Free childcare places for 2 year olds - Camden Council

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If your application is successful you will also receive a list ... Email: [email protected] ... all provi
Free childcare places for 2 year olds

Camden Council is offering eligible 2 year olds free early education and childcare places for up to 15 hours per week (up to 570 hours per year). Please apply from when your child is 18 months old.

Is my child eligible for a free place? Your child may be eligible if: • they are 2 years old – you can apply from when your child is 18 months old • your family meets the criteria for free school meals (see, or • your family receives working tax credits and your household income is less than £16,190

• they have a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan • they receive disability living allowance • if they receive support from the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act.

• they are being looked after by the local authority • they have left care through special guardianship or an adoption or residence order

When is my child eligible for a free place?


A child born between these dates

will become eligible for a place on these dates

1 April to 31 August

1 September, following a child’s second birthday (autumn school term)

1 September to 31 December

1 January following a child’s second birthday (spring school term)

1 January to 31 March

1 April following a child’s second birthday (summer school term)

How do I apply? 1

Y ou must complete all the sections of the application form on page 3 and 4.


You must sign and date your application on page 4 and return this in the freepost envelope provided (no stamp is required). F or more information about childcare and Camden Sure Start Children’s Centres contact the Family Information Service: Telephone: 020 7974 1679 Email: [email protected] You can also find your nearest childcare provider online:

What happens after I have applied?



 nce your application has been assessed you will receive a O letter with the outcome of your application.


If your application is successful you will also receive a list of childcare providers.


To secure a childcare placement please take a copy of your successful letter and a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport to the chosen nursery or childminder.

2 year olds scheme application form Please complete IN CAPITALS all parts of this form and sign and date it on page 4. Parent/carer details Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss)

Parent/carer date of birth

Parent/carer first name Parent/carer surname Parent/carer National Insurance number Parent/carer address

Postcode Contact telephone number Contact email address Child’s details Child’s first name Child’s surname Child’s date of birth




Please select under which criteria you are applying: 1. Free school meals (see 2. Working tax credits

4. *Statement of special educational needs or education, health and care plan

 3. *Looked-after child or child who has left care

6. National Asylum Support Service

5. *Disability living allowance for your child

*Evidence to be submitted with application

Child’s ethnic origin (please tick as appropriate): White British Irish Traveller of Irish heritage Gypsy/Roma Greek Greek Cypriot Turkish Turkish Cypriot Albanian Kosovan White European White Other

Black or Black British Caribbean Somali Nigerian Congolese Other Black African Any other Black background

Mixed White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian

Other Ethnicity Latin American Kurdish Chinese Other Ethnic Mixed Other Prefer not to say

Mixed Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background

Are you registered with a local Sure Start Children’s Centre? Yes


If no, you can register online at

Please indicate – how did you hear about the 2 year olds scheme? Childcare provider Word of mouth Postcard

Health visitor Family support Advert in doctor’s surgeries

Camden website Other – please specify ..................................

Parent/carer declaration: I agree that Camden Council may verify any of the information provided on this form. I declare that the details above are true and I understand that any false or incorrect information could lead to funding being withdrawn. I agree to participate in the scheme, its evaluation and give my permission to share my data with all providers / agencies involved with the scheme. Parent/carer signature ............................................................ Date ...........................................


Please return this form fully completed, signed and dated in the freepost envelope provided (no stamp needed).

Contact Tel: 020 7974 1679 Email: [email protected] Website:

Creative services 2339.33 April 2016 020 7974 1985