Frequently Asked Questions

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... letter. Please include a detailed scope of work in your application. ... to submit all non-original documentation such as Request for Proposal Forms (R109), letters from ... A letter from each proposed Joint Venture partner company. The letter ...
Frequently Asked Questions What do I need to become prequalified? Contractors interested in becoming prequalified must complete the application process, and possess an original Surety letter. Please include a detailed scope of work in your application. Please forward the original application to: MassDOT 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116 suite 3620 How long does the process take? Upon receiving the application, please allow 10-14 days for the application to be reviewed and processed. Please be aware that new companies may take longer pending a reference check. What happens if I am denied or my application is sent back to me? If the Prequalification Committee denies the application for any reason, a letter of explanation will be emailed directly to the contractor. If your application is returned to you for any reason; please correct the errors and mail it back to us. What happens if I am approved or renewed? Upon approval the contractor will receive a certificate via email. Please notify us if there are any questions on the certificate. I am prequalified with MassDOT, but would like to add a new class of work, or request that my limits be raised. How do I do this? If a contractor will like to add a new category of work or request that limits be raised please forward a signed letter of request on company letter head along with project history and email it to [email protected] When does my certificate of prequalification expire? The certificate will be in good standing for a period of 1 year.

How should information be sent in to the Prequalification Office? Contractors should use the prequalification e-mail address ([email protected]) to submit all non-original documentation such as Request for Proposal Forms (R109), letters from contractors, and Bid Express related follow-up and questions.

When would a waiver be needed? A company would need to request a waiver if the project value is above the company’s single contract limit in the identified specific class of work. Please note that a company would need to be prequalified in the class of work for which the project is being bid. Also, the company’s single contract bond limit must be above the project value. The Prequalification Committee approves waiver per project. Waiver requests can be approved, denied or tabled by the Committee. When is the deadline for submitting waiver and other requests for Prequalification Committee consideration? A waiver request needs to be submitted the Friday by 3:00 p.m. before the Wednesday meeting for which the company is seeking approval. How would a company request an increase in single contract limits for prequalified classes of work? A company can request an increase in single contract limits at any time. The company would need to submit a letter on company letterhead, signed, requesting the increase. The company should include examples of project experience in the class of work for which an increase is requested. How would a company request a new class of work to be added to their prequalification? A company can request to add a new class of work to the company’s existing prequalification at any time. The company would need to submit a letter on company letterhead, signed, requesting the class of work. The company should include examples of project experience in the class of work for which prequalification is being requested.

What is the process for requesting a one-time Joint Venture? The prequalification documentation listed below would need to be submitted on behalf of the Joint Venture partners. •

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A letter from each proposed Joint Venture partner company. The letter should include information such requesting approval for the Joint Venture, identifying which company will be designated as the lead entity and percentage of participation; and, if needed, requesting a waiver on behalf of the Joint Venture. A completed Joint Venture Agreement. A certified copy of the Power of Attorney from each Joint Venture partner.

How often does the MassDOT Prequalification Committee meet? The Prequalification Committee meets every Wednesday morning from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. How soon after a scheduled Prequalification Committee meeting will companies receive information regarding a prequalification and/or waiver approval? Notifications regarding Committee determinations are made within two days after the meeting date. Please note that a company can call at any time after the meeting to inquire about a request. What are the processes by which a company can appeal a determination made by the Committee? A company can appeal the denial of a request for an increase in single contract limit or a waiver by submitting a letter of appeal. The signed letter should clearly explain the reason for the appeal, and be on the company’s letterhead. Please see 720 CMR Department of Highways Section 5.07 listed below. 5.07: Review of Prequalification Committee Decisions for Contractors (1) Review of Determination of the Prequalification Committee. A Contractor or prospective bidder who is aggrieved by a decision or determination of the Prequalification Committee may make a written request for informal review or a formal hearing by the Prequalification Appeal Board. (2) Informal Review. A Contractor may request an informal review by the Prequalification Committee. In such request, the Contractor shall state its arguments for a review of the decision. The Contractor's right to an informal review shall be in addition to its right to a formal hearing. (3) Formal Hearing. A request for a formal hearing before the Prequalification Appeal Board shall be filed in writing, by certified mail. The Prequalification Appeal Board, or its designee, shall conduct a hearing without delay and render a decision. The decision or determination of the Prequalification Committee shall remain in effect until the Prequalification Appeal Board renders a decision in writing on the appeal. The decision of the Prequalification Appeal Board shall be final and binding, subject to the right of the Contractor to a judicial review under the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 30A.

How can a company apply for a Digital ID from Bid Express for on-line bidding of Massachusetts Highway Division projects? A company must have a vendor code to request a Digital ID from Bid Express. If the company does not have a vendor code, contact the Prequalification Office at 857-3688660. Original W9 and Term and Conditions forms would need to be submitted as soon as possible so a vendor code can be assigned. A link to those forms is listed on prequalification page of the MassDOT Highway Division website at rms.aspx

. As soon as the company successfully registers with Bid Express, the Construction Contracts Office will place the request for a Digital ID on temporary hold, and ask the company to submit a letter to MassDOT on company letterhead with the name(s) of the authorized bidders, signed by an officer. The scanned letter can be sent to the construction contracts e-mail address ([email protected]). The company’s Digital ID will be approved upon receipt and review of the letter. Please note that the company would still need to meet specific requirements designated by Bid Express directly. CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS AND ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Prospective bidders are required to submit all questions to the Construction Contracts Engineer by 1:00 P.M. on the Thursday before the scheduled bid opening date. Any questions received after this time will not be considered for review by the Department. Contractors should email questions and addendum acknowledgements to the following email address [email protected]. Please put the MassDOT project file number and municipality in the subject line.