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4. Tinkering. By Diane Dawber. 11. Advertisements for Poetry. By Steven Herrick. 3. How I Broke My Arm 7. By Steven Herrick. Grandma Dances Anagrams. 8.
Po e ms

That Do T heir Own T h i ng

B e etle

By Allan Serafino

My moccasi ns 4 have not walke d

By Duke Redbird

How I Broke My Arm


By Steven Herrick


8 s m a r g a n A s e Grandma Danc By William New

Advertisements for Poe tr y

By Steven Herrick


Tinkering 11

By Diane Dawber

Free Verse 1/11

B tle ee

A tiny fellow. I play giant to his wee world and turn him back

with his feet grasping for a hook of sky to right himself again.

on to upsidedness for beetles, on the grass. Who knows, maybe one day

What a surprise to slip on this floor so waxy and smooth

it will be his turn to look me in the eye, with his giant’s eye.

he must have wondered if the world had gone mad. Maybe it did.

I’ll be careful where I step the next time.

© 2008 Scholastic Canada Ltd. V002

“Beetle” Copyright © by Allan Serafino

A tiny fellow, a miniature tank overturned, so tiny I didn’t notice him

Illustration by Andrew Ebert

By Allan Serafino

Free Verse 2/11

Take two poems and see your doctor if pain persists.

By Steven Herrick

Start your day with a bowl of Special P (for poetry).

No added sugar, artificial flavours or colours poetry. Buy poetry,

Everyone around the world keeps singing McPoetry.

New improved formula.

It won’t happen overnight but it will happen

Chocolate-coated poetry.

A glass and a half of full-cream rhyme in every poem.

Lose 10 kilos in 5 weeks with low-fat poetry.

The taste that refreshes, drink poetry.

Poetry— it works for me, it could work for you too!

Poetry, don’t leave home without it.

Try Poetry, today.

A poem a day helps you work rest and play. Always poetry. Ready for a change, try poetry.

with poetry.

Note: Poetry should not be taken by people afraid to laugh, or those on a poetry-free diet. Nine out of ten doctors recommend poetry for a longer life.

Life would be pretty straight without poetry. Free Verse 3/11

“Advertisement for Poetry” from Poetry to the Rescue Copyright © Steven Herrick. Used with permission from University of Queensland Press.

Advertisements for Poetry

My moccasins have not walked My moccasins have not walked Among the giant forest trees My leggings have not brushed Against the fern and berry bush My medicine pouch has not been filled With roots and herbs and sweetgrass My hands have not fondled the spotted fawn

“My Moccasins Have Not Walked” Copyright © by Duke Redbird. Illustration by Ben Hodson

By Duke Redbird

Free Verse 4/11

My eyes have not beheld The golden rainbow of the north My hair has not been adorned With the eagle feather Yet My dreams are dreams of these My heart is one with them The scent of them caresses my soul

Free Verse 5/11

By Steven Herrick I wanted to fly or, at the very least, stay in the air longer than five seconds. So, it was either jump off the school roof which could be dangerous. I mean, I could land on someone Or float away on a strong breeze! or I could use a lever to shoot me in the sky (but not too high!) So Sarah and I got one long plank of wood two very solid house bricks and Peter Miski (the biggest boy in Grade 5).

“How I Broke My Arm” from My Life, My Love, My Lasagne Copyright © Steven Herrick. Used with permission from University of Queensland Press. Illustration by Amanda Woodward

How I Broke My Arm

Free Verse 6/11

Sarah placed the house bricks on top of each other and I laid the long plank evenly on the bricks and stood on one end. I told Peter Miski to climb onto the fence and when I said “GO” to jump on the other end of the plank, then I told Sarah and Peter to watch as I soared into the sky. (I assured them I’d wave, and be back before lunchtime ended!) I counted slowly to ten and shouted “GO” and that’s how I broke my arm.

Free Verse 7/11

By William New

There’s an ANT in ANTicosti And a MASK in AkiMiSKi There’s an ACROBAT in FORt MACleod AlBerTa There’s a MAN in MANitoulin And a PIG in WinnIPEG, and there’s a DANCE in CumbErlAND when Grandma dances

“Grandma Dances Anagrams” from Vanilla Gorilla Copyright © William New. Used with permission from Ronsdale Press. Illustration by HildaRose

Grandma Dances Anagrams

Free Verse 8/11

There’s a MISS in MISSissauga And a BATH in AthaBAsca There’s a KING who loves to SING in KapuskaSING There’s a EWE in NEW WEstminster And a RAM in Crysler’s FARM, and there’s a DANCE in KiNCArDinE when Grandma dances

Free Verse 9/11

There’s a CAN in the AtlANtiC And a GIANT in MeGANTIc There’s a BISON ON A VAN in BONAVIStA There’s a CART of ART in ARCTic And a CRAB in HarBour GRACe, and there’s a DANCE in DAwsoN CrEek when Grandma dances

Free Verse 10/11

Tinkering I love beginning with a clean sheet and laying down each grease-black cog and bolt and link aligning positions adjusting tensions and checking for wear. I love finishing in reverse order and picking up each clean, oiled sprocket, nut and washer spinning the wheel and hearing only the whirr of everything in place.

“Tinkering” Copyright © by Diane Dawber Illustration by Peter Cook

By Diane Dawber

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