Jan 26, 2017 - 2006 Ford F550, s/n 86333: Powerstroke Diesel, Auto, Caseco 11' ...... resale must execute a Certificate
Presorted FIRST-CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Wichita, KS PERMIT # 23
Auctioneers: Donnie W. Dean, AL Lic 907, Wes Dean, AL Lic. 5219 & Doug Blankenship, AA Lic. 2535 3664 S Oates St • Dothan, Alabama 36301
(2) 2015 Mack CHU613 (128K & 135K Miles)
(1 of 4) 2015 Peterbilt 367 (121K to 137K mi.)
(4) 2015 John Deere 5100M (County-Owned)
Thursday, January 26th thru Saturday, Jan. 28th, 2017 • 8am
19th Annual Farm & Const. Equipment Auction
ThursdAy, JAnuAry 26 Thru sATurdAy, JAn. 28 , 2017 • 8Am Th
highwAy 431 n • doThAn, AlAbAmA Sale Site Phone: (334) 693-2540 • Sale Site Fax: (334) 693-2551 • www.deancoauction.com
Auctioneers: Donnie W. Dean, AL Lic. 907, Wes Dean, AL Lic. 5219 and Doug Blankenship, AA Lic. 2535
15594 Highway 431 North • Dothan, Alabama Phone: (334) 693-2540 • Fax: (334) 693-2551 2012 Cat D5K XL
2015 Cat 420F 4WD Extendahoe (Only 112 Hours) 2012 John Deere 8285R MFWD
(4) Massey Ferguson 5465 MFWD (County-Owned)
(2333 Hours) 2012 Cat D5K2
2013 John Deere 75D
(3 of 4) 2013-12 Kenworth W900L
2003 Cat 12H VHP Plus (County Machine)
2006 Cat 420E 4WD Extendahoe (1845 hrs)
(1 of 4) 2015 Peterbilt 367 (121K to 137K mi.)
2013 International Paystar (182K mi.)
The South’s Largest Farm Equipment Sale - 20th Annual
15594 Highway 431 N • Dothan (Headland), Alabama
Sale Site Phone: 334.693.2540
Sale Site Fax: 334.693.2551
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • AUCTION HELD RAIN OR SHINE! CRAWLER DOZERS 2012 Cat D5K2, s/n KYY00365: 3509 hrs 2012 Cat D5K XL, s/n WWW01611: C/A, Forestry Pkg., System 1 UC, 6-way Blade, 5115 hrs Body, Air Comp., Generator, Aux. Fuel Tank, Pump, 124K mi. Case 1150C, s/n 7307892: 6-way Blade 2006 Ford F550, s/n 86333: Powerstroke Diesel, Auto, Caseco 11’ 2006 Case 850K Series 2 WT, s/n CAL005142 John Deere 450H, s/n 890499 Bed, Stellar 6628 Crane, IR Air Comp, Miller Bobcat Welder, Hyd. Outriggers, Remote in Office HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS (2) 2005-03 Ford F550: 4-door, Powerstroke Turbo V8 Diesel 2003 Cat 330CL, s/n DKY01559: Encl. Cab, Std. Stick, 33” Pads 2002 Ford F350, s/n 94084: 4-door 2006 Cat 324DL, s/n LAB00393: C/A, 9’6” Stick, 4339 hrs 2004 Cat 320CL, s/n PAB01958: C/A, 9’6” Stick, Bkt. FUEL & LUBE TRUCKS 2007 Sterling LT9500, s/n 72600: Mercedes 450hp Eng., 10-sp., 2002 Cat 320CL, s/n ANB02204: C/A, 9’6” Stick, Bkt. 40K Rears, Jake Brake, T/A, Diesel Tank, Hyd. Oil Tank, Gear 2004 Linkbelt 225, s/n ECAJ48731: Encl. Cab, Std. Stick, 32” Oil Tank, Waste Oil Tank, Grease Tank, 50/50 Tank, Hose Reels John Deere 230CLC, s/n 009591 1990 Ford F800, s/n 03691: S/A, 7.8L Diesel, 5-sp., 13’ Elliot Bed, John Deere 225CLC, s/n 500614 2013 John Deere 75D, s/n 014719: C/A, Hyd. Thumb, Rubber 6 Product Tanks, Waste Oil Tank, Oil Recovery, Atlas Copco Tracks, Push Blade, 34” Bkt., 2221 hrs Hyd. Air Comp, Generator, Pumps, Hose Reels, 111K mi. 2011 Komatsu PC200LC-8, s/n A89721: C/A, Rear Camera 2009 Komatsu PC78MR-6, s/n 4021: Encl. Cab, Rubber Tracks TRAILERS 2013 Transcraft DTL3000 Step Deck: 53x102, 10’ Upper Deck, 2005 Terex TXC175LC-1, s/n 30041: C/A, 10’3” Stick, Thumb, 5093 hrs 50-ton, Air Ride, Tri-axle, Airlift 2nd & 3rd Axle Takeuchi TB135, s/n 13517218 2012 Fontaine Step Deck, s/n 53650: 48’x102”, Spread Axle, Alum. Wheels, Deck Extension Kit, 255/70R22.5 Tires RUBBER-TIRED EXCAVATORS Talbert 48’ Step Deck Trailer Gradall XL4100, s/n 12543: 51K mi., 2415 Front & 8087 Rear hrs 1981 Mill LP44 Drop Trailer, s/n 19001 Gradall XL4100: 48K mi., 2954 Front hrs., 4708 Rear hrs 2016 Better Built 45’ Trailer, s/n 01568 Dorsey Lowboy, s/n 80639: T/A, Hyd. Ramps MOTOR GRADERS Muv-All Lowboy 2003 Cat 12H VHP Plus, s/n AMZ00340: C/A, Hyd. Side Shift, Tip 1999 48’ Lowboy, s/n 53181: 35-ton Control, Scarifier, Aux. Hyd., Diff Lock, Radials, County Machine 1994 Dorsey 48’ Refrigerated Trailer, s/n 48651 Cat 143H VHP, s/n 1AL00637: C/A, 6x6, Hyd. Side Shift, Tip 2005 Roadsystem 30’ Trailer, s/n 00497 Control, Circle Drive Slip, Diff Lock, Rear Ripper, 2 Aux. Valves, 1995 Kentucky 48’ Trailer, s/n 01447 6 New Tires, 2000 hrs on Rebuilt Trans/Diff, County Machine 1989 Trailmobile 48’ Trailer, s/n 03090 2001 Champion 736A VHP Series 6 AWD, s/n X031706: C/A, 1988 Dorsey 48’ Trailer, s/n 86436 2002 Travis TL End Dump: Tri-axle, Alum, Frameless, 102” Wide, Scarifier, 6x6, Hyd. Side Shift, Tip Control, 2 Aux. Hyd. Valves, Diff Lock, 17.5R25 Tires, County Machine, 7806 hrs 32’ Long, Elec. Tarp 2007 Volvo G946 AWD, s/n 41123: C/A, 14’ Sldg Moldboard, 1997 Magnolia Drop Deck Log Trailer, s/n 35098: 4-bolster Front Scarifier, 14.00x24 Tires, 5512 hrs 2016 Loadtrail 102x32 LP Gooseneck: w/ Hyd. Dove, 2 10000 Volvo 720B, s/n 035554: C/A, Side Shift, Tip Control, Aux. Hyd., lb. Elec. Brake Axles, 2 Hyd. Jacks, LED Lights Diff Lock, 17.5R25 Michelins, County Machine 2015 Loadtrail 102x40 LP Gooseneck: 2 12000 lb.Axles, Under 2007 Noram 65E: Cummins QSB 4.5 Eng., 1082 hrs Frame Bridge, Dovetail, Deck Over Neck 2008 Kaufman GN Car Hauler,: 96x40, 2 7000 lb. Elec. Brake MOTOR SCRAPERS / OFF ROAD TRUCKS Axles, 2 10K Jacks, Front Tool Box, 235/80R16 Tires Dresser 412, s/n 19218 2016 Loadtrail 81.5x20 Tilt Deck: 2 7000 lb. Tors Elec Brake 2006 Morooka MST2200VD, s/n 222465: C/A, Crawler, 1643 hrs Axles, DP Fenders, 10K Jack 2016 Carry-on 7x12 Dump: T/A, LP, 2 7000 lb. Elec. Brake Axles, RUBBER-TIRED LOADERS 12000 lb. GVW, Combo Gate, Ramps Cat 966D, s/n 94X02091: Encl. Cab, GP Bkt. 2017 Loadtrail 83x14 Dump Trailer: T/A, Slide In Ramps 2016 Loadtrail 83x14 Dump Trailer, s/n 111787: 6’ Hyd. Dump, 1999 Cat 928G, s/n 6XR01838: C/A, GP Bkt. (County-Owned) Cat IT12, s/n 2YC00837: Cab, Q/C, Bkt. Gate, 2 7000 lb. Elec Brake Axles, 36” Sides, 10K Jack 2003 New Holland LW50B, s/n 506255: 2378 hrs 2016 Carry-On 7x12 Dump Trailer: Combo Gate w/ Ramps JCB 430, s/n 523378: Cab, Perkins Diesel, Q/C 2003 CEI Pacer Feed Mill Trailer, s/n 57147 John Deere 644C, s/n 4126CD 2017 Tiger 12’ Trailer, s/n 5UTBU1220HM005009 John Deere 544B
th Y 1 THURSDAY, JAN. 26 • 8am Selling for Houston & Henry Counties AL, Holmes County FL, City of Fort Gaines, D & L DA Trucking, Blankenship Const., Patterson Trucking, PSR Svs, Nipcam Svs, Performance Capital, Green South Waste & Many Others !
TANDEM & TRI-AXLE DUMP TRUCKS (4) 2015 Peterbilt 367 Tri-axle, s/n 73967, 73970, 73969, 73968: Cummins ISX 450V, Auto, 21-yd Elliptical Bed, 121K to 137K mi (3) 2012 Mack GU713 Tandem-axle, s/n 13344, 12581, 1333: MP7 405hp Eng., Mack T310M 10-sp., Camelback Susp., P/S, A/C, Jake Brake, Locking Diff, 15.5’ Ox Body HardOx Stampede, Tarp, High Lift Gate Capable, 120K to 187K mi. (2) 2002 International 2554 Tandem-axle, s/n 99264, 99265: DT530 Eng., Allison Auto, 46K Hendrickson Walking Beam, 18K Front, P/S, A/C, Locking Diff, Double Framed, Heil 14-16 yard Bed, Tarp, 131K & 140K mi. 2000 Mack RD690S Tandem-axle, s/n 31593: Mack Eng., Maxitorque 7-sp., 18K Front, 44K Rears, Camelback Susp., Double Frame, Ox Body 17-19 yard Dump 1987 Ford L9000 Tandem-axle, s/n 02923: Cummins Diesel, 8sp., Hendrickson Susp., American Dump Body 1985 Mack R686ST Tandem-axle, s/n 95107 SINGLE-AXLE DUMP TRUCKS 2007 Ford F750 Flatbed, s/n 14094: Cat C7 Eng., 6-sp., Air Brakes, Plumbed for PUP, 14’ Ox Body Bed, 24” Sides, 112K mi. 2007 Ford F750 , s/n 09109: Cat C7 Eng., 6-sp., Air Brakes, Alum. Wheels, Unused 10’ Ox Body, Air Gate, Elec. Tarp, 87K mi. TRUCK TRACTORS (2) 2015 Mack CHU613, s/n 17705, 17699: MP-8 445hp Eng., M Drive Trans., Mack Air Ride Susp., Set Forward Axle, Mack Rears, 3.40 Ratio, P/S, A/C, 219” WB, Jake Brake, Locking Diff, Alum. Wheels Front & Rear, Sliding 5th Wheel, 128K & 135K mi. (2) 2014 Mack CHU613, s/n 16497, 16491: MP-8 445hp Eng., M Drive Trans., 38K Mack Rears, 3.40 Ratio, Alum. Wheels Front, Steel Rear, 202” WB, Sliding 5th Wheel, 201K & 227K mi. (2) 2013 Peterbilt 386, s/n 74178, 74176: T/A, Day Cab, Paccar Eng., 10-sp., Wet Kit 2013 International Paystar, s/n 61198: Tri-axle, Day Cab, 500hp Eng., 18-sp., 46K Rears, Air Lift 3rd Axle, Double Frame, Wet Kit, Headache Rack, 182K mi. 2013 Kenworth W900L, s/n 48345: Day Cab, ISX 500 Cummins, 10-sp., 46K Rears, Full Lockers, Headache Rack (3) 2012 Kenworth W900L, s/n 98046, 04895, 04893: Day Cab, ISX 500 Cummins, 10-sp., 46K Rears, Full Lockers (10) 2012 International Prostar, s/n 48593, 48596, 48599, 29831, 29824, 29817, 29816, 29815, 29802, 19191: Maxxforce 13 450hp Eng., 10-sp., 400K to 476K mi. 2012 International Prostar+ 122, s/n 87460: T/A, Sleeper 2012 Freightliner Coronado SD: DD15 Detroit 455hp Eng., Eng.
Brake, Fuller 10-sp., 44K Rears, Full Locking Diff, 3.90 Ratio, Air Ride Susp., 14.3K Front, One Owner, Fleet Maintained 2010 Mack CHU613, s/n 05702: MP8 415 12.8L Eng., 40K Rears, 12K Front, Air Ride Susp., 363K mi. 2010 International Prostar, s/n 61623 2008 Peterbilt 389, s/n 55654: 485 ISX Cummins, 13-sp., Flattop 2008 Peterbilt 389, s/n 57050: T/A, 72” Stand Up Sleeper, Cummins ISX 485 Eng., Eaton Fuller 18-sp., Air Ride Susp. 2008 Peterbilt 389, s/n 75864: 10-sp. 2007 Peterbilt 379EXH, s/n 70984: Cummins 500hp Eng., 13-sp., Air Ride Susp., 12K Front, 40K Rears, 60” Flat Top Sleeper, Dual Line Wet Kit, 24.5 on Alum. Disc, ECM Verifired 397K mi. 2007 Kenworth W900L, s/n 97776: Cat C15 475 Eng., 13-sp. (3) 2006 Peterbilt 379, s/n 45364, 71646, 86752: Ext. Hood, Cat C15 475hp Eng., 10-sp., AirTrac 40K Susp., P/S, A/C, Jake Brake, 10 Alum. Wheels, Headache Rack, Sliding 5th Wheel 2006 Peterbilt 378, s/n 86497: Day Cab, Cat C13 Eng., 10-sp. 2006 Freightliner Century Class, s/n 70352: Day Cab, Detroit S60 12.7L 455hp Eng., EF 10-sp., Eng. Brake, 40K Rears, 12K Front, Air Ride Susp., 11R22.5 Tires on Disc 2005 Peterbilt 379, s/n 41527: Cat 475 Eng., 13-sp., Flat Top Slpr 2005 Peterbilt 379, s/n 54500: Completely Rebuilt Cat 6ZN Eng., 18-sp., Wetline 2005 International 4300, s/n 64751: S/A, DT466 Diesel, 6-sp., 20K Rear, 10K Front, 197K mi. 2002 Freightliner FL70, s/n 10415: S/A, Cummins Diesel, 6-sp., 21K Rear, 9K Front, Air Ride Susp., 268K mi. 1999 Peterbilt 379, s/n 69642: Sleeper, Ext. Hood, Cat C15 475hp Eng., 10-sp., 3.55 Rears 1990 Mack, s/n 02029 1987 Peterbilt 379, s/n 15004: Ext. Hood, 63” Flat Top Sleeper, Cat 425 Eng., 15-sp., 336 Eaton Rears, 11R24.5 Tires SPECIALTY TRUCKS 2007 Int’l 7300 4WD Bucket Truck, s/n 21965: Altec AA55L (2) 2006 International 4300 Bucket Trucks, s/n 26596, 26587: DT466, 84K & 99K mi. 2006 Chevy C8500 Bucket Truck, s/n 12067: T/A, Diesel, 157K mi. 2008 Chevy C8500 Garbage Truck, s/n 00022: Isuzu Diesel 2006 Chevy C8500 Garbage Truck, s/n 28611 2004 Peterbilt 330 Garbage Truck, s/n 27120: 133K mi. 2001 Mack MR688S Garbage Truck, s/n 18803 1999 GMC 7500 Truck, s/n 03580: Cat Eng., Auto 1991 International Flatbed Truck, s/n 90867: 4-door 1995 GMC Topkick, s/n 16910 MECHANICS TRUCKS 2008 Ford F550, s/n 72796: Powerstroke Diesel, Auto, Omaha Body, Venture ET25K Crane, Hard Wired Remote, 191K mi. 2008 Ford F450, s/n 31563: 6.4L Diesel, Auto, 11’ Knapheide
John Deere 230CLC
2005 Peterbilt 379 Flat Top
1949 Chevy 3100
2006 Morooka MST2200VD (1643 hrs)
(2) 2014 Mack CHU613 (201K & 227K mi.) IE S
Thursday, Jan. 26th thru Saturday, Jan. 28th, 2017 • 8am
(2 of 3) 2012 Mack GU713 (120K to 187K mi.)
A 10% administrative fee will be charged on the first $4500 of each lot and then a 1% administrative fee will be charged on the remaining balance of each lot.
Kubota B2150 Trencher, s/n 21630193: 1443 hrs John Deere 2020 Trencher, s/n 5H3C028670P Ditchwitch 1330H Walk-behind Trencher, s/n 000944 LOADER BACKHOES 2015 Cat 420F 4WD Extendahoe, s/n SKR04904: C/A, Cat 4-in-1 Ditchwitch 1230H Walk-behind Trencher, s/n 001002 Burkeen B13 Walk-behind Trencher: Elec. Start Loader, 19.5L24 Rears, 112 hrs 2006 Cat 420E 4WD Extendahoe, s/n HLS01366: C/A, Cat 4-in-1 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT Loader, 19.5L24 Rears, 1845 hrs (2) 2012 Terex TLB840SM 4WD Extendahoes, s/n CJKM1486, Ing. Rand SD77F Padfoot Compactor, s/n 173946: 1600 hrs GTRS3852: Canopy, GP Bkt., Front Aux. Hydraulics, 12-month Ing Rand SD100D ProPac Roller, s/n 144123: Canopy, 84” Drum Terex Standard Warranty Included, 483 & 821 hrs 2006 Bomag BW100ADM-2 Tandem Roller, s/n 622271: 640 hrs 2003 Cat 420D-IT, s/n BLN05872 2004 Bomag BW90AD-2 Tandem Roller, s/n 521391 Cat 426, s/n 7BC01491 Bomag BW80AD Tandem Roller, s/n 410966 Cat 416B 4WD, s/n 8ZK10698: 3624 hrs (2) Hyster C530A Pneumatic Rollers, s/n A91C3526E, 03857H 2008 John Deere 310J 4WD Extendahoe, s/n 162692: C/A, Aux. Valves, 113 hrs ASPHALT EQUIPMENT 2006 John Deere 310SG 4WD Extendahoe, s/n 953928: Canopy, 2001 GMC 7500 Pothole Patch Truck, s/n 13783: Cat Diesel, Joystick Controls, GP Loader, 24” Bkt. Auto, Rosco RA300 Patcher, 133K mi. (County-Owned) 2005 New Holland B95 4WD Extendahoe, s/n 800781: Canopy, 1989 Ford C8000 Asphalt Distributor, s/n 37809: Cat 3208, 5/2GP Loader, 36” Bkt., 1380 hrs sp., w/ Etnyre BX-HL 1330-gal, 86K mi. (County-Owned) 2001 JCB 214E 4WD Extendahoe, s/n 549384K: C/A, GP Loader, Dura Patcher 81-DJT Asphalt Patcher 24” Bkt., Meter shos 1494 hrs 2000 Blaw Knox PF131 Asphalt Paver, s/n 16129-09: Twin Ford 455 4WD Loader Landscaper, s/n LAB00393: Canopy, Hyd. Operators Station, Blaw Knox 2.5/58 HSE RH Screed Center Link, Box Blade w/ Shanks Blaw Knox PF115 Asphalt Paver, s/n 11507-10 Volvo L50B, s/n P9895: Cab, Quick Coupler, 3rd & 4th Valve
SKID STEER LOADERS 2014 Bobcat T650, s/n T1ML11276: C/A, 105 hrs 2006 Bobcat T190, s/n 531611677: Rubber Tracks, GP Bkt. Bobcat S185, s/n 525022647: Canopy, GP Bkt. w/ QC, Aux. Hydraulics, 1478 hrs Kubota SVL90-2 Skid Steer: GP Bkt. 2014 Kubota SVL90-2, s/n 12928: 1500 hrs 2004 Cat 287B, s/n PZSA00485 Cat 262B, s/n PDT00454 2005 John Deere 325, s/n B110853: GP Bkt., 3318 hrs MINI EXCAVATORS 2013 IHI 35VX3, s/n WF004168: Yanmar Diesel Eng., C/A, 5/2” Stick, Swing-away Boom, Aux. Hyd, Ext. Tracks, 1459 hrs 2005 Kubota KX71-3, s/n 10029: 4-post Canopy, Blade, GP Bkt. 2011 Kubota U17, s/n 15470: Blade, 4-post Canopy, 3799 hrs Kubota U15, s/n 41783: w/ 2 Buckets, 1687 hrs New Holland EC25, s/n 002500/2214 Kubota KX41-2V, s/n 20492 2004 Terex HR16, s/n 358/4300: 1109 hrs TRENCHERS & STUMP GRINDER 2012 Toro TRX20 Crawler Trencher, s/n 312000160: Kawasaki Eng., 60” Bar, 547 hrs 2011 Toro STX26 Crawler Stump Grinder, s/n 311000395: Kawasaki Eng., Joystick Control, 801 hrs
All attempts have been made to list each item on the day it will sell but there may be some changes. Please contact us for specific items.
(2) 2006 International 4300
FORKLIFTS 2009 New Holland LM415 Telescopic, s/n 812524 Ingersoll Rand VR638 Telescopic, s/n 184991: 4716 hrs Komatsu FG25, s/n 100477: 2-stage Mast, LP Gas, 4640 hrs OTHER EQUIPMENT Grove RT58C Crane, s/n 72494: Rough-terrain, 75’ Main Boom, 24’ Jib, Hyd. Outriggers, Cummins Diesel, Encl. Cab 2004 Genie S40 4WD Boom-type Manlift, s/n 47828: Deutz 3cyl. Diesel, 40’ 2-sect Boom, Hyd. Rotation & Level, 3094 hrs
John Deere Gator, s/n 04479: No Seat, No Key, No Tailgate 2003 Polaris Ranger 6x6, s/n 50163: Gas Eng., 1127 hrs 2009 Kawasaki Mule 4010 4WD, s/n 02300: Crew Cab, Canopy, Windshield, Diff Lock, P/S, 4 Seat, 365 hrs Kawasaki 4000 Mule, s/n 00263: Canopy, Gas, Manual Dump Kawasaki 3000 Mule, s/n 04106: Canopy, Manual Dump Bed New/Unused Raven MPV7100 Hybrid, s/n 02211: 2wd, 420cc Gas Eng., Gas or Electric, 7100-watt Generator New/Unused Raven MPV7100S Hybrid, s/n 00711: 7000 watt (2) Club Car Utility Carts (7) 2013 Yamaha Electric Golf Carts (2) 2012.5 Yamaha Adventurer One Electric Carts MOWERS (4) 2015 Kubota Z726 Zero-turn Mowers: 60” Deck (2) Hustler Zero-turn Mowers: Roll Bar Dixie Chopper Zero-turn Mower Cub Cadet Zero-turn Mower: Propane, 60”, Extra Blades John Deere RX75 Mower / Bagger ATTACHMENTS (2) New/Unused 2016 CE Mustang BRH501 Hydraulic Hammers FAE 60” Mulching Head, s/n 125-235 fits Skid Steer Super C 12’ Landleveler, s/n SCBB31416-0 (2) Unused Brush Cutter Attachments for Skid Steer Unused Huskie HH500-2 Hydraulic Hammer Attachment Werk-brau 24” Excavator Bucket (2) Dozer Rakes DFC Hydraulic Brush Cutter, s/n 0602-1602 Massey Ferguson 135 Backhoe Attachment, s/n 134600657 (2) New 2016 PTO Heavy-duty Wood Chippers Rhino Hydraulic Mower
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Portable BBQ Grill 2013 Himoinsa Portable Gen Set: Model HRJW75E, JD 4-cyl. Eng., 308/480V, 3-phase, Mtd. On T/A Trailer, 3320 hrs (3) Lincoln DC655 Electric Welders PICKUPS & 1-TON TRUCKS (2) Lincoln SA-200 Portable Welders: Gas Eng., Leads 2008 Ford F550 4WD Flatbed, s/n 03164: 6.4L Diesel, Auto, Ing Rand 825 Air Compressor: Towable, Cummins Diesel, Crew Cab, 9’ Flatbed, 82K mi. 5068 hrs 2007 Ford F350, s/n 62243: Super-duty, Dually, 136K mi. (2) Ingersoll Rand Air Compressors 2004 Ford F250 XL Super-duty, s/n D7038: 233K mi. Drum Bandit Chipper, sn 000332 2003 Ford Ranger XLT, s/n 22893: V6 Gas Eng., Auto, A/C (3) Wacker Neusom PTS4 Water Pumps: 4”, 16hp Gas, Elec. 2002 Chevy 3500, s/n 21208: Duramax Diesel, 260K mi. Start 2001 Ford F350 XL Super-duty, s/n 82629: 262K mi. 1999 Ford Ranger XLT, s/n 12909: V6 Gas, Auto, 3rd Door, 137K Thompson 6” Portable Pump, s/n 889267: Detroit Diesel Holland 4” Hydraulic Pump, s/n 756275B: 4-cyl. Diesel mi. (2) Gorman Rupp 6” Pumps: Deutz Diesel 1994 Ford F350, s/n 06185: 460 Gas, Auto, Reese Hitch, Tow 2006 Magnum Light Tower, s/n 05662: Mitsubishi Diesel Pkg., Dual Fuel Tanks, Tool Boxes, Bottle Racks, 125K mi. Altec DC1217 Chipper, s/n 75200864 1994 Ford F350 Flatbed, s/n 49537: 242K mi. Bandit 1890HD Wood Chipper, s/n 001757 1991 Chevy 2500, s/n 84711 Bandit 150XP Wood Chipper, s/n 009953 2003 Capital Steel Container, s/n CLHU306093: 19x7x7 ANTIQUE VEHICLES (2) New/Unused 2016 Emiliana Serbatoi TF3 Cube 50 7921980 Dodge Ramcharger 4WD Pickup, s/n A10AEAC104938: gallon Fuel Tanks V8 Gas Eng., Auto, P/S, A/C, Removable Top, Shows 19K mi. 1953 Ford F100 Pickup, s/n F10R3M16124: Rebuilt Flatbed V8, Stow CMS-64 Concrete Mixer, s/n E2751021: Gas Eng. (3) ST225/85R16 Tires & Rims New Pistons & Bearings, All Paperwork & Photos of Rebuild 1949 Chevy 3100 Pickup, s/n 5GPG18085: Straight 6, 3-sp. on (18) New 18’ Crane Mats (8) Goodyear 10R20 Tires Column (2) Kleber Super 8L 520/70R26 Tires New/Unused Yuni 110-gal. Portable Fuel Tank, s/n T2016612: MOTOR HOMES & CAMPERS 12V Pump & Meter 2005 Fleetwood Excursion Motor Home: Cat 350hp, 4900 mi. 2003 Keystone Challenger Camper, s/n 01832 SALVAGE ITEMS 1979 International Dump Truck, s/n 19717: Mechanical Issues UTILITY VEHICLES, CARTS & ATVS Ford Spray Truck, s/n 38981 John Deere RSX850i, s/n 10189: Winch, Light Bar, 141 hrs 2008 John Deere 620i Gator XUV 4WD, s/n 25730: 467 hrs John Deere HPX Gator, s/n 10752: No Top We may be running 3 auction rings all 3 days John Deere HPX Gator, s/n 67197: 651 hrs
LOGGING EQUIPMENT Prentice 410E Log Loader, s/n 61692100
2014 Bobcat T650 (105 hrs)
2006 Cat 324DL
1953 Ford F100
Thursday, Jan. 26th thru Saturday, Jan. 28th, 2017 • 8am 15594 Highway 431 N • Dothan (Headland), Alabama
Case IH 2188 Axial Flow
(1 of 2) John Deere 4440
John Deere 9965
Kubota M9960 MFWD
Sale Site Phone: 334.693.2540
Selling for Griffin Farms, J & K Farms, Brackins Farms, Springhill Farm, Hatfield Farm, Great Southern Farm, Perkins Farm & Many Others !
FARM TRACTORS John Deere 8400 John Deere 6400, s/n L06400P183476: 5808 hrs John Deere 6400 MFWD, s/n 136557 2014 John Deere 6115M MFWD, s/n 1L06115MLEH799348: C/A, 16-sp. Power Quad, LH Reverser, Front Fenders, 480R38 Tires, Warranty to Oct. 2019, 2680 hrs John Deere 5300, s/n LD5300D332059: JD 521 Loader, JD 10A Backhoe Attachment, 2346 hrs John Deere 5210, s/n LV5210S220695: Roll Bar, 2wd, 3415 hrs John Deere 5103, s/n PY5103U003670: Front Wts., 432 hrs John Deere 4850 MFWD, s/n 011518: 1988, Cab, Powershift, 3 Hyd. Remotes, Trans Slip, 1000 PTO John Deere 4650 MFWD, s/n 016560: 1988, Cab, Powershift, 3 Hyd. Remotes, 1000 PTO John Deere 4640, s/n 4640P023862RW: Factory Duals, Weights (2) John Deere 4440, s/n 4440P045149RW, 4440P059109RW: C/A, 2wd, Factory Duals, 18.4-38 Rears, Front Wts. John Deere 4430, s/n 4430H045725R: 4-post, 18.4-38 John Deere 4040S MFWD, s/n 345093: 1984, Cab, Quad Ranger 16/8 Hi Lo John Deere 3055 John Deere 1070 MFWD, s/n A121186 John Deere 790 MFWD, s/n LV0790G992828: JD 300 Loader w/ Bkt., Roll Bar, 797 hrs (4) Massey Ferguson 5465 MFWD, s/n T008024, T016061, T007086, T009081: C/A, 3 Hyd. Remotes, Draw Bar, 3PH, PTO, 2223 to 2571 hrs (County-Owned) McCormick CX105 MFWD, s/n NC11901552: Encl. Cab, 3581 hrs Case MXM190, s/n ACM223308: Duals, 1987 hrs Mahindra 5525, s/n S25T1182-08: Roll Bar, Mahindra ML250 Loader w/ Bkt., Joy Stick Controls, 707 hrs Mahindra 4110 MFWD, s/n 110683: Loader, 1674 hrs Kubota M9960 MFWD, s/n 53139 (4) Kubota M8540, s/n 20015, 20007, 20044, 20006: C/A, 2wd Kubota MX5000E, s/n 10209: Roll Bar, 3PH, PTO, 13.6-28 Rears, 701 hrs Kubota 175 w/ Finishing Mower Kubota B7610 MFWD, s/n 52630: Front Loader Kubota B7500 MFWD, s/n 33141: 2-post Canopy, Turf Tires Case IH Magnum 7230 MFWD, s/n 0054366: 1996, Cab, Powershift, 1000 PTO (2) Case IH Maxxum 5140 MFWD, s/n 1021485, 1026841: 1994, Cab, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO Massey Ferguson MF240, s/n 2773U51533: Diesel, 2wd, 3PH, PTO, Roll Bar New Holland 8870 MFWD: 1999, Super Steer, Cab, Fr Hydr, 1000 PTO New Holland 8670 MFWD, s/n D412705: 1998, Cab, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, Fr Hydr New Holland 4630, s/n 082244B: Front Loader 2011 New Holland 45 Workmaster, s/n 6183829: 225 hrs
2003 John Deere 6700
(1 of 2) John Deere 8270R MFWD
Sale Site Fax: 334.693.2551
New Holland TC25 MFWD, s/n G014062: 2310 hrs Ford 3000, s/n B913362: Diesel, PTO, 3PH Ford 7700, s/n C560322: 2wd, Encl. Cab Ford 5610, s/n ZX300947 Ford 3600, s/n C512314: Diesel, PS, 3pt Ford 3400: Front Loader Ford 3000, s/n C364946: 2wd, Open Fendt 926 MFWD, s/n 926244447: C/A, Weights, Factory Duals COTTON EQUIPMENT John Deere 9976 Cotton Picker, s/n N09976X001086 John Deere 9965 Cotton Picker, s/n N09965X004358 COMBINES Case IH 2188 Axial Flow Combine, s/n JJC0192398 w/ 964 6Row Corn Head, 4320 Eng. Hrs, 3315 Rotor hrs Macdon 973 Grain Header, s/n 173481 HT25 Header Trailer Case IH 1688 Combine Case IH 1660 Combine: Cummins Eng. IH 1460 4x4 Combine, s/n U025164: 3608 hrs CORN & GRAIN EQUIPMENT John Deere Grain Head, s/n 41120 John Deere 13’ Grain Platform Header International 984 8-Row Corn Head John Deere 454A Corn Head New Idea 325 2-Row Narrow Picker w/ Super Sheller New Idea 2-Row Narrow Picker New Idea 324 2-Row Picker w/ 12 Roll Husking Bed New Idea 324 2-Row Picker New Idea 324 2-Row Wide Picker w/ Roll Bed New Idea 324 2-Row Picker w/ 8 Roll Bed (7) New Idea 2-Row Corn Pickers (2) New Idea 323 1-Row Corn Pickers Minneapolis 10’ Grain Drill John Deere 8300 Drill International 510 Grain Drill, s/n C006677 Parker 6000 Grain Buggy Parker 4500 Grain Cart w/ PTO Shaft IH 15X Drill PEANUT EQUIPMENT Amadas 6-Row Peanut Picker: 24.5-32 Tires KMC 636 6-Row Peanut Shaker KMC 2-Row Peanut Shaker Ferguson 6-Row Reshaker 4-Row Peanut Inverter, s/n 0145 (4) Blanton 14’ Galvanized Drying Wagons PLANTERS & PLANTING EQUIPMENT John Deere 7300 Planters, s/n H07300A665626 w/ Monitor John Deere 2-Row Planter Great Plains 1500 Drill & No Till Caddy, s/n 10493C
Kubota M7060 MFWD (52 hrs)
International 5100 21x7 Drill, s/n C012976 One Shank Pine Tree Planter SPRAYERS & SPRAYING EQUIPMENT John Deere 6000 Hi-Cycle Sprayer, s/n N06000X019309 John Deere 550 Sprayer, s/n 001612N John Deere 550 Sprayer, s/n 002215 Agro Trend 500-gal Sprayer: Foam Markers Geo White 200-gal Sprayer Van 500-gal Nitrogen Applicator Sprayer, s/n V104247 Newton Crouch Nitrogen Applicator 18-Row Sprayer Vans 56’ Sprayer HAY EQUIPMENT John Deere 567 Hay Baler, s/n E00567X158133 John Deere 24T Square Baler, s/n 043145E John Deere 348 Baler, s/n 946584 John Deere 336 Square Baler, s/n 373531E John Deere Bale Ejector, s/n 374113E Unverferth Roundabout Hay Wrapper, s/n A45890145 New Holland 254 Hay Rake, s/n 773380 FIELD EQUIPMENT John Deere 635 23’ Rock Flex Disc IH 490 Disc John Deere 230 Wing Disc Sunflower 1232 Wing Disc John Deere 220 Center-fold Hydraulic Disc, s/n 14819 Kewanee 1020 Wing Disc Case IH 3900 Disc Super C 8’ Box Blade, s/n SCBB12016-5 DHR 10’ Landleveler: Hyd. Tilt, w/ Cylinder & Hoses DHR 10’ Landleveler: w/ 2 Rims Cover Crop Roller DHR 9’ Hydraulic 4-way Blade w/ Cylinder & Hoses White Chisel Plow w/ Gauge Wheels & 12 Shanks Howse 8’ Pull Mower 10’ Offset Disc Harrow Brillion 5-Shank V Ripper Bushhog 14-Shank Chisel Plow AC Plowing Disc Flow E-Z Gravity Flow Trailer: Model 220 Flow E-Z Gravity Flow Trailer: Model 220 IH 490 Fold Up Disc, s/n U005417 John Deere 235 Disc: New 21” Blades & Scrapers John Deere 331 Fold Up Disc John Deere 496 Disc John Deere 400 Rotary Hoe, s/n 100400X087808 John Deere 400 Rotary Hoe w/ Caddy Krause Centerfold Disc DHR 8’ Land Leveler: Hyd. Tilt, w/ Cylinder & Hoses John Deere 1450 5X Plow Brillion 12’ Packer
(2) 84” Rotary Cutters: Red, 120hp Gear Box, Slip Clutch, Safety Chains, 2 Tailwheels Titan 6’ Rotary Cutter: Red, Taper Back, 40hp Gear Box, Slip Clutch Titan 5’ Rotary Cutter: Red, Taper Back, 40hp Gear Box BHC 2000 Stalk Chopper, s/n 3020973 DHR 8’ Landleveler (2) DHR 8’ Straight Blades DHR 12’ Landleveler IH 4-bottom Flip Plow John Deere 6-Row Cultivator Alloway Woods Flail Mower/Shredder, s/n 27790 John Deere 1000-gallon Manure Spreader, s/n 1979-3666 w/ Pump County Line 5’ Tiller, s/n 032087: 3PH Tye Aerator Taylorway 6-Row Cultivator, s/n 1039082H: Model 93713 9’ Disc, s/n B23308 Wilbeck 460 Offset Disc 10’ 11-shank Chisel Plow, s/n 60592 John Deere 1010 Field Cultivator International 55 Hydraulic Fold Chisel Plow, s/n 0190876C07437 New Holland 270TL Front Loader, s/n Y7M018998: No Brakcets or Bkt. John Deere 210 Wheel Disc John Deere 2800 5-Row Turning Plow M & W 1815 Rotary Hoe, s/n 1169 KMC 4-Row Hoe & Till, s/n 28676 John Deere 2500 5-Bottom Plow LMC 7’ HD Box Blade John Deere 1450 4-Row Turning Plow, s/n B125511 900-gallon Nurse Tank w/ Extra 100-gal Tank on Trailer Brillion Single Packer Gravity Flow Wagon J & M Gravity Flow Bed Hydraulic Dump Wagon Vada 12’ Dryer Wagon KMC 4-Row Ripper, s/n 62239 w/ Blade Howse 7’ Rotary Mower Powerline 4’ Rotary Cutter: Red, Square Back, 40hp Gear Box (3) Cosmo #500 3PH Spin Spreaders: Red Powerline #400 Plastic/poly Spin Spreader: Yellow Powerline #300 Spin Spreader: Red, Pulltype (2) Itawamba 6600 Box Blades: Yellow Scott Equipment 6’ Box Blade: Green 7’ 3PH Landscape Rake Atlas 6.5’ Disc Harrow: Yellow, Model 30020x18, New Style Bearing
(4) Kubota M8540 IE S
(1 of 3) 2008 Peterbilt 389
1999 Cat 928G (County-Owned)
The South’s Largest Farm Equipment Sale - 20th Annual
John Deere 4640
2005 Fleetwood Excursion
(7 of 12) 2012 International Prostar
A 10% administrative fee will be charged on the first $4500 of each lot and then a 1% administrative fee will be charged on the remaining balance of each lot.
Powerline 9” Post Hole Digger: Yellow, 9” Auger Green Agri 7-Shank All-purpose Power 6’ 3PH Landscape Rake Mahindra 6’ Rotary Mower, s/n 138428 John Deere HX14 Rotary Mower, s/n WOHX14D006336 (4) LMC HD Box Blades: 8’, 7’, 6’, 5’ John Deere 5X Plow (2) Hico 500 5’ Mowers 10’ Single Packer LMC 12” Post Hoge Digger John Deere 900 5X V Ripper Hesston 6-Shank Chisel Plow John Deere 148 Front Loader w/ Bucket McCleskey 10’ Disc Harrow, s/n FM591 Gravity Flow Wagon / Auger Killbros Gravity Flow Wagon / Auger Farm King Gravity Flow Wagon / Auger Killbros Gravity Flow Wagon / Auger IH 181 20’ Rotary Hoe Howse 6’ Box Blade Rhino HD Post Hole Digger Lely 1250 Spreader, s/n 1366 Bushhog 7’ Mower RM400 Finishing Mower, s/n 01220 Silage Blower Titan Finishing Mower Howse 5’ Rotary Mower 6’ Box Blade and 3PH Dirt Scoop KMC Fertilizer Applicator, s/n 353046 5’ Rotary Mower John Deere 4200 3-bottom Flip Plow IH 6-Row Cultivator Brillion 8’ Packer Dunham 8’ Packer Brillion Single Packer LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT New Holland 354 Mill New Holland 353 Mill New Holland 352 Grinder Mixer New Holland 352 Mill w/ Scales New Holland 351 Grinder Mixer John Deere 400 Mill Owattona Mill Unused Priefert SO191 Cattle Squeeze Chute Unused Behlen 120-degree Cattle Sweep System w/ 10’ Alley
Unused Galv HMC 150-bushel Cattle Creep Feeder w/ Gates Unused Galv 6500lb Mobile Grain Bin Unused (30) Corral Panels: 7.5’ x 6’ Unused (2) Heavy-duty 10’ Metal Feed Troughs (18) Feed Troughs (5) 12’ Gates & (10) 8’ Gates (12) Green Gate Panels (2) 4’ Gates (7) 4’ Galvanized Gates (5) 12’ Galvanized Panels (4) 10’ Metal Gates TRAILERS 2016 Carry On 6x10 Dump Trailer, s/n 17657: 2 5000 Axles, Elec. Brakes, Combo Gate, Ramps 2016 Topline JT10 Trailer, s/n 00389: 5x10, Tailgate, Wood Floor, 3500 lb. Axle (2) 2016 Topline JTW12 Trailer: 6.4x12, Side Gate & Tailgate, Wood Floor, 3500 lb. Axle (3) 2016 Topline TLU16 Utility Trailers: 6.4x16, Wood Floor, Slide In Ramps, 2 3500 lb. Axles 2016 Topline TH18 Car Hauler Trailer, s/n 00493: 16’ Flat + 2’ Dovetail, Slide In Ramps, 2 3500 lb. Axles MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (7) 2013 Yamaha Electric Golf Carts (2) 2012.5 Yamaha Adventurer One Electric Carts KMC 4400 Poultry House Washer 2005 John Deere 7H17 Walk-behind Mower, s/n TC7H17B020004 Ferris 1500Z Commercial Mower (2) Cattlemen’s Syrup Tanks 10000-gallon Tank 1000-gallon Water Tank Mechanical Transplanter, s/n 184301: Model 900, 2 Seats, 1 Hopper (2) Simpson 2800psi Pressure Washers KMC 1600 Water Wagon, s/n 351537 Also: Numerous Tractor & Implement Tires, Rims
Fendt 926 MFWD
Case IH 3900
Case MXM190 MFWD
McCormick CX105 MFWD
2014 Massey Ferguson 2605
John Deere 7930 MFWD
IH 1460 4x4
2013 John Deere 6125R MFWD (2239 hrs)
2007 John Deere 8320 MFWD
RAIN OR SHINE 2009 John Deere 8295R MFWD
J&M 525
John Deere 8310R MFWD (2051 hrs)
Case IH MX180 Magnum MFWD
SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th • 8:00am
Selling for J & M Farm, Nicholas Estate, Hutto Farms, Jeffcoat Farms, Faulkner Farms, Beasley Farm, Cochran Farm, Cox Farm & Many Others !
FARM TRACTORS 2007 John Deere 8320 MFWD, s/n 015497: Power Shift 16sp., 4 Hyd. Remotes, 480/80R46 Tires, Quick Hitch, 9000 hrs John Deere 8310R MFWD, s/n 1RW8310RVBP046589: C/A, Factory Duals, Wts, 2051 hrs 2009 John Deere 8295R MFWD, s/n RW8295R001439: Power Shift, Factory Duals, 3890 hrs 2012 John Deere 8285R MFWD, s/n 1RW8285REBP046523: Power Shift, Factory Duals, 2333 hrs (2) John Deere 8270R MFWD, s/n 1RW8270RJEP095329, 95102: C/A, Factory Duals, Wts., QH, Warranty, 2826 & 3036 hrs John Deere 7930 MFWD, s/n 1RW7930AHBA036362: C/A, Wts., QH, 3350 hrs John Deere 7820 MFWD, s/n RW7820R038174: C/A, Factory Duals, 18.4R42 Rears, 16.9R28 Fronts, Weights, Quick Hitch, 6236 hrs 2008 John Deere 7730 MFWD, s/n RW7730R020538: C/A, Factory Duals, Wts., 5220 hrs John Deere 7600 MFWD, s/n 008168: 1995, Cab, Powershift, 3 Hyd. Remotes, 540/1000 PTO John Deere 7320 MFWD, s/n RW7320R018115: C/A, Wts, 5924 hrs John Deere 6300 MFWD, s/n 115085: 1994, Cab, Power Quad, JD 640 Loader, Extra Hydr, 540/1000 PTO 2013 John Deere 6125R MFWD, s/n 1L06125RCDH781816: C/A, 3PH, PTO, 3 Hyd. Remotes, 18.8R38 Rears, 13.6R28 Fronts, 2239 hrs 2014 John Deere 6125M MFWD, s/n 1L06125MKDG755904: C/A, 3PH, PTO, 3 Hyd. Remotes, 480/70R38 Rears, 420/70R24 Fronts, Weights, 1572 hrs John Deere 5525 MFWD, s/n LV5525T451547: C/A, 2540 hrs John Deere 5115M MFWD, s/n 1LV5115MVCJ430014: Loader Joystick, 3 Hyd. Remotes, Power Reverser, 19.5L-24 Rears, 12.5/80-18 Fronts, 1814 hrs (4) 2015 John Deere 5100M, s/n 1LV5100MEFJ741132, 41129, 41127, 41128: 218 to 1640 hrs (County-Owned) John Deere 4960 MFWD, s/n RW4960R003413: C/A, Factory Duals, Power Shift John Deere 4840: Cab John Deere 4755 MFWD, s/n RW4755P004026: C/A, 24L-26 Fronts, 710/70R38 Rears, Power Shift, 8071 hrs John Deere 4755, s/n RW4755P003656: 2wd John Deere 4555 MFWD, s/n 06001632: C/A (3) John Deere 4520 MFWD, s/n P255649, 255637, 255650 John Deere 4455 MFWD, s/n RW4455P012425: C/A, Factory Duals, 18.4R42 Rears, 16.9R26 Fronts, 6964 hrs John Deere 4450, s/n RW4450H030123: C/A, 5999 hrs John Deere 4320: Front Loader John Deere 4255 MFWD, s/n 002777: 1991, Cab, Powershift, 3 Hyd. Remotes, 540/1000 PTO John Deere 4255 MFWD, s/n RW4255E010568: C/A, Powershift, All New Radial Tires, 18.4-26 Front, 20.8-38 Rears, 6200 hrs John Deere 4210 MFWD, s/n H320319
John Deere 4200, s/n LV4200C224920: 2wd, Roll Bar, 3PH, PTO, 3606 hrs John Deere 4050 MFWD, s/n 009021: 1988, Cab, Powershift, Loader, 540/1000 PTO John Deere 3520 MFWD, s/n HCD910128 John Deere 3320 MFWD, s/n LV3320P136053: Roll Bar, JD 60” Commercial Belly Mower, JD 300X Front Loader w/ Bkt., Power Reverser Kubota M108S MFWD, s/n 74063: C/A, 3PH, PTO, 3 Hyd. Remotes, Draw Bar, 18.4-34 Rears, 13.624 Fronts, 4694 hrs Kubota M7060 MFWD, s/n 62397: C/A, Kubota LA1154 Front Loader w/ Bkt. & Forks, 3PH, PTO, Hyd. Remotes, Draw Bar, 9.5-24 Fronts, 16.9-30 Rears, 52 hrs Kubota M5040F, s/n 10540 Kubota MX5000DT, s/n 53837: Front Loader, 800 hrs Kubota L3800DT MFWD, s/n 61519: Front Loader Kubota B7510 MFWD, s/n 56857: Belly Mower Kubota BX2200 MFWD, s/n 64911: Front Loader Case IH MX180 Magnum MFWD, s/n JJA0095814: C/A, Factory Duals, 14.9R34 Fronts, 18.4R46 Rears, 5433 hrs Case IH Maxxum 5220 MFWD, s/n 1052412: 1995, Cab, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO 2007 Case IH Puma 210 MFWD: Auto Steer Ready, 4500 hrs 2014 Massey Ferguson 2605, s/n FZX897104: 115 hrs Ford 6700 Ford 5600: 5298 hrs Ford 5000 w/ Front Loader: 2291 hrs Ford Ferguson COMBINES Case IH 1660 Combine, s/n JJC0041506 International 1440 Combine, s/n U021434: 3056 hrs COTTON EQUIPMENT KBH Boll Buggy, s/n MB02510 Big 12 VB1994 Boll Buggy, s/n 583 CORN & GRAIN EQUIPMENT Hutchinson 8”x53’ Portable Grain Auger: 8”x53’ John Deere 450 Grain Drill, s/n N00450X008542 Great Plains Grain Drill, s/n GA3380 (2) Massey Ferguson 33 Grain Drills John Deere 8300 Grain Drill, s/n 02831 John Deere Grain Drill, s/n 66107M New Idea Picker, s/n 244559 (2) New Idea 2-Row Corn Pickers New Idea Corn Puller: 30” Narrow Rows Ford 1-Row Corn Puller, s/n 4581 J & M 525 Grain Cart, s/n 5461
www.deancoauction.com Monosem 6-Row Twin Planters
John Deere 4455 MFWD
Amadas 4-Row
Parker 450 Grain Cart Cross 30’ Corn/Hay Elevator Case IH 1062 Corn Header, s/n JJC0071062 Case IH 1020 20' Grain Header, s/n JJC0092463 PEANUT EQUIPMENT Amadas 4-Row Peanut Combine, s/n A34467 Amadas 4-Row Peanut Combine, s/n A3669: Model 959-712 Amadas 4-Row Peanut Combine, s/n A31252: Model 9297-712 (2) KMC 2-Row Peanut Shakers (2) Peerless Peanut Dryers (2) Lilliston Vine Cutters PLANTERS & PLANTING EQUIPMENT (2) John Deere 7300 8-Row MaxEmerge2 Vacuum Planter, s/n H07300C665218, 660396: w/ Monitor Monosem 6-Row Twin Planters: Insecticide Hoppers, Spray Booms, Bed Shaper John Deere 4-Row Planters (2) Covington 2-Row Duplex Planters (2) Covington 2-Row Planters Covington 1-Row Planter SPRAYERS & SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 2003 John Deere 6700 Self-propelled Sprayer, s/n N06700X008175 KBH 8-Row Pull-type Nitrogen Applicator Vans 16-Row 3PH Sprayer w/ 300-gal Tank KMC Layby Rig, s/n 350805 KBH Liquid Applicator, s/n LA02988 HAY EQUIPMENT John Deere 568 Mega Wide Plus Hay Baler, s/n E00568X355762 w/ Monitor John Deere 535 Hay Baler, s/n E00535X922234 w/ Monitor Vermeer Round Hay Baler IH 440 Square Hay Baler, s/n 7800231 Ford New Holland Hay Cutter, s/n 933007 Morra 277 Disc Cutter Mower, s/n 37708 Taarup TS1650 Hay Cutter, s/n 173922 Massey Ferguson Side Delivery Rake Tolla Hay Tedder, s/n 5151 8-wheel Rake, s/n 001760 Hay Express 30’ Trailer Hay Roll Trailer FIELD EQUIPMENT John Deere 630 32’ Disc Harrow, s/n N00630X004938 2224 7’ Offset Harrow: 24-disc KMC 8-Row Ripper Bedder, s/n 54051 LMC 6-Row Nitrogen Rig, s/n 352876 Bushhog 4214S Rotary Mower, s/n 100275
Case IH LX162 Front Loader, s/n CAE0010169 John Deere 230 Disc John Deere 220 Centerfold Disc John Deere 235 26’ Fold Up Disc Harrow Long 958 10’ Disc Harrow, s/n 3065 McCormick 18’ Disc Harrow, s/n 580043869 2011 Newton Crouch Spreader, s/n 1-119677: Variable Rate, w/ Controller KMC 630 6-Row Bed Conditioner Unverferth Ripper Roller, s/n A56880395 Tufline V Ripper, s/n 38182 Case IH 496 Harrow, s/n JAG0157908 Taylorway Field Cultivator, s/n 10488944 Unverferth 4-Shank Ripper Bedder Taylorway Folding Disc Harrow, s/n 75180 Bushhog 3226QT Front Loader Bushhog 2815 Batwing Mower Icon 5’ Cutter PZ Drum Cutter, s/n GT009449 Kilbros Gravity Wagon: 350 Grain Body Kilbros Gravity Wagon: 350 Grain Body Rhino HD Post Hole Digger: 3PH John Deere 1-Row Stripper Header Massey Ferguson 4-Bottom Flip Plow KMC Rolling Cultivator w/ Cole Fertilizer Plntrs Case IH 496 30’ Fold Up Disc 7’ Bermuda Scratcher 7.5’ Tiller w/ 50-gal Tank John Deere HX14 Rotary Mower KMC 4-Row Rolling Cultivator Rhino TW144 12’ Rotary Cutter, s/n 48093 John Deere HX14 Rotary Mower Stalk Chopper John Deere Tractor Blade LMC HD Box Blades: 8’, 7’, 6’, 5’ Rhino TW60 Rotary Mower Pittsburgh 2-Row Cultivator Ford Dirt Scoop Pan, s/n 13511 Ford 2-Row Cultivator / Fertilizer Distributor Ford 2-Row Cultivator / Covington Platners (2) Hico 500 5’ Mowers LMC 12” Post Hoge Digger McKee 24’ Field Cultivator (8) KMC Bed Shapers J & M Gravity Flow Wagon (2) Ford 3-Bottom Flip Plows Massey Ferguson 4-Bottom Plow Killbros Gravity Wagon Bradford Gravity Flow Wagon Ford 3-Bottom Plow KMC 8-Row Rotary Hoe Burch 4-Row Cultivator Burch 10’ Disc Harrow 10’ Box Blade w/ Hyd. Lift 72” Rock Grapple Bucket (4) Tomahawk Universal Mounts w/ 42”
John Deere 5525 MFWD
Forks John Deere 3945 Switch Plow, s/n 002997 John Deere 1418 Rotary Mower Berlon Front Loader Attachment KMC 20’ Tooth Harrow Durabilt 3-yard Dirt Pan John Deere 115 Blade, s/n N00115X200756 Harrell Stalk Chopper Sperry New Holland 28 Blower, s/n 326453 KMC 16’ Field Cultivator Brown Tree Cutter Bushhog 7’ Mower Powell Strip Till Plow Kesmac Reel Mower, s/n 327 Unverferth Field Cultivator w/ JD Grain Drill
Kubota M108S MFWD
Sale Site Address: 15594 Hwy 431 N, Headland, AL 36345 Sale Site Location: Approximately 7 miles north of Dothan on US Highway 431 North on the left side of highway. For Auction Information: Main Office Phone 334-677-3192; Main Office Fax 334-671-0149; www.deancoauction.com Sale Site Phone: (334) 693-2540 Sale Site Fax: (334) 693-2551 Hotels: All are in Dothan, Alabama: The Clarion (Auction Headquarters) - 334.794.8711; La Quinta - 334.793.9090; Holiday Inn Express - 334.699.6868; Best Western 334.793.4376; Days Inn - 334.793.2550; Hampton Inn 334.671.7672; Comfort Suites - 334.792.9000 Airports: Commercial Flights available from ASA-Northwest LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Napier Field (10 miles from sale site). --- Private Plane across Zimmerman FM280 Funnel Mixer from Headland Municipal Airport (1 mile from sale site). Call Owatoona Feed Miller Grinder Mixer Headland Chamber of Commerce form more information, 334International Feed Mill Grinder Mixer 693-3303. Shuttle service provided by Headland Airport to auction site, call Pete Crews 334-693-9415 or 850-210TRUCKS 2908. 2008 Chevy 3500HD 4WD, s/n 80705: Car Rental: Enterprise Car Rental, Dothan 800-736-8222; Duramax, Auto, 110K mi. Hertz Rent-A-Car, Dothan (334) 983-4514 2008 Chevy 3500HD 4WD, s/n 16619: Auctioneers: Donnie W. Dean, AL Lic. #907 & Wes Dean, AL Duramax, Auto, 107K mi. Lic. #5219, Doug Blankesnhip, AA Lic. #2535 2005 GMC 2500HD SLT 4WD, s/n 30893: Terms: All purchases are to be paid for in American funds on Duramax Diesel, 4-door, Leather, Heated sale day by cash or cashiers check. Personal/Company check Seats, 218K mi. must be accompanied with a current bank letter of guarantee made to Deanco Auction guaranteeing payment to Deanco TRAILERS Auction. NO EXCEPTIONS !! We also accept Visa and 2017 Tiger 10’ Trailer, s/n 05001 Mastercard with a 3.0% convenience fee added. E-Z Flow 220 Trailer Registration Notice: Anyone wishing to bid on items in the Gravity Flow Trailer auction must register and obtain a bidder’s card. Anyone bid14’ Stock Trailer ding for an account other than their own must register as such. UTILITY VEHICLES Warranty: Everything is sold “AS IS, WHERE IS” without warJohn Deere 620i Gator XUV 4WD, s/n ranty or guarantee of any sort, wither expressed or implied. 10939: Gas Eng., Dump Box, 1306 hrs DO NOT BID unless you have determined the condition of the John Deere XUV55054 Gator: 344 hrs lot from your own examination. All information was obtained Rhino 660 4WD: Open, 817 hrs from sources assumed to be correct but is not guaranteed by Deanco Auction MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Catalogs: This brochure is furnished by the Auctioneer as a 2012.5 Yamaha Super Hauler Gas Cart guide only. No guarantee as to the accuracy of description is (7) 2013 Yamaha Electric Golf Carts made. John Deere D130 Lawn Mower: 22hp, 164 Sales Tax: All sales are subject to Alabama sales tax unless hrs you have proper re-sale exemption. Any dealer purchasing for Also: Numerous Size Tractor & Implement resale must execute a Certificate of Resale and present your Tires, Row Markers, Tractor Weights, Sales Tax Permit Number. Failure to furnish to information will Gauge Wheels, etc. result in payment of sales tax. Absentee Bids: Mailed absentee bids will be accepted only if BULLPEN AREA received at least one day prior to sale day. The bid must be Cast Iron Pots, Syrup Kettles, New Tools, accompanied with a certified check or a company/personal Misc. Items, Lawn Statues, Patio check (with a current bank letter of guarantee made to Furniture, Antique Store Signs Old Deanco Auction guaranteeing payment to Deanco Auction) in Timey Tools & So Much More !! the amount of the bid. Failure to adhere to this procedure will nullify the bid. Telephoned or faxed bids won’t be accepted.
All attempts have been made to list each item on the day it will sell but there may be some changes. Please contact us for specific items.
John Deere 5115M MFWD (1814 hrs)
AUCTION CALENDAR 16th Annual Springtime Contractors’ Equipment & Truck Auction - 3 HUGE DAYS ND
2011 New Holland 45 Wormaster (225 hrs)
2008 John Deere 7730 MFWD
We may be running 3 auction rings on all 3 days
A Taxable 2.5% Fee assessed on all Internet Purchases. A $750 cap on Internet Fee will be applied to each item
Golf Cart Rentals provided by Georgia Golf Cart Event Leasing 2 & 4 Passenger Carts For Reservations call Lynne @ 229-273-7332
[email protected]
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 TO FRIDAY, MAR. 24TH • 2017 2014 John Deere 6125M (1572 hrs)
John Deere 568 Mega Wide Plus
1042 Holland Ave (Hwy 19 S) • Philadelphia, MS
John Deere 7820 MFWD
(1 of 2) John Deere 7300 8-Row MaxEmerge2
For Info call (877) 898-5905 or (601) 656-9768
Portable BBQ Grill
Huge 2-Day Contractors’ Equipment & Truck Auction
1042 Holland Ave (Hwy 19 S) • Philadelphia, MS For Info call (877) 898-5905 or (601) 656-9768 Tentative schedule that is subject to change
John Deere 4960 MFWD