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Bosch: The Filter Specialists AA/XXX 1 987 XXX XXX / 2009XX 64.64.XX Where to find original Bosch quality: For more information, see:
Big products for a big job Maximum quality for the highest requirements — availability and reliability are especially crucial for commercial vehicles. Full range for passenger cars

64.64.XX AA/XXX 1 987 XXX XXX / 2009XX

Bosch: The Filter Specialists

With around 1700 different filter types, Bosch provides broad coverage for the most common vehicles and is constantly introducing new developments to expand its filter range. Diagnostics and spare parts for commercial vehicles Complete system expertise for workshops and aftermarket suppliers, for passenger cars and commercial vehicles: Only Bosch, the leading original equipment brand, can offer you this. Overview of all information The brochures below contain all you need to know about spare parts and diagnostics for commercial vehicles, and full details of the Bosch filter range. Request your copies now.

Best.-Nr. F026P00016

Best.-Nr. 1987720228

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Where to find original Bosch quality:

Trusted by Professionals: Commercial Vehicle Filters from Bosch

Quality that your Customers can Rely on, Day in and Day out Germany’s strictest testers have decided Every commercial vehicle features complex technological systems in which filters play an important

People who are on the road every day as professional

role. They make a major contribution to the performance and economy, reliability and service life

drivers know what’s important. Nobody else exam-

of the entire vehicle. As a system supplier for complete vehicle management, Bosch has extensive

ines things so closely, tests for so long or has such

expertise in all areas of filters. Bosch develops not only individual parts, but entire systems and

high demands. It is no coincidence, therefore, that

therefore knows exactly which filters are best suited to which engine.

the professionals on Germany’s roads chose Bosch filters as the top brand in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Each and every Bosch filter for your spare parts business features the very latest technology. Regardless of which filters you need for your customers, you can rely on strong performance for strong types.

System expertise can be planned: Research,

Changing filters? Think Bosch

Finding instead of searching The extensive Bosch filter catalog for commercial ve-

and the combined order number system makes it

No other manufacturer can match Bosch’s compre-

The professionals’ choice: Bosch filters

hicles contains filters for all common vehicle models

easy to find the filter you need quickly and reliably.

hensive system expertise. For example, Bosch devel-

Bosch replacement filters are available for all major

and engines. The pictograms for the individual filter

ops state-of-the-art diesel injection systems and

commercial vehicle manufacturers, including:

types (fuel filters, air filters, oil filters, cabin filters)

development and production under one roof

therefore knows exactly which filters are best suited to which engine and injection system. This ensures that the filters work in perfect harmony with all vehicle components. For aftermarket suppliers and workshops, this also means that there are no roundabout routes when ordering — all filters and spare parts come from the same place. Bosch replacement filters in original equipment quality All Bosch filters meet the same requirements as manufacturers place on original equipment filters. This makes them an ideal solution for all commercial vehicles as filters are wearing components and need to be replaced regularly.

Mercedes-Benz . Volvo Eicher . Scania . Fendt Massey-Ferguson . DAF Neoplan . John Deere Iveco . New Holland Freightliner . Leyland MAN . Magirus-Deutz

Commercial Vehicle Filters: The Full Range from a Single Source

Special filters The right filter for every vehicle — with commercial vehicles, there is no room for

ff Coolant filters — optimum protec-

compromise. This is why Bosch supplies the full range from a single source, for all

tion for the cooling system, e.g.

common commercial vehicle and engine types.

against dirt, rust particles and corrosion ff Dessicant box — full braking force at all times thanks to reliable ventilation and dehumidification of the braking system

Fuel filters

ff Crankcase oil filters — effective

ff Reliable engine protection and

engine protection thanks to opti-

long service life due to high-qual-

mized filtration and collection of

ity filter media with high levels of


dirt separation and a large filter area

DENOX filters

ff High resistance to pressure and

ff Environmentally friendly –

temperature fluctuations

DENOXTRONIC® efficiently cuts

ff Excellent filter performance


even with severely contaminated

ff Tailored — DENOX filters and the

fuels and for fuels with a high


water content

Cabin filters ff For a clean and healthy workplace — reliable filtration of pollen, dirt particles and harmful substances

Oil filters

ff Improved concentration due to en-

ff Effective filtration

hanced cabin air quality

ff Long service life thanks to specially

ff Increased comfort thanks to fresh

impregnated, tear-resistant filter media

air, even when driving in tunnels or

ff Environmentally friendly disposal of

in heavy traffic

metal-free filter elements

ff Also available as active carbon cabin

ff Maximum reliability, even with

filters with additional protection

continuous use

against gases harmful to health such

ff Complete range of hydraulic oil filters and oil separation filters

Air filters ff Maximum sealing effect due to exact fit ff High-quality microfiber paper — air permeability and dirt separation are optimally balanced to achieve maximum engine performance

as ozone and nitrogen oxides

Bosch Fuel Filters: A Perfect Fit

Bosch Oil Filters: Sustainable Reliability Bosch’s outstanding system expertise is your guarantee

Bosch oil filters meet original equipment quality stand-

of finding exactly the right filter for every fuel system.

ards. This means that the filter material, sealing rubber,

This promise applies to almost all common vehicles

connections and all other components are designed to

and engine types: the extensive Bosch range covers

deliver reliable performance at all times. Bosch supplies

around 95 % of the market. Our product range is also

primary flow, secondary flow and combined primary/

being constantly expanded.

secondary flow filters — the right solution for every engine type. A key advantage for workshops and aftermarket suppliers is the market coverage of around 95 % of all commercial vehicles and the constant expansion of our range.

Complete range

Water as the enemy

Good lubrication ensures a good trip

Bosch supplies high-performance fuel filters for all engine

Water in the fuel can damage parts such as the

Bosch oil filters perform the vital task of removing im-

types. The range includes preliminary filters that are

injection pump as the water does not completely

purities such as dust, metal particles and combustion

installed in front of the fuel pump to ensure that this is

evaporate. This can result in very expensive repairs

residue from the oil. This prevents:

protected, main filters, which are located in front of the

and highlights the importance of effective Bosch

ff Clumping of the lubricating oil, resulting in inad-

injection system, and, particularly economical for a large

filters. They reliably filter out the water, which is

number of models, special filter inserts that do not re-

then collected in a special storage compartment in

ff Increased abrasion of engine components

quire the entire filter box to be replaced.

the filter and discharged.

ff Premature aging of the engine oil

equate lubrication

ff Deterioration in lubrication quality Clear advantages of Bosch filters

What’s more, when professionals replace components

ff Easy installation, quick replacement

in modern injection systems, they also replace the

Bosch oil filters and more

ff Quality in line with original equipment guidelines

filter — a worthwhile investment to make sure that the

The extensive Bosch oil filter range also includes hydraulic

ff Pressure stability even at very high injection pressures

new parts are supplied with clean fuel from day one.

oil filters and oil separation filters, all naturally compatible

ff Efficient water separation prevents corrosion and


engine damage




ff Long service life due to large filter surface

with the entire system and in tried-and-tested Bosch


ff Lower resistance to flow


5 6


Important tip when using biodiesel — biodiesel places a

How secondary flow oil filtration works


considerably higher burden on the diesel filter than normal

ff more than 50 % of agglomerates

higher biodiesel proportions, the filter should be replaced

ff 100 % of impurities >10 μm

more often than originally recommended by the manu-



1 Hose connection

8 Filter cover of

11 Pressure-resistant

2 Fuel outlet

anodised steel

filter housing of

3 Hose connection


galvanized steel

4 Preheating valve

9 Supporting tube

12 Water accumulation

5 Hose connection

10 Filter medium

Bosch supplies replacement filters for various oil filter types.


13 Water drain screw

7 Double flaring

14 Drain tube

The clever system allows you to change just the filter insert while still guaranteeing the sealing effect of the filter. This saves money and protects the environment.


6 Fuel inlet

the total flow of oil, and removes: ff around 1 % of the soot particles it contains


fuel. On vehicles that are not designed specifically for

Secondary flow oil filtration cleans 5 % to 10 % of

12 13 14

Bosch Air Filters: Clean performance, clean combustion

Bosch Cabin Filters: Pure Pleasure for Professional Drivers

Engines love pure air, but on the roads it simply isn’t

Bosch cabin filters reliably protect drivers and passengers

available. Fine dust and other impurities are present

from pollen, dust, soot and other harmful substances

in the intake air, sometimes in high concentrations.

that would otherwise enter into the cabin unchecked.

This means that it is vital to have reliable and high-

Many Bosch cabin filters are also available as active

performance air filters, such as those from the

carbon filters and thus provide additional protection

extensive Bosch air filter range.

against gases harmful to health, such as ozone, benzol

We are confident that you will find what you need —

and toluene. Rely on a market with high growth rates.

we cover around 95 % of all vehicles and engine types. All in original equipment quality.

Taking plenty out: Bosch air filters

Regular replacement ensures:

Increased concentration, increased safety

Bosch air filters combine high permeability with ef-

ff Improved engine performance

If you spend a long time on the road, fresh air does you

ficient cleaning of the intake air. The pressure drop

ff Lower fuel consumption

good. Having a continuous supply in the vehicle during

caused by the filter medium and the separation are

ff Increased reliability and availability

your journey, including in tunnels and heavy traffic, increas-

balanced to ensure that the engine receives an optimum supply of cleaned air. Additional benefits: ff High dust collection capacity

of the vehicle ff Longer service life and fewer engine component repairs

Particle size distribution of pollutants in the air

x [ m] 0,01





es your concentration and therefore improves safety.

Dust (Street)

Fresh air also means that the windows, instruments, blowers and heating do not get dirty so quickly.

ff Quick and easy replacement


Exhaust fumes Exhaust emission particles and Industrial dust

ff Long service life ff Precise fit and long-term sealing effect

Long-distance drivers breathe a sigh of relief

ff Suitable for use over a large temperature range

Bosch cabin filters:

Spores Bacteria

ff Are exceptionally tight and stable Microfiber filter medium with synthetic resin impregnation Dust and dirt particles


ff Are extremely efficient


ff Are resistant to humidity thanks to water-repellent microfibers


ff Prevent the formation of micro-organisms ff Operate from -40°C to +85°C

Thanks to electrostatic charging, Bosch cabin filters also filter out respirable particles with a diameter of less than 0.001 mm.

Construction site vehicles create particularly dusty conditions

A functional cabin filter keeps out plenty of things that

for the air filter. But dust is everywhere — for example, over

would otherwise have found their way into the cabin.

a distance of 30,000 km up to 1.5 kg of dust will be filtered

Regular replacement prevents allergic reactions, head-

out of the intake air on a 180 kW bus.

aches, fatigue and a lack of concentration

Bosch DENOX Filters: Reduced Emissions, Lower Consumption

Bosch Special Filters: Well Equipped for Special Tasks Coolant filters — optimum protection even in extreme conditions

Emission limits, particularly for commercial ve-

The mechanical filter element and the chemical

hicles, are set to be further reduced over the

additives prevent:

next few years. SCR catalytic converters and the

ff Contamination

DENOXTRONIC® metering system from Bosch will

ff Cavitation

enableyou to comply with future emission limits and

ff Corrosion and rust

keep down fuel consumption. Bosch has developed

ff Deposits

special filters that are designed specifically for this

ff Foam formation

metering system and reliably protect the injection

ff Hyperacidity and bacteria formation


AdBlue and DENOXTRONIC® from Bosch AdBlue is precisely injected into the exhaust gas flow

SCR system cost amortization over vehicle distance Graphic:

Dessicant box — reliable dehumidification Reliably ensures dry and clean compressed air and

by DENOXTRONIC® and converts up to 85 % of emis-

thus maximum safety.

sions into water and air. Bosch DENOX filters ensure

ff Dehumidifies compressed air

that the SCR catalytic converter components are pro-

ff Separates off oil and other liquids

tected against impurities and that the AdBlue is always

ff Binds dirt particles

correctly metered.

ff Offers large reserves for water absorption ff Demonstrates impressive pulsation and burst

Strong arguments for Bosch DENOX filters:


ff Years of experience with AdBlue; the filter is

ff Has large reserves even under tough conditions

perfectly compatible with the DENOXTRONIC®

ff Can be supplemented with preliminary oil separa-


tors for extended service life

ff High-quality materials offering exceptional resistance against the aggressive AdBlue ff Regular filter replacement guarantees precise metering of AdBlue and thus compliance with EU emission standards

Intelligent environmental protection pays off — 10 % lower fuel consumption means that the SCR system can be amortized within around 110,000 km.

Crankcase oil filters — protect the engine and the environment Efficiently filter the oil from the crankcase ventilation system. ff No accelerated oil aging due to oxidation and sludge accumulation ff Reduced burden on engine sealing system ff Compliance with stringent emissions standards ff Further reduction in total particle emissions ff Reduced oil consumption

Bosch invests in constant research and development to ensure that the commercial vehicles on our roads are increasingly clean, quiet and safe. A good example is the DENOXTRONIC® SCR catalytic converter technology, which combines environmental protection and economy.

ff Improved filtration and collection of aerosols