May 1, 2013 - 155 College Street, Ste. 754, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1P8 Canada Tel.: [416] 978-2709 Fax: [416] 978-1911 www
From Theory to Practice: Teaching Everyday Bioethics Frank Wagner, Recipient of the Christine Harrison
Bioethics Education Award for Integration of Theory and Practice, 2012 Bioethicist, Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre and University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics; Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine 1 May 2013, 4:10 – 5:30 pm 155 College St., Room 108 (main floor, to the right of the elevators) Abstract: The Christine Harrison Bioethics Education Award is given annually to publically recognize an individual who demonstrates excellence in bioethics education, particularly the ability to highlight the necessary interrelationship of theory and practice; and to honor the superlative contributions of Dr. Christine Harrison as a teacher, mentor, and practicing bioethicist who conveys a rich appreciation for the importance of both theory and practice. In honour of Dr. Harrison and others who have taught and mentored me in my career, this seminar will focus on critical lessons learned and useful tools for what has worked and has not worked in teaching and practicing ethics in applied settings, highlighting the community context. I will draw upon examples from my clinical, academic, legislative, and policy development experience, to underline the growing importance of integrating ethics into interprofessional education and collaborative care within healthcare practice. Through this seminar, I hope to provide a new perspective for my peers to consider in teaching bioethics, and to inspire the next generation of bioethicists in their important contributions to everyday ethics. 155 College Street, Ste. 754, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1P8 Canada Tel.: [416] 978-2709
Fax: [416] 978-1911
A partnership among the University of Toronto; Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care; Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Centre for Clinical Ethics, a joint venture of Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, and St. Michael’s Hospital; The Hospital for Sick Children; Humber River Regional Hospital; Mount Sinai Hospital; North York General Hospital; Toronto Community Care Access Centre; Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Trillium Health Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute; and University Health Network.