Sep 5, 2014 - Basketball club. 2:402:50. Art with a Heart. Mindcraft Boys. 2:503:00. Project Year book. Electronic Music
Friday September 5th, 2014 Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students in Primary, Re: School Photographs Please find attached the schedule for upcoming Primary student photographs from Monday September 15th to Friday September 19th. A full price list will go home with the login details for parents to access their individual child’s photographs. Please note, there is no charge for sitting photographs. If you would like to arrange sibling photographs to be taken the photographer will be available after school from Monday 15th Thursday 18th September from 3:405:00 pm in room 5A (Primary Art Room). In order to reserve a time slot please contact the school reception and Ms Violet or Ms Stephanie will help you to schedule a time. Sporting teams should make sure they bring the appropriate uniform to change into before the photograph session. Students will be expected to be in normal school uniform otherwise. Feel free to contact the school should you have any queries about school photographs. Best wishes, Mario Gauci Head of Primary
Chatsworth International School Pte Ltd Orchard Campus 37 Emerald Hill Singapore 229313 T: (65) 6737 5955 F: (65) 6737 5655