Framework for Customized-SOA Projects

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application has no. of development methodologies, but CSOA. (Customized SOA) application development is still at beginner level. Customized SOA application ...
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2011

Framework for Customized-SOA Projects Sheikh Muhammad Saqib1, Muhammad Zubair Asghar1, Shakeel Ahmad1, Bashir Ahmad1 and Muhammad Ahmad Jan1 1 Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Pakistan

for developing Enterprise level application such as SOMA and RUP. SOMA is a method for designing and implementing enterprise SOA based application while RUP is used for huge project [1] [5]. Each methodology has its own confines according to their nature. SOMA or RUP can be used for developing CSOA applications with the fact that effort, cost and time may not be pleasing for CSOA due to its small volume. Considering CSOA constraints, a method is needed for its development to overcome limitations associated with RUP or SOMA. Common characteristics of SOA and RUP such as size of development team, level of documentation, development time and type of orientation [1] enabled us to propose a development approach for developing CSOA with coordination of SOMA and RUP, because three RUP phases contains all activities of specification, identification and realization. Work of inception is distributed among all these activities [4]. II. SOMA & RUP

Abstract—Presentation, business logic and information access are becoming modern trends for developing SOA applications. Building blocks of SOA include logical grouping of components to accomplish business functionality. Although Enterprise SOA application has no. of development methodologies, but CSOA (Customized SOA) application development is still at beginner level. Customized SOA application is just like customized software for an organization with no entry of physical material except logical material. Due to common characteristics of RUP and SOA, authors proposed a Business Modeling based model for CSOA. Proposed model for CSOA is a development framework which uses the discipline & practices of SOMA and RUP for the proper management of utilizing the basic characteristics of SOA such as reusing & changing existing service with less effort, adding new service at any time, developing new services with future plan and etc. Author suggests that proposed model will be the best development framework for COSA with respect to rest of models. Keywords- SOA, CSOA, SOMA, RUP and Service.

In valid globe, Service implies a piece of independent deployment and versioning, communicate with other components and encapsulated [6]. SOA got importance due to different features such as loosely coupled components, black boxes services and SOA service should be self defined. SOA architecture includes: SOA registry, SOA workflow, Service broker, and SOA supervisor [7]. Service Oriented Modelling and Architecture consider as a best attitude for SOA. It is a method to plan and implement a SOA. It contains different phases for development of SOA. Each consists of many activities comprising compositions of tasks, which can be executed by roles. SOMA method describes all activities, roles and work products needed to design and implement a SOA [2]. SOMA phases are: Service Identification: identifies candidate service. Service Specification: specify the services sufficiently detailed to develop them. Service Realization: how services will be implemented and developed. Service Implementation: Service components are written, wrappers and services are assembled. Service Deployment: handles everything related to the deployment of the SOA to the customer [2]. Within development organization, a software engineering process model RUP, is a disciplined approach which assigns different responsibilities and tasks. Under the predictable schedule and budget RUP creates valuable software according to user’s requirements [3].

I. INTRODUCTION An authority that combines business services to business practices all together leads to ‘SOA is a software application ‘[1]. Analysis, modeling, design techniques, and activities of SOMA Service-oriented modeling architecture is the foundations of a SOA. SOAM is used to identify, specify and realize the services [2]. RUP Rational Unified Process is a development framework for effective project management. Managing requirements, component-based architecture, continuously verify quality and control changes and visually model are the different best practices for RUP model [3]. Major purpose of author [4] work is to improve SOA plug-in for RUP. Service oriented modeling and architecture work is similar to four phases of RUP i.e. inception, elaboration, construction and transition. Because activities of RUP last phases is working same service identification, specification and realization. During the inception phase, emphasis is given to determine the scope of project not in term of services. In normal development of RUP project, inception is considered as core phase to understand the whole concept but in SOA methodology inception can be namely considerable piece of the service realization activity [4]. Enterprise SOA application has no of development methodologies such as SOMA, but CSOA (Customized SOA) application development is still at beginner level. Customized SOA application is just like customized software for an organization with no or minimum entry of physical material except logical material. It provides only services to an organization according to their needs. CSOA needs a way for development method as it is application for small organization, whereas there exist many methodologies

III. PROPOSED MODEL FOR CSOA Like Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture, a model for CSOA will also require identification, specification, realization and deployment. These four sections will use the

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(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2011

different practices of RUP and SOMA, then customize based SOA applications can easily incorporate all characteristics of enterprise based SOA projects. Figure 2: Work of 1st phase.

B. Specification of Customized Services Gathered requirements about the product must be understood by the end of this phase. If there is no chance for using pre-built framework going to be used for construction then elaboration phase is considered complex. First phase results will be very useful to elaborate each service specification [9]. Objective of this phase is to elaborate different specification about services. Goal of this phase is to specify those services which should be implemented during this iteration. Following technical practices will be arranged in this phase. • Specification of functional components of a service. • Exploring different components attribute. • Applying coding standard and metaphor on above components. • Class diagrams from above components.

Figure 1: Flow of proposed model. In above Fig-1, it is clear that proposed model will also have four phases to construct CSOA applications. A. Identification of Customized Services RUP business modeling discipline is useful for determining the view of business structure, processes of the organization, identifying scope of the project, but it is not sufficient for the enterprise, because it does not depict cross-system issues adequately [8]. Since CSOA is a customized level application, then Business Modeling can be easily applied on CSOA. Analysis of this activity will be coarse-grained. SOMA Domain Decomposition is a top-down method that analyzes business domains and business use cases to identify services and how the business use cases are executed in detail and this analysis will be fine-grained i.e. determining a service to a specific function [2], but here we will use story cards instead of use cases. Story cards can be created by means of coordination of users (already identified) and system analyst. With the help of Story Card Headers and business glossary, each story cards can be easily created and setting the priorities of different services. Its major purpose will explore the business objective and domain decomposition by technically arranging the following practices. • Description of customer business state. • Description of different boundaries for modeling. • Separation of services with respect to category i.e. general, specific or more specific. • Scope of services for future. • Reused and reusable services. • Availability of candidate Services • Technical terms used in business domain. • Mention Users for writing and evaluating story cards.

Figure 3: Flow of 2nd phase. C. Realization of Customized Services This phase will control the operation, management of resources & optimize the schedules, costs, and quality. Its major theme is analogous to construction phase of RUP and service realization of SOMA. Its major theme is analogous to construction phase of RUP and service realization of SOMA. Its major views are: To determine how services will be implemented, How service will be constructed, User manuals creation. Current released report. Following two practices will be done when service will already exist in service library. • •


Mapping of analyzed services with existing services. Changing existing services if some needs are required. ISSN 1947-5500

(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2011

• •

Unit testing (Verification of functionality of a specific section of code). Plug-in service to system.

Store reusable services and its manual in library.

Figure-6: Flow of 4th phase for newly developed services. IV. CONCLUSION AND RESULTS Customized SOA application can be developed with proposed model more efficiently as compared to rest of models for customized applications. Some models use sequential approach, some use iterative approach and some uses reusability concepts. Since CSOA is a loosely coupled application and can’t be created with respect to traditional models. Proposed model is composed of practices from RUP (Business Oriented) and SOMA (Service Oriented), so it can be named as Business Oriented Service Model. Proposed model can have following characteristics: Worth of service • Ease of requirements understanding and writing. • Ease to estimate development efforts. • Easy to change and adding new Service. • Evaluation on spot. • Well defined executable architectural prototype. • Integrated existing services will be more accurate.

Figure 4: Flow of 3rd phase for existing services. If service does not exist in library then following practices will be done. • Technical exploration of a service. • Service communication interface (visible or invisible interface to end user). • Unit testing. • Plug-in service to system.

Figure 5: Flow of 3rd phase for newly developed services. D. Deployment of Customized Services Plug-in the services in productive environment and taking the user acceptance tests will be the major objective of this phase. This includes: Major goal of this phase is • • • • •

To plug-in the services in productive environment. Taking the user acceptance tests. Beta Testing (To validate the new whole system against user expectations). Conversion of operational databases. Users Training.

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(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2011

REFERENCES [1] Guillermo A. Callahan; Suitability of Extreme Programming and RUP Software Development Methodologies for SOA Applications, 2006. [2] Bachelor Thesis on Model-driven Software Migration into a Serviceoriented Architecture: Dr. Hans-Jürgen, 2009. [3] Shahid Hussain: Role Communication Model in RUP: Using Pair Programming Concepts, 2008. [4] Hans Admiraal: SOA gains importance to the RUP, (2008). [5] How to Adopt RUP in Your Project, URL: 2003 [6] “What is a Service in an SOA?”, 2007 URL: [7] SOA : Service Oriented Architecture: url:, 2009 [8] The Enterprise Business Modeling Discipline: Scaling Agile Software Development, URL: html [9] “The Furious Five”, URL:

About Author SHEIKH MUHAMMAD SAQIB is with Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Pakistan. (E-mail: [email protected]). His research interest is in RUP, SOA and Cloud Computing. Some of his papers were presented in some conference such as 9th National Research Conference at SZABIST – Islamabad PAKISTAN,2009, ISCS (International Symposium on Computer Science) at Namal College Mianwali PAKISTAN an Associate College of The University of Bradford, UK,2011 and Ten (10) are published in international journals.

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