Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who ...

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9} William Henry Harrison 1841. 21} Chester Arthur 1881- ... 23} Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893. 12} Zachary Taylor .... Th
Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

Guess Who – President’s Edition ** To Prepare and Play **

Print President cards - 1 large set and 2 small sets. Laminating or using contact paper will help these last longer. Cut out cards. We colored the back of one set to help keep the two sets differentiated. If I had thought about it, I would have printed this on scrapbooking paper that was white on one side... Print the info sheets (BELOW) for help with narrowing down the field. Select 24 presidents for each board and slide them into place. Gather 24 corresponding large cards. Each player selects a president. The questions begin. o Must be a question that can be answered with a yes or no. o No questions based on appearance as in the original "Guess Who" game. o No guessing of presidents. Must narrow it down to one by asking questions based on what you know about that president. Be prepared to play over and over and over again!

Presidents During the 1700’s 1} George Washington 1789-1797 2} John Adams 1979-1801

Presidents During the 1800’s 2} John Adams 1979-1801

14} Franklin Pierce 1853-1857

3} Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809

15) James Buchanan 1857-1861

4} James Madison 1809-1817

16} Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865

5} James Monroe 1817-1825

17} Andrew Johnson 1865-1869

6} John Quincy Adams 1825-1829

18} Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877

7} Andrew Jackson 1829-1837

19} Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881

8} Martin Van Buren 1837-1841

20} James Garfield 1881

9} William Henry Harrison 1841

21} Chester Arthur 1881-1885

10} John Tyler 1841-1845

22,24} Grover Cleveland 1885-1889, 93-97

11} James Polk 1845-1849

23} Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893

12} Zachary Taylor 1849-1850

25} William McKinley 1897-1901

13} Millard Fillmore 1850-1853

Presidents During the 1900’s 25} William McKinley 1897-1901

34} Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961

26} Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909

35} John F. Kennedy1961-1963

27} William Howard Taft 1909-1913

36} Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969

28} Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921

37} Richard Nixon 1969-1974

29} Warren G. Harding 1921-1923

38} Gerald Ford 1974-1977

30} Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929

39} Jimmy Carter 1977-1981

31} Herbert Hoover 1929-1933

40} Ronald Reagan 1981-1989

32} Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945

41} George H.W. Bush 1989-1993

33} Harry S. Truman 1945-1953

42} Bill Clinton1993-2001

Presidents During the 2000’s 42} Bill Clinton1993-2001 43} George W. Bush 44} Barack Obama 45} Donald Trump

Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

Democratic-Republican Presidents 3} Thomas Jefferson

5} James Monroe

4} James Madison

6} John Quincy Adams Whig Presidents

9} William Henry Harrison

12} Zachary Taylor

10} John Tyler (but kicked out)

13} Millard Fillmore Republican Presidents

16} Abraham Lincoln

29} Warren G. Harding

18} Ulysses S. Grant

30} Calvin Coolidge

19} Rutherford B. Hayes

31} Herbert Hoover

20} James A. Garfield

34} Dwight D. Eisenhower

21} Chester Arthur

37} Richard Nixon

23} Benjamin Harrison

38} Gerald Ford

25} William McKinley

40} Ronald Reagan

26} Theodore Roosevelt

41} George H.W. Bush

27} William Howard Taft

43} George W. Bush

45} Donald Trump Democratic Presidents 7} Andrew Jackson

32} Franklin Delano Roosevelt

8} Martin Van Buren

33} Harry S. Truman

11} James Knox

35} John F. Kennedy

14} Franklin Pierce

36} Lyndon B. Johnson

15} James Buchanan

39} Jimmy Carter

17} Andrew Johnson

42} Bill Clinton

22, 24} Grover Cleveland

44} Barack Obama

28} Woodrow Wilson

US Presidents Who Died in Office William H. Harrison, 1841

William McKinley, 1901 (Assassinated)

Zackary Taylor, 1850

Warren G. Harding, 1923

Abraham Lincoln, 1865 (Assassinated)

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1945

James Garfield, 1881 (Assassinated)

John F. Kennedy, 1963 (Assassinated)

Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

Presidents Who Never Went to College 1} George Washington

13} Millard Fillmore

7} Andrew Jackson

16} Abraham Lincoln

8} Martin Van Buren

17} Andrew Johnson

12} Zachary Taylor

22, 24} Grover Cleveland

Presidents Who Were Considered “Washington Outsiders” – Never Served In Congress (18) 1} George Washington

28} Woodrow Wilson

2} John Adams

30} Calvin Coolidge

3} Thomas Jefferson

31} Herbert Hoover

12} Zachary Taylor

32} Franklin Delano Roosevelt

18} Ulysses S. Grant

34} Dwight D. Eisenhower

21} Chester Arthur

39} Jimmy Carter

22, 24} Grover Cleveland

40} Ronald Reagan

26} Theodore Roosevelt

42} Bill Clinton

27} William Taft

43} George W. Bush

45} Donald Trump

Presidents Who Served As Vice Presidents (14) 2} John Adams

26} Theodore Roosevelt

3} Thomas Jefferson

30} Calvin Coolidge

8} Martin Van Buren

33} Harry Truman

10} John Tyler

36} Lyndon B. Johnson

13} Millard Fillmore

37} Richard Nixon

17} Andrew Johnson

38} Gerald Ford

21} Chester Arthur

41} George H.W. Bush

Presidents Who DID NOT Serve in the Armed Forces 2} John Adams

30} Calvin Coolidge

8} Martin Van Buren

31} Herbert Hoover

22, 24} Grover Cleveland

32} Franklin D. Roosevelt (Commander in Chief during WWII)

27} William Taft

42} Bill Clinton

28} Woodrow Wilson

44} Barack Obama

29} Warren Harding

45} Donald Trump Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

Presidents Who Served in the Armed Forces President


1} George Washington

Continental Army, Virginia Regiment French and Indian War and American Revolution

3} Thomas Jefferson

Virginia Militia - Did not see action.

4} James Madison

Virginia Militia - Did not see action

5} James Monroe

American Revolution - He was wounded at the Battle of Trenton.

6} John Quincy Adams

Did not see action.

7} Andrew Jackson

American Revolution, War of 1812, Creek War, Seminole War

9} William Harrison

U.S. Army -Northwest Indian War and the War of 1812

10} John Tyler

U.S. Army - War of 1812

11} James Polk

Tennessee State Militia - never saw action

12} Zachary Taylor

U.S. Army - War of 1812, Black Hawk War - Second Seminole War, Mexican American War

13} Millard Fillmore

New York State Militia, American Civil War

14} Franklin Pierce

U.S. Army - Mexican-American War, wounded at the Battle of Contreras

15} James Buchanan

Pennsylvania State Militia -War of 1812

16} Abraham Lincoln

Illinois State Militia- Black Hawk War (Commander in Chief during the American Civil War)

17} Andrew Johnson

U.S. Army-American Civil

18} Ulysses S. Grant

U.S. Army - Mexican-American War, and American Civil War

19} Rutherford B. Hayes U.S. Army - American Civil War he was wounded at the Battle of South Mountain. 20} James Garfield

U.S. Army - American Civil War

21} Chester A. Arthur

New York State Militia - Quartermaster General during the American Civil War.

23}Benjamin Harrison

U.S. Army - American Civil War

25} William McKinley

U.S. Army - American Civil War

26} Theodore Roosevelt

U.S. Army - Spanish-American War (Only President to receive the Medal of Honor.)

33} Harry Truman

U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve - WWI

34} Dwight D. Eisenhower

U.S. Army - WWI (Served in U.S.) WWII (Served as Supreme Allied Commander) (Commander in Chief as President.)

35} John F. Kennedy

U.S. Navy - WWII He received the Purple Heart and Navy and Marine Corps Medals.

36} Lyndon B. Johnson

U.S. Naval Reserve - He was in an airplane when it was attacked in WWII.)

37} Richard Nixon

U.S. Naval Reserve - WWII

38} Gerald Ford

U.S. Naval Reserve - WWII

39} Jimmy Carter

U.S. Navy - Served during WWII at the Naval Academy, served in U.S. during the Korean War.

40} Ronald Reagan

U.S. Army Reserve - WWII served in U.S.

41} George H.W. Bush

United States Naval Reserve - WWII Combat Pilot. He won the Distinguished Flying Cross.

43} George W. Bush

Texas Air National Guard - Served in U.S. during Vietnam War. Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

US Presidents Who Were GENERALS 1} George Washington

18} Ulysses S. Grant

7} Andrew Jackson

19} Rutherford B. Hayes

9} William Henry Harrison

20} James Garfield

12} Zachary Taylor

21} Chester Arthur

14} Franklin Pierce

23} Benjamin Harrison

17} Andrew Johnson

34} Dwight D. Eisenhower

Left-Handed Presidents 20} James Garfield

40} Ronald Reagan

31} Herbert Hoover

41} George H.W. Bush

33} Harry Truman

42} Bill Clinton

38} Gerald Ford

44} Barack Obama

Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/

Presidents Who Appear on U.S. Money Value


Penny 1¢

Nickel 5¢

Dime 10¢

Quarter 25¢

Half-Dollar 50¢



Abraham Lincoln 16th U.S. President

The Lincoln Memorial

Thomas Jefferson 3rd U.S. President

Monticello Jefferson's home

Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32nd U.S. President

Olive Branch, Torch, Oak Branch.

George Washington 1st U.S. President

American Bald Eagle

John F. Kennedy 35th U.S. President

The Presidential Seal


George Washington 1st U.S. President


Thomas Jefferson 3rd U.S. President

Signing of the Declaration of Independence -orMonticello


Abraham Lincoln 16th U.S. President

Lincoln Memorial


Andrew Jackson 7th U.S. President

The White House


Ulysses S. Grant 18th U.S. President

U.S. Capitol


William McKinley 25th U.S. President

"Five Hundred Dollars"


Grover Cleveland 22nd/24th U.S. President

"One Thousand Dollars"


James Madison 4th U.S. President

"Five Thousand Dollars"


Woodrow Wilson 28th U.S. President

The Great Seal of the United States

"One Hundred Thousand Dollars"

* no longer in circulation

Full tutorial at: http://www.heatherhaupt.com/2012/10/10/guess-who-presidents-edition/