Aliber. 384. Exploring Statistics South Africa's national household surveys as sources of information about household-level food security. M Aliber1. Abstract.
We evaluate the impact of FISP coupon receipt on household welfare (i.e., households' consumption (food and non-food), crop productivity and food and.
dollars during the same time period. ..... Finally, there is higher correlation on the value gotten for food dollars, ..... Spending on fresh produce (Nearest dollar).
are reshaping trade patterns in the region, increasing Argentina's exports to ..... Also, the CL did not allow financing of the Government by the Central Bank and.
land are under irrigation, which accounts for nearly half of the water ... groundwater for irrigation is currently subjected to a water resource ..... WRC Report no:.
Report on theme #1: Strategies for poverty alleviation and food security. Poverty ...... concerns are set up since the outset, in spite of RDP's welfarist background.
From Government to Regulatory Governance: Privatization and the. Residual ...... and Constadina PASSA: Participation in and Compliance with Public Voluntary.
May 3, 2009 - Towards an Integrated Global Agricultural Greenhouse Gas ... land-use change (carbon dioxide) induced by agriculture are ..... Saudi Arabia.
Water resources development, inexpensive en- ergy, and ... tutional water resource arrangements have all ...... tural water use, both legally (legal preference.
Delforce and Potter: Micro-Level Studies and Policy Analysis: Experiences from Tonga and South Kalimantan. Micro-level Studies and Policy Analysis: ...