Don't Buy CHLORINE From Mass Merchants! ... anything, to make your pool the best it can be. .... For more information, e
OpeningyourPool? We'll make it easy!
Rochester's Most Trusted Source For Backyard Fun!
SPRING WAKE-UP SALE! Value Pak Savings! Pre-Season Discounts! Specials! Coupons!
Visit Our East Rochester Patio Showroom
Stroll Through Our Greece Pool Park
Spas, Swim Spas & Softubs
Visit us at
ROCHESTER'S MOST TRUSTED SOURCE FOR SWIMMING POOL FUN! We’ve always been pools! Above ground, Semi-buried or In-ground, we’ve got what you’re looking for!
Above Ground Pools starting at $1999
Early Bird Sale going on now! Oval
Ultimate by Fox – perfect for sloping yards The Ultimate pool can be installed aboveground, partially in-ground,or completely in-ground to fit any yard or slope. As seen in our Greece Pool Park
Built by Pettis 2016 Pettis Pools has been in the pool business since 1962. You won’t find gimmicks or pushy salespeople at our stores. What you will find is solid value, knowledgeable personnel and the most trusted product names in the industry. We stand behind what we sell.
Building Award Winning Fox Pools Since 1962
View more of our beautiful pools at by clicking here or call 585.392.7711 (Greece) or 585.383.0700 (E. Rochester) to schedule your FREE site visit.
Don't Buy CHLORINE From Mass Merchants! Our Chlorine Comes With Expert Advice.
Low, low prices on
Highest quality tablets in the industry. Friendly E-Z TWISTlids. Child-proof... but easy foryou!
YOUR CHOICE ★3"Slow Dissolving ChlorineTablets ★1"Slow Dissolving ChlorineTablets ★Concentrated Chlorine Granules Hurry! Offer good thru 6/11/17
CHLORINE CARE PAKS! 25# - Bucket Poolife 3" Chlorine Tablets 1 – Qt. Poolife Algae Bomb 30 1 - Poolife Opening Kit 12 - 1# Bag Rapid Shock Insta-TestStrips Sand or Sand Cleaner or Liner Cleaner
*$233.03 value..........Now $
20# - Bucket Poolife 1" Chlorine Tablets 1 - Poolife Opening Kit 1 – Qt. Poolife Algae Bomb 30 12 - 1# Bag Rapid Shock Insta-TestStrips Sand or Sand Cleaner or Liner Cleaner *$223.03 value..........Now
15# - Bucket Poolife GranularChlorine 1 - Poolife Opening Kit 1 – Qt. Poolife Algae Bomb 30 12 - 1# Bag Rapid Shock Insta-TestStrips Sand or Sand Cleaner or Liner Cleaner *$213.03 value..........Now
Our Premium Pack! Best Quality Tablet - 3 in 1 • Sanitize • Clarify • PreventAlgae 21# - Bucket Poolife MPT Extra CleaningTablets 12 - 1# Bag Turbo Shock 1 - Poolife Opening Kit 1 - Quart Poolife Defend+Algaecide Insta-TestStrips Sand or Sand Cleaner or Liner Cleaner
*$245.83 value..........Now $
Use your$10.00 store coupon on any abovepackage
Pool Opening Kit – Only $34.99 makes opening your pool a snap! Contains: ▪ Turbo Shock ▪ Algaestat ▪ Metal Removing Agent
Above Ground Mineral Reservoir ...........$109.00 Inground Mineral Reservoir ...........$129.00 Low Chlor Pak..... $23.99 10% off 3 or more Frog BAM - 3 mos Algaecide............ $27.99
FREE* WATER TEST (min.$150 spend per season) Take advantage of our state-of-the-art FREE computerized water test centers to keep your pool looking its best with the least amount of work. Just bring us a pint-sized sample of circulated pool water taken at least 18" below the surface. We'll run it through our series of tests while you wait and help you find what you need, if anything, to make your pool the best it can be.
Get Ready for Cottonwood! FILTER SAVERS stretch over existing skimmer basket, preventing fine dirt and the cottonwood from entering your filter; cleaner water and longer filter cycles. Rinse and reuse. Pkg. of 5...$7.99
The Latest in Chlorine Technology poolife ® NST! At Pettis Pools, we take our role as your pool professional seriously. We partner with the best vendors in our industry and stay current with all the latest research, trends and technology. This cutting-edge research has led to some new understanding on the relationship between cyanuric acid levels (CYA) in your pool and chlorine efficacy. It turns out we need much lower levels of cyanuric acid in our pools than previously thought. In fact, once your cyanuric acid, or stabilizer, level goes over 50ppm, your chlorine’s effectiveness drops by 25%. At 100ppm of cyanuric acid, the kill rate for bacteria is virtually zero. Studies show that at these high levels of CYA, bacteria is dying of old age before the sanitizer would kill it. For those of you who have been using stabilized chlorine tablets or granulars in the past, it may be time for you to consider poolife® Extended Release NonStabilized Tablets.
Watch a video on this awesome new product!
Designed as a 3 part system… 1. poolife® NST tablets 2. poolife® Quick Swim Oxidizer 3. poolife® Algae Ban II 90 day algaedide SAVE with our early-season value pak AND receive a $20 mail-in rebate thru 6/30/17 with the purchase of a 20.6# bucket of NST, Case of 12 1# Quick Swim Oxidizer, and 1 quart Algae Ban II.
Featured Product
Back to Blue® Shock System
The poolife® Back to Blue ® shock system can turn pool water from green to sparkling blue again. This two-part system destroys the bacteria and algae that have taken over and then makes it easy to vacuum to waste. At the start of the season, the pool can be treated and returned to its clear blue appearance within 24 hours by using this amazing product!
100%Chlorine Free with BAQUACILCDX Imagine crystal clear water with no irritated eyes. Imagine swimsuits that keep their color and hair that doesn't dry out. Imagine a pleasant odor. Only chlorine-free BAQUACIL makes it possible. Gentle on the skin, BAQUACIL lets you feel secure in knowing you're not only doing something good for your pool, but good for your family, too.
DOUBLE Spring Savings! 1. Two BAQUACIL value paks - pre-season prices. 2. Useyour in-store $10couponand save.
BaquacilValue Pak
264. 89
Value • 4 - Gallon Oxidizer • 4 - 1/2 Gallon Sanitizer Now • 1 QuartAlgaecide 99 • Aquacheck Blue TestStrips • TheOriginalNon-ChlorineSystem
Baquacil CDX Pak
• 4 - Gallon Oxidizer Value • 4 - 1/2 Gallon Sanitizer Now • 4 – 1/2 Gallon CDX 99 • Aquacheck Blue TestStrips • PLUS $10 mail – in rebate thru 6/30/17.
EASY AS 1 •2 •3 3 part system
Pluschoose FREE
• Baquacil Surface Cleaner, Cover Cleaner, Filter Cleaner or up to 2 bags filtersand
goodfor yourbody, yoursoul, yourspa... Why Use Baqua Spa? BaquaSpa provides powerful, long-lasting protection against bacteria in your hot tub. And nothing is easier to use. Because BaquaSpa is bromine-free and chlorine -free, there's no harsh chemical odor, no burning eyes, no bleached hair or dry, itchy skin. The water feels softer and is much easier on the skin.
With BaquaSpa, there's nothingunpleasant to get between you and a soothing, gentle soak.
inSPAration Spa & Bath Fragrance Our customers love inSPAration! • Water soluble • Won't clog filters • Leaves skin soft and moisturized • Choice of scents
9.99 1 oz. packet...$1.49 9 oz. size... $
BaquaSpa SampleKit Approx. onemonth supply for 300 gal. spa.
49 99
Enjoya SPAcation...
ROCHESTER'S MOST TRUSTED SOURCE FOR HOT TUB & SAUNA FUN! Relaxation • Therapeutic Massage • Quality Time With Family & Friends
Therapy • Relaxation • Time Alone • Fun
SAVE $100s! Clearance Sale on all Floor Models 0% Financing Available For qualified buyers Wondering where to put a spa?
Swim Spas ~ Therapy & Exercise Year-Round!
Learn more here: Link to YouTube Video on Power Pool Swim Spas Truly Energy Efficient! HEATS WITHOUT A HEATER! Visit or for more information
WOW! Floor models and show demos for sale at discounted prices! First Come First Served!
110v plug-in, Weighs less than 75# empty, Pennies a day to operate
Elevate your life …
and your lifestyle
With a traditional Finnish or Infrared SAUNA
IF IT’S PATIO, IT’S PETTIS! Rochester’s Most Trusted Source for Patio Furniture
1/2 PRICE 9’ Market Umbrella with purchase of any 5-pc. non-clearance diningset. Prior sales excluded. Valid thru 6.11.17
Early Bird Discounts on all special orders!
E. Rochester Patio Showroom A Must See!
5-pc. Sets
$ 339.00
We have awnings!
All-Weather Wicker • Cast Iron • Cast Aluminum • Teak • Sling & Cushion REPLACEMENT CUSHIONS, PATIO UMBRELLAS, SOLAIR AWNINGS
Introducing the Solar-Breeze NX The world leader in robotic surface cleaning.
Introductory Price
Only $569.00 This product personally endorsed by Julie Pettis who used it in her own pool last year.
Click here to watch the video
Rechargeable Electric Pool Vacuums
Two Models to Choose From! Z200
V300 90 minute working time for medium to large pools
30 minute
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
working time Rechargeable for small to No Hoses/Cables Needed medium Compact for Storage pools & Entirely Submergible spas Use with handle or pole (not incl)
PopularProducts& Equipment Special Savings on everything you need for your pool Replacement Sand Filter Tanks • •
19” 175# sand w/ top valve Only $259 23” 250# sand w/top valve Only $399 We also sell complete replacement systems and offer installation services as well.
Sand Master by Hayward
Curve Inpool Step System For inground and above ground Start with the base step unit (staircase) and then expand into a complete Curve system at any time. Four tread unit is for above ground pools. Three thread unit is for inground pools.
Inground Pump 1 hp Max-Flo
Only $399 Inground Pump 1 hp SuperPump
Only $499
Above ground Pump 1 hp Power-Flo LX
Only $269 w/ 3’ twist lock plug!
Two tone color – grey treads with warm grey (beige) sidewalls and handrails. Complements any swimming pool!
Automatic Pool Cleaners make life easy! And we’ve got lots to choosefrom!
Inground suction cleaners Your Choice
Aboveground suction
cleaner only
only $299
Polaris Robotic Pool Products - Your Pool. Our Reputation. For more than 40 years, Polaris has been known worldwide for its quality and best-inclass cleaning power and is the benchmark against which all others are measured. The Polaris P935 robotic pool cleaner provides exceptional 2WD cleaning performance.
Save $20 thru5/31
The Polaris P945 4WD robotic pool cleaner includes the Easy Lift System, 7-day timer, and Vortex Vacuum technology.
The Polaris P955 is the top of the line 4WD cleaner featuring a motion-sensing handheld remote & dirty canister indicator.
Save $30 thru5/31
Save $50 thru5/31
No Sun? No problem! Swim longer & enjoy more with our pool heater options. Hayward Above Ground Pool Gas Heater 100,000 BTU
Jandy In- Ground Pool Gas Heater 200,000 BTU
In Stock and Ready for Installation!
* installation additional
AquaCal Energy Efficient Heat Pumps UP TO 80% SAVINGS ON HEATING COSTS Tropical Heat Pumps pool heaters use digital technology to create the most advanced,efficient heating system available. Super quiet. Visit for more information. New Low Prices Starting At..........................$
BONUS! FREE or Closing BONUS! $200 off Opening pool opening or closingw/purchase! with purchase!
A Pettis Pool Makeover…and it’s brand new again! ❖ Liner ReplacementsGorgeous Patterns ❖ Walk-In Stairs ❖ Filters, Heaters, Salt Generators & More ❖ Decades of experience
Liner samples available at both stores. FREE ESTIMATES!
For more information, email
[email protected] or call Sue or Eileen at 585.392.7711 or stop in!
for SOFT, SILKY WATER... • never buy chlorine again • simple to use • no more red eyes, itchy skin, green hair • no more vacation worries Startingat $ 1099 installationapprox.$310. See store fordetails. Electrical hook-up not included
Perfect Pool Water at the touch of a button More information on the AUTOPILOTSYSTEMS at both store locations. Display pool at Greece Pool Park now operating on AutoPilot system. Stop by and see. We also highly recommend our salt customers use the Salt Solutions system by Ultima®. This program was developed to provide you with safe, clean, crystal clear water while optimizing your generator’s performance and extending the life of the cell.
Greece Store: Sat. 9AM E. Roch. Store: Sat. 10:15AM SIMPLE "HOW-TO"STEPS FOR EASY POOLCARE • Filtration • Vacuuming Your Pool • Water Care • Routine Maintenance • Q & A’s – Hands On
Sign up now& receive online • Newsletters • Coupons • Deals
Come - Bring a friend. Everyone's welcome!
Thank you for supporting our 55 year old family business. We depend on your continued patronage and will always give you our very best. Shop local!
Making friends since 1962! Open 7 days We accept SUMMERHOURS
GREECE M-F 9-8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-4 E.ROCHESTER M-F 10-8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 11-4
– 5 8 5 •3 92 • 771 1
1186 Manitou Rd., corner of Latta Outdoor Display Pool Park
5 8 5 •3 83 • 0 7 00
Country Club Plaza - 825 Fairport Rd. Rochester’s Largest Patio Selection Not responsible for typographical errors.