Aug 24, 2015 - Complete Enrolment Form attached, register online at or call Tania on 8306 6300.
Rail Skills Australasia
Scuba Divers working in Rail? Create your future in the rail industry
Free 3 Day Work Shop “Rail Inspirations” is a 3 day work experience program facilitated by Rail Skills Australasia with a view to inspire and educate young people as to the multiple career opportunities available in the Victorian rail industry. A 3 day work experience program and introduction into the rail industry Complete Enrolment Form attached, register online at or call Tania on 8306 6300 Date & Time: 14, 15 & 16 September 2015 - 9am to 4pm Venue: Youth Connect, 2A Station St, Moorabbin (Lunch inc) Meet and interview rail industry professionals and learn about their work and their companies. Explore the history of rail and steam engine locomotives and understand the impact of manufacturing technology in the rail industry.
Program Details Dates: 14th, 15th & 16th September 2015
Time: 9am to 4pm
Location: Youth Connect, 2A Station Street, Moorabbin
Student Details Surname
Date of Birth
Given Names
Gender - Male/ Female
Postal Address Suburb
Post Code
Home Phone
Student Mobile
School currently attending
Current School Year Level
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent?
Are you from a Non-English Speaking Background?
VCAL (if applicable)
Do you have any disabilities? Visual/Sight/Seeing
Chronic Illness (e.g. asthma)
Other (please specify) _________________
Do you require assistance because of your disability? Emergency Contact Details Name
Relationship to Student
Contact Number
Relationship to Student
Contact Number
Student Agreement I have discussed my participation in the program with my parents/guardians. I understand that by registering for this program I must maintain attendance. I also agree to abide by the rules of the training centre, Youth Connect's requirements and including those rules relating to safety, punctuality, attendance and the co-ordination of external excursions. Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Endorsement I consent to my child taking part in this program. My child has consulted me about his/her involvement in the program and I understand the commitment required. I agree that he/she will be subject to the direction and control of the nominated supervisor of the employer and/or training centre and I expect my child to obey all reasonable rules governing safety and behavior. I also acknowledge that it is my child’s responsibility to attend all classes throughout the year. In the event of illness or accident to my child, I understand I will be notified as soon as possible, but where it is not possible to communicate with me within a reasonable time frame (in the circumstances), I authorise the person in charge at the workplace or training centre to consent to my child receiving such medical and surgical treatment (including the administration of an anesthetic) as may be deemed necessary by a legally qualified medical practitioner. I understand that the employer and/or training centre will take all reasonable care for the safety and health of my child. Parent/Guardian Name
Photo Release I give permission for Youth Connect to use and publish my child’s first name with the photographs and/or videos that contain images of my child in publications (including newsletters, websites, brochures, newspaper articles or press releases and guides) that will be shared with the wider community and public or for reporting purposes. Yes, I agree to having my child’s images released for marketing purposes No, I do not wish my child’s images to be used for marketing purposes School/Agency Endorsement The school VET/VCAL/Careers Coordinator/case worker must endorse that the student is deemed suitable for the program. I endorse that the above named is deemed suitable to undertake this program. Representative
Name Phone Number
Email Address
Please return the completed form to Youth Connect Phone: (03) 8306 6300
Fax: (03) 8306 6301
Post: Youth Connect, 2A Station Street, Moorabbin, Victoria, 3189 or Email:
[email protected] Privacy Information: The information provided on this form is for the registration and administration of students participating in Youth Connect administered VET Program and related structured workplace learning arrangements and in addition to your school, will be disclosed to the person in charge at the workplace or training centre. The information may be used for government reporting purposes, in a statistical format only. The information provided will not be used for any other purposes.
Rail Inspirations Free Workshop presented by Rail Skills Australasia Insight Activity One: “All About Me” Discovers the talents, passions, interests and personalities of the young people in your program through a personality quiz style conversation that will build rapport and trust. Knowing the students’ personalities and interests will allow you to tailor the WI program for each program for each individual and suggest roles within the organisation that may be of interest to them.
Insight Activity Two: “Behind the Scenes” Present your organisation to the young people; outline what your organisation does and why, how it operates and the various roles and opportunities that are available. The more interactive this session can be the better. Having outlined your organisation and the type of work you do, take the young people on a tour of the workplace, stopping to visit some of the employees in action.
Insight Activity Three: “Careers Happen” Conduct an interactive session where young people interview staff members about their career journey, from their early teenage years up until now. Reflecting on those conversations, students then create a ‘career board’ – a visual representation of a staff member’s career journey.
14th, 15th & 16th September 2015
9am to 4pm (Lunch provided)
Venue: Youth Connect, 2A Station St, Moorabbin
Contact: Tania at Youth Connect on 8306 6300 or
[email protected] for further information
Commercial in Confidence Rail Inspirations Victoria (Moorabbin) as at 24 August 2015
Proposed Program Times
Day One (Monday)
Welcome, introductions and safety briefings
9.00am – 9.30am
Students are welcomed to the office and introduced to the team. A safety induction is undertaken
Day Two (Tuesday)
Day Three (Thursday)
Industry Guest Speaker
Industry Guest Speaker
Overview and recap on Industry Field Visit What did each student learn from their experience? Why do they think steam technology was superceded?
9.30am – 10.00am
Icebreaker Activities – Career Collage
10.00am – 11.00am
Insight Activity One: All About Me Student-led project development
11.00am – 12.00pm
The personality quiz Students to provide an outline of their career goal and present their career boards – What is their career goal? Student-led project set-up Students will undertake a student project and establish their own railway company, including planning rail infrastructure, rollingstock, human capital. A budget will be set and costings of assets provided. Each group will be given a geographic region in which their track is to be built, destination and freight as well as include barriers they must overcome as a result of their project
Students work on their projects. RSA staff may provide some assistance where required.
Insight Activity Two: Behind the Scenes (Part A) This activity will focus on how to choose the right career to match your personality type. Is there something that you enjoy doing? Imagine doing something to love and someone paying you to do it! This activity will focus on a range of job roles within the rail industry and require you to determine what personality type will be best suited to that job role and some of the skills, qualifications required.
Commercial in Confidence Rail Inspirations Victoria (Moorabbin) as at 24 August 2015
Overview and recap on Industry Field Visit What did each student learn from their experience? Why do they think steam technology was superceded?
11.30am -12.00noon Student led Project presentation Students start to prepare for their presentation to the group. This may involve some assistance from staff. Planning your Rail Career – Part 1 Paul Daly – CEO of Rail Skills Australasia will provide an overview of careers in rail and how you can best plan towards your career in the rail sector.
12.00pm – 1.00pm 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Lunch Break Career Exploration & Activity Students will complete an activity where they will learn more about some of the careers available in the rail industry. This activity will incorporate how they relate their own strengths and skills to the each of the careers available.
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Industry Visit Excursion [TO BE CONFIRMED]
Lunch Break Insight Activity Two: Behind the Scenes (Part B) Students meet one-on-one with individual members from Industry and interview them to find out more about their role. Personalities will be matched in line with their personality profile or job interest from Insight Activity 1. Invite industry personnel in to participate in Activity
Industry Visit Excursion [TO BE CONFIRMED] .
Lunch Break Planning your Career – Part 2 Students will meet individuals from Australian Apprenticeship Centres and Training organisations together with Rail Skills Australasia to provide career plan on how to step into a career in the rail industry. This will include: assistance with subject selection, pathways to School based apprenticeships and traineeships, VET is Schools and University pathway program which are synergistic to careers in rail. 2pm-3pm Student-led project rehearsal & presentation Students to rehearse the presentation of their project before giving their official presentation to a selection of staff members. Evaluations & Farewells Participants complete an evaluation survey and are presented with a certificate of RI completion
Commercial in Confidence Rail Inspirations Victoria (Moorabbin) as at 24 August 2015