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Permukiman Sekolah Arsitektur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan. Dixit, M. K. ... Laporan Kemajuan, Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Negeri. Medan ...
SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION PLANNING MODELS FOR HOUSING IN THE CITY OF MEDAN IRMA NOVRIANTY NASUTION1*, SYAHREZA ALVAN2** 1 2Department of Engineering, State University of Medan *[email protected], **[email protected]


The direction of Medan’s modern development has had a bearing on the practice of construction and architecture. Norms in construction practice have tended to prioritize the immediate physical factors in buildings and often disregard local building rules, lack context with the surrounding environment and create an unfavourable use of space. This study aimed to identify new concepts for community housing in the city of Medan by proposing a planning model based approach to sustainable construction concepts. The method used to develop the model involved a review of diverse literature, analysis of case studies and follow up group discussions. Data were analized by descriptive analysis and then discussed in groups in order to enrich the study. This allowed a deep exploration of issues and perspectives from professional practitioners, government agencies, developers and economists. The sustainable construction planning model generated by this study provides a comprehensive approach to planning, design and a system for construction management. The results provide a practical method for planning and design that effectively incorporates sustainable criteria such as; land use, building mass, spatial layout, material selection and construction management. However, there are challenges that must be addressed: capacity and cultural challenges facing the city of Medan in implementing such a model. Nonetheless, this research can be used as a basis to advance practice based research in sustainable planning practice for other cities sharing Medan’s development characteristics. Keywords: planning models, sustainable construction, residential, Medan

INTRODUCTION Medan is a major city in Indonesia undergoing rapid growth and development in terms of its economy, social, and culture. The growth is characterized by its accelerated growth rate of the population from time to time and its increasing economic activity and trade, and the growth of the property in particular. The growth of properties in Medan increases 5-10% every year along with the increasing of economy (Wibisono, 2014). This trend is expected to continue and become a trend along with the growth of the city toward metropolis as the trade centre and financial services. Property development will bring a positive impact on the economy such as the availability of employment and the increase of income. However, the questions need to be deeply explored are whether or not the growth of property in the metropolis city has been in accordance with the people’s level of necessities and income; and whether or not it has been in accordance with the improvement of their quality of life.

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Urban dynamics can be identified from a city’s social and public facilities, infrastructure, public services, parks in terms of their level of availability, and its civilized and cultural products (Kuswartojo, 2010: 21). The phenomenon of high population growth in urban areas is directly followed by the changes in the environment of the city. Urban management should be assessed and monitored to direct, accommodate, and overcome the impacts, so that the dynamics of the city can be manifested into a sustainable quality of life. The concept of sustainable development has emerged as a concern with environmental issues, such as global warming and climate change. Natural conditions have got into a period of crisis at the high level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air and driven by industry and construction activities. Since the industrial revolution, the CO2 concentration increased dramatically by 36% from 280 pp (parts per million) before the industrial revolution to 381 ppm in 2005 (Akmal, 2007 : 4). This condition is called the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming and the decline in the quality of human life. One of the many factors contributing to the environmental damage is the development. The construction sector consumed 50% of natural resources, 40% of energy, and 16% water, as well as contributed the highest CO2 emissions of 45%. Sustainable construction is grounded on the best considerations relating to the long term quality of life and energy efficiency. The application of the sustainable construction is an attempt to suppress the use of water, materials, energy and all development activities to minimize the destruction of nature. In terms of housing management, the government has made some approaches to create a national standardization or Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Viewed globally, this standardization is not yet fully enforced; and not holistically implemented touching social dimension. Common problems encountered are mostly related to housing and settlement development patterns which have not shown the impression that the health aspects of the environment are used as basic components required in the technical planning. This study aims to provide an overview and input to the parties, i.e. planners, implementers and the public about sustainable concepts in the residential scale in order that they obtain an understanding of the planning, designing and implementation of a well-planned and quality development. In addition, it is also intended to give understanding of the environmentally friendly home design, in terms of social, cultural, and costs. METHODOLOGY Method used in this study is qualitative. Qualitative research methods is not based on statistical control of weakness or difficulty collecting data by questionnaire, but rather on based of a needs on theoretical orientation used consciously by researchers in conducting research (Afrizal, 2014: 9).

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Data collected through study of literature, case studies and data obtained from the results of field studies. In process of data collection, researcher were instruments and assisted by members of the researcher to obtaining data of field studies and literature. Data of field studies which is documentation, domestically and enviromentally situation of houses. In a while, a sustainable construction studies related to residential houses as results as literature studies, journals, research report, and other sources. Data described as a theory to supports discussion of data field studies. Data field studies in early stages of research obtained by collecting information through questionnaires. The purpose of questionnaires is to knowing a situation of construction management and planning factors from owner perseption. Results of data field studies and literature elaborated to obtain an understanding of the construction process and the design of the existing dwelling in Medan in generally and its relation to sustainable construction. After analysis accepted, then researchers tried to make a planning model approach to sustainable architecture. The discussion in this study is limited to the explanation relating to construction management and architectural planning. Data collected were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis used as a guide to developed an integrated planning approach to sustainable values. Approaches taken in terms of planning to considering the factors of support healthy, safe and comfortable housing. Among the factors in terms of land use, the mass of the building, space arrangement, elements of the building complements, material selection, and construction management system. The relationship between the recommendation that has been made and the acceptance of society against the proposal is not an achievement in this study. This is due to limitations of the research and is expected to continue research into the next stage so that the conclusion of the public interest in Medan towards sustainable values on residential development. LITERATURE STUDY In generally, relationship between architecture and sustainable concept is to created a safely of human living space and to support of physical and psychological development of human (Harjoko, 2013: 285). In a smaller scale, architecture to play as building and industrial processes associated with it. Architecture occupies space on the natural land, known as the ecological footprint. Naturally, architecture can be seen as the biggest contributor of the destruction of nature in a city that is growing through the establishment of a variety of residential and industrial buildings. To function properly, the building requires energy. Proper energy management in buildings will create the quality of life in the micro and macro environment more sustainable. However, if a natural energy source is not properly managed, the survival of

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man and nature will be disrupted, compliance is not achieved quality of life and decline. The phenomenon of global warming caused by greenhouse effects in the earth is believed by researchers that one reason of the development activities (Ervianto, 2012: 18). Construction practice is one of the biggest industries utilizing natural resources, both renewable resources and non-renewable, which brings damage (Dixit, 2010: 1238). In this case, the concept of sustainable development is one of the enthusiastic efforts undertaken to suppress the effects of greenhouse. This concept contains three main pillars are interrelated and mutually supportive, namely economic development, social development and environmental preservation. The objective of sustainable construction is to create a building based on the design that takes into account ecological, efficient use of natural resources and environmentally friendly during building operations. Itewi and Alsafasfeh (European Scientific Journal, 2012: 108) explains that the process of sustainable design is a stovepipe process which is the experts involved in the project work separately. In sustainable process, the experts jointly created a cooperate team to provide input of some constructive ideas to solve the problem integratedly. Since the 1980s and 1990s, planners and designers began to realize that the integration of all factors can produce a good sustainable design. Nowadays, many sustainable buildings have been combined into several focus of discussion such as; selection of land, energy efficiency, water conservation, material resource efficiency, and environmental quality in the room. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS & FINDINGS This study took case of residential house in the city of Medan. Restriction of observations are houses that represent each of the districts in Medan area. Basic case selection is based on the extent and characteristics of residential house locations: general and specific. On this occasion, only four dwelling which is taken as an example of a case that will be discussed. These four houses have an area of 100-200 m2 and is located in a residential location with the characteristics of public and private dense environments. Planning houses in Medan in terms of design, material selection and construction process, did not consider the aspects in the planning of sustainable buildings. In general, home independently planned and implemented through the assistance of the builders. The house is the outside view gives the impression of a magnificent and sturdy with concrete and massiveness of masonry construction. The building occupies almost all the existing land, where building regulations such as the Building Coverage Ratio, Building’s Line Perimeter, and Green Open Space Ratio, and the skyline buildings, tend to be ignored. A concrete example that found in a residential neighborhood in the city of Medan is the mixing of types of different buildings in a residential area, for example the type of shop houses mixed with the type of residence. In addition, the use of green land in front of the house

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which is covered by massive pavement and material selection for aesthetic elements of building an artificial and have the impression less friendly to the environment, in addition to the problem of cost. 1.




Fig.1: The condition of exterior and interior of residential houses in Medan (Source : Alvan et al, 2014)

Land Use

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The houses were observed in this study is a home with a single mass which approximately 80% of land use is for the building. While utilization of open spaces as green areas and some others covering by pavement. Orientation pattern of the building does not utilize climate and weather conditions prevailing in sustainable buildings. As if the building stands as a shelter without any ecological considerations, lack of utilization of sunlight and wind movement on the micro environment, as well as lack of utilization of ground water and rain. Very rare homes are built with self-management of energy resources, such as water and household waste management that is doing individually. 1.




Fig.2: Land use of residential houses in Medan (Source : Alvan et al, 2014)

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Arrangement of land use in some neighborhood in Medan do not follow the rules were set by Departement of City Planning. In some buildings, location of the mass does not consider the Building Coverage Ratio, Building’s Line Perimeter, and Green Open Space Ratio. As a result, the building seems crowded in the site and has a less air circulation, as well as sunlight through the ventilation insufficient to brightened the space. Sustainable efforts can be undertaken through the arrangement of Building Coverage Ratio, Building’s Line Perimeter, and Green Open Space Ratio to acquire the security and comfort of living for residents and the surrounding environment. This can be attempted by making a fence of the plant or a fence that is not massive and have the suitable height. The design should not obstruct the view from and into the land, and has a natural adjacent to the surrounding environment. In addition to the fence, circulation space for pedestrians and vehicles to and from the land, drainage and utilization of ground water in the soil should be prepared and planned carefully by considering its position. It is better to plan the flow of pedestrian and vehicle circulation not to interfere the condition of the surrounding land and the existing activities. In addition, drainage and ground water are placed on the land that does not impede the footprint of the building, such as the lands around the Building’s Line Perimeter. Space Layout The space layout refers to a review of activity patterns and the needs of residents in the building. The main thing to understand is the occupants’ character, activities, and culture in the house. Once the patterns and cultural activities of the owner is known, the next activity is to plan the size of space required, circulation patterns and organization of space that will be used later. The space layout in case study is open plan and it has centrally space as a living room. Activities and needs of residents when viewed from the arrangement of the spaces are categorized into medium size. The houses observed have average number of occupants were four (4) persons consisting of a mother, father and two children. However, it found the house that exceed the capacity of existing residents. As a result, the entire land used by the buildings and spaces was created unfunction optimally. In most of the other house there was sufficient space to accommodate the arrangement of the activities and needs of the residents. Space arranged into flowing form, which is air, sunlight, and activities circulation at outside and inside the building. Sustainable concepts which will be applied in residential housing should have been introduced and proposed to the occupants in the early stages. The ideas should consider the effectiveness and efficiency of spaces and circulation created.

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Case Study 1




Bedroom Living room Service area Table 1. Analysis of space layout of case studies (Source : elaborated by researcher, 2015)

In general, each house consists of three space groups, namely the space to have a rest, space to be with family and or guests, and space for service. Not every activity requires a special room, but every activity requires space. The layout of the house should be planned based on the analysis of the activities and the needs of the space that can be used either individually, jointly, as well as multifunctional (Frick, 2007 : 113). The Elements of Building Complements Design windows and doors, canopies, roof covering materials, pavement type and the type of plants are found in the study has a simple design and common. Most houses implement design without considering the actual function of complementary elements. But there is also the house that still consider the function of windows and doors as the entrance of air and sunlight into the building. The windows and doors are made with standard measures, large windows and high, and the coated glass as the entry of light but most forms of the selected window is not functioning incorporate air and light caused by the system and the position of the windows that are less precise. In addition, the houses are too close to other that can lead to airflow and sunlight into the building blocked by other buildings in surroundings. Therefore, to consider of Building’s Line Perimeter in planning the house to avoid its condition. The type of pavement almost used in residential houses in Medan is massive blocks to cover some even entire yard. But there is also use of a perforated block so that the grass is still adorn the yard. On the roof, the preferred material of various types ranging from zinc and concrete roof tiles, with wood frame and steel. While the canopy which is used to protect parts of the building such as windows and patio use such massive concrete forms, and milder forms such as iron and wood frame. Application canopy variety of ways, there are applied as aesthetic elements and some protective barrier. Canopy to function as an aesthetic element has a minimal size and are not able to protect the window from light rain and high enough at certain times. There is also a canopy that covers the entire building it is to difficult to air and light flowing into the building. Another problem encountered is the selection and positioning of plants in the yard. There are some houses that choose to plant high enough and

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shady, and vice versa. House with a fairly large plants and shady directly gives the impression of comfort and cool. While the house with minimal plants and low, or did not have plants in yard will give the impression that dry and hot. This had an impact on thermal comfort both inside and outside the building. And finally there are residents in and around residential neighborhoods do not feel comfortable and healthy to live in such a situation. In addition to plants that can impact the comfort, the building wall color selection is also very influential in shaping the thermal comfort inside and outside the building. In general, people in Medan are excited to apply the appropriate color of the building is a growing trend. Colors are applied tend to bring the impact of pollution, both visually and aesthetically. The colors chosen are a group of contrasting colors instead of natural colors that can be soothing. Complementary elements should follow the ideal standard for residential functions, the size or dimensions, design, as well as the end function of these elements. For example, on windows and doors, the material should be selected and designed to allow maximum lighting as well as good and natural air circulation at the building. So that the thermal condition inside the building is maintained and the exchange of air circulation in every corner of the room takes place. By placing the windows and the doors at the right place, spaces that do not require lighting and air conditioner can be obtained and the use of excessive energy can be reduced at day time. The roof exposed with heat and sunlight will affect the temperature inside the building. To anticipate, it is recommended to use roofing material that can reduce the effects of solar heat and or implement a roof garden system. Excessive sunlight in the building can also be addressed by selecting appropriate plant. The plants will give the natural landscape effect to obtain a more comfortable microclimate than the macro climate. Convenience is also influenced by the facade of the building, especially the use of wall paint and other continuously upkeep materials. Air conditioning outside of the building is a very important thing to consider. If wrong shape and design are taken, the use of energy and friendly environment cannot be achieved in all over the open space. To give the cold and cool impression, as well as natural open space, the landscape layout should be designed in accordance with the goals. The right choice for pavement is the shape that can absorb water like grass and paving blocks with porous. Another way is to incorporate water elements into the soil like a fish pond. In addition to absorbing heat and dispense directly into the ground, these techniques will create a more clement microenvironment, comfortable and environmentally friendly.

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Example of a room partition or a fence made of wood and a row of potted plants

Example of a natural and environmentally Friendly canopy

Example of water element that can be applied to the area of open space

Example of pavement that can be applied in an environmentally friendly homes

Figure.3: Potential Elements of building complement to be applied to sustainable building (Source: from a variety of sources)

Building Materials Building materials used by the houses in the city of Medan is the material that is commonly used in the market. Society has not gained insight into the material carried by the concept of sustainability. Materials for construction such as foundation, beam, poles, and the roof is obtained from the area around the city of Medan. To complete the building, supporting elements such as paint materials, ceramics, and materials used to achieve different aesthetic impression gained from other areas outside of the city of Medan. Currently developing business groups collected second-hand goods of old buildings in Medan such as, frames and doors or windows, closet, washtafel, iron fences, and former timber roof truss. Development of these business groups have a direct impact on the people who want to build with limited funds. Therefore, most of the houses are built by using the second-hand goods through the process of cleaning of the old conditions. In selecting construction materials and supporting elements, people do not look for products that are environmentally friendly. Thus need to be given the understanding and dissemination of the various parties to the community about sustainable

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concepts that will bring enlightenment in the field of safely construction, comfortable and environmentally friendly. In sustainable construction, the material used is deconstruction material. It is reused material in the following way: is recovered in a way; 1) reused for new projects, 2) recycled into new materials of equal value (recycle), or higher (upcycle), or lower (down cycle) of old material, and environmentally friendly discarded materials. Sustainable materials are natural materials from the nature and do not contain substances causing health problems. These include natural stone, wood, bamboo, and clay. Construction Management In generally, Medan communities build a house by self-managed and assisted by experts (such as architects or contractors). Self-managed in terms of planning and construction work through the knowledge obtained from sources such as books, magazines, internet, and implementation of construction doing by the builders that can be found around the city of Medan with direct supervision system. Some of the existing residential buildings are planned and managed by experts in the field of construction such as architects, contractors, and or consultants. And not infrequently experts selected by the owner only limited to planning and architectural design. Meanwhile, to proceed to the construction phase was transferred to the experienced craftsmen. The owner has not fully understand the construction of an integrated management system. The owner wish a planning a house limited to design and neglected to the construction management. Because of the architectural drawing obtained from the consultant architect was considered workable by architect and self controlling. It is not quitely what was planned to accommodate as totally and the results as well as architect’s planned. Construction management of housing in Medan has not been well planned and without a concept of sustainable approach. Approach to sustainable construction concept should be determined early in the planning, but this does not occur in the management of residential construction in the field. The construction work is doing by a practical purpose that the work only produced a works of design without considering the impact of social factors, economic, and environment of the work process. The implementation process of a construction should be carefully planned and in details related to cost management, work schedules, material procurement, and things supporting the implementation of the construction process. In the management of sustainable construction, all construction activities must create a green or sustainable value for itself. Sustainable construction management with the most potential is management using a management combination method setting a partnership with building designer company in order to build strong and integrated cooperation of the owner through a contract with the consultant of construction management from the stage of proposing idea, then arranging a contract companies with capabilities to design and build. In certain

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circumstances, for example, the planning for a residential house with a simple method high level of to stay home that has a simple method with the level of difficulty which is not so high may choose a self-management system, and supported by competent experts in the sustainable construction concept. Model of Sustainable Construction Planning of Residential House To accommodate the people’s lack of understanding and knowledge in Medan about sustainable concept, this study provides input or recommendation of planning and designing model with sustainable values. The approach taken for modelling planning of sustainable construction is the design planning approach, material selection, ideal land use and pay attention to the needs of sufficient open space. Another approach in planning the models of the construction is undertaken using the selection of materials and techniques of the material application on a certain wall through hollow brick masonry. In addition, to show the natural impression and contextual to the environment, it also serves the natural circulation flow of outside air into the building to achieve the health and comfort of staying in the house. The approach to sustainable values is also done by describing the construction management system.

Building height adjusted to obtain sufficient air circulation in the room and it should not spoil the skyline around the land with about 3 meter gap between floors

Building Coverage Ratio = 56.5 % Utilization of land area of 56.5 % and 46.5 % open space Floor Average Ratio = 0.6 ( number of floors = 2 )

Figure.4: Recommendation on land use and the form of the building mass (Source: Alvan et al, 2014)

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• Land use covered by “L” shape of mass building • Building has north-south orientation • In east side , any spaces has direct sunlight. Part of rooms with close to outdoor covering by plants, concrete or bamboo canopies and spread plants • paving by perforated pavement • semi open space covering by concrete canopy constructed by truss bamboo and spread plants

Figure.5 : Space layout recommendation (Source : Alvan et al , 2014)

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Figure.6: Recommended complementary elements of buildings and materials (Source: Alvan et al, 2014) Table 2. Recommended sustainable construction management Process

Management System

Priority Planning , designing and sustainable process of implementation Project Team Providing the project team consisting of consultants , contractors , sub - contractors who share sustainable vision and mission . The involvement of these parties is to obtain planning and design outcomes that have been prioritized Construction Method The method to carry out a sustainable construction work can be selected by using several methods such as construction management method , design method and self-management method equipped with competent experts in applying sustainable construction Construction Process • Providing material specifications and complete sketch of the work • Planning ready to apply work management including equipment, materials and workers which is adaptive to priority • Bonding the whole process with the contract documents and the terms attaching to the articles related to the sustainable concept • Scheduling Process, organizing, implementing, and integrated control of the sustainable values and promoting sustainable natural resources and environmental quality

(Source: Alvan et al, 2014) CONCLUSION Planning and design of residential houses in the city of Medan based on the results of this study shows that the concepts of sustainable building are not well accommodated. This phenomenon can be seen from their lack or even absent of understanding about the concept of sustainable buildings. Sustainable concept is not an easy thing to be applied especially to people who do not have the knowledge and understanding in the field. Moreover, people who do not have a high level of concern for quality of life, comfort, health and security of living in the residence. In practice, viewed from the case observed, there are still many houses which are planned and designed by their owners. These houses are not optimally planned and designed. Their priorities are more on the style, the number of rooms rather than consideration on the use of open land. Thus it takes great effort to convey knowledge and provide a comprehensive understanding to the community, particularly in the city of Medan.

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