Drop in at any time but make sure you stay for Rhyme and Sign ... your baby can join in with your favourite rhymes and l
Baby Time!
It’s Rhymetime
Bringing babies and libraries together 10.00am - 1.00pm
Bounce and jiggle, giggle and grin 10.30am - 11.15am
It’s never too soon to share books with your child!
Sharing stories, sharing books
Bring your babies and toddlers to these fun, lively and noisy sessions. Rhymetimes are a great way to enjoy rhymes and songs. Big smiles guaranteed for everyone.
Bookstart supports and encourages families to enjoy sharing stories, books and rhymes together.
Great Moor Library
Friday 14th October 2016
All babies and toddlers are entitled to two FREE Bookstart packs before they start school.
Marple Library
Thursday 17th November 2016
Rhyme and Sign 11.00am - 11.30am A warm library welcome awaits you and your baby at Baby Time, a perfect way to relax, share experiences, meet up with friends and make new ones. It’s a fun and stimulating experience for your baby or toddler with safe, soft play equipment, toys, a ball pool and lots and lots of books to share and take home. Don’t forget to pick up your child’s first library card and give them the gift of reading for life! Drop in at any time but make sure you stay for Rhyme and Sign between 11.00 - 11.30am, where you and your baby can join in with your favourite rhymes and learn some new ones.
Stockport Central Library Wednesday 7th December 2016 Heald Green Library
Thursday 19th January 2017
Heatons Library
Wednesday 8th February 2017
Hazel Grove Library
Thursday 16th March 2017
Bookstart's just the start! Babies can join the library from the day they're born. The library offers lots of other fun Bookstart activities for you and your child to take part in – find out more about the Bookstart Bear Club at your local library.
A wonderful opportunity for children and their parents/carers to meet together on a weekly basis to share stories and rhymes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Suitable for pre school children. Adswood and Bridgehall Library
2.30 - 3.00
Bramhall Library
11.00 - 11.30
Bredbury Library
Friday & Saturday
2.00 - 2.30 10.30 - 11.00
Brinnington Library
11.00 - 11.30
Central Library
2.00 - 2.30
Cheadle Library
2.00 - 2.30
Cheadle Hulme Library
2.00 - 2.30
Edgeley Library
Tuesday 1st November 2016
Bredbury Library
Tuesday 22nd November 2016
Edgeley Library
2.00 - 2.30
Brinnington Library
Thursday 15th December 2016
Great Moor Library
2.00 - 2.30
Bramhall Library
Tuesday 24th January 2017
Hazel Grove Library
11.00 - 11.30
Heald Green Library
11.00 - 11.30
Reddish Library
Wednesday 15th February 2017
Heatons Library
11.00 - 11.30
Cheadle Library
Tuesday 21st March 2017
High Lane Library
11.00 - 11.30
Marple Library
2.00 - 2.30
Offerton Library
11.00 - 11.30
Reddish Library
11.00 - 11.30
Free Events and Activities for
eBooks for children You can download a great choice of children’s eBooks FREE from the library website anywhere, anytime and on a range of media devices. Choose titles from Overdrive who provide both eBooks and eAudiobooks or OneClickDigital who provide eAudiobooks. Why not try an eAudiobook as a different bedtime story experience? All you need to do is become a library member, visit the website and start downloading! STOP-PRESS! Check out our new online resource for making reading fun: Ziptales contains 500+ interactive stories and activities for children aged 4-12+ years. Includes voice overs, animations and comprehension quizzes. Just type in your library card number at: www.ziptales.co.uk/library
Homework Help and Study Support Does your child need help with their homework or a school project?
An interpreting service is available if you need help with this information. Please telephone Stockport Interpreting Unit on 0161 477 9000.
and their Families
in Stockport Libraries
As well as books to answer those tricky homework questions there are computers in all 16 libraries which are free to use. We also have a range of high quality online information resources; you can find these at www.stockport.gov.uk/libraries then follow the links for Library Resources Online. Plus you can also access these resources for free from your computer at home, all you will need to log on is your library ticket number: • Encyclopaedia Britannica – including Junior and Student editions. • Online Reference Libraries from Credo and Oxford Reference including Music and Art • Articles from newspapers • Famous Lives
If you would like this leaflet in
large print, Braille or audio format,
please contact
0161 218 1972 for a copy or
[email protected]
• Oxford English Dictionary
For more information visit your local library or www.stockport.gov.uk/libraries and follow the link for What’s On at Your Local Library. Email:
[email protected] Find us on Twitter @SMBC_Libraries or Like us on Facebook.
October 2016 © Published by Stockport Council. Ref No 10334
Librarie s & In fo rmat i on