cars o f 7: major , and the highly devel o pecl, lorward -proj 'cting lo be betwee n

the cars of T 8oJ1ogheri from DR Congo and T LV111cnsis from Sao Tom t' , indicate a need to r e-exa min e the relationships betwee n th e~e species, and betwc(J1 these species and other Tac/ofic/o . Chromosome numb er: no t known. 516


Description Small to very sma ll microhat without noseleaf and w ith terminal portio n o r tail proj ec ting freely from pos terior margin of interfe mora l mem brane ; med ium-small for an Arricdn molossid; ea rs se parated by a distin ctive lap pet over an interaural po ket, whi ch, in adult 0' 0' , contains an interaural crest ; M l with third ridge> half second ridge ; wings lI sually dark (rarely white or pal e), ventral fl an k-s tripe white or whitish. Sexes almost similar. Pelage short (mid-dorsal hairs ca. 3 111m), covering rump bu t not ex tending