Jerry Barnett was raised in Youngstown, Ohio and moved to go to college where he met and married Ardith ... Remuda or on
2017 Farr
West Freedom Festival Tuesday, July 4 t h Mountain View Park, 1500 North 1700 West
Grand Marshals: Jerry & Ardith Barnett
Friday, June 30th 7:30 a.m.
Golf Tournament
7:30 p.m.
Movie in the Park
Tuesday, July 4th 7:00 a.m.
5k Run/Walk
7-8:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Welcome & Flag Ceremony
8:45 a.m.
Parade Line Up
9:30 a.m.
Parade begins
5-8:00 p.m.
Souvlaki Dinner
5-9:00 p.m.
Booths/Children’s Games
7:00 p.m.
Children’s Races
7:30 p.m.
Grass Scramble
8:45 p.m.
Grand Marshal Presentation
10:00 p.m.
Announcing & Sound provided by
DJ Cindy Sue
Jerry Barnett was raised in Youngstown, Ohio and moved to Utah to go to college where he met and married Ardith Burrell. He retired from Hill Air Force Base in 1981, and has been the Garden Doctor, owner of Jerry’s Nursery and Garden Center ever since. Jerry and Ardith have 6 children, 19 grandchildren, and 16 greatgreat grandchildren. Jerry was a member of the first Farr Fa West City Fourth of July Celebration committee in 1975. That first celebration started at 5am with Denis Petersen firing his black powder rifle from the back of Jerry’s truck as he drove throughout the town town. Other events included a parade, milking conte contest st with cows loaned out by Jerry and Dale Chugg, a pie eating contest, and a live fishing contest. We thank Jerry and Ardith for their part in starting our Freedom Festival tradition and for th their continued participation in our community.
Freedom Festival Events We are excited for another year of Freedom Festival fun! Please see the following pages for more information on the different things going on throughout the day.
V Visit for more informat information and regi registration forms.
2017 Farr West Freedom Festival
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Golf Tournament Remuda Golf, 801-731-7200 Remuda Golf, 801-731-7200
Friday, June 30th, 7:30 a.m. Start Don’t miss this 4-Person Scramble Tournament. Men, women and kids invited. All ages and abilities! Prizes will be awarded to top grossing teams and top grossing families with at least one junior on the team. Plus prizes for most patriotically dressed golfers and decorated carts AND a giant raffle for summer fun prizes! Register at Remuda or online at
Breakfast Mike Grange, 801-721-3004 or Curry Gunnell, 385-205-5822 Breakfast will begin promptly at 7 a.m. and will go until 8:30 a.m. at the Mtn. View Park. Tickets can be purchased at the event for $5 per person or $25 for a family (6 tickets). The scouts will also be going around selling tickets or you may contact Mike or Curry for more information.
Movie in the Park Boyd Ferrin, 801-731-6276 st
Friday, July 1 , 7:30 p.m. Bring your family for a fun night at the park! The movie this year will be Sing. There will be food available, as well as popcorn and candy!
5k Run/Walk Andrea Ortgiesen, 801-731-4187 or Farr West Rec Center, 801-409-0077 Tuesday, July 4th, 7:00 a.m. The route has changed this year, we will start and finish at Mountain View Park, a race map is available at Please register at, the City Office or Rec Center. The cost is $15 if preregistered by 8 p.m. Monday, June 26th and $25 until noon on Friday, June 30th. (Includes a shirt) NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JUNE 30TH. Shirt sizes are only guaranteed to those who register before June 26th. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners!
Flag Ceremony Flag Ceremony by local Veterans of Foreign War. Booths/Children’s Games National Anthem by Jordan Lindsay Afuvai, 801-731-4187 Arrington.
Parade Val & Wanda Knight, 801-731-2723 The parade will start promptly at 9:30 a.m., starting with the kid’s parade (please decorate bikes). Line up at 8:45 a.m. in the church parking lot at 1800 N. 1800 W. The parade will start at the church and go up Harrisville Rd to 1350 West, turn south into the Mtn. View subdivision, and west onto 1500 North until it reaches the Mtn. View Park. If you are interested in entering a float, please contact Val or Wanda by June 30th. Calling all local Veteran’s, Military, Law Enforcement and Firefighters, please contact us! We would love to highlight you and your service in the parade. We also welcome support from local businesses and families alike! ALL FLOATS WILL NEED TO BE REGISTERED. No parking will be allowed along 1500 North during the parade, please help us in this effort.
Papageorge Souvlaki Dinner Come join us for our famous souvlaki dinner prepared by the Papageorge family! Dinner goes from 5 to 8 p.m., or until we run out of food. Cost is $5 per plate. Dinner includes: one stick of souvlaki, salad, pita bread, dessert and a drink. Extra sides and drinks can be purchased at an additional cost. Food is limited and no one will be served after 8 p.m.
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2017 Farr West Freedom Festival
Booths/Children’s Games Lindsay Afuvai, 801-731-4187 A limited number of booths will be available for evening ONLY. We would like to have a focus on only kid-friendly booths (face painting, glow sticks, “old-fashioned” games, cotton candy, snow cones), please contact Lindsay for booth approval. Also please note that no food booths will be allowed to sell during the dinner (5-8 pm). Booth registrations will start on Thursday, June 1st by contacting Lindsay. Cost is $25 per booth space; additional fees apply for power (limited availability). **Due to
Fireworks Our excellent fireworks are set to start at 10 p.m. and will be synchronized to music under the direction of DJ Cindy Sue and Lantis Fireworks Productions. If you haven’t seen our fireworks show yet, you are missing out!
regulations from the health department, any booths selling food must obtain a temporary food establishment permit from them. The Utah State Tax Commission also requires each booth obtain a temporary sales tax license, more information will be available at the city office.** Tents will not be provided so
please plan to bring your own pop-up! Registration deadline is Friday, June 30th at noon, or until spaces run out.
Grass Scramble & Children’s Races We are excited to have brought back our Children’s Races and Grass Scramble this year under the direction of Shane Denton! Races will start 7 p.m., each participant will receive a small prize. The grass scramble will immediately follow. This event is for children only, age brackets will be 0-2 yrs, 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-9 yrs, 10-12 yrs and 13-16 yrs. Prizes include coins and candy!
Grand Marshal Presentation The Grand Marshal and overall winners from the Golf Tournament, 5k Run/Walk and Float Contest will be recognized at 8:45 p.m.
We appreciate all the help from our awesome volunteers and the Farr West City Youth Council for helping to make this year’s activities great! We hope you enjoy the holiday with your families and look forward to being a part of your day!
AND A very special thank you to those who donated to last year’s celebration: