From the Editors' Desk

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Brehm, William. Brilliant, Eleanor L. Brock, Kathy L. Brody ... Hersey, Leigh. Heydemann, Steven. Hilger, Peter ... Never, Brent *. Newcomer, Kathryn. Nopo, Hugo.
The online version of the article (DOI: 10.1177/0899764012466973) in the December 2012 Issue, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41(6), pp. 921–928, has been reproduced with corrections. There was repetition of the acnowledgment text in the previous version of the article.

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454474 ofit and Voluntary Sector QuarterlyHandy et al.


From the Editors’ Desk

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(6) 921­–928 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: DOI: 10.1177/0899764012466973

July 2012 marked our second anniversary as Editors-in-Chief of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. It has been a busy year for us – and for the journal – and one that has witnessed increased stature for NVSQ. Perhaps the most exciting achievement is the strong rise in the Impact Factor for the journal to the highest level it has ever attained: 0.899 for 2011 (the latest year which the IF is calculated), a year-over-year increase of 39 percent since 2010 (IF = .648). As the Impact Factor is an indicator of the “use” or citation of a journal and often interpreted as a measure of its “quality,” we are pleased by this large rise for NVSQ. Greater numbers of scholars are citing articles published in the journal, which is a credit to both the authors and our many helpful reviewers. As further demonstration of the increased stature of the journal, the year saw a tremendous growth in the number of manuscripts reviewed by the journal and receiving decisions from the Editors-in-Chief. In the year ending June 30, 2012, we processed more than 450 manuscripts – an increase of over 30 percent from the previous year. A rough estimate from a recent survey of ARNOVA members providing peer reviews for NVSQ suggests that the time invested by the peer reviewers over the past year surpassed 6750 hours. The success of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly has always depended on the volunteer contributions of dedicated reviewers. No peer-reviewed journal can survive without the many hours of voluntary service devoted to reviewing. We are very grateful to the peer reviewers for NVSQ. Last year we undertook an initiative to recognize the efforts made by the peer reviewers, and to establish and present an annual award to the reviewer who had provided outstanding peer reviews both quantitatively and qualitatively and in a timely manner. The Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2012 goes to Dr . Thad D. Calabrese, assistant professor at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University for his insightful and thoughtful reviews and constructive comments. Professor Calabrese received a monetary award and a plaque recognizing his achievement at the 2012 ARNOVA Conference. Congratulations, Thad! We look forward to recognizing other deserving reviewers in the future. When we assumed the editorship of NVSQ, we also proposed to publish research review articles by eminent scholars intended to cumulate knowledge in the field, and to provide insights to guide future research. We are pleased to report that the first two of these articles appeared in Volume 41: “Volunteerism Research: A Review Essay” by John Wilson (vol. 41, 2, April 2012), and “U.S. Nonprofit Law Reform: The Role of Private Organizations” by Evelyn Brody (vol. 41, 4, August 2012). More research review articles are underway.

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Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(6)

Our lead article in this issue is also a research review essay, the second of a twopart series on “Collaborative Value Creation: A Review of Partnering between Nonprofits and Businesses,” authored by Professor James E. Austin of the Harvard Business School and his colleague Dr. May Seitanidi. From their exhaustive review emerged a new framework for analyzing and understanding value creation in these cross-sector partnerships. The importance and scope of their treatment led to the preparation of the sequential articles. Part I, published in the previous issue of NVSQ (vol.41, no. 5), presents the Collaborative Value Creation framework and elaborates its first two components: the Value Creation Spectrum that provides new reference terms for defining and analyzing value creation, and Collaboration Stages that reveals how value creation varies across different types of collaborative relationships. In this issue, the Part II lead article framework introduces the next two components: the Partnering Processes that unpack the value creation dynamics, and Collaboration Outcomes that examine the benefits and costs on multiple levels. This second part generates insights on how greater economic, social, and environmental value in collaboration is created for society, organizations and individuals, as we move from sole creation to co-creation and develop more inclusive processes. Collaborative Value Creation constitutes a central mechanism for addressing complex social issues and for generating multi-value creation leading to societal betterment. In these times of rising needs and diminishing resources, identifying insights into the way value is created, treated, and distributed requires deeper understanding and more systematic research that can lead to a paradigm change of what constitutes value. We believe that these articles will help move us in this direction by stimulating further thinking and investigation in this important emerging field. The last issue of the year is the one in which journal editors traditionally thank those who have made a contribution. We have many to thank for the performance of the journal over the past year, in volume 41. We begin with the members of the NVSQ Editorial Board in appreciation of their assistance, advice, and guidance. In addition to the Board and NVSQ authors and reviewers, we thank several individuals who worked “behind the scenes” to make publication of the journal possible -- and fulfilling -- over the past year. We are grateful to Micheal L. Shier for his dedicated service as Managing Editor of the journal. A Ph.D. student at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice and a Research Associate at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Social Work, Micheal holds the BSW and the MSW from the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada) and the BA from the University of Lethbridge (Alberta, Canada). Although still a student, he is a well-published author with dozens of articles in peer reviewed journals. Micheal’s present research focuses on the intra- and interorganizational context in which transformative programs and initiatives are undertaken in human service organizations. We thank Dr. Joyce Gleason, who assists us in titling and editing manuscripts that have been accepted for publication in NVSQ, with the goal of making them more accessible to readers in the various fields encompassed by the ARNOVA membership

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Handy et al.

(and beyond) and in searches conducted electronically. A retired professor of economics, Joyce holds the B.A. and M.A. degrees in economics from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Nebraska. Her areas of specialization include economics education and the economics of transition. Over the past year we worked with several editorial assistants who have also earned our thanks: Eric Doremus, Jos Hooft, Carlo de Haas, and Vanessa Lacer. We are very grateful to Leah Fargotstein, our editor (and the Editor – Social Science Journals), Amrita Sinha, and Mimi Nguyen at Sage Publications. We also thank Kaitlyn Voyce for her contribution and good work. They manage, with what seems great ease, the complex task of getting your words dutifully on the printed page (and on line!), six times (issues) a year in a timely fashion. Although the journal title dutifully proclaims NVSQ to be a “quarterly,” in actuality it is a “six-te-ly.” (Why serve as Editors-in-Chief if we cannot invent a word or three every now and then?). In our two years as Editors-in-Chief we have grown to appreciate even more the contribution of these people, including all the authors who have submitted manuscripts to the journal. As evidenced by the rising Impact Factor, the increased volume of submissions, and our ability as editors to accommodate that increase, your dedication has been invaluable and has enhanced the value of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly to the field. Below we recognize the peer reviewers by name, with our thanks. Femida Handy Jeffrey L. Brudney Lucas C.P.M. Meijs We thank the peer reviewers for NVSQ for their service over the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. An asterisk indicates that the individual provided multiple reviews for the journal over this period. Abouassi, Khaldoun Abramson, Alan * Abzug, Rikki * Acar, Muhittin Adams, Carlton Jama * Adler, Paul Akingbola, Kunle Alaimo, Sal Allard, Scott * Andersen, Ellen Ann Andersson, Fredrik Andreassen, Tone Apaydin, Fahri

Appe, Susan Asen, Robert Ashcraft, Robert F. Ashley, Shena * Austin, James Babiak, Kathy Backus, Peter Baggetta, Matthew Bagnoli, Luca Baines, Donna * Baker, Christopher Bakija, Jon Balassiano, Katia

Balduck, Anne-Line Balser, Deborah Bang, Hyejin Bar, Michal Barber, Putnam Barman, Emily Bass, Gary * Bassen, Alexander Baumgartner, Frank R. Beattie, Vivien Becerra, Rosina Bekkers, Rene * Ben-Ner, Avner

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924 Benjamin, Lehn * Bennett, Roger Berens, Guido * Berger, Ida E. Berlinger, Lisa Rose Berner, Maureen Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia * Berry, Jeffrey M. Bezboruah, Karabi Bies, Angela Block, Stephen R. Bloom, Paul Blumenthal, Barbara Boardman, Craig Bode, Ingo Bodewes, Wynand Boenigk, Silke Boezeman, Edwin J. * Borgloh, Sarah Borgonovi, Francesca Boris, Elizabeth T. * Borkman, Thomasina Borzaga, Carlo Boster, Franklin J. Bowman, Woods * Bradshaw, Patricia Brakman-Reiser, Dana Brasel, S. Adam Breeze, Beth Brehm, William Brilliant, Eleanor L. Brock, Kathy L. Brody, Evelyn * Brower, Ralph Brown, Eleanor * Brown, David L. * Brown, Melissa S. Brown, Trevor L. * Brown, William Buchholtz, Ann K. Buis, Maarten

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(6) Burlingame, Dwight Bushouse, Brenda Butler, Jeffrey Calabrese, Thad * Cameron, Helen Campbell, David Caplan, Gideon Capriccioso, Caryn Carman, Joanne * Carroll, Deborah * Carstensen, Laura L. Casey, John Cavaliere, Vincenzo Chambre, Susan M. * Chang, Cyril * Chang, Patricia Chaskin, Robert Chen, Chung-An Cheung, Chau-kiu Chikoto, Grace * Child, Curtis Christensen, Robert Clary, Gil * Clatworthy, Mark Clerkin, Richard * Cnaan, Ram * Cole, Shu-Tian Cook, Suzanne Cooke-Lauder, Jane Cooney, Kate Corbett, Chris Cordero-Guzman, Hector Cornforth, Chris * Dart, Jessica Dart, Ray * Davis, Jullet * Davis-Smith, Justin De Lancer Julnes, Patricia Defourny, Jacques DeGloma, Tom * DeHoog, Ruth Dekker, Paul

Deloffre, Maryam Depedri, Sara DeVaro, Jed Devlin, Rose Anne * Deitl, Helmut Dillman, Keri-Nicole Dodge, Jennifer Dokko, Jane K. Dolan, Drew A. * Dolinski, Dariusz * Domanski, Jaroslaw Donnelly-Cox, Gemma Dougherty, Debbie S. Drollinger, Tanya Dunlop, Claire A. Easterling, Doug Ebrahim, Alnoor * Edwards, Michael Eikenberry, Angela * Einolf, Christopher * Eisinger, Peter Elliott-Teague, Ginger Elson, Peter * Eng, Teck-Yong Enjolras, Bernard Erakovic, Ljiljana Esparza, Nicole Evers, Adalbert Fack, Gabrielle Fahmy, Sviatlana * Falk, Audrey Farmer, Steven * Farnsley, Arthur Faulk, Lewis * Feldman, Naomi Finkelstein, Marcia A. Fiorillo, Damiano Fischer, Robert Fiske, Alan Flanigan, Shawn Fletcher, Kathleen M. Fontenot, Gwen

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Handy et al. Ford, John * Forest, Jacques Fox, Mark Frank, Kathryn * Frank, Peter Frederick, Heidi Freeman, Sarah Freeman, Tyrone Freese, Charissa Froelich, Karen A. * Frumkin, Peter Gagne, Marylene Galaskiewicz, Joseph J. Garner, Johny Gasman, Marybeth * Gee, Laura Geletko, Karen Gerstbauer, Loramy Ghinetti, Paolo Gittell, Ross Gleeson, Shannon * Goering, Elizabeth * Goering, Gregory Goetz, Stephen J. Goglio, Silvio Goss, Kristin Goulbourne, Michelle Govekar, Paul L. Gracia, Esther Grant, Suzanne Greenlee, Janet S. Greenspan, Itay * Greiling, Dorothea * Grettenberger, Susan Grobman, Gary M. * Grossman, Phillip * Grunig, James Guentert, Stefan Gugerty, Mary Kay * Guo, Baorong Guo, Chao * Gutierrez-Nieto, Begona

Haase, Anabel Quan Hackl, Franz * Hager, Mark * Hale, Matthew Haley-Lock, Anna Halfpenny, Peter Hammack, David C. * Harris, Margaret E. * Harrison, Teresa Harrison, Yvonne Harvey, Nicholas Hasenfeld, Zeke Haski-Leventhal, Debbie * Hatry, Harry P. Heerma van Voss, Lex Helms, Sara Henke, Lucy L. Henry, Laura * Hersey, Leigh Heydemann, Steven Hilger, Peter Hillier, Amy Hilton, Timothy Ho, Alfred * Hoefer, Richard * Hofmans, Joeri Holland, Thomas P. Holley, Lynn C. Hoogendoorn, Brigitte * Hoogervorst, Niek Hooghe, Mark * Hope, Stephen Howlett, Steven Hoye, Russell * Hudon, Marek * Huff-Rousselle, Maggie Hula, Richard Hung, C.K. Richard * Hustinx, Lesley * Huybrechts, Benjamin * Hyden, Christel

Irvin, Renee A. * Isett, Kim Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia Jakobson, Lev * James, Russell Jaskyte, Kristina Jeavons, Thomas H. Jegers, Marc * Jenkinson, Angus Joassart-Marcelli, Pascale Jones-Correa, Michael Jordan, Grant * Kabalo, Paula Kang, Chulhee * Kapucu, Naim * Katz, Stanley N. Katz-Gerro, Tally Kearns, Kevin P. Keating, Elizabeth K. Kenyon, Daphne A. * Kerlin, Janelle * Kimberlin, Sara Kirchner, Theresa Klein, Felice Kleinberger, Daniel Kloeden, Anna Knowles, Patricia * Knutsen, Wenjue * Ko, Wai-Wai Kocak, Ozgecan Komp, Kathrin Koppel, Hannes Kreutzer, Karin Kushner, Roland J. Kuti, Eva * Lam, Marcus Lamothe, Meeyoung Laratta, Rosario Lavelle, James * Layton, Michael Lecy, Jesse

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Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(6)

Ledingham, John A. Lee, Lichang Lee, Mordecai Lee, Young-joo Leemen, Lee Leete, Laura Leiter, Jeffrey Lemaire, Robin Lenkowsky, Leslie Kelly LeRoux * Leviton, Laura Lewis, David Li, Sherry (Xin) Liao-Troth, Matthew A. * Lichtenstein, Benyamin * Liket, Kellie Lindahl, Wesley E. Liu, Gordon * Liu, Michael Locke, Mike Londono, Natalie Long, John Longhofer, Wesley Lorentzen, Hakon Lough, Ben * Mª-Jose, Garrido Maas, Ineke Maas, Karen * Majic, Samantha Maloney, William Mandiberg, James Manetti, Giacomo Manyibe, Benard * Marjanovik, Zdravko Marlin, Dan Marsh, David Marshall, Gul Martin, Therese Marwell, Nicole P. Mattingly, Jessica McClelland, Robert McDonald, R.E. *

McDougle, Lindsey * McGinnis, Michael D. McLeigh, Jill Mcnutt, John * Megali, Cecilia Mendel, Stuart C. * Metz, Judith * Michie, Jonathan Milofsky, Carl * Mischen, Pamela Mitchell, George Mohan, John Molina, Tony Mook, Laurie I. * Morgan, Don L. Morgan, Gareth Morris, John Morrow-Howell, Nancy Mosley, Jennifer * Moulton, Lynne Mueller, Hannes Musick, Marc * Mutchler, Jan E. * Muukkonen, Martti * Nagel, Alexander Neely, Daniel * Nesbit, Rebecca * Nese, Annamaria Netting, F. Ellen Never, Brent * Newcomer, Kathryn Nopo, Hugo Norris-Tirrell, Dorothy O’Sullivan, Elizabeth Obst, Patricia Oketch, Moses Okten, Cagla Okun, Morris * Onishi, Tamaki Osborne, Stephen Ostrander, Susan A. Ostrom, Elinor

Ostrower, Francie L. * Paarlberg, Laurie Packard, Thomas Padanyi, Paulette S. * Paik, Anthony Pajo, Karl Parlalis, Stavros Pattiniemi, Pekka Pepermans, Roland Perry, James L. * Piliavin, Jane Pollak, Tom Ponomariov, Branco * Prouteau, Lionel Putnam, Robert D. Quarter, Jack L. Queen, Edward L. * Quick, Kathryn * Ramanath, Ramya * Ramsey, Paul J. * Raskoff, Sally A. * Read, Stuart Rechtman, Janet Reeves, Robert A. Reid, Wendy * Ren, Ting Renz, David O. * Ribar, David * Ridder, Hans-Gerd * Ridley-Duff, Rory Rippley, Lavern J. Robb, Cliff Robinson, Scott * Rodriguez, Ramon Rooney, Patrick M. * Rotolo, Thomas * Rubin, Julie Sass Ryan, Annmarie Saidel, Judith R. Salamon, Lester M. Salling, Mark Sampson, R.J.

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Handy et al. Sandfort, Jodi Sansing, Richard C. Sanyal, Paromita Sargeant, Adrian * Saxton, Gregory * Saxton, Joe Scaife, Wendy Schachter, Hindy * Schatteman, Alicia Schervish, Paul G. * Schlesinger, Mark * Schmid, Hillel * Schmitz, Hans Peter Schneider, Jo Anne Schneider, Marguerite Schnepf, Sylke Scholarios, Dora Schreiner, Mark * Schulpen, Lau Schuyt, Th. N. M. * Schwartz, Vicki Seitanidi, Maria Seldon, Sally Coleman Selle, Per * Selsky, John Sent, Esther Serrano-Cinca, Carlos * Shaefer, Luke * Shang, Jen * Shaw, Sally Shea, Jennifer Sheehan, Robert M. Shrestha, Celayne * Sidel, Mark Sjoquist, David L. * Smith, David Smith, Deborah Smith, Steven Rathgeb Sobeck, Joanne Sokolowski, S. Wojciech * Solebello, Nicholas Sorenson, Olav

Sowa, Jessica * Squazzoni, Flaminio Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle * Stater, Keely * Staurowsky, Ellen * Steinberg, Kathy Steinberg, Richard * Stephenson, Max O. Stevens, Beth Stinson, Jeffrey * Stoecker, Randy Stone, Melissa Stone, Pamela Streib, Gregory D. Strichman, Nancy Jill Strode, James * Stubbe, Wendy * Stukas, Arthur Su, Celina Su, Xuhong Suarez, David * Sulek, Marty Sundeen, Richard A. Sylves, Rick Takahashi, Lois Tanaka, Masako * Tang, Fengyan Taniguchi, Hiromi * Taris, Toon Taylor, Marilyn Teasdale, Simon Tebaldi, Edinaldo Teets, Jessica C. Themudo, Nuno S. Theobald, Hildegard Theuvsen, Ludwig Thibault, Lucie Thomas, Lori * Thornton, Jeremy Toepler, Stefan * Tortia, Ermanno * Tracy, Martin B.

Trussel, John M. * Tschirhart, Mary * Turati, Gilberto Turbide, Johanne * Twu, Richard Van den Bosch, Dries Van Houwelingen, Pepijn * Van Puyvelde, Stijn Van Til, Jon * Verbruggen, Sandra Verlegh, Peeter Vigoda-Gadot, Eran Villodres, Carmen Hidalgo Vinokur-Kaplan, Diane * Vishwanathan, Pushpika * Vlachos, Ilias Vlassopoulos, Michael Wagner, Lilya * Walk, Marlene * Walton, William Wang, Lili * Warshawsky, Daniel * Waugh, William Webb, Natalie J. Weinberger, Catherine Wernet, Stephen P. Whitman, John R. Wiepking, Pamala * Wiggill, Magrita Wijayaratna, Chandrasekera M. Wilcox, Diane Wilsker, Amanda Wilson, John * Wilson, Rob * Wineburg, Robert * Wing, Kennard * Wirgau, Jessica Wolff, Francois-Charles * Wright, Bradley E.

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928 Wright, Nathaniel Xu, Ying Yamauchi, Naoto Yang, Kaifang Yen, Steven T.

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(6) Yoruk, Boris Young, Dennis Yu, Xiaomin Zaff, Jonathan Zaleski, Peter

Zietlow, John Zietsma, Charlene Zimmer, Eric A. Zrinscak, Sinisa Zullo, Roland

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