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Toronto, 80 St.George St., Toronto, ON, M5S3H6, Canada .... G. Sciaini and R. J. D. Miller, “Femtosecond electron diffraction: heralding the era of atomically ...
Full characterization of RF compressed femtosecond electron pulses using ponderomotive scattering Meng Gao,1 Hubert Jean-Ruel,1 Ryan R. Cooney,1 Jonathan Stampe,3 Mark de Jong,3 Maher Harb,1,4 German Sciaini,2 Gustavo Moriena,1 and R. J. Dwayne Miller1,2,∗ 1 Institute

of Optical Sciences and Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St.George St., Toronto, ON, M5S3H6, Canada 2 Max Planck Department for Structural Dynamics, Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, Centre for Free Electron Laser Science, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg 22607, Germany 3 Canadian Light Source Inc., 101 Perimeter Road, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0X4, Canada 4 Present address: Atomic Physics Division, Department of Physics, Lund University, P.O. Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden ∗ [email protected]

Abstract: High bunch charge, femtosecond, electron pulses were generated using a 95 kV electron gun with an S-band RF rebunching cavity. Laser ponderomotive scattering in a counter-propagating beam geometry is shown to provide high sensitivity with the prerequisite spatial and temporal resolution to fully characterize, in situ, both the temporal profile of the electron pulses and RF time timing jitter. With the current beam parameters, we determined a temporal Instrument Response Function (IRF) of 430 fs FWHM. The overall performance of our system is illustrated through the high-quality diffraction data obtained for the measurement of the electron-phonon relaxation dynamics for Si (001). © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (320.2250) Femtosecond phenomena; (320.7100) Ultrafast measurements.

References and links 1. B. J. Siwick, J. R. Dwyer, R. E. Jordan, and R. J. D. Miller, “An Atomic-Level View of Melting Using Femtosecond Electron Diffraction,” Science 302, 1382–1385 (2003). 2. A. M. Lindenberg, J. Larsson, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, K. J. Gaffney, C. Blome, O. Synnergren, J. Sheppard, C. Caleman, A. G. MacPhee, D. Weinstein, D. P. Lowney, T. K. Allison, T. Matthews, R. W. Falcone, A. L. Cavalieri, D. M. Fritz, S. H. Lee, P. H. Bucksbaum, D. A. Reis, J. Rudati, P. H. Fuoss, C. C. Kao, D. P. Siddons, R. Pahl, J. Als-Nielsen, S. Duesterer, R. Ischebeck, H. Schlarb, H. Schulte-Schrepping, Th. Tschentscher, J. Schneider, D. von der Linde, O. Hignette, F. Sette, H. N. Chapman, R. W. Lee, T. N. Hansen, S. Techert, J. S. Wark, M. Bergh, G. Huldt, D. van der Spoel, N. Timneanu, J. Hajdu, R. A. Akre, E. Bong, P. Krejcik, J. Arthur, S. Brennan, K. Luening, and J. B. Hastings, “Atomic-Scale Visualization of Inertial Dynamics,” Science 308, 392–395 (2005). 3. G. Sciaini, M. Harb, S. G. Kruglik, T. Payer, C. T. Hebeisen, F.-J. M. z. Heringdorf, M. Yamaguchi, M. H.v. Hoegen, R. Ernstorfer, and R. J. D. Miller, “Electronic acceleration of atomic motions and disordering in bismuth,” Nature 458, 56–59 (2009). 4. R. Ernstorfer, M. Harb, C. T. Hebeisen, G. Sciaini, T. Dartigalongue, and R. J. D. Miller, “The Formation of Warm Dense Matter: Experimental Evidence for Electronic Bond Hardening in Gold,” Science 323, 1033–1037 (2009). 5. M. Eichberger, H. Schafer, M. Krumova, M. Beyer, J. Demsar, H. Berger, G. Moriena, G. Sciaini, and R. J. D. Miller, “Snapshots of cooperative atomic motions in the optical suppression of charge density waves,” Nature 468, 799–802 (2010).

#165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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The dream of atomically resolved structural dynamics has become a reality with the recent advent of high brightness electron [1] and x-ray sources [2]. Ultrafast electron and x-ray diffraction have both demonstrated success in resolving many fundamental questions in physics [3–6], chemistry [7], and biology [8]. There is great interest in pushing the time resolution to the 10 femtosecond domain with sufficiently high flux to capture even the fastest nuclear motions involved in chemical and biological reactions. For electrons, the primary challenge was to overcome the effects of space-charge broadening, imposing a fundamental trade-off between #165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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electron density and pulse duration. For non-relativistic electrons, the main approach to bring electron diffraction to the fs regime was to either significantly sacrifice bunch density for high (kHz - MHz) repetition rates [9–11], or use a compact electron gun concept to conserve moderate bunch charge densities [1]. The minimum number of electrons to achieve atomic resolution is typically on the order of 104 electrons for high-Z systems and small unit cells. These requirements increase with the size of the unit cell and smaller Z materials. For irreversible samples and semi-reversible samples, the finite number of photo-excitation cycles severely limits the use of high repetition rate, low density sources. However, even for reversible samples, there are problems with rapid photo-excitation. For example, in many materials with poor thermal conductance (most organic samples), the time scales for the dissipation of heat from the laser excitation can range from hundreds of microseconds to hundreds of milliseconds, rendering MHz and even kHz probe sources unusable. In this regard, the importance of high intensity structural probes has been amply demonstrated with the large number of systems that can be studied at atomic resolution within the single shot limit using the compact electron gun concept [12,13]. The importance of high intensity sources for structural probes is also well appreciated in the x-ray community and has been a driving force in the development of next generation light sources. In terms of scaling non-relativistic electron sources to higher intensities, the key new insight that came from an effectively exact solution to the electron propagation dynamics at high charge density was the realization that non-relativistic electrons naturally develop an extremely linear chirp in relatively short propagation distances [14]. The initial spatial correlations in the longitudinal direction are conserved up to very high bunch charge densities and the energy dependence of the velocity distribution in the non-relativistic regime creates a highly linear velocity-spatial correlation in the electron bunch. Given the high linearity in the chirp, this work pointed out that it should be fairly straightforward to use standard compression methods to reverse the linear chirp and dramatically increase the electron source brightness [14]. There are various methods from reflectron designs to dispersive chicane bunchers that are formally equivalent to prism pairs in optics for dispersion compensation [15, 16]. A particularly elegant solution was proposed that takes advantage of high electric field gradients possible within a half cell RF cavity or standard pill lens to invert the velocity spread in the electron distribution [17]. This approach provides compression solely along the propagation axis and removes spatial chirp issues. Numerical modelling of the RF compression illustrated the pill lens method has the potential to produce low-emittance, sub-100 fs, 0.1-1 pC bunches at the sample position, a dramatic improvement in brightness and pulse duration. The drawback with this approach is that the system becomes highly susceptible to RF phase noise, which ultimately limits the timing resolution of the instrument. In all cases, pulse compression of non-relativistic electron pulses leads to a strong dependence of the pulse duration along the beam propagation path. New means of characterizing the temporal profile of this class of electron pulses is needed to enable precise determination of the instrument response, ideally with 10 femtosecond time resolution and sub-100 micron spatial resolution to meet all design criteria. The RF pulse compression method using a pill lens has recently been demonstrated [18] using a synchronized RF streak camera for characterizing the pulse-compression process. However, the RF-laser timing jitter is difficult to decouple in these measurements as the arrival time is much more sensitive to changes in the RF phase (near φ = 0) than the pulse width. It is fully expected that the biggest challenge in exploiting RF pulse compression methods to obtain the highest possible time resolution is the inherent difficulty in minimizing this timing jitter. Thus, for femtosecond electron diffraction experiments using RF compression systems, it is no longer sufficient to only determine the electron pulse duration, but rather the temporal Instrument Response Function (IRF), which includes the full convolution of the electron and laser pulses, as

#165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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21 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 12050

well as factors affecting RF timing jitter. In this paper, we use the counter-propagating grating enhanced ponderomotive scattering method [19] with the aforementioned temporal and spatial resolution to directly probe the IRF of our RF pulse compression system. The higher bunch charge density in this new regime allows high quality femtosecond diffraction data to be collected with orders of magnitude fewer excitation cycles, opening the door to the study of irreversible processes and ultrafast chemical reactions in organic and biological systems. The high diffraction quality and temporal resolution of the system is clearly demonstrated by measuring the photo-carrier relaxation dynamics into lattice phonons for single crystalline silicon, as will be shown below. 2.

RF pulse compression system

3 GHz RF Cavity Magnetic Lens 1 Anode

-95 KV Cathode UV Pulse 0 cm

1 cm 9 cm 45 cm 39 cm

Magnetic Lens 2

Fig. 1. General Schematic of the Two Lens Hybrid DC-RF Pulse Compression System. A 270 nm UV pulse back-illuminates a gold photo-cathode and generates an electron pulse with a bunch charge up to 200 fC. The electron bunch is accelerated through a 95 keV extraction field, collimated by the first magnetic lens, rebunched in the 3 GHz RF cavity, and then collimated again towards the sample by a second magnetic lens. The electron-optic elements are labelled and their respective distances are given in cm from the cathode.

A schematic of the electron gun is shown in Fig. 1. UV back-illumination of a gold photocathode generates a dense electron pulse (100e− per μ m2 ) that is subsequently accelerated at 95 keV toward a Si disk anode with a 700 μ m aperture. The silicon is boron-doped for high electrical conductivity to avoid charge accumulation, and polished to optical flatness to avoid high-voltage discharges. Space-charge broadening during propagation quickly imposes a linear chirp [14] on the electron pulse within a few centimetres of travel. The exceptionally highly linear nature of this chirp makes it possible to compress the pulse by a sinusoidally time varying electric field synchronized with the arrival of the electron pulse. The time-dependent electric field for this purpose is generated by the standing wave TM010 mode at f = 2.998 GHz of our cylindrically symmetric RF cavity. The cavity geometry was optimized to efficiently couple in RF power such that a solid state amplifier can be used instead of a klystron typically used for higher power requirements. The duty cycle load limit of the amplifier restricts operation to un-

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21 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 12051

der 100 Hz. However, our setup is currently optimized for 10 Hz to avoid sample heating issues. We can switch to 100 Hz without major modifications. To synchronize the oscillator with the RF signal, we use an electronic synchronization system (Acctec B.V.), which picks off a high harmonic from the laser oscillator pulse train using a fast photodiode and phase locks a 3 GHz VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) output that drives the RF cavity after amplification. The longitudinal electric field inside the cavity is given by: Ez = E0 sin(2π f t + φ0 ).


The phase, φ0 , must be carefully tuned such that the center of the electron pulse is passing the center of the cavity when Ez = 0. This phase relationship ensures that the front edge of the pulse experiences a decrease in velocity; while the back edge experiences an increase, and there is no net energy gained by the entire pulse. The curvature in the field lines at the entrance and exit points of the cavity produce a net defocusing effect in the transverse direction. Thus, a second magnetic lens is required to re-focus the electron beam towards the sample position. GPT [20] (General Particle Tracer) simulations have demonstrated that this system is able to achieve sub-100 fs pulse durations with approximately 5 nm transverse coherence at the sample position. 3.

Ponderomotive measurement system

The experimental setup for the counter-propagating grating based ponderomotive scattering method is shown schematically in Fig. 2. The temporal response of this approach is only limited by the laser focusing geometry and the laser pulse duration, implying 10 fs temporal resolution is achievable with conventional femtosecond laser systems with reasonable focusing conditions [21]. The electron pulse is effectively cross correlated with the known laser pulse through the spatial perturbation imposed on the electron distribution by the laser induced ponderomotive potential. In this respect, the ponderomotive force describes the process by which a charged particle in an inhomogeneous oscillating electric field drifts towards the weak field region. It is proportional to the gradient of the light intensity [19], i.e. F(r,t) = −

e2 λ 2 8π 2 me ε0 c3



where λ is the laser wavelength, ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum, and I(r,t) is the spatialtemporal dependence of the light intensity. For reasonable 800 nm Ti:Sapphire laser parameters (100 fs, 10 μ m focus), tens of millijoules of pulse energy are required to produce a detectable ponderomotive signal using a single beam interaction [21,22]. This power requirement exceeds the capabilities of small frame laser systems. Previously, we demonstrated that the effective interaction can be dramatically increased by adopting a counter-propagating beam geometry to form a standing wave with the maximum number of fringes in the interaction region. The strong spatial modulation in the light intensity along the grating direction increases the intensity gradient by several orders of magnitude. The effect was first predicted by Kapitza and Dirac in 1933 [23, 24]. This optical grating produces a comb of scattering centers with a periodicity of half the wavelength of the light. Given the many complex tuning parameters (amplitude, phase, temperature etc.) of the RF electron pulse compression system, we designed a compact modular setup that can be used on a day-to-day basis, requires minimal effort for alignment, and can be used in situ with pump probe measurements. The entire device, as schematically shown in Fig. 2 is built on a 5" by 7" breadboard, weighs 10Hz and show up as shot-to-shot noise in the ponderomotive signal. We can examine the distribution of ponderomotive signal intensities to estimate the high frequency or fast jitter characteristics. Empirically, the distribution of the scattering signal for a given time t should be a function of the timing jitter width σ j and the pulse duration σt assuming the jitter has a gaussian distribution with a mean at the center of the pulse and variance σ 2j . We can model the ponderomotive scattering signal with the inclusion of jitter by: −

Y (t) = Ae

(t−J)2 2σt2



where J is a random variable with distribution function fJ ( j) = Norm(0, σ 2j ). Then we can perform a transformation by the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) method to find the d Fj (Y −1 (y)). The result depends only on the ratio distribution function for Y (t) using fY (y) = dy σ j /σt and the position of t. A subset of the solution is shown in Fig. 6(a) for t = 0. Taking α = σ j /σt , then for the case α  1 (the case where jitter is small compared to the pulse width), the signal is very stable and distributed close to the maximum signal (unity). For the case α  1, the jitter is large and the signal is rarely seen so it is more closely distributed around 0. Since both the pulse duration and the jitter are gaussian shaped in their respective temporal 2 = σ 2 + σ 2 , we can fit the distribution distributions, we know the effective pulse duration σeff t j as a function of α and t, and therefore extract a value for σ j . To extract the fast jitter, we made a series of fast single shot scattering measurements in succession (several minutes) to avoid slow timing drifts as much as possible and examined the resultant distribution of intensities. To minimize contributions from the background, the measured signal is the differential amplitude between a portion of the slit where the scattering occurs and where it is absent. Figure 6(b) shows the normalized histogram of the measured signals. We performed a least squares fit in a 2 parameter space of (α ,t) with the constraint 2 = σ 2 + σ 2 and converged on the result shown by the red line in Fig. 6, giving α = 0.28 ± σeff t j 0.05 and t = 238 ± 30 fs. This fit results in a fast jitter value of 125 ± 70 fs FWHM. This #165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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21 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 12055

Mean t0 (ps)


Without Temperature Stabilization

0.5 0 −0.5 −1 0

Mean t0 (ps)



40 60 time (minutes)





With Temperature Stabilization

0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0


40 60 time (minutes)

Fig. 5. Effect of Temperature Stability on Timing Jitter. Successive ponderomotive traces were taken on 3 minute intervals. The top plot shows temperature instabilities leading to a large overall phase drift of 2 ps over the course 1.5 hours. The bottom plot shows that after temperature stabilizing the RF electronics and cables, we were able to maintain average t0 stability of 70 fs RMS (Root Mean Squared) over the course of the same period of time.

determination represents a lower limit as there are drift contributions during the measurement that must be properly statistically weighted. The most important parameter with the respect to time resolution is still the IRF that takes all contributions to the effective time resolution into account. 5.

Electron-phonon dynamics in silicon

To demonstrate both the temporal resolution and the ability to perform pump-probe experiments, we measured the ultrafast heating (Debye-Waller) dynamics of single crystalline silicon. In this case, we used 40 fC per pulse and focused the electron beam to 200 ± 20μ m FWHM at the sample position. The signal was collected with 10 shots (total 400 fC) to produce the high-quality diffraction pattern in Fig. 7(a). We pumped the sample with 400 nm laser pulse at a fluence of 3.5 mJ/cm2 , well below the damage threshold, and recovered the structure dynamics shown in Fig. 7(b). The bi-exponential fit of τ1 = 880 ± 110 fs and τ2 = 9 ± 0.9 ps shows good agreement with previous measurements at comparable excitation intensities [25, 26]. In the previous experiment by Harb et. al [25], the diffraction quality was only sufficient to fit to a single relaxation component that would weigh the decay to longer values as observed in comparing the two results. Here we are able to clearly observe two relaxation time scales in the lattice dynamics. This experiment shows that extremely high quality diffraction patterns can be collected with merely a few shots. Equally important, the excellent SNR, even with this low number of shots per time point, enabled the observation of a multicomponent relaxation process involving the initial relaxation of photocarriers into optical phonon lattice modes (fast component) followed by subsequent optical phonon acoustic mode coupling (slow component) that

#165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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21 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 12056

σ /σ = 0.1 j







σj/σt = 2



(b) 1

σ /σ = 1





σj/σt = 10




Scatter Data Lsquares fit

Normalized Probability


0 0


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Fraction of Maximum Signal


Fig. 6. Timing Jitter Measurement. (a) simulated distributions fY (y) for the scattering signal 2 = σ 2 + σ 2. at t = 0 for a given ratio of the jitter to the pulse width α = σ j /σt and setting σeff t j (b) The measured distribution for a given time t normalized such that the maximum signal is 1. The least squares fit (red line) gives α = 0.28 ± 0.05 and t = 238 ± 30 fs

give different RMS atomic displacements. This work should be compared to the similarly high quality, static, diffraction results obtained recently with a relativistic source [27] for Si. In this respect, the quality of the time-resolved diffraction orders in the present case is notable. Here, we are able to obtain comparable quality of diffraction patterns out to even higher diffraction orders and have been able to resolve the relatively small amplitude displacements involved in the slower relaxation processes of optical phonons into acoustic modes.


0 Signal Intensity (Ion − Ioff )/Ioff




(4 0 0)

−0.04 −0.06 −0.08


−0.1 −10




Time (ps)



Fig. 7. Femtosecond Electron Diffraction Study of Photocarrier-Lattice Relaxation Dynamics in Si(001).(a) Diffraction pattern of single crystal silicon collected from 10 shots (40 fC per shot), 200 ± 20 μ m FWHM electron beam. (b)Photocarrier relaxation into lattice phonons is clearly observed as a decrease in the intensity of the (400) peak with increased RMS motion of the atoms.



We demonstrated the temporal compression of 200 fC electron bunches by using an RF rebunching cavity. The grating enhanced ponderomotive method was used to fully characterized the IRF and jitter properties of this system. With the present state of the system, the system gives an IRF of 430 ± 75 fs FWHM, and is stable over time periods sufficiently long to collect high quality diffraction patterns with less than 200 fs time resolution (i.e. one standard deviation of the FWHM IRF) as exemplified by the data obtained for single crystal Si(001). This

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work illustrates the importance in fully characterizing the system response function. With improvements to the electronic synchronization, using additional phase lock loops to control laser frequency stability, and better RF amplitude and phase optimization, it should be possible to achieve sub-100 fs FWHM temporal resolution with a high intensity compact electron source. This system has now achieved high enough bunch charge densities and time resolution to open up atomically resolved reaction dynamics of even complex, low Z, materials such as organic molecules and proteins that are generally irreversible. Acknowledgments Funding for this project was provided by the National Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). We would also like to acknowledge Dr. Sergei. G. Kruglik and Etienne Pelletier for their contributions in developing the laser system and RF cavity system used in this paper.

#165118 - $15.00 USD Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 17 Apr 2012; accepted 17 Apr 2012; published 11 May 2012

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21 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 12058