Oct 8, 2011 ... Skye Boat Song (Celtic Folk Song). Chorus: Speed bonnie boat like a bird on a
wing,. Onward, the sailors cry;. Carry the lad that's born to be ...
Glasgow Cathedral, Scotland, consecrated in 1197
From the British Isles
Conspirare Symphonic Choir
with Conspirare Youth Choirs 1
Tenors and Basses of the
Conspirare Symphonic Choir with Conspirare Kantorei and Conspirare Children’s Choir
From the British Isles Rick Gabrillo
Conspirare Associate Conductor Conspirare Youth Choirs Co-Director (Kantorei)
October 8, 2011, 7:30 pm University Presbyterian Church Austin, Texas
Nina Revering
Conspirare Youth Choirs Co-Director (Conspirare Children’s Choir)
Chris Oelkers Organ
Howard Burkett, bodhrán Alicia Denney, tambourine Maimy Fong, piano Andrew Parker, oboe Gil Zilkha, baritone
Season Sustaining Underwriter
2011-2012 Season Sustaining Underwriter of CONSPIRARE
Program Combined Choirs
Conspirare Symphonic Choir
Rick Gabrillo, Conductor
Rick Gabrillo, Conductor
Jerusalem................................................................ Charles H. H. Parry (1848-1918)
Text by William Blake (1757-1827)
Five Mystical Songs....................................Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Skye Boat Song................................................ Celtic folk song, arr. Lee Kesselman Conspirare Kantorei Love Divine................................................................. W. P. Rowlands (1860-1937)
Texts by George Herbert (1593-1633)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Text by Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
Conspirare Children’s Choir with Symphonic Choir
Gil Zilkha, baritone Easter I got me flowers Love bade me welcome The Call Antiphon
Nina Revering, Conductor
Beati Quorum Via...................................................... C. V. Stanford (1852-1924)
John 14:15-17
A Celtic Tryptich....................................................................Ron Jeffers (b. 1944)
I was glad when they said unto me............ Charles H. H. Parry (1848-1918)
Text by by Frederic Weatherly (1848-1929)
Psalm 119:1
If Ye Love Me.................................................................Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)
Danny Boy................................................................... Z. Randall Stroope (b. 1953)
Text by W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)
1. The Cloths of Heaven
Psalm 122:1-3, 6, 7
Two Folk-songs for Male Voices ............................. arr. John Rutter (b. 1945) 1. Down by the Sally Gardens Text by W. B. Yeats 2. The miller of Dee Trad. English folk song The Drinking Song from Sir John in Love.................................Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Text by John Still (1543-1607)
Combined Choirs MLK...........................................................................................U2, arr. Bob Chilcott Jack Byrom, tenor Mairi’s Wedding.......................Traditional Irish folk song, arr. Dave and Jean Perry
Texts & Translations Jerusalem And did those feet in ancient time / Walk upon England’s mountains green? And was the Holy Lamb of God / On England’s pleasant pastures seen? And did the countenance divine / Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here / Among these dark satanic mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold! / Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold! / Bring me my chariot of fire! I will not cease from mental fight, / Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, Till we have built Jerusalem / In England’s green and pleasant land. Skye Boat Song (Celtic Folk Song) Chorus: Speed bonnie boat like a bird on a wing, Onward, the sailors cry; Carry the lad that’s born to be king, Over the sea to Skye. 1. Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, / Thunderclaps rend the air, Baffled our foes stand by the shore, / Follow they will not dare. (Chorus) 2. Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep, / Ocean’s a royal bed. Rock’d in the deep, Flora will keep / Watch o’er your weary head. (Chorus) 3. Many’s the lad fought on that day, / Well the claymore could wield: When the night came, silently lay / Dead on the Culloden field. (Chorus) 4. Burned are our homes, exile and death / Scatter the loyal men; Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath, / Charlie will come again, come again. (Chorus)
Love Divine 1. Love divine, all loves excelling, / Joy of heaven, to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling; / All thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus thou art all compassion, / Pure, unbounded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvation; / Enter every trembling heart. 2. Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit / Into every troubled breast! Let us all in thee inherit; / Let us find that second rest. Take away our bent to sinning; / Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, / Set our hearts at liberty. 3. Come, Almighty to deliver, / Let us all thy life receive; Suddenly return and never, / Nevermore thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, / Serve thee as thy hosts above, Pray and praise thee without ceasing, / Glory in thy perfect love. 4. Finish, then, thy new creation; / Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see thy great salvation / Perfectly restored in thee; Changed from glory into glory, / ’Til in heaven we take our place, ’Til we cast our crowns before thee, / Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Beati quorum via Beati quorum via integra est Blessed are those who go the way of integrity Qui ambulant in lege Domini Who walk the path of God’s law If Ye Love Me If ye love me, keep my commandments, And I will pray the Father, And he shall give you another comforter, That he may bide with you forever, E’en the spirit of truth. I was glad when they said unto me I was glad, glad when they said unto me, We will go, we will go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand in thy gates, O Jerusalem, our feet shall stand in thy gates. 7
Jerusalem is builded as a city, / That is at unity in itself. O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, / They shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, / and plenteousness within thy palaces. Five Mystical Songs 1. Easter Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. / Sing his praise without delays, Who takes thee by the hand, that thou likewise / With him may’st rise; That, as his death calcined thee to dust, His life may make thee gold, and much more, Just. Awake, my lute, and struggle for thy part / With all thy art. The cross taught all wood to resound his name / Who bore the same. His stretched sinews taught all strings, what key Is best to celebrate this most high day. Consort both heart and lute, and twist a song / Pleasant and long: Or since all music is but three parts vied, / And multiplied; O let thy blessed Spirit bear a part, And make up our defects with his sweet art. 2. I got me flowers I got me flowers to strew thy way; / I got me boughs off many a tree: But thou wast up by break of day, / And brought’st thy sweets along with thee. The Sun arising in the East, / Though he give light, and the East perfume; If they should offer to contest / With thy arising, they presume. Can there be any day but this, / Though many suns to shine endeavour? We count three hundred, but we miss: / There is but one, and that one ever. 3. Love bade me welcome Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, / Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack / From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning, / If I lack’d anything.
“A guest,” I answer’d, “worthy to be here:” Love said, “You shall be he.” “I the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my dear, I cannot look on thee.” Love took my hand, and smiling did reply, “Who made the eyes but I?” “Truth, Lord, but I have marr’d them: let my shame Go where it doth deserve.” “And know you not,” says Love, “who bore the blame?” “My dear, then I will serve.” “You must sit down,” says Love, “and taste my meat:” So I did sit and eat. 4. The Call (chorus tacet) Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: Such a Life, as killeth death. Come, My Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a Light, as shows a feast: Such a Feast, as mends in length: Such a Strength, as makes his guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joys in love. 5. Antiphon Let all the world in every corner sing, My God and King! The heavens are not too high, / His praise may thither fly: The earth is not too low, / His praises there may grow.
Let all the world in every corner sing, My God and King! The church with Psalms must shout. / No door can keep them out: But above all, the heart / Must bear the longest part. Let all the world in every corner sing, My God and King! Danny Boy Ave, Ave martyr. Pace adio fame. Dorme fabio martyr. Dorme martyr. Dorme ritorno. Danny Boy, Danny Boy / You must go and I must bide. Sleep in peace until you come. / And I shall sleep, And I shall sleep, Until you come to me, Danny Boy. The pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen and down the mountainside. The summer’s gone, Danny Boy, / And all the summer’s gone. But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow, O Come when the valley’s hushed with snow, / And I shall sleep, Until you come to me, Danny Boy. It’s I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow. When you come, O Danny Boy. Kneel you softly on my grave, Danny Boy, and tell me you love me. And I shall sleep, / Until you come to me. The Cloths of Heaven from A Celtic Tryptich Had I the heav’n’s embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half light, 10
I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. Two Folk-Songs for Male Voices (from the choral cycle The Sprig of Thyme) 1. Down by the sally gardens Down by the sally gardens / My love and I did meet. She passed the sally gardens / With little snow-white feet. She bid me take love easy, / As the leaves grow on the tree. But I being young and foolish, / With her did not agree. In a field by the river / My love and I did stand. And on my leaning shoulder / She placed her snow-white hand. She bid me take life easy, / As grass grows on the weirs. But I was young and foolish, / And now am full of tears. 2. The Miller of Dee There was a jolly miller once, / Lived on the River Dee. He danced and sang from morn till night, No lark more blithe than he. And this the burden of his song / Forever used to be: ‘I care for nobody, no, not I, / If nobody cares for me. I love my mill, she is to me / Both parent, child, and wife. I would not change my station for / Another one in life. Then push, push, push the bowl, my boys, / And pass it round to me; The longer we sit here and drink, / The merrier we shall be.’ Then like the miller bold and free / Let us rejoice and sing. The days of youth were made for glee, / And time is on the wing.
This song shall pass / Around this jovial ring: Let heart and voice and all agree / To sing ‘Long live the King!’ The Drinking Song Back and side go bare, go bare, / Both foot and hand go cold; But, belly, God send thee good ale enough, / Whether it be new or old. Holly good ale and old. I cannot eat but little meat, / My stomach is not good. But sure I think that I can drink / With him that wears a hood. Though I go bare, take ye no care / I am nothing a cold; I stuff my skin so full within / Of jolly good ale and old. Jolly good ale and old. I love no roast but a nut-brown toast, / And a crab laid in the fire, A little bread shall do me stead, / Much bread I not desire. No frost nor snow, no wind, I trow, / Can hurt me if I would, I am so wrapt, and throughly lapt / Of jolly good ale and old. Jolly good ale and old. Back and side go bare, go bare, / Both foot and hand go cold; But, belly, God send thee good ale enough, / Whether it be new or old. Holly good ale and old.
And all poor souls that have scoured black bowls, / Or have them lustily trowled, God save the lives of them and their wives / Whether they be young or old, Jolly good ale and old. Back and side go bare, go bare, / Both foot and hand go cold; But, belly, God send thee good ale enough, / Whether it be new or old. Holly good ale and old. MLK Sleep, sleep tonight, And may your dreams be realized. If the thundercloud passes rain So let it rain, rain down on him. Mm, so let it be. Mm, so let it be. Mairi’s Wedding Chorus: Step we lively, on we go / Heel for heel and toe for toe; Arm in arm and on we go, / All for Mairi’s wedding. 1. Over hill-ways, up and down, / Through the forest, green and brown; Past the fences, through the town, / All for sake of Mairi. (Chorus)
And Tib my wife, that as her life / Loveth well good ale to seek, Full oft drinks she, till ye may see / The tears run down her cheek.
2. Plenty land on which to grow, / Gardens planted in a row; Lambs to raise and seeds to sow. / That’s the toast for Mairi. (Chorus)
Then doth she trowl to me the bowl, / Ev’n as a malt-worm should; And saith ‘sweetheart, I’ve take my part / Of this jolly good ale and old.’ Jolly good ale and old.
3. Eyes as bright as diamonds are, / Brighter far than any star; Fairest of them all, by far, / Is my darling Mairi. (Chorus)
Now let them drink, till they nod and wink, / Even as good fellows should do; They shall not miss to have the bliss / Good ale doth bring men to.
4. Over hill-ways, up and down, / Through the forest, green and brown; Past the fences, through the town, / All for sake of Mairi. Hi!
Program Notes by Howard Burkett © 2011 In 1916, Robert Bridges, then Poet Laureate of Great Britain, sought a hymn text to “brace the spirit of the nation” during World War I. He lit upon “And did those feet in ancient time” by the poet/prophet William Blake (1757-1827). The text contrasts legends about the child Jesus of Nazareth having visited ancient Britain with the squalor of the early Industrial Revolution, before pivoting to a ringing challenge to social action. Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, a close friend of Bridges, was asked to provide a tune; he was no doubt inspired by the poem’s imagery despite personal misgivings about the jingoistic tone of the patriotic rally where it was to receive its premiere. It was instantly popular and remains so today, serving as an unofficial English national anthem under its alternate title “Jerusalem.” Based on a Celtic folk song, “Skye Boat Song,” romanticizes the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender) to the Isle of Skye after his crushing defeat at Culloden (1745). “Love divine, all loves excelling” by the prolific Rev. Charles Wesley was explicitly modeled on John Dryden’s “Fairest isle” from King Arthur (music by Henry Purcell). In Britain, the most popular tune for this text is Blaenwern, by the Welsh schoolteacher and composer William Penfro Rowlands (1860-1937), named after a farm in the composer’s native Pembrokeshire. The last-verse descant is by James O’Donnell, Organist of Westminster Abbey, and was written especially for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Sir Charles Villiers Stanford composed his Three Latin Motets, Op 38, of which “Beati quorum via” is the last and best-known, during his tenure as Organist of Trinity College, Cambridge, though they weren’t published until some time later. The motets were not originally meant for liturgical use, but as choral entertainment during events or meals in the Great Hall of the College. No one knows for certain who compiled the “Wanley Partbooks,” but they are the earliest, and in many cases only, known source for 14
some 90 anthems, canticles, and ritual music with English text by musicians of Henry VIII’s and Edward VI’s Chapel Royal. Many of these works have never (save for the brief, dark interregnum of the Puritan Commonwealth and Protectorate) been out of the repertoire of English cathedral choirs. “If ye love me” by Thomas Tallis is first found in this collection, and is one of the best loved short English anthems, remaining a virtual template for the form. “I was glad,” on selected verses from Psalm 122, is one of the fixed texts of the English Coronation Service, with famous settings by Henry Purcell and William Boyce, among others. Sir Hubert Parry composed his setting in 1902 for the coronation of Edward VII and revised it in 1911 for the coronation of George V, bringing it substantially into its present form. In the presence of the sovereign (and therefore not tonight), there is an additional section of acclamations to be halfshouted, half-sung. In 1911, the 188th meeting of the venerable Three Choirs Festival heard the premiere of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs, set to poems drawn from the legendary The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations by Caroline priest-poet George Herbert (1593-1633). The Musical Times’ review of the premiere said, “[The words] breathe consolation, and at times joyfulness. The music is a combination of old and new idioms, some modal tonality imparting a certain quaintness and naïve simplicity that had a distinct charm.” The composer himself later adapted the work for male-voice choir. Frederic Edward Weatherly (1848-1929) led an almost double life as a practicing barrister and a parlor-song lyricist. He wrote the sentimental ballad “Danny Boy” in 1910, but had little success with the song until he later adapted its lyrics to the Irish tune “Londonderry Air.” The respected choral clinician and composer Z. Randall Stroope was deeply affected by the original lyric and has here provided his own setting. Oregon-based composer/publisher Ron Jeffers set “The Cloths of Heaven” to a poem from William Butler Yeats’ The Wind among the Reeds. It opens A Celtic Triptych, which Jeffers composed in 1993 for the University of Michigan Glee Club. 15
John Milford Rutter is one of the most fluent composer/arrangers working in any choral idiom today. “Down by the sally gardens” is W. B. Yeats’ distillation of an Irish ballad fragment. (“Sally gardens” means a willow grove.) “The Miller of Dee” first appeared in Irishman Isaac Bickerstaffe’s 1762 play Love in a Village. The melody is a variant of the Welsh harp tune “Llydaw.” These two settings form part of Rutter’s choral cycle The Sprig of Thyme. The closest Ralph Vaughan Williams came to theatrical success was his 1929 Opera Sir John in Love, to a pastiche libretto by the composer based on Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor, borrowings from other Elizabethan and Jacobean poets and playwrights, and folksong. Vaughan Williams quickly adapted several parts of the opera into a choral cantata, whence comes The Drinking Song. The words are taken from an anonymous 16th century bawdy comedy. “MLK” was the ambient-flavored final song on Irish band U2’s 1984 album The Unforgettable Fire. It became a hit and has been covered numerous times, first by Joan Baez (on her 1988 album Recently) and then by the King’s Singers (on their 1993 disc Good Vibrations), whence it entered the standard a cappella repertoire. “Mairi’s Wedding” was written in 1935 by Glasgow traditional musician Johnny Bannerman for one Mary McNiven, who did eventually marry a sea-captain from the Isle of Skye. The tune may or may not be based on a traditional wedding reel from the Isle of Lewis. The song quickly became a standard, often used for a 40-bar reel (hence the popular alternative title “My, He’s Sweating”).
Conspirare Symphonic Choir Rick Gabrillo, conductor Tenors Roland Barrera Ken Beck Anne Bertholf Neil Burgess Howard Burkett Jack Byrom Daniel Cooper Theodore Dresie Kyle Fieleke Marvin Frank Gary Goethe Loel Graber Tim Hissam Robbie LaBanca Bill Lasher Jon-Michael Lees Jim Maxwell Bev Raney Louis Renaud Dean Revering* Jonathan Riemer* Dick Rew Tyler Speaks John Spence Steve White Jim Volkema Raymond Votolato
Basses Daniel Arredondo II* Klaus Bichteler Anton Boyd Kelly Cook Marshall Crenshaw Todd Deatherage Carlos Fernandez David Hammond Robert Harlan* Bruce Haufler Bob Hayden Jake Jacobsen* Robert Karli Matthew Klimek Jack Leifer Joe Loukotka Tom Morrison Will Pearson Andrew Polk* Gary Pyle Steve Schwartz Frank Shirley Walter Stewart Tom Morrison Jerry Young *Section leader
2011-2012 Conspirare Youth Choirs Kantorei Rick Gabrillo, conductor
Hannah Mitchel-Gevirtz Kate Noll Aldo Ordonez Amanda Phares Lucy Pickens Asha Rao Veronica Ruth Shilpa Saxena Maxfield Segrest Stephen Shearer Daniel Shi
Conspirare Children’s Choir Nina Revering, conductor
Taylor Sims Anastasia Weger Lily Wendt Nora Abigail Windham-Waite Kevin Yang Aislinn Yeidel Corwynn Yeidel Angela Zhang
Sarah Nehring
Chiara Alvisi
Carolyn Nuelle
Maria Alvisi
Raina Parsons
Alexandra “Lexi” Anderson
Ella Pettichord
Mary Barnett
Natalya Ponomareva
Emily Beaty
Galia Popov
Kali Bramble
Lucas Revering
Shaye Cantu
Bailey Rider
Anna Grace Carey
Brittany Paige Roach
Marielle Catolos
Gabrielle Sanchez
Caitlyn Diehl
Irene Smith
Clare Edgar
Libby Smith
Valeria Aimee Elizondo
Anne Marie Stapper
Jonna Hardy
Elizabeth Stapper
Reilly Havranek
Maria Tangarova
Sarah Hollis
Lucy Tiblier
Sophie Levy
Elena Sophia Villalon
Sophie Lillis
Seren Villwock
Conspirare has the privilege of performing in a variety of beautiful venues. We seek out acoustical and aesthetic environments that can best enhance choral performances and we are deeply grateful to our hosts. While our performing venues may represent specific traditions and the texts of some of our repertoire may also be representative of specific traditions, it is in no way intended to be exclusive of any individual whose experience or set of beliefs is not represented.
Shelby Luikart
Madison Whitesides
Olivia Martens
Alyssa Wixson
Conspirare respects and celebrates the great diversity of religious, artistic, and human experiences represented among our singers and audience members. Our shared musical experiences are intended to bring us together as we all seek to be inspired by the power of great choral music. The audience creates the space in which the music is held.
Sesha Desai McMinn
Martha Beaty Andrew Buller Colman Butler Avery Davis Samantha DeVoll Elizabeth Driggers Sam Dubin Isabel Elizondo Matthew Flinchbaugh Ainsley Clarice Gamble Isabella Grossling Olivia Isabella Hansen Sarah Kennedy Helmbrecht Abigail Johnson Elisabeth A. Klein Eva Rose Lynch Juliana Marshall Amy McPherson
Performing Note
2011-2012 Conspirare Youth Choirs
Gabriel Martin Kay McAnally Julia McDonald Deanna Melder
About Conspirare
collaborates frequently with other major arts organizations such as the Austin Symphony Orchestra, Ballet Austin, and Victoria Bach Festival. Symphonic Choir members participate regularly in Conspirare outreach programs and serve as singing hosts for Conspirare’s popular Big Sings. The choir has won several Austin Critics Table Awards, most recently for performances of Verdi’s Requiem in 2008 and Cary Ratcliff’s Ode to Common Things with the Austin Symphony in 2009. The Conspirare Youth Choirs (CYC) were formed in 2005 as the educational outreach program of Conspirare. The Youth Choirs seek and train young musicians who share a love and commitment for creating music at a high level of excellence. The CYC is comprised of two ensembles, Conspirare Kantorei and Conspirare Children’s Choir. Both ensembles utilize a combination of rigorous vocal, music theory, and sight-singing instruction to provide a nurturing environment in which a young singer can explore the depth and beauty of choral music. Public performances are given throughout the year, and both ensembles participate in state and national tours
The word “conspirare” derives from the Latin “con” and “spirare” translated as “to breathe together.” Founded in 1991 to present a summer classical music festival in Austin, Texas, Conspirare has grown to become an internationally recognized, professional choral organization. Led by founder and artistic director Craig Hella Johnson, Conspirare is comprised of two performing ensembles and an educational program. A professional chamber choir (“Conspirare” or “Company of Voices”) of extraordinarily talented singers from around the country is presented in an annual concert series in Austin, other Texas communities, and locations in the U.S. and abroad. The Conspirare Symphonic Choir of both professional and volunteer singers performs one or more large choral/ orchestral works annually. The Conspirare Youth Choirs is an educational program for singers ages 8-16.
In 2005 Conspirare received the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, given by national service organization Chorus America. In 2007, as one of the select choral organizations to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under its American Masterpieces initiative, Conspirare presented a four-day festival that featured a distinguished gathering of composers and conductors, performances of three world premieres, and a gala closing concert with a choir of 600 singers. In July 2008 Conspirare/Company of Voices represented the United States at the Eighth World Symposium on Choral Music in Copenhagen, joining invited choirs from nearly forty countries. In February 2010, Company of Voices was an invited, featured choir at the annual convention of the American Choral Directors Association/Eastern Division in Philadelphia. Conspirare received the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Commission Award from Chorus America to support the commission of a new work by Seattle composer Eric Banks. In February 2011, Company of Voices gave three invited performances in New York City under auspices of the Weill Music Institute of Carnegie Hall.
The Conspirare Symphonic Choir, established in 2000, is an auditioned, hundred-voice chorus of both professional and volunteer singers. Most reside in the Austin area, though several commute to rehearsals and performances from as far away as the Hill Country, San Antonio, and Victoria. All are highly skilled singers with significant previous choral experience, and as collaborative artists, they sing the great choral masterworks with orchestra as well as new works for voices and instruments. The Symphonic Choir performs in Austin and other cities as part of the Conspirare season, and 20
About the Conductors Rick Gabrillo is currently the Assistant Conductor for Craig Hella Johnson and Conspirare, the Co-Director of Conspirare Youth Choirs, and the Choir Director of the Traditional Choir at St. Louis Catholic Church in Austin. Most recently, he has accepted the position of Choral Director at St. Stephen’s Epsicopal School in Austin for 2011-2012. Active in the choral music education field throughout Texas, he is in frequent demand as an adjudicator and clinician for regions across the state. Mr. Gabrillo was selected to be a co-presenter of a workshop on music literacy at the 2009 Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio, and he presented a workshop on children’s choirs at the 2010 Eastern Division American Choral Directors Association Convention in Philadelphia. He was selected to be a Conducting Fellow for the Chorus America Conducting Masterclass in January 2010 with the Houston Chamber Choir. After attending the New England Conservatory of Music and Boston University, Mr. Gabrillo completed his undergraduate and masters degrees in choral music education and choral conducting at the University of Texas at Austin in 1996 and 1999 under Craig Hella Johnson. He was the choral director at Clint Small Middle School in Austin from 1999-2005. During his time at Clint Small Middle School, Mr. Gabrillo was selected as the 2003 2004 CSMS Teacher of the Year, and he was a finalist for the 2004 Austin ISD Middle School Teacher of the Year. From 2002 to 2005, he served as the Region 18 Middle School Vocal Coordinator and UIL Contest Chair, which served the greater Austin area. In 2005, the Clint Small Middle School Concert Choir was selected to perform for the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio. Mr. Gabrillo is a member of TMEA, ACDA, and TCDA.
Nina Revering. Ms. Revering’s choral music experience began at an early age. While growing up in Brazil, she performed in the Coro Infantil do Teatro Municipal under the direction of Elsa Lakschevitz. After moving to Canada, she joined the Toronto Children’s Chorus, directed by Jean Ashworth-Bartle, and performed with noted directors Andrew Davis and Sir David Willcocks. Ms. Revering’s musical training included six years of study in Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music in baroque recorder as well as piano. Ms. Revering’s educational background includes work at the Youth Performing Arts School, and Boston University. She studied baroque recorder with John Tyson of the New England Conservatory and performed with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus under conductors Seiji Ozawa, John Williams, and John Oliver. Nina Revering has performed widely as a soloist and chorister throughout the region and around the country. Soloist at St. Mary’s Cathedral from 1994-1997, she was also Victoria Bach Festival’s New Young Artist in 1994. Ms. Revering has been a member of Conspirare since 1995 and was a soloist in the Grammy-nominated Requiem CD, as well as the Threshold of Night CD, recently released under the Harmonia Mundi label. Ms. Revering taught music in Eanes schools from 1996-2003 and recently returned to the elementary music classroom. A frequent clinician, guest conductor, and vocal adjudicator around the state of Texas, Nina Revering was one of eight conductors selected for participation in the International Symposium for Children’s Choir Directors held in Toronto, Canada in May 2005. She co-presented a workshop with Rick Gabrillo on children’s choirs at the 2010 Eastern Division American Choral Directors Association Convention in Philadelphia. Professional affiliations include ACDA and TMEA.
Board of Directors Robert J. Karli, Chair David Clark, Vice Chair Larry Collmann, Treasurer Mary Stephenson, Secretary Ken Beck William C. Bednar Fran Collmann Mary Anne Connolly Patrick L. DeLaune Tom Driscoll Toya Cirica Haley Robert Harlan Lou Ann Lasher Eric Leibrock Hope Morgan Louise Morse E. Stuart Phillips Rebecca Powers Hon. Bea Ann Smith Marion Lear Swaybill Catherine Wildermuth Sheila Wojcik Sheila Youngblood
Artistic & Administrative Staff Craig Hella Johnson Artistic Director Ann Hume Wilson Executive Director Katie Apple Special Projects Coordinator Tamara Blanken Online Services Manager
Watch for the release of Samuel Barber: American Romantic on CD in Fall 2012! Conspirare’s professional chamber choir recently returned to Sauder Hall in Goshen, Indiana, to record Samuel Barber: American Romantic for release next fall on the Harmonia Mundi label, marking our fifth collaboration with this distinguished international record company. Recordings allow us to share Conspirare’s unforgettable artistry with a worldwide audience, and to create a permanent record for future generations of music lovers. This recording of Samuel Barber: American Romantic is lovingly dedicated to Fran Collmann in recognition of her twelve years of service as Chair of Conspirare’s board of directors. We acknowledge with gratitude the following patrons whose support has helped make this project possible. Honorary Producers
Melissa J. Eddy Communications & Grants Manager Rick Gabrillo Associate Conductor, Production Manager Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs
Advisory Board
Wravan Godsoe Office Manager
Stephen Aechternacht John Aielli Sue Barnes Mark Bierner Ray Brimble David Burger David Claflin Virginia Dupuy Maydelle Fason JoLynn Free Billy Gammon Vance George Helen Hays Dan Herd William B. Hilgers Wayne Holtzman Cassandra James Judith Jellison Bob Murphy Lynn Murphy Gayle Glass Roche Nancy Scanlan Angela Smith Louann Temple Eva Womack
David Hammond Director of Patron Relations
Collmann Family David and Nathasha Collmann • Dean & Gwen Collmann • Larry Collmann • Karen Kibler & Tom Grimes • Ruth & Bob McGregor • Debe & Kevin McKeand • Dennis & Julie Van Roekel Marie Van Roekel • Joyce Zehr & Marvin Burke
Crutch and Danna Crutchfield The Kodosky Foundation Sheila and Ryan Youngblood Underwriters
Robert Harlan Production Coordinator Meri Krueger Artist Relations Kristie McCune Business Manager Ann McNair Assistant to the Artistic Director Nina Revering Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs Nicki Turman House Manager Robin Kate Turman CYC Administrative Manager
Joe and Cynthia Cain David and Catherine Clark Robert and Trish Karli Eric Leibrock and Ellen Justice Max and Gene Alice Sherman Catherine and David Wildermuth Jeanie and Bill Wyatt
Katie Apple Tamara Blanken Robert and Pat Brueck Joe and Cynthia Cain Mary Anne Connolly Wravan Godsoe and Paul Baker Gwen Flory Toya Cirica Haley David and Karon Hammond Kristie McCune Craig Hella Johnson and Phil Overbaugh Robert and Trish Karli
Lou Ann and Bill Lasher Eric Leibrock and Ellen Justice Louise Morse E. Stuart Phillips Rebecca & Phil Powers Max and Gene Alice Sherman The Honorable Bea Ann Smith Mary Stephenson and David Minter Bernadette Tasher Catherine and David Wildermuth Evan and Ann Hume Wilson
The Still Water Foundation has generously offered a challenge grant of $75,000 to support a Fund for Artistic Innovation. If you would like to help match this challenge to provide for ongoing excellence in our commissions, recordings and other innovative projects, please contact Ann Hume Wilson, executive director, at 512-476-5775 or
[email protected]. 25
Support Conspirare
Conspirare invites you to join our family of donors. Your contribution supports our gift of music through performances of the highest artistic quality and through educational and outreach programs, including the Conspirare Youth Choirs.
Leadership Circle
Maestro Circle..................................... $25,000+ Impresario Circle................$15,000 — $24,999 Benefactor Circle................$10,000 — $14,999 Platinum Baton Circle............ $5,000 — $9,999 Golden Baton Circle............... $2,500 — $4,999 Silver Baton Circle.................. $1,000 — $2,499
Season Sustaining Underwriter
Circle of Friends
Sponsors....................................... $500 — $999 Patrons.......................................... $250 — $499 Sustainers...................................... $100 — $249 Donors................................................Up to $99
Business & Foundation Supporters
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to be paid in full by june 30, 2012.
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per month for #
per month for #
months, begininning
/ / date
The Kodosky Foundation
The Mattsson-McHale Foundation
need a different pledge plan? please call us at (512) 476-5775 to arrange.
The Meadows Foundation
Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts
The Rachael & Ben Vaughan Foundation
Payment Information ❑ check payable to conspirare credit card ❑ discover ❑ mc ❑ visa ❑ amex name on card card number
Public Funding Agencies
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must be signature of cardholder
as you wish to be acknowledged in conspirare publications
This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division, believing an investment in the arts is an investment in Austin’s future. Visit Austin at NowPlayingAustin. com. This project is also supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.
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Media Sponsors
daytime phone ( ) e-mail employer Does your employer support the arts with matching gifts? If so, please enclose the completed form along with your payment.
Mail to Conspirare, 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130, Austin, TX 78752. Conspirare is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you for your generous support of Conspirare.
Donors Gifts to Conspirare provide financial support for concerts, recordings, educational programs, and outreach activities. The following roster of donors includes cash and in-kind gifts received from individuals, family and private foundations, businesses, and government agencies between August 1, 2010 and September 9, 2011. We express our gratitude to each and every one of our donors. Maestro Circle City of Austin Cultural Arts Division Fran & Larry Collmann The Kodosky Foundation The Mattsson-McHale Foundation National Endowment for the Arts South Texas Money Management Still Water Foundation Sheila & Ryan Youngblood Impresario Circle Crutch & Danna Crutchfield Robert & Lara Harlan Jeff & Gail Kodosky Wendi & Brian Kushner Eric Leibrock & Ellen Justice Gayle Glass Roche & Mike Roche Marc & Carolyn Seriff Texas Commission on the Arts Benefactor Circle Jeri DeAngelis Robert & Trish Karli Louise N. Reeser Tescom, Inc. Catherine & David Wildermuth Platinum Baton Circle Anonymous Ken & Joyce Beck William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle David & Catherine Clark Helen & Bob Hays Lou Ann & Bill Lasher Joyce Mayer Louise Morse Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts The Honorable Bea Ann Smith The Rachael & Ben F. Vaughan Foundation Bill & Jeanie Wyatt Golden Baton Circle Aha Communications Robert & Pat Brueck David & Janis Claflin Dean & Gwen Collmann 28
Mary Anne Connolly Jerry Craft William R. Dickson Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn The Fetzer Institute Mary Nell Frucella Toya Cirica Haley Cynthia Keever Joan & Tom Kobayashi Karen & Paul Leeke Hope Morgan & Mike Taborn Jerele & Elizabeth Neeld Rebecca & Phil Powers E. Stuart Phillips Scott & Pam Reichardt William Schleuse & Virginia McDermott John & Suzanne Shore Mary Stephenson & David Minter Susanne Tetzlaff & Eric Tiblier Silver Baton Circle Anonymous (3) Sandi Aitken Doug Bain Becky Beaver & John Duncan Ann & Jeff Bomer Jack Brannon & Brian Miller Ray & Karen Brimble Dan Bullock & Annette Carlozzi Dr. & Mrs. Paul Burns Ernest & Sarah Butler Joe & Cynthia Cain Pablo Cardenas Robert F. Dailey Virginia & Robert Dupuy Lot Ensey Rev. Dr. Ann Fields R. John & Susan Fox Billy & Regan Gammon Gateway Music Festivals & Tours Susan Gatlin Steve Gilbert Gerre & Judith Hancock in honor of Craig Hella Johnson Robert & Lara Harlan Richard Hartgrove & Gary Cooper
Hornaday Design Michael & Jeanne Klein Timothy Koock Angie & Steve Larned Kati Lewis Thomas Lukens Sheila Lummis Milton D. Miller II Linda Monk Paul Mowry Bob & Lynn Murphy William Nemir Carlisle Pearson Linda & Robert Ramsey Dick & Lynn Rew Andy & Sally Ritch Nancy Scanlan Peter Schram & Harry Ullmann Max & Gene Alice Sherman Angela & Charles Smith David C. Smith in honor of Craig Hella Johnson Dr. Anna Sorensen & Mr. Don Sorensen Marion Lear Swaybill Target Bernadette Tasher Ben & Daphne Vaughan Ann Hume Wilson & Evan Wilson Marc Winkleman Eva & Marvin Womack Sponsors Linda Aaker Maureen Alexander Eva King Andries Robert & Patricia Ayres Anne Bertholf Klaus Bichteler in honor of Mary Parse Bill Krumpack & Amelia Bullock Chris & J. Dennis Cavner Jo Anne Christian Jennifer Clark James & Debbie Dunn Melissa Eddy & Tracy Schiemenz Mary Margaret Farabee Sam & Maydelle Fason Daniel Finch Susanna & Richard Finnell Cheryl Fuller Tom & Kathy Cody Gallaway Barbara Gibbs & John Driggers Balie & Beverly Griffith Milton Guiberteau in honor of Claire Korioth Walter & Ann Herbst Jane Hilfer Morgan Hunter Diane Ireson Morris & Marge Johnson
Mary M. Kevorkian Eva & Chris Laskaris Lawrence Lawver Mary Ann Lees Mark & Lauren Levy Emily Little Manuel & Anne Martinez Phil & Sue Maxwell Debe & Kevin McKeand Ivan Milman & Janie Keys Suzanne Mitchell Janis Monger Susan Negley Douglas Nelson Leslie Oster & Daniel Rodriguez Dan Peterson Forrest Preece & Linda Ball Caren Prothro K.C. Ptomey Joanne & Jerome Ravel Daniel Ray & Ellen Gould Smith & Sandra Ray Louis Renaud Dan & Kimberly Renner Hamilton & Joanne Richards Jack & Susan Robertson Michal Rosenberger Carole & Charles Sikes Henley Sims Julie & Shawn Smith Michael & Virginia Smith James Stolpa Connee & Kent Sullivan Virgil & LaFern Swift Lois VanLaningham Cynthia L. & Thomas Walsh Suzanne M. Mitchell & Richard A. Zansitis Patrons Dr. Jacque Angerstein Robert & Margaret Ayres Cindy Behling Ola Bell Leah Billingsley Pat Fatter Black Grace Blair in honor of Craig Hella Johnson Nancy Bowman Peggy Brunner Richard Campbell Nathaniel & Elizabeth Chapin David & Nathasha Collmann Fran & Larry Collmann in memory of Philip J. Overbaugh Eleanor Crary Eric & Lisa Craven Cina Crisara in honor of Deborah Rupp Stuart & Paula Damore Patrick DeLaune & Sadaf Khan
Dorothy Drummer & Greg Eden Rena & Richard D’Souza Susan Duncan in honor of Sara Ann & Milton Duncan Sandy Dunn & Paul Harford Barbara Durham Cliff & Martha Ernst Susan Nash Fekety Patricia & Fred Florence Gwen & Bruce Flory Mary Anne Flournoy William & Marlene Glade Glenda Goehrs Dolly Gray-Bussard in honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Carolyn Harris-Hynson Melissa Huebsch Craig Hella Johnson & Phil Overbaugh Tom Grimes & Karen Kibler David Kendrick Greg & Cynthia Kozmetsky Dina Kuntz Bonnie & Sidney Lanier Jon-Michael Lees Nora Lieberman Thomas & Alaire Lowry Sheila Lummis in honor of Craig Hella Johnson & Phil Overbaugh Vance McMahan Lynn & Tom Meredith Ann Moody Evan Morgan Cynthia Norvell Michael & Candace Partridge Jim & Nicole Pizzitola Randalls Randalls Amy Randolph Bev & Milbrey Raney Daniel Renner Lindsay & Joan Sharpe Kay Sheffield Cord & Anne Shiflet Kirk Smith Sandra Smith Michael & Carol Stehling Mrs. Louis Stumberg Carol Taxis & Mary Matus Martha Faye Terry Bruce Todd & Elizabeth Christian Don Trapp Susan Trautmann Erich Vollmer in honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Mary Smith & Walter Stewart Steffen & Elisabeth Waltz in honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Ben Wear Doreen Wheeler 30
Bill Wood & Elsa Vorwerk WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP Sustainers Anonymous (3) Stephen & Claudia Aechternacht Irene Eibenstein Alvisi & Lorenzo Alvisi Ernest & Jeanette Auerbach Patti Austin Bob & Marcia Bailey Ross & Kristin Bassinger Steven Beebe Dr. & Mrs. Craig & Holly Berent Bill & Carolyn Bingham Dawn & Dusty Black Karen Blizzard Wendy Bloom Floyd Brandt Roslyn & Sean Breen in honor of James Patterson Dr. Billye Brown George Brown David Burger James Campbell Julie Carterson Harvey Caughey Tom & Marsha Caven Ann Clark Rebecca Clark Michael & Kathryn Coffey Mary Anne Connolly in honor of Col. & Mrs. John M. Connolly, Jr. Ralph Coonrad Cheryl & Eric Cosway Marie Crane Karel Dahmen Richard Davis in honor of Charles Hill Kay Delcher Lory & Fred Denson Robin & Karl Dent Nina Di Leo Charles Dickerson Jerry & Shar Diercks Susan Doering & Dieter Wulfhorst in honor of Vivian N. & Joseph J. Doering Sharon Duboise Paul & Patricia Durham Sally Estes Jill B. Fatzer Juli Fellows in honor of Sylvia Gallo John & Barbara Fibiger Laura Fielder Robert & Anneliese Geis Karen & Bill Gernstein Eliza Gilkyson Wravan Godsoe & Paul Baker
Kathryn Govier Loel Graber Lawrence & Jane Graham Gary Greenblum Nan & Loyd Hampton Harmonium Choral Society David & Martha Harrington Leroy & Karen Haverlah Zhongli & Wendy He Lewis Hoffacker Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Holtzman Jeffrey Hudson & Robert Blodgett Lauren Hughes Bobby & Nancy Inman Todd Jermstad in honor of Robert Karli Elizabeth & Gregory Julie Keim Marguerite & Hugh Kelly Elinor Kliewer Kathryn & Don Lougheed Cynthia Lux Mike & Sue Maine Jennifer Martens Mary Matus Bradley & Elizabeth Maxim Karen McLaughlin Connie McMillan John & Elizabeth Hansing Moon Nancy Moore Sean & Beverly Moore Luis Morales Chip & Janice Morris Fran & Steven Moss Diana Mullin in honor of Deborah Rupp Neil & Maria Nehring Arthur & Beth Nelkin in honor of Charles & Jeanne Graves Tom & Mary Sue Koontz Nelson in honor of Nina DiLeo Hilary Olson Richard Orton Margaret H. Overbaugh Thomas Overbaugh Graydon Parrish Jim & Joyce Parrish Cathie Parsley Brittan Pasloske & Mary Lea McAnally Homer Payne Ann Phipps & Michael Cannatti William Pickens & Lindsey Falconer Ponomarev Family Karen Pope Anne Praderas & Tony Vance Gary & Cheryl Pyle Robert & Deirdre Ragan Aimee & Greg Randle Flo Ann Randle
Manohar Rao Rose Ann Reeser in honor of Louise Reeser Nina & Dean Revering Ellen W. Rienstra Leilani Rose Cynthia Ruff Deborah Rupp Paul Rutz in honor of Harold & Viola Rutz Donna & Christy Salinas Judy Sargent Dennis Schaffer Pete & Frances Schenkkan Paul Schraider Claudia & Thomas Schurr David Schwarz April Schweighart Marilyn Sharratt Mary Simon Donald Skirvin Jeffrey Smith John & Bess Sommer Jim Sotiros John & Janice Spence Don & Nancy Spencer Bryan & Cindy Sperry Barbara & Bruce Stevenson Virginia Stotts Robert & Eileen Sudela Rose & Joe Sullivan George & Nancy Sutton Rosera Tateosian John Taylor & Peter Flagg Maxson Meredith Thomas & Walter Stroup John Uglum Marie Van Roekel Cynthia & Mark Vanderberg Charles Vann Fred & Shirley Viehweg Karla & Augusto Villalon Jeannette G. Walker in honor of Carolyn Harris-Hynson Sandra Waycott & James Phares Robbie Webb Jay & Glaucia Vasconcelos Wilkey Roselyn Witherspoon Conspirare also thanks all donors of gifts under $100 and regrets that space does not permit the listing of each name. Your support is equally appreciated. We strive to publish an accurate donor list. If an error or omission is noticed, please let us know.
Thank you aha! communications – Deborah Pfluger Austin American Statesman Austin Chronicle Austin Woman Magazine Blanton Museum of Art Howard Burkett Julie Carterson Conspirare Production Team - Anton Boyd, Robert Harlan, Ann McNair CYC Parents and Volunteers Dale Elmshaeuser First Presbyterian Church - James Brown, Jane Basset James Elrod Michelle Fisher Helen Hays Jeanne Henry Hornaday Design Rod Howard Virginia Hyde KMFA-FM KUT-FM Long Center for the Performing Arts Debbie Meleski Christopher Novosad, Tiki2.com Karen Sachar Photography South Texas Money Management – Jeanie Wyatt, Josie Dorris Linda Templin TesCom, Inc. Texas Performing Arts at UT-Austin Veryan and Greg Thompson University Presbyterian Church Lois Vanlaningham Victoria Bach Festival – Nina Di Leo Dana Wixson and all the parent uniform volunteers
Coming Up! Conspirare Symphonic Choir Women with Austin Symphony Orchestra Holst The Planets, Debussy Nocturnes October 14-15 austinsymphony.org
Big Sing (where the audience is the choir!) Sing along with Craig Hella Johnson and Conspirare Symphonic Choir Thursday, November 17, 6:00 pm FREE First Baptist Church, 901 Trinity St.
Conspirare Christmas December 2 in San Antonio, December 3-4 at The Carillon on Exposition, December 5 at the Long Center
Conspirare Youth Choirs Holiday Concert “This Endris Night” December 9-10 at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
Details and ticket information at conspirare.org
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