HAL. Hyperspace Analogue to Language; TL transposed- letter. Table 2. Mean RTs ...... cascade model (Ashby, 1982; McClelland, 1979), all processes are.
between shape frequency and lexical frequency, indicating that, for rare words, having a rare shape speeded up lexical decisions. Experiment 2 primed shape.
lexical decision (i.e., classifying letter strings as words or nonwords such as flirp), ...... knowledge produced additive effects while participants with less vocabulary ... hatchet seaweed cabbage lamb sheep brick leopard shawl canoe lemon.
Milberg, Blumstein and Dworetzky (1988b) in Broca's aphasics. 5. Morphological priming. Shown by: Emmorey (1989); Kempley and Morton (1982); Marslen-.
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia and. M. T. TURVEY. University of Connecticut and Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut 06510.
Apr 26, 2012 - Twomey T, Duncan Kawabata KJ, Price CJ, Devlin JY (2011) Top-down ... Pezzulo G, Barsalou L, Cangelosi A, Fischer M, McRae K, et al.
Keywords: Lexical access, word frequency, language production. .... speed and accuracy with which lexical selection takes place1. Cognitiva, 2006, 18 (1), pp. 75-84 .... category were separated by at least two pictures from a different category.
pure way of investigating the lexical access process. Although that ... because of a change in the nature of the nonwords used, participants make adjustments in.
the onset of target field from the onset of the backward mask on all trials. Second, immediately following each detection decision, a pair of words was presented.
Sep 1, 2012 - All participants were randomly assigned to the one of the three groups: (1) topic, (2) topic .... Does task complexity (topic only vs. topic + idea vs. topic + idea + discourse marker) affect fluency of ..... To answer to why the differ
Abstract. The inï¬uence of objective word frequency and age-of-acquisition (AoA) was investigated in three visual lexical decision experiments conducted.