H. KroK ger / Physics Reports 323 (2000) 81}181
H. KROG GER DeH partement de Physique, UniversiteH Laval, QueH bec, QueH ., Canada G1K 7P4
Physics Reports 323 (2000) 81}181
Fractal geometry in quantum mechanics, "eld theory and spin systems H. KroK ger De& partement de Physique, Universite& Laval, Que& bec, Que& ., Canada G1K 7P4 Received May 1999; editor: J. Bagger
Contents 1. Introduction to fractal geometry 2. Fractal geometry in quantum mechanics 2.1. Brownian motion versus motion in quantum mechanics 2.2. Path integral quantization and fractal geometry of quantum paths 2.3. Numerical simulations for di!erent potentials 2.4. Can we measure experimentally the geometry of quantum mechanical propagation? 3. Quantum physics on fractal space}time 3.1. SchroK dinger and Dirac equation viewed from statistical mechanics 3.2. The principle of scale invariance 3.3. Quantum physics on Cantor sets 4. Fractal geometry and quantum "eld theory 4.1. Self-similarity and renormalization group equation 4.2. Self-similarity and scale dependence. Hadron structure functions in QCD
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4.3. Geometry of propagation of a relativistic particle 4.4. Non-local order parameters for con"nement in lattice gauge theory 4.5. Fractal geometry and critical behavior of lattice "eld theories 5. Fractal geometry and quantum gravity 5.1. Random surfaces and quantization of gravity 5.2. Fractal structure 5.3. Numerical results from lattice simulations. Gravity coupled to matter: Ising model and 3-state Potts model 6. Fractal geometry and spin systems 6.1. Critical behavior of spin systems as a function of non-integer dimension of space}time: Ising model 6.2. Geometry of critical clusters: Ising model 6.3. Fractal geometry of topological excitations: X> spin model 7. Concluding discussion and outlook References
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[email protected] (H. KroK ger) 0370-1573/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 1 - 4
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H. Kro( ger / Physics Reports 323 (2000) 81}181
Abstract The goal of this article is to review the role of fractal geometry in quantum physics. There are two aspects: (a) The geometry of underlying space (space}time in relativistic systems) is fractal and one studies the dynamics of the quantum system. Example: percolation. (b) The underlying space}time is regular, and fractal geometry which shows up in particular observables is generated by the dynamics of the quantum system. Example: Brownian motion (imaginary time quantum mechanics), zig-zag paths of propagation in quantum mechanics (Feynman's path integral). Historically, the "rst example of fractal geometry in quantum mechanics was invoked by Feynman and Hibbs describing the self-similarity (fractal behavior) of paths occurring in the path integral. We discuss the geometry of such paths. We present analytical as well as numerical results, yielding Hausdor! dimension d "2. Velocity-dependent interactions (propagation in H a solid, Brueckner's theory of nuclear matter) allow for d (2. Next, we consider quantum "eld theory. We H discuss the relation of self-similarity, the renormalization group equation, scaling laws and critical behavior, also violation of scale invariance, like logarithmic scaling corrections in hadron structure functions. We discuss the fractal geometry of paths of the path integral in "eld theory. We present numerical results for the length of propagation and fractal dimension for the free fermion propagator which is relevant for the geometry of quark propagation in QCD. Then we look at order parameters for the con"nement phase in QCD. The fractal dimension of closed monopole current loops is such an order parameter. We discuss properties of a fractal Wilson loop. We look at critical phenomena, in particular at critical exponents and its relation to non-integer dimension of space}time by use of an underlying fractal geometry with the purpose to determine lower or upper critical dimensions. As an example we consider the ;(1) model of lattice gauge theory. As another topic we discuss fractal geometry and Hausdor! dimension of quantum gravity and also for gravity coupled to matter, like to the Ising model or to the 3-state Potts model. Finally, we study the role that fractal geometry plays in spin physics, in particular for the purpose to describe critical clusters. ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 03.65.!w; 03.70.#k; 04.60.!m; 05.45.Df Keywords: Fractal geometry; Quantum mechanics; Quantum "eld theory; Quantum gravity; Spin systems
H. Kro( ger / Physics Reports 323 (2000) 81}181
1. Introduction to fractal geometry The notion of fractal geometry has become quite popular in natural sciences in recent years. Fractal geometry seems to describe such di!erent phenomena as the shape of clouds and rivers, the mixture of liquids with di!erent viscosity and solubility (pouring cream into co!ee), the description of turbulence, in biology to describe plant growth, in medical sciences to describe the shape of brain tumors or lungs, in models of economy, or in literature to describe the frequency of occurrence of letters and words. Because many di!erent fractals occur in nature, it is useful to characterize them. Following Mandelbrot [104] a fractal is de"ned as an object with two properties: (a) self-similarity and (b) its fractal dimension being di!erent from its topological dimension. In physics, in the theory of phase transitions (critical phenomena) there are two notions quite similar to the above, namely (a) scale invariance at the critical point and (b) critical exponents. Let us explain the notion of self-similarity and the fractal dimension with two examples of fractals: (i) Koch's curve which is an idealized mathematical construction and (ii) the coast line of England. The construction of Koch's curve is shown in Fig. 1. Koch's curve can be viewed as the limit of a sequence of curves. Curve (a) is called generator. Curve (b) is obtained by reducing the generator by a scale factor of three and replacing each piece of straight line of curve (a) by the reduced generator. Similarly curve (c) is obtained by reducing the generator (a) by a scale factor
Fig. 1. Construction of Koch's curve, (a) original generator, (b) 2nd step, (3) 3rd step.
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nine and replacing each piece of straight line of curve (b). This continues ad in"nitum. The curves are self-similar, i.e., parts of each curve are identical (apart from the scale change) to the previous curve. Now consider the length. Let us denote by a the length of the straight line part of the original generator which has length l"4a. After scale reduction the straight line part has length a/3, a(1/3)2,2, a(1/3)n and the reduced generator has length l"4a/3, l"4a(1/3)2,2, l"4a(1/3)n. In the limit nPR this goes to zero. The lengths of the curves are: ¸"4a, ¸"4a(4/3), ¸"4a(4/3)2,2, ¸"4a(4/3)n in the nth step. In the limit nPR the length goes to in"nity by a power law. As another example let us assume we want to measure the length of the coastal line of England. One takes a yardstick, representing a straight line of a given length. Let e denote the ratio of the yardstick length to a "xed unit length. The one walks around the coastline and measures the length of the coast using the particular yardstick (starting a new step where the previous step leaves o!). The number of steps multiplied with the yardstick length gives a value ¸(e) for the coastal length. Then one repeats the same procedure with a smaller yardstick say e@. Doing this for many values of e yields a function ¸ versus e. Let us assume there is a power law ¸(e)
e~a . e?0 0
This looks very much like the critical behavior of a macroscopic observable at the critical point, e.g., magnetization of a ferromagnet when temperature approaches the critical temperature. In that case a would be called a critical exponent. One observes for a wide range of scales e that the length of the British coast obeys such a power law. The fractal dimension d is de"ned by &3!# a"d !d , &3!# 501
where the topological dimension d "1 for the curve. For the coastline of England one "nds 501 experimentally d +1.25. For Koch's curve, one can choose e as the ratio of the straight line parts &3!# corresponding to nth and 0th step, e"(1/3)n. This satis"es Eq. (1.1), yielding a"(log 4! log 3)/log 3 and thus d "log 4/log 3"1.262 . &3!# Why and where does fractal geometry play a role in quantum physics? In the case of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics the most obvious example is the geometry of propagation (i.e., of a typical path) of a massive particle. Under very general assumptions this is a curve of fractal dimension d "2. The underlying physical reason is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which by & itself is closely related to the commutation relation of position and momentum. A heuristic argument, leading to d "2 goes like this: writing the uncertainty relation & *x *p&+ ,
and putting *p"m(*x/*t) ,
we obtain (*x)2&*t .
H. Kro( ger / Physics Reports 323 (2000) 81}181
When we consider the propagation between two given points in space and time, where the time interval ¹ is broken into N subintervals of length *t, we "nd for the length of the path ¹ ¹ ¸"N *x" *x& &*x1~d& . *t *x
Letting *tP0, and comparing with Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2), implies d "2. This can be made more & rigorous. The result is also supported by numerical simulations. Another example for the usefulness of fractal geometry in quantum mechanics is percolation, in particular, the SchroK dinger equation has been studied on a Sierpinski gasket. If fractal geometry plays a role in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, one expects it to play a role in quantum "eld theory, too. For example, one can ask the question: What is the geometry of propagation for a relativistic quantum particle? Because particle number #uctuates in relativistic physics, the answer is not as simple as in the non-relativistic case. In fact, there is no unambiguous answer. Quantum "eld theories describe many-body systems in nature. Those often display phase transitions. At the critical point, we know that scaling laws describe the singular behavior of macroscopic observables. This behavior is related to the mathematical property of self-similarity, which is inherent in the renormalization group equation. On the other hand, self-similarity is a characteristic feature of a fractal. Thus it is not surprising that fractal geometry plays a role for critical phenomena. E.g., the geometry of critical clusters in certain spin systems (Ising clusters) can be described by fractal geometry. Fractal geometry of random walks and random surfaces has been studied in two-dimensional models of statistical mechanics at the critical point. In the context of lattice gauge theory, where the Wilson loop plays the role of an order parameter distinguishing a con"ned from a decon"ned phase, it has been suggested that fractal geometry plays a role at the decon"nement phase transition. New order parameters of gauge theories in connection with fractal geometry have been suggested by Polikarpov and co-workers. The fractal dimension of closed monopole current loops is such an order parameter. For example, the monopole current loop becomes a fractal object at the transition point. The #ux lines of the Abelian monopole current in the con"ning phase are found to have a fractal dimension D '1 for ;(1) as & well as for Abelian projected "nite temperature S;(2), but have D "1 in the non-con"ning phase. & Those "ndings by Polikarpov and co-workers strongly suggest that con"nement of quarks and gluons has something to do with fractal geometry. Another area where fractal geometry has turned out to be a useful tool, is the determination of upper or lower critical dimensions. Using lattices which are fractal, it has been possible to simulate physical systems in non-integer space dimensions and to study non-perturbatively critical behavior as a function of such non-integer dimension. This has been done for the ;(1) model of lattice gauge theory and for the Ising spin model. For such purpose fractal geometry is a nice and useful tool, complementary to the perturbative technique of e expansion. Finally, in quantum gravity, the dynamics of the system is determined by curved space}time. It is tempting to ask: Does curved space}time exhibit any particular features in terms of fractal geometry? The answer is yes! We discuss, e.g., the relation between the Hausdor! dimension d and H the critical exponent l, related by d "1/l"4 in pure gravity. This establishes that the Hausdor! H dimension can play the role of a critical exponent. In particular, workers have studied the Hausdor! dimension of topology of 2-D quantum gravity as well as gravity coupled to matter, like to the Ising model or to the 3-state Potts model. The "nding that the Hausdor! dimension in
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quantum gravity plays the role of a critical exponent (critical exponents determine the universality class of the theory) suggests that the Hausdor! dimension might play such a role also in other "eld theories. The problem is to "nd suitable observables. Many of the questions asked and techniques used in the context of fractal geometry and quantum "eld theory have been "rstly investigated for spin systems. In particular, the determination of lower or upper critical dimensions, critical behavior as a function of non-integer dimension of the embedding lattice and the geometry of critical clusters have been investigated "rst for spin systems. We review those topics, paying attention to the Ising model and the X> model. In this review, we will present concepts and applications of fractal geometry in quantum systems. We will try to do this in a pedagogical manner. We hope to give an account of the developments of recent years.
2. Fractal geometry in quantum mechanics 2.1. Brownian motion versus motion in quantum mechanics 2.1.1. Brownian motion The subject of this review is fractal geometry in quantum physics. In order to enter this subject let us consider a system described by classical statistical mechanics: Brownian motion. It describes the motion of a molecule in a liquid, undergoing collisions with other molecules. Each collision causes the molecule to change its momentum. As a result one observes a sequence of erratic zig-zag movements (see Figs. 2 and 3). It turns out that physics is well described by making the following assumptions: The change of momentum of the molecule at a collision depends only upon the last collision. The change obeys a probabilistic law: It is a Gaussian stochastic process. Following Itzykson and Drou!e [76] this can be nicely simulated numerically on a regular lattice in D space dimensions (discretization *x) and time (discretization *t). After each time interval *t, the molecule hops from one lattice site to a neighbor site chosen at random (each neighbor assigned equal probability). Then one can ask for the probability P(x , t ; x , t )50 that the molecule arrives at 1 1 0 0
Fig. 2. Random motion in a 2-D square lattice, from a computer simulation. Figure taken from Ref. [149].
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Fig. 3. A trail of a Brownian path in 2-D plane, from a computer simulation. Figure taken from Ref. [149].
site x at time t after having started from an initial position x at time t . This probability is 1 1 0 0 determined by three conditions: (i) If t equals t it does not move 1 0 P(x , t ; x , t )"d 1 0 . 1 0 0 0 x ,x (ii) The probability is normalized + P(x , t ; x , t )"1 . 1 1 0 0 x1 (iii) At successive times, it can arrive only from neighbor sites 1 P(x, t#1; x , t )" 0 0 2d
+ P(x@, t; x , t ) . 0 0 x{| /%*')"03 4*5%4 0& x
Using the discretized (lattice) Laplace operator 1 d * f (x)" + [ f (x#e )#f (x!e )!2f (x)] , -!55 k k 2d k/1 the latter equation can be written as
P(x, t#1; x , t )!P(x, t; x , t )"* P(x, t; x , t ) . (2.5) 0 0 0 0 -!55 0 0 In order to make the transition to the continuum limit, we generalize by allowing time steps a and 0 lattice steps of length a, by doing the substitution tPt/a and xPx/a. Then p"P/ad de"nes 0 a probability density. The continuum limit a P0 and aP0 exists and is well de"ned under the 0
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condition that the time scale and the spatial scale are related by a Ja2. Choosing in particular 0 a "(1/2d)a2 , (2.6) 0 the previous Eqs. (2.1), (2.2) and (2.5) yield for the probability density in the continuum limit lim p(x , t ; x , t )"dd(x !x ) , 1 1 0 0 1 0 t1?t0
ddx p(x, t; x , t )"1 , 0 0
R !D p(x, t; x , t )"0 . 0 0 Rt
Eq. (2.9) is the di!usion equation (with unit di!usion constant). The solution is
(x !x )2 1 0 exp ! 1 , (2.10) p(x, t; x , t )" 0 0 4(t !t ) [4p(t !t )]d@2 1 0 1 0 which is essentially a Gaussian. From the solution Eq. (2.10) one obtains for t 't 't the 2 1 0 Kolmogorov equation
ddx p(x , t ; x , t ) p(x , t ; x , t )"p(x , t ; x , t ) . 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0
This in turn allows to express the probability density p in terms of a multiple integral
1n~1 (x !x )2 n~1 ddx 1 j j p(x , t ; x , t )" < exp ! + j`1 , (2.12) f f i i 4 t !t [4p(t !t )]d@2 [4p(t !t )]d@2 j j/1 j/0 j`1 1 0 j`1 j where x "x and x "x . This gives a precise meaning to the path integral expression i 0 f n 1 tf p(x , t ; x , t )" [dx(t)]exp ! dt x5 2 , (2.13) f f i i 4 i t where x(t )"x and x(t )"x . i i f f From Eq. (2.13) one can obtain a simple plausibility argument which shows that the average path of the Brownian motion is a fractal curve with fractal dimension d "2. The main &3!#5 contribution to the path integral comes from con"gurations where :tfi dt x5 2&O(1) or t (*x)2&*t , (2.14)
where *x means the increment of length of an average curve for a given time increment *t. Suppose that a total time interval ¹"n *t is given. Then the length of an average curve, using Eq. (2.14), is ¹ ¸"n *x" *x"¹(*x)~1 . *t Letting *tP0 hence *xP0 and comparing with Eq. (1.2) yields d "2. &3!#5
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2.1.2. Relation between Brownian motion and quantum mechanics As has been shown by Nelson [112] and other authors (see, e.g., Ref. [149]), there is a close relationship between Brownian motion and quantum mechanics. Brownian motion goes over into free motion of a massive quantum mechanical particle, when replacing time t C it and the di!usion coe$cient d C +/2m. Then one has the following correspondence between the di!usion equation $*&& Eq. (2.9) and the SchroK dinger equation R +R +2 p"*p C ! t"! *t"Ht . Rt i Rt 2m
There is as well a correspondence between the path integral of the probability density of Brownian motion, Eq. (2.13), and the path integral for the transition amplitude of quantum mechanics,
1 tf i tf m p(x , t ; x , t )" [dx(t)]exp ! dt x5 2 C Sx , t D x , t T" [dx(t)]exp dt x5 2 . f f i i f f i i 4 i + i 2 t t (2.17) 2.2. Path integral quantization and fractal geometry of quantum paths 2.2.1. Analytical results for free motion and the harmonic oscillator While particles in classical mechanics follow smooth (di!erentiable) trajectories, the situation is di!erent in quantum mechanics. As has been noted by Feynman and Hibbs [56], paths of a massive particle in quantum mechanics are non-di!erentiable, self-similar curves, i.e., zig-zag curves (see Fig. 4). Feynman and Hibbs have noticed in 1965 the property of (stochastic) self-similarity, which plays an eminent role in many areas of modern physics. A decade later, Mandelbrot [104] has introduced the concept of fractal geometry in nature. So what do we know about the fractal geometry of quantum mechanical paths? Due to the close relation between Brownian motion and quantum mechanics, one is tempted to guess: A typical path of a free massive particle in quantum mechanics is a fractal curve with d "2. The plausibility argument employed for Brownian motion can be carried over directly to &3!#5 the path integral of quantum mechanics, thus supporting the guess. Actually, Abbot and Wise [1] have shown that an average quantum mechanical path of free motion has fractal geometry with Hausdor! dimension d "2. This result is based on the de"nition of length of monitored paths. H Monitoring a path means to measure the position of a wave packet with some uncertainty in localization *x at some discrete times t , t , t ,2, t . Experimentally this can be done in the 1 2 3 N following way: An electron is emitted from a source and passes through a sequence of screens each of them carrying several holes (see Fig. 5). In order to determine by which hole the electron has passed, one uses a source of light emitting photons placed behind each screen. The photon collides eventually with the electron. From the observation of the de#ected photon one can decide by which hole the electron has passed. Suppose each hole has a size *x. In order to determine a fractal dimension from Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) one needs to go to the limit *x&eP0. In order to localize the electron with uncertainty *x, the wave length of the photon j"+/p must obey j(*x. Thus eventually j must go to zero. But that means, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty relation *x *p5+ that the momentum uncertainty *p of the electron in the plane of the screen would go to
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Fig. 4. Typical paths of a quantum mechanical particle are highly irregular on a "ne scale. Although a mean velocity can be de"ned, no mean-square velocity exists at any point. Paths are nondi!erentiable. Figure taken from Ref. [56].
in"nity! This can be interpreted such that the electron is not free but by the measurement undergoes interaction which in the limit *xP0 becomes totally erratic. This experimental idea of monitoring the paths underlies Abbot and Wise's de"nition of length of quantum paths. They construct a wave packet being localized at t "0 at x "0 with 0 0 uncertainty in position *x. The wave packet is denoted by t(x, t; x "0, t "0, *x). They compute 0 0 the evolution of the wave function for a time interval *t and measure the length S*lT by
S*lT" d3xDxDDt(x, *t; x "0, t "0, *x)D2 . 0 0
After N measurements of position at time intervals *t (¹"N*t), the length of the average path is SlT"NS*lT .
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Fig. 5. Experiment to determine by which hole a particle (electron) has travelled between source and detector. A light source is placed behind each screen. From the observation of light scattered by the electron one can determine the hole which the electron has passed. Figure taken from Ref. [56].
Their calculation gives S*lTJ+ *t/m *x
SlTJ+¹/m *x .
and According to Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) this is equivalent to d "2. In summary, Abbot and Wise's result H d "2 for monitored paths can be interpreted such that the erratic paths are generated by H interaction via the position measurement. Thus it is natural to ask the question: What is the geometry and in particular the Hausdor! dimension of an unmonitored quantum mechanical path? There is indication that d "2 holds H also. Feynman and Hibbs [56] have shown in 1965 that unmonitored quantum paths are non-di!erentiable, stochastically self-similar curves. They have done a calculation which almost proves d "2. Their calculation includes the presence of any local potential. Moreover, their H calculation shows the close connection with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. So let us recall here the basic steps of Feynman and Hibbs' calculation. They consider the Hamiltonian !+2D # spin model The X> model is a classical spin model, which plays an important role in the physics of super#uidity. Super#uidity of liquid 4He is known to exist since more than half a century ago. Onsager [120] and Feynman [53] proposed vortex excitations to be responsible for the super#uid phase transition. In D"2 dimensions, a system with some continuous symmetry cannot produce spontaneous symmetry breaking. The argument for this goes back to Peierls [133], Landau [97] and Mermin and Wagner [107]. The importance of vortex excitations (topological excitations) in 2-D had been demonstrated theoretically by Kosterlitz and Thouless [88] which has later been con"rmed by experiments with thin helium "lms [151]. In 3-D vortex excitations also play a crucial role in the transition. This has been shown by Kohring et al. [87] via Monte Carlo simulations in the 3-D X> model. The X> model is de"ned on a 2-D lattice as follows. Let us consider a regular lattice of spacing a. The lattice sites are denoted by x . Let s denote a classical spin, described a vector of length unity in i i the 2-D plane being de"ned on each lattice site. Then the Hamiltonian is given by J H"! + s ) s i j 2 WijX J "! + cos(/ !/ ) , i j 2 WijX
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where / denotes the angle between spin s and an arbitrary, but globally "xed direction. It is i i evident that the Hamiltonian is invariant under global rotations. The model in 3-D is given by the same Hamilton function, except for the lattice sites being now de"ned on a cubic lattice. Vortices are important in 2-D, where the Kosterlitz}Thouless phase transition is explained as a dissociation of vortex}antivortex pairs. In D"3 dimensions, the vortex excitations are also called vortex loops. Contrary to the situation in D"2, in D"3 there is a conservation law giving closed vortex loops. The current is de"ned to pass through a plaquette formed by four neighboring lattice sites, say i, j, k, l. Let / ,2,/ denote i l the corrsponding spin angles, which take values in the interval (!p, p]. The the current is de"ned by 1 J" + [/ !/ ] , i j 2p
where the sum runs over the four oriented links SijT, SjkT, SklT and SliT and the values in the bracket [ ] lie also in the interval (!p, p]. Thus J is integer valued. If JO0, the #ux is associated with a link of the dual lattice perpendicular to the plaquette. Such excited links form closed loops. The situation with the 3-D planar X> model is similar to the Abelian ;(1) lattice gauge model in 4-D, where closed monopole current loops exist. Those loops have been shown to display fractal geometry, depending on the phase of the model. The fractal dimension of the monopole current loop has been shown to play the role of an order parameter. A similar situation prevails here. The model has a phase transition at b "0.4542, where b"1/(k ¹). Pochinsky et al. [134] have studied # B the geometry of such vortex loops from simulations on a lattice (73}143) and "nd the behavior for b(b di!erent from that for b'b . In Fig. 41, the fractal dimension is plotted versus the inverse # # temperature b. The fractal dimension of a vortex loop is de"ned here as the ratio of the number of links to the number of sites belonging to the vortex. One observes a behavior compatible with D "1 for b'b and D '1 for b(b . & # & # 7. Concluding discussion and outlook We have given an account of a number of areas where fractal geometry plays a role in quantum physics. In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, for the process of percolation, fractal geometry is suitable to describe the geometry of porous media. In other words, one considers quantum mechanics with fractal boundary conditions. On the other hand, the dynamics of a free system without boundary conditions can be characterized by fractal paths. Those paths for most interactions (local potentials) correspond to trajectories of Hausdor! dimension d "2. It is interesting to H consider situations, where d O2. An example is a velocity dependent potential, like