Moodle quizzes (online): For each chapter in the textbook (Sociology: Points on the Compass) and each .... No laptop computers in class, unless you have a special need for a laptop, or if you are ..... hard disk or remote server, creating folders, in
Project Partners. Pat Maher, University of Northern BC. Rob Hood, Thompson Rivers University. Grant Unger, College of the Rockies. Research Assistants.
Oct 10, 2012 - Receiving e-mails from VIU: If you have a Hotmail e-mail account, ..... online tutorials for a variety of software that you can access from any lab at: ...... Preconceived ideas and notions often colour our outlook on world events and
Apr 13, 2007 - Vancouver Island Outdoor Smoking Area Air. Monitoring Study 2007. Mark J. Travers, MS. Cheryl Higbee, MPH. Andrew Hyland, PhD.
Oct 30, 2017 - BC Real GDP Growth Rate 2017/18, Exchange Rate,. Unemployment Rate ..... Public Admin.) Public Administra
Oct 30, 2017 - Table of Contents. Published in Canada by. VANCOUVER. ISLAND ECONOMIC. ALLIANCE (VIEA). Prepared for VIEA
A key enabler of this governance system will be the implementation of an expanded Information Technology system. It will include advanced analytics to enable.
The successful candidate joining our team must be passionate about customer service and administration. The candidate sh
... transplant Carolyn B. Heller shares her expert perspective on Vancouver and Victoria, ... Vancouver Island & Whi
The successful candidate joining our team must be passionate about customer service and administration. The candidate sh
and pride in cultural identity and diversity. CVIMS has ... Previous experience working with a Board of Directors and kn
Metapopulation ecology of Vancouver Island marmots. (Marmota vancouverensis) by. Andrew Albert Bryant. B.E.S., University of Waterloo, 1984. M.E.Des.
professional standards; and "active-learning" continuing education. ... o In the longer term, the translation of evidence and knowledge (that is best ... Once the business plan for 2015/16 is ..... applications involving relationships between.
Scientific Advisor, Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team: 108 Fifth Street, ... records and annual marmot count, landscape and predator-prey data to assess.
Apr 4, 2018 - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture in BC: New research into social-cultural ... Michele Patterson, Professor, Geo
FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture in BC: New research into social-cultural characteristics of the sector
Michele Patterson, Professor, Geography Department, Vancouver Island University and PhD candidate, University of Victoria Farmed Atlantic salmon is one of the world’s most valuable and widely traded seafood commodities. It is a significant component of Canada’s agrifood sector, and is one of BC’s largest agricultural commodities. It also provides much needed employment in rural, remote and sometimes aboriginal communities in BC. However in BC, the sector has been consistently challenged by social license; a constraint that reflects the many diverse perspectives about farmed salmon. This PhD research is aimed at better understanding these perspectives by following the fish along the commodity chain from production to consumption, and documenting the values and meanings, both positive and negative, of people who touch it along the way. Michele is a Professor in Vancouver Island University’s Geography Department, and a PhD Candidate in Geography at the University of Victoria. Before beginning an academic career in 2012, Michele was involved in resource management, community economic development and conservation in British Columbia for over 25 years. Prior to coming to VIU she spent 10 years as a Director with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada.
Wednesday April 4th, 2018 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Refreshments: 6:45 p.m. Vancouver Island University, Building 355, Room 203