Oct 22, 2012 ... l NGL .Ceng a ge.co m. N a tional Geographic L earning. | C eng a g e L ..... 26-
27. World Link, Intro-3. Intro. 1. 2. 3. 28. World Class 1,2. 1. 2. 29.
Elaine Caputo Ferrara, instructor College of Staten Island, New York, USA
Cengage Learning, so far—now with National Geographic Learning—has produced the most visually appealing and stunning ESL texts in the industry—the way the material is presented on the page (format and layout), the academic content, the actual visual content.
National Geographic Learning | Cengage Learning Asia
National Geographic Learning
From the Classroom to the World
English Language Teaching Catalog 2014 l NGL.Cengage.com
Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 151 Lorong Chuan #02-08 New Tech Park (Lobby H) Singapore 556741 Tel: (65) 6410 1200 • Fax: (65) 6410 1208 e-mail:
[email protected] • www.cengageasia.com
English Language Teaching Catalog 2014
© 2014 Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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Integrating the BEST in print and digital resources with high
quality service.
Engage with Us! SINGAPORE - Regional Headquarters Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 151 Lorong Chuan #02-08 New Tech Park (Lobby H) Singapore 556741 Tel (65) 6410 1200 Fax (65) 6410 1208 e-mail
[email protected] www.cengageasia.com
JAPAN Cengage Learning K. K.
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Welcome to National Geographic Learning! Dear Customer, In late 2011, we were delighted to announce that Heinle, part of Cengage Learning, had strengthened our relationship with the National Geographic Society, and changed our name to National Geographic Learning. Over 30 years, Heinle built a reputation for quality, innovation and leadership in the field of English language teaching and learning. And while our name has changed, our values and purpose have not. As lifelong educators, our new identity makes us more relevant to English language learners in the 21st century. Our goal is to produce exciting, inspiring, motivating and transformational learning materials that capture and reflect the work of National Geographic for educators and for learners of English everywhere. In our learning materials we share the stories of photographers, explorers, writers and scientists, whose work increases our knowledge of our world – and each other. Our mission is to bring the world into the classroom. Yours sincerely, National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning
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Our World P12
Pathways Listening Speaking Critical Thinking P60
Pathways Reading, Writing, Critical Thinking P70
World Class P29
Life Life
ning, is a leading provider g throughout the world.
New from National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world. Visit ngl.cengage.com
ELTeach P127
John Hughes
Helen Stephenson Paul Dummett
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Paul Dummett John Hughes Helen Stephenson
Bridge to IELTS P103
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Life P22 NEW LEVELS GREAT PYRAMIDS, EGYPT One of the world’s most famous ancient sites, the Great Pyramids of Egypt remain the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence. They are, without question, the icon most associated with Egypt. They have been both the main destination for tourists, and a source of imaginative thought to the world for over three thousand years.
What’s New in This Edition: t
National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing.
An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal.
Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product.
A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing.
The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with a portfolio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides instructional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. Visit NGL.Cengage.com
978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book 978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook 978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
Greating Writing Series P82
Our World readers P48
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Framed by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new edition of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of lowlevel learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, and all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice opportunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for beginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses!
Spin P16
Great Pyramids
Active Skils for Reading P72
Listening & Notetaking Skills P62
Inspire P58
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Table of Contents Exam Correlations
Primary/Secondary Resources
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Dictionaries 39 Graded Readers
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Writing 81 Grammar 91 97
Vocabulary & Idioms Test Preparation & College Preparation
English for Business & Specific Purposes
Professional Development & Resources
Developmental English & Linguistics
Title Index/ISBN Guide
Contact Information
Icon Key British English
inside front cover
Spotlight on
National Geographic Learning Introduction 2 Technology 6-10 Technology at a Glance 150-152 ® ExamView Test-Generating Software 8
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Exam Correlations
Cambridge TOEFL ®iBT TOEIC® SUITE Test Test
Disclaimer: Cengage Learning ELT course books have been carefully graded to aid students’ language development and can be correlated to international examinations on request. The above chart is for reference only It does not necessarily reflect the views of the respective examination bodies, nor is it a guarantee of achievement.
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Awards and Nominations UPPER-Intermediate 1900 headwords
In Brazil, one man has discovered a new way of saving, or rescuing, people from drowning in the ocean. This new rescue method involves a person using a motor-powered aircraft to work with lifeguards on the beach. How do these people work together? Is this an effective way of saving lives?
Welcome the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library. Accompanied by original video material developed by National Geographic Digital Media, this is the first non-fiction reading series to present fascinating real-world stories in three formats: print, audio, and video. READ
Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world.
Footprint Reading Library with video from National Geographic
Visit elt.heinle.com
CHRISTMAS CAROL Winner in the Adolescent & Adult: Intermediate Category of the Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature Awards 2011
PARA-LIFE RESCUE Winner in the Young Learners Category of the Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature Awards 2010
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Teaching Online
Teaching Online
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Tools and techniques, options and opportunities
FARLEY THE RED PANDA Winner in the Young Learners Category of the Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature Awards 2010
Teaching Online Tools and techniques, options and opportunities
Teaching Online is a clear, accessible and reassuringly practical book – essential reading for anyone interested in online teaching and course delivery. The authors share their wealth of experience in a fundamental area of interest to language teaching professionals today.
Part A gets you started and building your own online course, and recommends a route, from course sites to course behaviour, that will take you safely towards successful online teaching. It is accompanied by a wide-ranging list of tools for teaching, from blogs to word clouds. Part B provides a bank of practical activities that cover the four skills, language work and evaluation, with special sections for activities to begin and finish an online course. Additional comments provide insights on how to make your online teaching more effective Part C investigates avenues for your further online development, both professional and personal, with references to Web 2.0 tools that connect you with the worldwide professional community of teachers and an introduction to the concept of the PLN (Personal Learning Network) for your individual development.
Nicky Hockly has been in ELT for over 20 years. She is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E, specialising in online learning, teaching and training. Co-author of How to Teach English with Technology (Pearson Longman) and Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies (John Wiley), she spends most of her working life online.
Lindsay Clandfield has been in ELT for 15 years. He is a teacher, teacher trainer and writer of books for language teachers and language learners. He is the co-author of Dealing with Difficulties (Delta) and the lead author of the Global series (Macmillan). He teaches both faceto-face and online, and is active in the blogosphere.
Nicky Hockly with Lindsay Clandfield
It deals comprehensively with: c ways you should approach both online and blended courses c tools you should know about c techniques you should use for successful online teaching Teaching Online contains three distinctive parts which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:
Series editors Mike Burghall and Lindsay Clandfield D E LTA T E A C H E R D E V E L O P M E N T S E R I E S
DELTA TEACHER DEVELOPMENT SERIES is a pioneering new series of books for English Language Teachers with professional development in mind, blending theory, practice and development.
Nicky Hockly with Lindsay Clandfield D E LTA T E A C H E R D E V E L O P M E N T S E R I E S
DIGITAL PLAY Winner in the Innovation in Teacher Resources category at the British Council 2012 ELTons
TEACHING ONLINE Nominated at the British Council 2011 ELTons Awards for Innovation. Shortlisted Ben Warren International House Trust Prize 2010
THE DEVELOPING TEACHER Winner of the Duke of Edinburgh ESU Award for Best Entry for Teachers 2009
TEACHING UNPLUGGED Winner of the British Council 2010 ELTons UK Award for Innovation
VOCABULARY MATRIX Nominated at the British Council 2010 ELTons Awards for Innovation.
DEALING WITH DIFFICULTIES Highly Commended in the HRH Duke of Edinburgh ESU English Language Book Award 2007. Ben Warren International House Trust Prize 2006
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Technology enhances teaching and learning at every stage. At National Geographic Learning, we know that teachers and students are turning more and more to technology as a key learning component every day. That’s why we provide solutions to all of your technology needs. National Geographic Learning has software and web-based tools for every part of the teaching and learning process. Our array of technology resources helps take the guesswork out of preparation, teaching, reinforcement, and assessment so that you can do what you do best: help your students succeed. ngl.cengage.com/etools
National Geographic Learning eTools Prepare
Online Workbooks
Reinforce Assess ✔
E-Books ✔ ✔
Presentation Tools
Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView®
Online Lesson Planners
Video ✔ ✔ Interactive CD-ROMs
ebooks Students can access all the pages of their coursebooks from their laptop or tablet for the following titles:
► Spin (p16)
► Reading Explorer (p74)
► Close-Up (p36)
► Key Concepts (p66)
► Life (p22)
► Great Writing (p82)
► Outcomes (p32)
► Pathways (p60 and p70)
► Achieve IELTS (p105)
+ more!
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Online Workbooks and Practice Published to support our key programs, Online Workbooks feature interactive activities that learners can use in the classroom, language lab, or at home. These tools: ► Give learners personalised access to a range of automatically-graded exercises ► Reinforce what’s being taught in the core materials ► Allow teachers to schedule assignments, monitor student and class progress, and create reports.
Available for: ► Outcomes (p32) ► World English (p30) ► World Link (p28) ► World Class (p29) ► Spotlight on FCE (p112) ► Spotlight on CAE (p113) ► Practical Grammar (p95) ► Pathways (p60 and p70)
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROMs combine resources from the core materials for use in the classroom with an interactive whiteboard or data projector with computer. Presentation Tools help with: ► Student motivation ► Language development. ► Learner persistence
Available for: ► Our World (p12)
► Aspire (p26)
► Life (p22)
► World Class (p29)
► Spin (p16)
► Close-Up (p36)
► Outcomes (p32)
► Pathways (p60 and 70)
► The Heinle Picture Dictionary for ► Time Zones (p31) Children (p45) ► Gateway to ► English Explorer (p34-35) Science (p46)
006-010_ELT2014_SL.indd 7
► World English (p30) + more! ► World Link (p28) 7
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Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® Available with most National Geographic Learning programs, Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® test-generating software allow teachers to create and customize tests, manage classes and assignments, retrieve results from online tests, and generate detailed and flexible reports.
Create and customise tests in three steps
Name the test or quiz
Select the book and chapter(s)
You’re done!
Choose the number and type of test
Mobile Apps Available for: ► Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary (p41) ► Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary (p41) ► Collins COBUILD Learner’s (p41) ► Collins COBUILD To GO (p43) 8
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Technology Video from National Geographic available for:
► Our World (p12)
Learning through media, including video, is an important part of a balanced approach to language acquisition and National Geographic Learning’s wide array of video courses build listening comprehension skills and boost language development. Used alone or alongside our core materials, National Geographic Learning’s video programs:
► English Explorer (p34) ► Aspire (p26) ► Time Zones (p31)
Video also available for:
► Life (p22)
► Outcomes (p32)
► World English (p30)
► World Link (p28)
► Bring fun into the classroom with engaging video segments
► World Class (p29)
► IELTS Express (p104)
► Allow students to hear natural, authentic language and understand non-verbal communication
► Footprint Reading Library (p51)
► Spotlight on FCE (p112)
► Pathways (p60, p70)
► Spotlight on CAE (p113)
► Present real-world situations to help students with everyday language development.
► Reading Adventures (p76)
+ more!
► Close-Up (p36)
► Reading Explorer (p74)
Online Lesson Planners National Geographic Learning’s unique new Online Lesson Planners offer time-saving solutions for busy instructors. With the ability to create and customize lesson plans from any computer with an internet connection, teachers can: ► Create step-by-step pacing guides based on course length and requirements ► Customise and edit lesson plans in a few easy steps to fit the unique needs of individual classes
Available for:
► Attach files, export plans to Microsoft Word or a PDF, and share plans with colleagues.
► World English (p30)
► Grammar in Context (p92) ► World Link (p28) + more!
Interactive CD-ROMS National Geographic Learning’s Interactive CD-ROMs allow students the opportunity for practice and selfstudy at their own convenience. Your students will feel motivated by the fun games and engaging activities. Many of our programs include CD-ROMs that: ► Enhance vocabulary ► Reinforce language skills taught in the core materials ► Offer interactive expansion activities.
Available for: ► Our World (p12) ► Spin (p16) ► The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children (p45) ► Time Zones (p31) ► World English (p30) ► World Link (p28) ► World Class (p29)
► The Heinle Picture Dictionary (p44) ► Collins COBUILD Dictionaries of American English (p41) ► Reading Explorer (p74) + more!
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Technology Technology Overview Online Activities
Online Presentation Lesson E-books Tools Planner
Exam View
Interactive CD-ROMs
World Class
World Link
World English
Footprint Reading Library
Our World Life
Listening & Notetaking Series
Active Skills for Reading
Reading Explorer
Great Writing
Grammar In Context
√ √
IELTS Express
Achieve IELTS
Spotlight on FCE/CAE
√ √
√ √ √
For more detailed information separated by product group, see pages 150 to 152. Need e-books? Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative
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Primary/Secondary Resources lowhighintermediate intermediate intermediate
Core Programs Our World 1-6
Wonderful World 1-6
DELTA Young Learner English
Starters Movers Flyers
DELTA Practice & Pass
Starters Movers Flyers
Grammar Booster 1,2,3,4 Skills Booster
• •
Primary/Secondary Resources
Dictionaries Heinle Picture Dictionary, The, 2e NEW! Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children, The
Readers World Windows PM Traditional Tales & Plays
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• •
52 53
9/18/13 3:48 PM
Primary/Secondary Resources NEW American English edition availble!
Level: beginner (CEF: Pre A1-A1)
National Geographic content makes learning English fun!
Bringing the world to the classroom, and the classroom to life Our World is a six-level primary series, bringing age appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Fun and fascinating information about the real world, with stunning images and video, gives learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world.
American English edition ISBNs on page 153
Our World Series Student Book with CD-ROM
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Workbook with Workbook Audio CD
Lesson Planner with Audio CD and Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
Interactive Whiteboard DVD
Classroom DVD
Story Time DVD
Poster Set
Flashcard Set
Assessment Book with Audio CD
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
011-020_ELT2014_SL.indd 12
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Primary/Secondary Resources For Students Student Book with Student CD-ROM
54 Readers (more info on pages 48-49)
► Language presentation and practice
► The readers include fairytales, legends, myths, original fiction and nonfiction that relate to the theme of the unit
► Songs, games, stickers and cut-outs
► Each reader recycles vocabulary and language structures taught in the Student’s Book
► Video activities
► The readers feature on the storytelling segment of the Classroom DVD
► National Geographic Values and Mission pages ► Collaborative project work, and much more!
Workbook with Audio CD ► Provides a wide range of activities covering all four skills
► 9 full-colour readers per level (1 per unit)
Big Books ► 18 Big Books for levels 1 and 2 ► Large format versions of the readers
Online Activities for Students
► Includes pronunciation and sound-spelling sections as well as additional grammar and writing practice sheets
For Teachers Classroom DVD Interested in professional development? See “Teaching Young Learners English” by Our World author, Joan Shim, on page 128
► 27 hours of video for young learners
► Language presentation and review
► 30 minutes per unit
► Games
► Original songs
► National Geographic video
Story Time DVD Lesson Planners with Audio CD and Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM Classroom Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM (IWB) Assessment Books with Audio CD Flashcards Sets for levels 1-3 Poster Sets Online Activities for Students Professional Development Program DVD (with Resource Materials)
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Primary/Secondary Resources
Our World brings together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and video. It gives young learners of English the essential language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English. Each level of Our World includes: – Language presentation and practice – Songs and games – Video activities – National Geographic Values and Mission pages – Collaborative project work, and much more!
VALuES PAGES Levels 1–3 MISSION PAGES Levels 4–6
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Primary/Secondary Resources
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Primary/Secondary Resources NEW
Samantha Alcott LEVEL: beginning to pre-intermediate CEF: A1 – A2 SPiN is a new three-level course that takes students on an adventure in English language learning as they discover the sights and sounds of National Geographic. Supported by original animation, students learn English through the presentation of fascinating and age-appropriate world facts. Available in print, image and electronic format and as an eBook featuring DVD videos, SPiN allows you to teach English in a meaningful way that promotes world knowledge, cultural sensitivity and concern for the planet. ► Beautiful National Geographic photography used throughout ► A cartoon story involving Kristie, Mikey and Adam and their exciting adventures ► Carefully graded, non-fiction reading texts based on National Geographic content ► A comprehensive syllabus that addresses the needs of students at the appropriate level ► Useful speaking and writing support as well as lesson-by-lesson key word lists
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Primary/Secondary Resources For Students Student’s Book
► Carefully graded, non-fiction reading texts based on National Geographic content
► A syllabus that matches the grammar progression in the Student’s Book
► A comprehensive syllabus that addresses the needs of students at the appropriate level
► A presentation at the beginning of each lesson that introduces the grammar covered in the lesson
► Useful speaking and writing support as well as lesson-by-lesson key word lists at the back of the book
► A wide variety of tasks that practise the grammar presented
Workbook ► Wide variety of tasks that consolidate the vocabulary and grammar presented in the Student’s Book ► Speaking tasks that encourage communication ► Reviews featuring non-fiction reading texts based on National Geographic content ► Crosswords that consolidate key vocabulary presented in the unitsvocabulary and skills
Student’s e-Book
► A review after every two units that consolidates the grammar and ends with a Writing Project
► Get your students to interact with the tasks found in the Student’s Book ► Animated cartoon story ► National Geographic DVDs ► Extra tasks ► Karaoke-style songs
► Includes review sections and wordsearches
For Teachers Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM ► Use with an interactive whiteboard or with a computer and projector
Teacher’s Guide with Resource CD-ROM
► Contains all the pages from the Student’s Book
► Objective boxes at the beginning of each lesson
► Audio incorporated
► Clear lesson plans with detailed instructions
► Activity answers
► Extra Class Activity boxes with ideas for extending the Student’s Book material
► Comes with Content Creation Tool so you can create and add your own activities and material
► Let’s Talk boxes with ideas for extra speaking activities ► The recording script with justification for the answers to all listening tasks underlined
Class Audio CD
011-020_ELT2014_SL.indd 17
For Students Student’s book Workbook Grammar Book Grammar Book Answer Key & Test Booklet Classrooom Audio CD Teacher’s Book & Resource CD-ROM Interactive Whitebook
SPiN 1 9781408060834 9781408060858 9781408060896 9781408060902 9781408060964 9781408060957 9781408060971
SPiN 2 SPiN 3 9781408060889 9781408061053 9781408061039 9781408061077 9781408061244 9781408061312 9781408061251 9781408061329 9781408061282 9781408061350 9781408061114 9781408061183 9781408061299 9781408061367
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Primary/Secondary Resources
Wonderful World 1-6 Jennifer Heath, Michele Crawford, Katy Clements, Katrina Gormley LEVEL: beginning to low-intermediate This six-level course brings the world of English language learning to life through fun stories, breathtaking images and fascinating facts which will engage and entertain your learners, as they find out about the world around them.
It incorporates: • Stunning National Geographic photography • Texts inspired by National Geographic content • Authentic National Geographic DVD material ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
Topic based Systematic practice of all four skills Sections on functional langauge to aid communication Pronunciation practice Gradual development of writing skills Regular review which recycles grammar and vocabulary DVD worksheets Memorable songs to recycle grammar and vocabulary Plays
Wonderful World Series Student Book
Your colleagues say... “The material contaains breathtaking images and very creative activities which keep children wanting to learn more in a fun way!” Isabella Giua Teacher, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Grammar Book
Project Book
Teacher's Book
Classroom Audio CD
Classroom DVD
Classroom Interactive CD-ROM
Interactive Whiteboard Software
011-020_ELT2014_SL.indd 18
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Primary/Secondary Resources
Super Starters, Mighty Movers, Fantastic Flyers Viv Lambert, Cheryl Pelteret, Wendy Superfine, Judy West A three-level series for young learners of English Delta Young Learners English is an activity based course for young learners of English in the 7 to 13 age range. Based on the syllabus of the revised 2007 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests, it is designed to ensure successful learning in children preparing for the tests.
Student’s Book ► 10 units which cover topics from the revised syllabus ► Motivating activities, picture stories and characters ► An emphasis on speaking and listening with reading and writing introduced in a natural progression
Activity Book ► Additional practice in Games, puzzles and other practical activities
► Based on the revised 2007 syllabus for Starters, Movers and Flyers
► Self assessment check in each unit
► Provides practice for all test-paper types
Teacher’s Book
► Makes learning English and preparing for the test fun!
► Full lesson plans with warm-ups and extension activities ► Tips on preparing students for the exams
Super Starters
Mighty Movers
Fantastic Flyers
► Photocopiable resources
Student Book
Activity Book
► Practice tests
Teacher's Book
CD Pack
Audio CD
► Songs, dialogues and pronunciation activities
Delta Young Learners - Asia Edition
Starters, Movers, Flyers Cheryl Pelteret and Viv Lambert Practise and Pass is especially useful for pupils who need to prepare and practise for the Cambridge YLE Tests over a relatively short period or alongside another course book. Each level provides 20 to 30 hours of material.
Student’s Book
► In the prepare section the language is introduced
► Packed with a wide variety of practice activities
► In the practise section the language is practised in a meaningful and fun way
► Fun-based exam preparation hints and tips
► In the pass section the language is tested in a way that will make the Young Learners test familiar to the pupils
► Full sample practice test
Teacher’s Book ► Information about the tests
DELTA Practise & Pass Student Book Teacher's Book and Audio CD
Practise and Pass KET
Practise and Pass PET
Practise Practise Practise and Pass STARTERS and Pass MOVERS and Pass FLYERS
9781905085897 9781905085910
9781905085903 9781905085927
011-020_ELT2014_SL.indd 19
► Advice on preparing children for exams ► Simple strategies and exam techniques ► Full audio script and answer key
9/18/13 3:49 PM
Primary/Secondary Resources
Grammar Booster 1-4
Skills Booster 1-4
Megan Roderick, Rachel Finnie
Alexandra Green
LEVEL: beginner to intermediate
LEVEL: beginner to pre-intermediate
Grammar Booster is a four-level, full-color series of grammar reference and practice books. This series is suitable for use on its own or with any course book. Grammar points are clearly presented through a fun cartoon strip that appeals to students’ imagination. An easy-to-use Student’s CD-ROM is also available.
Skills Booster is a four-level series especially written to teach and develop young learner’s listening, speaking and writing skills. It can be used with any course book or independently. The task types are closely linked to the Cambridge ESOL examinations. Level 1 and 2 correspond to Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (Starters, Movers, Flyers) while levels 3 and 4 correspond to KET and PET. Grammar structures are graded to work with other primary products such as Grammar Booster.
► Clear and simple grammar explanations are followed by a wealth of exercises.
► A communication activity and writing task at the end of every unit helps students consolidate grammar in a fun and effective way.
► Five review sections and separately available grammar tests allow students and teachers to assess progress.
Grammar Booster Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Skills Booster Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Student Book with CD-ROM
9789604031849 9789604031863 9789604031870
Student Book
9789604035489 9789604035571 9789604035588
Teacher's Guide with CD-ROM
9789604031832 9789604031856 9789604031887
Teacher's Book
9789604035496 9789604033836 9789604033874
Test Book
9781424013586 9781424013593 9781424013609
Classroom Audio CD
9789604033782 9789604033843 9789604033898
011-020_ELT2014_SL.indd 20
9/19/13 2:47 PM
Core Programs: Secondary Adults Core Programs
Life 1-6
Aspire 1-3 World Link, Intro-3
lowhighintermediate intermediate
Outcomes 1-5
English Explorer 1-4
22-25 26-27 28
Close Up 1-4
29 30 31
32-33 34-35
Just Right 1-5
Go For It! 1-4
Check It Out! 1-4
Stand Out, Basic-5
English In Action 1-4
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 21
Timezones 1-4
World Class 1,2 World English, Intro-3
Core Programs: Secondary Adults
38 38
9/18/13 3:56 PM
Paul Dummett, John Hughes, Helen Stephenson LEVEL: beginner to advanced
Welcome to life! Life is an exciting six-level series that makes learning English an exploration of the world. Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage learners like no series before. Bring Life into your classroom! ► A practical, competency-based syllabus helps learners in their development of grammar, vocabulary, functions, pronunciation and skills through appropriate communicative tasks. ► Real life lessons model and practise everyday functions, preparing learners to use language in the real world. ► National Geographic video on the DVD allows teachers to bring lessons to life. ► The carefully designed critical thinking syllabus challenges learners to understand texts at a deeper level. ► Vocabulary is introduced thematically, with additional emphasis on key words and word building in Word focus and Word building sections.
ngl.cengage.com/life STUDENT’S BOOK
a leading provider ghout the world.
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world. Visit ngl.cengage.com
NG_Life_SB_CVR_Advanced.indd 1
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 22
John Hughes Helen Stephenson Paul Dummett
10/22/12 9:27 AM
Paul Dummett John Hughes Helen Stephenson
10/22/12 9:22 AM
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult For Students Student’s Book + DVD
Workbook with Audio CD
► Engaging tasks with fascinating National Geographic content
► Further practice and linear progression of Student’s Book contents
► Fully integrated National Geographic video for each unit
► Focus on learning skills
► Review at the end of each unit
► Sample IELTS tests allow students to benchmark their learning
► Grammar reference with practice activities
Student eBook
For Teachers Teacher’s Book with class Audio CD ► Detailed teaching notes with lead-ins, additional activities and answer key ► Notes on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and useful background information
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM ► Includes IWB tools, ‘zoomable’ pages and easy‑to‑access audio and DVD ► Create your own interactive tasks with the easy‑to‑use Content Creation Tool ► Show or hide the key ► Show justification for the reading and listening comprehensions
► Photocopiable communication activities and tests
► Make paper and online tests in minutes!
Life Series Student Book with DVD
Pre Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Workbook with Audio CD
Teacher's Book with Class Audio CD
Classroom Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 23
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Bring Life into your classroom! Engaging photos open every unit Unit 1 Hello Pacific Ocean, Australia Photo by David Doubilet
Unit 6 Passions
Unit 10 Social living Unit 12 Landscapes F E AT U R E S
People and jobs
12 People and places Photos by Alex Treadway
14 International phone calls Phone calls from New York
18 My top ten photos
1.1 Look at the photo. Listen and tick (✓). a Hi! My name’s Mike. b Hello! I’m Mike. c Hi! I’m Mike.
10 National Geographic people 2
Passionate sports fans in Soweto, South Africa
1.1 Listen and repeat.
3 Write your name.
Hi! I’m
4 Work in pairs.
Giant vegetables Hi! My name’s Jared.
1.77 Look at the photo. What’s the sport? Listen and check. basketball
70 A passion for vegetables
Hello! I’m Meera.
72 My favourite things
A video about National Geographic photos
Citizenship education
9,000 13,000,000
or public holidays in your country celebrate a spirit of community? How do they do this? Discuss with your partner.
20,000 45,000
70,000,000 800
122 Living free? The Hadza people of Tanzania
126 Initiation with ants A video about an unusual initiation ceremony in Brazil
13/12/2012 09:11
2.16 Listen to an extract from radio programme A alandscape in Tuscany,talking Italy about ethnic communities. Answer the questions. Photograph by Gianluca Colla 1 Which cities are mentioned and what large ethnic populations do they have? 2 What do the communitiesF have in common, EA T U R apart E S from the one in London? 3 What values define Alejandra’s ethnic community? 142 Under the big sky
How ant society works
1 Which sports are popular in your country? 2 What’s the national sport in your country? 3 What sports can you play?
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and caption. What festivals
120 The civilised insect
4 Work in groups. Answer the questions.
13/12/2012 09:04
F E AT U R E S 118 Good citizens
three numbers to your partner. 300 6,000,000
Cinco de Mayo, a festival celebrating the Mexican community in Denver, USA Photograph by John McEvoy
1,000,000 = one million
3 Work in pairs. Take turns to say the numbers. Then dictate
A video about people at the market
1 About 270 thousand / million people play football around the world. 2 Football is popular in more than two hundred / thousand countries. 3 The World Cup prize is 30 thousand / million US dollars.
Racing with animals
78 At the market
100 = one hundred 1,000 = one thousand
A profile of a scientist and TV presenter
74 In love with speed
1.77 Look at these numbers. Then listen again and choose the correct option. Practise saying the numbers.
William Allard’s 2.16 Listen again. Which adjectives are used withAmerican these words to talk about communities? West groups values
146 Room with a live? viewWhat 1 Is there a strong sense of community where you Bringing landscapes into kind of social gatherings take place, e.g. street parties, your home meals with friends, dances? 2 Do you think it’s confusing to have two cultures like 150 Canada oil sands Alejandra has, or is it a positive thing? Why?
2.30 Listen again and write in the adjectives that are used to describe features of landscapes. environment, vegetation, Speaker 1: a , flat landscape, a sky a Speaker 2: mountains, scene, a pretty a skyline hills, meadows, Speaker 3: farmland, plains, , gentle countryside
nature 4 Look at the questions and discuss with your partner.
LIFE ADV.indb 117
2.30 Look at the photo. Then listen to three people describing landscapes and answer the questions. 1 What kind of landscape does each speaker like? 2 Which speaker is describing the landscape in the photo?
144community Nature close up migrants immigrant family community gatherings Observing heritage small events in
A video about the impact of a new oil industry in Alberta, Canada
National Geographic Video in every unit
2.30 What were the reasons each person gave for liking each landscape? Listen again and check.
4 Work in groups. Think of examples of the following in your country and tell the rest of the group.
• a landscape that you associate with your childhood • dramatic changes of scenery • blots on the landscape
30/11/2012 09:54
LIFE ADV.indb 141
30/11/2012 09:55
Unit 12 The economy
12f Japan
Before you watch 1 Work in groups. Look at the photos and discuss
7 Work in pairs. Describe the snow scene painting by Hiroshige.
the questions.
1 What do the photos show? Describe each photo. 2 What two identities do you think the caption refers to?
2 Work in pairs. Write down things you associate with Japan.
While you watch 3 Watch the video and check your ideas from
Exercise 2. Which of the things that you wrote down appeared in the video?
It is a land of dual identities.
4 Watch the first part of the video (to 02.04). What do these numbers and dates refer to? 1 2 3 4 5 6
127 million 4 35 million 1868 1941 1945
5 Watch the second part of the video (02.05 to the end). Answer the questions.
1 What gave Japan political stability after the war? 2 What has helped it become a world leader in technology, manufacturing and finance? 3 What three things does the tea ceremony emphasise? a b c 4 Who did painters like Hiroshige influence?
6 Match the sentence beginnings (1–5) with the
After you watch 8 Roleplay a conversation between two different generations Work in pairs. Student A: Imagine you grew up in a small village in pre-war Japan. Look at the information below and think about what you are going to say to your grandchild. • what life was like (the work you did, how you travelled around, the food you ate, etc.) • the differences between life then and now • the war years Student B: Imagine you are a young Japanese business person talking to one of your grandparents. Look at the information below and think about what you are going to say to him / her. • what life is like in the city (the work you do, how you travel to work, the food you eat, etc.) • how you combine modern and traditional life in the city Act out the conversation. Compare life in Japan pre- and post-war. When you have finished, change roles and act out the conversation again.
9 Work in groups and discuss the questions. 1 How has your country changed culturally and economically in the last 100 years? 2 Do cultural traditions always support economic innovation? 3 Are economic advances always beneficial? Why? / Why not?
endings (a–e).
1 Japan is a country that harmonises the forces of what is Western and modern 2 The bustling urban area of greater Tokyo is 3 It looked to the West for a new, more modern 4 Although it is a land of few natural resources, Japan has become 5 Beyond the bullet trains and neon of Tokyo, a with those that are traditional Japanese. b political and industrial model. c there lies a rich cultural tradition. d the largest metropolitan area on Earth. e one of the most industrialised countries in the world.
bustling (adj) /ˈbʌslɪŋ/ busy feudal (adj) /ˈfjuːdəl/ relating to a social system where most people work and fight for more powerful people who own the land forge (v) /fɔːʤ/ make something in difficult conditions glitz (n) /glɪts/ the quality of being shiny and superficially attractive neon (n) /ˈniːɒn/ a kind of bright artificial light raid (n) /reɪd/ a quick attack shrine (n) /ʃraɪn/ a place where people go to meditate or pray ubiquitous (adj) /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ present everywhere wrestling (n) /ˈreslɪŋ/ a sport where the contestants try to throw each other on the ground
28/11/2011 16:32
28/11/2011 16:32
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 24
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult Life Teacher’s Website ► Class audio ► CEFR Correlations ► World lists ► Audio scripts in Word ► Reading texts in Word ► Videoscripts in Word ► Placement and progress tests ► Extra practice activities ► Extension and revision activities ► Business writing portfolio ► Additional reading texts + audio ► Communication activities ► Life stories
And more! ► Articles by the authors ► Sample pages – browse Unit 1 from Life Intermediate ► Subscribe for updates! www.NGLLIFE.com
John Hughes (Elementary, Pre-intermediate)
Authors Paul Dummett (Upper Intermediate, Advanced)
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 25
Paul is a teacher and writer based in Oxford. After managing Regent Oxford School between 1995 and 1998, he set up and ran his own school for a number of years, teaching professionals and English for Specific Purposes. He gave that up in 2007 to concentrate full time on writing, but still teaches occasionally in Paris and Oxford. His publications for National Geographic Learning include: Success with BEC Higher, Energy English, Aspire Upper Intermediate and Life Upper Intermediate and Advanced. Paul lives in Oxford with his wife, Ginny. They have three grown up children. In his free time he plays tennis, swims, cycles, reads … and writes!
John taught in Poland, Austria and Italy before returning to the United Kingdom in 2001 to manage a teacher training department. In 2006 he became a full-time writer and teacher trainer. Since then he has worked on over twenty books both as main author and co-author. His titles for National Geographic Learning include Spotlight on FCE, Practical Grammar Levels 1, 2 and 3, Success with BEC Vantage and Total Business 2. John regularly gives talks and runs workshops on behalf of National Geographic Learning all over the world. John now lives outside Oxford with Stacey, Eleanor and Jack. To relax he walks his dog across the hills,plays tennis and canoes from time to time.
Helen Stephenson (Beginner, Intermediate) Helen has worked in ELT in a variety of settings. Initially teaching adults in mainly ESP and EAP settings, she also became interested in teaching teenagers after stints in the UK and Portugal during her PGCE. She spent six years in Africa, during which time she completed her M Ed TESOL, After a bit of travelling and teaching MBA students in Azerbaijan, she settled in Catalonia and worked as academic coordinator at the British Council before taking up a post at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her published courses include Success with BEC (Preliminary), Total Business1. She is the author of the lower secondary course English Explorer (1–4) and has written the Beginner and Intermediate levels of Life. Helen lives in Catalonia where she spends a lot of time trying to see interesting birds and attempting to photograph them!
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult NEW
Pre-intermediate: John Naunton with Robert Crossley Intermediate: John Hughes with Robert Crossley Upper Intermediate: Paul Dummett and Rebecca Robb Benne with Robert Crossley LEVEL: pre-intermediate to upper intermediate (CEF:A2-B2)
Discover, Learn, Engage Aspire is an exciting new three level upper secondary course packed full of National Geographic content including images and video. With Aspire students will: ► Discover the world through fascinating content from National Geographic ► Learn the language and grammar they need to communicate within the classroom and in the real world ► Engage with the world though real-life Case Study sections which take students beyond the classroom
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 26
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult For Students Student’s Book + DVD
Workbook + Audio CD
► Everyday English sections ► Case Study sections
► Extensive further practice of Grammar, Reading, Listening, Everyday English and Writing
► Communication activities ► Grammar reference sections
► Audio CD
► Video worksheets ► DVD with video from National Geographic
Intermediate DVD
Total Running Time: 26’56”
Video on DVD
1 One village makes a difference 2 The lost temples of the Maya 3 Dangerous dining 4 The memory man 5 Living with a volcano
201 3
Nati onal G
S RE eographic L ning. ALL RIGHT ear
NGAspire_CDonbody_Int.indd 1
07/11/2011 16:48
For Teachers Teacher’s Book + Class Audio CDs ► Comprehensive teacher’s notes
Aspire is an exciting new upper secondary course packed full of National Geographic content including images and video.
With Aspire students will Discover the world through fascinating content from National Geographic Learn the language they need to communicate within the classroom and in the real world Engage with the world through real-life Case Study sections which take students beyond the classroom
With the Aspire Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM you can n get your students to interact with the tasks in the units and the reviews found in the Student’s Book n play the audio material contained on the Class Audio CDs n enjoy the National Geographic videos found on the Student’s DVD n show or hide the key to the Student’s Book tasks A1 A2 B1 B1+
Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Minimum System Requirements: Windows
n Intel® Pentium® III processor (Pentium 4 recommended) n Microsoft® Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3, Windows Server® 2003, Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (including 64-bit editions) with Service Pack 1, or Windows 7 n 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
n Intel Core™ Duo or faster processor n Mac OS X v10.4, v10.5 or v10.6 n 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
For technical support go to academic.cengage.com/support
Intermediate Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
► Placement tests, Unit tests, End of term tests, End of year tests
► Numerous extension exercises
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world.
Visit ngl.cengage.com
Discover Learn Engage Windows /MacOS ®
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM with CONTENT CREATION TOOL ISBN: 978-1-133-31904-7
Only to be used in conjunction with: Aspire Intermediate John Hughes and Robert Crossley
20 13 Na tio na lG
For Technical Support, contact: 800.423.0563 (in the U.S.) 859.525.2230 X5567 (International) academic.cengage.com/support
PC/Mac Instructions Insert CD into drive If installation does not start automatically, please follow these steps: 1. Double-click on “My Computer”/ “Computer” icon or navigate to your CD-ROM drive 2. Double-click on the “AspireInt_Installer” icon
eo g
R raph ALL ng . ic Lea earni rning, a p art of Cengage L
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD CD-ROM John Hughes and Robert Crossley
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
uick, flexible and now more useful than ever before! With is new version of ExamView®, you can: Prepare exams or online tests using questions from the supplied test bank or by creating your own Use the features of the easy-to-use ExamView® word processor to create exams Mix and match question types, including Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, Yes/No, Fill-in-the-blank and Multiple Response, which allows you to create questions that may have one or more correct responses Create learning-objective-based exams
ExamView® now includes an all-new Test Manager Use Test Manager to manage online (LAN) tests, scan results for paper tests using an OMR scanner, get results for online tests, and generate a wide variety of reports
Intermediate Examview® Assessment Suite
► Contains all the pages of the Student’s Book
► Make paper and online tests in minutes
► Answer key and audio included
n An integrated solution of exam creation, delivery and reporting tools
n A secure environment with security features including student logon, ID and password
n Multiple platform (Windows®/Macintosh®) authoring and delivery
Discover Learn Engage
Windows® n Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
n 120 MHz Pentium II or compatible processor n 64 MB of available RAM
n 24 MB of available hard disk space for installation
n Monitor capable of displaying 16-bit colour with 800 x 600 resolution n CD-ROM drive
n One available USB Port
n If required, an Internet connection to access Internet test-hosting features
Macintosh® n 120 MHz Power Macintosh
n Systems OS X (10.2 and higher) n 64 MB of available RAM
n 24 MB of available hard disk space for installation Ιntermediate
n Monitor capable of displaying 16-bit colour with 800 x 600 resolution
Aspire Series
Pre Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
For additional information contact your local Cengage Learning representative or contact Tech with ExamView® Support at academic.cengage.com/support
Student Book with DVD
By using the enclosed software you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the enclosed ISBN: 978-1-133-31899-6 Licence Agreement. Copyright © 2013 Cengage Learning. ExamView® and ExamView Pro® are trademarks of eInstructions Corp. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation For Technical Support, contact: used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple 800.423.0563 (in the U.S.) Computers, Inc., used herein under license.
Workbook with Audio CD
Teacher's Book with Classroom Audio CD
Classroom Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
n CD-ROM drive
n One available USB Port
Modify, rearrange or edit existing exams
n If required, an Internet connection to access Internet test-hosting features
Assessment CD-ROM
Choose from a variety of exam layouts and printing options Windows®/MacOS®
Visit ngl.cengage.com
► Use with an interactive whiteboard or computer with projector
Minimum System Requirements
John Hughes and Robert Crossley
Only to be used in conjunction with: Aspire Intermediate John Hughes and Robert Crossley
859.525.2230 X5567 (International)
[email protected]
PC Instructions 1. Insert CD into drive 2. Double-click on “My Computer” icon or navigate to your CD-ROM drive 3. Double-click on the “ExamView” icon 4. Double-click “Manual.pdf”
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 27
20 13 Na tio na lG
eo g
MAC Instructions 1. Insert CD into drive 2. Double-click on the “ExamView” icon 3. Double-click on “Manual.pdf”
R raph ALL ng . ic Lea earni rning, a p art of Cengage L
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult The new edition of World Link helps learners communicate more confidently and fluently.
World Link Intro – 3
Second Edition Susan Stempleski, Nancy Douglas, James R. Morgan LEVEL: beginning to intermediate World Link is Heinle’s best-selling core series for young adult and adult learners of English. The second edition has been completely updated and enhanced to reflect modern teaching methods and user feedback. Combining dynamic vocabulary with essential grammar and universal topics, World Link, Second Edition, helps learners to communicate confidently and fluently. ► A completely new video segment—“Good Morning World”—is available for each unit. ► Vocabulary instruction is enhanced to cover collocations, phrases, expressions, and patterns. Your colleagues say... ► Updated skills instruction helps learners develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing strategies. “The World Link series offers such a useful and ► Technology resources for students, including Student CD-ROMs, Online Workbooks, helpful Teacher’s Edition and makes the teaching and Online Video Workbooks, provide additional practice and flexibility. job become easier and more enjoyable.” ► Lesson Planners come with Teacher’s Resources CD-ROMs, packed with additional photocopiable materials for in and out of the classroom. Trang Bui ► Interactive Presentation Tools combine Student Book, Workbook, video, audio Academic Manager, American Academy, Vietnam. and other resources, for use with an interactive whiteboard or data projector with computer. For a guided tour, visit ► Online Lesson Planners allow teachers to create, customize, and share personalized ngl.cengage.com/worldlink lesson plans.
World Link Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Book with Student CD-ROM
Online Workbook
Classroom Audio CD
Classroom DVD
Lesson Planner with Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
Online Lesson Planner
Classroom Interactive Presentation Tool
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 28
Your colleagues say... I’ve used World Link for more than 8 semesters but I’ve never ran out of new ideas to teach the same activities each semester. Great book for the communicative classroom. As the title suggests, the activities can get shy students to really speak.
Dr. Bordin Jinda, lecturer Chiang Mai University, Thailand
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
World Class 1-2
Expanding English Fluency Nancy Douglas, James R.Morgan LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced World Class is a new, two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners expand their overall fluency while developing the tools and strategies necessary for effective, real-world communication. ► Knowledge—Learners enhance their understanding of the wider world through stunning images, engaging readings, and fascinating video from National Geographic. ► Connections—Learners are motivated to connect the thematic content to their lives, bringing relevance to every unit and inspiring critical thinking. ► Outcomes—Teachers and learners have tangible, relevant goals in every unit that are reinforced in the Workbook and Teacher’s Edition.
The Expanding Your Fluency section allows learners to apply the language they have learned throughout the unit in real-world tasks and offers self-assessment checks.
Clearly stated Unit Outcomes provide a roadmap of learning for the student.
Stunning images and thought-provoking questions encourage learners to think critically about the unit theme.
The Writing section includes writing models to prompt learners to complete a functional piece of writing and also serves as a culminating activity in many units.
World Class Series
Level 1
Level 2
Student Book with Online Workbook
Student Book with CD
Teacher's Edition
Online Planner
Print Workbook
Online Workbook
Classroom Audio CD
Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Classroom DVD
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 29
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult Real content for all skill areas!
World English Intro – 3 Real People • Real Places • Real Language Martin Milner, Kristin L. Johannsen, Rebecca Tarver Chase LEVEL: low-beginning to intermediate World English is an exciting new four-skills program which uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in their classrooms and daily lives. World English uses real people, real places, and real language to connect English language learners to the world. ► Students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills seamlessly through engaging content with integrated grammar. ► Communicative tasks develop language strategies that increase students’ comfort level in real-world settings. ► Video from National Geographic Digital Media on DVD and Student CDROM allows teachers to bring the text to life both in the classroom and individually. ► Extensive teacher support from the Teacher’s Edition, DVD, Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®, and the Teacher Web Site provide complete, time-saving solutions. ► Online Video Workbooks for each level contain all National Geographic Digital Media video clips and additional, automatically graded comprehension exercises. ngl.cengage.com/worldenglish
The Student CD-ROM includes: ✔✔ All video clips from the DVD ✔✔ All Listening and Speaking activities from the Audio CD
✔✔ Interactive activities that provide instant feedback
World English Series
Level 1
Level 2
Student with CD
Teacher's Edition
Online Lesson Planner
Classroom Audio CD
Classroom DVD
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 30
Read engaging passages designed to highlight key grammar and vocabulary.
Write interesting and personalized assignments inspired by the exciting readings.
Level 3
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
Listen to audio recordings to improve pronunciation and general listening skills. COMMUNICATE
Communicate with guided activities using the appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Watch exciting, thematicallylinked clips from National Geographic Digital Media.
9/18/13 3:57 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Tim Collins, Catherine Frazier, Richard Frazier, Mary Jane Maples, Jennifer Wilkin LEVEL: beginner to pre-intermediate
EXPLORE, DISCOVER, LEARN Time Zones is a motivating new four-skills series for teenagers, with a strong international focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video, and content. The series features educational content covering four exciting areas: people and places, the natural world, history and culture, and science and education.
With Time Zones, learners will: ► Explore amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic and our team of young global reporters ► Discover the exciting worlds of science and technology, nature, history, geography, and popular culture ► Learn how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing both language and critical thinking skills ► Explore amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic and our team of young global reporters ► Discover the exciting worlds of science and technology, nature, history, geography, and popular culture ► Learn how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing both language and critical thinking skills ngl.cengage.com/timezones
Your colleagues say...
Time Zones Series Student Book with MultiRom
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Combo Split A with MultiRom
Combo Split B with MultiRom
Teacher's Edition
Classroom Audio CD
Classroom DVD
Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 31
“For teachers wanting a text for four skills instruction, communicative grammar, and content-driven lessons, Time Zones 3 is the best all-round book I have encountered for junior high and high school age students. With Time Zones, you can be part of National Geographic’s mission to inspire people to care about the planet while teaching English at the same time.”
Review from the Japanese Association of Language Teaching’s bi-monthly Language Teacher publication, 2012.
9/18/13 3:58 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Real English for the Real World Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley LEVEL: elementary to advanced (CEF:A1 – C1)
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: ► Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings ► CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English ► Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course
Hugh Dellar is a teacher and teacher trainer at the University of Westminster. He has been teaching since 1993, predominantly in London, but he also spent three years working in Jakarta, Indonesia. He has given teacher training and development talks all over the world. He is the co-author of Outcomes as well as the Innovations series and the online teacher development course, Teaching Lexically, all written with Andrew Walkley.
Andrew Walkley teaches EFL and EAP and is also a teacher trainer and writer. For the last 12 years he has worked for the University of Westminster. He is co‑author of both the Innovations and Outcomes series, as well as Teaching Lexically, the online teacher training course, all written with Hugh Dellar. He now lives in Valencia, Spain.
Hugh and Andrew have their own Facebook page!
We have our own Facebook Page where you can: ► Post your comments and questions ► Join in discussions about teaching ► Interact with other teachers ► Read our talks
ngl.cengage.com/outcomes Teaching Lexically by Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley. see page 126
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Core Programs: Secondary/Adult For Students Student’s Book
Vocabulary Builder
► Natural real-world grammar and vocabulary
► Found inside the Student’s Book and contains:
► Communication activities focus on CEF goals
► A short explanation for key vocabulary from the Student’s Book
► Clear outcomes in every lesson
► Common phrases and collocations
myOutcomes Online
► Additional language and skills practice
► Select your activities
► Developing Writing section
For Teacher’s
Student eBook
► Activities are marked automatically
For Teachers Teacher’s Book
ExamView CD-ROM
Class Audio CD
► Full teaching notes
► Make paper and online tests in minutes!
► Answer keys ► Audio scripts Placement Test ► Available on ngl.cengage.com/outcomes
Outcomes Video
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
► Video for every unit
Bring a new dimension to the classroom by using the Outcomes Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
► For more information see p38
► Makes instruction clearer and learning simpler
myOutcomes Online ► Select activities for your students’
► Gives you, and your students, a “hands-on” approach
► Activities are marked automatically
► Encourages class participation
► View the results and check students progress
► Also compatible with a computer and projector ► Now includes video!
Outcomes Series Student Book with Pincode and Vocabulary Builder
Upper Intermediate
9781111034047 9781111211752
9789814352499 9789814352482 9789814352475
Workbook with Key + CD
9781111207915 9781111054113 9781424027972
9781111054137 9781111212339
Teacher’s Book
9781111071257 9781111054120 9781111054908
9781111034054 9781111212377
Class Audio CD
9781111071288 9781111032517 9781424028016
9781111032470 9781111212384
Whiteboard Interactive CD - Revised!
9781285766423 9781285766430 9781285766447
9781285766454 9781285766461
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Revised!
9781285188683 9781285436630 9781285436647
9781285436654 9781285436661
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 33
Pre Intermediate Intermediate
9781111071295 9781111031091 9781424027965
Student Book with PinCode (Asia Edition)
9/18/13 3:58 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Helen Stephenson, Jane Bailey LEVEL: elementary to intermediate (CEF:A1 – B1)
Explore, Learn, Develop English Explorer is a motivating four-level series for students at secondary level with a strong international focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video and content.
With English Explorer, students: ► Explore amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic, bringing real people, real places, and real stories into the English language classroom ► Learn how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing language skills through age-appropriate print and multimedia resources ► Develop critical thinking and other practical, real-world skills, including study skills and writing techniques
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 34
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Core Programs: Secondary/Adult For Students Student’s Book
Workbook + Audio CD
► Vocabulary Explorer and Grammar Explorer reference sections
► 8 pages of grammar, vocabulary and skills practice per unit
► Regular review sections ► Video worksheets
► 2 additional Grammar Practice pages per unit
► Culture, CLIL, True Stories and Projects
► Reading Explorer – full colour reading skills section
Student Multi-ROM 8 National Geographic videos
Interactive activities
► Topics are thematically linked to the units
► Grammar and vocabulary exercises which can be automatically graded
► Can be played with or without subtitles
For Teachers Teacher’s Book + Class Audio CDs ► Page-by-page support in a wrap around format ► Photocopiable communicative activities and revision games ► Placement test, unit tests, end-of-term and end-of-year tests ► Class Audio CDs included at the back of the Book
ExamView ► Make paper and online tests in minutes
Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM ► Use with an interactive whiteboard or with a computer and projector ► Contains all the pages from the Student’s Book and Workbook ► Activity answers and audio included
Photocopiable Teacher‘s Resource Book
► Two-page unit tests
► Topics are thematically linked to the units
► Unit Focus – additional basic vocabulary practice ► Unit Revision – extra grammar practice English Explorer Series ► Unit Extension – language practice in more challenging contexts
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 35
► 8 National Geographic videos
► Can be played with or without subtitles Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Student Book
9780495908616 9781111061876 9781111067984 9781111223045
Workbook with Audio CD
9781111055257 9781111062682 9781111071172 9781111223663
Teacher's Book with Class Audio CD
9781111057145 9781111062699 9781111207847 9781111223748
Teacher's Resource Book
9781111055271 9781111058968 9781111207878 9781111223670
Classroom DVD
9781111063078 9781111063085 9781111207861 9781111772024
Classroom Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM
9781111218720 9781111220310 9781111218737 9781111220303
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
9781111356996 9781111356989 9781111356972 9781111356958
9/18/13 3:58 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Angela Healan, Katrina Gormley Level: intermediate to upper Intermediate Interesting, topical and up-to-date, Close-Up is a new three-level B1 – B2 course which makes English come alive through spectacular National Geographic photography and facts carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of young teenagers. Thematically-based, Close-Up provides a plethora of interesting and diverse reading texts guaranteed to appeal to this age-group, while providing the springboard for the development of language skills required to communicate effectively about the world around us.
For Students Student’s Book ► Stunning National Geographic photography used throughout ► High-interest material adapted from National Geographic and other authentic sources ► Theme-related National Geographic DVD material for each unit ► A comprehensive syllabus that addresses the needs of students at B1 level including a focus on skills development Workbook ► A wide variety of tasks that consolidate the vocabulary and grammar presented in the Student’s Book ► Further reading practice in each unit ► ‘Use your English’ sections ► Writing sections ► Regular reviews
For Teachers Teacher’s Book ► Includes unit and lesson plans ► Contains photocopiable support material with extra tasks for early finishers ► Includes key and audio script for the Student’s Book and Workbook Teacher’s Resource Pack(CD-ROM + Audio CD) ► Quizzes and Tests ► Audio scripts ► Student progress charts ngl.cengage.com/closeup
Close-Up series
Student Book with DVD
9781111834210 9781111834241 9781133318729 9781408061749
Workbook with Audio DVD
9781111834296 9781111835118 9781133318750 9781408061916
Teacher's Book
9781111834562 9780840029881 9781133591696 9781408061978
Teacher's Resource Book
9780840028068 9780840029928 9781133591825 9781408062029
Class Audio CD
9781111835125 9780840028112 9781133591689 9781408061985
Classroom Interactive Whiteboard DVD
9781111835132 9780840029898 9781133591719 9781408061992
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 36
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Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
Stand Out Basic – 5
Just Right, 2e
Standards-Based English,
Jeremy Harmer With Carol Lethaby, Ana Acevedo & Ken Wilson
Second Edition
Level: Elementary - Advanced
Rob Jenkins, Staci Johnson LEVEL: low-beginning to advanced Built from the standards necessary for adult English learners, the second edition of Stand Out gives students the foundation and tools they need to develop confidence and become independent, lifelong learners. ► Student Books integrate language development, life skills, and real-world project activities in a proven format.
Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their learners. ► Fully-integrated grammar, skills and lexical syllabuses provide a balanced learning experience ► Engaging topics motivate students and offer greater personalisation
► New! The Lifeskills Video Program creates engaging opportunities for students to become even more successful learners of English. An online Teacher’s Guide supports the video
► A wide range of approaches exploit different learning styles
► New! Grammar instruction is integrated in every lesson, and Grammar Challenge workbooks are directly aligned to the student book. Online grammar practice is also available through Grammar Café.
► Contextualised vocabulary focuses on authentic real-world language
► New! Pronunciation activities are included in each lesson.
► Clearly structured grammar presentations are reinforced with extensive practice ► A variety of listening and speaking activities develop learner fluency ► Learner training throughout the Student’s Book and Workbook maximises skills development ► A comprehensive Teacher’s Book is siutable for both newly-qualified and experienced teachers
► Free MP3 files for all activities in the Student’s Book available online American Edition is also available!
Just Right! Series British English Student Book
Pre Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Just Right! Series British English
Pre Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Student Book
9781133562979 9781111830403 9781111830441 9781111830434
Workbook with Audio 9781133563051 9781111830397 9781111830670 9781111830564 CD and Answer Key
Workbook with Audio 9781133563051 9781111830397 9781111830670 9781111830564 CD and Answer Key
Teacher's Book with Class Audio CD
9781133563044 9781111830694 9781111830724 9781111830779
Teacher's Book with Class Audio CD
9781133563044 9781111830694 9781111830724 9781111830779
Class Audio CD
9781133562917 9781111830700 9781111830748 9781111830755
Class Audio CD
9781133562917 9781111830700 9781111830748 9781111830755
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 37
9781133562979 9781111830403 9781111830441 9781111830434
9/18/13 3:58 PM
Core Programs: Secondary/Adult
English in action 1–4
Go For It! 1–4
Check It Out! 1–4
Second Edition
Second Edition
Language • Literature • Culture
Barbara H. Foley, Elizabeth R. Neblett
Rob Jenkins, Staci Johnson
Second Edition
Level: low-beginning to high-intermediate
LEVEL: beginning to intermediate
The second edition of English in Action provides learners with competency-based support for building language, life, and work skills in realworld settings.
Perfect for summer school, before/after school intervention, community-based English tutoring programs, and dual-language instruction programs, Go for it! develops students’ vocabulary and language skills with its lively pace, engaging topics, and activities.
New to this edition: ► “English in Action” sections practice the everyday skills students need to interact and solve problems in the real world. ► “Word Partnerships” provide students with frequent collocations to promote fluency. ► “Word Builder” activities provide additional vocabulary practice and encourage students to get a deeper understanding of the target words. Updated for this edition: ► “Working Together” activities build learner persistence through cooperative tasks, enhancing the classroom community.
► Strong oral skills development boosts learners’ basic interpersonal communication skills. ► “Strategy Workout” pages offer a study skills approach to vocabulary building and other techniques which enhance learner independence. ► Reading element is more extensive with a serial story designed to motivate learners and build anticipation from unit to unit. ► Assessment with ExamView® testgenerating software, unit opener posters, and supplementary activity worksheets cut teacher preparation time in half!
ngl.cengage.com/englishinaction ngl.cengage.com/goforit
English in Action 1-4
Student Book
Go For It! 1-4
Student Book
Rob Jenkins, Staci Johnson LEVEL: beginning to intermediate Check it out! is a four-level series in American English that uses carefully chosen themes to introduce learners to global culture through the study of English. Age-appropriate language activities develop learners’ reading, writing, listening, speaking, and pronuciation skills – and motivates them to use English. Language Check it out! offers clear language presentation and practice, with plenty of models for learners to use. Grammar and vocabulary are introduced in the reading passage, with abundant follow-up practice. Literature Each level of Check it out! features a well-known story, told chapter by chapter throughout the Student Book. Culture Each unit in Check it out! uses a carefully chosen topic to investigate an area of world culture.
Check It Out! 1-4
Student Book
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
021-038_ELT2014_SL.indd 38
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Dictionaries English Variant
Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children
COBUILD Learners Illustrated Basic Dictionary
Heinle Picture Dictionary, The, 2e NEW!
COBUILD Learners Illustrated Dictionary
COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary
COBUILD Advanced Dictionary
Interactie Presentation CD-ROM Tool
• • •
Phone App
highlowhighbeginning beginning intermediate intermediate intermediate advanced
• •
• •
• • • •
• •
• • •
• • •
• •
41 43 41
COBUILD Advanced Dictionary - Bilingual (Japanese)
• •
COBUILD Advanced Dictionary - Bilingual (Korean)
• •
Content Dictionaries Gateway to Science
Gateway to Social Studies
• •
• •
• •
46 46
*The definitions in our international English dictionaries are based on British English. These dictionaries also include definitions for high-frequency words from American, Australian, and Canadian English.
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 39
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Cobuild dictionaries The Learner’s dictionary transformed! Level: beginner to advanced More than simple reference books, the Collins COBUILD dictionaries, created with National Geographic Learning, are pedagogically rich, engaging, full-color language learning tools. While any good learner’s dictionary helps a learner understand the meaning of a word, COBUILD dictionaries do more, by showing learners how to use that word correctly and appropriately. All Collins COBUILD dictionaries are designed to help learners understand and use vocabulary, collocations, phrases, expressions, and patterns effectively and accurately in their daily lives. Support for the learner includes: ► Full sentence definitions to show learners how that word is used correctly in context ► Supporting example sentences to give more language support to the learner ► Vocabulary builders, which show learners how to use high frequency words correctly, including: Word Web, Picture Dictionary, Word Partnership, Thesaurus, Word World, and more ngl.cengage.com/dictionaries
As wind blows across water, it creates waves. It does this by transferring energy to the water. If the waves encounter an object, they bounce off it. Light also travels in waves and behaves the same way. We are able to see an object only if light waves bounce off it. Light waves can be categorized by their frequency. Wave frequency is usually the measure of the number of waves per second. Radio waves and microwaves are examples of low-frequency light waves. Visible light
Word Partnership sections highlight common collocations and word patterns, which help learners to develop fluency
consists of medium-frequency light waves. Ultraviolet radiation and X-rays are high-frequency light waves.
Word Web
Margaret McKeown, University of Pittsburgh
Word Webs present related vocabulary in the context of short, thematic reading
“These dictionaries should be in every classroom in the country. Then the task of looking up word meanings would not be so odious, frustrating, and nonproductive… The entries in COBUILD really communicate a word’s meaning.”
Thesaurus helps learners to understand and use common synonyms and antonyms
You can trust
Picture Dictionary entries present thematic vocabulary and ideas in a visual way
Word Links teach prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for increased language awareness
All explanations, examples, and special features are based upon the constantly updated 4.5-billion-word database of today’s English language, the Collins Corpus. The world’s first and largest language database, the Collins Corpus ensures you and your learners can trust Collins COBUILD dictionaries to speak and write accurate and up-to-date English.
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 40
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Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary of English + Phone App
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of English + Phone App
Second Edition
Seventh Edition
Level: intermediate
LEVEL: advanced
Level: low-intermediate to high-intermediate
All of our explanations, examples, and special features are based on our constantly updated 4.5 billion-word database of today’s English language, the Collins Corpus. This means that you can trust Collins COBUILD to help you speak and write accurate and up-to-date English.
All of our explanations, examples, and special features are based on our constantly updated 4.5 billion-word database of today’s English language, the Collins Corpus. This means that you can trust Collins COBUILD to help you speak and write accurate and up-to-date English.
New to this edition: ► More than 55 words have been added to the new Collins COBUILD Illustrated Intermediate Dictionary of English.
► Updated to include important new words and phrases, such as Android, app, quantitative easing, and overthink, to ensure learners have the English they need at their fingertips.
The new Collins COBUILD Learner’s Dictionary of American English is a corpus-based dictionary for low to high-intermediate learners of English, and includes content-area and academic vocabulary. Also included are a Brief Speaker’s Handbook, Brief Writer’s Handbook, and Brief Grammar, making this dictionary the perfect, all-in-one, language learning tool.
► The new Visual Thesaurus helps learners develop fluency by providing alternatives to the 50 most over-used words in English. ► The new, free mobile app for the iPhone, Android, and mobile web browsers will allow you to access concise definitions and examples, and hear pronunciation quickly. For more details visit mobile.heinle.com. ► Full-sentence definitions use the most common context in which target words are found in real life ► Grammatical patterns shown in context help the learner to use English accurately and naturally
► The new Visual Thesaurus helps learners develop fluency by providing alternatives to the 50 most over-used words in English. ► The new, free mobile app for the iPhone, Android, and mobile web browsers will allow you to access concise definitions and examples, and hear pronunciation quickly. For more details visit mobile.heinle.com. ► Full-sentence definitions use the most common context in which target words are found in real life ► Grammatical patterns shown in context help the learner to use English accurately and naturally
► Natural English examples from the Collins Corpus show the user words as they appear in everyday English
► Natural English examples from the Collins Corpus show the user words as they appear in everyday English
Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary of English
Collins COBUILD ADVANCED Dictionary of English, 7E 9781133314158
Softcopy with Phone Application British English
Softcopy with CD-ROM America English
Softcopy with Phone Application America English
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 41
Includes the following Vocabulary Builders: ► Word Webs related vocabulary in the context of short, thematic reading ► Word Links teach prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for increased language awareness ► Thesaurus helps learners to understand and use common synonyms and antonyons ► Word Partnership sections highlight common collocations and word patterns, which help learners to develop fluency ► Picture Dictionary entries present thematic vocabulary and ideas in a visual way
Collins COBUILD LEARNER'S Illustrated Dictionary of American English
Softcopy with CD-ROM British English
Collins COBUILD Learner’s Illustrated Dictionary of American English
Softcopy with Phone Application
9/18/13 12:01 PM
Dictionaries The complete vocabulary resource for beginning learners— featuring Dr. Robert Marzano’s complete list of basic vocabulary words!
Collins COBUILD Illustrated basic Dictionary of American English LEVEL: beginning to low-intermediate The Collins COBUILD Illustrated Basic Dictionary of American English makes vocabulary acquisition efficient and effective by offering beginning-level students extra support in language learning through a high level of visual support, levelappropriate definitions, COBUILD’s unparalleled vocabulary support, and a controlled vocabulary list. ngl.cengage.com/dictionaries “Every student should have this book!” Dr. Robert J. Marzano, Advisor
mobile application!
Spelling Partners presents common words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, enhanving student comprehension.
Word /Builder boxes teach the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots vocabularybuilding skills.
Sound Partners familiarizes learners with words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings, for enriched vocabulary.
Free dictionary
Word World boxes expand students’ vocabulary by presenting target words and domain-related vocabulary.
Picture Dictionary boxes illustrate vocabulary and concepts for a deeper understanding.
Collins COBUILD ILLUSTRATED BASIC Dictionary of American English
Softcover with CD-ROM and COBUILD To Go Mobile Application
Softcopy without CD-ROM
Hardcover without CD-ROM
Collins COBUILD School Dictionary of American English aslo available! 42
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 42
9/18/13 12:01 PM
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Japanese
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Korean
LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
Level: high-intermediate to advanced
The COBUILD To Go dictionary is a pocket learner’s resource that covers the most useful words in English, enabling learners to master the words they need and want to know in order to communicate effectively.
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Japanese is specially designed for Japanese-speaking learners of English who need the extra support of their native language. This bilingual learner’s dictionary provides Japanese translations for all definitions, senses, examples, and explanatory terms to complement the English material and to provide additional support to the learner when they encounter a difficult word or expression.
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Korean is specially designed for Korean-speaking learners of English who need the extra support of their native language. This bilingual learner’s dictionary provides Korean translations for all definitions, senses, examples, and explanatory terms to complement the English material and to provide additional support to the learner when they encounter a difficult word or expression.
Collin COBUILD To Go Dictionary of American English
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Japanese
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Korean
The COBUILD To Go includes dynamic vocabulary builders which increase students’ comprehension!
COBUILD TO GO Dictionary of American English LEVEL: low-intermediate to highintermediate
Softcover with Phone Application
Softcover with CD-ROM
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 43
Softcover with CD-ROM
9/18/13 12:01 PM
Dictionaries The heinle Picture Dictionary Second edition
The Heinle Picture Dictionary, Second Edition
The heinle
Picture Dictionary
Ne Edit w ion!
Level: newcomer to low-intermediate
Extensively revised and updated! The Heinle Picture Dictionary, Second Edition presents 4,000 words in context through vibrant images within thematic units. The new edition uses illustrations, readings, audio, and technology to teach everyday and content-area vocabulary.
Tried and Tested! second edition
Words in Context
There are more than 15,000 kinds of fish in the sea. The largest fish is the shark. The great white shark can grow to over 7 meters*. There are also some very fast fish in the sea. For example, the swordfish swims at about 90 kilometers** per hour, and the tuna swims at about 70 kilometers*** per hour. The slowest fish is the sea horse. It only swims about 0.001 kilometers ** 90 kilometers 5 55.8 miles
16 a cod
2 a dolphin
17 an octopus
3 a swordfish
18 an eel
4 gills
19 a squid
5 a fin
20 a stingray
6 scales
21 a shrimp
7 a killer whale / an orca
22 a sea urchin
8 a turtle
per hour! * 7 meters 5 23.1 feet
1 a seagull
25 a sea anemone
10 a tuna
26 a coral reef
11 a jellyfish 4
27 a mussel
12 a shark 8
13 a (scuba) diver 14 a sea horse
Parts of a Fish
28 a starfish 29 a sponge 30 a halibut
15 a bass
23 an angelfish 24 a crab
9 seaweed
*** 70 kilometers 5 43.4 miles
New and Enhanced!
10 11 12 13
Words in Action
Word Partnerships a school of
1. Make a list of all the sea animals you have seen. Then compare your list with your classmates’ lists.
2. Study the spread for five minutes. Close your books. With a group, make a list of as many sea animals as you can remember. Take turns describing what each one looks like. You may want to draw pictures on the board.
a freshwater 17
a saltwater a sea
a snapping
a hammerhead
a great white
18 23 26
21 20
63105_U13_rev01_188-189_marine.indd 188
06/05/13 7:44 AM
Restaurant Restaurante
1 a chef un chef / un jefe de cocina 2 a dishwasher un lavaplatos
4 a server / a waitress una mesera
on the menu was soup. There were no appetizers and no desserts. Restaurants have changed a lot since then. Now
5 a busser / a busboy un ayudante de mesero
you can eat at a Chinese restaurant in Moscow or a Mexican
6 a server / a waiter un mesero
restaurant in Beijing. The biggest restaurant in the world is
7 a diner / a customer un cliente
the Royal Dragon in Bangkok. The dining room seats 5,000 diners. The servers wear roller skates!
8 a creamer una jarrita para crema
06/05/13 7:44 AM
13 a pepper shaker un pimentero
26 an appetizer un entremés
14 a bowl un tazón
27 a main course un plato principal
15 a wine glass una copa para vino 16 a (water) glass un vaso (de agua) 17 a high chair una silla alta para bebés
20 a menu un menú 21 a fork un tenedor
28 a dessert un postre 29 a tray una charola 30 a salad bar una barra de ensaladas 31 a check / a bill una cuenta
18 a cup una taza 19 a saucer un plato pequeño
Word Partnerships a steak
a butter
22 a napkin una servilleta
a salad
10 a sugar bowl una azucarera
23 a plate un plato
a dinner
11 a tablecloth un mantel
24 a knife un cuchillo
12 a saltshaker un salero
25 a spoon una cuchara
9 a vase un jarrón
63105_U13_rev01_188-189_marine.indd 189
3 an apron un delantal / un mandil
Words in Context The first restaurant opened in Paris in 1765. The only thing
29 28
a soup
fork spoon
a dessert a serving a dinner
a dessert a soup
a salad 7
9 26
27 28
► “Words in Context” shows how the language is actually used through accessible, contextualized readings. ► “Word Partnerships” helps students use high-frequency word patterns and collocations like a native speaker. ► “Words in Action” provides practice with new words through classroom activities. ► The Lesson Planner, with 342 fully developed lesson plans, provides extensive multilevel support for the busy teacher. ► The Activity Bank CD-ROM, included in the Lesson Planner, contains reproducible activity masters that can be customized for individual and classroom use. ► The Audio CDs allow students to improve listening and pronunciation skills with recordings of the target vocabulary and “Words in Context.”
► Beginning and Intermediate Workbooks reinforce and consolidate classroom instruction with vocabulary, listening, and grammar practice. ► “Grammar Connection,” included in each workbook lesson, presents the necessary grammar for building sentences with the newly acquired vocabulary. ► High-frequency words are highlighted, allowing students to focus on the top ten most essential words in each lesson. ► The Interactive Student CD-ROM makes practicing vocabulary fun through games, activities, audio, and bilingual support. ► The Interactive Presentation Tool CD-ROM enlivens the classroom with dynamic student book pages, audio, activities, and games for use on an interactive whiteboard or data projector with computer. ► The Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® makes assessment easy with quizzes and tests that can be customized.
11 20
Words in Action
1. Compare your favorite restaurant with this one. How is it the same? How is it different?
2. What is your favorite appetizer? Main course? Dessert?
9781133563167_Jenkins.indd 100
29/04/13 4:41 PM
9781133563167_Jenkins.indd 101
29/04/13 4:41 PM
The Heinle Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition Student Book
Text with Beginning Workbook Package
Text with Intermediate Workbook Package
Chinese, Simplified
Text with Audio CD Package
Chinese, Traditional
Text with Interactive CD-ROM Package
Text with Beginning Workbook and Interactive CD-ROM Package
Text with Intermediate Workbook and Interactive CD-ROM Package
Text with Audio CD and Interactive CD-ROM Package
Beginning Workbook with Audio CD
Intermediate Workbook with Audio CD
Audio CDs
Lesson Planner with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Interactive CD-ROM
Bilingual Editions
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 44
9/18/13 12:01 PM
Dictionaries Pictures plus a world of fun!
The Heinle Picture Dictionary for children Jill Korey O’Sullivan Level: pre-literacy to early-intermediate. Also available The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children is the only children’s dictionary that presents vocabulary within thematic readings and offers opportunities for multi-level practice of every word introduced to help develop English language skills. ► 1,100 words are taught contextually through colorful illustrations and photographs, readings, and activities in eight thematic units. ► Students encounter words in context through engaging “Rhyme Time” and “Fun Facts” readings. ► “Playing with Words” offers fun activities in which students increase semantic understanding and develop their language skills. ► A “Basics” unit features six lessons that introduce important basic vocabulary that will jump start students’ language acquisition. ► Units 2 – 8 explore other areas of the learner’s life including their family, neighborhood, school, and the world. ► Multi-level Lesson Planner provides three different ‘mini-lessons’ for each level focusing on vocabulary, phonics, and language development. ► Activity Bank CD-ROM, included in the Lesson Planner, contains reproducible activity masters, literacy worksheets, flashcards, word lists, song lyrics, and the readings for each lesson. ► Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM and full-color Transparencies aid instruction and save time. ► Audio Program includes all readings and words. ► The Sing-Along with The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children Audio CD presents 63 original songs that reinforce words introduced in the lessons. ► Workbook focuses on vocabulary acquisition, language development, and phonemic and graphemic awareness. ► Interactive CD-ROM offers engaging activities and games for students.
*British English edition also available! Can you find the monkey? This fun character encourages exploration as students start each lesson. They will enjoy finding the monkey every time they turn the page!
Your colleagues say... ngl.cengage.com/hpdc
“…this book is very engaging—not just ‘another’ dictionary. It’s colorful, informative, age appropriate, and FUN.” Melissa Jones Jupiter Elementary School, Jupiter, FL
“I love the songs! The music is engaging and the lyrics are fun and reinforce the vocabulary in the picture dictionary.” Lisa Young George Washington Academy, St. George, UT
The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children ISE Softcover for American English
Hardcover for American English
Workbook for American English
Audio CDs (3)
Sing-Along Audio CD
Interactive CD-ROM
Lesson Planner (contains Audio CDs and Activity Bank CD-ROM)
Presentation CD-ROM
British English (softcover)
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 45
9/19/13 5:37 PM
Give your students a BOOST to success!
The KEY to unlocking the path to academic success!
gateway to science
gateway to SOCIAL science
Vocabulary and Concepts
Vocabulary and Concepts
Tim Collins
Bårbara C. Cruz, Stephen J. Thornton
LEVEL: beginning to intermediate
LEVEL: beginning to intermediate
Gateway to Science is a unique program designed to introduce students to content-area knowledge and skills needed to meet the requirements of science programs as well as national and state assessments. Using picture dictionary and textbook formats, students acquire key vocabulary, concepts, and learning strategies that help boost their success in science! ► Every lesson follows a distinctive four-page format that develops the vocabulary and concepts needed for the study of science. ► The Teacher Resource CD-ROMs with ExamView® feature customizable test-generating software aligned to state standards. They also include an interactive presentation tool with animated graphic organizers to help students comprehend new vocabulary and key concepts introduced in the student text. ► Workbook with Labs provides expansion activities for each lesson in the student text. Reading comprehension, writing, and listening/speaking skills are reinforced with additional communicative activities and critical thinking exercises. Labs and experiments support key concepts. ► The Audio Program features all readings to boost auditory learning and reading fluency.
Gateway to Social Studies is a NEW content-area program designed for English learners to introduce and reinforce social studies terms and skills. Each lesson presents material with a globally and culturally relevant format through beautiful images and engaging content, such as Primary Source documents and graphic organizers. Gateway to Social Studies is aligned to the NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies) standards. ► The text is comprised of four sections to ensure academic success: Geography, World History, U.S. History, and Government. ► Every four-page lesson presents vocabulary and key social studies concepts in a highly visual format for increased comprehension. ► The Student Workbook provides practice activities for each lesson of the student text including extension readings (including Primary Source documents), virtual field trips, and oral presentations. ► Online Image Gallery houses every visual in the student text to aid student comprehension of content-area vocabulary and concepts. These include maps, paintings, pictures, and timelines. ► The ExamView® CD-ROM provides lesson assessments in a customizable format that are aligned to NCSS standards.
Gateway to Science
Gateway to Social Studies
Workbook with Labs
Audio CDs
Audio CDs
Teacher’s Edition
Teacher's Edition
Assessment Book
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
Teacher Resources CD-ROM with ExamView® and Classroom Presentation Tool
039-046_ELT2014_SL.indd 46
9/18/13 12:01 PM
Graded Readers Fiction
Our World Readers
Classic Graphic Novel Collection
World Windows
PM Traditional Tales and Plays
Foundation Reading Library
Bestseller Readers
Summertown Readers
Heinle Reading Library
• • • •
Footprint Reading Library
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 47
low highlowhighbeginning beginning beginning intermediate intermediate intermediate advanced
• • •
Graded Readers
52 52
• • • •
53 54
• • •
• • •
• • •
54 55
9/18/13 4:03 PM
Graded Readers NEW
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 48
9/18/13 4:03 PM
Graded Readers
Our World Readers: original stories, folktales, myths, and non-fiction IcIeceCCrereaamm am Ice Cre neess from around the globe. Coon es C
Facts About Another Invention As you’ve read, some popular foods were created by accident. But did you know that a popular device for cooking foods was also invented by accident?
Percy Spencer
A scientist named Percy Spencer invented the microwave in 1945. Percy worked with radars. Radars use radio waves to find the location of things such as boats and aeroplanes. During World War II, they were used to help find enemy aeroplanes.
Ice Cre
Percy tried another experiment. He used the radio waves on popcorn kernels. The popcorn kernels popped! He used the radio waves on an egg. The hot egg exploded all over Percy’s colleague. By accident, Percy had invented the microwave. The first microwaves weighed 350 kilograms (about 770 pounds) and were 1.8 metres (6 feet) tall! Of course, microwaves are much smaller today and are used in millions of homes around the world.
In 1904, there was a big fair in the United States called the St. Louis World’s Fair. A man called Ernest Hamwi was selling thin Persian waffles at the fair. Nearby, another man was selling ice cream. It was a hot summer’s day. People bought a lot of ice cream. Soon the ice cream seller ran out of cups. Ernest used his creativity to solve this problem. He rolled a waffle into a cone and put a scoop of ice cream in it. Some say this was the first ice cream cone. People loved it!
One day, Percy was working with a machine that makes radio waves. Suddenly, he noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. This gave him an idea. Maybe radio waves could heat food.
A modern microwave
An early microwave
The St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904
Remember, some wonderful inventions were created by accident. You never know what an accident can lead to. So next time you do something by accident, ask yourself: ‘Is there a good idea in this accident?’
Readers and Big Books Level 1 9781285190655 The Kings’s New Clothes 9781285191614 The Kings’s New Clothes (Big Book) 9781285190686 Little Red Hen is Cooking 9781285190679 My Body Your Body 9781285191638 My Body Your Body (Big Book) 9781285191645 Little Red Hen is Cooking (Big Book) 9781285190648 The Three Bears 9781285191607 The Three Bears (Big Book) 9781285190693 Too Many Animals 9781285191652 Too Many Animals (Big Book) 9781285190662 Toys 9781285191621 Toys (Big Book) 9781285190631 We All Pull 9781285191591 We All Pull (Big Book) 9781285190617 What’s In My Classroom? 9781285191744 What’s In My Classroom? (Big Book) 9781285190624 Where are the Animals 9781285191584 Where are the Animals (Big Book)
Level 2 Level 3 9781285190730 The Ant and the Grasshopper 9781285191225 9781285191676 The Ant and the Grasshopper (Big Book) 9781285191232 9781285190709 Art Class 9781285191249 9781285191751 Art Class (Big Book) 9781285191256 9781285190778 A Big Lesson for Little Frog 9781285191263 9781285191713 A Big Lesson for Little Frog (Big Book) 9781285191270 9781285190761 Hare is Scared 9781285191287 9781285191706 Hare is Scared (Big Book) 9781285191294 9781285190754 My Day 9781285191300 9781285191690 My Day (Big Book) 9781285190723 The North Wind and The Sun 9781285191669 The North Wind and The Sun (Big Book) 9781285190792 Stone Soup 9781285191737 Stone Soup (Big Book) 9781285190747 The Three Pigs 9781285191683 The Three Pigs (Big Book) 9781285190785 What Jobs Do They Do? 9781285191720 What Jobs Do They Do? (Big Book)
Level 4 9781285191324 The Empty Pot 9781285191355 The Green Rabbit 9781285191386 Hurum’s Hobby 9781285191317 The Mirror 9781285191331 Rhodopis 9781285191362 Stormalong and the Giant Octopus 9781285191379 Sweet Surprises: Accidental Food Inventions 9781285191348 Tender Flower and the Medicine 9781285191393 The Tug of War
Level 5 Level 6 9781285191485 Beach Vacations 9781285191546 9781285191447 The Cave People of the Karawari 9781285191560 9781285191430 How the Milky Way Began 9781285191515 9781285191416 How Tiger Got His Stripes 9781285191508 9781285191461 The Legend of the Volcanoes 9781285191539 9781285191423 The Songbird’s Flute 9781285191577 9781285191478 The Tailor and His Coat 9781285191522 9781285191409 The Tale of Thunder and Lightning 9781285191553 9781285191454 Two Brothers Two Rewards 9781285191492
Caring for Elephant Orphans Country Mouse Visits City Mouse Getting to School Around the World The Four Blind Men Mouse Deer in the Rain Forest Anansi’s Big Dinner Tortoise and Hare’s Race Holiday Colours and Lights Coyote’s Weekend
Advertising Techniques: Do you Buy it? Better Lives With Bionics How Quetzalcoa Brought Chocolate to the people King Midas Odon and the Tiny Creatures The Flying Dutchman The Four River Dragons The Shark King’s Cave Young Cu Chulainne
American English edition also available. See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 49
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers
Page Turners
Robert Waring, Series Editor LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Each reader includes: ► ► ► ► ►
60 titles, running words cover from 3,000 to 20,000 words A short, non-fiction reading passage related to the main story A Glossary which summarizes key vocabulary from the story Free MP3 recording available on website FREE photocopiable worksheets available on the website for teacher
the classic graphic novel collection ngl.cengage.com/pageturners
Robert Waring, Series Editor
Visit www.youtube.com/NGLearningUK for author video tips!
LEVEL: intermediate This revolutionary new series of graphic novels re-tells classic literature for learners of English. The fresh blend of accessible storytelling and captivating artwork ensures that students will want to return to these stories time and again. ► Workbooks for each reader provide a wealth of activities to check comprehension of the text ► Teacher Manuals for each reader include worksheets, teaching notes, quizzes, and answer keys, saving teachers hours of preparation time
The Classic Graphic Novel Collection Frankenstein Great Expectations Henry V
Macbeth Romeo and Juliet A Christmas Carol
Your colleagues say...
Wuthering Heights Dracula AND MANY MORE!
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
“I am really happy that this series has helped encourage our students to read in English.”
Joanna Adkin, Senior Teacher Young Learners, British Council. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
Page Turners Reading Library
Level 4 Heart of a Fighter
Bad Blood
Level 1
The Long Road to Lucca
Come Home
Resistance (Forthcoming!)
The Yellow Field (Forthcoming!)
All About the Music
Soccer Crazy
Level 5
It's Just a Cat (Forthcoming!)
The Secret Beach
Gone (Forthcoming!)
Joe Faust
The Boathouse (Forthcoming!)
The Lift (Forthcoming!)
Level 10
Level 2
Level 6
Beautiful Game
Picture in the Attic
Level 7
Mercy Killer
Samurai (Forthcoming!)
Dead Before Midnight
Control Order 51
Dead in the Water
You Just Don’t Know Her He's Mine (Forthcoming!)
Level 11
Kitchen Love Story
Danny Dark
The Art of Fear (Forthcoming!) The Battle Big Tree Country (Forthcoming!) Level 12
Running Free
Roadtrip (Forthcoming!)
Level 8
Level 3
Level 9
Deadly Truth
Kilimanjaro (Forthcoming!)
The Angels
Oscar's Journey (Forthcoming!)
The Lost City of Gold
The Stranger
Graded Readers Read, Listen, and Watch over 100 titles!
Footprint Reading Library Robert Waring, Series Editor LEVEL: early-intermediate to advanced. ► A rich selection of engaging non-fiction stories, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, Amazing Science. ► 8 levels 100 titles. ► Teacher’s Books includes photocopiable worksheets, tests, and additional communicative activities.
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
Footprint Reading Library 3-IN-1 combination readers LEVEL: early-intermediate to advanced Carefully selected titles from the National Geographic Footprint Reading Library have been combined to form these special 3-in-1 topic-based readers. ► 8 readers ► CD-ROM attached to each reader, containing DVD clips and Audio ► Read the stories to learn new vocabulary and develop speed-reading skills through the expansion readings. ► Listen to the stories on audio and improve your listening skills and English pronunciation ► Watch the stories on video, practice using the key language, and enhance your comprehensive understanding of English.
Footprint Reading Library 3-in-1 Combination Readers - Asia Edition Amazing Homes We Choose To Live In
The Greatest Creatures on Earth
Living Legends
True Adventures and Exciting Sports
Who are the Real Winners?
Discovering Special Cultures
Changing Climate and Natural Habitats
Creativity in Environmental Protection
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 51
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers
world windows 1-3 National Geographic LEVEL: beginning World Windows is a nonfiction reading series which helps students build language skills and learn about the world around them. This three-level course is designed for emergent readers and features a rich variety of National Geographic images and content. Through topics as diverse as earth science and economics, students will be exposed to a wide variety of text types, structures, and features. Each reader is accompanied by a full-color workbook with activities and exercises to reinforce their learning. A multi-ROM is also available and features an interactive version of the reader and many more exercises. ► Introduces students to a variety of text types commonly used in nonfiction texts – recount, informational, persuasive and procedural. ► Nonfiction can be more challenging than fiction because there is more than one way to organize a nonfiction text. You can find the following text structures in World Windows: description/listing, sequence, compare & contrast, cause & effect and problem & solution. ► Nonfiction text features support or add information in the main text. World Windows introduces students to a wide range of text features, including: table of contents, captions, charts, diagrams, flow charts, glossary, graphs, heading, illustrations, index, introduction, labels, magnifications, maps, picture sequences, pronunciation guides, sidebars, tables and timelines. ► Each reader in the series focuses on a particular comprehensive strategy to improve students’ reading skills: identify main idea & details, classify, compare & contrast, identify cause & effect, sequence, draw conclusions and predict outcomes.
Online Teacher’s Guides Each level of science and social studies is accompanied by a Teacher’s Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide contains: ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
Background information about content area Prereading instruction Vocabulary preview Teaching instruction and comprehension questions for each student book page Notable text structures, comprehension strategies, and text structures Workbooks answer key Worksheet answer key
World Windows Series Level 1 - 3 Classroom Set
Level 1 - 3 Science Classroom Set
Level 1 - 3 Social Studies Classroom Set
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 52
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers
PM traditional tales and plays (Special Asia Edition) Level: beginner This 4-level series retells 24 classic tales in a simplified language and form that children easily understand. Teachers can use the tales in guided reading sessions and children can later read them with confidence and understanding. A script at the end of each reader together with suggestions in the Teacher Book makes it easy for instructors to bring these plays to life through live performances. Teacher Book even includes cut-out masks to add fun to roleplays!
Posters available for each level – limited availability! PM LIBRARY TRADITIONAL TALES AND PLAYS turquoise LevelS — Teacher Guide
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 53
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers
Foundations Reading Library Robert Waring, Maurice Jamall LEVEL: low-beginning to beginning Foundations Reading Library is a series of colorful, high-interest, low-level readers written for grades 6 – 12. Carefully sequenced vocabulary and grammar are presented contextually through the adventures of a group of teens living in a small U.S. town.
► Seven levels, with six readers per level, are graded by vocabulary words. ► Full-color illustrations on each page support comprehension. ► Adventure, drama, detective, and romance stories capture teens’ interest. ► Systematic recycling and extension of vocabulary, phrases, and
expressions are found throughout each reader and across the collection.
► Carefully-controlled grammar points cover those most typically taught at the low level.
► Opportunities for reading practice and building reading fluency are provided.
bestseller readers LEVEL: beginner to advanced Bestseller Readers is a series of carefully chosen classical texts, retold by expert authors to capture students’ interest. Each illustrated reader has been carefully graded in terms of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and thematic content. Levels There are six levels within a graded vocabulary range as shown: Level 1
300 words
Level 2
600 words
Level 3
1,100 words
Level 4
1,500 words
Level 5
2,200 words Upper intermediate
Level 6
3,000 words Advanced
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
preA1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1
► Activity Books (including tests), Lesson Planners, and an Audio Program for each level are available.
Level collections containing all six stories in one volume are also available! ngl.cengage.com/foundations
For single unit ISBNs, please see title index page 153
The Happy Prince Activity Book Heidi Activity Book The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor Activity Book Black Beauty Activity Book The Phoenix and the Carpet Activity Book The Heart of Darkness Activity Book
Twelfth Night Activity Book The Three Musketeers Activity Book Great Expectations Activity Book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Activity Book
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 54
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers Fictional Readers for Adults!
Summertown Readers LEVEL: Pre-Intermediate to Upper Intermediate The Summertown Readers series is a carefully graded collection of fictional readers aimed at young adults and adults. The readers are written to enable language learners to enjoy reading for pleasure in English. The storylines offer intrigue, mystery and humour.
Each reader includes: ► MP3 CD with a recording of the text ► Glossary ► Comprehension questions for each unit
Pre-intermediate Room Service by James Schofield This is a collection of short stories of experiences when staying in a hotel. Adventure, disaster, funny and frightening.
Superstar by Doug Campbell John decides to give up his office job for something more exciting—managing a pop band!
Meet me in Brazil by Julie Woodward It’s a case of mistaken identity when businessman Mike Carrington travels to Brazil on business.
Intermediate Peril in Venice by James Schofield An exclusive Wellness Centre near Venice is the holiday destination for an exhausted young executive. But is it as it should be?
Double Trouble by James Schofield Identical twins whose lives couldn’t be more different find themselves trading places.
Top Floor by David Evans A chilling mystery unravels when Maha’s boss disappears on a business trip leaving her alone in the supposedly empty neighbouring office.
Upper Intermediate Ekaterina by James Schofield “My name is Ekaterina. I am eleven years old. I am dead.” This mysterious message continuously appears on the website of a mining company.
Sink or Swim by Andy Cowle
Summertown Readers Pre-Intermediate
Unfairly sacked by an unpleasant boss he lost his savings, his house and almost his wife. What will the outcome be when Eddie comes face-to-face with his old boss?
Meet me in Brazil
Room Service
Awayday by Chris Faram
An office ‘awayday’ tests more than the moral and physical strength of friends Charlie, Driller and Beano.
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 55
Double Trouble
Peril in Venice
The Top Floor
Upper Intermediate Awayday
Sink or Swin
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Graded Readers
The Heinle Reading Library The Heinle Reading Library includes five collections of readers for English Language Learners and striving readers. Featuring high-interest works of fiction, non-fiction, and adapted literary classics, the collections help students practice and expand reading skills, develop fluency, and become independent readers.
Proficiency Levels: Introductory Newcomer/ Low-Beginning
Level A Beginning/ Low-Intermediate
Level B Intermediate
Level C Early-Advanced
Biography Collection The Biograpy Collection teaches students the life stories of great American heroes while enhancing reading skills.
Mini-Reader Collection The Mini-Reader Collection consists of ten lively stories designed for students to practice sounds, letters, grammar, and vocabulary in new contexts.
Illustrated Classics Collection
Milestones Intro Reading Library These colorful, high-interest, low-level readers are a perfect complement to Milestones Introductory. Independent reading support aids reading fluency while full-color illustrations on each page increase reading comprehension.
The Illustrated Classics Collection helps English language learners and striving readers access the world’s greatest literature through three leveled collections of adapted literary classics.
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
047-056_ELT2014_SL.indd 56
9/18/13 4:04 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation h beginning
Inspire 1-3
Talking! series 1-3
Pathways, Foundation-4
Listening & Notetaking series 1-3 NEW EDITION! Intro
Listen In 1-3 1
Listening Advantage Easy Listening 1-3 Learning To Speak 1-4
On Speaking Terms 1-2
Communication Strategies 1-4 1
Now you're talking! 1-3 Key Concepts 1-2
College Oral Communication 1-4
Expressions Intro-3
The Heart of the Matter
63 3
Tapestry 1,2,3,4
64 64 65
66 67
Can't Stop Talking
Culturally Speaking All Clear 1-3
63 2
2 1
Active Skills for Communication, Intro-2
highintermediate intermediate
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
68 68
68 68
Pronunciation Listen To Me / Now Hear this
• •
Targetting Pronunication Pronouncing American English Sounds Great 1,2 Well Said!
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 57
67 68
9/18/13 1:11 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Inspire 1–3
Pamela Hartmann, Nancy Douglas, Andrew Boon Level: elementary to upper intermediate
Build language skills to explore the world with National Geographic! Inspire is a listening and speaking course with additional content reading designed to create a richer speaking experience. The spectacular National Geographic photos and video provide enduring images that inspire learners to discover the world in all its brilliance. ► A mixture of scripted and authentic audio provides opportunities for listening practice. ► Students’ communicative competence is developed through guided pair and group discussion activities. ► An extensive range of activity types includes interviews, surveys, class presentations and projects, and encourages students to take their learning beyond the classroom.
National Geographic video offers additional opportunities for developing listening comprehension and inspires discussion about the wondrous diversity of our planet. Additional teacher resources and student practice materials are available at: ngl.cengage.com/inspire
Inspire Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Text
Teacher's Guide
Classroom Audio CD/DVD PacK
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 58
9/18/13 1:11 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Talking Series
George Rooks Level: low to high Intermediate Aimed at teenagers and young adults, the three-level Talking! series is designed to create a lively, student-centered classroom where learners do the talking. Topical group discussions and problem-solving approaches help increase students’ abilities to communicate in English in a confident and effective manner. ► Updated content and topics: geared towards Asian students for closer identification and greater engagement. ► Brand-new Word Plus section: models native-speaker conversation skills and expressions, enabling students to speak more naturally and obtain higher scores on speaking assessments. ► Easy unit navigation: clear lesson staging and topic scaffolding ensure straightforward and faster lesson preparation for teachers, and easier access and application for students. ► Program flexibility: this series can be used as a stand-alone course or as a companion to other courses.
Talking Series Let’s Start Talking
Can’t Stop Talking
Non-stop Talking!
Answer Key available on request.
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 59
9/18/13 1:11 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Pathways FOUNDATIONS-4 Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking Becky Tarver Chase, Milada Broukal LEVEL: elementary to advanced Pathways is National Geographic Learning’s new 5-level listening and speaking skills series that helps learners develop the language skills needed to achieve academic success. Learners develop academic literacy skills through content, images, and video from National Geographic. This innovative series provides learners with a pathway to success! ► Meaningful and authentic content from National Geographic Digital Media stimulates learners’ curiosity and participation. ► A clear pathway from formal presentations to student-to-student interactions helps students become active, informed listeners in lectures and conversations. ► Communication skills are taught and practiced through realistic contexts designed to model the academic classroom. ► Presentation skills, including organization, preparation, and delivery techniques, are introduced and practiced in every unit, sharpening learners’ ability to interact in different academic settings. ► Opportunities for critical thinking throughout each unit prepare learners to succeed in the academic classroom.
Your colleagues say... “It’s hard to find an academic English series that is both stimulating and rich--Pathways has been a wonderful discovery.” Amy Stotts, lecturer Chubu University, Japan
See Pathways Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking on page 70 for a perfect blended-learning solution! Ask your National Geographic Learning representative for bundling options.
WITH PATHWAYS, LEARNERS: Pathways Listening, Speaking & Critical Thinking
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Split A with Online Workbook (Asia Edition)
Split B with Online Workbook (Asia Edition)
Student Book with Online Workbook
Audio CDs
Teacher's Guide
Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Classroom DVD
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
●● DEVELOP academic literacy
skills ●● CONNECT to the real world
through content from National Geographic Digital Media ●● ACHIEVE academic success
For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit ngl.cengage.com/pathways
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 60
9/18/13 1:11 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation From NEW Foundations level: Your colleagues say...
Facing Challenges
“I would recommend the Pathways program for ESL courses. Integrating amazing photographs, wonderful layout, and high-interest academic themes, Pathways actively engage my students in their academic English learning in real world, and effectively stimulate their learning motivation. I particularly like the ‘critical thinking’ section in both strands because the progression of the activities helps my students gradually develop critical thinking ability, so as to prepare them for such standardized tests as TOEFL or SAT and for better learning at universities.”
Lesson A: Listening to a Presentation Talking about the Past Lesson B: Listening to a Conversation Presenting from Notes
An “Academic Pathway” is clearly labeled for learners, starting with formal listening (e.g., lectures) and moving to a more informal context (e.g., a conversation between students).
Dean Wang, instructor Harbin College of Technology, China
“Exploring the Theme” sections provide a visual introduction to the unit and encourage learners to think critically and share ideas about the unit topic.
Think and Discuss 1. Look at the photo and read the caption. Describe what you see. 2. Do you think it is easy or difficult to be a scientist? Explain. 3. What do you think is the most difficult part of studying sequoia trees?
A scientist studies sequoia trees from bottom to top.
Exploring the Theme: Facing Challenges Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions. 1. What does the word challenge mean? 2. Do you think it is more challenging to work with people or animals? 3. Which one of these jobs do you think is more challenging? Discuss. 4. Do we only have challenges at work? Explain.
A repair person working on a radio tower
Firefighters putting out a fire
Pilots in the cockpit of an aircraft
10 2
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 61
Joel Sartore takes a photograph of a baby caiman.
10 3
9/18/13 1:11 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Listening & Notetaking Skills series, 1–3 Fourth Edition Patricia A. Dunkel, Phyllis L. Lim, William Smalzer, Frank Pialorsi
Ne Edit w ion!
Level: intermediate to advanced
This groundbreaking listening and notetaking series features new authentic academic lectures and National Geographic videos that simulate the academic experience. The new edition of the Listening & Notetaking Skills series incorporates powerful National Geographic content and video featuring authentic interviews and videos with National Geographic Explorers! This unique approach engages learners while it enhances listening comprehension and develops notetaking and study skills. ► Authentic National Geographic videos provide a meaningful context for discussion and application of essential listening, notetaking, and vocabulary skills. ► New and updated academic lectures offer compelling, cross-curricular content that simulate authentic scenarios for maximum academic readiness. ► Every unit introduces a focused aspect of notetaking and provides varied opportunities for practice and application of the skill. ngl.cengage.com/listeningandnotetaking
Audio CDs include all the audio recordings of the Student Book lectures.
Video DVD contains five authentic National Geographic videos relating to each unit.
eBook: Each level of Listening & Notetaking is available as an eBook for an interactive, online experience.
The new edition of Listening & Notetaking engages learners with National Geographic content including readings and video.
Notetaking Skills : Throughout the Listening & Notetaking Skills series, learners develop a wide variety of notetaking strategies necessary for academic success. Learners are taught the essential principles of notetaking and are encouraged to personalize the strategies for optimal results.
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 62
New, fully-integrated Video sections, which feature authentic National Geographic documentaries and interviews, offer engaging, global content for learners to apply the skills and strategies presented in the unit.
Listening & Notetaking Skills Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Text
Student Text with Audio CDs and DVD Packaga
eBook Student Text
Audio CDs
Classroom DVDs
Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Classroom DVD
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
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Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Curtis Kelly, Chuck Sandy, Neil J. Anderson, Series Consultant LEVEL: beginning to low-intermediate ACTIVE Skills for Communication is an exciting new three-level series that develops learners’ speaking and listening skills. Each unit contains easy-to-follow, step-by-step activities that lead toward a major speaking task. The tasks are based on real-life situations and are designed to increase self-confidence and foster positive attitudes towards learning English.
► Fluency strategies help learners develop
effective conversation management skills.
► Critical thinking activities encourage learners to think deeply about how they express themselves in English.
► Useful expressions help learners interact more freely in personalized speaking activities.
► Teacher’s Editions include notes, answer keys,
teaching suggestions, additional activities, and photocopiable activity pages for each unit, unit assessments and tests, and audio scripts.
Develop Your Listening Skills to Improve Your Speaking Skills.
Listening strategies for success in the classroom, on exams, and in daily life!
Listen In 1-3
Listening Advantage 1 – 4
(Asia Edition)
Tom Kenny, Tamami Wada
David Nunan, Adon Berwick, Ben Adams, Steven Murray
LEVEL: beginning to intermediate
LEVEL: beginner to high-Intermediate Listen In is a three-level listening program for young adult and adult learners of English. Offering 16 six-page topic-based units per level, the series uses a task-based approach to develop listening skills and strategies essential to effective communication while integrating speaking and pronunciation skills. New to this edition:
► Revised content including expanded cultural focus on Asia
► New Test Practice and Test Hint sections to
help students with different questions types and strategies
► New Real English section with revised listening activities
► New Grammar Focus to reinforce key grammatical points and word skills
► New Exam Speaking section to practice common exam-style questions
This new four-level, strategies-based course is designed to improve listening skills through the use of activities and topics that are meaningful to students’ lives.
► Wide range of realistic listening types includes social conversations, transactional dialogues, broadcasts, and announcements.
► Self-study Audio CD with accompanying
exercises provides additional homework/ language lab practice.
► Regular progress tests familiarize students with common standardized test formats.
► Easy-to-teach unit format and a clearly written teacher’s guide make lesson preparation quick and simple.
► “Language Focus” sections raise students’
awareness of key grammatical and functional patterns featured in the main listening passages.
► “Pronunciation” and “Conversation Strategy”
sections in every unit help students understand the most important features of spoken English.
ngl.cengage.com/listening advantage
Active Skills for Communication
Student Book
Listen in 1-3
Student Book
Listening Advantage 1-4
Student Book
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 4
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 63
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs Teacher Guide, Test Banks, audio scripts (in PDF/ Word format) and powerpoint presentation tool available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 63
9/18/13 1:12 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Easy Listening
learning to speak Susan Stempleski; James R.Morgan; Nancy Douglas; Andy Curtis; Huizhong Yang
LEVEL: 1-3 (Elementary CEFA2/Pre-Intermediate CEFA2-B1)/ Intermediate CEFB1) elementary to intermediate Easy Listening is a comprehensive introduction to English listening skills designed to help students understand and respond in real-life situations. Using real spoken English and themes relevant to students’ lives, from starting a new semester to meeting friends online, this book guides students through the steps needed to improve their English skills until LISTENING becomes EASY!
LEVEL: beginner to Intermediate
Within each unit, you’ll find a wealth of techniques and exercises, accompanied by engaging and integrative graphics, focused on developing a well-rounded listener.
Lesson A works on building up students communicative skills and features:
► A warm up helps students relate the unit’s topic to their own lives. ► Two real-life scenarios with a wide range of listening comprehension
and listening discrimination exercises foster multidimensional listening strategies.
► Listening notes highlight listening tips that students can remember easily and apply in their own listening situations.
► Vocabulary exercises add to students’ growing lexicons and give them practice with key words.
► Grammar notes and exercises strengthen students’ skills and reinforce lessons in easy-to-grasp bites.
► Pronunciation tips help students better understand native-spoken English and make their own English more natural and fluid.
► Group speaking activities encourage students to think more deeply
about the topic, draw on their own experiences, and put the skills they’ve learned to use in natural conversations.
Easy Listening Student Book
9789814455688 9789814455671 9789814455763
Teacher Guide, Test Banks (in PDF/Word format) and powerpoint presentation tool available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
Dynamic vocabulary is combined with essential grammar, universal topics, and real-world video situations to help give students the tool and motivation to communicate confidently and fluently in English. Each of the right units per level consists of two lessons, A and B.
► Vocabulary Link. Key high-frequency vocabulary for everyday conversation ► Listening. Strategies and practice for real-life situations and contexts ► Speaking. Important functions and aptterns for natural communication ► Communication. Consolidation and extension practice for greater retention and confidence.
Lesson B uses video content to develop additional communicative competence in two parts:
► Global Viewpoints. Real-life interviews with students and professionals
from around the world, incorporating practical examples of real English language use with viewpoints from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.
► City Living. Original dramatic episodes about six friends from different countries living, studying, and working in New York City
Learning to Speak - Asia Edition Student Book with MP3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
9781111723453 9781111723460 9781111723750
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs Teacher Guide available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 64
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Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
On Speaking Terms 1 – 2
Communication Strategies 1 – 4
Real Language for Real Life,
Books 1 & 2: David Paul
Second Edition
Book 3: Jun Liu, Tracy Davis, Susanne Rizzo
Book 1: Eliana Santana Williamson
Book 4: Jun Liu, Kathryn Harper
Book 2: Eliana Santana Williamson, Yvonne Cramner
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: high-beginning to low-intermediate A two-level, corpus-informed listening and speaking series that focuses on functional, real-life situations to prepare students for social and academic life.
► Uses corpus-informed spoken English to provide authentic examples
of formal and informal speech, giving lower-level students natural and relevant language models.
Communication Strategies covers the vocabulary, patterns, and collocations that English language learners need to communicate actively.
► Communication strategies, vocabulary, and useful expressions are taught and practiced in pair and small group activities.
► Speaking strategies (such as hesitation and reaction) are designed to help
► Collocations and language patterns are integrated together, with an
► Integrated Grammar lessons teach the grammar necessary for students to
► All new language is recycled thoroughly.
students become better speakers and converse with more confidence. communicate effectively and naturally in conversations.
► Listening exercises teach listening strategies and skills, rather than simply testing them.
► The Audio CD contains listening activities and conversations that model
alphabetical listing at the back of the book for reference.
► Extra practice material is provided to the teacher in the “Further Activities” section in each unit.
► A page for “Consolidation and Recycling” at the end of each unit ensures sufficient review of language points.
student tasks.
Level 1
Level 2
Student Book
Communication Strategies
Student Text with Audio CD Pkg
Student Book
9789814232593 9789814232623 9789812659149 9789814232678
Audio CDs (3)
Teacher’s Guide
9789814232609 9789814232630 9789814232654 9789814232685
Audio CD
9789814232616 9789814232647 9789814232661 9789814232692
On Speaking Terms
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 65
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
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Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
Students communicate naturally with Now You’re Talking!
Key concepts 1 & 2
Now You’re Talking! 1 – 3
Listening, Note Taking, and Speaking Across the Disciplines
Strategies for Conversation
Elena Vestri Solomon, John Shelley
Jeannette D. Bragger
LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate
LEVEL: low-Intermediate to highIntermediate Now You’re Talking! is a three-level strategiesbased conversation series designed to help learners develop natural spoken English skills through a wide range of contexts and topics. Guided listening and speaking activities prepare students for the types of realistic conversations they will encounter in their daily lives.
► Communicative strategies are explicitly
introduced at the beginning of each chapter, focusing learners on the practical goals of the unit.
► “Professional Context” sections introduce
learners to the challenges of using English in business and academic environments.
► “Language Focus” sections offer instruction in
the grammar and vocabulary found uniquely in spoken English.
► Guided listening comprehension activities
serve as models for learners, preparing them for longer improvisational assignments in every chapter.
Key Concepts exposes students to the material they will encounter in college—including discipline-based lectures, academic vocabulary, and structured speaking activities. Students gain valuable academic knowledge and essential notetaking skills necessary for success in college.
► Content-based lessons introduce students to
key concepts from major academic disciplines such as humanities, communications, biological sciences, social sciences, history, and business.
► Vocabulary from the Academic Word List
(twenty words per chapter) is introduced and extensively practiced to ensure mastery of the academic terms most commonly used in higher education.
► Listening, note-taking, and group-work
activities provide opportunities for students to practice vital skills needed to achieve at the college level.
► Varied listening tasks and formats, such as
short dialogues and university lectures, help students to listen for and understand academic English.
Prepares students for the rigorous demands of college-level courses!
College oral communication 1 – 4 Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors Book 1: Marsha Chan Book 2: Ann E. Roemer Book 3: Cheryl L. Delk Book 4: Steve Jones LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced College Oral Communication, part of the English for Academic Success series, helps meet the academic needs of students by teaching them how to comprehend the spoken English used by instructors and students in college classrooms. Engaging activities provide ample practice of academic listening and academic speaking.
► Academic speaking tasks reflect the types of
tasks expected of college students, such as participating in class, engaging in formal and informal small group discussions on lecture content, and presenting oral summaries.
► The Academic Word List is integrated
throughout to help students develop techniques for learning and using new academic vocabulary in order to recognize the words when they hear and use them in spoken English.
► Extensive online instructor and student support.
Now You’re Taking! 1-3
Student Book
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 66
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 66
Key Concepts: Listening, Note Taking, and Speaking Across the Disciplines Student Book
ngl.cengage.com/collegeoral Level 1
Level 2
College Oral Communication 1-4 9780618382408 9780618382415
Student Text with Audio CD Pkg
9781428203075 9781428203068
Audio CD
9780618382439 9780618382453
Student Book
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
9/18/13 1:12 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation
listen to me!
Well Said Intro, 1
Culturally Speaking
Third Edition
Pronunciation for Clear Communication
Third Edition
Barbara H. Foley
Linda Grant
Rhona B. Genzel, Martha Graves Cummings
LEVEL: beginning
LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced
now hear this!
The Well Said series offers a lively communicative approach to building and improving pronunciation and speaking skills through strategies development and abundant confidence-building activities.
Third Edition
Barbara H. Foley LEVEL: high-beginning to low-intermediate Using real-life themes, high-interest narratives, and natural speech, Listen to Me! and Now Hear This! teach the listening and speaking skills relevant to students’ lives.
► New! New and updated topics on money, jobs, communication, and families make learning more interesting and relevant.
► Listening comprehension and listening
discrimination activities foster better listening strategies.
Listen to Me!
► New! “Listening and Pronunciation Note”
boxes highlight the listening skills being taught and help students maximize their learning.
Now Hear This!
► New! Note-taking activities introduce students to a variety of note-taking formats, including writing numbers, completing check lists, and recording reasons or details.
What’s NEW in the third edition of Well Said?
► TOEFL® iBT exercises link pronunciation
practice to specific Speaking Tasks on the TOEFL® iBT.
► Updated authentic speech samples, readings,
questionnaires, surveys, and interviews provide students with practical situations, helping them take their studies beyond the classroom to interact with native speakers.
► Corpus-informed exercises allow students to
practice the features of speech in natural, high frequency chunks.
Well Said Intro also includes:
► “Practice” and “Helpful Hints” sections include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic approaches for reinforcing learning and building selfmonitoring skills.
LEVEL: intermediate Culturally Speaking builds useful, comfortable, communication skills in a new culture through an interactive exploration of everyday experiences. Students share their own cultural thoughts and traditions and compare them with contemporary American customs and everyday situations.
► New and updated content on current topics
such as safety and law, values, and the American Dream engage students and promote discussion.
► Fun Quick Custom Quizzes help students
compare their cultural experiences with life in the United States.
► Web Research activities encourage students to explore other cultures through the Internet.
► Model “dialogues” on Audio CD provide
students with culturally accurate conversational examples.
► Case Studies encourage students to talk
critically about what to do in challenging cultural situations.
► Integrated Skills activities at the end of each
chapter review content while improving reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
ngl.cengage.com/listentome ngl.cengage.com/nowhearthis
Listen to Me!
Well Said!
Culturally Speaking
Student Text
Student Text
Student Text
Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg
Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg
Audio CD
Audio CDs
Audio CDs (4)
Instructor's Manual
Now Hear This! Student Text
Student Text with Audio CD Pkg Audio CDs
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 67
9/18/13 1:12 PM
Listening, Speaking & Pronunciation Additional Listening, speaking & Pronunciation titles ALL CLEAR LEVELS 1-3 Listening and Speaking Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced Expressions Intro – 3 Meaningful English Communication David Nunan, Ken Beatty LEVEL: beginning to intermediate
targeting pronunciation
Perfect for the classroom, self-study, or in a language lab!
THE HEART OF THE MATTER Marjorie Vai LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate
Communicating Clearly in English, Second Edition
Pronouncing American English
Sue F. Miller
Sounds, Stress, and Intonation, Third Edition
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Gertrude F. Orion
LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced
Targeting Pronunciation uses an interactive approach and clear explanations to help students communicate effectively in English.
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Sounds Great 1 & 2 Pronunciation for Speakers of English Beverly Beisbier
► Diagnostic package is helpful for evaluating
individual speech needs, setting priorities, and providing student feedback.
► Self-quizzes at the end of each chapter
reinforce students’ understanding of chapter material.
► An improved chapter organization makes it
easier for instructors to teach pronunciation in a progressive, logical sequence.
► A variety of listening and speaking exercises increase student confidence in mastering English speech rhythm and intonation.
► “Talk Times” communicative activities—
planned in the classroom and executed outside the class—facilitate the transfer of pronunciation targets to real-life situations.
Targeting Pronunciation Student Book
Newly updated, this classic text continues to be the most comprehensive overview of the American sound system. With an easy-to-follow format and thorough coverage of vowels, consonants, stress, and intonation, Pronouncing American English guides students to develop clear speech. New to this edition:
Can’t Stop Talking, 2/e The Non-Stop Discussion Workbook, 2/e George M. Rooks
LEVEL: low-intermediate to intermediate TAPESTRY LISTENING & SPEAKING LEVELS 1-4 Rebecca Oxford, Series Editor Susana Christie, Listening & Speaking Editor LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced
► Updated exercises ► New discussion questions, dialogs, and fun activities
► A full-color design and illustrated word definitions
► Online Instructor’s Guide and downloadable MP3 files
Pronouncing American English 9780618444182
Student Text
Audio CD
057-068_ELT2014_SL.indd 68
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Reading beginning
Pathways, Foundation-4
lowhighintermediate intermediate intermediate
Reading Advantage 1-4
Reading & Vocabulary Development 1-3
Active Skills for Reading, Intro-4
Reading Explorer, Intro-5
Reading Adventures 1-3
A Good Read 1-3
Hot Topics 1-3
Reading for Today series 1-5
News for Now 1-3 Stories worth Reading 1-2
Reading Matters 1-4
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 69
78 79 79
Inside Out / Inside in 20th century American Short Stories
Reading in the News
Reading & Writing
9/18/13 2:31 PM
Pathways Foundations-4 Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Becky Tarver Chase, Milada Broukal LEVEL: elementary to advanced Pathways is National Geographic Learning’s new 5-level academic series that helps learners develop the language skills they need to achieve academic success. The series features reading & writing and listening & speaking strands, and develops learners’ academic literacy skills through National Geographic content, images, and video. This innovative series provides learners with a pathway to success! ► National Geographic articles, video, maps, and graphs engage students with academic content in a variety of genres and formats ► Clear connections between reading and writing skills help students become more effective readers and writers ► Academic reading skills and strategies, embedded in the unit tasks, prepare students to comprehend a variety of realistic academic texts ► Step-by-step writing instruction, with integrated grammar and vocabulary, provides practice of a variety of rhetorical forms modeled on the academic classroom ► Integrated critical thinking tasks develop learners’ ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information from a wide range of sources.
See Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking on page 60 for a perfect blended-learning solution! Ask your National Geographic Learning representative for bundling options.
Pathways Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Student Book with Online Workbook
Student Book
Split A
Split B
Online Workbook
Teacher's Guide
Audio CD
Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
●● DEVELOP academic literacy
skills ●● CONNECT to the real world
through content from National Geographic Digital Media ●● ACHIEVE academic success
For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit ngl.cengage.com/pathwaysrw
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 70
9/18/13 2:31 PM
5 4 3
1 Exploring the Theme
A. Look at the information in “Making
en Predictions” and answer the questions. et Gre Plan Domes dpredictions past were correct? Re under th1.2.eWhat 4 Life What past predictions were vide climateTurning es will pro
track 1-14
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11 3
Making Predictions
What Will Life Be Like in 2025?
In 1900, an American engineer, John Watkins, made some predictions about life in 2000. Many of his predictions were correct. Among other things, Watkins predicted television, mobile phones, and digital photographs.
Here are some experts’ predictions for life in 2025:
live there.
6 | UNIT
However, predictions are often very difficult to get right. Here are some examples: “The telephone [cannot] be seriously considered as a means of communication.”
A man chats with Bina48, a human-like robotic head.
— Western Union memo, 1876
“I have no faith in [flying machines] other than ballooning.” — William Thomson, British scientist, 1899
“All the calculations . . . in this country could be done on three digital computers. No one else would ever need machines of their own, or would be able to afford to buy them.” — Cambridge University Professor Douglas Hartree, 1951 10 2
| UNIT 6
10 3
Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM featuring audio and video clips, and interactive activities from the Student Book. These can be used with an interactive whiteboard or computer projector.
Video DVD with authentic National Geographic clips relating to each of the 10 units.
Teacher’s Guide including teacher’s notes, expansion activities, rubrics for evaluating written assignments, and answer keys for activities in the Student Book.
Audio CDs with audio recordings of the Student Book reading passages.
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 71
The Assessment CDROM with ExamView® is a test generating software program designed to allow teachers to create tests and quizzes quickly and easily.
Online Workbook, powered by MyELT, with both teacher-led and self-study options. This contains the 10 National Geographic video clips, supported by interactive, automatically graded activities that practice the skills learned in the Student Books.
9/18/13 2:31 PM
ACTIVE Skills for Reading Intro-4, Third Edition Neil J. Anderson LEVEL: low-beginning to high-intermediate The new, third edition of Active Skills for Reading maintains the Active approach, developed by reading specialist Professor Neil J. Anderson, defined on this page. The following enhancements to this new edition encourage learners to become more confident, independent, and active readers: ► New Motivational Tips! Each chapter contains a motivational tip box with Neil Anderson’s advice on increasing student motivation ► New reading passages cover contemporary topics and a variety of text types, including articles, journals, blogs, and interviews ► In the later levels of this new edition, readings are based on authentic content from National Geographic ► Full color-design presents the series’ content in an attractive and accessible format ► New Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Pro reflects the needs of learners preparing for standardized tests. ngl.cengage.com/asr
Active Skills for Reading
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Book
Student Text with Audio CD Package
Classroom Audio CD
Instructor's Guide
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
Classroom DVDs
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 72
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Reading New reading topics engage and motivate learners.
New “Motivational Tips” section helps engage and motivate learners.
“Reading Skill” sections in every unit provide clear explanations of target academic reading strategies.
Graphic organizers reinforce critical thinking and organizational best practices.
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 73
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Reading Teach reading and vocabulary through the lens of the world!
Reading Explorer Intro – 5 Nancy Douglas, Paul MacIntyre LEVEL: beginning to advanced Reading Explorer is a six-level, content-based reading series featuring video from National Geographic Digital Media to help develop reading and vocabulary skills for all learners. Each unit of Reading Explorer contains two reading passages and an optional video activity. Reading passages cover a wide range of real-world topics related to culture, science, social studies, travel, and adventure. READ
► ► ► ► ► ►
Motivating real-world content supported by stunning visuals help develop learners’ understanding of the world. Reading passages develop visual literacy and incorporate graphic organizers to help learners become better readers of English. “Reading Comprehension” activities cover essential reading skills and question types commonly found on standardized tests. “Vocabulary Practice” activities and “Vocabulary Builder” boxes present and reinforce high-frequency vocabulary items. Audio CD contains recordings of all reading selections to help aid in comprehension Video from National Geographic Digital Media motivates students and aids invisual learning.
Your colleagues say... “I really valued using Reading Explorer while I was teaching College English because I felt that we were learning something new about the world in every class, and the interesting topics allowed me the opportunity to take very creative approaches to presenting the material that encouraged the students to produce output in English.” Michael Cheng, Teacher National Chengchi University, Taiwan
ngl.cengage.com/readingexplorer For additional reading practice and resources, see Footprint Reading Library, p. 51.
Bundle the Student Text with the Student CD-ROM! Student CD-ROM contains: ✔✔ 12 video clips ✔✔ 24 reading passages ✔✔ 48 vocabulary activities with additional self-scoring exercises
Reading Explorer
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 74
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Student Book with CD-ROM
Student Book ONLY
Teacher's Guide
Audio CD
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
9/18/13 2:31 PM
Units cover a wide range of real-world topics including culture, natural science, social issues, the humanities, and travel and adventure.
Understanding and using graphics are a key element to academic success.
Visual literacy presentations work to enhance learner comprehension while encouraging critical thinking.
For a guided tour, visit NGL.Cengage.com/readingexplorer
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 75
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Carmella Lieske, Scott Menking LEVEL: beginner to low-intermediate
Make reading an adventure! Reading Adventures is a three-level reading series which teaches both the language and knowledge learners need to fully participate in today’s global community. Using carefully adapted National Geographic text, images and video, Reading Adventures develops both learners’ understanding of the wider world in which they live, and the language skills necessary to succeed in the classroom. Each unit in Reading Adventures contains two related reading passages, covering a wide range of topics including culture, natural science, social issues and world literature. Each unit also contains a video activity which can be done in class or at home. ► Motivating real-world content supported by stunning visuals all from National Geographic develops learners’ understanding of the wider world in which they live ► Detailed vocabulary instruction promotes learner independence by introducing strategies for learners to acquire new vocabulary, including high-frequency terms, collocations and affixes ► Language Practice activities reinforce and consolidate learners’ understanding of the vocabulary and grammar structures found in each unit’s reading ► Embedded reading skills and strategies instruction offer students the practice and support necessary to be life-long learners, and succeed on high-stakes standardized exams ► Make reading an adventure. Online – anywhere, anytime! ► Visit ngl.cengage.com/readingadventures for automatically-graded practice, reinforcing the reading skills, vocabulary and grammar items found in every lesson. National Geographic video content is available for viewing outside of the classroom
Reading Adventures
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Book
Audio CD/DVD
Teacher's Guide
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Levels 1-3
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 76
9/18/13 2:32 PM
Reading ADVANTAGE 1-4
Reading & Vocabulary Development (Asia Edition)
Third Edition
Casey Malarcher
Patricia Ackert, Linda Lee, Harry Haynes, Eric Hawkins
LEVEL: High-Beginning to High-Intermediate
LEVEL: beginner to intermediate
Reading Advantage is a four-level reading series for learners of English from the high beginning to high intermediate level. With a new and improved fullcolor design, each book in this popular series features 20 four-page units that will motivate students and require little teacher preparation.
Reading and Vocabulary Development series just got better! The new edition of these popular books help students develop reading skills and systematically increase their active vocabulary from 300 to 2100 words.
► New topics and updated nonfiction readings that will motivate students and make reading meaningful and rewarding.
► The most commonly used vocabulary, everyday phrases, and idioms. ► Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reinforcement exercises that build confidence and allow learners to practice the language through speaking and/or writing.
► Fresh New Readings specially aimed at Asian learners. ► New ‘Thematic Units’ which recycle vocabulary and development content knowledge.
► New topic warm-up ‘Quiz’ to activate students’ knowledge. ► New ‘Grammar Activity’ to reinforce key grammatical points and word skills from the text in every unit.
► New ‘Context Clues’ to allow students to preview important key
A comprehensive Teacher Resource Package includes:
► Teacher’s Guide for each level, containing teaching tips and background notes, extension activities, unit quizzes, mid-book and final tests, and answer keys.
► Audio CD with recordings of all readings
vocabulary before reading.
► New ‘Reading Skill’ for every reading to build towards exam success. ► New ‘Topic-related Color Illustrations’ to bring the readings to life and inspire students.
► Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView
► New ‘Speaking Hint’ boxes and discussion questions.
► New ‘What Did I Learn’ checklist at the end of each unit to monitor
progress and help students take responsibility for their own learning.
Reading Advantage Student Text
Level 1
► New added ‘Review Units’ to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned.
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Reading & Vocabulary Development - Asia Edition
Facts & Figures
Thoughts & Notions
Cause & Effect
9789814352703 9789814352710 9789814352727 9789814352734
Student Text with Audio CD
9789814272582 9789814272599 9789814272605
Student Text with Audio CD Pkg
9789814336536 9789814336543 9789814336550 9789814336567
US Student Book
9781413004182 9781413004199 9781413004168
Teacher’s Guide
9789814336574 9789814336581 9789814336598 9789814336604
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 77
Teacher Guide, Test Banks (in PDF/Word format) and powerpoint presentation tool available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
9/18/13 2:32 PM
A Good Read 1-3
Hot Topics 1 – 3
Carlos Islam, Carrie Steenburgh
Cheryl Pavlik
LEVEL: low-intermediate to highintermediate
LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced
A Good Read is a three-level reading strategies course, intended for young adult and adult learners. The series promotes fluent and effective reading through high interest texts, extensive coverage of reading strategies, and an explicit focus on lexical development.
► Comprehensive range of reading strategies developed through clear, easy-to-read explanations and explicit practice.
► Motivating, high interest reading texts feature a wide range of topics and text types.
► Lexical phrases, such as collocations, phrasal
verbs, and verb phrases, are highlighted to improve student’s vocabulary, reading rate and reading fluency.
Co-authored by Carlos Islam, English Language Coordinator at the United Nations in New York, A Good Read uses texts based on universal human experiences including themes such as friendship, finding love, happiness, urban legends, adventures and life changing
Reading for Today for a better academic tomorrow!
Hot Topics is guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking, and provoke conversation while supporting reading skills development.
► Each unit features three readings on a
related controversial topic, the last one more challenging than the previous two.
► Students increase reading fluency through
pre-reading questions, skimming and scanning activities, use of context clues, vocabulary analysis, and development of critical thinking skills.
► Open-ended questions at the end of each unit allow students to voice their opinions and defend their viewpoints through discussion or in writing.
Reading for Today series 1–5 Lorraine C. Smith, Nancy Nici Mare Level 1: Themes for Today, Third Edition Level 2: Insights for Today, Fourth Edition Level 3: Issues for Today, Fourth Edition Level 4: Concepts for Today, Third Edition Level 5: Topics for Today, Fourth Edition LEVEL: beginning to advanced Reading for Today is a five-level, academic skills program that systematically develops students’ reading and vocabulary skills through engaging themes and comprehensive practice. The Reading for Today series teaches essential reading strategies like skimming, scanning, factfinding, and paraphrasing, and gives students opportunities to talk and write about what they’ve read.
► Enhanced “Think About It” sections teach
critical thinking skills necessary for academic success.
► Enhanced Assessment CD-ROM with
ExamView® includes two additional readings per chapter, providing reading and vocabulary practice.
► Updated readings of universal interest and
academic content engage readers.
A Good Read 1-3
Hot Topics 1-3
ISE Student Book
Reading for Today Series 1-5
Level 1
Level 1
Themes for Today
Level 2
Level 2
Insights for Today
Level 3
Level 3
Issues for Today
Concepts for Today
Topics for Today
Student Book
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 78
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
Student Book
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
9/18/13 2:32 PM
News for Now 1-3
Reading the News
Second Edition
Pete Sharma
Karen, Blanchard, Christine Root
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: low-intermediate to high-intermediate News for Now is a three-level reading series for false beginner to intermediate EFL students. It is designed to help learners read, use and enjoy English through the study of articles adapted from newspapers from across the United States. The main focus of this series is on reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion and skill-building, specifically as they pertain to reading newspaper articles. The books present a wide sampling of writing styles and topics and encourage success through a variety of exercises.
► Interesting articles adapted to meet students’ needs.
► Pre-reading activities and photographs.
► Analysis of a variety of newspaper features.
With Reading the News, students not only improve their ability to read newspapers in English—they gain practice that will help prepare them for TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and IELTS® exams. Authentic articles on contemporary issues from the International Herald Tribune encourage students to read English outside the classroom.
► Helps prepare students for exams
through exercises that practice TOEFL®, TOEIC® and IELTS® exam tasks.
► Presents a wide variety of
high-interest articles grouped thematically by newspaper section.
► Targets the reading, listening,
vocabulary and other essential language skills learners need most for functional literacy in reading newspapers in English.
► Includes “Special Focus on the
Reading matters 1–4
Stories Worth Reading 1 & 2
An Interactive Approach to Reading, Second Edition Books 1 – 2: Mary Lee Wholey
Skills Worth Learning
Books 3 – 4: Mary Lee Wholey
LEVEL: high-beginning to lowintermediate
and Nadia Henein
LEVEL: high-beginning to highintermediate Through stimulating vocabularyrich readings and a communicative, integrated-skills approach Reading Matters helps students develop fluency and accuracy in academic reading.
► Paired reading selections are
organized thematically and enable students to compare and contrast points of view.
► Abundant practice exercises and reading activities help students master different texts and vocabulary.
Newspaper” sections offering strategies for analyzing an article’s content and viewpoint.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 79
► Two readings per unit explore
the topic and develop vocabulary skills.
► Fun application activities
encourage students to use their new vocabulary.
► Writing models support students
as they produce their own writing samples.
► Research activities teach library
and Internet search skills to help students find information on their own.
► Instructor’s Manual offers many
ngl.cengage.com/ storiesworthreading
guided dialogs.
Student Book
Stories Worth Reading uses up-todate, multicultural readings taken from news, feature articles, and authentic literature to engage lowlevel readers.
supplemental activities and photocopiable templates for expansion.
► Let’s Talk section provides
News for Now 1-3
Betsy Cassriel, Gail Reynolds
Reading Matters 1-4
Reading the News Student Text
Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg
Audio CDs (2)
Instructor’s Manual
Student Book
Stories Worth Reading 1 & 2
Student Book
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 79
9/18/13 2:32 PM
Reading Additional Reading titles American Short Stories Exercises in Reading and Writing, Second Edition Greg Costa LEVEL: intermediate Amazing stories to tell and retell 1 – 3 Lynda Berish, Sandra Thibaudeau LEVEL: high-beginning to low-intermediate
inside out/outside in Exploring American Literature
Victoria Holder, Dorothy Lindsay, Lyn Motai, Deborah vanDommelen, Karen Wiederholt
20th Century American Short Stories Revised Edition
Jean A. McConochie LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: advanced With a focus on literary analysis, this anthology of short stories and poems helps students develop reading skills and encourages them to read literary works for enjoyment.
► Selections, by a diverse set of authors such
as Ernest Hemingway, Toni Cade Bambara, LiYong Lee, and Bernard Malumund, range from traditional to more contemporary works.
► Activities on basic comprehension, literary
analysis, and analytical writing help prepare students for future academic success.
► Important cultural, historical, or geographical background is provided for each selection.
► Charts, sketches, diagrams, and role plays tap into students’ different learning styles.
These classic texts introduce students to American literature through a rich selection of contemporary authors.
► Unabridged, unsimplified stories are by Sandra Cisneros, Ernest Hemingway, Toshio Mori, Richard Wright, John Updike, Raymond Carver, Grace Paley, and more.
► A strong connection between reading and writing is promoted.
College reading 1-4 Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced far from home Third Edition at home in two lands Reading and Word Study Second Edition William P. Pickett LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced impressions 1 & 2 America Through Academic Readings Cheryl Benz, Stephen Benz LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
► Volumes 1 and 2 include pre- and post-reading
Life, Language, & Literature Linda Robinson Fellag LEVEL: advanced
► Anthology combines only the readings and
Tapesry reading 1-4 Rebecca Oxford, Series Editor M.E. Sokolik, Reading Editor LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced
support such as biographical information, glossary, and new discussion and writing activities. introductory material from both volumes.
Reflections, 2/e John Dennis, Suzanne Griffin LEVEL: intermediate Rethinking America 1-3 M. E. Sokolik LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
20th Century American Short Stories
Inside Out / Inside IN Student Text
Student Book
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
069-080_ELT2014_SL.indd 80
9/18/13 2:32 PM
Writing Great Writing 3e, 1-5
Great Writing 2e, 1-5 Weaving It Together
lowhighintermediate intermediate intermediate
Developing/Refining Composition Skills Writing Clearly
86 87
Sourcework Key Concepts 1,2
• • 2
88 88 88
Blueprints 1,2
Top 10, 20
Catalyst 1,2 Step-by-step Writing 1-3 College Writing 1-4
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 81
9/18/13 1:32 PM
19498-1 Student Book
75048-4 Online Workbook
The Great Writing series Foundations–5 Great Writing Foundations: Keith S. Folse
75077-4 Audio CD
Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, Fourth Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon
75047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 19499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview
sources, including a Teacher’s e visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
NEW Edition!
Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs, Fourth Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon
NEW beginning level AVAILABLE NOW! FIRST EDITION Keith S. Folse
Level 1 Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs
reat Sentences for Great Paragraphs
978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book
hat’s New in This Edition:
For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook 978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview
National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing. An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal. Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product. A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing.
National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing.
An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal.
Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product.
A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing.
The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
hat’s New in This Edition: National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing.
An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
Level 3 From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays
Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal.
978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook
978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book
Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product.
978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview
A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing. The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
Great Smoky Mountains
The Great Smoky Mountains are a mountain range rising along the Tennessee–North Carolina border in the southeastern United States. The name “Smoky” comes from the natural fog that often hangs over the range and looks like large smoke plumes from a distance. It is world renowned for its diversity of plant and animal life and the beauty of its ancient mountains.
The Great Salt Lake, located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Utah, is the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere. The ever-fluctuating Great Salt Lake is ringed by extensive wetlands making the Great Salt Lake one of the most important resources for migrating and nesting birds.
978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays
National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing. An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal. Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product. A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing. The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
What’s New in This Edition: t
National Geographic images open every unit and provide motivating topics to encourage writing.
An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal.
Streamlined instruction and practice activities offer step-by-step guidelines to focus writers on both the writing process and product.
A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary provides an emphasis on the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing.
The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book 978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook 978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
Framed by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new edition of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of low-level learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, and all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice opportunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for beginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses! New to this Edition:
THIRD EDITION Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, and David Clabeaux
Greater Essays
FOURTH EDITION Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, and Elena Vestri Solomon
Levels 1–5 available in Spring 2014!
Level 5 Greater Essays 978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book 978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook 978-1-28-575077-4 Audio CD 978-1-28-575047-7 Presentation Tool CD-ROM 978-1-28-519499-8 Assessment CD-ROM with Examview For more resources, including a Teacher’s Guide, please visit NGL.Cengage.com/GW
al Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with olio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides tional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and ment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. NGL.Cengage.com
Great Essays
Level 4 Great Essays
Greater Essays
hat’s New in This Edition:
Great Essays
Greater Essays
amed by engaging National Geographic images and content, the w edition of the Great Writing series helps students write better ntences, paragraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets e needs of low-level learners through basic vocabulary development d spelling practice, and all levels feature clear explanations applied ectly to appropriate practice opportunities. The new edition of the eat Writing series is the solution for beginning learners through the nsition into academic writing courses!
The new edition of the Great Writing series is THE writing solution for learners at all levels, from low-beginning to the transition into college! FOURTH EDITION Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, and Elena Vestri Solomon
FOURTH EDITION Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, and Elena Vestri Solomon
Framed by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new edition of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of lowlevel learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, and all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice opportunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for beginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses!
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with a portfolio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides instructional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. Visit NGL.Cengage.com
al Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with olio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides tional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and ment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. GL.Cengage.com
LEVEL: beginning to advanced
978-1-28-519498-1 Student Book
Great Essays
med by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new tion of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, agraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of lowel learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, d all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice portunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for ginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses!
From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays
rom Great Paragraphs to Great Essays
978-1-28-575048-4 Online Workbook
at Wall
Great Paragraphs
Great Writing 5: Greater Essays, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, Tison Pugh
Level 2 Great Paragraphs
What’s New in This Edition:
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with a portfolio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides instructional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. Visit NGL.Cengage.com
The Great Wall of China winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. It remains one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.
Great Writing 4: Great Essays, Fourth Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon
Great Paragraphs
Framed by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new edition of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of lowlevel learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, and all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice opportunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for beginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses!
The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit.
al Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, provides customers with olio of quality materials for PreK-12, academic, and adult education. It provides tional solutions for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and ment, spanning early childhood through adult in the U.S. and global markets. GL.Cengage.com
Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs
The Great Plains spans more than 180 million acres and crosses five U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. Iconic for their wide, flat, open spaces, this short- and mixed-grass prairie is one of only four remaining intact temperate grasslands in the world.
Great Paragraphs
med by engaging National Geographic images and content, the new tion of the Great Writing series helps students write better sentences, agraphs, and essays. The new Foundations level meets the needs of lowel learners through basic vocabulary development and spelling practice, d all levels feature clear explanations applied directly to appropriate practice portunities. The new edition of the Great Writing series is the solution for ginning learners through the transition into academic writing courses!
Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs
One of Australia’s most remarkable natural gifts, the Great Barrier Reef retains the breathtaking beauty of the world’s largest coral reef. The reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the worlds most beautiful beaches.
Great Plains
Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, David Clabeaux
► An all-new level, Great Writing: Foundations, introduces students to the basics of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. ► Updated Grammar for Writing sections clearly present grammar and help students apply the structures needed to complete the writing goal. ► A new focus on the Academic Word List vocabulary emphasizes the appropriate use of these terms in academic writing. ► The new Online Workbook encourages learners to further practice grammar, vocabulary, and editing skills as they apply the writing goals of each unit. NGL.Cengage.com/GW
“My beginning students need extensive practice activities that focus on sentence structure (grammar), basic punctuation, vocabulary, and spelling. The exercises in Foundations are clearly guided composition activities that I developed for the beginning writing classes I teach in our ESL writing course. I’ve seen my beginning students of all language backgrounds make tremendous progress in their English proficiency with these exercises.” Dr. Keith S. Folse 82
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 82
9/18/13 1:32 PM
Writing From the new Foundations level—Available Now! Building Vocabulary and Spelling
Grammar for Writing
Learning Words with the Sound of e in bed*
“Grammar for Writing” includes clear charts that give learners focused access to the beginning-level structures needed to support the writing goals.
person: Sam
place: Mexico
“Building Vocabulary and Spelling” helps beginning-learners master spelling, comprehension, and pronunciation.
This sound is usually spelled with the letters e, ea, a, ai, ay, and ie.
thing: a lemon
What Is a Noun? ✓ A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. person
a boy
my teacher
Mrs. Lopez
a city
our country
a hotel
Central Hotel
a language
a girl
a watch
a bed
a leg
Finding Nouns in Sentences
Which Words Do You Know?
This list has 47 words with the sound of e in bed.
Circle the 21 nouns in these sentences. The number in parentheses ( ) tells you the number of nouns in each sentence.
1. Notice the spelling patterns. 2. Check ✓ the words you know.
My Favorite Food
3. Look up new words in a dictionary. Write the meaning in your Vocabulary Notebook.
1. What is your favorite food? (1)
Common Words
2. This is an excellent question. (1)
Words spelled with e
3. My favorite food for breakfast is a sandwich with eggs. (4)
8. e x e r c i s e
1. b e d
4. My favorite food for lunch is salad. (3)
2. b e s t
5. My favorite food for dinner is chicken with lemons and red peppers. (5)
3. c h e c k
10. h e l l o
4. e g g
11. h e l p
6. My favorite food for dessert is chocolate. (3)
5. e n d
12. l e f t
7. Chocolate is the best food. (2)
6. e n t e r
13. l e g
7. e v e r y
14. l e t
8. I like to eat chocolate after dinner. (2)
9. g e t
*List is from: ESL Spelling Vocabulary List © 2013 Keith Folse 20
UNIT 2 • A Noun
UNIT 2 • A Noun
Each unit contains word lists that represent targeted vowel sounds. This vocabulary is arranged in groups according to spelling and includes the most frequent and useful words.
Technology RESOURCES FOR GREAT WRITING: For Instructors: ●●
Interactive Presentation Tool CD-ROM: This time-saving resource contains interactive activities from the student book, a set of whiteboard tools, and additional content to help the teacher guide learners through the editing process.
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®: Instructors can create and customize tests and quizzes quickly and easily.
Audio CD: Contains all dictation sentences and spelling lists in the Foundations Student Book.
For Students: ●●
eBook: Each level of Great Writing is available as an eBook for an interactive, online experience.
Online Workbook: Powered by MyELT, this independent student resource features instructor-led and self-study options and includes additional vocabulary, grammar, spelling, writing, and editing practice with immediate feedback.
The Great Writing Series
Level 1, 4/e
Level 2, 4/e
Level 3, 3/e
Level 4, 4/e
Level 5, 3/e
Online Workbook
Text/Online Workbook Package
eBook Student Book
Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
Audio CD
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 83
9/18/13 1:32 PM
The Great Writing series, 1–5 Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, Second Edition Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, David Clabeaux Great Writing 4: Great Essays, Third Edition Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon Great Writing 5: Greater Essays, Second Edition Keith S. Folse, Tison Pugh LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced
Great Writing bridges the gap from ESL writers to mainstream writers! The Great Writing series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing. ► Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM makes the editing process interactive and can be used with an interactive whiteboard or computer and projector. ► “Building Better Vocabulary” features teach students how to accurately and effectively use written English. ► “Timed Writing” activities prepare students for success on standardized tests like the TOEFL®. ► Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily. ► Guided, structured activities help students to quickly master writing tasks. ► Student writing models help students focus on specific writing skills and multiple rhetorical structures. ► Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities, located at the back of the student book, is a quick-reference resource for effective writing suggestions.
Now with eBooks!
ngl.cengage.com/greatwriting for Instructor’s Resources
The Great Writing Series
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
ISE Student Text
Presentation Tool CDROM
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 84
9/18/13 1:32 PM
Writing “Writer’s Note” sections provide relevant writing skills instruction to help students reach the unit’s writing goals.
“Timed Writing” exercises prepare students for test-taking success.
“Building Better Vocabulary” activities enhance vocabulary knowledge necessary for great writing.
Writing models give students the support they need to produce original writing, practice editing, and focus on grammar and proper sequencing for successful writing assignments.
Bring the editing process to life in the classroom with the new Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 85
9/18/13 1:32 PM
Writing Building the connection between reading and writing success!
Weaving It Together 1 – 4 Connecting Reading and Writing, Third Edition Milada Broukal LEVEL: beginning to high-intermediate The new edition of Weaving It Together connects high-interest readings with clear writing activities. Learners build both reading and writing skills through understanding relevant readings and confidently expressing concepts and ideas in carefully structured writing exercises. By connecting these two necessary competencies, learners seamlessly develop both language and academic skills. ► NEW! New and enhanced vocabulary instruction teaches students how to build vocabulary and words in different contexts. ► NEW! Updated reading passages on intriguing topics stimulate students to write creatively and act as models for student writing. ► NEW! Revised discussion and critical thinking questions include more exercises that challenge students to become better readers. ► NEW! “What Do You Think?” section in each unit introduces the unit theme and “What Do You Think Now?” section provides a comprehension check at the end of each unit, connecting the content to students’ lives. ► NEW! “Weaving it Together” sections include “Connecting to the Internet” activities and “Timed Writing” prompts, offering a full-circle connection of the unit theme to reading and writing. ngl.cengage.com/wit
Weaving it Together
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
ISE Student Text
Audio CD
Instructor’s Manual
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 86
9/18/13 1:33 PM
Students achieve academic success by learning writing through reading!
Developing Composition Skills Academic Writing and Grammar, Third Edition
Mary K. Ruetten LEVEL: intermediate
Refining Composition Skills Academic Writing and Grammar, Sixth Edition
Regina L. Smalley, Mary K. Ruetten, Joann Rishel Kozyrev LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, grammar, critical thinking, and vocabulary.
Composition Practice 1-3 (Asia Edition)
Linda Lonon Blanton and Jessica Michelle Beck LEVEL: intermediate to upper-intermediate The new edition of this popular series continues to offer proven pedagogy and instruction for the development of compositional skills, with added step-by-step practice for more complete skills establishment. Through the integration of speaking, reading and writing activities, students master the fundamental principles and techniques of English composition while developing their overall accuracy and fluency.
► New Expanded grammar explanations and authentic practice activities ► New Vocabulary from the Academic Word list in every unit ► New Skill focus for forming and extending a variety of sentence structures ► New Special section focused on composition skills for Intermediate to upper-intermediate students
New and Updated in this edition:
► “Building Vocabulary Skills” sections provide presentation and practice
in vocabulary skills such as recognizing word forms, using synonyms and antonyms, understanding suffixes, and recognizing collocations. Excerpts from the Collins COBUILD dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
► New Completely rewritten and structured material with a focus on Asian students
► Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps them develop accuracy.
► New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing.
► Updated grammar instruction and practice provide students with tools needed to achieve their writing goals.
► A full-color and more visual presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach that makes it easier for students to learn.
► Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily.
Composition Practice - Asia Edition
Developing Composition Skills Student Text
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
Refining Composition Skills Student Text
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 87
Student Text
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
9789814272360 9789814272377 9789814272384
Teacher Guide (in PDF/Word format) available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
9/18/13 1:33 PM
writing CLEARLY
Students produce strong academic essays with the new edition of Sourcework!
Grammar for Editing, Third Edition
Janet Lane, Ellen Lange
The complete academic success solution!
Key concepts 1 & 2 Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines
LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
Academic Writing From Sources, Second Edition
The third edition of Writing Clearly: Grammar for Editing helps students become independent selfeditors through thorough error analysis. Focusing on the fifteen most common areas of difficulty for English language learners, this definitive guide offers clear grammar explanations, self-help strategies, and additional exercises for practice.
Nancy E. Dollahite, Julie Haun
Barbara Smith-Palinkas, Kelly CroghanFord
LEVEL: advanced
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
The second edition of Sourcework, designed to help students make use of outside sources, has been updated and enhanced to better guide writers through the challenges of their first academic research papers. With new universitylevel readings and updated activities, this flexible text helps students master the writing and critical thinking skills necessary to produce strong academic essays using supporting evidence.
Key Concepts helps students master the academic content, academic vocabulary, and academic reading and writing skills they need to succeed at college.
► NEW! Expanded pre-test and post-test sections help pinpoint trouble areas and measure students’ successes.
► NEW! A full-color design engages learners and makes navigation easier.
► NEW! A comprehensive online instructor’s
guide helps instructors effectively and efficiently respond to and correct students’ writing.
► Extensive online instructor and student support.
► New! Corpus-based grammar activities help
students master the key grammar necessary for building strong, cohesive research papers.
► New! High-interest, university-level readings
are thematically organized to provide the background knowledge necessary for students to produce sophisticated essays.
► updated! Activities offer in-depth practice in
essential critical thinking and writing skills, such as synthesizing concepts, selecting evidence, avoiding plagiarism, and supporting ideas.
Writing Clearly: An Editing Guide, 3e Student Book
Student Book
help students build on their knowledge of academic subjects.
► Reading passages act as models for the
rhetorical styles students produce in their writing assignments.
► Practice of each step in the writing process guides students in perfecting their writing.
► Academic Word List and discipline-specific
vocabulary is introduced and practiced to build students’ academic vocabulary knowledge.
► Vocabulary building exercises help students
discern differences in meaning by focusing on word forms, context, and usage.
► Integrated grammar activities improve students writing at the sentence level.
Key Concepts: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines
Sourcework, 2e 9781111351977
► Authentic readings from real college textbooks
Student Book
Level 1
Level 2
9780618474615 9780618474622
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 88
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catalyst 1 & 2
Improve writing skills and increase test scores!
college writing 1 – 4
Steve Jones, Series Editor
Step-by-Step Writing 1 – 3
Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors
Book 1: Steve Jones, Suzanne Kalbach
A Standards-Based Approach
Book 1: Karen E. Walsh
Book 2: Marianne Brems
Linda Lonon Blanton
Book 2: Eileen Cotter
LEVEL: low-intermediate to intermediate
LEVEL: beginning to transition
Connecting students’ everyday experiences to different academic disciplines, Catalyst uses a variety of readings as a springboard for writing.
Step-by-Step Writing: A Standards-Based Approach is a three-level series uniquely designed to cover the same genres across all levels. It covers standards-based writing genres, conventions, and organizational strategies.
Writing from Reading
► Compelling readings on topics such as
personalities, the meaning of art, the history of architecture, and the role of sports engage students and act as a catalyst for writing.
► Grammar explanations and exercises woven
throughout each chapter help students express their ideas more clearly.
► Vocabulary exercises introduce high-frequency words students need in their daily lives plus words from the Academic Word List students will encounter in college.
Book 3: Gabriella Nuttall Book 4: Li-Lee Tunceren, Sharon Cavusgil
► Standards-based writing and test-taking skills
are taught through a step-by-step approach with the use of writing models, grammar activities, graphic organizers, revision/editing practice, checklists, and timed writings.
► A comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres including narrative, expository, technical, persuasive, response to literature, and letters and correspondence.
► Technology skills are integrated through online
research activities and word processing skills.
LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced College Writing, part of the English for Academic Success series, prepares students for academic written work by teaching them the language, content, and rhetoric needed for success in college courses.
► Authentic writing assignments are drawn from
actual college courses across the curriculum. Students are motivated to study, knowing they will likely receive such assignments in the future.
► “Power Grammar” boxes introduce the
grammar structures students need for fluency and accuracy in academic written English.
► “Spotlight on Writing Skills” draws student’s
attention to particular writing points that will be emphasized in the writing assignment and apply to successful academic writing.
► Extensive online instructor and student support.
College Writing 1-4 Catalyst: Writing From Reading ISE Student Book Audio CDs (2) Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 1 & 2)
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 89
Level 1
Level 2
Student Book
Level 1
Step-By-Step Writing 1-3
ISE Student Book
Level 2
9781424017362 9781424017355
Level 1
Level 3
9781424017492 9781424017508
Level 2
Level 4
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 89
9/18/13 1:33 PM
Writing Blueprints 1 & 2
top 10 top 20
Composition Skills for Academic Writing
Second Edition
Keith S. Folse, M. Kathleen Mahnke, Elena Vestri Solomon, Lorraine Williams
Great Grammar for Great Writing
Top 10: Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Donna M. Tortorella
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Top 20, 2/e: Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Barbara Smith-Palinkas
The Blueprints 1 & 2 academic writing series offers a unique combination of instruction in the rhetorical processes as well as paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing. This multi-layered approach helps students develop good writing habits and avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism. Students receive ample opportunities to write at the sentence, paragraph, and essay levels.
Top 20 and Top 10 help students master the essential grammar they need to produce great writing. They can be used as stand-alone coursebooks or to supplement any writing series, such as the Great Writing series (p. 82).
Level 1
Level 2
Student Book
Top 10 Student Text
Top 20 Student Text
Additional Writing titles READ, WRITE, EDIT Grammar for College Writers Patricia Porter, Deborah vanDommelen LEVEL: low-advanced to advanced
Write Ideas A Beginning Writing Text Connie Shoemaker, Susan Polycarpou LEVEL: beginning
TAPESTRY WRITING LEVELS 1-4 Rebecca Oxford, Series Editor Meredith Pike-Baky, Writing Editor LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced
Write in the Middle: A Guide to Writing for the ESL Student, 2/e Connie Shoemaker, Doug Larson LEVEL: intermediate
Discoveries in Academic writing Barbara Harris Leonhard LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
Think About Editing A Grammar Editing Guide for ESL Writers Allen Ascher LEVEL: intermediate
The Write Path Basics of Paragraph Writing Kelly Kennedy-Isern LEVEL: intermediate
Idea Exchange 1 & 2 From Speaking to Writing Linda Lonon Blanton LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate
Tools for Writing A Structured Process for Intermediate Students Linda Robinson Fellag, Laura T. Le Dréan LEVEL: intermediate
Writing Essentials Exercises to Improve Spelling, Sentence Structure, Punctuation, and Writing Paige Wilson, Teresa Ferster Glazier LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Past, Present, & Future A Reading and Writing Course, 4/e Joan Young Gregg, Joan Russell LEVEL: intermediate
Write from the Start Second Edition David M. Davidson, David Blot LEVEL: high-beginning
Basic Composition for ESL An Expository Workbook,Third Edition Jann Huizenga, Gladys Berro Francis, Courtenay Meade Snellings LEVEL: high-beginning DESTINATIONS LEVELS 1 & 2 Writing for Academic Success Nancy Herzfeld-Pipkin LEVEL: low-intermediate to high-intermediate
Writing Workshop Promoting College Success Linda Lonon Blanton, Linda Lee LEVEL: low-advanced to advanced
081-090_ELT2014_SL.indd 90
9/18/13 1:33 PM
Grammar beginning
Practical Grammar 1-3
Grammar Dimensions 1-4
Grammar Connection 1-5
Grammar in Context, Basic-3 Grammar Café (online)
Grammar Links, Basic-3
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 91
Level lowhighelementary intermediate intermediate intermediate
94 95
9/18/13 4:06 PM
Grammar The original contextualized approach for success in today’s world—in and out of the classroom!
Grammar in Context Basic-3 Fifth Edition Sandra N. Elbaum LEVEL: beginning to high-intermediate Students learn more, remember more, and use language more effectively when they learn grammar in context. Grammar in Context, Fifth Edition presents grammar in interesting, informative readings and then recycles the language and context throughout every activity.
The fifth edition of Grammar in Context has MORE! ► MORE visual support offers an exciting, new full-color design to help students effectively navigate through the program. ► MORE connection between grammar and writing, demonstrated through writing models and enhanced by more editing practice, encourages the relevant application of target grammar points. ► MORE technology support for the teacher and student: 4 Online Lesson Planner offers time-saving solutions for the busy instructor. 4 Online Workbook features additional exercises that learners can access in the classroom, language lab, or at home. ► MORE contemporary and relevant readings like the Hudson River planelanding, President Obama, and social networking, provide relatable and engaging topics. ► MORE accessible and contextualized grammar charts and presentations provide students with added clarity.
Grammar in Context
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
USE Student Book
Online Workbook
Audio CDs
Teacher's Edition
Online Lesson Planner
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit ngl.cengage.com/grammarincontext
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 92
9/18/13 4:06 PM
Technology for Grammar in Context Grammar in Context Online Lesson Workbook This unique student resource for every Level of Grammar in Context features expansion exercises that learners can access in the classroom, language lab, or at home. Students have the option of following a learning path or choosing the selfpaced option.
Grammar in Context now offers technology that makes teaching easier and learning more effective.
This interactive tool: ► Identifies and helps students focus on skills that require additional practice ► Provides customized learning paths based on student performance ► Re-teaches grammar through interactive grammar charts ► Features interactive games for fun practice and to solidify grammar points ► Allows instructors to track student performance with gradebook feature
Customized learning paths for every student!
Here’s how it works: Step 1. Students take a test to identify skills that require additional instruction and practice.
Step 2. Students receive immediate reteaching of unmastered grammar skills.
Step 3. Students get fun practice through interactive games on all unmastered grammar skills.
Step 4. Students are re-tested to assess progress on unmastered grammar skills.
For a guided tour and interactive technology demo, visit NGL.Cengage.com/grammarincontext
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 93
9/18/13 4:06 PM
Grammar Add new life to your traditional grammar course!
Grammar Café 1 – 6 LEVEL: low-beginning to advanced Grammar Café is a revolutionary online grammar course that presents key grammar lessons on the computer with the help of animated text, graphics, and real-world conversations. The program features a three-step process with presentation, practice, and assessment to meet the needs of students in various courses. Featuring six levels with 20 units per level, Grammar Café represents approximately 120 hours of instruction.
Grammar Presentation A complete grammar lesson includes four parts: ► Introduction: presents topic through a practical situation. ► Dialogue: uses the grammar as used in context. ► Lesson: offers an animated explanation of the structure with voice-over guidance. ► Chart: reviews the grammar structure in a summative, printable format.
Learning Activities ► Four activities allow for both form-focused and open-ended grammar practice. ► Most results are instantly graded. ► Open-ended listening and speaking activities are recorded and sent to the instructor for evaluation.
Self-Check Quiz ► Questions confirm that the learner has grasped the grammar concept beyond just the form. ► Results are instantly graded.
Bundle Grammar Cafe with any Cengage Learning text To watch a demonstration, visit ngl.cengage.com/technology
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 94
9/18/13 4:06 PM
Grammar Focus on core grammar issues and practice them in everyday situations.
Practical Grammar 1-3 David Riley and John Hughes LEVEL: high-beginning to intermediate Each of the two levels of Practical Grammar has 100 units, divided into modules of five units. Each module examines a particular area of grammar. The grammar is set in short, everyday conversations or texts, showing the language in natural situations which students will find engaging and can relate to. Students then examine the form, meaning and use of the language before practicing it in a variety of activity types. A Review section concludes each module and regular tests check students’ progress. Each level comes with two audio CDs and a pin code, which allows access to MyPG for extensive additional online practice for use at home or in self-access centres. ► Real language in natural situations: exposes students to grammar at work. ► Listening and pronunciation: two audio CDs provide listen and check support and key pronunciation of the grammar items. ► Key vocabulary: high frequency words and expressions in each unit. ► Tips: highlight common errors and characteristics of English Grammar. ► Regular review and progress tests: give students the opportunity to check their learning.
MyPG Online ► Each level of Practical Grammar comes with a pin code, which allows access to MyPG ► MyPG provides extensive additional online practice for use at home or in self-access centres.
Practical Grammar
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Book with Answer Key + Pincode + Audio CD Pkg
Student Book without Answer Key + Pincode + Audio Pkg
Audio CDs
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 95
9/18/13 4:06 PM
Grammar Dimensions 1 – 4 Form, Meaning, Use, Fourth Edition
Diane Larsen-Freeman, Series Director Book 1: Victoria Badalamenti, Carolyn HennerStanchina Book 2: Ingrid Wisniewska, Heidi Riggenbach, Virginia Samuda Book 3: Stephen Thewlis Book 4: Jan Frodesen, Janet Eyring
LEVEL: high-beginning to advanced Through clear and comprehensive grammar explanations, extensive practice exercises, and lively communicative activities, Grammar Dimensions helps students develop the skill of “grammaring”—the ability to use structures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately.
► Grammar explanations focused on form,
meaning, and use help students understand the target language.
► Revised Opening Tasks can be used as a
diagnostic or warm-up exercise to explore students’ knowledge of each structure’s form, meaning, and use.
Grammar Connection 1–5 Structure Through Content
Marianne Celce-Murcia and M.E. Sokolik, Series Editors
Grammar links Basic – 3 A Theme-based Course for Reference and Practice, Second Edition
M. Kathleen Mahnke, Series Editor Basic: Linda Butler Book 1, 2/e: Linda Butler, Janet Podnecky Book 2, 2/e: M. Kathleen Mahnke, Elizabeth O’Dowd Book 3, 2/e: Janis van Zante, Debra Daise, Charl Norloff, Randee Falk
Book 1: Jill Korey O’Sullivan Book 2: Richard Firsten Book 3: Karen Carlisi Book 4: Sharon Hilles, Noel Houck Book 5: Cathleen D. Cake
LEVEL: beginning to advanced At each level, Grammar Connection teaches the grammar students really need to know for academic and professional success.
► Accessible grammar presentation through
readings and conversations offers natural language instruction and prepares learners for academic success.
► Authentic contexts from academic disciplines provide essential background for grammar presentation and practice.
LEVEL: beginning to advanced With engaging universal themes and an emphasis on formal versus informal language, Grammar Links integrates concise and manageable grammar presentation with reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills practice.
► An accessible design features easy-to-read
grammar charts that highlight structures and serve as reference points to revisit throughout the course and for exam preparation.
► Compelling themes introduce students to
concepts they will encounter in their academic work by contextualizing grammar so that students can truly master English discourse.
► Updated topics, grammar charts, and grammar exercises provide detailed grammar practice.
Grammar Dimensions, 4e
ISE Student Book
Grammar Connection
ISE Student Book
Grammar Links
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 1
Level 3
Level 3
Level 2
Level 4
Level 4
Level 3
Level 5
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 96
091-096_ELT2014_SL.indd 96
Student Book
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
9/18/13 4:07 PM
Vocabulary & Idioms Level beginning
lowhighelementary intermediate intermediate intermediate
Academic Word Power 1-4 Academic Vocabulary Toolkit 1,2 Idioms Organizer Phrasal Verbs Organizer
• • •
• • •
• • •
99 100 100
American Vocabulary Program 1-3
Key Words for Fluency 1-3
• •
• •
English Vocabulary Organizer Essential Academic Vocabulary College Vocabulary 1-4
097-100_ELT2014_SL.indd 97
Vocabulary & Idioms
100 99 98
9/18/13 1:49 PM
Vocabulary & Idioms
college Vocabulary 1 – 4
academic word power 1 – 4
Patricia Byrd, Joy M. Reid, Cynthia Schuemann, Series Editors
Donna Obenda, Series Editor
Book 1: Julie Howard Book 2: Chaudron Gille Book 3: Keith S. Folse, Marcella Farina Book 4: John D. Bunting
Book 1: Lisa Hollinger Book 2: Celia Thompson Book 3: Pat Bull Book 4: Barbara Jones
LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate
College Vocabulary, part of the English for Academic Success series, helps students develop the ability to understand and use the most common words in academic texts, as chosen from the Academic Word List. Use alone in a vocabulary class or as supplements in reading, writing, or oral communication classes.
Each book in Academic Word Power 1 – 4 focuses on 140 word families from the Academic Word List, ensuring students learn the vocabulary they need most for success in college-level courses.
► Vocabulary is presented and practiced within contexts that represent real usage.
► Contextualized vocabulary in every lesson begins with a reading that includes all of the focus words followed by vocabulary development, practice, and strategies for learning academic vocabulary.
► Interactive speaking activities link focus words with past experience and
► Varied, sequenced exercises ensure that students use new words
knowledge to aid retention.
► Review sections provide practice with the targeted vocabulary.
College Vocabulary Student Book
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
9780618230266 9780618230273
College Vocabulary Student Book
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
9780618230266 9780618230273
097-100_ELT2014_SL.indd 98
9/18/13 1:49 PM
Vocabulary & Idioms
Learning academic vocabulary has never been easier!
Academic Vocabulary Toolkit 1 & 2 Mastering High-use Words for Academic Achievement
Dr. Kate Kinsella LEVEL: low-intermediate to advanced Dr. Kate Kinsella’s NEW Academic Vocabulary Toolkit is designed for long-term middle and high school English learners who are under-prepared and struggling to progress. Students are provided the opportunity to not only learn high-use academic words, but also correctly employ these words in speaking and writing exercises.
► 100 academic/high-utility vocabulary words in each book, for a 200 word total, to promote academic fluency
► Words found on standardized exams and state academic word lists
American Vocabulary Program 1 – 3
essential academic vocabulary
John Flower, Michael Berman, Ron Martínez, Mark Powell
Mastering the Complete Academic Word List
LEVEL: low-intermediate to highintermediate
LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
The American Vocabulary Program provides the essential vocabulary and practice of all types of lexical items: words, word partnerships, and fixed expressions.
► Over 1,000 words and phrases are taught at each level.
► Vocabulary learning is systematic, efficient, and fun.
► The series is ideal for classroom use or selfstudy.
► The varied exercises cover a comprehensive selection of subject and language areas.
Helen Huntley
Essential Academic Vocabulary prepares students for academic success by helping them preview, learn, and practice vocabulary from the Academic Word List in context.
► 30 to 40 new vocabulary items and word
forms are introduced in each chapter and contextualized through readings chosen from actual college textbooks in various disciplines.
► Exercises and activities give students ample
practice using academic vocabulary in college writing and speaking.
► Progress tests and answer keys are included.
► Guided speaking and writing practice for correct academic vocabulary usage
► Teacher’s Guides that provide detailed
instructional routines, guided lesson scripts, and observation/feedback tools for teachers
► rofessional Development DVD featuring Dr.
Kate Kinsella and other educators with model lessons to assist teachers with instruction
Academic Vocabulary Toolkit
Student Book
American Vocabulary Program
Student Book
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
097-100_ELT2014_SL.indd 99
English Academic Vocabulary Student Book
Level 1 9780618445424
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
9/18/13 1:49 PM
Vocabulary & Idioms
English Vocabulary Organiser 100 topics for self-study
Idioms Organiser Organised by metaphor, topic and key word
Jon Wright
John Flower
Chris Gough
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
► Presents idioms in three ways: as
► 100 two-page topics, divided
► 110 two-page units, each
into 17 themes for more effective vocabulary building.
► Covers over 5,000 important
words and expressions, including collocations and multi-word expressions.
► 650 vocabulary exercises, with
Phrasal Verb Organiser with Mini-Dictionary
metaphors, topics, and key words. containing at least 16 useful idioms.
► Practices over 1,800 commonly used idiomatic expressions.
► Contextualized exercises in each unit, plus four review units.
illustrations used throughout to help understanding.
Key Words for Fluency SERIES Learning and Practising the Most Useful Words of English
George Woolard
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced ► 96 units featuring over 700 verbs with more than 1,000 meanings.
► Verbs organized in three ways: by particle, verb, and topic.
► Alphabetized “Mini-Dictionary” at the back, listing all phrasal verbs studied in the book.
► Excellent for test prep—IELTS®,
LEVEL: pre-intermediate to highintermediate Key Words for Fluency provides practice in learning collocations of some of the most useful words in English. It emphasizes common words that occur in many different contexts and identifies over 150 nouns essential for fluency.
► Vocabulary teaching integrated with grammar.
► Full answer key as well as space
► One word per unit, covering 20 of
for writing notes.
its most important collocations.
► Common expressions. ► All words taught in context. ► Notes on each word. ► Full answer key. ► Invaluable for examination
preparation: Cambridge FCE, CAE, Proficiency and IELTS®.
Organizer practice books are ideal for test prep, self-study or special classroom instruction!
English Vocabulary Organiser Student Book
097-100_ELT2014_SL.indd 100
Phrasal Verb Organiser
Idioms Organiser 9781899396368
Student Book
Key Words for Fluency Series
Student Book
Student Text for PreIntermediate
Student Text for Intermediate
Student Text for Upper Intermediate
9/18/13 1:49 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation beginning
lowhighelementary intermediate intermediate intermediate
IELTS Express 1,2
Achieve IELTS
IELTS Advantage
Achieve IELTS - Grammar & Vocabulary
104 105
2 •
Achieve IELTS - Practice Test Book
IELTS Resource Pack
IELTS Practice Tests
Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test - iBT edition
Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test - PBT edition
Achieve TOEFL iBT
Online TOEFL iBT Tutorial
Test Preparation & College Preparation
108 108 •
TOEIC Introductory Guide to the TOEIC Test
Achieve TOEIC Bridge
111 111
Achieve TOEIC
Challenge the TOEIC Test - NEW!
Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test
111 3 •
110 111
Cambridge Main Suite DELTA Young Learners
Practice & Pass
Cambridge English Key - PET & KET Spotlight on FCE Spotlight on CAE
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 101
19 19 •
114 •
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
TestPro Online The student’s best test preparation choice! TestPro provides preparation for IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC exams.
Key Features ►
IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC and GEPT (TW) test preparation ► Placement test for general English courses ► Automatic grading ► Simple, user-friendly interace ► Language options (English & Chinese) ► Intranet-based ► Customizable banner
Benefits for Teacher ►
Automatic grading ► Assignment of tests by student, student groups, or class ► Test records with data analysis by school, class and major ► Personalized student results ► Teacher-student communication (reminders, feedback, etc.) * Customizable for your institution as a site license. Ask your local Cengage Learning representative for details. 102
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 102
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation NEW!
Louis Harrison & Susan Hutchison Level: pre-intermediate to intermediate (Band: 3.5 to 4/4.5) Bridge to IELTS is designed for students who want to start an IELTS preparatory course. The 120 hour course takes students at Pre-intermediate level up to Intermediate level by systematically working on: ► a core grammar and vocabulary syllabus ► skills development ► study skills development ► knowledge of the IELTS exam By the end of the course students should have the knowledge, skills and confidence to embark on an IELTS preparatory course.
For Students Bridge to
Workbook ISBN: 978-1-133-31896-5
Bridge to
► IELTS-orientated topic-based units: to build students’ English in key areas Student’s Book
• build a solid grammar and vocabulary base
• develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
• understand the IELTS exam by doing IELTS-type tasks and practice activities • develop key study skills.
What does it do?
Here’s an example
Living IELTS
Teaches students key functional language they will need in the speaking test
See page 15
Provides extra opportunities to prepare for the speaking test
See page 69
Bridge to IELTS
Teaches students how to recognise and then perform IELTS task types, e.g. guided summary completion
See page 48
Writing skills
Helps students to build simple texts
See page 67
Allows students to revisit and reuse regularly grammar and vocabulary they have studied
See pages 110-111
Study skills
Helps students think about how they learn and become more effective learners
See page 41
Writing bank
Writing lessons help students to analyse basic texts and use them to develop their own writing skills
See page 113
Grammar reference
Gives clear grammar summaries and extra practice activities
See page 141
Collins COBUILD Intermediate Illustrated Dictionary ISBN: 978-1-133-31415-8
Student’s Book
Key feature
Student’s Book
Practical Grammar Level 1 ISBN: 978-1-4240-1808-6
By successfully completing this course students will be able to move confidently into an IELTS preparation course such as Achieve IELTS or IELTS Express.
Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, publishes materials for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult. Visit ngl.cengage.com
18941_00_CoverSB.indd 1
Pre-intermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
08/05/2012 11:36 μ.μ.
Student’s Book ISBN: 978-1-133-31894-1
The Bridge to IELTS course is specially designed for students planning to take an IELTS preparatory course. The course focuses on the General and Academic modules and bridges the gap between general English and the IELTS test. The Bridge to IELTS Workbook helps students: • consolidate grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
• improve speaking skills with the Bridge to IELTS feature
Collins COBUILD Intermediate Illustrated Dictionary ISBN: 978-1-133-31415-8
• extend exam training with the Exam skills feature
• become more effective learners with the Study skills feature
• develop reading, writing and listening skills
► Additional practice in language: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
Pre-intermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
Bridge to IELTS
► Bridge to IELTS: to provide exam tips and key information on the exam
Workbook with Audio CD
Bridge to
Pre-intermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
Bridge to IELTS is specially designed for students planning to take an IELTS preparatory course in the future. The course bridges the gap between general English and the IELTS test and helps students to:
Bridge to IELTS
Teacher’s Book ISBN: 978-1-133-31749-4 Class Audio CDS ISBN: 978-1-133-31822-4 ExamView CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-133-31673-2
Pre-intermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
Louis Rogers
Additional Bridge components
Bridge to
Harrison & Hutchison
Student’s Book
► Skills development work
• extend knowledge of the topics covered in the Student’s Book By successfully completing Bridge to IELTS students will be able to move confidently into an IELTS preparation course such as Achieve IELTS or IELTS Express.
Practical Grammar Level 1 ISBN: 978-1-4240-1808-6
Louis Rogers
► Writing bank with 12 additional writing lessons 00_18965_BTI_WB_Cover.indd 1
03/09/2012 9:52 π.μ.
© Na 13 20
► Grammar reference: to provide additional reference and practice
► Basic information on the IELTS exam
io C D Workbook Audio ud CD w it h A
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, publishes materials for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult. Visit ngl.cengage.com
► Key study skills
Bridge to
► Living IELTS: to teach students key functional language related to the test
tio SR na lG HT IG eo gra LR AL phi c Le ng. arnin arni g, a part of Cengage Le
Bridge to
Bridge to
For Teachers
► ‘Mock’ style test so that students can experience an IELTS type exam suitable to their language and skills levels
ound information on IELTS working with IELTS-orientated materials
ete photocopiable IELTS practice test
on administering and scoring the test
unication activity bank to practise language and the Speaking test ’s notes on how to use the activities
sfully completing Bridge to IELTS students will be able to move y into an IELTS preparation course such as Achieve IELTS or ress.
Workbook ISBN: 978-1-133-31896-5
graphic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, publishes materials for ding and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning od through adult. Visit ngl.cengage.com
Roger Scott and Kate Fuscoe with Vickie Pastellas and Sophie Walker
04/09/2012 1:02 μ.μ.
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 103
Class Audio CD 1 of 2 Tracks 1.1–1.43
► All the audio material for the Student’s Book and mock exam
tio SR na lG HT IG eo gra LR AL phi c Le ng. arnin arni g, a part of Cengage Le
Na 13 20
ents of the Teacher’s Book:
Teacher’s Book
Teacher’s Book
Class Audio CDs ISBN: 978-1-133-31822-4
► Comprehensive teacher’s notes ► Bank of communication activities
Pre-intermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
Bridge to IELTS
ge to IELTS Teacher’s Book provides clear and comprehensive on how to use the course. Each chapter has a unit overview, ep lesson notes, embedded answer keys and audioscripts. er’s notes also cover the five Reviews, 12 Writing lessons and mar reference section.
Class Audio CD
Student’s Book ISBN: 978-1-133-31894-1
ge to IELTS course is specially designed for students planning to LTS preparatory course. The course focuses on the General and modules and bridges the gap between general English and the
Teacher’s Book
Na 13 20
ermediate–Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5
her’s Book
Bridge to
Scott, Fuscoe, Pastellas & Walker
Bridge to IELTS components
dge to
Class Audio CD 2 of 2 Tracks 2.1–2.23
tio Mock test: tracks 2.24–2.27 SR na lG HT IG eo gra LR AL phi c Le ng. arnin arni g, a part of Cengage Le
For Students Bridge to IELTS Student’s Book 978 1 1333 1894 1 Bridge to IELTS Workbook with Audio CD 978 1 1333 1896 5 For Teachers Bridge to IELTS Teacher’s Book Bridge to IELTS Class Audio CDs Bridge to IELTS ExamView
978 1 1333 1749 4 978 1 1333 1822 4 978 1 1333 1673 2
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
2nd Edition
Richard Hallows, Martin Lisboa, Mark Unwin Level: intermediate to upper intermediate (Band: 4 to 7)
The Fast Track to IELTS Success IELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for students at Intermediate (4 – 5.5) and Upper Intermediate (5.5 – 7) levels. This popular IELTS preparation course has been completely revised. The Student’s Book has been redesigned and almost all of the photographs, graphs and charts have been replaced. All of the reading and listening texts have been updated or are new. ► Short coursebooks, highly focused on exam skills and techniques, paper by paper, task by task ► Each IELTS Express Student’s Book is an ideal choice for short preparation courses of 30 – 40 hours, and can be easily extended for courses up to 90 hours
IELTS ‘Express’ Tips – NEW!
For Students Student’s Book ► New and updated listening and reading texts ► Complete practice test
► ‘Express’ Tips are simple, practical, easy-to-use videos which focus on key sections of the IELTS test, especially those which are traditionally problematic for candidates. ► All IELTS ‘Express’ Tips are designed by IELTS Express author, teacher and trainer, Richard Hallows ► Find the tips on the National Geographic Learning You Tube channel www.youtube.com/NGLearningUK
► ‘Speaking’ DVD worksheets
Pamela Humphreys
► Additional Writing material IELTS Express Intermediate Workbook, Second Edition
IELTS Express Intermediate Workbook is the ideal companion to the IELTS Express Intermediate Coursebook. It provides further practice of the skills and task types covered in the Coursebook as well as key vocabulary and grammar needed for exam success. The Workbook is specially designed for candidates at IELTS Band 4–5.5. It can also be used on its own as self-study material for an IELTS preparation course. The Second Edition has been revised with new and updated reading and listening texts and new photographs, charts and graphs. Additional features of the Workbook include: Ξ a n Audio CD with all the Workbook listening material as well as recorded speaking models to help learners prepare for the exam interview Ξ the Language Bite feature which focuses on essential grammar for the Writing and Speaking Modules Ξ a vocabulary page in every unit covering Word building, Vocabulary in context and Vocabulary revision Ξ full answer keys, listening scripts and model essays.
► Vocabulary and grammar work ► Skills development
Ξ full coverage of both the General and Academic Training Modules
IELTS Express
IELTS Express
IELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for candidates studying for the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). IELTS-type tasks and practice activities provide students with the essential skills they need for exam success.
Workbook with Audio CD
► Exam Practice activities
Intermediate Workbook Second Edition Pamela Humphreys INCLUDES AUDIO CD Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world Visit elt.heinle.com
For Teachers
Class Audio CDs
Teacher’s Book
► Revised listening material
► Updated DVD with simulated IELTS speaking exam and expert information on the exam ► Teaching notes, extension activities and Your colleagues say... model essays for the writing tasks ► ‘Speaking’ DVD information IELTS Express Second Edition For Students Intermediate Upper Intermediate Student’s Book 9781133313069 9781133313021 Workbook + Audio CD 9781133313014 9781133316206
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 104
For Teachers Teacher’s Guide + DVD 9781133312987 9781133316626 Class Audio CDs 9781133316596 9781133316619
► Includes model answers for the speaking sections
“We find the IELTS Express series very well-suited for our learners, who want to achieve an IELTS band score from 4 to 6. With its concise but specific tips, and practical and essential guidelines, the series is a good choice for teachers in both Academic and General IELTS preparation courses. The accompanied Speaking DVD is highly recommended if you want to make an end-of-course speaking session well-rounded.” Huynh Thi Ai Nguyen, Academic Manager Vietnam USA Society English Centers, Vietnam
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
2nd Edition Louis Harrison, Caroline Cushen & Susan Hutchison Level: intermediate to upper intermediate (Band: 4.5 to 6) upper intermediate to advanced (Band: 5.5 to 7.5)
English For International Education Achieve IELTS is written by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners and offers a unique approach to preparing students for the IELTS examination. It is a two-level, student-centred course that not only prepares students for the test but also for academic life after IELTS. This popular IELTS preparation course has been completely revised. The Student’s and Teacher’s Books have been redesigned. The Student’s Books have new and updated listening and reading texts, and almost all of the photographs, charts and graphs have been replaced.
For Students Achieve IELTS 1 Workbook, Second Edition has been extensively revised with new and updated reading and listening texts, design, and new photographs, charts and graphs.
Achieve IELTS 1 Workbook provides valuable additional practice of the Student’s Book units. The Workbook focuses on preparing students for the IELTS test by consolidating and developing:
The series is designed for students preparing to take the International English Language Testing System test. Achieve IELTS 1 takes students from band 4.5 to 6 and was developed and tested at UK and international universities and language schools by experienced IELTS teachers.
• Skills work • Grammar • Vocabulary • Pronunciation • Study skills
► IELTS Strategies and Express Yourself features help students succeed in the test The course takes a student-centred, communicative approach to learning and provides:
For students:
Achieve IELTS 1 Student’s Book, Second Edition Achieve
Achieve IELTS 1
Achieve IELTS recognises students’ real aims and ambitions by preparing them for examination success and student life in international education.
Second Edition
IELTS 1 English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Student’s Book
clear, useful advice on approaching the test
carefully graded development of test skills, building to full practice activities
tips to help students deal with the tasks they will see in the actual test a strong grammar syllabus which revises key structures needed by students at this level
graded writing practice with model answers and example students’ answers
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen
ISBN 9781133313199 For teachers: Achieve IELTS 1 Teacher’s Book, Second Edition Achieve
Second Edition
IELTS 1 English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
English for International Education
Class Audio CDs
For students:
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen
Achieve IELTS 2 Student’s Book, Second Edition
ISBN 9781133313854
English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Student’s Book
clear, useful advice on approaching the test
motivating topic-based units that develop the core skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
ISBN 9781133313878 For teachers:
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of for tasks English language teaching andthe learning throughoutAchieve the worldIELTS 2 Teacher’s Book, Second Edition tips to help students deal materials with the they will see in Visit elt.heinle.com actual test
a strong grammar syllabus which revises key structures needed by students at this level 13861_cvr_IELTS1_WB_ptg01_hires.indd 1
Second Edition
IELTS 2 English for International Education
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
Band 5.5–7+
Teacher’s Book
graded writing practice with model answers and example students’ answers
preparation for study after IELTS to help students deal with social life in an academic environment
Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison Caroline Cushen
ISBN 9781133314776 Achieve IELTS 2 Class Audio CDs, Second Edition Achieve
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
ISBN 9781133314783
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world Visit elt.heinle.com
16190_cvr_IELTS2_WB_ptg01_hires.indd 1
For Teachers
English for International Education
Second Edition
Achieve IELTS 1 Student’s Book, Second Edition
English for International Education
Class Audio CDs
Second Edition
IELTS 1 English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Student’s Book
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
listening exercises included in the ll see in the ISBN 9781133314783 Achieve IELTS 2 Student’s Book, Second Edition Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen
ISBN 9781133313199
Second Edition
English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Second Edition
ded in the
English for International Education
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
ts deal with
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Workbook with Audio CD
For students:
Second Edition
English for International Education
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Band 4.5–6
Student’s Book
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
Second Edition
English for International Education
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
Band 5.5–7+
Teacher’s Book
Second Edition
IELTS 2 English for International Education
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
Band 5.5–7+
Workbook with Audio CD
Second Edition
Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison Caroline Cushen
Workbook with Audio CD
ISBN 9781133314776 Achieve IELTS 2 Class Audio CDs, Second Edition Second Edition
English for International Education
Class Audio CDs
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
ISBN 9781133314783
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world Visit elt.heinle.com
Achieve IELTS 2
ISBN 9781133313878 For teachers: Achieve IELTS 2 Teacher’s Book, Second Edition
graded writing practice with model answers and example students’ answers a full audioscript of the listening exercises included in the Class Audio CDs preparation for study after IELTS to help students deal with social life in an academic environment
Cushen, Harrison & Hutchison
Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook provides valuable additional practice of the Student’s Book units. The Workbook focuses on preparing students for the IELTS test by consolidating and developing: • Skills work • Grammar • Vocabulary • Pronunciation • Study skills
Achieve IELTS 2 Student’s Book, Second Edition
The course takes a student-centred, communicative approach to learning and provides: clear, useful advice on approaching the test motivating topic-based units that develop the core skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking carefully graded development of test skills, building to full practice activities tips to help students deal with the tasks they will see in the actual test a strong grammar syllabus which revises key structures needed by students at this level
Caroline Cushen Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison
a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of ISBN 9781133316190 teaching and learning throughout the world 16190_cvr_IELTS2_WB_ptg01_hires.indd 1
ading provider of the world
01/12/11 4:46 PM
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison Louis Harrison
ISBN 9781133313861 Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook, Second Edition has been extensively revised with new and updated reading and listening texts, design, and new photographs, charts and graphs. The series is designed for students preparing to take the International English Language Testing System test. Achieve IELTS 2 takes students from band 5.5 to 7+ and was developed and tested at UK and international universities and language schools by experienced IELTS teachers. Achieve IELTS recognises students’ real aims and ambitions by preparing them for examination success and student life in international education.
Teacher’s Book
Band 5.5–7+
Teacher’s Book
ISBN 9781133313878 Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook with Audio CD, Second Edition
English for International Education
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
Achieve IELTS 1 Workbook with Audio CD, Second Edition
Student’s Book
Second Edition
Second Edition
Intermediate-Upper Intermediate
ter IELTS to help students deal with uctures c environment
d example
Second Edition
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate Band 4.5–6 English for International Education Second Edition
with to model ding full answers and example
Teacher’s Book
bus revises key structures IELTS 2 orewhich skills of his level
Achieve IELTS 2 Teacher’s Book
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen
ISBN 9781133313854
Achieve IELTS 1
pment of test skills, building to full Additional components e approach to
Achieve 2 Class Audio CDs, Second Edition al with the tasks they will see IELTS in the
► Revised design, updated teaching notes and additional activities ► Photocopiable model writing answers with examiner’s comments ► Full answer key
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison Caroline Cushen
► Study skills syllabus
Second Edition
IELTS 2 English for International Education
Caroline Cushen Band 5.5–7+ Upper Intermediate–Advanced Susan Hutchison
Louiswith HarrisonAudio CD Workbook
01/12/11 4:43 PM
Caroline Cushen Louis Harrison Susan Hutchison
12/8/11 11:12 AM
Harrison, Hutchison & Cushen
Second Edition
► Grammar and vocabulary study
Teacher’s Book Harrison, Cushen & Hutchison
Achieve IELTS 1 Teacher’s Book is designed to support teachers in the preparation and delivery of lessons. It has: • an introduction to the course and an overview of the IELTS test • updated teaching notes • advice on how to use the Student’s Book activities and suggestions for additional activities • photocopiable model writing answers with examiner’s comments Achieve IELTS 2 Teacher’s Book designed toinformation on academic life and the as updated tudents’ real aims and ambitions • is background support teachers in the preparation andofdelivery of theme each unit ed design.success and student mination life in lessons. It has: • a full answer key • an introduction to the course and an overview of ke the the IELTS test Additional components est. Achieve -centred, communicative approach to • updated teaching notes s developed Achieve IELTS 1 Class Audio CDs, Second Edition • advice on how to use the Student’s Book activities d language and suggestions for additional activities pproaching the test • photocopiable model writing answers with Achieve examiner’s comments units that develop the• core skills of mbitions background information on academic life and the Class Audio CDs ng andlife speaking theme of each unit udent in • a full answer key
Upper Intermediate–Advanced
English for International Education
Class Audio CDs
Book, Second Edition has updated activities and an updated design.
Band 4.5–6
Workbook with Audio CD
Second Edition
tudents preparing to take the guage Testing System test. Achieve m band 4.5 to 6 and was developed national universities and language TS teachers.
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
► Exam Practice activities
Second Edition
a full audioscript of the listening exercises included in the Class Audio CDs
Workbook with Audio CD
carefully graded development of test skills, building to full practice activities
Achieve IELTS 2
Second Edition
English for International Education
Workbook with Audio CD
Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Second Edition
Cushen, Harrison & Hutchison
► IELTS tasks focus students on key task types they need to perform in the test Achieve
Louis Harrison Caroline Cushen Susan Hutchison
The course takes a student-centred, communicative approach to learning and provides:
Second Edition
Teacher’s Book
Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook provides valuable Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook, Edition of hasthe been extensively a Second full audioscript listening exercises included in the additional practice of the Student’s Book units. The revised with new and updated and listening texts, ISBNstudents 9781133315568 Classreading Audio CDs Workbook focuses on preparing for the design, and new photographs, charts and graphs. IELTS test by consolidating and developing: Achieve IELTS 1 Class Audio CDs, Second Edition preparation for study after IELTS to help students deal with The series is designed for students to takeenvironment the • Skills work social lifepreparing in an academic • Grammar International English Language Testing System test. Achieve Achieve • Vocabulary IELTS 2 takes students from band 5.5 to 7+ and was developed IELTS 1 • Pronunciation and tested at UK and international universities and language • Study skills schools by experienced IELTS teachers.
Achieve IELTS recognises students’ real aims and ambitions by preparing them for examination success and student life in international education.
Second Edition
► 12 topic-based units motivate students
Workbook with Audio CD
motivating topic-based units that develop the core skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking
Cushen, Hutchison & Harrison
Student’s Book
03/12/11 11:48 AM
Class Audio CD ► Revised and new listening material
Achieve IELTS – Second Edition For Students Level 1 Student’s Book 9781133313199 Workbook + CD 9781133313861 For Teachers Teacher’s Book 9781133315568 Class Audio CD 9781133313854
Level 2 9781133313878 9781133316190 9781133314776 9781133314783
12/7/11 7:05 PM
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 105
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
IELTS Advantage is a series of fully comprehensive course books offering step-by-step guidance to achieving a high IELTS score of 6.5–7.0 or higher. Students are guided step-by-step through the different stages of the IELTS papers, using lively material covering a very wide range of the topics that are likely to occur in the exam.
IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills Jeremy Taylor, Jon Wright Each unit of IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills is divided into different sections to help students: ► ► ► ►
get to know the many question types and how to approach them develop skills to cope with the amount of reading in the test learn strategies which help in making the most of the time in the exam develop vocabulary and collocations, with particular attention paid to synonyms and paraphrases, essential for a good exam result
IELTS Advantage: Writing Skills Richard Brown, Lewis Richards IELTS Advantage: Writing Skills:
IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills is a comprehensive resource for achieving 6.5 or higher in the Speaking and Listening modules of the IELTS exam. Students are guided step-by-step through the different stages of the speaking and listening modules, using lively material covering a wide range of the topics that are likely to occur in the exam.
The step-by-step approach guides students to success using features such as Try it first!, Spotlight on language, Exam skills, Prepare and practise and Pronunciation focus. There are plentiful exampractice opportunities, and students can compare model speaking tests with their own versions in order to acquire further useful ideas and strategies. IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills:
• shows students how to give the well-structured, detailed replies that examiners are looking for in the speaking module • contains numerous audio examples of model speaking test performances on the accompanying CD
• covers a wide range of the key grammar and vocabulary that students will need to give their best possible performance in the exam
Jon Marks is an EFL teacher, materials developer and consultant with many years experience of preparing IELTS candidates for the exam. He has authored numerous ELT publications, including the IELTS Resource Pack and Practice Tests, also for Delta Publishing.
► shows students how to organise and structure an answer for all types ADVANTAGE IELTS Advantage is a series of course books offering of task 1 and 2 questions SPEAKING & step-by-step guidance to achieving a high IELTS score. LISTENING ► contains a model essay in each unit, showing students exactly what SKILLS is required About the author ► contains a general interest article in each unit, developing ideas and vocabulary for a common topic in the exam ► quickly develops students’ fluency and confidence in producing pieces Jon Marks of writing through a focus on academic vocabulary and collocations ► contains grammar exercises in each unit, showing students how to apply a wide range of grammar items in their IELTS writing • advises on strategies for getting the best possible score on the day of the exam
• explains the formats of the listening module, and how to answer them successfully • includes exam practice material covering all parts of the listening module • includes audio exam practice material for the listening module
Jon Marks
IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills Key features: • Suitable for classroom study or self-study • Includes audio CD, audio transcripts and answer key • Four full-length speaking test role-plays covering topics which commonly appear in the exam
IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills:
• Frequent exam tips to help students achieve a higher score
► shows students how to give the well-structured, detailed replies that examiners are looking for in the speaking module ► contains numerous model speaking module performances in print and audio form ► covers a wide range of the key grammar and vocabulary that students will need to give their best possible performance in the exam ► explains the formats of the listening module, and how to answer them successfully ► includes exam practice material covering all parts of the listening module ► analyses the formats and requirements of the speaking and listening modules in great detail
ISBN 978-1-905085-64-4
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 106
• Check-and-challenge sections allow students to revise material and take their skills to the next level
A step-by-step guide to a high IELTS speaking and listening score JON MARKS
IELTS Advantage Writing Skills: 978 1 9050 8562 0 IELTS Advantage Reading Skills: 978 1 9050 8563 7 IELTS Advantage Speaking and Listening Skills: 978 1 9050 8564 4
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation Achieve IELTS Grammar and Vocabulary
Key features:
Louis Harrison, Caroline Cushen, Susan Hutchison
► Clear, contextualised grammar explanations and practice activities based on real IELTS tasks
Achieve IELTS Grammar and Vocabulary is designed to provide practice in the key grammar points and lexical areas particular to the IELTS tests.
► Vocabulary organised in lexical sets, including collocations and phrases to enable students to sound natural in their use of English
Achieve IELTS Practice Test Book
Key features:
Anthea Bazin and Elaine Boyd
► Detailed description of the test and its question types
► Diagnostic grammar test
► Answer key, MP3 CD and audioscript
978 0 4620 9897 5
This useful practice test book, containing four complete practice IELTS practice tests, can be used as a self-study resource or as part of an IELTS course. It provides practice to students preparing for the Academic test at any level as well as guidance for their teachers. Working through the material will give both students and teachers a real chance to assess how ready candidates are for the test. 978 0 4620 0028 2
► Strategies for preparing for the test ► Four complete IELTS practice tests prepared by authors of exam materials ► Two Audio CDs with correctly timed pauses to give an authentic test practice experience ► Full answer key with audioscripts and sample writing answers ► Authentic IELTS test answer sheet for familiarisation by students
IELTS Resource Pack
Key features:
Jon Marks
► 25 highly motivating pair-work, small group and whole class communicative activities specifically designed for students preparing for IELTS
Photocopiable resource book for all teachers of IELTS preparation classes.
► Activates the language and skills needed for success in the Academic Reading, Academic Writing, Speaking and Listening sections of the exam
► Can be used with any IELTS coursebook ► Includes audio CD
978 1 9050 8515 6
Exam Essentials: IELTS Practice Tests
Key features:
Mark Harrison, Russell Whitehead
► 6 complete practice tests based on the latest exam specifications
IELTS Practice Tests provide students with an ► Task Guide and Step-by-Step Guide sections essential combination of exam information, in tests 1 and 2 task guidance and realistic exam practice.
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 107
For Students Practice Tests with Answer Key Practice Tests without Answer Key Practice Tests with Answer Key + Audio CD Audio CDs
978 1 4130 0975 0 978 1 4130 0976 7 978 1 4240 8842 3 978 1 4130 0977 4
For Teachers ExamView CD-ROM
978 1 4130 0979 8
► ExamView CD-ROM provides additional question banks that can be used to create additional exam practice
9/18/13 1:57 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
THE Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test
The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test
iBT Edition
PBT Edition
Bruce Rogers
Bruce Rogers
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
LEVEL: intermediate
Written by trusted test preparation author Bruce Rogers, The Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test, iBT Edition offers instruction and practice that closely mirrors the actual TOEFL® test. This text will help students master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the TOEFL® iBT, preparing them to succeed in an academic environment.
The instruction and practice in The Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test, PBT Edition, helps students master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the Paper-based TOEFL® and to prepare them for success in an academic setting. It is also suitable for preparation for the Institutional TOEFL®.
► The text provides test-taking strategies at the beginning of each section, extensive practice with all exercise types found on the TOEFL® iBT, a separate section on essay writing, additional exercises addressing the most common errors made on the TOEFL® test, and two full practice tests.
► Practice for the new Speaking section of the
TOEFL test provides oral prompts as well as actual examples of test-takers completing this part of the exam. ®
Achieve TOEFL® iBT Renald Rilcy LEVEL: intermediate to advance CEF: B1 – C2
► Perfect preparation for both the Paper-based TOEFL® and the Institutional TOEFL®.
► Step-by-step lessons help students to break down tasks, enabling them to master the essential skills needed to score well.
► Includes three complete practice tests. ► Audio CDs and downloadable MP3s include all listening material.
► Answer keys, audio scripts, and MP3 files
are available FREE online at elt.heinle.com/ toeflpbt.
This user-friendly guide to the TOEFL® test is designed to teach learners how to prepare for the TOEFL® test in an effective way and at the same time improve their overall language profi ciency. It may be used for classroom-based preparation or self-study and is ideal for students who have a short time to prepare for the TOEFL® iBT.
► Overview and explanation of the contents of the TOEFL® iBT test
► Step-by-step study plans ► A diagnostic test to help students understand
how the test works and to determine the areas where further study is required
► Test-taking strategy chapters for each of the
four sections of the test - Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
► 2 full-length Practice Tests in the TOEFL® iBT format
► A Vocabulary fi le containing exercises covering some of the main language areas commonly found in the test
► A Grammar fi le containing detailed
explanations, examples and practice exercises
► A complete appendix including answer keys,
explanatory answers, audio scripts, word lists and conversion charts
► An Audio CD with all the listening material in the book
The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test PBT Edition
Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test Complete set
Student Book
Achieve TOEFL iBT 9781111220594
Student Book
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Test Preparation & College Preparation Prepare for the TOEFL® iBT–Online!
ONLINE TUTORIAL FOR THE TOEFL® IBT LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
► An electronic diagnostic test individually assesses each student and creates a customized learning path that allows them to focus their study. ► The tutorial includes over 10 hours of studey for all fourparts of the TOEFL® exam—reading, listening, speaking, and writing ► Speaking practice identifies errors in pronunciation, fluency, word stress, and linkage, providing immediate feedback using Carnegie Speech technology—a leader in speech recognition rechnology. (www. carnegiespeech.com) ► Students independently identify areas needing improvement through selfassessment activities in each section. ► Two practice tests that simulate versions of the TOEFL® exam follow the preparation for each section of the exam. ► NEW! Now available in three configurations: The Complete Edition, Listening and Speaking Only, and Reading and Writing Only. All versions include Practice Tests!
Analyzes student speech using advanced speech recognition technology
Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT combines innovative technology with a unique learning pedagogy to prepare students for TOEFL® exam success.
Practice exercises based on each students’ Customized Learning Plan
Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT is powered by... MyELT is an Internet-based learning management system designed just for English language teachers and students. Instructors use My ELT to assign Heinle online learning content, track student grades, create student progress reports, and more. Students use MyELT to complete the online activities, monitor their own learning progress, and review as necessary.
About MyELT Simulates TOEFL® iBT test-taking experience
About Carnegie Speech Carnegie Speech’s technology pinpoints errors in the sounds, grammar, rhythm, pitch and fluency of the student’s speech and provides individualized instruction that maximizes improvement and minimizes training time.
Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® iBT is designed to complement Bruce Rodgers’ best-selling textbook, The Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test, iBT Edition, See p.108 for more information
Online Tutorial for the TOEFL® IBT Version 2
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Test Preparation & College Preparation
Challenge the TOEIC Test
Challenge the TOEIC Test provides valuable test practice. The series offers students an opportunity to raise their general English ability while learning important test-taking skills such as time management. Each book in the series has three practice tests featuring questions similar to those in the official TOEIC test. A wide range of topic is covered in the tests, from general office management and travel to real estate and marketing. Practicing with this book, you will learn how to manage your time during the exam, as well as better understand what to expect on the actual test. * Practice: Each book has three full-length practice tests. * Listen: The audio program features American, British, Canadian, and Australian speakers in the style of the official exam. * Review: All 600 questions in each book are explained in detail. The Challenge the TOEIC Test is designed for three levels. Book 1 is for those of you who have a smaller active vocabulary range (about 3,000 of the most frequently used words), Book 2 is for those with a mid-level range of vocabulary (about 5,000 of the most frequently used words), and Book 3 is for those with a wider range (about 7,000 of the most frequently used words). In Book 1, the texts are also somewhat shorter in length, with the length increasing in Book 2 and 3. There are two ways these books can be used. You can use this book simply to prepare for the actual TOEIC test by timing yourself and determining which parts are most challenging for you. Another way to use this book is as a general practice book for professional English. Most of the questions in these tests are adapted from actual professional situations and materials, so these tests may also help you increase your vocabulary and improve your communicative skills for your professional needs.
Challenge the TOEIC Test Student Book
Level 1 9789814424691
Level 2
Level 3
Teacher Guide (in PDF/Word format) available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
Test Preparation & College Preparation
Introductory Guide to the TOEIC® Test
Complete Guide to the TOEIC® Test
Bruce Rogers
Third Edition
LEVEL: high-beginning to intermediate The Introductory Guide to the TOEIC® Test was written to complement the Complete Guide to the TOEIC® Test, which was designed for more advanced English Language students. Used together, the two books present a two-level TOEIC® preparation course. Used alone, The Introductory Guide to the TOEIC® Test provides a short course option.
► Seven “Preview Tests,” seven “Review Tests,”
and over 50 “Skill-Building Exercises” provide ample instructional and practice opportunities.
► Two “Complete Practice Tests” simulate actual tests in terms of format, content, and level of difficulty.
► Grammatical explanations and explanations of other testing points are clear and simple, appropriate for students at this lower level.
► Exercise items have the same feel as TOEIC® test items but are easier for students at this level to answer correctly.
► Learners preview lists of potentially unfamiliar words before the exercises as a point of instruction and to insure success.
► A master vocabulary list at the back of the book provides students with many high frequency TOEIC® vocabulary items.
► Answer Keys are available for all the exercises and tests.
Achieve TOEIC Bridge™ Renald Rilcy
Bruce Rogers
Achieve TOEIC Bridge™ is ideal for lower-level students who want to take the TOEIC Bridge test and need extra preparation materials.
LEVEL: intermediate to advanced
Achieve TOEIC®
This fully revised edition of the Complete Guide to the TOEIC® Test reflects every aspect of the test. It provides learners with a clearly organized, stepby-step program for maximizing their test scores and remains the most complete and up-to-date guide to the TOEIC® test available.
Renald Rilcy
► Each lesson covers the seven parts of the new
TOEIC® Test and includes “Format, “Tactics,” “Preview Test,” “Testing Points,” “Skills-Building Exercises,” and a “Review Test”.
Achieve TOEIC® is designed for higher-level students planning to take the TOEIC® test. It features authentic practice tests as well as giving strategies for preparing for and taking the test.
► Overview and explanation of the contents of the TOEIC® and TOEIC® Bridge tests
► 3 Mini-tests to diagnose and review problem areas
► “Listening Comprehension” and “Reading”
► 2 full-length practice tests of 100 questions
► A Q&A section provides background
► Strategies for preparing for each section of the
sections reflect the updates in the new test. information on the test.
► “Eight Keys to Higher Scores” suggest ways
test including study tips, clear examples and authentic exercises
to prepare for the exam, and give overall strategies for taking the TOEIC® Test.
► Audio CD with listening components featuring
► An Audio Script and Answer Key booklet
► Vocabulary and grammar review sections with
contains scripts for the listening material and answer keys for all the exercises and tests.
► An Audio Program uses the wide variety of accents included in the “Listening Comprehension” section.
► An updated “Getting Started” section provides a detailed outline of the new test.
a range of native English speakers
thorough explanations, examples and exercises in TOEIC® test format
► Full appendix including an answer key with
helpful explanations and complete audioscript
► Two complete Practice Tests simulate actual
tests in terms of format, content, and difficulty.
Introductory Guide to the TOEIC Test
Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test
Achieve TOEIC Bridge
Student Book
Student Book
Audio CDs
Answer Key
Student Text with Audio CDs with Answer Key Pkg
Student Text with Answer Key + Audio CDs Pkg
Audio CDs
Achieve TOEIC
Audio Script and Answer Key
Student Book
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 111
Student Book
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Test Preparation & College Preparation
Jon Naunton, John Hughes, Alastair Lane LEVEL: intermediate to uper intermediate (CEF:B1-B2)
Spotlight on FCE is a fully comprehensive course specifically written to the new FCE exam specifications. It consolidates and builds on essential areas of grammar and vocabulary and develops the speaking, reading, writing and listening skills required to excel in FCE.
For Students Student’s Book ► Comprehensive exam preparation Spotlight on FCE Exam Booster offers comprehensive coverage of the new FCE exam and the most comprehensive package for teachers and learners.
► Speaking Exam photos
Heinle FCE Practice Tests Perfect partner – Heinle Essential Practice tests including 3 guided and 5 non-guided tests. Plus guided key which helps students to follow the logic of the FCE test.
► Writing Guide with model answers, useful expressions and tips Reference materials Ξ Audio CDs allow students to practise their listening outside of class. Ξ Speaking exam video containing a replica of an FCE Speaking test with actual candidates enables students to further their understanding of the exam. Ξ Full Practice Test completes this comprehensive package.
Components Ξ Spotlight on FCE Student’s Book with wide-ranging coverage of all aspects of the five papers, including extensive Grammar, Writing and Speaking Reference material Ξ Spotlight on FCE Teacher’s Book includes thorough notes and photocopiable activities for each unit, as well as extension material, background for reading texts, and ‘teaching in practice’ guidance spotlights. It contains an answer key to the Student’s Book and Exam Booster.
Alastair Lane Exam Booster
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary CEF Correlation C2 The new Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary makes words easy to find, easy to understand and easy to use for students at this level. Packed with everyday examples from spoken and written English, it is the optimum FCE dictionary.
Other components for learners and teachers Ξ My FCE online self-study course. Complete online self-study course which focuses on the required sub-skills for each FCE paper. Ξ ELT Advantage online teacher training for FCE. Online course for teaching FCE with classroom video and teacher interviews. Ξ ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM. User-friendly testing software that allows you to publish traditional paper and computer based tests. Ξ Guided extracts from recorded Speaking tests.
myFCE Online
► Online interactive practice – choose your own activities or do work set up by your teacher
ISBN 10: 1-4240-1682-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4240-1682-2 ea in kin cl g ud Ex ed am
Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world.
► Further practice and consolidation of language, vocabulary and exam skills covered in the Student’s Book
Visit Heinle at http://elt.heinle.com Visit our corporate website at www.cengage.com
Exam Booster Workbook + DVD + Audio CD ► Available with or without key
Alastair Lane
Key features Ξ International reading texts from authentic sources that keep students and teachers motivated throughout. Ξ Extensive writing sections complete with further model texts and exam-style answers which encourage students’ writing abilities. Ξ A complete listening syllabus which allows optimum listening practice. Ξ Vocabulary expansion activities which allow practice in word-building and vocabulary learning strategies including phrasal verbs, collocations etc. Ξ Speaking dialogues accompanied by questions and images which extend students’ understanding and capabilities in the exam. Ξ Pronunciation practice in every unit provides guidance for students’ speaking abilities. Ξ Spotlight on study techniques feature gives ideas for exam preparation strategies.
Exam Booster
Student’s Book 978-1-4240-0919-0 Exam Booster (Workbook with Answer Key) + DVD + Audio CD 978-1-4240-1678-5 Exam Booster (Workbook without Answer Key) + DVD + Audio CD 978-1-4240-1682-2 Class Audio CD 978-1-4240-1684-6 Teacher’s Book 978-1-4240-1680-8 My FCE – Online self-study 978-1-4240-3005-7 ExamView® Test Bank CD-ROM 978-1-4240-1721-8 Student’s Book + My FCE Online pack 978-1-4080-0762-4
► Grammar reference with activities
Spotlight on FCE
Spotlight on FCE
Spotlight on FCE Alastair Lane
► DVD contains a replica of a full FCE Speaking Test
► Automatically marked
For Teachers Teacher’s Book ► Exam overview
ExamView CD-ROM CD 2 Track
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13
100 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 110 117 117 117 117 117 120 120 127 130 130 130 130
Listening #
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16
130 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 140 146 146 146 146 146 150 151 156 162 162 162 162
► Full teaching notes and answer key for Student’s Book 10.2 – Speaker 5 11.1 – Speaker 1 11.1 – Speaker 2 11.1 – Speaker 3 11.1 – Speaker 4 11.1 – Speaker 5 11.1 – Speaker 6 11.1 – Speaker 7 11.1 – Speaker 8 11.2 11.3 12.1 – One 12.1 – Two 12.1 – Three 12.1 – Four 12.1 – Five 12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 – Channel 1 13.2 – Channel 2 13.2 – Channel 3 13.2 – Channel 4
► 3 photocopiable worksheets for each unit
► Spotlight on Teaching FCE video worksheets for teachers
myFCE Online ► Set work for your students online 112
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 112
► Get their work automatically marked and monitor their progress
Listening # 13.2 – Channel 5 14.1 – One 14.1 – Two 14.1 – Three 14.1 – Four 14.1 – Five 14.1 – Six 14.1 – Seven 14.1 – Eight 14.2 15.1 – Speaker 1 15.1 – Speaker 2 15.1 – Speaker 3 15.1 – Speaker 4 15.1 – Speaker 5 15.2 15.3 16.1 16.2 – One 16.2 – Two 16.2 – Three 16.2 – Four
Track duration CD2 - 75 minutes 38 seconds
Spotlight on FCE Jon Naunton and John Hughes Class Audio CDs
© 2009 Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. ISBN 13: 978-1-4240-1684-6 ISBN 10: 1-4240-1684-3
► Make paper or online tests in minutes
Class Audio CDs ► All the recordings for the Student’s Book activities
For Students Student Book + MyFCE online pack 978 1 4080 0762 4 Exam Booster + Audio CD + DVD (with Answer Key) 978 1 4240 1678 5 Exam Booster + Audio CD + DVD (without Answer Key) 978 1 4240 1682 2 For Teachers Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs ExamView
978 1 4240 1680 8 978 1 4240 1684 6 978 1 4240 1721 8
9/18/13 1:58 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
Francesca Mansfield, Carol Nuttall LEVEL: upper intermediate to advanced (CEF:B2-C1)
Spotlight on CAE is a comprehensive course carefully written to the CAE exam specifications introduced in December 2008. It prepares adult and younger learners to excel in the revised exam. All four skills are developed within each of the sixteen units, and are supported by an overall SAMPLE PAGES ngl.cengage.com/spotlightonfce skills-based examination syllabus.
For Students Student’s Book ► Comprehensive Grammar section introduces and consolidates the most important grammatical requirements at this level ► The Writing Guide provides a complete set of writing models covering all of the main genres from the exam and additional writing practice ► The Speaking reference includes Student A and B photographs, interview style questions and useful phrases
Exam Booster Workbook + Audio CDs ► 16 comprehensive units ► Full practice test ► Photos for speaking exam
MyCAE Online ► Online interactive practice – choose your own activities or do work set by your teacher ► Automatically marked
For Teachers Teacher’s Book
ExamView CD-ROM
► Exam Overview
► Make paper or online tests in minutes
► Full teaching noted and answer key for Student’s Book and Exam Booster Workbook
myCAE Online ► Set work for your students online
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 113
► Get their work automatically marked and monitor their progress
Class Audio CDs ► All the recordings for the Student’s Book activities
For Students Student Book + MyCAE online pack 978 1 4240 1676 1 Exam Booster + Audio CD + DVD (with Answer Key) 978 1 4240 6076 4 Exam Booster + Audio CD + DVD (without Answer Key) 978 1 4240 6077 1 For Teachers Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs ExamView
978 1 4240 1681 5 978 1 4240 1696 9 978 1 4240 6071 9
9/18/13 1:58 PM
Test Preparation & College Preparation
Cambridge English Key, NEW! Preliminary and First for Schools Practice Tests LEVEL: pre Intermediate to upper Intermediate (CEF: A2 – B2)
Cambridge English for Schools Practice Tests have been designed to familiarise students with the level and format of the Cambridge English Key, Preliminary and First (previously known as KET, PET and FCE) for Schools examinations. Students can be assured that they will receive the relevant, up-to-date, appropriate training to successfully undertake these tests. The guidance and tips sections included advise students on how to approach each part of the examination and allow them to improve the skills required. Key Features ► Eight complete practice tests; one with full guidance and two with test-taking tips ► A glossary of words that students may be unfamiliar with ► A Teacher’s Book includes the overprinted key and full recording scripts. Cambridge English for Schools Practice Tests consists of:
PaRT 1
Questions 1 – 8
► Teacher’s Book
► Audio CDs
Practice Test 1 Cambridge English
First for Schools
You are going to read a magazine article about bags. For questions 1 – 8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Paper or plastic?
There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a seemingly simple question from the cashier: ‘Paper or plastic?’ It was a question customers expected and one they’d already prepared an answer for, perhaps when asking themselves the more general question: ‘What can I do to help the environment?’ Now it seems that the bag providers of the world have sat down with the same question and decided to answer it for us. At least on high streets in many European cities, paper bags are in abundance and plastic ones are nowhere to be seen. But has the right decision been made? New studies show that perhaps we may have to start from scratch in terms of thinking about which type of bag is better for the environment. As it turns out, paper is not quite as eco-friendly as we might think. While all types of bags have some impact on the environment, it has long been supposed that paper is kinder. After all, plastic bags can kill dolphins, and anything that harms those adorable creatures must be terrible, mustn’t it? But it seems that while paper bags are made from a renewable source (that is, trees), degrade naturally, burn without giving off harmful fumes and can be recycled, the manufacturing and transport process behind line 14 paper bags consumes a lot more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be? Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production – that energy being from fossil fuels. And if that’s not enough to give you pause, consider that the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Additionally, the impact on forests is enormous. It takes approximately fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be roughly the number of bags used in the United States each year. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environmentally-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% LESS energy to recycle plastic than it does paper. Despite the surprising news that paper bags might just be more harmful than plastic, plastic still seems to be perceived by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. Consumers are charged 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped significantly. There’s no doubt it makes more sense to reuse existing bags. However, we don’t seem to be doing that at present. Statistics show that plastic and paper bags are very rarely reused, if ever. That may be because they tend to fall apart quickly, or because people just throw them under the sink and forget about them. Cloth bags are a better option in terms of reusability, but still, their production also has a negative impact on the environment. So what’s the solution? How should we answer our original question of ‘Paper or plastic?’ It seems we need a new question, perhaps along the lines of, ‘Did you bring your own bag or do you want to pay for another one?’ Only then may we see ourselves grabbing an old bag from under the kitchen sink and reusing it.
First CertiFiCate in english FOr sChOOls FCE Cambridge English First for Schools has been designed to familiarise students with the level and format of the Cambridge English First for Schools examination. Students can be assured that they will receive the relevant, up-to-date, appropriate training to successfully undertake this test. The guidance and tips sections included advise students on how to approach each part of the examination and allow them to improve the skills required in the examination.
Cambridge English First for Schools FCE
► Student’s Book
Cambridge English
First for Schools
First CertiFiCate in english FOr sChOOls FCE
Key features:
• eight complete practice tests; one with full guidance and two with test-taking tips • a glossary of words that students may be unfamiliar with
Cambridge English First for Schools Teacher’s Book includes the overprinted key and guidance foR candidaTeS full recording scripts. There are three parts to the Reading Paper. You have 1 hour for this paper. Part 1 consists of a text followed by eight, four‑option multiple‑choice questions. Each correct answer gets two marks.
This part tests how well you can understand main ideas, details, opinions and attitudes expressed in a text of general interest. It may also test your understanding of the organisation of the text, for example by asking what a word in a certain line refers to. You may have to work out the meaning of words or phrases, or state why the text was written.
Cambridge English First for Schools consists of: Cambridge English First for Schools Student’s Book Cambridge English First for Schools Teacher’s Book Cambridge English First for Schools Audio CDs
The questions are presented in the same order as the information appears in the text. The last question, however, may ask you to give an answer relating to the whole text.
Teacher’s Book
Quickly read the text first before you read the questions to get a general idea of what it’s about. Underline key words and phrases in the questions so that you know what you need to look back for in the text. The correct option either answers a question or completes a sentence correctly based on the information in the text. The wrong options may, for example, use words taken directly from the text but will not answer the question, or they may be partly but not completely true. If you’re unsure of an answer, cross out the option or options that are obviously wrong first. This will leave you with fewer choices. Underline in the text where you find the answers to questions. This will help you check your answers at the end. Answer all the questions, even if you aren’t sure. Marks are not taken off for incorrect answers.
First Reading Test Part 1 61503_FCETB_03_Test1_008_039.indd 8
22/11/2012 12:13
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 8
PaRt 1
Questions 1 – 5
PART 2 Photographs for Candidate B What might people find interesting about watching these different street performers?
You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. there is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C).
Which is the boy’s brother?
Cengage Learning is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world. Visit ngl.cengage.com
ISBN 978-1-4080-6150-3
9 781408 061503
61497_FCETB_00_Cover.indd 1
10/21/12 4:04 PM
Where does sarah live?
Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools Student Book Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools Teachers’ Book Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools Audio CDs Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools Student Book Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools Teachers’ Book Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools Audio CDs Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools Student Book Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools Teachers’ Book Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools Audio CDs
When is Neil’s birthday?
61558_KETSB_04_034-055_Test2.indd 45
First Speaking Test Part 1
101-114_ELT2014_SL.indd 114
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61503_FCETB_12_Appx_174_197.indd 196
Key Listening Test Part 2
9 7814 0806 152 7 9 7814 0806 153 4 9 7814 0806 154 1 9 7814 0806 155 8 9 7814 0806 156 5 9 7814 0806 157 2 9 7814 0806 149 7 9 7814 0806 150 3 9 7814 0806 151 0
22/11/2012 12:03
9/18/13 1:58 PM
English for Business & Specific Purposes lowhighelementary intermediate intermediate intermediate
Core textbooks Total Business
English for Business Life
Best Practice 1-4
First Steps to your Career NEW!
English At Work
New Business Matters
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Business Skills
• • • • • • • •
DELTA Business Communication Skills - Business Language Practice - E-mailing - Meeting - Negotiating - Socialising - Telephoning International Management English
- Leading People - Managing Projects - Leading Change - Working Virtually
English for Business & Specific Purposes
116 116 116 116 116
• • • • •
119 119 119 119 119
Professional English series - English for Business - English for Science & Engineering - English for the Humanities - English for Health Sciences - English for Professional Success
• • • • •
• •
120 120 120 120
English for Specific Purposes Energy English English for Cabin Crew First Class (Asia Edition)
The Language of Meetings
Financial English Presenting in English Test Preparation Pass Cambridge BEC
Success with BEC
Achieve BULATS
• •
• •
• • •
Success with BULATS Success with ILEC
115-124_ELT2014_SL.indd 115
124 121
9/19/13 5:15 PM
English for Business & Specific Purposes Master the key communications skills required in international business English
Delta Business Communication Skills Series Asia Edition Louis Harrison, Caroline Cushen & Susan Hutchison LEVEL: pre-Intermediate to intermediate The Delta Business Communication Skills series is designed to help learners at pre-intermediate and intermediate level to master the key communication skills required in international business English today. Each book in the series is designed for classroom use, but is also suitable for self-study. Each book and accompanying audio CD provides six core units. ► a needs analysis to help learners to think about their strengths and weaknesses in English and to identify and prioritise their learning needs ► a learning journal to help students monitor their learning during the course ► a review to help consolidate the language work students have done in each unit ► a reference section listing the vocabulary and useful phrases covered in each unit ► a resources section containing a range of photocopiable material; an answer key, including suggested answers, and transcripts.
Your colleagues say... Delta Business Communication Skills - Asia edition Business Language Practice
“The book provides a wide variety of activity formats including matching exercises, gap-fills and crosswords. Generally, these activities are engaging, requiring learners to think…. The vocabulary reference section should prove of real use to learners at preintermediate and intermediate level…. This A4-size book provides solid language practice and is worth investigation. ”
115-124_ELT2014_SL.indd 116
9/18/13 2:12 PM
English for Business & Specific Purposes
TOTAL BUSINESS 1- 3 Mara Pedretti, Rolf Cook, Helen Stephenson, John Hughes, Paul Dummett, Colin Benn Level: pre-intermediate to upper Intermediate (CEF: B1 – C1)
PROVIDING A COMPLETE PACKAGE FOR THE WORLD OF WORK Total Business is a three-level business English course for pre-work students and business people wishing to improve their English and their employment prospects. It is also suitable for in-company training.
The 12 modules in each Student’s Book are divided into: ► Business Topics – lessons to teach vocabulary used in the working world ► Business Skills – lessons to develop essential communication skills ► Learning Strategies – lessons that focus on language learning in the business context
The core lessons offer: ► Modern, business related topics to engage students and involve them in the practice of everyday business ► An integrated grammar syllabus offering extensive functional practice ► Varied activities and learning strategies to motivate and support students in their studies
Your colleagues say...
Total Business
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Student Book with Class Audio CD
Workbook with Key
Class Audio CD
Teacher's Book
“The teachers like the layout of the book with most believing the text and pictures contained in the book are clear and easy to follow. The book provides good context for the language using texts from within the business world. The listenings and readings are quite authentic and often provide natural language for teachers to exploit. The teachers also commented that the Teacher’s book is helpful and easy to use with a few teachers commenting that they found the extra resource activities useful.” British Council, Malaysia
115-124_ELT2014_SL.indd 117
9/18/13 2:12 PM
English for Business & Specific Purposes
First Steps to Your Career 1-3 (Asia Edition)
ENGLISH AT WORK 1-3 (Asia Edition) Richard Shearn, Andrew Ferris, Greg Tackett
LEVEL: elementary to intermediate
Level: pre-intermediate to upper Intermediate (CEF: A2-B2)
The new series First Steps to Your Career is designed to assist preintermediate to high intermediate English learners in leveraging their language skills to make their way up the professional ladder. First Steps to Your Career includes a variety of activities to prepare students for both professional and casual office interaction. Topics are specifically tailored to help learners make their way in today’s ever-changing business environment.
This 3-level series prepares students for working in English. All four English skills - reading, listening, speaking and writing – are included in each unit. Essential professional English skills are included as well, such as giving presentations, participating in meetings and negotiating. This series will provide learners with the essential tools for working in a global world, as well as preparing them for the TOEIC Test.
► Listening comprehension exercises develop students’ listening skills by entertaining them with lively conversations and news stories. ► Each unit’s Grammar Focus outlines key points and allows students to put tips into practice. ► Class activities allow teachers to get students out of their seats and speaking with classmates. ► Culture Corner sections expose students to the many differences between Eastern and Western business practices.
Complete professional English preparation and practice through: ► Real-world professional simulations and scenarios ► Extensive grammar sections ► Professional advice and tips ► Job hunting and interview skills ► Consistent “Critical thinking” sections teach the critical thinking skills necessary for academic success ► TOEIC® style practice tests
► Two reading sections per unit develop students’ reading comprehension skills using a variety of topics related to the modern business world, including valuable tips regarding interviews, entertaining clients and staying connected after leaving a job. ► Vocabulary activities help students to better remember newly learned terms by putting them to use right away.
First Steps to your Career
English at Work - Asia Edition
Book 1
Book 1
Book 2
Book 2
Book 3
Book 3
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs Teacher Guide, Test Banks (in PDF/Word format) and powerpoint presentation tool available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs Teacher Guide, Test Banks (in PDF/Word format) and powerpoint presentation tool available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
MANAGEMENT ENGLISH Jackie Black, Bob Dignen, Jonathan Dyson, Steve Flinders, Fiona Mee Level: upper Intermediate to advanced (CEF: B2-C1)
Leading People, Managing Projects International Management English is a ground-breaking new series developed by York Associates, who have been preparing professionals for international work for over 30 years. Research shows that, in order to operate and communicate successfully in the evermore-connected world of international business, managers need a blend of the following skills to be effective communicators: ► relevant language skills
► communicative ability
► people management skills ► intercultural competence International Management English provides comprehensive training in all of the above areas. International Management English consists of four titles covering key aspects of international business operations; Leading People, Managing Projects, Managing Change and Working Virtually. Each book in the series consists of eight units, with every unit offering four distinct sections: ►
Discussion and listening Engaging and relevant content in areas of international management and teamwork ► Communication skills In addition to the familiar topics of meetings, presentations and negotiations, input and practice are also provided in conflict management, team building and giving and receiving feedback ► Professional skills Authentic texts from management writers and thinkers provide the starting point for reflection and discussion among learners ► Intercultural competence A focus on raising cultural awareness followed by an illustrative case study
DELTA International Management English
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Managing Projects
Leading People
Managing Change
Working Virtually
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
New Business Matters
English For Business Life
A new approach in ESP instruction!
Second Edition
Ian Badger And Pete Menzies
Mark Powerl With Ron Martínez, Rosi Jillett, Charles Mercer
Level: elementary – upper Intermediate
Professional English series
Level: intermediate – upper Intermediate
CEF: A1 – B2
CEF: B1 - B2
The Flexible Business English Course English for Business Life is suitable for a wide range of training situations from in-company courses in multinationals to colleges that train students for the workplace.
Business English With A Lexical Approach Designed for both in-service and pre-service courses, the fully updated New Business Matters offers a unique lexical / grammatical syllabus focusing on the language students need to increase their fl uency, understanding, and communication skills in business.
Kristin L. Johannsen, Martin Milner, Josephine O’Brien, Hector Sanchez, Ivor Williams LEVEL: intermediate The five-volume Professional English series is designed for both pre-work students and those already working. Teachers and learners will find a variety of practice opportunities in problem solving, critical thinking, and professional communication. ► An integrated four-skills approach breaks with the traditional practice of reading/vocabulary ESP instruction. ► Two-page lessons provide a variety of interesting work situations. ► Grammar Reference allows for review and selfstudy of the essential grammar required at the intermediate level. ► An international English Audio Program with a variety of American, British, and non-native accents develops the listening skills required by today’s global community. ► A comprehensive Teacher’s Resource Book includes photocopiable tests, teaching notes, answer keys, and photocopiable activities to extend reading, writing, communication, and grammar skills.
New Business Matters
New Business Matters
Student Book
Professional English Series
Student Book
English for Business
English for Health Science
Teacher’s Book
English for Professional Success
Audio CDs
Upper Intermediate
English for Science and Engineering
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
English for Humanities
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 120
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
Success with BEC
Pass Cambridge BEC
Success with Bulats
Rolf Cook, Mara Pedretti, Helen Stephenson, John Hughes, Paul Dummett With Colin Benn
Second Edition
Business Language Testing Service
Ian Wood, Anne Williams, Louise Pile, Russell Whitehead
Nick Brieger And Jeremy Comfort
Level: preliminary – higher (CEF: B1 - C1)
Level: preliminary – higher
The new multi-level course for students preparing for the Business English Certificates exams.
This popular BEC series has been completely revised. PASS Cambridge BEC is a practical course for students who wish to gain a recognised business English qualification. Focusing on relevant international business situations, the course has been structured to provide students with a thorough preparation for the Business English Certificates (BEC).
BEC (Business English Certifi cate) is a business qualifi cation that demonstrates an ability to use English in professional contexts. As a University of Cambridge ESOL examination it is offi cially recognised by educational and professional organisations around the world.
Level: elementary - advanced (CEF: A2 – C2)
► In-work students: Business topics and skills and the language students need to get on in business
New to This Edition
► Pre-work students: Teacher’s Book contains suggestions for adapting activities and photocopiables for this type of learner
► NEW reading materials
► Updated texts, photographs and artwork ► Updated topics to reflect business today ► NEW re-recorded listening ► NEW Teacher’s Book is packaged with the Class Audio CD
ngl.cengage.com/successwithbec ngl.cengage.com/passcambridgebec
Success with BEC
Student Book
Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary
Student Book
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs
115-124_ELT2014_SL.indd 121
This test preparation material for Cambridge ESOL’s BULATS provides three complete practice tests for the BULATS Standard Test. ► 3 complete BULATS practice tests for Language Knowledge and Listening ► Tips on how to approach the test ► Answer sheets ► Multilingual version of instructions available on the website Success with BULATS CD-ROM Summertown’s aid to BULATS is a computer-based language testing system. It prepares students for the actual BULATS test by familiarising them with the format. The program can be used by students to benchmark their progress as part of a course or by companies to assess the language abilities of current or future employees.
Success with BULATS Student Book with Answer Key & Audio CD
See title index page 153, for complete series ISBNs 121
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
Energy English
English for Cabin Crew
For the gas and electricity industries
Terence Gerighty
Paul Dummett
LEVEL: intermediate (CEF: B1 – B2)
Level: intermediate (CEF: B1 - B2) Energy English is an essential resource for professionals working in the gas and electricity industries who need to use English in their work. It is also suitable for those preparing for a career in the energy sector.
A course that gives cabin crew the language they need to communicate effectively in English when carrying out their pre- and in-fl ight responsibilities. ► A gate-to-gate short course with emphasis on operational jobrelated issues
Energy English is a comprehensive course designed to: ► teach key industry vocabulary
► Major emphasis on improving listening and speaking skills:
► improve fluency
► develop listening skills
- speaking practice: strong on emphasis on pronunciation, intonation and
► review key grammar points
The Student’s Book is organised into: ► 24 topic units covering each part of the gas and electricity supply chain
► Grammar in Use works on useful functional language such as asking, refusing, don’t understand—please repeat, giving information, telling people fi rmly what to do, reporting back, seeking advice, solving problems, getting advice and dealing with complaints
► 12 communication skills units which develop fl uency in common work situations (e.g. presenting Grammar section with practice exercises
- dialogue work: understanding passengers in routine and non-routine situations fluency
► Glossary of useful phrases
► Pre-course tests available to download
► Teacher’s Book and a Diagnostic Test are available on the website elt. heinle.com/cabincrew
Energy English
English for Cabin Crew
Student Book with Audio MP3 CD
Student Book with Audio MP3 CD
Teacher's Book
Class Audio CD
Class Audio CD
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
A new course incorporating breathtaking photographs of the world we live in!
first class SERVICE 1-2 (Asia Edition) Stephen Hall, Troy Blappert
Best Practice 1 – 4 Business English in a Global Context
Bill Mascull, Jeremy Comfort, David Kerridge LEVEL: elementary to high-intermediate
LEVEL: beginners – intermediate to transition
First Class Service: English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Book Series This two-level series helps equip working members of the tourism and hospitality industry, or students preparing to enter this field, with both the general and specific language skills they need to use English successfully in the workplace. Functional language is introduced and practiced in a variety of contexts from within the industry. ► The material uses a task-based approach, and focuses on the development of communications skills through a broad range of listening, speaking, and discussion activities, along with realia-based reading and writing tasks where appropriate. ► Special focus on pronunciation and intonation, as well as language register and courtesy, including tips on how native speakers speak naturally, and how to speak clearly and smoothly. ► The “When Cultures Collide” section introduces cultural similarities and differences in relation to unit topics, enabling tourism professionals to lessen guests’ culture shock.
Best Practice is a two-level business English course designed for use by both pre-work students and those already working. It uses realistic, international contexts to train learners in the English needed for both the professional and personal sides of modern business life ► Short two-page modules develop basic language quickly and efficiently ► Wide variety of business situations provide motivating contexts for lowlevel learners ► Extensive presentation and practice of telephoning language and e-mail writing tasks ► Audio programme focuses on international English ► ExamView Test Generator CD-ROM allows teachers to create, customise and correct tests quickly and easily ► Separate sections on writing, vocabulary-building and grammar allow the teacher to tailor the course to the students’ needs
► The accompanying “Teachers’ Guides” give step-by-step unit instructions, deeper explanations, an answer key, full audio scripts for the CDs, and extension activities.
First Class Service - Asia Edition Student Text with Audio CD
Level 1 9789814319430
Teacher Guide (in PDF/Word format) available. Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative for files.
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Level 2 9789814319447
Best Practice Student Text
9781413009026 9781413009088 9781413021851
Upper Intermediate 9781424000654
9781413009033 9781413009132 9781413028591
Audio CDs
9781413009064 9781413009101 9781413028560
Teacher’s Resource Book
9781413009040 9781413009125 9781413028584
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®
9781413009071 9781413014693 9781424008865
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English for Business & Specific Purposes
Presenting in English
financial english
How to Give Successful Presentations
Second Edition Bill Mascull, Jeremy Comfort,
Mark Powell
The Language of Meetings Malcolm Goodale
David Kerridge
LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate Presenting in English provides the language and skills needed to give truly effective presentations in English.
LEVEL: intermediate to high-intermediate
LEVEL: advanced Financial English is a language practice book for anyone learning about or working in finance. It is designed for students preparing for careers in business and finance as well as for people already working who wish to improve their English in this specialised field. It is suitable for learners at Intermediate level and above. The book can be used as the core material for a course, and also by students working alone. ► A comprehensive, 24-page glossary of financial English - some 800 or so terms that are in the book
The Language of Meetings is a lively, comprehensive course that provides all the necessary language to ensure full and effective participation in a business meeting.
The Language of Meetings Student Book
Your colleagues say... “This title covers key areas that can make or break a presentation. EAP and ESP students rejoice!”
Additional English for Business & Specific Purposes titles
Wayne Trotman Teacher, Institute of Technology, Turkey Review in EL Gazette, 2010
ACHIEVE BULATS Russell Whitehead and Mark Harrison LEVEL: elementary - advanced Business Concepts for English Practice, 2/e Marianne McDougal Arden, Barbara Tolley Dowling LEVEL: high-intermediate to advanced
Financial English, 2e
Presenting in English Student Book with Audio CD
Audio CDs
Student Book
SUCCESS WITH ILEC 9781111832643
International Legal English Certificate Nick Brieger and Joanna Kosta LEVEL: intermediate – advanced
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Professional Development & Resources Page
Teacher Development TeacherSource series: Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers
Dual Language Instruction
Doing Teacher Research: From Inquiry to Understand
Exploring Second Language Classroom Research A Comprehensive Guide
Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies
Language Learning Strategies
Learning About Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions
Memory, Meaning, & Method, 2/e
Methodology in TESOL
Learning New Languages: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition
Power of Context in Language Teaching and Learning, The
Pursuing Professional Development: Self as Source
Researching & Analyzing Vocabulary
Teaching Bilingual Children: Beliefs and Behaviors
Second Language Teaching & Learning
Teaching Culture: Perspectives in Practice
Tapestry of Language Learning, The
Teaching ESL K – 12: Views from the Classroom
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 4/e
Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring
Teaching Young Learners English
Teaching Second-Language Writing: Interacting with Text
Understanding Language Teaching: Reasoning in Action
METHODS AND APPROACHES Delta Teacher Development Series Being Creative
The Business English Teacher
The Company Words Keep
Culture in our Classrooms
The Developing Teacher
Digital Play
Spotlight on Learning Styles
The Book of Pronunication
Teaching Online
Teaching Unplugged
125-138_ELT2014_SL.indd 125
Professional Development & Resources
Focus on Specific Areas Elements of Language Curriculum, The
Essentials of Teaching Academic English series: Essentials of Teaching Academic Oral Communication Essentials of Teaching Academic Reading Essentials of Teaching Academic Writing Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary
Grammar Book, The, 2/e
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques
Teaching Basic & Advanced Vocabulary
LANGUAGE SCIENCE Sociolinguistics Language: The Social Mirror, 4/e
Bilingual Education Raising Silent Voices
Vocabulary Matrix
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Professional Development & Resources Ongoing Professional Development for English Language Teachers
ELT Advantage Keep pace with the latest instruction methods and industry best practices. Explore ELT Advantage, an entire suite of professional development courses developed by world-renowned English language teachers and authors. The ELT Advantage professional development offerings include workshops and virtual seminars that help teachers increase their expertise in English language instruction.
Online Courses for Teachers ► ► ► ► ►
TESOL® Certificate of Completion for approved courses
Kevin Keating
Lessons can be completed in 90 minutes or less— anytime, anywhere!
Additional Online Resources ► Teacher training for Heinle’s best-selling textbook series ► TESOL® virtual seminars hosted by ELT professionals
University Credits available
Andrew D. Cohen
6-week online courses, two lessons per week Practical assignments for each lesson Moderated discussion board 5-question quiz per lesson Post-program assessment
Kathleen M. Bailey Patricia A. Dunkel
Michael McCarthy
Anne O’Keefe
Steve Walsh
Natalie Kuhlman
David Nunan
Annie Hughes
“One of the best things about this program is the wealth of hands-on activities and ideas provided in each course. … the lessons are chock-full of tested strategies that improve student learning.” Michele Vaughn, Whitehouse High School, Texas Secure teacher training sites demonstrate for you and your colleagues how to teach with our award-winning programs.
Select from specialized courses, watch author video segments, and access innovative content.
To learn more and view a demo, visit ngl.cengage.com/ELTAdvantage
Tom Scovel
Joyce Nutta
Michaela Clari Rob Jenkins Andy Curtis Neil J. Anderson Diane Larsen-Freeman
Hugh Dellar and I.S.P. Nation Andrew Walkley
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Professional Development & Resources
ELTeach: A Global Solution
ELTeach is an online, integrated Professional Development Assessment and Certificate programme supporting teachers of English through coursework and assessments in: English-for Teaching: Gives teachers the specific classroom language needed to teach confidently in English. Through coursework covering listening, speaking, reading and writing, teachers learn and practise the English needed to prepare and teach their instructional materials, manage their classroom and provide their students with feedback. Professional Knowledge for ELT: Gives teachers the professional knowledge to make decisions about their work in and out of the classroom through coursework covering the Foundations of Language Learning, Language Teaching, the Essentials of English and Teaching vocabulary, grammar, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.
Builds Confidence ELTeach is designed to ensure that teachers of English have the language ad professional knowledge necessary to implement their national English curriculum successfully and confidently
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Online, scalable and cost-effective ELTeach provides a costeffective and scalable way to train large numbers of English teachers and improve the quality of English language teaching delivering a standardised professional development programme that is accessible anywhere and anytime.
Comprehensive coursework and assessment ELTeach programmes integrate coursework with assessment, providing teachers with 50-60 hours of online study followed by a corresponding assessment at a nominated test centre, after which a score report and certificate are issued. 127
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Professional Development & Resources
Teaching Young Learners English
From Theory to Practice Dr. JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall, Dr. Joan Kang Shin Teaching Young Learners English focuses on teaching English as a foreign language to children aged 7–12. It presents foundational concepts, best practices and practical suggestions on how to develop lessons and activities for the energetic and curious minds of young learners in the 21st Century classroom. It also features perspectives and suggestions from practicing teachers around the world, and can be used as a basic text for prospective teachers or as a professional development tool for teachers and administrators wishing to develop the knowledge and skills to teach English to young learners. Topics covered include lesson planning, classroom management, assessment, and ongoing professional development. Teacher to Teacher sections in each chapter include real teachers from all over the world expressing their views on that topic. Each chapter includes a list of useful publications, references and websites for further study. ngl.cengage.com/tyle
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Teaching English to Young Learners around the World Chapter 2 Basic Principles of Teaching English to Young Learners ●● Chapter 3 Contextualizing Instruction: Creating Thematic Units and Lesson Plans ●● Chapter 4 Teaching Listening and Speaking ●● Chapter 5 Teaching Reading and Writing ●● Chapter 6 Storytelling ●● Chapter 7 Assessment ●● Chapter 8 Classroom Management ●● Chapter 9 Twenty-First-Century Skills in Teaching English to Young Learners ●● Chapter 10 Professional Development ●● ●●
Teaching Young Learners English Book (416 pp.)
Professional Development & Resources
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language N
Fourth Edition
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton,
e Edit w ion!
Marguerite Ann Snow, Editors Now in its fourth edition, this comprehensive, best-selling methodology resource gives both prospective and experienced ESL/ELT teachers the theoretical background and practical applications they need to decide which approaches, materials, and resources can and should be used in their classrooms. With a focus on the learner and attention to the socio-cultural influences on language learning, “The Apple Book” covers methodology, language skills, teaching skills, integrated approaches, learner variables, and teacher development. New and revised contributions from 46 well-known scholars and practitioners offer a variety of perspectives on language teaching and learning, and an expanded focus on teaching in international contexts. Each chapter lists questions, activities, and useful references. The website for the text includes resources for extra information, expanded biographies of authors, and a glossary of key terms. ngl.cengage.com/tesfl
Eleven new chapters include: Principles of Instructed Second Language Learning Teaching English in the Context of World Englishes ●● Fluency-Oriented Second Language Teaching ●● Developing Engaged Second Language Readers ●● Spoken Grammar ●● Assessment in Second Language Classrooms ●● Tools and Techniques in Effective Second Language Teaching ●● Teaching Language Through Discourse ●● Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning ●● Motivation in Second Language Learning ●● Teaching Young Learners in ESL and EFL Settings ●● ●●
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 4/e Book (708 pp.)
eBook Student Book
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Professional Development & Resources
Delta Teacher Development Series A pioneering, multi-award-winning series of books for English Language Teachers with professional development in mind, blending theory, practice and development.
► A What do you need to know? What have others in the profession said or written? What is the latest information? How are things changing?
The Delta Teacher Development Series features some of the best and most expert authors in ELT, writing about fundamental areas of professional interest to teachers today. Each title in the series has three distinctive parts A, B and C, which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:
► B What can you do? What practical activities can you carry out? How can you and your students get the most out your teaching? How can you help yourself to help them better? ► C How can you develop from here? What is the next step? How can you go further as a teacher in your own professional development?
Spotlight on Learning Styles
Teacher strategies for learner success Marjorie Rosenberg
Spotlight on Learning Styles is the tenth title in the multi-award-winning Delta Teacher Development Series and is an invaluable resource for all teachers who need to address the diverse learning styles of their learners. Different learning styles such as the visual, auditory and kinesthetic approach as well as the cognitive approach are clearly explained. This is followed by a bank of practical ideas and activities, sorted according to learner preference.
The Book of Pronunciation
Proposals for a practical pedagogy Jonathan Marks and Tim Bowen
The Book of Pronunciation is a definitive account of the key role pronunciation plays in teaching and learning, providing a highly authoritative but hugely accessible overview of the essential elements of English pronunciation as well as a wide range of classroom practice. The Book of Pronunciation is accompanied by a CD, which provides models for the teacher and practice for the learners.
The Company Words Keep Lexical chunks in language teaching Paul Davis
The Company Words Keep examines how we store language in readymade chunks that we retrieve and use, rather than elaborately constructing ‘grammar’ each time we speak. The authors provide a wealth of activities which apply their methodology to both the coursebook and to authentic contexts, taking advantage of corpus linguistics. Teachers are also offered suggestions and activities for further development in this exciting field.
Digital Play Kyle Mawer and Graham Stanley
125-138_ELT2014_SL.indd 130
Digital Play is a pioneering book on the use of computer games in language teaching in which the authors share their excitement for teaching with technology and expertise in training teachers in innovative classroom practice.
9/18/13 2:11 PM
Professional Development & Resources DT DS
Teaching Online
hing e
niques, options and opportunities
Teaching Online Tools and techniques, options and opportunities
assuringly practical book ne teaching and course rience in a fundamental nals today.
online course, and se behaviour, that will hing. It is accompanied by ogs to word clouds.
at cover the four skills, tions for activities to mments provide insights ctive
line development, both Web 2.0 tools that connect y of teachers and an al Learning Network) for
Nicky Hockly has been in ELT for over 20 years. She is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E, specialising in online learning, teaching and training. Co-author of How to Teach English with Technology (Pearson Longman) and Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies (John Wiley), she spends most of her working life online.
Lindsay Clandfield has been in ELT for 15 years. He is a teacher, teacher trainer and writer of books for language teachers and language learners. He is the co-author of Dealing with Difficulties (Delta) and the lead author of the Global series (Macmillan). He teaches both faceto-face and online, and is active in the blogosphere.
Nicky Hockly with Lindsay Clandfield
and blended courses
ful online teaching
rts which focus in turn on
is a pioneering new series rofessional development ment.
ke Burghall and Lindsay Clandfield
Nicky Hockly with Lindsay Clandfield D E LTA T E A C H E R D E V E L O P M E N T S E R I E S
Teaching Online
The Developing Teacher
Tools and Techniques, options and opportunities
Practical activities for professional development
Nicky Hockley, Lindsay Clandfield
Duncan Foord
Teaching Online is essential reading for any teacher interested in online teaching and course delivery. It deals comprehensively with both the tools and the techniques necessary for online language instruction. It is a clear, accessible and reassuringly practical book in which the authors share their wealth of experience in teaching both fully online and blended courses.
The Developing Teacher suggests that teachers themselves are the most powerful agents of change and development in their own professional career.
The Business English Teacher
Teaching Unplugged
Professional principles and practical procedures
Scott Thornbury and Luke Meddings
It is ideal for teachers who wish to take control of their own development, for those people in positions of responsibility for teacher development, and for complementing courses in language teacher education.
Dogme in English Language Teaching Teaching Unplugged is the first book to deal comprehensively with the approach in English Language Teaching known as Dogme ELT. It challenges not only the way we view teaching, but also the way we view being a teacher.
Debbie Barton, Jennifer Burkat, Caireen Sever
The Business English Teacher is a compendium of good practice for successful business English teaching. IT is invaluable both for teachers thinking of moving into business English teaching, and those wishing to further increase their skills and develop their potential.
Dogme ELT advocates teaching ‘unplugged’: a materials-light, conversation-driven philosophy of teaching that, above all, focuses on the learner and on emergent language.
Being Creative
Culture in our Classrooms
The challenge of change in the classroom
Teaching language through cultural content
Chaz Pugliese
Gill Johnson and Mario Rinvolucri
Being Creative takes you on a journey that reveals how all teachers have the potential to become creative. Whether you are experienced or new to the classroom, Being Creative allows your teaching to take flight.
Culture in our Classrooms acknowledges the role of culture in the English Language Teaching classroom and provides lesson content which is relevant, useful and engaging for students. Over 80 practical and easyto-use communicative activities will help your students.
Delta Teacher Developmental Series For more information visit www.deltapublishing.co.uk
125-138_ELT2014_SL.indd 131
The Business English Teacher
Being Creative
The Company Words Keep
Culture in our Classrooms
The Developing Teacher
Digital Play
The Book of Pronunciation
Teaching Online
Spotlight on Learning Styles
Teaching Unplugged
9/18/13 2:11 PM
Professional Development & Resources New vocabulary teaching strategies from Robert Marzano!
Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary A Framework for Direct Instruction Robert J. Marzano Authored by field expert and vocabulary specialist Robert J. Marzano, Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary provides strategies to help build general background knowledge of instrumental vocabulary by introducing terms in semantic clusters. This innovative approach is designed to maximize students’ understanding of new words by creating a framework of meaning through context. ► More than 8,000 basic and advanced vocabulary terms. ► Semantic clusters that group related words together. ► Comparison, classification, analogy and metaphor activities to strengthen comprehension skills. ► Snapshot assessment for comprehension evaluation.1
Example of semantic clusters from Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary
For a learner’s dictionary featuring all of Dr. Marzano’s basic vocabulary terms, see the COBUILD Illustrated Basic Dictionary of American English on p. 36.
“… Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary is focused on providing a framework for direct instruction in basic terms—those words that are critical to understanding and using the English language. To this end, 2,845 basic terms have been identified and listed in the book. Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary also explains how a district, school, or individual teacher might use semantic clusters in a whole-class approach to direct instruction that focuses on advanced vocabulary.” Dr. Robert J. Marzano
Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary Student Book
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Professional Development & Resources
Cleary written theories and a compelling focus on practical teaching appreciation.
Vocabulary Matrix: Understanding, Learning, Teaching Michael McCarthy, Anne O’Keeffe, Steven Walsh Vocabulary Matrix: Understanding, Learning, Teaching is an innovative resource for language teachers who are pre-service or have recently started teaching. This dynamic guide to the methodology of vocabulary instruction offers clearly written theories and keeps a compelling focus on practical teaching applications. The complex matrix within which words exist is made accessible as readers are led through the life-cycle of a word. Supported by corpusbased evidence and real classroom data, the book explores what words mean, how they relate to other words and how they function in different ways within society.
Researching and analyzing vocabulary I.S.P. Nation, Stuart Webb Written for researchers and graduate students in the field of vocabulary studies, Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary covers a wide range of vocabulary research topics that include experimental, qualitative, and corpus-based work. The study of vocabulary has direct implications for teaching and learning while enhancing student knowledge of research practices. ► Provides tools for designing and critiquing research studies ► Analyzes field studies for enhanced knowledge of both successful and problematic research techniques ► Suggests research topics to enhance areas in the field of vocabulary studies where contributions are needed
► User-friendly chapter structure with three distinct sections covering A) existing knowledge, B) problems for learners and C) classroom practice. ► A set of instructive Tasks for individual study and reflection. These contextualise theoretical and pedagogical concepts covered in the book. Many of these can be adapted for reuse with students. ► Task Commentaries talk the reader through the answers to the questions posed in the Tasks. ► Vocabulary Files with illuminating teaching points and factoids. ► A full 10-question review at the end of each chapter. ► Review Commentaries and a complete Answer Key at the end of the book. ► A glossary of all key terms to further aid self study.
Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
Vocabulary Matrix Student Book
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Student Book
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Professional Development & Resources
Teacher Source Donald Freeman, Series Editor
“The TeacherSource series offers you a point of view on second/foreign language teaching. As a reader, you will find that each book has its own personality; it is not anonymous. It comes as a story, not as a directive, and is meant to create a relationship with you rather than assume your attention.” Donald Freeman
Exploring Second Language Reading
Teaching ESL K – 12 Views from the Classroom
Teaching SecondLanguage Writing
Issues and Strategies
Helene Becker, Else Hamayan
Interacting with Text
Neil J. Anderson, Brigham Young University
Teaching ESL K – 12: Views from the Classroom addresses how to prepare English language learners to successfully enter the demands of mainstream classrooms, curricula, and schools. The authors artfully blend insightful classroom and school-based experience with frameworks of research and policy.
Cherry Campbell, Sonoma State University
Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies is a comprehensive exploration of ESL reading. This text provides an overview of the key issues and practical strategies for teaching reading effectively.
Learning About Language Assessment Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions
Kathleen M. Bailey, Monterey Institute of International Studies This text provides a practical analysis of language assessment theory and accessible explanations of the statistics involved.
Based on the philosophy that writing should be taught in conjunction with social and cultural expectations, this text teaches a variety of writing strategies, such as self-editing and portfolio writing, and provides practical advice on assessing writing and providing constructive feedback to students.
Pursuing Professional Development
Doing Teacher Research
Self as Source
From Inquiry to Understanding
Kathleen M. Bailey, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Andy Curtis, David Nunan, University of Hong Kong
Donald Freeman, School for International Training
Intended for individual study or teacherpreparation programs, this text provides an up-todate overview of key ideas and a comprehensive guide to the techniques and procedures of teacher self-development.
This text focuses on the intersection of teaching and research. By examining how research can fit within and transform the work of teaching, it offers a different perspective to teachers doing research.
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Professional Development & Resources Designing Language Courses A Guide for Teachers
Kathleen Graves, School for International Training This clear and comprehensive text provides a practical guide to designing language courses by encouraging teachers to explore ways of evaluating materials and planning and organizing content.
Teaching Bilingual Children Beliefs and Behaviors
Suzanne Irujo, Boston University, Emeritus
Teaching Language
Learning New Languages
From Grammar to Grammaring
A Guide to Second Language Acquisition
Diane Larsen-Freeman, University of Michigan
Tom Scovel, San Francisco State University
A must-read for every language teaching professional, Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring explores the regular, predictable elements of language as well as the potential creativity of its underlying system. By combining a wide range of viewpoints with her own personal experiences and studies, Diane Larsen-Freeman challenges the static descriptive ideas of grammar, based on rules, and promotes the more fluid and dynamic notions of reason-driven grammaring, which she defines as “the ability to use grammar structures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately.”
Based on a vivid account of Matilde’s classroom, this text is a comprehensive exploration of bilingual education theory and practice.
Also see Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marianne Celce-Murcia’s updated edition of The Grammar Book on p. 121.
Understanding Language Teaching
Perspectives in Practice
This text explores a wide range of issues that influence how a person learns a second language. By using P.L.A.C.E. as an acronym, standing for People, Language, Attention, Cognition, and Emotion, the text offers an accessible way to examine both the practical and theoretical sides of each issue.
Teaching Culture Patrick Moran
Reasoning in Action
Karen E. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University Teachers are encouraged to reflect on their classroom practice by thinking critically about their own teaching, their colleagues’ teaching, and the environments in which they work.
Teaching Culture: Perspectives in Practice offers multiple viewpoints on the interrelationship between language and culture and how they serve to teach meaning, offer a lens of identity, and provide a mechanism for social participation. Authentic classroom experiences engage the reader and offer teachers invaluable support as they expand their ideas about how language and culture work together.
TeacherSource Series Exploring Second Language Reading
Learning About Language Assessment
Teaching ESL K-12
Pursuing Professional Development
Teaching Second-Language Writing
Doing Teacher Research
Designing Language Courses
Teaching Bilingual Children
Understanding Language Teaching
Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring
Teaching Culture
Learning New Languages
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Professional Development & Resources
Exploring Second Language Classroom Research A Comprehensive Guide
David Nunan, Kathleen M. Bailey Exploring Second Language Classroom Research is a comprehensive introductory manual for beginning and advanced researchers. Authored by two leading experts in the field, the text explores research traditions and processes. The text is illustrated with a variety of qualitative and quantitative data and includes tasks for reflection and application.
Exploring Second Language Classroom Research Student Book
An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course, Second Edition
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Diane LarsenFreeman In this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with form, meaning, and use. The Grammar Book helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of English grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level. New chapter organization and updated research findings, along with practical teaching suggestions, exercises, and questions, make this an essential resource for any teacher.
Essentials of teaching academic english series Oral Communication: John Murphy Reading: Sharon Seymour, Laura Walsh Writing: Joy M. Reid Vocabulary: Averil Coxhead The four books in the Essentials series, one for each skill area, provide helpful information for instructors who wish to teach academic English. These short, easy-to-read volumes are suitable for instructors for professional development or program administrators for pre-service or inservice training. They are ideal as the basis for workshops or brown bag discussions.
The Grammar Book 9781424027057
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Third Edition
Student Book
The Power of Context in Language Teaching and Learning Jan Frodesen, Christine A. Holten, Editors
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Editor Now in its third edition, this best-selling methodology resource gives experienced and prospective teachers the theoretical background and practical applications they need to succeed. New contributions from more than 40 acknowledged specialists in the field cover methodology, language skills, integrated approaches, learner variables, and teacher skills. Discussion questions and activities, methods, materials, and other resources make this ideal for classroom and/or personal use.
Exploring Second Language Classroom Research Student Book
The Grammar Book
Essentials of Teaching Academic English Series Essential of Teaching Academic Oral Communication
Essentials of Teaching Academic Reading
Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary
Essentials of Teaching Academic Writing
The Power of Context in Language Teaching and Learning provides a highly accessible, in-depth study of the relationship between discourse and the context of language teaching and learning. This text contains a strong combination of theory and practice that will benefit any language teacher or student. Contributions from 30 renowned specialists provide a variety of insights and perspectives, with an emphasis on practical applications.
The Power of Context Student Book
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Professional Development & Resources
Language: The Social Mirror
Language Learning Strategies
Second Language Teaching & Learning
Fourth Edition
What Every Teacher Should Know
David Nunan
Elaine Chaika
Rebecca L. Oxford
Language: The Social Mirror focuses on the ways language is used and how this use affects society and the individual. Thoroughly revised, the fourth edition presents a modern study of sociolinguistics through updated case studies and current research findings.
This text provides ESL/EFL teachers with practical recommendations for developing their students’ second language strategies.
Second Language Teaching & Learning is the first professional title to offer a practical introduction to the theoretical foundations of task-based language teaching.
Topics include:
► A strong research base from a wide range of sources.
Language Learning Strategies
Language: The Social Mirror
Student Book
Nancy Cloud, Fred Genesee, Else Hamayan This popular volume provides a comprehensive, theoretical framework and practical guide to implementing, evaluating, administering, and maintaining successful two-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and foreign language immersion programs.
► Includes illustrative scenarios and topics for discussion and writing. ► Provides the pedagogical overview that ESL/ EFL teachers need to teach successfully with Go for it!, Expressions, and Listen In.
Second Language Teaching & Learning Student Book
A Systematic Approach to Program Development
James Dean Brown The Elements of Language Curriculum provides a practical, comprehensive overview of the different phases and activities involved in developing and implementing a sound, rational, and effective language program.
The Elements of Language Curriculum
Dual Language Instruction
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► Provides comprehensive coverage of the topics typically addressed in methodology courses: language, the learner, the learning process, and classroom teaching.
The Elements of Language Curriculum
A Handbook for Enriched Education
Dual Language Instruction
Student Book
► Case studies and models for setting up programs.. ► A practical approach that translates research into suitable information.
✔✔ Bilingualism ✔✔ Business ✔✔ Global Dialects ✔✔ Gender and Language.
Student Book
► Detailed suggestions for strategy use in the four language skills.
Student Book
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Professional Development & Resources
The Tapestry of Language Learning
Methodology in TESOL
Teaching Vocabulary:
A Book of Readings
Strategies and Techniques
The Individual in the Communicative Classroom
Michael H. Long, Jack C. Richards, Editors
I.S.P. Nation
Rebecca L. Oxford, Robin C. Scarcella
This comprehensive anthology contains articles which present the rationale behind current methodology and identify specific applications suitable for many teaching situations.
Written especially for teachers, Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques thoroughly examines over 60 teaching techniques and suggests clear, research-based principles for vocabulary learning. This unified approach presents vocabulary instruction through listening, speaking, reading and writing development.
This teacher resource book weaves together language learning strategies, learning styles, theme- and task-based instruction, and the relatedness of skills. Teachers will also find practical ideas and strategies to implement in class.
The Tapestry of Language Learning Student Book
Student Book
Raising Silent Voices 9780838423592
Memory, Meaning & Method A View of Language Teaching, Second Edition
Earl W. Stevick This thoroughly revised edition updates and restates Earl Stevick’s classic account of what occurs in the learning and teaching of languages.
Memory, Meaning & Method Student Book
Methodology in TESOL
Educating Linguistic Minorities for the 21st Century
Henry T. Trueba Raising Silent Voices examines the ways in which teachers can identify minority students’ capabilities and work with them towards more effective classroom communication.
Raising Silent Voices Student Book
Teaching Vocabulary Student Book
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary I.S.P. Nation Teaching and Learning Vocabulary examines the underlying principles of vocabulary acquisition and presents a unified approach to vocabulary teaching and learning.
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary Student Book
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Developmental English Page
Steps to Writing Well
Reading Keys
Thinking for Yourself
Connect College Reading
The Composition of Everyday Life
Writing True
Writing Reading and Research
Technical Report Writing Today
Cengage Advantage Books: The College Handbook of Creative Writing
The Wadsworth Guide to Research
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Development al English
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Steps to Writing Well 12th Edition Jean Wyrick Professor Emerita, Colorado State University Reliable and straightforward, this text has helped thousands of students learn to write well. Jean Wyrick’s rhetorically organized STEPS TO WRITING WELL is known for its student-friendly tone and the clear way it presents the basics of essay writing in an easy-to-follow progression of useful lessons and activities. Through straightforward advice and thoughtful assignments, the text gives students the practice they need to approach writing well-constructed essays with confidence. With Wyrick’s helpful instruction and the book’s professional samples by both well-known classic and contemporary writers, STEPS TO WRITING WELL sets students on a solid path to writing success. Everything students need to begin, organize, and revise writing--from choosing a topic to developing the essay to polishing prose--is right here! In the twelfth edition, Wyrick updates and refines the book’s successful approach, adding useful new discussions, readings, exercises, essay assignments, and visual images for analysis.
New to this Edition ► NEW CRITICAL THINKING EMPHASIS. Throughout the book, students will see an increased emphasis on critical thinking skills to help them develop into both perceptive readers and effective writers. Chapter 5 now includes expanded discussions focused on the analysis and evaluation of information, especially from Internet and other media sources, showing students how to select reliable evidence that best illustrates, supports, or shapes their ideas. A new section, also in Chapter 5, on visual literacy adds to the discussion of trustworthy sources, as students are reminded of the problems posed by altered images. ► NEW DIGITAL RESOURCES. The twelfth edition will be available with the most advanced new products for student and instructor choice, engagement, and outcomes. Through diagnostic tests, clear and succinct instruction, engaging assignments, and integrated eBook, Aplia for STEPS TO WRITING WELL helps students build the confidence they need to master essential reading, writing, research, and grammar skills. ► NEW READINGS. Parts One-Three contain 20% new professional essays, retaining a mix of classic and contemporary authors, including the diverse styles of Mark Twain, Langston Hughes, Roger Ebert, and the editorial board of the USA Today newspaper. ► NEW PRE-READING THOUGHTS. To help students receive the most benefit from the many professional essays in Parts Two and Three of the book, a new feature called “Pre-reading Thoughts” has been introduced. Before reading, students will find one or more brief questions designed to engage their thinking about the essay’s subject matter or the author’s point of view. Teachers may find the questions useful as discussion prompts, prewriting exercises, or essay topics. ► NEW SECTION ON PRESENTATIONS. Chapter 15 on Classroom Writing Assignments is now expanded beyond exams and timed essays to also include a new section on presentations. A variety of activities, from individual reports to panel discussions, offer practice in the selection and shaping of essay material as well as expanding audience awareness. Advice for the effective delivery of presentations is also included here. ► UPDATED AND EXPANDED RESEARCH. Chapter 14, Writing a Paper Using Research, has been updated and expanded for this edition. In addition to more emphasis on analysis of reliable sources and information, this chapter offers the most current guidelines for MLA and APA documentation styles, with more examples illustrating formats for frequently cited online and media sources. ► NEW TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES. Many new writing topics and activities (for both individual and group work) throughout the book reflect contemporary issues that will engage student interest. Discussions, such as the expanded advice on effective cover letters for job-seekers, also remind students that composition practice has real-world application.
Steps to Writing Well Student Book
Aplia Instant Access
Instructor’s Online Resources
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Reading Keys 4th Edition Laraine E. Flemming READING KEYS – the first in a three-book reading series by Laraine Flemming – offers a comprehensive introduction to reading skills and strategies for introductory readers (levels 6-8), from using context clues to identifying purpose and bias. Clear, accessible explanations present reading concepts without oversimplifying the process of reading comprehension. To ensure students’ understanding, reading “keys” or summaries follow the explanations, breaking them down into manageable chunks. Throughout each chapter, a variety of steadily more difficult exercises assess students’ understanding of the material and promote improved comprehension and critical-thinking skills. This incremental approach to instruction and assessment makes it easier for beginning readers to absorb and master new information. The Fourth Edition includes new chapters on analyzing arguments and sentence relationships. In addition, there is a greater emphasis on recognizing and understanding verbal clues to meaning, new discussions on how the brain learns and remembers new information, and several new engaging readings.
New to this Edition ► Revisions: How have the weaknesses been addressed in this new edition? Discuss the changes made to improve this edition and describe any new key features added. ► The Fourth Edition includes these new features: new chapter on analyzing arguments, a new chapter on sentence relationships, a greater emphasis on recognizing and understanding verbal clues to meaning, new discussions of how the brain learns and remembers new information and a revised explanation of using the Web for background knowledge. More photos have been included to stimulate student interest in the topics discussed.
Features ► A vocabulary feature, “Ten Words for Your Textbook Vocabulary,” helps students acquire and develop an academic vocabulary. ► The text moves students from general reading strategies (in Chapter 1) and defining words in context through topics and main ideas, drawing inferences, and identifying patterns of organization. ► Each topic provides explanation and a “Reading Keys” summary, followed by numerous exercises, which provide immediate hands-on practice. ► End of chapter elements include a “Rounding Up the Keys” summary, “Ten Words for Your Vocabulary,” a longer “Digging Deeper” reading selection with questions to develop analytical skills, and 6-8 Tests that measure students’ comprehension. ► Frequent textbook selections prepare students for academic reading, bolstered by vocabulary boxes and features that encourage development of appropriate vocabulary.
Reading Keys Student Book
Aplia Instant Access
Instructor’s Online Resources
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Thinking for Yourself 9th Edition Marlys Mayfield College of Alameda Mayfield’s THINKING FOR YOURSELF fully integrates critical thinking with composition and reading. Rather than teaching from the “outside in” of rules and imitation, the text offers students an “inside out” approach for improving their own thinking, perceiving, writing, and awareness skills. With each chapter building upon previously developed skills, students learn how to write more detailed description as they learn to observe better; to write reports where they can separate facts from inferences, opinions, and assumptions; and finally to write an argumentative research paper grounded in step-by-step skill development in reasoning and critical analysis. THINKING FOR YOURSELF is a book that students like to read. Its hallmark features include interesting (and provocative) readings, cartoons, multiple options for application and testing, and a lively explanation of critical thinking concepts and standards. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections.
New to this Edition ► Humorous or provocative cartoons--almost all are new to the edition--actively encourage critical thinking and class discussion. ► Many new photos and 19 new readings have been carefully selected to provide a focus for thinking, evaluating, and writing. New reading selections include “New Dog in Town” by Christopher Ketchem; “Johnny Depp” by Socorro Venegas; “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin; and “On Turning Poverty into an American Crime” by Barbara Ehrenreich. ► New “Critical Thinking Hero” boxes highlight an individual or several individuals who made a difference in the world by their thought leading to action. These heroes include whistleblowers, scientists, environmentalists, farmers, investigative journalists, soldiers, ministers, corporate executives, and unconventional leaders. Examples include Rachel Carson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Galileo. ► Enhanced “Building Arguments” boxes appear in most chapters. These boxes are designed to show how the chapter’s concept applies to the fundamentals of writing and evaluating arguments. ► Chapter 8, “What’s a Good Argument?” has been completely revised around the theme of genetically modified foods. Additional controversial topics appear in a pro and con format with new exercises. ► Appendix One, “The Research Paper,” contains a new student model essay based on an analysis of two arguments on genetically modified foods. ► InfoTrac® Student Collections are specialized databases expertly drawn from the Gale Academic One library. Each InfoTrac® Student Collection enhances the student learning experience in the specific course area related to the product. These specialized databases allow access to hundreds of scholarly and popular publications - all reliable sources - including journals, encyclopedias, and academic reports.
Features ► There are updated social and political examples, new student writing samples, new cartoons and new photographs for use in descriptive and analytical writing exercises. ► The text’s unique approach fully integrates writing skills with thinking skills, and the teaching of composition with instruction in critical thinking. ► Students learn thinking and writing from the inside out--with a focus on their thinking, perceiving, and awareness--rather than from an outside in focus on imitation and admonitions. ► Serving the under-prepared student as well as the more advanced student, the text provides a fresh orientation and a foundation for life-long self-directed improvement. ► The text is built on a simple organization of chapters that describe familiar (yet commonly misunderstood) elements of thinking. When students fully understand these elements, they are capable of critical thinking, critical reading and critical writing. ► The author links perception training to the writing of more detailed description and connects the development of higher order thinking skills to the creation of clear, cogent, well-supported reports, arguments, analysis, and research.
Thinking for Yourself Student Book
Instructor’s Online Resources3
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Connect College Reading 2nd Edition Ivan Dole North Lake Community College; Leslie Taggart Taking a holistic approach to developmental reading, CONNECT: COLLEGE READING is an intermediate level book for reading levels 8-10. CONNECT strives to build students’ confidence by showing them that many of the skills needed to become stronger readers are skills they already possess and use on a daily basis. Using popular media as a springboard, Dole and Taggart show students how thinking skills used while watching television or movies can easily transfer to reading. CONNECT’s comprehensive approach includes extensive vocabulary coverage, critical thinking practice throughout, and textbook readings in every chapter to help students master college reading. The second edition includes a full chapter on inferences, enhanced coverage of main idea, and guides for specialized reading situations such as reading visuals, novels, and a guide to taking tests.
New to this Edition ► REVISED Chapter 4 Finding the Main Idea describes a new method for helping students to recognize the main idea in a reading asking three questions for reading comprehension: What is the reading about? The topic. What is the author’s point about the topic? The main idea. What is the proof for the main idea? The supporting details. ► REVISED Chapter 5 Identifying the Implied Main Idea has been moved to directly follow after Chapter 4 about main ideas to address flow of concepts as many instructors teach the concept of implied main idea directly after main idea. ► NEW Every chapter features at least one new reading to the second edition to keep students engaged with current topics and issues. ► NEW Additional skill practice is available in every chapter with the Connect Your Skills feature where instructors can evaluate students’ understanding of chapter skills. Across all the chapters, new Interactions have been added for further practice and many have been revised with new reading excerpts to remain current. End of chapter readings include additional vocabulary activities so that students can interact with new vocabulary from the readings and understand how to use the new terms. ► REVISED Chapter Summary Activity feature now models the format of Cornell note taking to get students thinking about how to take effective notes on, as well as recalling key information from each chapter. ► NEW QR Codes directly link students via their smartphones to videos about the Read and Talk readings and the end of chapter Readings. This has been added to help build essential prior knowledge students need about reading topics and to get students thinking critically about their reading material.
Features ► Chapters begin with a Read and Talk Reading that aim to get students reading and talking among their peers about high-interest readings. ► The readings are supported by vocabulary help within the text, as well as audio and video support on the accompanying CourseMate. ► The authors teach students a variety of proven techniques designed to help them master college-level reading skills, including three questions to ask about reading comprehension and the EASY vocabulary strategy. ► Throughout the chapter, students encounter a range of reading pedagogy. Pre-Reading the Selection apparatus helps prepare students to read, gets them to connect their prior knowledge, and provides them with any cultural literacy knowledge they might need. Reading and vocabulary prompts during reading help students find the meaning in each paragraph and guide them through unknown vocabulary. Finally, the post-reading apparatus targets comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary retention. CONNECT asks more of students by asking “why” of all multiple-choice questions, students are forced to explain their thought processes for selecting an answer, a first step towards metacognition and critical thinking also creates better, more well-prepared readers. ► Each end-of-chapter reading includes Critical Thinking Level questions that target all six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy to get students in the practice of using the levels and broadening their ideas. These questions force students to identify why they chose their answer and what proof they have that their answer is the correct one.
Connect College Reading Student Book
Aplia Instant Access
CourseMate Instant Access
Instructor’s Online Resources
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Developmental English & Linguistics
The Composition of Everyday Life 4th Edition John Mauk Northwestern Michigan College John Metz Kent State University at Geauga Showing students that the act of writing is connected to their daily lives, THE COMPOSITION OF EVERYDAY LIFE emphasizes invention to help students re-discover concepts, uncover meaning, and rethink the world around them. The Fourth Edition offers twelve chapters to help students invent ideas, more than any text on the market. Its 80-plus reading selections by both professional and student writers expose readers to a variety of disciplines. The new edition includes an entire chapter devoted to information literacy, which walks students through a writing project designed to analyze and evaluate a range of sources. Additionally, each writing project chapter includes Reflection activities that ask students to articulate ideas about how their essays work. These prompts get students writing about writing and move them toward self-assessment. A proven text, THE COMPOSITION OF EVERYDAY LIFE is noted for its fresh voice, colorful use of images, and the soundness and timeliness of its pedagogical foundation. It breaks down the opposition between the personal spaces of everyday life and the critical discourse of academia. The result is a book offering students and teachers pedagogy for making meaning and generating writing, at the intersection of academic and non-academic life. With its emphasis on invention, The COMPOSITION OF EVERYDAY LIFE gives students excellent preparation for the reading and writing activities they may encounter throughout their college experience--and well beyond.
New to this Edition ► New Information Literacy Chapter: In this era of information overload, students need help understanding how texts speak to and within disciplinary debates and cultural trends. They need to understand how information works, where it comes from, and for whom it is designed. In short, students need help understanding the din of voices; instructors ask for help teaching synthesis. New Chapter 14, “Analyzing, Synthesizing, and Evaluating Sources,” guides students through specific intellectual moves necessary for better understanding the rhetoric of secondary sources. ► Thinking Critically about Statistics and Facts: Many first-year college students suffer under the statistic and fact myths--that numbers are inherently truer than opinions and that facts are inherently better than theories. These notions can undermine students’ understanding of argument, information, and the inventive acts of writing. Contained in Chapter 14, this section explains how facts come to be--how they come to be accepted in a community, how they function in debate, how they reinforce perspectives. Once students learn to value statistics appropriately and consider them critically, they will be better able to enter into argument. ► New Reflection activities: In each writing project chapter (Chapters 2-12) students are asked to articulate ideas about how their essays work. These Reflection prompts get students writing about writing and move them toward self-assessment. When students develop this sort of meta-language, they are better prepared to enter into a dialogue, instead of monologue, with instructors grading/responding to their writing. ► New reading selections: Sixteen new readings from such writers as Nicholas Carr and Kathleen Norris illustrate the intellectual moves essential to inventive writing. ► Reorganized handbook: The Rhetorical Handbook now begins with an introduction to basic grammatical elements, moving incrementally from words, to sentences, to paragraphs. ► Unique images: The fourth edition features additional images for several readings, the same kind of intriguing and unexpected images that reviewers have told us are useful for invention and class discussion.
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Instructor’s Online Resources
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Writing True: The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction 2nd Edition Sondra Perl Lehman College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York Mimi Schwartz Richard Stockton College of New Jersey – Emerita This book shows writers of all ages how to find and develop nonfiction topics that matter to them—in ways that make readers care too. It emphasizes writing for discovery, not just writing what one knows. It emphasizes a strong authorial presence (voice) and a convincing point of view. Most important, it not only tells but also shows how writing true involves the poet’s attention to language, the fiction writer’s power of storytellling, the journalist’s pursuit of fact, and the scholar’s reliance on research. The first part of the book offers ten practical chapters from getting started to turning first ideas into finished work. Topics include: The Power of the Notebook, Ten Ways to a Draft, Taking Shape, Finding Voice, Twenty Ways to Talk About Writing, The Craft of Revision, The Role of Research, The Ethics of Creative Nonfiction, Workshopping a Draft, and Exploring New Media. The second part of the book is an anthology of the best nonfiction writing for aspiring writers to read and study in order to write with creativity, integrity, and authenticity. Organized by form, they include Memoir, Personal Essay, Portrait, Essay of Place, Narrative Journalism, and Short Shorts. Selections represent a variety of experience from classic masters (E.B.White and George Orwell) to major contemporary writers (such as Alice Walker, Stephen Dunn, and Scott Russell Sanders) to up and coming writers (such as E.J. Levy and Amy Butcher). The anthology also includes “Stories of Craft,” with five prominent writers, including Patricia Hampl and Sue Miller, describing the challenges and rewards of writing engaging nonfiction.
New to this Edition ► Chapter 8, Exploring New Media, builds on Web 2.0 applications. It describes and includes examples of programs for composing with online tools and has sections that address the graphic memoir, blogging, and using Twitter and Tumblr – all in the service of writing true. ► Chapter 10, The Ethics of Creative Nonfiction, incorporates new issues that keep making headlines about the line between nonfiction and fiction, particularly in memoir and narrative journalism. ► Chapter 9, The Role of Research, offers new online opportunities for gathering facts that will enrich depictions of the world we live in. ► Part II, the anthology is now more multi-generational, including past masters as well as up-and-coming young writers. An increasingly popular form of Op Ed essay has been added, one that uses memoir or biography for argument and persuasion on political and social issues. The number of Short Shorts increased to eight, now offering an even greater range of styles and voices to emulate – a feature that received a lot of praise in the first edition. And the authors have more fully integrated these readings into discussions of the craft of writing within Part I so as (1) to enlarge the opportunities for experimenting with new forms; and (2) to promote close reading that comes from reading like a writer. The result is a greater understanding of what makes for good writing and how to bring it within our reach.
► Chapters in the first part of the book can be easily adapted to a variety of courses both in composition and creative writing. Each is a stand-alone chapter and can be used and read in any order, making it easy for teachers to use the book in a variety of class settings and to reach a range of writing goals. For example, “The Power of the Notebook” can be used as a one-night read or woven into every assignment, depending on the syllabus. ► Creative nonfiction, as a genre, invites all voices into the conversation, for its premise is if writing is insightful and compelling, people will be interested. The selection of readings reinforce this empowerment of the writer to stand up and be recognized by saying “This is the world as I see it!” The result is a greater understanding of the world as seen through the eyes and voices of people whose life experience— whether it affirms or challenges--always informs our own. ► The exercises at the end of each chapter of Part I featured as “Ways In” are unique – and fun. They offer ways to try out ideas and strategies discussed in each chapter and often become the material for strong first drafts. ► In “The Power of the Notebook” writers learn how the journal or daybook is a key tool used by writers to discover their themes by writing first and figuring out why afterwards. ► A key tool for revising and writing well is receiving feedback by others. In “Workshopping a Draft” the authors explain how to read a draft—one’s own and others’—so as to see what isn’t there yet. This chapter, according to field testers and faculty from across the country who used the first edition, offers one of the best discussions they have ever read on how to give and receive feedback on works-inprogress.
Writing True Student Book
Online Instructor’s Resource Manual
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Writing, Reading, and Research 9th Edition Richard Veit University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Christopher Gould University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Kathleen Gould Broadening the traditional notion of undergraduate research, WRITING, READING, AND RESEARCH covers essential skills for developing a research paper: analytical reading, synthesizing, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Presenting the process of research in a practical sequence, including separate chapters on finding, analyzing, and integrating sources, the authors illustrate each stage of the process with compelling examples of student and professional writing. Using a flexible and goal-oriented approach, the authors have created a text that blends the best features of a theoretically informed rhetoric, an interdisciplinary reading anthology, and a research guide. WRITING, READING, AND RESEARCH, Ninth Edition, provides helpful and engaging exercises, frequent opportunities to write, and many occasions for discussion and critical response.
New to this Edition ► The ninth edition features updated models and exercises to reflect changes in bibliographical format introduced in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition. ► The introduction to research, which previously concluded Chapter 1, has been moved to Chapter 9. ► More than a dozen new readings and student writing samples have been incorporated to provide flexible, timely resources for assignments. ► New units on annotated bibliographies and surveys/questionnaires have been added to Chapters 10 and 11, respectively. ► Coverage of argument has been expanded in Chapter 15. ► Many exercises have also been updated.
Features ► This three-in-one text blends the best features of a theoretically informed rhetoric, an interdisciplinary reading anthology, and a research handbook. ► Numerous activities accompany the end-of-chapter readings, including freewriting opportunities, group work, review questions, discussion questions, and mini-interest projects. ► Sample student research papers in Chapters 1 through 9 illustrate the continuum of the research process and the different aspects it entails, from personal observation to the more formal techniques of data collection.
Writing , Reading and Research Student Book
Online Instructor’s Resource Manual
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Technical Report Writing Today 10th Edition Daniel G. Riordan University of Wisconsin, Stout TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING TODAY provides thorough coverage of technical writing basics, techniques, and applications. Through a practical focus with varied examples and exercises, students internalize the skills necessary to produce clear and effective documents and reports. Project worksheets help students organize their thoughts and prepare for assignments, and Focus boxes highlight key information and recent developments in technical communication. Extensive individual and collaborative exercises expose students to different kinds of technical writing problems and solutions. Annotated student examples--more than 100 in all--illustrate different writing styles and approaches to problems. Numerous short and long examples throughout the text demonstrate solutions for handling writing assignments in current career situations. The four-color artwork in the chapter on creating visuals keeps pace with contemporary workplace capabilities. The Tenth Edition offers the latest information on using electronic resumes and documenting electronic sources and Ethics and Globalization sidebars that highlight these two important topics in the technical communication field.
New to this Edition ► The Chapter on Letter Writing has been merged into the Chapter on Job Searches for ease of learning. ► This new tenth edition includes the theory and practice of social media as used in professional writing. Also added are many examples to practice these new forms. ► There is an exciting new Section on writing Grants for Non-profits that includes professional examples. ► The sections on email and PowerPoint have been updated to reflect current practice. PowerPoint section encourages use of images-only approach. ► Expansion of Globalization sections to include comments from European students and professional writers.
Features ►Completely updated MLA and APA handbook sections. ►All web citations have been brought up to date. ►New examples in many chapters, including new professional resumes and New IMRD examples ►The Style chapter has been modified to focus on major sentence issues.
Technical Report Writing Today Student Book
Instructor’s Online Resources
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Developmental English & Linguistics
Cengage Advantage Books: The College Handbook of Creative Writing 4th Edition Robert DeMaria, Dowling College This fourth edition of THE COLLEGE HANDBOOK OF CREATIVE WRITING, ideal for all levels of writing from introductory to advanced, covers all the necessary fundamentals for creative writing in the genres of fiction, poetry, and drama. Exploring such across-the-genres subjects as theme, setting, characters, plot, point of view, tone, style, description, dialogue, thoughts, time, images, and sounds, this best-selling handbook includes contemporary and classic selections that illustrate discussions and serve as writing models. End-of-chapter exercises and writing suggestions help readers practice writing fundamentals, while a glossary of literary terms helps them master writing vocabulary. Providing the maximum of information in a portable little book, the new edition includes updated selections, more examples, revised exercises, and a revised Chapter 14, “Writing as a Career.”
New to this Edition ► NEW SELECTIONS include works from Mary Campbell, Robert Levy, Jay Parini, and John Updike. ► AN INCREASED NUMBER OF EXAMPLES are included, with each chapter now having one short story and two poems. ► END-OF-CHAPTER DISCUSSION AND WRITING EXERCISES have been updated throughout. ► A REVISED CHAPTER 14, “WRITING AS A CAREER,” has been revised to better speak to those students interested in becoming professional writers.
Features ► THE BOOK’S EASY-TO-FOLLOW ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE covers the fundamentals of creative writing (Theme, Setting, Characters, and Plot), followed by an overview of basic techniques and more discussion of specific writing topics. ► SHORT STORY AND POETRY SELECTIONS IN EVERY CHAPTER illustrate the topics being discussed. ► CHAPTER-ENDING EXERCISES facilitate discussions of the selections and give students the opportunity to work on writing fundamentals. ►A GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS at the end of the book helps students master writing vocabulary.
College Handbook of Creative Writing Student Book
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Developmental English & Linguistics
The Wadsworth Guide to Research 2nd Edition Susan K. Miller-Cochran North Carolina State University Rochelle L. Rodrigo Old Dominion University The first research guide explicitly grounded in the rhetorical situation, THE WADSWORTH GUIDE TO RESEARCH, Second Edition, encourages students to consider the impact of their audience, purpose, and context at every stage of the research process. With a focus on using technology more productively in research, this concise guide offers complete coverage of the “how” and “why” of researching, and the key research technologies important to success. Encouraging students to build on the research skills they use every day (buying a car, choosing a movie, etc.), the authors include annotated student samples, research scenarios, and Techno Tips, to help students every step of the way toward developing the research skills they need for success both academically and professionally. The text’s visual display of content (including fullcolor spreads) allows students to quickly find the information they need, while its categorization of sources into static, syndicated, and dynamic helps students make sense of academic citation practices. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections http://gocengage.com/infotrac.
New to this Edition ► Additional genres from a variety of academic disciplines. Research in Progress sections are now named “DIY” (“Do It Yourself”), and they include instructions for and samples of multiple genres from a variety of disciplines, increasing support for a Writing in the Disciplines approach. Genres include research proposals (topic, conference, and grant proposals), reviews of research (annotated bibliography, literature review), thesis-driven arguments, scientific reports, and rhetorical analysis. ► New Chapter 11, “Understanding Citation Styles Rhetorically”. One of the biggest challenges teachers of academic writing face is figuring out how to teach students to document sources accurately without just asking them to memorize rules that don’t mean anything to them. The new chapter helps students understand how documentation styles are reflections of the values of different disciplines. It breaks down documentation through a rhetorical perspective to help students document sources more accurately. ► More guidance and examples for multimodal writing assignments. The first three DIY sections now include examples of how to write a project that is multimodal instead of print-based. The multimodal assignments (“Make It with Multiple Media”) included are: Oral Presentations of Research Proposals (including an example using VoiceThread), Social Bookmarking Lists as Annotated Bibliographies, and Multimodal Presentations of Research (including PowerPoint/Prezi, posters, and infographics). ► New DIY: Writing a Rhetorical Analysis of Citations. This innovative section teaches rhetorical analysis so that students can write about and investigate citation practices from a rhetorical perspective. In other words, this section helps students understand the reasons behind the disciplinary conventions. ► A new student MLA paper in Chapter 12, MLA Guidelines. This new essay provides an in-chapter example for students, in addition to essays in MLA style given elsewhere throughout the book. ► Simplified and color-coded documentation models. The student-friendly documentation models illustrate how to cite everything from a journal article accessed by online database to a Wall message on Facebook. ► New “Presenting Data Visually” coverage. This section in Chapter 5 provides further support for students presenting primary research. ► InfoTrac® Student Collections are specialized databases expertly drawn from the Gale Academic One library. Each InfoTrac® Student Collection enhances the student learning experience in the specific course area related to the product. These specialized databases allow access to hundreds of scholarly and popular publications - all reliable sources - including journals, encyclopedias, and academic reports.
The Wadsworth Guide to Research Student Book
Instructor’s Online Resources
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Technology at a Glance Primary/Lower Secondary Online Activities Our World
Online Presentation Lesson E-book Tool Planner
Wonderful World
Exam View
Interactive CD-ROM
Exam View
Interactive CD-ROM
Core - Upper-Secondary/Adult Online Activities Life
Online Presentation Lesson E-book Tool Planner
World Class
World Link
World English
English Explorer
Close Up
Stand Out
Need e-books? Contact your local Cengage Learning Representative
150-152_ELT2014_SL.indd 150
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Technology at a Glance Dictionaries Presentation Interactive Phone App Tool CD-ROM Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children
COBUILD Learners Illustrated Basic Dictionary
Heinle Picture Dictionary
√ √ √
COBUILD Learners Illustrated Dictionary
COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary
COBUILD Advanced Dictionary
Gateway to Science
Pathways, Foundation-4
Online Activities
Audio CD
Presentation E-book Tool √
Exam View
Active Skills for Reading, Intro-4
Reading Explorer, Intro-5
Reading Advantage 1-4
Reading for Today Series 1-5
Reading Adventures 1-3
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Technology at a Glance Writing Online WB
Audio CD
Great Writing 3e, 1-5 Weaving It Together
Presentation E-book Tool √
Exam View
Grammar Online WB
Audio CD
Grammar in Context, Basic-3
Practical Grammar 1-3
Grammar Dimensions 1-4
Grammar Connection 1-5
Online Presentation Lesson E-book Tool Planner √
Exam View
√ √
Test Preparation Audio CD
Site Licence
Online E-book practice
Bridge to IELTS NEW!
IELTS Express 1,2
Achieve IELTS
Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test - iBT edition
Online TOEFL iBT Tutorial Spotlight on FCE/CAE Test Pro
Exam View
Interactive CD-ROM
√ √
√ √
√ √
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Title Index/ISBN Guide A Academic Vocabulary Toolkit Levels 1-2
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111827465 Teacher’s Guide with Professional Development DVD.........9781285062105 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133312895 Level 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111827472 Teacher’s Guide with Professional Development DVD.........9781285062136 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133312901 Professional Development DVD Levels 1-2..............................9781111827908 Academic Word Power Levels 1 - 4
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780618397686 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780618397693 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780618397709 Student Book 4....................................................................................9780618397747 Achieve IELTS, 2e Levels 1-2
Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313199 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133313861 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781133315568 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781133313854 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313878 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133316190 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781133314776 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781133314783 Achieve IELTS: Practice Test Book
Student Text.........................................................................................9780462000282 Achieve IELTS: Grammar and Vocabulary
Student Text.........................................................................................9780462098975 Achieve TOEIC Bridge
Student Book.......................................................................................9780462004457 Achieve TOEIC
Student Book.......................................................................................9780462004464 Achieve TOEFL iBT
Student Book.......................................................................................9780462004471 Active Skills for Communication Levels Intro - 2
Intro Student Text ........................................................................................9781413020342 Student Text with Student Audio CD Pkg ................................9781424009053 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424001101 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424001217 Student Audio CD .............................................................................9781424001255 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424001026 Level 1 Student Text ........................................................................................9781413020311 Student Text with Student Audio CD Pkg.................................9781424009084 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424001071 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424001187 Student Audio CD .............................................................................9781424001224 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424000890 Level 2 Student Text ........................................................................................9781413020328 Student Text with Student Audio CD Pkg.................................9781424009091 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424001088 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424001194 Student Audio CD .............................................................................9781424001231 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424000906 Active Skills for Reading, 2e - Levels Intro - 4 (OLD EDITION) Intro Student Text.........................................................................................9781424002313 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781424094233 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424002337 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424002320 Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9781424001866 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781424094196
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 153
Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424001873 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424001880 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9781424002085 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781424094202 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424002108 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424002092 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Intro – 2)..................9781424002351 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9781424002115 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781424093472 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424002139 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424002122 Book 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9781424002368 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781424094226 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424002382 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424002375 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 3 & 4)...........9781424007943 Active Skills for Reading, 3e - Levels Intro - 4
Intro Student Book.......................................................................................9781133308126 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg. - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781133907473 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781133308140 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781133308133 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133308027 Level 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133307990 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg. - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request..................................97811333074480 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133308010 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781133308003 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133308027 Level 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133308034 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg. - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781133907497 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133308058 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781133308041 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133308027 Level 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133308065 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg. - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781133907503 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133308089 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781133308072 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133308027 Level 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133308096 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg. - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781133907510 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133308119 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781133308102 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® - Levels 1 to 4..........9781133308027 All Clear: Listening and Speaking (Backlist)
Level 1, 2e ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413020977 USE Student Text................................................................................9781413017038 USE Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg ......................................9781424099214 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413021172 Level 2, 3/e ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413020984 USE Student Text................................................................................9781413017045 USE Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg ......................................9781424099252 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781413021189 Level 3, 2e ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413020991 USE Student Text................................................................................9781413017052 USE Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg ......................................9781424094356 Audio CDs (3).......................................................................................9781413021196 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Levels 1 – 3)...........9781424006267
Amazing Stories to Tell and Retell (Backlist)
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780395884409 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780395884416 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780395949139 American Short Stories, 2e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780030213342 American Vocabulary Program Levels 1-3
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780906717677 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780906717707 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780906717714 Aspire Series
Pre-Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781111770686 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133564515 Teacher’s Book + Classroom Audio CD......................................9781133564508 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133319054 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781133319016 Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133564478 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133564492 Teacher’s Book + Classroom Audio CD......................................9781133564485 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133319047 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781133318996 Upper-Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133564522 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133564546 Teacher’s Book + Classroom Audio CD......................................9781133564539 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133319030 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781133319009 At Home in Two Lands, 2e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9781413027303 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424004423 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424008438
B Basic Composition for ESL, 3/e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780838430040 Best Practice Series
Elementary Student Text.........................................................................................9781413009026 Workbook .............................................................................................9781413009033 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413009064 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781413009040 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781413009071 Pre-Intermediate Student Text.........................................................................................9781413009088 Workbook .............................................................................................9781413009132 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781413009101 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781413009125 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413014693 Intermediate Student Text.........................................................................................9781413021851 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413028591 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413028560 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781413028584 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424008865 Upper-Intermediate Student Text.........................................................................................9781424000654 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424000661 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424000692 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424000685 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424016174 Bestseller Readers Series
Level 1 (Beginner) The Happy Prince...............................................................................9789607609816 Audio Tapes .........................................................................................9789607609892 The Happy Prince Activity Book + Audio Tape........................9789607609885 The Happy Prince Activity Book + Audio CD ..........................9789604032341 Heidi .......................................................................................................9789604033348 Audio Tape............................................................................................9789604033324 Heidi Activity Book + Audio Tape ...............................................9789604035700
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Heidi Activity Book+ Audio CD ....................................................9789604035694 Level 2 (Elementary) The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor.................................................9789607609854 Audio Tapes..........................................................................................9789607609939 The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor Activity Book +Audio Tape ................................................................................9789607609922 The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor Activity Book + Audio CD ..................................................................................9789604032334 Black Beauty ........................................................................................9789604033362 Audio Tape ...........................................................................................9789604033386 Black Beauty Activity Book + Audio Tape ................................9789604035724 Black Beauty Activity Book + Audio CD ....................................9789604035717 Level 3 (Pre-Intermediate) The Phoenix and the Carpet .........................................................9789607609823 Audio Tapes .........................................................................................9789607609977 The Phoenix and the Carpet Activity Book + Audio Tape ...............................................................................9789607609878 The Phoenix and the Carpet Activity Book + Audio CD ..................................................................................9789604032327 Twelfth Night ......................................................................................9789604033416 Audio Tape ...........................................................................................9789604033409 Twelfth Night Activity Book + Audio Tape................................9789604035748 Twelfth Night Activity Book + Audio CD ..................................9789604035731 Level 4 (Intermediate) The Three Musketeers.......................................................................9789607609809 Audio Tapes .........................................................................................9789607609960 The Three Musketeers Activity Book + Audio Tape ..............9789607609861 The Three Musketeers Activity Book + Audio CD .................9789604032310 Great Expectations ...........................................................................9789604033430 Great Expectations Activity Book + Audio Tape ....................9789604033454 Great Expectations Activity Book + Audio Tape.....................9789604035762 Great Expectations Activity Book + Audio CD........................9789604035755 Level 5 (Upper Intermediate) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court..........................9789607609830 Audio Tapes .........................................................................................9789607609915 ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Activity Book + Audio Tape ...................................................9789607609908 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Activity Book + Audio CD........................................................9789604032303 Level 6 (Advanced) The Heart of Darkness......................................................................9789607609847 Audio Tapes .........................................................................................9789607609953 The Heart of Darkness Activity Book + Audio Tape...............9789607609946 The Heart of Darkness Activity Book + Audio CD .................9789604032297 Blueprints Levels 1-2
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780618144099 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780618144105 Bridge to IELTS
Student Book.......................................................................................9781133318941 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133318965 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781133317494 Class Audio CDs (2)............................................................................9781133318224 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781133316732 Business Concept for English Practice, 2e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780838440773
C Can’t Stop Talking, 2e - (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780838429143 Catalyst: Writing From Reading Levels 1-2
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424017362 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424017492 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424017355 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424017508 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 1 & 2) ..........9781424018932 Cengage Advantage Books: The College Handbook of Creative Writing, 4e pg.148 Student Text.........................................................................................9780840030795
Challenge the TOEIC Test - Asia EDITION
Book 1.....................................................................................................9789814424691 Book 2.....................................................................................................9789814424707 Book 3.....................................................................................................9789814424714 Classic Graphic Novel Collection, The
A Christmas Carol AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424042876 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111005726 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045754 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046324 A Midsummer Night’s Dream AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781111838454 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111838485 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111838461 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781111838478 Dracula AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781111838492 Digital Graphic Novel........................................................................9781111838836 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111838522 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111838508 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781111838515 Frankenstein AmE Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424031849 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111005719 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045747 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046317 Frankenstein BrE Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424031818 Great Expectations AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424028825 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111005689 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045723 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046294 Great Expectations BrE Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424028795 Henry V AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424028771 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424053421 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045716 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046287 Henry V BrE Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424028757 Jane Eyre AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424028870 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111005696 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045730 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046300 Julius Caesar AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781111838898 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111838904 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111838928 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781111838911 Macbeth AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424028733 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111005733 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045785 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424045655 Macbeth BrE Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424028702 Romeo and Juliet AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424042913 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111220129 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424045761 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424046331 The Canterville Ghost AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424042999 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111349547 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111349714 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781111349707 The Tempest AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781424042968 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111220068 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111220082 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781424042975
Wuthering Heights AmE Student Text.........................................................................................9781111838850 Digital Graphic Novel........................................................................9781111838843 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111838867 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111838874 Teacher’s Manual................................................................................9781111838881 Check it Out! Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Book ......................................................................................9781424004621 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424004652 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424004683 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424004676 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424004669 Combo Split editions - Student Text + Workbook Combo Split 1A ..................................................................................9781424004638 Combo Split 1B ..................................................................................9781424004645 Book 2 Student Book ......................................................................................9781424004690 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424004751 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424004720 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424004737 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424004744 Combo Split editions - Student Text + Workbook Combo Split 2A ..................................................................................9781424004706 Combo Split 2B...................................................................................9781424004713 Book 3 Student .................................................................................................9781424004775 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424004768 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424004805 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424004829 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424004812 Combo Split editions - Student Text + Workbook Combo Split 3A ..................................................................................9781424004782 Combo Split 3B ..................................................................................9781424004799 Book 4 Student Book ......................................................................................9781424004836 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424004843 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424004874 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9781424004867 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424004850 Combo Split editions - Student Text + Workbook Combo Split 4A ..................................................................................9781424004881 Combo Split 4B ..................................................................................9781424004898 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® CD-ROM and Audio CD ..............................................................................9781424004911 Close-Up Series
Intermediate B1 Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781111834210 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111834296 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781111834555 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111834562 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9780840028068 Class Audio CDs (2)............................................................................9781111835125 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781111835132 Close Up B1 e-Book DVD.................................................................9781285053165 Close Up B1 English in Use Student Book.................................9781408061664 Close Up B1 English in Use Teacher’s Book..............................9781408061671 Upper-Intermediate B1+ Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781111834241 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111835118 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9780840028105 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780840029881 Teacher’s Resource Pack..................................................................9780840029928 Class Audio CDs (2)............................................................................9780840028112 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9780840029898 Close Up B1+ e-Book DVD..............................................................9781285056449 Close Up B1+ English in Use Student Book..............................9781408061640 Close Up B1+ English in Use Teacher’s Book............................9781408061657 Level B2 Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133318729 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133318750 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781133591665 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781133591696 Teacher’s Resource Pack..................................................................9781133591825
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Class Audio CDs (2)............................................................................9781133591689 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781133591719 Close Up B2 e-Book DVD.................................................................9781285056463 Close Up B2 English in Use Student Book.................................9781408061626 Close Up B2 English in Use Teacher’s Book..............................9781408061633 Level C1 Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781408061749 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781408061916 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781408061923 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781408061978 Teacher’s Resource Pack..................................................................9781408062029 Class Audio CDs (2)............................................................................9781408061985 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781408061992 Close Up C1 e-Book DVD.................................................................9781408062036 College Oral Communication Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230167 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428203020 Student Text with Audio CD + College Vocabulary 1 Pkg...................................................................................................9781428203082 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618230372 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230174 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428203013 Student Text with Audio CD + College Vocabulary 2 Pkg...................................................................................................9781428203099 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618230389 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230181 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428202993 Student Text with Audio CD + College Vocabulary 3 Pkg...................................................................................................9781428203105 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618230396 Book 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230198 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428203006 Student Text with Audio CD + College Vocabulary 4 Pkg...................................................................................................9781428203112 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618230402 College Reading Levels 1-4 (Backlist)
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230204 Student Text with College Vocabulary 1 Pkg ..........................9781428202986 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230211 Student Text with College Vocabulary 2 Pkg ..........................9781413051100 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230228 Student Text with College Vocabulary 3 Pkg ..........................9781428203228 Book 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230235 Student Text with College Vocabulary 4 Pkg...........................9781428202979 College Vocabulary Levels 1-4
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780618230242 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780618230259 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780618230266 Student Book 4....................................................................................9780618230273 College Writing Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230280 Student Text with College Vocabulary 1 Pkg ..........................9781428202962 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230297 Student Text with College Vocabulary 2 Pkg ..........................9781428202955 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230303 Student Text with College Vocabulary 3 Pkg ..........................9781428203129 Book 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618230310 Student Text with College Vocabulary 4 Pkg...........................9781428203136 Collins COBUILD ADVANCED Dictionary of English, 7e pg.41 Softcopy with Phone Application (British English) ...............9781133314134 Softcover with CD-ROM, 1st Edition...........................................9781424027514
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 155
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English
Softcover with CD-ROM...................................................................9781424003631 CD-ROM Site License **...................................................................9781424008100 ** Purchase of Print Dictionary is required. ** Price Quote : US$500 for initial 10 stations & US$50 for each additional station Collins COBUILD Illustrated INTERMEDIATE Dictionary of English, 2e pg.41 Softcopy with Phone Application (British English)................9781133314158 Softcover with CD-ROM, 1st Edition...........................................9781424016754 Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary of American English
Softcover with CD-ROM .............................................................9781424007769 Collins COBUILD LEARNER’S Illustrated Dictionary of American English
p. 41
Audio CDs ............................................................................................9789814239684 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test : Reading, iBT Student Text with CD-ROM Package ..........................................9789812659866 Audio Scripts & Answer Key - Electronic is available............9789812659910 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test : Listening, iBT Student Text with CD-ROM Package ..........................................9789812659842 Audio Scripts & Answer Key - Electronic is available............9789812659880 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test PBT Edition
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111220594 Complete Guide to the TOEIC® Test, 3/e Student Text.........................................................................................9781424002962 Student Text with Audio CDs with Answer Key Pkg ............9781424099450 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424003778 Audio Script and Answer Key........................................................9781424003099 Composition Everyday Life, the 4e
Student Book.......................................................................................9781133311195
Softcopy with Phone Application ...............................................9781133959267
Composition Practice Series - Asia Edition Levels 1-3 pg.87
Collins COBUILD ILLUSTRATED BASIC Dictionary of American English p. 36
Student Book 1....................................................................................9789814272360 Student Book 2....................................................................................9789814272377 Student Book 3....................................................................................9789814272384
Softcover with CD-ROM and COBUILD To Go Mobile Application....................................................................9781424000814 Softcover ..............................................................................................9781424019403 Hardcover..............................................................................................9781111032364 CD-ROM Site License **...................................................................9781111351052 ** Purchase of Print Dictionary is required. ** Price Quote : US$500 for initial 10 stations & US$50 for each additional station Collin COBUILD SCHOOL Dictionary of American English
Hardcover with CD-ROM.................................................................9781424018956 Softcover with CD-ROM...................................................................9781424007875 Site License **......................................................................................9781111054168 ** Purchase of Print Dictionary of HB is required. ** Price Quote : US$500 for initial 10 stations & US$50 for each additional station COBUILD To Go Dictionary of American English
Softcover with Phone Application...............................................9781111351229 Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Japanese
Softcover with CD-ROM...................................................................9781424000791
Connect College Reading, 2e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781133602675 ExamView..............................................................................................9781133945178 Aplia Instant Access...........................................................................9781133964148 CourseMate Instant Access.............................................................9781133964193 Culturally Speaking, 3/e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424004041 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424051199
D DELTA Business Communication Skills
Business Language Practice ..........................................................9781905085293 E-mailing...............................................................................................9789814281614 Meetings................................................................................................9789814281676 Negotiating..........................................................................................9789814281621 Presenting.............................................................................................9789814281591 Socialising.............................................................................................9789814281584 Telephoning.........................................................................................9789814281607 DELTA International Management English
Softcover with CD-ROM...................................................................9781424016730
Managing Projects.............................................................................9781905085668 Leading People...................................................................................9781905085675 Managing Change.............................................................................9781905085682 Working Virtually................................................................................9781905085699
Communication Strategies, 2e Levels 1-4
DELTA Teacher Development Series
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English, English/Korean
pg.43 pg.65
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814232593 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814232609 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814232616 Level 2.................................................................................................................................... Student Text.........................................................................................9789814232623 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814232630 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814232647 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9789812659149 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814232654 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789814232661 Level 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814232678 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814232685 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814232692 Complete Guide to the TOEFL® Test iBT Ed, The
ISE Complete Student Text with CD............................................9781413023060 USE Complete Student Text with CD..........................................9781413023039 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test : Writing, iBT Student Text with CD-ROM Package ..........................................9789812659859 Audio Scripts & Answer Key - Electronic is available............9789812659897 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9789814239677 Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test : Speaking, iBT Student Text with CD-ROM Package ..........................................9789812659873 Audio Scripts & Answer Key - Electronic is available............9789812659903
The Book of Pronunciation.............................................................9781905085705 Spotlight on Learning Styles..........................................................9781905085712 The Company Words Keep ..........................................................9781905085200 The Pronunciation Book ...........................................................9781905085705 Digital Play ..........................................................................................9781905085552 The Developing Teacher..................................................................9781905085224 Teaching Unplugged........................................................................9781905085194 Culture in our Classrooms...............................................................9781905085217 Being Creative.....................................................................................9781905085330 The Business English Teacher........................................................9781905085347 Teaching Online..................................................................................9781905085354 DELTA Practise and Pass Series
Practise and Pass KET Student Book.......................................................................................9781905085897 Teacher’s Book And Audio CD.......................................................9781905085903 Practise and Pass PET Student Book.......................................................................................9781905085910 Teacher’s Book And Audio CD.......................................................9781905085927 Practise and Pass Starters Student Book.......................................................................................9781905085361 Teacher’s Book And Audio CD.......................................................9781905085378 Practise and Pass Movers Student Book.......................................................................................9781905085392 Teacher’s Book And Audio CD.......................................................9781905085408 Practise and Pass Flyers Student Book.......................................................................................9781905085422
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Teacher’s Book And Audio CD.......................................................9781905085439 DELTA Young Learners English (Asia Edition)
Super Starters Student Book.......................................................................................9789814296403 Activity Book........................................................................................9789814296410 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9789814296427 Audio CD (2).........................................................................................9789814296434 Mighty Movers Student Book.......................................................................................9789814296441 Activity Book........................................................................................9789814296458 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9789814296465 Audio CD (2).........................................................................................9789814296472 Fantastic Flyers Student Book.......................................................................................9789814296489 Activity Book........................................................................................9789814296496 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9789814296502 Audio CD (2).........................................................................................9789814296519 Destinations Levels 1-2 (Backlist)
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413022964 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413019353 Grammar Workbook .........................................................................9781413022445 Text/Grammar Workbook Pkg - US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781424093465 Instructor’s Manual : Writing and Grammar.............................9781413022476 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413022414 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413022971 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413019360 Grammar Workbook .........................................................................9781413022452 Text/Grammar Workbook Pkg ......................................................9781413060577 Instructor’s Manual : Writing and Grammar.............................9781413022483 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413022421 Developing Composition Skills, 3e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111220556 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111220549 Discoveries in Academic Writing (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780155072558 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9780155072565
E Easy Listening Levels 1-3 - Asia Edition
Student Text with MP3 - Elementary.........................................9789814455688 Student Text with MP3 - Pre Intermediate................................9789814455671 Student Text with MP3 - Intermediate.......................................9789814455763 ELT Advantage
Assessing Language Ability in Young Adults and Adults, Andrew Cohen.............................................................................9781424008643 Communicative Teaching for the ESL/EFL Classroom, Kevin Keating ..............................................................................9781424017294 Content-Based Instruction for Language Learners, Kathleen M Bailey ......................................................................9781424008667 Developing ESL/EFL Listening Comprehension, Patricia Dunkel ...........................................................................9781424017270 An Introduction to Corpora in English Language Teaching, Michael McCarthy, Anne O’Keeffe, Steve Walsh..............9781424017232 An Introduction to Language Assessment in the K-12 Classroom, Natalie Kuhlman..................................................9781424004126 An Introduction to Task-Based Teaching, David Nunan ...............................................................................9781413028782 An Introduction to Teaching English to Young Learners, Annie Hughes..............................................................................9781424017317 An Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL, Tom Scovel................9781424001439 Language Learning Technologies for K-12 Teachers, Joyce Nutta...................................................................................9781424017256 Making the Most of Learner’s Dictionaries (British Edition), Michela Clari ................................................................................9781424019106 Making the Most of Learner’s Dictionaries (American Edition), Michela Clari ................................................................................9781424016150
Practical Ideas for the Adult ESL/EFL Classroom, Rob Jenkins ..................................................................................9781424001446 Pursuing Professional Development, Andy Curtis.................9781413028805 Teaching ESL/EFL Reading, Neil J Anderson ...........................9781424001422 Teaching Grammar for ESL/EFL, Diane Larsen-Freeman..............................................................9781424028146 Teaching Lexically, Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley..........9781413028799 Teaching Vocabulary, ISP Nation..................................................9781424028160 Energy English
Student Book with Audio MP3 CD...............................................9780462098777 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780462098784 Class Audio CD ...................................................................................9780462098791 English for Business Life
Elementry Student Book.......................................................................................9780462007557 Self-Study Guide + Audio CD........................................................9780462007564 Trainer’s Manual..................................................................................9780462007571 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780462007588 Pre-Intermediate Student Book.......................................................................................9780462007595 Self-Study Guide + Audio CD........................................................9780462007601 Trainer’s Manual..................................................................................9780462007618 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780462007625 Intermediate Student Book.......................................................................................9780462007632 Self-Study Guide + Audio CD........................................................9780462007649 Trainer’s Manual..................................................................................9780462007656 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780462007663 Upper-Intermediate Student Book.......................................................................................9780462007670 Self-Study Guide + Audio CD........................................................9780462007687 Trainer’s Manual..................................................................................9780462007694 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780462007700 English for Cabin Crew
Student Book with Audio MP3 CD...............................................9780462098739 Class Audio CD ...................................................................................9780462098753 English in Action, 2e Levels 1-4
Level 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424049905 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111005658 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781426634154 Student Text with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227173 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227357 Text/Audio CDs/Workbook Pkg....................................................9781111227302 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424085019 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424084975 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781111005610 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111001643 Level 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424049912 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111005641 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781426634161 Student Text with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227388 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227371 Text/Audio CDs/Workbook Pkg....................................................9781111227401 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424085026 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424084982 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781111057794 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111001667 Level 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424049929 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111005634 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781426634178 Student Text with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227432 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227418 Student Text with Audio CDs with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US
Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request..................9781111227449 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424085033 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424084999 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781111005603 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111001674 Level 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424049936 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111005627 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781426634185 Student Text with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227463 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111227456 Student Text with Audio CDs with Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request..................9781111227364 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424085040 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424085002 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781111005597 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111001650 English Explorer Levels 1-5
Book 1 Student Book ......................................................................................9780495908616 Workbook + Audio CD.....................................................................9781111055257 Teacher’s Book & Class Audio CD.................................................9781111057145 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781111055271 DVD 9781111063078 Interactive Whiteboard CD.............................................................9781111218720 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111356996 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781111061876 Workbook & Audio CD.....................................................................9781111062682 Teacher’s Book & Class Audio CD ................................................9781111062699 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781111058968 DVD 9781111063085 Interactive Whiteboard CD.............................................................9781111220310 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111356989 Book 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781111067984 Workbook & Audio CD.....................................................................9781111071172 Teacher’s Book & Class Audio CD ................................................9781111207847 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781111207878 DVD 9781111207861 Interactive Whiteboard CD.............................................................9781111218737 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111356972 Book 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781111223045 Workbook & Audio CD.....................................................................9781111223663 Teacher’s Book & Class Audio CD ................................................9781111223748 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781111223670 DVD 9781111772024 Interactive Whiteboard CD.............................................................9781111220303 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111356958 English Insights (EMEA) Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781408068120 Workbook with Audio CD and DVD............................................9781408070888 Teacher’s Guide with Class CDs.....................................................9781408070864 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781408068137 Workbook with Audio CD and DVD............................................9781408070956 Teacher’s Guide with Class CDs.....................................................9781408070932 Book 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781408068144 Workbook with Audio CD and DVD............................................9781408071021 Teacher’s Guide with Class CDs.....................................................9781408071007 English at Work - Asia EDITION
Student Book 1....................................................................................9789866121616 Student Book 2....................................................................................9789866121623 Student Book 3....................................................................................9789866121630 English Vocabulary Organiser
Student Text.........................................................................................9781899396368 Essential Academic Vocabulary
Student Text.........................................................................................9780618445424
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Expressions Levels Intro - 3 (Backlist)
Intro Student Text.........................................................................................9780838425961 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9780838428429 Workbook..............................................................................................9780838426012 Teacher’s Annotated Edition..........................................................9780838426005 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9780838425985 Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838422403 Workbook .............................................................................................9780838422410 Teacher’s Annotated Edition..........................................................9780838422427 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9780838423905 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838422458 Workbook .............................................................................................9780838422465 Teacher’s Annotated Edition..........................................................9780838422496 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9780838423899 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838422786 Workbook .............................................................................................9780838422793 Teacher’s Annotated Edition..........................................................9780838422861 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9780838423882 Teacher Resource CD Pkg with ExamView (Into - 3).............9780838444719
F Far From Home, 3/e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9781413017212 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424004454 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®* ...................................9781424008438 Financial English
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111832643 First Steps to your Career - Asia Edition
Book 1.....................................................................................................9789814455596 Book 2.....................................................................................................9789814455602 Book 3.....................................................................................................9789814455619 FCE, KET and PET for Schools Practice Tests
FCE Practice Tests Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools Audio CDs......................................................................................9781408061510 Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools SB...................9781408061497 Practice Tests for Cambridge FCE for Schools TB...................9781408061503 KET Practice Tests Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools Audio CDs......................................................................................9781408061572 Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools SB...................9781408061558 Practice Tests for Cambridge KET for Schools TB...................9781408061565 PET Practice Tests Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools Audio CDs......................................................................................9781408061541 Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools SB...................9781408061527 Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools TB....................9781408061534 First Class Service - Asia Edition
Book 1 Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9789866637414 Student Text with Audio CD - SG Print.......................................9789814319430 Book 2 Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9789866637421 Student Text with Audio CD - SG Print.......................................9789814319447 Footprint Reading Library 3-in-1 Combination Readers Asia Edition (Graded Readers) pg.51 Amazing Homes We Choose To Live In......................................9781111349783 The Greatest Creatures on Earth..................................................9781111349776 Living Legends ...................................................................................9781111349769 True Adventures and Exciting Sports.........................................9781111349752 Who are the Real Winners?.............................................................9781111349745 Discovering Special Cultures.........................................................9781111349738 Changing Climate and Natural Habitats....................................9781111349721 Creativity in Environmental Protection......................................9781111349691
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 157
Footprint Reading Library (Graded Readers)
American English LEVEL 800 Incredible Animals Arctic Whale Danger!........................................................................9781424011421 Happy Elephants................................................................................9781424011445 Monkey Party.......................................................................................9781424011438 Fascinating Places The Future of a Village......................................................................9781424011452 Life on the Orinoco ...........................................................................9781424011476 The Lost City of Machu Picchu......................................................9781424011469 Remarkable People Columbus and the New World .....................................................9781424011506 Dreamtime Painters...........................................................................9781424011490 The Young Riders of Mongolia......................................................9781424011483 Exciting Activities Alaskan Ice Climbing........................................................................9781424011520 Don’t Believe Your Eyes! ..................................................................9781424011513 The Story of the Hula........................................................................9781424011537 Amazing Science The Giant’s Causeway ......................................................................9781424011544 Snow Magic! ........................................................................................9781424011568 Volcano Trek ........................................................................................9781424011551 Level 800 Teacher’s Manual............................................................9781424012374 Level 800 DVD.....................................................................................9781424012534 Level 800 Video (NTSC)....................................................................9781424012619 Level 800 Video (PAL)........................................................................9781424013012 Level 800 Audio CD ..........................................................................9781424012459 Level 800 ExamView .......................................................................9781424012695 Level 800 Class Library Set..............................................................9781424029082 LEVEL 1000 Incredible Animals Farley the Red Panda .......................................................................9781424011582 Gorilla Watching Tours ....................................................................9781424011575 Puffin Rescue!......................................................................................9781424011711 Fascinating Places A Disappearing World .....................................................................9781424011605 The Knife Markets of Sanaa............................................................9781424011629 A Special Kind of Neighborhood .................................................9781424011612 Remarkable People The Last of the Cheju Divers..........................................................9781424011650 Peruvian Weavers ..............................................................................9781424011643 Taiko Master.........................................................................................9781424011636 Exciting Activities Cheese-Rolling Races........................................................................9781424011667 Making a Thai Boxing Champion ................................................9781424011803 Water Sports Adventure..................................................................9781424011674 Amazing Science Dinosaur Search .................................................................................9781424011698 The Memory Man...............................................................................9781424011704 Wild Animal Trackers ........................................................................9781424011681 Level 1000 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012381 Level 1000 DVD...................................................................................9781424012541 Level 1000 Video (NTSC) .................................................................9781424012626 Level 1000 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013029 Level 1000 Audio CD ........................................................................9781424012466 Level 1000 ExamView.......................................................................9781424012701 Level 1000 Class Library Set...........................................................9781424029075 LEVEL 1300 Incredible Animals Birds in Paradise..................................................................................9781424011599 Cambodia Animal Rescue...............................................................9781424011735 Night Hunt............................................................................................9781424011728 Fascinating Places The Adventure Capital of the World............................................9781424011742 Butler School .......................................................................................9781424011759 One Village Makes a Difference....................................................9781424011766 Remarkable People A Real Winner......................................................................................9781424011780 One Boy’s Journey.............................................................................9781424011797 Living With a Volcano.......................................................................9781424011773 Exciting Activities Making a Deal .....................................................................................9781424011810 Dangerous Dining .............................................................................9781424011827 Flying Pumpkins!................................................................................9781424008469
Amazing Science Killer Bees! ............................................................................................9781424011858 Wind Power..........................................................................................9781424011834 The Missing Snows of Kilimanjaro...............................................9781424011841 Level 1300 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012398 Level 1300 DVD...................................................................................9781424012558 Level 1300 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012633 Level 1300 Video (PAL).....................................................................9781424013036 Level 1300 Audio CD ........................................................................9781424012473 Level 1300 ExamView.......................................................................9781424012718 Level 1300 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781111005580 LEVEL 1600 Incredible Animals Blue Cows?............................................................................................9781424008452 Cupid the Dolphin.............................................................................9781424011865 Wild Animal Town .............................................................................9781424011872 Fascinating Places The Lost Temples of the Maya.......................................................9781424013456 Mount Fuji ............................................................................................9781424011896 The Three Rivers of Zambia ...........................................................9781424011889 Remarkable People One Woman’s Choice .......................................................................9781424012121 The Olympians ...................................................................................9781424011919 Zoo Dentists.........................................................................................9781424011926 Exciting Activities The Art of Making Silk......................................................................9781424011940 Capoeira: The Fighting Dance.......................................................9781424011957 Gliding Across the Gobi...................................................................9781424011933 Amazing Science Orangutan Language ......................................................................9781424011964 Saving the Pandas ............................................................................9781424011988 Solar Cooking......................................................................................9781424011971 Level 1600 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012404 Level 1600 DVD...................................................................................9781424012565 Level 1600 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012640 Level 1600 Video (PAL).....................................................................9781424013043 Level 1600 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012480 Level 1600 ExamView.......................................................................9781424012725 Level 1600 Class Library Set...........................................................9781111005665 LEVEL 1900 Incredible Animals Beagle Patrol .......................................................................................9781424011995 Giant Cave Crocs!...............................................................................9781424012008 Fascinating Places Opal Town.............................................................................................9781424012015 Confucious in China .........................................................................9781424012022 Remarkable People Bird Girl .................................................................................................9781424008445 The Life of a Geisha ..........................................................................9781424012046 Exciting Activities Chuckwagon Racing ........................................................................9781424012053 Para-Life Rescue! ................................................................................9781424012060 Amazing Science Mysterious Crop Circles ..................................................................9781424012336 Tornado Chase.....................................................................................9781424012084 Level 1900 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012411 Level 1900 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012572 Level 1900 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012657 Level 1900 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013050 Level 1900 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012497 Level 1900 ExamView.......................................................................9781424012732 Level 1900 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781111005672 LEVEL 2200 Incredible Animals Polar Bears in Trouble.......................................................................9781424012312 Cheetahs in Focus .............................................................................9781424012107 Fascinating Places The Black Diamonds of Provence ................................................9781424008476 Shark Alley ...........................................................................................9781424012114 Incredible People A Chinese Artist in Harlem ............................................................9781424006380 The Gauchos of Argentina..............................................................9781424012039 Exciting Activities The Great Kite Fight .........................................................................9781424012138 Extreme Skydiving ............................................................................9781424012145
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Amazing Science Aquarium on Wheels........................................................................9781424012152 How’s the Weather?...........................................................................9781424012169 Level 2200 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012428 Level 2200 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012589 Level 2200 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012664 Level 2200 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013067 Level 2200 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012503 Level 2200 ExamView ......................................................................9781424012749 Level 2200 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781111005702 LEVEL 2600 Incredible Animals Koalas ....................................................................................................9781424012176 The King of the Spiders....................................................................9781424012183 Fascinating Places The Hidden Treasures of Egypt ....................................................9781424012190 The Exciting Streets of Barcelona ................................................9781424012206 Remarkable People Dinosaur Builder.................................................................................9781424012213 Snake Detective .................................................................................9781424012220 Exciting Activities Canyaking Adventure ......................................................................9781424012237 Space Walk............................................................................................9781424012244 Amazing Science The Amazing Human Body ...........................................................9781424012251 Saving the Amazon Together .......................................................9781424012268 Level 2600 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012435 Level 2600 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012596 Level 2600 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012671 Level 2600 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013074 Level 2600 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012510 Level 2600 ExamView ......................................................................9781424012756 Level 2600 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781111005740 LEVEL 3000 Incredible Animals The Perfect Swarm.............................................................................9781424012275 Red Devils ............................................................................................9781424012282 Fascinating Places The Varied Cultures of China..........................................................9781424012299 The Orient Express ............................................................................9781424012305 Remarkable People Natacha’s Animal Rescue ................................................................9781424012091 Afghanistan’s Heroic Artists............................................................9781424012329 Exciting Activities Living in the Slow Lane....................................................................9781424012350 Firewalking...........................................................................................9781424012343 Amazing Science Mars on Earth......................................................................................9781424012077 Alternative Energy.............................................................................9781424012367 Level 3000 Teacher’s Manual ........................................................9781424012442 Level 3000 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012602 Level 3000 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012688 Level 3000 Video (PAL).....................................................................9781424012527 Level 3000 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012527 Level 3000 ExamView.......................................................................9781424012763 Level 3000 Class Library Set...........................................................9781111005757 British English LEVEL 800 Incredible Animals Arctic Whale Danger!........................................................................9781424010424 Happy Elephants................................................................................9781424010431 Monkey Party ......................................................................................9781424010448 Fascinating Places The Future of a Village......................................................................9781424010462 Life on the Orinoco ...........................................................................9781424010479 The Lost City of Machu Picchu .....................................................9781424010455 Remarkable People Columbus and the New World .....................................................9781424010509 Dreamtime Painters ..........................................................................9781424010493 The Young Riders of Mongolia .....................................................9781424010486 Exciting Activities Alaskan Ice Climbing .......................................................................9781424010516 Don’t Believe Your Eyes!...................................................................9781424010523 The Story of the Hula........................................................................9781424010530 Amazing Science The Giant’s Causeway.......................................................................9781424010547
Snow Magic!.........................................................................................9781424010561 Volcano Trek ........................................................................................9781424010554 Level 800 Teacher’s Manual ...........................................................9781424012770 Level 800 DVD.....................................................................................9781424012534 Level 800 Video (NTSC)....................................................................9781424012619 Level 800 Video (PAL) .......................................................................9781424013012 Level 800 Audio CD ..........................................................................9781424012855 Level 800 ExamView .........................................................................9781424013098 Level 800 Class Library Set ............................................................9781408008836 LEVEL 1000 Incredible Animals Farley the Red Panda .......................................................................9781424010585 Gorilla Watching Tours.....................................................................9781424010578 Puffin Rescue!......................................................................................9781424010721 Fascinating Places A Disappearing World......................................................................9781424010608 The Knife Markets of Sanaa............................................................9781424010622 A Special Kind of Neighborhood..................................................9781424010615 Remarkable People The Last of the Cheju Divers .........................................................9781424010653 Peruvian Weavers...............................................................................9781424010646 Taiko Master.........................................................................................9781424010639 Exciting Activities Cheese-Rolling Races ......................................................................9781424010677 Making a Thai Boxing Champion.................................................9781424010660 Water Sports Adventure .................................................................9781424010684 Amazing Science Dinosaur Search .................................................................................9781424010707 The Memory Man...............................................................................9781424010714 Wild Animal Trackers.........................................................................9781424010691 Level 1000 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012787 Level 1000 DVD...................................................................................9781424012541 Level 1000 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012626 Level 1000 Video (PAL) ...................................................................9781424013029 Level 1000 Audio CD ........................................................................9781424012862 Level 1000 ExamView .....................................................................9781424013104 Level 1000 Class Library Set...........................................................9781408018569 LEVEL 1300 Incredible Animals Birds in Paradise..................................................................................9781424010592 Cambodia Animal Rescue...............................................................9781424010745 Night Hunt............................................................................................9781424010738 Fascinating Places The Adventure Capital of the World............................................9781424010752 Butler School........................................................................................9781424010769 One Village Makes a Difference....................................................9781424010776 Remarkable People A Real Winner......................................................................................9781424010790 One Boy’s Journey.............................................................................9781424010806 Living With a Volcano.......................................................................9781424010783 Exciting Activities Making a Deal .....................................................................................9781424010820 Dangerous Dining..............................................................................9781424010837 Flying Pumpkins!................................................................................9781424010813 Amazing Science Killer Bees!.............................................................................................9781424010868 Wind Power..........................................................................................9781424010844 The Missing Snows of Kilimanjaro...............................................9781424010851 Level 1300 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012794 Level 1300 DVD...................................................................................9781424012558 Level 1300 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012633 Level 1300 Video (PAL).....................................................................9781424013036 Level 1300 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012879 Level 1300 ExamView.......................................................................9781424013111 Level 1300 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781408007730 LEVEL 1600 Incredible Animals Blue Cows? ...........................................................................................9781424010875 Cupid the Dolphin.............................................................................9781424010882 Wild Animal Town..............................................................................9781424010899 Fascinating Places The Lost Temples of the Maya.......................................................9781424010905 Mount Fuji ............................................................................................9781424010929 The Three Rivers of Zambia............................................................9781424010912 Remarkable People One Woman’s Choice .......................................................................9781424010936
The Olympians....................................................................................9781424010943 Zoo Dentists ........................................................................................9781424010950 Exciting Activities The Art of Making Silk .....................................................................9781424010974 Capoeira: The Fighting Dance ......................................................9781424010981 Gliding Across the Gobi...................................................................9781424010967 Amazing Science Orangutan Language ......................................................................9781424010998 Saving the Pandas ............................................................................9781424011018 Solar Cooking......................................................................................9781424011001 Level 1600 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012800 Level 1600 DVD...................................................................................9781424012565 Level 1600 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012640 Level 1600 Video (PAL).....................................................................9781424013043 Level 1600 Audio CDx......................................................................9781424012886 Level 1600 ExamView ......................................................................9781424013128 Level 1600 Class Library Set...........................................................9781408017883 LEVEL 1900 Incredible Animals Beagle Patrol .......................................................................................9781424011025 Giant Cave Crocs!...............................................................................9781424011032 Fascinating Places Opal Town.............................................................................................9781424011049 Confucianism in China ....................................................................9781424011056 Remarkable People Bird Girl..................................................................................................9781424011162 The Life of a Geisha ..........................................................................9781424011070 Exciting Activities Chuckwagon Racing ........................................................................9781424011087 Para-Life Rescue! ................................................................................9781424011094 Amazing Science Mysterious Crop Circles...................................................................9781424011407 Tornado Chase.....................................................................................9781424011117 Level 1900 Teacher’s Manual ........................................................9781424012817 Level 1900 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012572 Level 1900 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012657 Level 1900 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013050 Level 1900 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012893 Level 1900 ExamView.......................................................................9781424013135 Level 1900 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781408018231 LEVEL 2200 Incredible Animals Polar Bear Trouble .............................................................................9781424011124 Cheetahs in Focus .............................................................................9781424011131 Fascinating Places The Black Diamonds of Provence ................................................9781424011148 Shark Alley............................................................................................9781424011155 Incredible People A Chinese Artist in Harlem ............................................................9781424011179 The Gauchos of Argentina..............................................................9781424011063 Exciting Activities The Great Kite Fight...........................................................................9781424011186 Extreme Sky Diving ..........................................................................9781424011193 Amazing Science Aquarium on Wheels .......................................................................9781424011209 How’s the Weather?...........................................................................9781424011216 Level 2200 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012824 Level 2200 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012589 Level 2200 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012664 Level 2200 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013067 Level 2200 Audio CD ........................................................................9781424012909 Level 2200 ExamView.......................................................................9781424013142 Level 2200 Class Library Set...........................................................9781408018323 LEVEL 2600 Incredible Animals Koalas ....................................................................................................9781424011223 The King of the Spiders ...................................................................9781424011230 Fascinating Places The Hidden Treasures of Egypt ....................................................9781424011247 The Exciting Streets of Barcelona.................................................9781424011254 Remarkable People Dinosaur Builder ................................................................................9781424011261 Snake Detective..................................................................................9781424011278 Exciting Activities Canyaking Adventure.......................................................................9781424011285 Spacewalking.......................................................................................9781424011292
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Amazing Science The Amazing Human Body.............................................................9781424011308 Saving the Amazon Together .......................................................9781424011315 Level 2600 Teacher’s Manual..........................................................9781424012831 Level 2600 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012596 Level 2600 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012671 Level 2600 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013074 Level 2600 Audio CD ........................................................................9781424012916 Level 2600 ExamView.......................................................................9781424013159 Level 2600 Class Library Set ..........................................................9781408018330 LEVEL 3000 Incredible Animals The Perfect Swarm ............................................................................9781424011322 Red Devils ............................................................................................9781424011339 Fascinating Places Forgotten China .................................................................................9781424011346 Orient Express.....................................................................................9781424011353 Remarkable People Natacha’s Animal Rescue.................................................................9781424011360 Afghan Art Preservation..................................................................9781424011377 Exciting Activities Slow Food.............................................................................................9781424011384 Firewalking ..........................................................................................9781424011391 Amazing Science Mars on Earth .....................................................................................9781424011100 Alternative Energy.............................................................................9781424011414 Level 3000 Teacher’s Manual ........................................................9781424012848 Level 3000 DVD ..................................................................................9781424012602 Level 3000 Video (NTSC)..................................................................9781424012688 Level 3000 Video (PAL) ....................................................................9781424013081 Level 3000 Audio CD.........................................................................9781424012923 Level 3000 ExamView ......................................................................9781424013166 Level 3000 Class Library Set...........................................................9781408018347 Foundations Reading Library Series
Level 1 Sarah’s Surprise Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027570 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007257 Goodbye, Hello Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027617 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007592 Rain! Rain! Rain! Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027624 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007240 Bad Dog? Good Dog! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027631 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007516 Get the Ball! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027648 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007608 The Tickets Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027655 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007219 Level 1 Resources Level 1 Collection...............................................................................9781424006892 Activity Book .......................................................................................9781424000517 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424000586 Audio Tape............................................................................................9781424002245 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000944 Level 2 Sk8 for Jake Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027754 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007288 The New Guitar Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027761 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007448 Trouble at the Zoo Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027778 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007172 Singer Wanted! Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027785 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007271 Old Boat, New Boat Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027792 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007332
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 159
The Cave Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027808 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007332 Level 2 Resources Level 2 Collection...............................................................................9781424006908 Activity Book .......................................................................................9781424000524 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424000593 Audio Tape............................................................................................9781424002252 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000951 Level 3 Slam Dunk for Mark Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027853 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007295 Kung Fu Kid Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027860 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007370 A Good Friend Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027877 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007493 Quick Thinking Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027884 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007462 I Always Win! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027891 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007554 Quiz Night Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027846 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007479 Level 3 Resources Level 3 Collection...............................................................................9781424005666 Activity Book........................................................................................9781424000531 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424000609 Audio Tapes (2)....................................................................................9781424002269 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000968 Level 4 I Spy Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027921 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007363 Go Jimmy Go! Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027938 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007615 Do I Tell? Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027945 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007547 Lost at Sea Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027952 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007394 The Shipwreck Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413027969 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007158 Mystery on the Island Single Unit............................................................................................9781413027976 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007226 Level 4 Resources Level 4 Collection...............................................................................9781424005727 Activity Book .......................................................................................9781424000548 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424000616 Audio Tapes (2)....................................................................................9781424002276 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000975 Level 5 Who’s Best? Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028829 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007196 The Big Test Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028836 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007318 Where’s Lorena? Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028843 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007189 Boys vs Girls Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028850 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007523 Think Daniela! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028867 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007134 The Bear’s Mouth Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028874
25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007301 Level 5 Resources Level 5 Collection...............................................................................9781424006915 Activity Book........................................................................................9781424000555 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424000623 Audio Tapes (2)....................................................................................9781424002283 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000982 Level 6 The Lost Wallet Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028324 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007356 No, You Can’t! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028331 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007455 Does He Love Me? Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028348 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007578 A Helping Hand Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028355 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007509 Trouble at Sea Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028362 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007165 The Old Promise Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028379 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007141 Level 6 Resources Level 6 Collection...............................................................................9781424006922 Activity Book .......................................................................................9781424000562 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424000630 Audio Tapes (2) ...................................................................................9781424002290 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424000999 Level 7 Let’s Party! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028881 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007387 Do It! Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781413028898 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007486 My Mom, the Movie Star Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028904 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007417 The Secret Tunnel Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028911 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007264 Love Online Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028928 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424007400 The Golden Monkey Single Unit............................................................................................9781413028935 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424007349 Level 7 Resources Level 7 Collection...............................................................................9781424006939 Activity Book........................................................................................9781424000579 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424000647 Audio Tapes (2) ...................................................................................9781424002306 Lesson Planner ...................................................................................9781424001002
G Gateway to Science
Softcover ..............................................................................................9781424016211 Hardcover .............................................................................................9781424003310 Workbook with Labs ........................................................................9781424003327 Audio CDs (4) ......................................................................................9781424003341 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424003334 Assessment Book ..............................................................................9781424008940 Teacher Resources CD-ROM with ExamView® and Classroom Presentation Tool..................................................9781424003358 Gateway to Social Studies
Softcover...............................................................................................9781111222222 Hardcover..............................................................................................9781424018116 Workbook ...........................................................................................9781424017331 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424018192 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781111222215 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424018208
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Go for it!, 2e Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9780838404942 Workbook .............................................................................................9781413000160 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781413000153 Classroom Audio CDs (2) ................................................................9781424001033 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781413000191 Workbook .............................................................................................9781413000214 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781413000207 Classroom Audio CDs (2) ................................................................9781424001057 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 1 & 2)...........9781413000856 Book 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781413000245 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413000269 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781413000252 Classroom Audio CDs (2) ................................................................9781413000238 Book 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781413000290 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413000313 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781413000306 Classroom Audio CDs (2) ................................................................9781413000283 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 3 & 4)...........9781413017755 Good Read, A - Levels 1-3
Level 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9789814246958 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789814253017 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789814246989 Level 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9789814246965 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814253024 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814246996 Level 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9789814246972 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814253031 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814253000 Grammar Booster Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9789604030989 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789604030972 Test Book ..............................................................................................9781424013579 CD-ROM ................................................................................................9789604030903 Student Text with CD-ROM Pkg....................................................9789604031825 Teacher’s Guide with CD-ROM Pkg..............................................9789604031818 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9789604031009 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789604030996 Test Book...............................................................................................9781424013586 CD-ROM ................................................................................................9789604030910 Student Text with CD-ROM Pkg....................................................9789604031849 Teacher’s Guide with CD-ROM Pkg..............................................9789604031832 Book 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9789604031016 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789604031023 Test Book ..............................................................................................9781424013593 CD-ROM ................................................................................................9789604030927 Student Text with CD-ROM Pkg....................................................9789604031863 Teacher’s Guide with CD-ROM Pkg..............................................9789604031856 Book 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9789604031030 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789604031047 Test Book...............................................................................................9781424013609 CD-ROM ................................................................................................9789604031054 Student Text with CD-ROM Pkg....................................................9789604031870 Teacher’s Guide with CD-ROM Pkg..............................................9789604031887 Grammar Café Levels 1-6
Level 1....................................................................................................9781424006441 Level 2 ...................................................................................................9781424016907 Level 3 ...................................................................................................9781424016914 Level 4 ...................................................................................................9781424016921 Level 5....................................................................................................9781424016945 Level 6....................................................................................................9781424016938
Grammar Connection Levels 1-5
Book 1 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413017502 USE Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413008302 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413008340 USE Student Text with Audio CD Pkg.........................................9781424096350 Audio CD (2).........................................................................................9781413008319 Teacher’s Annotated Edition (with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM)..............................9781424002146 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413008500 Book 2 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413017526 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413008357 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413008395 USE Student Text with Audio CD Pkg.........................................9781424096022 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781413008364 Teacher’s Annotated Edition (with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM)..............................9781424002160 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424004089 Book 3 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413017540 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.......................................................................................9781413008401 Workbook..............................................................................................9781413008449 USE Student Text with Audio CD Pkg.........................................9781424096046 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413008418 Teacher’s Annotated Edition (with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM)..............................9781424002191 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424004096 Book 4 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413017564 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413008456 Workbook .............................................................................................9781413008494 USE Student Text with Audio CD Pkg.........................................9781424096190 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413008463 Teacher’s Annotated Edition (with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM)....................................................9781424002214 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424004102 Book 5 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424000371 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424000340 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424000418 USE Student Text with Audio CD Pkg.........................................9781424096282 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424000388 Teacher’s Annotated Edition (with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM)..............................9781424002221 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424004119 Grammar Dimensions, 4/e Levels 1-4
Book 1 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413027532 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413027402 USE Split Book 1A - (ISE stocks depleted) ................................9781424003365 USE Split Book 1B - (ISE stocks depleted)..................................9781424003372 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424003525 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424003488 Audio Tape - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9781424003440 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424003563 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424003600 Book 2 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413027549 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413027419 ISE Split Book 2A.................................................................................9781424008360 USE Split Book 2A - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003389 ISE Split Book 2B.................................................................................9781424008407 USE Split Book 2B - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003396 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424003532
Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424003495 Audio Tape - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9781424003457 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424003570 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424008315 Book 3 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413027556 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413027426 ISE Split Book 3A.................................................................................9781424008377 USE Split Book 3A - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003402 ISE Split Book 3B.................................................................................9781424008414 USE Split Book 3B - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003419 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424003549 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424003501 Audio Tape - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9781424003464 Lesson Planner ...................................................................................9781424003587 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424008322 Book 4 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413027563 USE Student Text - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413027525 ISE Split Book 4A.................................................................................9781424008384 USE Split Book 4A - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003426 ISE Split Book 4B.................................................................................9781424008421 USE Split Book 4B - Please use the USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424003433 Workbook .............................................................................................9781424003556 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424003518 Lesson Planner....................................................................................9781424003594 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424008339 Grammar in Context, 5/e Levels Basic - 3
Basic ISE Student Book................................................................................9781424080991 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424079087 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424082568 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424079070 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424080960 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781424082551 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424080946 Book 1 USE Student Book / ISE is out of stock......................................9781424078998 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424082575 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424079667 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424079001 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781424082605 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424080977 Book 2 USE Student Book / ISE is out of stock......................................9781424079018 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424082582 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424079032 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424079056 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781424084838 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424080984 Book 3 ISE Student Book................................................................................9781424082490 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424079025 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424082599 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424079049 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424079063 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781424084845 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424082438 Grammar Links Levels Basic - 3
Basic, 1e Student Text .......................................................................................9780618150267 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428202863 Text/Grammar Café Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781424090310 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618150304
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Book 1, 2e Student Text .......................................................................................9780618274123 Workbook .............................................................................................9780618274215 Split Text 1A - will be OP once stocks depleted.....................9780618274154 Split Workbook 1A - will be OP once stocks depleted........9780618274246 Split Text 1B - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9780618274161 Split Workbook 1B - will be OP once stocks depleted..........9780618274253 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781428203143 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428202870 Student Text with Audio CD + Workbook Pkg .......................9781428202856 Text/Grammar Café Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781424090303 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618353002 Book 2, 2e Student Text .......................................................................................9780618274130 Workbook..............................................................................................9780618274222 Split Text 2A - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9780618274178 Split Workbook 2A - will be OP once stocks depleted.........9780618274260 Split Text 2B - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9780618274185 Split Workbook 2B - will be OP once stocks depleted..........9780618274277 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781428203150 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428202894 Stduent Text with Audio CD + Workbook Pkg .......................9781428202887 Text/Grammar Café Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781424090297 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618353019 Book 3, 2e Student Text .......................................................................................9780618274147 Workbook..............................................................................................9780618274239 Split Text 3A - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9780618274192 Split Workbook 3A - will be OP once stocks depleted.........9780618274284 Split Text 3B - will be OP once stocks depleted......................9780618274208 Split Workbook 3B - will be OP once stocks depleted..........9780618274291 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781428203167 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781428202900 Student Text with Audio CD + Workbook Pkg .......................9781428202948 Text/Grammar Café Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781424090280 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618353026
Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750446 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952963 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782423 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750422 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194950 Greater Essays Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194967 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750460 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952970 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782430 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750453 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194974
Text/Interactive CD-ROM Package...............................................9781285984674 Text/Beginning Workbook/Interactive CD-ROM Package..........................................................................................9781285984667 Text/Intermediate Workbook/Interactive CD-ROM Package..........................................................................................9781285984698 Text/Audio CDs/Interactive CD-ROM Package........................9781285984643 Beginning Workbook with Audio CD..........................................9781133563174 Intermediate Workbook with Audio CD ...................................9781133563181 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781133563075 Lesson Planner with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.....................................................9781133563167 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781133563228
Great Writing Series, The - Levels 1-4 (Writing)
Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children, The
Great Writing Series, The - Levels Foundations - 4
Heart of the Matter, The (Backlist)
Foundations Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194981 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750484 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952925 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782454 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750477 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194998 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781285750774 Great Sentences for Great Paragaphs Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194882 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750361 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952932 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782386 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750354 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194899 Great Paragaphs Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194905 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750385 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952949 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782393 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750378 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194912 From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194929 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285750408 Text/Online Workbook Package...................................................9781285952956 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285782416 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781285750392 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285194936 Great Essays Student Text.........................................................................................9781285194943
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 161
Great Writing 1 : Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424071111 USE Student Text................................................................................9781424049899 Presentation Tool CDROM...............................................................9781424065158 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424063710 Great Writing 2 : Great Paragraphs ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424071128 USE Student Text................................................................................9781424051007 Classroom Presentation Tool ........................................................9781424065165 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424062126 Great Writing 3 : From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424071135 USE Student Text................................................................................9781424062102 Classroom Presentation Tool ........................................................9781424065134 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424062133 Great Writing 4 : Great Essays ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424071142 USE Student Text................................................................................9781424051014 Classroom Presentation Tool..........................................................9781424065141 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424062140 Great Writing 5 : Greater Essays ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781424071159 USE Student Text................................................................................9781424071159 Classroom Presentation Tool..........................................................9781424065127 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424062157
H pg.68
Student Text ........................................................................................9780838478578 Student Text with Audio Tapes Pkg ............................................9780838460870 Audio Tapes (2)....................................................................................9780838478660 Video (VHS) .........................................................................................9780838460887 Heinle Picture Dictionary, The (Old Edition)
USE Text.................................................................................................9780838444009 ISE Softcover........................................................................................9781413004441 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781413074819 Beginning Workbook with Audio CD..........................................9780838444016 Intermediate Workbook with Audio CD ...................................9781413014679 Audio CDs (6).......................................................................................9780838444054 Lesson Planner with Activity Bank and Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.....................................................9780838444139 Transparencies....................................................................................9781413017083 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9780838444108 Bilingual Editions Brazilian Portuguese.........................................................................9781413005509 Chinese, Simplified ...........................................................................9781424001125 Chinese, Traditional ..........................................................................9781413005530 Haitian Creole......................................................................................9781413018196 Japanese................................................................................................9781413005516 Korean ...................................................................................................9781413005523 Spanish ..................................................................................................9781413005493 Heinle Picture Dictionary, The , 2e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781133563105 Text/Beginning Workbook Package............................................9781285984650 Text/Intermediate Workbok Package.........................................9781285984681 Text/Audio CDs Package.................................................................9781285984636
ISE Softcover for American English.............................................9781424004607 Hardcover for American English...................................................9781424007110 Workbook for American English...................................................9781424004218 Audio CDs (3).......................................................................................9781424004164 Sing-Along Audio CD........................................................................9781424009428 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781424004188 Lesson Planner (contains Audio CDs and Activity Bank CD-ROM) .......................................................................................9781424004195 Transparencies ...................................................................................9781424007127 Presentation CD-ROM.......................................................................9781424008704 Bilingual Editions Bilingual Editions Spanish ..............................................................9781424008766 British English (softcover)................................................................9781424008490 Heinle Reading Library: Biography Collection, The
Level A (Beginning/Early Intermediate) Benjamin Franklin Single unit.............................................................................................9781424005314 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006489 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424005772 Clara Barton Single unit.............................................................................................9781424005321 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006496 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005789 Level B (Intermediate) Eleanor Roosevelt Single unit.............................................................................................9781424005352 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006502 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424005802 Jackie Robinson Single unit.............................................................................................9781424005642 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006526 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005888 Level C (Early Advanced) Martin Luther King, Jr Single unit.............................................................................................9781424005468 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006533 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005925 Babe Ruth Single Unit............................................................................................9781424005307 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006472 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005741 George Washington Sinlge unit.............................................................................................9781424005376 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006519 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005826 Heinle Reading Library : Illustrated Classics Collection, The
Level A (Beginning/Early Intermediate) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759396166 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021226 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021400 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011081 Aesop’s Fables Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759396159 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021233 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021417 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010947 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398801 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021240
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021424 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011012 The Red Badge of Courage Single Unit............................................................................................9780759398757 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021257 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021431 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011067 The Invisible Man Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398726 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021264 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021448 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010992 Moby Dick Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398696 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021271 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021455 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011043 Dracula Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005345 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006595 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005796 The Phantom of the Opera Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005499 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006748 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005956 Tales of Mystery and Terror Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005543 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006823 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006014 Three Musketeers Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005574 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006830 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006052 The Time Machine Single Unit............................................................................................9781424005628 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006847 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424006069 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005581 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006854 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424006076 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005420 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006564 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005871 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Hound of the Baskervilles Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005536 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006809 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006007 Pollyanna Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005505 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006755 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005963 Jane Eyre Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005437 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006670 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005895 Level B (Intermediate) Treasure Island Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398702 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021288 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021462 Audio CD 5-Pack ................................................................................9781413011104 David Copperfield Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398818 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021295 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021479 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781413010985 Ivanhoe Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398795 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021301 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021486 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011005 Journey to the Center of the Earth Single Unit............................................................................................9780759398856
25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021318 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021493 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011029 Pride and Prejudice Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398764 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021325 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021509 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011050 The Call of the Wild Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398832 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021332 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021516 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010961 The House of the Seven Gables Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005413 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006649 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005864 Oliver Twist Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005475 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006656 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005949 Anne of Green Gables Single Unit............................................................................................9781424005291 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006588 Audio CD (Single Title).....................................................................9781424005765 The Man in the Iron Mask Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005444 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006700 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005918 Heidi Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005406 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006632 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424005857 The Secret Garden Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005529 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006793 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005994 The Mutiny on the HMS Bounty Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005482 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006724 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005932 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005451 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006687 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005901 The Prince and the Pauper Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005567 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006762 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006045 The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005512 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006786 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005987 Level C (Early Advanced) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398740 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021349 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021523 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011074 The Swiss Family Robinson Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398733 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021356 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021530 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011098 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759396135 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021363 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021547 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010930 Black Beauty Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398849 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021370 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021554 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010954 Little Women Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398788
25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021387 Workbook 25-Pack ............................................................................9781413021561 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413011036 A Christmas Carol Single Unit ...........................................................................................9780759398863 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021394 Workbook 25-Pack.............................................................................9781413021578 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413010978 The Count of Monte Cristo Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005338 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006717 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006021 The Wind in the Willows Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005611 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006885 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006106 Great Expectations Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005383 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006618 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005833 White Fang Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005604 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006878 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424006090 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005635 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006779 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005970 The War of the Worlds Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005598 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006861 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006083 A Little Princess Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005277 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781424006694 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424005758 Gulliver’s Travels Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005390 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006625 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424005840 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005550 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006663 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006038 A Tale of Two Cities Single Unit ...........................................................................................9781424005284 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006731 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424006113 Frankenstein Single Unit............................................................................................9781424005369 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781424006601 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424005819 Levels A – C Teacher Guide .....................................................................................9781413006346 Heinle Reading Library: Milestones Introductory Reading Library
The Cave Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032327 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025145 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025336 Goodbye, Hello! Single Unit............................................................................................9781424027309 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025046 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025428 Where’s Lorena? Single Unit............................................................................................9781424027323 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025206 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025251 Think Daniela! Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032334 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025190 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025268 The Tickets Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032365 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025183 25-pack...................................................................................................9781424025275
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Sk8 for Jake Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032419 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025114 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025435 Bad Dog? Good Dog Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032341 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025022 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025398 The Bear’s Mouth Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032372 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025138 25-pack...................................................................................................9781424025312 No, You Can’t Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032389 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025077 25-pack...................................................................................................9781424025374 Old Boat, New Boat Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032426 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025084 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025367 Who’s Best Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032433 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025213 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025244 The Shipwreck Single Unit............................................................................................9781424027330 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025176 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025282 I Always Win! Single Unit............................................................................................9781424027347 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025053 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025411 Trouble at the Zoo Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032396 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025220 25-pack...................................................................................................9781424025237 Quiz Night Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032440 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025091 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025350 Slam Dunk for Mark Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032358 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025121 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025329 Go Jimmy Go! Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032457 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025039 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025404 Singer Wanted Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032464 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025107 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025343 The Golden Monkey Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032471 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025152 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025305 The New Guitar Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032402 5-pack.....................................................................................................9781424025169 25-pack...................................................................................................9781424025299 My Mom, the Movie Star Single Unit............................................................................................9781424032488 5-pack ....................................................................................................9781424025060 25-pack .................................................................................................9781424025381 Teacher’s Set (1 of each title) ........................................................9781424025008 Heinle Reading Library: Mini-Reader Collection, The pg.56 First Day of School Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016697 5-Pack ....................................................................................................9781413064490 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021585 Here is My Family Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016703 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064513 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021592
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 163
After School Work Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016710 5-Pack ....................................................................................................9781413064476 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021608 Teenagers in the Morning Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016727 5-Pack ....................................................................................................9781413064551 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021615 Saturday Afternoon Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016734 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064544 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021622 Friends at Lunch Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016734 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064506 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021639 Working at the Supermarket Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016758 5-Pack ....................................................................................................9781413064568 25-Pack ..................................................................................................9781413021646 Career Day at School Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016765 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064483 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021653 Holiday Scrapbook Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016772 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064520 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021660 Joel’s Senior Yearbook Single Unit............................................................................................9781413016789 5-Pack.....................................................................................................9781413064537 25-Pack...................................................................................................9781413021677 Classroom Library (5 of each title) ..............................................9781413021684 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424007745 Hot Topics Levels 1-3
Book 1 ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413009286 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413007022 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781413007039 CNN® DVD.............................................................................................9781413015683 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413009293 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413007060 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781413007077 CNN® DVD.............................................................................................9781413015706 Book 3 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413009309 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413007107 Audio CDs (3).......................................................................................9781413007114 CNN® DVD.............................................................................................9781413015713 Books 1 – 3 Instructor’s Manual ...........................................................................9781413007145 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413007138 Idea Exchange Levels 1-2 (Backlist)
Student Book 1 - on POD................................................................9780030344817 Student Book 2 ..................................................................................9780030344886 Idioms Organiser
Student Text.........................................................................................9781899396061
I IELTS Advantage Series
Reading Skills.......................................................................................9781905085637 Speaking & Listening Skills.............................................................9781905085644 Writing Skills........................................................................................9781905085620 IELTS Express, 2e
Intermediate Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313069 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133313014 Teacher’s Guide with DVD...............................................................9781133312987
Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781133316596 Upper Intermediate Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313021 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781133316206 Teacher’s Guide with DVD...............................................................9781133316626 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781133316619 IELTS Practice Tests
Student Text with Answer Key .....................................................9781413009750 Student Text without Answer Key ..............................................9781413009767 Audio CDs (3).......................................................................................9781413009774 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413009798 IELTS Resource Pack
Student Text.........................................................................................9781905085156 Impressions Levels 1-2 (Backlist)
Book 1 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424017379 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9780618410262 Book 2 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424017386 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9780618410279 Inside Out/Outside In
Student Text ........................................................................................9780395986059 Inspire Series
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133963684 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................................................9781133963653 CD/DVD..................................................................................................9781133963646 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781133963608 Level 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133963578 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................................................9781133963554 CD/DVD..................................................................................................9781133963455 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781133963608 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133963424 Teacher’s Guide ..............................................................................9781133963387 CD/DVD..................................................................................................9781133963370 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781133963608 Introductory Guide to the TOEIC® Test
Student Text ........................................................................................9781413008913 Audio CDs (4) ......................................................................................9781413010589 Answer Key ..........................................................................................9781413013184 Student Text with Answer Key + Audio CDs Pkg ..................9781413013924
J Just Right, 2e - British English
Elementary Student Book ......................................................................................9781133562979 Workbook + Answer Key and Audio CD....................................9781133563051 Workbook without Answer Key and Audio CD.......................9781133563068 Teacher’s Book + Class Audio........................................................9781133563044 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781133562917 Pre-intermediate Student Book ......................................................................................9781111830403 Workbook + Answer Key and Audio CD....................................9781111830397 Workbook without Answer Key and Audio CD.......................9781111830496 Teacher’s Book + Class Audio........................................................9781111830694 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111830700 Intermediate Student Book ......................................................................................9781111830441 Workbook + Answer Key and Audio CD....................................9781111830670 Workbook without Answer Key and Audio CD.......................9781111830458 Teacher’s Book + Class Audio........................................................9781111830724 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111830748 Upper Intermediate Student Book ......................................................................................9781111830434 Workbook with Audio CD...............................................................9781111830564 Workbook with Audio CD and Key..............................................9781111830533 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781111830779
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Teacher’s Book + Class Audio........................................................9781111830755 Advanced Student Book ......................................................................................9781133562931 Workbook + Answer Key and Audio CD....................................9781133563020 Workbook Audio CD.........................................................................9781133562900 Workbook without Answer Key and Audio CD.......................9781133563037 Teacher’s Book + Class Audio........................................................9781133563013 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781133562894 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781133562948 Just Right - American English
Elementary Student Text .......................................................................................9780462007946 Workbook with Audio CD (with Answer Key).........................9780462007953 Workbook with Audio CD .............................................................9780462007960 Classroom Audio CD .......................................................................9780462007984 Teacher’s Manual ..............................................................................9780462007977 Pre-Intermediate Student Text .......................................................................................9780462003498 Workbook with Audio CD (with Answer Key).........................9780462007854 Workbook with Audio CD .............................................................9780462007861 Classroom Audio CD .......................................................................9780462007885 Teacher’s Manual ..............................................................................9780462007878 Intermediate Student Text .......................................................................................9780462007892 Workbook with Audio CD (with Answer Key).........................9780462007908 Workbook with Audio CD .............................................................9780462007915 Classroom Audio CD .......................................................................9780462007939 Teacher’s Manual ..............................................................................9780462007922 Upper Intermediate Student Text .......................................................................................9780462000237 Workbook with Audio CD (with Answer Key).........................9780462000251 Workbook with Audio CD .............................................................9780462000244 Classroom Audio CD .......................................................................9780462000275 Teacher’s Manual ..............................................................................9780462000268 Advanced Student Text .......................................................................................9780462098852 Workbook with Audio CD (with Answer Key).........................9780462098869 Workbook with Audio CD .............................................................9780462005164 Classroom Audio CD .......................................................................9780462098890 Teacher’s Manual ..............................................................................9780462098883
K Key Concepts: Listening, Note Taking, and Speaking Across the Disciplines Levels 1-2
Book 1 Student Text ........................................................................................9780618382408 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781428203075 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9780618382439 Book 2 Student Text ........................................................................................9780618382415 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9781428203068 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780618382453 Key Concepts: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines Levels 1-2
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780618474615 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780618474622 Key Words for Fluency Series
Student Text - Pre Intermediate....................................................9780759396296 Student Text - Intermediate ..........................................................9780759396289 Student Text - Upper Intermediate..............................................9780759396272
L Language of Meetings, The
Student Text ........................................................................................9780906717462 Learning to Speak Levels 1 - 4 Asia Edition
Student Text with MP3 & CD ROM Book 1................................9781111723453 Student Text with MP3 & CD ROM Book 2................................9781111723460 Student Text with MP3 & CD ROM Book 3................................9781111723750 Student Text with MP3 & CD ROM Book 4................................9781111723477
Life Series
Beginner Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315681 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133317319 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758855 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758862 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133316114 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318330 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285451138 Elementary Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315698 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133316039 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758879 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758886 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133316091 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318347 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285451145 Pre-Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315704 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133316138 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758893 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758909 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133316077 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318354 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285199115 Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315711 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133316886 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758916 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758923 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133316053 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318361 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285199122 Upper Intermediate Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315728 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133315469 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758930 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758947 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133315476 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318378 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285451169 Advanced Student Book with DVD...................................................................9781133315735 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD.........................................9781133315766 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781285758954 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781285758961 Teacher’s Book with Class Audio CD...........................................9781133315773 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781133318385 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®Pro ...............................9781285451152 Life, Language & Literature (Backlist)
Student Text ........................................................................................9780838439654 Listen In - Asia Edition Levels 1-3
Student Text with Audio CD Book 1............................................9789814272612 Student Text with Audio CD Book 2............................................9789814272629 Student Text with Audio CD Book 3............................................9789814272636 Listen to Me!, 3/e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424003785 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg ...............................................9781424047147 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781424018321 Listening Advantage Levels 1-4
Book 1 Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424001750 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424001743 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424001774 Book 2 Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781424001941 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424002061 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424002054 Book 3 Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781424002399 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424002412
Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424002405 Book 4 Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781424002443 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424002467 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424002450 Listening and Notetaking Levels 1-3, 4th Edition
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133951148 Text/Audio CDs/DVD Package.......................................................9781285953052 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285845135 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781133950998 Classroom DVDs.................................................................................9781133950981 Level 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133950608 Text/Audio CDs/DVD Package.......................................................9781285953069 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285845142 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781133950592 Classroom DVDs.................................................................................9781133950585 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9781133950578 Text/Audio CDs/DVD Package.......................................................9781285953076 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285845159 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781133950561 Classroom DVDs.................................................................................9781133950554 Listening and Notetaking Levels 1-3 (OLD EDITION)
Book 1 : Intermediate Listening Comprehension, 3e ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413012576 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413003970 Audio CDs (5).......................................................................................9781413005967 DVD 9781413005981 Book 2 : Noteworthy ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413012569 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413003987 Audio CDs (5).......................................................................................9781413005936 DVD .......................................................................................................9781413006001 Book 3 : Advanced Listening Comprehension ISE Student Text .................................................................................9781413012552 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413003963 Audio CDs (5) ......................................................................................9781413006032 DVD .......................................................................................................9781413006056
N New Business Matters, 2e
Student Book.......................................................................................9780759398566 Workbook .............................................................................................9780759398597 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780759398573 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9780759398535 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9780759398528 CNN® Video...........................................................................................9780759398559 News for Now, 2e - Levels 1-3
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814221108 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814221191 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814221122 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814221139 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789814221207 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789814221153 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814221160 Audio CD...............................................................................................9789814221214 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814221184 Non-Stop Discussion Workbook, The, 2e - (Backlist)
Student Workbook - on POD.........................................................9780838429389 Now Hear This!, 3/e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424003792 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424047154 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424016143
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Now You’re Talking Levels 1-3
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111350543 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111350550 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781111350567 Level 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111350574 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111350598 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781111350611 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111350581 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111350604 Instructor’s Guide...............................................................................9781111350628
O On Speaking Terms, 2e Levels 1-2
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618396009 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424041886 Audio CDs (3)..........................................................................................978061839603 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780618396023 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424041930 Audio CDs (3).......................................................................................9781424087433 Our World Levels 1-6
BRITISH ENGLISH Book 1 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455495 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455563 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455617 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455464 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455587 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285462004 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456140 Book 2 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455501 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455648 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455686 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455457 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455679 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285461991 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456157 Book 3 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455525 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455693 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455730 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455440 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455723 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285461984 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456164 Flashcard Set Levels 1-3...................................................................9781285760858 Assessment Book + Audio CD Levels 1-3.................................9781285456201 ExamView CD-ROM Levels 1-3......................................................9781285461113 Book 4 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455549 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455822 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455945 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455433 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455921 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285461496 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456195 Book 5 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455556 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455839 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455952 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455426 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455938 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285461489 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456188
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 165
Book 6 Student Book + CD-ROM.................................................................9781285455488 Workbook + Workbook Audio CD................................................9781285455846 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + Teacher Resource CD-ROM.........................................................................................9781285455969 Interactive Whiteboard DVD..........................................................9781285455396 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781285455914 Story Time DVD...................................................................................9781285461472 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781285456171 Assessment Book + Audio CD Levels 4-6.................................9781285456218 ExamView CD-ROM Levels 4-6......................................................9781285461090 Book 1 - READERS The Kings Newclothes Rdr..............................................................9781285190655 The Kings Newclothes Big Book...................................................9781285191614 Little Red Hen Is Cooking Rdr........................................................9781285190686 Little Red Hen Is Cooking Big Book.............................................9781285191645 My Body Your Body Rdr...................................................................9781285190679 My Body Your Body Big Book.........................................................9781285191638 The Toys Rdr.........................................................................................9781285190662 The Toys Big Book..............................................................................9781285191621 The Three Bears Rdr...........................................................................9781285190648 The Three Bears Big Book................................................................9781285191607 Too Many Animals Rdr......................................................................9781285190693 Too Many Animals Big Book...........................................................9781285191652 We All Pull Rdr.....................................................................................9781285190631 We All Pull Big Book..........................................................................9781285191591 What’s In My Classroom? Rdr.........................................................9781285190617 What’s In My Classroom? Big Book..............................................9781285191744 Where Are Theanimals Rdr.............................................................9781285190624 Where Are Theanimals? Big Book.................................................9781285191584 Book 2 - READERS Our World Bre 2 The Ant & Thegrasshopper Rdr....................9781285190730 The Ant & Thegrasshopper Big Book..........................................9781285191676 Art Class Bigbook...............................................................................9781285191751 Art Class Rdr.........................................................................................9781285190709 A Big Lesson For Little Frog Rdr....................................................9781285190778 A Big Lesson For Little Frog Big Book.........................................9781285191713 Hare Is Scared Big Book...................................................................9781285191706 Hare Is Scared Rdr..............................................................................9781285190761 My Day Big Book................................................................................9781285191690 My Day Rdr...........................................................................................9781285190754 The North Wind & The Sun Big Book..........................................9781285191669 The North Wind & The Sun Rdr.....................................................9781285190723 Stone Soup Big Book........................................................................9781285191737 Stone Soup Rdr...................................................................................9781285190792 The Three Pigs Big Book..................................................................9781285191683 The Three Pigs Rdr.............................................................................9781285190747 What Jobs Do They Do Rdr.............................................................9781285190785 What Jobs Do They Do Big Book..................................................9781285191720 Book 3 - READERS Anansis Big Dinner Rdr...................................................................9781285191270 Country Mousevisits City Mouse Rdr.........................................9781285191232 Getting To School Around The World Rdr................................9781285191249 Coyotes Weekend Rdr.....................................................................9781285191300 The Four Blind Men Rdr..................................................................9781285191256 Holiday Colours And Lights Rdr...................................................9781285191294 Mouse Deer Inthe Rainforest Rdr................................................9781285191263 Caring For Elephant Orphans Rdr...............................................9781285191225 Tortoise & Hares Race Rdr..............................................................9781285191287 Book 4 - READERS The Empty Potrdr..............................................................................9781285191324 The Green Rabbit Rdr......................................................................9781285191355 Hurums Hobby Rdr...........................................................................9781285191386 The Mirror Rdr....................................................................................9781285191317 Rhodopis Rdr......................................................................................9781285191331 Stormalong & The Giant Octopus Rdr.......................................9781285191362 Sweet Surprises Rdr..........................................................................9781285191379 Tender Flower& The Medicine Rdr..............................................9781285191348 The Tug Of War Rdr...........................................................................9781285191393 Book 5 - READERS Amazing Beaches Rdr......................................................................9781285191485 Cave People Karawari Vanishing Culture Rdr.........................9781285191447 How The Milkyway Began Rdr......................................................9781285191430 How Tiger Gothis Stripes Rdr........................................................9781285191416
Popocatépetl And Iztaccíhuatl Rdr.............................................9781285191461 The Songbirds’ Flute Rdr.................................................................9781285191423 The Tailor And His Coat Rdr...........................................................9781285191478 The Tale Of Thunder And Lightning Rdr...................................9781285191409 Two Brothers Two Rewards Rdr....................................................9781285191454 Our World Bre 6 Advertising Techniques: Do You Buy It? Rdr......................................................................9781285191546 Book 6 - READERS Better Lives With Bionics Rdr........................................................9781285191560 How Quetzalcoatl Brght Chclte To Ppl Rdr..............................9781285191515 King Midas And His Golden Touch Rdr.....................................9781285191508 Odon And The Tiny Creatures Rdr................................................9781285191539 The Flying Dutchman Rdr...............................................................9781285191577 The River Dragons Rdr......................................................................9781285191522 The Shark Kings Cave Rdr...............................................................9781285191553 Young Cú Chulainn Rdr....................................................................9781285191492 AMERICAN ENGLISH Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611677 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133939337 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781133945123 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133962762 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781133945130 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781285445977 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781133945109 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133962670 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611646 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133939351 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781133945093 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133961543 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781133945062 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781285446004 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781133945048 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133962342 Book 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611653 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133939382 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781133945017 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133961512 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781133944898 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781285446035 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781133944911 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133962205 Assessment Book Levels 1-3..........................................................9781285606644 Assessment Audio CD Levels 1-3.................................................9781285606668 Examview CD Levels 1-3..................................................................9781285606682 Book 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611684 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133942405 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781133944867 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133962748 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781285060972 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781285455280 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781133944782 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133962052 Book 5 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611691 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133942412 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781133944768 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133962717 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781285060965 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781133944669 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781285455297 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133961901 Book 6 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133611707 Student Book + CDROM..................................................................9781133942429 Workbook + Worbook Audio CD..................................................9781285060996 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + TR CD-ROM...............................9781133962700 Video DVD.............................................................................................9781285061009 Story Time Video DVD......................................................................9781285455327 Classroom Presentation Tool (IWB)..............................................9781133944621 Poster Set..............................................................................................9781133961741 Assessment Book Levels 4-6..........................................................9781285606651
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Assessment Audio CD Levels 4-6.................................................9781285606675 Examview CD Levels 4-6..................................................................9781285606699 Book 1 - READERS Little Red Hen Is Cooking Big Book.............................................9781133939573 Little Red Hen Is Cooking Rdr........................................................9781133730415 My Body Your Body Big Book.........................................................9781133939566 My Body Your Body Rdr...................................................................9781133730408 The Kings Newclothes Big Book...................................................9781133939450 The Kings Newclothes Rdr..............................................................9781133730385 The Three Bears Big Book................................................................9781133939436 The Three Bears Rdr...........................................................................9781133730378 The Toys Big Book..............................................................................9781133939467 The Toys Rdr.........................................................................................9781133730392 Too Many Animals Big Book...........................................................9781133939627 Too Many Animals Rdr......................................................................9781133730422 We All Pull Big Book..........................................................................9781133939405 We All Pull Rdr.....................................................................................9781133730361 Whats In My Classroom Big Book.................................................9781133939238 Whats In My Classroom Rdr...........................................................9781133590088 Where Are Theanimals Big Book..................................................9781133939306 Where Are Theanimals Rdr.............................................................9781133730354 Book 2 - READERS A Big Lesson For Little Frog Big Book.........................................9781133939757 A Big Lesson For Little Frog Rdr....................................................9781133730491 Art Class Bigbook...............................................................................9781133939221 Art Class Rdr.........................................................................................9781133730439 Hare Is Scared Big Book...................................................................9781133939733 Hare Is Scared Rdr..............................................................................9781133730484 My Day Big Book................................................................................9781133939719 My Day Rdr...........................................................................................9781133730477 Stone Soup Big Book........................................................................9781133939801 Stone Soup Rdr...................................................................................9781133730514 The Ant And The Grasshopper Big Book...................................9781133939658 The Ant And The Grasshopper Rdr..............................................9781133730453 The North Wind And The Sun Big Book.....................................9781133939641 The North Wind And The Sun Rdr................................................9781133730446 The Three Pigs Big Book..................................................................9781133939689 The Three Pigs Rdr.............................................................................9781133730460 What Jobs Do They Do Big Book..................................................9781133939771 What Jobs Do They Do Rdr.............................................................9781133730507 Book 3 - READERS Anansis Big Dinner Rdr....................................................................9781133730576 Country Mousevisits City Mouse Rdr..........................................9781133730538 Coyotes Weekend Rdr......................................................................9781133730606 Getting To School Around The World Rdr.................................9781133730545 Holiday Colors And Lights Rdr......................................................9781133730590 Mouse Deer Inthe Rainforest Rdr.................................................9781133730569 Caring For Elephant Orphans Rdr................................................9781133730521 The Four Blind Men Rdr...................................................................9781133730552 Tortoise And Hares Race Rdr..........................................................9781133730583 Book 4 - READERS Hurums Hobby Rdr............................................................................9781133730682 Rhodopis Rdr.......................................................................................9781133730637 Stormalong Giant Octopus Rdr....................................................9781133730668 Sweet Surprises Rdr...........................................................................9781133730675 Tender Flowermed Rdr.....................................................................9781133730644 The Empty Potrdr...............................................................................9781133730620 The Green Rabbit Rdr.......................................................................9781133730651 The Mirror Rdr.....................................................................................9781133730613 The Tug Of War Rdr............................................................................9781133730699 Book 5 - READERS Amazing Beaches Rdr.......................................................................9781133730781 How The Milkyway Began Rdr.......................................................9781133730736 How Tiger Gothis Stripes Rdr.........................................................9781133730712 The Cave People Of The Karawari Rdr........................................9781133730743 Popocatépetl And Iztaccíhuatl Rdr..............................................9781133730767 The Songbirds’ Flute Rdr..................................................................9781133730729 The Tailor And His Coat Rdr............................................................9781133730774 The Tale Of Thunder & Lightening Rdr.......................................9781133730705 Two Brothers Two Rewards Rdr....................................................9781133730750 Book 6 - READERS Advertising Techniques: Do You Buy It? Rdr............................9781133730842 Better Lives With Bionics Rdr.........................................................9781133730866 How Quetzalcoatl Brght Chclte To Ppl Rdr...............................9781133730811
King Midas Rdr....................................................................................9781133730804 Odon And The Tiny Creatures Rdr................................................9781133730835 The Flying Dutchman Rdr...............................................................9781133730873 The River Dragons Rdr......................................................................9781133730828 The Shark King’s Cave Rdr...............................................................9781133730859 Young Cú Chulainn Rdr....................................................................9781133730798 Outcomes Series
Elementary Student Text with PinCode and Vocabulary Builder ............9781111071295 Student Text with MP3 - Asia Edition .......................................9789814455626 Text with PinCode (Asia Edition) SALES IN CB/MM/ID/LO/MY/TH/VN.....................................9789814352499 Workbook with Key + CD................................................................9781111207915 Workbook with Key - Asia Edition................................................9789814455220 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111071257 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111071288 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781111221218 ExamView® - REVISED.......................................................................9781285766423 Whiteboard Interactive CD.............................................................9781111220389 Whiteboard Interactive CD - REVISED!.......................................9781285188683 Pre-Intermediate Student Text with PinCode and Vocabulary Builder ............9781111031091 Student Text with MP3 - Asia Edition .......................................9789814455633 Text with PinCode (Asia Edition) SALES IN CB/MM/ID/LO/MY/TH/VN.....................................9789814352482 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781111054113 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111054120 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111032517 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781111054472 ExamView® - REVISED.......................................................................9781285766430 Whiteboard Interactive CD.............................................................9781111220365 Whiteboard Interactive CD - REVISED!.......................................9781285436630 Intermediate Student Text with PinCode and Vocabulary Builder ............9781424027965 Student Text with MP3 - Asia Edition .......................................9789814455640 Text with PinCode (Asia Edition) SALES IN CB/MM/ID/LO/MY/TH/VN.....................................9789814352475 Workbook with Key and CD...........................................................9781424027972 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111054908 Teacher’s Book ....................................................................................9781424028016 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424028009 ExamView® - REVISED.......................................................................9781285766447 Whiteboard Interactive CD.............................................................9781111220372 Whiteboard Interactive CD - REVISED!.......................................9781285436647 Upper- Intermediate Student Text with PinCode and Vocabulary Builder ............9781111034047 Student Text with MP3 - Asia Edition .......................................9789814455657 Text with PinCode (Asia Edition) SALES IN CB/MM/ID/LO/MY/TH/VN.....................................9789814352468 Workbook with Key and CD...........................................................9781111054137 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111034054 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111032470 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111054892 ExamView® - REVISED.......................................................................9781285766454 Whiteboard Interactive CD.............................................................9781111220532 Whiteboard Interactive CD - REVISED!.......................................9781285436654 Advanced Student Text with PinCode and Vocabulary Builder ............9781111211752 Workbook with Key and CD...........................................................9781111212339 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111212377 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111212384 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111212346 ExamView® - REVISED.......................................................................9781285766461 Whiteboard Interactive CD.............................................................9781111220396 Whiteboard Interactive CD - REVISED!.......................................9781285436661
P Page Turners Reading Library (Graded Readers) p. 42 pg.50 Level 1 Come Home ........................................................................................9781424046621 Roommates..........................................................................................9781424048977 Soccer Crazy.........................................................................................9781424046539
It’s Just a Cat (New!)...........................................................................9781424048885 The Lift (New!).....................................................................................9781424048878 Level 2 Beautiful Game...................................................................................9781424048779 Hacker.....................................................................................................9781424046492 You Just Don’t Know Her.................................................................9781424046485 He’s Mine (New!).................................................................................9781424046638 Roadtrip (New!)...................................................................................9781424048830 Level 3 Kitchen Love Story.............................................................................9781424046393 Running Free........................................................................................9781424046386 The Angels............................................................................................9781424046409 The Lost City of Gold.........................................................................9781424046416 Level 4 Heart of a Fighter...............................................................................9781424046430 Trust 9781424046447 Bigfoot....................................................................................................9781424046454 All About the Music...........................................................................9781424046461 Level 5 The Secret Beach................................................................................9781424018420 Gone (New!).........................................................................................9781424048731 Level 6 Picture in the Attic.............................................................................9781424017959 Level 7 Nature.....................................................................................................9781424046584 Dead Before Midnight......................................................................9781424018413 Dead in the Water..............................................................................9781424046591 Level 8 Danny Dark...........................................................................................9781424017935 Light 9781424046645 Kilimanjaro (New!)..............................................................................9781424048755 Level 9 Bad Blood..............................................................................................9781424018390 The Long Road to Lucca..................................................................9781424048762 Resistance (New!)...............................................................................9781424048908 The Yellow Field (New!)....................................................................9781424048748 Level 10 Reunited................................................................................................9781424018406 Joe Faust................................................................................................9781424017966 The Boathouse (New!)......................................................................9781424048854 Level 11 Mercy Killer...........................................................................................9781424017942 Samurai (New!)....................................................................................9781424048847 Control Order 51.................................................................................9781424048892 The Art of Fear (New!).......................................................................9781424018383 The Battle Big Tree Country (New!)..............................................9781424048861 Level 12 Deadly Truth.........................................................................................9781424048915 Oscar’s Journey (New!).....................................................................9781424048939 The Stranger.........................................................................................9781424048922 Pass Cambridge BEC (OLD EDITION)
Preliminary Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741253 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781902741291 Practice Test Book with Audio CD................................................9781902741406 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741260 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781902741284 Progress to Vantage Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741437 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781902741475 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741444 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781902741468 Vantage Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741307 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781902741345 Practice Test Book with Audio CD................................................9781902741413 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741314 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781902741338 Higher Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741352 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781902741390 Practice Test Book with Audio CD................................................9781902741420 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741369 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781902741383
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Pass Cambridge BEC, 2e
Preliminary Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313205 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133316510 Teacher’s Book with Classroom Audio CDs..............................9781133317548 Vantage Student Book.......................................................................................9781133315575 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133316558 Teacher’s Book with Classroom Audio CDs..............................9781133317531 Higher Student Book.......................................................................................9781133313229 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133316572 Teacher’s Book with Classroom Audio CDs..............................9781133317524 Past, Present & Future, 4/e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780838452820 Pathways: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Levels Foundations-4
Foundations Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781285177489 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781285176246 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781285176277 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781285176673 DVD .......................................................................................................9781285176710 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285176734 Level 1 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133307679 Split 1A with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159690 Split 1B with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159737 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111350352 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781111832285 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781111350406 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111350444 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111833183 Level 2 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133307693 Split 2A with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159744 Split 2B with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159751 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111398156 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781111398613 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781111350338 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111350413 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111398620 Level 3 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133307631 Split 3A with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159768 Split 3B with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159775 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111398644 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781111830823 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781111350376 DVD 9781111350420 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111833190 Level 4 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133307662 Split 4A with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159782 Split 4B with Online Workbook (Asia Edition).........................9781285159799 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111347802 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781111347895 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111350437 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781111350383 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111347819 Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking Levels Foundations-4
Foundations Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781285442136 Student Book.......................................................................................9781285442129 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781285442143 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781285442174 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781285442167 DVD .......................................................................................................9781285442198 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781285442594 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781285442181 Level 1 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133942139
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 167
Student Book.......................................................................................9781133312864 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133511717 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133317340 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133317203 DVD .......................................................................................................9781133317159 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133317197 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133317142 Level 2 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133942160 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133312871 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133511687 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133317074 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133317289 DVD .......................................................................................................9781133317180 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133317272 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133317265 Level 3 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133942177 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133317098 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133511694 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133317395 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133317357 DVD .......................................................................................................9781133317371 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133317364 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133317388 Level 4 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781133942184 Student Book.......................................................................................9781133317067 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133511700 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133317418 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781133317401 DVD .......................................................................................................9781133317449 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133317425 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781133317432 PATHWAYS COMBINED L/S AND R/W GUIDED TOUR CD-ROM...........................................................9781111833206 Phrasal Verb Organiser
Student Text.........................................................................................9780906717622 PM Traditional Tales and Plays - Special Asia Edtion
PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Beauty and the Beast........................................................................................9789814281249 PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Cinderella...........................9789814281256 PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Jack and Magic Harp....................................................................................9789814281263 PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Rumplestiltskin.................9789814281270 PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Seven Follish Fisherman......................................................................................9789814281287 PM Gold Traditional Tales & Plays Snow White and 7 Dwafts................................................................................9789814281294 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Billy Goats Gruff..........9789814281102 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Chicken Licken............9789814281065 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Gingerbread Man.......................................................................9789814281072 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Little Red Hen..............9789814281089 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Tale of Turnip...............9789814281096 PM Orange Traditional Tales & Plays Three Little Pig............9789814281119 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Animal Band...................9789814281201 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Boy Who Crief Wolf.......................................................................................9789814281218 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Hare & Tortoise..............9789814281225 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Puss in Boots..................9789814281188 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Sly Fox and Little Red Hen..............................................................................9789814281195 PM Purple Traditional Tales & Plays Town Mouse Count Mouse................................................................................9789814281232 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Androcles and Lion.......9789814281300 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Bear and the Trolls.........9789814281348 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Dick Whittington............9789814281317 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Robin Hood Silver..........9789814281324 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Sleeping Beauty..............9789814281331 PM Silver Traditional Tales & Plays Strange Shoe...................9789814281355 PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Brave Little Tailor.....................................................................................9789814281157
PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Elves & Shoemaker....................................................................................9789814281164 PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Goldilocks and 3 Bears...................................................................................9789814281126 PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Little Red Riding Hood.................................................................................9789814281133 PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Stone Soup..............9789814281140 PM Turquoise Traditional Tales & Plays Ugly Duckling.........9789814281171 Practical Grammar Levels 1-3
Level 1 (A1-A2) Student Book with Answer Key + Pincode + Audio CD Pkg...........................................................................9781424018086 Student Book without Answer Key + Pincode + Audio Pkg..................................................................................9781424016778 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424061594 Level 2 (A2-B1) Student Book with Answer Key + Pincode + Audio CD Pkg...........................................................................9781424018055 Student Book without Answer Key + Pincode + Audio Pkg..................................................................................9781424018048 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781424070008 Level 3 Student Book with Answer Key + Pincode + Audio CD Pkg...........................................................................9781424018079 Student Book without Answer Key + Pincode + Audio Pkg..................................................................................9781424018062 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111222161 Presenting in English, Updated Version
Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9781111832278 Audio CDs.............................................................................................9781111067953 Professional English Series
English for Business Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781413020885 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9781424000111 English for Health Sciences Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781413020892 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781424000128 English for Professional Success Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781413020878 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781424000074 English for Science and Engineering Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781413020915 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781424000135 English for Humanities Student Text with Audio CD ..........................................................9781413020908 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9781424000142 Pronouncing American English, 3e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111352103 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781133261193 Audio CDs ............................................................................................9781111352110
R Read, Write, Edit - (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780618144952 Reading Advantage, 3e Levels 1-4
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814352703 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9789814336536 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814336574 Level 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814352710 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9789814336543 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814336581 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814352727 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9789814336550 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9789814336598 Level 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9789814352734 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg .................................................9789814336567
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9789814336604 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9789814336611 Reading Adventures Levels 1-3
Level 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9780840028419 Audio CD/DVD....................................................................................9780840030337 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9780840030320 Level 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9780840030368 Audio CD/DVD....................................................................................9780840030375 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9780840028792 Level 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9780840030399 Audio CD/DVD....................................................................................9780840030405 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9780840029751 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Levels 1-3.................9780840030351 NG Reading Adventures Website ................................................9781133310037 Reading Explorer Levels Intro - 5
Intro Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781111064341 Student Book ONLY...........................................................................9781111055769 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781111055790 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111055776 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111055783 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111055806 Level 1 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781424006373 Student Book ONLY...........................................................................9781424029334 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424028894 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424029433 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424043347 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424029471 Level 2 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781424029372 Student Book ONLY ..........................................................................9781424029341 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424029402 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424029440 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424043354 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424029471 Level 3 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781424029389 Student Book ONLY...........................................................................9781424029358 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424029419 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424029457 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424043361 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424029471 Level 4 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781424029396 Student Book ONLY...........................................................................9781424029365 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781424029426 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424029464 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424043378 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424029471 Level 5 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781111356002 Student Book ONLY...........................................................................9781111356026 Teacher’s Guide ..................................................................................9781111356422 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111356446 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111356439 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111356415 Reading for Today Levels 1-5
Book 1 : Themes for Today, 3e ISE Student Book................................................................................9781111056520 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781111033583 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111056537 Book 2 : Insights for Today, 4e ISE Student Book................................................................................9781111056544 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781111033613 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111056551 Book 3 : Issues for Today, 4e ISE Student Book................................................................................9781111056568
USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781111033576 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111056575 Book 4 : Concepts for Today, 3e ISE Student Book................................................................................9781111056582 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781111033057 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111056599 Book 5 : Topics for Today, 4e ISE Student Book................................................................................9781111056605 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781111033040 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781111056612 Reading Keys, 4e
pg. 141
Student Text.........................................................................................9781133589953 Aplia Instant Access...........................................................................9781285416311 Reading Matters, 2e - Levels 1-4
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780618475124 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780618475131 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780618475148 Student Book 4....................................................................................9780618475155 Reading the News
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424003815 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg ...............................................9781424094325 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424003808 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9781424003822 Reading & Vocabulary Development Series Asia Edition
Real English Grammar Series - British English (Grammar) p. 78 Real English Grammar Pre-Intermediate Student Book with Answer Key + Audio CD.................................................9780462007731 Real English Grammar Intermediate Student Book with Answer Key + Audio CD.................................................9780462007441 pg.87
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111221195 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781111220549 Reflections, 2e (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9780838448465 Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111071189 Rethinking America Levels 1-3 (Backlist)
Level 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838447505 CNN® Video...........................................................................................9780838408117 Level 2 Student Text - on POD......................................................................9780838447413 CNN® Video ..........................................................................................9780838408209 Level 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838447321 CNN® Video ..........................................................................................9780838408292 Instructor’s Manual (Books 1 – 3).................................................9780838400319
S Skills Booster Levels 1-4
Sounds Great Levels 1-2 - (Backlist)
Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838439647 Student with Audio Tapes Pkg......................................................9780838405444 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9780838442722 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838442739 Student with Audio Tapes Pkg......................................................9780838474587 Instructor’s Manual ...........................................................................9780838442753 Sourcework, 2nd Edition
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111352097
Facts and Figures Student Text with Audio CD...........................................................9789814272582 USE Student Book - please USE once Asia Edition stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413004182 Thoughts and Notions Text with Audio CD............................................................................9789814272599 USE Student Book - please USE once Asia Edition stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413004199 Cause and Effect Text with Audio CD............................................................................9789814272605 USE Student Book - please USE once Asia Edition stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413004168
Refining Composition Skills, 6/e
Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789604033737 Audio Cassettes .................................................................................9789604033751 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9789604035489 Teacher’s Book ....................................................................................9789604035496 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789604033782 Audio Cassettes..................................................................................9789604033799 Book 3 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9789604035571 Teacher’s Book ....................................................................................9789604033836 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789604033843 Audio Cassettes .................................................................................9789604033850 Book 4 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9789604035588 Teacher’s Book ....................................................................................9789604033874 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9789604033898 Audio Cassettes .................................................................................9789604033881
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9789604035823 Teacher’s Book ....................................................................................9789604033775
SPIN Series Levels 1-3
Book 1 Student Book ......................................................................................9781408060834 e-Book DVD..........................................................................................9781408060841 Workbook .............................................................................................9781408060858 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781408060865 Posters A................................................................................................9781408060933 Posters B................................................................................................9781408060940 Grammar Book....................................................................................9781408060896 Grammar Book Answer Key & Test Booklet..............................9781408060902 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781408060964 Teacher’s Book & Resource CD-ROM...........................................9781408060957 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781408060971 Book 2 Student Book ......................................................................................9781408060889 e-Book DVD..........................................................................................9781408061022 Workbook .............................................................................................9781408061039 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781408061046 Posters A................................................................................................9781408061268 Posters B................................................................................................9781408061275 Grammar Book....................................................................................9781408061244 Grammar Book Answer Key & Test Booklet..............................9781408061251 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781408061282 Teacher’s Book & Resource CD-ROM...........................................9781408061114 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781408061299 Book 3 Student Book ......................................................................................9781408061053 e-Book DVD..........................................................................................9781408061060 Workbook .............................................................................................9781408061077 Workbook Answer Key.....................................................................9781408061084 Posters A................................................................................................9781408061336 Posters B................................................................................................9781408061343 Grammar Book....................................................................................9781408061312 Grammar Book Answer Key & Test Booklet..............................9781408061329 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781408061350 Teacher’s Book & Resource CD-ROM...........................................9781408061183 Interactive Whiteboard....................................................................9781408061367 Spotlight on CAE
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424016761 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781424016815 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781424016969 Audio Cassette....................................................................................9781424016860 ExamBooster (Workbook)...............................................................9781424016891 ExamBooster with Key and Audio CD .......................................9781424060764
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Title Index/ISBN Guide My CAE...................................................................................................9781424053810 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424060719 Spotlight on FCE
Student Text with My FCE Online Package New Reprint..................................................................................9781408007624 Workbook with key ..........................................................................9781424016785 Workbook without key ...................................................................9781424016822 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781424016808 Class Audio CDs..................................................................................9781424016846 Audio Cassette ...................................................................................9781424016839 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424017218 Stand Out, 2e Levels Basic - 5
Basic USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424002542 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019045 Split Text Basic A.................................................................................9781424009541 Split Text Basic B ................................................................................9781424009558 Grammar Challenge .........................................................................9781424016006 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781413007206 ISE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e...........................................9781413020922 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424009640 Lifeskills DVD.......................................................................................9781424095698 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD)......................................................................................9781424019274 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424009992 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424018536 Level 1 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424002566 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019052 Split Text 1A..........................................................................................9781424009565 Split Text 1B..........................................................................................9781424009596 Grammar Challenge .........................................................................9781424009879 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781413007213 ISE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e...........................................9781413020939 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424009664 Lifeskills DVD ......................................................................................9781424095674 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) .....................................................................................9781424019298 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424009749 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424018543 Level 2 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424002580 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019069 Split Text 2A..........................................................................................9781424009572 Split Text 2B..........................................................................................9781424009619 Grammar Challenge .........................................................................9781424009916 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781413007220 ISE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e...........................................9781413020946 Audio CDs (2) ......................................................................................9781424009688 Lifeskills DVD.......................................................................................9781424095681 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD)......................................................................................9781424019342 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424009893 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424018550 Level 3 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424002603 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019083 Split Text 3A .........................................................................................9781424009589 Split Text 3B .........................................................................................9781424009626 Grammar Challenge..........................................................................9781424009930 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781413007237 ISE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e...........................................9781413020953 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424009701 Lifeskills DVD.......................................................................................9781424095704 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD)......................................................................................9781424019359 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424009947 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424009923
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 169
Level 4 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424002627 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019076 Split Text 4A .........................................................................................9781424009602 Split Text 4B..........................................................................................9781424009633 Grammar Challenge..........................................................................9781424009961 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781413007244 ISE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e...........................................9781413020960 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424009725 Lifeskills DVD.......................................................................................9781424095711 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD)......................................................................................9781424019366 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424009978 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424018567 Level 5 USE Student Book - please USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424017812 ISE Student Book ...............................................................................9781424019090 Split Text 5A..........................................................................................9781424017850 Split Text 5B .........................................................................................9781424017867 Grammar Challenge..........................................................................9781424017843 USE Reading & Writing Challenge, 1e.........................................9781424068999 Audio CD) .............................................................................................9781424017881 Lifeskills DVD.......................................................................................9781424095728 Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD)......................................................................................9781424019373 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424017836 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424017898 Steps to Writing Well, 12e
Student Book.......................................................................................9781133311317 Aplia Instant Access...........................................................................9781285083292 Step-by-Step Writing Levels 1-3
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424005031 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424004003 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424004997 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424005130 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424005048 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424004010 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424005000 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®......................................9781424005673 Book 3 USE Student Text - (No ISE for this level)..................................9781424004027 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781424005055 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781424005260 Stories Worth Reading Levels 1-2
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413013719 USE Student Text - POD only. .....................................................9781413008531 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413008548 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781413013726 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413008562 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781413008579 Books 1 & 2 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9781413008593 CNN® DVD ............................................................................................9781413018264 CNN® Video...........................................................................................9781413015157 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® .....................................9781413018271 Success with BEC
Preliminary Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741802 Workbook without Key ...................................................................9781902741932 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781905992034 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741949 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781905992003
Vantage Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741871 Workbook without Key ...................................................................9781902741956 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781905992041 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741901 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781905992010 Higher Student Book.......................................................................................9781902741888 Workbook without Key ...................................................................9781902741963 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9781905992058 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781902741970 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781905992027 Success with BULATS
Student Book with Answer Key + Audio CD............................9781902741697 Success with ILEC - (Backlist)
Student Text.........................................................................................9781902741840 Summertown Readers Pre-Intermediate Meet me in Brazil................................................................................9780462098807 Room Service.......................................................................................9781905992089 Superstar...............................................................................................9780462098760 Intermediate Double Trouble...................................................................................9780462098814 Peril in Venice.......................................................................................9781902741918 The Top Floor.......................................................................................9780462098821 Upper Intermediate Awayday................................................................................................9780462098838 Ekaterina................................................................................................9781902741925 Sink or Swin..........................................................................................9780462098845
T Tapestry Listening & Speaking Levels 1-4 - (Backlist) pg.55 Book 1 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838400098 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424093168 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424018147 Book 2 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838400166 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424093199 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424018154 Book 3 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838400234 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424093182 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424018130 Book 4 Student Text.........................................................................................9780838400296 Student Text with Audio CD Pkg..................................................9781424093175 Audio CDs (2).......................................................................................9781424018161 CNN® Video (Books 1 & 2) ..............................................................9780838400074 CNN® Video (Books 3 & 4)................................................................9780838400265 Instructor’s Manual (Books 1 & 2).................................................9780838400081 Instructor’s Manual (Books 3 & 4) ................................................9780838400272 Tapestry Reading Levels 1-4 (Backlist)
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780838405680 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780838400562 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780838400500 Student Book 4....................................................................................9780838400609 CNN® Video (Books 1 & 2) ..............................................................9780838400517 CNN® Video (Books 3 & 4) ..............................................................9780838400579 Instructor’s Manual (Books 1 & 2) ................................................9780838400524 Instructor’s Manual (Books 3 & 4).................................................9780838400593 Tapestry Writing Levels 1-4 - (Backlist)
Student Book 1....................................................................................9780838400333 Student Book 2....................................................................................9780838400388 Student Book 3....................................................................................9780838400425 Student Book 4....................................................................................9780838400456 CNN® Video (Books 1 & 2)................................................................9780838400302 CNN® Video (Books 3 & 4)................................................................9780838400432 Instructor’s Manual (Books 1 & 2) ................................................9780838400326 Instructor’s Manual (Books 3 & 4).................................................9780838400449
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Targeting Pronunciation, 2e
Student Text.........................................................................................9780618444182 Teacher Source Series Edition
Exploring Second Language Reading........................................9780838466858 Learning About Language Assessment - (on POD)...............9780838466889 Teaching ESL K-12 - (on POD)........................................................9780838479018 Pursuing Professional Development - (on POD).....................9780838411308 Teaching Second-Language Writing...........................................9780838478929 Doing Teacher Research - (on POD)............................................9780838479001 Designing Language Courses ....................................................9780838479094 Teaching Bilingual Children - (on POD).....................................9780838460986 Understanding Language Teaching - (on POD)......................9780838466902 Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring - (on POD)...........................................................9780838466759 Teaching Culture - (on POD)..........................................................9780838466766 Learning New Languages - (on POD)........................................9780838466773 Teacher’s Professional Development & Resources
Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424061204 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781424061198 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424061181 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424061372 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Levels 1-2.................9781424064243 Level 3 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424061273 Student Book with MultiROM........................................................9781424062089 Student Book Combo Split A.........................................................9781424061280 Student Book Combo Split B.........................................................9781424061297 Student Book Combo Splt A with MultiROM...........................9781424064496 Student Book Combo Splt B with MultiROM...........................9781424064502 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424061235 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424061266 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781424061259 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424061242 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424061389 Level 4 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424061341 Student Book with MultiROM........................................................9781424062096 Student Book Combo Split A.........................................................9781424061358 Student Book Combo Split B.........................................................9781424061365 Student Book Combo Splt A with MultiROM...........................9781424064519 Student Book Combo Splt B with MultiROM...........................9781424064526 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424061303 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424061334 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781424061327 DVD .......................................................................................................9781424061310 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424061396 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Levels 3-4.................9781424061105
Exploring Second Language Classroom Research ..............9781424027057 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 3e................................................................................9780838419922 Grammar Book, The, 2e ...................................................................9780838447253 Power of Context, The ...................................................................9781413001310 Essential of Teaching Academic Oral Communication.........9780618224920 Essentials of Teaching Academic Reading ...............................9780618230129 Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary .........................9780618230143 Essentials of Teaching Academic Writing ................................9780618230136 Language: The Social Mirror, 4e....................................................9781424004324 Dual Language Instruction ............................................................9780838488010 Language Learning Strategies .....................................................9780838428627 Elements of Language Curriculum, The ..................................9780838458105 Second Language Teaching & Learning ...................................9780838408384 Tapestry of Language Learning, The .........................................9780838423592 Memory, Meaning & Method, 2e ...............................................9780838455692 Methodology in TESOL ...................................................................9780838426951 Raising Silent Voices .........................................................................9780838427095 Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques .................9781424005659 Teaching and Learning Vocabulary ...........................................9780838428634
ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424017478 USE Student Text................................................................................9780618481057
Teaching Basic and Advanced Vocabulary
Top 20, 2e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781424067138 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 4e pg.129 Student Text.........................................................................................9781111351694 eBook Student Text...........................................................................9781285457413 Teaching Young Learners English
Student Text.........................................................................................9781111771379 Technical Report Writing Today, 10e
pg. 147
Student Text.........................................................................................9781133607380 Think About Editing (Backlist)
Student Text - on POD......................................................................9780838439760 Time Zones Levels 1-4
Level 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424060085 Student Book with MultiROM........................................................9781424034895 Student Book Combo Split A.........................................................9781424061150 Student Book Combo Split B.........................................................9781424061167 Student Book Combo Splt A with MultiROM...........................9781424064458 Student Book Combo Splt B with MultiROM...........................9781424064465 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424061099 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424061082 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781424061112 DVD 9781424061129 Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM.......................................9781424061136 Level 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781424060092 Student Book with MultiROM........................................................9781424062072 Student Book Combo Split A.........................................................9781424061211 Student Book Combo Split B.........................................................9781424061228 Student Book Combo Splt A with MultiROM...........................9781424064472 Student Book Combo Splt B with MultiROM...........................9781424064489 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424061174
Thinking for Yourself, 9e
Student Text.........................................................................................9781133311188 Tools for Writing (Backlist)
Student Text - on POD......................................................................9780838452943 Top 10
ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781424017485 USE Student Text................................................................................9780618789672 Total Business
Book 1 Student Book with Class Audio CD.............................................9780462098616 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9780462098623 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9780462098647 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780462098630 Book 2 Student Book with Class Audio CD.............................................9780462098654 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9780462098661 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9780462098685 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780462098678 Book 3 Student Book with Class Audio CD.............................................9780462098692 Workbook with Key...........................................................................9780462098708 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9780462098722 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9780462098715 20th Century American Short Stories
Student Book - Volume 1 ...............................................................9780838448502 Student Book - Volume 2.................................................................9780838448519 Student Book - Anthology .............................................................9780838461464
V Vocabulary Matrix - Understanding, Learning, Teaching pg.113 Student Text.........................................................................................9781424052530
W Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2e
Student Text.........................................................................................9780495912873 CourseMate Instant Access.............................................................9781133436089
Weaving it Together, 3/e - Levels 1-4
Book 1 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781426633508 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424056033 Audio CD ..............................................................................................9781424087396 Book 2 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781426633515 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424057412 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424087402 Instructor’s Manual (Books 1 & 2) ................................................9781111002374 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 1 – 2)............9781111002398 Book 3 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781426632921 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424057405 Audio CD...............................................................................................9781424087419 Book 4 ISE Student Text..................................................................................9781426633522 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781424057399 Audio CD (2) ........................................................................................9781424087426 Instructor’s Manual (Books 3 & 4) ................................................9781111002381 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Books 3 – 4)............9781111002411 Well Said Series
Well Said Intro ISE Student Text ................................................................................9781413015461 USE Student Text - Please use USE once ISE stocks depleted.........................................................................................9781413005103 Audio CDs (6).......................................................................................9781413007169 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9781413007190 Well Said, 3/e US Student Text...................................................................................9781424006250 Student Text with Audio CDs Pkg................................................9781424088027 Audio CDs (4).......................................................................................9781424007813 Instructor’s Manual............................................................................9781424007837 World Class Levels 1-2
Level 1 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781285063096 Student Book with CD......................................................................9781133310815 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781133565789 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781133566052 Print Workbook...................................................................................9781133565796 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133566069 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781133565765 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133565949 1A Combo Split with CD-ROM......................................................9781133565871 1A Combo Split with Online Workbook.....................................9781285419831 1A Combo Split...................................................................................9781133565802 1A Combo Split CD-ROM................................................................9781133565956 1B Combo Split with CD-ROM.......................................................9781133565888 1B Combo Split with Online Workbook.....................................9781285419886 1B Combo Split...................................................................................9781133565819 1B Combo Split CD-ROM.................................................................9781133565963 Classroom DVD for both levels 1-2..............................................9781133566045 Level 2 Student Book with Online Workbook.........................................9781285063089 Student Book with CD-ROM...........................................................9781133565895 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781133565833 Online Lesson Planner......................................................................9781133566076 Print Workbook...................................................................................9781133565840 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781133566083 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781133565772 Presentation Tool CD-ROM.............................................................9781133565994 2A Combo Split with CD-ROM......................................................9781133565901 2A Combo Split with Online Workbook.....................................9781285419893 2A Combo Split...................................................................................9781133565857 2A Combo Split CD-ROM................................................................9781133566007 2B Combo Split with CD-ROM.......................................................9781133565918 2B Combo Split with Online Workbook.....................................9781285419916 2B Combo Split...................................................................................9781133565864 2B Combo Split CD-ROM.................................................................9781133566014 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® (Levels 1 –2)............9781133565932
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 170
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Intro Student Book with CD......................................................................9781424034765 Student Book only ............................................................................9781424050147 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424050109 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424058709 Combo Split Intro A Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051052 Combo Split Intro B Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051151 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424051120 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424052103 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424050734 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424050772 Level 1 Student Book with CD......................................................................9781424051021 Student Book only ............................................................................9781424050154 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424050116 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424058716 Combo Split Intro A Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051069 Combo Split Intro B Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051076 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424051137 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424052134 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424050741 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424050789 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Intro-1 ......................9781424050819 Level 2 Student Book with CD......................................................................9781424051038 Student Book only ............................................................................9781424050918 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424050123 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424058723 Combo Split Intro A Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051083 Combo Split Intro B Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051090 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424050710 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424052110 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424050758 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424050796 Level 3 Student Book with CD......................................................................9781424051045 Student Book only ............................................................................9781424050161 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424050130 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424058730 Combo Split Intro A Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051106 Combo Split Intro B Book with Student CD-ROM..................9781424051113 Teacher’s Edition.................................................................................9781424050727 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424052127 Classroom Audio CD.........................................................................9781424050765 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424050802 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® 2-3 ..............................9781424050826
Combo Split B with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066766 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111625412 Text/Online Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699215 Classroom Audio CDs.......................................................................9781424065783 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424066018 Lesson Planner with Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.................9781111061906 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424066827 Interactive Presentation Tool.........................................................9781424065844 Level 2 Student Text with Student CD-ROM ..........................................9781424068197 Student Text ONLY.............................................................................9781424055029 Student CD-ROM................................................................................9781424065943 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424065875 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424068166 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424066841 Combo Split A with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066865 Combo Split B with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066773 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699239 Text/Online Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699222 Classroom Audio CDs.......................................................................9781424065929 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424066025 Lesson Planner with Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.................9781111061890 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424066810 Interactive Presentation Tool.........................................................9781424065967 Level 3 Student Text with Student CD-ROM ..........................................9781424068203 Student Text ONLY.............................................................................9781424055036 Student CD-ROM................................................................................9781424065950 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424065882 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424066834 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424066858 Combo Split A with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066759 Combo Split B with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066797 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699253 Text/Online Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699246 Classroom Audio CDs.......................................................................9781424065936 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424066032 Lesson Planner with Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.................9781111061883 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424066803 Interactive Presentation Tool.........................................................9781424065974 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Intro-3 ......................9781424066049
World Link, 2e Levels Intro - 3
World Link Video Course (Asia Edition) Levels Intro - 3 pg.28
Intro Student Text with Student CD-ROM ..........................................9781424068173 Student Text ONLY.............................................................................9781424049776 Student CD-ROM................................................................................9781424065790 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424065752 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424065813 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424065851 Combo Split A with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066872 Combo Split B with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066889 Text/Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699208 Text/Online Workbook Pkg - World Rights US Bundle. Able to create in TMS upon request....................................9781111699192 Classroom Audio CDs.......................................................................9781424065776 Classroom DVD...................................................................................9781424066001 Lesson Planner with Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.................9781111061913 Online Lesson Planner .....................................................................9781424065981 Interactive Presentation Tool.........................................................9781424065837 Level 1 Student Text with Student CD-ROM ..........................................9781424068180 Student Text ONLY.............................................................................9781424055012 Student CD-ROM................................................................................9781424065806 Workbook..............................................................................................9781424065769 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424065820 Online Video Workbook...................................................................9781424065868 Combo Split A with CD-ROM.........................................................9781424066780
Intro Workbook .............................................................................................9781133318767 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133318293 Level 1 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133318279 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133318309 Level 2 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133318286 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133318323 Level 3 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133318705 Teacher’s Guide...................................................................................9781133318316
World English Levels Intro - 3
153-172_ELT2014_SL.indd 171
World Pass (Backlist)
Upper-Intermediate Student Text.........................................................................................9780838406694 Workbook..............................................................................................9780838425671 Online Workbook ..............................................................................9781424007042 Text/Workbook Pkg...........................................................................9781424098927 Combo Split A ....................................................................................9781413010886 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781413010893 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780838446874 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9780838425688 Teacher’s Resource Book ................................................................9780838425664 CNN® DVD.............................................................................................9781413010770 Advanced Student Text.........................................................................................9780838406700
Workbook .............................................................................................9780838425701 Online Workbook...............................................................................9781424007035 Text/Workbook Pkg ..........................................................................9781424094110 Combo Split A.....................................................................................9781413010909 Combo Split B......................................................................................9781413010916 Audio CD...............................................................................................9780838446911 Teacher’s Edition ................................................................................9780838425718 Teacher’s Resource Book.................................................................9780838425695 CNN® DVD.............................................................................................9781413010787 Upper-Intermediate and Advanced Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®.......................................................9781413023268 World Windows Series
Level 1 Student Book Weather ................................................................................................9781133492818 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493228 Float or Sink?........................................................................................9781133566175 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493006 Ways to Travel .....................................................................................9781133492801 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493211 Senses ....................................................................................................9781133492757 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493174 Animals Move .....................................................................................9781133566137 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492962 My Friend and I ..................................................................................9781133492689 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493099 School Rules ........................................................................................9781133492733 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493150 Things Made of Wood .....................................................................9781133492788 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493198 In the Neighborhood .......................................................................9781133566212 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493044 Parts of a Tree......................................................................................9781133310822 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493112 ScienceTeacher’s Guide....................................................................9781133492825 Science CD-ROM (5 titles in 1).......................................................9781133492887 Social Studies Teacher’s Guide......................................................9781133492832 Social Studies CD-ROM (5 titles in 1)..........................................9781133492894 Level 2 Student Book Seasons 2...............................................................................................9781133492740 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493167 Habitats 2..............................................................................................9781133566205 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493037 Push and Pull 2....................................................................................9781133492726 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493143 Pumpkins 2...........................................................................................9781133492719 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493136 Polar Bears 2.........................................................................................9781133492702 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493129 Maps 2....................................................................................................9781133492672 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493082 Jobs 2......................................................................................................9781133492641 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493051 Goods 2..................................................................................................9781133566199 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493020 The City and the Country 2............................................................9781133492771 Workook................................................................................................9781133493235 Good Citizens .....................................................................................9781133566182 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493013 Science Teacher’s Guide...................................................................9781133492849 Science CD-ROM (5 titles in 1).......................................................9781133492900 Social Studies Teacher’s Guide......................................................9781133492856 Social Studies CD-ROM (5 titles in 1)..........................................9781133492917 Level 3 Student Book Butterflies 3..........................................................................................9781133566144 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492979 Earth 3....................................................................................................9781133566151 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492986 Magnets 3.............................................................................................9781133492665 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493075 Animal Groups 3.................................................................................9781133566120 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492955
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Title Index/ISBN Guide Solids, Liquids, and Gases 3............................................................9781133492764 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493181 Taking Care of Our Earth ................................................................9781133566151 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492986 Land and Water 3...............................................................................9781133492658 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493068 A Savings Plan 3..................................................................................9781133566113 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492948 New Year Celebrations 3..................................................................9781133492696 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493105 Thomas Edison 3................................................................................9781133492795 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133493204 Famous Landmarks 3........................................................................9781133566168 Workbook..............................................................................................9781133492993 Science Teacher’s Guide...................................................................9781133492863 Science CD-ROM (5 titles in 1).......................................................9781133492924 Social Studies Teacher’s Guide......................................................9781133492870 Social Studies CD-ROM (5 titles in 1)..........................................9781133492931 Wonderful World Levels 1-6
Book 1 Student Book.......................................................................................9781111400644 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111400675 Grammar Book ..................................................................................9781111828653 Project Book.........................................................................................9781111400705 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111400682 Teacher’s Resource Pack..................................................................9781111400699 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781111400767 DVD .......................................................................................................9781111400774 Interactive Whiteboard Software.................................................9781111400781 Class Audio CD....................................................................................9781111400668 Book 2 Student Book.......................................................................................9781111402037 Workbook..............................................................................................9781111402051 Grammar Book ..................................................................................9781111828646 Project Book.........................................................................................9781111402136 Teacher’s Book.....................................................................................9781111402068 Teacher’s Resource Pack..................................................................9781111402075 Interactive CD-ROM...........................................................................9781111402143 DVD 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