Page 1 ... 9:30 – 10:50 am. Room: EA2060. Thursday. 9:30 – 10:50 am ... *Sur le
bout de la langue: Introduction au phonétisme du français. (Marilyn ... Examen 1.
Examen 2. Symboles phonétiques. (Leçons 1 - 4). (Leçons 5 – 8) le 25 janvier.
French 3349 French Phonetics Course Outline Winter 2008 Instructor: E-mail: Office: Phone:
Marianne Beauvilain
[email protected] EA3169 440-5960
Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday Or by appointment
Class Hours:
Tuesday Thursday
French 2215/2217 (minimum grade of C-) Consent of the Languages Department
10:00 – 10:50 2:00 – 2:50
9:30 – 10:50 am 9:30 – 10:50 am
Room: Room:
EA2060 EA2032
Required Materials: *Sur le bout de la langue: Introduction au phonétisme du français (Marilyn Lambert-Drache) *A good French/English dictionary with French phonetic symbols (Robert & Collins recommended) *Three 60-minute audio cassettes Classes:
Because of the important practical component of this course, students are expected to attend all classes. Late assignments will not be accepted, nor will students be excused from exams.
Course Description: French 3349 is practical course in French pronunciation, offering an introduction to the principles of French phonetics and emphasizing phonetic correction.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment: •
Students will learn how to use standard phonetic French transcription as a guide for correct pronunciation. Assessment (in three stages): 1) Listening test. Students will be asked to identify the sounds they hear using standard phonetic notation. 2) Oral production. Students will be given a list of words to prepare using a dictionary, and will asked to read them correctly onto a tape. 3) Oral production. Students will be given texts to prepare using dictionaries, books and notes, and will be asked to read them correctly onto a tape.
Students will enhance their oral French skills by listening to and by studying a variety of texts. Assessment: Students will be asked to read texts studied in class onto their tapes.
Students will gain an understanding of basic linguistic theory and how it is used to describe the French language. Assessment: Students will be asked to define terms and explain linguistic phenomena on written tests.
Students will gain an understanding of different levels of language and their appropriate usage. Assessment: 1) Students will be expected to find examples to illustrate the various levels of French studied in class. 2) Students will be given examples of various levels of French, and asked to explain how and why they are appropriate or not in specific environments.
Important Dates: Quiz: Examen 1 Examen 2 Mark Distribution: Lectures orales sur cassette Projets, quizzes, devoirs Examen 1 (Leçons 1-4) Examen 2 (Leçons 5-8) Examen final (Leçons 1-12)
Symboles phonétiques (Leçons 1 - 4) (Leçons 5 – 8)
20% 20% 15% 15% 30% 100%
le 25 janvier le 8 février le 22 mars
Mark Conversion Table: A+ 95-100 C+ A 90-94 C A85-89 CB+ 80-84 D+ B 75-79 D B70-74 F
67-69 64-66 60-63 55-59 50-54 49-lower